ECN-RX--04-125 TORQUE CONTROL FOR VARIABLE SPEED WIND TURBINES P. Schaak T.G. van Engelen This paper has been presented at the European Wind Energy Conference, London, 22-25 November, 2004 NOVEMBER 2004 Torque Control for Variable Speed Wind Turbines Pieter Schaak, Tim G. van Engelen Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, ECN Wind Energy P.O. Box 1, 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands telephone: +31 224 56 4278, fax: +31 224 56 8214 e-mail:, web: Abstract: An advanced generator control algorithm has been developed and implemented in ECN’s control design tool for wind turbines. For wind speeds above nominal the algorithm limits power and rotor speed to the common bounds of constant power control in variable speed turbines, while the electromagnetic torque varies half as much as found in literature. Simultaneously production dips at above nominal wind speeds are avoided. The algorithm has been examined by the aero-elastic wind turbine code Phatas. Application on a commercial wind turbine is in preparation. Keywords: control, converter, generator, power, torque, variable speed, wind turbine. 1. Introduction For wind speeds above the nominal wind speed, conventional generator control algorithms of variable speed turbines result in production dips. Some currently applied turbines still suffer from this undesired phenomenon, although literature offers a solution since at least one decade. This paper explains how the algorithm that has been implemented in ECN’s control design tool prevents for the production dips and why our algorithm excels on torque behaviour. Simulations at wind speeds above the nominal wind speed show that our algorithm reduces torque variations by 50%, compared to the algorithms found in literature. 2. Literature In variable speed wind turbines a relatively fast servo controller sets the electromagnetic generator torque on the basis of rotor speed measurements. A conventional speed-torque relation is shown in figure 1 [5]. Ω conventional characteristic nom 1.2 P nom T 1 nom full load torque 0.8 transition 0.6 0.4 aerodynamic efficiency of the turbine by aiming the optimum Lambda, i.e the optimum tip speed ratio. The full load curve describes the speed-torque combinations that result in nominal generator power. As a consequence of operational restrictions those 2 curves usually cannot be applied up to the operating point that they have in common. Therefore the transition cu rve has been introduced. Applying a minimum rotor speed as well completes the figure. During full load operation a blade pitch controller strives to maintain a desired rotor speed that lies on or a little above the nominal rotor speed. When the rotor speed deviates from the desired rotor speed, due to raising or falling winds, the blades are pitched to overcome this deviation. For falling wind, this is maintained until the power that is extracted from the wind no longer can be increased by pitching the blades. Then the rotor will decelerate and the generator torque will be controlled on the basis of the transition curve of figure 1. Of course blade pitching does not follow wind speed changes instantaneously. So during full load operation the rotor speed fluctuates around the desired rotor speed and, despite pitching the blades, the transition curve of figure 1 also then becomes applicable sometimes. The rotor speed, the torque and thus the power decrease below nominal and a production dip during full load operation has arisen. This still occurs on some nowadays turbines [7]. 0.2 optimum Lambda 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 rotor speed 1 1.2 1.4 file e:\schaak\ctrltool\report\ 24-Apr-2003 by e:\schaak\ctrltool\m\rappfigs.m 1.6 Figure 1: Conventional speed-torque relation, normalised on nominal operation. This relation is based on the partly dashed curves for optimum Lambda and full load control. The optimum Lambda curve aims to maximise the As long as blade pitching can be used to increase the rotor speed, a too low rotor speed will be cancelled out by blade pitching, almost regardless the speed-torque relation that is applied. So the production dips will be prevented by applying the dashed part of the nominal power curve instead of the transition curve, in the case that blade pitching lags behind a falling wind [1,2]. The inevitable leaving of full load operation is announced when blade pitching no longer can increase the rotor speed. Only then the full load curve should be left. In figure 1 the operational point will be at the left side of the conventional transition curve then and torque control must be adapted to the conventional speed-torque relation gradually. speed ±6%. The restriction of torque and power are thus defined by nominal ±6% as well, for respectively constant power and const ant torque. Proportionally equal ranges for torque and power define the mixed version curve. Those ranges cover full load options 1.15 Ω nom constant power mixed version constant torque Remark that the torque control that prevents for production dips also allows to move the conventional transition curve a little to the right, because it can connect to the full load curve above the at full load desired rotor speed now. Further the transition could be realised by constant speed servo control as well and sometimes full load operation is realised by a horizontal constant torque curve [1,2]. P 1.1 nom torque 1.05 1 Tn o m 0.95 0.9 3. Novel views on full load torque control During full load operation pitching the blades controls the rotor speed. The torque and power behaviour follows via the speed-torque relation. Applying a different but also proper speed-torque relation barely influences the rotor speed. That means that the full load curve always should lie somewhere in the shaded area of figure 2, because outside this area either the applicable power or the applicable torque range is enlarged without obtaining a profit in change. Ω area to optimise P nom nom 1.2 T 1 nom full load torque 0.8 transition 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.85 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 rotor speed Figure 3: Full load curves. approximately nominal ±3%. 