Products: HiCAD 2013 - 2 - Page 4 the sheet metal industry

Issue 2/2013 · 9th year
The customer magazine of the ISD Group
ISD Group: A step into the future - Our new management team - Page 3 ·
Products: HiCAD 2013 - Service Pack 2 - Page 4 · ISD launches Webshop for
the sheet metal industry - Page 6 · HiCAD Unfold - The special CAD solution for
sheet metal suppliers - Page 7 · Success stories: Zambelli Group - Sheet
metal processing in perfection - Page 8
Constructed with HiCAD: Shelving system for the National Library in Berlin,
with a holding capacity of 240 km and 215.000 shelves
(Images: Zambelli GmbH & Co. KG)
ISD Digital
A step into the future
Page 3
Our new management team
HiCAD 2013 - Service Pack 2
Page 4
New features and enhancements
ISD launches Webshop for the sheet metal industry
Page 6
Securing orders with only a few mouse clicks
HiCAD Unfold - The special CAD solution for sheet metal suppliers
Page 7
New calculation tool for waste minimisation in production
Zambelli Group - Sheet metal processing in perfection
Page 8
Customer satisfaction through speed and top quality
HELiCON - Product and process configuration
Page 11
Automation from Engineering to Sales
HELiOS 2013 - Enhanced interfaces to CAD systems
Page 12
For a fast and easy integration of your CAD system
ERP interfaces - Save time and avoid errors
Page 13
New linking options to ERP systems with or without HELiOS
We have asked 100 people...
Page 14
…to name all trade fairs on which the ISD was or will be present this year
ISD at a glance
Page 15
Google+, YouTube, Webinars and Forum
Dear Readers,
Our Sheet Metal Webshop and the
offers. See how they tackled a complex
We are very proud of the new develop-
practice-oriented calculation tool for
and demanding project – the creation of a
ments we have realized for the latest
HiCAD Unfold are bound to play an
shelving system with a holding capacity of
versions of our software products. At this
important role in the sheet metal industry,
240 km – and be amazed at what can be
year's "Blechexpo" in Stuttgart, one of the
and provide it with new impulses for the
done with HiCAD!
largest trade fairs for sheet metal
end of the year. We are convinced that our
processing, we will be presenting Service
innovations will contribute significantly to
Pack 2 of our current Version 2013. New
a further increase in efficiency in the field
features include dimensioning functions
of sheet metal processing. And new
for trapezoidal sheets, automatic part
features are already in the making.
annotation, the new "Adjust bend zone"
In our user report we will introduce you to
dialogue, or the creation of sheets from
the Zambelli Group and show you the
Günter Flassig, Arthur van Kooij,
Dr. Markus Grunwald
solids with multiple selection option.
possibilities that HiCAD Sheet Metal
Management of the ISD Group
Enjoy reading!
Yours sincerely,
A step into the future
Our new management team
At the beginning of 2013, Günter Flassig,
Arthur van Kooij studied economics at the
founder, owner and CEO of the ISD Group,
Fontys Hogenscholen in Eindhoven. After
acquired all shares of the ISD Software
completion of his studies, he worked for
und Systeme GmbH. As the sole
an international trader before moving to
shareholder of the ISD Group he will
the ISD Benelux in 2000, where he
safeguard its future: "I will take all steps
successfully established himself as
that are necessary to position the ISD
Business Unit Manager and subsequently
ideally for the future. Our company has
as General Manager. Under his leader-
been very successful for almost 40 years
ship, the ISD Benelux could achieve an
now, and we are determined to continue
annual double-digit growth. Currently he
our way", says Günter Flassig. Therefore,
is responsible for the departments Sales
he appointed Arthur van Kooij (42) and Dr.
and Marketing of the ISD Group.
Günter Flassig
Founder, owner and CEO
Markus Grunwald (38) as the new General
Managers of the ISD Group in May 2013.
Our aim: Further growth
This step will enable the ISD Group to
Günter Flassig continues to be chairman
continue its path towards a sustainable,
of the management of the ISD Group. With
secure future and constant growth.
Arthur van Kooij and Dr. Markus
Grunwald, the management team will
Committed to the ISD for a decade
forge ahead with its business activities.
