Procedures for Changes to Design Manual, Construction Details and Technical Specifications 1. Design Manual Addendums to the Design Manual fall into two categories, major or minor changes. Major changes include new or different design standards, changes in engineering calculations, regulatory or code changes and procedural changes. Minor changes or updates include such items as adding new approved materials, specialty products used in construction, changes in inspection requirements and changes to Appendix items. All changes will be incorporated into both paper copies and the electronic copies. A. When a major change to the Design Manual is necessary the following process shall be implemented. The Chief Engineer or his representative shall define the change. A review committee will be initiated that includes representatives from the community, County agencies if appropriate and other share holders. The committee will meet and develop the addendum. When ready for public review, a Public Hearing shall be held and comments received. The committee will review the comments and if necessary make changes to the proposed update. The proposed Addendum will then be presented to the St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission Board for approval. With the MetCom board approval, the Chief Engineer will then issue a dated serial numbered Amendment to all registered Specification holders. It will also be incorporated into the list of existing Addendums. B. For Addendums that fall under minor changes the Chief Engineer will evaluate them internally. The internal committee may consist of Metcom staff and contracted engineers. Before presentation to the MetCom Board the Chief Engineer will get the approval of the Director. After the Board approval the Addendum will be issued to all registered Design Manual holders and added to the list of existing Addendums. 2. Standard Construction Details A. Update or changes to the Construction details may include dimensional changes, acceptable materials changes, manufacturer changes or changes to the construction method used. Changes which are initiated by a change in the Design Manual shall be included with the Design Manual Addendum. B. Changes to the Construction Details will be considered to fall under minor changes. The updates will follow the same process as Design Manual minor addendums as indicated in paragraph 1.B. above. The approved detail update will have a revision date, and signature of the Chief Engineer. The respective Table of Contents will be reissued with the revision date next to the specific changed detail. 3. Technical Specifications A. Update or changes to the Technical Specifications may include changes to the referenced code or standard. It is the intent of the Technical Specifications to be based on ISO industry standards. If those standards change or are revised these changes shall be incorporated by reference and be changed with out action by the Chief Engineer. Changes which are initiated by a change in the Design Manual shall be included with the Design Manual Addendum. B. Individual changes to the Technical Specifications will be considered to fall under minor changes. The updates will follow the same process as Design Manual minor addendums as indicated in paragraph 1.B. above. The approved specification update will list the latest revision date on the specification. The respective Table of Contents will be reissued with the revision date next to the specific changed specification. Serial numbered letters enclosing the change will be issued to all registered holders. Electronic copies will be duly updated with all changes. 4. Appendix All items in the Appendix are included for informational purposes only and are considered independent of these standards. Revisions to some items may require public input and that process will be performed independently of these specifications. Additions or deletions to the Appendix will occur as needed with notice to registered holders of the Specifications. Changes to them will be registered by date and notice posted to the MetCom website.