V, V HOLDS FIRST PRIZE OP KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION AS BEST 4) v" Advertising it an Absolut Neoeaaity to Every Bueineea. Try an Ad. in the Big Sandy Newe and you will be plaaaad with tha results I I I I Number 44. i WEEKLY IN KENTUCKY MISS DOVE SPENCER AND W. M. ESTEP MARRIED BAKING PLANT OF LOBACO CO. THE L08S IS VERY HEAVY, WITH ONLY A SMALL AMOUNT OF INSURANCE. Last Saturday morning soon after three o'clock the citizens of Louisa were awakened by an alarm of fire. Tha large bakery owned by the Lobaco company waa found to ba In the throes of ti fierce fire and the flames had made such headway that It waa Impossible to atop them. Two lines of large hose played heavy streams of water on the Mrs and on the adjoining buildlrga. Company' wholeDixon, Moor sale grocery adjoining the bakery looked to be almost a certain victim f the flames when they caught In the elevator house on top of the bulid- Ing, but by heroic efforts the 'ime were extinguished before much damage was done. Water damaged a quantity of goods near the elevator shaft, The dwelling house of T. B. Blllups. on the west Ride of the building, was considerably damaged by fire and waton the wholesale er. Tha damages grocery and the tllllups house are covered by Insurance. While the (Ire woe raging a heavy explosion took place In tha bakery building, throwing bolls and burning timbers In all directions. Many window lights In the vlclnty were broken. Seven wlndowa In the residence of K. T. D. Wallace, Sr., were broken and the roof waa aet on fire, but the names were soon extinguished. Nothing waa saved from the bakery building except the furnishings and stock In the attractive fountain room where soft drinks were served. There waa a large quantity of flour stored In the building. It la said. Half a oar loud waa hauled from a car and placed In there that night. The men worked until about midnight at this Wednesday afternoon Miss Dove Spencer and Mr. W. M. Kstep were united In marriage. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellaa (Spencer at Norls. A largo gathering of relatives and friends hod assembled by the time the strains of the wedding march announced the entrance of the wedding party. The ceremony was said by Rev. Levi Htrsltenbergerv The bride waa lovely In a suit of blue. The bride la a popular and attractive young lady, (She haa a host of friends who are wishing her a full meaaure of happiness In her wedded life. The groom la a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Estep. Ha la" a very intelligent and indus-trloyoung man. They left for War Eagle, W. Va., where Mr. Estep has a beautiful furnished home to welcome bla bride. , Tha Big 8andy Ntwi will bring your advertising into mora homes for tha mum money than any other paper! in fcaetern Kentucky i xveniam viam, aut faciam. LOUISA, LAWRENCE COUNTY, KENTUCKY, JULY FIRE DESTROYS , E SANDY NEWS. Aut-- Volume XXXIV. EIGHT-PAG- 11, 1919. M. F. CONLEY and E. K. SPENCER, Publisher WAYNE COUNTY INSTITUTE AND EXAMINATION PIPE LINE TO STREET PAVING WILL BE DONE The City Council and several of our most enterprising citizens have about perfected arrangements to do the amount of paving planned and pro vlded for months ago. The difficulty in getting bids waa due to the fact that contractors want the money to be ready as the work progresses. This was difficult because of the laws, but a number of citizens will Join In an arrangement that will get the funds. Lock avenue will not be paved be cause of a controversy with the wat er company. The water main on Lock avenue is the old spiral pipe originally laid and has not been replaced with standard cast pipe. The city can not afford to lay paving over thla line, where leaks occur so often. For this reason the paving will start at Lock avenue and continue as fur as the money will permit. The State aid money will be available on this work as heretofore announced. LIEUT. EDFORO M. WALTER. Lieut. Edford M. Walter, who has recently been visiting his father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Walter, of Hlalne, has returned to New York to accept the position offered him by (he B. T. Htutevant Company. MARRIAGE LICEN8E8. Lieut, Walter graduated fiom the Hobart Cordle, 19, to Emma Agnes Saumner Artillery Training School In 16, IILulne. Nelson, sauthern France. Wiley Trustor;.. 