Trainee Assessment
Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work
in mental health and addiction services
US 26991 V2
Level 4 Credits 5
Trainee Assessment guide
Tips for the trainee
This trainee assessment, contains:
 Instructions for the trainee
 Assessment tasks
 Feedback form
 Assessment result sheet
Before you start this assessment you must read the instructions.
There are different areas of this assessment.
 The white boxes are for you to write in.
 The grey shaded areas are for the assessor to write in.
Please do not write in these boxes.
You need to sign a declaration at the back that this is your own work.
A person assessed as competent in this unit standard is able to:
Outcome Task and evidence
Describe statutes and regulations that underpin the practice of support
workers in mental health and addiction services.
One – Written or spoken answer
Explain a statute specific to own area of practice as a support worker in
mental health and addiction services.
Two – Written or spoken answer
Trainee assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 – Jul 2012
26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
Instructions for the trainee
Your answers to the assessment tasks
need to show the assessor that you
have a full understanding of the topic.
The assessor may require you to
discuss your responses.
This assessment is “open book”, which
means that you can use any information
you wish when you are completing this
assessment. This information may
include learning materials, books, the
internet, and your organisation’s policies
and procedures.
Your answers can be written or spoken.
When you write your answer, use pen
in the space provided. Initial any
alterations you make. Please write your
name on any additional pages and
attach them to the assessment.
When you answer verbally, the
assessor will make full notes of your
answer in the space provided in this
assessment or may use a digital voice
If you require assistance with any aspect
of the assessment, please contact your
Definitions of terms
The word trainee in this assessment refers to
the person being assessed. Other terms that
may be used are candidate, student or
Key requirements of statutes and regulations
are those principal parts, sections, or
elements of relevant legislation that apply
specifically to the role or practice of support
workers in mental health and addiction
ER refers to the evidence requirements of the
unit standard – the evidence (descriptions,
explanations, documents etc) that you must
provide and/or the actions that you must do or
MER means “more evidence required”.
Careerforce workbook – US 26991
Demonstrate knowledge of law related to
support work in mental health and
addiction services.
Your organisation’s policies and
An organisation’s policies and procedures
are the policies and procedures of the
trainee’s employer and include ethical codes,
standards and other organisational
Workplace assessor or assessor means the
person who will assess the trainee.
You need to show that your work
complies with your organisation's
policies and procedures.
Trainee assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 – Jul 2012
26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
Task One – Describe statutes and regulations that underpin the practice of support workers
in mental health and addiction services (written or spoken answer) ERS 1.1 - 1.3
There are two parts to this task.
You must describe the key purpose and one key requirement of the following statutes and regulations that
underpin your practice as a support worker in mental health and addiction services:
 Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996.
 Human Rights Act 1993.
 Privacy Act 1993.
Describe the key purpose of the Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability
Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996.
Assessor’s use only
Notes and decision:
Describe one key requirement of the Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability
Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996.
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26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
or MER
Assessor’s use only
Describe the key purpose of the Human Rights Act 1993.
Notes and decision:
Describe one key requirement of the Human Rights Act 1993.
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26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
or MER
Assessor’s use only
Describe the key purpose of the Privacy Act 1993.
Notes and decision:
Describe one key requirement of the Privacy Act 1993.
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26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
or MER
For this part of the task you must describe how one relevant statute, regulation, or standard related to medication places restrictions
on the role of support workers in mental health and addictions services for each of the following:
 Prescribing medication.
 Dispensing medication.
 Administering medication.
Statutes, regulations, and standards related to medication may include:
 Medicines Act 1981.
 Medicines Regulations 1984.
 Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992.
 Misuse of Drugs Act 1975.
 Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1977.
 NZS 8134.0:2008 Health and disability services Standards.
Please name one relevant statute, regulation, or standard for prescribing medication.
Assessor’s use only
Notes and decision:
Describe how this statute, regulation, or standard for prescribing medication places restrictions on
the role of support workers in mental health and addictions services.
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26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
or MER
Please name one relevant statute, regulation, or standard for dispensing medication.
Assessor’s use only
Notes and decision:
Describe how this statute, regulation, or standard for dispensing medication places restrictions
on the role of support workers in mental health and addictions services.
Trainee assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 – Jul 2012
26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
or MER
Please name one relevant statute, regulation, or standard for administering medication.