The new General Managers of the ISD
The course has been set for further
Group know the company very well: They
growth. In this year, the ISD has increased
have been working in various positions at
its sales activities in Europe and Asia
the ISD for more than ten years.
significantly, as well as the number of its
employees by 12%.
Arthur van Kooij
Manager Sales & Marketing
Experienced experts
Dr. Markus Grunwald studied mathema-
Ambitious visions
tics and informatics at the University of
The young and successful management
Dortmund, where he obtained his
team will shape the future of the ISD
doctorate in mathematics. He began his
optimally while holding on to its visions.
professional career as a software devel-
Innovation and flexibility will continue to
oper at the ISD Group, where he soon took
be the virtues for which the ISD Group has
over as the head of the Core Development
been renowned for almost four decades.
department. Some years ago he was
promoted to Technical Director of the ISD,
and is now responsible for the departments Development, Quality Assurance,
Hotline, Documentation, Service and IT.
Dr. Markus Grunwald
Manager R&D, IT, After Sales
HiCAD 2013 - Service Pack 2
New features and enhancements
Service Pack 2 of HiCAD 2013 has
recently been released. The latest update
comes with numerous new features and
further enhanced tools for optimal and
well-structured design processes, a faster
and easier product development and an
increased overall efficiency of the entire
product creation process.
Your feedback matters
Also new is our customer feedback campaign, which helps us increase the userfriendliness of our products. Our aim is a
constant optimisation of the GUI based on
Editor for the utilisation of dimensioning rules
in workshop drawings (Image: ISD)
your feedback, in order to make the working with our products as convenient and
points and lines. Also new is the option to
Sheet Metal
efficient as possible.
change all fillets in a feature log in one
The new and enhanced Sheet Metal
functions include the forwarding of sheet
Optimised modelling functions
developments as XML files to CADMAN-B
The new and enhanced modelling
Automatic part annotation
(as of Version 7.5) by the machine
functions in HiCAD enable the creation of
Part lists, i.e. a selection of several parts,
manufacturer LVD, the representation of
top quality CAD models. Besides the
can now be annotated in one step. The
moulding tools as symbols in sheet
determination of cylinder intersection
automatic annotation allows a free
developments, or the assigning of
points (e.g. for external points dimen-
selection of the template file with the
bending tools. This new option allows a
sioning of pipes), HiCAD 2013 features
annotation settings, the utilisation of
practice-oriented adjustment of radii and
significantly optimised sketch functions,
various filters and the specification of sub-
allowance methods. It currently evaluates
e.g. for offset creation or the deletion of
part handling.
the data provided by LVD, one of the
globally leading manufacturers of sheet
metal processing machines. The integ-
ration of allowance methods by other
manufacturers is currently planned.
Steel and Metal Engineering
Thanks to the further enhanced Railing
Configurator, railings can now also be
routed along straight edges, e.g. for the
creation of railings on balcony slabs or
concrete stairs. Other new features are the
New point options for the determination of intersection
points between cylinders, e.g. for the dimensioning of
pipes with mitre cuts or intermediate pieces (Image: ISD)
Dimensioning Rule Editor for the
dimensioning of workshop drawings, the
HiCAD 2014 - What' s
§New simulations with time bar
New in Plant Engineering: Branchings with saddle connections and pipes (Image: ISD)
calculation tool for structural analyses of
and gauge parts such as WIKA mano-
steel and metal beams, and the WinISO
meters or HILTI pipe clamps, and the
§Enhanced sketch functionality,
e.g. for filleting, chamfering,
changing of radii etc.
§Bend line dimensioning in sheet
integration. The interface to the WinISO
enhanced isometry and pipe spool
program allows an early detection of
drawing functions.
§Enhanced isometry functions
Configuration Management
§Optimised Design Variants for
Steel Engineering connections
thermally vulnerable areas and their
prevention by the simulation of constructional countermeasures.
Service Pack 2 of HiCAD 2013 comes with
a significantly enhanced Configuration
Plant Engineering/Isometry/P+ID
Editor, featuring not only extended user
New features and functions can also be
management options, but also an
found in our Plant Engineering module.
optimised GUI and many new setting
These include, for example, the new
options, e.g. for the Catalogue Editor or the
variants for various Ermeto pipe parts from
Steel and Metal Engineering modules.
the PARKER catalogue, new pipe parts
Did you know that...
