APARTMENT RECYCLING GUIDE Marin Sanitary Service REDUCE REUSE RE CYCLE CONSERVATION - OUR EARTH, OUR MISSION, OUR JOB UIDE R E C Y C L I NeGy tG o success! k You hold the MOVING GUIDE Welcome to the neighborhood! The Recycling Expert at your property is: Their phone number is: REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE The best way to reduce your waste is to not produce it. Buying products with less or no packaging will make the biggest impact on the amount of waste you make. Less waste means less garbage sent to the landfill! The second best way to reduce your waste is to reuse items instead of disposing of them and buying more. You can either donate items so they can be reused or find other uses for these items at home. Recycling is the last thing you can do to make less waste. Recycling keeps natural resources from being used and allows items to be remade into new products. Buy items that are made with recycled content! lP Helpfu ers mb u N e n ho Public Indoor Dump Marin Resource Recovery Center 565 Jacoby St. San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: (415) 485-5646 Garbage, Recycling, & Organics Collection Marin Sanitary Service 1050 Andersen Drive San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: (415) 456-2601 To Drop off and Sell Recycling Marin Recycling & Buyback Center 535 Jacoby St. San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: (415) 453-1404 Hazardous and Electronic Waste Marin Household Hazardous Waste Facility 565 Jacoby St. San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: (415) 485-6806 Moving Supplies Reuse and Recycling Moving can generate a lot of waste from boxes and packaging materials. Also, we may discover items that we just don’t use or need anymore. Below are some suggestions on properly disposing of these items to keep them out of the landfills. Reuse or Landfill Bubblewrap: Reuse: If it is in good condition, the stores listed below will reuse it! Otherwise it is not recyclable and must be go in the black cart. STYROFOAM® peanuts: Reuse: Remove any other styrofoam or paper from the foam peanuts. Place clean peanuts in plastic bag and deliver to a store listed below. Reuse or Recycle Cardboard: Reuse: Post on craigslist.org or Freecycle.org. Recycle: Flatten and place boxes with paper recyclables in the blue cart or cardboard bin, if available. If the blue cart is full then package the cardboad in 2 x 2 x 2 bundles and place next to the blue cart. Newspaper and packing paper: Recycle: Remove any excess plastic or tape on the paper and place these items in the blue cart. Local stores than can reuse your moving supplies (please call ahead) Pak Mail: 454 Gallinas, Ave, San Rafael Phone: (415) 472-2533 Postal Service Plus: 523 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo Phone: (415) 459-2567 Bellam Self Storage: 24 Bellam Blvd, San Rafael Phone: (414) 454-1983 Handle with Care Packaing: 604 Red Hill Ave, San Anselmo Phone: (415) 457-1234 Bulky Item Reuse and Recycling It is illegal to leave bulky household items at or in the garbage dumpsters. Please bring these items to the Marin Resource Recovery Center if they cannot be donated and/or picked up by a local charity. Reuse Reuse Contacts: These are a few of the agencies in Marin County that are always looking for gently used items. St. Patrick's Thrift Shop 457 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, CA (415) 924-5393 Tues-Fr 10am to 4pm and Sat 12pm to 4pm Hospice Bay 910 Lincoln Ave, San Rafael, CA (415) 459-4686 Mon-Sat 9:30am to 4:30pm Salvation Army 350 Fourth St., San Rafael, CA (415)-454-7201 for pick up service call 1-800-95TRUCK Mon-Sat 9am to 4pm Goodwill Industries 809 Lincoln Ave, San Rafael, CA (415) 456-5273 Mon-Sat 9am to 7pm and Sun 10am to 6pm Recycle Public Indoor Dump You can self-haul many materials to Marin Resource Recover Center, including furniture, mattresses & box springs, carpet & padding, tires, and construction & landscaping debris. Please visit our website for a complete list of accepted materials. All loose material taken to this facility will be sorted to recover recyclable materials. Marin Resource Recovery Center Public Indoor Dump 565 Jacoby St. San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone:(415) 