Assessor’s use only
Notes and decision:
Describe how this statute, regulation, or standard for administering medication places restrictions
on the role of support workers in mental health and addictions services.
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26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
or MER
Assessor’s feedback on the trainee’s performance
Task One:
More evidence required
Assessor’s name:
More evidence required
Assessor’s name:
Trainee assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 – Jul 2012
26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
Task Two – Explain a statute specific to own area of practice as a support worker
in mental health and addiction services (written or spoken answer) ERS 2.1 - 2.3
For this task you must explain the purpose and key requirements of one statute, or particular provision(s) within a statute,
specific to your own area of practice as a support worker in mental health and addiction services. Choose from the following statutes or provision(s):
 Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Act 1966.
 Land Transport Act 1998, section 19.
 Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989.
 Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act
1992, sections 45 and 46.
 Crimes Act 1961, section 23.
 Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, section 24.
 Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003.
 Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988.
 Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) Act
 Victims' Rights Act 2002, section 37.
Please name the statute, or particular provision(s) within a statute, specific to your own area of practice
as a support worker in mental health and addiction services.
Assessor’s use only
Notes and decision:
or MER
Explain the purpose and key requirements of this statute, or particular provision(s) within a statute, specific
to your own area of practice as a support worker in mental health and addiction services.
More space for answer next page
Trainee assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 – Jul 2012
26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
Explain the purpose and key requirements of this statute, or particular provision(s) within a statute, specific Assessor’s use only
to your own area of practice as a support worker in mental health and addiction services.
Notes and decision:
Trainee assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 – Jul 2012
or MER
26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
Assessor’s feedback on the trainee’s performance
Task Two:
More evidence required
Assessor’s name:
More evidence required
Assessor’s name:
Trainee assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 – Jul 2012
26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
Instructions for the trainee
When you have finished the assessment
 Please complete the trainee’s declaration below.
 Your assessor will give your assessment material back to you.
Please keep it safe.
 Please give your completed assessment and any additional
material to your assessor. You might like to make a copy for your
 If you wish to appeal against the assessment result or process,
you should complete an “Appeal of Trainee Assessment Result
Form”. This form can be downloaded from the
Shortcuts/Forms/Trainee Forms section of the Careerforce
website www.careerforce.org.nz
 When you have been assessed as having achieved this unit
standard, the results will be sent to Careerforce for registering
credits on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework.
Trainee’s declaration
I was told about and understood the assessment requirements.
I have prepared my answers myself.
I agree that this document can be photocopied for the purpose of moderation, as part of quality control processes.
I agree that once the assessment decision has been made, my personal details and results will be sent to Careerforce for registering credits on the
New Zealand Qualifications Framework.
Trainee’s signature:2
Trainee assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 – Jul 2012
Trainee’s name 4
(please print):
26991 V2 Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support work in mental health and...
US 26991 V2 – Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support
work in mental health and addiction services
Please complete this feedback form to help us to improve our assessments.
Please respond to the questions with a tick in the relevant circle and with comments in the boxes.
Did you think the assessment booklet was well laid out?
Did you find the assessment questions easy to understand?
What did you most like about this assessment?
What did you least like about this assessment?
If you could change something to improve this assessment, what would it be?
Additional comments:
Contact details (optional)
When you have completed this page, please pull it out, fold it in three, secure it with tape and send it
(Freepost) to: Careerforce, PO Box 25 255, Christchurch 8144 Fax (03) 371 9285
Freepost Authority CONSULT
PO Box 25 255
Christchurch 8144
US 26991 V2 – Demonstrate knowledge of law related to support
work in mental health and addiction services
Level 4 Credits 5
Assessment result sheet (please print)
Trainee’s information (completed by trainee)
Full name: ............................................................................................................................................
Employer: ............................................................................................................................................
NZQA number (NSN) if known: ........................................ Date of birth: ...........................................
Trainee’s performance summary (completed by assessor)
Assessment tasks
or MER (more evidence required)
Task 1
Task 2
Comments/feedback to the trainee
Assessment result
I have assessed the trainee and confirm:
The requirements have been met to demonstrate competency in 26991 V2.
Name: ......................................................................... Assessor’s number: .....................................
Signed: ........................................................................ Date: ............................................................
For the credits to be registered on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, send a copy of this form
to: Client Services, Careerforce, PO Box 25 255, Christchurch 8144
Client Services
PO Box 25 255
Christchurch 8144