AN INNOVATIVE SENSING TECHNOLOGY TO MEASURE THIN INTERFACES FOR GEOTECHNICAL APPLICATIONS by QUAN GAO Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation Advisor: Professor Xiong (Bill) Yu Department of Civil Engineering Case Western Reserve University May, 2016 CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES We hereby approve the thesis/dissertation of Quan Gao Candidate for the degree of Doctoral of Philosophy. Committee Chair Xiong Yu Committee Member Adel Saada Committee Member Xiangwu Zeng Committee Member Weihong Guo Date of Defense 3/11/2016 *We also certify that written approval has been obtained for any proprietary material contained therein. DEDICATION To my wife Yang Long TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................V LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ VI ACKOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................. XI ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. XIII NOTATION .................................................................................................................... XV CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................1 1.1 Background and Motivation ................................................................................ 1 1.1.1 Bridge Scour ............................................................................................ 2 1.1.2 Water Film in Layered Soil...................................................................... 3 1.2 Research Objectives ............................................................................................. 7 1.3 Organization of the Dissertation .......................................................................... 8 CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL BASICS OF TIME DOMAIN REFLECTOMETRY TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................10 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 10 2.2 Technical Fundamentals of Time Domain Reflectrometry ............................... 11 2.3 Interpretation of TDR Signal ............................................................................. 14 2.4 Mixing Model for Dielectric Permittivity .......................................................... 17 2.5 Typical Dielectric Constant of Material ............................................................ 18 2.6 Review of Existing Design for TDR Probe ....................................................... 20 2.6.1 Probe Classification ............................................................................... 20 2.6.2 Material and Length of Probes ............................................................... 27 I 2.6.3 Spacing and Diameter of Probes ............................................................ 29 2.6.4 Installation and Spatial Sensitivity......................................................... 30 2.7 Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................ 33 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF THE NEW SPIRAL TDR SENSOR WITH HIGH SPATIAL RESOLUTION ...................................34 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 34 3.2 The Concept of Spiral-shaped TDR Sensor ....................................................... 35 3.3 Computer-aided Design of Spiral TDR Probe ................................................... 36 3.3.1 Electric Field Distribution around a TDR Probe ................................... 36 3.3.2 Effective Sampling and Sensing Area of TDR Probe ............................ 37 3.3.3 Implementation of Computational Simulations ..................................... 39 3.3.4 Simulation Results Analysis .................................................................. 41 3.4 Design and Fabrication of Spiral Sensor ........................................................... 45 3.5 Performance Evaluation of Spiral TDR Sensor ................................................. 46 3.5.1 Comparison with Traditional Two Rod TDR Probe .............................. 47 3.5.2 Effect of Superhydrophobic Coating ..................................................... 49 3.5.3 Sensitivity of Spiral TDR Probe ............................................................ 51 3.6 Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................ 58 CHAPTER 4 ASSESSMENT OF THE HIGH RESOLUTION SPIRAL TDR SENSOR FOR SIMULATED BRIDGE SCOURING................................60 4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 60 4.2 Review of Bridge Scour Monitoring Technology ............................................. 61 4.2.1 Sonars ..................................................................................................... 62 II 4.2.2 Magnetic Sliding Collar ......................................................................... 63 4.2.3 Float-Out Devices .................................................................................. 65 4.2.4 Tilt Sensors ............................................................................................ 66 4.2.5 Sounding Rods-BRISCO Monitors ....................................................... 68 4.2.6 Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors .................................................................. 69 4.2.7 “Smart Rock” Technology ..................................................................... 71 4.2.8 Time Domain Reflectrometry ................................................................ 73 4.3 Principle of Bridge Scour Depth Estimation with TDR .................................... 77 4.4 Design and Fabrication of Spiral-shaped Sensor ............................................... 80 4.5 Calibration of Spiral-shaped Sensor .................................................................. 82 4.5.1 Calibration with Liquid .......................................................................... 83 4.5.2 Calibration using wet soil with known water moisture ......................... 85 4.6 Simulated Scouring Experiment Using New Spiral TDR Probe ....................... 89 4.6.1 Experimental Program ........................................................................... 89 4.6.2 Experimental Materials .......................................................................... 89 4.6.3 Experiment Results Analysis and Discussion ........................................ 90 4.6.4 Comparison with Straight TDR Scour Probe......................................... 97 4.7 Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................ 99 CHAPTER 5 DETERMINATION OF THIN WATER FILM DUE TO VOID REDISTRIBUTION USING SPIRAL TDR SENSOR .............................101 5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 101 5.2 Review of Water Film Due to Void Redistribution ......................................... 102 5.2.1 Water Film due to Void Redistribution ............................................... 102 III 5.2.2 Previous Investigations on Water Film ................................................ 104 5.3 Sensor Configuration and Calibration ............................................................. 115 5.4 Water Film Detection in Static Experiments ................................................... 118 5.4.1 Deployment of Experiment Apparatus ................................................ 118 5.4.2 Testing Materials ................................................................................. 120 5.4.3 Experiment Procedure .......................................................................... 121 5.4.4 Interpretation of Testing Signals .......................................................... 123 5.4.5 Measurement of Water Interlayer Thickness .......................................... 125 5.5 Water Film Measurement in Dynamic Shaking Table Test............................. 130 5.5.1 Experimental Program ......................................................................... 130 5.5.2 Fundamentals of Estimation Water Film during Shaking Events ........ 132 5.5.3 Experiment results analysis.................................................................. 137 5.6 Summary and Conclusions .............................................................................. 144 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS .........................................146 6.1 Summary and Conclusions .............................................................................. 146 6.1.1 Design and Evaluation of the New Spiral TDR Sensor with High Spatial Resolution 147 6.2.2 Assessment of the New Sensor for Bridge Scour ................................ 148 6.2.3 Determination of Water Film Thickness in Multi-Layered Soil Profile with the New Sensor .................................................................................................. 149 6.2 Recommendations for Future Work................................................................. 150 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................152 IV LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1. Dielectric constant of some typical materials ................................................. 19 Table 3-1. Configurations of simulation parameters ........................................................ 40 Table 3-2. Comparison of two sensors in air and water ................................................... 48 Table 3-3. Measurement results of two probes with micrometer caliper ......................... 56 Table 4-1. Comparison of existing instruments for monitoring bridge scour .................. 75 V LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1-1. Some effects caused by soil liquefaction. (a) Tilting of buildings due to liquefaction during the 1964 Niigata Earthquake; (b) Sand boils ejected to the ground surface during the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake. ............................................................. 4 Fig. 1-2. Schematic illustration of void redistribution mechanism in stratified soil profile (modified from Malvick et al. 2006)................................................................................... 5 Fig. 2-1. a) Schematic diagram of a typical TDR system; b) An example of TDR output signal (Drnevich et al. 2001) ............................................................................................. 12 Fig. 2-2. TDR waveform (b) for a wet sand and its first derivative with respect to time; (a) and corresponding bifilar TDR probe; (c) with rod spacing, S, and rod diameter; (d) the dashed vertical lines denote two reflection points, corresponding times t1 and t2 (Evett 2000). ................................................................................................................................ 15 Fig. 2-4. The TDR waveform (bottom) and its first derivative (top) with features identified by Baker and Allmaras (1990) .......................................................................................... 17 Fig. 2-5. Examples of TDR coaxial cell probe (Cataldo et al. 2008; Topp et al. 1980; Xiong and Vincent 2004) ............................................................................................................. 22 Fig. 2-6. Schematic diagram of typical straight TDR waveguide .................................... 24 (a) two-leg; (b) three-leg; (c) four-leg; (d) seven-leg; (e) two-plate; (f) three-strip ......... 24 Fig 2-7. Distribution of electric field intensity for a variety of TDR probe designs. Configurations include (a) two-rod; (b) three-rod; (c) four-rod (d) seven-rod; (e) two parallel plates (Robinson et al. 2003) ............................................................................... 25 Fig. 2-8. Some examples of non-straight TDR probe (serpentine and spiral waveguide) (Bittelli et al. 2004; Selker et al. 1993; Vaz and Hopmans 2001) .................................... 27 VI Fig. 3-1. Schematic illustration of working principle for the spiral TDR sensor ............. 35 Fig. 3-2. Schematic diagram of spiral probe for FEM analysis ........................................ 39 Fig. 3-3. Mesh grid of computation domain ..................................................................... 41 Fig. 3-4. Electric potential (contour and color) and electric field (red arrow) distribution (filled in water) ................................................................................................................. 42 Fig. 3-5. Electric energy density (color), effective sampling area with 90% level (contour) and electric field (red arrow) distribution (filled in water) ............................................... 42 Fig. 3-6. Influence of wire distance on sample area ......................................................... 44 Fig. 3-7. Influence of wire diameter on sample area ........................................................ 44 Fig. 3-8. Photo of spiral-shaped TDR probe..................................................................... 46 Fig. 3-9. Comparison of traditional and spiral TDR probe (a- in the air; b- totally submerged in the water) .................................................................................................... 48 Fig. 3-10. Comparison of spiral TDR probe with and without superhydrophobic coating (a- with coating; b- without coating) ................................................................................ 51 Fig. 3-11. Photo of converted micrometer ........................................................................ 52 Fig. 3-12. Output signals of two-rod straight and spiral probe at different water levels .. 55 Fig. 3-13. Relationship between scaled length and water level (air-water interface) for two sensors ............................................................................................................................... 57 Fig. 4-1. Schematic diagram of sonar scour monitoring system (Hunt 2009) .................. 63 Fig. 4-2. Schematic diagram of a magnetic sliding collar monitoring system (Hunt 2009) ........................................................................................................................................... 64 Fig. 4-3. Schematic diagram of a float-out device and float-out sensors (Hunt 2009)..... 66 Fig. 4-4. Schematic diagram of a float-out device and float-out sensors (Hunt 2009)..... 67 VII Fig. 4-5. Schematic diagram of a sounding-rod monitoring system (Haas et al. 1999) ... 69 Fig. 4-6. The FBG scour monitoring system (a) model I (b) model II (Lin et al. 2004) .. 71 Fig. 4-7. The “smart rocks” scour monitoring system (Chen et al. 2014) (a) (b) working principle of “smart rocks”; (c)(d) smart rocks; ................................................................. 72 Fig. 4-8. Schematic diagram of bridge scouring measurement with TDR technique ....... 78 Fig. 4-9. Comparison of straight TDR probe and spiral-shaped TDR probe ................... 81 Fig. 4-10. Effects of coating on the dielectric constant ( is the dielectric constant of coating) ............................................................................................................................. 82 Fig. 4-11. Output signals of spiral sensor in liquid (a- in standard solvent; b- in ethanol-DI water mixture ) .................................................................................................................. 84 Fig. 4-12. Relationship between measured and real dielectric constant ........................... 85 Fig. 4-13. Calibration of spiral TDR probe with moisture sand ....................................... 86 Fig. 4-14. Output signals of TDR with spiral probe in moisture sand.............................. 88 Fig.4-15. Calibration of spiral probe with moisture sand ................................................. 88 Fig. 4-16. Grain size distribution of two types of testing materials ................................. 90 Fig. 4-18. Relationship between dielectric constant and sediment thickness (a - fine soil; b – coarse soil) ..................................................................................................................... 95 Fig. 4-19. Measured and predicted sediment layer thickness (a - fine sediment; b – coarse sediment) ........................................................................................................................... 96 Fig. 4-20. Relationship between sediment layer thickness and apparent length (a – straight probe; b – spiral probe) ..................................................................................................... 98 Fig. 5-1. Sketch of void redistribution in submerged layered infinite slope (Malvick et al. 2006) ............................................................................................................................... 103 VIII Fig. 5-2. Photos of shaking table tests on layered slope with embedded silt layer (Boulanger et al. 2014; Kokusho 1998) ............................................................................................. 106 Fig. 5-3. Excess pore water pressure redistribution pattern during liquefaction in layered soils (Brennan and Madabhushi 2005) ........................................................................... 108 Fig. 5-4. Post-shaking photos of centrifuge models having identical initial relative density but different underlying sand layer thicknesses; (Kulasingam et al. 2004) .................... 111 Fig. 5-5. Two examples of void redistribution simulation for slopes with low permeable silt interlayer using PM4Sand model; a) post-shaking slope with sand permeability of 0.012 m/s, b) post-shaking slope with sand permeability of 0.06 m/s, c) slope geometry before shaking event (Kamai and Boulanger 2012) ................................................................... 113 Fig. 5-6. Excess pore water pressure ratio time history at different depth using DEM (Zeghal and El Shamy 2008) .......................................................................................... 114 Fig. 5-7. Configuration of new spiral TDR sensor ......................................................... 116 Fig. 5-10. Testing setup for static experiment (a- sketch diagram; b- photo of test device) ......................................................................................................................................... 119 Fig. 5-11. Particle size distribution of testing soil .......................................................... 121 Fig. 5-12. Procedures of static testing to measure water film ........................................ 122 Fig. 5-13. Comparison of TDR output signal with and without water interlayer ........... 124 Fig. 5-14. Schematic diagram of test for water interlayer thickness measurement ........ 125 Fig. 5-15. Output signals of TDR with different thickness of water interlayer .............. 128 Fig. 5-16. Comparison of measured and actual water interlayer thickness .................... 129 Fig. 5-17. Schematic experimental setup for dynamic shaking table test ...................... 131 Fig. 5-18. Particle size distribution of soil sample for dynamic experiments ................ 132 IX Fig. 5-19. Schematic diagram of water film measurement in one soil layer system using TDR sensor (a- the initial state; b- at any given time during shaking process) .............. 133 Fig. 5-20. Schematic illustration for the onset and elapse of water interlayer during shaking event ................................................................................................................................ 135 Fig. 5-21. Output signals of the new spiral TDR for shaking test .................................. 138 Fig. 5-22. Variation of apparent length and dielectric constant ..................................... 138 Fig. 5-23. Screen shots from testing video capturing the development process of water film interlayer ......................................................................................................................... 141 Fig. 5-24. Comparison of the water interlayer measurement from the spiral TDR sensor and testing videos ............................................................................................................ 142 Fig. 5-25. Photo of failure for clay layer during shaking test ......................................... 