BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES TECHNICAL SCIENCES, Vol. 64, No. 2, 2016 DOI: 10.1515/bpasts-2016-0029 Small-signal input characteristics of step-down and step-up converters in various conduction modes W. JANKE* and M. WALCZAK Koszalin University of Technology, 2 Śniadeckich St., 75-453 Koszalin, Poland Abstract. Small-signal input characteristics of BUCK and BOOST DC-DC power converters in continuous conduction and discontinuous conduction mode have been presented. Special attention is paid to characteristics in discontinuous conduction mode. The input characteristics are derived from the general form of averaged models of converters. The frequency dependence of input admittance and other input characteristics has been observed in a relatively low-frequency range. The analytical formulas derived in the paper are illustrated by numerical calculations and verified by experiments with a laboratory model of BOOST converter. A satisfying level of conformity of calculations and measurements has been obtained. Key words: pulse converters, BUCK, BOOST, small-signal models, input characteristics. List of symbols: 1. Introduction C–capacitance, D–diode, A typical switch-mode DC–DC power converter contains power stage and control subcircuit working together as a feedback dynamic system. The procedure of designing control subcircuit is based on the knowledge of power stage dynamics, usually described in the form of a set of small-signal transmittances. These transmittances are derived by linearization of large-signal averaged models of power stage [1–7]. The transmittances describing the influence of input voltage and control signal on the output voltage of converters are most frequently used, but in some applications the input small-signal characteristics are important [8, 9]. The examples are converters working in power-factor correctors (PFC) [10, 11] and in maximum power point tracing (MPPT) circuits used in photo-voltaic systems [12]. Small-signal averaged models of the power stage of converter have the form of equation systems in s-domain or equivalent circuits in which the small-signal representation of duty ratio θ, currents and voltages averaged over single switching period are used as variables [1–7]. The dependence of input current Ig of converter on input voltage Vg and duty-ratio representation θ may be obtained in the form: d A, DA – duty ratio and its steady-state value, f, f S – frequency, switching frequency, G–load conductance, Hs – transmittance of control subcircuit, i –with subscripts in capital letters: instantaneous values of currents, I –with subscripts in capital letters: D.C. values of currents, I –with subscripts in small letters: small signal representations of currents in s domain, K – ideal controlled switch (transistor), L–inductance, M VT, M I – voltage and current static transmittance, R–load resistance, TS–switching period, v –with subscripts in capital letters: instantaneous values of voltages, V –with subscripts in capital letters: D.C. values of voltages, V –with subscripts in small letters: small signal representations of voltages in s domain, Y – small-signal input admittance, Γ –quantity in dependence of input current on control signal, ω – angular frequency, θ –small-signal representations of duty ratio in s domain. *e-mail: wlodzimierz.janke@tu.koszalin.pl I g = Y ⋅ Vg + Γ ⋅ θ .(1) Y is small-signal input admittance and Γ describes the dependence of input current on control quantity θ. The control subcircuit having transmittance Hs delivers the control signal θ (after comparing the current sample with the proper reference signal): θ = H s ⋅ I g .(2) From (1) and (2) one obtains: Ig = Y ⋅ Vg . 