EVALUATION BOARD DATA SHEET EV144 Evaluation Board for the AAT4621 PC Card Current Limit Interface and Capacitor Charger General Description The AAT4621EV evaluation kit is a fully assembled and tested circuit board designed to demonstrate the features of the AAT4621 SmartSwitch™ supercapacitor charger. The board accepts a 3V to 5.5V supply and provides the power control loop, reverse blocking and temperature foldback required to charge high capacitance supercapacitors for applications such as PC cards and other portable high current requirements. Numerous test points are available to connect input/ output control signals for system integration and to ease measurements of key parameters. Jumpers are included to enable/disable the device or to connect to a logic level for on/off control. The AAT4621 uses very few external components. The current limit is set by two external resistors allowing a ±10% current limit accuracy over the normal operating temperature range. The switch can be controlled from either of the two enable inputs and in the off condition will block currents in both directions. The AAT4621 also incorporates a System READY (RDY) function which can advise the system that the super capacitor is fully charged and ready for use. Adjustable hysteresis is provided with the addition of an external resistor. The AAT4621EV kit is shipped with the AAT4621IWO and a 550mF CAPXX supercapacitor installed and the device is programmed to the high charge current limit level. Features • • • • • • VIN Range: 3.0V to 5.5V Dual Independent Current Limits 75mA to 1200mA Reverse Current Blocking Protection Power Loop with Temp Foldback 50mΩ Typical RDS(ON) at 3V Figure 1: Fully Assembled AAT4621EV Evaluation Kit. Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@skyworksinc.com • www.skyworksinc.com 202271A • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • August 16, 2012 1 EVALUATION BOARD DATA SHEET EV144 Evaluation Board for the AAT4621 PC Card Current Limit Interface and Capacitor Charger PCB Layout Figure 2: Top Assembly Layer. Figure 3: Bottom Assembly Layer. J1 VCC EN IU J2 VCC 14 EN IL EN IL VCC P2 VCC P4 GND TB1 IN VCC EN IU C1 10µF 13 R1 1.5K D1 U1 EN IU RDY RDY 1 2 RHYS EN IL RHYS 12 GND ISETU 3 ISETU 11 VCC ISETL 4 ISETL VCC OUT 5 VCC OUT VCC OUT 10 9 8 P1 RDY LED RED AAT 4621_TDFN 33-14 6 R2 200K R3 1M R4 120K P3 OUT 7 R5 47.5K + C2 10µF + SC1 0.55F R6 47.5K OUT TB 2 OUT P5 GND Figure 4: AAT4621EV Kit Schematic. 2 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@skyworksinc.com • www.skyworksinc.com 202271A • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • August 16, 2012 EVALUATION BOARD DATA SHEET EV144 Evaluation Board for the AAT4621 PC Card Current Limit Interface and Capacitor Charger Quick Start Guide Recommended Equipment • • • • • • Variable power supply: 0V to 5V @ 2A DVM voltmeter DVM ammeter Load resistors or electronic load up to 1.2A Current probes 4-channel oscilloscope Quick Start Operating Procedure The following procedure should be used when operating the AAT4621EV for the first time to verify correct operation. Use Figure 5 as a guide. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Preset the power supply to 3.7V. Turn off the power supply. Do not turn the power supply on until all connections have been made. Connect the power supply positive lead to the positive connector on a DVM set as a ammeter. Connect the negative connector on the ammeter to the VCC pin connector of the AAT4621EV. Connect the power supply negative lead to the GND pin connector near the VCC pin connector on the AAT4621EV. Make sure J1 and J2 are connected to Pins 1 to 2 initially to disable the AAT4621. Turn on the power supply. Remove the jumper on J1 and J2 and set to Pins 2 and 3; verify that the VOUT voltage level is 3.7V using the voltmeter. 9. Reinstall J1 and check enable/disable function, no load and shutdown current. Figure 5: Measurement Setup to Verify Correct AAT4621EV Operation. Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@skyworksinc.com • www.skyworksinc.com 202271A • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • August 16, 2012 3 EVALUATION BOARD DATA SHEET EV144 Evaluation Board for the AAT4621 PC Card Current Limit Interface and Capacitor Charger Detailed Description Detailed Operating Procedure The following procedures are provided as optional steps that can be used to test the AAT4621 device functions using the AAT4621EV evaluation kit. Use Figure 6 as a guide. Check Ramp Rate and Charge Current Connect a 3.7V supply to the VCC pin and an electronic load set to CC mode on VOUT. Connect voltage probes to VCC, VOUT, and RDY. Connect a current probe on the input wire. Measure rise time on the supercapacitor and the input charge current value. Monitor the RDY pin, which goes low when the SC is fully charged. See Figure 7 for the 800mA charge current example. Set the ISETU to Pins 1 and 2 to lower the charge current to 96mA and see Figure 8. Check Startup with Pulsed Load Remove the RDY voltage probe and connect a current probe to the output load wire. Set the CC load to a transient current pulse and measure VOUT voltage droop as shown in Figures 9 and 10. Check GSM Performance Set the CC load to transient and set the current to 1.1A for 1.1ms and then 0A for 4.612ms to simulate a GPRS Transmit, 2-slot signal as shown in Figure 9. Current draw from supercapacitor = 1.1A for 1.154ms every 4.615ms. 2 slots/frame = 2X 577ms or 1.154ms / 4.615ms = 25% duty cycle. This represents a power amplifier power consumption = +33dBm (50% efficiency) = 2W / 50% = 4W and current during transmit is 4W / 3.75V = 1.1A, Average current: 1.1A x 25% = 275mA. Figure 6: Measurement Setup to Verify Detailed AAT4621EV Operation. 