ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
Guide to industry acceptance with the new „ISO TS 15066“ –
colaborative robots“ standard
Speaker: Thomas Pilz
Workshop on safety for Human-robot interaction in industrial setting
Hamburg (Germany), 2 October 2015
 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
Table of contents
 General Info to ISO/TS15066, Scope,…
 Significance definitions
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 3)
 Steps to a safe collaborative robots system with ISO/TS 15066
1. Create: Collaboartive application design
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4)
2. Create: Risk assessment
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4.3)
3. Choise: safety functions => requirements
(………chapter 5, Annex A)
4. Create: Instruction manual
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 7)
5. Effected: Verifcate and validate
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 6)
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 Collaborative robots
European Maschinery
ISO 12100
Risk Assesment
ISO 13849-1+2
Functional safety
ISO 10218-1
ISO 13855
Positioning of
Industrial Robot
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EN ISO 10218-2
Robot system
and integration
Copyright © 2015 Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Inc., All rights reserved
 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
 The information in this PPT is based on ISO/PDTS15066 (Date 27.08.15)
ISO/TC 184 SC2 working group WG3: Robots and robotic devices
The goal of the working group is to published a FDIS Version
at the end of 2015.
 ISO/TS 15066 Robots and robotic devices — Collaborative robots
 This Technical Specification supplements and specifies additional
guidance for collaborative industrial robot operation as described in
ISO 10218-1:2011 and ISO 10218-2:2011
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
 What is TS Technical Specification?
 A normative document representing the technical consensus within an ISO
 Link to ISO: Find a lot of information about Standards Committees,....
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 3 Terms and defintions)
 What is a collaborative operation?
 3.1 collaborative operation
state in which a purposely designed robot system and an operator work
within a collaborative workspace (modified from ISO 10218-1)
Figure 1 — Example of a collaboratve workspace
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 3 Terms and defintions)
 What is a Quasi-static contact?
 3.4 Quasi-static contact
Contact between an operator and part of a robot system where the
operator body part can be clamped between a moving part of a robot
system and another fixed or moving part of the robot cell
 What is a Transient contact / Dynamic contact?
 3.5 Transient contact / Dynamic contact
Contact between an operator and part of a robot system where the
operator body part is not clamped and can recoil or retract from the
moving part of the robot system
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
Steps to a safe collaborativ robobts system with ISO/TS 15066
Make first theoretical the concept for the design and indentificate the hazards
in a risk assessment => then by the robot with the saftey functions you
need. (see 4.3.1….the Integrator is responsible for selection the
appropriate robot system….)
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
Steps to a safe collaborative robots system with ISO/TS 15066
Create: Collaboartive application design
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4)
Create: Risk assessment
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4.3)
Choise: safety functions => requirements
(………chapter 5, Annex A)
Create: Instruction manual
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 7)
Effected: Verifcate and validate
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 6)
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 4.2 collaborative application design )
 What is to consider by design?
 4.2 collaborative application design
a) Limits (three dimensionals)
b) Collaborative workspace, access and clearance
– Foreseeable contact, access routes,.......
c) Ergonomics and human interface with equipment
– Possible stress, required training,....
d) use limits
– Identicate persons with access,....
e) transitions (time limits):
– Starting and ending,.....
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
Steps to a safe collaborative robots system with ISO/TS 15066
Create: Collaboartive application design
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4)
Create: Risk assessment
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4.3)
Choise: safety functions => requirements
(………chapter 5, Annex A)
Create: Instruction manual
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 7)
Effected: Verifcate and validate
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 6)
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 4.3 Hazard identification and risk assessment )
 What is to consider in a hazard indetification and
risk assessment?
 ISO10218-2: 4 Hazard identification and risk assessment
 Additional 4.3 Hazard identification and risk assessment
– The user should participate in the risk assessment
– …..
 The risk assestment is the most important work for a a safe
collaborative system. Do it very carefully in 4.3.2 Hazard
Indentification you have a list of hazards.
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 4.3 Hazard identification and risk assessment )
 Additional 4.3.2 Hazard identification
a) robot related hazards, including:
robot characteristic, quasi static-contact, operation location,....
b) hazards related to the robot system, including:
end-effector and workpiece hazard, fixture design, design and location
of any manually controlled robot guiding devices,.....
c) application related hazards, including:
process-specific hazards,....
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 4.3 Hazard identification and risk assessment )
 As well in the risk assestment is 4.3.3 Task idendification
 ISO10218-2: 4 Hazard identification and risk assessment
 Additional 4.3.3 Task identification
In consultation with the user, the integrator shall identify and document
the tasks....
 The collaborative tasks can be characterized by:
Frequency and duration, automatic or manual restart,...
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 4.3 Hazard identification and risk assessment )
 As well in the risk assestment is 4.3.4 Hazard elimination and risk
 ISO10218-2: 4.1.2
 Additional 4.3.3 Hazard elimination and risk reduction
After hazards are identified, it is necessary to assess the risks associated
with the collaborative robot system before applying risk reduction
E.g. the elimination of hazards by inherently safe design or their reduction
by substitution,....
