J Am Acad Audiol 2: 24-31 (1991) Rise Time and Center-Frequency Effects on Auditory Brainstem Responses to High-Frequency Tone Bursts Stephen A . Fausti' Pamela S . Grayt Richard H .Freyt Curt R. Mitchell= Abstract The effects of rise time and center frequency on the auditory brainstem response (ABR) elicited by high-frequency tone bursts were examined in six normal-hearing adults . Tone bursts with rise times of 0 .1, 0.25, 0.5, and 1 .0 msec, duration of 2 msec, and center frequencies of 8, 10, and 12 kHz were used in this study. The absolute latencies of waves I, III, and V were obtained in all subjects, and interpeak intervals of I-III, III-V, and I-V were calculated . As would be expected, rise time significantly affected the absolute latencies of waves I, III, and V, i .e ., faster rise times shortened the absolute latencies, but did not affect the interpeak latencies. The tone-burst frequency significantly affected the latency of wave I but not the later waves . No significant differences were found in reliability of the response at different rise times or frequencies, within or across sessions . An estimate of the effective bandwidth of the stimulus suggests that frequency specificity of the response is maintained with fast rise time tone-burst stimuli . Key Words: Reliability, high-frequency, tone burst, auditory brainstem response (ABR), rise time, serial monitoring, ototoxicity T he development and use of frequencyspecific stimuli in the measurement of early auditory evoked potentials is important for an accurate estimation of hearing sensitivity in infants, comatose patients, and others not able to respond to conventional hearing testing techniques . Most investigations dealing with stimulus parameters for frequency-specific auditory brainstem responses (ABR) have utilized stimuli having center frequencies within the conventionally tested range of hearing ( .125-8 kHz) . These studies reported that latency decreases as `Director of Auditory Research, Chief of Audiology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center (PVAMC), and Associate Professor, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon tPVAMC Auditory Research Laboratory $Oregon Hearing Research Center and Assistant Professor, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon Reprint requests : Stephen A . Fausti, Ph .D ., VA Medical Center (151J), P .O . Box 1034, Portland, OR 97207 24 intensity increases (Stapells and Picton, 1981), and as center frequency increases (Terkildsen et al, 1975 ; Davis and Hirsh, 1976 ; Kodera et al, 1977 ; Suzuki et al, 1977 ; Gorga et al, 1987) . Latency also decreases as the rise time is shortened (Hecox et al, 1976 ; Stapells and Picton, 1981 ; Weber and Folsom, 1977) . Improvements in equipment and techniques have made ABR testing above 8 kHz feasible (Fausti et al, 1984 ; Rappaport et al, 1985 ; Gray, 1987) . Gorga et al (1987) reported wave V data on auditory evoked potentials using tone bursts at frequencies from 9 to 16 kHz . This high-frequency study also reported shorter latencies at higher frequencies and at higher presentation intensities . Among the several unresolved issues are : the effect of rise time on high-frequency tone-burst evoked responses in humans, and the effect of these frequencies on waves I and 111 . Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of rise time and frequency of high-frequency stimuli (8 kHz and above) on the response laten- High-Frequency Tone Burst ABR Rise Time/Fausti et al ties of waves I, III, and V in humans with normal hearing . METHOD Subjects Data were collected from six subjects, two males and four females, ranging in age from 25 to 33 years . All subjects met the following criteria : negative history of ear pathology ; audiometric thresholds of 15 dB HL or less (re : ANSI, 1989) at conventional test frequencies (0 .25-8 kHz) ; highfrequency pure-tone sensitivity within one standard deviation of the mean for age-categorized data reported previously (Schechter et al, 1986) for fre- quencies 8 to 12 kHz ; normal acoustic-immittance measures (Wiley et al, 1987 ; Shanks et al, 1988) and identifiable waves I, 111, and V of the ABR to an alternating click stimulus . High-frequency tone-burst evoked responses were obtained from one ear of each subject . Means and standard deviations for pure-tone behavioral threshold responses for all