CV - Mathematics

Curriculum Vitae
Vera Mikyoung Hur
Ph.D., Mathematics; Brown University, Rhode Island; 2006.
B.Sc., Mathematics; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea; 2000.
Assistant and Associate Professor, Mathematics; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC),
Illinois; 2009–present.
Faculty Affiliate; Computational Science and Engineering; 2009–present.
C.L.E. Moore Instructor; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Massachusetts; 2006–2009.
Visiting Appointments
(Tentative) Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, UK; August 2017.
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM); Spring 2017.
Brown University, Department of Mathematics; Fall 2016.
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI); Fall 2015.
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, UK; July 2014.
California Institute of Technology, Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences; Fall 2012.
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Austria; May 2011.
California Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics; Spring 2011.
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Spain; November 2010.
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA); Spring 2010.
Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden; Fall 2005.
Honors and Awards
ICERM Research Fellowship; 2017.
Simons Fellowship in Mathematics; 2016.
MSRI General Membership; 2015.
Invited Plenary Hour Address, AMS Sectional Meeting; 2015.
NSF CAREER Award; 2014.
Beckmann Fellowship, UIUC Center for Advanced Study; 2014.
— Awarded one semester of release time, with additional recognition for outstanding younger fellows
who have already made distinctive scholarly contributions.
UIUC Arnold O. Beckman Research Award; 2014.
— Selected as a project of special distinction or promise.
Selection for the Nonlinearity Highly Downloaded Collection; 2012.
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship; 2012.
Selection for the UIUC List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent; 2011, 2013, 2014.
IMA General Membership; 2010.
AWM Travel Award; 2006.
Institut Mittag-Leffler Postdoctoral Fellowship; 2005.
Brown University Dissertation Fellowship; 2005.
Simons Fellowship in Mathematics; $101440 (est); 2016–2017.
IMA Participating Institution Conference Award; $4000; 2016–2017.
NSF DMS-1565670 for Midwest Women in Mathematics Symposium; $29270; 2016–2017.
NSF CAREER DMS-1352597; $419777; 2014–2019.
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship; $50000; 2012–2016.
Internal (Competitive)
UIUC Arnold O. Beckman Research Award RB14100; $18632; 2014–2016.
NSF DMS-1008885; $143231; 2010–2014.
UIUC Campus Research Board Award RB11162; $20000; 2011–2012.
NSF DMS-0707647 and DMS-1002854; $121867; 2007–2010.
Articles in Journals
(26) Norm inflation for Whitham equations with fractional dispersion.
in preparation.
(25) Modulational instability in a full-dispersion shallow water model.
in preparation (with Ashish Kumar Pandey).
(24) Modulational instability in nonlinear nonlocal equations of regularized long wave type.
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (2016) to appear (with Ashish Kumar Pandey).
(23) Oscillation estimates of eigenfunctions.
in preparation (with Mathew A. Johnson and Jeremy L. Martin).
(22) On the recovery of traveling water waves with vorticity from the pressure at the bed.
submitted (2015) 23 pages (with Michael R. Livesay).
(21) Pressure transfer functions for interfacial fluids problems.
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics (2016) to appear
(with Robin Ming Chen and Samuel Walsh).
(20) Modulational instability in the Whitham equation with surface tension and vorticity.
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 129 (2015) 104–118
(with Mathew A. Johnson).
(19) Kinetic, potential and surface tension energies of solitary waves in deep water.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 48 (2015) 42FT01 (8pp)
(in the Fast Track Communications Section).
(18) Breaking in the Whitham equation for shallow water waves.
submitted (2015) 23 pages.
(17) Wave breaking in a shallow water model.
submitted (2015) 27 pages (with Lizheng Tao).
(16) Wave breaking for Whitham equations with fractional dispersion.
Nonlinearity, 27 (2014) 2937–2949 (with Lizheng Tao).
(15) Modulational instability in the Whitham equation for water waves.
Studies in Applied Mathematics, 134 (2015) 120–143 (with Mathew A. Johnson).
(14) Stability of periodic traveling waves for nonlinear dispersive equations.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 47 (2015) 3528–3554
(with Mathew A. Johnson).
(13) Modulational instability and variational structure.
Studies in Applied Mathematics, 132 (2014) 285–331 (with Jared C. Bronski).
(12) On the formation of singularities for surface water waves.
Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, 11 (2012) 1465–1474.
(in the special issue on Hydrodynamic Model Equations)
(11) No solitary waves exist on 2D deep water.
Nonlinearity, 25 (2012) 3301–3312.
(in the Nonlinearity 2012 Highly Downloaded Collection)
(10) Analyticity of rotational flows beneath solitary water waves.
International Research Mathematics Notices, 2012 (2012) 2550–2570.
(9) Stokes waves with vorticity.
Journal d’Analyse Mathématique, 113 (2011) 331–386.
