Index: Sports Law in Law Reviews and Journals


Marquette Sports Law Review

Volume 21

Issue 1


Index: Sports Law in Law Reviews and Journals

Michael C. Shull

Article 18

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Michael C. Shull, Index: Sports Law in Law Reviews and Journals , 21 Marq. Sports L. Rev. 455 (2010)

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Matt Mullarkey, Note, For the Love of the Game: A Historical Analysis

and Defense of Final Offer Arbitration in Major League Baseball, 9 VA.

SPORTS & ENT. L.J. 234 (2010).

Adam Primm, Salary Arbitration Induced Settlement in Major League

Baseball: The New Trend, 17 SPORTS LAW. J. 73 (2010).

Benjamin A. Tulis, Final-Offer "Baseball" Arbitration: Contexts,

Mechanics & Applications, 20 SETON HALL J. SPORTS & ENT. L. 85 (2010).


Erin Abbey-Pinegar, Note, The Need for a Global Amateurism Standard:

International Student-Athlete Issues and Controversies, 17 IND. J. GLOBAL

LEGAL STUD. 341 (2010).

Parker Allred, Note, From the BCS to the BS: Why "Championship" Must

Be Removed from the Bowl Championship Series, 2010 UTAH L. REV. 183


Marc Bianchi, Comment, Guardian of Amateurism or Legal Defiant: The

Dichotomous Nature of NCAA Men's Ice Hockey Regulation, 20 SETON HALL

J. SPORTS & ENT. L. 165 (2010).

Bill Cross, Comment, The NCAA as Public Enemy Number One, 58 U.

KAN. L. REV. 1221 (2010).

Marc Edelman & David Rosenthal, A Sobering Conflict: The Call for

Consistency in the Message Colleges Send About Alcohol, 20 FORDHAM

INTELL. PROP. MEDIA & ENT. L.J. 1389 (2010).

Megan Fuller, Note, Where's the Penalty Flag? The Unauthorized

Practice of Law, the NCAA, and Athletic Compliance Directors, 54 N.Y.L.

SCH. L. REV. 495 (2009-10).

Erick S. Lee, A Perception of Impropriety: The Use of Package Deals in

College Basketball Recruiting, 17 VILL. SPORTS & ENT. L.J. 59 (2010).

Joseph A. Litman, Note, Tremendous Upside Potential: How a High-

School Basketball Player Might Challenge the National Basketball


Association's Eligibility Requirements, 88 WASH. U. L. REV. 261 (2010).

Frank P. McQuillan Jr., Minnesota's Miracle... On Ice: The Transfer-


ofStudent-Athletes into Free Agents, 17 SPORTS LAW. J. 135 (2010).

Matthew J. Mitten, James L. Musselman & Bruce W. Burton, Targeted

Reform of Commercialized Intercollegiate Athletics, 47 SAN DIEGO L. REV.

779 (2010).

Jamie Y. Nomura, Refereeing the Recruiting Game: Applying Contract

Law to Make the Intercollegiate Recruitment Process Fair, 32 HAWAII L. REV.

275 (2010).

Josephine R. Potuto, The NCAA Rules of Adoption, Interpretation,

Enforcement, and Infractions Processes: The Law That Regulate Them and the

Nature of Court Review, 12 VAND. J. ENT. & TECH. L 257 (2010).


Constantine J. Avgiris, Comment, Huddle Up: Surveying the Playing

Field on the Single Entity Status of the Nat'1 Football League in Anticipation

ofAmerican Needle v. NFL, 17 VILL. SPORTS & ENT. L.J. 529 (2010).

Timothy S. Bolen, Note, Singled Out: Application and Defense of

Antitrust Law and Single Entity Status to Non-Team Sports, 15 SUFFOLK J.

TRIAL & APP. ADVOC. 80 (2010).

Richard M. Brunell, Panel, Some Thoughts on Professor Brodley's

Contributions to Antitrust Through the Eye of American Needle, 90 B.U. L.

REV. 1385 (2010).

Jonathan D. Gillerman, Comment, Calling Their Shots: Miffed Minor

Leaguers, the Steroid Scandal, and Examining the Use of Section 1 of the

Sherman Act to Hold MLB Accountable, 73 ALB. L. REV. 541 (2010).

