EMS User`s Manual

EMS User’s Manual
EMS Enterprise 7.0
EMS Professional 13.0
EMS Campus 4.0
EMS Legal 7.0
EMS Workplace 7.0
EMS District 7.0
Limit of Liability
© 2013. Dean Evans and Associates, Inc., All rights reserved. The
information contained herein is proprietary and confidential and is the
exclusive property of DEA, Inc. It may not be copied, disclosed, used,
distributed, edited, or reproduced, in whole or in part, without the express
written permission of DEA, Inc.
DEA, Inc. has used their best effort in preparing this guide. DEA, Inc. makes
no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness
of the contents of this guide and specifically disclaims any implied warranties
of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Information in this
document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of DEA, Inc. or any of its affiliates.The accuracy and
completeness of the information contained herein and the opinions stated
herein are not guaranteed or warranted to produce any particular results, and
the advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every user.
The software described herein is furnished under a license agreement or a
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software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license or the
non-disclosure agreement.
EMS, the EMS logo and EMS Regics are registered trademarks of Dean Evans
& Associates, Inc. Event Management Systems, EMS Enterprise, EMS
Professional, EMS Campus, EMS Workplace, EMS Legal, EMS District, EMS
Master Calendar, and Virtual EMS are trademarks of Dean Evans &
Associates, Inc. Microsoft, Windows and Outlook are registered trademarks
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Customer support is available to organizations that purchase EMS and that
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Dean Evans and Associates, Inc.
6465 Greenwood Plaza Blvd
Suite 600
Centennial, CO 80111
800-288-4565 (Phone)
303-796-7429 (Fax)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Getting Started with EMS ..................................................... 27
Starting EMS.................................................................................................................. 29
To start EMS................................................................................................................ 29
The EMS Window .......................................................................................................... 31
Title bar........................................................................................................................ 31
Menu bar...................................................................................................................... 32
Toolbar......................................................................................................................... 32
To customize the toolbar ........................................................................................... 32
Main menu ................................................................................................................... 33
An EMS Browser Window.............................................................................................. 35
To group data by columns in an EMS Browser window .............................................. 36
To rearrange the columns in an EMS Browser window............................................... 36
To change the width of the columns in an EMS Browser window ............................... 37
To use the context menu for data columns in an EMS Browser window..................... 37
To filter the data in an EMS Browser window .............................................................. 38
To change the sort order of data in an EMS Browser window..................................... 40
Chapter 2: Reservations and Bookings................................................. 41
Reservation Structure .................................................................................................... 43
Reservation and bookings ........................................................................................... 43
Booking details ............................................................................................................ 43
Event Timeline ............................................................................................................... 44
Making a Reservation Using the Reservation Wizard.................................................... 45
To specify the event date............................................................................................. 46
To specify the event time and status ........................................................................... 49
To select the event location ......................................................................................... 50
To search for a standard room .................................................................................. 50
To search for a best fit room...................................................................................... 53
EMS User’s Manual
To search for a specific room..................................................................................... 55
To specify the event information .................................................................................. 57
Viewing and Editing Reservations in the Reservation Book........................................... 62
Reservation Book......................................................................................................... 62
To change the Reservation Book display..................................................................... 64
List of Rooms (Room Properties)............................................................................... 65
List of Rooms (Specific Rooms)................................................................................. 66
Reservation Book view .............................................................................................. 66
Display Options.......................................................................................................... 67
Tooltips ...................................................................................................................... 69
Display Date (Calendar)............................................................................................. 69
Display Date (Scroll Features) ................................................................................... 70
To view reservation information ................................................................................... 70
Room Bookings.......................................................................................................... 71
Room Properties ........................................................................................................ 71
Room Pricing ............................................................................................................. 72
Room Images............................................................................................................. 72
Room UDFs ............................................................................................................... 73
Room Information ...................................................................................................... 73
Time Zone.................................................................................................................. 73
To make a new reservation.......................................................................................... 74
To edit an existing reservation ..................................................................................... 74
Chapter 3: The Navigator.........................................................................77
Navigator Overview ........................................................................................................ 79
Opening a reservation in the Navigator........................................................................ 79
Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator ......................................................... 79
Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book ............................................... 80
EMS User’s Manual
Opening a reservation through a group..................................................................... 80
Opening a reservation through a search ................................................................... 80
Layout and folder structure .......................................................................................... 81
Reservation folder ..................................................................................................... 81
To allocate charges to multiple billing reference numbers and/or PO numbers.... 83
Booking folder............................................................................................................ 86
Booking detail folder .................................................................................................. 88
Navigator commands................................................................................................... 89
Navigator Options dialog box .................................................................................... 90
General tab ........................................................................................................... 90
At A Glance tab ..................................................................................................... 92
Highlight Categories .............................................................................................. 93
Other Navigator commands....................................................................................... 94
Adding Bookings to a Reservation in the Navigator....................................................... 97
To add bookings to a reservation ................................................................................ 97
Editing a Reservation in the Navigator........................................................................... 98
To edit a reservation in the Navigator.......................................................................... 98
Repricing Categories and Room Charges for a Reservation....................................... 100
To reprice categories and room charges for a reservation ........................................ 100
Changing the Status for a Reservation from the Reservation Summary tab ............... 102
To change the status for a reservation ...................................................................... 102
Copying a Reservation in the Navigator ...................................................................... 106
To copy a reservation in the Navigator ...................................................................... 106
Editing a Booking in the Navigator............................................................................... 109
To edit a booking in the Navigator ............................................................................. 110
Editing Multiple Bookings in the Navigator................................................................... 112
To edit multiple bookings in the Navigator................................................................. 112
To edit the booking date and/or time ....................................................................... 113
EMS User’s Manual
To edit the booking status........................................................................................ 116
To edit the rooms for bookings ................................................................................ 118
To search for rooms ............................................................................................ 119
To select a specific room ..................................................................................... 123
To edit miscellaneous booking information.............................................................. 125
Moving Bookings to a Different Reservation ................................................................ 127
To move bookings to a different reservation .............................................................. 127
Copying Multiple Bookings in the Navigator................................................................. 129
To copy multiple bookings in the Navigator ............................................................... 129
Booking Details and Items Overview............................................................................ 133
Service order.............................................................................................................. 136
Adding Booking Details and Items to Individual Bookings ........................................... 138
To add booking details and items to individual bookings ........................................... 138
To add a booking detail from a non-resource category ........................................... 139
To add setup notes .............................................................................................. 139
To add attendees................................................................................................. 140
To add an agenda (activities) .............................................................................. 141
To add a room charge ......................................................................................... 142
To add a booking detail from a resource, service order, or catering category......... 144
Adding Booking Details and Items to Multiple Bookings .............................................. 148
To add booking details and items to multiple bookings.............................................. 148
To add a booking detail from a non-resource category ........................................... 149
To add a booking detail from a resource, service order, or catering category......... 151
Adding Booking Detail Items to Multiple Bookings ....................................................... 155
To add booking detail items to multiple bookings ...................................................... 155
Editing Booking Detail Items for Individual Bookings ................................................... 157
To edit booking detail items for individual bookings................................................... 157
To edit a booking detail item from a non-resource category.................................... 158
EMS User’s Manual
To edit a booking detail item from a resource, service order, or catering
category................................................................................................................... 158
Editing Booking Detail Item Charges for Multiple Items............................................... 161
To edit booking detail item charges for multiple items............................................... 161
Editing Count Information for a Booking ...................................................................... 163
To edit count information for a booking ..................................................................... 163
Applying a Reservation Discount ................................................................................. 165
To apply a reservation discount................................................................................. 165
Copying Booking Details Between Bookings ............................................................... 167
To copy booking details between bookings ............................................................... 167
Deleting Booking Detail Items from Multiple Bookings ................................................ 170
To delete booking detail items from multiple bookings .............................................. 170
Deleting Booking Details from Multiple Bookings ........................................................ 173
To delete booking details from multiple bookings...................................................... 173
Working with Comments and Reminders in the Navigator .......................................... 175
To work with a comment or reminder in the Navigator .............................................. 175
To add a comment................................................................................................... 176
To edit a comment................................................................................................... 177
To delete a comment............................................................................................... 177
To view the history for a comment........................................................................... 177
Adding Multiple Comments and Reminders to a Reservation ..................................... 179
To add multiple comments and reminders to a reservation....................................... 179
Working with User Defined Fields in the Navigator...................................................... 181
To work with user-defined fields in the Navigator ...................................................... 181
To add a user-defined field...................................................................................... 182
To edit a user-defined field ...................................................................................... 182
To delete a user-defined field .................................................................................. 182
To the view history for a user-defined field.............................................................. 183
EMS User’s Manual
Working with Attachments in the Navigator.................................................................. 184
To work with attachments in the Navigator ................................................................ 184
To add an attachment to a reservation or booking .................................................. 185
To edit an attachment for a reservation or booking ................................................. 186
To delete an attachment from a reservation or booking .......................................... 186
To view an attachment for a reservation or booking ................................................ 187
Working with Drawings in the Navigator....................................................................... 188
To work with drawings in the Navigator ..................................................................... 188
To attach a stored drawing to a booking.................................................................. 189
To create a drawing “on the fly” and attach it to a booking ...................................... 190
To detach a drawing from a booking........................................................................ 190
To edit a drawing for a booking................................................................................ 190
To view a drawing for a booking .............................................................................. 191
Running the Resource Utility Conflicts Tool ................................................................. 192
To run the Resource Utility Conflicts tool ................................................................... 192
Chapter 4: Search Tools ........................................................................195
Searching with the Browser or with the Web Reservation Tool ................................... 197
To carry out a search in the Browser ......................................................................... 197
To carry out a basic search in the Browser.............................................................. 198
To carry out an advanced search in the Browser .................................................... 201
To set up favorite fields for a Browser search.......................................................... 205
Searching with the Calendar ........................................................................................ 206
To carry out a search in the Calendar........................................................................ 206
To carry out a basic search in the Calendar ............................................................ 207
To carry out an advanced search in the Calendar ................................................... 211
To set up favorite fields for a Calendar search ........................................................ 214
Searching with the Resource Calendar........................................................................ 215
EMS User’s Manual
To carry out a search in the Resource Calendar ....................................................... 215
To carry out a basic search in the Resource Calendar ........................................... 216
To carry out an advanced search in the Resource Calendar .................................. 218
To set up favorite fields for a Resource Calendar search ....................................... 221
Searching with the Service Order Management Browser ............................................ 222
To search with the Service Order Management browser .......................................... 222
Chapter 5: EMS Dashboard................................................................... 227
Overview of the EMS Dashboard and Dashboard Options.......................................... 229
Dashboard options..................................................................................................... 230
Notifications Tab .......................................................................................................... 232
Reminders Tab ............................................................................................................ 234
To change the Reminders tab view ........................................................................... 235
To create an unattached reminder............................................................................. 236
To edit a reminder...................................................................................................... 237
To delete a reminder.................................................................................................. 237
To print a reminder .................................................................................................... 238
To go to the item to which a reminder is attached ..................................................... 238
To complete a reminder............................................................................................. 238
To reassign multiple reminders between EMS users ................................................ 239
Web Reservations Tab ................................................................................................ 240
Web Requests Tab ...................................................................................................... 241
To edit a web request ................................................................................................ 242
To delete a web request ............................................................................................ 244
To print a web request ............................................................................................... 244
Wait List Tab ................................................................................................................ 245
Reconfirm Dates Tab ................................................................................................... 246
Building Hours Exceptions Tab.................................................................................... 247
EMS User’s Manual
Analytics Tab................................................................................................................ 248
At A Glance Tab ........................................................................................................... 251
Chapter 6: Groups and Contacts ..........................................................253
Searching for and Configuring Groups......................................................................... 255
To search for a group and/or contact ......................................................................... 255
To configure groups ................................................................................................... 257
Configuring Additional Information for a Group ............................................................ 263
To create a web user from a group ............................................................................ 263
To assign the group to a web user............................................................................. 266
To add a reminder to a group..................................................................................... 268
To add a comment to a group .................................................................................... 269
To add attachments to a group .................................................................................. 271
To add user defined fields to a group......................................................................... 272
To assign calculations to a group............................................................................... 273
To configure a list of billing reference numbers ......................................................... 275
To configure a list of PO numbers.............................................................................. 276
Configuring Contacts for a Group................................................................................. 278
To configure contacts................................................................................................. 278
To configure a contact manually .............................................................................. 279
To configure a contact from a group ........................................................................ 281
To create a web user from a contact ....................................................................... 283
Editing Group Information ............................................................................................ 286
To edit group information ........................................................................................... 286
To edit summary, billing, and/or other group information......................................... 287
To edit the contacts for a group ............................................................................... 287
To edit the reminders for a group............................................................................. 288
To edit the comments for a group ............................................................................ 288
EMS User’s Manual
To edit the attachments for a group......................................................................... 289
To the edit user defined fields (UDFs) for a group .................................................. 290
To edit the calculations for a group ......................................................................... 290
To edit the billing reference numbers for a group.................................................... 291
To edit the PO numbers for a group ........................................................................ 291
To edit the web users for a group............................................................................ 292
Importing Groups ......................................................................................................... 294
To import groups........................................................................................................ 294
Working with Reservations for a Group ....................................................................... 295
To work with reservations for a group........................................................................ 295
To search for and view reservations by group from the
group-specific window ............................................................................................. 295
To search for and make a reservation for a group from the
group-specific window ............................................................................................. 296
To reassign a reservation for a group from the group-specific window ................... 296
To make a group reservation from the Group Reservation window
(EMS Workplace only) ............................................................................................... 298
Emailing a Group ......................................................................................................... 300
To email a group........................................................................................................ 300
Printing and Exporting Group Information.................................................................... 301
To print group information.......................................................................................... 301
To export a list of groups to an Excel spreadsheet.................................................... 302
Printing and Exporting Web User Information.............................................................. 303
To print or export web user information ..................................................................... 303
To print web user information .................................................................................. 304
To export a list of web users to an Excel spreadsheet ............................................ 305
Chapter 7: Confirmations...................................................................... 307
Specifying your Confirmation Settings ......................................................................... 308
EMS User’s Manual
To specify your confirmation settings......................................................................... 308
Generating a Single Confirmation at a Time ................................................................ 311
To manually generate a single confirmation at a time................................................ 311
To automatically generate a confirmation .................................................................. 314
Generating Word Merge Documents for Custom Documentation................................ 316
To generate Word Merge Documents........................................................................ 316
Chapter 8: Reports and Queries ...........................................................319
Generating an EMS Report .......................................................................................... 321
To generate a report .................................................................................................. 321
Working with Memorized Reports ................................................................................ 323
To create a memorized report “from scratch”............................................................. 323
To create a memorized report by copying.................................................................. 325
To edit or delete a memorized report ......................................................................... 326
Report Descriptions and Options ................................................................................. 328
Daily reports ............................................................................................................... 329
Sales reports .............................................................................................................. 334
Statistics reports......................................................................................................... 337
Other reports .............................................................................................................. 340
Exceptions reports ..................................................................................................... 342
Hoteling reports (EMS Workplace only) ..................................................................... 345
Working with a Query ................................................................................................... 348
To create a query ....................................................................................................... 348
Query Builder Filter tab ............................................................................................ 350
Display Fields tab..................................................................................................... 351
Filter tab ................................................................................................................... 353
Sort tab .................................................................................................................... 354
Chart tab .................................................................................................................. 355
EMS User’s Manual
Users tab ................................................................................................................. 356
To edit a query........................................................................................................... 357
To delete a query....................................................................................................... 357
To view and print a query .......................................................................................... 358
To run a query ........................................................................................................... 359
Chapter 9: Billing ................................................................................... 361
Overview of Billing in EMS........................................................................................... 363
Working with Invoices .................................................................................................. 364
To generate an invoice .............................................................................................. 364
To reprint an invoice .................................................................................................. 368
To specify invoices for reprinting ............................................................................. 368
To search for invoices to reprint .............................................................................. 370
To void an invoice...................................................................................................... 372
To specify invoices to void....................................................................................... 372
To search for invoices to void.................................................................................. 375
Searching for Transactions .......................................................................................... 378
To search for a transaction ........................................................................................ 379
To carry out a basic transaction search................................................................... 379
To carry out an advanced transaction search ......................................................... 381
To set up favorite fields for a Transaction search.................................................... 384
Working with Transactions........................................................................................... 385
To enter a deposit or damage deposit for a reservation ............................................ 385
To enter a payment or pre-payment .......................................................................... 387
To enter an adjustment for an invoice ....................................................................... 389
To enter a refund ....................................................................................................... 390
To void a transaction ................................................................................................. 391
To void a transaction from the Transactions tab ..................................................... 391
EMS User’s Manual
To void a transaction from the Payment Entries window ......................................... 392
Generating an EMS Billing Report ............................................................................... 394
To generate a report .................................................................................................. 394
Report Descriptions and Options ................................................................................. 396
Invoice reports............................................................................................................ 397
Reports....................................................................................................................... 397
Chapter 10: User Settings......................................................................401
Setting User Preferences and Default Values.............................................................. 403
To set user preferences and default values ............................................................... 403
Changing your Password ............................................................................................. 406
To change your password.......................................................................................... 406
Resetting Window Coordinates .................................................................................... 407
To reset window coordinates ..................................................................................... 407
Resetting Column Settings........................................................................................... 408
To reset column settings ............................................................................................ 408
Defining Your Views ..................................................................................................... 409
To define your views .................................................................................................. 409
Chapter 11: Other Reservation Functions ...........................................411
Recording Actual Attendance Numbers for Bookings .................................................. 413
To record actual attendance numbers for bookings................................................... 413
Sending Email from EMS ............................................................................................. 414
To send an email from within an EMS Browser window ............................................ 414
To send a confirmation or invoice .............................................................................. 415
To send a generic email............................................................................................. 417
Viewing a History of Sent Emails ................................................................................. 418
To view a history of sent emails ................................................................................. 418
Generating Multiple Confirmations ............................................................................... 420
EMS User’s Manual
To generate multiple confirmations............................................................................ 420
Managing Attendees and Visitors ................................................................................ 424
To manage registered attendees and visitors............................................................ 424
To check in/check out unregistered visitors for an event........................................... 427
To print visitor badges ............................................................................................... 430
To import a list of attendees and visitors to an event ................................................ 430
Chapter 12: EMS Workplace ................................................................. 435
Managing Groups’ Check In/Check Out Statuses ....................................................... 437
To manage groups’ check in/check out statuses....................................................... 437
To run the No Show Wizard....................................................................................... 441
Chapter 13: Academic Planning (EMS Campus)................................. 443
Overview of the Academic Scheduling Process .......................................................... 445
Academic scheduling specific terms used in EMS Campus ...................................... 445
Academic scheduling configuration process.............................................................. 447
Academic Planning phase ....................................................................................... 447
Post-Publishing phase............................................................................................. 447
Overview of Importing an Academic Term................................................................... 451
Synchronizing an Academic Term ............................................................................... 452
To synchronize an academic term............................................................................. 452
Synchronizing Courses ................................................................................................ 453
To synchronize courses............................................................................................. 453
Overview of Defining and Editing Courses .................................................................. 457
Enabling/Disabling a Term for Define & Edit Mode...................................................... 458
To enable/disable a term for Define & Edit mode ...................................................... 458
Reviewing and Editing Courses ................................................................................... 461
To review and edit courses........................................................................................ 461
To add a new course in EMS Campus .................................................................... 462
EMS User’s Manual
To add a new section for a course........................................................................... 464
To add a course date in EMS Campus .................................................................... 465
To edit a course in EMS Campus ............................................................................ 467
To edit a course date in EMS Campus .................................................................... 469
To cancel a course date in EMS Campus................................................................ 471
To cancel a course in EMS Campus........................................................................ 473
Working with Shared Space ......................................................................................... 475
To assign shared space to courses ........................................................................... 475
To change the parent designation for shared space/cross-listed spaces .................. 477
To reverse the shared space designation .................................................................. 479
To review shared space designations........................................................................ 480
Identifying New/Edited/Canceled Courses ................................................................... 482
To identify new/edited/canceled courses ................................................................... 482
Overview of Specifying Room Preferences.................................................................. 487
Enabling/Disabling a Term for Set Preferences Mode ................................................. 488
To enable/disable a term for Set Preferences mode.................................................. 488
Specifying Room Preferences/Requirements .............................................................. 491
To use the Manage Terms Copy Preferences tool .................................................... 493
To use the Academic Browser Set Course Preferences tool ..................................... 495
To use the Course Navigator to set preferences and requirements .......................... 498
Reviewing and Verifying Room Preferences................................................................ 501
To review and verify room preferences...................................................................... 501
Overview of Room Assignments and Optimization ...................................................... 505
About Creating Scenarios and Optimization ................................................................ 506
Scenario dialog box.................................................................................................... 507
Optimization logic....................................................................................................... 509
Creating Scenarios....................................................................................................... 513
To create a pre-assignment scenario......................................................................... 513
EMS User’s Manual
To create an optimization scenario............................................................................ 516
To resolve room assignments ................................................................................. 520
Assigning Rooms ......................................................................................................... 522
To assign rooms to courses....................................................................................... 522
To search for rooms to assign to a course ................................................................ 524
Evaluating Optimization Scenarios .............................................................................. 527
Overview of Publishing an Academic Term ................................................................. 531
Publishing a Term ........................................................................................................ 533
To publish a term ....................................................................................................... 533
Manually Updating Course Locations in the SIS.......................................................... 537
To manually update course locations in the SIS........................................................ 537
Unpublishing a Previously Published Term ................................................................. 539
To unpublish a term ................................................................................................... 539
Reviewing Reservations and Resolving Room Assignments ...................................... 543
To change the course rooms (locations) for one or more bookings .......................... 544
To swap rooms between courses .............................................................................. 545
Post-Publish Processing of Courses............................................................................ 546
To manually process courses post-publish................................................................ 546
To process a canceled course post-publish ............................................................ 548
To process a changed course post-publish............................................................. 548
To process a new course date post-publish ............................................................ 550
To process a new course post-publish .................................................................... 553
To process a Room Capacity Violation post-publish ............................................... 555
To automatically process courses post-publish ......................................................... 556
To process courses post-publish for enrollment ........................................................ 559
Setting a Final Exam Schedule.................................................................................... 562
To create a final exam schedule template ................................................................. 562
To manually create a final exam schedule template ............................................... 564
EMS User’s Manual
To import a term to create a final exam schedule template ..................................... 565
To import a file to create a final exam schedule template........................................ 566
To specify final exam settings for a specific course ................................................... 567
To specify final exam settings for multiple courses.................................................... 569
Publishing a Final Exam Session ................................................................................. 572
To create a final exam session .................................................................................. 572
To publish the final exam session .............................................................................. 574
Searching with the Academic Browser......................................................................... 579
To carry out a search in the Academic Browser ........................................................ 579
To carry out a basic search in the Academic Browser............................................. 580
To carry out an advanced search in the Academic Browser.................................... 582
To set up favorite fields for an Academic Browser search....................................... 585
Using the Academic Book ............................................................................................ 586
To change the date display ........................................................................................ 587
To change the view of courses by room .................................................................... 588
To change the view of courses by instructor.............................................................. 589
To set options for the Academic Book ....................................................................... 590
To open a course in the Course Navigator ................................................................ 592
To display the details for a room ................................................................................ 593
Using the Course Navigator ......................................................................................... 594
To access the Course Navigator................................................................................ 594
Course Navigator window layout................................................................................ 595
Available Actions in the Course Navigator ................................................................... 597
Using the Search for Rooms Tool ................................................................................ 598
To search for rooms using the Search for Rooms tool............................................... 598
Generating Academic Reports ..................................................................................... 601
To generate an academic report ................................................................................ 601
Course List............................................................................................................... 603
EMS User’s Manual
Course Changes...................................................................................................... 604
Course Preferences................................................................................................. 605
Preferences Summary............................................................................................. 605
Unmet Preferences.................................................................................................. 605
Instructor Back to Back............................................................................................ 606
Instructor Summary ................................................................................................. 606
Time Block Violations .............................................................................................. 607
Time Block Room Availability/Usage....................................................................... 607
Academic Class Meeting Utilization ........................................................................ 608
Classroom Utilization............................................................................................... 608
Hourly Classroom Utilization ................................................................................... 608
Over/Under Utilization ............................................................................................. 609
Prime Time Usage................................................................................................... 609
Academic Unit Statistics .......................................................................................... 610
Course Type Analysis.............................................................................................. 610
Final Exam Settings................................................................................................. 611
Final Exam Schedule............................................................................................... 611
Trend Report ........................................................................................................... 612
Index........................................................................................................ 613
EMS User’s Manual
Welcome to the EMS User’s Manual. The purpose of the EMS User’s Manual is to answer
your questions and guide you through the procedures necessary to use the EMS application
efficiently and effectively.