subjects are plotted in Figure 1 . Thresholds for some subjects exceeded the maximum output of the testing system for the highest test frequencies . Only those individuals who responded are included in this statistic . All six subjects responded through 14 kHz ; five at 16 kHz, and three at 18 kHz . Equipment Tone bursts were controlled by Grason-Stadler (G-S) 1200 Series analog logic modules . A G-S 1287B Electronic Switch module was modified to provide faster rise-fall times utilized in this study . ,00 N=6 60 J 60 d m m 40 20 0 26 5 1 2 4 e 10 12 14 ,6 18 Frequency in kHz Figure 1 Mean pure-tone threshold responses for study subjects . Stimulus polarity was alternated to reduce stimulus artifact . An active amplifier/filter network (Fausti et al, 1979) was utilized to match the Koss HV/lA earphone input impedance, improve the signal-to-noise ratio, lower the sidebands, and narrow the bandwidth in order to provide a signal with exceptionally sharp slopes and low background noise . This equipment was synchronized with a Nicolet 1170 signal averager . The bioamplifier filter settings were 150 and 1500 Hz . A single-channel differential electrode recording montage was utilized . The noninverting electrode was placed on the vertex with the inverting and common electrodes at the ipsilateral and contralateral mastoids, respectively. Absolute impedance did not exceed 2 kS2, and the interelectrode impedance differences were at or below 1 kQ . Stimuli Tone bursts centered at frequencies of 8, 10, and 12 kHz were gated with rise and fall times of 0 .1, 0 .25, 0 .5, and 1 .0 msec . Rise and fall times were linear between the 10 percent and 90 percent on-condition . The duration between zero voltage points was 2 .0 msec . Stimuli were presented at a 60 dB sensation level (SL), at a rate of 11 .1 per second . Band-pass masking (7 .5-25 kHz) was presented contralaterally at an intensity 30 dB less than the tone-burst signal level (S/N=+30) to prevent potential intracranial interference . The acoustic spectra of the tone-burst stimuli shown in Figure 2 were measured with a HewlettPackard #3561A Dynamic Signal Analyzer (Fast Fourier Transform), using a rectangular window (0-20 kHz) and peak hold mode . Signal output was measured through the high-frequency transducer (Koss HV/1A) centered on a flat-plate coupler with a Bruel & Kjaer (B&K) #4134, 1/2 inch pressure condenser microphone as reported by Fausti et al (1979) . Although these stimuli were not generated by digital methods, the acoustic spectra are comparable to those reported by others (Gorga et al, 1988 ; Dolan and Klein, 1987) . The roll-off, the high- and low-frequency bandwidths measured at 20, 40, and 60 dB down, and the noise floor were all comparable to, or more sharply defined than, reported digitally generated signals . The acoustic output for each tone burst was displayed on a Tektronix #7633 digital oscilloscope . A continuous pure-tone set at the center frequency of the tone burst was matched to the scope displacement value (peak-peak) of the tone burst . A Hewlett-Packard #3400A True RMS Voltmeter, Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 2, Number 1, January 1991 Rise time 100 Table 1 Means of Differences (in dB) between ToneBurst and Pure-Tone Thresholds 90 80 70 60 kHz 0 . 1 msec 0.25 msec 0 .5 msec 1 .0 msec 8 5.9 10 4.5 7 .6 6.8 7.6 6 .3 5 .4 6 .3 12 50 40 START: OH . x: eo00Hz STOP- 20 000 Hz 4 .6 4.3 4.7 5.5 'Tone-burst peak equivalent SPLs were determined by comparison to continous pure-tone stimuli at matched frequencies . 100 90 J QU) m v Single Subject Response as a Function of Rise Time 80 70 60 01 50 025 40 START OHz x IOOOOHZ STOP ; 20000Hz 05 L0 8 kHz 0 .1 025 START OHz %- 12000 Hz 05 STOP 2000011: Frequency 1 .0 Figure 2 Acoustic spectra for tone bursts with center frequencies of 8, 10, and 12 kHz are shown for the fastest (0 .1 msec) and slowest (1 .0 msec) rise times. Decibel (dB) levels used in this study are an average of 60 dB SL . calibrated at 94 dB sound pressure level (SPL) via a B&K #4930 1 kHz microphone calibrator, was used to determine dB SPL . Spectra in Figure 2 are shown at mean (across subjects) output levels for 60 dB SL presentations at each frequency for the shortest (0 .1 msec) and longest (1 .0 msec) rise times used in this study . These spectra illustrate the well known spread of acoustic energy as a function of rise time . 