Judd E. Stone & Joshua D. Wright, Antitrust Formalism is Long Dead!

Long Live Antitrust Formalism!: Some Implications of American Needle v.

NFL, 2010 CATO SUP. CT. REV. 369 (2010).

Derek Taylor, Splitting the Uprights: How the Seventh Circuit's American

Needle Holding Created a Circuit Split and Exempted the NFL from Antitrust

Scrutiny, and Why the Supreme Court Should Overturn the Seventh Circuit, 6



Jonathan S. Covin & David G. Gamble, Texas Rangers Play Ball in

Bankruptcy Arena, AM. BANKR. INST. J., Oct. 2010, at 18.

Lawrence J. Kotler & Matthew E. Hoffinan, Column, Rangers', Coyotes'

Asset Purchase Agreements: Trumping Bankruptcy's Fundamental Goals?,

2010] INDEX

AM. BANKR. INST. J., Sept. 2010, at 26.



W.S. Miller, Book Review, Beyond the Box Score: An Insider's Guide to

the $750 Billion Business of Sports, 20 J. LEGAL ASPECTS OF SPORT 185



Andre Douglas Pond Cummings & Seth E. Harper, Wide Right: Why the

NCAA's Policy on the American Indian Mascot Issue Misses the Mark, 9 MD.


Nick DeSiato, Silencing the Crowd: Regulating Free Speech in

Professional Sports Facilities, 20 MARQ. SPORTS L. REV. 411 (2010).

Benjamin T. Hickman, Old Law, New Technology: The First

Amendment's Application When Sports Teams and Leagues Attempt to

Regulate New Media, COMM. LAW., July 2010, at 18.

John J. Miller, John T. Wendt & Peter C. Young, Fourth Amendment

Searches at Professional Football Games, 20 J. LEGAL ASPECTS OF SPORT

107 (2010).


Porcher L. Taylor, III, Fernando M. Pinguelo & Timothy D. Cedrone, The

Reverse-Morals Clause: The Unique Way to Save Talent's Reputation and

Money in a New Era of Corporate Crimes and Scandals, 28 CARDOZO ARTS

& ENT. L.J. 65 (2010)


Rachel Blumenfeld, Dog Baiting Abatement: Using Nuisance Abatement

to Regulate Dogfighting, 17 SPORTS LAW. J. 1 (2010).

Timothy Patrick Hayden, Can Summer Training Camp Practices Land

NFL Head Coaches in Hot Water?, 20 MARQ. SPORTS L. REV. 441 (2010).

Amy Tracy, Note, Athletic Discipline for Non-Sport Player Misconduct:

The Role of College Athletic Departments and Professional League Discipline

and the Legal System's Penalties and Remedies, 9 VA. SPORTS & ENT. L.J.

254 (2010).



Cathryn L. Claussen, The LPGA's English Proficiency Rule: An-e-yo,

Kamsa-Hamnida, 20 J. LEGAL ASPECTS OF SPORT 135 (2010).

Ron S. Hochbaum, Comment, "And It Only Took Them 307 Years:"

Ruminations on Legal and Non-Legal Approaches to Diversifying Head

Coaching in College Football, 17 VILL. SPORTS & ENT. L.J. 161 (2010).


Victor S. Broccoli, Williams v. NFL: The Eighth Circuit Flags the NFL for

Interference with State Drug Testing Laws, 17 SPORTS LAW. J. 283 (2010).

Matthew Hard, Note, Caught In the Net: Athlete's Rights and the World

Anti-Doping Agency, 19 S. CAL. INTERDISC. L.J. 533 (2010).

Steven M. Silverberg, Note, Safe at Home?: Assessing U.S. Efforts to

Protect Youths from the Effects of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports,

35 BROOK. J. INT'L L. 271 (2010).

Sara Young, Note, PIAC (Pee in a Cup): The New Standardized Test for

Student Athletes, 10 BYU EDUC. & L.J. 163 (2010).


Jack P. Sahl, Entertainment Law The Specter of Malpractice Claims and

Disciplinary Issues, 20 MARQ. SPORTS L. REV. 377 (2010).

David Tan, Affective Transfer and the Appropriation of Commercial

Value: A Cultural Analysis of the Right ofPublicity, 9 VA. SPORTS & ENT. L.J.

