dimensions - Anchorage School District

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A. J. Dimond High School Community Newsletter
Letter from the Principal
Dear Dimond Parent or Guardian,
As we begin
quarter, the days
are brighter and
longer. It’s been
a record year for
snow and for
academic and
athletic accomplishments.
Please join me
in congratulating seniors Kylie Moore, Lauren Summers, and Jonathan Walther for advancLQJ WR ÀQDOLVW VWDWXV LQ WKH 1DWLRQDO 0HULW
Scholarship Program. This is indeed a high
Dimond students excelled in such a range
of academic events this past month including the National History Day Contest,
JROTC regional and state drill competitions, Model United Nations, World Language Declamation, Japanese Speech Contest, CANstruction fundraiser, Rachel’s
Challenge and the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition.
Lynx Power was also felt on the court
and the ice with our Boys and Girls Hockey teams bringing home the championship trophy. This month’s March Madness
features our CIC Championship Boys and
Girls Basketball teams battling for state
Congratulations to the
CIC Coaches of the Year Dennis Sorenson, Rob Galosich and Jim Young and to
RXUÀQHVWXGHQWDWKOHWHVZKRVKRZHGGLVFLpline, sportsmanship and determination in
their sport.
Dimond High School is described so often as a true neighborhood school where
students, parents, and staff are connected and focused on student achievement and well being. We have many exceptional staff but special congratulations
go to the 8 teachers who were nominated
by students or parents for the BP Teachers
of Excellence award: Julie Romo, Julia
Lemmerman, James Anderson, Mischell Anderson, Kristen Melican-Nevala,
Yvonne Ulrich-Pierce, Lem Wheeles and
Scott Campbell.
Featured in this newsletter is information and schedules for Statewide Testing
on March 29 and April 3, 4 and 5. Please
schedule appointments around these critical test dates.
A parent survey on Dimond’s safety and
effectiveness is available online now. It
only takes 5 minutes to complete but the
information we gain is very important in
making decisions on school improvements.
I encourage you to go online to http://www.
and share your opinions with us. Results of
the survey will be posted on the ASD and
State of Alaska websites.
Thank you, again, for partnering with
us to bring your student the best academic,
physical, and technical education.
April 2012
Save the Date
March 30 Friday
10th Grade SBA Science Test
April 3, 4, 5 Tues, Wed, Thurs
HSGQE and SBA Testing
April 12 Thursday Noon
Department Awards
April 13 & 14 7 PM
Dimond Night Live
April 18 Wednesday 7 PM
Honor Graduates Awards Night
April 21 Saturday 8 – midnight
2012 Prom at the Egan Center
April 25 Wednesday 7 PM
Academic Awards Ceremony
April 26 Thursday 7 PM
Spring Choir Concert 7 PM Auditeria
JROTC Change of Command
Ceremony – Gym
April 27 Friday
Senior Fun Day and Cross-Over
Junior Youth Symphony Dessert Concert 7 PM Auditeria
May 1 Tuesday 7 PM
Orchestra Concert
May 2 Wednesday 7 PM
Japanese Immersion Completion
Most Sincerely,
May 3
Final Exams for Seniors
Band Concert 7 PM
Cheryl Guyett
May 4
Seniors last day!!
Baccalaureate TBA
May 7 Monday 7 PM
Class of 2012 Commencement
Ceremony Sullivan Arena
May 16 & 17
Dave Donk, Counseling Department Chair
Testing, Testing, Testing! April is the Month
of testing for high school students in Alaska
and Dimond is no exception. March 29th is
SBA Science test for all 10th graders. All others students will have regular classes for this
date. On April 3rd SBA Reading for all 9th
graders and HSGQE Reading test for all 10th
plus retakes for 11th and 12th graders who
have not passed this part of the exam. On
April 4th SBA Writing for all 9th graders and
HSGQE Writing test for all 10th plus retakes
for 11th and 12th graders who have not passed
this part of the exam.
On April 5th SBA Math for all 9th graders
and HSGQE Math test for all 10th plus retakes for 11th and 12th graders who have not
passed this part of the exam.
Students who do not have to test on April
3-5, there will be a special bus pick-up for students that will run 3 and a half hours later than
the normal pick-up time.
Regular scheduled classes will start at 12:16
AM for all students. April 3rd we will have
Periods 1 & 2, April 4th we will have Periods
3 & 4 and April 5th we will have Periods 5
& 6. KCC students will be expected to attend KCC classes throughout testing. They
will have both AM and PM class each day of
testing. The only day students are excused
is if they are taking an exam that day. It is
extremely important that students attend their
test and their classes. Please schedule appointments around these test days.
Seniors, mark on your calendars! Dimond’s graduation will take place at the Sullivan Arena on Monday, May 7th at 7:00pm.
James Bell, Curriculum Assistant Principal - 742-7008
this will be one of the earliest graduation dates
WKDW$6'KDVKDG6HQLRUVZLOOWDNHWKHLUÀnals on Thursday, May 3rd and Friday, May
4th. These are critically important days for
our seniors. Dimond seniors will have no exWUDVFKRROGD\VEHWZHHQWKHLUODVWGD\RIÀQDOV
(Friday) and the day of graduation (Monday).
This is great news for seniors who are ready to
graduate, but can be potentially a pitfall for the
chronic procrastinators. Seniors, if you want
to guarantee you’re eligible to walk at graduation, please make sure that you’re present and
work on time and that you complete any outstanding correspondence or on-line courses at
least a week in advance. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to celebrate thirteen years
of education with your friend, family and our
For those students who will be returning
next year, spring is a great time to look at your
credit completion thus far. Students need 22.5
credits to graduate. Each year a student can
earn six of those credits by passing all of their
classes both semesters. Any 9th through 11th
grade students who have earned fewer than
5.5 credits in a given school year is considered behind in credits. If your student is in
this situation, please talk with his or her counselor about various methods of credit recovery. Our goal is to keep students on track to
graduate and to quickly catch up any student
who falls behind
Semester Finals for Grades 9 - 11
3OHDVHHQFRXUDJH\RXUVWXGHQWWRÀQLVKWKHVHmester by staying on top of assignments right
Finals will take place the last two days of the
Freshmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jaime Boyd-Kragt
9-12 Special Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tracie Ashman
Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors:
A – Di and ELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dave Donk
Do – K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rob Hartley
L – P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chris Higgins
R – Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pete Mandel
Graduation Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christal Smaw
semester: May 16 and 17th. Please plan your
summer travels around these important dates
cannot be taken early.
Testing 101……
Q: Who will take the State exams (HSGQE
and SBA) this spring?
A: All freshman and sophomores take exams
as well as any junior or seniors who has not
passed one or more sections of the HSGQE.
Q: What exams will the freshman take?
A: Freshmen take the Standards Base Assessment (SBAs) on April 3rd-5th. The SBAs
measure whether a student is performing at
grade level in reading, writing and math.
Q: What exams will sophomores take?
A: Sophomores will take the High School
Graduation Qualifying Exam (HSGQE) on
April 3, 4 and 5. The HSGQE is a graduation
requirement in the state of Alaska. Students
must pass the reading, writing and math tests.
Sophomores also take a Standards Base Assessment for Science on March 29, however,
passing the science exam is not a requirement
for graduation.
Q: What exams do juniors and seniors
A: Only students who need to pass one or
more sections of the HSGQE need to test and
they are only required to take the portion of
the exam they have yet to pass. The HSGQE
Reading exam is April 3, Writing is April 4
and Math is April 5. Most juniors and seniors
will not test this spring.
Q: What do juniors and seniors do on testing days if they have passed all three HSGQE exams?
A: Juniors and seniors have a late start April 3,
4, and 5 and do not need to come to school until 12:10am. A late bus will run for juniors and
seniors on testing days 3 ½ hours later than the
regular times.
Q: How long are the SBA and HSGQE exams:
A: Both HSGQE and the SBA are untimed.
and are released for lunch. Students who continue testing are moved to an alternate location and provided a lunch.
Q: When will I get my student’s exam results?
A: Student results are mailed home near the
end of the school year. The school will receive
electronic results for seniors in late April.
Spring 2012 Statewide Testing Dates
Attendance is very important
Tests begins promptly at 8:00am
Testing Dates:
March 29th
10th Grade Science SBA
April 3rd
9th Grade Reading SBA
10th Grade Reading SBA and HSGQE
11th &12th Grade Reading Retakes for students who have not passed this part of the test
April 4th
9th Grade Writing SBA
10th Grade Writing SBA and HSGQE
11th &12th Grade Writing Retakes for students who have not passed this part of the test
April 5th
9th Grade Math SBA
10th Grade Math SBA and HSGQE
11th &12th Grade Math Retakes for students who have not passed this part of the test
Class Schedule on Testing Days:
March 29th:
April 3, 4 and 5:
7:30 -11:20
Sophomores test and then attend periods 4-6
Regular classes and schedules for 9th, 11th, &12th graders
Testing for freshmen, sophomores and junior/seniors retest.
Juniors and seniors who do not need to retake the HSGQE should come to school at 12:10
12:16 – 1:05
April 3rd
April 4th
April 5th
Period 1
Period 3
Period 5
1:11 – 2:00
April 3rd
April 4th
April 5th
Period 2
Period 4
Period 6
Because of a new State ruling, the HSGQE cannot start at 7:30AM as normal. HSGQE testing will start at 8:00AM.
That means on all 3 days (April 3, 4 and 5, 2012), the additional "regular high school" run (for students who have already passed the
exam) will be 3 hours and 30 minutes later.
without regard to race, color, religion, disability, national origin, gender, marital status, and change in marital status, pregnancy, parenthood or other prohibitions. This policy
is consistent with numerous laws, regulations, and executive orders enforced by various federal, state, and municipal agencies, including but not limited to Executive Order
11246, Title 41, part 60-1, 60-2, 60-3, 60-20, Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, and Section 504.
Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the School District’s Equal Employment Opportunity Director, who also serves as the Title IX Coordinator, Boniface Education
Center, P.O. Box 196614, Anchorage, AK 99519-6614, (907) 742-4132 or to any of the following external agencies: Alaska State Commission for Human Rights, Anchorage Equal
Academic Excellence
Pamela Argumedo
Lucia Ashby
Raven Baumann
Morgan Brown
Charlie Busby
Kliza Calaustro
Jared Davis
Christian Hartwell
Emmylea Herring
Austin Hummel
Madison Imig
Tatyana Johnson
Shereena Kenaston
Kendall Lavigne
Hope Motuga
Troy Pangelinan
Emilee Rogers
Elizabeth Rus
Jason Shuart
Andrea Velez
Erik Wilcox
Gabrielle Agtarap
Megan Ahn
Marina Aldous
Taylor Allen
Karli Anders
Michael Aronwits
Ellen Asay
Kiana Baluyut
Andrew Banez
Amber Bare
Madelyne Bee
Paris Bennett
Ryan Brady
Stephanie Brenner
Jack Butto
Matthew Cerveny
Josepher Chen
Jin Chong
Joanne Chung
Taral Clayton
Abigail Corral
Savanna Desatoff
Aaron Ernest
Brandon Dodd
Jane Eckhoff
Sterling Emmal
Aaron Ernest
Janessa Fosi
Jason Handy
Matthew Harvey
Tristan Heil
Kate Hoen
Jennifer Holganza
Erin Howe
Jason Hsi
Chu-Hsing Hu
Christopher Hudson
Seo Young Hwang
Kaylee Ige
Johanna Jeffryes
Kala Jenkins
Peyton Johnson
Peter King
Kaitlyn Kostival
Rachel Land
Emmalee LaRosa
David Lee
Jeremiah Lee
Jacqueline Letourneau
Jaimee Lin
Aubrie Lucas
Giselle Luteria
Kayla Mallory
Makane Mason
Sydney Mayers
Killian McClure
Shannon McLaughlin
Sarah Monaghan
Andrew Mouck
Austin Osborne
Sagan Osborne
Lucas Pergiel
Allison Petrov
Nina Pfeifer
Anna Proefrock
Erika Quinn
Daniel Roberts
Karl Rodvik
Zayn Roohi
Jude San Juan
Cory Schneider
Amanda Schroeder
Taleena Shamburg
Signe Stanton
Nathan Stephens
Kalie Suellentrop
Leah Swiss
Blaise Thompson
Christina Thompson
Edson Tung
Ryan Turpin
Dakayla Walters
Samuel Warner
Ryan Watson
Jacqlyne Weber
Allana Wiesinger
Ian Wilber
Tyler Yingst
Valerie Zerda
Nathan Adams
Sierra Afoa
Stanson Afoa
Taylor Aronwits
Amanda Boger
Cameron Brailey
Cierra Carrigan
Samantha Castle
Jinchul Cha
Cory Chan
Parot Charoonsophonsak
Nancy Chon
Shea Christianson
Nickalaus Collins
Paige Cordell
John Corr
Caleb Crockett
Brock Crowe
Caitlynn Dubie
Philippa Dun
Ashlyn Dye
Ingrid Dye
Colleen Fairchild
Matthew Falconer
Academic Excellence
Sara Falconer
Hailey Fanning
Janelle Feller
Sarah Freistone
Mackenzie French
Lydia Garcia
Chelsea Garritson
Ricardo Gobaleza
Alaina Hawley
Camille Heninger
Victoria Hill
Casey Hoflich
Hayley Holt
Samantha Holt
Rebecca Hoshaw
Jennifer Howe
Yn-Sheng Hu
Yuhwa Hu
Shaquille Huang
Michael Hudson
Kosette Isakson
Veronica Janezich
Marisa Jingco
Darion Jones
Susumu Jones
Jie Joo
Katie Kampen
Jane Kim
Ryun Kim
Monica Kinder
Lindsey Klueber
Sydney Laudon
Kristi Lauwers
Jacob Lee
Jun Hyeog Lee
Vivian Lee
He Xi Lin
Shyanne Lockman
Mikaela Mendoza
Isabel Mills
Kylie Moore
Anders Ogawa
Emily Owen
Megan Parish
Kendra Paskvan
Dusan Pekich
Olivia Pepe-Phelps
Shannon Petersen
Kristen Ratcliffe
Alex Ripley
Megan Romo
Alexis Russell
Aleksandr Sachivichik
Christina Schock
Nolan Schock
Michael Sedor
Emily Seidler
Eugene Shestakov
Hannah Siira
Mia Sison
Talia Sopp
Samantha Spraker
Lara Staats
Nikole Stenehjem
Mallory Stutzer
Akaraphan Sukanthanag
Lauren Summers
Tomas Sundet
Melissa Taylor
Ciara Teilborg
Tara Thompson
Ian Velasco
Janelle vonBirgelen
Jonathan Walther
Brooke Yunis
Alyssa Zapata
Ella Zong
Important AP Testing Information
Some procedures have changed this year for ordering, paying for and taking the Advanced Placement exams.
Pre-Administration Information will be completed prior to A.P. Exams by Dimond students intending to take an A.P. Exam this year.
Mon., April 23
Dimond MPR 1
7:15am, 11:31am, and 2:05pm
Tues., April 24
Dimond MPR 1
7:00am, 11:22am, and 2:05pm
Payment Information:
Exam Sign Up Sheet, that is on the next page, with your payment.
Two weeks prior to the testing, there will be more details on testing locations and what to bring.
AP Testing Schedule
Below is the testing schedule for 2012. Counselors and AP instructors will provide details in April on testing locations and what to bring.
Week 1
Monday, May 7
Morning: 7:30 am
Environmental Sci.
Afternoon: 11:30am
Tuesday, May 8
Computer Sci. A
Art History
Wednesday, May 9
Calculus AB and BC
Thursday, May 10
English Lit. and Comp.
Japanese Language
Friday, May 11
German Lang. and Cult.,
U.S. History
European History
Monday, May 14
Biology, Music Theory
Physics B, Physics C-
Tuesday, May 15
U.S. Gov. and Pol.
Comp. Gov. and Pol.,
Wednesday, May 16
English Lang. and Comp.
Thursday, May 17
Week 2
Student ID #__________________
Art History
French Language
Studio Art-Drawing
German Language
U.S. Gov’t and Politics
Calculus AB
Comparative Gov’t and Politics
Calculus BC
Japanese Lang. and Culture
Music Theory
Computer Science
Physics B
Economics: Macroeconomics
Physics C- Mechanics
Economics: Microeconomics
Physics C- Electricity and
English Language and Comp.
English Literature and Comp.
Spanish Language
Environmental Science
European History
United States History
Total AP Exams
Exam Fees Paid
$87 per test
Check Number
Received By: _____________
David Legg, Freshman House Assistant Principal - 742-7069
Hello Dimond Parents:
Spring is in the air and there is a lot going
on. I can’t believe we are already through
Spring Break and three quarters of the
way through the year. Your freshmen have
chosen classes for next year and I am sure
they are looking forward to a long summer
break. However, there is still a quarter of
school left and now is the time to buckle
down and make sure they are getting all
of their work turned in. Your students can
support and supervision.
Please keep looking at Zangle to check on
your students’ progress. Feel free to email
teachers with any questions. I believe the
more we communicate, the more our students prosper. Thanks for all you do.
Testing: All freshmen will take the SBA
exams on April 3, 4, and 5. Makeup session for the SBA will be on April 6th .
Please make sure your students are well
rested and well fed for the exams.
On February 23rd Dimond participated in
ASD’s National History Day competition.
The theme for this year’s contest was Revolution, Reaction, and Reform. All freshman students completed a project based
upon this theme in their history class. For
their projects students could chose to write
a research paper, create an exhibit, do a
performance, build a web site, or produce
a documentary which addressed this year’s
theme. They were able to work alone, or
in a group of up to three students. World
History teachers selected the best projects
from their classes to participate in the ASD
competition. Projects addressed such topics as the Declaration of Independence,
revolutionary architecture of Frank Loyd
Wright and McDonalds
43 Dimond students participated in the
Anchorage School District competition,
with 16 projects winning top honors. This
year’s district winners included Samatha
Berger and Sarah Bylsma for research papers. Samantha Paskvan, Arianna Rohde,
Taelor Hawley, Chance Koy, Olivia Canadine, Makayla Clark, Laurence Ayson,
Connor Van Alstine, Tuan Graziano, Alexsander Serebryakov and Brent Quinn for
exhibits. Aidan Boeckmann, Maria Ramirez, Josh An, Louie Victa and Trent Hodson
in the Web site category. Celinne Abello
and Rachel Brady for their documentary
ÀOPV $QG -RVHSK :DONHU LQ WKH SHUIRUmance category. All of these students will
now progress on to the state level of competition. We wish them luck.
selves to and from Summer School.
Dimond will again hold an extended year
program that will add 9 academic days for
select underclassmen on the verge of passing a class and needing an extra push to
get them there. The program will run from
May 21st through June 1st .
With the weather improving every day
and the sun showing itself more, it becomes
harder and harder to focus on school. Please
keep in mind we need to work to the end
of the year. Finals for freshmen will take
place on the 16th and 17th of May. Students may not bring backpacks to school
on these days and they will already have
cleaned out their lockers. All pranks are a
disruption to school and will be dealt with
accordingly. Please discourage any pranks
you hear of We appreciate your cooperation and communication. Thank you for
a wonderful year, and we'll see you in the
Summer School will not be offered at
Dimond this year but students may elect
to participate at Eagle River, West, East
and Service campuses. Classes will run
from June 6th through June 22nd. Summer
School forms can be picked up right outVLGH0V%R\G·VRIÀFH5HPHPEHULWLVWKH
responsibility of the students to get them-
Students should dress their best for registration because that is the day school pictures and ID cards are taken. It should be
an exciting day of registration as students
will tour our building and make tie-dyed
t-shirts. Students get to meet many of their
teachers and I’m sure they will be well
taken care of.
Phenomenal Freshman
Our Phenomenal Freshman program was very successful this year. Many deserving students were recognized for the good things they accomplished throughout the year. The
February Phenomenal Freshman ceremony recognized the following student: Matthew
French, Philip Kuckuck, Courtney Williams, Carlow Diaz, Steven Westfall, Kaitlyn Allen,
Makayla Clark, Karla Llaneza, Kendra Robbins , Hannah Seaman, Lacey Dowden, Elijah Juul, Sarah Bylsma, Jasmine Tacaca, Nathan Kaaihue, Nathaniel Hall. It is always a
pleasant thing to see students excel in so many ways.
Suzanne Metcalfe, Librarian - 742-7103
Off the Shelf: News from Dimond Library
WOW, it’s spring already! It’s been a busy winter in Dimond library with our freshmen busily
researching National History Day topics in addition to all the usual activity from Dimond
students and staff. If you are helping your student
with research, don’t forget to start at the Dimond
Library Online page. The resources there will save
you time and frustration and provide you with
quality, evaluated, appropriate information. Many of
these resources require user names and passwords.
We aren’t allowed to publish these, but we have
plenty of bookmarks with this information available
in the library.
Speaking of valuable resources, Dimond Library’s two
assistant librarians, Ms. Bronczyk and Ms. Ingram keep
our library organized, efficient and running. They process
and catalog books, run the circulation counter, laminate,
keep our shelves in order and so much more. Their good
work allows me to teach lessons, collaborate with
teachers, evaluate and purchase resources, work one-onone with students, keep Dimond Library Online webpage
up-to-date, and, of course, select books. Dimond library
is an active, vital resource for students and staff.
Book Awards for Teens
How do librarians select books to put on school library shelves? We use many resources.
Annual book awards give us a new selection of quality, appealing books for teens. Dimond
Library has these titles either on the shelves or coming in our next order.
The Michael L. Printz Award is an award for a book that exemplifies literary excellence in
young adult literature. It is named for a Topeka, Kansas school librarian who was a
long-time active member of the Young Adult Library Services Association
(YALSA). The award is sponsored by Booklist, a publication of the American
Library Association.
This year’s winner is Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley. Seventeen-year-old
Cullen's summer in Lily, Arkansas, is marked by his cousin's death by overdose, an alleged
spotting of a woodpecker thought to be extinct, failed romances, and his younger brother's
sudden disappearance. The 2012 Printz Honor Books are Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler,
The Returning by Christine Hinwood, Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey, and Scorpio Races by
Maggie Stiefvater. Happy Reading!
Visit the Dimond High School Website for up-to-date information on our school and
events at http://www.asdk12.org/schools/dimond/pages/.
Lea Bouton, Marcus Reese, Wade Roach, Zion Russell & Chaz Vaughn
The FIRST Robotics Team 568ÀQLVKHG
the six week build phase of the nations’
top robotics competition on February 21
at midnight local time. We bagged it, we
tagged it, and then we shoved it in a huge
crate to be sent to Portland, Oregon for
our regional event March 6-11. The work
is not over as we still have a few compoQHQWVWRÀQLVKEHIRUHZHFRPSHWH7HDPV
are allowed to continue to work on their
driver station controls, the software, and
30 pounds of fabricated items that they can
bring with them in person to the competition. We took a day off and then were back
working on robotics.
This year’s team featured a collaboration with East and Service High Schools
along with the core of our engineering
program here at Dimond. It was awesome
to see multiple schools working together
to solve complex problems and I hope it
provides a model for future endeavors. We
partnered with UAA’s Engineering Department to provide a central meeting location
and work with engineering professors and
graduate students. At the end of April the
robot along with some members of the
team will be competing at the FIRST Robotics Championship in St. Louis.
Martha Schoenthal, Michael Baker Jr. Inc,
CRW Engineers, and Image Plastics.
The mentors that helped were: Chris
Curry, Paul Schwartz, Michael Ballard,
about the FIRST program at ZZZXVÀUVW
org and at www.dimondrobotics.com.
Dimond's Engineering CANstruction Project
The Principles of Engineering (POE) class recently participated in the CANstruction
competition at the University Center Mall. Their structure, "Lights, Camera, Disney!" will be on display through March 12th. These classes were the only students
competing, all other teams are made up of professional engineers and architects from
Anchorage's design, build community. All cans will be donated to the Food Bank
of Alaska in an effort to restock their shelves during one of their lowest points of
the year. Dimond was sponsored by ICRC, PND Engineers Inc, Watterson Construction, and CRW Engineering Group, LLC. Pictured are engineering teacher Lea
Bouton and POE students.
ASD Gifted Mentorship Program Information and News
DHS has a thriving student population involved in the ASD's Gifted Mentorship Program. This program is designed for gifted/talented juniors and seniors who are seeking additional academic challenges in the adult workplace. Students must apply for the program
career in a professional environment before investing the time and money in higher education. The mentorship program also looks great
on transcripts and resumes, as well as potentially providing excellent and relevant professional references.
The program runs throughout the school year, including a summer school option. Students can qualify for the program based their
GPAs, standardized test scores, teacher recommendations, an interview with coordinator Ms. Lisa Wiley, and/or outstanding leaderVKLSPRWLYDWLRQRUFRPPXQLW\VHUYLFHH[SHULHQFH3OHDVHYLVLWWKHVFKRROGLVWULFWñVZHEVLWHIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDWZZZDVGNRUJ
Ms. Wiley visits DHS on Wed and Thurs during lunch in the library and is available after school by appointment to talk about the program with parents and students. You can also call her at 742 3798 email at wiley_lisa@asdk12.org
Important Upcoming Dates:
Spring 2012 Recruitment at DHS: April 12th (library) and April 13th (MPR1) during upper classmen lunch (11:30 to
12). Students with GPAs over 3.2 will be invited to attend. Interested students and parents are also welcome to attend.