Using the manual
You will find the EMS User’s Manual easy to use. You can simply look up the topic that you
need in the table of contents or the index. Later, in this Preface, you will find a brief
discussion of each chapter to further assist you in locating the information that you need.
Special information about the manual
The EMS User’s Manual has a dual purpose design. It can be distributed electronically and
then printed on an as-needed basis, or it can be viewed online in its fully interactive capacity.
If you print the document, for best results, it is recommended that you print it on a duplex
printer; however, single-sided printing will also work. If you view the document online, a
standard set of bookmarks appears in a frame on the left side of the document window for
navigation through the document. For better viewing, decrease the size of the bookmark
frame and use the magnification box to increase the magnification of the document to your
viewing preference.
If you do print the document using a single-sided printer, you might see a single
blank page at the end of some chapters. This blank page has been added solely to
ensure that the next chapter begins on an odd-numbered page. This blank page in
no way indicates that your book is missing information.
Conventions used in the manual
The EMS User’s Manual uses the following conventions:
The tab, field, and menu labels that are described in this User’s manual are those used in
the standard implementation of EMS. Your EMS administrator might have customized
some of these labels to better suit your organization’s business needs. Therefore, the
labels that are referenced in this User’s manual might be different than what you observe
for your implementation.
The colors that are shown in this User’s manual for the windows and their components
(for example, a reservation in the Reservation Book or the colors for the booking statuses)
are those used in the standard implementation of EMS. Your EMS administrator might
have customized some of these colors to better suit your organization’s business needs.
EMS User’s Manual
Therefore, the colors that are shown in this User’s manual might be different than what
you observe for your implementation.
The fields (required and optional), categories, and dropdown list values that are described
in this User’s manual are those used in the standard implementation of EMS. Your EMS
administrator might have customized some of these values to better suit your
organization’s business needs. Therefore, the fields, categories, and values that are
referenced in this User’s manual might be different than what you observe for your
The EMS application provides multiple ways of accessing the same EMS functions and
although this manual does not address all these ways, you can use whatever method best
suits your working needs.
Information that can vary in a command—variable information—is indicated by
alphanumeric characters enclosed in angle brackets; for example, <Room Type>. Do not
type the angle brackets when you specify the variable information.
A new term, or term that must be emphasized for clarity of procedures, is italicized.
Page numbering is “online friendly.” Pages are numbered from 1 to x, starting with the
cover and ending on the last page of the index.
Although numbering begins on the cover page, this number is not visible on the
cover page or front matter pages. Page numbers are visible beginning with the
first page of the table of contents.
This manual is intended for both print and online viewing.
If information appears in blue, it is a hyperlink. Table of Contents and Index entries
are also hyperlinks. Click the hyperlink to advance to the referenced information.
EMS User’s Manual
Assumptions for the manual
The EMS User’s Manual assumes that:
You are familiar with windows-based applications and basic Windows functions and
navigational elements.
Organization of the manual
In addition to this Preface, the EMS User’s Manual contains the following chapters and
Chapter 1, “Getting Started with EMS,” on page 27 details the procedures for opening and
logging on to the EMS application as well as an overview of the major functional areas in
the application, including the title bar, the main window, the toolbar, and the main menu.
Chapter 2, “Reservations and Bookings,” on page 41 details the two essential EMS
components for meeting and event scheduling—reservations and bookings. It explains
the structure of a reservation in EMS, it explains the concept of an event timeline for a
reservation booking, and it describes the three ways to make a reservation in EMS.
Chapter 3, “The Navigator,” on page 77 details the Navigator, which is a window in EMS
that you use to view and manage all aspects of a reservation including bookings and
booking details. It also provides detailed procedures for using the Navigator to add one or
more bookings to a reservation, edit and copy reservations, edit and copy one or more
bookings, cancel one or more bookings, add comments to reservations and bookings, and
to manage booking details and items.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195 details the variety of options that are available to
you for searching for reservations and bookings in your EMS database, including the
Browser, the Calendar, the Navigator, Groups, and Web Requests.
Chapter 5, “EMS Dashboard,” on page 227 details the EMS Dashboard, which is a
window that centralizes critical information about reservations and web requests in a
single location. The information that is displayed on this window provides you with the
necessary input to manage your work in the EMS application.
Chapter 6, “Groups and Contacts,” on page 253 details the procedures for adding and
editing groups and contacts in your EMS database. It also details the procedures for
sending an email to a group or a contact, deleting a group or a contact, and printing and
exporting group and contact information.
Chapter 7, “Confirmations,” on page 307 details a confirmation, which is a document that
details the critical information for a reservation—the date, the time, the location, the
scheduled resources, and so on. The chapter describes how to specify the settings for
confirmations and how to generate a confirmation both manually and automatically. It
also describes the procedures for printing a confirmation and for emailing a confirmation.
EMS User’s Manual
Chapter 8, “Reports and Queries,” on page 319 details the reports that are available in
EMS, including daily reports, statistical reports, and exception reports.
Chapter 9, “Billing,” on page 361 details the functions that are available in EMS for
working with invoices and transactions for reservations and bookings and for reporting
on this information.
Chapter 10, “User Settings,” on page 401 details the preferences that are available to you
for customizing some of the basic functions of your EMS user account.
Chapter 11, “Other Reservation Functions,” on page 411 details several miscellaneous
standalone functions that are available in EMS to assist you in managing and maintaining
reservations and bookings in your system as well as managing your general work
Chapter 12, “EMS Workplace,” on page 435 details the EMS Workplace module, which
is a facility scheduling system for managing hoteling requirements, as well as the booking
of meeting/event space and resources.
Chapter 13, “Academic Planning (EMS Campus),” on page 443 details the EMS Campus
module, which is a a complete campus-wide space management package.
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
EMS is user-friendly room scheduling software that is designed to manage the meetings and
events that take place in your facility. Standard features, which you use to create, manage,
and report on events, include the following:
The Reservation Wizard room booking tool
A graphical reservation book
The Browser and month-at-a-glance Calendar Inquiry
Numerous daily, sales, and statistical reports
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Starting EMS” on page 29.
“The EMS Window” on page 31.
“An EMS Browser Window” on page 35.
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
Starting EMS
After EMS has been installed on your desktop, a shortcut icon for the application is placed
on your desktop. An option for the application is also available from your Start menu. You
can double-click the desktop icon to launch the EMS application, or you can select the option
from your Start menu.
To start EMS
The following procedure is written from the perspective of EMS Enterprise;
however, it is applicable for any EMS product (EMS Professional, EMS Campus,
and so on).
1. Do one of the following:
On your desktop, double-click the EMS icon
Open the Windows start menu, in the Search field, enter EMS and then select the
EMS Enterprise option.
Figure 1-1: EMS Login dialog box
2. In the User ID field, enter your User ID.
3. In the Password field, enter your password.
If you do not know your User ID or password, contact your EMS administrator.
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
4. Click OK.
The EMS Enterprise application opens. The main menu is open in the application.
Figure 1-2: EMS Enterprise main window with main menu
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
The EMS Window
The EMS main window is your starting point for the EMS application. The window provides
quick access to all the EMS functions (Reservations, Reports, Configuration, and so on) and
system tools. The EMS Main window has four major components:
The title bar. See “Title bar.”
The menu bar. See “Menu bar” on page 32.
The toolbar. See “Toolbar” on page 32.
The main menu. See “Main menu” on page 33.
Figure 1-3: EMS main window with main menu
The following section is written from the perspective of EMS Enterprise; however,
it is applicable for any EMS product (EMS Professional, EMS Campus, and so
Title bar
The name “EMS Enterprise” and the version number of the application appear in the title bar
across the top of the EMS Enterprise main window.
Figure 1-4: Title bar
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
Menu bar
The menu bar is set up in a standard Windows menu format with menu commands grouped
into menus (File, Settings, Reservations, and so on) across the menu bar. Some of these
menu commands are also available in the main menu.
Figure 1-5: Menu bar
The toolbar provides quick access to the most commonly used EMS functions. The toolbar
buttons that are always displayed by default are the buttons for Book, Calendar, Wizard,
Navigator, Browser, Web Reservations, Clients, Email, Dashboard, and Manage Services.
Other buttons for other functions are also displayed by default depending on the version of
EMS that you are running, for example, EMS Campus or EMS Workplace. Some of the
functions that are available on the toolbar are also available from the main menu. You can
customize the appearance of this toolbar to best suit your business needs.
Figure 1-6: Toolbar
To customize the toolbar
1. Right-click the toolbar and click Customize.
The Customize Toolbar dialog box opens.
Figure 1-7: Customize Toolbar dialog box
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
2. Do one or more of the following:
To display the toolbar icons as large icons, select Large Icons; otherwise, click Small
To hide an icon from the toolbar display, in the Show Buttons panel, select an icon,
or CTRL-click to select multiple icons, and then click the Hide button (<).
Conversely, to show an icon on the toolbar display, in the Hide Buttons panel, select
an icon, or CTRL-click to select multiple icons, and then click the Show button (>).
You can also move a toolbar icon between the Hide and Show panels by
double-clicking the icon. To move all icons from one panel to another in a single
step, you do not have to select any icons. Instead, click the appropriate Hide All
button (<<) or Show All button (>>).
To change the order (from left to right) in which the icons are displayed on the
toolbar, select the icon, and then click Move Up or Move Down as needed.
3. Click OK.
The Customize Toolbar dialog box closes. The toolbar display is updated to reflect the
changes that you made.
Main menu
Every time you open EMS, the main menu opens in the EMS main window. You can access
the primary EMS system functions—Reservations, Reports, Billing, Configuration, and
System Administration—from the main menu.
Figure 1-8: EMS main menu
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
The main menu is arranged in a Windows Explorer-style folder structure. The top-level
folders are the system functions of Reservations, Reports, Billing, Billing, Configuration,
and System Administration. The available tasks for each top-level folder are further
organized into subfolders. For example, to carry out a system administration task, you must
first open the top-level System Administration folder, and then open the correct subfolder to
view the list of available tasks.
Figure 1-9: Opening a System Administration subfolder
You can always close the main menu by clicking the Close button (x) in the upper right hand
corner of the menu. To open the main menu again, on the menu bar, click File > Show Main
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
An EMS Browser Window
Many EMS functional areas use a Browser window. For example, the Groups window, the
Query Builder window, and the Service Order Management window are all EMS Browser
windows. You use an EMS Browser window to search for data, add new data, and edit and/or
delete existing data. For example, in the Groups Browser window, you can search for groups
or contacts, add new groups or contacts, and edit or delete existing groups or contacts.
Regardless of the EMS functional area, all EMS Browser windows have the following
features in common:
A click and drag feature that you can use to group data by a specific column, rearrange
the order of the data columns, or change the width of a column. See “To group data by
columns in an EMS Browser window” on page 36, “To rearrange the columns in an EMS
Browser window” on page 36, and “To change the width of the columns in an EMS
Browser window” on page 37.
This feature is always indicated by the option to drag and group by a column
header at the top of an EMS Browser window. If a window/window pane does not
display this option, then the window/window pane is not an EMS Browser window.
A column context menu that has a multitude of options for sorting data, grouping data,
sizing columns and so on. See “To use the context menu for data columns in an EMS
Browser window” on page 37.
A filtering feature that you can use to find and work with a subset of data in the window.
See “To filter the data in an EMS Browser window” below.
A column sorting feature that you can use to sort data by a specific column. See “To
change the sort order of data in an EMS Browser window” on page 40.
The following examples are explained using the Groups window; however, the
instructions are applicable for any Browser window in EMS.
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
To group data by columns in an EMS Browser window
In any browser window, you can drag a column header to the indicated location and group
the data by the selected column. You can drag multiple column headers to the location. If you
sort data by multiple columns, then the first column is the parent column. All other columns
are placed as child columns, and the data is grouped accordingly in the browser window.
Figure 1-10: Grouping data by a column in an EMS Browser window
Data grouped by columns.
To rearrange the columns in an EMS Browser window
You can rearrange the column order by dragging a column to a new location using the
column heading.
Figure 1-11: Rearranging columns in an EMS Browser window
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
To change the width of the columns in an EMS Browser window
You can change the width of a column by resting the mouse pointer on the right side of a
column heading until the pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, and then dragging the
boundary until the column is the width that you want.
Figure 1-12: Changing the width of a column in an EMS Browser window
To use the context menu for data columns in an EMS Browser
Right-click in any column in a browser window to open a context menu that has a multitude
of options for sorting data, grouping data, sizing columns, and so on.
Figure 1-13: Context menu for a column in an EMS Browser window
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
To filter the data in an EMS Browser window
1. Open a browser window, for example, the Groups window.
2. Place your cursor in the data column by which you want to filter the data. For example,
to filter data based on the City for group records, place your cursor in the City column.
A Filter icon is displayed in the column.
Figure 1-14: Filter icon displayed in a data column
Filter icon
3. Click the Filter icon to open a list of filter options, and then select the appropriate option
for creating the filter.
Any filter that you create is always displayed in the bottom left corner of the
browser window.
Figure 1-15: Example of filtering options in a browser window
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
Opens the Custom AutoFilter dialog box in which you can construct a
custom data filter.
Filters data based on NULL (blank) data for a field. For example, if you
click on Blanks in the City column in the Groups window, then all group
records for which the City field has a NULL (blank) value are displayed
in the Groups window.
Non blanks
Filters data based on Not Null (not blank) data for a field. For example, if
you click Non blanks in the City column in the Groups window, then all
group records for which the City field does not have a NULL (blank)
value are displayed in the Groups window.
<Specific Data Value>
A Filter list also displays each unique value that has been entered for
the field. Select a value on this list to filter the data by the value. For
example, select “Denver” in the City column of the Groups window to
display only those group records that have “Denver” specified as the
group’s city.
4. Optionally, click Edit Filter in the lower right corner of the browser window to open the
Filter Editor dialog box and edit the current filter.
To add a new condition to a filter, click the Add/Insert icon.
To remove a condition from a filter, click the Delete icon at the end of the filter.
To apply a new filter, click Apply.
To close the Edit Filter dialog box and return to the browser window, click OK.
Figure 1-16: Edit Filter dialog box
Add/Insert icon
Delete icon
Chapter 1
Getting Started with EMS
To change the sort order of data in an EMS Browser window
When a browser window first opens, data are sorted in ascending order based on the data in
the first column of the window. For example, when the Groups window first opens, the group
records are displayed on the Results tab alphabetically by Group name. To change the sort
order of the data in a browser window:
1. Click once in any column header to display a Sort Order icon.
The Sort Order icon is an “Up” arrow indicating that the data is sorted in ascending
Figure 1-17: Sorting by columns on the Groups window, Ascending sort
Ascending sort
2. Click the Sort Order icon to sort the records in descending order by the data in the
Figure 1-18: Sorting by columns on the Groups window, Descending sort
Descending sort
3. Click the Sort Icon again to sort the records in ascending order.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
The two essential EMS components for meeting and event scheduling are reservations and
bookings. To use EMS efficiently and effectively, you must understand the structure of a
reservation in EMS, you must understand the concept of an event timeline for a reservation
booking, and you must know how to make a reservation.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Reservation Structure” on page 43.
“Event Timeline” on page 44.
“Making a Reservation Using the Reservation Wizard” on page 45.
“Viewing and Editing Reservations in the Reservation Book” on page 62.
You can also make a reservation for a group by finding the group in EMS and then
making a reservation for the group from the Groups window. In EMS Workplace,
you can make a group reservation from the Group Reservation window. See
“Working with Reservations for a Group” on page 295.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Reservation Structure
An event in EMS is comprised of the following:
A reservation
One or more bookings
Booking details
These three components exist in a hierarchy—a reservation contains one or more bookings
and each booking can have one or more details associated with it.
Reservation and bookings
A reservation is the who and the what of an event. For example, Group X (the who) can
reserve some space for an Event Y (the what). A booking is the where and the when of an
event. For example, Group X can schedule the conference room (the where) for a staff
meeting on the second Monday in January (the when). Group X now has a single reservation
with a single booking in EMS. If, however, Group X schedules the conference room (the
where) for a staff meeting on the second Monday of each month for a calendar year (the
when), then Group X now has a single reservation with twelve bookings in EMS.
Booking details
A booking can have one or more booking details associated with it. Booking details are the
resources or services that are needed for an event, the notes for the event, the activities for
the event, the room charges for the event, or any combination of these. For example, for
Group X’s staff meeting, the resources could include the requested catering (coffee service,
bagels and muffins, and so on) and the A/V equipment (a projector, a speaker’s podium, and
so on).
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Event Timeline
The following time designators are used for an event in EMS:
Event Time: The time period during which the event actually takes place.
Setup/Teardown Hours: The hours, or fractions of hours, that you add to the event time
to allow staff to prepare a room for the event or to clean up after the event.
Reserved Time: The total time for which the space (the where) is reserved. This time is
the event time plus the setup/teardown time.
For example:
Reserved Start Time
8:00 am
Setup Hours
1 hour
Event Start Time
9:00 am
Event End Time
4:00 pm
Teardown Hours
1.5 hours
Reserved End Time
5:30 pm
Reserved Time
9.5 hours
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Making a Reservation Using the Reservation
You use the Reservation Wizard to check for available space for an event and to make a
reservation for the event. You can search for rooms that are available for a particular time on
one day (a simple reservation with one booking) or on multiple days (a series reservation
with multiple bookings). You can also create a series reservation by selecting one date and
time, but multiple rooms. To make a reservation using the wizard, you must:
Specify the event date and time information. See “To specify the event date” on page 46.
Specify the event time and status. See “To specify the event time and status” on page 49.
Select the event location. See “To select the event location” on page 50.
Specify the event information. See “To specify the event information” on page 57.
The following procedure describes how to make a reservation by selecting values
for the required and optional fields.
• If your EMS administrator has configured reservation wizard templates, then a
Reservation Wizard Template dropdown list is displayed at the top of the
Reservation Wizard. You can facilitate the making of a reservation in the
Reservation Wizard by selecting the appropriate template from the list, which
automatically sets the default values for many of the fields in the Reservation
• If your job entails making multiple reservations that require the same
information, and you are not using reservation wizard templates, then you can
set your own default values for many of the fields in the Reservation Wizard. See
“Setting User Preferences and Default Values” on page 403.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
To specify the event date
1. On the toolbar, click the Wizard icon
The Reservation Wizard opens.
All required fields in the wizard are marked with a red dot. Your EMS
administrator configures the required fields.
Figure 2-1: Reservation Wizard
2. If needed, use the scroll features on the top of the Calendar to open the calendar for a
different month (< or >) or for a different year (<< or >>).
You can also click a month at the top of the calendar to open a dropdown list from
which you can select a different month and you can also click a year at the top of
the calendar to open a dropdown list from which you can select a different year.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
3. If the event dates do not follow a pattern, use one or more of the following options for
entering a date; otherwise, go to Step 4.
Click on the dates on the calendar that the event is to take place.
To select all five days in a work week, click in the blank space that is to the left of
the week.
To select all seven days in a week, double-click in the blank space that is to the left
of the week.
Figure 2-2: Example of selecting the days of the week
Click here to select all
five weekdays for the
week of 3/11/2012.
Double-click here to
select all seven
weekdays for the
week of 3/11/2012.
To select every occurrence of a specific day of the week for the displayed month (for
example, all Tuesdays in November, 2012), click the heading (S, M, T, and so on)
for the day.
To select every occurrence of a specific day of the week that is currently displayed
onscreen (regardless if the day falls within the same month), double-click the
heading (S, M, T, and so on) for the day.