458-5646 Hours: Mon-Sat 8am to 4pm & Sun 9am to 4pm Safely Dispose of Hazardous Waste Before You Break the Law Throwing hazardous waste in the garbage is ILLEGAL. California has regulations that help protect its citizens and the environment from substances and chemicals that are dangerous to human health and the environment. Help us by keeping hazardous waste out of the landfill. You can properly dispose of your hazardous waste by bringing it to the Marin Household Hazardous Waste Facility (MHHW). Please see the list below for items that are considered hazardous. For a complete list, please visit www.marinhhw.com/waste-accepted. Accepted Household Hazardous and Electronic Waste at MHHW Automotive Antifreeze Car Batteries Motor Oil Oil Filters Household Batteries Alkaline Button Lead acid Lithium Ion Rechargeable Cleaning Products Ammonia Bleach Pool Chemicals Paint & Paint-Related Products Additives Latex Paint Oil-Based Paint Paint Thinner Shellac Stainers Mercury Containing Devices Compact Fluorescent Lights Fluorescent Tubes Mercury Thermometers Electronics Cell Phones Computers & Monitors Laptops Stereos Tablets TVs Gardening Fertilizers Insecticides Pesticides Other Adhesives *Asbestos Cooking Oil Propane Tanks Sharps *Please call for special instructions* Tips for Safely Dispoising Hazardous Waste 1. Bring proof that you are a Marin County resident, such as a drivers license, tax document or utility bill. 2. Do Not Mix Chemicals, and make sure materials are packed in a sturdy, sealed container. 3. Each container must be labeled with their contents, and each container must not be smaller than 5 gallons or weigh less than 50 pounds. 4. State Law prohibits more than 15 gallons or 125 pounds to be transported at one time. Two exceptions are 1) latex paint, and 2) motor oil, where a maximum of 20 gallons total can be transported at one time. Household Hazardous & Electronic Waste Drop off Marin Household Hazardous Waste Facility 565 Jacoby St. San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: (415) 485-6806 Hours: Tues-Sat 8am to 3:30pm RECYCLING tes bsi e W l u lpf He Did you know, most bottles, cans, paper and cardboard are accepted in our curbside recycling program? For a complete list of items we accept, please visit marinsanitary.com. Stop Junk Mail stopjunkmail.org Start Recycling Today! Take a moment to designate a convenient space inside your apartment for both your recycling and your garbage. There are many decorative and convenient recycling containers in stores today that you can use to collect your recyclables. You can even use a reusable shopping bag to hold your recyclables! They are easy to clean, easy to carry, and can fold up when not in use. To help you recycle correctly, print a sign from marinsanitary.com, and post it above your recycling containter. It takes 17-24 trees to make just one ton of paper. That means nearly 100 million trees get used for junk mail every year in the U.S. Let's keep the trees in our forests, and get the junk mail out of your life! Visit the site above to learn how. Plastic bottles & containers #1-7, glass bottles & jars, and metal cans & foil. Please no compostable plastic or styrofoam! Still Have Questions? • For basic recycling questions, you can call our customer service representatives at 415-456-2601, between the hours of 8am and 5pm Monday through Friday. We look forward to your call! • If you have in-depth questions about recycling, please call 415-456-2601 and ask to speak with a Recycling Coordinator. Zero Waste Marin zerowastemarin.org The County of Marin has set a Zero Waste goal, which states that 94% of its waste will be diverted from the landfill by 2025. Visit the website above to learn about the local and global benefits of recycling, and how you can do your part to make Zero Waste history! County of Marin maringreenguide.org Paper, cardboard, paperboard, newspaper, egg cartons, magazines, and scrap paper. Please no paper or cardboard coated with plastic, wax, or foil! Marin County has created a green guide for its residents which has several eco-easy tips and resources to help green our community. Check out the County's website to learn more about what you can do to be more green!