The Latest Update in the Standardization in the LED Industry Raymond Chiu Principal Consultant Automotive & Electronics Division Hong Kong Productivity Council ( STANDARDIZATION IN THE LED INDUSTRY Why LED for General Lighting Why Standardization for LED Lighting Global Actions – International Standardization Bodies Categories of Standards: International Standards: Measurement Standards Performance Standards Safety Standards EMC Standards China: 國標 - GB U.S.A.: Energy Star Standardization in Hong Kong Voluntary Schemes Industry Support Organization: Hong Kong Solid State Lighting Industry Consortium (HKSSLIC) WHY LED FOR GENERAL LIGHTING THE LED DIFFERENCE LED lighting technology excels in almost all performance parameters over existing lighting technologies, such as fluorescent lamp, incandescent lamp, etc. The technology continues to improve. A typical comparison is shown below: LED lamp CFL lamp Incandescent lamp Wattage (with light output ~450lm) 5 9 40 CRI > 85 > 80 > 99 Life time (hrs) 25,000/ 35,000/ 50,000 6,000/ 8,000 1,200 Efficacy (lm/W) 90 50 10 Power Factor > 0.7 > 0.5 ~1.0 Turn on instantly Yes Some Delay Yes Hazardous material No 5mg mercury/bulb No WHY STANDARDIZATION FOR LED LIGHTING CONSUMER AWARENESS AND CONFIDENCE Weak public awareness of the benefits and performances of LED lighting Great variance in supplier / product performance is turning away consumers Weak correlation to existing Lighting solutions INDUSTRY ADAPTATION AND MEASUREMENTS Weak correlation to existing Lighting solutions Weak in product standardization New performance parameters / characteristics need new measurement methods Great variance in supplier / product performance need standard and agreed measurement methods GLOBAL ACTIONS INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION BODIES ANSI - American National Standards Institute ( ASSIST - Alliance for Solid-State Illumination Systems and Technologies ( CIE - International Commission on Illumination ( FCC - Federal Communications Commission ( IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission ( IESNA - Illuminating Engineering Society of North America ( NFPA - National Fire Protection Association ( UL - Underwriters Laboratories Inc. ( MEASUREMENT STANDARDS (1) ANSI C82.XX (under development) - LED driver testing method CIE 127: 2007 - Measurement of LEDs CIE 13.3-1995 - Methods of measuring and specifying colour rendering of light sources CIE TC 1-69 (under development) - Colour rendering of white light sources CIE TC 2-50 (under development) - Measurement of the optical properties of LED clusters and arrays CIE TC 2-63 (under development) - Optical measurement of high-power LEDs CIE TC 2-64 (under development) - High speed testing methods for LEDs IEC 61341 - Method of measurement of centre beam intensity and beam angle(s) of reflector lamps IES TM-21 (under development) - Lumen depreciation lifetime estimation method for LED light sources MEASUREMENT STANDARDS (2) IES LM-79-08 - Approved method for electrical and photometric measurements of solid-state lighting products IES LM-80-08 (under revision) - Approved method for measuring maintenance of LED light sources IESNA LM-XX (under development) - Approved methods for electrical and photometric measurement of DC high power LEDs and arrays IESNA LM-XX2 (under development) - Approved methods for electrical and photometric measurement of AC high power LEDs and arrays IESNA LM-XX-201X (under development) - Approved methods for characterization of LED light engines and integrated LED lamps for electrical and photometric properties as a function of temperatures IES _______ (proposal) - Measurement of OLEDs IES _______ (proposal) - LM-80 luminaire level PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (1) ANSI C82-SSL1-20XX (under development) - Driver performance standard ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008 (under revision) - American National Standard for Electric lamps – specifications for the chromaticity of solid state lighting products IEC 62384 - DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - performance requirements IEC 62XXX (under development) - Performance standard for LED modules & performance standard for LED luminaries IEC PAS ANSI C78-377 (under development) - Publicly available specification of the existing ANSI_ANSLG C78.377 standard (including a translation table for the specification in terms of LED grid coordinates) PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (2) IEC/PAS 62612 ed. 1.0 (under development) - Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services - performance requirements IEC 62663-2 (under development) - Performance standard for self-ballasted LED lamps by voltage < 50 V SAFETY STANDARDS (1) ANSI/IESNA RP-27.1-05 (under development) - Photobiological safety for lamps and lamp systems – general requirements ANSI/IESNA RP-27.2-00 (under development) - Photobiological safety for lamps and lamp systems – measurement systems ANSI/IESNA RP-27.3-96 (under development) - Photobiological safety for lamps – risk group classification and labeling ANSI/UL 1012 - Power units other than Class 2 ANSI/UL 1310 - Standard for Class 2 