If you need to clear a single selected date, click the date again. To clear multiple
selected dates in a single step, click Clear Month to clear all currently selected
dates for the currently displayed month or click Clear All to clear all currently
selected dates regardless of month or year.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
4. If the event dates do follow a pattern, (for example, the third Friday of every month),
click Date Pattern to open the Date Pattern dialog box and enter your event date
Figure 2-3: Date Pattern dialog box
As you specify the event dates, the following occurs:
The Selected Dates tab is automatically updated with the selected dates.
If your EMS administrator has configured any of the dates that you selected as a
holiday or as closed, then messages open indicating this.
Dates that are closed are displayed in red on the Calendar tab and are linked to
information about the closure. Dates that are holidays are displayed in green on the
Calendar tab and are linked to information about the holiday.
For any date, after you select the date on the Calendar tab, you can:
Toggle between the Calendar tab and the Selected Date tab. Open the Selected Dates
tab, select the date, and then click Go To Date.
Remove the date from the list of selected dates. Open the Selected Dates tab, select
the date, or CTRL-click to select multiple dates, and then click Remove.
When you make a reservation for multiple dates, the process is easier if you first
remove all holidays or closed dates from the list of selected dates; however, be
very careful when selecting dates for removal as you are not prompted to confirm
your selection before you click Remove.
For dates that are configured as a holiday or as closed, you can click the link on the
Calendar tab to open a dialog box that displays information about the date.
Figure 2-4: Viewing information about a holiday or closed date from the Calendar tab
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
In addition, for dates that are configured as holidays, after you select the date on the
Calendar tab, you can:
View information about the date from the Selected Dates tab. Open the Selected
Dates tab, scroll to and select the date, and then click Holidays.
5. Continue to “To specify the event time and status” below.
To specify the event time and status
1. Do one of the following to specify the start time and end time for the event:
Select a time from the dropdown list for each field.
Manually enter the time in each field.
When you manually enter the time, you can use a shortcut. For example, for 9:00
am, you need to enter only “9a” and for 2:00 pm, you need to enter only “2p,”
and so on. If you enter an end time that is earlier than the start time, then the
system assumes that the end time is the next day and the phrase “Next Day” is
displayed to the right of the End time field.
2. Do one of the following to specify the Setup and Teardown times.
To use the default setup and teardown times that your EMS administrator has
assigned to the rooms in your system, leave Use Default selected.
To override the default setup/teardown times, clear Use Default, select Minutes or
Hours, and then enter your own setup and teardown times.
Remember, setup and teardown times are the hours, or fractions of hours, that you
add to the event time to allow staff to prepare a room for the event or to clean up
after the event. For example, for a 30 minute setup time, you can enter 30 minutes
or 0.5 hours.
3. Select the status for the event.
Depending on the status that you select, for example, Tentative or Hold, you might
be required to enter a reconfirm date. You can monitor reservations that must be
reconfirmed on the Reconfirm Dates tab on the EMS Dashboard. See Chapter 5,
“EMS Dashboard,” on page 227.
Time zone is discussed in “To select the event location” on page 50.
4. Continue to “To select the event location” on page 50.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
To select the event location
You have three options for selecting the event location, which are indicated on the first
window of the Reservation Wizard:
Search Method
Use this option to display a list of all the available rooms that meet all the
requested dates. See “To search for a standard room” below.
Note: Standard search is required for Video Conference room assignments.
Best Fit
Use this option if no one room can meet all the requested dates. The system
lists the available rooms along with the number of bookings for which you can
reserve each room. You can piece together the entire reservation using Best Fit,
or just part of it. See “To search for a best fit room” on page 53.
Specific Room
Use this option to confirm the availability and reserve of one specific room for
the scheduled event. See “To search for a specific room” on page 55.
By default, EMS looks for an available room or rooms in only the first 50 rooms
that it finds in the pre-configured Rooms list. To search more than 50 rooms,
before you begin any search, click Options > Max. Number of Rooms to Search,
and then select a different number of rooms to search.
To search for a standard room
By default, when you search for a standard room, rooms that are available all day
are marked with an asterisk (*). To set or clear this option, click Options >
Standard Search > Show Available All Day Indicator.
1. Select Standard.
2. Leave Building set to the default value of (all), or select a specific building, area, or view
in which to search for a standard room.
3. If applicable, select the appropriate time zone for the event.
Your selection on the Building dropdown list determines the options that are
available on the Time Zone dropdown list. If you select (all) buildings, then you
can select a time zone. If you select a specific building, then by default, a time zone
is selected for the building, and you cannot select a different value.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
4. Do one or more or all of the following for room specifications:
Type is the class or category of the room, for example a meeting room, a workspace,
and so on. Leave Type set to the default of (all) to search for all pre-configured room
types or select a specific room type from the Type dropdown list.
Floor is optional information when you are searching for a room. Leave Floor set to
the default value of (all) to search for all pre-configured floors or select the floor
from the Floor dropdown list.
Setup Type is the physical layout or arrangement of a room, for example, rounds of 6
or theater-style. Leave Setup Type set to the default value of (all) to search for all
pre-configured setup types or select the setup type from the Setup Type dropdown
Setup count is the anticipated attendance for the event. If you selected a specific
setup type, then you must enter the setup count.
The selected setup type and setup count are applied to all the bookings that you
add to this reservation. If any of the bookings require a different setup type or
count, you can change this information after you complete the reservation. See
“To edit a booking in the Navigator” on page 110 or “Editing Multiple Bookings
in the Navigator” on page 112.
5. Optionally, open the Features tab, and then select the feature, or CTRL-click to select the
multiple features that the room must have.
6. Click Next.
Up to two tabs are displayed:
The Available tab, which is the active tab and is always displayed, lists all the rooms
that meet all your event criteria.
If you have elected to show the Available All Day Indicator, the rooms that are
available all day are marked with an asterisk (*).
By default, the available rooms are sorted alphabetically by room code. If your
EMS administrator has configured the rooms for your EMS implementation
with a book sequence, then under Options, select Sort Rooms by Book Sequence
to sort the rooms from lowest to highest book sequence. (If two rooms have the
same sequence, then the rooms are sorted alphabetically by name within the
The Conflicts tab is displayed only if there are rooms that are not available for the
requested dates/times. Optionally, you can open the Conflicts tab to view the list of
rooms that were not available for scheduling as well as list of the events that are
scheduled for each room.
See Figure 2-5 on page 52.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Figure 2-5: Example of standard room search results
7. Select the room, or CTRL-click to select the multiple rooms that you are scheduling for
the event.
If the reservation is for a video conferencing meeting, then you must select a
minimum of two rooms. You must designate one of these rooms as the Host
Location on the Video Conference tab on the last page of the Reservation Wizard.
8. Optionally, do one or both of the following; otherwise, go to Step 9.
Click Room Info to open the Room Info dialog box and view information about any
bookings for the room, the room properties, its pricing, and/or to view an image of
the room.
Click Building Hours to open the Building Hours dialog box which displays the
hours that the selected room/building is open on the reserved date.
9. Click the Move button (>) to move the rooms to the Selected list.
If you select more than one room, all the selected rooms are booked for all the
event dates.
10. Click Next to continue to “To specify the event information” on page 57.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
To search for a best fit room
1. Select Best Fit.
2. Leave Building set to the default value of (all), or select a specific building, area, or view
in which to search for a standard room.
3. If applicable, select the appropriate time zone for the event.
Your selection on the Building dropdown list determines the options that are
available on the Time Zone dropdown list. If you select (all) buildings, then you
can select a time zone. If you select a specific building, then by default, a time zone
is selected for the building, and you cannot select a different value.
4. Do one or more or all of the following for room specifications:
Type is the class or category of the room, for example a meeting room, a workspace,
and so on. Leave Type set to the default of (all) to search for all pre-configured room
types or select a specific room type from the Type dropdown list.
Floor is optional information when you are searching for a room. Leave Floor set to
the default value of (all) to search for all pre-configured floors or select the floor
from the Floor dropdown list.
Setup Type is the physical layout or arrangement of a room, for example, rounds of 6
or theater-style. Leave Setup Type set to the default value of (all) to search for all
pre-configured setup types or select the setup type from the Setup Type dropdown
Setup count is the anticipated attendance for the event. If you selected a specific
setup type, then you must enter the setup count.
The selected setup type and setup count are applied to all the bookings that you
add to this reservation. If any of the bookings require a different setup type or
count, you can change this information after you complete the reservation. See
“To edit a booking in the Navigator” on page 110 or “Editing Multiple Bookings
in the Navigator” on page 112.
5. Optionally, open the Features tab, and then select the feature, or CTRL-click to select the
multiple features that the room must have.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
6. Click Next.
Up to two tabs are displayed:
The Available tab, which is the active tab and is always displayed, has two lists. The
list in the left pane is a list of all the rooms that meet some or all of your event
criteria. The list in the right pane is a list of all the event dates that must be fulfilled.
By default, the available rooms are sorted alphabetically by room code. If your
EMS administrator has configured the rooms for your EMS implementation with a
book sequence, then under Options, select Sort Rooms by Book Sequence to sort
the rooms from lowest to highest book sequence. (If two rooms have the same
sequence, then the rooms are sorted alphabetically by name within the sequence.)
The Conflicts tab is displayed only if there are rooms that are not available for the
requested dates. Optionally, you can open the Conflicts tab to view the list of rooms
that were not available for scheduling for the event as well as list of the events that
are scheduled for each room.
Figure 2-6: Example of best fit room search results
7. Optionally, do one or both of the following; otherwise, go to Step 8.
Select a room on the Available tab, and then click Room Info to open the Room Info
dialog box and view information about any bookings for the room, the room
properties, its pricing, and/or to view an image of the room.
Select a room on the Available tab, and then click Building Hours to open the
Building Hours dialog box which displays the hours that the selected room/building
is open on the reserved date.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
8. Do one of the following:
If one is available, select the single room that is available for all the requested dates,
and then click the Move button (>) to move the room to the Event Dates list.
If a single room is not available, select a room that is available for some of your
requested dates, and then click the Move button (>) to move the room to the Event
Dates list. Repeat this step as needed to fulfill all the event dates.
9. Click Next to continue to “To specify the event information” on page 57.
To search for a specific room
You can use the specific room search to book a standard EMS room or a room or area that is
not managed in EMS. An override room, or “override description,” is used to book an event
in a space that has not been configured in your EMS system. For example, your EMS
administrator might have configured an override room named “Other Area” in the
Engineering building. To book an event in Dr. Wilson's office, which is a room that is not
defined in EMS, in the Engineering building, you can select the “Other Area” room and
specify “Dr. Wilson's Office” for the location. EMS does not track availability for events
booked in override rooms; however, EMS reports on events that are scheduled in an override
room just like any other event scheduled for any other room.
1. Select Specific Room.
The Room Selector dialog box opens.
Figure 2-7: Room Selector dialog box
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
2. Do one of the following:
To select a room from a list of all rooms in all available buildings, select (all) on the
Building dropdown list, select a room, and then click OK. If the room is configured
as an override room, go to Step 3; otherwise, go to Step 4.
To select a room from a list of rooms in a specific building, area, or view, select the
building, area, or view on the Building dropdown list, select the room, and then click
OK. If the room is configured as an override room, go to Step 3; otherwise, go to
Step 4.
3. In the Location field, enter the location of the override room, and then click Next to
continue to “To specify the event information” on page 57.
4. Click Next.
Two results are possible:
If the event is scheduled for a single date and the room is available, then continue to
“To specify the event information” on page 57.
In all other cases, (for example, the event is scheduled for a single date but the room
is not available or it is a multiple date event), the Available tab opens. This tab lists
all the event dates for which the specific room is available. Continue to Step 5.
You can open the Conflicts tab to view the list of dates for which the specific room
is not available as well as list of the events that are scheduled for the room.
5. Optionally, before you move a date to the Selected list, do one or both of the following;
otherwise, go to Step 6.
Click Room Info to open the Room Info dialog box and view information about any
bookings for the room, the room properties, its pricing, and/or to view an image of
the room.
Click Building Hours to open the Building Hours dialog box which displays the
hours that the selected room/building is open on the reserved date.
6. Do one of the following:
If the specific room is available for all the event dates, then click the Move All
button (>>) to schedule the room for all the event dates.
If the specific room is not available, try another approach such as reserving a
different specific room, or using the Standard or Best Fit search method.
7. Click Next to continue to continue to “To specify the event information” on page 57.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
To specify the event information
After you select an event location or locations, you must specify other information for the
event. You must enter information in the required fields.
Figure 2-8: Event Information window
8. Enter the event information.
Event Name
A name or description for the event.
Event Type
The classification for the event.
VIP Event
Select this option to mark the event as a Very Important event.
The reservation source.
Video Conference
Select this option for a video conference event.
Dropdown list of all groups that are available in your system for hosting/
sponsoring an event.
Note: If the pre-configured list of groups is too extensive to scroll, then click
the Search icon
to open the Groups window and search for a
specific group. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page
255. If the group that you want to select for the reservation is not
available on the pre-configured list, then you can add the group. See
“To configure groups” on page 257.
Note: Optionally, after you select a group for the event, you can click Group
Info to open a dialog box that provides information (Properties, User
Defined Fields, and Comments) about the group.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
1st Contact
Temp Contact
When you select a group, if a default contact has been defined for the group,
then this field is automatically populated with the name of the contact;
otherwise, the field is blank. You have several options for defining the 1st
Contact for a reservation:
• If the field is blank, but contacts have been configured for the group, you
can select a contact from the pre-configured list.
• If the field is populated with a default value, but other contacts have been
configured for the group, you can select a different contact from the
pre-configured list.
• If the field is blank, and no contacts have been configured for the group, or
the contact that you want to select for the group is not available on the
pre-configured list, you can click the Contact icon
to open the Contact
dialog box and create a permanent contact for the group. See “To configure
contacts” on page 278.
• If you want to create a temporary contact just for this event, then select
(temporary contact), and in the Temp Contact field, enter the name for the
temporary contact.
Note: If a default contact has been configured for the group, then any
modifications that you make for the contact apply to this reservation
only. The next time you or anyone else creates a reservation for this
group, the 1st Contact field is again automatically populated with the
name of the default contact.
Email Address
One more of these fields might be automatically populated depending on how
a selected contact has been configured. You can manually edit these values if
Note: The Phone and Fax fields have a dropdown list available on which you
can select a different value (Fax, Mobile, Other, or Phone) for the field
label, or you can enter a user-defined value. To enter a user-defined
value, double-click the current field label to select it, and then enter the
user-defined value over the selected label.
Note: If default values have been configured for a selected contact, then any
modifications that you make apply to this reservation only. The next
time you or anyone else creates a reservation for the same contact,
these fields are again automatically populated with the default
2nd Contact
Define if necessary for the event.
Temp Contact
Room Setup tab
Setup Type
If you selected a specific value for the setup type when searching for an event
location, this value is carried forward to this field; otherwise, the field is set to
(default). You can edit this value.
Setup Count
If you selected a specific value for the setup type when searching for an event
location, this value is carried forward to this field; otherwise, the field is blank.
You can enter a value in this field.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Billing tab
Note: Depending on the group that you select, one or more of these fields on this tab might be
automatically populated with default values. You can edit these default values but any
modifications that you make apply to this reservation only. The next time you or anyone else
creates a reservation for the same group, these fields are again automatically populated with
the default billing information.
Pricing Plan
Indicates what type of pricing is to be used for the event.
Billing Reference
The internal alphanumeric billing code that is associated with the group. You
can manually enter a value in this field, or if a master list of billing reference
numbers has been configured for the group, you can click the Search icon
to open a Billing Reference Numbers dialog box, and select the
appropriate value from this list.
Note: To search for a specific billing reference number, enter a search string
in the Find field, and then click Display. Your search is limited to the
exact order of the characters in the string, but the string is not
case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For
example, if you enter co as the search string, the search results can
include CO-123, and 123-CO.
Sales Category
How the group is sorted for purposes of tracking sales figures, for example,
local, regional, national, and so on.
Payment Type
Indicates how the group paid for the event (cash, check, charged, and so on).
PO Number
The internal alphanumeric purchase order number that is associated with the
group. You can manually enter a value in this field, or if a master list of PO
numbers has been configured for the group, you can click the Search icon
to open a PO Number dialog box, and select the appropriate value from
this list.
Note: To search for a specific billing reference number, enter a search string
in the Find field, and then click Display. Your search is limited to the
exact order of the characters in the string, but the string is not
case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For
example, if you enter co as the search string, the search results can
include CO-123, and 123-CO.
The user who “sold” the event to the group.
Other tab
Event Coordinator
The Event Coordinator who is assigned to the event.
Estimated Event
The estimated number of people who are expected to attend the event.
Calendar Style
Dropdown list of all the available formats for printing this event on the Event
Calendar and Event Schedule reports.
The event URL.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Virtual tab
Web User
To specify the web users who can view/manage this reservation in VEMS,
click the Search icon
to open the Web Users dialog box and search from
a list of registered web users.
• You can search by User Name or Email Address.
• To search a list of all available web users, leave the Search field in the Web
Users dialog box blank, and then click Display.
• To search for a specific web user, enter a search string in the Search field,
and then click Display.
Note: The string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact
order of characters in the string and it must begin with the information
for which you are searching. For example, if searching by Email
Address, a search string of bob returns bob.worth@dea.com but not
• To return this field to the (no change) value at any time, click Reset.
Web Process
The web process template that defines the functions that are available for the
selected web user.
Note: A web user might be assigned to more than one web process
template, so make sure to select the template that is applicable for this
User Defined Fields tab
User-defined fields are additional fields that store custom data for a
reservation. Your EMS administrator configures the types of fields that are
available as well as the allowed values for these fields.
• To enter or edit a value for a field, select the field, and then click Set Value.
• To clear a value for a field, select the field, and then click Clear Value.
Note: If a user-defined field is not required here, you can always supply a
value for it at a later date in the Navigator. See “Working with User
Defined Fields in the Navigator” on page 181.
Video Conference tab
Displayed only if you selected the Video Conference option on this window.
N/A for a Best Fit room or Specific Room meeting assignment. You identify the
host endpoint for the video conference on this tab.
Note: Not available in EMS Professional.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
9. Click Finish.
The Navigator window opens. The reservation information appears in the window. You
use this window to add booking details and to make any needed modifications to the
reservation and its bookings. See Chapter 3, “The Navigator,” on page 77.
A reservation is not complete and rooms are not removed from the Available list
until you click Finish. Although unlikely, it is possible for another user to select
and reserve a room during the time period after you have selected the room but
before you have finalized the reservation. If this occurs, after you click Finish, a
message opens stating that your reservation conflicts with an existing reservation.
Depending on how your EMS administrator has configured your system, user
defined questions (UDFs), comments, and/or reminders might be automatically
displayed for the reservation in the Navigator. Contact your EMS administrator if
you have any questions about this.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Viewing and Editing Reservations in the
Reservation Book
The Reservation Book provides a graphical view of all the confirmed reservations (the
reserved time as well as the room for which the reservation is scheduled) for your
organization. (Cancelled bookings are not shown.) You use the Reservation Book to the view
information for a reservation, to edit an existing reservation, and to make a new reservation.
In addition, before you edit or make a reservation, you can change the Reservation Book
display so that it better suits your working needs.
Reservation Book
To open the Reservation Book, on the EMS toolbar, click the Book icon
. The first time
that you open the Reservation Book for your EMS implementation, by default, the Room
Filter dialog box opens on top of a blank Reservation Book. You can leave the room filtering
criteria set to their default values, or you can select different values as needed, and then click
OK. All reservations that meet the filtering criteria and that are scheduled for the current
day’s date are displayed in the book in the Daily view.
You might need to use the book’s scroll features to scroll through all the
reservations that are scheduled for the current day’s date.
The Reservation Book has the following appearance:
Minimum and maximum capacities are displayed next to room descriptions.
The current time is shown by a vertical line in the grid, called the Current Time Indicator.
If building hours have been configured for a building, then this information is displayed
for the building.
The reservations are displayed with three components:
A left bar that indicates the setup time.
A middle bar that indicates, by default, the event name.
A right bar that indicates the teardown time.
See Figure 2-9 on page 63.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Figure 2-9: Reservation Book, Daily view (default display)
No. of rooms in
the building
Min. and max. capacities
for indicated room
Reservation setup
Current Time Indicator
Reservation middle
bar w/ event name
teardown time
If an event is scheduled for a room that is a component of a combination room, then the
reservation text is displayed in black. A duplicate reservation is also shown for the
combination room; however, the reservation text is displayed in gray to indicate that a
component of the combination room is currently booked for the indicated time and therefore,
the combination room is not available.
Figure 2-10: Components booked and combination room unavailable
Conversely, if an event is scheduled for a combination room, then the reservation text for the
combination room is displayed in black and the reservation text for each component is
displayed in gray. This reversed color coding indicates that the component room is currently
booked for the selected time and that none of the components is available.
Figure 2-11: Combination room booked and components unavailable
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
You can carry out the following actions in the Reservation Book:
Change the Reservation Book display. See “To change the Reservation Book display”
View reservation information. See “To view reservation information” on page 70.
Make a new reservation. See “To make a new reservation” on page 74.
Edit an existing reservation. See “To edit an existing reservation” on page 74.
To change the Reservation Book display
1. On the toolbar, click the Book icon
The Reservation Book opens in the Daily view. See Figure 2-9 on page 63.
2. Optionally, you can do one or more of the following to change the Reservation Book
Change the list of rooms that are displayed in the Reservation Book based on room
properties. See “List of Rooms (Room Properties)” on page 65.
Change the list of rooms that are displayed in the Reservation Book based on a
specific room or rooms. See “List of Rooms (Specific Rooms)” on page 66.
Change the Reservation Book view. See “Reservation Book view” on page 66.
Change multiple display options for a reservation. See “Display Options” on page
Select which items to include in the tooltip that opens when you place the cursor over
an event in the Reservation Book. See “Tooltips” on page 69.