 For traditional robot systems, risk reduction is typically achieved through
safeguards that separate the operator from the robot system. For
collaborative operation, the risk reduction is primarily addressed by the
design and application of the robot system and of the collaborative
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
Steps to a safe collaborative robots system with ISO/TS 15066
Create: Collaboartive application design
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4)
Create: Risk assessment
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4.3)
Choise: safety functions => requirements
(………chapter 5, Annex A)
Create: Instruction manual
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 7)
Effected: Verifcate and validate
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 6)
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5 Requirements for collaborative robot system applications)
 What are the requirements for the safety functions?
 ISO10218-2: 5.11 Collaborative robot operation
ISO 10218-1: 5.10 Collaborative operation requirements
Additional 5 Requirements for collaborative robot system applications
 5.2 Safety-related control system performance
(electric, hydraulic, pneumatic and software)
– Comply with ISO 10218-1 chapter 5.4
– PL = d with structure category 3
– ….
– Comply with ISO 10218-2 chapter 5.2
– PL = d with structure category 3
– ….
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.3 Design of the collaborative workspace)
 What is to mind of the collaborative workspace?
 ISO10218-2: 5.11Collaborativ robot operation
 Additional 5.3 Design of the collaborative workspace
– Risks associated with whole body trapping or crushing between the
robot system and, for example, parts of buildings, structures, utilities,
other machines, and equipment, shall be eliminated or safely controlled.
– …..
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.4 Design of the collaborative robot operation)
 What is to mind by design the collaborative operation?
 ISO10218-2: 5.11Collaborativ robot operation
 Additional 5.4 Design of the collaborative robot operation
 Additional 5.4.2 Protective measure
– All persons within the collaborative workspace shall be protected by
protective measures.
– safety parameters shall be capable of being viewed and documented
with a unique identifier (e.g., checksum)
– Settings and adjusting collaborative safety parameters shall be
protected by password protection or similar security measures.
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.4 Design of the collaborative robot operation)
 What is to mind by design the collaborative operation?
 Additional 5.4.3 Stopping functions
Examples of means to stop robot motion can include,
but are not limited to:
a) an enabling device
b) an emergency stop device
c) stopping the robot by hand, in the case of robots that include this
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.4 Design of the collaborative robot operation)
 What is to mind by non-collaborative/collaborative operation?
 Additional 5.4.4 Transitions between non-collaborative operation and
collaborative operation
…are particularly critical parts of a collaborative application.
These shall be designed such that the robot system shall not pose
unacceptable risks to the operator during the transition.
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.4 Design of the collaborative robot operation)
 What is to mind by the enabling device ?
 ISO10218-1: 5.8.3 Enabling deviceCollaborativ robot operation
 Additional 5.4.5 Enabling device requirements
– Decide in the risk assessment enabling device yes or no
– Without enabling device
The safety-rated limiting functions (e.g. speed, force, or range)
shall always remain active,.....
Information for use is necessary
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5 Collaborative operations )
What is to mind by the collaborative operations?
 5.5 Collaborative operations
Collaborative operations may include one or more of the following methods:
a) safety-rated monitored
b) hand guiding
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c) speed and separation
d) power and force limiting.
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5 Collaborative operations )
 ISO10218-2: 5.11 Collaborative robot operation
 Additional 5.5 Collaborative operations
Collaborative operations may include one or more of the following methods:
a) safety-rated monitored stop
b) hand guiding
c) speed and separation monitoring
d) power and force limiting
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5.1 Safety-rated monitored stop )
 When did you use the method Safety-rated monitored stop?
Table 1 – Truth table for safety-rated monitored stop operational requirements
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5.1 Safety-rated monitored stop )
 What are the requirements for Safety-rated monitored stop?
 ISO10218-1: 5.10.2 Safety-rated monitored stop (only 7 lines)
 ISO10218-2: Safety-rated monitored stop
 Additional 5.5.1 Safety-rated monitored stop
For collaborative operation with safety-rated monitored stop...
a) When robot motion is limited, the limits shall comply with ISO 102182:2011, 5.12
b) Stop category 0 or 1 or 2
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5 Collaborative operations )
 ISO10218-2: 5.11 Collaborative robot operation
 Additional 5.5 Collaborative operations
Collaborative operations may include one or more of the following methods:
a) safety-rated monitored stop
b) hand guiding
c) speed and separation monitoring
d) power and force limiting
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5.2 Hand guiding)
What are the requirements for hand guiding?
 ISO10218-1: 5.10.3 Hand guiding
 ISO10218-2: 5.7.4 Hand guiding of robot systems (collaborative robots)
 Additional 5.5.2 Hand guiding
– Before the operator enter the collab. Workspace => safety-rated monitored
 Additional Requirements
The robot shall utilize a safety-rated monitored speed function (ISO 102181:2011, 5.6.4) and a safety-rated monitored stop function (5.5.1).