power units UL 1993 - the standard for safety of self-ballasted lamps and lamp adapters (supplement to include devices using LEDs) CIE TC 2-58 (under development) - Measurement of LED Radiance and Luminance CIE TC 6-55 (under development) - Photobiological Safety of LEDs SAFETY STANDARDS (2) IEC 61347-2-16: 2006 (lamp control gear Part 2-13) Particular Requirements for D.C. or A.C. Supplied Electronic Control Gear for LED Modules IEC 62031- LED modules for general lighting – safety requirements IEC 62471 Ed. 1.0 b: 2006/CIE S 009 (CIE S 009: 2002) Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems IEC 62560 Ed. 1 (under development) - Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services > 50 V – Safety specifications IEC 62663 Ed. 1.0 (under development) – Non-ballasted single capped LED lamps for general lighting – Part 1: Safety requirements UL 8750 - Outline of investigation for LED light sources for use in lighting products EMC STANDARDS ANSI C82.77-2002 (under review to include SSL) - Harmonic emission limits - related power quality requirements for lighting CISPR 15 - Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment IEC 61000-3-2 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-2: limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤ 16A per phase) IEC 61547 - 1995 - Equipment for general lighting purposes – EMC immunity requirements INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS 中國大陸標準制定 - GB GB 19510.14-200X (燈的控制裝置第14部分:LED模組用直流 或交流電子控制裝置的特殊要求; IEC 61347-2-13:2006 Ed.1.0) GB 24819-2009 (普通照明用LED模組安全要求; IEC 62031) GB/T 24825-2009 (普通照明LED模組用直流/交流電子控制裝 置性能要求) GB/T 24826-2009 (普通照明用LED燈和LED模組術語和定義) GB/T 24823-2009(普通照明用LED模組性能要求) GB 24906-2010 (普通照明用電壓>50V自鎮流LED燈性能要求) OVERSEAS VOLUNTARY SCHEMES Country Korea Singapore Voluntary Scheme Authority Eco-labeling Program – “EL209. General Purpose LED Lamps” EL209-2008/1/2008-137 Korea Energy Management Corporation Singapore Green label scheme - Solid State LED (SGLS 54) Environmental Council Department of Energy (DOE) U.S. Lighting Facts - Partner Participation Manual, Version 1.0 U.S. ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Integral LED LampsEligibility Criteria, Version 1.1 E.U. Commission Regulation (EC) No 244/2009 of 18 March 2009 Commission Regulation (EC) No 859/2009 of 18 September 2009 U.K. Energy Saving Trust - LED Requirements for Replacement Lamps and Modules Department of Energy (DOE) European Commission Energy Saving Trust ENERGY STAR ENERGY STAR is the most recognized voluntary program worldwide in dealing with various energy-saving concerns. ENERGY STAR REQUIREMENTS FOR INTEGRAL LED LAMPS Effective Date: 31 August 2010 Scope: apply to integral LED lamps, defined as a lamp with LEDs, an integrated LED driver, and an ANSI standardized base designed to connect to the branch circuit via an ANSI standardized lamp holder/socket. Classifications of lamp types: - Replacement lamp: (1) Omni-directional (2) Directional (3) Decorative - Non-standard lamp STANDARDIZATION IN HONG KONG GREEN COUNCIL - HONG KONG GREEN LABEL SCHEME Green Council: Environmental Association Product Environmental Criteria for LED Lamps Currently effective Scope: apply to integral LED lamp which is intended to replace fluorescent lamp, incandescent lamp, decorative (candelabra style) lamps and halogen lamp Classifications of lamp types: Replacement lamp: - Omni-directional - Directional - Decorative Non-standard lamp ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT (EMSD) - HONG KONG GOVERNMENT Hong Kong Voluntary Energy Efficiency Labeling Scheme (VEELS) for LED lamps Tentative Scheme Document is ready for trade consultation Scope: apply to directional and non-directional LED lamps intended for general lighting purposes having the following characteristics: - a rated voltage up to 240 Volt AC or DC; and - a rated voltage frequency of 50 Hz for AC; and - a rated lamp wattage up to 60 watts apply to LED lamps designed with or without dimming operations does not cover (i) LED tubes (ii) LED lamps that intentionally produce tinted or coloured light (iii) organic LED (OLED) The scheme is expected to commence in 2011 The scheme will operate as “Recognition Type” INDUSTRY SUPPORT ORGANIZATION HONG KONG SOLID STATE LIGHTING INDUSTRY CONSORTIUM (HKSSLIC) Organization & Membership HKSSLIC Steering Committee (rep: HKPC, Industry, Institution, Govt.) Mission To be the focal point to drive HKSSLIC Secretary for benefits of the Solid State Lighting (SSL) HKPC - HKSSLIC Industry in Hong Kong Support Team Support & Coordination Solution & Application HKSSLIC Sub-Com IP & Commercialization HKPC Support Standard, Testing & Certification Technology Support HKSSLIC MAJOR ACTIVITIES - Support & Coordination Sub-Committee - Seminar, Forum Training (electronics, optics, thermal, tools) Showroom visit Factory & Test Laboratory visits Competitions - Professional - School (primary & secondary) - Representation in ITC’s LED Task Force - Standard, Testing & Certification Sub-Committee - International Standards - Local Standards / Adoption - Testing & Certification - VEELS with EMSD - Voluntary Energy Efficiency Labeling Scheme HKPC Your Partner