...the ISD Group has been supporting
the educational training of students at a
wide range of technical schools and
colleges for many years? The free HiCAD
Education Edition provides a fully
functional 3-D CAD software for various
tasks in the fields of mechanical
engineering, plant engineering, sheet
metal processing, steel and metal
engineering. With this license, future
engineers can gain practical CAD
experience and obtain a decisive
advantage for their professional career. > Products > Student editions
§Enhanced grid connections in
Metal Engineering
§Numerous new industry-specific
ISD launches Webshop for the sheet metal industry
Securing orders with only a few mouse clicks
With its new Webshop tool, the ISD has taken first steps towards the creation of a new, modern offer
configurator for the sheet metal processing industry. The results: An increased responsiveness
during offer creation, an improved offer quality and a higher success rate.
What originally began as a pilot project for
The shape of the sheets to be produced
many ISD customers, soon turned out to
can be uploaded as a CAD file (e.g. DXF,
be a true market niche in the sheet metal
STEP, SZA) into Webshop. The result will
processing industry: The ISD Webshop,
be automatically transferred in the back-
which is, in fact, an online system for a fast
ground to the corresponding CAM system,
and easy offer creation. The concept
and checked for feasibility, cutting times,
ISD Webshop - Highlights
§ Increased responsiveness from
RFQ to actual production
§Offer creation at any time
§Professional and consistent
§Significant resource savings in
offer management
behind the tool was quite simple: It was
required material amounts etc. Based on
designed to provide customers with con-
these data, an offer will be calculated and
crete, detailed offers for their RFQs within
e-mailed to the customer a few minutes
§Increased offer quality,
flexibility and professionalism
a few minutes, based on information
after the uploading of the drawing. By
§100% automated processes
supplied by the customers (material,
confirming the offer, the customer starts
quantities etc.).
the actual production of the article.
§Easy to operate
§Modular structure
§Easy to integrate into existing
§Customizable user interface
and dialogues
With its Webshop tool, the ISD Group
provides a CAD- and PDM-independent,
user-friendly online portal for its customers in the sheet metal processing industry, enabling them to process and realise
their orders much faster and more costeffectively. Another result of the fully
automated offer generation consists in
significant time savings for the employees
of a company.
The ISD Webshop enables the creation of customized user interfaces and their easy integration into
the company website (Image: ISD)
HiCAD Unfold - The special CAD solution for sheet metal suppliers
New calculation tool for waste minimisation in production
With HiCAD Unfold you are enabled to conveniently import 3-D geometries, generate exact sheet developments, and automatically forward the development
data to your CAM solution. The new features coming with the Major Release 2014 will increase the efficiency of this special CAD tool even further. The
highlights of the new version include the determining of processing times, and the automatic calculation of required material amounts.
HiCAD Unfold was launched in January
2013 as a lower-price special CAD
solution for sheet metal suppliers. This
user-friendly solution allows a fast and
easy import of 2-D data and 3-D
geometries into HiCAD, where the correct
sheet developments can be generated.
The result is available in a few seconds
and can then be transferred to the CAM
system for the actual production.
HiCAD Unfold at a glance
§ External 2-D data can be loaded via
DXF, DWG, Me10 or PC Draft interface; 3-D data can be imported via
§ Imported data will be cleaned up, i.e.
colours are adjusted, double lines are
removed etc.
§ When converting solids to metal
HiCAD Unfold – The CAD solution for sheet metal suppliers
(Image: Vermeer Techniek NL)
sheets, you can change radii, rework
corners, select a surface coating or a
Future plans
processing direction.
ting and water jet cutting. Furthermore,
Version 2014 of HiCAD Unfold will contain
the tool automatically calculates the
§ Exact sheet developments can be
a wide range of new features that will be
required material amounts. The space-
calculated at the push of a button,
particularly useful for the planning of
saving arrangement of individual sheet
from which complete, fully dimen-
production processes. These include,
metal parts taken from panels by means of
sioned CAD drawings will then be
amongst other things, the determination
various cutting technologies is called
of cutting times of sheet metal parts,
"nesting". The easiest nesting method
taking the following questions into
consists in a framing of the elements to be
saving of 2-D blanks as DXF files, i.e.
cut out in rectangles, and their subse-
their direct forwarding to the produc-
§ What type of machine is used?