4 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@skyworksinc.com • www.skyworksinc.com 202271A • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • August 16, 2012 EVALUATION BOARD DATA SHEET EV144 Evaluation Board for the AAT4621 PC Card Current Limit Interface and Capacitor Charger Channel 4: VCC (1V/div) Channel 4: VCC (1V/div) Channel 3: VOUT (1V/div) Channel 3: VOUT (1V/div) Channel 1: RDY (1V/div) Channel 1: RDY (1V/div) Channel 2: IIN (500mA/div) Channel 2: IIN (500mA/div) Time (500µs/div) Figure 7: Startup Waveform No Load, 800mA Current Limit. Figure 8: Startup Waveform No Load, 96mA Current Limit. Channel 4: VCC (1V/div) Channel 3: VOUT (50mV/div, AC Coupled) Channel 4: VCC (1V/div) Channel 3: VOUT (1V/div) Channel 2: IIN (500mA/div) Channel 1: IOUT (500mA/div) Channel 2: IIN (500mA/div) Channel 1: IOUT (500mA/div) Time (5s/div) Time (1s/div) Figure 9: Startup Waveform Pulsed 1.2A Load. Designator Description ENIU (J1) Enable (ENIU Input) ENIL (J2) Enable (ENIL Input) VCC (TB1 or P2) GND (TB1 or P4) OUT (TB2 or P3) GND (TB2 or P5) Input Voltage VIN ground connections Output Voltage VOUT ground connections Time (1ms/div) Figure 10: GPRS Transmit 2-Slot Ch975, 33dBm. Default Setting Additional Current Pins 2 and 3 enable the AAT4621 and upper current limit Pins 2 and 3 enable AAT4621 and lower current limit Connect to 3.7V Connect to ground Connect to load Connect to ground 1.282mA both pins 2-3 connected 0.97µA both pins 1-2 connected 1.282mA both pins 2-3 connected 0.97µA both pins 1-2 connected Table 1: Jumper Settings, Test Points and Connector Locations on PCB Shown in Figures 2, 3 and 4. Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@skyworksinc.com • www.skyworksinc.com 202271A • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • August 16, 2012 5 EVALUATION BOARD DATA SHEET EV144 Evaluation Board for the AAT4621 PC Card Current Limit Interface and Capacitor Charger Figure 11: Top Layer Routing. Figure 12: Bottom Layer Routing/Ground Plane. 6 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@skyworksinc.com • www.skyworksinc.com 202271A • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • August 16, 2012 EVALUATION BOARD DATA SHEET EV144 Evaluation Board for the AAT4621 PC Card Current Limit Interface and Capacitor Charger Item Description 1 2 3 4 5 Resistor, 1.5kΩ, 5%, SMT, 0402 Resistor, 200kΩ, 5%, SMT, 0402 Resistor, 1MΩ, 5%, SMT, 0402 Resistor, 120kΩ, 5%, SMT, 0402 Resistor, 47.5kΩ, 5%, SMT, 1206 SuperCapacitor, HS206, 550mF / 5.5V, 85mW ESR, SMT, 39mm x 17mm 6 7 Capacitor, Ceramic, 10µF / 16V, X7R, SMT, 1206 8 9 LED, CMD15-21SRC/TR8, Super RED, SMT, 1206 IC, AAT4621IWO-T1, TDFN33-14 10 Pin Connector 11 12 2.54mm, 3 Pin Jumper 1725656, Conn. Term Block 2.54MM 2POS Manufacturer Quantity Reference FengHua, Neohm, Yageo, Vishay 1 1 1 1 2 R1 R2 – RHYS R3 – ISETU R4 – ISETL R5, R6 CAPXX 1 SC1 2 C1, C2 1 1 D1 U1 VIN, VOUT, LDO, GND (3) J1 TB1, TB2 AVX, Panasonic, Kemet, Murata, TDK, FengHua, Taiyo Yuden CML Innovative Technologies Skyworks Molex, Hirose Phoenix Contact 5 2 2 Table 2: Component List (BOM). Manufacturer Web Sites http://www.avxcorp.com/ http://www.cap-xx.com/ http://www.cml-it.com/ http://www.component.tdk.com/ http://www.fenghua.com/ http://www.molex.com http://www.murata.com/http://www.phoenixcon.com/ http://www.t-yuden.com/ http://www.vishay.com/ http://www.sh.rsprc.com/ http://www.digikey.com/ http://www.sumida.com/ http://www.hirose.com/ http://www.yageo.com/ Distributor Web Sites http://www.rs-components.com/index.html Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@skyworksinc.com • www.skyworksinc.com 202271A • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • August 16, 2012 7 EVALUATION BOARD DATA SHEET EV144 Evaluation Board for the AAT4621 PC Card Current Limit Interface and Capacitor Charger Ordering Information Part Number IIN IC Package Pins Kit Contents AAT4621EV-TDFN 800/96mA TDFN33-14 14 AAT4621EV User Guide Fully Assembled 2 Layer PCB Copyright © 2012 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. 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Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at www.skyworksinc.com, are incorporated by reference. 8 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@skyworksinc.com • www.skyworksinc.com 202271A • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • August 16, 2012