10 kHz Response Latency (ms) Test Procedure Responses were obtained from each subject in two sessions of approximately 60 minutes each . 26 Figure 3 Auditory brainstem responses obtained for each of the rise times and frequencies used in this study (60 dB SL). High-Frequency Tone Burst ABR Rise Time/Fausti et al Table 2 Mean Latency, SD, and Range across Sessions for Wave I, III, and V F (kHz) Rise time 1 Wa ve 111 V (ms) Mean SD Range Mean SD Range Mean SD Range 8 0 .10 0 .25 0 .50 1 .00 2 .10 2 .15 2 .24 2 .47 0 .30 0 .17 0 .18 0 .26 0 .76 0 .40 0 .51 0 .68 4 .35 4 .36 4 .46 4 .72 0 .28 0 .31 0 .27 0 .27 0 .75 0 .82 0 .70 0 .61 6 .22 6 .36 6 .48 6 .53 0 .46 0 .29 0 .36 0 .37 1 .30 0 .77 0 .84 0 .83 10 0 .10 0 .25 0 .50 1 .00 1 .95 1 .97 2 .13 2 .32 0 .23 0 .13 0 .20 0 .20 0 .64 0 .37 0 .54 0 .56 4 .28 4 .30 4 .44 4 .66 0 .18 0 .24 0 .16 0 .21 0 .52 0 .66 0 .47 0 .62 6 .24 6 .32 6 .33 6 .60 0 .38 0 .33 0 .24 0 .29 1 .00 0 .89 0 .61 0 .83 12 0 .10 0 .25 0 .50 1 .00 1 .90 1 .95 2 .04 2 .18 0 .23 0 .24 0 .22 0 .20 0 .63 0 .68 0 .60 0 .53 4 .22 4 .31 4 .44 4 .56 0 .27 0 .20 0 .25 0 .16 0 .72 0 .51 0 .61 0 .38 6 .12 6 .22 6 .42 6 .56 0 .31 0 .37 0 .31 0 .20 0 .95 1 .03 0 .87 0 .52 .N=6 subjects ; data collapsed across sessions . During each session, behavioral thresholds to pure tones as well as tone bursts were obtained . Table 1 demonstrates the mean differences in absolute value between the tone-burst (8, 10, and 12 kHz) and pure-tone stimuli behavioral thresholds at each of the rise times studied . Thresholds for tone bursts were greater than for corresponding pure tones . Differences in tone-burst thresholds as a function of rise time were minimal . For each stimulus condition, two ABR averages were obtained per session . Each average was the sum of 1024 stimulus presentations within a response window of 10 .24 msec . Each of the twelve stimulus conditions (three frequencies and four rise times) was presented in the two sessions . Thus, a total of four averages were obtained for each stimulus condition . This test format allowed within-session as well as across-session reliability to be determined . To prevent an order effect, the stimuli were presented in a counter-balanced, pseudorandom order . Wave Scoring Procedure Wave identification techniques used with standard ABR click stimuli (Chiappa et al, 1979; Beattie et al, 1986 ; Picton et al, 1988) were employed as a guideline for peak picking with highfrequency tone-burst stimuli . To facilitate peak identification, additional information was obtained by comparing the ipsilateral and added ip- silateral waveforms from repeated runs for each of the stimulus parameters . Absolute latencies were measured for waves I, III, and V . RESULTS R epresentative responses for the twelve stimulus conditions are shown in Figure 3 . In all subjects, waves 1, III, and V could be identified . Mean latencies of waves I, III, and V at each frequency and rise time for all subjects are shown in Table 2, and graphically demonstrated in Figure 4 . As rise time was shortened from 1 .0 to 0 .1 msec, the absolute latency of all waves was significantly shortened . There was a trend for rise time to have a slightly greater effect on waves III and V than on wave I . However, this trend was not enough for rise time to significantly change interpeak latencies (I-III, III-V, or I-V) (Table 3) . Repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were performed using within- and across-session responses to determine the stability of the response . Since no significant differences 'were found either within or across sessions for any of the three waves, the data were collapsed over sessions and two-way repeated measures ANOVAs (frequency and rise time) were calculated on the latencies for each wave . Significant differences were found between frequencies (p < 0 .05) and between rise times (p < 0 .01) for wave I ; the frequency x rise-time interaction was not significant (Table 4) . An analysis Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 2, Number 1, January 1991 of simple effects was performed at each of the rise times to determine if there were differences between the frequencies at each rise time . Each of these was significant (p < 0 .05), so Newman-Keuls paired comparison tests were done . At each of the four rise times, the latency of the 8-kHz tone burst was significantly