272 (2010).


Anthony Cabot, The Absence of a Comprehensive Federal Policy Toward

Internet and Sports Wagering and a Proposal For Change, 17 VILL. SPORTS

& ENT. L.J. 271 (2010).

Antonia Cowan, You Can't Get There from Here: IGRA Needs

Reinvention into a Relevant Statute for a Mature Industry, 17 VILL. SPORTS &

ENT. L.J. 309 (2010).

Joseph M. Kelly, U.S. Land-Based and Internet Gambling; Would You Bet

on a Rosy Future?, 17 VILL. SPORTS & ENT. L.J. 339 (2010).

Michael C. Macchiarola, Rethinking Sports Wagering, 85 IND. L. J.

SUPPLEMENT 1 (2010).

I. Nelson Rose, The Third Wave of Legal Gambling, 17 VILL. SPORTS &

ENT. L.J. 361 (2010).



Yang-Ming Tham, Betting on the Budget: Can State Legislatures Go All

In or Will the Federal Government Force Them to Fold?: Introduction: A

Closer Look at the Use of Gambling in Raising State Revenues, 17 VILL.

SPORTS & ENT. L.J. 269 (2010).

William N. Thompson, Gambling Taxes: The Philosophy, The

Constitution and Horizontal Equity, 17 VILL. SPORTS & ENT. L.J. 389 (2010).


Erin E. Buzuvis, Sidelined: Title IX Retaliation Cases and Women's

Leadership in College Athletics, 17 DUKE J. GENDER L. & POL'Y 1 (2010).

Ashlee A. Cassman, Bring It On! Cheerleading vs. Title IX: Could

Cheerleading Ever Be Considered an Athletic Opportunity Under Title IX, and if So, What Implications Would That Have on University Compliance?, 17

SPORTS L. J. 245 (2010).

Reid Coploff, Exploring Gender Discrimination in Coaching, 17 SPORTS

LAW. J. 195 (2010).

B. Glenn George, Forfeit: Opportunity, Choice, and Discrimination

Theory Under Title IX, 22 YALE J.L. & FEMINISM 1 (2010).

Chadwick Schnee, Wrestling With Retaliation: Pinning Down the

Burlington "Dissuading" Standard Under Title IX, 17 SPORTS LAW. J. 223


Bethany Swaton, Girls Can Play, Too: Has the Lack of Female

Leadership in NCAA Athletics Become an Afterthought?, 20 SETON HALL J.

SPORTS & ENT. L. 1 (2010).


Jessica K. Baranko, Comment, It's My Name and Mine Alone: How Chad

Ocho Cinco Affects the Right of Publicity, 20 MARQ. SPORTS L. REV. 463


Jillian Bluestone, Comment, La Russa's Loophole: Trademark

Infringement Lawsuits and Social Networks, 17 VILL. SPORTS & ENT. L.J. 573


Sonali Chitre, Technology and Copyright Law - Illuminating the NFL's

"Blackout" Rule in Game Broadcasting, 33 HASTINGS COMM. & ENT. L.J. 97


Matthew Friedman, Comment, Nine Years and Still Waiting: While

Congress Continues to Hold Off on Amending Copyright Law for the Digital

Age, Commercial Industry has Largely Moved On, 17 VILL. SPORTS & ENT.

L.J. 637 (2010).


Brandon Johansson, Note, Pause the Game: Are Video Game Producers

Punting Away the Publicity Rights of Retired Athletes?, 10 NEV. L.J. 784


Regina Schaffer-Goldman, Note, Cease-and-Desist: Tarnishment's Blunt

Sword in Its Battle Against the Unseemly, the Unwholesome, and the

Unsavory, 20 FORDHAM INTELL. PROP. MEDIA & ENT. L.J. 1241 (2010).

Nathanial T. Noda, Copyrights Retold: How Interpretive Rights Foster

Creativity and Justify Fan-Based Activities, 20 SETON HALL J. SPORTS & ENT.

L. 131 (2010).

Patrick Donohue Sheridan, An Olympic Solution to Ambush Marketing:

How the London Olympics Show the Way to More Effective Trademark Law,

17 SPORTS LAW. J. 27 (2010).

Kristal S. Stippich & Kadence A. Otto, Carrying a Good Joke Too Far?