§ What material is used?
§ What sheet thickness was selected?
the amount of cut panels.
§ The DXF interface functions allow a
tion department in a compatible file
These calculations are suitable for all
kinds of cutting technologies, such as
laser cutting, plasma cutting, oxy-fuel cut-
quent arrangement in rows. This reduces
Zambelli Group - Sheet metal processing in perfection
Customer satisfaction through speed and top quality
The Zambelli Group is a true all-rounder in the field of sheet metal processing that has been
maintaining its top quality standards for more than 50 years now. To be able to meet the
requirements of modern design tasks effortlessly, the Zambelli Group uses the CAD system HiCAD for
the construction of its shelving systems. Customers are impressed.
constantly high quality standard. In 1997,
when the company decided to implement
a new and practice-oriented CAD system,
the perfect partner was found in the ISD
Group. The Dortmund-based software
company is the German market leader in
the field of innovative, integrated complete solutions and could fulfil all requirements of the Zambelli Group effortlessly.
The product line of the ISD, consisting of a
CAD system, a PDM/PLM system and a
product configuration solution, enables a
significant optimisation of design processes in mechanical engineering, steel
engineering, metal engineering, sheet
metal processing and plant engineering.
From software, sales and consulting
through to a comprehensive service portfolio, the customer receives everything
from one single source and 100% "Made
in Germany".
Shelving systems at the University of Potsdam (Image: Zambelli GmbH & Co. KG)
The Zambelli Group's decision to choose
The Zambelli Group has its headquarters
sophy is the preservation of its domestic
HiCAD was mainly due to the unique
in Grafenau, Germany, and was founded
locations, signalling a strong connec-
2-D/3-D associativity of the system, i.e.
in 1957 by Carlo and Franz Zambelli
tedness with Germany, its country of foun-
the possibility of a simultaneous,
Sopalu, as a small company called "Gebr.
dation. Within the Zambelli Group, the
combined working in 2-D and 3-D.
Zambelli Kircheninstandsetzung, Haus
German locations play a leading role in the
Applied to the daily tasks at Zambelli, this
im Wald". Within a few decades, the com-
development of new products, production
means the following: The creation of
pany advanced from a small workshop to
solutions and contract manufacturing.
layout plans for shelving systems takes
place in 2-D, owing to the great amount of
a global player in metal engineering, roof
pany employs almost 900 people and has
"Made in Germany" as a company
sheet metal parts, however, are created in
10 locations in 6 countries. Zambelli is a
Zambelli's company philosophy – "Made
3-D. The developments for laser cutting
guarantor for top quality in the fields of
in Germany" – is an essential factor not
and punching, in contrast, are forwarded
metal roof systems, roof drainages,
only for its own production, but also plays
to the NC machines in 2-D. All these
and facade construction. Today, the com-
HiCAD offers unique and powerful
sheet metal functions
data involved. All CAD drawings of the
shelving systems and industrial metal
an important role for the selection of its
processes can be realised with one single
processing. Part of the company's philo-
partners, with the aim to maintain a
system, within one window, and without
the need to switch applications! In this
Free punches or drainage areas are other
way, Zambelli is enabled to process 3-D
useful functions that produce the desired,
models or solids from customers
error-free result with only a few mouse
extremely rapidly and easily. 2-D sketches
can be placed over the drawings and
HiCAD considers various production
modified conveniently. In the HiCAD
technologies – such as laser cutting or
Sheet Metal module, modifications app-
punching – that enable a smooth, rapid
lied to already developed sheets can be
production without any manual rework.
updated immediately. In this way, chan-
An automatic and 100% correct genera-
ges of straight hole patterns or sheet
tion of sheet developments and drawings
thicknesses can virtually be realised "at
with completely dimensioned blanks are
the push of a button". This powerful tool
essential to an error-free, professional
saves the engineers at Zambelli much
production process. The automatic BOM
time and spares them tedious routine
generation with identical part search takes
tasks. If, for instance, changes of hole
place at the push of a button and
patterns are required, HiCAD offers a
significantly contributes to error preven-
huge range of patterns to choose from.
