Department of Computer Science Computer Science

Department of Computer Science
Computer Science CS 591 PhD Seminar
Fall 2014
Registration for this seminar is required for all incoming PhD students for Fall 2014. MS
students are also welcome to register for this seminar, as it is a great orientation to the
department and university policies on research-based programs.
Goal: This seminar is designed to enhance the learning and social experience for the incoming
CS graduate students by providing them information about: 1) the policies and procedures of the
CS graduate program, 2) how to be a successful graduate student, 3) the structure of the
university, and 4) the resources available within the university.
Required Textbook: None
Course Credit: 1 credit
Course Time and Location: Mondays, from 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM, in Siebel Center 0216
Course Instructor/Coordinator: Chandra Chekuri ( / Viveka Kudaligama
Attendance Policy: Attendance is required and recorded by a sign-in at the start of each class.
Students who arrive after 11:15 AM will be considered absent. Students can have no more than
two excused absences to receive a passing grade for this seminar. For excused absences, please
email Viveka Kudaligama ( before noon on the day of class.
1) November 10th – Ph.D. students are required to submit a one-page summary of the meetings
held with their program of study faculty members. M.S. students are required to submit a
one-page document on steps they have taken in the first semester, to secure a thesis advisor.
2) December 8th – Program of Study forms due (Ph.D. students only)
Disability Accommodations:
To obtain disability-related academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids, students with disabilities
must contact the course instructor and the Disability Resources and Educational Services
(DRES) as soon as possible. To contact DRES you may visit 1207 S. Oak St., Champaign, call
333-4603 (V/TTY), or send an e-mail a message to
Department of Computer Science
Fall 2014 CS 591 Ph.D. Schedule
Class Date
August 25
September 1
September 8
----------------------------------Labor Day-No Class----------------------------------------Department Overview – Answer the
questions of new grads about the vision for
CS Grad Students
September 15
CS Grad Student Panel – opportunity to
ask questions about CS grad life
September 22
PhD – 1st Year Milestones + How to
Complete POS Form
September 29
Speaker’s Email
-------Class Introduction and Get to Know your Colleagues-------
Rob Rutenbar
(CS Dept. Head)
Current CS Grad Students
Chandra Chekuri &
Viveka Kudaligama /
Team Building Activity
October 6
CS Research Area Chairs – opportunity to
learn and ask questions about research,
qualifying exam, coursework, etc.
October 13
Writing Papers (More general)
October 20
No class meeting. See October 22.
October 22
RCR Ethics Training (in 1404 Siebel, 5-6
PM, required for all MS, PhD)
October 27
Team Building Activity
November 3
Resources on Campus - Grainger Library,
Graduate College, UI Police Department
November 10
Faculty Panel – opportunity to ask faculty
about their experience as a grad, as a
faculty, and their expectations of students
CS Area Chairs
Chandra Chekuri
Howard Guenther
William Mischo -Grainger Library
Dean Anne Kopera – Graduate College
Lt. V.G. Frost – Illinois Police Dept.
CS Faculty
NOTE: One Page Report DUE:
(PhD) Faculty Meetings / (MS) Progress
in securing thesis advisor
November 17
November 24
Team Building Activity
------------------------------------FALL BREAK--------------------------------------------
December 1
Team Building Activity
December 8
Team Building Activity / Program of Study forms DUE for PHD Students
December 15
--------------------------------FINALS WEEK- No Class----------------------------------