1− Γ ⋅ Hs (3) 265 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 64(2) 2016 Brought to you by | Gdansk University of Technology Authenticated Download Date | 6/22/16 12:49 PM W. Janke and M. Walczak The proper design of Hs transmittance of control subcircuit is possible if frequency dependencies of Y and Γ are known. Small-signal input characteristics of the most popular DCDC converters: step-down (BUCK) and step-up (BOOST) are considered in this paper. The analysis is performed separately for converters working in continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). The schemes of circuits under consideration are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, where K and D denote active and passive switch, respectively. Special attention is paid to the analysis of converters working in DCM because some of the input characteristics of con- I l = (G + s ⋅ C) ⋅ Vo ,(5) I g = I l ⋅ DA + I L ⋅ θ .(6) The dependence of small-signal input current on input voltage and duty ratio θ is obtained from equations (4–6) in the form: sCR + 1 ⋅Vg + I g = D A2 ⋅ G 2 s LC + sLG + 1 sCR + 1 + I O ⋅ 2 + 1 ⋅ θ s LC + sLG + 1 . (7) Equation (7) corresponds to general dependence given by (1) with: Y ( BUCK ) = D A2 ⋅ G Fig. 1. Power stage of a BUCK converter sCR + 1 ,(8) s LC + sLG + 1 2 sCR + 1 Γ( BUCK ) = I O ⋅ 2 + 1 .(9) s LC + sLG + 1 Low frequency values of Y (BUCK) and Γ (BUCK) (for s→0) are: Y0 ( BUCK ) = DA2 ⋅ G ,(10) Γ0 ( BUCK ) = 2 ⋅ I O .(11) DA and IO are D.C. values of duty ratio and load current. Fig. 2. Power stage of a BOOST converter verters in CCM were discussed in the previous paper [9]. Small letters with capital subscripts denote instantaneous values of currents and voltages, capital letters with capital subscripts – quiescent values (D.C. values), and capital letters with small subscripts correspond to small-signal representations of currents and voltages in s-domain. The analysis of input characteristics in s-domain for BUCK and BOOST converters is presented in Sec. 2 and 3, respectively. The selected dependencies in time domain and numerical examples are given in Sec. 4 and some concluding remarks in Sec. 5. 2. Step-down (BUCK) converter 2.1. Continuous conduction mode (CCM). Small-signal form of averaged model of BUCK converter power stage in CCM [5, 6] is expressed by following equations: sL ⋅ I l = D A ⋅ Vg + VG ⋅ θ − Vo ,(4) 2.2. Discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). The starting point for derivation of input characteristics of BUCK converter in DCM is small-signal model presented in Fig. 3a obtained from [6]. In this case, quantities Y (BUCK) and Γ (BUCK), according to definition in (1), are obtained for θ = 0 or Vg = 0, respectively, which corresponds to Figs. 3b and 3c. For θ = 0 (Fig. 3b), one obtains: I g = Gg ⋅ Vg + α g 3 ⋅ Vo = G A (Vg − Vo ) ,(12) α l 2Vg = (Gw + G + sC ) ⋅ Vo , (13) where GA and Gg are: G A = DA2 ⋅ Gg = TS ,(14) 2L 1 = G A ,(15) Rg After excluding quantity Vo (output voltage) from (12) and (13), one obtains the dependence of Ig on Vg (for θ = 0) and, as a result, the admittance Yd (BUCK) for this case: 266 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 64(2) 2016 Brought to you by | Gdansk University of Technology Authenticated Download Date | 6/22/16 12:49 PM Small-signal input characteristics of step-down and step-up converters in various conduction modes a) b) c) Fig. 3. Averaged small-signal model of BUCK converter working in DCM: (a) full; (b) θ = 0; (c) Vg = 0 Yd ( BUCK ) = G A Gw + G + sC − α l 2 .(16) Gw + G + sC The additional subscript “d” in Yd (BUCK) refers to DCM. Quantities Gw and αl2, according to [6] are: 2 G 2 O V Gw = G A V , (17) 2V α l 2 = G A ⋅ G − 1 .(18) VO After introducing (17) and (18) into (16), we obtain the following expression for Yd (BUCK): Yd ( BUCK ) = Yd 0 ( BUCK ) s / ω zd + 1 s / ω pd + 1 .(19) Low-frequency value Yd0 (BUCK) in (19) is: I O 1 4G = 1+ + 1 .(21) IG 2 GA ωzd and ωpd – characteristic angular frequencies in (19) are: ω zd = 2πf zd = [ ] 1 G A ( M I − 1) 2 + G ,(22) C ω p d = 2πf p d = [ ] 1 2 G A M I + G . C (23) Figure 3c corresponds to the condition Vg=0, and in this case the following equations are obtained: I g = α g 3Vo + α g1θ ,(24) Vo = α l1 ⋅ θ ⋅ 1 .