143 X ACKOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my advisor, Professor Xiong Yu, for his valuable mentoring, patience, continuous encouragement and support for my research as well as my personal life. I am so grateful to Professor Yu for offering me so many opportunities to participate in national and international workshops and conferences, from which I benefited both professionally and personally. I feel extremely grateful to Professor Adel S. Saada for his imparting knowledge, consistent guidance and dedication, especially his financial support for my graduate studies during the past few years at CWRU. I also want to sincerely thank Professor Xiangwu Zeng and Professor Weihong Guo for their extraordinary teaching and for serving on my graduate committee. I also appreciate the assistance and support I received from Mr. Jim Berilla with regards to the experiment system setup and development of the TDR sensors. I would like to thank Nancy Longo who is always available to provide suggestions and assistance over the years. Many thanks are also extended to all faculty members, staffs, and my fellow graduate students and friends: Dr. Zhen Liu, Dr. Junliang Tao, Dr. Hao Yu, Dr. Ye Sun, Yuru Li, Jin Qin, Guangxi Wu, Jianying Hu, Saman Sabzehzar, Kamil Nizamiev, Yang Yang, Chanjuan Han, Yuan Guo, Shaoyang Dong, Jiale Li and Xuefei Wang. Their support helped make my life at CWRU very meaningful and memorable. This dissertation work is also supported by National Science Foundation (CMMI1131295). I am grateful for the financial support throughout this project. XI Last, but most importantly, my appreciation should be given to my parents, parentsin-law and other family members, and especially my wife, Yang Long, for her understanding and love over the past few years. Her everlasting support and encouragement to me, consistent efforts and contributions to our family are in the end what made me complete my dissertation work successfully. XII An Innovative Sensing Technology to Measure Thin Interfaces for Geotechnical Applications ABSTRACT By QUAN GAO Time Domain Reflectrometry (TDR) is a useful and effective technique for the detection of discontinuities or interfaces. It has been extensively applied for geotechnical applications by detecting air-water or soil-water interface, such as monitoring reservoir water level and bridge scour. But the current TDR sensor (e.g., conventional straight waveguide) would lose capability for some applications involving detection of very thin interfaces, for instance, the bridge scour surveillance with scouring in the range of centimeters, the measurement of water film due to void redistribution in multiple-layered soil profile, which is even in the range of millimeters. This makes it imperative to further improve the resolution and sensitivity of the TDR waveguide. The concept of the spiral TDR probe is proposed in this dissertation study. It means designing the traditional straight waveguide into a spiral shape to increase the effective propagation path of EM wave per unit length along the direction of the sensor. A FEM analysis is conducted for the optimization design of the new sensor. The effect of geometric configurations on the sampling area is also analyzed, including waveguide diameter and spacing distance, etc. Several spiral TDR sensors are fabricated and evaluated using a series of laboratory experiments. Its performance is also compared with the conventional straight probes. XIII The new spiral TDR sensor is calibrated using several standard liquids or solvents with known dielectric information. A series of simulated scouring tests with twocentimeter sediment scouring are performed with the new sensor and traditional straight probe. The performance of the two sensors and the advantage of the new probe is analyzed and evaluated. The new spiral TDR sensor is then applied for the detection and measurement of water film due to void redistribution in the layered soil column. A group of static and dynamic shaking table tests are carried out in the laboratory to assess the performance of the new sensor. The results from both experiments indicate that the new spiral sensor is capable to detect and measure the water film within millimeter in layered ground. However, further refinements and improvements are still required to explore applications of the new spiral sensor in future studies. XIV NOTATION 2D Two Dimensional 3D Three Dimensional BNC Bayonet Neill-Concelman DEM Discrete Element Method DI Deionized EM Electromagnetic FBG Fiber Bragg Grating FDM Finite Differential Method FEM Finite Element Method MSC Magnetic Sliding Collars NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program TDR Time Domain Reflectrometry TEM Transverse Electromagnetic XV CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Motivation Many applications in civil engineering involve the detection of different discontinuities or interfaces, such as rock joints, cracks in some construction materials (e.g., concrete and asphalt), and air-water or soil-water interface, etc. Rock joints could impact the mechanical behavior of rock mass (Fathi et al. 2016) and the stability of infrastructures (Satıcı and Ünver 2015). Cracks in concrete is a stubborn adversary to engineers, since it will decrease the concrete strength significantly and consequently influence the safety of structures (Hamrat et al. 2016; Han et al. 2016). Measuring and preventing the development of concrete cracks is an essential mission for civil engineers (Alam et al. 2010; Bazant and Oh 1983; Yiran et al. 2013). A variety of soil erosional processes also often occur at the soil-water interfaces. Detecting and measuring the variation of soil-water interface is recognized as a viable approach to capture the information of these erosion process. Two examples selected in this dissertation study include the measurement of the bridge scouring process and water film due to void redistribution in layered soil profile. The bridge scour can be monitored by measuring the elevation variation of the streambed-water interface, whereas the development of water film, acting as a shear band in layered soil profile, can also be determined via detecting the location of the soil-water interface directly and indirectly. 1 1.1.1 Bridge Scour Bridge scour has been identified as the major cause for bridge failures in the United States, accounting for more than half of the reported bridge failures. It could induce millions of economic loss in the United States every year due to direct cost of restoring and repairing these destroyed structures, indirect transportation system disruption, and worst situation, loss of lives (Tao 2013; Yu et al. 2013). One recent example is I-35W Bridge located at Minneapolis-ST Paul, Minnesota Twin Cities metropolitan area. The collapse of this bridge, in 2007, resulted in approximately an economic loss of $ 71,000 to $220,000 a day because of the transportation issue (Xie and Levinson 2011). Monitoring or surveillance of the scouring process around bridge foundations is an important and effective countermeasure. It is monitored by detecting and measuring the elevation variation of the stream bed, i.e., soil-water interface, using the direct or indirect method. The stream bed elevation will decrease when scouring occurs, otherwise rise during refilling or sedimentation process. Therefore, the location of the soil-water interface can be treated as an indicator of bridge scour. The existing monitoring technologies for bridge scour include sonar (Hayes and Drummond 1995; Mason and Sheppard 1994), sliding collar (Yankielun and Zabilansky 1999) , dropping weights (Lefter 1993) and other advanced techniques, such as neutral buoyancy “fish” and “smart rocks” by Zabilansky (1996) and Radchenko et al. (2013). These technologies, while having merits, also have limitations due to the heavy weight, large volume or power supply issues. TDR is another alternative option to monitor bridge scour with advantages of being automatic and inexpensive. Previous researchers have developed a few generations of TDR 2 bridge scour monitoring systems (Yu and Yu 2010; Yu et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2010). These studies have proved the viability of TDR to monitor the process of bridge scour, however, it still possess some limitations or insufficiencies. For example, the conventional straight TDR probe adopted in their studies can be able to sense the sediment layer varying within centimeter range (4 cm or 10 cm). It might lose the capability to detect scouring when the scouring thickness is smaller than that range. This limitation constitutes a strong motivation for this dissertation: improving the resolution and sensitivity of current TDR sensors to measure the scouring process more accurately. 1.1.2 Water Film in Layered Soil Soil liquefaction is the extreme manifestation of excess pore water pressure generation when subjected to cyclic loading (e.g., seismic earthquake loading). The buildup of excess pore water pressure will induce a substantially loss of soil stiffness and strength, causing the soil to behave as liquid-like materials and eventually giving rise to devastating (a) 3 (b) Fig. 1-1. Some effects caused by soil liquefaction. (a) Tilting of buildings due to liquefaction during the 1964 Niigata Earthquake; (b) Sand boils ejected to the ground surface during the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake. failure of structure foundations, levees, embankments and other infrastructures, such as 1964 Niigata earthquake (Kishida 1966), 1989 Loma-Prieta earthquake and 2011 Christchurch earthquake (e.g., Fig. 1-1). Liquefaction in uniform soils has been extensively studied. The conclusions from these studies, however, may not be applicable to stratified soil conditions. This is because for stratified soil profile with embedded lower permeability interlayer (e.g., Fig. 1-2), a unique phenomenon called void redistribution might occur, i.e., a portion of the liquefied soil locally loosens whereas another portion densifies. This will subsequently contribute to the formation of a thin water film or shear band beneath the low permeable soil layer, and 4 eventually lead to the failure of “sand boils” (Fig. 1-1b), lateral spreading or postliquefaction (Kamai and Boulanger 2012; Kokusho and Kojima 2002; Kulasingam et al. 2004; Malvick et al. 2006; Yang and Elgamal 2001). Fig. 1-2. Schematic illustration of void redistribution mechanism in stratified soil profile (modified from Malvick et al. 2006) Water film due to void redistribution has been observed in a number of laboratory studies (Kokusho 1999; Kulasingam et al. 2004; Malvick et al. 2008; Malvick et al. 2006). It was found that the formation of water film at the interface area between liquefied soil and the soil layer of low permeability can cause significant loss of shear strength during and after an earthquake (Kulasingam et al. 2004; Malvick et al. 2008; Malvick et al. 2006). This is one of the most likely failure mechanisms for mild slopes (slope inclined angle <5°) or embankments made of stratified soil layers (Boulanger et al. 2014). Over the years, investigators have implemented a variety of experimental studies, trying to verify this 5 mechanism. Kulasingam et al. (2004) conducted a group of centrifuge tests on seismic stability of a sand slope with or without a layer of low permeability silt. Based on the recorded excess pore pressure and deformation, they concluded that this mechanism is probably the right one. However, the variation of water film thickness or extent of void redistribution has not been directly quantified in these investigations. In the 1-g shaking table test, the thickness of water film during and after shaking events are determined with a measuring grid or ruler and recorded testing videos (Kokusho 1998; Kokusho 1999; Kokusho and Kabasawa 2005). But this does not work for centrifuge model experiments, and it can be only relying on the indirect estimation by inferring from pore pressure measurements using pore pressure transducers placed at different depths within the layered soil models. The context in section 1.1.1 has revealed that TDR can be utilized to monitor the bridge scour, since it is capable to accurately detect and measure the soil-water interface during the course of scouring. This feature, thus, enables TDR technique as a potential method to directly measure the onset and development of water film during and after the shaking process. But considering the thickness of water film, which is in the range of millimeters, for example, it is assumed tens of diameter 𝐷50 (particle size where 50% of soil particles are smaller than the size) (Malvick et al. 2006), a new TDR sensor with higher resolution is required to be designed and developed. This constitutes another motivation for this dissertation. 6 1.2 Research Objectives TDR is an effective technique for numerous geotechnical applications via detecting and measuring the soil-water interface. The previous contexts have illustrated the limitations or inadequacies of current TDR sensors on the application for bridge scour, as well as the urgent demand of new waveguides with higher resolution to directly quantify the thickness of water film and the extent of void redistribution in layered ground. This dissertation study is an effort to address this problem, the objectives of which include but not limit to: To provide a comprehensive summary and review on the advancement of TDR technology, especially the state-of-art for the design of the TDR waveguide; To propose and develop an innovative TDR sensor with higher resolution and sensitivity with the assistance of computational simulation analysis; To evaluate the performance of the new TDR sensor from several aspects and compare it with the traditional straight waveguides; To appraise the applicability of the spiral TDR sensor on measuring bridge scour process and its advantages over the conventional straight probe; To assess the viability and applicability the new sensor has on the water film thickness determination in the stratified soil profile due to void redistribution; 7 1.3 Organization of the Dissertation This dissertation explores an innovative spiral TDR sensor with high resolution for some geotechnical applications by detecting and measuring the variation of soil-water interface. It is organized into the following six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the background information pertaining to this research. Two typical scenarios are illustrated to pave a way for the research motivation statement. Also included are five specific objectives to be addressed and organization of this dissertation study. Chapter 2 provides a synthetic summary of the TDR technology, i.e., the technical background, signals interpretation method, mixing model for dielectric permittivity and dielectric information of some typical materials. In addition, the state-of-art for the current TDR waveguide design is reviewed meticulously in this chapter. Chapter 3 presents the concept and design of the innovative spiral TDR sensor. Finite element simulation is conducted to assist the geometrically optimization design for the new sensor. Several pilot sensors are fabricated with the spiral spacing distance of 2 mm. A series of experiments are implemented to evaluate its performance in the laboratory, and compared with the traditional straight probes. Chapter 4 reviews the current monitoring methodologies and techniques for bridge scour as well as their application scope and limitations. Also reported are a group of simulated bridge scouring tests using both the conventional straight TDR probe and the new spiral probe designed in Chapter 3. 8 Chapter 5 presents the previous studies and state-of-art on the water film in stratified soil profile due to void redistribution. A new TDR sensor with spiral spacing distances of 1 mm is utilized for measuring water film thickness variation in static and dynamic shaking table tests. The testing results from the new sensor and the measuring ruler are compared. Chapter 6 summarizes the significant findings and conclusions of this dissertation, along with some recommendations for future work. 9 CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL BASICS OF TIME DOMAIN REFLECTOMETRY TECHNOLOGY 2.1 Introduction TDR is an effective and efficient nondestructive technique, featuring the advantages of being automatic, real time and inexpensive. Although it was originally developed to locate the faults or breaks for electrical cables, it has already been extensively applied for a variety of civil and environmental applications during recent decades, such as characterizing properties for soils and concrete (Drnevich et al. 2001; Hager III and Domszy 2004; O'Connor and Dowding 1999; Topp and Davis 1985; Xiong and Vincent 2004), monitoring infrastructure conditions (Chen et al. 2004; Lin et al. 2005; Su and Chen 1998; Yu et al. 2013), contaminants transportation (Haridy et al. 2004), detecting freeze/thaw behaviors of soils (Liu et al. 2012) and monitoring seepage processes in the embankment (Zhang et al. 2010), etc. In order to present the development and applications of the new TDR sensor in the following chapters, the author firstly introduces the technical background of the TDR technique, including the working principle of TDR, the interpretation method of TDR signals, the mixing model for dielectric permittivity and typical dielectric properties of several materials. Additionally, a comprehensive review of the TDR waveguide is presented. In this section, the author categorizes the existing TDR probes into three types: coaxial cell probe, straight-leg probe and non-straight probe. Also included in the review 10 on the TDR probe are the selection of fabrication materials, sensor installation, the probe design and its influence on the spatial sensitivity performance of the sensor. 2.2 Technical Fundamentals of Time Domain Reflectrometry The TDR technique works by generating a small-magnitude pulse to the transmission cable and then probes and receiving the echoes and reflection signals from the measured materials. Fig. 2-1 (a) shows the schematic of a TDR system, which typically consists of a pulse generator, coaxial cable, a sensing probe and control station such as by PDA, laptop or datalogger. As shown in Fig. 2-1(a), the pulse generator produces a fast rising electromagnetic (EM) pulse (with rise time of hundred picoseconds to allow for high resolution in the interface detection). When this signal reaches the beginning of the probe, due to the impedance mismatch between the cable and the soil probe, a portion of the signal is reflected back to the device. When the rest of the signal reaches the air-soil interface and the end of the probe, two more reflections of the signal occur. These three reflections cause three discontinuities in the resulting signal, illustrated in Fig. 2-1 (b) (Ledieu et al. 1986; Yu and Drnevich 2004). The time difference between the last two discontinuities is the time (t) the signal requires to travel back and forth from the soil surface and the probe end, i.e., twice the length (L) of the probe in the soil. Therefore, the EM wave propagation velocity, v, in the soil surrounding the TDR probe can be determined by equation (2-1): 𝑣= 𝑐 (2-1) √𝐾𝑎 11 (a) (b) Fig. 2-1. a) Schematic diagram of a typical TDR system; b) An example of TDR output signal (Drnevich et al. 2001) 12 where v = the velocity of an electromagnetic wave in measured materials; c = the velocity of an electromagnetic wave in free space (2.998 × 108 𝑚/𝑠); Ka = the dielectric constant of the material; And the time for the signal to propagate from air-soil interface to the probe end is given by equation (2-2), provided that the length of the probe in the soil is assumed to be Lp. 𝑡= 2𝐿𝑝 (2-2) 𝑣 Submitting equation (2-1) into (2-2) and defining apparent length, 𝐿𝑎 = 𝑐𝑡/2, which can be determined from the TDR output signal (Fig. 2-1 (b)), equation (2-2) is yielding to equation (2-3) 2 𝐿 𝐾𝑎 = (𝐿𝑎 ) (2-3) 𝑝 where 𝐿𝑎 = apparent length; 𝐿𝑝 = probe length; From equation (2-3), the dielectric properties of the material can be determined from TDR signal. Therefore, with the approach described above, TDR can be employed for measuring the dielectric properties of materials. 13 2.3 Interpretation of TDR Signal TDR is a useful approach for characterizing soil properties, such as dielectric permittivity, bulk electrical conductivity, water content and density, however, the accuracy or even success of this method is highly dependent on the graphical interpretation of the output signals, i.e., to accurately determine the reflection points on the waveform. Despite its essential importance in this method, only a few papers have been published to elaborate this issue (Baker and Allmaras 1990; Evett 2000; Heimovaara 1993; Topp et al. 1982). Topp et al. (1982) first proposed a method to interpret TDR output waveforms captured on paper using a chart recorder or by photographing on an oscilloscope screen. This method includes two graphical algorithms. Take the output waveform of a bifilar TDR probe totally embedded in wet soil as an example (Fig. 2-2), Fig. 2-3 illustrates this two graphical algorithms: 1) draw a horizontal line across the top of the first peak, and draw another line tangent to the descending limb of the first peak; the intersection of the two lines defines the reflection time at the probe head (starting point of probe in wet sand), t1; 2) draw a horizontal line tangent to the base line between the first peak and second inflection, and draw another line tangent to the second inflection; this intersection of the latter two lines defines the second reflection at the end of the probe, t2. The travel time of the pulse in the portion of the waveguide that is buried in the soil is thus defined as tt which is tt = t2 − t1. Besides, the reflection point for the impedance discontinuity of the coaxial cable to the probe head can also be determined with the same algorithm, which is corresponding to time t1.bis in Fig. 2-2. In Topp et al. (1982) method, peaks and inflections are subjectively identified by eye and no computer codes or algorithms are implemented. 14 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2-2. TDR waveform (b) for a wet sand and its first derivative with respect to time; (a) and corresponding bifilar TDR probe; (c) with rod spacing, S, and rod diameter; (d) the dashed vertical lines denote two reflection points, corresponding times t1 and t2 (Evett 2000). 15 Fig. 2-3. Example of TDR output waveform from TACQ. The bottom curve is the TDR output waveform, while the top curve is the first derivative of the bottom curve. Vertical lines denote times t1.bis, t1, and t2. A horizontal line, drawn tangent to the waveform base line at the far left, intersects with a line drawn tangent to the first rising limb of the waveform to define t1.bis. A horizontal line drawn tangent to the peak intersects with a line drawn tangent to the descending waveform after the peak to define t1. (Evett 2000) By following the principle described by Topp et al. (1982), Baker and Allmaras (1990) developed a computer program, TACQ, for interpretation of TDR output waveforms, which can automatically capture the reflection point and determine the travelling time of EM wave in the measured medium. In the TACQ program, Baker and Allmaras (1990) also explained the use of the first derivative of the waveform to find the 16 location of the inflection point, which is of importance for the determination of the tangent line (Fig. 2-4). Fig. 2-4. The TDR waveform (bottom) and its first derivative (top) with features identified by Baker and Allmaras (1990) 2.4 Mixing Model for Dielectric Permittivity To quantitatively describe the dielectric property of mixtures, Birchak et al. (1974) proposed a semi-empirical volumetric mixing model to correlate the bulk dielectric constant of the mixture to its components using equation (2-4). 17 (𝐾𝑚 )𝛼 = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑣𝑖 (𝐾𝑖 )𝛼 (2-4) where 𝑣𝑖 = the volumetric fraction of each component; 𝐾𝑖 = the dielectric permittivity of each component; 𝐾𝑚 = the dielectric constant of mixture; n = the nth component of the mixture; α = exponent coefficient; For example, the dielectric constant of some porous medium, such as soil, concrete, asphalt or even rock, are correlated with each constitute. Since soil is typically considered as a three-phase system, i.e., solid particles as skeleton, air and water in the porous space, the dielectric property of the soil consists of three components. Birchak et al. (1974) and Ledieu et al. (1986) suggested that the exponent 𝛼 can be empirically chosen as 𝛼 = 0.5 for geotechnical applications. 