Whyy the Concern? Is there really an energy problem? Even if there is … YOU Can Make A Difference! What you can do to make a real impact on the energy used in your… workplace… YOU Can Make A Difference! What you can do to make a real impact on the energy used in your… workplace… and in your home Energy gy in the News Energy gy in the News Customers Prepare for -The New York Times Sh k off E Energy Costs C t Shock Hitting CasinosRate Hikes on Both the -Feeling The Washington Post heat: With Revenue and Summer on Horizon, Expense Sides Power Crisis Could Worsen - The Los Angeles Times -The Las Vegas Sun In Search of the Energy Fairy -The The Las Vegas Sun -The Washington Post …your WORKPLACE Calculating g Your Annual Savings g Usage: Determine the number of hours of use Determine the watts used by the electrical equipment Divide the watts by 1000 No. of hours per week x No. of weeks = Annual hours Annual hours x No. of watts ÷ *1000 = No. of kWh No of kWh x **Cost No. Cost per kWh = * 1000 watts=1kWh watts 1kWh ** Based on location Savings per year Space p Heater Just one… No big deal deal, right? Remove Space Heater Data: O Operation: ti 2000 watts tt off electricity l t i it (typical) (t i l) Assumptions: Usage: mid Oct. - end of Feb. 40 hrs./week x 20 weeks = 800 hrs. (800 h hrs. x 2000 watts) tt ) ÷ 1000 = 1,600 1 600 kWh 1 600 kWh x $0 1,600 $0.06 06 = Saves $96 $96.00/yr. 00/yr WORKPLACE #1 R Remove Space p Heaters Lights g and Equipment q p Left ON! Copy room no one is using it , but… All lights and equipment are on! Use Energy Star Copiers Turn Off Lights in Copier Room Data: (3) 3 3-lamp, lamp 2’ 2 x4 4’ luminaires: 34W lamps lamps, ES magnetic ballasts ballasts, (*309 watts total) Assumptions: Unoccupied 50% of time (20 hours/week, 52 wks./yr.). 20 hrs./week x 52 weeks = 1040 hrs./ year (1040 h hrs. x 309 watts) tt ) ÷ 1000 = 321.3 321 3 kWh $19.28/yr. 28/yr 321 3 kWh x $0 321.3 $0.06 06 = Saves $19 * Includes ballast losses WORKPLACE #2 T Turn Li Lights ht Off in Unoccupied p Copier/Storage Rooms Conference Rooms Just six fixtures… H How much h can they use use? Turn Off Conference Room Lights Data: 4 lamp luminaire: 34W lamp 4lamp, ES magnetic ballast (*576 ( 576 watts total) Assumptions: Unoccupied 50% of time (20 hours/week, 50 wks./yr.). 20 hrs./week x 50 weeks = 1000 hrs. (1000 h hrs. x 576 watts) tt ) ÷ 1000 = 576 kWh 576 kWh x $0 $0.06 06 = * Includes ballast loss Saves $34 $34.56/yr. 56/yr WORKPLACE # 3 Turn T off ff Lights Li ht Wh When L Leaving i C Conference f R Room Windows,, Lights, g , Monitors Shades are closed… Lights and monitor are on… on No one is there! Use Available Daylighting y g g Data: (3) 3 3-lamp, l 2’ x 4’ lluminaires: i i 34W llamps, ES magnetic i b ballasts ll (*309 watts total) Assumptions: Daylighting available 70% of time (28 hrs hrs./wk., /wk 50 wks/yr wks/yr.)) 28 hrs./week x 50 weeks = 1400 hrs./yr. (1400 h hrs. x 309 watts) tt ) ÷ 1000 = 432.6 432 6 kWh 432 6 kWh x $0 432.6 $0.06 06 = * Includes ballast losses Saves $ 25 25.96 96 /yr /yr. Activate Computer p Standby y Mode Data: F ll Full-on computer mode d uses 400 watts. S Standby db uses 45 watts. Assumptions: Standby mode is used 50% of time (20 hrs./wk, 50 wks./yr.) 20 hrs./week x 50 weeks = 1000 hrs./yr. (1000 h hrs. x 355 watts) tt ) ÷ 1000 = 355 kWh 355 kWh x $0 $0.06 06 = Saves $ 21 21.30 30 /yr /yr. WORKPLACE # 4 Use Available Daylighting # 5 Activate Computer Standby Mode Excess Lighting g g in Training g Room Turn Lights off when room is i unoccupied i d Li ht att full Lights f ll llevell one person using computer… p Reduce lighting byy 50% for computer p usage Turn Lights g Off When Unoccupied p Data: (9) 4-lamp 4 lamp, 2’ 2 x4 4’ luminaires: 34W lamps lamps, ES magnetic ballasts ballasts, (*1296 watts total). Dual switching. Assumptions: Unoccupied 20% of time (8 hrs. wk, 52 wks./yr.). 8 hrs./week x 52 weeks = 416 hrs./yr. (416 hrs. x 1296 watts) ÷ 1000 = 539.1 kWh 539.1 kWh x $0.06 = $ 32.35 savings/yr. Continue… Includes ballast losses Reduce Lighting for Computer Work Data: ( ) 4-lamp, (9) p, 2’ x 4’ luminaires: 34W lamps, p , ES magnetic g ballasts,, (*1296 watts total). Dual switching. Assumptions: Lighting reduced by 50% via dual switching (648 watts), ½ of occupied time (16 hrs., 52 weeks/yr.). 16 hrs./week x 52 weeks = 832 hrs./yr. (832 hrs. x 648 watts) ÷ 1000 = 539.1 kWh 539.1 kWh x $0.06 = $ 32.35 savings/yr. Continue… * Includes ballast losses Savings g for Both Measures Turn lights T li ht off ff when h unoccupied i d Reduce light for computer work + $ 32.35 32 35 $ 32.35 Saves $ 64.70 /yr. WORKPLACE # 6 Turn Lights Off When Space is Unoccupied # 7 Reduce Light for Computer Work Workplace p Savings g Summary y Facility: 201,476 sq. ft. 250 Space Heaters $ 96.00… $ 24,000.00 25 Copier Rooms $ 19.28… $ 200 Offices with Daylighting $ 25 25.96 96… $ 5 5,192.00 192 00 500 *Computers & Monitors $ 21.30… $ 10,650.00 1 Training Room 7 Conference Rooms $ 64.70… $ 34.56… $ $ 482.00 64.70 241.92 $ 40,630.62 Per Yr. Savings * Energy Star Lots of money y saved: What it really means is: Energy Savings of about 8% of the t t l electrical total l t i l bill are possible ibl tto achieve…… And A d th thatt iis allll ffrom N No-Cost C t measures that you can do in your own work space!! YOU have the Power! WE as employees p y can “Lead By Example” Save Energy in Our Buildings