
About the Egress Marking Visible Notification Appliance (“LinearStrobe”)
The LinearStrobe, a/k/a an Egress Marking Visible Notification Appliance (EMVNA), in all of its forms, is a supplementary visible
notification method designed to utilize a fire alarm system-synchronized, audible/sound or other stimuli activation integration
configurations to trigger its operation. The LinearStrobe delivers linear stroboscopic and static-light luminary configurations
situated around the periphery of an exit door and/or, in alternative configurations, along the path of egress, to deliver an
emergency alarm light message to:
“Alert” (notify) occupants of the building or premises to the existence of a fire or other emergency condition
when the fire alarm or other system in the building is activated; and,
“Demark” specific predetermined egress path or termination, such as an exit doorway, and/or other points or
along a path of egress with bright flashing (or constant) light; and,
“Direct” occupants to the exit and out of the building.
In comparison to other visible notification appliances commonly used in America, the LinearStrobe is a method, device, or
appliance of equivalent or superior quality, effectiveness, and safety over those prescribed by code. The LinearStrobe's obvious
ability to alert, demark and direct occupants through simultaneously delivering superior visible notification alert functionality in
addition to simultaneously providing superior egress path and/or exit demarcation and direction to evacuating occupants in a
format, method and physical location which delivers higher overall effectiveness than combinations of other conventional visible
notification devices and egress path or exit marking devices. The LinearStrobe is the exact type of method, device and/or
appliance that National Fire Codes expressly anticipate to increase safety and reduce loss of life in fire.
The LinearStrobe provides a distinctive optimally positioned visual light signal at all points (high and low) around an exit door and
at low levels in other configurations which is readily visible from any direction making the egress path or exit apparent to the
occupants. As smoke fills a space and obscures light from other visual notification appliances and exit signage, the LinearStrobe
uniquely delivers light signals below the smoke layer to occupants providing floor-level identification of the egress path and/or
termination of the exit. This unique attribute permits the LinearStrobe to provide hearing impaired occupants of the structure with
the longest possible period of time to effectively locate an exit path or termination below the smoke layer. This enhanced efficacy
of path marking and exit marking combines the efficacy of a moderately intense flashing (or static) emergency light signal with
high and low-level exit demarcation in an easily deployed, low-cost format.
Primary Forms of the LinearStrobe Technology
LinearStrobe devices are available in, both, single-station and system integrated forms. Either form provides the means of
alerting occupants to the existence of an emergency condition, brightly demarking an exit or egress path and, directing occupants
to the exits utilizing a flashing linear luminary. The typical preferred installation configurations are around an exit door or along
pre-determined logical paths of egress from a building. LinearStrobe's utilize a proprietary formula of silicone based adhesive or
mounting clips to mount the device's linear luminaries to the wall surface around a doorway.
Typical installation configurations indicate the linear luminary be installed across the top of the doorway horizontally, down the
sides of the doorway vertically and on the flanking left and right sides of the doorway horizontally along the top of the baseboard
or cov-base. This installation configuration provides the linear luminary a strong substrate on which to be affixed, gives it a
protective setback from normal traffic through the doorway and allows it to remain reasonably inconspicuous in the standby
condition. Unlike other visual notification appliances that only alert building occupants to the existence of an emergency
condition, the LinearStrobe distributes its visual message at and around an exit door and/or along a predetermined path of egress
to alert occupants, demark the exit point or path of egress and “direct” people seeking to evacuate the premises or building to
the exits or along a path of egress.
Model L-100 Single-Station LinearStrobes (S-LinearStrobes): are a UL 217 conforming accessory to Single and Multiple
Station Smoke Alarms, the “Single-Station LinearStrobe™ is designed to “visually” alert individuals to the existence of a fire
emergency and “visually” assist them in recognizing that alarmed audible smoke detector alarms in the space have been
activated and broadcasting their emergency signals. When installed around an exit doorway, the single-station LinearStrobe also
demarks the exit location and immediately adjacent flanking is useful in directing occupants to that exit. While just as useful for
any sighted or partially sighted occupant of a house or building when fire and smoke strike, the S-LinearStrobe has a powerfully
distinctive and critical utility to those whom cannot hear commonplace smoke detector’s alarms whose ordinarily aurally
broadcasted alarm sounds are present, but completely ineffective for the deaf and hard of hearing person in the most critical
moments early in a fire. This affordable and easy-to-install technology can be particularly useful to the hearing impaired in
private residential settings where visible notification appliances are virtually non-existent in the United States and are not
required by codes and ordinances.