2.5 Typical Dielectric Constant of Material The dielectric properties of materials vary significantly due to their different mineral compositions. Table 2-1 illustrates the dielectric information of some typical geomaterials at 1 atm atmosphere and 20 ℃ (Hubbard et al. 1997). For instance, the dielectric constant of pure water is around 81, while it is just about 1 for air, and the 18 discrepancy between different types of soil is very prominent. In addition, the dielectric constant of saturated soils is much higher than dry soils, but lower than pure water, which is because the additive of water into dry soil could result in significant increments of the soil-water mixture (saturated soil) based on the mixing model described in the section 2.4. Table 2-1. Dielectric constant of some typical materials Material Dielectric Constant Material Dielectric Constant air 1 water 80.4 sand (dry) 3-6 sandy soil (saturated) 19 sand (saturated) 20-30 clayey soil (dry) 2 silt 5-30 clayey soil (saturated) 15 shale 5-15 sandstone (saturated) 6 clay 5-40 limestone (dry) 7 humid soil 30 limestone (saturated) 4-8 cultivated soil 15 basalt (saturated) 8 rocky soil 7 granite (dry) 5 sandy soil (dry) 3 granite (saturated) 7 19 2.6 Review of Existing Design for TDR Probe Ferré et al. (2000) presented three primary functions of a TDR probe: connection to a coaxial line from a cable tester, transmission of a voltage pulse through a sample, and termination at the end of the probe. People mostly focus on the influence of the probe design on the pulse propagation through the sample. Water moisture measurement for soil and other porous materials is one of typical applications for TDR technology, since the reliable relationship between the permittivity of a material and its water content has been developed by Topp et al. (1980), which is also validated by numerous studies. The initial probe design for this application is coaxial cells (Topp et al. 1980). However, due to the impracticality of installing coaxial probes into soil, Topp et al. (1982) introduced twin parallel rod probes, and later Zegelin et al. (1989) demonstrated that three-rod probes approximated more closely to the behavior of a coaxial cell. During the past three decades, a number of designs of the TDR waveguide have been developed. These new TDR probes have also been used to explore other new applications, such as bridge scour, liquid level measurement, and monitoring the movement of landslides, etc. In the following section, the existing designs of the TDR probe will be categorized into three types: coaxial cell probe, straight- and non-straight-leg probe, and a brief review on these TDR probes will be presented. 2.6.1 Probe Classification 1) Coaxial cell probe 20 Fig. 2-5 shows some examples of currently used coaxial cell probe, including the one designed by Topp et al. (Fig. 2-5 (a)). In Topp’s research, soil sample is prepared in the cylinder (inner diameter equals to 5 cm) composed by the two outer conductors, and the inner conductor is fixed at the center of the soil sample. Porous ceramic are used to inject/remove water into/from the soil sample, so that the water content can be accurately controlled during the experiment. Note that the device is horizontally deployed and the inner conductor is buried in advance to avoid the disturbance of the soil sample. Derived from the model of Topp, some altered probes were developed, as shown in Fig. 2-5 (b) and (c) (Cataldo et al. 2008; Xiong and Vincent 2004). In these two designs, the outer conductor is not separated but as a whole. For the design in Fig. 2-5 (b), the soil with certain water content is vertically prepared and the inner conductor is then inserted into the soil sample. A four-leg connector is used to connect the outer and inner conductor, coaxial cable and the TDR unit. This device is much more convenient for testing but still cannot avoid the disturbance of the soil sample. Also, both of these two coaxial cell probes can only be used in the laboratory. However, Cataldo et al. (2008) and Chung et al. (2013) developed a similar coaxial cell probe but with some modifications (Fig. 2-5 (c)). They developed it for the hydrological applications, measuring and monitoring the water level in some difficult field conditions, such as underpasses, tunnels, culverts or sewers, etc. In their design, the outer steel pipe conductor is perforated to facilitate the circulation of the flow and air during the course of the probe insertion and the inner conductor is fixed at the center of the pipe. The results of their research show that the water level can be reliably measured and monitored. This sensor can also be utilized for the measurements of granular or non-gravel materials with fine particles, such as sand, silt and clay, etc. 21 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2-5. Examples of TDR coaxial cell probe (Cataldo et al. 2008; Topp et al. 1980; Xiong and Vincent 2004) 22 2) Straight-leg probe The above descriptions of coaxial cell probes indicate that the coaxial cell probe will become a straight-leg or multi-wire probe if the outer conductor is divided into several slices in the direction of the cylinder center axis. The quantity of the outer conductor is typically set as three, four, five, seven or even more (Campbell 1990; Heimovaara 1994; Zegelin et al. 1989), but if the outer conductor is approximately replaced with only one rod, the probe will become a traditional two-leg probe, shown in Fig. 2-6. Also presented in Fig. 2-6 are models of a three-, four-, seven-leg probe, two-parallel plate and three-strip probes (Robinson and Friedman 2000; Yu et al. 2013; Zegelin et al. 1989). The two-leg probe has the advantage of minimal soil disturbance, but produces an unbalanced signal, giving rise to unwanted noise and signal loss, which requires a balun transformer embedded in the probe head to reduce and resolve. The three- or more-rod probes provide much more stable and balanced signals, avoiding the use of balun but at the expense of some additional soil disturbance. The probe legs can be permanently connected to the coaxial cable as shown in Fig. 2-6, or designed separately with the coaxial cable. For the latter case, another linker should be prepared to connect the probe legs and coaxial cable (similar to connect shown in Fig. 2-5 (b)). The parallel strip or plate probe, on one hand, might be a useful alternative probe for the measurement in the laboratory and field, but it needs to be buried in the materials to be measured before testing. In the study of Yu et al. (2013), the author attached the flexible strip probe to a supportive rod and successfully applied this probe in the field for bridge scour monitoring. On the other hand, the pliable strip or plate probe can be adopted in some specific applications, such as seepage monitoring for levees and embankments (Woersching et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2010). 23 Fig. 2-6. Schematic diagram of typical straight TDR waveguide (a) two-leg; (b) three-leg; (c) four-leg; (d) seven-leg; (e) two-plate; (f) three-strip As the dominant mode of EM wave in a TDR waveguide is usually assumed to be Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) wave mode, the electrical field distribution of probes can be numerically solved (Knight et al. 1997). Fig. 2-7 shows the electrical field distribution of some typical straight-leg TDR probes in the direction perpendicular to the probe axis. It indicates that an increasing number of outer electrode leads to a much better approximation to the ideal coaxial cell in which the equipotential lines are concentric circles centered at the inner conductor. The use of the plate gives a more even and uniform distribution of electromagnetic energy within the soil volume sampled and reduces the so called “skin effect” where the electromagnetic energy is concentrated close to the surface of the electrodes (Robinson and Friedman 2000). 24 Fig 2-7. Distribution of electric field intensity for a variety of TDR probe designs. Configurations include (a) two-rod; (b) three-rod; (c) four-rod (d) seven-rod; (e) two parallel plates (Robinson et al. 2003). 3) Non-straight probe Even though straight probes are the priority choice for such applications as soil water moisture measurement, some novel non-straight TDR probes have also been designed and developed recently and they have been widely extended to some new applications. Fig. 2-8 illustrates some efforts of new TDR probe designs. Selker et al. (1993) proposed a two dimensional serpentine-shaped TDR waveguide for measuring water 25 content on the surface (Fig. 2-8 (a)), but the problem for this sensor still lies in the disturbance of surface soil which will cause measurement errors. Bittelli et al. (2004) made some revisions and improvements on the probe design to eliminate the influence of soil disturbance on measuring results by using standard circuit board techniques. As shown in Fig. 2-8 (c), the probe is constructed by etching spiral copper traces into a copper-clad circuit board, and a thin epoxy solder mask with low dielectric permittivity of 4 covers the wave guide as a coating layer. Their testing results indicate it is a reliable tool for the measurement of surface water moisture. Nissen et al. (1998) presented a coiled TDR probe to improve the resolution of TDR sensor. In this design, one rod of the TDR probe was made in a spiral shape while the other one was kept as straight. Vaz and Hopmans (2001) combined the coiled TDR probe with a penetrometer to measure the soil water content and penetration resistance simultaneously (Fig.2-8 (b)). Katsura et al. (2008) utilized a coiltype TDR probe in a field monitoring program for the long term evolution of water content in weathered granitic bedrock. The stainless wires were closely coiled without a gap between the adjacent wires, which would lead to retain the moisture and compromise its capability in real time detection of wetting and drying processes. The appropriate selection of the TDR probe is largely dependent on the application demand and functionality of each probe. It is difficult to state which type of probes is absolutely better than the others. People should make wise decision to choose right probes under specific circumstances. 26 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2-8. Some examples of non-straight TDR probe (serpentine and spiral waveguide) (Bittelli et al. 2004; Selker et al. 1993; Vaz and Hopmans 2001) 2.6.2 Material and Length of Probes Stainless steel has been chosen the dominant material for probes fabrication, despite brass or copper is also an effective alternative, such as the coaxial cell probe used for field water moisture measurement (Cataldo et al. 2008; Drnevich et al. 2001), various types of straight commercial probes designed by (Campbell 2013), parallel strip probes (Yu et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2010) and coiled probes (Vaz and Hopmans 2001). Stainless steel is the first priority option for the design of these probes. However, sometimes a supportive frame 27 or rod is required for the design of probes. Davis (1979) used PVC pipes covered with longitudinal, variable-width steel strips as electrodes. The design of the strip TDR probe for field bridge scouring surveillance by Yu et al. (2013) includes a U-shaped E-glass frame. To reduce or avoid the attenuation of EM pulse along the transmission line, some polymers with low dielectric permittivity are often selected as a coating. In addition, people directly choose the commercial electrical wires which itself has coatings, and make some modifications to design and fabricate new TDR probes (Chung et al. 2013). The determination of reflection points on TDR waveforms and calculation of dielectric constant are highly dependent on the accuracy of apparent length, 𝐿𝑎 , in equation (2-3), as the error of 𝐿𝑎 maybe influence the measuring results. Noborio (2001) presented a comprehensive review on the length design of TDR probes. Stein and Kane (1983), Reeves and Elgezawi (1992) indicated that short probes with probe length less than 0.1 m might induce more errors. This is because shorter probes could create shorter 𝐿𝑎 and small errors for the case of shorter 𝐿𝑎 will cause much larger relative uncertainties in dielectric constant. Topp et al. (1984) compared the testing results for the water content measurement in the field using probes with different length, which indicated that the errors via a 5 cm long probe were much more significant than the probe with length larger than 10 cm. Topp and Davis (1985) suggested the water content measurements in the field using probes with length of 0.1–1.0 m show very good accuracy (within 2%). However, there are still limitations for the length of the probe, since the attenuation of TDR signals along the probe will impact the stability and accuracy of output waveform. Therefore, Dalton and Van Genuchten (1986) suggested that a practical lower limit for the probe length is about 0.1 m. Most commercial straight probes of Campbell (2013) are almost around 0.3 m and the 28 length of the coiled probe by Nissen et al. (1998) is up to 0.295 m. Besides, with the aid of coating material, the thin strip probe designed by Yu et al. (2013) can be as long as around 1 m. Also the coiled probes for surface water moisture measurement can be designed even more than 1 m (Bittelli et al. 2004; Selker et al. 1993). 2.6.3 Spacing and Diameter of Probes The probe diameter and spacing strongly influence the impedance of the probe, which can be approximately expressed as equation (2-5) for a two-wire type probe (Kraus 1953). 𝑍= 120 √κ 𝑙𝑛 2𝑠 (2-5) 𝑑 where 𝑍 = characteristic impedance of the two-rod probe; κ = the dielectric constant of a material surrounding the probe; s = the spacing of rods; d = the diameter of the rods; The research on the effect of probe diameter on the measuring results is still limited, but Topp and Davis (1985) indicated that the impedance mismatch due to different probe diameters seemed not to affect too much the measurements. This might be verified by the distribution comparison of the electrical field and energy storage for the three-rod probe with and without the center rod twice the diameter of the outer rods (Robinson et al. 2003). 29 From the perspective of the probe installation, on the other hand, the probe diameter can neither be too large nor too small, since the probe with a too small of a diameter is easy to bend when inserted into the soil, and the insertion of the probe with the large diameter will result in a higher disturbance of the soil, which might cause significant measuring errors. Zegelin et al., (1989) utilized some three-rod probes with various spacing (2s=3 – 20 cm) to determine the dielectric constant of water, but his results indicated the influence of the probe spacing distance on the measurements can be neglected. Knight (1992) asserted a probe diameter should be appropriate for the spacing between the electrodes to minimize the “skin effect”. Knight (1992) suggested the ratio of diameter to spacing for a two- and three-leg straight probe should be larger than 0.1, since he found that compared with the energy distribution (38%) of a two-leg probe with d = 1 cm and s = 20 cm, only 23% of the energy is contained within the two cylinders of the diameter 4 cm around the probe for a probe with d = 2 cm and s= 20 cm. Ferré et al. (1998) reported the increase of the rod diameter with a constant rod separation only results in a slight increase in the sample area, which is of importance for probe sensitivity. In short, the effects of the diameter and spacing between probes on the TDR response is still not fully understood, therefore further systematic efforts and works need to be implemented in the future studies. 2.6.4 Installation and Spatial Sensitivity Appropriate installation method is required to minimize the formation of air gaps between the TDR probes and surrounding materials, since the air gaps may induce significant errors (Annan 1977; Ferré et al. 1996; Knight et al. 1997). Ferré et al. (1996) theoretically investigated the effects of air gaps and coated rods on the travel time of 30 electromagnetic waves. Rothe et al. (1997) reported that soil water content measurements is much higher for the probe installation with pilot holes than probes installed by being thrust, because the soil around the probes is 5–20% denser than other regions when the probes are inserted directly into the soil. Knight et al. (1997) stated that the gaps filled with low relative dielectric constant (such as air) have a greater impact on the measured relative dielectric permittivity than those filled with high dielectric media (e.g., water), and this influence is much greater for case of three-rod probes than two-rod probes. Ferré et al. (1996) defined the sensitivity of a TDR probe as the change in the measured response per unit change in the property of interest, which can be expressed using equation (2-6). 𝑑𝑡 𝑠 = 𝑑𝜃 (2-6) where t = the measured response; 𝜃 = the measured property; For example, when we are measuring soil moisture using TDR technique, t refers to the apparent length or dielectric constant of soil, while 𝜃 refers to the water content of the soil. Therefore, the optimal probe design needs to combine a large sensor response to minimize the effects of absolute errors in travel time measurements, with a high sensitivity to distinguish among soil water content with great precision (Ferré et al. 2000). 31 In terms of spatial sensitivity analysis of different probe designs, Knight (1992) compared the spatial sensitivity distribution of coaxial and straight probes. For coaxial probes with low ratio of inner cylinder radius to outer cylinder radius, most of the energy (or measurement sensitivity) is concentrated around the inner cylinder in a “skin effect”, while for the two-rod probe, the measurement sensitivity is closed to the probe leg itself for the probe with a diameter smaller than the spacing. Ferré et al. (2000) and Nissen et al. (2003) analyzed the sensitivity of the conventional straight probe and several new designs, and found the conventional probes are much more sensitive to the change of water content in the medium than other alternative designs, such as surface probes by Zegelin et al. (1989). Ferré et al. (1996) also pointed out that coatings can increase probe sensitivity in regions with lower water content and it can be increased with the decrease of coating thickness. Since probe sensitivity is associated with the sampling area, defined as the region that contributes to the total probe response (Ferré et al. 1998), it is often employed to investigate sensitivity characteristics of different types of probes. Ferré et al. (1998)’s research indicated that the sampling area of two- and three-rod probes is mainly controlled by the rod separation, two rod probes have larger sample areas than three-rod probes, and thin rod coatings could reduce the sampling area of the probe. The increase of the rod diameter with a constant rod separation only causes a slight increase in the sample area, but reduction of probe height or width could improve the distribution of sensitivity. Baker and Lascano (1989) experimentally investigated a two-rod probe with 𝑑 = 3.175 𝑚𝑚 and 𝑠 = 5 𝑐𝑚, indicating that the sensitivity of TDR in water was within the quasi-rectangular area of about 20 × 65cm2 surrounding the rods, with no significant variation in sensitivity 32 along the rod length. In air, however, TDR is sensitive only in the vicinity of rods with areas of 20 cm in diameter. 2.7 Summary and Conclusions In this chapter, the technical basis of TDR technique has been introduced in detail. This includes the components and working principle of the TDR system, interpretation and analysis method of output signals, mixing formula for dielectric constant and typical dielectric properties of several materials. For the TDR signals analysis, the determination of reflection point is of great significance for the use of TDR technique. Two tangential line method is the most commonly used in the current interpretation analysis, which is also utilized in this dissertation. Mixing formula for dielectric constant is the basis for the determination of soil-water interface in the subsequent chapters. Additionally, a comprehensive review on the research of TDR has been presented in this chapter. The existing TDR probes are summarized and categorized into three types: coaxial cell probe, straight-leg probe and non-straight probe. All these three probes have their own advantages and people can choose appropriate probes based on the specific requirements. Besides, the review also includes such aspects as probe material and installation, geometric optimization, probe design and its effect on the sensitivity performance. 33 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF THE NEW SPIRAL TDR SENSOR WITH HIGH SPATIAL RESOLUTION 3.1 Introduction The previous contents in chapter 2 reveal that the resolution and sensitivity of conventional straight and coaxial probes may be within centimeter range for interface detections (Drnevich et al. 2001; Zhang et al. 2010). The serpentine design by Selker et al. (1993) and coil probe (Bittelli et al. 2004; Katsura et al. 2008; Lungal and Si 2008; Nissen et al. 1998) indicate that spiral waveguide configuration might be a potential solution to improve the sensitivity and resolution of the TDR sensor. In this chapter, the concept, design and fabrication of the new spiral TDR sensor is introduced. The technical background to assist the optimal design of probe is firstly presented, such as the effective sampling area of TDR probe. Based on this, a simplified 2-dimensional model is constructed and Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis is conducted to analyze the influence of probe design parameters (i.e., interval spacing between spiral wire waveguide and dimension of the spiral wire) on the effective sampling area of the probe. According to the computational analysis for the optimization design and manufacturability of the sensor, a pilot spiral TDR sensor is designed and fabricated. A special coating treatment using a super-hydrophobic coating is applied to prevent the intraption of water and the consequent hysteresis effects on the response of the new sensor. The performance of the new TDR spiral probe is then assessed using a series of 34 experiments in the laboratory, including the comparison with the traditional 2-rod straight probes. 3.2 The Concept of Spiral-shaped TDR Sensor The primary concept of the proposed spiral probe is designing the traditional straight waveguide into spiral shape to increase the effective propagation path of EM wave in the measured medium per unit length along the direction of the sensor probe. Fig. 3-1. Schematic illustration of working principle for the spiral TDR sensor Fig. 3-1 illustrates the basic idea of the spiral-shaped TDR sensor, which consists of one central rod and two electronic wires wrapped around the rod. The central rod can be chosen as either a circular or rectangular shape based on the practical requirements, but 35 shown in Fig. 3-1 is a rectangular central rod type. Threads or grooves need to be designed on the central rod to guarantee the equality of the spacing between two electronic wires. Otherwise, the waveguide wires can be easy to move on the central rod, which maybe influence the sensor performance. 