Summer 2012 Mentorship Application Deadline: April 20th by 3:00 pm
2012-2013 application deadline: April 20th to September 14th
Below appears a list of all the phenomenal students and mentors involved in our program
this year. 2011-2012 DHS Gifted Mentorship Students and Mentors:
Jinchul Cha
Sarah Dunn
Emily Goodrum
Alaina Hawley
Shawna Hulse
Johanna Jeffryes
Sydney Laudon
Brandon Mommsen
Lucas Pergiel
Anna Proefrock
Kristen Ratcliffe
Christina Schock
Emily Seidler
Lara Staats
Brittany Suaava
Art Sukanthanag
Lauren Summers
Emily Svejnoha
Janelle vonBirgelen
Samantha Wall
Jonathon Walther
Jacqlyne Weber
Rabiyatu Yakubu
Dr. Tom Hepler, LaTouche Pediatrics
Jackie Englund, ATIA, Marketing
Mike Wahlig, Rebound Physical Therapy
Emily Binnian and Peter Crimp, Alaska Energy Authority,
Environmental Engineering
Mike Dodge, Hott Stixx Restaurant, Culinary Arts
Winston Burbank, BP, Environmental Engineering
Senator Lisa Murkowski and staff, Politics
William Jamison, UAA, Professor of Philosophy
Jim Amundsen, DOT, Engineering
Rhene Merkouris, MD, FACOG, OB-GYN
Suege Omnik, ASRC, Chemical Engineering
Dr. Laurie Bleicher, Surgeon
Jessica Powell, R.N., Providence NICU
Dr. Heath Wright, Elmendorf Pediatrician
Amy Bock, R.N., AK Regional ER
Dr. Susie Dietz, Providence ER Physician
Brian Blasheen, BP, Mechanical Engineering
Lesa Johnson, AK Spine Institute
Irene Malto, DOWL HKM, Engineering
Dr. Lu Levoy, Providence ER Physician
Chris Curry, Municipality of Anchorage, Computer
Dr. Blom, Providence Cancer Center
Elsbeth Monnett, R.N., Providence Labor and Delivery
DHS senior Anna Proefrock
with her mentor Dr. Merkouris,
DHS senior Janelle vonBirgelen on site learning about
engineering with DOWL /
DHS senior Art Sukanthanag
and his mentor Providence
ER physician Dr. Susie Dietz
MSG Shelley - 742-7010
Eagle River Drill Meet
Colony Drill Meet
The Lynx Battalion has been off to a busy
start this year. On Saturday January 21,
held at Eagle River High School. Arriving
at 7:00 in the morning, the cadets prepared
for a long day of focus and determination.
We had two teams bring home trophies
from this drill competition. Unarmed Exhibition took 2nd, and Armed Exhibition
took 1st. By virtue of their placing, the
Armed Team will also be representing
Alaska in the Armed disciple at the Brigade Drill meet in California.
On Saturday February 4th, 2012 the
Lynx Battalion participated in the second drill competition of the season, held
at Colony High
School. The Lynx
did a fantastic job
and brought home
of the seven drill
events. First year
Cadet Color Guard
and Armed Regulation both won
JROTC Awards Cermony
The Third Quarter Awards Ceremony,
held on January 21st. Cadets attended
these ceremonies to receive the awards and
promotions that they have earned. At this
ceremony, we had two Cadet of the Month
winners and an NCO of the Quarter winner who were presented with goody bags
as some movie passes from the Battalion’s
Instructor team.
The cadet of the month
for December was Cadet Sergeant Jovan Villimanca..
The winner for the
month of January was
Cadet Corporal Jacobo
The NCO of the Quarter
for 2nd quarter was Cadet Sergeant First Class
Christian Corona.
third place. All
of the following
teams brought
trophies! Armed
Exhibition, Unarmed Exhibition and Varsity Competition
Color Guard.
Dimond JROTC wins the 8th Brigade
Drill Championships
Dimond High School’s Junior Reserve
2IÀFHU7UDLQLQJ&RUSV'ULOO7HDP traveled to Torrance, California to compete in
the 8th Brigade, Cadet Command Inaugural Drill Meet for all Western Region based
schools. The competition occurred at North
High School on Feb. 18, 2012.
To qualify for this event, teams had to win
a qualifying meet, so the competition was
comprised of the top Drill Teams from the
roughly 200 schools located in the Western
3DFLÀF ,VODQGV 1HYDGD 2UHJRQ &DOLIRUnia, Washington, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana,
and Alaska. Alaska Schools competing in
the event included Colony and Dimond
High School.
The event included both an Armed Division ZLWK GULOO ULÁHV DQG DQ 8QDUPHG
Division competition. Both of these com-
petition divisions were trophied and scored
Colony High School competed in a Team
Inspection, Platoon Regulation, Color
Guard, and Exhibition Drill. Colony High
School placed 2nd overall in the unarmed
category while Dimond High School
placed 1st in the armed category.
This was a tremendous opportunity for
the Alaska JROTC programs to make
this trip and compete against the best drill
teams in the Western United States. Colony
and Dimond High School will now advance
to the U.S. Army Cadet Command JROTC
Army Nationals Drill Team Championships
that will occur in Louisville, Kentucky on
March 31, 2012. The National Competition
is considered the “Olympics” of the 1645
Army JROTC schools worldwide.
Armed Drill Team Members:
Susumu Jones
Andrew Helzer
Andrew Riparip
Cole Campoamor
Jon Jon Velasco
Chris Lindbeck
Michaela Hendricks
Anders Ogawa
Chris Sundstrom
Roman Daniel
Jacobo Franco
Adannah Daniel
Freshman Fair & Mears MS Visit
This school year is coming to an end
sooner than we all think. The JROTC cadets
helped out for the Future Freshman Fair on
the 22nd of February. We had a booth set
up for incoming freshman and their parents
to come and see what the JROTC program
was all about. We talked to kids and parents in hopes to answer all of their question
and concerns about the program.
teachers, so each hour their kids came into
the gym to get briefed on the program and
were introduced to all of the activities we,
as a Battalion, do throughout the year. Invitations to our Freshman Adventure and
Orientation Summer Camp were handed
out to interested cadets. We should have
a great new
in the Battalion at the
start of next
They did a phenomenal job as hosts, and
added many extras to the event, such as
live-streaming on the internet it so parents
around the state could watch.
Dimond JROTC had a very good day,
bringing home trophies in four of the seven
disciplines contested. The Armed Exhibition team put up one of their best performances of the year and brought home the
2nd Place trophy. And even more impressively, we claimed State Championships in
three events: Varsity Color Guard, Regulation with Arms and Exhibition without
State Drill Championships held at Service High
The next day, February 23rd, JROTC put
together group of Cadets who spent the day
at Mears Middle School talking to all of
the eighth graders about the program. This
was arranged through the PE and Health
Saturday, February 25th saw
the culmination
of the Alaskan
with the hosting of the State
Meet by Service
Is there a relationship
school climate and
and student
April 21st
8 - Midnight
Egan Center
Parents, we need your input to
help Dimond become an even
more welcoming, safe, and
supportive school. You can
give your valuable opinion in a
quick 5 minute online Climate
and Connectedness survey about Dimond High School. Click on http://www.
Survey results will be shared with parents in our newsletter, on the ASD web
site and on the Alaska state education website.
Thank you for taking this survey that is very important to our school.
All students
paid and have a signed Dance Contract to enter the dance. Students without ID will not be allowed to enter.
Please dress appropriately for a
school dance
Guest Passes are due Wednesday,
April 4th
Kathryn Eckhoff, President - 229-8499
Where is Spring already?
When my niece was three years old, after
months and months of snow, she saw a few
blades of green grass by a snowbank and
declared it was “Grasstime!” My guess is
most all of us are looking for Grasstime.
We had a representative from the Dimond PTSA testify at the School Board
Hearing on Thursday, the 9th of February,
on the importance of the administrative
staff in the schools. The point was - students take time - and the administration
needs people to be there for the students,
While we wait, the following article will
give you an idea of what the PTSA has
been doing in February.
We began the month by having 1,850
student body as well as faculty and staff.
They are maroon and have “Dimond Lynx
are up for Rachel’s Challenge” printed on
them in gold, to help keep the mission of
Rachel’s Challenge alive. If you haven’t
heard about it, ask your student.
It was also the month we sent out Spring
Grant Applications to all faculty and staff.
Last month I gave a brief description of
where the money raised at the coffee shop,
goes. When we receive the applications,
the PTSA Executive Board, carefully reviews each one, and decide how much we
can possibly give to each applicant. If we
On the 16th, during Parent Teacher Conferences, the PTSA served a Mardi Gras
themed luncheon to the faculty and staff. A
huge thank you goes out to all of you who
donated time and energy for set-up and
clean-up, salads, and desserts to this event.
It would be nearly impossible to put this
on without your help. Thank-you Christy
Dodd, who chaired the event - beginning
with the planning to the clean-up.
The following Wednesday, February
22, we helped in welcoming the incoming
freshmen otherwise known as the Class of
2016. We were able to keep the store open
and sell apparel as well as add a few members for next year.
And then, on February 23, I read in the
Anchorage Daily News that the brown
bears are shaking off their winter hibernation...so there is, in fact, hope for Grasstime. I believe brown bears are a much
better indicator of Spring than say, groundhogs.
Enjoy your Spring Break,
Kathryn Eckhoff
PTSA President
344-8844 - Home
229-8499 - Cell
Vice President
Theresa Barnard
Michelle Summers
Secretary and Hospitality
DHS Spring Blood Drive
The Blood Bank of Alaska and Dimond High School conducted 2 blood
drives this school year; the second was
Baccalaureate for graduating seniors will be held:
the two drives Dimond students and
staff donated over 50 pints of Blood;
that equates to over 170 lives
saved. The drives were
the Blood Bank of Alaska. Thank you to all our donors!
Friday, May 4 at 7 pm
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
8427 Jewel Lake Road
Baccalaureate is a non-denominational ceremony sponsored
and organized by parents which includes motivating speakers
and a blessing for seniors. Family members are welcome and
encouraged to attend.
Missy Nurmi & Todd Sanderson, Sponsors
Attention Senior Parents
Senior Fun Day is on Friday April 27th!
has since spread to all the other Anchorage high schools. On Friday, students will be bussed from DHS to
Kincaid Park to enjoy a fun and stress-free day of prizes, games, food, and music. It has been a great success
students, staff, administrators, and parents before graduation. Senior Fun Day needs volunteers, donations
of cash, prizes, and food to be a success. SFD is funded almost exclusively through donations; last year over
We would love to have your help putting together this important event; please contact Bonnie Ulrich-Pierce
for more information Ulrich-Pierce_Yvonne@asdk12.org.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A permission slip is required, so please read the following information and sign on the other side of this
I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Anchorage School District and its employees, directors
and designees for expenses relating to injuries, accidents, disease, property damage and/or loss which may
occur as a result of the student’s participation in Dimond’s Senior Fun Day.
I understand the Anchorage School District does not provide medical insurance coverage or liability insurance that would cover a student’s injuries or actions. It will be my responsibility to provide for payment of
such expenses should they occur. I am aware of the hazards associated with participation in this activity.
Knowing the risks of this activity, I give my permission for the above listed student to participate in the activity to include transportation as arranged by the event coordinators.
I also authorize any necessary emergency transportation and medical treatment to be administered to the
above named student. I understand the Anchorage School District assumes no liability for such emergency
transportation and medical treatment and that such costs will be my responsibility. Allergies and/or special
medical instructions for the student are listed below:
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Patsy Shaha, Student Services/Attendance Assistant Principal - 742-7056
The Student Services Staff and Security Team are dedicated to making Dimond High School a safe and secure educational environment.
4th Tardy 30 minute lunch detention
STUDENTS, The following guidelines are intended
5th Tardy 45 minute after school work detail
6th Tardy 2 hour Monday School (6:00-8:00 am)
to assist you in storing your belongings safely
Use only the locker that is assigned to you
Do not write or apply anything permanent to the
7th Tardy Referral to Disciplinary Principal
The Tardy Policy of Dimond High School is intended to serve
as a deterrent to tardies, in respect to our teachers and in the
greater interest of learning.
There is a direct correlation between
timeliness and success in school.
For that reason, it is important that your student arrive to class
on time. Our teachers prepare lessons everyday that are
valuable to the education of your student. As the lesson begins
at the start of class, it is important that each student be in their
seat, ready to learn at the start of the class. When each student
is on time, it allows the teacher to begin the lesson with the
entire group, and it allows each learner to focus on the lesson at
Our students at Dimond High are given a 7-minute passion
period. This is enough time for our students to get from one
class to the other with extra time for other needed activities.
surface of your locker
You are responsible to remove any writing or
marks on your locker door and in your locker. Any
visible writing or marks will result in work detail
Do not share your locker combination with anyone
Do not leave valuables in your locker
Do not leave open or unwrapped food or beverages
Lockers are subject to random searches at any time
Students who do not empty and clean out their
lockers on the designated day will be issued a
cleaning fee
Time is the most precious element of human
existence. The successful person knows
how to put energy into time and how to draw
success from time.
Denis Waitley
If you have an item that is lost or stolen, please report to Student Services, where the lost and found is
located. If the item is not recovered from the lost and found, please fill out a LOST/STOLEN
REPORT. These reports are kept on hand for the entire school year, and they are commonly
referenced when an unclaimed item turns up in the school.
At the end of the school year, all unclaimed electronics, cell phones, etc. will be reconciled with the
lost/stolen reports in an attempt to try to locate their original owners. Feel free to call us if you need
further assistance with lost/stolen items.
The Student Services Office is open Monday -Friday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm.
We can be reached at 742-7056.
Kim Lauwers - 742-7020
Upcoming Events in April
April 1:
Women’s Igloo #4 Scholarship
April 6
Alaska Broadcaster Association Linda Simmons Memorial ScholDUVKLShttp://
April 4:
Zonta Club or Anchorage Gail Green Memorial Z Club Scholarship.
Alaska Native Medical Center Auxiliary
April 2:
April 13:
AEA Scholarships: The Selma Wise, The
Pearl Shockley, and the Daniel Epps MePRULDO
April 11
April 18
April 20
April 25
Registration deadline for May
5th SAT
Last ASVAB Test
Construction Day Field Trip
Late registration deadline for
May 5 SAT
Awards Night 7-9 p.m.
Seniors please turn in the scholarship
award form to Mrs. Lauwers in the CRC
of scholarship monies our seniors are being awarded for 2012.
Juniors, if you have not signed up for the
SAT or ACT, it would be a great idea if
you signed up before the end of the school
year. The websites are ACT- www.actstudent.org and SAT- www.collegeboard.org.
Don and Dianne Rabung Scholarship (2)
Scholarships deadlines come and go and
new ones can be added weekly. Please
keep checking the scholarship section outVLGH WKH &5& RIÀFH +HUH DUH VRPH H[amples of some scholarships that are due
in April.
Exxon Mobil Bernard Harris Math and
Science Scholarships
Dimond Accepts Rachel’s
That evening the Rachel’s Challenge presenter conducted a powerful session with
parents and community leaders. To sustain
the positive climate change in a school,
Rachel’s Challenge offers a year-long curriculum called the Friends of Rachel (FOR)
Club that encourages students to continue the
chain reaction of kindness and compassion.
The new Friends of Rachel’s club at Dimond
meets on Thursdays. They are starting small
with little acts of kindness, like positive signs
around the school and notes of encouragement for their classmates. Other activities
include a monthly Mix-It Up Day, where
students are asked to meet someone new at
lunch and reach across social boundaries. In
the future, the Friends of Rachel club would
like to organize a New to Dimond program
and a Mentoring program. Senior Byron Corral has stepped up as a leader in the Friends
of Rachel movement. According to Byron, “I
thought Rachel’s Challenge was a great program for everyone at Dimond because it gave
us a wake-up call to start making changes in
Dimond High was lucky enough to host
Rachel’s Challenge on January 25. This
school-wide assembly was presented to over
gym. Rachel’s Challenge is named after RaFKHO6FRWWZKRZDVWKHÀUVWVWXGHQWNLOOHGDW
Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.
Rachel’s acts of kindness and compassion,
coupled with the contents of her six diaries,
have become the foundation for the most
life-changing school program in America.
Powerful audio/video footage of Rachel's
Challenge held students spell-bound during a
one-hour school presentation that motivated
them to make a positive change in the way
they treat others. This was followed by a 90minute training session involving both adult
and student leaders. This is an interactive
session that showed how to sustain the momentum created by the assembly.
Credit Union 1 Scholarship Program/Bill
April 3:
American Indian Education Foundation
April 6:
April 20:
Junior Achievement University of Alaska
Tuition Scholarship http://alaska.ja.org/
April 26:
College scholarship essay contest on Ayn
Rand’s Novel the Fountainhead. www.
Pioneers of Alaska Men’s Igloo #15 &
ourselves and the way we treat others.”
7RÀQGRXWPRUH students and parents can
contact the club sponsors Christine Fisher
or Kristen Melican-Nevala, or check out the
Rachel’s Challenge Dimond High Facebook
Be The Change
Be the Change, one of Dimond’s Social and
Emotional Learning programs, was completed in
February. Sophomores attended this 1/2 day workshop with their English 10
classes. The workshop consisted of activities that open up discussion
about decision-making, smart choices, and
the effect of media on our society. At the end
of the workshop, each student was asked to
make a commitment to complete some small
act that will help make Dimond a better place.
Juniors and seniors facilitated the program as
peer educators with support from DHS staff.
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Lem Wheeles, Sponsor
Dimond Student Government
Lem Wheeles, Advisor
Student Government held its second annual Mr.
and Ms. Dimond Competition the week of the
Sadie Hawkins Dance! At the assembly the
contestants danced to a choreographed opening
number, showed off their style in the maroon and
gold fashion show, answered an interview
question, and performed a talent of their choice.
They were judged throughout the assembly by
Mr. Anderson, Ms. Kay, Ms. Bouton, and
surprise celebrity guest Mrs. Wheeles. After a suspenseful final elimination, senior Cory
Chan and junior Megan Romo were crowned as this year’s Mr. and Ms. Dimond!
Upcoming Events
The next Student Forum is coming up! Student Government will be holding another
meeting to get the issues of the student body out on the table. Students involved are
nominated by their teachers to attend. There will be snacks so don’t miss out on this
opportunity to make a difference at Dimond!
Student Government elections for next year will be taking place! If you are interested in
running for a position stop by B103. Election paperwork will be available starting March
5, and will be due March 23. Campaigning will take place in late March and early April,
and voting will be the week of April 9.
PROM 2012
Saturday, April 21
Tickets: $30/$50
On sale April 11-18 only
Prom is just around the corner and Student Government
has been hard at work to put together a great night for
Dimond’s juniors and seniors. The theme for this year is
“Alice in Wonderland” and the dance will be held at the
Egan Center on Saturday, April 21, from 8-11 PM. Ticket
prices are $30 for one or $50 for two. Ticket sales will take
place from Wedenesday, April 11, through Wednesday,
April 18. Tickets must be purchased in advance during
these dates in order to attend. Only juniors and seniors
may purchase tickets. Stay tuned to the morning
announcements for more information as Prom approaches.
Our mission is to convey the opinions of the student body to the administration, organize school events,
increase participation, and promote school spirit.
Pat Walker, Activities Assistant Principal - 742-6996
It is early March as I prepare the Activities
page for the April newsletter and am looking
at quite a season of major accomplishments
by our student-athletes and coaches. Softball,
Baseball, Soccer, Track and Field, Senior Fun
Day, and Dimond Night Live will be here soon
mountains of snow atop the turf and track right
now. As third quarter concludes and spring
sports and activities quickly approach, I want to
recognize our students’ activities accomplishments from our winter seasons.
Our Cheer teams had a strong showing at the
Region IV Spring Cheer Competition with our
Hockey Cheer team taking First Place in the
Hockey Cheer division. Congratulations to
coach Tami Cross and our Hockey Cheer seniors Jessie Brewer, Shea Christianson, Erica
Hoyt, Lindsey Martens, Emilee Minsky, Taleena Shamburg, and Taylor Sorenson.