longer than that for the 12-kHz tone burst . At rise times of 0 .1, 0 .25, and 1 .0 msec, the latency of 8 kHz also was significantly longer than the 10-kHz tone burst . The latency of the 10kHz tone burst did not differ from 12 kHz at any of the rise times . A significant rise-time effect was also found for waves III and V (p < 0.01). There were no significant latency differences between frequencies at any of the rise times for these two waves (Table 4) . DISCUSSION n this study, waves I, III, and V were obtained at 60 dB SL with four rise times for tone-burst stimuli at 8, 10, and 12 kHz . The four rise times in this study produced significantly shorter latencies with faster rise times for waves I, III, and V as shown in Table 2 and Figure 4 . Additionally, wave I latencies produced by tone bursts at 8, 10, and 12 kHz were found to be significantly shorter with respect to increased frequency . Waves III and V, while demonstrating a slight trend for shorter latencies with increased frequency, did not show significant latency differences as a function of frequency . Wave V 7 6 4 3 Wave I 2 A 8 kHz 0 10 kHz o 12 kHz 0 .1 0 .25 0 .5 1 .0 Rise time (ms) Figure 4 Mean latency at each of the rise times and frequencies for waves 1,111, and V. 28 Frequency F = 1 .71 F = 0 .13 Rise time Frequency X rise time F = 0 .23 df = 2,10 df = 3,15 df = 6,30 III-V F = 0 .10 Frequency F = 1 .41 Rise time Frequency X rise time F = 1 .28 df = 2,10 df = 3,15 df = 6,30 I -V Frequency F = 2 .40 F = 1 .01 Rise time Frequency X rise time F = 1 .24 df = 2,10 df = 3,15 df = 6,30 The changes in latency of waves I, III, and V with changing rise times observed in the present study were as expected . Absolute latencies of wave V are comparable to those reported by Gorga et al (1987) for the same rise time, frequency, and intensity . As would be expected, latencies from highfrequency tone bursts were faster than those produced by lower frequency stimuli (Suzuki et al, 1977 ; Neely et al, 1988) . The latency of wave I was found to be significantly affected by tone-burst frequency while waves III and V were not . Usually, when wave I changes, waves III and V change also . This effect is found when the intensity level of a click is varied, the rise time is changed, or derived bands are determined . In other cases, latencies of waves III and V may change differently than wave I, such as by increased rates of stimulation, masking, or click polarity (Terkildsen et al, 1975 ; Rosenhammer et Wave III 5 d m J I-III Table 4 Summary Table of Wave ANOVAs N E a Table 3 Summary Table of Interwave Interval ANOVAs Wave I Frequency F = 7 .25' df = 2,10 F =38 .291 df = 3,15 Rise time Frequency X rise time F = 0 .88 df = 6,30 Wave III Frequency F = 0 .48 df = 2,10 F =34 .591 df = 3,15 Rise time Frequency X rise time F = 0 .74 df = 6,30 Wave V Frequency F = 0 .25 df = 2,10 F =27 .891 df = 3,15 Rise time df = 6,30 Frequency X rise time F = 1 .04 p<0 .05 ; tp<0 .01 High-Frequency Tone Burst ABR Rise Time/Fausti et al al, 1978 ; Stockard et al, 1978 ; Ornitz et a), 1980 ; Beattie, 1988) . In the current study we attribute the significant wave I change with frequency, without significant wave III and V changes, to the larger standard deviations of waves III and V, the narrow range of frequencies used, and the number of subjects tested . Using a larger frequency range and a greater number of subjects may allow the detection of significant changes in III and V with frequency . Also, the interwave intervals, 1-111 and I-V were not significantly affected by frequency, which suggests that waves III and V do indeed follow wave I . To obtain ABRs, it is desirable to have the largest biologic response at the lowest presentation level . This approach would dictate using the fastest rise-time stimulus possible (Goldstein and Kiang, 1958 ; Mitchell, 1976) . However, if frequency-specific responses are desired, as in serial monitoring of ototoxic effects, this presents a problem . As the rise time of a tone burst is shortened, frequency specificity may be compromised due to the concomitant spectral broadening. Thus, estimation of the effective spectrum for different rise-time stimuli would be desirable to evaluate this trade-off. Waves I, 111, and V are all affected by rise-time changes . As mentioned, if the latency of wave I is delayed, the latencies of waves III and V are also delayed (Table 2 and Fig . 