tion. The engineers at Zambelli are
Movable shelving system at the UNIPARK
library in Salzburg
(Image: Zambelli GmbH & Co. KG)
impressed by the rapid conversion and
development of models from foreign CAD
systems that almost require no rework at
all. Klaus Blöchl, Chief Designer at
Zambelli, summarizes his experiences
with HiCAD as follows: "What impressed
us about HiCAD was a wide range of
functions that are not only very efficient,
but also unique on the market. No other
CAD system we know could beat HiCAD in
terms of speed and precision - it really is
an excellent and incredibly versatile CAD
Unmatched in speed and efficiency
The lead times at the Zambelli Group are
relatively short: The time from offer submission and design creation to delivery is
Movable shelving system on rails,
designed in HiCAD (Image: Zambelli GmbH & Co. KG)
normally about 8 working days. To
preserve its market-leading position,
the Zambelli Group. For the near future it
we benefit from regular updates: The new
is planned to link HELiOS also to the other
Version 1800.0 we received at the
CAD programs used by Zambelli, to be
beginning of 2013 enables us to create
able to conveniently manage some other
developments of several sheet metal parts
several thousands of documents with one
in one drawing. This new feature
single system.
facilitates our work significantly and
Maximum customer satisfaction
thanks to excellent products and
efficient services
efficient", reports Klaus Blöchl.
makes our processes even more
Permanent customer satisfaction and an
Long-standing business relationships
based on trust
efficient cooperation are very important
The Zambelli Group has been a faithful
Zambelli needs to process and realise its
for the ISD Group. Besides a constant
customer of the ISD for almost two
orders rapidly and without delay, which
enhancement of its products, customer
decades now. What connects the two
can only be achieved with a powerful and
service also plays a major role. Klaus
companies is their will to deliver top
efficient software tool. HiCAD is a CAD
Blöchl describes the cooperation with the
quality and satisfy their customers on a
system that combines speed with a highly
ISD as follows: "We are very pleased about
sustainable basis. Since the introduction
practice-oriented approach. It enables a
the results of our cooperation with the ISD,
of HiCAD at the Zambelli Group in the
fast, efficient sheet metal processing that
which was gradually brought to perfection
nineties for its shelving system design
requires no manual rework or additional
over the years. One reason for this is the
tasks, the number of its customers has
quality checks. For instance, neither a
fact that the ISD strongly focuses on
risen constantly. Conversely, the Zambelli
reworking of corners, nor any bending
individual customer needs. If any ques-
Group has always been ready to support
Lateral profiles for a shelving system
(Image: Zambelli GmbH & Co. KG)
tests will be necessary. "HiCAD meets our
tions or minor problems arise, the ISD is
the ISD with further optimizations of their
quality requirements effortlessly and
immediately there to help us. Technical
software. This practice- and customer-
enables us to promptly react to customer
errors are found and eliminated very
oriented approach helps the ISD optimize
wishes", concludes Blöchl with great
quickly. This is of crucial importance for a
their unique products on a sustainable
production plant that has to rely on error-
free and efficient software systems." The
Teamwork: While HiCAD designs,
HELiOS safeguards your corporate
tenance contract with the ISD, so that it
Zambelli GmbH & Co. KG
can benefit from updates and new
§ Industry: Metal processing
Besides HiCAD, the Zambelli Group uses
software versions on a regular basis.
HELiOS, the PDM system of the ISD. With
Updates to new versions can be perfor-
this software tool, further significant time
med quickly and easily. Training courses
Zambelli Group has concluded a main-
savings can be achieved: Time-consu-
help the engineers familiarize with new
ming searches for CAD drawings are a
functions and enable them to use them for
thing of the past, as all HiCAD documents
their daily work. The updates are always
are centrally managed in HELiOS in a con-
state-of-the-art and of essential impor-
sistent manner. Currently, about 40.000
tance to the design processes. "Let me
HiCAD drawings are stored in HELiOS at
give you just one concrete example of how
§Products: Metal roof systems,
roof drainages, shelving
systems, industrial metal
§Software: HiCAD, HELiOS
§Headquarters: Grafenau,
HELiCON - Product and process configuration
Automation from Engineering to Sales
An increased number of product variants leads to a faster and easier realisation of individual
customer wishes, helps entering new markets and gain new customers. These are benefits that
contribute significantly to sales increases of a company. On the other hand, a large variety of
variants is also a cost-increasing factor. In this situation, so-called product configurators are the
perfect solution. They enable a fast and easy generation of customer-specific, tailor-made products,
even by users outside of the engineering processes.