3.3 Computer-aided Design of Spiral TDR Probe From the review of existing designs of TDR probe in Chapter 2, the geometric parameters will impact the performance of conventional straight probes. For the new sensor design, factors determining the performance of the spiral TDR probe also include the properties of the sensor wire (i.e., diameter) and the spatial arrangement (spiral angle and wire spacing). Computational simulations are implemented to assist the optimization design of the spiral TDR probe. The technical background of the computational simulations for assisting sensor design is presented in the following section. 3.3.1 Electric Field Distribution around a TDR Probe The dominant mode of EM wave in a TDR waveguide is the Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) wave mode (Benson and Bosscher 1999; Topp and Davis 1985). In the cross section perpendicular to the direction of EM wave propagation, the electric field of TDR probes can be treated as an electrostatic problem and the electrostatic potential satisfies Poisson’s equation (Ferré et al. 1998; Knight et al. 1997; Yu and Yu 2009), i.e., equation (4). ∇ ∙ (𝜀∇𝑉) = −𝜌 (3-1) 36 where 𝜀 = the permittivity of the medium; 𝜌 = the space charge density; V = the electrical potential. The medium permittivity and charge density are both a function of space coordinate. The charge density can be assumed as zero for typical dielectric material (Bin et al. 2010; Yu and Yu 2009). The Poisson’s equation can be solved with the finite element method due to high nonlinearity. From the results, information such as the electrical potential field distribution and the electrical energy density can be determined. 3.3.2 Effective Sampling and Sensing Area of TDR Probe The electrical energy density distribution is used to determine the effective spatial sampling area of the spiral TDR probe, which is associated with the spatial sensitivity of TDR probes (Ferré et al. 1998; Ferré et al. 2000; Ferré et al. 1996; Knight 1992; Knight et al. 1997; Nissen et al. 2003; Yu 2009). The effective sampling area of the TDR probe in the plane perpendicular to the TDR probe is defined as the region that contributes to the total probe response (Ferré et al. 1998). The influence of materials outside this area can be neglected without causing significant errors. To determine the effective sampling area, spatial weighting function is 37 employed to consider the spatial contributions to the overall electrical field (Nissen et al. 2003). Ferré et al. (1998) presented a numerical method to determine the effective sampling area of the TDR probe based on the spatial weighting function. As shown in equation (3-2), starting from the element with the highest weighting function value, the product of the weighting function and the area of the element is summed until its cumulative value equals to a certain fraction (e.g., 90%) of the integration value over the whole domain. 𝑓= 100∙∑𝑤 𝑤ℎ𝑖 𝑤𝑖 𝐴𝑖 (3-2) ∬Ω 𝑤𝑖 𝑑𝐴 where 𝑤𝑖 = the spatial weighting function; 𝐴𝑖 = the element area; 𝑤ℎ𝑖 = the highest weighting function; For the contribution to the electrical field, the weighting function, 𝑤𝑖 , is replaced with the electric energy density, 𝑤𝑒𝑖 (Yu and Yu 2009). Therefore, the sampling area of the TDR probe can be determined from equation (3-3). 𝑓= 100∙∑𝑤 𝑤ℎ𝑖 𝑤𝑒𝑖 𝐴𝑖 (3-3) ∬Ω 𝑤𝑒𝑖 𝑑𝐴 in which, 38 𝑤𝑒𝑖 = the electric energy density, which can be acquired from the solution of equation (3-1); 𝑓 = the percent contribution to the total weighted average values. In this dissertation, 90% sampling areas is selected to demonstrate the numerical simulation results. 3.3.3 Implementation of Computational Simulations Direct simulation of the electrostatic potential distribution of a spiral TDR probe (Fig. 3-1) requires solving three-dimensional Maxwell’s equations. To simplify the analyses while not causing too much error, a 2-D approximation is used to study the design of spiral TDR wires (Ferré et al. 1998). A two dimensional model of the longitudinal section of the spiral probe is constructed in this chapter (Fig. 3-2). Due to the symmetry of the wire probe, half of the cross section is considered, where 𝐷 denotes the diameter of the copper wire; 𝑑 denotes the interval space between adjacent wires; 𝐿 denotes the side length of the central rod; and 𝑆 denotes the center distance of adjacent two pairs of electrodes (center-center distance of two positive-negative electrodes). Fig. 3-2. Schematic diagram of spiral probe for FEM analysis 39 A general FEM software, COMSOL Multiphysics®, is utilized to solve the Possion’s equation (equation (3-1)) for the spiral probe. Fig. 3-3 shows the mesh grid of the computation domain. The computational domain is selected to be sufficiently large so that further increase in the size of the domain does not have significant influence on the electrical field distribution. The rectangle represents the fiberglass rod where the TDR waveguide wires are mounted. The circles represent the pair of copper wire that acts as positive and negative electrodes, respectively. The copper wire is assumed to be covered with one layer of insulation coating with a thickness of 0.5 mm. The dielectric constant is set as 3.5 according to the properties of coating material. The sensor is assumed to be inundated in water, whose dielectric constant is set as 81. The dielectric constant of fiberglass is set as 5.0. The unit potential of +1 V and -1 V are set for the two electrodes. The value of the potential only affects the magnitude of the electrical field and has no effect on the distribution pattern of the electric field (Knight et al. 1997; Yu 2009). Factors including the diameter of the wire, 𝐷, and space between two adjacent wires, 𝑑, are taken into account for the simulation analysis (Table 3-1). Table 3-1. Configurations of simulation parameters Distance, d (mm) Diameter, D (mm) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 40 Fig. 3-3. Mesh grid of computation domain 3.3.4 Simulation Results Analysis 1) Electrostatic field distribution Fig. 3-4 and Fig. 3-5 show an example of the electric potential and electric energy density distribution respectively when the sensor is submerged under water (d=2 mm, D=0.5 mm). In Fig. 3-4, the isolines of electrical potentials are circles centered at both electrodes and symmetric. There is a knee point for each potential isoline at the interface of the fiberglass rod and water due to contrast in dielectric constant. From Fig. 3-5, the effective sampling area contributing 90% of the total electric field energy is determined to be 5.5 × 106 𝐽⁄𝑚3 using the Eq. (3-3). 41 Fig. 3-4. Electric potential (contour and color) and electric field (red arrow) distribution (filled in water) Fig. 3-5. Electric energy density (color), effective sampling area with 90% level (contour) and electric field (red arrow) distribution (filled in water) 42 The domain with higher values of dielectric constant (water) has larger energy density than that with lower values of dielectric constant (fiberglass core rod), which is consistent with observations in other studies (Knight et al. 1997; Yu 2009). 2) Effect of wire distance on sampling area The influence of wire distance, 𝑑, on sampling area (90% of total electrical energy) is illustrated in Fig. 3-6. There is a linear relationship between effective sampling area and wire spacing. This is consistent with the characteristics of the conventional two/three rod probe given by Ferré et al. (2001) and Nissen et al. (2003). Therefore, design with larger wire spacing is able to improve effective sampling area of the sensor. 43 Fig. 3-6. Influence of wire distance on sample area However, the larger wire spacing will reduce the resolution of the spiral probe (Fagert et al. 2014). Also, it could cause a potential overlap of the sampling area in the adjacent spiral wire pairs given too small wire spacing is provided. To improve and optimize the sampling efficiency of the probe, equation (7) can be utilized as the criteria of wire spacing, in which 𝐷, 𝑑 and 𝑆 have the same meaning as that illustrated in Fig. 3-2, and 𝑙 is assumed to be the length of the long axis of 90% sampling area in Fig. 3-4. 𝑆≥ 𝑙+𝑑 (3-4) 2 Fig. 3-7. Influence of wire diameter on sample area 44 3) Effect of wire diameter on sample area Fig. 3-7 illustrates the influence of wire diameter on effective sampling area. The sampling area increases linearly with the wire diameter. However, it is impossible to manufacture a spiral TDR sensor with too large diameter due to practical limitations, even though the effective sampling area increases significantly. 3.4 Design and Fabrication of Spiral Sensor Appropriate spiral probe parameters (i.e., wire diameter, wire spacing, mounting materials, etc) should be chosen by considering factors such as the effective sampling area, manufacturability, and application requirements. Based on a comprehensive evaluation of the design parameters, copper conductive wire with diameter of 0.5 mm is selected to make spiral TDR sensor; the spacing between the wires is set as 2 mm; and the mounting rod is chosen as a square fiberglass rod with 5 mm in side length and 250 mm in length. Photo of the sensor is shown in Fig. 3-8. The inclination angle of the wire around center rod is about 22° , which guarantees the water flow away immediately. Fabrication grooves are created along the fiberglass rod to facilitate the control of wire spacing. Noted that grooves are only carved at the corner of the square rod to avoid the measurement influence similar to Lungal and Si (2008). Two copper conductive wires are wrapped parallelly around the fiberglass rod with predefined spacing. The copper wires are coated with polyurethane, a widely used commercial insulation material. 45 Fig. 3-8. Photo of spiral-shaped TDR probe In order to eliminate the lagging effects of the spiral sensor due to residual water between two adjacent wires when water level retreats, a commercial superhydrophobic coating is sprayed to completely cover the surface of the rod. The effects of this superhydrophobic coating on the performance of the new spiral probe will be evaluated and discussed in the subsequent section of this chapter. The spiral probe for the basic evaluation in this chapter is 250 mm long, which will be adjusted to 400mm and 500 mm for the following chapters. At the end of the spiral wire, a Bayonet Neill-Concelman (BNC) adapter is used to connect the coaxial cable and TDR system. 3.5 Performance Evaluation of Spiral TDR Sensor Laboratory experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the spiral probe. As shown in Fig. 3-8, three TDR sensors with identical equivalent length are prepared, including (1) conventional straight probe, (2) spiral probe without superhydrophic coatings, and (3) spiral probe with coatings. The texture and fabrication of the three sensors are identical. The traditional two rod probe (sensor 1) is used as a control group. Sensor 3 is treated by spraying a layer of superhydrophobic coating. 46 3.5.1 Comparison with Traditional Two Rod TDR Probe Straight and spiral probes (sensor 1 and sensor 3) are firstly tested in air and water. Fig. 3-9 shows the output signals of two sensors in air and water. The reflection points of EM wave at air-water interface and probe end for both cases are determined using tangential line method described in Chapter 2 (black arrows in Fig. 3-9). The apparent length for each case are also acquired by following the theory introduced in Chapter 2, listed in Table 3-2. 47 Fig. 3-9. Comparison of traditional and spiral TDR probe (a- in the air; b- totally submerged in the water) From both Fig. 3-9 and Table 3-2, for the same probe length (identical equivalent length), the apparent length of the spiral probe is much larger than that of the two-wire straight probe, i.e., around 1.285⁄0.241 = 7.7 and 5.181⁄1.405 = 3.7 times of in air and water, respectively. This indicates that the resolution of the TDR sensor can be significantly improved by the spiral design. The extent of improvement, however, is associated with the dielectric permittivity of the material around the probe. Table 3-2. Comparison of two sensors in air and water 48 Sensor type Straight probe Starting point (m) Ending point (m) Scaled length (m) 7.189 7.430 Note 0.241 Air Spiral probe 7.189 8.474 1.285 Straight probe 7.209 8.614 1.405 Water Spiral probe 3.5.2 7.209 12.39 5.181 Effect of Superhydrophobic Coating The spiral geometry might potentially allow water to be trapped between the adjacent spiral wires. Thus, one type commercial superhydrophobic coating is applied to prevent this phenomena. To evaluate the effect of superhydrophobic coating on the performance of spiral the TDR probe, sensor 2 and sensor 3 are tested in a tank filled with water. The test procedures include the following steps: 1) two sensors are partially submerged into a plastic tank with 30 cm of water column; a TDR signal is acquired and named as “initial state”; 2) water is added into the tank to totally submerge the two TDR sensors; 3) the depth of tap water is then decreased to the “initial state”, and a second TDR signal is acquired and named as “final state”. 49 (a) (b) 50 Fig. 3-10. Comparison of spiral TDR probe with and without superhydrophobic coating (a- with coating; b- without coating) Fig. 3-10 shows the output signals of the two sensors at the initial and final state. As illustrated in Fig 3-10 (b), spiral probe without coating treatment shows hysteresis behavior due to trapping of water along the wire probe. However, as shown in Fig. 3-10 (a), spiral probe with superhydrophobic coating shows excellent repeatability that is not affected by cyclic water level variation or fluctuation. This implies that the superhydrophobic coating is effective in preventing water to reside or retain between two adjacent spiral wires. 3.5.3 Sensitivity of Spiral TDR Probe Experiments are also conducted in a plastic tank with 25cm of water column to assess the sensitivity of the spiral probe. A modified micrometer caliper is employed to control and measure the depth of the sensor submerging in water with an accuracy of 0.01 mm. As shown in Fig. 3-11, TDR probes (sensor 1 and sensor 3) are fixed at the end of micrometer and then gradually dipped into water each 0.025 inch (around 0.06 cm) by adjusting micrometer. Fig. 3-12 shows the acquired TDR signals at different water levels for both straight and spiral probe (sensor 1 and sensor 3). The initial state is denoted as “25cm” and the signal at arbitrary state is written as “25cm + x mm”, x means the additional depth of sensors submerged into water. For example, “25cm+0.06 mm” means the sensor is dipped into water by 0.06 mm more. This process is continued to the state of “25 cm + 1.5 cm”. 51 Fig. 3-12 (a) (b) illustrate the output signals of two sensors for water level variation by 0.06 cm, while Fig. 3-12 (c) (d) show that when water level varies every 0.5 cm. Fig. 3-11. Photo of converted micrometer From Fig. 3-12 (a) (b), no obvious change can be observed for the output signals of traditional two-rod probe, however, the reflection point at the probe end offsets significantly for the spiral probe. This indicates that the spiral TDR probe is sufficiently sensitive to detect 0.06 cm water layer, compared to that of the straight probe in Fig. 3-12 52 (c) (0.5 cm). This means the resolution of the spiral sensor in this study is at least 0.5⁄0.06 = 8 times of two rod straight probe to detect thin water layer. (a) 53 (b) (c) 54 (d) Fig. 3-12. Output signals of two-rod straight and spiral probe at different water levels Fig. 3-12 (c) (d) show the output signals of two sensors when water level varies every 0.5 cm. Both probes demonstrate an apparent offset at the reflection point of the probe end. However, only the signal from the spiral probe has appreciable offsets at the reflection point of the air-water interface. The signal of the straight probe does not respond obviously. This implies that the spiral TDR probe can detect air layer as thin as 0.5 cm. Note the difference can be only qualitatively observed from the zoomed-in view in Fig. 312 due to the scale issue, but the quantitative illustration is shown in Table 3-3. 55 Table 3-3. Measurement results of two probes with micrometer caliper Water level Probe start (m) Air-water interface (m) Probe end (m) Scaled length (m) 25cm 7.209 7.329 8.052 0.723 25cm+0.5cm 7.209 7.329 8.092 0.763 Note Straight probe 25cm+1.0cm 7.209 7.329 8.133 0.804 25cm+1.5cm 7.209 7.329 8.173 0.844 25cm 7.209 7.771 9.538 1.767 25cm+0.06cm 7.209 7.771 9.578 1.807 25cm+0.13cm 7.209 7.771 9.598 1.827 25cm+0.19cm 7.209 7.771 9.618 1.847 Spiral probe 25cm+0.25cm 7.209 7.771 9.659 1.888 25cm+0.5cm 7.209 7.731 9.699 1.968 25cm+1.0cm 7.209 7.691 9.739 2.048 25cm+1.5cm 7.209 7.651 9.819 2.168 Fig. 3-13 shows the relationship between scaled length and water levels measured by straight and spiral TDR sensors. Based on the definition of sensitivity Ferré et al. (1996), 56 i.e., equation (2-6) in section 2.6.4, the sensitivity of both sensors to detect water layer herein can be represented using the slope of two linear curve-fitting lines in Fig. 3-13, which are 0.0808 and 0.2543, respectively. This means the spiral TDR probe is around 3 times more sensitive than a straight TDR probe. The spiral TDR probe shows slight nonlinear responses, which is possibly due to the fabrication issues and can be improved by refining the design and fabrication procedures. Fig. 3-13. Relationship between scaled length and water level (air-water interface) for two sensors 57 3.6 Summary and Conclusions This chapter presents the design and fabrication details of the innovative spiral TDR sensor that improves the resolution and sensitivity in interface detection. Based on the theory proposed by Knight et al. (1997) and Ferré et al. (1998), FEM simulations are conducted to assist the optimization design of the new TDR sensor. The performance of this new sensor is then evaluated using laboratory experiments. According to the FEM simulation and laboratory experiments results, the following conductions on the new spiral TDR sensor can be drawn: 1) The effective sampling area is chosen as an important indicator for the optimization design of the new spiral TDR sensor, which increases with the increment of wire diameter and spacing distance. Considering the manufacturability and application requirements of the new sensor, copper wire with diameter of 0.5 mm and spacing distance of 2 mm is selected to fabricate the pilot new sensor. 2) The experimental results show that this new sensor achieves significant higher spatial resolution for interface detection than the conventional TDR sensor. The application of superhydrophobic coating is effective to prevent the influence of entrapped water between two adjacent wires. 3) Compared traditional 2-rod straight probe, the spatial resolution in detecting water layer for the new spiral TDR sensor can be at least 8 times higher than that of the conventional straight probe. 58 4) The spiral TDR probe is about 3 times more sensitive than conventional 2-rod straight probe to detect water layer. 59 CHAPTER 4 ASSESSMENT OF THE HIGH RESOLUTION SPIRAL TDR SENSOR FOR SIMULATED BRIDGE SCOURING 4.1 Introduction Bridge scour has been found to cause majority of bridge failures in the United States over the past 40 years (Briaud et al. 2011; Briaud et al. 2005; Briaud et al. 2001; Prendergast and Gavin 2014). The scour around bridge foundations compromise its capability to support the superstructures and lead collapse in the extreme cases (e.g., flood). Based on the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) report, almost 60% of the reported bridge failures are caused by bridge scour during 1966-2005 (Hunt 2009; Yu and Zabilansky 2006). The erosion of soil around the bridge foundations due to scouring might leave the superstructures without sufficient support and eventually result in complete collapse of the bridge. The bridge failures induce millions of economic loss in United States every year due to direct cost of restoring and repairing these bridges as well as indirect cost associated with transportation system disruption (Yu et al. 2013). Around 26,000 bridges in the United States are categorized as “scour critical” (Briaud et al. 2011). Therefore, deploying scour countermeasures including monitoring scour is imperative to prevent the catastrophic consequences due to scour induced bridge failures. 60 4.2 Review of Bridge Scour Monitoring Technology Three options are generally applied to mitigate the bridge scour and associated economic losses and casualties, i.e., structural, hydraulic, and monitoring countermeasures (Briaud et al. 2011; Hunt 2009). Hydraulic countermeasures involve the prevention of rapid flow expansion or contraction caused by suddenly induced changes in flow direction that would occur due to blunt pier faces obstructing the flow. These sudden flow changes can lead to the creation of the vortices that is the main reason of bridge scour. This can be prevented by maintaining larger bridge openings at the design stage and also by streamlining pier geometries. However, maintaining large bridge openings and streamlined pier faces can often be a futile method as natural changes in channel deposition and erosion upstream of a bridge can often change the angle of flow relative to the alignment of a bridge and cause these hydraulic problems. Structural countermeasures can be implemented at the design stage by ensuring spread footings that are located below the maximum design scour depths, or as remediation by adding rock-armor and rip-rap to the base of piers and abutments, but this is limited by the uncertainties in the prediction design of scour depth. Monitoring or surveillance using sensing instruments, is considered to be the most effective and viable method to mitigate the risk of bridge failure for bridge maintenance due to its economic cost and real-time feature, especially for the existing bridges (Prendergast and Gavin 2014). Therefore, several typical and primarily used monitoring technologies for bridge scouring will be reviewed and summarized in the following section, including sonar, magnetic sliding collars, float-out devices, tilt sensors, sounding rods, fiber bragg grating (FBG) sensors, “smart rocks” technology and TDR (Briaud et al. 2011; Deng and Cai 2009; Hunt 2009; Prendergast and Gavin 2014; Zheng 2013). 61 4.2.1 Sonars The sonar instrumentation system for bridge scouring monitoring typically consists of two sound sensors: transmitter and receiver. It works by sending a sonic pulse from the transmitter, which propagates in the water until it reaches the soil-water interfaces (streambed), and then it is reflected back and captured by the receiver. The time taken for the signal to propagate from the emitter to the receiver in combination with signal propagation speed in water gives an estimate of the distance from the emitter to the streambed (De Falco and Mele 2002; Hayes and Drummond 1995; Mason and Sheppard 1994). The variation of this distance also indicates the process of bridge scouring or refilling. Sonar can be manufactured in both portable and fixed forms. Fig. 4-1 illustrates the idea of fixed sonar system to monitor bridge scour, in which the sonar sensors are mounted onto the pier of the bridge. Fixed sonar sensors can provide continuous data record for the soil erosion, so it can track both the scour and refill processes. Portable sonar, on the other hand, is a useful bridge inspection tool and it cannot provide a continuous data record for the soil erosion. Therefore, it usually applied to determine the final status of the scouring or sedimentation surrounding a pier. Though sonar has been successfully used to detect the profile of the bridge scour, it also has some limitations in monitoring scour process (Briaud et al. 2011). First, it is only accurate within given depth tolerances. Too shallow installation of a sonar unit or too short resolution distance between sonar sensor and riverbed will result in useless data. Second, sonar is generally accurate only within a narrow area if a fixed sonar system is employed, 62 and it is very expensive if more sonar installations are required. So if a sonar unit is not mounted properly above the deepest point at which the scour hole is developing, it will give a false sense of security information about the development of scour. Third, sonar is a below waterline instrument. If the channel is subject to debris loading, the sonar will be exposed to debris and can be easily destroyed. Finally, the interpretation of sonar signals is challenging for unexperienced users or people without sufficient professional trainings. Fig. 4-1. Schematic diagram of sonar scour monitoring system (Hunt 2009) 4.2.2 Magnetic Sliding Collar A magnetic sliding collar (MSC) system includes a sliding collar and a stainless steel pipe that is attached to the pier of the bridge and driven vertically into the streambed (Yankielun and Zabilansky 1999). As shown in Fig. 4-2, a collar with magnetic sensors is 63 placed on the streambed around the rod. The collar slides down the rod into the scour hole when the streambed erodes or the scour progresses. The location of the collar is determined by sensing a magnetic field created by magnets attached to the collar. A sensor, consisting of a magnetic switch attached to a battery and buzzer on a long cable, is fabricated. It is lowered through the annulus of the support pipe and the buzzer is activated when the sensor reaches the magnetic collar. Thus, the collar position can be determined from the reading on the cable. This also indicates the current riverbed depth, which can also provide information of present scour. Fig. 4-2. Schematic diagram of a magnetic sliding collar monitoring system (Hunt 2009) This device measures the maximum scour that occurs during a given flood event. However, it cannot be employed for continuously monitoring the scouring process, since 64 if the scour refills, the collar will become buried. Thus, it might need to be reset after each flood event, which is time consuming. Besides, the scour depths can only be detected in the direct vicinity of the device so a number of devices may be required to capture the true condition of scour. 4.2.3 Float-Out Devices Float-out devices typically consists of a radio transmitter buried in the streambed at a pre-determined depth. Fig. 4-3 shows the working principle of the float-out device. When the scour reaches that particular depth, the float-out device will be floating to the stream surface, in a horizontal position, which will activate the radio transmitter in the float-out cylinder. This is an indication that the scour depth has reached a level at which the instrument is buried and now the instrument is in float-out state. The internal radio transmitter will send a value of 0 to the data acquisition system if the float-out device is vertical and a value of 1 if the float-out device floats out (in horizontal position). The float-out device is easy to operate and is self-contained, but still has some disadvantages. The internal battery has a limited lifespan, even though it can stay in standby mode for seven years. The float-out device can just give an estimation of the local scour, showing the scour depth only at the location where the device is installed. It does not provide any intermediate indication of the scour depth, neither the process of sedimentation. The installation process in the field requires coring and drilling, which is expensive and difficult in certain circumstances. Besides, the installation depth of the floatout device has to be determined in advance. This significantly limits the accuracy and 65 effectiveness of the float-out device, since the device will lose efficacy if the maximum scour depth is overestimated or underestimated. Fig. 4-3. Schematic diagram of a float-out device and float-out sensors (Hunt 2009) 4.2.4 Tilt Sensors Tiltmeter, known as inclinometer or tilt sensor, is typically employed to measure the change in the angle of the object it is attached to with respect to a level or an axis. When it is used to measure the movement of the bridge scour, two tilt sensors are required. As presented in Fig. 4-4, one (X) monitors bridge position parallel to the direction of the traffic (longitudinal direction of the bridge), and the other (Y) monitors the position perpendicular to traffic (parallel with the stream flow). One or both two tilt sensors will response if the 66 bridge is subjected to scour causing one of the support piers to settle. If the change detected by the X, Y tilt sensor in bridge position exceed a programmable limit, the data system would send out an alert status message. Fig. 4-4. Schematic diagram of a float-out device and float-out sensors (Hunt 2009) This is a very straightforward method to measure the bridge scouring process. It is compact, lightweight, and is easy to integrate mechanically and the signals are also not difficult to interpret. However, it is sometimes too “sensitive” to capture the bridge position variations that normally occur due to the traffic, temperature, wind, hydraulic and earthquake loads. It is difficult to set the critical magnitude of the tilting angle at which the bridge is in danger. Therefore, this will impact negatively the correctness of the monitoring 67 results or increase the complexity and difficulty of setting critical value for the “alarm” angle. 4.2.5 Sounding Rods-BRISCO Monitors Sounding-rod or falling-rod instruments are manual or mechanical gravity-based physical probes (Lefter 1993). As the streambed scours, the rod, with its foot resting on the streambed, drops following the streambed with certain length to guarantee the soundingrod still resting on the riverbed. This dropping is then recorded by the system as the scouring depth. Note that the foot should be large enough to prevent penetration of the streambed caused by the weight of the rod and the vibration of the rod from flowing water. Fig. 4-5 shows the schematic working diagram of the sounding-rod for bridge scouring. The sounding-rod is sitting with its base plate on the streambed and the upper rod penetrates through the supportive pipe to keep it vertical. The top of the sounding-rod is then connected to a reel by a cable, from which scouring depth information can be captured. This method is similar to the concept of the magnetic sliding collar and sonar sensor technology, but it is much cheaper than these two approaches. However, this technique still possesses the limitation that it can be only used to monitor the scouring process. 68 Fig. 4-5. Schematic diagram of a sounding-rod monitoring system (Haas et al. 1999) 4.2.6 Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Another relatively new piezo-electric based sensor, Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors, works based on the concept of measuring strain along embedded cantilever rods to generate electrical signals (Sohn et al. 2004). Fig. 4-6 presents the mechanism of two types of fiber optic sensors for monitoring local bridge scouring (Lin et al. 2005; Lin et al. 2004). In model I, three FBG sensors are mounted on the surface of a cantilevered beam and arranged in series along one single fiber. In model II, several FBG sensors are arranged along one single optical fiber, but are mounted on cantilevered plates installed at different 69 levels of a hollow chamber of a steel pile fixed to the pier or abutment. In both models, when the scouring process reaches the level at which the embedded cantilevered beam (a) (b) 70 Fig. 4-6. The FBG scour monitoring system (a) model I (b) model II (Lin et al. 2004) or plate becomes partially exposed to the flowing water, they will be subjected to hydrodynamic forces from the flow of water and become deformed due to bending moment. Strain will be generated and detected by FBG sensors. However, only the FBG sensors that are exposed to the water flow will pick up the strain information; for those buried under the river bed surface, no or very small strains will be generated because that part of the cantilevered beam or plate is not bended. Therefore, the progression of scour can be detected and monitored by knowing the exposure conditions of the FBG sensors. This FBG sensor performs particularly well in monitoring the change in scour depth with time at their installed location and is relatively cheap to fabricate. The resolution, however, depends on the spacing of the sensor array along the rod and the number of FBG sensors used in the systems, and theoretically it can be utilized to monitor both the scouring and deposition process. Also the fragility of the optical fiber might be a potential challenge for the application of this type of sensor in the field. 4.2.7 “Smart Rock” Technology Even though the conventional approaches introduced above have played a significant role in the monitoring of bridge scour, several advanced techniques are also attempted and evaluated in the field,such as the wireless monitoring system, neutral buoyancy “fish” and “smart rocks” developed by Zabilansky (1996), Radchenko et al. 71 (2013) and Chen et al. (2014). The “smart rocks” technology is selected as an example to present in this section. (a) 2.2” 4 √2 = 5.6 2.2” 4” (a) 4” 4” (c) (d) (a) Geometry of magnets and encasement (b) Prototype in spherical shape Fig. 4-7. The “smart rocks” scour monitoring system (Chen et al. 2014) (a) (b) working Design and prototype of magnets and passive smart rocks principle of “smart rocks”; (c)(d) smart rocks; Fig. 4-7 shows the working principle of the “smart rocks” system for monitoring bridge scour, also including a sample of “smart rocks”. “Smart rocks” are natural rocks or artificial concrete encasements embedded with sensors that can send data, including depth, location and orientation of the rocks, to the main station wirelessly, from which the scouring depth can be estimated. The idea of “Smart Rocks” is similar to the “Magnetic Sliding Collar” introduced in the previous section, but it is much more intelligent and automated, since many smart rocks can be simultaneously distributed in the vicinity of bridge piers and the data can be collected from the main station at one time. This can significantly increase the monitoring area around the bridge pier, not just one limited region as the Magnetic Sliding Collar system. 72 In practice, smart rocks were first designed to be located at the surface of the riverbed and will gradually roll into the bottom of the scour hole as the deposits beneath and around the smart rocks begin to be eroded. This can be employed to measure the maximum scour depth. “Smart rocks” can be categorized into three types: active, passive or hybrid-type. The passive smart rock is equipped with magnets that can be read with a remote magnetometer; the active version is outfitted with electronic devices, such as pressure sensors, gyroscope, timer, and battery indicator; the hybrid, semiactive smart rock, includes a free-to-remote magnet that can be controlled with electronic circuitry (Fig. 4-7). The “smart rocks” technique is a very cost-effective technology, ranging from 5001000 dollars for each unit and easy to install and operate. But it still has limitations to monitor the deposition or refill process of the riverbed, since it will be buried by the refilling sediments even though it can still give the information of maximum scour depth after it’s buried in the streambed. 4.2.8 Time Domain Reflectrometry TDR is also used as an alternative approach for the surveillance of bridge scouring (Yankielun and Zabilansky 1999; Yu 2009). The working principle will be presented in the following section. Yu (2009) studied the feasibility of using traditional 3-rod stainless steel TDR probe for scouring measurement in the laboratory and developed an algorithm for signal analyses. The subsequent study by Yu and Yu (2010), Zhang et al. (2010) and Yu and Yu (2010) developed a 3-strip TDR sensor to facilitate field installation. These previous studies proved the capability of the TDR to reliably monitor the scour development. In their laboratory experiments with a conventional straight TDR probe, the 73 sediment layer is designed to vary within centimeter range (2 cm or 10 cm). It will still lose capability to detect scouring when the scouring depth is smaller than that range. In summary, these approaches have inherent advantages and limitations in certain aspects. For example, sonar technology is relatively easy to install and collect real time condition of scouring, but the measuring signals are complex and difficult to analyze and interpret and the measurement is highly influenced by the turbidity of stream (Yu et al. 2013). The magnetic sliding collars is easy to operate, but the effective measuring range for one unit is still limited. The size, cost, sacrificial nature, and power supply demand remains challenging for “fish” and “smart rocks” technology. Table 4-1 elucidates the advantage as well as the might-be shortcomings for each technique in the previous context (Chen et al. 2014; Deng and Cai 2009; Lu et al. 2008; Radchenko et al. 2013; Yu and Yu 2010; Zheng 2013). Therefore, people can select proper method in terms of their specific requirements. If a series of streambed elevations over time are of interest, sonar, magnetic sliding collars, and sounding rod monitors can be used. If a bridge owner is interested only when a certain streambed elevation is reached, float-outs can be employed. For specific information on a pier or abutment, tilt sensors measure the movement of the structure. 74 Table 4-1. Comparison of existing instruments for monitoring bridge scour Instrument Advantages Disadvantages or limitations Relative cost Easy to install; Accurate record of riverbed; Susceptible to the situation of flowing water; Sonar Medium Monitor both scour and refill process in real-time; Difficult to analyze and interpret signals; Excavation of riverbed required; Cannot Magnetic sliding Easy to install and operate; Somewhat prevent the collect data for refill process; Limited collar Medium destruction from debris in the streambed; monitor region; Excavation of riverbed required; Only Float-out device Easy to install and operate and self-contained; provide information if the scour has Low progressed past a critical value; Cannot avoid the noisy influence caused by Easy to install and operate; Signals are easy to Tilt sensor traffic, temperature, wind, hydraulic and Low analyze and interpret; earthquake loads. Easy to install and operate; Straightforward to Excavation of riverbed required; Limitation Sounding-rod Low analyze the monitoring data; on monitoring the refill process; 75 Time consuming in operation; Specialized Fiber bragg Continuous monitoring of riverbed; training required; Fiber is easy to be High grating sensor destroyed; Larger monitor region around the bridge pier; Smart rock Limitation on monitoring the refill process; Low Cost-effective technology; Easy to install and operate; High resolution on Excavation of riverbed required; Limited TDR Medium detecting scouring and refilling process; monitoring region for each sensor; 76 On the basis of the evaluation of the new spiral TDR sensor in chapter 3, the subsequent section in this chapter primarily presents its applicability and performance on monitoring bridge scouring process. It is fabricated with two parallel copper wires waveguide wrapped around a supporting rod and then calibrated using liquid with known dielectric constant and soils with different moisture contents. Its performance was then evaluated using simulated scour experiments and also compared with the conventional 2rod straight TDR sensor. 4.3 Principle of Bridge Scour Depth Estimation with TDR Fig. 4-8 shows the schematic diagram of estimating bridge scour using TDR technology. Water and saturated soil are prepared in a tank with increasing/decreasing thickness of soil layer to simulate the sediment/scour process. TDR signals are acquired at different stages to measure this process by locating the interface between water and soil sediment. From Chapter 2, mixing model of dielectric permittivity can be applied here for estimating bridge scouring process, i.e., for the multi-layered system of water and sediment in Fig. 4-8, equation 2-4 can be expressed as follows. Note that the straight TDR probe is selected to illustrate the working principle of TDR-based bridge scour measurement. 𝐿1 √𝐾𝑎,𝑤 + 𝐿2 √𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 = 𝐿√𝐾𝑎,𝑚 where 77 (4-1) 𝐾𝑎,𝑤 = the dielectric constant of water, which is commonly selected as 81 for pure water from the introduction in Chapter 2; 𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 = the dielectric constant of sand-water mixture in the sediment layer, in this dissertation, the sand-water mixture is assumed to be fully saturated; Fig. 4-8. Schematic diagram of bridge scouring measurement with TDR technique 𝐾𝑎,𝑚 = the measured bulk dielectric constant; 𝐿1 = the thickness of water layer; 78 𝐿2 = the thickness of sand layer; 𝐿 = the thickness of water layer and sand layer, in this experimental program, 𝐿 is kept constant; Assume the thickness of sand in Fig. 4-1 is x, then L1 = L − x. Substituting into equation (4-1), the following equation (4-2) can be derived. If the total thickness, L, is a constant, the thickness of sediment, x, is linearly proportional to the square root of measured bulk dielectric constant. After mathematical operation, equation (4-1) is transferred into equation (4-2): 𝑥= √𝐾𝑎,𝑚 −√𝐾𝑎,𝑤 √𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 −√𝐾𝑎,𝑤 𝐿 (4-2) In the equation (4-2), 𝐾𝑎,𝑤 is known (set as around 81 for pure water) and L is invariable by keeping the water level constant. The determination of the dielectric constant of saturated sand layer, 𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 , is dependent on the following equation (4-3), which is also derived from mixing formula of dielectric constant for mixture and equation (2-4). 𝑛√𝐾𝑎,𝑤 + (1 − 𝑛)√𝐾𝑎,𝑠 = √𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 (4-3) in which, 𝑛 = the porosity of the saturated sand layer; 𝐾𝑎,𝑠 = the dielectric constant of solid sand particles, which is assumed as 3-7 for dry sand particles (a value of 5 is used in this study); 79 Other parameters possess the same meanings as that in previous sections. The void ratio can be measured and acquired by using such parameters as the weight and volume of the saturated sand layer as well as the maximum and minimum relative density of this type of dry sand. Hence, from equation (4-3), the value of 𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 is easy to derive. Then equation (4-2) indicates that the thickness of sediment is only correlated to the value of 𝐾𝑎,𝑚 , which can be obtained directly from the output signals of TDR measurements using the theory introduced in Chapter 2. Therefore, the simulated scouring and sediment process can be monitored with the TDR method. The scouring or sediment depth can be estimated and predicted from measured dielectric constants using equation (4-2). 4.4 Design and Fabrication of Spiral-shaped Sensor As illustrated in Chapter 3, Fig. 4-9 shows the design of a spiral TDR scour sensor. It is made of a square fiberglass rod as the mechanical mount and two conductive copper wires as the TDR waveguide. The fiberglass rod is 500 mm in longitudinal length and 5 mm in cross-section length. The copper wires are 0.5 mm in diameter and wrapped in spiral around the central rod with wire spacing of 2 mm. The cross-section of the central rod is selected as square shape so that fabrication grooves can be easily created along the fiberglass rod to assist the control of wire spacing. The copper wires are coated by polyurethane insulating material. The commercial super-hydrophobic coating is also sprayed on the surface of the copper wire and the core rod to eliminate the effects of residual water trapped between adjacent wires. The sensing component of the TDR probe 80 used for the monitoring of bridge scour in this chapter is around 400 mm in length. A BNC adapter is used to connect the spiral sensor and TDR system. Fig. 4-9. Comparison of straight TDR probe and spiral-shaped TDR probe Also shown in Fig. 4-9 includes a conventional two-rod straight probe, which has an identical equivalent length to the spiral probe. Two copper wires are fixed in parallel on the supportive rod with spacing of 3 mm. 81 Fig. 4-10. Effects of coating on the dielectric constant ( is the dielectric constant of coating) 4.5 Calibration of Spiral-shaped Sensor The measured dielectric constant by the TDR probe can be affected by the coating materials (Xiong 2003). Fig. 4-10 shows the influence of coatings on the dielectric permittivity measurement by TDR. From the figure, coatings with lower dielectric constant have much larger impact on the measurement results. In addition, the mounting fiberglass rod may also affect the measured effective dielectric constant. Therefore, these factors can be accounted for by calibration on materials with known dielectric constant. Some 82 commonly used standard liquid with known dielectric information and wet soil with known water moisture are employed to calibrate the new sensor. 4.5.1 Calibration with Liquid Four commonly used standard solvents and ethanol-deionized (DI) water mixtures are employed to calibrate the spiral TDR probe. The standard solvents include deionized water (with dielectric constant of 80.4), methanol (33.1), ethanol (24.3), and acetone (20.7) (Lidström et al. 2001). Different amounts of DI water is mixed with ethanol shown in Fig. 4-4 (b). (( a) b) 83 Fig. 4-11. Output signals of spiral sensor in liquid (a- in standard solvent; b- in ethanolDI water mixture ) The spiral sensor is totally submerged in these liquids and the TDR signals in each solution are acquired. The TDR signal in the air is also obtained as a control group. Fig. 4-11 illustrates the TDR signals of the spiral TDR sensor under different testing liquids, showing very reasonable results. The black arrows shown in the figures represent the reflection points at the start and end of the probe. The measured dielectric constant for each solution is calculated by using equation (2-3). The dielectric constant of ethanol-DI water mixture can be calculated using equation (2-4) with 𝛼 = 1.0 . Fig. 4-12 shows the relationship between measured results using a spiral probe and actual dielectric constant by equation (2-4). By fitting the data in this figure, the calibration equation can be given 84 by equation (7) with R2 = 0.99, in which 𝐾𝑎,𝑟 , 𝐾𝑎,𝑚 are the real dielectric constant of the liquid and the measured dielectric constant by coated TDR probe, respectively. 3 2 𝐾𝑎,𝑟 = 0.7872𝐾𝑎,𝑚 − 22.143𝐾𝑎,𝑚 + 215.78𝐾𝑎,𝑚 − 688.79 (4-4) Fig. 4-12. Relationship between measured and real dielectric constant 4.5.2 Calibration using wet soil with known water moisture The dielectric constant of soil is closely related to its moisture content, since water has a much larger dielectric constant than that of soil particles or air (Drnevich et al. 2001; Siddiqui and Drnevich 1995; Topp and Davis 1985; Yu and Drnevich 2004). Siddiqui and Drnevich (1995) developed an empirical formula to explicitly correlate measured dielectric 85 constant by TDR to the gravimetric water content, see equation (4-5), which is extensively adopted in geotechnical engineering. Fig. 4-13. Calibration of spiral TDR probe with moisture sand 𝜌 √𝐾𝑎 𝜌𝑤 = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝜔 (4-5) 𝑑 where 𝜌𝑑 = the dry density of soil; 𝜌𝑤 = the density of water; 86 ω = the gravimetric water content; 𝐾𝑎 = the apparent dielectric constant; a, b = soil dependent calibration coefficient; Sand with different water content is prepared and compacted in a stainless cylinder. The spiral probe is completely embedded in the moisture sand (Fig. 4-13). The density and water content of the sand is measured. TDR signals are obtained as shown in Fig. 4-14. With the increasing water content of soil, the travelling distance of EM wave in the soil increases. This is because the increasing water content results in increases of the soil dielectric constant. The dielectric constant of soil is computed using equation (2-4). 87 Fig. 4-14. Output signals of TDR with spiral probe in moisture sand The relationship between dielectric constant, dry density and water content of soil is plotted in the format of equation (4-5) and shown in Fig. 4-15. A highly linear relationship (R2 = 0.95) is demonstrated between measured dielectric constant and soil properties with a = 0.91 and b = 1.95, respectively. This high linearity also indicates that the soil physical properties can be accurately determined from the TDR measured dielectric constant. Fig.4-15. Calibration of spiral probe with moisture sand 88 4.6 Simulated Scouring Experiment Using New Spiral TDR Probe 4.6.1 Experimental Program TDR technology has been utilized for the bridge scour monitoring by Yankielun and Zabilansky (1999) and (Yu 2009). Bin et al. (2010) and Yu et al. (2013) conducted bridge scour experiments by traditional 3-rod and a distributed strip TDR sensor. Considering the resolution and sensitivity limitation of the sensor, the incremental thickness in the sedimentation layer during these previous studies were set around 4 cm and 10 cm, respectively. To evaluate the performance of the new sensor, simulated sedimentation/scour tests are implemented in the laboratory. The tank was first filled with tap water with constant water level (39.6 cm in this study). Both the spiral and straight TDR probe (Fig. 4-8) are vertically installed in the tank. Dry soils are then gradually added into the tank to simulate the sedimentation process. In this way, the sand layer can be guaranteed to be fully saturated situation. TDR signals are acquired at each prescribed thickness of the sediment layer. This process continues until the tank is totally filled with soils. Commercial Campbell CS 605 3-rod probe is also employed in the tests only with tap water and soils, which are used to calculate dielectric constant of tap water and saturated soils. 4.6.2 Experimental Materials Two types of soils are prepared to simulate the sediments, i.e., coarse sand and fine sand. The grain size distribution of the two soil samples is shown in Fig. 4-16. 89 Fig. 4-16. Grain size distribution of two types of testing materials 4.6.3 Experiment Results Analysis and Discussion Fig. 4-17 shows TDR output signals of scouring test for fine and coarse soils, including conventional straight and new spiral probe. The sediment layer is changed with 2 cm increment, which is one fifth of that Yu’s (2009) experiment using a strip probe. The resultant TDR signals for the spiral TDR probe are shown in Fig. 4-17 (a) and (c). Those for the straight TDR probe are shown in Fig. 4-17 (b) and (d). With the increasing soil thickness, the dielectric constant of the overall system, 𝐾𝑎,𝑚 , decreases, giving rise to the decrease of the apparent length. An obvious observation is that with the same change in the sediment layer thickness, there are much more significant changes in the travel time of the EM wave (reflection at the end of the TDR probe) for the spiral TDR probe than the straight TDR probe. 90 ( a) (a) ( b) (b) 91 ( c) (c) ( d) (d) 92 Fig. 4-17. TDR output signals for fine and coarse soil (a – spiral probe in fine sand; b – straight probe in fine sand; c – spiral probe in coarse sand; d – straight probe in coarse sand) The dielectric constant of the water-soil mixture is computed based on the theory introduced in the previous context. 𝐾𝑎,𝑟 is then obtained using calibration equation (4-4). Fig. 4-18 illustrates the measured dielectric constant of water-soil mixture versus sediment layer thickness in the format of equation (4-2) for coarse and fine soils. The square root of the dielectric constant of water-soil mixture changes linearly with the sediment layer thickness for both fine and coarse sediments. This is consistent with the relationship illustrated in equation (4-2). Therefore, the algorithm for the scour depth estimation based on equation (4-2) can be used for the spiral TDR probe. The dielectric constant of tap water and saturated soil used in this test program are obtained using the commercial Campbell CS 605 3-rod probe, which is 69.9 and 20.77, respectively. Substituting the value of K a,w , K a,bs , K a,m and L into equation (4-2), the sediment layer thickness can be estimated from the dielectric constant measured by the spiral TDR probe. 93 (a) (b) 94 Fig. 4-18. Relationship between dielectric constant and sediment thickness (a - fine soil; b – coarse soil) ( a) Fig. 4-19 compares the physically measured sediment layer thickness by a ruler versus TDR predicted values for both fine and coarse grained sediments. The predicted values using the new spiral TDR sensor closely matches those of ruler measurements. This indicates that the new sensor can be employed to accurately estimate the scour depth or sediment layer thickness. The accuracy of the new sensor in predicting the sediment layer thickness falls within ±5%, which is satisfactory for practical applications. The accuracy for fine sediment is significantly higher (generally within ±2%). ( a) (a) 95 ( b) (b) Fig. 4-19. Measured and predicted sediment layer thickness (a - fine sediment; b – coarse sediment) The possible sources of experimental errors include: 1) the small diameter of the copper waveguide implies a smaller effective sensing area, which might cause inaccuracy for sediments with larger grain as seen in Figure 4-19; 2) inaccurate measurement of sand layer thickness due to the difficulty to achieve a complete even surface; 3) errors in the determination of reflection points from TDR signals; 4) the dielectric constant of water maybe not be exactly equal to that of tap water acquired by CS 605 sensor due to the turbidity of water layer, as discussed by Yu (2009). 96 4.6.4 Comparison with Straight TDR Scour Probe As presented in Chapter 2, the sensitivity of a sensor is defined as the ratio of the magnitude of its response to the magnitude of measured quantity or equation (2-6) (Radatz 1997). To compare the sensitivity of the new spiral TDR probe versus that of a conventional straight TDR probe, Fig. 4-20 plots out the effects of sediment layer thickness on the measured apparent length by the spiral and straight probes. ( b) 97 Fig. 4-20. Relationship between sediment layer thickness and apparent length (a – straight probe; b – spiral probe) The apparent length is highly linear with sediment layer thickness. There are, however, significant differences in the slope of the sensitivity curves by two different TDR probes. The slope of the sensitivity curve by the new spiral TDR sensor is about 4 times that of a regular straight TDR sensor probe. This implies that the spiral TDR probe is about 4 times more sensitive than the straight TDR probe in scour depth determination. The sensitivity can be further improved by refining the spiral geometry design, which will be introduced in detail in the following Chapters. 98 4.7 Summary and Conclusions This chapter presents the development of an innovative spiral TDR scour sensor in terms of the introductions in previous chapters. This new spiral sensor features higher sensitivity and resolution than traditional probes due to the longer traveling distance of the EM wave per unit length along the direction of the mounting rod. A laboratory experimental program is conducted to evaluate this new sensor for bridge scouring applications. Based on the experiment results, some conclusions and findings can be summarized as follows: 1) The algorithm for estimating the bridge scouring process has been derived and developed from the mixing model of the dielectric constant presented in chapter 2, which is the basis of the entire experiment program. 2) The fabricated new spiral TDR sensor is calibrated using some common standard liquid solvent with known dielectric constant and soils with different moisture contents due to the impact of the center rod and coatings. This results in an empirical equation to correlated measured dielectric properties and real dielectric constant of the materials. 3) Simulated scour experiments are conducted in the laboratory to evaluate the performance of the spiral TDR probe in monitoring the scour process. The results show that the spiral TDR scour sensor easily detect the change of sediment layer thickness of less than 2cm, which indicates the resolution of detecting scouring process using the new spiral TDR sensor is much higher than the previous studies. 99 4) The square root of measured dielectric constant by the spiral TDR changes linearly with the measured sediment layer thickness. This is consistent with the theoretical predications, which again indicates the feasibility of monitoring the bridge scouring process with the new spiral sensor. In addition, the predicted sediment layer thickness from the spiral TDR sensor agrees very well with the thickness of the sediment layer by direct ruler measurement. 5) Compared with a straight TDR scour probe, this new spiral sensor is about 4 times more sensitive in detecting the scour thickness. And the sensitivity can be further improved by refining the spiral design. 100 CHAPTER 5 DETERMINATION OF THIN WATER FILM DUE TO VOID REDISTRIBUTION USING SPIRAL TDR SENSOR 5.1 Introduction The United States is facing severe threats from earthquakes, especially in the west coast area (Petersen et al. 2014), including State of California and Alaska. Soil liquefaction is a major contributor to these seismic-induced failures and risks. Soil liquefaction describes a phenomenon whereby a soil substantially loses strength and stiffness in response to cyclic loading, such as seismic earthquake loadings. During the course of liquefaction, the accumulation of excess pore water pressure will induce the decrease of effective stress between soil particles and the loss of soil stiffness and strength, especially shear strength. This could result in devastating failure of structure foundations, levee, embankment and other infrastructures, such as 1964 Niigata earthquake (Hamada and O'Rourke 1992; Kishida 1966; Mogi 1989; Seed and Idriss 1967), 1989 Loma-Prieta earthquake (Dietz and Ellsworth 1990; Kasai and Maison 1997; NolenHoeksema and Morrow 1991), 1995 Kobe earthquake (Yoshida et al. 1996), 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Chigira et al. 2010; Huang et al. 2009; Yin et al. 2009) and 2011 Christchurch earthquake (Bradley and Cubrinovski 2011; Cubrinovski et al. 2011; Smyrou et al. 2011), etc. People have extensively investigated this topic over the last 50 years using both experimental and numerical simulation aspects (Castro 1975; Ishihara 1993; Martin et al. 1975; Seed and Idriss 1967; Seed and Lee 1966), especially after 1964 Niigata earthquake. 101 But they primarily focus on the liquefaction in uniform soils. In fact, most laboratory experiments results might not be applicable to stratified soil conditions, since water film or shear band will be formed in the stratified soil profile due to void redistribution, which will significantly reduce the soil liquefaction resistance compared with a uniform soil layer. Therefore, design based on the liquefaction resistance of uniform soil could lead to unsafe design of geo-structures. Water film due to void redistribution has been observed in a number of laboratory experiments and field studies (Boulanger and Truman 1996; Fiegel and Kutter 1994; Fiegel and Kutter 1994; Kokusho 1999; Kokusho and Kojima 2002; Kulasingam et al. 2004; Malvick et al. 2008; Malvick et al. 2006; Seed and Lee 1966). It was found that the redistribution of water content, especially in the dilation zone (shear band) where the accumulation of water at the interface area between the liquefied soil and soil layer of low permeability, can cause significant loss of shear strength in slopes and embankments during and after earthquakes. And this is strongly dependent on the extent of void redistribution or thickness of water film. Therefore, the estimation and predication of the thickness of water film is of great significance to clearly understand the liquefaction in stratified soils. 5.2 Review of Water Film Due to Void Redistribution 5.2.1 Water Film due to Void Redistribution Fig. 5-1 shows the schematic diagram of the liquefaction phenomenon in multi- layered soil profile caused by void redistribution, which illustrates an idealized submerged 102 mild slope with an incline angle of 𝜃. The slope comprises a liquefiable sand layer overlain by a low-permeability clay or silt layer and underlain by an impermeable base. Fig. 5-1. Sketch of void redistribution in submerged layered infinite slope (Malvick et al. 2006) Fiegel and Kutter (1994), Kulasingam et al. (2004) and Malvick et al. (2006) explained the mechanism of void redistribution in stratified soil profile. When soil is subjected to cyclic loading, such as seismic loading, the solid particles will deposit due to its higher density than pore water, which cause much higher excess pore water pressure in the bottom than that in the upper. The pore water will migrate upward because of excess pore water pressure gradient (equal to 𝛾𝑏 ⁄𝛾𝑤 , 𝛾𝑏 - effective unit weight; 𝛾𝑤 - unit weight of 103 water (Fiegel and Kutter 1994)). However, the overlying low-permeability layer will preclude the drainage of pore water upward. This consequently results in the accumulation of water film in the region between A and B, which is also regarded as shear band by some researchers (Kulasingam et al. 2004; Malvick et al. 2008; Malvick et al. 2006). The thickness of water film (shear band or dilation zone, 𝐻𝑑 ) is a significant factor to influence the stability of mild slope, i.e., whether or not the current dilation zone could induce lateral spreading. It is proved that some parameters of the liquefiable soil layer could influence the thickness of the water film or dilating zone, including initial relative density, 𝐷𝑅 , total thickness, 𝐻𝑏 , permeability, burying depth, 𝐻𝑡 , as well as the intensity and duration of shaking, etc. 5.2.2 Previous Investigations on Water Film The earliest works on water film stem from investigations with regard to the mechanism of sand boils. Housner (1958) considered the “reservoir” for sand boils as a region of water and loose soil due to the settlement of the sand particles in the liquefied soil layer. Scott and Zuckerman (1964) explained how the sand in this reservoir was ejected to the surface and proposed that the low permeable soil layer might be the essential condition for sand boils. The “water interlayer” or “water film” was clearly observed in the shaking table tests (Kokusho 1999; Kokusho and Kojima 2002; Liu and Qiao 1984), and centrifuge model tests (Boulanger and Truman 1996; Fiegel and Kutter 1994; Fiegel and Kutter 1994; Kulasingam et al. 2004; Malvick et al. 2008; Malvick et al. 2006). Horizontal soil columns and mildly sloping ground (inclining angle less than 15 degrees) are typically configured in the laboratory model tests to explain the development mechanism of water 104 film, influence factors as well as its significance of causing lateral spreading or flow failure after liquefaction. In 1-D column shaking tests, the development of the water film is captured with the installation of several pore water transducers at different depths. This suggests the existence of low permeable silt seam precludes the dissipation of excess pore water pressure in the liquefied sand layer or significantly extend its dissipation time even after the liquefaction (Kokusho 1999). But if the soil layer is configured with a slight inclined angle, the water film can serve as the sliding surface and shear stress isolator for lateral flow failure, limiting the shear stress transmitted into upper sand layer, and this often occurs in loose sand with relative density no less than 40% from the results of shaking table tests (Kokusho 1999; Kokusho and Kabasawa 2005; Kokusho and Kojima 2002). Kokusho (1998) presented 1-g shaking table tests of a slope model consisting of loose sands layer with embedded silt seams (Fig. 5-2), in which the strength loss, slope deformations and flow failure can be clearly observed after shaking has ceased. The four images represent (a) the geometry before the start of shaking, (b) the geometry immediately after shaking has ceased and pore water seepage from the sand below the silt seams is just starting to break up through the silt seams, (c) the geometry as the lower silt seam and overlying sand are weakened by the upward pore water flow and begin to flow both laterally and down the adjacent slope, and (d) the final state of model deformation and geometry after flow failure. The testing results indicate that the high gradient of the excess pore water pressure and subsequently formed water film beneath the silt seam is the major factor to induce the lateral flow failure of the slope model. The third image also shows the 105 lower white silt seam initially spreads laterally over the adjacent muddy water, which accelerates the flow deformations of the submerged slopes (Boulanger et al. 2014). Fig. 5-2. Photos of shaking table tests on layered slope with embedded silt layer (Boulanger et al. 2014; Kokusho 1998) Fiegel and Kutter (1994) explained the onset and developing process of water film in layered soil deposits, as well as the mechanism of sand boils. From the centrifuge model testing results, the author confirms that the low permeable silt interlayer is of importance to sand boils and water film, which acts as an isolator to preclude the propagation of acceleration, stress and strain to the upper soil layer. The centrifuge tests results also indicate that the nonuniformity of the low permeable layer determines the failure of sand boils. The thicker and heavier portions of overlying layer fall through the interfacial zone 106 causing water to flow laterally, which in turn forces thinner and lighter portions of the overlying layer to bulge and fail. The images of shaking table tests by Butterfield and Bolton (2003) also provide convincing evidence and support for this explanation. Brennan and Madabhushi (2005) illustrated in detail the dissipation pattern of excess pore water pressure and the development and vanishing of water film in layered soils during liquefaction. As shown in Fig. 5-3 (a), the sand layer is completely liquefied after shaking. Dissipation begins at the base, and due to the low permeable silt layer, the volume of the sand layer maintains constant in a short term. The excess pore water pressure profile now resemble Fig. 5-3 (b), i.e., the soil immediately below the silt layer experiences a value of excess pore pressure greater than initial vertical effective stress. If the water is at an excess pore pressure greater than initial vertical effective stress, then a force imbalance exists and the silt layer should be forced upward, which leads to an increase in volume of the underlying soil, a reduction of the pore water pressure and subsequently the formation of water film (Fig. 5-3 (c)). As the sand layer continue to settle, three phases can be identified shown in Fig. 5-3 (d). Phase I begins at the onset of a water film and contains the sand resettlement beneath, until the excess pore pressure throughout the sand equals that in the film; phase II, the pressure is maintained in the sand while the fluid in the film dissipates through the silt layer; phase III begins the moment water film vanishes. However, based on the consolidation theory, Wang et al. (2013) simply considered this process as the phase transformation between two phase for the liquefiable sand layer, i.e. solidification phase and liquefaction phase. The liquefaction occurs from the top soil layer, which just contradicts to the solidification process. The boundary between the upper liquefied region 107 and lower solidified region is defined as the solidification front. Therefore, during this process, the solidification front propagates from the base to the top soil layer. Fig. 5-3. Excess pore water pressure redistribution pattern during liquefaction in layered soils (Brennan and Madabhushi 2005) Boulanger and Truman (1996) and (Malvick et al. 2003) proposed that void redistribution in layered soils contributed to the formation of water film. They utilized infinite idealized slope model to illustrate the influence of dilating shear zone due to void redistribution on the instability of the mild slope. They defined the dilation capacity as the amount of water that the dilating zone can absorb before the undrained strength reduces to the driving static shear stress. After the dilation zone reaches its dilation capacity, additional influx of water causes instability. They also indicate that the potential for strength loss due to void redistribution is strongly dependent on the thickness and initial relative density of the liquefiable sand layer because the effect of increasing relative density will reduce the volume of water expelled from the contracting zones and increase the capacity of the dilating zone to absorb water inflow. In addition, the slope angle and the thickness of water film or shear band are another two significant factors for the stability of 108 slope, which is confirmed by Malvick et al. (2006) with more detailed explanation. Therefore, it is of importance to determine the thickness of the dilation zone at the top of the liquefied sand layer during liquefaction. The thickness of a dilating shear zone is significantly dependent on the thickness of the consolidating zone (Kulasingam et al. 2004; Malvick et al. 2003). It has been estimated or postulated empirically by many researchers but without quantitative determination. For example, the simplistic approximation that the thickness of the dilating zone is on the order of 10D50 (Roscoe 1970). Consider an infinite slope with a 1 m thick layer of sand confined between overlying and underlying clay layers. If the sand has a D50 of 1 mm and undergoes 1% compressive volumetric strain during an earthquake, the consolidating layer would expel 10 mm of water (1% of 1 m), which could cause a 100% volumetric expansion of the 10 mm thick dilating zone (10D50 =10 mm). However, this simple argument, along with the observation that many layered slopes do remain stable during earthquakes, suggests that there might be some mechanisms besides the particle size that controls the thickness of the dilating shear zone (Boulanger and Truman 1996), such as the roughness of the interface between the sand and overlying less permeable soil. In addition, Malvick et al. (2006) proposed an semi-empirical model to predict the thickness of dilation zone, which is described in equation (5-1). The author included an example of mild slope in this paper to demonstrate the method of computing the thickness of dilation zone. But there still exists some difficulties in estimating the value of some parameters, ′ ′ such as 𝜑𝑐𝑣 and 𝜑𝑝𝑘 . 