Change the display date using the calendar. See “Display Date (Calendar)” on page
Change the display date using the Reservation Book scroll features. See “Display
Date (Scroll Features)” on page 70.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
List of Rooms (Room Properties)
If the Filter Rooms dialog box is not already open, then above the Rooms list, do the
1. Click Filter.
The Filter Rooms dialog box opens. The room filtering criteria is set to the following
default values—Filter Type is Room Properties, Room Type is None, and Room
Availability is All Rooms.
Figure 2-12: Filter Rooms dialog box, Room Properties selected
2. Select Room Properties, and then do one or more of the following
Leave the Building dropdown list set to the default value of (all) buildings, or select
a specific building, area, or view.
Select a specific floor.
Select a specific room type.
Select Capacity and then enter a capacity.
Select Academic to limit the search to academic rooms. (This option is available
only if you have an EMS Campus.)
The Academic option is available only in EMS Campus.
Select a Room Availability option.
3. Click OK.
The Filter Rooms dialog box closes. The room display in the Reservation Book is
changed accordingly.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
After you carry out a search, you can click Reset at the top of the Rooms list to
reset all room filtering criteria (Filter Type, Room Type, and Room Availability) to
their default values,
List of Rooms (Specific Rooms)
If the Filter Rooms dialog box is not already open, then above the Rooms list, click Filter to
open the dialog box and select Specific Room. Select the room, or CTRL-click to select
multiple rooms on the Available list, and then click the Move (>) button to move the selected
rooms to the Selected list. The Reservation Book is updated to show bookings only for the
selected rooms.
Figure 2-13: Filter Rooms dialog box, Specific Room selected
Reservation Book view
On the View dropdown list, select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
Figure 2-14: View dropdown list
Although you can view currently scheduled reservations in either the daily, weekly,
or monthly view, you can make a new reservation only in the daily view.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Display Options
Click Options (upper right hand corner of Reservation Book) to open the Book Options
dialog box (the General tab is the active tab) and change multiple display options not only
for the Reservation Book, but also a reservation in the book.
Figure 2-15: Book Options dialog box
Start Hour
The daily start time for the Reservation Book display.
Automatically Refresh
The time interval at which the Reservation Book display is automatically
The information that is displayed in the middle bar for a reservation.
Time Display Interval
Changes the granularity of the time display interval.
Maximum No. of Rooms
The maximum number of rooms to display in the Reservation Book.
Booking Colors Based
The color of the bookings in the reservation. Select one: Status, Event
Type, or Check-in Status (for EMS Workplace only.)
Rooms Without
Whether to highlight rooms without bookings and if so, the highlight
color. If both Highlight Rooms and Booked Space Status Only are
selected, then only those rooms that do not have a Booked Space
status are highlighted.
Room Display
Display the room code or the room name for a reservation.
Building Display
Display the building code or the building name for a reservation.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Go To Today on Startup
If selected, the Reservation Book opens to the current day’s date;
otherwise, it opens to the last date viewed.
Always Prompt for
Room Filter on Startup
If Show ‘(all)’ in Building List is also selected, then when you open the
Reservation Book, the Room Filter dialog box opens on top of the
Reservation Book. You can select different options on this dialog box to
display only specific reservations in the book, for example, bookings
only for selected rooms. If you do not select any options on this dialog
box, but instead simply close it, then all reservations for all rooms in all
buildings are displayed in the book.
Hide Current Time
Show or hide the vertical bar that indicates the current time for current
Note: The Current Time indicator is displayed only if the view is the
Daily or Weekly view and the view includes the current day’s
Show ‘(all)’ in Building
Show the “all” option on the Building dropdown list; otherwise, a user
must select a specific building. If this option is selected in conjunction
with Always Prompt for Room Filter on Startup, then when you open the
Reservation Book, then the Room Filter dialog box always opens on top
of the Reservation Book. If you are setting your Reservation Book
options, and you do not want to the Room Filter dialog box to open on
top of the Reservation Book when you open the book, then do the
• Clear Always Prompt for Room Filter on Startup.
• Clear Show (‘all’) in Building List.
• On the Building dropdown list in the Reservation Book, select any
building, area, or view.
Note: The building, area, or view that you select is not important. This
last step just clears the “all” building option from the Reservation
Book cache and ensures that the Room Filter dialog box does
not open on top of the Reservation Book. Going forward, you can
always select all buildings, or any specific building, area, or view
as needed when you are working in the Reservation Book.
Show Capacity
Show the minimum and maximum capacities next to the room
Hide Booking Shadow
Hide the vertical shadow bar that highlights the reserved and/or event
start times and end times when a user moves a booking in the
Reservation Book.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Click Options (upper right hand corner of Reservation Book) to open the Book Options
dialog box, and then open the Tooltip Display tab and select which items to include in the
tooltip that opens when you rest the mouse pointer on an event in the Reservation Book.
Figure 2-16: Book Options dialog box, Tooltip Display tab
Display Date (Calendar)
On the Date field, click the dropdown arrow to open the Calendar. Use the scroll features (<
and >) at the top of the calendar to change the month or year. To select a different date for a
month, click the date.
Figure 2-17: Reservation Book calendar
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Display Date (Scroll Features)
Use the scroll features at the top of the reservation book display to scroll to a different day,
week, month, year, or any different combination of these.
Figure 2-18: Reservation Book calendar scroll features
To view reservation information
1. On the toolbar, click the Book icon
The Reservation Book opens in the Daily view. See Figure 2-9 on page 63.
Optionally, when the Reservation Book first opens, before you view, edit or make a
reservation, you can change the Reservation Book view so that it better suits your
working needs. See “To change the Reservation Book display” on page 64.
2. Optionally, you can do one or more of the following to view the reservation information:
View the reservation in the Navigator by doing one of the following:
Double-click the middle bar for the reservation entry.
Right-click the reservation entry and on the context menu that opens, click
See Chapter 3, “The Navigator,” on page 77.
View the bookings for a room. See “Room Bookings” on page 71.
View the properties for a room. See “Room Properties” on page 71.
View the pricing for a booked room. See “Room Pricing” on page 72.
View any images of the room. See “Room Images” on page 72.
View the user defined fields (UDFs) that are associated with the room. See “Room
UDFs” on page 73.
View the setup information, event information, or teardown information for a
reservation. See “Room Information” on page 73.
Change the time zone in which to view all your bookings. See “Time Zone” on page
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Room Bookings
Click the room name or code in the Rooms list to open the Bookings tab for the Room Info
dialog box. The tab on this dialog box lists all the bookings for the selected room based on
the current view (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) and on the date that is shown in the Date field. To
view a booking in the Navigator, select the booking, and then click Open.
Figure 2-19: Room Info dialog box, Bookings tab
Room Properties
Click the room name or code in the Rooms list to open the Bookings tab for the Room Info
dialog box, and then open the Room tab. The tab on this dialog box lists all the properties for
the room, such as the room code, the room name, the room classification, and so on. It also
lists the setup type and capacity for the room, and any notes that have been entered for the
Figure 2-20: Room Info dialog box, Room tab
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Room Pricing
Click the room name or code in the Rooms list to open the Bookings tab for the Room Info
dialog box, and then open the Pricing tab. This tab displays any pricing information that was
defined for the room.
Figure 2-21: Room Info dialog box, Pricing tab
Room Images
Click the room name or code in the Rooms list to open the Bookings tab for the Room Info
dialog box, and then open the Images tab. This tab displays any uploaded images of the
Figure 2-22: Room Info dialog box, Images tab
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Room UDFs
Click the room name or code in the Rooms list to open the Bookings tab for the Room Info
dialog box, and then open the User Defined Fields tab. This tab displays any UDFs that have
been associated with the room.
Figure 2-23: Room Info dialog box, User Defined Fields tab
Room Information
Rest the mouse pointer on the left bar, middle bar, or right bar for the reservation entry. A
tooltip showing the respective setup, event, or teardown information opens.
Figure 2-24: Viewing setup information
Time Zone
If buildings that are located in multiple time zones are currently displayed, you can specify
the time zone in which to view all of your bookings.
Figure 2-25: Changing the time zone
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
To make a new reservation
1. On the toolbar, click the Book icon
The Reservation Book opens in the Daily view. See Figure 2-9 on page 63.
2. Change the display to show the room for which you are making the reservation.
3. Select the date for which you are making the reservation.
You must leave the Date view in the Daily display.
4. In the Time Grid next to the room, click and hold the left mouse button, drag the mouse
to schedule the room and time, and then release the mouse button to open the
Reservation Wizard.
As you drag the mouse, the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow and a blue
horizontal bar is displayed.
Figure 2-26: Making a new reservation in the Reservation Book
5. Continue to “Making a Reservation Using the Reservation Wizard” on page 45.
To edit an existing reservation
1. On the toolbar, click the Book icon
The Reservation Book opens in the Daily view. See Figure 2-9 on page 63.
Optionally, when the Reservation Book first opens, before you view, edit or make a
reservation, you can change the Reservation Book view so that it better suits your
working needs. See “To change the Reservation Book display” on page 64.
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
2. Optionally, you can do one or more of the following to edit an existing reservation:
Change the setup time for a
• Drag the left bar horizontally to a new time.
Change the event time
• Drag the middle bar horizontally to a new time.
• Click Yes in the Confirm Change dialog box.
• Click Yes in the Confirm Change dialog box.
Change the teardown time for a
• Drag the right bar horizontally to a new time.
Edit the reservation building, room,
time, or both
• Drag and drop the reservation to a new room that is the
same building or in a different building, and/or to a new
• Click Yes in the Confirm Change dialog box.
• Click Yes in the Confirm Change dialog box.
3. Optionally, you can right-click on a reservation in the Reservation Book, and on the
context menu that opens, select one of the following:
Opens a reservation in the EMS Navigator.
Add to Personal Calendar
Adds the reservation to your personal calendar.
Move Forward
Move the reservation date forward by one day or one week.
Move Backward
Move the reservation date backward by one day or one week.
Move to Specific Date
Move the reservation to a specific date.
Change Status
Change the status of the reservation.
Copy Bookings
Opens the Copy Bookings wizard. See “Copying Multiple
Bookings in the Navigator” on page 129.
Swap Rooms With Another
Booking (EMS)
Swap the room assignments of two events. The swap option
is applicable only for two events that have identical meeting
To swap rooms:
• Right-click on one of the two reservations that you are
swapping, and on the context menu that opens, click Swap
• Click on the other of the two reservations that you are
• Click Yes in the Confirm Change dialog box.
Note: If the rooms that you are swapping have been
configured with a default setup type, and the setup
count is not within the capacity of one or both rooms,
a message opens indicating this, but you are not
prevented from swapping rooms.
Swap Rooms With Another
Booking (EMS Campus)
Swaps only the two bookings selected for the indicated day.
(Just like Swap Rooms With Another Booking in EMS.)
Chapter 2
Reservations and Bookings
Swap Rooms With Another Course
(EMS Campus)
If the meeting patterns of two courses are identical, then the
swap is allowed and all bookings between the two courses for
the entire term are swapped.
Highlight Related Bookings
Highlights the bookings that belong to the same reservation.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
The Navigator is a window in EMS that you use to view and manage all aspects of a
reservation including bookings and booking details.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Navigator Overview” on page 79.
“Adding Bookings to a Reservation in the Navigator” on page 97.
“Editing a Reservation in the Navigator” on page 98.
“Repricing Categories and Room Charges for a Reservation” on page 100.
“Changing the Status for a Reservation from the Reservation Summary tab” on page 102.
“Copying a Reservation in the Navigator” on page 106.
“Editing a Booking in the Navigator” on page 109.
“Editing Multiple Bookings in the Navigator” on page 112.
“Moving Bookings to a Different Reservation” on page 127.
“Copying Multiple Bookings in the Navigator” on page 129.
“Booking Details and Items Overview” on page 133.
“Adding Booking Details and Items to Individual Bookings” on page 138.
“Adding Booking Details and Items to Multiple Bookings” on page 148.
“Adding Booking Detail Items to Multiple Bookings” on page 155.
“Editing Booking Detail Items for Individual Bookings” on page 157.
“Editing Booking Detail Item Charges for Multiple Items” on page 161.
“Editing Count Information for a Booking” on page 163.
“Applying a Reservation Discount” on page 165.
“Copying Booking Details Between Bookings” on page 167.
“Deleting Booking Detail Items from Multiple Bookings” on page 170.
“Deleting Booking Details from Multiple Bookings” on page 173.
“Working with Comments and Reminders in the Navigator” on page 175.
“Adding Multiple Comments and Reminders to a Reservation” on page 179.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
“Working with User Defined Fields in the Navigator” on page 181.
“Working with Attachments in the Navigator” on page 184.
“Working with Drawings in the Navigator” on page 188.
“Running the Resource Utility Conflicts Tool” on page 192.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Navigator Overview
This section provides an overview of opening a reservation in the Navigator, the Navigator’s
layout and folder structure, and the commands that are available in the Navigator.
Opening a reservation in the Navigator
After you create a new reservation using the Reservation Wizard, the reservation opens
automatically in the Navigator. You can also manually open the Navigator by:
Selecting a reservation, booking, or service order to open directly in the Navigator. See
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” below.
Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book. See “Opening a reservation through
the Reservation Book” on page 80.
Opening a reservation through a group. See “Opening a reservation through a group” on
page 80.
Opening a reservation through a search. See “Opening a reservation through a search” on
page 80.
Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator
1. On the toolbar, click the Navigator icon
to open the Open Navigator dialog box.
Figure 3-1: Open Navigator dialog box
2. On the Open dropdown list, select the item that you are opening—reservation, booking,
or service order.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
3. Do one of the following:
In the No. field, enter the number for the reservation, service order, or booking, and
then click OK.
To enter the last reservation, booking, or service order that you made during your
current or last EMS session, double-click in the field, and then click OK.
If you do not know the reservation number, you can search for the reservation. On
the Open Navigator dialog box, click Browse to open the Browser, and then
continue to “Searching with the Browser or with the Web Reservation Tool” on
page 197.
Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book
On the toolbar, click the Book icon
to open the Reservation Book, and then in the
Reservation Book, double-click a booking for the reservation to open the reservation in the
Navigator. See “Viewing and Editing Reservations in the Reservation Book” on page 62.
Opening a reservation through a group
You can search for a reservation for a group and open the reservation in the Navigator from
the group-specific window. See “Working with Reservations for a Group” on page 295.
Opening a reservation through a search
You can search for a reservation using the Browser, the Web Reservation Tool, and/or the
Calendar, and then double-clicking the search result entry to open the reservation in the
Navigator. See Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
You can also click Browse on the Open Navigator dialog box to open the Browser
search tool.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Layout and folder structure
The Navigator has three panes—a left pane, a top right pane, and a bottom left pane. The left
pane displays a selected reservation, all the bookings for the reservation, and the details for
each booking in a Windows Explorer-style folder structure. The top-level folder is the
reservation folder. The folders that are located beneath a reservation folder are the booking
folders. The folders that are located beneath a booking folder are the booking detail folders.
The top right pane of the Navigator displays different tabs and options depending on the
folder or item that is selected in the left pane of the Navigator. The bottom right pane of the
Navigator functions just like a browser window (see “Getting Started with EMS” on page
27), and it also displays different information and options depending on the folder or item
that is selected in the left pane.
Figure 3-2: Navigator window with a reservation folder selected
Reservation folder
A reservation folder contains the who and the what information for the reservation. When
you select a reservation folder in the left pane of the Navigator, the reservation number is
displayed in the title bar of the Navigator, and the following tabs are displayed in the upper
right pane of the Navigator:
Reservation Summary tab—The Reservation Summary displays information about the
selected reservation, including the event name, the group for which the reservation was
made, the group contact name, the group contact phone number, and the reservation
Properties tab—The Properties tab displays not only the same information as the
Reservation Summary tab, but also information such as the event type, the second group
contact, the date that the reservation was added, the date that the reservation was changed,
and so on.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Billing Reference Allocation tab—By default, the charge for a reservation is allocated to
a single billing reference number. On the Billing Reference Allocation tab, you can
allocate the charge for a reservation to multiple billing reference numbers by percentage.
See “To allocate charges to multiple billing reference numbers and/or PO numbers” on
page 83.
Your EMS administrator must enable the Use Billing Reference Allocation
parameter for this tab to be displayed. See EMS System Parameters in the EMS
Setup Guide.
PO Number Allocation tab—By default, the charge for a reservation is allocated to a
single purchase order (PO) number. On the PO Number Allocation tab, you can allocate
the charge for a reservation to multiple billing PO numbers by percentage. See “To
allocate charges to multiple billing reference numbers and/or PO numbers” on page 83.
Your EMS administrator must enable the Use PO Number Allocation parameter
for this tab to be displayed. See EMS System Parameters in the EMS Setup Guide.
Reminders tab—The Reminders tab displays any reminders that were created for the
selected reservation. See “Working with Comments and Reminders in the Navigator” on
page 175.
Comments—The Comments tab displays any text entries that were made for the selected
reservation. See “Working with Comments and Reminders in the Navigator” on page 175.
Attachments tab—The Attachments tab displays any attachments (files) that have been
saved with the reservation. See “Working with Attachments in the Navigator” on page
User Defined Fields—The User Defined Fields tab displays the additional fields that store
custom data for a reservation. Your EMS administrator configures the types of fields that
are available as well as the allowed values for these fields. See “Working with User
Defined Fields in the Navigator” on page 181.
Transactions—The Transactions tab displays any invoices that were generated for the
selected reservation or any payments that were applied to the selected reservation. See
Chapter 9, “Billing,” on page 361 for detailed information about invoices and other
financial transactions in EMS.
History tab—The History tab displays the history for the reservation—the date that a
change was made to the reservation, the ID of the user who made the change, the field that
was changed, the old field value, and the new field value.
Emails tab—The Emails tab displays any summarizing information for any emails that
were sent via SMTP to the group for whom the reservation was made. See “Sending
Email from EMS” on page 414.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Also, when you select a reservation folder:
All the tabs in the upper pane of the window have some of the basic features of an EMS
browser window. You can change the width of the data columns, you can sort the data
columns on a tab in either ascending or descending sort order, and you can rearrange the
column order by dragging a column to a new location using the column heading. See “An
EMS Browser Window” on page 35.
The bookings for the selected reservation are displayed in the Bookings pane (the lower
right pane) of the Navigator. The colored rectangle to the left of a booking indicates the
booking’s status. If a booking has been canceled, a Canceled icon
is displayed on the
booking folder in both the Reservation (left) pane and the Bookings pane.
You can right-click in the upper pane and open a context menu with options for emailing
the group for which the reservation was made, or the first contact for the group.
To allocate charges to multiple billing reference numbers and/or PO numbers
The following procedure details how to allocate a reservation charge to multiple
billing reference numbers; however, by analogy, you can follow this procedure to
allocate booking charges or booking detail charges to multiple billing reference
numbers and/or PO numbers.
1. For a selected reservation, open the Billing Reference Allocation tab, and then click
The Billing Reference Allocation dialog box opens. By default, when this dialog box
first opens, it displays the charge for the reservation allocated 100% to a single billing
reference number placeholder.
Figure 3-3: Billing Reference Allocation dialog box
Chapter 3
The Navigator
2. Select the billing reference number placeholder, and then click Edit.
The Split Billing Add dialog box opens.
Figure 3-4: Split Billing Add dialog box
3. Do one of the following:
Enter the billing reference number to which you are allocating the reservation
charges, and then click OK.
The Split Billing Add dialog box closes. You return to the Billing Reference
Allocation dialog box with the newly added billing reference number allocated at
100%. Continue to Step 5.
Click the Search icon
of the following:
to open a Billing References dialog box, and then do one
Select a billing reference number from the list, click Select, and then click OK.
In the Find field, enter a search string, and then click Display to display a list of
all billing reference numbers that meet your search criteria. Select the
appropriate billing reference number from the search results, click Select, and
then click OK.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
string is not case-sensitive, and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For
example, a search string of 445 returns both 123.445.678 and 445.678.123.
The Billing References dialog box closes. You return to the Split Billing Add dialog
box with the selected billing reference number displayed in the dialog box. Continue
to Step 4.
4. Click OK.
The Split Billing Add dialog box closes. You return to the Billing Reference Allocation
dialog box with the selected billing reference number allocated at 100%.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
5. Do one of the following:
To allocate the reservation charges to only this single billing reference number, click
The Billing Reference Allocation dialog box closes and you return to the Navigator.
The newly added billing reference number, allocated at 100%, is displayed on the
Billing Reference Allocation tab.
To allocate the reservation charges to multiple billing reference numbers, continue to
Step 6.
6. Click New.
The Split Billing Add dialog box opens.
Figure 3-5: Split Billing Add dialog box
7. Do one of the following:
In the Billing Reference field, enter a billing reference number., and then click OK.
Click the Search icon
of the following:
to open a Billing References dialog box, and then do one
Select a billing reference number from the list, click Select, and then click OK.
In the Find field, enter a search string, and then click Display to display a list of
all billing reference numbers that meet your search criteria. Select the
appropriate billing reference number from the search results, click Select, and
then click OK.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
string is not case-sensitive, and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For
example, a search string of 445 returns both 123.445.678 and 445.678.123.
The Split Billing Add dialog box closes. You return to the Billing Reference Allocation
dialog box with each of the newly added billing reference numbers displayed with a 0%
8. Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 until you have added all the needed billing reference numbers.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
9. For each new billing reference number, double-click in the Percent field to select the
percent, and then change the percent to the appropriate value.
The percentages must add up to 100%.
10. Click OK to close the Billing Reference Allocation dialog box and return to the Billing
Reference Allocation tab.
All the billing reference numbers and their percent allocations are displayed on the tab.
Booking folder
Booking folders contain the where and when information for the reservation. If you can
expand a booking folder, this indicates that details have been added to the booking. The
booking details for the selected booking are displayed in the Booking Details pane (the lower
right pane) of the Navigator. A green background for a booking detail folder indicates that
one or more booking detail items have been invoiced for the booking.
Figure 3-6: Navigator window with a booking folder selected
When you select a booking folder in the left pane of the Navigator, the booking number is
displayed in the title bar of the Navigator, and the following tabs are displayed in the upper
right pane of the Navigator:
Booking Summary tab—The Booking Summary displays information about the selected
booking, including the event date, the reserved time, the event time, and so on. If you use
Outlook as your email program, you can do the following from this tab:
To add the selected booking to your personal calendar, click Outlook > Add to
Personal Calendar.