HELiCON Engineer is an integratable CAD
configuration solution that reuses existing
CAD and PDM data from HiCAD. Rules for
valid product compositions are then
applied to these data and the corresponding product know-how is provided to the
users in a configurator. The configurator
With HELiCON, a powerful and user-
quality, automatic quality checks and
automatically guides the user to the
friendly configuration solution for
error elimination before the actual
creation of technically feasible product
products and processes, the ISD Group
combinations, including the automatic
an efficient and profitable distribution of a
The ISD Group offers two comprehensive
materials and PDM data. HELiCON
wide range of product variants. HELiCON
automation solutions that are tailored to
Engineer has a modular structure and
allows a convenient, customer-specific
the realisation of customer-specific
consists of the components Connector,
Studio and Configurator.
provides support to companies that aim at
generation of CAD drawings, bills of
adjustment of products through an
requirements: If your focus is on an
automation of tedious, repetitive routine
instant productivity increase in Enginee-
tasks in Design and Engineering - no
ring, HELiCON Engineer will be the right
With HELiCON Enterprise, the ISD offers a
matter what size your company is. The
solution for you. For an automation of
CAD- and PDM-independent high-end
advantages of such a tool are obvious:
complete sales processes - from offer
configuration solution for products and
Significant cost and resource savings in
creation through to product delivery - the
processes that supports you with the
Development and Engineering, enormous
ISD Group recommends HELiCON Enter-
optimisation and the management of offer
productivity increases, shorter and faster
prise, a CAD- and PDM-independent
creation and order processing at your
design processes, improved product
high-end configuration solution.
company. Extensive knowledge about
products and the relations between
components is used in the process. The
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Editor
allows an easy and intuitive adjustment of
user interfaces and dialogues according
to the specific requirements of your
company and the respective user group,
i.e. customers, salesmen, engineers etc.
In addition, users are provided with all
relevant data in real time, and are enabled
to automatically generate offers including
a product description and a bill of
materials based on entered data (QPM =
Quotation Process Management System).
The HELiCON Configurator technology has provided significant benefits for the sales and engineering
teams of the ABB Group (Image: ABB)
HELiOS 2013 - Enhanced interfaces to CAD systems
For a fast and easy integration of your CAD system
Enhanced Role Workflows
A wide range of Workflow options in
HELiOS allows a perfect control and
evaluation of project timelines. People
working on the project can be assigned
specific roles, and object types to be
edited can be specified ("Role Workflows"). For role assignments of parts and
documents a multiple selection in result
lists is now possible. The following
condition must be met for this: The
objects marked in HELiOS must all belong
to the same Role Workflow type, and the
corresponding user must have the
permission in the Role Workflow Management to change role assignments.
On-demand replication
HELiOS 2013 - Optimal integration into SolidWorks® (Image: ISD)
The replication management of the ISD
enables a smooth and efficient coope-
As a multifunctional PDM system, HELiOS
records all changes made to the HELiOS
ration across separate locations. Thanks
combines product, process and peri-
product structure.
to the new "on demand" technology, the
system. Service Pack 2 of HELiOS 2013
External CAD interfaces
further. For instance, you can now request
contains significant enhancements of
Like HELiOS, the linked CAD systems are
a specific document even if it has not been
these functionalities, enabling an even
constantly enhanced and adjusted to new
synchronized with the central server yet.
processes could be optimised even
pherals management within one single
more efficient and productive data
technologies. Service Pack 2 of HELiOS
This ensures a continued working without
exchange and project planning. The
2013 comes with upgraded interfaces to
any interruptions.
developmental focus of Service Pack 2
the CAD systems AutoCAD® 2014, Auto-
was, amongst other things, on a further
desk Inventor® 2014 and SolidWorks®
enhancement of the multi-CAD capability
of HELiOS.