These devices are self-contained, sound-activated, 9VDC battery-powered and are activated when nearby single-station smoke
alarms (and often, other audible fire alarms) are activated. The device is also designed to be triggered/activated by many
firefighter’s P.A.S.S. devices which may be operating within the listening radius of the S-LinearStrobe. The S-LinearStrobe's are
not interconnected with other notification appliances and do not synchronize their light emissions with other visual notification
appliances in a space or a building; like their Integrated LinearStrobe cousins which are designed for public accommodation,
commercial and other ADA controlled settings.
Generally, this version of the LinearStrobe technology’s on-board microprocessor samples the ambient background audio in its
space approximately every 2 seconds; “listening” for the tonal patterns and frequency values of the audible signal generated by
code compliant smoke alarms. When these patterns and frequencies are identified, the S-LinearStrobe device’s two standardlength 12' long linear luminaries are automatically triggered to flash in a 2Hz flash pattern; highlighting the universally recognized
shape of the doorway, an emergency egress window or alternative pre-planned path of egress where installed.
Nearly 20 next generations of the S-LinearStrobe are already in development design stages and/or are proto-typed and in testing
today. There is an entire line of products underway to change the way we alert, demark and direct evacuating occupants out of a
structure when fire or other emergencies strike.
Model L-200Si System-Integrated LinearStrobe's (I-LinearStrobes):
Integrated LinearStrobes are designed to be
integrated into building-wide fire alarm systems and their local signals are remotely initiated, either automatically from detectors
in the system or manually from pull-stations spread throughout a facility when so initiated by the system's fire panel. These hardwired LinearStrobes are designed to be hard-wire connected to a building's fire alarm system's notification appliance circuitry
(NAC) and are similarly configured to the system like other visual notification appliances like emergency strobes and hornstrobes. Most LinearStrobes are designed to be installed/recessed into (or over) a single gang or double gang outlet box whose
lettered cover plate can either denote the exit “here” with a down-arrow or which can denote which direction one should take to
reach the nearest exit with a left-arrow, right-arrow or up-arrow as the specific location might command. The easily retrofitted ILinearStrobe devices can be field-calibrated to different light intensity settings and all I-LinearStrobes flash in synchronization
with the other visible notification appliances in the same room and/or field of view. Typical LinearStrobes are calibrated by the
manufacturer to flash at a 1Hz flash pattern or a pattern identical to the other visible notification appliances that it is
synchronized with in the zone or field of vision.
In a fire alarm notification appliance circuit, the I-LinearStrobe device is automatically triggered with the NAC, like other
notification appliances, to immediately light the periphery of an exit door and/or highlight the path or points of egress with its two
linear luminaries. In a security system, the device can be configured to activate per the security system’s control panel. The ILinearStrobe luminaries are made available in a variety of linear luminary lengths; the most common being 12' long. Common
linear luminary lengths are 12' (24 lineal feet of light per device), 15' (30 lineal feet of light per device) and 18' (36 lineal feet of
light per device). These differing lengths for the I-LinearStrobe’s are designed to accommodate large or inordinately large
doorways, double-door openings, doors with transoms overhead and/or doors with built-in side-light features.
This embodiment of the LinearStrobe operates on the integrated (fire) notification appliance circuit's 24v DC low-voltage power
source(s) or, if used in security, is current limited and draws approximately 62.5mA (milliamps) from the NAC circuitry power
source for its operation. Generally, I-LinearStrobes are integrated into building-wide fire alarm systems, are integrated--often
zoned--alarms and are incorporated into the NAC similar in many ways to conventional fire alarm strobe light devices. The ILinearStrobe can also operate on a 12v DC input and can also be hard-wired configured with and installed in a security alarm
system or combo (fire and security combined) system.
LightSaver Super-­‐Clear Easy-­‐Mount Tape Cover plate is notched for LightStrand connecter wire
LightSaver L-­‐200Si LightStrand Assembly