the Sponsorship Packages by clicking here

try/CATCH 2016
Computing And Technology Conference for Her
On behalf of the Try/CATCH committee of Simon Fraser University (SFU), we invite you and your
organization to support our exciting annual outreach project. Try/CATCH (Computing and
Technology Conference for Her) is a one-day event organized specifically for high school girls
from grades eight to twelve, with the objective of fostering curiosity about computing science and
engineering, and providing basic knowledge to serve as a foundation for more advanced skills.
The Women in Computing Science (WICS) and the Women in Engineering Group (WEG) are
again collaborating on this event, and we're excited to bring our different perspectives and
combined enthusiasm to the table.
Throughout the course of the event, students will participate in a variety of enriching activities
centered around exploring some technical aspects of computer science and engineering as well
as building a network of contacts in these fields. The technical side of Try/CATCH 2016 will
consist of a keynote speech, three workshops and a Women in Tech panel. This year, the first
workshop will focus on introducing the students to the basics of programming and the power of
software. The second workshop will introduce students to a hot topic in computer science,
Machine Learning. The last workshop will give participants a chance to explore the rich world of
robotics and its applications. Later in the afternoon, students will have an opportunity to visit with
sponsors and talk with female mentors during reception and at last students will attend a panel
for Women in Tech.
We will also hold an information session for parents in order to provide for them an opportunity to
ask questions they may have about the road into a technology field and the challenges and the
rewards their children may face.
Networking will be encouraged throughout the whole day,
and the advantages of working in the technology field will be
highlighted through discussion with women mentors.
Try/CATCH will provide snacks, lunch and a reception for
the students. Participants will be eligible to receive prizes in
the workshops and through a raffle at the end of the
night. The Try/CATCH SFU committee is a non-profit group
dedicated to promoting interest and knowledge about
technology, as well as enhancing creativity and skills in the
field. This team consists entirely of passionate student,
faculty and staff volunteers. This initiative is sponsored by
the Women in Computing Science (WICS) and Women in
Engineering (WEG) at Simon Fraser University
 Inspire high school girls to follow in the footsteps of their female graduate and
undergraduate student mentors
 Help dispel negative stereotypes of computing science and engineering
 Provide high school girls with fundamental knowledge about computing science and
 Improve networking skills by interacting with mentors, peers, and company sponsors
 Provide leadership experience for WICS and WEG members involved in organizing the
 Establish a connection between WICS and WEG members and high school girls
 Show high school girls the possibilities beyond their secondary education
 Encourage the girls to explore the different opportunities at SFU
Platinum: $1200
A seat on Women in Tech panel on the event
Profiling of female employees’ accomplishments
and awards on website and brochures
Thank you message on our social media
Have a booth at the event
Opportunity to include marketing materials and
swags in the thank you bag
Receive a spot on the website
Company logo on Try/CATCH T-shirts
Rough Timetable: May 28th 2016
9:00 - 9:30
9:30 – 10:00
10:00- 12:00
Intro to Programming Workshops
12:00 - 1:00
Lunch & Mingle
1:00 - 3:00
Robotics Workshop
3:00 - 3:30
3:30- 4:30
Women in Tech Panel, Parent Info Session
4:30 - 5:00
Door Prizes, Event Wrap-up
The primary goal of Try/CATCH is to inspire young women to take an interest in computing
science, engineering and the related fields. Traditionally, young men are more prevalent than
young women in the areas of science, engineering and computing.
Try/CATCH aims to show high school girls that the common stereotype is a myth. It aims to
spark the interest of high school girls at a time when they have many choices ahead of them,
and to show them the appeal of studying in a technical field.
By participating in Try/CATCH 2016, female students will have a positive learning experience
that will encourage them in their future endeavors. Girls will be able to explore and ask questions
in a friendly and positive environment specifically designed for them.
As well, the opportunity to speak with both female mentors and company sponsors will improve
networking skills and allow high school students to glimpse the real world that exists beyond their
secondary education. Most important, however, is that girls connect with their peers, enjoy
themselves, and experience an increased awareness of the support that the women in
technology enjoy.
Mehrnoosh Ebrahimipour
Sponsorship Coordinator
Shokoofeh Pourmehr