Course Catalogue of Electrical-Electronics Engineering MSc

Course Catalogue of Electrical-Electronics Engineering MSc. Program
1 EEE-501 Electromagnetic Wave Theory (3-0-0) 6
Fundamental theorems about electromagnetics, Wave equations, waveguides, wave propagation in
nonisotropic media , wave functions.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Şule ÇOLAK
Course Book: Lecturer course notes
1 EEE-503 Antenna Theory (3-0-0) 6
Fundamental parameters and definitons for antennas, antenna elements, aperture antennas, microstrip
antennas, reflector antennas, frequency-independent antennas, wideband and taveling-wave antennas,
array analysis
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Şule ÇOLAK
Course Book: Lecturer course notes
1 EEE-505 Wavelet Theory and Its Applications (3-0-0) 6
Fundamentals of signal decompositions, concepts and theory, including time-frequency
decompositions; Review of Fourier and z transforms, Fourier series, etc; Two-channel filter banks;
Perfect reconstruction; Interpretation as a series expansion of a discrete-time signal; Generalizations to
M-channel filter banks, modulated filter banks, oversampled filter banks; Transmultiplexers, filterbank precoders and multirate communication systems; Wavelets and wavelet packets; Interpretation as
a series expansions of continuous-time signals: Connections with filter banks and fast transforms.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Lütfü SARIBULUT
Course Book: Lecturer course notes
1 EEE-507 Neural Networks for Power Systems (3-0-0) 6
History of Neural Networks, Fundamental Neural Networks, Statistical Pattern Recognition,
Classification and Regression, Single-Layer Networks, Multi-Layer Perceptron, Radial Basis
Function, Error Functions.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Lütfü SARIBULUT
Course Book: Lecturer course notes
1 EEE-509 Computer Programming with C# (3-0-0) 6
Introduction to C# fundamentals: types, constants, variables, expressions, operators, statements.
Introduction to Classes and Objects: to define classes, to create and destroy objects, to pass
parameters, overloading, encapsulation. Inheritance, Polymorphism, Handling Exceptions and
Windows applications.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Lütfü SARIBULUT
Course Book: Beginning C# 2008: From Novice to Professional. APress (2008), Christian Gross.
1 EEE-511 Infrared Devices and Systems (3-0-0) 6
Infrared radiation fundamentals, basics of thermal imaging, characteristics of infrared detectors,
photon sensors and uncooled thermal detectors, characterization of infrared systems, industrial and
other applications of thermal imaging.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. M. Yusuf TANRIKULU
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EEE-513 Introduction to MEMS (3-0-0) 6
Micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS), devices, and technologies, micro-machining and
microfabrication techniques, including planar thin-film processing, silicon etching, wafer bonding,
photolithography, deposition, and etching, transduction mechanisms and modeling in different energy
domains, analysis of micromachined capacitive, piezoresistive, and thermal sensors/actuators and
applications, computer-aided design for MEMS layout, fabrication, and analysis.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. M. Yusuf TANRIKULU
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EEE-515 Solid State Devices
Semiconductor fundamentals, junctions, BJTs and MOSFETs, heterojunctions, optical properties of
semiconductors, optical devices, photo detectors, solar cells, LEDs and lasers.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. M. Yusuf TANRIKULU
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EEE-517 Advanced Control Methods and Applications (3-2-0) 6
The overall objective of this course is to add value to gained previous experience in the field of control
theory and its applications. This course initially introduces classical control approaches, but mainly
focuses on a range of inevitable control topics having significant technological importance today; such
as optimal control, industrial control, intelligent control and robotic control. Introduced control
approaches will be applied to the ABB IRB 120 type industrial robot manipulator, unstable linear
inverted pendulum and hexapod.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Önder Tutsoy
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EEE-521 Academic Writing (3-0-0) 6
Review and learn most used academic vocabularies; review of grammar: tenses, transitions and
cohesions, conjunctive adverbs, nominalisations and gerunds.
Develop reading skills skimming and scanning, read and comprehend articles, lecture notes.
