for circuit equivalent high-frequency Small-signal, transistor field-effect themetal-oxide-semiconductor J . W . H a s l e t t , B . E . , M . S c . , a n d F . N . T r o f i m e n k o f f ,B ' E . , M . S c . ' P h . D . Abstract 'intrinsic' m.o.s.f.e.t. The differentialequationsdescribingthe small-signalsinusoidaloperation of the structureare solved using modified Besselfunctions of the first kind. Expressionsfor the small-signal short-circuitadmittanceparametersare obtained in seriesform. By retaining appropriateterms in the series,the elementsof a convenientequivalentcircuit are computedfor both the nonpinchofland the by other authors,to show that previouscalculapinchoffcases. Resultsare comparedwith thosepresented tions for the nonpinchoffcaseare incorrect. I r0 : resistance between drain and source of the intrinsic f.e.t. 1o : inductance between drain and source for the intrinsic Portion of the f.e.t. Introduction The m.o.s.f.e.t. is rapidly gaining popularity as a small-signal, high-frequency amplifier because of its high input resistance, low input capacitance and large transconductance. The design of high-frequency circuits using the m.o.s.f.e.t. requires an appropriate equivalent circuit for the device. In this work, the differential equations describing the small-signal sinusoidal operation of the device are solved, yielding an equivalent circuit for the f.e.t. in both the nonpinchoff mode and the pinchoff mode of operation. 'intrinsic' or active The transistor can be divided into an 'extrinsic' portion and an or passive portion, as shown in Fig. t. The analysis presentedhere yields an equivalent circuit for the intrinsic portion of the device only. Extrinsic components may be added in a manner indicated by Reddy and Trofimenkoff,e in order to obtain a complete equivalent circuit for the actual transistor. A number of equivalent circuits have been proposed for the m.o.s.f.e.t.r-6 In general, short-circuit admittance parameters are used to obtain the form shown in Fig. 2. Hofstein and Heimanr proposed the most simple model for the device in 1963. Later Sah2 and Das3 carried out charge-control analyses, in order to obtain the gate-source and gate-drain capacitances for the f.e.t. Candler and Jordana presented a small-signal high-frequency analysis, treating the channel as a nonuniform transmission line in the nonpinchoff mode. The yparameters were evaluated numerically using a digital computer. Treleaven and Trofimenkoff5 have derived a smallsignal equivalent circuit that is valid for the pinchoff mode. Hauser6 carried out a general analysis for both the bulk and insulated gate types of devices,and obtained expressionsfor the elements of a more sophisticatedequivalent circuit. However, a comparison of the results of this work with Hauser's equivalent circuit shows that Hauser's expressionsfor the real parts of the gate-source and gate-drain admittances, as well as the time constant associated with the transconductance, are incorrect for the nonpinchoff case. The results presented here are found to be ir, agreement with those of Treleaven and Trofimenkoff,5 for the pinchoff case. For nonpinchoff operation, the circuit with is called the first-order approximation. The small-signal channel current is described in terms of modified Bessel functions of the first kind. The first-order approximation corresponds to the retention of terms not involving a, and those involving the first power of a, only. A second-order approximation then implies the retention of terms in <o2as well. In this work, a second-order approximation is used to obtain yt and y2 in the forms jacr 1 I iac{r 1,. .. 