A risk assessment shall be used to determine the safety-rated monitored
speed limit.
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
( chapter 5.5 Collaborative operations)
 ISO10218-2: 5.11 Collaborative robot operation
 Additional 5.5 Collaborative operations
Collaborative operations may include one or more of the following methods:
a) safety-rated monitored stop
b) hand guiding
c) speed and separation monitoring
d) power and force limiting
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5.3 Speed and separation monitoring)
What are the requirements for speed and separation monitoring?
 ISO10218-1: 5.10.4 Speed and separation monitoring
 ISO10218-2: Speed and separation monitoring
 Additional 5.5.3 Speed and separation monitoring
 Additional Requirements
– shall be equipped with a safety-rated monitored speed function
and a safety-rated monitored stop function
– If operator safety is dependent on limiting the range of motion of the robot,
the robot shall be equipped with safety-rated soft axis and space
limiting (ISO 10218-1:2011, 5.12.3). The speed and separation monitoring
system shall meet the requirements of 5.2.
– .....
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5.3 Speed and separation monitoring)
Figure 2 — Graphical representation of the contributions to the protective separation distance between an operator and a robot
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
 ISO10218-2: 5.11 Collaborative robot operation
 Additional 5.5 Collaborative operations
Collaborative operations may include one or more of the following methods:
a) safety-rated monitored stop
b) hand guiding
c) speed and separation monitoring
d) power and force limiting
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5.4 Power and force limiting)
What are the requirements for Power and force limiting?
 ISO10218-1: 5.10.5 Power and force limiting by inherent design or control
 ISO10218-2: Power and force limiting by design or control
 Additional 5.5.4 Power and force limiting
– Risk reduction is achieved, inherently safe robot machinery or through a
safety-related control system => Limits in accordance with Annex A
 Additional Contact situations
– quasi-static contact
– transient contact
– Tipp Risk assessment. The TCP is important but think about the complete
kinematik => manipulator arm, linkages, tooling and workpiece
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5.4 Power and force limiting)
Additional Passive and active risk reduction measures
Risk reduction measures with “benifits”
– increasing the contact surface area. Round edges/corner,
smooth/comliant surfaces
Source: BGIA Ausgabe Oktober 2009, Fassung Februar 2011 U 001/2009
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5.4 Power and force limiting)
Additional Passive and active risk reduction measures
Risk reduction measures with “benifits”
– absorbing energy, extending energy transfer time, or reducing impact
– limiting moving masses
Active safety design methods include, but are not limited to:
– limiting forces or torques, velocities of moving parts, momentum
– safety-rated soft axis and space limiting function,monitored stop function
use of sensing to anticipate or detect contact
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 5.5.4 Power and force limiting)
Figure 3 — Graphical representation of acceptable and unacceptable forces or pressures
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(Annex A Table A.2 Biomechanical limits)
Annex A Table A.2 Biomechanical limits
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
Steps to a safe collaborative robots system with ISO/TS 15066
Create: Collaboartive application design
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4)
Create: Risk assessment
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4.3)
Choise: safety functions => requirements
(………chapter 5, Annex A)
Create: Instruction manual
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 7)
Effected: Verifcate and validate
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 6)
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 7 Information for use)
What are the requirements for Power and force limiting?
 ISO10218-1: 7 Information for use
 ISO10218-2: 7 Information for use
 Additional 7 Information for use
7.1Information specific to collaborative robot operations
– The documentation that acompanies a collab. Robot system is directed
towards a specific collaborative application.
– ....
7.2 Description of the collaborative robot system,....
7.3 Description of the workplace application, ....
7.4 Description of the work task, ....
7.5 Information specific to power and force limiting applications, ....
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
Steps to a safe collaborative robots system with ISO/TS 15066
Create: Collaboartive application design
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4)
Create: Risk assessment
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4.3)
Choise: safety functions => requirements
(………chapter 5, Annex A)
Create: Instruction manual
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 7)
Effected: Verifcate and validate
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 6)
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
(chapter 6 Verification and validation)
What are the requirements for Verification and validation?
 ISO10218-2: 6 Verification and validation
 Additional 6 Verification and validation
– integrator shall provide for the verification and validation of design and
– The risk assessment(s) should be reviewed to assess if all reasonably
foreseeable hazards have been identified and corrective actions taken
– Recommendation: Create your one ckecklist for validation. If you use
power and force limiting a measurement for validation is necessary
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG
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 ISO/TS15066 Collaborative robots
Steps to a safe collaborative robots system with ISO/TS 15066
Create: Collaboartive application design
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4)
Create: Risk assessment
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 4.3)
Choise: safety functions => requirements
(………chapter 5, Annex A)
Create: Instruction manual
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 7)
Effected: Verifcate and validate
(ISO/TS 15066 chapter 6)
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 Questions?
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Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telefon: +49 711 3409-0
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Thomas Pilz