To send invitations for the meeting to one or more contacts in your Outlook Address
Book, click Outlook > Send Invitation.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Properties tab—The Properties tab displays not only the same information as the Booking
Summary tab, but also information such as the event type, the setup count, the date that
the booking was added, the date that the booking was changed, and so on.
Billing Reference Allocation tab—By default, the charge for a booking is allocated to a
single billing reference number. On the Billing Reference Allocation tab, you can allocate
the charge for a booking to multiple billing reference numbers by percentage. See “To
allocate charges to multiple billing reference numbers and/or PO numbers” on page 83.
Your EMS administrator must enable the Use Billing Reference Allocation
parameter for this tab to be displayed. See EMS System Parameters in the EMS
Setup Guide.
PO Number Allocation tab—By default, the charge for a booking is located to a single
purchase order (PO) number. On the PO Number Allocation tab, you can allocate the
charge for a reservation to multiple billing PO numbers by percentage. See “To allocate
charges to multiple billing reference numbers and/or PO numbers” on page 83.
Your EMS administrator must enable the Use PO Number Allocation parameter
for this tab to be displayed. See EMS System Parameters in the EMS Setup Guide.
Reminders tab—The Reminders tab displays any reminders that were created for the
selected booking. See “Working with Comments and Reminders in the Navigator” on
page 175.
Attachments—The Attachments tab displays any attachments that were saved with the
booking. See “Working with Attachments in the Navigator” on page 184.
Comments—The Comments tab displays any comments that were made for the selected
booking. See “Working with Comments and Reminders in the Navigator” on page 175.
Drawings—The Drawings tab displays a list of files that were attached to the selected
booking. See “Working with Drawings in the Navigator” on page 188.
History—The History tab displays a list of changes made for the selected booking—the
date the change was made to the booking, the user who made the change to the booking,
and information (field) that was changed for the booking.
Also, when you select a booking folder, all the tabs in the upper pane of the window have
some of the same basic features of an EMS browser window. You can change the width of
the data columns, you can sort the data columns on a tab in either ascending or descending
sort order, and you can rearrange the column order by dragging a column to a new location
using the column heading. See “To group data by columns in an EMS Browser window” on
page 36 and “” on page 39.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Booking detail folder
If you can expand a booking folder, this indicates that details have been added to the
booking. Booking details, which are also called categories, are the services (catering, A/V
equipment, and so on), notes, attendees, activities, and room charges that you can add to a
Figure 3-7: Navigator window with a booking detail folder selected
Booking detail folders and booking detail items are discussed in “Booking Details
and Items Overview” on page 133.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Navigator commands
The Navigator has two constant commands in the upper left hand corner—Open Reservation
and View Alerts and three constant commands in the upper right hand corner—Print,
Refresh, and Settings.
Open Reservation
Allows you to open and work with multiple reservations in the same
Navigator session. See “Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator”
on page 79.
View Alerts
Open and view any alerts that have been generated for the selected
reservation, booking, or a booking detail that is a service order or
catering category.
• Printing an invoice or a confirmation at the reservation level. See
Chapter 7, “Confirmations,” on page 307.
• Printing the Setup Worksheet for Reservation report, the Service
Orders report, and the Banquet Event Order report. See Chapter 8,
“Reports and Queries,” on page 319.
• Printing the Transaction report. See “Generating an EMS Billing
Report” on page 394.
• Printing the history of a reservation, all its bookings, and all its
booking detail items.
For refreshing the Navigator display based on the settings that you have
specified in the Navigator Options dialog box. See “Navigator Options
dialog box” on page 90.
• Options—Opens the Navigator Options dialog box in which you can
specify such things as what is to be displayed in the Navigator,
mouse actions in the Navigator, and so on. See “Navigator Options
dialog box” on page 90.
• Confirmation Settings—Opens the Confirmation Settings dialog box
which provides a variety of options that you can specify for manual
and automatic generation of a confirmation for a reservation or a
booking. See Chapter 7, “Confirmations,” on page 307.
All other navigator commands are available as buttons in the upper right pane and lower
right pane of the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Navigator Options dialog box
The Navigator Options dialog box has three tabs—General, At A Glance, and Highlight
General tab
General tab—On the General tab, you select the options for such things as which types of
bookings to show in the Navigator (old bookings and/or canceled bookings), the result of
double-clicking a listed folder (opens the item or expands the folder), the booking time that
is displayed (reserved time or event time), and the highlight color for invoiced items.
Figure 3-8: Navigator Options dialog box, General tab
Show Old Bookings
Show bookings in the Navigator that occurred before the current
day’s date.
Show Cancelled Bookings
Selected, show bookings in the Navigator with a canceled status.
Show Wizards in Tools menu
Show all on the Tools menu in the Bookings pane. If cleared,
show only the “Wizards” option, which you must click to open a
form from which you can select a tool.
Show Deleted Items
Show all deleted items (bookings, deleted resource items, and so
on) for a reservation in the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Hide Empty Tabs
Hide the tabs that do not have any data displayed on them for a
selected reservation, booking, or booking detail.
Double-Clicking a Listed Folder
Opens the item
Opens the item for editing.
Expands folder
Opens the next level of folders.
Wizard Results
Always Show
Show a confirmation of all changes, regardless if they were
successful, on a Wizard Results page.
Show Unchanged Only
Show only those changes that were not successful on a Wizard
Results page.
Always prompt
When you click Confirmation, opens a Confirmation filter which
you can use to change the default filter options for a confirmation
before generating it.
Print Preview
When you click Confirmation, opens an onscreen preview of the
When you click Confirmation, opens an email of the confirmation.
When you click Confirmation, prints an immediate confirmation.
Booking Display Time
Reserved Time
Show the total time for which the space is reserved. This time is
the event time plus the setup/teardown times.
Event Time
Show only the event time for which the space is reserved.
Invoiced Items
Highlight Color
The color with which invoiced items are highlighted in the
Navigator window.
Service Orders
Show Pricing
Show pricing on a service order.
Show Item Notes
Show item notes on a service order.
Show Item Special Instructions
Show special instructions for items on a service order.
Highlight Changes Made Within
Highlight any changes that have been made to a service order
within the specified number of days.
Footer Message
Show reconfigured blocks of text that appear in footer of a
service order (for example, a Cancellation policy).
Booking Edit
Auto Adjust Reserved Time
When Event Time is Changed
If the reservation includes setup and/or teardown times, then
automatically adjust the total time for the reservation (the event
time plus the setup/teardown time) when the event time is
Chapter 3
The Navigator
At A Glance tab
On the At A Glance tab, you specify whether reminders, comments, attachments, and so on
are to be displayed in the left pane of the Navigator when a reservation folder, booking
folder, booking detail folder, and/or booking detail item is opened.
Figure 3-9: Navigator Options dialog box, At A Glance tab
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Highlight Categories
On the Highlight Categories tab, you indicate whether a checkmark is to be displayed on all
booking detail item folders for the selected booking detail. The default is to Highlight All,
which means every booking detail item folder for every booking detail is denoted with a
Figure 3-10: Navigator Options dialog box, Highlight Categories tab
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Other Navigator commands
All other Navigator commands are available as buttons in the upper right pane and lower
right pane of the Navigator. The buttons that are available are dynamically updated based not
only on the folder or item that is currently selected in the left pane of the Navigator, but also
on the tab that is open in the upper right pane of the Navigator.
Figure 3-11: Buttons available in the Navigator window with a reservation folder selected
Figure 3-12: Buttons available in the Navigator window with a booking folder selected
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-13: Buttons available in the Navigator window with a booking detail folder selected
Many of these same commands are also available on a context menu, which is a menu that
opens when you right-click on a folder or item in the Navigator. All the context menus that
are available in the Navigator offer a limited set of choices based on the folder or item that is
selected in the Navigator. See Figure 3-14 below and Figure 3-15 on page 96.
Figure 3-14: Comparing context menus
Reservation context menu
Booking context menu
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-15: Comparing context menus
Booking Detail context menu
Booking Detail Item context menu
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Adding Bookings to a Reservation in the
You can use the Navigator to add one or more bookings to an existing reservation.
To add bookings to a reservation
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation to which you are adding the
bookings, and then in the Bookings pane, click New.
The Reservation Wizard opens. See “Making a Reservation Using the Reservation
Wizard” on page 45.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Editing a Reservation in the Navigator
When you edit a reservation in the Navigator, you are working with the who and the what
information for the event—the event name, the group name, and so on. When you edit a
reservation, you can edit the reservation information (event name, event coordinator, and so
on), and you can edit the billing information (pricing plan, payment type, and so on).
When you edit a reservation, if you select a different pricing plan, then the pricing
plan is applied at the reservation level only. Categories and room charges are not
automatically repriced. To reprice your categories or room charges based on a
new pricing plan, you must use the Update Pricing Plan wizard. See “Repricing
Categories and Room Charges for a Reservation” on page 100.
To edit a reservation in the Navigator
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In left pane the Navigator, select the reservation that you are editing, and then on the
Reservation Summary tab or on the Properties tab, click Edit.
The Reservation window opens. The Reservation tab is the active tab.
Figure 3-16: Reservation window, Reservation tab
Chapter 3
The Navigator
3. Do one or both of the following:
On the Reservation tab, edit any and all the reservation information as needed.
Open the Billing tab, and then edit any and all the billing information as needed.
Figure 3-17: Reservation window, Billing tab
If you select a different pricing plan, then the pricing plan is applied at the
reservation level only. Categories and room charges are not automatically
repriced. To reprice your categories or room charges based on a new pricing plan,
you must use the Update Pricing Plan Wizard. See “Repricing Categories and
Room Charges for a Reservation” on page 100.
4. Click OK.
The Reservation window closes and you return to the Navigator, which now shows the
updated information for the reservation.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Repricing Categories and Room Charges for a
When you edit a reservation, if you select a different pricing plan, then the pricing plan is
applied at the reservation level only. Categories and room charges are not automatically
repriced. To reprice your categories or room charges based on a new pricing plan, then you
must use the Update Pricing Plan Wizard.
To reprice categories and room charges for a reservation
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation that you are repricing, and then on the
Reservation Summary tab, click Update Pricing.
The Update Pricing Plan Wizard opens. The current pricing plan for the reservation is
displayed in the Pricing Plan field. The window displays all the categories, including
room charges, that can be repriced in one or more of the reservation bookings.
Figure 3-18: Update Pricing Plan Wizard
Chapter 3
The Navigator
3. Select the category, or CTRL-click to select the multiple categories that you are repricing
for the reservation.
4. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window lists all the bookings with one or
more of the selected categories that can be repriced.
Figure 3-19: Update Pricing Plan Wizard, Select Bookings window
You can reprice a room charge for a booking only if the room charge has not been
invoiced. To reprice a room charge that has been invoiced, you must first void the
invoice. See “To void an invoice” on page 372.
5. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings for which you are
repricing the categories and/or room charges, or click Select All to select all the
displayed bookings in a single step, and then click Finish.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
6. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Changing the Status for a Reservation from the
Reservation Summary tab
Even though the Change Booking Status Wizard is available for changing the status of
multiple bookings in a reservation, most reservationists who approve reservations that are
submitted from VEMS do so by using the Change Status function that is available on the
Reservation Summary tab in the Navigator. This is because unlike the Change Booking
Status Wizard, when you use the Change Status function in the Navigator to change the
status of a reservation, an option is available for automatically generating and sending a
confirmation to the group for whom the reservation was made.
Your EMS administrator must grant you the appropriate security access to change
the status of a booking, which includes canceling a booking. If you want to change
the status of a booking using the Change Booking Status Wizard, see “Editing
Multiple Bookings in the Navigator” on page 112.
An email can be automatically generated and sent only if Email is selected for the
Confirmation setting on the General tab of the Navigator Options dialog box, and
if the group for which the reservation was made has an email address in its record.
See “Navigator Options dialog box” on page 90 and “Searching for and
Configuring Groups” on page 255.
To change the status for a reservation
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In left pane the Navigator, select the reservation that you are editing, and then on the
Reservation Summary tab, click Change Status.
The Change Booking Status window opens. See Figure 3-20 on page 103.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-20: Change Booking Status window
3. On the Status dropdown list, select the new status for the bookings.
If you select any type of Canceled status, then three additional fields—Reason,
Who Cancelled and Notes—are displayed on the Change Booking Status window.
You must enter data in all three of these fields before you can continue in the
4. Enter a Reconfirm Date if it is required for the new status that you selected.
5. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
Leave Update Reservation Status selected to have the reservation-level status
changed as well.
Select Send Confirmation If Successful to have an email automatically generated
and sent to the group for whom the reservation was made.
The confirmation is generated based on the system confirmation settings that you
have specified. See “Specifying your Confirmation Settings” on page 308.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
6. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window displays all the bookings for the
selected reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date and that do
not have invoiced items. By default, all the bookings are selected.
Figure 3-21: Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
7. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings for which you are
changing the status, and then click Finish.
The Change Booking Status Results window opens. This window lists all the bookings
for the reservation, whether the status was successfully changed or not.
Figure 3-22: Change Booking Status Results window
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Optionally, to view only the bookings for the selected reservation that were NOT
successfully changed, select Show Unchanged Only. To view the details for a
specific booking that was changed, select the booking, and then click Go To.
8. Click Close to close the Change Status Results window and return to the Navigator.
If you reserve a resource and then edit the date, time, location, or status of a
booking, and there is a resource inventory conflict, a Resource Inventory Conflicts
report opens onscreen. If you close this report, you can manually run a Resource
Inventory Conflict check. In the Bookings folder of the Navigator, select Tools >
Resource Inventory Conflict.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Copying a Reservation in the Navigator
An easy way for you to make a new reservation in the Navigator is to copy an existing
reservation and then make any necessary changes to the reservation. When you copy an
existing reservation, you must provide a new start date and a new status; however, you can
copy the existing reservation reminders, comments, user-defined fields, and drawings as is,
and you can copy one or more or all the existing booking details.
To copy a reservation in the Navigator
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation that you are copying, and then in
the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Copy Reservation Wizard.
The Copy Reservation Wizard opens.
Figure 3-23: Copy Reservation Wizard
Chapter 3
The Navigator
3. Enter the information for the new reservation.
New Start Date
The date of the first booking for the new reservation.
New Status
The status for the new reservation.
Reconfirm Date
You must enter a date if it is required for the new status that you selected.
Conflict Status
You must enter a conflict status in the event that the new bookings are in
conflict with any existing bookings.
Reconfirm Date
You must enter a date if it is required for the new conflict status that you
• Copy Reminders
Leave the appropriate options selected to copy the existing items as is, or
clear the option for each item that is not to be copied to the new
• Copy Comments
• Copy User
Defined Fields
• Copy Attachments
• Copy Drawings
Copy Booking Details
Select the booking details that are being copied (CTRL-click to select
multiple details) or to select all the details for copying, click Select All.
Note: By default, only active booking details are displayed. To show
inactive booking details for copying, click Show Inactive.
Copy Inactive
Selected by default. Copies the inactive resource and/or rooms from the
existing reservation to the new reservation. Clear this option if you do not
want to copy the inactive resources and rooms.
4. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window displays all the bookings for the
reservation that you are copying.
Figure 3-24: Copy Reservation Wizard, Select Bookings window
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
5. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings that you are recreating
in the new reservation, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a single
step, and then click Finish.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
The start date that you specified becomes the date of the first booking for the new
reservation. In addition, the copied bookings are scheduled according to the same
pattern as the existing reservation. For example, if the existing reservation has
three bookings and each booking was scheduled every seven days (12/14, 12/21,
and 12/28), and the start date for the new reservation is 12/15, then the new
reservation has three bookings with dates of 12/15, 12/22, and 12/29.
When you copy multiple bookings, the bookings are simply copied and pasted as
is—the bookings are not moved to a different location. If you need to move a
booking to a different location, see “To edit the rooms for bookings” on page 118.
6. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
Both the existing reservation and the new reservation are now displayed in the left pane
of the Navigator. The new reservation is assigned a number based on the next available
reservation number in the database. If any of the new bookings are in conflict with
existing bookings, this conflict is indicated in the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Editing a Booking in the Navigator
When you edit a booking in the Navigator, you are working with the when and where
information for the event—the event time, the event location, and so on. To edit a booking,
you must have the appropriate security access. For example, you cannot move a booking to a
room if your EMS administrator has not granted you access to the room. Likewise, you
cannot change the status for a booking from Tentative to Confirmed if your EMS
administrator has not granted you access to the Confirmed status.
Under certain circumstances, bookings or booking details in EMS can become locked.
Locked items are displayed in EMS, but you cannot edit or cancel the items. This locking
can affect the basic booking information (date, time, room, and so on) or the details for the
booking (catering, equipment, and so on). Locks are typically independent of one another.
Just because one item is locked does not mean other items in the reservation are locked.
Bookings can be locked in the following situations:
Insufficient security—To edit a booking, you must have access to the room and status and
as well as the correct security processes assigned to your user account.
Contact your EMS administrator for assistance.
Old bookings—A booked event is locked a certain number of days after it has taken place.
Your EMS administrator sets the value for this system parameter. Old bookings are
locked to prevent you and other users from changing the facts for a past event, which
could cause discrepancies between documents printed for the event and the information
in EMS. When a booking is locked because it is old, all of its details are also locked. You
cannot edit or delete existing details, and you cannot add new details.
Invoiced bookings—When you create an invoice for a booking, you can bill for the entire
booking (the room fee plus all the fees for all the booking details) or for only certain items
that you choose (for example, the room fee and the equipment fees, but not the catering
fees). In either case, if a booking has one or more invoiced items, the booking is locked.
This means that you cannot edit or delete the booking, which includes changing the
booking status, and editing and deleting invoiced resources. You can, however, still add
more details to the bookings. For rooms, this means you cannot edit the room charge. You
also cannot move bookings that are invoiced to a new or existing reservation. You can,
however, still copy these bookings to a new or existing reservation.
To edit billable information for a booking, see “Editing Booking Detail Item
Charges for Multiple Items” on page 161.
Remember, you can also edit certain booking information in the Reservation Book.
See “To edit an existing reservation” on page 74.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To edit a booking in the Navigator
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In left pane of the Navigator, expand the folder structure for the reservation until the
appropriate booking folder is visible.
3. Select the booking that you are editing, and then on the Booking Summary tab or on the
Properties tab, click Edit.
The Booking window opens. A message is displayed at the top of the window that
indicates the hours for the building that contains the selected room. If the booking has
any type of booking detail assigned to it, then “This Booking has Service Orders” is
displayed at the top of the window.
Figure 3-25: Booking window
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. On the Booking tab, edit the information for the booking as needed, and then click OK.
If you have been granted the appropriate security access, you change the status of
a booking, which includes cancelling a booking.
Two results are possible:
If you edited anything other than the date, time, or location for a booking, the
Booking window closes and you return to the Navigator, which now shows the
updated information for the booking.
If you cancel a booking, a Cancel Status dialog box opens in which you must
identify the user who canceled the booking and provide notes (for example, a
cancellation reason) about the cancellation. If you change the status for a
booking, you can select Update Reservation Status to have the reservation-level
status changed as well.
If you edited the date, time, or location for a booking, a dialog box opens, warning
you that critical booking information has changed and asking you if you want to
continue. Continue to Step 5.
5. Click Yes.
The Booking window closes and you return to the Navigator, which now shows the
updated information for the booking.
If you edit a booking for a video conference event, then any date and time changes
that you make to the booking automatically cascade to all related bookings.
If you reserve a resource and then edit the date, time, location, or status of a
booking, and there is a resource inventory conflict, a Resource Inventory Conflicts
report opens onscreen. If you close this report, you can manually run a Resource
Inventory Conflict check. In the Bookings folder of the Navigator, select Tools >
Resource Inventory Conflict.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Editing Multiple Bookings in the Navigator
Four Wizards are available for editing the when and where information for multiple bookings
in a reservation:
The Change Booking Date/Time Wizard
The Change Booking Status Wizard (which includes canceling multiple bookings in a
single step)
The Change Rooms Wizard
The Change Miscellaneous Booking Information Wizard (which includes type, setup
type, and setup count)
To edit billable information for a booking, see “Editing Booking Detail Item
Charges for Multiple Items” on page 161.
Remember, you can also edit certain booking information in the Reservation Book.
See “To edit an existing reservation” on page 74.
To edit multiple bookings in the Navigator
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation for which you are editing the
3. Continue to the following as appropriate:
“To edit the booking date and/or time” on page 113.
“To edit the booking status” on page 116.
“To edit the rooms for bookings” on page 118.
“To edit miscellaneous booking information” on page 125.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To edit the booking date and/or time
1. In the Bookings pane, click Tools > Change Booking Date/Time Wizard.
The Change Booking Date/Time Wizard opens.
Figure 3-26: Change Booking Date/Time Wizard
2. Select a different value for the date, time, or both.
• (no changes)
• The default value.
• Reschedule Booking Earlier
• Reschedule the bookings to an earlier date that is based on
the number of days that you specify.
• Reschedule Booking Later
• Reschedule the bookings to a later date based on the
number of days that you specify.
• Reschedule Booking to
Specific Date
• Reschedule the bookings to a new date that you specify.
• (no changes)
• The default value.
• End Booking Earlier
• Resets the event end time and the reserved end time to an
earlier time, based on the number of hours that you specify.
• End Booking Later
• Resets the event end time and the reserved end time to a
later time, based on the number of hours that you specify.
• Reschedule Booking Earlier
• Resets both the event start and end times and the reserved
start and end times to an earlier time, based on the number
of hours that specify.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
• Reschedule Booking Later
• Resets both the event start and end times and the reserved
start and end times to a later time, based on the number of
hours that you specify.
• Reschedule Booking to
Specific Time
• Resets the following values based on the specific times that
you select:
Reserved Start
Event Start
Event End
Reserved End
• Set Setup/Teardown
• Resets the setup or teardown times based on the hours or
minutes that you specify.