(25) Gw + G + sC After excluding Vo, it is obtained: Yd 0 ( BUCK ) = Yd ( BUCK ) |s =0 = G A ⋅ ( M I − 1) 2 + G = GA G A ⋅ M I2 + G MI = ,(20) where MI is D.C. current transmittance of BUCK in DCM: Γd ( BUCK ) = α g1 + α g 3 ⋅ α l1 Gw + G + sC .(26) The expressions for αl1, αg1, αg3 [6] are: 267 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 64(2) 2016 Brought to you by | Gdansk University of Technology Authenticated Download Date | 6/22/16 12:49 PM W. Janke and M. Walczak α l1 = 2 ⋅ VG ⋅ GA VG ⋅ − 1 , DA VO (27) For small frequencies (when s→0) quantities Y (BOOST) and Γ (BOOST) are equal to: G α g1 = 2 A ⋅ (VG − VO ) ,(28) DA α g 3 = −GA .(29) From (26–29), the expression for Γd (BUCK) quantity is obtained in the form: Γd ( BUCK ) = Γd 0 ( BUCK ) ⋅ s / ω z1 + 1 , s / ω pd + 1 (30) where: Γd 0 ( BUCK ) = 2G A ⋅ VG ⋅ (1 − M I−1 ) ⋅ DA G ⋅ M I ⋅ ( M I − 1) + G ⋅ A G A ⋅ M I2 + G G (1 − D A ) 2 (38) Γ0 ( BOOST ) = 2IO . (1 − DA ) 2 (39) 3.2. Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM). The general small-signal scheme of a BOOST converter in DCM [6] shown in Fig. 4a can be used to derive dynamic input characteristic of the converter. Quantities Yd (BOOST) and Γd (BOOST) for this case are obtained for θ = 0 or Vg = 0, respectively, which corresponds to Figs. 4b and 4c. a) (31) and: ω z1 = 2πf z1 = Y0 ( BOOST ) = 1 [G A ⋅ M I ( M I − 1) + G ] . C (32) b) The pole of Γd (BUCK) is the same as of Yd (BUCK). 3. Step-up (BOOST) converter 3.1. Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM). Small-signal form of averaged model of BOOST converter power stage in CCM can be expressed by equations (33–35) [6]: sL ⋅ I g = Vg − Vo ⋅ (1 − D A ) + VO ⋅ θ , (33) I d = ( sC + G ) ⋅ Vo , (34) I d = I g ⋅ (1 − DA ) − I L ⋅ θ , (35) where Ig is the input current and the inductor current as well, Id is the current of a diode. After excluding Id and the output voltage Vo one obtains: Y ( BOOST ) = = G ⋅ (1 − D A ) 2 1 + sCR L C LG + + 1 s2 s (1 − D A ) 2 (1 − D A ) 2 Γ( BOOST ) = 2I O (1 − D A ) 2 2 s 1 + sCR / 2 . LC LG +s +1 (1 − D A ) 2 (1 − D A ) 2 c) Fig. 4. Averaged small-signal model of a BOOST converter working in DCM: (a) full; (b) θ = 0; (c) Vg = 0 For θ = 0 (Fig. 4b), one obtains: I g = G gT ⋅ V g + α gT 3 ⋅ Vo ,(40) Vo = α d 2 ⋅V g ⋅ (36) (37) 1 .(41) G d + G + sC After excluding output voltage Vo, one obtains the dependence of Ig on Vg (for θ = 0) and, as a result, the admittance Yd (BOOST) for this case: Yd ( BOOST ) = G g T ⋅ (Gd + G + sC ) + α g T 3 ⋅ α d 2 Gd + G + sC .(42) Quantities αgT3, αd2, GgT and Gd are [6]: 268 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 64(2) 2016 Brought to you by | Gdansk University of Technology Authenticated Download Date | 6/22/16 12:49 PM Small-signal input characteristics of step-down and step-up converters in various conduction modes α gT 3 = − α d 2 = GA ⋅ GgT = G A ⋅ VG2 , (VO − VG ) 2 (43) VG ⋅ (2VO − VG ) ,(44) (VO − VG ) 2 G A ⋅ VO2 1 = ,(45) R g T (VO − VG ) 2 GA 1 = .(46) Rd M V T − 1 Gd = After substituting expressions for coefficients α, GgT, Gd from (43–46) according to [6] into (42) we obtain the equation for Yd (BOOST): Yd ( BOOST ) = Yd 0 ( BOOST ) ⋅ 1 + s / ωzt . 1 + s / ω pt (47) Low-frequency value Yd0 (BOOST) in (47) is: Yd 0 ( BOOST ) = G A ⋅ GA + G ⋅ M 2 VT ( ) .(49) ωzt = ω pt = ω p = C⋅M 2 VT ,(50) G A + G ⋅ ( M V T − 1) 2 C ⋅ ( M V T − 1) 2 .(51) Figure 4c corresponds to the condition Vg=0, and in this case the following equations are obtained: I g = α g T 1 ⋅ θ + α g T 3 ⋅ Vo ,(52) Vo = α d 1 ⋅ θ ⋅ 1 . Gd + G + s C (53) After excluding output voltage Vo, one obtains the dependence of Ig on θ (for Vo=0). In this case Γd (BOOST) is: Γd ( BOOST ) = α g T 1 ⋅ α g T 3 ⋅ α d1 Gd + G + s C .(54) Quantities αgT1 and αd1 are: α gT1 = 2 ⋅ 1 + s / ω z1 , 1+ s /ωp (57) where low-frequency value Γd0 (BOOST) in (57) is: Γd 0 ( BOOST ) = G ⋅ ( M V T − 1) ⋅ M V T + G A .(58) 2G A ⋅ VG ⋅ DA G ⋅ ( M V T − 1) 2 + G A Angular frequency ωp in (57) is equal to pole ωpt in (51). Zero in equation (57) corresponds to angular frequency: G ⋅ ( M V T − 1) ⋅ M V T + G A C ⋅ ( M V T − 1) ⋅ M V T .