AVID for Higher Education Teacher Preparation Initiative Teacher

Others Say...
“Having a community-wide AVID
system in Odessa has created
a continuous cycle of college
readiness growth and support
benefitting many entities. Not only are
the education major students at UTPB
receiving instruction and pedagogy
in AVID, some of the college students
for Higher Education
For information contact:
Beth Parker
Teacher Preparation Initiative
Eileen Friou
National Director of AVID for Higher Education
have completed their practicum within
the AVID secondary elective classes in
ECISD. Having teachers and professors
sit alongside each other and vertically
align the skills that students need to be
successful has been such a powerful
AVID’s mission is to close the achievement
gap by preparing all students for college
readiness and success in a global society.
teaming experience.”
D r . H o l ly H u n g e r f o r d K resser , A ssistant
P r o f ess o r , Uni v e r si t y
o f Te x a s at A r l in g t o n ,
C o l l e g e o f E d u c at i o n
“As a high school teacher, I felt AVID helped
me improve my practice and deepen my
relationships with students. As a professor,
I am thrilled that my pre-service teachers
get to experience AVID as a part of their
preparation and development.”
“I have learned many new concepts to take
into the classroom. I particularly enjoy the
inquiry method. I have always been quick
to just give the students the answer; it is
important to ask questions to get them
thinking and problem solving on their own.”
“I have used the note taking, time
management, and the organization skills in
my other classes and actually have quite a
good system going at this point.”
“I attended an AVID training session with
my classmates, professors, and local
school district teachers. The AVID
program has wonderful strategies that
I look forward to teaching in my own
class someday.”
Teacher Preparation Intitiative
Our continued goal at AVID, throughout the entire system, is to close
the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness
and success in a global society. By preparing future teachers through
university teacher preparation programs, we also have the opportunity
to bring the AVID system full circle as these teacher candidates leave
the universities prepared to teach in a manner that allows all students
to be college ready.
Collectively, the AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative Essentials are
designed to create a support system that is:
Holistic: Engages the whole student and the whole campus.
Systemic: Creates a comprehensive, cross-divisional infrastructure
that has the potential to generate synergistic (multiplicative) effects on
teacher candidate success.
Sustained: Provides a systematic plan for ongoing campus
involvement that incorporates follow-up structures to support
continuous campus commitment and follow-up assessment to evaluate
the system’s cumulative impact on teacher candidate success.
Transformative: Catalyzes organizational change and drives
institutional movement toward the development of a student-centered,
learning-focused campus culture.
Empirical: Rests on a solid base of research evidence that spans
multiple campus sites, multiple research methods, and multiple points
of assessment for tracking teacher candidate progress across time.
Customized: Tailored to fit the needs of teacher candidates and
campuses that have the commitment and determination to implement
its essential features with fidelity.
AVID for Higher Education
Teacher Preparation Initiative
AV I D f o r
Higher Education
Te a c h e r P r e p a r a t i o n
The AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative (TPI) is an arm
of AVID for Higher Education designed to impact teacher
candidates as they enter their classrooms and begin
supporting a college-going culture. AVID TPI personnel
collaborate with colleges of education to systematically
address the needs of teacher candidates as they enter the teaching field. It is the goal of the AVID Teacher
Preparation Initiative to provide teacher candidates with a deep understanding of, and practical experience
with, AVID frameworks, methodologies, and strategies so that they enter the teaching field having analyzed and
practiced instructional strategies that will make them successful in meeting a broad spectrum of student needs.
TPI Process
•Faculty members are trained in the basics of AVID methodologies through a variety of selected professional development experiences.
•Faculty members then model and utilize these strategies for teacher candidates within their teacher
preparation courses, making the AVID framework and philosophy explicit.
•Teacher candidates are expected to implement the strategies within the supportive framework of their
classes and during their field experiences/student teaching.
Courses are enhanced, and teacher candidates receive vital methodology and strategy instruction within
the WICOR framework.
TPI Structural Framework
Pre-Summer Institute orientation seminar (TPI
Structure/Process, WICOR)
Summer Institute (Eight Site Team members in first
two years)
•AVID frameworks, methodologies, and strategies
are embedded into existing course content and
•Faculty models and directly instructs the teacher
candidates in AVID frameworks, methodologies,
• Professional Development Days (Four days per year
and strategies as outlined in TPI Instructional
during first two years)
Mapping Matrices
• AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative Implementation
•AVID frameworks, methodologies, and strategies
are integrated into teacher candidate field
experiences and student teaching
• Campus Site Team Action Plans
Planning days (Four days per year)
•Formulation of Instructional Mapping Matrices by
certification area and AVID framework (WICOR)
Creation of AVID-infused course syllabi
•Teacher Preparation Initiative Campus Resource
Library of AVID curriculum
Campus Site Team Research Plans
•AVID and campus data collection
Campus liaison and AVID classroom
instructional observations
•AVID surveys
AV I D Te a c h e r P r e p a r a t i o n I n i t i a t i v e
AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative collaborates with colleges and schools of education to systemically address
the needs of teacher candidates enrolled in teacher education programs. AVID supports teacher candidates
in their efforts to obtain teacher certification. AVID assists faculty and staff in analyzing existing curricula and
data, identifying barriers and needs, and establishing learning outcomes and assessments. When implemented
with fidelity, AVID has the potential to impact the preparation and performance of teacher candidates through
consistent support and professional development for faculty and staff.
Essential 1—Administrative Leadership and Support
The campus administrative leadership actively supports and participates in the implementation of AVID
Teacher Preparation Initiative.
Essential 2—The AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative Campus Team
The AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative Campus Team works collaboratively to develop, implement, and
sustain a multi-year Campus Plan and to sustain the AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative.
Essential 3—Faculty and Staff Professional Learning
The Campus Plan includes on-campus and off-campus AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative professional
development experiences for faculty and staff.
Essential 4—AVID Experience: Impacting Teacher Preparation
AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative teacher candidates receive instruction in AVID strategies through
college faculty via teacher education program.
Essential 5—Assessment and Research
AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative campuses participate in assessment, research, and the tracking of
students through graduation/program completion and beyond.
The AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative Essentials are
designed to transform campus culture by engaging all key
campus members and programs in the change process,
Teacher Candidates: Empowering them with transferable
learning strategies and skills (i.e., writing, inquiry,
collaboration, organization, and reading) for success
across the curriculum, which are introduced in the teacher
education program
Peers: Capitalizing on the power of peer influence via
learning communities and cohort groups
Faculty and Staff: Supplying effective strategies and
professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, as well as opportunities for collaborative
partnerships created through cross-functional campus planning teams
Administrators: Providing campus leaders with a long-term plan that includes essential fiscal support,
human resources, and organizational change strategies
Institutional Research: Engaging in the collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data
a) improve implementation and execution of the AVID Essentials (formative evaluation)
b) assess AVID’s effectiveness (impact) by tracking teacher candidate performance through graduation and induction (summative evaluation)
c) create a “culture of evidence” that fosters institutional improvement and demonstrates institutional accountability to external constituents (e.g., accrediting bodies, governing boards, and funding agencies)
Although the AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative Essentials require fidelity of implementation, consideration
is given to each campus's distinctive context, culture, and needs by
a) acquiring knowledge about the campus
b) ensuring that the purpose of the AVID Teacher Preparation Initiative aligns with the institution’s mission, strategic plan, and future vision
c) adapting its features to complement and augment existing campus support programs and teacher candidate success initiatives.