LED Lighting Technology For Industrial and Hazardous Applications The future of lighting has arrived, with clear advantages for all to see. LED Lighting Technology Leading the way in LED technology. Cooper Crouse-Hinds integrates a comprehensive line of electrical and instrumentation products with expert support, industry insights, and local availability to improve safety and productivity in the most demanding industrial and commercial environments worldwide. Introducing ESP solutions. For more than 110 years, Cooper Crouse-Hinds has exceeded customer expectations when it comes to new ideas and technological advancements. Today, as the electrical industry’s global leader for hazardous environments, we continue to reach beyond the expected – especially with our commitment to ESP (Enhancing Safety & Productivity). The problem that never happens. That’s the goal behind ESP – smarter, more powerful solutions enhancing safety and productivity in your world. 2 Making danger obsolete is what drives the innovative minds at Cooper Crouse-Hinds. ESP is all about anticipating customer needs while staying in tune with what’s important to you. By providing innovative solutions for enhancing safety and productivity, we help you do more with less. Our leadership in product innovations, engineering, manufacturing, distribution and technical support has become the benchmark for entire industries. One of the latest, and most dramatic illustrations of this leadership can be found in the wide array of LED (Light-Emitting Diode) lighting options now available from Cooper Crouse-Hinds. Innovative applications for this exciting technology are a natural fit for us, as LED lighting solutions have rapidly become an integral part of our vision. You’ll find our LED lighting innovations on the job in some of the world’s most demanding workplaces. As the electrical industry’s global leader for hazardous environments, we have a responsibility to offer lighting that achieves the goals most important to our customers: Enhance safety and productivity Reduce energy consumption Cut overall cost of ownership Meet rising environmental standards Exposing the brilliance of LED technology. Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are solid-state semi-conductor devices that convert nearly all the electrical energy directly into visible light. Unlike conventional lighting technologies that radiate heat, LEDs provide more radiant energy in the form of visible light, resulting in a higher lumen efficacy. The solid-state nature of LEDs allows them to be extremely small in size, durable in construction and long-lasting. A typical LED will have a lamp life far beyond that of conventional light sources. When an electrical current passes through the diode, the recombination of positive and negative charges creates a light emission. The frequency (color) of this emitted light can be varied based on the type of semiconductor material used in the main component of the LED. Lens die InGaN Semiconductor Cathode Lead Gold Wire Heatsink Slug LED Package LED illumination system The general construction of an LED-based system consists of one or more of the following: LED package (see illustration above) LED module Thermal management solution (heatsink) Lens Control circuit Power supply or driver 3 LEDs: Lighting the path to the future The advantages of LED lighting are numerous and growing. LEDs are currently being specified for a rising number of industrial, commercial, residential and municipal uses. Why? Long life is the most attractive feature, but far from the only advantage. Users also point to lower maintenance costs, enhanced energy efficiency, greater ecofriendliness, and equal or better quality of light. Ongoing advancements – including the fact that white-light LEDs have more than tripled their light output in just the past few years – continue to make LEDs the smart choice for an expanding list of practical applications. 4 Major Advantage 1: Extremely Long Operating Life Expected operating life of an LED typically ranges from 50,000 to more than 100,000 hours. This is a significant upgrade over traditional light sources, whether incandescent, fluorescent or HID lamps. Three key factors – luminaire design, junction temperature and ambient operating temperature – affect the actual lifespan. In all three cases, heat management is the primary consideration. Thoughtful luminaire design is essential, as the efficiency of heat removal from the LED has a great impact on its longevity. This consideration is a priority in all Cooper Crouse-Hinds LED luminaire designs. The point within the diode where the light is generated is referred to as the junction. Today’s LEDs operate with more energy being pushed through this junction, causing an increase in heat which needs to be removed. To optimize operating life, the temperature of this junction must be maintained below the manufacturer’s specified limit. The ambient temperature where a luminaire is operated also affects LED life. A hotter environment can be expected to shorten the operating life, while, conversely, cooler ambient temperatures can actually result in a longer-than-expected LED lifespan. A well-designed luminaire should compensate for the expected extreme conditions. LAMP LIFE COMPARISON LED Incandescent Fluorescent Mercury Vapor Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LAMP LIFE (per 1,000 hours) 5 LEDs: Improved safety, reliability & performance Major Advantage 2: Major Advantage 3: High Source Efficacy Lowest Total Cost of Ownership The efficacy of a light source measures how much of the emitted electromagnetic radiation is visible to the human eye. It can be expressed in a ratio of emitted luminous flux to radiant flux. LEDs deliver better lumen maintenance and optical efficiency, as well as higher lumens per watt as compared with many traditional lighting technologies (incandescent, compact fluorescent, HID). Another crucial advantage LED lighting has over conventional light sources is the potential for a dramatic reduction in overall cost of ownership. High maintenance costs associated with frequent replacement of incandescent, fluorescent or other lamps are virtually eliminated with the installation of long-lasting LED-based luminaires. Efficacy also measures the lumens generated per watt of energy used. Higher efficacy generally translates to greater energy efficiency, although other factors also come into play, including driver efficiency, luminaire efficiency and thermal management of the LED system. Disposal expenses are also reduced with LEDs. LEDs contain no mercury or other hazardous substances, therefore reducing disposal costs and limiting future liability. Energy savings also translate to cost savings, as LEDs operate with greater efficiency than other systems. Today, properly designed LED luminaires can provide a reliable, high-performance lighting solution with an overall lower cost of ownership than many conventional lighting technologies. Over the long term, ownership costs are clearly reduced with LEDs, which eventually pay for themselves through these maintenance, disposal and energy savings. COMPARISON OF SOURCE AND SYSTEM EFFICACIES TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP HID 1 Watt LED 400W PSMH $ Fixture Cost 400W MH $ Disposal Cost 400W HPS $$ Maintenance Cost 400W Mercury LED CFL 32W Ts FL $$$$$$$$ $$ Fixture Cost Halogen $$ Energy Cost Incandescent 0 Source LPW (Rated) System Mean LPW 6 20 40 60 80 LUMENS PER WATT 100 120 140 $$$$ $$$$ Energy Cost GENERAL ILLUMINATION COLOR 12000K 7000K 4000K 3000K 2000K Bright lights are just the beginning. In addition to extreme long life, high efficacy and lower cost of ownership, LEDs also offer these advantages: Optical control allows you to place light where it’s needed, minimizing light pollution Low voltage and current requirements ensure safe operating conditions High levels of brightness and intensity Low radiated heat improves t-ratings With LED lighting solutions from Cooper Crouse-Hinds, the future’s looking brighter and brighter. Exceeding all other conventional lighting sources in terms of longevity, efficacy and total cost of ownership, LED is the fastest developing technology in the industry. Cooper Crouse-Hinds continues to lead the way in LED innovations that focus on enhancing safety and productivity. Shock- and vibration-resistant solid-state devices have no filaments or glass components that could break – greatly reduces risk of premature failure Variety of color temperatures and renditions available with LEDs (see figure above) 7 For more information: If further assistance is required, please contact an authorized Cooper Crouse-Hinds Distributor, Sales Office, or Customer Service Department. 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