24, to Nancy Crab " . i tree, 13, Hlcksville. HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS. Johnnie Pressley, 21, to Ida Ball, 15, The State Textbook Commission completed adoptioa iff textbooks to be Kallsburg. Pleus Kdlson Bongs, 27. to Lutha used in high schools of Kentucky In Qludys Ward, 21, Cherokee. Twenty-three the next five years. Malcolm L. Stansbury, 27, to. Alyce books were readopted and twelve Were Mayuard, 19, R. D. Louisa. changed. Welzle Peters, 24. to Hazel Peters, 19, Louisa R. D. 2. Curneliua D. Holbrook, 18, to Mary LAWRENCE COUNTY E. Bradley. 21, of Yateavllle. John Milton Childers, 22, to Norma CONVENTION Holbroi K, 21, of Yateavllle. " S. S. A HOUSE PARTY. The following young persons are guests of Miss Elizabeth and Nell Con-leMiss Dorothy Harvey, of Wash ington, Iowa; Miss Florence Hudson, of Montgomery, Ala.; Mlaa Madeline I latter, of Ashland; MIhs Mary Hagen, of Huntington; Miss Mildred Zelgler. Messrs. Douglass Hill of Cincinnati. and Marvin Duhme, of Cincinnati; George Horschel, of Ironton; John C. C, Mayo, of Ashland. The Wayne county teachers' Institute which will convene July 28, will have as instructors J. F. Marsh of Charleston and H. P. Griffey, the lost named being the recently elected suNearly all the needed rights of way perintendent of the a BLAINE VERY SOON BOOKS ADOPTED BY COMMISSION Ceredo-Kenov- for the oil pipe line from Busseyvllle to Blaine have been secured and It is said the pipe is being shipped, The line will be laid soon. A well on the Dr. C. B. Walters leaae, two miles ahead of production on up per Blaine, la due to be completed to day. A good well waa drilled In on F. H, Yatea lease, four miles northwest of Louisa, adjoining tract of M. F. Con ley. Trustee. The Ohto Fuel Oil Co, is operating the lease. A well completed a few days ago on W. E. Queen's fam near Yateavllle, la a profitable gaa well. The only limit on development in Lawrence county now is caused by shortage of drilling outfits and con , ' tractors. ' GENTRY SHOW HAS ADDED NEW FEATURES Performing wild animals consisting of lions, leopards, pumas and other species of forest bred beauts have been added to the Gentry Bros, famous shows until the title Wild Animal Cir cus has been affixed to the trade mark of this popular firm.. Many new acts and features are In store for the pat rons of Gentry Bros, shows which will exhibit here on Friduy. July 18. The street parade will contain all of the favorite animal performers as well as the new department pf performing wild animals. Clowns and other novelties that are new to this show will take part in the procession and all the little folk should be on hand to see the dogs, ponies and elephants In parade dress. schools. The third and last uniform examination will be held at Wayne and Fort Gay on July for elementary, renewal and supervisor's certificates. The usual regulations governing examinations will be Btrlctly enforced. Applicants will enroll on Wednesday, 3 to 6 p. m. W. H. PETERS, Supt. Frankfort. Ky., July S. The State 17-1- 8, REGISTERED 8T0CK SALE. Morton .Hammond, of Jattle, sold last week almost his entire herd of registered shorthorns to G. B. Belcher, of Glenwood. In this lot there are two cows that Mr. Hammond purchased from the Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. They are exceptionally high bred, one being sired by Whitehall Marshall and one by King Cumberland, two International show bulls. This lot is to be added to Belcher's stock farm, Glenwood. ARMY STRENGTH. Total strength of the United States army July 1 was 953,581 men or 26 per cent, of Its strength at the time the armistice waa signed. Discharges during June totaled 400,000 officers and men. Discharges in July, it is est! mated, will drop to 300,000 men. Total casualties In the A. E. F, are placed at 297.147. PRESIDENT WILSON RETURNS TO U. S. session this afternoon completed adop tion of books for common achooIs.Grln stead's speller and Helzer'a physiology were rejected. Prof. E. C McDougall stated that If the writing books are retarded as on book the commission had eleven books and changed ten; if they are regarded aa eight books, the were eighteen and three. In either case, the, com mission, he stated, followed the Court nf Annenln rnllncr fy en ror . ay we adoption. Readoptiona at the aame prices are:' Writing books, Transylvania Book-Co- ., E2 cents, the dozen. Modern Elementary Arithmetic, 26' cents; Modern Advanced Arithmetic, 43 cents, Lyons & Carnahan. Gullck's Good Health, 26 cents; Gul-Ic- k's Body and It's Defenses, 43 cents,: Ginn & Co. Hitchcock's Composition and Rhetoric, 75 cents, Henry Holt & Co., Evans' First Lessons In American History, 39 cents, BenJ. H. Sanborn & Co.; Dickson's American History, 67' cents, The Macmlllan Co. Nolan's 100 Lessons In Agriculture,. 48 cents. Row, Peterson & Co. Primer, Easy Road To Reading, 22" cents, Lyons & Carnahan. Graded Classics, fourth reader, fifth reader, 30 cents, B. F.. ' Johnson Publishing Co. List of New Adoptions. New adoptions are: The Winston first reader, 30 cents; second reader, 33 cents; third' reader,. ' . 38 cents, John C. Winston A Co. Speller. The Mastery of Woods, SO cents. Iroqflols Publishing Co. Grammar Studies in English, book L, '32 cents; book IL, 43 cents. Row.. Peterson & Co. World Geography, book I., 60 cents; book II., 90 cents, Macmlllan Co. Kincald'a Revised Histnrv nf Ken tucky, 69 cents, American Book Co. Civics, The Community and Its Citizens, 72 cents, D.'C. Heath & Co. Supplemental Booka. Supplemental books are: Reading, Child's World Series, prim er, first, second third reader. B. F.. Johnson Publishing Co. Primer and fourth and fifth reader,. John C. Winston Co. Elson readers, sixth, seventh and eighth. Scott Formsman & Co. Studies in Reading, fifth, sixth, sev enth and eighth. University Publishing Co. Uncle Jim, the Fire Chief. Southern Publishing Co: The Water Boys and Their Cousins. B. Llppincott Co. Modern Americans. Laurel Publish ing Co. Bugle Calls of Liberty. Iroquois Publishing Co. Great Cities of the United States. Iroquois Publishing Co. Our Southern Birds. National Book company. Wooster's Reading Chart. Wooster a President Wilson arrived in New York Tuesday and was accorded the LIGHTNING 8TRUCK HOME OF JOHN P. GARTIN greatest welcome ever received by an " . CHURCH, LOUISA, JULY 17, American President. A great fleet of During the severe storm last Satur warships and airplanes met the George 1919. day evening lightning struck the real Washington at sea and escorted ' the ship to the pier, where a crowd await donee of J. P. Gartln, damnglng chlmney.tlle hearth, mantel and wains- ed his arrival. A presidential salute guns was fired when the PROGRAM coting in one room. Mrs. Gartln had of twenty-on- e Devotional. 10 n. m. Just gone out of the room Just before ships met the President's transport. high A officials were on the Job. number of Address of welcome A. O. Carthe bolt struck. We have hoard estimates running all committee that welcomed the Presiter 10:30. the way from 150,000 to fHO.000 for the Frank R. Adklns received his dls ICE CREAM FESTIVAL dent to America. He left for WashReport of secretary Jas. Prince charge from the army last week and loss. Only 17000 Insurance was cur 10:50. AT DRY RIDGE 8ATURDAY ington after speaking in New York. came here for a few days' visit to his ried, 14000 on the building and ma President Wilson was escorted to Song. "The Man of Galilee" Mlsa chlnery and 13000 on the stock. sister, Mrs. W. P. Dalton at Potter. There will be an ice cream festival Carnegie Hall In New York, when his Silencer and Miss Freese 11 a.m. A, Kllgore, origin the of to Borne theories as the with his sister, June Does a Sunday School pay? 11:10. at Dry Ridge church on Saturday, July ship landed, by a cheering crowd of Are have been advanced, but aa yet he left for the home of hla mother, Appointments of Committee's. at 2 p. m. Everybody citizens and high public officials. Gov. Miss Geo. Chapman, s. at Ceredo. nothing detinue has been learned, .so Smith was Introduced by Mayor .tf come and bring some one with you. Address by Rev. Fred Shannon. Lyma Adklns, .of Van Lear. Joined far aa wa know. U. E. Adams, the declared the President brought DINNER FOR ADJOURN active head of th business, says It them Saturday. back a treaty worthy of a great nap.m. song 1:30 service Music and waa undoubtedly of Incendiary origin. tion. The President spoke briefly on Labors Address 1:60. Emogene Colllnsworth entertained a The Herculean Tha walla of the building are stand the results accomplished by the Peace topics Sunduy school of one Discussion exception of birthday Ing, and with the Conference and the crowds stood and number of little friends at a of Woodrow Wilson cheered , 2:30. party a few days ago. All enjoyed the place they seem to be In good condi until the band played the "Star.; Some of my experiences aa Spangled Banner." He left New York affair very much. tion. It waa a large brick building, ' W. J. Vaughan 3:00. (The following is an editorial from for Washington late in the afternoon. erected about two years ago. The Report of Committees. bakery equipment was modern In evOn Thursday he spoke to the United Reld and Norman Remmele have op the Cincinnati Enquirer.) Adjourn. Hong and benediction. ery respect. Large shipments of bread ened an ice cream and soft drink estab It la by the standard of those en or States Senate on the subject of the Sunday . 29th la annual Thla tha llshment In the room adjoining D. C. mous labors of an old. Greek demigod peace treaty and the League of Na and other bakery producte were made every day to the coal fields and towns School Convention held In and for Law Spencer's store. that the world has agreed to estimate tions. He will make a tour of the been county. us have of Some rence Tug Sandy val Big and river of tha the efforts and struggles of his suc country to Bpeak to the people about DO WE WANT ROADS? leys. Quite a number of people were In the service a long time, longer than cessor. Many men nave wrougni the League If the opponents continue we will be, but let'a keep the flag fly employed. Lawrence la the only county In the tremendously since his day and proved their frantic fight. V and soft drinks plant ing. Big Sandy valley that has taken no themselves his not unworthy rivals, The Coca-Col- a In held the atepa toward voting a bond Issue for but It may be doubted whether In all DENNIS AND GLADYS This convention wtll be tha atreet belongs to the Lo baro company. A statement haa been Baptist church. We especially Invite roads. We are paying our road taxes those ages any one has ever toiled ., lAwrence-coevery in Sunday school the stating that Into tho State fund that other counmore ceaselessly or crowded greater Uaucd to creditors the Several, from here attended company haa ample aseets to pay all to send as many delegatea aa possible. ties are using. achievements Into a year .of human Sunday school, convention at Morgans The State Sunday School Conven reported a & Co. indebtedness. Sunday life than Woodrow Wilson. all and creek last . It is too soon to estimate the essen The question of whether or not the tion will be held this year In our slanice time. Arithmetic. Braden number readers. ' CHAMPION tial value of thoso labors, and we plant will be rebuilt is belntr ak.d on ter city, Ashland, Ky. Born, to Willie Pennington and wife Educational Publishing Co. COMMITTKK. would not be wise enough to do so the 8rd Inst., a girl Eva. all sides. We have heard it stated Farm Accounts. Laurel Book Co. were nt later. Of their magnitude, Charlie Rice, our leading merchant, that It will not be rebuilt. On the Simplified. Dictionary. Winston's plan HERE ordinary observer is some better at this writing. however, even the other hand It Is .said there lara jonn u. Winston to. good a Judge, He would pretend to and might be go .Include rehulld a now to Berry picking is all the on foot here Physiology; a Child's Book of Teeth- estimate them, first, by a physical and there Is a fine crop of blackberries. w oria cook uo. lr plant and cold storage business. Mrs. W. K. Hays Is visiting her par gauge. Considered from the point of Pennington, of Van, W. Va., Is This report soys the plan is to inCecil f t v n nf Qanlladnn (i n ,1 Ph ualnlnsv ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Thompson. The prize tight for the heavyweight bodily energy only, what Mr, Wilson visiting r s parents here. crease the capital from 150.000 to World Book Co. on calling was B. D. Mrs. apJohnson championship of the world took place has achieved Is quite astounding. He The latest' Information that Mrs. Avthur Kitchen was called to Wiley's Health .Reader. Rand Saturday. Recje Hammond Mrs. presence 4, Ohio, In give July at Toledo, the s not a giant; he does not even seem her daughter's In Carter county on pears to be reliable does not . . .' Co. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bush visited Mr. of more than 20,000 people, who paid obusi, and yet, through all these ardu much encouragement to the rebuilding account of the illness of her little Saturday Thompson Mrs. M. J. and (60 see to apiece a brutal to $10 has from made he months and ous weeks proposition. granddaughter. cational Publishing Co. and Sunday. exhibition lasting nine minutes. Men long Journeys, sat" through tedious Resides being a lamentable destrucMlsa America Pennington Is on the Civics, What To Do for Uncle Sam. and had come from foreign countries to banquets, Mr. and Mrs. A., M. Watson Innumerable sick list. declaimed tion of valuable property, the loss of A. Flanagan Co. Mr. and Mrs. James witness an affair that was practically peeches, crossed the ocean twioe and Reba Cooksey and Jettle Kitchen at the business la deplored by this com- children visited Cromwell's Compendium of Parlia. settled by One or two blows, delivered made other tiresome Journeys; lost tended the S. S. convention at Morfjun. mentary Law. Laird & Lee. munity. It represents one of the heav- Prichard Sunday. Is sick on the Perry L. O. list literally, In the first two minutes. his sleep of nights and almost Fred Vunhorn and Andrew Woods iest lunsea ever sustained In Louisa aa will begin A protracted meeting From the standpoint of a fight It like another Atlas, carried the world make frequent trips to Dennis. a reeult of fire. here the 15th at the Holiness church. was the poorest championship contest upon his shoulders. Several young folks were at W. S. MORGAN'S CREEK. daughter ever witnessed. Jack Dempsey really Mrs. Hemon Young and To realize the drafts which have Pennington's Sunday evening. Among BRANCH A.; M. Wataon whipped the Chantplon Jess Wlllard been made upon his intellectual energy them were Misses Nellie, Blvlan and TWIN were calling on Mrs. The convention held here Sunday luHt week. in the first round, when he dazed him one must review the problems which Eva Lyons an dMessrs. Johnle Jobe, was largely attended. Mrs. Nannie Rose and children, of D. J. Thompson and sons. Sheridan with one blow and knocked him down been compelled to grapple with. rJeorgs and John Savage. James Fugett was calling on Miss Council Grove, Kansas, are visiting and Carl, were calling In Loulna last five times. Wlllard cume back for two he haa fundamental question, as to The Mrs. John Compton and Mrs. Hattie Hazel Adklns Sunday. her father, Harvey Jobc, of this place. Thursday. was he which in at rounds war additional John Nlcols left Sunday for Rose whether we should enter the Neal and children were gubrfts of Mrs. .Smith Jobe, who haa been very 111, Mrs. John W. Kitchen, of Wlllara, pounded unmercifully. Before the all, required a study of the policies of Andy Cooksey Sunfiay. Siding, W. Va., where he is employed- . is nome better. C. Qulsenberry, fourth started he threw a towel in the almost every nation upon the globe in father, her visited W. frequent R. trips Misses Jettie, Lora and Elizabeth! makes Kitchen F. Mrs. Stella Jobe called on Mrs; CanSaturday and Sunday. ring. Indicating that It was no use to addition to the effort to comprehend to Louisa. Kitchen, Artie Holbrook and Joe Danute, Jobe Sunday., Hays visited sister, her Mr. W. K. continue. Sophia G. Pennington is contemplat iels were the pleasant guests of Miss the thoughts and wishes of the people Mll'brt Jobe was the Sunday guest of Mrs. W. 1 Webb, at Gladys last week. Wlllard had been champion over of these United States. Once .launched ing h visit to Ashland. Lexla Lee Burchett Sunday. Mis Esla. Kitchen. visited their five years. He weighed 245 pounds and upon the mighty enterprise he had to Johnson Irene and Tlvls Whoopng cough is raging in our Jason Lambert and Dewey Chaffto Iu'ry Jobe, Wllma and Leland Rose sister, Mrs. Belva Coffee, Sunday. Dempr.oy 187 organ38 weighed years s old. resources, . neighborhood. measure our national called on Misses Julia, Edith and Mary wenj out riding Sunday. of RatcllIT, was and Is 24 years of use. Rucker, Nannie Miss navy, plan for army the morning Savage people Saturday the Saturday afternoon. our and ize On last feoll Adams and Birdie Jobe at- calling on Miss Llnnle Hillman SaturDempsey Born In Logan.. Mrs. Christina Carter and children raising of billions of money and set In were shocked when the news came tended the Sunday School convention day, Dempsey's home Is In Salt Lake City. operation the stupendous machinery to that Cecil Walden, one of our best were visiting Mrs. J. Y. Carter Mon 'at Morgana creek Sunday. MIhs Maxine Thompson visitea her He was born and partially reared In carry on a war three thousand miles neighbors, was dead. The news was day. Paul Burton left ror Miuiana, Hays, Louisa W. Mrs, at sister. upon the so suddenly thrust on us that it was W. Va about 40 away, . Having embarked Logan or Mlngo-co- ., We are sorry to hear of the death ' last week where he will seek employ- Thursday. to 60 miles from Loulna. When he was stupendous undertaking of forming a so hard to believe. Cecil had been of Cecil Waldon. The bereaved have ' ment there. Mrs. Willie Hammond haa been very a boy his purents moved west. It is "League of Nations," he found himself falling all spring, but no one thought our sympathy. Willie Kouns was at Smith Jobe'a sick for the past week. said he has many relatives in Mingo confronted by the mOBt tangled web he was seriously ill. His death was Mrs. Nebraska and Minnie Carter on Saturaay. , Ky. We are sorry to hear of the death and in Martln-co- .. of politics which the gigantic spider of due to heart failure, and no one knew were calling on ' Mrs. Mary Holley Willie Hughes and Junior Barnett of Cecil Walden. 327,000 for the spun com Dempsey any received and ever common Sunday evening. worse diplomacy was had until he than called on the former' parents, Mr. and Miss Maude Thompson visited Mrs. fight and sold his moving picture rights pelled to measure wits with the aout- - his wife heard him struggling. When Emma Chaffin and children, of Bor Airs. John Hughes, on Friday. Tues Thompson Hlcksville at Green for $10,000. Wlllard got 3100,000 and est minds of Europe, Asia and Africa. she got to him ho had ceased to derland, W. Va., are visiting friends The old maids supper given at this day.retains his moving picture interesta. There waa acarcely a quarrel which he breathe. He leaves a wife, two small and relatives of this place. place June 28 was a good success. ProWoods, of Ratcllff, la Josle Miss waa not compelled to understand and hlldren, one only one week old, an Chester Diamond waa. calling on ceeds $20.26 which goes to the Salva- visiting relatives at thla place. to Judge, If not to settle, whether be- aged mother and a host of other rela- Miss Lex la Lee Burchett Sunday. BLAINE Army. tion and son Hutchinson Llnzy Mrs. or. smallest greatest nations mourn to George death. and his tween F. Adklns was calling on Mlsa. friends the tives There will be an ioe cream fes.ival Charles' visited Mr. and Mrs. Hack Ella Jay and Ethel Sturgell of Ash- of the world. It can be said without His body was laid to rest In the family Jessie Hall recently. here in a abort time. Notice the paper Young at Dennis Friday. Wayne Hughes, of Logan, W. Va Is land are the guests of Miss 'Gladys the fear of contradiction that since burying ground to await the summons A PET. for date. Mrs. Boston Hammond is on the sick Wellman. expected to visit friends here soon. tune began, no brain haa ever been in the resurrection morn. momenlist. SUNBEAM. Balton Thompson was oalllng on Mrs. J. K. Jordan and children are taxed with such Innumerable, NOTICE. Mrs. Cebron Wilson and Mrs. Mor- spending a few days with Mr. a id tous and complex matters for solution. Harve Carter Sunday. Louisa Chapter No. 95, R. ton Webb visited Mrs. Lafe Thompaon Mrs. Wallace Jordan. upon aa finally, family the strain moved to Ward and J. Mlsa And, A. Lillian Short, of Windy Ridge, this A. M., will meet In regular on Caney last week. Jay Hewlett waa calling on his nervous system there is little dan- week from Mrs. Cora Burton's .prop- was the guest of her cousin, Miss Ella even-inFriday communication Mr. and Mra. B. D. Johnson and Mrs. ger of exaggeration. It must have been erty on Lock avenue to the J. M. Cain Georgia Holley, Sunday. Bates Monday afternoon. July 11, at 7:30 o'clock. Recle Hammond attended church at Pearl John Savage was a caller at J. Y. ' Julia Kouna spent Monday afternoin stupendous. Such responsibilities were residence on Lock avenue. Work In P. M. and M. M. de- Sand Hill Sunday. upon a single put previously Friday. never Corter'B Gladys Wellman. with grees.. O. R. LEWIS, H. P. Sheridan and Herbert Thompaon R. C. Burton has bought a lot on Mrs. Dennis Pennington was visiting Genoa Sanders and Thelma Sturgell human being.- The destinies of teje made a business trip to Yateavllle spent Saturday night with Mrs. Genoa race reposed upon his shoulders. A Madison-st- ., opposite the Masonic Hall her mother, Mrs. George Goins, Sun " A Saturday. v FRECKLES. Jordan. day. single error might have sent the world and will build a residence on It. Ed. Marcum, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. " Sunson busi Mrs. Missouri Holley Is on the sick a to ruin. made L. Hewlett J. and O. Marcum, returned home last MARSHAL HA8 RESIGNED. Rev. F. F. Shannon preached Sun list Wa almost think the time has come ness trip to Louisa Monday. day after serving Uncle Sam for a There will be church here Saturday Mra. Ethel Moore and Lydla Osborn to change the standard of effort from day night to a large congregation at At city council Tuesday night mar year. He enlisted at Huntington and to Wllsonlan the Baptist church. All the local night and Sunday by Rev. James Har- labora" waa to tha hospital ervice, New York shal R. C. Cyrua resigned. No ap were calling on friends at this place "Herculean vey. SWEET SIXTEEN. pointment haa yet been made. achievements. Saturday afternoon. churchea Joined in the eervioe. city. Ceredo Advance; . WILL BE HELD AT BAPTI8T y: . i , Field-Work- ', er aci-on- PUGILIST JATTIE BORN NEAR T 1160,-00- 0. Mc-Na- It , . i g, - i XT.. 7, si- -