Enhanced Redlining & Mark-up
HELiOS Info Centre in SolidWorks® and
The Redlining and Mark-up options allow
The HELiOS Info Centre provides a
documents without changing the archived
detailed overview both of HELiOS part
original. If a document contains a link to a
attributes and the properties of the part in
Redline/Mark-up document, you will be
the CAD file, including the current editing
asked whether you want to take them over
status. Furthermore, the Info Centre
in case of a derivation or modification.
an adding of notes, comments etc. to
HELiOS 2014 - What‘s
§Revised HELiOS Desktop GUI
§Derivations/modifications via
product structure
§ Enhanced multi-CAD interfaces
(SolidWorks® standard parts,
Plot Management etc.)
ERP interfaces - Save time and avoid errors
New linking options to ERP systems with or without HELiOS
ERP interfaces help minimise projects risks and increase general productivity. A so-called "interface" is the linking of a CAD and/or PDM system to an ERP
system. In this way a close interconnection of the Engineering, Purchasing and Sales departments in an enterprise can be achieved.
The ISD offers its customers three
PDM system to benefit from the
one project. This ensures a permanent
different types of interfaces: The interface
advantages of an ERP interface all the
consistency of data in the utilised CAD,
from a CAD program and HELiOS to an
same. Both "Light" interfaces are virtually
PDM and ERP systems. The identical part
ERP system has been part of ISD‘s
"out-of-the-box" solutions which can be
master for all systems and the automatic
portfolio for many years. This "Advanced"
configured according to a predefined
transfer of bills of materials avoids
interface type is a comprehensive,
functional range to match specific
expensive errors and eliminates double
customer-specific solution that considers,
customer requirements. This leads to
work, as a manual transcription of bills of
amongst other things, complex workflows,
significant time and resource savings for
materials will no longer be necessary. In
access and search strategies for various
the customers during the implementation.
addition, enterprises can profit from a
significantly accelerated communication
The main advantages of such ERP
between departments due to the
New are the less complex interface types
interfaces consist in an easier manage-
elimination of redundant data.
"Light" and "Light+". The "Light" interfaces
ment of product life cycles and the centra-
enable companies which do not use any
lisation of all related documents within
We have asked 100 people...
…to name all trade fairs on which the ISD was or will be present this year
According to the motto "The pursuit of
ambitious goals is the key to success", the
ISD could acquire numerous new customers, meet regular customers, and
deepen its old and new contacts. In
September, the ISD exhibited at the
"Metallsoftware" in Oberhausen – a somewhat smaller, but equally exciting event,
where the ISD answered all questions
concerning metals and metal engineering. Looking back on a highly successful
Our trade fair team at the Intec (Image: ISD)
fair season 2013, we are already looking
This or something similar could have
parallels between them in the fair season
forward to the fairs that are scheduled for
easily been a question in one of the most
2013: Thanks to our innovative product
the remainder of 2013 and, of course, for
famous game shows of the nineties. But
portfolio we could assert ourselves once
don't worry, you will not have to compete
more against our competitors. Our reward
with other families and guess the right
consisted not in prize money, but in the
Last but not least...
answer, because we already know it!
favour and trust of our customers, pros-
Some highlights of this trade fair season
And these are also the words with which
pects and partners. In contrast to the
are yet to come: The last months of this
we have welcomed many visitors of our
usual procedures in game shows, this
year will be entirely about "sheet metal
fair stand this year: "Don't worry - we know
competition was not fought out in several
processing" - as you can see, this year's
the answer to your questions!"
rounds. Instead, we took the chance to
fairs are not only geographically, but also
prove our qualities on several trade fairs,
thematically diverse. In November, poten-
More and more companies from all
acquire new customers and talk to
tial and existing customers, CAD users,
industries are currently asking us for a
existing and/or potential customers.
sheet metal suppliers and manufacturers
should take the opportunity to learn
comprehensive automation solution for
their corporate processes. And on this
Looking back...
