IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION To Office Federal Highway Administration ,1 Attention Philip Barnes, Division Administrator ,1 Date October 7, 2004 James Rost, Director ~ Location & Environment Subject Iowa Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Actions and Process As part of our joint efforts to streamline the environmental process, we propose to implement the "Iowa Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Agreement and Process" for actions currently addressed by the "Programmatic Memorandum of Understanding" (PMOU). jointly prepared and signed by FHWA, SHPO. and lowa DOT and the action types identified in 23 CFR 771.117 (c) and (d). The actimns [as described in 23 CFR 771.117 (a)] addressed by this process are non-controversial. they are consistent with federal. state, and local laws and plans. It is our determination that the projects cause no significant environmental or social impact. As such, they are appropriately classified as Categorical Exclusion (CE) Actions (as referenced in the Office of Location and Environment Manual Part III Chapter 17). There are two (2) types of CE actions that fit this programmatic agreement: Non-evaluated I Significant ! construction Programmatic Environmental actions, i way or actions CE -Action types that have 'No Potential for Effect' (attachment A). The action types are n<!>n- construction projects within the previously disturbed ' right-of- that transfer the use rights of a property. Evaluated Programmatic CE -Action types listed in 23 CFR 771.117 I not included as a Non-evaluated Programmatic CEo (c) and (d), but For these actions the process is: Project information will be reviewed for all action types. Action types fitting None'{aluated Programmatic CE will have concluded the environmental review process. A project summary (attachment B) will be prepared for Evaluated Programmatic CE action types, when the pertinent environmental issues have been addressed. The action will have conclud~d the environmental review process when Office of Location & Environment staff signs the project summary. Upon concluding the environmental review process, Location & Environment staff will prepare a notification memo advising of the completion of the environmental review process and noting that project development may continue toward letting. This memo will be sent to the project sponsor and appropriate Iowa DOT offices. The CE date will be included in the letter requesting authorization for right of way acquisition, final design or project construction by the appropriate Iowa DOT offices. In the cases of disposal of excess right of way, joint use or change in access control, the determination date will be included in the approval request letter by the appropriate Iowa DOT office. October 7, 2004 Page 2 If the details of the action change, therprevious CE will be re-visited to determine if the action continues to fit the classification. The CE classification will either be re-confirmed, or it will be re-classified. All specific environmental surveys or permits will continue to be accompli$hed by the project sponsor. Copies of SHPO comments, Farmland Impact Ratings, etc, will be retained in the project file. Location & Environment staff will develop and maintain a listing of all proj~cts reviewed using this process. A copy of this list will be forwarded to the FHWA as requested. The list will identify future additions to the action types covered by the PMOU as agreed to by the signatories. Actions that have unusual circumstances [as identified in 23 CFR 771.117 (b)], or involve other issues that warrant more intensive evaluation will continue to be processed by an individual CE submittal. Your concurrence on the process for these project types is requested. Concu r fdtl(IJ l JJ i ;: For the Division Administrator --Federal Highway Administration JPR:KDR Attachments (2) 10/07/04 Agreement Previous Version's Signature date 07/30/04 1 0/29/02 03/11/02 03/11/99 Date L6{'7!OLf , Attachment A -No Potential for Significant y/ Environmental Effect A$tions .- The listed action types have 'No Potential for Significant Environmental Effect', and are currently addressed as 'No Potential to Cause Effect' by the PMOU. 1. Non-Construction Actions -These actions do not directly lead to construction activity that would cause ground disturbance or right-of-way acquisition. * .State Planning and Research Funds Projects .Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)/ Seatbelt Incentive Projects .Funding for Planning Studies, Corridor Management Plans, and Preliminary Engineering .Research and Development .Publications .Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) .Urban Youth Corps .Technology Transfer .Pooled Fund Studies (TPF) .On The Job Training (OJT)/ Supportive Services , .Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) t 2. Construction Actions -These action types are completed within the previously disturbed right-of-way limits. * .Traffic Signalization, Signing, and Lighting .Railroad warning devices .Maintenance Vehicles (Trail Groomer) .Landscaping (Tree Plantings or Seeding) .Emergency Relief funds projects .Roadway or trail way Patching .Roadway or trail way 3R or 4R type pavement projects (Resurfa<j;ing, Restoration, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction) .Railroad bed and track maintenance .Rest Area repair 3. These action types change the use rights for a property. These actions will not limit the evaluation of alternatives, including shifts in the alignment for planned construction projects, which maybe required for the NEPA process. No project development on such land may proceed until the NEPA process has been completed. .Purchase .Purchase Scenic and Rails-to- Trails Easements of land (Protective and Hardship Acquisitions) * In some cases, these action types could require right-of-way acquisition. If so, the action will require additional environmental review, and a project summary will need to be completed. yes County: Project #: Action type identified in 23 CPR 771.117 (c) or (d)? Comments: 2. Project description addressedby "Programmatic Memorandum of Understanding" (PMOU)? Comments: yes or no or no If either 1 or 2 are no, an individual categorical exclusion action (CE) must be completed. 3. Does the project require more than a minor amount of right of way? .Comments: yes or no If the answer to 3 is es, an individual CE must be com leteQ. . 4. Involve acquisition of homes or businesses? yes or no If yes, a) number of homes businesses. b) is there adequateavailable replacementhousing/commercial builtiings to absorb this number of displacements? yes or no Comments: If the answer to 4b) is no, Office of Right of Way Relocation Assista~ce Agent must be contacted, and an individual CE must be completed~ 5 Involve land that has gQ!been previously disturbed? Comments: yes or no .' 6. Involve acquisition of a house, building or structure more than 50 yea~sold? Comments: r' yes! or no If the answer to 6 is yes, a cultural resource survey needs to be comp~eted and submitted for SHPO comments/concurrence. 7. Affect an NRHP listed or eligible historic structure, district, and/or arqhaeology site, which warrants preservation in place? If yes, does it involve use of the property? Comments: 8. Affect a public park? If yes, does it involve: a) use of the property? b) Land and Water Conservation Act funds? Comments: 9. Affect a wildlife or waterfowl refuge? If yes, does it involve use of the property? Comments: yes, or no yes or no yes; or no yes! or no yes i or no yes i or no yes: or no If the answers to 7, 8, or, 9 are yes for a use of the property, an indiwdual CE must be completed and begin consultation with FHW A on 4(f) applicability. 10. Involve an adverse affect to a threatened or endangeredspecies?yes; or no Comments: If the answer to 10 is es an individual CE must be com let ~. 11. Involve more than a minimal amount of wetlands or streamchanneliiation? Comments: yes; or no If the answer to 11 is es,an individual CE must be com lete:d. 12. Involve more than a minimal Comments: affect on a floodplain " or floodway? 13. Involve an impact to a high-risk regulated material site? Comments: 14. Involve more than a minor impact on: a) a noise sensitive area? b) air quality? c) water quality? Comments: yes! or no yes! or no yes! or no yes' or no yes or no If any answer to 14 is yes, an individual CE must be complet~d. 15. Involve the acquisition of more than five acresoffannland in any on~-mile (or less) length of project? " yes) or no If yes, has form AD-IOO6, Farmland Conversion Impact Rating been: completed? yes or no Comments: Prepared by: Date: Office of Location and Environment Date Received: Checked By: Action: