ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 1 of 17 1 Revision History Date Description Creator Revision 10/29/2008 Initial Creation Philip Hobbs, Adrian Smith, and Nathen Perry 1 10/31/2008 11/01/2008 11/02/2008 11/03/2008 Edited sections 2 and 2.1, Adrian Smith Appendix A, Appendix B. Edited sections 2.2 Philip Hobbs, Adrian Creation section 2.2.1 Smith, and Nathen Perry Edited sections 2.2.1, 2.3.1 Adrian Smith, Philip Creation section 2.2.2, Hobbs, and Nathen Perry 2.3.2 Adrian Smith, Philip Creation section 3.1, 4.1 Hobbs, and Nathen Perry 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 2 of 17 2 Introduction Is the future technology for automobiles going to revolve around solar energy? One hopes so for economical reasons. Senior Design group 23 feels their solar project provides a contribution to this field and a better future. The Senior Design group project is the Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack. It is being sponsored by PacifiCorp and mentored by James Johnson, an employee of PacifiCorp, and Hai-Yue Han, a graduate student. The purpose of this project is to design and develop a way to balance and equalize the charge of the battery pack. This is going to be used in the Oregon State University (OSU) Solar Powered Car for the 2010 North American Solar Challenge (NASC2010). Earlier this year, 2008, the team used Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) batteries and after finishing in last place they decided to switch to a different type of Li-Ion batteries. Specifically, the new cells the team is purchasing are the 18650’s produced by A123 Systems. One problem with Li-Ion batteries is that not every one is exactly the same, they can have different capacities and discharge efficiency can vary. The Team plans on balancing the charges using a capacitive method and limiting the transfer losses. 2.1 Customer Requirements & Project Background Last year Oregon State University’s solar cell car participated in a national competition to see who could build the most efficient and longest running solar cell car. OSU placed in the middle of the group, which is not good enough. Last year the battery pack in the car did not require a charge balancer because of the low energy density batteries that were used. The plans for the 2010 solar cell car are to use a more sophisticated battery configuration, which enables the car to run father on a single charge. The change in the batteries require the implementation of a charge balancing system (CBS) that can monitor the battery pack to ensure a full even charge [1]. The charge balancer makes sure that all 670 Li-Ion batteries get charged to within 10mV of each other. The cells are placed in a configuration to get the output voltage to 177 volts. To achieve this, the cells are placed into groups called modules, which consist of 24 batteries. The cells placed within the modules are wired in a parallel configuration making the modules self-balance. The trick comes when wiring 27 modules in a series configuration, because they cannot balance. They charge unevenly thus creating the need for the balancing system. The charge balancer ensures each module charges to its maximum voltage and then stops charging. If a module charges slower than the rest the balancer continues to charge it until the desired state is reached. There are some specific requirements for the charge balancing system the Solar Cell Car Team wants enforced. One of these needs is that everything on the car must communicate to the main computer through a system called a control area network (CAN) bus. This includes the feedback from the balancer. All data is real time and is constantly communicating with the main computer. This allows the driver to have updated Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 3 of 17 information on where the current state-of-charge (SOC) is on the batteries. The communication gives the driver the option to personally inspect the current charge and change the charging scheme on all of the modules. Li-Ion batteries ideally operate at a SOC from twenty to eighty percent of their fully rated charge capacity [2]. To maintain this specification the CBS must equalize all the cells within two watt-hours of charge in one hour. Another important specification requested is the weight requirement placed on the CBS. It needs to be engineered to be as light as possible, no heavier than 4 kg. This is complicated due to the number of components required to ensure a safe and environmentally protected design. The weight requirement is a trade off, because the more efficient the charger is the more it will weigh. The goal is a happy medium between the weight and how efficient the balancer is. 2.2 Project Research The following information contains decisions of components and designs needed for the project. 2.2.1 Technology Review Analysis Table 1. Competitive Analysis Model No. Vendor Charge Tolerance (%) # series cell charging LM3420 National Semiconductor 1,0.5 >4 bq77PL900 bq24115 bq2954 Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Texas Instruments NA NA NA 5,6,7,8,9 ,& 10 1, 2, & 3 1, 2, & 3 LTC6802-1 Linear Technology 0.25 >12 AD7280 Analog Devices .1, .5 >6 ADP2291 Analog Devices 1 1 ADP3820 Analog Devices 1 1 MCP73861/2 /3/4 Microchip 0.5 2 Full charge Vmax (V) 4.6, 8.2, 8.4, 12.6, 16.8 4.55, 5, 5.45 2.1, 4.2, 8.4 Max input Voltage (V) Control Topology cell over temp cutoff Over current protection over voltage Protection under voltage protection Reference 20 Linear, Switch mode No No Yes No [3] Yes Yes Yes Yes [4] Yes Yes Yes No [5] NA 7 Yes Yes Yes No [6] 2.3, 3.6, 4.2, 4.6 60 Yes No Yes Yes [7] Yes Yes Yes Yes [8] 4, 5, 5.25 4.158, 4.2, 4.242 50 16 30 Switch mode Switch mode Switch mode Linear, Switch mode Switch mode 12 Linear No Yes Yes No [9] 4.1, 4.2 15 Linear No Yes Yes No [10] variable 8.7 Linear No Yes Yes No [9] As seen in Table 1, National Semiconductor’s LM3420 is a nice compact charger that allows for multiple cell charging and precision end-of-charge control. The LM3420 does lack high temperature and over current protection, which endangers the cell’s life [3]. Texas Instruments (TI) makes several variations of chips that can be used for the CBS or Charge Monitoring System (CMS). There are three best-fit models: the bq77PL900, bq24115, and bq2954. Of the three there is one more suited to this project. Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 4 of 17 The bq77PL900 is one of the best systems TI has to offer and offers a great number of options applicable to the charging process. This chip is designed to be a stand-alone system and covers most situations that a battery experiences during charging [4]. On the other hand, the bq24115 chip offers much of what the bq77PL900 offers. The difference being that it is not designed as a stand-alone system. The bq24115 also does not contain an option for under voltage protection for the cell. This protects the cell from completely draining itself [4, 5]. The bq2954 is the last of the TI chips analyzed. It has some small variations from the bq24115. The option of great difference is the integrated switching controller [6]. Although there are differences, all three of the TI chips could work for the team’s application with some modification. Out of all the Linear Technology (LT) options analyzed the LTC6802-1 is the best fit. This stand-alone system provides several options and application variations. It offers an ability to monitor up to 12 cells at once, which none of the other systems in this analysis do. Unfortunately, it is limited by its ability to protect the cells against over current [7]. Analog Devices makes two variations: a CMS and charge protection. Within the two choices there are three other options. First is the AD7280, a CMS, which offers the broadest options of the systems viewed in Table 1. There are very few circumstances that this system does not cover. The only fault found is the minimal amount of cells that could be monitored by the system [8]. The other two systems are oriented more toward the protection category. Both the ADP2291 and the ADP3820 have very limited options. These limitations range from their lack of cells they could charge to the cell protections that they offer, neither of these would be an ideal choice for the project [9, 10]. MCP73864 produced by Microchip Technologies is the last possible chip reviewed for the design. Like most of its competitors it offers many of the same options. The system claims to be LI-ion and LI-Polymer ready, which none of the other system can claim [11]. There are three full systems researched that could fit the application: the Texas Instruments’ bq77PL900, Linear Technologies’ LTC6802-1, and Analog Devices’ AD7280. All three of these options are stand-alone and must be able to communicate to the existing car system through the CAN. Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 5 of 17 Table 2. System Level Comparison Vendor Texas Instruments Linear Technology Analog Devices Model No. # series cell charging Full charge Vmax (V) Max input Voltage (V) Control Topology Over voltage Protection Reference bq77PL900 5,6,7,8,9,& 10 4.55, 5, 5.45 50 Switchmode Yes [4] Yes [7] Yes [8] LTC6802-1 1-12 2.3, 3.6, 4.2, 4.6 60 Linear, Switchmode AD7280 1-6 4, 5, 5.25 30 Switchmode The bq77PL900 is one option that TI offers for a CMS, shown in Table 2. This is an individual chip designed to be a stand-alone system. It monitors the charging of up to 10 cells in series. There are features included that give the user the option to protect against over voltage, over current, under voltage, cell temperature limits, and variable maximum cell voltage [3]. LT offered very few CMS’s. One of them is the LTC6802-1. Another stand-alone system, it provides several options and application variations. A noticeable benefit is the number of cells monitored in series. This system offers an ability to monitor up to 12 cells at once, which is the most optimal of the systems analyzed. Other beneficial features included are over voltage protection, under voltage monitoring, temperature limiting of the cells, and variable maximum voltage. Unfortunately, it is limited by its ability to protect the cells against over current [7]. The most ideal Analog Device’s option for the CMS is the AD7280. It has a smaller variable maximum voltage range and can only manage up to 6 cells in series. This contributes to a decrease in the overall appeal of the chip for the project. The AD7280 has a feature that the others did not: the ability to daisy chained cells together. This allows the user to increase the number of cells that can be monitored [5]. 2.2.2 Technology Review Analysis – Blocks Table 3. Microcontrollers Ram Size (Bytes) Model Number Manufacturer Price CPU Speed Packaging AT90CAN32 [12] Atmel 9.7$ 2k x 8 16MHz Tray MB91210 [13] Fujitsu 8.9$ 288K 40MHz LQFP-100 Core Processor AVR FR60 Lite CPU Interface Data Converters CAN A/D 8x10b CAN A/D The microcontroller’s role in the charge balancing system is vital. The microcontroller is responsible for all the electronic signals that go in and out of the balancing system. This component directly controls the comparative analysis that is done on each of the modules within the battery pack. All signal processing is done via a standard automotive connection, the CAN bus. Both of the microcontrollers listed in Table 3 communicate through this bus making them both good candidates for the use of the project. The two biggest differences between the chips is the core processor and clock speed. The balancing system does not require a fast processor speed. Therefore nothing is affected by choosing the Fujitsu chip based on speed. The deciding factor on the chip is the access to the software to program them. All Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 6 of 17 the resources needed to program the Atmel are attainable through the OSU engineering accounts. The Atmel is thus a better fit for this system. Table 4. Enclosures Model Number Manufacturer Price Dimensions (in) Weight Material Latches N4X-FG-100806RCHTL [14] Adalet 62.98$ 10x8x6 5 lbs Fiberglass Twist 1554VGY [15] Hammond 19.03$ 9.4x6.3x3.5 3 lbs Hard Plastic Screw on Lid The balancing system is subjected to many different weather conditions and must be able to withstand all of them. An enclosure assists in vibration reduction, water resistant, and protects all the fragile circuitry from being crushed or shorted. The two enclosures, Table 4, compared are both very sturdy and protective against water damage. Both are made from nonconductive materials, the Adalet of fiberglass and the Hammond of hard plastic. The use of these materials means that a short from the case to the system is not possible and vibrations are not passed along to the fragile components inside. The main differences in the enclosures are the weight and the level of water resistance. The Hammond easily defeats the Adalet in both of these categories. Due to the strict weight requirements placed on the system this is a major advantage. The water resistance varies due to the different latching systems. The Hammond has a rubber gasket under the screw on lid and this makes it desirable for this application. Table 5. Fuses Rated Amperage Diameter (in) Terminal Shape Model Number Manufacturer Blow Speed ROHS Fuse Type AGC-3 [16] BUSSMAN Fast No Electric Fuse 35A 0.25 Pin Wire AGC-1-R [17] BUSSMAN Fast Yes Electric Fuse 35A 0.25 End Cap Placing an in line fuse in the charge balancing system is not only a design requirement, but also an essential aspect of designing a safe reliable system. The fuses in Table 5 share the ability to be fast acting. This means there is no delay once the maximum current has been reached. The protection of the fuse ensures that if one system in the solar car fails then the others fail along with it. Both of the reviewed fuses have every quality required for the project to be safe and reliable. They vary slightly in two categories. One of these categories is the ROHS, which is the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. This classification is not a deciding factor. The other difference is the terminal shape, which changes the fuse holder that is required to hold each fuse in place. Since this is just a preference the End Cap shaped fuse is chosen. Table 6. Charge Balancer Part Number BQ24032A[5] Battery Charge (V) Manufacturer Texas Instruments 4.2 V Optional Functions Vout Regulated to 4.4V LP3947 [3] National Semiconductor Accepts either AC adapter or USB power source 4.2 V LiPolymer Vin (max) (V) Li-Ion USB 18 Yes Yes Yes 6 Yes Yes No Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack Series Cells 3 1 ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 7 of 17 There are many charge balancing systems on the market, but the two listed in Table 6 meet the battery charge voltages needed to charge the cells. The ability to charge a cell to a maximum of 4.2 V makes these balancers fit the power curve on the chosen cells perfectly. The TI balancer has the ability to be retrofit to charge Li-Polymer cells, making it a great choice if the type of cell were to be changed. The TI also has the ability to take a larger input voltage, which allows the team to use the standard 12 V motherboard power supply to run the electronics in the whole system. The most important feature the TI has over the other is the ability to manage three cells as opposed to just one. Since the pack being monitored is 27 cells in series the higher monitoring value it needed. Choosing this feature for the final design requires fewer balancing systems. This results in less heat and overall components on the circuit boards. Table 7. Batteries Typical Model Number Capacity Min Capacity ICR18650NH [18] 2200mAh 2150mAh LR18650 [19] 2200mAh 2150mAh Nominal Voltage 3.7 3.7 Discharge Charge Discharging Current max (V) Current (Std) Weight (Max) 4.3 .2 A 45 g 2 Amps 4.2 .2 A 47 g 2 Amps Price 13.95$ 8.25$ The batteries listed in Table 7 both have the same dimensions. They are both 18 mm in diameter and 65.0 mm long, demonstrating the model number of 18650. The Solar Car Team chose this battery dimension for use in the new pack. The regulations of the solar car challenge state that if Li-Ion batteries are used then the team is only allowed 30 kg of cells in the car. When the cells in Table 7 are compared they are identical except for price and weight. The weight is the aspect that becomes important because the more batteries you can fit in the pack the more power can be stored. If the heavy cell is chosen then the team could only fit 638 cells into the car. If the lighter one is used then the team can fit 648 cells into the car. The difference between the two is 22.2 A-hr. This small weight difference makes the more expensive and lighter weight cell the correct choice for this application. Type Level C General Purpose Assembly Low Table 8. Code Used For Debugger Portable Object Code Programming Software Yes Yes No Device Drivers Yes No Yes Programs to use Ease of Use Flat assembler Miracle Moderate Difficult The microcontroller used in the charge balancing system comes without the operation code installed. The chip has to be programmed to monitor the voltage differences in the modules and decide to keep charging them or to stop when they become charged to the programmed voltage. The options listed in Table 8 are to use a standard programming language C or to use Assembly machine code language. Since the main computer uses C code to do communication, the project must also be programmed in C to be capable of exchanging data with it. Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 8 of 17 2.3 Feature Set 2.3.1 Absolute Minimum Requirements The CBS must meet the following customer and instructor agreed upon requirements. • Use some form of resistive shunting or capacitive pumping Grading Weight: 10/100 Engineering Requirements: Combination of capacitive pumping to charge and/or resistive shunting to burn off excess charge going to the cells. • Able to equalize 2 watt-hours of charge in one hour Grading Weight: 10/100 Engineering Requirements: Equalize 1 cell charged to 2 watt-hours and 1 uncharged cell in 1 hour. • Have protection circuitry to protect against accidental shorting Grading Weight: 10/100 Engineering Requirements: Fuses will be placed in ideal locations on the CBS to protect personal and individual systems in the chance of accidental shorting. • Capable of balancing voltage on 2 or more cells in series Grading Weight: 15/100 Engineering Requirements: Equalization of charge on as many cells in series as possible. • Be water resistant Grading Weight: 5/100 Engineering Requirements: Water resistant enclosure that protects the circuitry against small sprays of moisture for 30 seconds. • Allow for manual override of balancing scheme from main computer Grading Weight: 10/100 Engineering Requirements: Allows the charging scheme to be changed by the driver or the cars main control system. • Must communicate to the main computer through the CAN bus Grading Weight: 15/100 Engineering Requirements: The solar car main control system currently uses a CAN bus, and the CBS will have to utilize the same system to communicate with the current car controller. • Design weighs less than 4kg Grading Weight: 10/100 Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 9 of 17 Engineering Requirements: The CBS system design must weigh less then 4kg. • Operates through 20 minutes vibration test Grading Weight: 5/100 Engineering Requirements: The CBS is placed in a vibrating environment and required to operate during and after exposure to the vibration. • Be enclosed in a protective case Grading Weight: 10/100 Engineering Requirements: Protective case will be used to ensure that the circuitry will not be exposed to harmful elements that my damage it. 2.3.2 Desired Feature Set • Equalize cells voltages to < 10 mV Grading Weight: 25/50 Engineering Requirements: 1 charge cell and 1 uncharged cell equalizes to within 10mV of each other. • Equalization of more than 12 cells in series Grading Weight: 25/50 Engineering Requirements: equalization of charge of more than 12 cells in series. Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 10 of 17 3 Architectural Overview 3.1 Implementation Approaches Approach 1. The first option is a printed circuit board (PCB) that uses protection and balancing schemes. This option requires the design of small PCB’s that employ balancing and/or protection chips on it. These small PCB’s are applied to the individual cells. This application works well typically, but the design requires at least 650 individual boards. The production and application of so many boards is unacceptable due to the amount of manpower and could exceed the budget. These issues, along with the fact that the customer wants to avoid this scheme, are reason enough not to continue analyzing this possibility. Approach 2. Another option is to use a configuration of power MOSFETs and comparators to control voltages between the cells. It takes the application of hundred of MOSFETs, therefore this option is not acceptable. Employing this alternative eliminates the ability for the customer to control and observe the system. The option to override any charging scheme is a key feature requested by the costumer. Approach 3. Finally the best-fit application determined is a system that is isolated from the battery pack with its exclusive function balancing the cells. The CBS uses a possible combination microprocessor for controlling the scheme of the charge, resistive shunting to burn off any excess charge going to or on the cell, and capacitive pumping to increase the charge rate of other cells. These choices, along with the ability to override the current charging scheme of individual cells, meet most of the customers requested features. Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 11 of 17 4 Top Level Description 4.1 Top level block diagram Figure 1. 4.1.1 Top level interface definition Name Power Supply Type Input Table 9. Top level interface definition Description Power: 24 Pin Molex Connection Pin 10,11 +12V Pin 3,5,7,15 Ground Pin 9 Standby +5V (10mA) Max Micro Power Input Power: 2.7-5.5V Input, (400mA) Max DC current per pin 40.0 mA Balancer Power Input Power: +12V DC Current: 2A (Max) Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Solar Power Input Power: Watts/Panel 305 Max Power: 187 kWs Charge/Discharge Input Signal Type: Digital Page 12 of 17 Output Power: Vcc = 5V, Min 4.2V, DC Current Vcc and Gnd Pins 200mA Signal Type: Digital C programmed Info. Environment Input Protection: Water Resistance Temperature: Heat Dissipation Body Mount Input Mechanical: Mounting Hardware to car chassis Mechanical; Vibration Reduction Code Input Signal Type: Digital Code Type: C Balancer Mount Input Protection: Non conductive mounting Hardware Mechanical; Vibration Reduction Micro Mount Input Protection: Non conductive mounting Hardware Mechanical; Vibration Reduction Output Thermal Protection: Heat Grease Power Bus Input Power: 4.2V (Max) DC Current 2A (Max) Motor Power Output Power: 113.5 V (Max) DC Current: 75A (Max) Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Name CAN Type Input/Output Pin # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Page 13 of 17 Description Signal Names Reserved Upgrade Path CAN_L Dominant Low CAN_GND Ground Reserved Upgrade Path CAN_SHLD Shield, Optional GND Ground, Optional CAN_H Dominant High Reserved Upgrade Path CAN_V+ Power, Optional Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 14 of 17 Appendix A References [1] IEEE Xplore, "A PWM Controlled Simple and High Performance Battery Balancing System" 2008. [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: Oct. 15, 2008]. [2] Analog Zone, "Cell Balancing Maximizes The Capacity Of Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Packs," [Online]. Available:, [Accessed: Oct. 20, 2008]. [3] National Semiconductor (July 2000), “LM3420 4.2, 8.2, 8.4, 12.6, 16.8 Lithium-Ion Battery Charge Controller”, [Online], Available:, [Accessed: Oct. 15, 2008] [4] Texas Instruments (June 2008), bq77LP900, “Five to Ten Series Cell Lithium-Ion or Lithium-Polymer Battery Protector and Analog Front End”, [Online], Available:, [Accessed: Oct. 18, 2008] [5] Texas Instruments (June 2004), bq24100, bq24103, bq24103A, bq24105, bq24108, bq24109, bq24113, bq24113A, bq24115, “SYNCHRONOUS SWITCHMODE, LIION AND LI-POLYMER CHARGE-MANAGEMENTIC WITH INTEGRATED POWER FETs (bqSWITCHER™)”, [Online], Available:, [Accessed: Oct. 18, 2008] [6] Texas Instruments (June 2008), bq2954, “Lithium Ion Charge Management IC with Integrated Switching Controller”, [Online], Available:, [Accessed: Oct. 18, 2008] [7] Linear Technology (2008), LTC6802-1, “Multicell Battery Stack Monitor”, [Online], Available:,C1,C1003,C1 037,C1134,P86662,D26880, [Accessed: Oct. 20, 2008] [8] Analog Devices (2008), AD7280, “Lithium Ion Battery Monitoring System” Available:, [Online][Accessed: Oct. 19, 2008] [9] Analog Devices (2008), ADP2291, “Compact, 1.5A Linear Charger Single-Cell Li+Battery” [Online], Available:, [Accessed: Oct. 19, 2008] [10] Analog Devices (2008), “AD3820, Lithium Ion Battery Charger” [Online], Available:, [Accessed: Oct. 19, 2008] Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 15 of 17 [11] MICROCHIP (2008), MCP73861/2/3/4, “Advanced Single or Dual Cell, Fully Integrated Li-Ion/ Li-Polymer Charge Management Controllers”, [Online], Available:, [Accessed: Oct. 20, 2008] [12] DigiKey, "AT90CAN32-16AU," 2008. [Online]. Available: =AT90CAN32&x=0&y=0 [Accessed: Nov. 2, 2008]. [13] Fujitsu, "Microcontrollers," 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Nov. 2, 2008]. [14] AD Products, "Fiber Glass Enclosures," 2008. [Online]. Available: uct=912 Accessed: Nov. 2, 2008]. [15] AD Products, "Non-Metallic Enclosures," 2008. [Online]. Available: uct=681 [Accessed: Nov. 2, 2008]. [16] Jameco Electronics, "Electric Fuses," 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Nov. 2, 2008]. [17] Jameco Electronics, "Bussman Fuses," 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Nov. 2, 2008]. [18] Battery Junction .com, "Lithium-Ion," 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Nov. 2, 2008]. [19] Bi Power Electronics, "Rechargeable 3.7 volt batteries," 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Nov. 2, 2008]. Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 16 of 17 Appendix B Naming Conventions and Glossary Block – A block is the basic element of a system. It is a standalone object that performs some function in the system. A block should be ‘small’ enough that everything contained inside of it can be fully understood as a whole, or the contents can be purchased as a whole. CAN – Control Area Network, type of bus permitting microcontrollers to exchange data with other devices without requiring a host computer. Cell – A single unit for electrolysis or conversion of chemical into electric energy, usually consisting of a container with electrodes and an electrolyte; a battery. CBS – Charge Balancing System, system that detects and equalizes the charge level across several batteries. CMS – Charge Monitoring System, system that detects and observes the amount of charge in batteries. Customer Requirement – A requirement that may or may not be able to be tested as is. A requirement supplied by the customer, sponsor, or mentor. Discipline Decomposition – The process of dividing a system into blocks based on the primary knowledge used in defining each block. (e.g. computer science, electrical, mechanical) Engineering Requirements – A requirement that can be tested and evaluated through a step by step process. Usually a numerical specification is included. Environment – The set of influences that the system will be operating within. These could include temperature, humidity, immersion, vacuum, etc… Functional Decomposition – The process of dividing a system into blocks that represent the required functions. See discipline decomposition, locality decomposition. Interface Characteristics – Every connection between blocks is defined by a unique name and a list of interface characteristics. These characteristics define an interface to the degree that a block can be built without knowledge of other blocks in the system. Li-Ion battery – Lithium-Ion battery, battery type that is capable of being recharged. Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack ECE 441 Senior Design Preliminary Design Specification Page 17 of 17 Li-poly battery – Lithium Polymer battery, a more advanced type of Li-Ion battery that is more robust and costs less to manufacture. Locality Decomposition – The process of dividing a system into blocks based on the similarity (locality) of blocks. (e.g. all inputs together, all outputs together) Microcontroller – A working computer system on a chip that includes a processor core (CPU), memory, and programmable input/output (I/O) peripherals. Module – A separable component, frequently one that is interchangeable with others, for assembly into units of differing size, complexity, or function. SOC – State of Charge, the available capacity expressed as a percentage of its rated capacity pertaining to batteries. Sub-System – This is a grouping of one or more blocks that function together to perform some task. (E.g. a motor and a motor controller perform the task of motion.) System – The complete system that you are designing. This includes all blocks in your design. Top-Level – This refers to the system block diagram containing all blocks in the system. Group # 23 - Charge Balancer for Solar Car Battery Pack