'Y2 jacz -jrDcrh e) | whererl,12: gate-source and gate-drain resistancesfor the intrinsic f.e.t. for nonpinchoff operation, while a firstorder approximation is used to obtain ys and y^ as indicated i n e q n s .l . 2 Differential equations describing the small-signal sinusoidal operation of the m.o.s,f.e.t. With reference to Fig. l, the channel current can be written as (3) t:1"{ where 1 - total channel current, defined flowing out of the drain terminal c,,, '- oxide capacitanceper unit length of channel IJ - total gate-channel potential at the point x x = distance co-ordinate defined infig. I and Yt : jacl Y2 : jac2 g-,, . Y m - - lo: (l) a +- J<tTo rs i iulo portbn where c', c2 - gate-source and gate-drain capacitances of the intrinsic f.e.t., respectively g^,,: low-frequency transconductance for the intrinsic device ro : d time constant defined by eqn. I Paper 5796 E, first received l9th August and in revised form 29th November 1968 Mr. Haslett and Dr. Trofimenkoff are with the DeDartmentof Electrical E n g i n e e r i n gU , n i v e r s i t yo f C a l g a r y .A l t a . . C a n a d a PROC. IEE, Vol. 116, No. 5, MAY 1969 Fig.I Schematicof m.o.s.J.e.t It should be noted that co' : €o"Z T* (4) 699 Terms in -2 are retained, in order to obtain a second-order approximation for the equivalentcircuit. whereeo, : permittivity of the oxide Z - devicebreadth 4," : oxide thickness The charge-conservation statementcan be written as ). )/ :;(c,"Ul ;1 3 (5) where t : time. If the total gate-channel potential U and the total asthe sum of a.c.and d.c.components, current1 areexpressed fJ:a+uej't\ I-Iolistar . t Differentiatingeqn. l7 with respectto o and equating it with eqn.9 yields lB: where U : (6) and i: du p c--' .,u7 ax Q) D(oa) pc,,j| (8) l* The constants k1 and k2 can then be evaluated from the boundaryconditions,which occur with either the input or output a.c. short-circuited. are definedas The short-circuitadmittanceparameters - . - , c 'Ytt ,o"='o i^l ls (9) _.i-r,,, (le) y., z t-- If it is noted that d dx I J:Dh or:*l' The small-signal approximation, in which only first-order terms in the a.c. components are retained, has been used to obtain eqn. 8. Use of eqn. 5 results in di (t8) krF, + k2F2 ,t:#l' i eqn. 3 can be separated into time-dependent and timeindependent components, to Yield In: The short-circuitadmittanceparameters l o d pcoxu dL' I ia _" g . l (r 0 ) uds='O r t.l \ rr.1\ I ,o"-: 0 it is easy to show that 2-ioui :o (tl) au' tn w h e r eD -p(:. r 2 wherer" + i, + ia : O. The ioltagesand currentsare definedin Fig. 2 (t2) ) \ -16 .z Eqn. 7 can be integrated between x : 0 and x ': L, to yield r"o : - - . * ! : < o 1- u 2 ) . 