Develop writing skills, learn and practice to write technical reports, formal emails, mathematical and
scientific symbols, compare and contrast, paraphrasing, understand graphs, tables, figures, journal
articles. Develop listening skills, comprehend lectures and general understanding. Prepare and present
paper and key notes for a seminar presentation. Mock up seminar presentation of a selected topic.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Javad SHEMSHAD
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EEE-591 Special Area Course (5-0-0) 6
Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students
under the supervision of a faculty member.
1 EEE-595 MSc. Seminar (2-0-0) 6
M.S. students working on an area of Electrical-Electronics Engineering choose, study and present a
topic to a group under the guidance of a faculty member.
1 EEE-597 MSc. Thesis (0-0-0) 24
Program of research leading to M.S. degree arranged between the student and a faculty member.
1 EE-629 Flexible Control of Distribution Systems (3-0-0) 6
Introduction to distribution automation (DA) and flexible control; Relationship of DA to supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) and automated mapping and facilities management (AM/FM);
Integration of DA, SCADA and AM/FM; Communications infrastructure; DA functions; Distribution
system load models; Outage management; Restoration following extended outages; Loss management;
Voltage/Var management.
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Mehmet TÜMAY
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EE-677 High Voltage Measurement Techniques (3-0-0) 5
Fundamental principles of high-voltage measurement techniques, electrostatic high-voltage measuring
instruments, voltmeters based upon the generator principle, peak value measuring instruments, voltage
measurement with sphere gaps, measurement with voltage transformers, high-voltage dividers,
measurement of impulse currents, capacitance and dielectric loss measurement, measurement of
corona losses, measurement of electrostatic fields, experimental determination of the breakdown
voltage and the breakdown strength of insulating materials, the evaluation of test results by statistical
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Mehmet TÜMAY
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EE-685 Digital Signal Processing (3-0-0) 5
Typical applications of digital signal processing:processing of speech, processing of images.
conversion of continuous signals to discrete signals:sampling, aliasing, analog to digital conversion,
quantization, digital to analog conversion.transform methods: z-transform, discrete fourier transform
(dft) , windowing, fast fourier transform (fft), spectral analysis, filtering, wavelets. digital filters: fırfilters, ıır-filters, design methods, optimal filters, filter structures. realization: realiza using digital
circuits, realization using signal processors, floating point arithmetic, integer arithmetic, quantization,
truncation, overflow.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Sami ARICA
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EE-667 Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical Systems (3-0-0) 5
Maximum demand controllers; Automatic power factor controllers; Energy efficient motors; Soft
starters with energy saver; Variable speed drives; Energy efficient transformers; Electronic ballast;
Occupancy sensors; Energy efficient lighting controls; Energy saving potential of lighting technology;
Alternative approaches to improve energy efficiency.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet TEKE
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EE-687 Lightning Protection & Grounding System (3-0-0) 5
Electrical system safety practices,Introduction to the lightning protection and grounding, Lightning
phenomenon and its characteristic, Types and specification of lightning protection system, Testing of
the installed lightning protection system, Assessment of the existing system and improvement when
necessary, Type and characteristic of grounding, Effect of grounding system to lightning protection
system, Lightning protection; ground system design calculation
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet TEKE
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EE-689 Industrial Utilization of Electrical Energy (3-0-0) 5
Industrial load characteristics, Electrical drives and industrial applications, Industrial power factor
control, Electric heating and welding, Illumination engineering, Electrolytic processes, Electric
traction, Economics of electric power supply and utilization, Demand side management
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet TEKE
Course book: Instructor notes
1 EE-655 Artificial Neural Networks in Electronic Circuit Design (3-0-0) 6
Artificial neural networks (ANN) in computer aided design amd modelling of eleçtronic circuits and
elements.ANN structures used for modelling electronic circuits. Solving optimization. ANNs' used in
designing integrated circuit elements and circuits. Solving optimization problems encountered in VLSI
design ANN.Introducing circuits used in implementing ANN.