4). In this context, it is important to understand how spectral changes associated with rise-time changes can affect the latency of these waves . The latency of wave I of the ABR depends on at least five variables : 1. 2. 3. 4. Travel time of the acoustic stimulus from the transducer to the cochlea . This includes travel time in air from the transducer to the tympanic membrane and through the middle ear to the cochlea . This travel time is assumed to be the same for all frequencies and intensities of a stimulus, and under headphones is on the order of 0 .1 msec . Travel time of the stimulus within the cochlea . Traveling wave time varies with both intensity and frequency, from about 1 .3 to as much as 10 msec (Neely et al, 1988) . Synaptic delay between the cochlear hair cells and the peripheral axons of the auditory nerve . This delay is a constant 0 .5 to 0 .7 msec (Moller, 1981) . Temporal summation of nerve firing, which produces neural synchrony . Neural synchrony is greatly affected by stimulus rise time (Goldstein and Kiang, 1958), as well as 5. by frequency and intensity . A stimulus with a fast rise time reaches threshold sooner than a slow rise-time stimulus, thus resulting in a shorter response latency for each fiber and greater synchrony among the fibers . Conduction time in the axons of the auditory nerve . This is primarily a function of fiber diameter and is assumed to be independent of stimulus parameters . As rise time of the stimulus is shortened, the latency of wave I decreases as a result of more rapid summation of nerve fibers . However, with faster rise times and the concomitant spectral broadening, the traveling wave could be broader, thus producing a more dispersed stimulation of nerve fibers . Thus, with faster rise times, frequency specificity as well as synchrony may be compromised . The net effect of rise time on latency can thus be complex . Mang et al (1965), Mitchell (1976), Elberling and Hoke (1978), Kodera et al (1983) and others have attempted to relate the spectrum of a stimulus to the population of nerve fibers activated by that stimulus . An estimate of the spectral area, which is related to the peak latency of wave I, can be obtained using the stimulus spectrum and the threshold of hearing . The acoustic spectrum of an 8-kHz tone burst with 0 .1 msec rise time, as used in this study, is shown (in dB SPL) in Figure 5 . Also plotted in this figure is the average of hearing thresholds for all subjects who participated in this study ("-" ) . The portion of the 8-kHz spectrum above the threshold of hearing could be expected to activate auditory nerve fibers . However, not all of this area contributes to, or is encoded into, wave I . For ex- ----~ 1 .6 ms Estimate "-0 8 Pure-tone Threshold (N=6) J N a START OHz X 8000 Hz Frequency Figure 5 Estimate of the spectral area of an 8-kHz tone burst, which contributes to the peak latency of wave 1. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology/Volume 2, Number 1, January 1991 ample, single auditory fibers whose latencies are longer than the peak of wave I would not be expected to contribute to the latency of wave I . That is, they would fire too late to be represented in the peak of wave 1 . Thus the observed latency of wave I sets a cutoff in this case mainly on the low-frequency side of the spectrum . In short, the hearing threshold in the high frequencies provides an estimate of high-frequency cutoff, while the latency of wave 1 determines low-frequency cutoff. Cochlear travel time, synaptic delay, and rise time must be considered to determine this low-frequency cutoff. The 8-kHz tone burst shown in Figure 5 produced a wave 1 latency of 2 .1 msec (Table 2) . Synaptic delay, 0 .5 msec, subtracted from wave I latency, leaves 1 .6 msec as the travel time of the stimulus within the cochlea . Thus, in order for a nerve fiber to be represented in the peak of wave I, the stimulus must have a travel time of 1 .6 msec or less in the cochlea . From Neely et al (1988, Fig. 2, page 654), the frequencies and intensities for which cochlear travel time is 1 .6 msec or less can be determined . Adjusting the travel time to 0 .1 msec rise time at each frequency, and extrapolating beyond 8 kHz is necessary for this calculation. The intensity at each frequency with a cochlear travel time of 1 .6 msec is plotted in