• Start Booking Earlier
• Resets the event start time and the reserved start time to an
earlier time, based on the number of hours that you specify.
• Start Booking Later
• Resets the event start time and the reserved start time to a
later time, based on the number of hours that you specify.
3. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. By default, this window displays all the bookings
for the selected reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date.
Figure 3-27: Change Booking Date/Time Wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings that you are editing, or
click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a single step, and then click Finish.
The Change Booking Date/Time Results window opens. This window displays a list of
all the selected bookings, whether the date/time change was successful or not.
Figure 3-28: Change Booking Date/Time Results window
Optionally, to view only the bookings for the selected reservation that were NOT
successfully changed, select Show Unchanged Only. To view the details for a
specific booking that was changed, select the booking, and then click Go To.
5. Click Close to close the Change Booking Date/Time Results window and return to the
If you reserve a resource and then edit the date, time, location, or status of a
booking, and there is a resource inventory conflict, a Resource Inventory Conflicts
report opens onscreen. If you close this report, you can manually run a Resource
Inventory Conflict check. In the Bookings folder of the Navigator, select Tools >
Resource Inventory Conflict.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To edit the booking status
If your EMS administrator has granted you the appropriate security access, you
can change the status of a booking, which includes canceling a booking. If you
change the status for a booking, you can leave the option of Update Reservation
Status selected to have the reservation-level status changed as well.
1. In the Bookings pane, click Tools > Change Booking Status Wizard.
The Change Booking Status Wizard opens.
This is the same Wizard that opens if you select a reservation in the Navigator, and
then on the Reservation Summary tab, click Change Status. See “Changing the
Status for a Reservation from the Reservation Summary tab” on page 102.
Figure 3-29: Change Booking Status Wizard
2. On the Status dropdown list, select the new status for the bookings.
If you select any type of Canceled status, then three additional fields—Reason,
Who Cancelled and Notes—are displayed on the Change Booking Status window.
You must enter data in all three of these fields before you can continue in the
3. Enter a Reconfirm Date if it is required for the new status that you selected.
4. Optionally, leave Update Reservation Status selected to have the reservation-level status
changed as well.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
5. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window displays all the bookings for the
selected reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date and that do
not have invoiced items. By default, all the bookings are selected.
Figure 3-30: Change Booking Status Wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
6. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings for which you are
changing the status, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a single
step, and then click Finish.
The Change Booking Status Results window opens. This window displays a list of all the
selected bookings, whether the status change was successful or not.
Figure 3-31: Change Booking Status Results window
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Optionally, to view only the bookings for the selected reservation that were NOT
successfully changed, select Show Unchanged Only. To view the details for a
specific booking that was changed, select the booking, and then click Go To.
7. Click Close to close the Change Status Results window and return to the Navigator.
If you reserve a resource and then edit the date, time, location, or status of a
booking, and there is a resource inventory conflict, a Resource Inventory Conflicts
report opens onscreen. If you close this report, you can manually run a Resource
Inventory Conflict check. In the Bookings folder of the Navigator, select Tools >
Resource Inventory Conflict.
To edit the rooms for bookings
1. In the Bookings pane, click Tools > Change Room Wizard.
The Change Room Wizard opens. Search for Rooms is selected by default.
Figure 3-32: Change Room Wizard
2. Do one of the following:
To search for rooms, continue to “To search for rooms” on page 119.
To select a specific room, select Specific Room, and then continue to “To select a
specific room” on page 123.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To search for rooms
1. Click Next.
The Change Room Wizard Select Bookings window opens with a list of all the bookings
for the selected reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date.
Figure 3-33: Change Room Wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
2. Select the time/room combination with which to work, and then click Next. (For
example, an 8 a.m. event and a 2 p.m. event in the same room are displayed as two
separate items; however, multiple 10 a.m. bookings in the same room on different dates
are displayed as a single item with the number of bookings indicated in the Number of
Bookings field.)
The Change Rooms window is refreshed with options for changing the building, the
room, the status, or any combination of these. See Figure 3-34 on page 120.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-34: Change Rooms Wizard with location and status options
3. In the left pane of the Change Rooms window, select the booking, or CTRL-click to
select the multiple bookings that you are moving to a new room, or click Select All to
select all the displayed bookings in a single step.
4. In the right pane, change the building, the room specifications, the status, the room
features, or any combination of these as needed for the selected bookings, and then click
5. If you did not select a specific Setup Type, then go Step 7; otherwise, in the Setup Count
field, enter a new setup count.
Make sure that this count is the maximum that you expect the new room to hold.
6. Optionally, select one or both of the following to update the selected bookings with the
following information for the new room:
Update Setup Type on Selected Bookings.
Update Setup Count On Selected Bookings (use Minimum).
7. Optionally, if you change the booking status, select Update Reservation Status to have
the reservation-level status changed as well.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
8. Click Next.
The Change Room Wizard is refreshed with an Available tab, and if applicable, a
Conflicts tab. The Available tab is always the active tab.
The Available tab contains two panes. The left pane lists all the rooms that meet
some or all of your event criteria. The right pane lists all the event dates that must be
The Conflicts tab lists all the rooms that are not available for the requested dates.
Optionally, you can open the Conflicts tab to view the list of rooms that were not
available for scheduling for the event as well as list of the events that are scheduled
for each room.
The Conflicts tab is displayed only if there are any rooms that are not available for
the requested dates based on your room search specifications. If no rooms are in
conflict, then the tab is not displayed.
Figure 3-35: Change Rooms Wizard, Available tab
9. Select the new room that you are scheduling for the event.
10. Optionally, do one or both of the following; otherwise, go to Step 11.
Click Room Info to open the Room Info dialog box and view information about the
room properties, setup type, features, and pricing.
Click Building Hours to open the Building Hours dialog box which displays the
hours that the selected room/building is open on the reserved date.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
11. Click the Move button (>) to move the room to the Selected list.
The selected room is displayed in the Rooms list in the right pane of the Available tab for
every event date for which the room is available.
12. If all the event dates are fulfilled, click Finish; otherwise, repeat Step 9 through Step 11
until all the event dates are fulfilled, and then click Finish.
A message opens, asking you if you want to change any more rooms.
13. Click Yes to repeat this procedure for any other bookings for the selected reservation;
otherwise, click No close the message.
The Change Rooms Results window opens. This window displays a list of all the
selected bookings, whether the room change was successful or not.
Figure 3-36: Change Room Wizard, Results window
Optionally, to view only the bookings for the selected reservation that were NOT
successfully changed, select Show Unchanged Only. To view the details for a
specific booking that was changed, select the booking, and then click Go To.
14. Click Close to close the Change Room Results window and return to the Navigator.
If you reserve a resource and then edit the date, time, location, or status of a
booking, and there is a resource inventory conflict, a Resource Inventory Conflicts
report opens onscreen. If you close this report, you can manually run a Resource
Inventory Conflict check. In the Bookings folder of the Navigator, select Tools >
Resource Inventory Conflict.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To select a specific room
When you search for a specific room, you can search for a room within your facilities, or you
can search for an override room, which is a room that is within your facilities but is not
typically scheduled for events or it is outside of your facilities. If you specify an override
room for an event, you must manually specify the location for the event.
1. Click the Search icon
The Room Selector dialog box opens. This dialog box lists all the rooms in all the
buildings to which you have been granted access.
Figure 3-37: Room Selector dialog box
2. Do one of the following:
Open the Building dropdown list and select (all) buildings, or a specific building,
area, or view.
Select the room, and then click OK.
If you are selecting an override room, make sure to select the appropriate room,
for example, one named OVR.
If you are selecting a standard room or a combo room, go to Step 4; otherwise, if you
are selecting an override room, go to Step 3.
3. In the Location field, enter the location for/description of the override room.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window displays all the bookings for the
selected reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date.
Figure 3-38: Change Room Wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
5. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings that you are moving to
a new room, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a single step, and
then click Finish.
The Change Rooms Results window opens. This window displays a list of all the
selected bookings, whether the room change was successful or not.
Figure 3-39: Change Rooms Results window
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Optionally, to view only the bookings for the selected reservation that were NOT
successfully changed, select Show Unchanged Only. To view the details for a
specific booking that was changed, select the booking, and then click Go To.
6. Click Close to close the Change Rooms Results window and return to the Navigator.
If you reserve a resource and then edit the date, time, location, or status of a
booking, and there is a resource inventory conflict, a Resource Inventory Conflicts
report opens onscreen. If you close this report, you can manually run a Resource
Inventory Conflict check. In the Bookings folder of the Navigator, select Tools >
Resource Inventory Conflict.
To edit miscellaneous booking information
Miscellaneous information that you can edit for multiple bookings includes the event name,
the event type, the setup type, the setup count, and the attendance.
1. In the Bookings pane, click Tools > Change Miscellaneous Booking Information
The Change Miscellaneous Booking Information Wizard opens.
Figure 3-40: Change Miscellaneous Booking Information Wizard
2. Select the information that you are changing, enter the new value for the selected
information, and then click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window displays all the bookings for the
selected reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date. See Figure
3-41 on page 126.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-41: Change Miscellaneous Booking Information Wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
3. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings for which you are
changing the information, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a
single step, and then click Finish.
A message opens, indicating that the changes were made successfully.
4. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Moving Bookings to a Different Reservation
You use the Move Bookings reservation to move one or more bookings that do not have
invoiced items from a selected reservation to an existing reservation or to an entirely new
reservation. When you move a booking from a selected reservation, the booking and all its
associated details are removed entirely from the selected reservation.
To move bookings to a different reservation
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation from which you are moving the
3. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Move Bookings Wizard.
The Move Bookings Wizard opens. The option to move the bookings to an Existing
Reservation is selected by default.
Figure 3-42: Move Bookings Wizard
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. Do one of the following:
In the Existing Reservation field, enter the reservation number for the existing
reservation to which you are moving the bookings.
Click New Reservation.
5. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window lists all the bookings for the selected
reservation that do not have invoiced items.
Figure 3-43: Move Bookings Wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
6. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings that you are moving to
the new or existing reservation, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in
a single step, and then click Finish.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
7. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
Both the old reservation and the new or existing reservation are now displayed in the left
pane of the Navigator. If you moved the bookings to a new reservation, then the new
reservation that is created is assigned the next available reservation number in the
database. If you moved the bookings to an existing reservation and any of the moved
bookings are in conflict with bookings in the existing reservation, then this conflict is
indicated in the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Copying Multiple Bookings in the Navigator
You use the Copy Bookings Wizard to copy one or more bookings to a new date or to a set of
dates, either within the same reservation or to a new reservation.
To copy multiple bookings in the Navigator
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation from which you are copying the
3. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Copy Bookings Wizard.
The Copy Bookings Wizard opens. Copy to Reservation No. is selected by default and
the number for the reservation from which you are copying the bookings is displayed in
the field.
Figure 3-44: Copy Bookings Wizard
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. Do one of the following:
To copy the bookings to an existing reservation, click the Search icon
to open
the Open Navigator dialog box and search for the reservation. (See “Opening a
reservation in the Navigator” on page 79.)
To copy the bookings to a new reservation, click Copy to New Reservation.
5. Enter the information for the reservation to which you are copying the bookings.
New Start Date
The date of the first booking for the new reservation.
New Status
The status for the new reservation.
Reconfirm Date
Enter if required for the new status that you selected.
Conflict Status
You must enter a conflict status in the event that the new bookings are in
conflict with the existing bookings.
Reconfirm Date
Enter if required for the new conflict status that you selected.
• Copy Reminders
Leave the appropriate options selected to copy the existing items as is,
or clear the option for each item that is not to be copied to the new
• Copy Comments
• Copy User Defined
• Copy Attachments
• Copy Drawings
Copy Booking Details
Select the booking details that are being copied (CTRL-click to select
multiple details) or to select all the details for copying, click Select All.
Note: By default, only active booking details are displayed. To show
inactive booking details for copying, click Show Inactive.
Copy Inactive
Selected by default. Copies the inactive resource and/or rooms from the
existing bookings to the new bookings. Clear this option if you do not
want to copy the inactive resources and rooms.
6. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window displays all the bookings for the
copied reservation, regardless of the date or status. See Figure 3-45 on page 131.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-45: Copy Bookings Wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
7. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings that you are recreating
in the existing or new reservation, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings
in a single step, and then click Finish.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
The start date that you specified becomes the date of the first new booking. In
addition, the copied bookings are scheduled according to the same pattern as the
existing reservation. For example, if the existing reservation has three bookings
and each booking was scheduled every seven days (12/14, 12/21, and 12/28), and
the new start date for the first booking is 12/15, then the existing or new
reservation has three bookings with dates of 12/15, 12/22, and 12/29.
When you copy multiple bookings, the bookings are simply copied and pasted as
is—the bookings are not moved to different location. If you need to move a
booking to a different location, see “To edit the rooms for bookings” on page 118.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
8. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
The reservation from which you copied the bookings and the reservation to which you
copied the bookings are displayed in the left pane of the Navigator. If you moved the
bookings to a new reservation, then the new reservation that is created is assigned the
next available reservation number in the database. If any of the new bookings are in
conflict with bookings in the existing reservation, this conflict is indicated in the
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Booking Details and Items Overview
Booking details, which are also called categories, are the services (catering, A/V equipment,
and so on), notes, attendees, activities, or room charges that you can add to a booking.
Booking detail items, also called resources, are the individual items (coffee, sandwich,
projector, and so on) that you add to a booking detail. When you add a resource to a booking,
for example, coffee, various selections might be available or required, for example, regular,
decaf, Italian roast, breakfast blend, and so on. Depending on how your EMS administrator
has configured your categories, a resource might require service order times to be specified.
Your EMS administrator can configure buildings and categories so that a
particular category can be used only in a particular building or buildings. This
means that when you are adding booking details to a reservation, some booking
details (categories) might not be displayed as an option.
The booking details for a selected booking are displayed in the Booking Details pane (the
lower right pane) of the Navigator.
From this point on in the manual, categories that contain resources, but do not
require service times are referred to as “resource categories.” Categories that
contain resources and that require service times are referred to as “service order
categories.” Categories that are used to manage food service are referred to as
“catering categories.” Categories that are used to manage miscellaneous notes
(setup notes), agenda items, attendees/visitors, or room charges are referred to as
“non-resource categories.”
Figure 3-46: The Navigator window with a booking folder selected
Chapter 3
The Navigator
If you select a booking detail folder that is for a Resource with Service Order category or a
Catering category, then the service order number is displayed in the title bar of the Navigator.
Figure 3-47: The Navigator window with a booking detail folder selected
When you select a booking detail folder in the left pane of the Navigator, the tabs that are
displayed in the upper right pane of the Navigator depend on the type of booking detail that
you selected.
<Booking Detail> Summary tab—The Summary displays information about the selected
booking detail, including the event date, the event location, and the event status.
Properties tab—The Properties tab also displays information about the booking detail,
including the date that it was added to the booking, who added the detail, and, if
applicable, the date that the detail was changed and who made the change.
If the booking detail has a price/charge associated with it, for example, a room charge, then
the following two tabs are also displayed:
Billing Reference Allocation tab—By default, the charge for a booking detail can be
allocated to a single billing reference number. On the Billing Reference Allocation tab,
you can allocate the charge for a reservation to multiple billing reference numbers by
percentage. See “To allocate charges to multiple billing reference numbers and/or PO
numbers” on page 83.
Your EMS administrator must enable the Use Billing Reference Allocation
parameter for this tab to be displayed. See EMS System Parameters in the EMS
Setup Guide.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
PO Number Allocation tab—By default, the charge for a booking detail can be allocated
to a single purchase order (PO) number. On the PO Number Allocation tab, you can
allocate the charge for a reservation to multiple billing PO numbers by percentage. See
“To allocate charges to multiple billing reference numbers and/or PO numbers” on page
Your EMS administrator must enable the Use PO Number Allocation parameter
for this tab to be displayed. See EMS System Parameters in the EMS Setup Guide.
If the selected booking detail requires a service order or catering category, then the following
four tabs are also displayed:
User Defined Fields tab—The User Defined Fields tab displays the additional fields that
store custom data for the booking detail. Your EMS administrator configures the types of
fields that are available as well as the allowed values for these fields. See “Working with
User Defined Fields in the Navigator” on page 181.
Reminders tab—The Reminders tab displays any reminders that were created for the
selected booking detail. See “Working with Comments and Reminders in the Navigator”
on page 175.
Comments tab—The Comments tab displays any comments that were made for the
selected booking detail. See “Working with Comments and Reminders in the Navigator”
on page 175.
History tab—The History tab displays the history for the booking detail—the date that a
change was made to the detail, the ID of the user who made the change, the field that was
changed, the old field value, and the new field value.
Also, when you select a booking detail folder:
Most of the tabs in the upper pane of the window have some of the basic features of an
EMS Browser window. You can change the width of the data columns, you can rearrange
the column order by dragging a column to a new location using the column heading, and
you can sort the data columns in either ascending or descending sort order. See “An EMS
Browser Window” on page 35.
The booking detail items for the selected booking detail are displayed in the Items pane
(the lower right pane) of the Navigator. A green check mark appears in front of each
individual item that has been added to a booking. If the item is a package, then a green
checkmark is displayed not only in front of the package, but also, in front of each
individual item in the package. A red “x” is displayed in front of any booking detail and/
or booking detail item that has been deleted from a booking. The Items pane has all the
features of an EMS Browser window. See “An EMS Browser Window” on page 35.
If you select a booking details item in the left pane of the Navigator, then the entire right
pane of the Navigator is refreshed with three tabs—a Properties tab that displays for the
selected item, a Selections tab that displays the selections for the booking detail item (if
applicable), and a History tab that details the history of the item.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-48: The Navigator window with a booking detail item selected
Service order
A booking detail might include a service order. A service order is a request to use the
resource for a specified time period as opposed to using the resource for the entire event. For
example, an event that meets from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, might have food service from 11:00
am to noon. A service order consists of the service type, start and end times, and a unique,
system-generated service order ID. For a catering booking detail, you can also indicate
estimated count, guaranteed count, and actual count. You can create multiple service orders
in the same booking. For example, you might have a number of catering services (breakfast,
lunch, and afternoon refreshments) in the course of a one day training event. In this case,
multiple folders are displayed under the booking folder on the left side of the Navigator
window, with each folder representing a unique service order.
Figure 3-49: The Navigator window showing multiple service orders in the same booking
Chapter 3
The Navigator
If you reserve an item from a category that does not require a service order, your only
choices are to reserve the item for the event time or for the entire reserved time.
Your EMS administrator might have configured a default service type for some or
all of your system’s categories, but you can always select a different value. In
addition, your EMS administrator might have configured states to manage your
service order process. For detailed information about states, see Configuring
Categories in the EMS Setup Guide.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Adding Booking Details and Items to Individual
The steps that you follow to add booking details and items to individual bookings depend on
the category type. Also, you can add multiple occurrences of a booking detail to a booking
only if the booking detail is a Resource with Service Order category or a Catering category.
If the booking detail is not a Resource with Service Order category or a Catering category,
and the detail is already added to a booking, you cannot add the detail again to the booking.
You can, however, add more items to the booking detail.
To add booking details and items to individual bookings
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, expand the folder structure for the reservation until the
appropriate booking folder is visible.
3. Select the booking folder, and then in the Booking Details pane, click New.
The Booking Details list opens.
Figure 3-50: Example of a Booking details List
4. Select the booking detail that you are adding to the booking.
A dialog box opens.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
5. Continue to one of the following:
“To add a booking detail from a non-resource category” below.
“To add a booking detail from a resource, service order, or catering category” on
page 144.
To add a booking detail from a non-resource category
A booking detail that is from a non-resource category can be setup notes, attendees, agenda
(activities), or a room charge.
To add setup notes
Figure 3-51: Setup Notes dialog box
1. Enter the sequence number for the setup notes.
The sequence number determines the order in which the notes are displayed in the
Items pane in the Navigator when the booking detail (Setup Notes) is selected for
a booking.
2. Enter the appropriate notes or comments.
3. Optionally, if these notes are to be printed on internal reports only (the notes would be
excluded from external reports like a confirmation), then select Internal.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. Click OK.
The Setup Notes dialog box closes. The booking detail and its items are displayed as
folders under the Booking folder in the Navigator window.
After you add setup notes for the first time to a booking, Setup Notes is no longer
an available option on the Booking Details dropdown list. To add more setup notes
to the booking, select the Setup Notes folder for the booking or click a Setup Note
in the Items pane, and then click New.
To add attendees
Figure 3-52: Attendees dialog box
1. Enter the information for the attendee. At a minimum, you must enter the attendee name.
2. If the attendee is a visitor (that is, not registered for the event), then select Visitor.
3. Click OK.
The Attendee dialog box remains open.
4. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 until you have added all the needed attendees/visitors to
the booking.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
5. Click Cancel.
The Attendees dialog box closes. The booking detail and its items are displayed as
folders under the Booking folder in the Navigator window.
If you close the Attendees dialog box before you have added all the needed
attendees/visitors to the booking, then Attendees is no longer an available option
on the Booking Details dropdown list. To add more attendees/visitors to the
booking, select the Attendees folder for the booking or click an attendee/visitor in
the Items pane, and then click New.
To add an agenda (activities)
Figure 3-53: Agenda dialog box
1. Enter the start time, the end time, and a description for the agenda.
2. Optionally, in the Description field, enter a name or description for the agenda.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.
3. Optionally, if these notes are to be printed on internal reports only (the notes would be
excluded from external reports like a confirmation), then select Internal.
4. Click OK.
The Agenda dialog box remains open.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
5. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 until you have added all the needed agendas.
6. Click Cancel.
The Agenda dialog box closes. The booking detail and its items are displayed as folders
under the Booking folder in the Navigator window.
If you close the Agenda dialog box before you have added all the needed agendas/
activities to the booking, then Agenda is no longer an available option on the
Booking Details dropdown list. To add more agenda/activities to the booking,
select the Agenda folder for the booking or click an agenda in the Items pane, and
then click New.
To add a room charge
Figure 3-54: Room Charge dialog box
1. Enter the sequence number for the room charge.
The sequence number determines the order in which the charges are displayed in
the Items pane in the Navigator when the booking detail (Room Charge) is
selected for a booking.