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mutlu AVCI
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EEE-502 Microwave Theory (3-0-0) 6
Microwave networks and matrix representations, directional couplers, microwave filters, active RF
and microwave devices, microwave integrated circuits.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Şule ÇOLAK
Course Book: Lecturer course notes
2 EEE-504 Antenna Design and Applications (3-0-0) 6
Arrays and Smart antennas, wideband arrays, antenna applications of negative refractive index
transmission-line metamaterials, frequency-selective surfaces, antenna measurements, antenna
scattering and design considerations, antennas for mobile communications, Ultra-Wide-Band
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Şule ÇOLAK
Course Book: Lecturer course notes
2 EEE-506 Advanced Power Electronics (3-0-0) 6
Modern power semiconductors characteristics, trends. Power integrated circuits. AC-to DC converters;
unity power factor converters. DC- to DC converters; switch mode power converters, resonant
converters, DC-to AC converters; Current-fed and voltage-fed inverters. Pulse width modulation
techniques. Motor drives and control methods. Thermal effects in power electronics. Protection of
power semiconductors.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Lütfü SARIBULUT
Course Book: Lecturer course notes
2 EEE-508 Electrical Power Quality (3-0-0) 6
Power quality problems, sources and effects. Power quality standards. Harmonics, passive and active
filtering. Harmonic analysis. Custom Power and Custom Power Devices. STS, Active Power filters,
Dynamic Voltage Restorer, UPQC. Custom Power Park. Power quality monitoring.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Lütfü SARIBULUT
Course Book: Lecturer course notes
2 EEE-510 Simulation Programs (3-0-0) 6
Introducing Orcad, Proteus, Matlab, Pscad and Etap simulation programs which are useful for
Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Giving examples in order to teach the programs.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Lütfü SARIBULUT
Course Book: Lecturer course notes.
2 EEE-512 Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Fabrication (3-0-0) 6
Advanced discussion of micromachining processes used to construct MEMS. Coverage of many
lithographic, deposition, and etching processes, as well as their combination in process integration.
Materials issues such as chemical resistance, corrosion, mechanical properties, and residual/intrinsic
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. M. Yusuf TANRIKULU
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EEE-514 Introduction to Analog Integrated Circuits (3-0-0) 6
Review of bipolar transistor operation, small signal model, and single stage amplifiers. Power supply
rejection and voltage references. Noise models and calculations with noise. Equivalent noise
generators for bipolar and MOS transistors. Harmonic distortion and inter-modulation. Application of
noise and distortion analysis to RF circuit components (Low noise amplifiers, mixers and voltage
controlled oscillators, oscillators).
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. M. Yusuf TANRIKULU
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EEE 516 Modeling, Control and Learning in Industrial – Humanoid Robotics (3-2-0) 6
This course aims at improving the knowledge of the students who seek career in industrial and
humanoid robotics. Students attending this course will be able to derive kinematics and dynamical
equations of the robots and also model the robots by using various multi-body modeling softwares
such as Robotran and MapleSim. A wide range of control, learning and learning based control
algorithms will be applied to the ABB IRB 120 type industrial robot and Nao humanoid robot which
are both available in the Artificial Intelligence, Control and Robotic laboratory of the university.
Instructor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Önder Tutsoy
Course book: Lecture notes and related materials
2 EEE 522 Academic Writing (3-0-0) 6
Review and learn most used academic vocabularies; review of grammar: tenses, transitions and
cohesions, conjunctive adverbs, nominalisations and gerunds.
Develop reading skills skimming and scanning, read and comprehend articles, lecture notes.
Develop writing skills, learn and practice to write technical reports, formal emails, mathematical and
scientific symbols, compare and contrast, paraphrasing, understand graphs, tables, figures, journal
articles. Develop listening skills, comprehend lectures and general understanding. Prepare and present
paper and key notes for a seminar presentation. Mock up seminar presentation of a selected topic.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Javad SHEMSHAD
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EEE-592 Special Area Course (5-0-0) 6
Discussion and interpretation of the results of the research and studies conducted by graduate students
under the supervision of a faculty member.
2 EEE-596 MSc. Seminar (2-0-0) 6
M.S. students working on an area of Electrical-Electronics Engineering choose, study and present a
topic to a group under the guidance of a faculty member.
2 EEE-598 MSc. Thesis (0-0-0) 24
Program of research leading to M.S. degree arranged between the student and a faculty member.
2 EE-608 Power Systems Protection (3-0-0) 6
Relays: classifications, characteristics and applications. Static relays and their development.
Comparators. Principles of power system protection . Protection of transformers, generators and
busbars. Feeder and transmission line protection. Differential, distance and pilot-wire protection.