2L'" (13) where tr, : value of u at x : L ? . - v a l u eo f o a t x : 0 In terms of the d.c. gate-source and drain-source voltages Vr" and Va, r ) , : V s s- , y r (14) ) Vr) u4-Vrr-Va, where V7: threshold voltage, positive for an n-channel enhancement m.o.s.f.e.t. Eqn. 11 is a standard Besselform with solutionT'8 i - llrlzlki{berr,r1lu3t2.,/ D) + ibeitp(3D3t2\/ D)\ i kr{ber D) i r1z(?a3t21/ 'i .o,1t,+ 2r) -,i bei,{ ffiy#,in}{, +z,t / . .Du3 r)(l -r7u- kr, kz =- arbitrarY constants 700 I t : 1 1 " ,6 -" ' ( 2 1) Substitution of eqns. 20 and 2l into eqn. 18, and solving for kt, k2, is and 2, yield Ytt 'lrf I D2u6 \ 180,.../ (20) ! U:U, , (l6) (17) i:krtrlkzqz . c2-(t at the source and at the drain and k't, k', are arbitrary constants. It can then be shownthat tor'rt Calculation of the input admittance y11 and the forward transadmittance Y2'1 If the drain is a.c. short-circuited to the source, and a small-signalsinusoidal voltage z*. is applied between gate and source, then 3.{ jbei t,t(la3t'\/ D)}l (l 5) :"i,Sffiffi where beru{ where 91 ,(l - i)( , sour€e Fig.2 Generalform of equivqlentcircuit is ,i^ -.- l B(F,.F.,. {(Fza Fz,)(gr, F2,Ft,t) g1) -(F1, F1)(gz, cz)\ Q2) and lzt I ' irl ur,'- B(Ft,Fz,t rr,rrul - Fz,)sra t] (Fr, Fdcz)} Q3) {(Fza 1969 MAY 5, No' l16, Vol. IEE, PROC. Second-order approximation Retaining terms involving the second power of ar in eqns.22 and 23 yields 3.5 wnere values of F1 for ?J- tr" and u Fz, Fza: values of F2 for u : u " and,u grv 8ta - valuesof 91 for u -'u"anda g2y g2(t: valuesof92 for a : u" anda F1r, Fta: : ud' respectively : a4, respectively - u4, respectively : ud' respectively Calculation of the output admittance y22 and the 3.2 reverse transfer admittance Y12 If the gate is a.c. short-circuited to the source and a small-signal sinusoidal voltage u7. is applied between the drain and source, then and ln \' 0 -u, ) . (24) and at the drain u:-uas-t, u:Dd + 4u'u1L u!') - lsuluh+ 2ur) D' (5u2-'l2us"ad+ 20p3"p3d _. 'b_ (u" - uo)2(2u 60 " -t ua) Elements of the equivalent circuit circuit Expressions for the elements of the equivalent by notingthat shownin Fig.2 canbeobtained 4 -f Yp ), lr : ltr I y2:-yt2 -j lm: - lzt l. ltz yo:y2z_tln Gz) i ) iS Vr, : and f1ll 60 since r is defined as the a.c. gate-channel voltage. Substitution of eqns. 24 and 25 into eqn. 18, and solving for i* and ir, yield - i-r^,rr6[fffur', -') . D ' U ; : W ) (u! (2s) . (30) where at the source u:u-.-O (l I jar5) - . Jug^"7+0 ittr) !tt urt, I B(Ft,F24 - gzal F2,F1ar{Ft'lgz' - Fz,(rr., - cu)j Q6) 'y ,1 1 - i a uds --l B(F t,F2d 3.3 *---,\F r,gza Fzrg ta) F2,F11t Q7) F i s .3 Equivalentcircuit of intrinsic portion off.e.t. Zero-order approximation (o : 0) 4.1 For the d.c. case lrr:O First-order approximation yt : j@ct - iag^o(r+ - r:6) y2:j@c2:jag^or36 Yrz:0 !2t : 8m, -2lo (28) tr, + aoy {t-y<.r(r, 6mo (l * lnl o ^ lzz-9-oo:- 6 mo_ l where z6 : Yp .. (1 : - jutr2\ a Y)2: C^od.1 +jufi D' (u, - u)z(u?+ 3u,ad+ uh) (us + ud\ "' z, - o ' ! o' e- "rs? - u , u u , u ) ) 6 D' -T(r, , ao)2(2u" ", : * u4) ,c: 2- 12 - :.36 ,url2u,*ua) 3 L ' o x L@ J u)T p-c^, I 1 1a i a r ) 1 < A ro-i:-f'" D' - u ) ( a ? + 4 u " u d+ a 7 t ) 6(a" D' : Dla PROC.IEE, Vol. l16, No. 5, MAY 1969 41 El6 (34) ls : r(s (2e) ^ (l -l- icrrz') r ( 33 ) u"\u, 2ua) ". -2 n , 3'o'" (a, a uo''f iag^or36 g^o(l tzt- where Tt i j@g-oT4 - iaro Using the aboveequations,it can be shownthat If second-orderand higher terms in <r.r are neglectedin eqns.22, 23, 26 and 27, the admittance parametersare given by : gmo | to First.order approximation Ytt - lo-1+J.@rl where6:u7l@,-ua). These results are in agreementwith those derived by Hofsteinand Heiman.r 3,4 rr8)}iarll For t^. : ryf {r, - ua) the pinchoff case, v:' - Va" : Vr so that 0a : 0. Then ) cv: jco*L cz:0 ro:@ /o-oo som o (35) -- Y!"'' - s T O : L 4L2 l t)pa, 701 Second-orderapproximationto y1 and y2 Referring to eqns. 30 and 31, it can be shown that second-orderterms in the numerator result in additional firstorder termsin the denominator,so that 4.2 - jt tg^o(r+ Yr - r:6) From eqn. 12, D,:p:p(eff)' and substitutionfor 16from eqn. l3 yields (36) D , :pai g \ , --(r,'-!