2. Optionally, enter notes or comments about the room charge.
3. If needed, edit the quantity.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. Select the appropriate pricing method, and then enter any other additional information as
needed after you select a pricing method.
Pricing Method
Additional Fields
• Unit Price
Half Day/Full Day (Event Time)
• Half Day Price
• Full Day Price
• Hours
Half Day/Full Day (Reserved Time)
• Half Day Price
• Full Day Price
• Hours
Hourly (Event Time)
• Hourly Price
• Minimum Charge
• Maximum Charge
• Initial Flat Charge
Hourly (Reserved Time)
• Hourly Price
• Minimum Charge
• Maximum Charge
• Initial Flat Charge
Hourly (Specific)
• Hourly Price
• Minimum Charge
• Maximum Charge
• Initial Flat Charge
5. Optionally, enter a discount percent and/or a reservation discount.
6. Click OK.
The Room Charge dialog box closes. The booking detail and its items are displayed as
folders under the Booking folder in the Navigator window.
If you must add multiple room charges to a booking, then after you add charges
for the first time to a booking, Room Charge is no longer an available option on
the Booking Details dropdown list. To add more charges to the booking, select the
Room Charge folder for the booking or click a room charge in the Items pane, and
then click New.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To add a booking detail from a resource, service order, or catering
If you select a service order or catering category, a Service Order dialog box opens with,
at a minimum, options for Service, Reviewed, Service Start Time, and End Time. If a
catering category is selected, additional fields for Estimated, Guaranteed and Actual
Counts are displayed. Go to Step 1.
Figure 3-55: Example of a Service Order dialog box for a catering category
If you select a resource category, then a Resource Selection dialog box opens. The
Resources tab is the active tab. Go to Step 4.
Figure 3-56: Example of a Resource Selection dialog box, Resources tab
1. Select the service type.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
2. Enter the start time, and optionally, the end time, estimated count, guaranteed count, and
if applicable, select Reviewed and/or a state.
For more information about reviewing service orders and selecting states, see
“Searching with the Service Order Management Browser” on page 222.
3. Click OK.
A Resource Selection dialog box. The Resources tab is the active tab.
4. Do one of the following
To select one or more resources from the pre-configured list of resources, leave the
Resources tab open, and then go to Step 5.
To add multiple resources to the booking in a single step, open the Packages tab, and
then go to Step 7.
5. Do one of the following on the Grouping dropdown list:
Leave the default value of (all) as is to search for all items in all groupings.
Select a specific grouping to search for only those items in the grouping. For
example, if the selected resource category is A/V Equipment, then available
groupings could include Computer, Phone, Video, and so on. To search only for the
available phones to add to a booking detail, select the Phones grouping.
6. Optionally, in the Filter field, enter a search string by which to filter your search.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
search string is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search
results. For example, a search string of co returns coffee service, conference
phone, and mini-copier.
7. In the Quantity field, leave the default value of 1.00; otherwise, enter a new value.
If you change the quantity for a resource package, then the quantity for each
individual resource that makes up the package is also changed.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
8. Do one of the following:
For the Resources tab—On the Items list, select the resource item, or CTRL-click to
select the multiple resource items that you are adding to the booking.
Your EMS administrator might have configured an override resource (also known
as an override description) so that you can book a resource that has not been
configured in your EMS database. For example, the administrator might have
configured an override resource named “Other.” If you select the “Other”
resource, then a Description field is displayed on the Resource Selection dialog
box. You must enter a description or name for the override resource before you
can continue. EMS does not track availability of override resource items; however,
EMS reports on override resource items just like any other resource item.
For the Package tab—Select the package that contains the multiple resources that
you are adding to the booking.
9. Click Select.
For items on the Resources tab—If your EMS administrator configured selections
for the resource, then either you might be required to make selections for the
resource, or you have the option to make selections for the resource (see Figure 3-57
below); otherwise, go to Step 10.
Figure 3-57: Example of a Resource Selections dialog box
For packages on the Packages tab—The package is added to the booking. An entry
for the package as well as entry for each item in the package is displayed in the
Booking Detail Items pane of the Navigator.
10. Repeat Step 4 through Step 9 until you have added all the necessary booking detail items
for the selected booking.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
11. Click Close.
The Resource Selection dialog box closes. The resource and its items are displayed as
folders under the Booking folder in the Navigator.
If you close the Resource Selection dialog box before you have added all the
needed resource items to the booking, and the booking detail is not from a catering
or service order category, then the booking detail is no longer an available option
on the Booking Details dropdown list. To add more resource items to the booking,
you can select the Booking Detail folder for the booking or you can click a
booking detail item in the Items pane, and then click New.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Adding Booking Details and Items to Multiple
You use the Add Booking Details Wizard to add booking details and items to multiple
bookings in a single step. The steps that you follow depend on the category type. Also, you
can add multiple occurrences of a booking detail to bookings only for service order and
catering categories. If the booking detail is not a service order or catering category, and the
detail is already added to the bookings, you cannot add the detail again to the bookings. (You
can, however, add more items to the bookings. See “Adding Booking Detail Items to
Multiple Bookings” on page 155.)
You can also manually copy booking details and items from one booking to
another. To copy a booking detail, right-click on the booking detail that is being
copied, and on the context menu that opens, click Copy. Right-click on the booking
to which the booking detail is being copied, and on the context menu that opens,
click Paste.
To add booking details and items to multiple bookings
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation to which you are adding the
booking details and items.
3. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Add Booking Details Wizard.
The Add Booking Details Wizard opens. See Figure 3-58 on page 149.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-58: Add Booking Details Wizard
4. Select the booking detail that you are adding to one or more of the bookings for the
selected reservation, and then continue to one of the following:
“To add a booking detail from a non-resource category.”
“To add a booking detail from a resource, service order, or catering category” on
page 151.
To add a booking detail from a non-resource category
If you select a booking detail of any type other than resource, service order, or catering, (for
example, attendees or setup notes), then to add the detail to the bookings, you follow the
same general steps:
1. Select the booking detail.
2. Click Next, and then enter the information for the booking detail.
If you are adding setup notes, see “To add setup notes” on page 139.
If you are adding attendees/visitors, see “To add attendees” on page 140.
If you are adding an agenda or activities, see “To add an agenda (activities)” on page
If you are adding room charges, see “To add a room charge” on page 142.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
3. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window displays all the bookings for the
selected reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date, and that
do not already have the selected booking detail added.
Figure 3-59: Add Booking Details Wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
4. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings to which you are
adding the details, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a single step,
and then click Finish.
A message opens asking you if you want to add more booking details.
5. Do one of the following:
Click Yes to return to the Add Booking Details Wizard.
Click No.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
6. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
The booking detail and its items are displayed as folders under the Booking folder in the
Navigator window.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To add a booking detail from a resource, service order, or catering
If you select a service order or catering category, then the Add Booking Details Wizard
is updated with, at a minimum, options for Service, Reviewed, Start Time, and End Time.
If you select a catering category, additional fields for Estimated, Guaranteed and Actual
Counts are displayed. In both cases, a State option might also be displayed. Go to Step 1.
Figure 3-60: Example of the Add Booking Details Wizard for a resource with a service order
If you select a resource category, then two results are possible:
The Add Booking Details Wizard is updated with options for Reviewed and/or State.
If applicable, select Reviewed and/or select a State, click Next to open the Add
Booking Details Wizard, and then go to Step 3.
For more information about reviewing service orders and selecting states, see
“Searching with the Service Order Management Browser” on page 222.
The Add Booking Details Wizard opens with two tabs—Resources and Packages.
The Resources tab is the active tab. This tab displays a pre-configured list from
which you can select one or more resources. Go to Step 3.
1. Select the service type.
2. Enter the start time, and optionally, the end time, estimated count, guaranteed count, and
select Reviewed and/or a state.
For more information about reviewing service orders and selecting states, see
“Searching with the Service Order Management Browser” on page 222.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
3. Do one of the following:
To choose one or more resources from the pre-configured list of resources, leave the
Resources tab open, and then go to Step 4.
To add multiple resources to the booking in a single step, open the Packages tab, and
then go to Step 6.
Figure 3-61: Add Booking Details Wizard, Resources tab
4. Do one of the following on the Grouping dropdown list:
Leave the default value of (all) as is to search for all items in all groupings.
Select a specific grouping to search for only those items in the grouping. (For
example, if the selected resource category is A/V Equipment, then available
groupings could include Computer, Phone, Video, and so on. To search only for the
available phones to add to a booking detail, select the Phones grouping.)
5. Optionally, in the Filter field, enter a search string by which to filter your search.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
string can is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results.
For example, a search string of co returns coffee service, conference phone, and
6. In the Quantity field, leave the default value of 1.00; otherwise, enter a new value.
If you change the quantity for a resource package, then the quantity for each
individual resource that makes up the package is also changed.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
7. Do one of the following:
For the Resources tab—On the Items list, select the resource item, or CTRL-click to
select the multiple resource items that you are adding to the booking.
Your EMS administrator might have configured an override resource (also known
as an override description) so that you can book a resource that has not been
configured in your EMS database. For example, the administrator might have
configured an override resource named “Other.” If you select the “Other”
resource, then a Description field is displayed on the Resource Selection dialog
box. You must enter a description or name for the override resource before you
can continue. EMS does not track availability of override resource items; however,
EMS reports on override resource items just like any other resource item.
Use the Move Up and Move Down options to order the selected items. To edit a
selected item before you add it to multiple bookings, select the item, and then click
For the Package tab—Select the package that contains the multiple resources that
you are adding to the booking.
8. Click Next.
For items on the Resources tab—If your EMS administrator configured selections
for the resource, then either you might be required to make selections for the
resource, or you have the option to make selections for the resource (see Figure 3-62
below); otherwise, go to Step 9.
Figure 3-62: Example of a Resource Selections dialog box
Chapter 3
The Navigator
For packages on the Packages tab—The package is added to the booking. An entry
for the package as well as entry for each item in the package is displayed in the
Booking Detail Items pane of the Navigator.
9. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window displays all the bookings for the
selected reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date, and that
do not already have the selected booking detail added.
Figure 3-63: Add Booking Details Wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
10. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings to which you are
adding the details, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a single step,
and then click Finish.
A message opens asking you if you want to add more booking details.
11. Do one of the following:
Click Yes to return to the Add Booking Details Wizard.
Click No.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
12. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
The booking detail and its items are displayed as folders under the Booking folder in the
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Adding Booking Detail Items to Multiple
You use the Add Item Wizard to add booking detail items to multiple bookings for categories
that are already added to the bookings. For example, you can use this Wizard to add food
service items only if any of the bookings already has food service added as a booking detail.
To add booking details and items for categories that are not already in use, see
“Adding Booking Details and Items to Multiple Bookings” on page 148.
To add booking detail items to multiple bookings
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation to which you are adding the
booking detail items.
3. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Add Item Wizard.
The Add Item Wizard opens. The first window in this Wizard, the Select Category
window, displays only those categories that are already in use for any of the bookings in
the reservation. See Figure 3-64 on page 156.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-64: Add Item Wizard
4. Select the category to which you want to add items.
5. Click Next.
The steps that you now must follow depend on the category type. See:
“To add a booking detail from a non-resource category” on page 149.
“To add a booking detail from a resource, service order, or catering category” on
page 151.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Editing Booking Detail Items for Individual
After you have added booking details and items to bookings for a reservation, you can edit
any non-invoiced item on an individual basis.
To edit the pricing information for multiple non-invoiced items in a single
booking, or for multiple non-invoiced items in multiple bookings, see “Editing
Booking Detail Item Charges for Multiple Items” on page 161.
To edit booking detail items for individual bookings
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, expand the folder structure for the reservation until the
appropriate booking detail items folder is visible, and then do the following:
Select the booking detail folder that contains the items that you are editing.
In the Items pane, select the item that you are editing.
The item cannot be invoiced. If the item is invoiced, the Edit button is not
available. To edit an invoiced item, you must first void the invoice. See “To void an
invoice” on page 372.
3. Continue to one of the following:
“To edit a booking detail item from a non-resource category” on page 158.
“To edit a booking detail item from a resource, service order, or catering category”
on page 158.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To edit a booking detail item from a non-resource category
1. Click Edit.
The <Booking Detail> dialog box opens.
2. Edit the item as necessary, and then click OK to close the <Booking Detail> dialog box
and return to the Navigator.
For detailed information about editing a booking detail item from a non-resource
category, see:
“To add setup notes” on page 139.
“To add attendees” on page 140.
“To add an agenda (activities)” on page 141.
“To add a room charge” on page 142.
To edit a booking detail item from a resource, service order, or
catering category
1. Click Edit.
The <Resource> dialog box opens. The Resource tab is the active tab. If selections are
available for the resource, then the dialog box also has a Selections tab.
Figure 3-65: <Resource> dialog box, Resource tab
Chapter 3
The Navigator
2. On the Resource tab, edit the information as necessary.
If applicable, select a completely different item for the resource.
The sequence number determines the order in which the items (for example, juice,
muffins, and so on) are displayed in the list in the Items pane in the Navigator when
the booking detail (for example, Catering) is selected for a booking. If needed, edit
the sequence number.
The Time in Use indicates the time that the resource is to be available for the
booking. If needed, edit the Time in Use.
For a definition of Event Time or Reserved Time, see “Event Timeline” on page
44.. You can edit the Time In Use only if the item is not from a resource from a
service order or catering category. (The Time in Use is applied at the category
level for these types of resources).
If the notes are to be printed on internal reports only (the notes would be excluded
from external reports like a confirmation), then select Internal.
If you edit the pricing method, then make sure to enter any other additional
information as needed.
Pricing Method
Additional Fields
• Unit Price
Half Day/Full Day (Event Time)
• Half Day Price
• Full Day Price
• Hours
Half Day/Full Day (Reserved Time)
• Half Day Price
• Full Day Price
• Hours
Half Day/Full Day (Service Time)
• Half Day Price
• Full Day Price
Note: Available only for a resource with a service order.
• Hours
Hourly (Event Time)
• Hourly Price
• Minimum Charge
• Maximum Charge
• Initial Flat Charge
Hourly (Reserved Time)
• Hourly Price
• Minimum Charge
• Maximum Charge
• Initial Flat Charge
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Pricing Method
Hourly (Service Time)
Additional Fields
• Hourly Price
• Minimum Charge
Note: Available only for a resource with a service order.
• Maximum Charge
• Initial Flat Charge
Hourly (Specific)
• Hourly Price
• Minimum Charge
• Maximum Charge
If applicable, open the Selection tab, and edit the resource selections as needed.
3. Click OK.
The <Resource> dialog box closes, and you return to the Navigator with the edited item
still selected in the Items pane.
If you need to edit counts and/or times for individual items in a resource, service
order, or catering, category, see “Editing Count Information for a Booking” on
page 163.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Editing Booking Detail Item Charges for Multiple
You can edit resource quantities and billing information (price, pricing method, and so on)
for individual items (see “Editing Booking Detail Items for Individual Bookings” on page
157) or you can use the Edit Charges tool to edit this information for multiple non-invoiced
To edit the billing information for invoiced items, you must first void the invoice.
See “To void an invoice” on page 372.
To edit booking detail item charges for multiple items
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In left pane of the Navigator, do one of the following:
To edit all billable items in all the bookings for a reservation, select the reservation.
To edit only the billable items in a selected booking, expand the reservation folder,
and under the expanded reservation folder, select the booking that contains the items
that you are editing.
3. In the Bookings/Booking Details pane, click Tools > Edit Charges.
The Edit Charges window opens. If you selected a reservation, then all non-invoiced
billable items in all the bookings for the selected reservation are displayed in the
window; otherwise, only the non-invoiced billable items for the selected booking are
displayed. See Figure 3-66 on page 162.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-66: Edit Charges window
4. Optionally, on the Category dropdown list, select a category to narrow the list of items
that are displayed.
5. To edit the quantity, pricing method, price, or discount percentage for an item, click in
the appropriate field for the item and make the necessary edits.
6. Click Close.
Any resulting recalculations are carried out automatically. The Edit Charges window
closes and you return to the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Editing Count Information for a Booking
You use the Edit Counts tool to edit the count information for a booking, including the setup
count and attendance count, the estimated count, guaranteed count, and actual count for a
booking detail with a category type of catering, as well as the counts for non-invoiced
booking detail items. You can edit the counts for all bookings in a reservation or for just a
selected booking.
Much of the information that you can edit using the Edit Counts tool is also
available for editing in other areas of the application. The purpose of this tool is
simply to collate all the count information in a single location for editing.
To edit count information for a booking
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, do one of the following:
Select the reservation.
Expand the reservation folder, and under the reservation folder, select a specific
3. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Edit Counts.
The Edit Counts window opens. If you selected the reservation, then the Bookings (top)
pane of the window lists all the bookings for the selected reservation; otherwise, the
pane lists just the selected booking. See Figure 3-67 on page 164.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-67: Edit Counts window
4. Select the booking for which you are editing the count information.
5. On the Category dropdown list, select the booking detail (category) for which you are
editing the count information.
The Booking Details (middle) pane is refreshed with the information for the selected
category. If the category is a resource with a service order, then the pane displays the
service type and the start and end times for the category. If the category is catering, then
the pane also displays the estimated count, guaranteed count, and actual count for the
booking detail.
6. In the Booking Details pane, select the booking detail that contains the items for which
you are editing the count information.
The Items (lower) pane is refreshed with a list of all the non-invoiced items for the
selected detail.
7. To Edit the count information for any booking detail or detail item, click in the
appropriate field and make the necessary edits.
8. To edit the count information for multiple bookings, repeat Step 4 through Step 7 as
needed for each booking.
9. Click Close.
The edits are made. You return to the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Applying a Reservation Discount
You use Apply Reservation Discount Wizard to apply a reservation discount to non-invoiced
details in a booking. The discount is applied as a percentage of the total charge for an item
and it is added to any existing discounts that have already been applied to the item.
To apply a discount to invoiced items, you must first void the invoice. See “To void
an invoice” on page 372.
To apply a reservation discount
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation to which you are applying the
3. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Apply Reservation Discount.
The Apply Reservation Discount window opens. All the bookings for the selected
reservation with their categories that have not been invoiced are displayed.
Figure 3-68: Apply Reservation Discount window
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. Leave the Category set to the default value of (all), or optionally, to apply a discount to
all the items in a specific category, on the Category dropdown list, select a category.
The Apply Reservation Discount window is updated with the bookings that have the
selected category.
5. Enter the discount percentage.
6. Optionally, enter any notes that are relevant about the discount.
7. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings to which you are
applying the discount, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a single
step, and then click Finish.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
8. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
After you apply a reservation discount, you can view it and/or edit it when you are
editing the reservation on the Billing Information tab of the Reservation window
in the Navigator. See “Editing a Reservation in the Navigator” on page 98.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Copying Booking Details Between Bookings
You use the Copy Booking Details Wizard to copy the details from one booking in a
reservation and paste them into other bookings for the same reservation.
To copy booking details between bookings
1. Open the reservation to which you are copying the booking details in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation from which you are copying the
3. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Copy Booking Details Wizard.
The Copy Booking Details Wizard opens. The first window in this Wizard, the Select
Booking Details to Copy window, displays all the bookings for the selected reservation,
regardless of date. By default, the Copy From Reservation No. field displays the
reservation number for the selected reservation.
Figure 3-69: Copy Booking Details Wizard, Select Booking Details to Copy window
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. Optionally, in the Copy From Reservation No. field, click the Search icon
to open
the Open Navigator dialog box and search for and select a different reservation from
which to copy the booking details.
The Select Booking Details to Copy window is refreshed with all the bookings details
for the selected reservation.
5. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
On the Category dropdown list, select a specific category of booking details to
display on the Select Booking Details to Copy window.
Leave Copy Inactive Resources/Rooms selected to copy this information for the
bookings. Clear this option if you do not want to copy this information.
6. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings from which you are
copying the booking details, and then click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window displays all the bookings with a date
greater than or equal to the current day’s date to which you can copy the booking details.
Figure 3-70: Copy Booking Details Wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
7. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings to which you are
copying the booking details, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a
single step, and then click Finish.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
8. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Deleting Booking Detail Items from Multiple
If you add booking detail items to bookings for a reservation in error, or a booking item is no
longer valid for one or more bookings, and the item has not been invoiced, you can use the
Delete Item Wizard to delete the item. You can delete each item on an individual basis, or
you can delete all the items for a booking detail in a single step. If you delete an item at the
package level, then the deletion cascades down to all the items in the package. You can also
delete individual items from a package.
To delete booking detail items from multiple bookings
1. Open the reservation from which you are deleting the booking detail items in the
Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation from which you are deleting the
booking detail items.
3. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Delete Item Wizard.
The Delete Item Wizard opens. The first window that opens is the Select Categories
Figure 3-71: Delete Item Wizard, Select Categories window
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. Select the category (booking detail) from which you are deleting the items, and then
click Next.
The Select Categories/Items window opens.
Figure 3-72: Delete Item Wizard, Select Categories/Items window
5. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
Select a specific grouping to limit the display to only those items in the grouping.
Select Delete Empty Categories to also delete a category after the last item is deleted
from the category.
6. On the Resources list, select the resource item, or CTRL-click to select the multiple
resource items that you are deleting.
7. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This page lists all the bookings for the selected
reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date and that have the
resource items that were selected for deletion. See Figure 3-73 on page 172.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-73: Delete Item Wizard, Select Bookings window
8. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings from which you are
deleting the resource items, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a
single step, and then click Finish.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
9. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Deleting Booking Details from Multiple Bookings
You use the Delete Booking Details Wizard to delete one or more booking details that do not
have invoiced items from multiple bookings in a single step. When you delete a booking
detail from a booking, any items that have been added for the detail are also deleted.
To delete booking details from multiple bookings
1. Open the reservation from which you are deleting the booking details in the Navigator.
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation from which you are deleting the
booking details.
3. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Delete Booking Details Wizard.
The Delete Booking Details Wizard opens. The first window in this Wizard, the Select
Categories window, displays all the categories (booking details) that are already in use
for any of the bookings in the selected reservation.