1.05 1.1 1.15 file e:\schaak\ctrltool\report\ 24-Apr-2003 by e:\schaak\ctrltool\m\rappfigs.m Applying the constant torque curve will result in really constant generator torques, because the torque controller defines the generator torque. Applying the constant power curve will not result in a really constant generator power (or: product of torque and rotor speed), because the generator torque is realised on the basis of the rotor speed while suffering from delay and phase shift. Normalised to their nominal values the power fluctuations appear to be about half as large as the torque fluctuations. If the mixed version curve is applied the power fluctuations appear to be barely larger than for the constant power curve, while the torque fluctuations by definition become half as large. This is confirmed by the simulation results for a representative multi-MW wind turbine in full load operation (figure 4). optimum Lambda upper:const. const. middle: mixed version upper: T T middle: middle course bottom:bottom: const. Pconst. P 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 rotor speed 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.2 file e:\schaak\ctrltool\report\ 24-Apr-2003 by e:\schaak\ctrltool\m\rappfigs.m Figure 2: Optimisation area for full load curves. Ω r / Ωnom 0 0 1 0.8 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 500 600 700 Te / Tnom 1.2 1 0.8 100 1.2 Pe / Pnom The full load curve is positioned within the shaded area on the basis of restrictions for generator torque and power. As a side effect less steep falling curves slightly stabilises the pitch controlled process, but that is of no practical importance. 1 0.8 100 30 Θ [o] Figure 3 shows three possible full load curves: constant power, constant torque and a mixed version. In all cases the desired rotor speed is the nominal rotor speed. All three curves limit generator torque and power to their appearance at the outer limits of the rotor speed range that almost completely covers full load operation. This range depends on the turbine and its pitch control algorithm. In figure 3 this range covers the nominal 20 10 0 100 400 t [s] file e:\schaak\ctrltool\report\ 24-Apr-2003 by e:\schaak\ctrltool\m\KarSftSims.m Figure 4: Simulation results for a representative multi-MW wind turbine controlled conform the constant torque, constant power and mixed version curve. The first three plots from above show the rotor speed, generator torque and generator power, all normalised on their nominal values. The last plot shows the blade pitch angle in degrees. Per plot we see the results for the constant torque, mixed version and constant power curve. The mixed version results are plotted ‘in the middle’, without any offset. For the sake of visualisation the constant torque and constant power results are plotted 10% too high respectively too low, or, in the case of the blade angle, 10° too high and too low. We conclude that a mixed version curve will result in very well turbine behaviour. Turbines behave similar to constant power control, though the torque varies half as much. As a consequence of restrictions for torque and power other mixed version curves than the one presented here could become attractive as well. Even when the generator torque is not allowed to exceed nominal, a mixed version might improve turbine behaviour [11]. When the full load curve does not equal the nominal power curve and both the desired speed and desired torque equal their nominal values, nonlinearity’s will result in an average generator power that does not match the nominal power. This can be solved easily by adapting the full load curve to the observed product of speed and torque. This has also been applicable for figure 4, resulting in a full load curve just below the initial curve of figure 3. 4. Generator control design Now we will design a generator controller for a representative model of a multi-MW wind turbine. Starting-points are a rotor speed controller by blade pitching and a conventional generator controller that already have been designed by ECN’s control design tool [3,4,6,9,10]. From the model with the operation appears to equal the nominal rotor speed ±6%, similar to the examples of paragraph 3. We will change the generator controller on the basis of the knowledge from the former paragraphs. First the full load curve is adapted to the mixed version curve of figure 3. Then the default transition curve, as it is when the turbine starts up, is moved to slightly higher rotor speeds. Now it joins the full load curve at the rotor speed where pitching starts when coming from below nominal production. See figure 5 for the situation that has arisen. From turbine start -up the optimum-Lambda and default transition curve are applicable until the rotor speed exceeds the value where blade pitching starts and full load becomes applicable. Then the full load curve remains applicable until pitching the blades cannot cancel out a too low rotor speed anymore. At that moment a transition to optimum -Lambda must become applicable again, but the current speed-torque combination will not lie on the default transition curve. Therefore we define a temporary transition curve that joins the full load curve at the current operating point. Every next controller calculation step the temporary transition curve is shifted a little in the direction of the default turbine start up transition = default apply optimum Lambda and transition curve pitch control active? no small transition shift backt(until default) no apply transition from current working point yes analysed full load control options 1.1 P Ω nom apply full load curve constant power mixed version constant torque nom T 1 nom 0.9 pitch control active? torque 0.8 0.7 yes transition 0.6 Figure 6: Diagram to determine the state of the generator torque controller. transition curve, until both transition curves coincide. This process is summarised in figure 6. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 optimum Lambda 0.1 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 rotor speed 1 1.1 1.2 file e:\schaak\ctrltool\report\ 24-Apr-2003 by e:\schaak\ctrltool\m\rappfigs.m Figure 5: Generator torque control with the default transition curve; the ‘mixed version’ full load curve has been applicable. premature generator controller, the rotor speed range that almost completely will cover full load To guarantee that the average generator power matches the nominal power during full load operation, the torque is scheduled adaptively. This will result in slightly lower actual torque settings for rotor speeds in the range of nominal ±6%. 5. Simulation results Using ECN’s control design tool for wind turbines we performed some simulations for the turbine and the controller that has been designed in paragraph 4. During the simulations the temporary transition curve was realised as the default transition curve, but shifted to lower rotor speeds (i.e. to the left in figure 5) and enlarged to remain connected to the other curves. Its junction to the optimum -Lambda curve is shifted to the left as much as its junction with the full load curve. So the temporary transition curve becomes slightly steeper as it is shifted to the left. Furthermore the full load curve is defined differently for rotor speeds below 0.93 times nominal. There the speed-torque relation is defined conform a temporary transition that joins the full load curve at 0.93 times the nominal rotor speed. The profit of the mixed version curve compared to the other full load curves has been shown in figure 4 already, in which the average wind speed matched 1.6 times the nominal wind speed. Figure 7 shows simulation results at the same wind speed, but now applying the mixed version curve is compared to conventional generator control. windspeed: 1.6*nominal control: conventional Ω r / Ωnom 1.1 1 Te / Tnom 0.9 100 200 300 400 500 600 0.8 0.6 Pe / Pnom 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 300 200 300 400 500 600 700 500 600 700 o o Θ [ ] and dΘ/dt(:) [ /s] 0.6 30 20 10 0 100 400 t [s] file e:\schaak\ctrltool\report\ 24-Apr-2003 by e:\schaak\ctrltool\m\KarSftSims.m windspeed: 1.6*nominal control: proposed 1.1 Ωr / Ω nom The first 2 advantages together increase the yearly production by about 1.5%. We also observe 3 minor drawbacks: 1 0.8 1 0.9 100 T e / Tnom 1. Production dips have been eliminated: realised by extending the full load curve for rotor speeds below nominal. 2. Nominal power is reached earlier: as a consequence of applying the transition closer to optimum-Lambda. 3. When the production dips of the conventional situation are excepted, the generator torque still varies significantly less during full load operation: realised by applying the mixed version curve that covers a narrower torque range. 4. During full load operation the average rotor speed is lower: because in the conventional situation a raised desired rotor speed has been applied to reduce production dips. 700 1 100 The first three plots from above sho w the rotor speed, generator torque and generator power, all normalised on their nominal values. The fourth plot shows the blade pitch angle in degrees and the blade pitch speed in degrees per second (around 0). We also simulated at other wind speeds [11]. Those simulations are not shown here. Only a summary of the observations is given. When we replace a conventional generator control algorithm by the proposed algorithm we observe the following advantages: 200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 500 600 700 1 1. During full load operation the maximum generator torque has been increased by 3%: caused by applying the extended full load curve above the nominal torque. 2. During full load operation the rotor speed varies slightly more: caused by applying the extended full load curve that covers a broader rotor speed range. 3. Switching from full to partial load behaviour comes through more expressively in the generator torque: caused by postponing the switching moment. 0.8 0.6 Pe / Pnom 100 1 0.8 Θ [o] and dΘ /dt(:) [o/s] 0.6 100 30 20 6. Verification and prospective Using models of commercial wind turbines, the outstanding performance of the mixed version curve has been confirmed by the aero-elastic wind turbine code Phatas as well [8]. The first implementation on a turbine is planned for 2005. 10 0 100 400 t [s] file e:\schaak\ctrltool\report\ 24-Apr-2003 by e:\schaak\ctrltool\m\KarSftSims.m Figure 7: Simulation results for a representative multi-MW wind turbine controlled conventionally (upper plots) and conform the mixed version curve. 7. Results and conclusions ECN’s control design tool for wind turbines has been equipped with a modern generator control algorithm. Compared to the algorithms found in literature our algorithm reduces electromagnetic torque variations of variable speed wind turbines by 50%, while achieving constant power behaviour. The algorithm meets the state of the art of preventing for production dips and has been examined by the aero-elastic wind turbine code Phatas. A wind turbine manufacturer is preparing the application of the algorithm on a commercial turbine. Acknowledgement The authors like to thank the Netherlands Agency for Energy and Environment Novem for funding a part of this research (contract 2020 -01-12-10-003). References [1] Bossanyi, I, Electrical Aspects of Variable Wind Speed Operation of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Generators, ETSU W/33/00221/REP, Wind Energy Group Ltd, 1994. [2] Burton, T, Sharpe, D, Jenkins, N, Bossanyi, E, Wind Energy – Handbook, ISBN 0-471-48997-2, John Wiley & Sons, England 2001. [3] Engelen, T.G. van, Hooft, E.L. van der, Schaak, P, Wind Turbine Control for Industrial Use, EWEC 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2001. [4] Engelen, T.G. van, Schaak, P, Hooft, E.L. van der, Ontwerpgereedschappen voor de regeling van windturbines, ECN-C —01-70, ECN Wind Energy, Petten, The Netherlands, 2001. [5] Freris, L.L, Wind Energy Conversion Systems, ISBN 0 -13-960527-4, Prentice Hall International, United Kingdom, 1990. 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