everything about sheet metal processing
year's trade fairs, where customers and
As early as in January, the ISD demon-
with HiCAD and WiCAM at the Blechexpo
prospects had the opportunity to
strated its market proximity at the BAU in
in Stuttgart. Items on the agenda are
experience the latest versions of HiCAD,
Munich. This was an excellent opportunity
exciting customer projects, innovative
HELiOS und HELiCON live, we could
to discuss topics such as architecture,
new product features and other
impress our visitors once more with the
material utilization and the capabilities of
highlights. Our trade fair year will
efficiency and versatility of our software
CAD systems, to present our new product
conclude on 8/ 9th November in Waldach-
solutions. As always, our fair stands
versions and learn firsthand about news,
tal, where the "Metallbaukongress" will
attracted many visitors who watched our
requirements and current trends in the
invite you to the Fischer plants for exciting
presentations with great interest and
field of the building industry.
discussions, lectures and exhibitions
engaged in intriguing technical discus-
The successful start into the trade fair
about metal processing. We are looking
sions with us. While trade fairs and game
season 2013 could be preserved in
forward to seeing you at our stand!
shows have normally little in common,
February at the INTEC in Leipzig, as well
one could nevertheless observe some
as in April at the HMI in Hanover.
ISD at a glance
Google+, YouTube, Webinars and Forum
ISD on Google+
One important goal of the ISD
Our Webinars
New videos about ISD
With its extensive Webinar
Group is to provide its custo-
Just over one year ago, the ISD
series, the ISD Group made a
mers and prospects with a wide range of
launched its bilingual (German/English)
tremendously successful start into the
communication platforms. Facebook,
platform on YouTube. Since that time, we
world of virtual presentations last year. In
Twitter and Xing are some examples of
have published videos about our software
September we could achieve a new record
such platforms where our customers can
solutions HiCAD, HELiOS and HELiCON
of more than 150 Webinar participants.
exchange their experiences about our
on a regular basis. In these videos, our
But what exactly is a Webinar? A
products and services, and express praise
product managers show you optimal pro-
"Webinar" is a seminar that takes place in
or criticism. The ISD is now also available
cedures and approaches for a wide range
a virtual seminar room on the web – hence
on Google+, thus extending its presence
of tasks. To boost the attractiveness of our
the name. Participants and trainers log
in the world of social networks. There you
video selection, we have implemented a
onto this virtual seminar room at an
can get the latest news about the ISD
bilingual solution (German and English)
announced time. All participants will see
Group, discuss technical questions, and
last summer. You can visit us at the follow-
the same screen display and can ask their
exchange views and experiences with
ing addresses:
questions to the trainer via chat. The great
other participants.
German ISD channel on YouTube:
advantage of such Webinars is that you
can participate from any place in the
English ISD channel on YouTube:
Did you know that...
...the ISD Forum has been providing our
customers with an additional platform for
the exchanging of experiences, questions, opinions and ideas for many years?
Numerous topics concerning CAD, PDM
and product configuration are discussed
here daily. Since 15th September 2013,
our English and Dutch speaking
customers have had their own Forum,
enabling them to discuss topics in their
language and get the answers to their
questions even faster.
ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Hauert 4
D-44227 Dortmund
ISD Berlin
Paradiesstraße 208a
D-12526 Berlin
ISD Austria GmbH
Hafenstraße 47-51
A-4020 Linz
ISD Hamburg
Strawinskystraße 2
D-25337 Elmshorn
ISD Benelux b.v.
Het Zuiderkruis 33
NL-5215 MV 's-Hertogenbosch
ISD Hannover
Ahrensburger Straße 3
D-30659 Hannover
ISD Benelux b.v.
Blankenstein 230 - 1a
NL-7943 PG Meppel
ISD Nürnberg
Nordostpark 7
D-90411 Nürnberg
ISD Schweiz AG
Rosenweg 2
CH-4500 Solothurn
Wilhelmstraße 25
D-89073 Ulm
Legal information
ISDnews is a periodical for customers, prospects, partners and employees of the ISD Group.
Issued and edited by: © 2013 ISD ® Software und Systeme GmbH.
We thank all companies mentioned herein for the texts and images provided to us.
All information about future product versions is based upon the current planning status.