Figure 5 (A-A) . The area above this line is an estimate of spectral area, which would be expected to contribute to wave I (based on the peak latency) . Thus, Figure 5 displays an estimate of the effective spectra that is represented in the latency of wave I when a 0 .1msec rise-time tone burst is presented at 60 dB SL . The stimulus bandwidth can be obtained from this estimate about 18 dB below the peak and is an indication of the frequency specificity . It should be noted that the estimate of the ef- fective spectrum in Figure 5 is primarily determined by the cochlear travel time described by Neely et al (1988), and as additional data becomes available, this estimate may be improved . It should also be noted that, upon entering the cochlea the spectrum will not have this same shape, and that the cochlear activation and neural response patterns will also have different shapes . However, relative differences between spectra is the important variable. It would be expected that small differences between two spectra would produce small differences in the final neural activation pattern . A comparison of the spectra of the 0 .1-msec and the 1 .0-msec rise-time tone bursts shown in Figure 2 demonstrates minimal differences in the bandwidth 20 dB down from the peak . This suggests that the fastest rise time, 0 .1 msec, may be used without unduly sacrificing frequency specificity, a conclusion similar to that reached by Mitchell (1976) . This suggestion, along with findings in the current study that there are no significant differences in response reliability with different rise times, is another indication that fast rise-time tone bursts may be used in obtaining high-frequency ABRs, such as in serial monitoring for detection of ototoxicity . CONCLUSION T he four tone-burst rise times, 0 .1, 0 .25, 0 .5, and 1 .0 msec, produced different wave 1, 111, and V latencies, but did not change the interpeak latencies (I-I11, I-V, and III-V) . An estimate of the effective bandwidth of the stimulus for wave I suggests that fast-rise stimuli can be used to evoke frequency-specific responses . At each rise time, the absolute latency of wave I was affected by tone-burst frequency such that 8 kHz had a longer latency than 10 kHz and 12 kHz, as would be expected from different locations in the cochlea . Waves III and V, or the interpeak latencies, did not show significant differences with frequency . The reliability of the peak latencies did not vary either within-session or across-sessions . New information is thus provided on waves I and III at these high frequencies, as well as on the effects of rise time on waves 1, 111, and V . The auditory brainstem responses to toneburst stimuli with rise times of 0 .1, 0 .25, 0 .5, and 1 .0 msec were not significantly different in the reliability of the response . However, faster rise times produce greater synchrony in nerve responses, which were seen in this study as better definition of wave morphology, especially of Wave I . The faster rise-time tone burst stimuli contained more side-band energy . This, however, did not interfere with obtaining significant differences between frequencies . With careful attention to the spectrum of the high-frequency tone-burst acoustic stimulus, rise times as short as 0.1 msec can be used to obtain frequency-specific ABRs . Acknowledgments. The authors wish to acknowledge significant contributions to this manuscript made by Drs. Robert Burkard, Thomas Dolan, Cynthia Fowler, David Lilly and David Phillips . Thanks also go to doctoral student James Henry and to Research Associate Deanna Olson for invaluable assistance in manuscript preparation . Fundingfor this study provided by Medical Research Service, Department of Veterans Affairs. High-Frequency Tone Burst ABR Rise Time/Fausti et al REFERENCES ANSI S3 .6 . (1989) . American National Standard Specifications for Audiometers. Accredited Standards Committee S3, Bioacoustics . New York, NY : Acoustical Society of America. Kodera K, Marsh R, Suzuki M, Suzuki J. (1983) . Portions of tone pips contributing to frequency-selective auditory brainstem responses . Audiology 22 :209-218 . Kodera K, Yamane H, Yamada O, Suzuki F. (1977) . The effect of onset, offset and rise-decay times of tone bursts on brainstem response . Scand Audiol 6:205-210 . Beattie RC . (1988) . 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