An Analysis of the Enforceability of Student-Athlete Consent to Use of Name

& Likeness, 20 J. LEGAL ASPECTS OF SPORT 151 (2010).

Leslie E. Wong, Comment, Our Blood, Our Sweat, Their Profit: Ed

O'Bannon Takes On the NCAA for Infringing on the Former Student-Athlete's

Right ofPublicity, 42 TEX. TECH. L. REV. 1069 (2010).


Victoria Hayes, Note, Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation at World

Sporting Events, 85 CHI.-KENT L. REV. 1105 (2010).

John J. McDermott, Note, Direct v. Indirect Discrimination in European

Football: The Legal Differences Between UEFA's Homgrown Player Rule and

FIFA 's "6+5" Proposal, 11 TEX. REV. ENT. & SPORTS L. 267 (2010).

Richard H. McLaren, Twenty-Five Years of the Court Of Arbitration for

Sport: A Look in the Rear-View Mirror, 20 MARQ. SPORTS L. REV. 305


VyShaey Mitchell, Will NBA Players Go to Europe?, 6 DEPAUL J. SPORTS

L. CONTEMP. PROBS. 221 (2010).

Sarah J. Wild, On Equal Footing: Does Accommodating Athletes with

Disabilities Destroy the Competitive Playing Field or Level It?, 37 PEPP. L.

REV. 1347 (2010).

Kate Zdrojeski, Note, International Ice Hockey: Player Poaching and

Contract Dispute, 42 CASE W. RES. J. INT'L L. 775 (2010).


Walter C. Champion & Danyahel Norris, Why Not Row to the Bahamas

Instead of Miami?: The Conundrum That Awaits Cuban Elite Baseball Players



Who Seek Asylum and the Economic Nirvana ofFree Agency, 9 VA. SPORTS &

ENT. L.J. 219 (2010).

Jeffrey Dahl, The NFL and ERISA: Disabled Players Thrown For Another

Loss, 13 J. CONSUMER & COM. L. 114 (2010).

Nathanial Grow, Book Review, One Man Out: Curt Flood Versus

Baseball, 50 AM. J. LEGAL HIST. 114 (2008-20 10).

Daniel Hauptman, Note & Comment, The Need For a Worldwide Draft to

Level the Playing Field and Strike Out the National Origin Discrimination in

Major League Baseball, 30 LOY. L.A. ENT. L. REV. 263 (2010).

Casinova 0. Henderson, How Much Discretion is Too Much for the NFL

Commissioner to Have Over the Player's Off-the-Field Conduct?, 17 SPORTS

LAW. J. 167 (2010).

Robert H. Lattinville, Robert A Boland & Bennett Speyer, Labor Pains:

The Effect of a Work Stoppage in the NFL on its Coaches, 20 MARQ. SPORTS

L. REV. 335 (2010).

Jeffrey F. Levine & Bram A. Maravent, Fumbling Away the Season: Will the Expiration of the NFL-NFLPA CBA Result in the Loss of the 2011

Season?, 20 FORDHAM INTELL. PROP. MEDIA & ENT. L.J. 1419 (2010).

Matthew J. Parlow, The NBA and the Great Recession: Implications for

the Upcoming Collective Bargaining Agreement Renegotiation, 6 DEPAUL J.


Matthew J. Parlow, Professional Sports League Commissioners' Authority

and Collective Bargaining, 11 TEX. REV. ENT. & SPORTS L. 179 (2010).

Wayne Schiess, Advice for Drafting a New NFL Collective Bargaining

Agreement, 11 TEX. REV. ENT. & SPORTS L. 205 (2010).

Aaron Shepard, Football's Stormy Future: Forecasting the Upcoming

National Football League Labor Negotiations, 33 COLUM. J.L. & ARTS 527



David S. Caudill, Sports and Entertainment Agents and Agent-Attorneys:

Discoursing and Conventions Concerning Crossing Jurisdictional and

Professional Borders, 43 AKRON L. REV. 697 (2010).

W.S. Miller, Book Review, Tanked!: Behind the Scenes with the NFL's

Biggest Stars by the Game's Most Infamous Super Agent, 20 J. LEGAL

ASPECTS OF SPORT 189 (2010).