(8) Strichartz estimates for the water-wave problem with surface tension.
Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 35 (2010) 2195–2252
(with Hans Christianson and Gigliola Staffilani).
(7) Local smoothing effects for the water-wave problem with surface tension.
Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, 347 (2009) 159–162
(with Hans Christianson and Gigliola Staffilani).
(6) Solitary waves of the rotation-modified Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation.
Nonlinearity, 21 (2008) 2949–2979 (with Robin Ming Chen and Yue Liu).
(5) Unstable surface waves in running water.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 282 (2008) 733–796 (with Zhiwu Lin).
Erratum: 318 (2013) 857–861.
(4) Symmetry of solitary water-waves with vorticity.
Mathematical Research Letters, 15 (2008) 491–510.
(3) Symmetry of steady periodic water waves with vorticity.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical
and Engineering Sciences, 365 (2007) 2203–2214.
(in the theme issue Water Waves)
(2) Exact solitary water waves with vorticity.
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 188 (2008) 213–244.
(1) Global bifurcation of deep-water waves with vorticity.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 37 (2006) 1482–1521.
Book Chapters
(1) Modulational instability in equations of KdV type.
New Approaches to Nonlinear Waves (edited by Elena Tobisch) 83–133
Lecture Notes in Physics, 908, Springer, 2016
(with Jared C. Bronski and Mathew A. Johnson).
Bulletins, Reports, or Conference Proceedings
(2) Instabilities in the Whitham equation for water waves.
Oberwolfach Reports, 12 (2015), 3 pages.
(1) Dispersive properties of surface water waves.
Oberwolfach Reports, 6 (2009), 434–436.
Doctoral Thesis Title
(1) Steady Water Waves with Vorticity.
Ph. D. thesis, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 2006, 258 pages.
(1) 18.034 Honors Differential Equations, Spring 2009
(MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology). License: Creative Commons
Invited Lectures and Presentations
Seminars and Colloquia since 2009
Brown University.
Georgia Institute of Technology.
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Spain.
Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, UK.
University of California–Los Angeles.
University of Illinois at Chicago.
University of Michigan.
Minnesota Twin Cities.
Conferences and Workshops
BIRS Workshop; Banff, Canada; 2016
SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures; Pennsylvania; 2016.
*The 3rd Conference on Nonlocal Operators and Partial Differential Equations; Bedlewo, Poland; 2016.
B’Wave 2016; Bergen, Norway; 2016.
The 2nd Annual KUMU Conference on PDE, Dynamical Systems, and Applications; Missouri; 2016.
Joint Mathematics Meetings; Washington; 2016.
SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations; Arizona; 2015.
Workshop on Non-local Dispersive Equations; Trondheim, Norway; 2015.
MSRI Workshop, Connections for Women; California; 2015.
NIMS Workshop on Nonlinear Waves and Fluid Mechanics; Daejon, Korea; 2015.
Oberwolfach Workshop; Oberwolfach, Germany; 2015.
*AMS Sectional Meeting; Michigan; 2015.
The 3rd Midwest Women in Mathematics Symposium; Illinois; 2015.
SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems; Utah; 2013.
AIM Workshop; California; 2013.
The 71st Midwest PDE Seminar; Michigan; 2013.
AMS Sectional Meeting; Kansas; 2012.
AMS Joint Mathematics Meetings; Massachusetts; 2012.
SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations; California; 2011 (2 talks).
*The 3rd Oklahoma PDE Workshop; Oklahoma; 2011.
AWM Anniversary Conference, Rhode Island, 2011
ESI Workshop; Vienna, Austia; 2011.
The 7th IMACS International Conference; Georgia; 2011.
MSRI Workshop, Connections for Women; California; 2011.
NSF/CMBS Regional Conference in the Mathematical Sciences; Texas; 2010.
SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations; Florida; 2009.
AMS Sectional Meeting; California; 2009.
AMS Sectional Meeting; Texas; 2009.
SIAM Annual Meeting; Colorado; 2009.
Oberwolfach Workshop; Oberwolfach, Germany; 2009.
AIMS 7th International Conference; Texas; 2008.
SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations; Arizona; 2007.
BIRS Workshop; Banff, Canada, 2007.
AWM Workshop in conjunction with SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems, Utah, 2007.
The 5th IMACS International Conference; Georgia; 2007.
Kyoto Conference on Navier-Stokes Equations and their Applications; Kyoto, Japan; 2006.
SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations; Texas; 2004.
* denotes plenary address.
UIUC MATH 499: Introduction to Graduate Mathematics; Illinois; 2013.
— Introductory talk for the new mathematics graduate students.
MIT Women in Math Seminar; Massachusetts; 2010.
UIUC Center for Advanced Study, Spring Symposium; Illinois; 2016.
Courses Taught at UIUC
MATH 555: Nonlinear Analysis and Partial Differential Equations; Spring 2013*.