{t- r't'6 wo-i$--rs-16) jag^or36 and lz: l]_ja(r1 (3t1 -16) retaining only first-order terms in the demoninator. These expressionsare in the form indicated by eqns. 2, and solving for 11 and 12yields -T l - , T 4 T t TlT56 - -7. 5 Tb T4- T3E rl: - ,* f*r.r^ (43) for the pinchoff case (0d : 0)' Define Y : D,Dtr (44) of eqn.42into eqn.44 yields For lo.l : 2V, substitution (45) 7-7x10-8s Then, at pinchoff, (38) To: Tl _ v t5 rz: 0 and T L -7 6 12: (3e) ' J For the pinchoff case, l f 'r - rz : - - L l )PCo, U.r - Jg^o v (40) 6 v (41) @ 30 A comparison of eqns. 38 and 39 with Hauser's6 expressions shows that he has derived 11 and 12in the form Tl 'r i 'o I 24 cutoff frequency is given by The transconductance g^o(r4-7361 I r '" : T1 g^oTij f, =^--:34MHz lIfT6 - neglecting the other time constants, which result from second- order terms in the numerators of the y parameters. Also, his expression for y- neglects the term (r, - zr8), as given in eqns. 33, so that the time constant fory- correspondsto z', instead of to re. These results yield an equivalent circuit in which the gate -source and gate-drain admittances are simple RC networks, and the current generator y mu'" is frequency dependent. The important point to note is that the time constant associated with y- is not the same as the product of r1c1. Indeed' There is no need to introduce a for pinchoff, rslr(1 :2. second RC network in parallel with the t r - cr combination, to account for the difference between the imaginary parts of the forward- and reverse-transferadmittances, as has been suggestedin the literature.ll For an r-channel device with comparable dimensions, the free-carrier mobility is higher, and f, will be of the order of l00MHz. 6 Financial assistance from the National Research Council, under Grant A-3382 and in the form of a scholarship to J. W. Haslett, is gratefully acknowledged. 7 I 2 3 4 5 Some typical values for the intri.nsic device 5 Numerical values for the time constants may be obtained by substitution of typical device parameters. The following have been obtained for a commercially available p-channel enhancement m. o.s.f.e.t.: Z :0'004cm Z -- O'lcm co, :25OOqFlcm pc- 480cm2/Vs _l 702 o 'l 8 9 (421 Acknowledgment l0 ll References 'The silicon insulated--gate , . p.: H o F s r E I Ns, , n . , a n d H E t M A NF field effeit traniistor', Proc. Inst. Elect. Electron- Engrs., 1963, 51. pp. I l90-l20z i " i r l l . r . , ' C h a r a c t e r i s t i cosl M O S t r a n s i s t o r s 'I,E E E T r a n s' 1 9 6 4 , ED-ll, pp. 324-34s ' C h a r g e - c o n t r oa l n a l y s i so f m ' o . s . a n d j u n - c J l o n - q q t e ols. v.'s.: ll-3' ( 10)..pP: 1565-1570 fielci-effecttransist6rs',Proc. I E E. 1966. 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I E E , 1 9 6 6 ,I 1 3 , ( l I t , p p . 1 7 5 5 - 1 7 6 2 s n o i x r r v . w . : ' A u n i p o l a r f i e l d - e f f 6 ci tr a n s i s t o r ' .P r o c . I t t s t .R a d i o 376 pp. 1.365-1 Engrs., 1952,4q. 'Equivalent circuit and gain of MOS field effect rrsiuen, w.: transistors',Soliti-StateEIectron.,1966,9, pp. 7l-81 PROC. IEE, Vol. 116, No. 5, MAY 1969