Dimond's Wrestlers brought home the Region
to represent us at State: Duncan Frank, Masa
Hu, Prince Launiuvao, Gabriel Mayo, and Alec
Teeter. Masa Hu was Dimond's highest State
class. Seniors Darrion Gray, Masa Hu, Winton
Komonaseak, Charley Murphy, Aaron Simeonoff, William Sorsby, Maddison Swanstrom,
and Jonathan Walther provided strong leadership for this year's team under the guidance of
Head Coach Brett Ducher and assistant coach
Zion Russell.
Dimond's Girls' and Boys' Bowling teams
both took top championship honors winning
their Region seasons. We will miss our senior
leadership of Oliver Barria-Ojeda, Jacques
Kaune, Sam Lightle, Alyssa Mitchell, Colton
Morris, and Cayla Westfall and wish them well
along with Coach Steven Westfall. Jacques
Kaune will soon sign with Calumet St. Joseph's
College of Whiting, Indiana having earned a
bowling scholarship on the collegiate team.
Region champions in their respective seasons with the boys' team taking the rare "triple
crown" honors by remaining undefeated in the
regular Region IV season, the Region IV Championships, and the ASAA State Hockey Championship. Quite an accomplishment and one to
be long remembered by our graduating seniors
Austin Arnold, Kody Dubie, Lucas Dubie, Aaron Dunlap, Daniel Roberts, Taleena Shamburg,
Taylor Sleater, Tyler Thompson, Shilo Vega for
Hockey and Shannon Johnson, Caylee Koontz,
Marina Soria for Girls' Hockey. Congratulations also go out to Girls' Hockey coaches Brent
Vandebos and Melynda Belde and Hockey
coaches Dennis Sorenson and Chris Higgins.
Dimond was well represented at the ASD
and ASAA State World Language Declamation competitions and our students took many
awards showing the strength of Dimond's
World Languages programs taught by Betsy
Paskvan, Miyuki Imai, Victoria Gellert, Sophie
Littee, Aline Hopkins, Holly Morris, and Barbara DuBois.
Dimond's Drama, Debate, and Forensics
Team concluded its successful competitions at
State with Muhammad Purnomo (Sr. Exchange
Student) taking second in Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking, Amanda Boger (Sr.) placing
fourth in Humorous Interpretation of Literature,
Award in Public Forum Debate, and Eugene
Shestakov (Jr.) took eighth place in Student
Congress. Well done! Two other experienced
senior leaders on the team were Nickalaus Collins and Paige Cordell. Congratulations also
go to DDF coaches Wilma Keller and Michael
Year and Jim Young, Girls’ Head Coach, was
voted Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year. We
now move on to the State Championships at the
Sullivan Arena on March 15 - 17! Please see
the ASAA website at www.asaa.org and follow
brackets for game times.
State Cheer Competition will showcase Dimond's Basketball Cheer and Competitive
Cheer teams on Tuesday, March 13. We wish
our teams well in their respective divisions.
Spring sports (i.e. Baseball, Softball, Soccer,
Track & Field) will have started by the time this
newsletter reaches you. Please check the ASD
Activities site for the most up-to-date schedules
as game dates, times, and locations change due
to weather, travel, and other unforeseen developments. The ASD Activities site for high
VFKRROVSRUWVZLOOUHÁHFWDQ\FKDQJHVLPPHGLately so please do check this site frequently for
the most updated scheduling information:
Current on-line schedules:
Link to Dimond’s on-line Activities calendar
for updating Dimond activities:
o http://www.highschoolsports.net/defaultcal.
Link the ASD Activities page for all ASD
o http://www.asdk12.org/activities/
with Dimond's Girls' team taking the Region
GPA award with a 4.26 GPA. State CrossCountry Skiing concluded last weekend with
our girls' team of Sara Falconer, Sarah Freistone, Savanna Desatoff, Shannon Petersen,
Lindsey Klueber, and Rebecca Hoshaw placing
WHDPRI3DWULFN1Dgel, Matthew Falconer, Cameron Brailey, Kelson Denton, Luke Cvancara, and Zayn Roohi
taking thirteenth.
NCAA information – Sophomores, Juniors
and Seniors!!!
Second semester sophomores, juniors and seniors considering athletics at the collegiate level
must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center—by no later than the beginning of the junior
year of high school. This is required of students
who have interest in NCAA-governed athletic
programs. For more information, please see the
links on the Dimond Activities or Counseling
web pages or click on the links below.
The Region IV Basketball Tournament ended this past Saturday evening with Dimond’s
Girls’ and Boys’ teams emerging victorious as
the Region IV Champions as well as completing matching undefeated seasons! What a remarkable accomplishment for both teams! In
addition, Rob Galosich, Boys’ Head Coach, was
voted Region IV Basketball Boys’ Coach of the
Dimond’s NCAA information page: NCAA link
NCAA Eligibility Center website: www.eligibilitycenter.org
For more activities information, please see Dimond’s Activities page at: http://www.asdk12.
(Circle One)
We are seeking your input to review our sport/athletic programs. Your opinion is taken into
consideration when evaluating our programs and identifying patterns of support or concern. Please take a
few moments of your time to fill out this short survey. Your input is anonymous unless you add your
name. However, recognize that the form and your written comments will be shared with the person for
whom you are providing input. Please try to focus on comments that will reward a person for good
performance or make specific suggestions on how performance might improve. Please return this
assessment form via U.S. mail or bring it by the Activities Office. Thank you.
LEVEL (Circle)
COACH’S NAME_______________________________
DATE: ________________
Please rate the coach in each area on a scale from 1-5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. Circle the
appropriate number or NA if not applicable, or if you are not able to rate the coach in an area.
Very Good
1) Communication w/parents
2) Communication w/ players
3) Organizational skills
4) Motivation of players/team
5) Discipline of team/players
6) Knowledge of the sport
7) Game strategy
8) Prevention and care of injuries
9) Attitude/Conduct during game
10) Attitude/Conduct of players
11) Ability to teach skills
12) Overall rating of coach
Please add any comments below or on a separate sheet of paper.
_____________________________________________Name (optional)____________________________
PLEASE RETURN TO: Dimond H.S. Activities Office, 2909 W. 88th Ave, Anchorage AK 99502
Anchorage, Alaska
A. J. Dimond High School
2909 W. 88th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99502
American Legion Spenard Post 28
Dimond Alumni Foundation
Anchorage Kiwanis Club
Tastee Freez
Siemens Building Technologies
GCI Communications Corp
Michael Foster & Associates
Davis Construction & Engineers Inc.
Enterprise Engineering Inc.
Papa Murphy’s
Steam Dot
Orthopedic Physicians Anchorage
Reger Physical Therapy
To The Parent or Guardian of:
Main Line (Switchboard)
Main FAX
Career Resource Center
Student Services
Visit our Dimond High School Website for current information on our school and activities
@ http://www.asdk12.org/schools/dimond/pages/