109 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜑′𝑝𝑘 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 1− 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜑′𝑐𝑣 1− ℎ𝑑 = ( − 1) 𝐻𝑡 (5-1) where ℎ𝑑 = thickness of dilation zone or water film; 𝐻𝑡 = thickness of soil overlying confined liquefiable bottom layer; 𝜃= slope angle; ′ 𝜑𝑝𝑘 = peak friction angle; ′ 𝜑𝑐𝑣 = critical state friction angle; In addition, Malvick et al. (2003) and Kulasingam et al. (2004) demonstrated the potential importance of other factors, such as shaking intensity and duration, permeability contrasts, on the formation of dilation zone due to void redistribution. Kulasingam et al. (2004) employed a series of centrifuge model tests to investigate the potential void redistribution of several sand slopes with and without silt interlayers and the effects of several model parameters, such as initial relative density, slope geometry (silt layer shape, sand layer thickness), shaking duration, shaking amplitude, and shaking history on the instability of these slope models. For instance, Fig. 5-4 shows the testing results for the slope models with different thickness of liquefiable sand layer, including a thin silt interlayer embedded for both slope models. Compared with the model in Fig. 5-4 (a), showing significant lateral spreading, no obvious lateral deformation can be observed for the model in Fig. 5-4 (b). The author attributed it to the different thickness of the 110 liquefiable sand layer, which affects the amount of pore water migrated toward the bottom of the silt interlayer. The centrifuge testing results with different combination of affecting factors also indicated that slope models with less initial relative density or larger amplitude of shaking input are much more susceptible to induce strength or shear localization and form water film. Fig. 5-4. Post-shaking photos of centrifuge models having identical initial relative density but different underlying sand layer thicknesses; (Kulasingam et al. 2004) On the other hand, few publications using numerical simulations can be found to study the void redistribution in layered soil due to its complexity and limitations of current numerical computation (Boulanger et al. 2014). Although some finite element based 111 modellings have been proposed for the liquefaction behavior of layered soil deposits, but they are still compromising the capability of capturing the strength or strain localization and consequent formation of water film (Seid-Karbasi and Byrne 2007; Yang and Elgamal 2002; Yoshida and Finn 2000). The proposed PM4Sand model by Boulanger is tentatively employed to simulate void redistribution in layered soil slopes (Boulanger and Ziotopoulou 2012; Boulanger and Ziotopoulou 2013; Kamai and Boulanger 2012). This model follows the basic framework of the stress-ratio controlled, critical state compatible, bounding-surface plasticity model for sand presented by Dafalias and Manzari (2004), includes some modifications and additions (Boulanger and Ziotopoulou 2013) and is implemented as a user-defined module with the commercial program FLAC (Boulanger and Ziotopoulou 2012). (c) 112 Fig. 5-5. Two examples of void redistribution simulation for slopes with low permeable silt interlayer using PM4Sand model; a) post-shaking slope with sand permeability of 0.012 m/s, b) post-shaking slope with sand permeability of 0.06 m/s, c) slope geometry before shaking event (Kamai and Boulanger 2012) Fig. 5-5 shows an example of simulation with PM4Sand model, which simulates centrifuge test of a slope with embedded silt arc and two horizontal silt layer. The void redistribution pattern is consistent with that from centrifuge experiment, indicating there is approximately 1.0-3.0 m (prototype scale) thick zone of sand immediately beneath the silt arc that loosens as a consequence of a net inflow of pore water and that the greatest degree of loosening occurs in a thin zone immediately beneath the silt arc (Boulanger et al. 2014). However, this model still has no capability of reproducing the water film formed beneath the silt layer. El Shamy et al. (2010) attempted to simulate the void redistribution and lateral deformation of soil deposits using the Discrete Element Method (DEM) technique. The appealing aspects of this method lies in its capability to capture and reproduce the gradient distribution of excess pore water pressure during and after shaking event. Fig. 5-6 illustrates the excess pore water pressure at different depths during shaking table test, showing that the liquefaction begins from the top soil layer and gradually propagate from 113 the top to the bottom layer, i.e. an apparent time difference can be observed from Fig. 5-6. This is, however, still facing challenges and difficulties if FEM/FDM based method are chosen for the simulation work (Dashti and Bray 2012). Fig. 5-6. Excess pore water pressure ratio time history at different depth using DEM (Zeghal and El Shamy 2008) In summary, physical modelling tests, such as shaking table test and centrifuge test, are typical choices to investigate the shear location, void redistribution and consequent water film in layered soil deposits, since there is not an effective computational technique 114 available so far to quantitatively capture and reproduce this phenomenon. For laboratory physical model test, highly instrumented models with horizontal soil layers or slopes with slight inclined angles are constructed, but it is still located at the stage of qualitative measurement and analysis. The thickness variation of dilation zone or water film is measured with the aid of a measuring ruler (direct reading method), for example, in the shaking table test (Kokusho 1999; Kokusho and Kabasawa 2005; Kokusho and Kojima 2002), and centrifuge tests (Kulasingam et al. 2004; Malvick et al. 2003; Malvick et al. 2006). But it can be only measured from the side of the model, and the information in the middle of the model still remains unknown. Based on the introduction and performance evaluation of the new spiral TDR sensor in previous chapters, a spiral sensor with a much finer spacing design is developed, which features higher sensitivity and resolution. The static and dynamic tests are designed to reproduce the phenomena of water film, in which the new spiral sensor is utilized to capture and measure the thickness variation of water film. 5.3 Sensor Configuration and Calibration The development of the spiral TDR sensor used in this chapter is generally identical with that described in previous chapters. But in order to further improve the resolution of the new sensor, some modifications have been implemented, i.e., the central rod with a square cross section is replaced by the 3-D printed circular rod with much finer or denser threaded grooves. 115 connect to TDR (a) (b) (c) Fig. 5-7. Configuration of new spiral TDR sensor Fig. 5-7 illustrates the configuration of this new spiral TDR sensor. The sensor is 500 mm in longitudinal length and 5 mm in diameter. The circular central supportive rod is double threaded with 1 mm spacing between two adjacent grooves. This means the spacing interval between two adjacent electronic wires (electrode) is also only around 1 mm, which is half of the spacing distance in chapter 3 and chapter 4. As shown in Fig. 5-7 (c), the groove should be designed with appropriate dimension to guarantee the waveguide wires are partly embedded in the central rod. The depth of the grooves can’t be too large or too small, as too large depth design will significantly decrease the sampling area of the sensor, impacting the sensor performance and too small depth will affect the fixity of the electronic wires. In this chapter, the depth of the groove is selected 0.1 mm, which is one fifth of the wire diameter and one tenth of the spacing distance. 116 Fig. 5-8. Output waveforms of the new spiral TDR sensor with standard solvent With the same calibration method in section 4.5.1, several standard liquids are utilized to correlate the measured and real dielectric constant. The output TDR waveforms are shown in Fig. 5-8. The relationship between two parameters can be approximated with the fitting equation (5-2) with 𝑅 2 = 0.996 (Fig. 5-9). 𝐾𝑎,𝑟 and 𝐾𝑎,𝑚 are the real dielectric constant of the solvent and the measured dielectric constant by new TDR probe, respectively. 3 2 𝐾𝑎,𝑟 = 0.0151𝐾𝑎,𝑚 − 0.6692𝐾𝑎,𝑚 + 12.062𝐾𝑎,𝑚 − 48 117 (5-2) Fig. 5-9. Relationship between measured and real dielectric constant 5.4 Water Film Detection in Static Experiments 5.4.1 Deployment of Experiment Apparatus In order to verify and validate the feasibility of detecting thin water film using this new spiral sensor, a series of static experiments are conducted in the laboratory. In the static testing program, a special testing unit is designed, shown in Fig. 5-10. 118 connect to TDR (a) (b) Fig. 5-10. Testing setup for static experiment (a- sketch diagram; b- photo of test device) This testing unit consists of two transparent plastic cylinders to contain two layers of saturated sands, with the external diameter (100 mm) of the inner cylinder equaling to the inner diameter of the outer cylinder. The bottom of the inner cylinder is sealed with a micro-meter scale sieve filter, through which water is able to permeate but soil particles are inhibited to drop down from the upper soil layer. An aperture with the diameter equaling to the sensor rod is designed at the center of the sieve, from which the TDR sensor can be inserted to the bottom soil layer. Two slim tubes with diameters of 5 mm are attached at the internal surface of the inner cylinder, denoted as #6 in Fig. 5-10 (a), which is applied to inject water in the space between two soil layers. One or two microcallipers are fixed to the external surface of the outer container to manually control the elevation of the internal 119 container. When the elevation of the internal container rises with the aid of the microcalliper, an air gap will be generated between two layers of soil. Water is then injected from the tube on one side, and air is extruded from the other tube on opposite side. Using this approach the gap can be fully filled with water, and a thin water interlayer with different thickness can be manually embedded between saturated soil layers. 5.4.2 Testing Materials The soil sample used in this experiment is standard sand. The particle size distribution is shown in Fig. 5-11. 𝐷50 = 0.23 𝑚𝑚 , 𝐶𝑢 = 2.17 , 𝐶𝑠 = 0.9 , 𝜌𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 1.84 𝑔⁄𝑐𝑚3, 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 1.60 𝑔⁄𝑐𝑚3, 𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.66, 𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.44. The relative density of the bottom and upper saturated sand layer is 𝐷𝑅 = 42% and 𝐷𝑅 = 48%, respectively. 100 90 Percent finer (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Sand 0 1 0.1 Particle size (mm) 120 0.01 Fig. 5-11. Particle size distribution of testing soil 5.4.3 Experiment Procedure Fig. 5-12 illustrates the procedures of the experiment, which can be summarized in details as follows: i. Measure physical parameters or dimensions of the testing device, such as the weight of empty container and diameter, weight of dry sand, etc. ii. Prepare certain amount of water in the outside container, and pour dry sands into the container to the desired depth (e.g. 100 mm). Keep the depth of water higher than soil to guarantee the fully saturation condition of the soil (Fig. 512 (a) (b)). Measure the weight of container and saturated soil and calculate the density of the bottom layer of soil. iii. Lay down the inner container to the surface of the bottom soil and insert the spiral TDR sensor to the desired depth (60 mm); keep the probe straight and pour some dry sand to the inner container, and measure the total weight and calculate the density of the upper layer of soil (Fig. 5-12 (c)). iv. Obtain the initial TDR signal with PCTDR software package from Campbell Scientific Inc., and adjust the microcalliper to change the thickness of the gap between soil layers. v. Slowly infuse water from one of the water injection tube (Fig. 5-12) to fully fill the embedded air gap and obtain TDR signal (Fig. 5-12 (d)). Note that the 121 (a) (b) water interlayer (c) (c) Fig. 5-12. Procedures of static testing to measure water film 122 water level should be kept at the same level, so that the soil in the internal tube can be guaranteed at the same water content (fully saturation). vi. 5.4.4 Repeat procedure (4) (5) and capture a series of TDR signals. Interpretation of Testing Signals Several typical TDR output signals for the soil profile with and without embedded water interlayer are compared in Fig. 5-13. Also shown includes the spiral TDR sensor used in this experiment program, in which the electronic wire waveguide is partially wrapped around the central rod and the remaining is kept as straight, i.e., the waveguide before E is straight and after E is spiral in Fig. 5-13 (a). This is to reduce the influence of signal attenuation along the waveguide on the testing results. Some important reflection points are also marked in the output signals and TDR sensor. In Fig. 5-13 (b), the signal between A and B corresponds the wave guide embedded in soil layer of the internal cylinder, and the signal from B to D is for the probe in the bottom soil layer in the external cylinder. The upward bulge B (in the soil of inner cylinder) is due to the tapes with low dielectric constant at Fig. 5-13 (a). Even though the signals from point A to point B should be perfectly matched as the soil layer in the inner cylinder is theoretically kept as fully saturated (identical water content), small difference still can be observed from the output signals due to the experiment errors. 123 A (a) E Air B C D Water Soil Soil A B C A D B C D (b) (c) Fig. 5-13. Comparison of TDR output signal with and without water interlayer In addition, compared with the output signal for soil profile without water interlayer, the scaled length from the top surface of the soil profile to the probe end (from A to D) for soil profile with water interlayer increases significantly. This is due to the fact that the dielectric constant of water is much larger than saturated soil (water + soil particle) and the additive water interlayer increases the dielectric constant of the whole saturated soil-water system, which subsequently results in the increment of apparent length, 𝐿𝑎 , in terms of equation (2-3) as the probe length, 𝐿𝑝 , is a constant. Besides, the existence of the water 124 interlayer can be clearly observed and identified from the output signal, corresponding to Point B to Point C. That means the scaled length between point B and Point C stands for the water interlayer, from which the thickness of the water interlayer can be determined. 5.4.5 Measurement of Water Interlayer Thickness To theoretically determine the thickness of water interlayer, the mixing formula illustrated in Chapter 2 is employed herein. Fig. 5-14 shows the schematic diagram of the measuring principle. The apparent dielectric constant of the soil-water mixture at arbitrary time can be illustrated using equation (5-3). Fig. 5-14. Schematic diagram of test for water interlayer thickness measurement 𝐿1 √𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 + 𝑥√𝐾𝑎,𝑤 + 𝐿2 √𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 = 𝐿√𝐾𝑎,𝑚 125 (5-3) where 𝐿1 = the thickness of upper soil layer, which is a constant during testing; 𝐿2 = the thickness of bottom soil layer. Note that 𝐿2 does not represent the whole thickness of the bottom soil layer in the external cylinder, but just the thickness of bottom soil layer with embedded TDR probe. Therefore, The value of 𝐿2 decreases with the rise of the internal cylinder during the course of the experiment. In addition, no water interlayer exists at the initial state, and the thickness of the water interlayer and bottom soil layer with TDR probe should be equivalent with the initial value of 𝐿2 , i.e., 𝐿20 = 𝐿2𝑡 + 𝑥, 𝐿20 , 𝐿2𝑡 represents the value of 𝐿2 at initial and arbitrary time t, respectively. 𝑥 = the thickness of water interlayer; 𝐿 = the thickness of whole soil profile with embedded TDR probe, which can be calculated from the TDR signal for soil profile without water interlayer; 𝐾𝑎,𝑤 = the dielectric constant of water, which is commonly selected as 69.9 for tap water in this dissertation from the Chapter 4; 𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 = the dielectric constant of sand-water mixture in the sediment layer, which can be calculated using equation (4-3). In this dissertation, the sand-water mixture is assumed to be fully saturated; 𝐾𝑎,𝑚 = the measured bulk dielectric constant; In the above equation (5-3), the three terms on the left represent the contribution to the dielectric constant of the whole soil profile from three parts, respectively, i.e., upper 126 soil layer, water interlayer and bottom soil layer. If no water film exists between two soil layers, the dielectric constant of the soil mixture is only dependent on that of two separate saturated soil layers, otherwise the dielectric information of the water interlayer should be taken into account to estimate the dielectric constant of the whole soil profile. If 𝐿 = 𝐿1 + 𝐿20 = 𝐿1 + 𝐿2𝑡 + 𝑥 is employed to substitute 𝐿 in equation (5-3), the thickness of water interlayer can be represented as 𝑥= √𝐾𝑎,𝑚 −√𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 √𝐾𝑎,𝑤 −√𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠 𝐿 (5-4) If the spiral TDR probe is used to replace the probe in Fig. 5-14. The value of x, L should be transferred into actual length of spiral waveguide. The thickness of water interlayer is then determined with the knowledge of equivalent spiral waveguide length per unit vertical length, which can be obtained from the sensor fabrication process. In addition, the reflection point at the interface of the upper soil layer-water interlayer and water interlayer-bottom soil layer can be determined in Fig. 5-13 (b), which correspond to top and bottom of the water interlayer. Therefore, the thickness of water interlayer can also be directly determined using equation (2-3) with known value of 𝐾𝑎,𝑤 . Fig. 5-15 shows the TDR output signals for the soil profile with different thickness of water interlayer. 127 Fig. 5-15. Output signals of TDR with different thickness of water interlayer An apparent increment of scaled length from B to D (scaled length in the bottom soil layer) can be observed from Fig. 5-15. The water-soil interface evolves in a reasonable manner, i.e., with the increase of water interlayer thickness, the scaled length increases significantly. This is attributed to the higher dielectric constant of water than saturated soil and EM wave requires a much longer time to propagate for the same distance. Also the measuring results in Fig. 5-15 implies that this innovative spiral TDR sensor is able to detect water interlayer as thin as 1 mm. 128 Fig. 5-16. Comparison of measured and actual water interlayer thickness With the similar calibration process introduced in chapter 4, the actual dielectric constant of the whole soil column, 𝐾𝑎,𝑚 in equation (5-4), can be determined. Then the thickness of water interlayer thickness is computed using equation (5-4) (Method 1) and (2-3) (Method 2), which is compared with the actual water interlayer thickness (measured by ruler). The comparison in Fig. 5-16 indicates that the measurements using this spiral TDR sensor are very reliable, agreeing relatively well with the actual value of water interlayer thickness, even though some errors (within 10%) can be observed. 129 5.5 Water Film Measurement in Dynamic Shaking Table Test The aforementioned contents of static testing indicate the viability of measuring water interlayer or water film using this innovative spiral TDR sensor. In this section, a shaking table test is implemented in the laboratory to dynamically monitor the development and elapse of water interlayer beneath the low permeable layer. 