Iron Mountain Connect “How To” Complete the Challenge Response Process (So you can reset your password online) Scope: This document describes how to complete the Challenge Response process. This will enable you to reset your password online if you should ever forget it. Step 1 Action If you have not set up your challenge response questions, the below screen will appear when you log into Iron Mountain Connect™. Until you complete the process, you will always see this screen upon log in. Note: if you have not setup your Challenge Response questions, and you need to reset your password, you must call the Iron Mountain Support Center at (800) 888-ASSIST to reset it. You will then be able to setup your Challenge questions online. Page 1 of 4 © 2013 Iron Mountain and design of the mountain and SafeKeeperPLUS are registered trademarks and SecureBase is a trademark of Iron Mountain Incorporated in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF IRON MOUNTAIN IM CONNECT “HOW TO“ Complete the Challenge Response Process Step 2 • • Action Choose a question from each dropdown and answer it. The answers will be case sensitive. You must answer all three questions and provide three answers. The answers cannot all be the same. Page 2 of 4 © 2013 Iron Mountain and design of the mountain and SafeKeeperPLUS are registered trademarks and SecureBase is a trademark of Iron Mountain Incorporated in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF IRON MOUNTAIN IM CONNECT “HOW TO“ Complete the Challenge Response Process Step 3 • • Action Provide a 4 -digit Personal Identification Number (PIN). Click OK The PIN will be used in cases where you need to place phone orders with Iron Mountain. (Example: you are not near your computer or you are having connectivity issues, etc). 4 You can now reset your password online without having to call Iron Mountain to reset it for you. To reset your password, click the “Forget Your Password?” link on the Iron Mountain Connect login page. Page 3 of 4 © 2013 Iron Mountain and design of the mountain and SafeKeeperPLUS are registered trademarks and SecureBase is a trademark of Iron Mountain Incorporated in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF IRON MOUNTAIN IM CONNECT “HOW TO“ Complete the Challenge Response Process Step 5 6 • Action You will be prompted to answer 2 of the 3 challenge response questions. (Iron Mountain Connect randomly generates 2 of the 3 questions.) After you have answered the questions, click OK. • • You will be prompted to enter your new password twice. Once you enter it twice, click Submit. • It takes approximately 5 minutes for the system to update your new password. After 5 minutes, you can login in with your new password. To learn more about Iron Mountain Connect, login and select the Resources quick link. The Resources tab contains Training documents as well as other helpful information. Page 4 of 4 © 2013 Iron Mountain and design of the mountain and SafeKeeperPLUS are registered trademarks and SecureBase is a trademark of Iron Mountain Incorporated in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF IRON MOUNTAIN