9th Grade Orientation - Jericho Public Schools

9th Grade
Go to the Internet address http://www.bestschools.org/
This is the district’s home page. Here you can find information about Jericho Public Schools.
Click High School. Here you can find information about Jericho High School.
Click Library. This is the home page of the Jericho High School Library’s Web site. It contains links to over 500 curriculumtargeted Internet resources and provides access to our online databases and Web-based catalog. You will use this site to
find out more about your library.
1. According to the paragraph to the left of the picture of the computer, what was the Jericho High School Library the
first high school library on Long Island to have?
You can access the online catalog via the Internet by clicking the appropriate link (in the yellow box to the right of
the computer). Click Enter on the next screen.
Type the word rap music in the subject box, then click the Search button.
2. How many books on rap music does the high school library have? _________
The first book listed should be Hip Hop America. Click the drop-down sort menu (left side of screen near the top)
and change it from “Unsorted” to “Title.”
3. What title is listed first now? ________________________ Who is the author?___________________
Click the word Details.
4. What is the status of this book? __________________ When is it due back? ______________________
Click the browser’s BACK button until you have returned to the library’s home page.
Click on the area that says Electronic Resources. Answer the following questions as you scroll down the
5. How many online magazine and newspaper databases does the high school library subscribe to? _______
6. Name three ________________________ _______________________ ______________________
7. How many Gale Resource Centers? _________
8. Name two ______________________________ ________________________________
9. How many encyclopedias and reference books are available online? _________
Click the browser’s BACK button. Click on the area of the library’s logo that says About the Library.
10. What are the library’s hours? ____________________
Jericho High School Library || 2002
11. Approximately how many books does the high school library have? ____________________
12. How long can books be checked out for? ____________________
13. Can reference books and magazines be checked out? ________
14. Does the library have a photocopy machine? ___________
15. What does OPAC stand for? ____________
____________ _____________ ___________
16. Approximately how many videocassettes do we have? _______________
17. How many secretaries? Name one ________________
18. How many librarians? ______ Name them _______________________ and ______________________
19. Click the link for Ms. Ryder. Scroll down and click A cool photo.... What’s the horse’s name? _______________
Click the browser’s BACK button twice. Click the link for Mrs. Kearon. Scroll down and click the link for Lucy.
20. What color is Lucy? ____________
Scroll to the bottom and click the high school library icon to get back to the home page. Under the library logo is a
list of words. Clicking on these words brings you to links related to that subject.
Click on the word English.
21. Scroll down the page. What topic has a picture of masks next to it? ____________________
Under the topic Genealogy/Identity, click the first link (Historic Events and Birthdays - searchable by day and
22. Enter your birth month and day and name someone famous who shares your birthday. ________________.
You will soon be working on an identity project. Remember these helpful links when you need information for your
Use the browser’s BACK button to get back to the library’s English Page.
23. What is the last subtopic on this page? ____________________
24. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on the middle school library logo. What happened?
Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the high school library logo. This will take you back to the high school
library English page. Click the center of the high school library logo. Now you’re back at the home page.
25. One last question - according to the logo, what is Jericho High School Library wired for? ___________
Congratulations! You have just navigated through some of the Jericho High School Library’s Web site. Feel free to explore
it further from home. Remember to use this site as a starting point for all your research.
Please keep the following in mind when you use the high school library:
The library is a quiet place to work, read, and study. Respect the rights of others by speaking softly.
Computers are to be used for school work only. No games , chatting, or IM (this is a library not an arcade or
a recreation center). Ask for help if you are having trouble finding information or using the computers.
Safeguard your work by making sure you log off before you leave.
Jericho High School Library || 2002