5.5.1 Experimental Program Fig. 5-17 illustrates the experimental configuration of dynamic shaking table test. A transparent plastic cylinder is fixed on the shaking table, with two saturated sand layers and one clay interlayer inside. The particle size distribution of two types of soil sample is shown in Fig. 5-18. The property of sand is identical with that described in section 5.4.2, whereas the clay interlayer is kaolin, which owns tenth to hundredth of particle size of sand. Therefore, the permeability of the kaolin interlayer is much smaller than the saturated sand layer (Shepherd 1989). The new spiral TDR sensor is installed at the center of the cylinder, which is connected to the signal impulse generator, TDR 100, produced by Campbell Scientific, Inc., and data logger. The marker C (Fig. 5-17) which can induce the upward bulge (point B in Fig. 5-13) due to its lower dielectric property than water, is located on the surface of the bottom sand layer in the test. A camcorder is employed to record the whole process of testing. A vertical excitation is inputted from the base shaking table to simulate the seismic earthquake event. Note that this vertical excitation is only applied to produce vibration at the base of the cylinder, so that the water film can be formed during excitation (Kokusho 1999). If the mechanical behavior of the soil is required to investigated, some standard, such as sine wave or recorded earthquake loading, should be inputted. 130 Fig. 5-17. Schematic experimental setup for dynamic shaking table test The TDR measuring and data acquisition system is designed and developed, which characterizes the ability of collecting TDR signals in specific time intervals automatically. The time interval of collecting data can be set as an arbitrary value between 1s and 10s in light of the practical requirements. 131 Fig. 5-18. Particle size distribution of soil sample for dynamic experiments 5.5.2 Fundamentals of Estimation Water Film during Shaking Events Estimation of water film thickness during the shaking process for multiple-layered soil profile is much more difficult and complex than that in section 5.4. This is because the dielectric constant of the upper and bottom sand layer is not invariant during the squeezing out of the pore water from the sand layer, which makes it extremely challenging to recognize reflection points on the TDR output waveforms. 1) Dielectric constant of soil layer after squeezing pore water Prior to study the scenario of a multiple-layered soil profile with low permeable clay layer, a simple case, only one saturated sand layer, is firstly taken into consideration. As shown in Fig. 5-19, when one saturated sand layer is subjected to base shaking loading, 132 a layer of water film will form on the soil surface, since pore water in the void space between sand particles will be squeezed out from the saturated soil layer. The following section will first focus on deriving the dielectric constant variation of the soil column during this process. Note that the TDR probe is inserted to the bottom of the container, which means it measures the dielectric constant of the whole soil column. (b) (a) Fig. 5-19. Schematic diagram of water film measurement in one soil layer system using TDR sensor (a- the initial state; b- at any given time during shaking process) For the initial state of one saturated sand layer shown in Fig. 5-19 (a), the mixing formula for dielectric constant, equation (2-4) in Chapter 2, is applied. The dielectric constant of the saturated soil layer can be expressed with equation (5-5), which is just equation (4-3). √𝐾𝑎,𝑚 = 𝑛0 √𝐾𝑎,𝑤 + (1 − 𝑛0 )√𝐾𝑎,𝑠 133 (5-5) where 𝑛0 = the initial porosity of the saturated sand layer; other parameters possess the same meaning with that in previous contexts. For the state at any given time during shaking, the equation (2-4) can be described as equation (5-6). √𝐾𝑎,𝑚 = 𝐿𝑤 𝐿 √𝐾𝑎,𝑤 + 𝐿−𝐿𝑤 𝐿 √𝐾𝑎,b𝑠 (5-6) Substitute equation (4-3) into equation (5-6), it becomes √𝐾𝑎,𝑚 = [𝐿𝑤 +(𝐿−𝐿𝑤 )𝑛𝑡 ] 𝐿 √𝐾𝑎,𝑤 + (𝐿−𝐿𝑤 )(1−𝑛𝑡 ) 𝐿 √𝐾𝑎,𝑠 (5-7) where 𝐿𝑤 = the length of waveguide in the water film; 𝐿 = the length of waveguide in the whole soil layer; 𝑛𝑡 = the porosity of soil layer at any given time, t, which can be derived from mass conservation of water during shaking process; 𝑛𝑡 = 𝑛0 𝐿−𝐿𝑤 𝐿−𝐿𝑤 (5-8) Other parameters own the same meaning as the previous contexts. When equation (5-8) is substituted into equation (5-7), equation (5-7) will exactly yield to equation (5-5). This implies that for the saturated soil layer to be measured, the dielectric constant of the whole soil column will keep invariant during the process of extruding pore water from the 134 soil layer or the formation of the water film on the soil surface, which subsequently means the apparent length, 𝐿𝑎 , in equation (2-3), from TDR output signals is constant. 2) Water film measurement in layered soil Fig. 5-20 shows the schematic diagram for the development and elapse of water interlayer for three-layer soil column during shaking events, including three different stages: (a) initial status of three soil layers; (b) three soil layers and two water interlayers during transition stage; (c) final status after shaking events. (a) (b) (c) Fig. 5-20. Schematic illustration for the onset and elapse of water interlayer during shaking event Mixing model, equation (2-4), is again utilized to describe the dielectric properties of the multiple soil layer system under these conditions. To estimate the thickness of water interlayer at arbitrary time, i.e., for the general case in figure (b), equation (2-4) becomes: 135 𝐿𝑤,𝑢 √𝐾𝑎,𝑤 + 𝐿1 √𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠𝑠 + 𝐿𝑐 √𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠𝑐 + 𝐿𝑤,𝑚 √𝐾𝑎,𝑤 + 𝐿2 √𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠𝑠 = 𝐿√𝐾𝑎,𝑚 (5-9) where 𝐿1 = the thickness of the upper sand layer; 𝐿2 = the thickness of the bottom sand layer with TDR probe; 𝐿𝑐 = the thickness of the clay layer; 𝐿𝑤,𝑢 = the thickness of the upper water layer; 𝐿𝑤,𝑚 = the thickness of the middle water interlayer; 𝐿 = the total thickness of the whole soil column. Similarly, if the spiral TDR probe is used to replace the straight probe in Fig. 5-20. The value of 𝐿1 , 𝐿2 , 𝐿𝑐 , 𝐿𝑤,𝑢 , 𝐿𝑤,𝑚 and L should be transferred into actual length of spiral waveguide. 𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠𝑐 = dielectric constant of embedded clay layer (clay and water mixture), in this study, this value will be assumed to be constant during the course of testing for simplification; 𝐾𝑎,𝑏𝑠𝑠 = dielectric constant of sand layer (sand and water mixture), which will change during the shaking process due to variations of the soil porosity. But for saturated soil, it can still be calculated via equation (4-3) with assumed value of 𝐾𝑎,𝑠 and 𝐾𝑎,𝑤 , and the porosity at any given time, t, is correlated to the initial porosity and water film extruded from this sand layer using equation (5-8). 𝐾𝑎,𝑚 = measured bulk dielectric constant of the whole soil mixture, which can be obtained from TDR signals at any time. The above contents indicate that there are just two unknowns, 𝐿𝑤,𝑢 and 𝐿𝑤,𝑚 , in the equation (5-8). The value of 𝐿𝑤,𝑢 can be acquired from the TDR signals directly (Fig. 5- 136 21). Therefore, the thickness of water film interlayer can thus be calculated from equation (5-9). 5.5.3 Experiment results analysis Fig. 5-21 shows the output signals from the new spiral TDR sensor at 11 given moment, in which A, B, C and D are corresponding to the reflection at 4 points in Fig. 520(b), respectively, i.e., air-top water layer interface, top water layer-sand layer interface, kaolin clay layer-middle water interlayer interface (the end of marker C in Fig. 5-17) and probe end. The increasing trend of the apparent length for the entire soil column can be clearly discerned from the testing results. The red arrow indicates the increase of water layer thickness on the surface of soil column. 137 Fig. 5-21. Output signals of the new spiral TDR for shaking test Fig. 5-22. Variation of apparent length and dielectric constant Fig. 5-22 illustrates the variation of apparent length and dielectric constant for the entire soil column and top sand and clay layer. Both the apparent length and dielectric constant of the entire soil column (symbolized in triangle) show a slight increase trend during the shaking process, which is due to the extruding of pore water from the soil column (soil layer depth spanning from point B to point D in Fig. 5-17) or the formation of the top and middle water film. This seems to contradict with the statement in section 5.5.2 (illustration for Fig. 5-19), which has been proven that the dielectric constant of the saturated soil will remain invariant when the pore water is squeezed out from the soil layer. 138 But there are some differences for the case here. Since the spiral TDR sensor is not inserted to the bottom of the testing cylinder, it does not measure the dielectric constant of the whole soil column, but just measures the soil column from point B to D in Fig. 5-17. Therefore, for the saturated soil system ranging from the depth of B to D, the involving of the pore water from the soil layer under point D into the soil column from point B to D results in the increment of the apparent and dielectric constant. t=0s t = 30s t = 60s t = 90s 139 t = 120s t = 150s t = 180s t = 190s t = 200s t = 220s 140 t = 240s Fig. 5-23. Screen shots from testing video capturing the development process of water film interlayer For the upper sand and clay layer (point B to C in Fig. 5-17), the apparent length and dielectric constant (symbolized as square) remain constant at the initial stage (before t=180s, red line), and then increase significantly after t=180s. This is because during the initial stage (before t=180s), the water from the bottom sand layer has not penetrated to the top sand layer due to the existence of the low permeable clay interlayer, which prevents the penetration of pore water to the upper sand layer. This is consistent with the theoretical prediction described in section 5.5.2 (Fig. 5-19). After around t=180s, due to the failure of the middle clay layer (Fig. 5-25), the water film in the middle starts to permeate to the top sand layer, and eventually vanishes. This process can also be clearly observed from the screen shots of the testing video in Fig. 5-23. 141 Fig. 5-24. Comparison of the water interlayer measurement from the spiral TDR sensor and testing videos Fig. 5-24 illustrates the time history of the top and middle water film thickness with spiral TDR sensor, also shown includes the measurements using a ruler attached on the surface of the testing tank (Fig. 5-23). The blue arrow denotes the time of clay layer failure. The thickness of middle water film increases initially due to the consolidation of the bottom sand layer and then decreases because of the failure of the clay interlayer, while the thickness of the top water film keeps the trend of increase, especially rises sharply on account of the supplement of the middle water film at around t=180s. 142 Fig. 5-25. Photo of failure for clay layer during shaking test In addition, the measuring results with the new spiral TDR sensor agrees very well with the measurements with the ruler, indicating this new sensor is capable to capture the development of the water film during the shaking events. But there still exist some differences or errors between the two methods. The reason for this difference or errors is complicated. For example, the thickness of water film varies at each measuring spot probably due to the different consolidation speed of the bottom sand layer; the water with sand or clay possesses different dielectric constant, which would also lead to calculation errors in equation (5-9). 143 5.6 Summary and Conclusions In this chapter, the previous efforts on the water film due to void redistribution in multi-soil profile is reviewed, which includes experimental and computational studies. A spiral TDR sensor is fabricated with much finer wire spacing to measure the thickness of water film. Two experimental programs are designed to “manually” and “automatically” produce the water film in multiple-layered soil profiles. The variation of the water film under these two scenarios have been monitored with the new spiral sensor. Based on these contents, some interesting findings and conclusions can be summarized as follows: 1) Previous studies on water film due to void redistribution indicate that most experimental works are implemented with shaking table and centrifuge model facilities, and it is primarily measured indirectly with the pore water pressure transducers installed at different depths of the model. On the other hand, the current computation techniques still compromise the capability to fully reproduce this phenomenon, even though some FEM/FDM-based model, such as PM4Sand proposed by Boulanger and Ziotopoulou (2012), show potentials to capture the variation of porosity. 2) The static experimental results suggest that the new spiral TDR sensor possesses the capability to detect and measure thin water film within multiple-layered soil profiles. The resolution of the new sensor can be up to 1 mm. 3) The water film is reproduced beneath the low permeable soil layer in the shaking column tests. The process for the onset and development of water film can be clearly observed in the test. 4) The algorithm for estimating water film thickness during the course of shaking is developed, which is based on the mixing model for dielectric constant. The new 144 spiral TDR sensor is utilized to measure the development of the water film in the shaking test. The development of water film can be clearly discerned from the output signals of the new spiral TDR sensor. The thickness of the water film is calculated with the developed algorithm, which shows that the new spiral TDR sensor might be an effective means for the measurement of water film in layered soil. 145 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS 6.1 Summary and Conclusions TDR is a useful technique to detect and measure various types of discontinuities. It has been proved to be effective and efficient for sensing interface such as air-water or soilwater, which can be utilized for large number of geotechnical applications, for example, monitoring water level of reservoir and bridge scouring process, etc. The traditional straight TDR probe gains its popularity due to its features of being cost-effective, easy to install and stable in its sensing function. However, owing to the limited resolution of the straight TDR probe, it will lose capability and effectiveness to measure thin interfaces underlying many important geotechnical processes, for instance, 1) the bridge scour process, where thickness of erosion can occur within the range of millimeters, particularly under laboratory scaled experimental conditions; 2) the water film thickness measurement due to void redistribution in multi-soil profile. Especially for the second scenario, there isn’t an effective approach currently available to quantify the thickness variation of water film, or in other words, the extent of void redistribution, in the stratified soil profile. Quantifying the water film formation, however, is essential to fully understand the mechanism of liquefaction in layered soil conditions. The design of the TDR probe into spiral shape might be a potential solution to detect and measure the thin interfaces described above. In this dissertation study, the design and development of the new spiral TDR sensor is elucidated in details. Its performance is 146 evaluated and validated via a series of experiments in the laboratory, including the application for bridge scour and water film measurement, two scenarios where thin interface has important engineering implications. Based on the organization of the dissertation, it can be divided into the following three components. 6.1.1 Design and Evaluation of the New Spiral TDR Sensor with High Spatial Resolution The concept of the innovative spiral-shape TDR sensor is proposed, which features much higher resolution and sensitivity in interface detection than the traditional straight probe, i.e., with a spiral propagation path for EM wave, the effective travelling distance per unit length along the direction of the sensor probe is significantly increased. According to the theory of Knight et al. (1997) and Ferré et al. (1998), FEM analysis are implemented to assist the optimization design of the new TDR sensor. The effective sampling area is employed as an important indicator to assess the performance of design with different geometric configurations (e.g., wire diameter and spacing). The simulation results reveal that the effective sampling area increases proportionally with the augment of wire diameter and spacing distance. A pilot spiral sensor is designed and fabricated with a wire diameter of 0.5 mm and spacing distance of 2 mm. Its performance is then evaluated with the conventional straight 2-rod probe via a series of laboratory experiments. The experimental results indicate that this new sensor achieves significant higher spatial resolution for interface detection than the conventional TDR sensor. The spatial resolution the new sensor to detect water layer for can be at least 8 times higher than that of the conventional 2-rod straight probe, while it is about 3 times more sensitive than the 147 conventional 2-rod straight probe to detect water layer. In addition, the application of superhydrophobic coating is effective to prevent the influence of entrapped water between two adjacent wires. This is especially useful for the application of measuring water film in layered soil profile. 6.2.2 Assessment of the New Sensor for Bridge Scour The algorithm for estimating bridge scouring process is developed with the dielectric constant mixing model, which is only correlated to the scouring thickness and the dielectric permittivity of the soil-water mixture. Per the requirement for scouring testing, a new spiral TDR sensor is fabricated by following the instruction described in section 6.2.1. It is then calibrated with some common standard liquid, solvent with known dielectric constant and soils with different moisture contents to eliminate the impact of center rod and coatings. This results in an empirical equation to correlated measured and real dielectric properties of the materials. A group of simulated bridge scour experiments are performed in the laboratory using the calibrated spiral TDR sensor. The measured waveform at different scouring levels from the new spiral sensor showed a clear systematic and reasonable pattern of change. The square root of measured dielectric constant by the spiral TDR changes linearly with the measured sediment layer thickness. This is consistent with the theoretical predications, which again indicates the feasibility and correctness of the monitoring scouring process via the new spiral sensor. 148 In addition, the estimation results from the spiral TDR sensor agree very well with the thickness of sediment layer by direct ruler measurement. It could easily detect the sediment thickness change of less than 2cm, which still has potential capability to sense much thinner thickness of sediment layer. Compared with the 2-rod straight probe, this new spiral sensor is around 4 times more sensitive in detecting the scouring thickness, which can be further improved by refining the spiral design. 6.2.3 Determination of Water Film Thickness in Multi-Layered Soil Profile with the New Sensor The state-of-art on the water film formation due to void redistribution in layered ground has been reviewed in this section, mainly incorporating different experimental and computational studies. 1-g shaking table test and centrifuge model test are the primary means to investigate this issue. The water film thickness is typically measured with a ruler attached on the outside surface of the testing container, whereas this phenomenon has not directly measured in the centrifuge model tests. Besides, the current numerical techniques still does not possess capability to reproduce or capture the accumulation and elapse of water film. A spiral TDR sensor is fabricated to measure the thickness of water film in static and dynamic scenarios. The design with much finer wire spacing than that in previous chapters implies its higher resolution and sensitivity to detect thin water film. Static and dynamic shaking table test are performed in the laboratory, in which the evolvement of the water film has been monitored with the designed spiral TDR sensor. In the static experimental program, a testing unit is designed to manually control the thickness of the water film between two saturated sand layers. The measuring results 149 with the new spiral TDR sensor suggest its capability to detect and measure water film as thin as 1 mm within multiple-layered soil profile. In the dynamic shaking table test, the water film is reproduced and observed beneath the low permeable clay layer, including the process of onset, development and elapse. A solid algorithm based on the mixing model for dielectric constant is derived for the estimation of water film thickness. According to the information from output waveforms of the new sensor, the water film thickness can be computed using the developed algorithm. The measuring results from the new sensor agree well with the measurements from the standard ruler, despite some differences and errors still exist between the two means, which implies that the new spiral TDR sensor might be an effective approach for the measurement of water film in layered soil. 6.2 Recommendations for Future Work Although significant amount of efforts have been made to conduct this innovative dissertation work, there still remain plenty of areas which is worthwhile for the further investigation. Recommendations for the future work in this research should include but is not limited to: 1) In this dissertation study, the performance of the new spiral TDR sensor is only evaluated for the bridge scouring monitoring capability under the laboratory conditions. The results show that it has very good performance, much more sensitive than the traditional straight probes. No direct field demonstration is pursued during this work. It is recommended to evaluate the feasibility of field deployment of this new TDR sensor for bridge scour in the future research plan. 150 2) There is no sensor currently available to capture and measure the formation of thin water film in seismic centrifuge model testing. The void redistribution and associated water film is typically inferred or estimated from the results of the pore water pressure transducers located at different depth of the model. This new spiral sensor provides a way to overcome the limitation of existing measurement methods. 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