Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie universität bonn Regina-Pacis-Weg 5 53113 Bonn Dr. Imke Lichterfeld English Studies 2nd Year – Information Sheet Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie Studies Coordination/ Programme Management Regina-Pacis-Weg 5 53113 Bonn Tel.: 0228-73-7207 lichterfeld@uni-bonn.de www.iaak.uni-bonn.de Bonn, 12.09.15 Modules Introductions: Ideally, you also should have successfully completed both introductory modules “Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies” and “Introduction to Language and Communications Studies”. They are prerequisites for advanced literary and linguistics courses (They are not prerequisites for Issues). If you haven’t passed them, you cannot choose following courses. If so, repeat them now! Language II and III: You need to have successfully completed Language I to attend and register for Language II (Language II for Language III). You will attend both Language Skills II and Writing Skills II during the winter. (Both Language III courses / TEFL in the summer) Second Year/ Third Year Modules (Electives) In your next semesters, you will be able to choose from approximately ten secondyear modules. Students of the Major will have to choose six modules; students of the Double Major/Lehramt/Minor have to choose three modules (Lehramt at least 1 literary and 1 linguistic module). You can also already choose third year modules. Taking one or two modules earlier might be helpful in focussing on certain research areas and topics of your interest. This is up to you and your curriculum/ schedule, etc. If you need help, ask the Studies Coordinator, or the Kustodin! Professional Development: This module can be completed in any one of the six semesters of your degree. Please see Dr. Daufenbach about arranging accreditation. Once you have finished your internship (or the agreed course etc.), you can register for this module on basis (your registration is necessary for the credit transfer to your transcript). If you need help, ask the Studiengangsmanagement-Team! Dr. Daufenbach can then complete the accreditation. Optionalbereich: You can also start thinking of taking ‘optional’ modules (if you haven’t already done so). You normally need two modules (12 credit points in total). You will find courses on Basis under Optionalbereich der Bachelorstudiengänge der Phil. Fakultät. Going Abroad Stay Abroad: Start thinking about / planning a student exchange either via the ERASMUS or the “Direktaustausch” programs. Deadlines are around October/December! General information can be found here: https://www3.unibonn.de/unibonn///studium/studium-und-praktikum-im-ausland/erasmus/ The link to our departmental Erasmus page is here: http://www.iaak.unibonn.de/studying/internationalprogrammes/erasmus-neu-1/partneruniversitaeteniaak Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie Term Papers Issues Courses/ Third Year Courses: You will have to write several term papers (unless you are doing English Studies as a minor). Always remember that you have to register on Basis. You can usually register online on Basis from 15/5-15/9 for the summer term; and 15/11-15/3 for the winter term. Since you cannot deregister from a term paper, only register, if you are sure that you will write the paper! After your registration, Basis will generate a pdf document which you have to print out and fill in together with your examiner. This paper should also be the first page of your written term paper when you hand it in, so that it is visible for us right away. If you have problems with the registration (or finding and downloading the required document), check this link provided by the “Prüfungsbüro”: http://www.philfak.uni-bonn.de/studium/pruefungsbuero/download/handreichungzur-seminarpruefung There is information on how to do research on our homepage: http://www.iaak.unibonn.de/research-neu/copy_of_resources/resources-neu Extracurricular Activities Fachschaft - Elected student representatives of a given subject; for English, American and Celtic Studies our student representatives comprise the Fachschaft Anglistik. If you have any questions, doubts or problems related with your studies, they are happy to help you. Contact: http://www.iaak.uni-bonn.de/fachschaft // Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fachschaftanglistik.unibonn BUSC (Bonn University Shakespeare Company) – Founded at the English Department in 1992, BUSC is a theatre and drama group which has produced and performed a large number of plays written by William Shakespeare and his contemporaries. The drama group sometimes even stages modern plays in the English language. BUSC members are involved in all steps and areas that arise in theatre production, such as acting, directing, creating stage decorations or style the actors. As it is a society run by students, the BUSC committee is always looking for new members. Contact: schriftfuehrer@busc.de https://www.busc.de And the future? What to do with English Studies? Our alumni are working in various positions: as teachers of English, but also in higher education in language centres at universities, as lecturers, or even as professors, but also with organisations in the academic sector such as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Max-Planck or Goethe institutes etc. They work for example in the cultural sector, e.g. in theatres as directors, in dramaturgy, and its organisation, in museums, as school support, in public services, or in companies in charge of personnel or communication/PR, but also at NGOs or the United Nations, in politics or diplomacy. Many work in entertainment and publishing media such as the WDR, Phoenix, RTL, or Deutsche Welle, as journalists for newspapers, or with online businesses. They work as translators, authors, and editors, in libraries, and anywhere for... Come to our winter’s Forum Beruf to meet some alumni! And… FAQ: There is a FAQ page. Have bonn.de/studying/faqs/faq you ever checked it? http://www.iaak.uni-