Differential and phase-comparison carrier protection.
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Mehmet TÜMAY
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EE-674 Harmonics in Electrical Machines (3-0-0) 5
Methods of generating nonsinusoidal voltage waveforms, the type of nonsinusoidal voltage
waveforms, Fourier Series, the MMF distribution in the air gap. The equivalent circuits of primary
space harmonics. The secondary space harmonics. The calculation of air gap flux for sinusoidal and
nonsinusoidal voltage waveform applications. Time harmonics. The deep bar effect. The equivalent
circuit for time harmonics. The combined equivalent circuit space and time harmonics. The calculation
of copper, iron and additional losses
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Mehmet TÜMAY
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EE-622 Digital Image Processing (3-0-0) 6
Mathematical Representation of Images, Image Sampling and Quantization, Image Transforms:
Fourier, Karhunen-Loeve, etc., Image Enhancement: Statistical Techniques and Ad-Hoc Techniques,
Image Restoration: Inverse Filtering, Statistical and Algebraic Approaches, Image Coding, Edge
Detection, and Texture Analysis.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Sami ARICA
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EE-652 Biomedical Signal Processing (3-0-0) 5
(Application of signal processing methods to bioelectrical signals)
Basis of Bioelectrical Signals. The Electroencephalogram (EEG). EEG aplications. EEG signal
processing. Spectral analysis of EEG. Evoked Potentials. Noise reduction by averaging and linear
filtering. The Electromyogram (EMG). Amplitude estimation in the surface EMG. Spectral analysis of
EMG. The Electrocardiogram (ECG). ECG signal processing. QRS dedection. Heart rate variability
(HRV). Spectral analysis of HRV.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Sami ARICA
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EE-664 Renewable Energy Systems (3-0-0) 5
Renewable energy sources: Hydro power; Pumped storage; Wave; Wind; Solar; Geothermal; Biomass;
Bio-fuel; Ethanol-fuel and recycle wastes; Their nature; Sustainability; Operating principles and
cleanliness; Incentives and barriers; Utilization; Efficiency and effectiveness; Management of
renewable energy and its sustainability; Energy storage: Flywheel; Batteries and fuel cell; Hybrid
system and integration; AC and DC electricity conversion; Electricity quality regeneration; Power
conditioning and renewable energy to grid.
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet TEKE
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EE-686 Energy Conversion for Motor and Generator Drives (3-0-0) 5
Review of ac and dc machines, Power electronic control of machines, Control techniques and system
performance, Drive comparison and applications, Performance and cost, Analysis of typical load
systems and specifications
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet TEKE
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EE-688 Energy Management (3-0-0) 5
End-use of electricity's, Motor loads, lighting system, HVAC, furnaces and heat treatment system,
inductive loads, Energy efficient system and demand leveling, P.f. correction, V.S.D. Intelligent
lighting system, thermal insulation's, Monitoring and metering. Energy monitoring equipment, data
loggers for the measurement of load, light temperature, The concept of smart meter
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet TEKE
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EE-690 Harmonic Pollution on Power System (3-0-0) 5
A review of AC circuit fundamentals, A review of power in AC circuits with sinusoidal waveforms
Sinusoidal three phase power systems, Introduction to steady-state harmonics, Modeling of power
systems with harmonics, Power definitions in systems with harmonics, Theory of static converters,
Analytical modeling of three phase systems with harmonics, Harmonic problems in practice, Passive
and active (dynamic) harmonic filters, Harmonic measurements
Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet TEKE
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EE-634 Principles of CMOS VLSI Design (3-0-0) 6
Introduction to CMOS circuits. MOS transistor theory. CMOS processing technology. Circuit
characterization and performance estimation. CMOS circuit and logic desing. Structured design and
testing. Symbolic layout systems. CMOS subsystem desing. System case studies.
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mutlu AVCI
Course book: Instructor notes
2 EE-650 High Speed Semiconductor Devices and Circuits (3-0-0) 6
High speed integrated circuit design constraints, floor planning, pad bonding, MOS, BJT and
BicMOS techonology physical design limitations, process parameters, SPICE modelling, auto route,
FPGA, ASIC and full custom integrated circuit designs are included by the course.
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mutlu AVCI
Course book: Instructor notes