! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM PUBLICATION ! Resource Order Request Worksheet ! ICS-213-RR ! ! ! 05-15-2015 ! ! Trial Resource Request Form ! The ordering process has been around for some time and works well in most cases. Issues and clarifications come up from time to time that can delay or cause confusion. This is especially true if the commander’s intent or agreement is not clarified or stated, for example. Our ordering system relies on the General Message ICS 213 form. This means that it is up to the writer to convey what is being ordered. That process is learned from past experiences and is completely subject to the receivers interpretation of what is written. If questions arise, the order is delayed until clarification can be made. This trial form is not a requirement nor does it take the place of the ICS 213. It is a job aid that the user can choose to use to simplify the ordering process. It was adapted from the US Coast Guard ICS-213-RR for our use. Various subject matter experts in ROSS have included items on the form that assist in the basic input requirements for an order along with the accessory things that can go along with it. It prompts the user to think about all the items associated with an order. It is by no means, all inclusive. This FIRESCOPE Trial Resource Request Form is being provided to assist you and make the ordering process simplified. It also contributes substantially to the documentation of an order. You may find it useful, you may find it cumbersome. Either way, we’d like to know what you think. 1. Does it assist you in simplifying an order? 2. Is there anything on the form that you feel could be added to make it better? 3. Is the form too cumbersome and confusing? 4. If you used the form on an incident, how did it work? 5. Was it well received from the Ordering Manager and Expanded? So, give it a try. All we ask is that you make sure the Ordering Manager and Expanded are aware that you will be using the form and we’d like your comments, up or down, for final determination. Send your comments to Bill.Bondshu@caloes.ca.gov ! ! ! ! ! ! Kind or mnemonic Incident Name: QTY Type Overhead Name Requests: Name (ROSS): Incident #: Location Time of Request: Agreement Approved for Fill with Select all appropriate MMA CFAA Local NO State Fed local Availability Confirmed: YES CX Signature Position Phone Number Phone Number Status: Filled To be completed by Incident Ordering Position Phone Number Date/ Time Reporting/Delivery Date of Request: Detailed Description: characteristics, special needs, 4X4, 2 operator, spray bars etc. Circle appropriate needed and approved to bring. Write in additional. Cell Phone Laptop Printer HT Radio GPS Internet card Private Rental vehicle 4X4 Sedan SUV Trainee OK Cell Phone Laptop Printer HT Radio GPS Internet card Private Rental vehicle 4X4 Sedan SUV Trainee OK Cell Phone Laptop Printer HT Radio GPS Internet card Private Rental vehicle 4X4 Sedan SUV Trainee OK Phone #: Cell Phone Laptop Printer HT Radio GPS Internet card Private Rental vehicle 4X4 Sedan SUV Trainee OK Agency ID: Name Request Form attached (Local Govt Only): YES NO Has the person’s Chief/Supervisor approved this special request? Yes ____ No ____ Has this request been reviewed by Incident ICS functional Chief? Yes____ No____ Is this person part of an IMT that was not on the initial incident roster? Yes ____ No ___ Local Government CA-OES Region: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Position UTF Signature Date/Time: Section Chief and IC approval REQUIRED FOR NAME REQUEST ONLY: Signature Comments/Considerations/Special Instructions: Requested By: Name Section Chief Approval: Name IC/DPIC Approval: Name Ordering Manager: Name: Expanded ECC: ICS-213-RR Resource Order Request Worksheet 06-15-2015