EDGE Volume Delta Charts - SIX Financial Information

EDGE Volume Delta Charts
The growth EDGE Volume Delta is a whole new way to show individual prices and volumes on a chart. Trading
volume stacks together and creates bars, similar to candlestick or bar chart.
The primary difference, and thus advantage, is that it shows each individual price within a bar and
displays volume at price, order flow, buyer/seller aggression, and other valuable statistics to make
you react quicker to changes in buyer and seller behavior. It is not mind reading, but close.
How To
EDGE Volume Delta is viewable in many different types. They are Bid Ask, Delta, Delta Profile, Delta Bar
Statistics, Total Volume, Volume Profile and Total Volume Bar Statistics.
To start EDGE Volume Delta chart from a Basic Chart:
1.Click Analysis
2.Choose Volume Delta
3.Change sample rate selection to Tic mode. (lower right corner)
To change EDGE Volume Delta chart type:
1.Click VolDelta … in the lower panel
2.Choose Styling
3.Change Volume delta type in drop-down list
4.Change styling and Period to your liking
5.Click OK
EDGE Volume Delta types
Bid Ask
Benefits of Bid Ask Chart
1. Provides added price transparency by seeing the breakdown of volume at each price or series
of prices.
2. Plots Bid traded volume on the left side; another way to think of this is aggressive buyers (buyer
taking the ask price).
3. Plots Ask traded volume on the right side; aggressive sellers.
4. The color and shading of each bar makes volume and momentum changes much more visible.
5. See which prices throughout the bar attracted the most volume.
Benefits of Delta Chart
1. Provides added price transparency by seeing the breakdown of volume at each price or series
of prices.
2. Plots Net of Bid Ask traded volume; another way to think of this is to determine the aggressive
part, buyer or seller.
3. The color and shading of each bar makes volume and momentum changes much more visible.
4. See which prices throughout the bar attracted the most volume.
Delta Profile
Benefits of Delta Profile Chart
1. Displays a profile or histogram of volume. The color of each bar within each profile is based on
the delta. Delta is the net buy/sell pressure.
2. Plots traded volume; another way to think of this is to determine the aggressive part, buyer or
3. The color and shading of each bar makes volume and momentum changes much more visible.
4. See which prices throughout the bar attracted the most volume.
5. Popular view for those who are familiar with Market Profile and allows a trader to drill down and
see inside the chart.
Delta Bar Statistics
Benefits of Delta Bar Statistics Chart
1. Displays a bar of volume. The color of each bar within each profile is based on the delta. Delta
is the net buy/sell pressure.
2. Plots traded volume; another way to think of this is to determine the aggressive part, buyer or
3. The color and shading of each bar makes volume and momentum changes much more visible.
Total Volume
Benefits of Total Volume Chart
1. Viewing the actual amount of volume within each bar.
2. Clearly shows levels of high volume.
Volume Profile
Benefits of Volume Profile Chart
1. Displays a profile or histogram of total volume.
2. See which prices throughout the bar attracted the most volume.
Total Volume Bar Statistics
Benefits of Total Volume Bar Statistics Chart
1. Displays a bar of volume.
2. The color and shading of each bar makes volume and momentum changes much more visible.
Learn more at edgebysix.com
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