— A topics graduate course on Water Waves.
MATH 553: Partial Differential Equations; Fall 2011**, Fall 2014.
MATH 442: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations; Fall 2010, Fall 2013.
MATH 441: Differential Equations; Fall 2009, Spring 2012, Spring 2013*, Fall 2014*, Spring 2016.
MATH 285: Introduction to Differential Equations; Fall 2010.
* denotes selection for the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, with teaching
effectiveness ratings 4.5/4.4 (out of 5.0) or above for mixed courses, and 4.6/4.5 or above for elective
** denotes selection for the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, with teaching
effectiveness ratings in the top 10% university wide.
Courses Taught at MIT
18.104: Seminar in Analysis; Fall 2008.
— A topics undergraudate course on Hamiltonian Mechanics.
18.034: Honors Differential Equations; Spring 2007, Spring 2009.
18.014–18.024: Calculus with Theory; Fall 2007–Spring 2008.
Teaching Assistant for 18.01A/02: Calculus; Fall 2006.
Courses Taught at Brown University
Mathematics 17: Advanced Placement Calculus; Fall 2003, Fall 2004.
Mathematics 10: Introductory Calculus II; Spring 2006.
Teaching Assistant for Mathematics 10: Introductory Calculus II; Fall 2002, Spring 2003.
Curriculum Development
Course Stewards; MATH 285/286: Introduction to Differential Equations (Plus); 2013–2014.
Instructor and Course Developer; 18.034: Honors Differential Equations; 2007–2009.
— The project has been published in MIT OpenCourseWare.
Training and Mentoring
PhD Students
Michael R. Livesay; current; jointly with Lee DeVille.
(a State Farm Mathematics Doctoral Scholarship Recipient, 2016)
Ashish Kumar Pandey; current.
Graduate Student Research Supervised, and Placement
Seokjong Ryu; 2012–2013; Ph. D. Student in Economics at UIUC.
Nanjundamurthy Venkatasubbu; 2010–2012; Weld Distortion Analyst, Caterpillar Inc.
Postdoctoral Scholars Mentored, and Placement
Sergey Dyachenko; 2015–present.
(ICERM Postdoctoral Fellowship recipient, 2016–2017)
Lizheng Tao; 2013–2015; Visiting Assistant Professor, University of California at Riverside.
Visiting Scholars Sponsored
Vanessa Barros de Oliveira; Universidade Federal de Bahia, Brazil; 2014–2015.
Undergraduate Student Honors Supervised
Samuel Hollimer, Yuan Li, Yaji Ren, Anqi Wang, Hongyi Michael Wu.
Conference Organization
Chair and Co-organizer; The 4th Midwest Women in Mathematics Symposium; Illinois; 2016.
Sessions Co-organizer; AMS Central Sectional Meeting, 18 talks; Illinois; 2015.
Co-organizer; The 74th Midwest PDE Seminar; Illinois; 2014.
Minisymposium Co-organizer; SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations,
8 talks; Florida; 2013.
Session Co-organizer, Equadiff 2011, 8 talks; Loughborough, UK; 2011.
The 67th Midwest PDE Seminar; Illinois; 2011.
Minisymposium Co-organizer; SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations,
8 talks; Florida; 2009.
External Reviewer; University of Missouri Research Board; 2014.
Member; Habilitation Committee, University of Vienna; 2013.
Reviewer; UIUC Campus Research Board; 2012–present.
Member; Selection Committee, AWM Anniversary Conference; 2011.
Panel; National Science Foundation; 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015.
Referee for Journals
Acta Mathematicae.
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis.
Bulletins of the London Mathematical Society.
Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis.
Communications in Mathematical Sciences.
Communications in Partial Differential Equations.
Computational and Applied Mathematics.
Duke Mathematical Journal.
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids.
Journal of Differential Equations.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics.
Mathematische Nachrichten.
Physica D:Nonlinear Phenomena.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.
Women in Mathematics Activities
Mentor; AWM Graduate Student Poster Session, Joint Mathematics Meetings; 2016.
Panelist; MSRI Workshop, Connection for Women; 2015.
Selected University and Departmental Service
Member; Evaluation Committee, Chair of the Mathematics Department; 2015–2016.
Invited Participant; Strategic Planning Workshop for the Office of Undergraduate Research; 2015.
Beckman Institute Liaison; 2014–present.
Member; Strategic Plan Committee; 2014–present.
Member; Advisory Board, Program for Interdisciplinary and Industrial Internships at Illinois (PI4);
Contributor; Research Highlight in Math Times, Spring/Summer 2013 issue.
— A feature article on research.
Member; Graduate Application Screening Committee; 2013.
Organizer; Mathematics in Science and Society Colloquium; 2012–2013.
Co-organizer; Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations Seminar; 2009–present.
Member; Postdoctoral Search Committee; 2009, 2013.
Last modified: March 2016.