Brandon D. Morgan, Oliver v. NCAA: NCAA's No Agent Rule Called Out,

but Remains Safe, 17 SPORTS LAW J. 303 (2010).



Kristen E. Knauf, Comment, If You Build It, Will They Stay? An

Examination of State-of-the-Art Clauses in NFL Stadium Leases, 20 MARQ.

SPORTS L. REV. 479 (2010).

Patrick Manning, Comment, The Viewing Angles Requirement in Stadium

Style Seating Under the ADA, 48 DUQ. L. REV. 637 (2010).

Alexander D. Racketa, Note, Takings for Economic Development in New

York: A Constitutional Slam Dunk?, 20 CORNELL J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 191



Brett T. Smith, The Tax-Exempt Status of the NCAA: Has the IRS Fumbled

the Ball?, 17 SPORTS LAW. J. 117 (2010).


Yang-Ming Tham, Comment, Honest to Blog: Balancing the Interests of

Public Figures and Anonymous Bloggers in Defamation Lawsuits, 17 VILL.

SPORTS & ENT. L.J. 229 (2010).

Robert J. Thorpe, Way Out in Left Field: Crespin v. Albuquerque Baseball

Club Rejects Nearly One Hundred Years of American Jurisprudence by

Declining to Adopt the Baseball Rule in New Mexico, 17 SPORTS LAW. J. 267




Luke P. Breslin, Comment, Reclaiming the Glory in the "Sport of Kings"

Uniformity is the Answer, 20 SETON HALL J. SPORTS & ENT. L. 297 (2010).

Dustin E. Buehler & Steve P. Callandrillo, Essay, Baseball's Moral

Hazard: Law, Economics, and the Designated Hitter Rule, 90 B.U. L. REV.

2083 (2010).

Ross E. Davies, It's No Game: The Practice and Process of the Law in

Baseball, and Vice Versa, 20 SETON HALL J. SPORTS & ENT. L. 249 (2010).

Erica A. Diehl, Note, What's All the Headache?: Reform Needed to Cope

With the Effects of Concussions in Football, 23 J.L. & HEALTH

83 (2010).

Caleb Halberg, The Secondary Market for Tickets: A Look at Ticket

Scalping Through an Economic, Property Law, and Constitutional

Framework, 6 DEPAUL J. SPORTS L. COMTEMP. PROBS. 173 (2010).

Ryan D. Hill, Note, Shares of Thoroughbreds as Securities: Federal and

Kentucky Securities Law Implications for Syndication in the Breeding and

2010] INDEX 463

Racing Contexts, 5 ENTREPRENEURIAL Bus. L.J. 209 (2010).

Noel H. Johnson, Book Review, The Little White Book of Baseball Law,

20 MARQ. SPORTS L. REV. 657 (2010).

Lance C. Kearns, Book Review, Negotiate Like the Pros, 20 MARQ.

SPORTS L. REV. 663 (2010).

Michael Kim, Mixed Martial Arts: The Evolution of a Combat Sport and

Its Laws and Regulations, 17 SPORTS LAW. J. 49 (2010).

Kristen E. Knauf, Index: Sports Law in Law Reviews and Journals, 20

MARQ. SPORTS L. REv.671 (2009).

Danielle Moore, Note, The Times They Are a Changing: Secondary Ticket

Market Moves From Taboo to Mainstream, 11 TEX. REV. ENT. & SPORTS L.

295 (2010).

Glenn M. Wong & Chris Deubert, The Legal & Business Aspects of

Career-Ending Disability Insurance Policies in Professional and College

Sports, 17 VILL. SPORTS & ENT. L.J. 473 (2010).

Kevin J. Worthen, The NCAA and Religion: Insights About Non-State

Governance from Sunday Play and Endzone Celebrations, 2010 UTAH L. REV.

123 (2010).

Tulane University School of Law Moot Court Mardi Gras Invitational:

2009 Competition Problem and Winning Brief 17 SPORTS LAW. J. 317 (2010).

2009 Annual Survey: Recent Developments in Sports Law, 10 MARQ.

SPORTS L. REV. 497 (2010).

Michael C. Shull