(59) 4. Characteristics in time domain and numerical examples for DCM Frequency dependencies of quantities Yd and Γd for discontinuous conduction mode have general form: H (s) = H o ⋅ Angular frequencies ωzt and ωpt are as follows: G A + G ⋅ M V2T Γd ( BOOST ) = Γd 0 ( BOOST ) ⋅ .(48) MVT in the above equations (D.C. voltage transmittance of BOOST in DCM) is given by: MV T GA VG2 ⋅ .(56) DA VO − VG After substituting expressions for coefficients α, Gd into (54), we get the following equation: ω z1 = G A + G ⋅ ( M V T − 1) 2 1 = ⋅ 1 + 1 + 4G A / G 2 α d1 = 2 ⋅ G A VG ⋅ VO ⋅ ,(55) D A VO − VG 1 + s / ωz .(60) 1+ s /ωp It may be written as: ω 1 − ω p / ωz H (s) = H o ⋅ p + ω z 1+ s /ωp .(61) The equivalent description in time-domain is the time response h (t) to step pulse excitation: ( ω ω −ω ⋅t h(t ) = H o ⋅ p − p − 1 ⋅ 1 − e p ωz ωz ) .(62) The waveforms of the time-domain response of the input current of BUCK and BOOST converters in DCM for the step pulse of input voltage vG or duty ratio dA correspond to the above description of h (t). In the laboratory model of BOOST converter, the following set of parameters have been used: VG = 3V; DA = 0.2; C = 560μF; L = 5μF; TS = 10μs; G = 0.02S. The corresponding values of GA and MVT are: GA = 0.04S; MVT = 2. From (47–59) it is obtained: Yd0 (BOOST) = 0.08S; Γd0 (BOOST) = 1.6A; ωzt = 52.632rad/s; ωpt = 105.26rad/s; ωz1 = 70.175rad/s. The time-domain response of input current on the step pulse excitation of vG (from (3V to 4V) and dA (from 0.2 to 0.3) have 269 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 64(2) 2016 Brought to you by | Gdansk University of Technology Authenticated Download Date | 6/22/16 12:49 PM W. Janke and M. Walczak been measured and calculated according to formula (62). The comparison of the results of measurements and calculations is presented in Figs. 5 and 6. According to formulas derived in the paper, input admittances and Γ parameters describing the dependence of input current on input voltage and control signal in DCM are frequency-dependent in a relatively narrow region of low frequencies. These frequency-dependencies are determined mainly by the value of converter output capacitance. From the small-signal characteristics in the frequency domain, the time-domain responses of input current to step-pulse excitation of input voltage or duty ratio may be easily derived. The exemplary time-domain characteristics are presented in the paper. The results of calculations performed with the use of presented formulas are consistent with measurements of the laboratory model of BOOST converter. References Fig. 5. Time-domain response of input current on the step pulse excitation of input voltage: a) calculation; b) measurement Fig. 6. Time-domain response of input current on the step pulse excitation of duty cycle: a) calculation; b) measurement 5. Conclusions Small-signal input characteristics of DC–DC pulse converters may be useful in the designing process of some power conversion systems, for example in power factor corrections or maximum power point tracing in photovoltaic systems. Small-signal input characteristics may be derived from the general form of converter averaged models presented in the literature. Such characteristics for step-down and step-up DC–DC converters working in continuous conduction or discontinuous conduction mode are presented in the paper. Special attention is paid to characteristics for DCM, which have not been published previously. [1] R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, 2-nd Edition, Kluwer, London, (2002). [2] M. K. Kazimierczuk, Pulse-Width Modulated DC–DC Power Converters, J. Wiley, London, (2008). [3] D. Maksimowic, A.M. Stankovic, V.J. Thottuvelil and G.C. Verghese, “Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Converters”, Proc. IEEE 89 (6), 898–912 (2001). 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