Figure 3-74: Delete Booking Details Wizard, Select Categories window
Chapter 3
The Navigator
4. Select the category, or CTRL-click to select the multiple categories that you are deleting
from the reservation, or click Select All to select all categories in a single step.
5. Click Next.
The Select Booking Details window opens. This page lists all the bookings for the
selected reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date that have
the categories (booking details) that were selected for deletion but do not have any
invoiced items.
Figure 3-75: Delete Booking Details Wizard, Select Booking Details window
6. Select the booking, or CTRL-click to select the multiple bookings from which you are
deleting the categories, or click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a single
step, and then click Finish.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
7. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Working with Comments and Reminders in the
A comment is a text entry that explains or clarifies a reservation, a booking, a group, or a
booking detail that is a service order. A reminder is a comment that has a due date associated
with it, and if it is attached to a reservation, booking, group, or service order, then it is called
an attached reminder. You can select from a pre-configured list of comment types and
reminder types, or you can create a user-specified comment type or reminder type if none of
the pre-configured types meets your working needs. You can add comments/reminders
directly to a reservation, booking, or service order in the Navigator. You can also edit a
comment/reminder, delete a comment/reminder, and view the history for a comment/
A reminder that you add to a reservation, booking, group, or booking details is
called an attached reminder. To work with unattached reminders, see “Reminders
Tab” in “Overview of the EMS Dashboard and Dashboard Options” on page 229.
To work with a comment or reminder in the Navigator
The following procedures are written from the perspective of working with a single
comment. By analogy, you can follow these procedures to work with a single
attached reminder. To add multiple comments and/or reminders to a reservation in
a single step, see “Adding Multiple Comments and Reminders to a Reservation”
on page 179.
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation, booking, or service order, and
then in the top right pane of the Navigator, open the Comments tab.
3. Continue to one of the following:
“To add a comment” on page 176.
“To edit a comment” on page 177.
“To delete a comment” on page 177.
“To view the history for a comment” on page 177.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To add a comment
1. Click New.
The Comment dialog box opens.
Figure 3-76: Comment dialog box
2. On the Comment Type dropdown list, select the type of comment that you are adding;
otherwise, if none of the pre-configured comment types meets your working needs,
select (user-specified comment), and then in the Description field, enter a description for
the comment type.
3. In the Notes field, enter the comment.
4. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
To alert any EMS user that opens this reservation, booking, or service order that this
comment has been added, select Alert Users.
Click Spelling to spell check the comment before you add it to the reservation,
booking, or service order.
5. Click OK.
The Comment dialog box closes. The comment is added to the reservation, booking, or
service order. The Comments tab remains open.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To edit a comment
1. Select the comment that you are editing, and then click Edit.
The Comment dialog box opens, populated with the information for the selected
2. Edit the comment as needed, including its type, description (if applicable), its Notes,
and/or its Alert User status.
3. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the comment before you save the edited
4. Click OK.
The Comment dialog box closes. The edited comment is saved for the reservation,
booking, or service order. The Comments tab remains open.
To delete a comment
1. Select the comment that is you are deleting, and then click Delete.
A message opens asking you if it is OK to delete the selected comment.
2. Click Yes.
The selected comment is deleted from the reservation, booking, or service order. The
Comments tab remains open.
To view the history for a comment
1. Select the comment for which you viewing the history, and then click Edit.
The Comment dialog box opens populated with the information for the selected
2. Open the History tab.
The tab displays the following information for each change that was made to the
comment—the date of the change, the login ID for the user who made the change, and
the old and new values for the comment. See Figure 3-77 on page 178.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-77: Comment dialog box, History tab
3. Click OK.
The Comment dialog box closes. The Comments tab remains open.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Adding Multiple Comments and Reminders to a
When you add a comment or a reminder to a reservation from the Comments tab or
Reminders tab, respectively, then you can add only a single comment or reminder at a time.
To add multiple comments or reminders to a reservation in a single step, you must use an
option on the context menu for reservations in the Navigator.
When you add multiple reminders and comments to a reservation, your only
option is to select from a pre-configured list of comment types and reminder types.
To add a user-specified comment type or reminder type, you must add each
comment or reminder individually. See “Working with Comments and Reminders
in the Navigator” on page 175.
To add multiple comments and reminders to a reservation
1. Open the reservation to which you are adding multiple comments and/or reminders in
the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, right-click the reservation, and on the context menu that
opens, click Add Reminders and Comments.
The Add Reminders and Comments window opens. This window lists all the available
pre-configured reminder and comment types in the Available list. See Figure 3-78 on
page 180.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-78: Add Reminders and Comments window
3. In the Available list, select the comment/reminder type, or CTRL-click to select the
multiple comment/reminder types that you are adding to the reservation, and then click
the Move ( >) button to move the selected comment/reminder types to the Selected list.
4. To enter the text for the selected comment/reminder types, select a comment/reminder
type in the Selected list, and then click Edit.
A Notes dialog box opens in which you can enter the text for the selected comment/
reminder type.
5. After you have entered the text for a selected comment/reminder type, click OK to close
the Notes dialog box and return to the Add Reminders and Comments window.
6. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for each selected comment/reminder type.
7. Click Finish.
A message opens indicating that the comment/reminder types were added successfully.
8. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Working with User Defined Fields in the
The User Defined Fields tab displays the additional fields that store custom data for a
reservation, booking, or a booking detail that is a service order. Your EMS administrator
configures the types of fields that are available as well as the allowed values for these fields.
You can add new user defined fields to a reservation or booking detail, edit the value for a
user defined field, and delete user defined fields. You can also view the history for a user
defined field.
To work with user-defined fields in the Navigator
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation or booking detail (remember, the
booking detail must be a service order), and then in the top right pane of the Navigator,
open the User Defined Fields tab.
3. Continue to one of the following:
“To add a user-defined field” on page 182.
“To edit a user-defined field” on page 182.
“To delete a user-defined field” on page 182.
“To the view history for a user-defined field” on page 183.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To add a user-defined field
1. Click New.
The User Defined Field dialog box opens.
Figure 3-79: User Defined Field dialog box
2. On the Field dropdown list, select the type of field that you are adding.
3. On the Value dropdown list, select an allowed value for the field.
4. Click OK.
The User Defined Field dialog box closes. The field is added to the reservation and the
User Defined Fields tab remains open.
To edit a user-defined field
1. Select the user defined field that you are editing, and then click Edit.
The User Defined Field dialog box opens. The field type and field value are displayed
for the selected user defined field.
2. Edit the field type, field value, or both as needed.
3. Click OK.
The User Defined Field dialog box closes. The edited field is saved for the reservation or
booking detail and the User Defined Fields tab remains open.
To delete a user-defined field
1. Select the user-defined field that you are deleting, and then click Delete.
A message opens asking you if it is OK to delete the selected field.
2. Click Yes.
The selected field is deleted. The User Defined Fields tab remains open.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To the view history for a user-defined field
1. Select the user-defined field for which you are viewing the history, and then click Edit.
The User Defined Field dialog box opens. The field type and field value are displayed
for the selected user defined field.
2. Open the History tab.
The tab displays the following information for each change that was made to the field—
the date of the change, the login ID for the user who made the change, and the old and
new values for the field.
Figure 3-80: User Defined Field dialog box, History tab
You can use the scroll feature at the bottom of the dialog box to view all the history
for a selected change, or you can click a change, and then click View.
3. Click OK.
The User Defined Field dialog box closes. The User Defined Fields tab remains open.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Working with Attachments in the Navigator
The term attachment is used to describe any file that you can add to or store on a reservation
or booking. (Unlike a drawing, which is simply referenced, an attachment is actually stored
in the EMS database with the reservation or booking record.) You can also delete an
attachment from a reservation or booking, and view and edit an attachment.
You can also add an attachment to a group record. See “Configuring Additional
Information for a Group” on page 263.
To work with attachments in the Navigator
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation or expand the folder structure for
the reservation until the appropriate booking folder is visible, and then select the
booking folder.
3. In the top right pane of the Navigator, open the Attachments tab.
4. Continue to one of the following:
“To add an attachment to a reservation or booking” on page 185.
“To edit an attachment for a reservation or booking” on page 186.
“To delete an attachment from a reservation or booking” on page 186.
“To view an attachment for a reservation or booking” on page 187.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To add an attachment to a reservation or booking
1. Click New.
The Attachment dialog box opens.
Figure 3-81: Attachment dialog box
2. In the Description field, enter a name or description for the attachment.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces. If you
leave this field blank, then the Description field is populated with the name of the
file after you attach it to a reservation or booking.
3. On the Type dropdown list, select the attachment type.
4. Click the Search icon
to open the Find Attachment dialog box, and then browse to
and select the attachment.
The Find Attachment dialog box closes. The file name for the attachment is displayed in
the Attachment field.
5. Optionally, do one or more of the following as needed:
If you left the Description field blank, then the name of the attached file is used by
default for the file description, and you can edit this if needed.
If the attachment is to be displayed in VEMS when it is attached to a reservation or
booking, then select Display on Web.
If a VEMS user is to be able to delete this attachment when it is attached to a
reservation or booking, then select Allow Web Delete.
Enter any pertinent notes for the attachment.
Click Spelling to spell check the description before you attach the drawing to the
Chapter 3
The Navigator
6. Click OK.
The Attachment dialog box closes. The attachment is added to the booking. The
Attachments tab remains open.
To edit an attachment for a reservation or booking
1. Select the attachment that you are editing, and then click Edit.
The Attachment dialog box opens populated with the information for the selected
2. Do any of the following as needed:
Edit the description.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.
Click the Search icon
to open the Find Attachment dialog box and scroll to and
select a different attachment.
Edit the notes and/or web options.
Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the description.
3. Click OK.
The Attachment dialog box closes. The Attachments tab remains open.
To delete an attachment from a reservation or booking
1. Select the drawing or CTRL-click to select the multiple attachments that you are deleting
from the reservation or booking.
2. Click Delete.
A message opens asking you if it is OK to delete the selected attachments.
3. Click Yes.
The selected attachments are deleted from the reservation or booking. The Attachments
tab remains open.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To view an attachment for a reservation or booking
Your computer must have the appropriate application installed to view
attachments of a specific type. For example, to open a .docx that is attached to a
booking, Microsoft Word must be installed on your computer.
1. Select the attachment that you are viewing, and then click Open.
The file opens in the appropriate application.
2. Close the application after viewing the attachment, or if the application allows it, edit the
attachment as needed, and then save the attachment.
The next time you open the attachment in the Navigator, you can see the changes that
you made.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Working with Drawings in the Navigator
The term drawing is used to describe a file (text-based or image file) that you can add to a
booking. The file can stored on your organization’s network, or you can create a drawing “on
the fly,” in the default drawing program on your EMS client, and then add it to a booking.
Typically, a drawing is a setup diagram of the booking room. You can also detach a drawing
from a booking, and view and edit a drawing.
To work with drawings in the Navigator
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, expand the folder structure for the reservation until the
appropriate booking folder is visible, and then select the booking.
3. In the right pane of the Navigator, open the Drawings tab.
4. Continue to one of the following:
“To attach a stored drawing to a booking” on page 189.
“To create a drawing “on the fly” and attach it to a booking” on page 190.
“To edit a drawing for a booking” on page 190.
“To detach a drawing from a booking” on page 190.
“To view a drawing for a booking” on page 191.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To attach a stored drawing to a booking
1. Click New > Attach.
The Drawing dialog box opens.
Figure 3-82: Drawing dialog box
2. In the Description field, enter a name or description for the drawing.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces. If you
leave this field blank, then the Description field is populated with the name of the
file after you attach it to the booking.
3. Click the Search icon
select the drawing.
to open the Find Drawing dialog box, and then browse to and
The Find Drawing dialog box closes. The file name for the drawing is displayed in the
Drawing field.
4. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
If you left the Description field blank, then the name of the attached file is used by
default for the file description, and you can edit this if needed.
Click Spelling to spell check the description before you attach the drawing to the
5. Click OK.
The Drawing dialog box closes. The drawing is attached to the booking. The Drawings
tab remains open.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To create a drawing “on the fly” and attach it to a booking
1. Click New > Create.
The application that you have selected as your default drawing application for your EMS
client opens, for example, Microsoft Paint.
You specify your default drawing application in your user preferences. See
“Setting User Preferences and Default Values” on page 403.
2. Create and save the drawing.
3. Continue to “To attach a stored drawing to a booking” on page 189.
To detach a drawing from a booking
1. Select the drawing, or CTRL-click to select the multiple drawings that you are detaching
from the booking.
2. Click Detach.
A message opens asking you if it is OK to detach the selected drawings.
3. Click Yes.
The selected drawings are detached from the booking. The Drawings tab remains open.
To edit a drawing for a booking
1. Select the drawing that you are editing, and then click Edit.
The Drawing dialog box opens.
2. Do one or both of the following as needed:
Edit the description.
Remember, the description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.
Click the Search icon
to open the Find Drawing dialog box and scroll to and
select a different drawing.
3. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the description before you attach the drawing to
the booking.
4. Click OK.
The Drawing dialog box closes. The Drawing tab remains open.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
To view a drawing for a booking
Your computer must have the appropriate application installed to view drawings
of a specific type. For example, to open a .vsd file that is attached to a booking,
Microsoft Visio must be installed on your computer.
1. Select the drawing that you are opening, and then click Open.
The file opens in the appropriate application.
2. Close the application after viewing the drawing, or if the application allows it, edit the
drawing as needed, and then save the drawing.
The next time you open the drawing in the Navigator, you can see the changes that you
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Running the Resource Utility Conflicts Tool
Resource conflicts can occur if bookings for the same date and time require the same
resource, and there are insufficient quantities of the resource to accommodate all the
bookings. When you reserve any resource for which the inventory is maintained (for
example, equipment, personnel, and so on), EMS checks the available quantity and
automatically notifies you in an Inventory Conflict message if there is an insufficient
quantity of the selected resource to accommodate your event.
Figure 3-83: Inventory Conflict message
You have the option of dismissing this message and over-committing the resource; however,
although you are aware that the resource has been over-committed, other users will not
necessarily be aware of this fact. If you need to confirm that an over-commitment of
resources does not exist for a single reservation, then you can manually run the Resource
Inventory Conflicts tool from the Navigator to generate an onscreen report that lists the
resources that are in conflict by booking for the reservation.
To confirm that an over-commitment of resources does not exist across multiple
reservations, run any of the various resource usage reports that are available. See
“Statistics reports” in “Generating an EMS Report” on page 321.
To run the Resource Utility Conflicts tool
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Resource Inventory Conflicts.
The Resource Inventory Conflicts report opens onscreen. The report lists the resources
that are in conflict by booking. See Figure 3-84 on page 193.
3. Optionally, edit the booking details for the involved bookings to resolve the conflict.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Figure 3-84: Resource Inventory Conflicts report
The onscreen preview of the Resource Inventory Conflict report contains options
for printing a hard copy of the report, for emailing the report, and so on.
Chapter 3
The Navigator
Chapter 4
Search Tools
EMS has a variety of options available to you for searching for reservations, bookings,
service orders, resources, and queries. These options include the Browser, the Web
Reservation tool, the Calendar, the Navigator, a Group, the Web Request tool, the Resource
Calendar, and the Service Order Management browser.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Searching with the Browser or with the Web Reservation Tool” on page 197.
“Searching with the Calendar” on page 206.
“Searching with the Resource Calendar” on page 215.
“Searching with the Service Order Management Browser” on page 222.
Remember, a fast way to view and edit bookings is through the Reservation Book.
See “Viewing and Editing Reservations in the Reservation Book” on page 62.
For information about searching with the Navigator, see Chapter 3, “The
Navigator,” on page 77. For information about searching for reservations by
group, see “Working with Reservations for a Group” on page 295. For
information about searching with the Web Request tool, see Chapter 5, “EMS
Dashboard,” on page 227.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
Chapter 4
Search Tools
Searching with the Browser or with the Web
Reservation Tool
You can use the Browser to search for reservations, bookings, service orders, resources, web
reservations, and queries. The results are displayed in a list view. When you carry out a
search in the Browser, you can carry out a basic search or an advanced search. A basic
search is based on the basic information that you specify for a reservation when you first
create it, such as the starting date, the end date, the group for which the event was scheduled,
the group contact name, and so on. An advanced search is a field level search that is carried
out at the reservation level, the booking level, the booking detail level, the booking detail
item level, the service order level, or any combination of these. For example, in an advanced
search, you can specify criteria as granular as who added a specific booking detail item.
A web reservation is any reservation that a user has submitted through VEMS. The
Web Reservation searching tool is identical to the Browser searching tool with one
exception—when the Browser opens for the first time, the Browse for function is
set to Reservations whereas the Web Reservation tool is set to Web Reservations.
As a result, although this section is written from the perspective of using the
Browser, all the information can be applied when using the Web Reservation
searching tool. To open the Web Reservation searching took, click the Web
Reservations icon
on the EMS toolbar.
To carry out a search in the Browser
1. On the EMS toolbar, click the Browser icon
By default, the first time that the Browser window opens, the Filter tab is set to a basic
search; otherwise, the Filter tab is set to the search type (Basic or Advanced) that you
last carried out. See Figure 4-1 on page 198.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
Figure 4-1: Browser window, Basic search options
2. Click the Basic/Advanced toggle to select the type of search that is to be carried out, and
then continue to one of the following:
“To carry out a basic search in the Browser” below.
“To carry out an advanced search in the Browser” on page 201.
To carry out a basic search in the Browser
1. On the Browse For dropdown list, select the item for which to search.
2. Enter the search criteria.
• Starting Time
Both are optional.
• Ending Time
Use Specific Times
Available only if the Starting Date is the same as the Ending Date.
Include Cancelled
By default, search results are not set to show canceled reservations.
Select this option to search for canceled reservations as well.
If the pre-defined list of groups is too extensive to scroll, then click the
Search icon
to open the Groups window and search for a specific
group. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
• 1st Contact
• Reservation Event
Enter a search string by which to filter your search. The string is not
case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of characters in
the string and it must begin with the information for which you are
searching. For example, a search string of ed returns Ed, Edward, Eddie,
and so on, but not Ted or Fred.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you can
select a specific building, area, or view.
• If you select a specific building, then (all) rooms in the building are
selected by default. You can select a specific room in the building.
• If you select an area, then you can select a specific building that is
contained in the area.
• If you select a view, then Room is left blank; however, you can select a
specific room to search.
The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you can
select a specific category (booking detail).
Available only if you select a category that is a resource or service order.
The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you can
select a specific resource item.
Booking Status
The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you can
select a specific booking status.
3. Optionally, click Options and edit the default values for one or more additional search
options—Date/Time Filter, Number of Records to Return, When Filtering By Specific
Room, and Show Service Order Items.
4. Click Get Data or Refresh.
The search results are displayed on the Results tab.
Figure 4-2: Browser window, Results tab
Chapter 4
Search Tools
5. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
The Results tab is an EMS Browser window. See “An EMS Browser Window” on
page 35 for all the features that are available for this tab.
Double-click an event entry on the Results tab to open the event in the Navigator.
Click Print to print the search results.
In the Reservation view, select a search result entry, and then click Email to open a
pre-addressed SMTP email to the group that is associated with the selected
reservation. Complete and send the email as you would normally. See “Sending
Email from EMS” on page 414.
Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
In the Bookings view, click Outlook to download the search results to your personal
Your EMS administrator must set a system parameter to enable this function. If
this function is not available, contact your EMS administrator for assistance.
In the Service Orders view, to mark a service order as Reviewed, select the service
order, or CTRL-click to select multiple service orders, and then click Review >
Mark as Reviewed. Conversely, to mark a service order as Unreviewed, click
Review > Mark as Unreviewed.
In the Service Orders view, to change the state of a service order in a booking, select
the appropriate booking in the Results list, or CTRL-click to select multiple service
orders of the same category, and then click Change State. A Change State dialog box
opens. The dialog box lists all the available states for the service order. Select the
new state for the service order on the State dropdown list.
For more information about reviewing service orders and selecting states, see
“Searching with the Service Order Management Browser” on page 222.
In the Browse For field, select a different item to search for. The Results tab is
refreshed with the search results based on the item that you selected and the search
criteria on the Filter tab.
Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search
criteria, and then repeat the search.
Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.
6. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position, width, and so on)
remain in effect for any other searches that you carry out. To reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
To carry out an advanced search in the Browser
Figure 4-3: Browser window, Advanced search options
1. On the Browse For dropdown list, select the item for which to search.
2. Optionally, do one or more or all of the following:
Enter a Starting Date, an Ending Date, or both.
If the Starting Date and the Ending Date are the same, select Use Specific Times and
enter specific time periods to search.
Use Specific Times is available only if the Starting Date is the same as the Ending
Click Options and edit the default values for one or more additional search
options—Date/Time Filter, Number of Records to Return, When Filtering By
Specific Room, and Show Service Order Items.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
3. For each field level option by which to carry out the search:
Select the field level option, and then click the Move button (>).
To filter the list of available fields, in the Field Search field, enter a search string.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
search string is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search
results. For example, a search string of add returns Added by, Date Added, and
Group Address Line 1. The list of fields that meet your search criteria is
dynamically updated as you enter your search criteria.
When prompted, enter a value or define the limits for the option, and then click OK.
The option is moved to the Filter Summary list.
If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out a
search, then you can set up these fields to be your Favorite fields. See “To set up
favorite fields for a Browser search” on page 205.
To view a selected field option in its entirety in the Filter Summary list, rest the
mouse pointer on the entry. A tooltip showing the complete field option
information opens.
Figure 4-4: Viewing a selected field option in the Filter Summary list
Chapter 4
Search Tools
4. Click Get Data or Refresh.
The search results are displayed on the Results tab.
Figure 4-5: Browser window, Results tab
5. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
The Results tab is an EMS Browser window. See “An EMS Browser Window” on
page 35 for all the features that are available for this tab.
Double-click an event entry on the Results tab to open the event in the Navigator.
Click Print to print the search results.
In the Reservation view, select a search result entry, and then click Email to open a
pre-addressed SMTP email to the group that is associated with the selected
reservation. Complete and send the email as you would normally. See “Sending
Email from EMS” on page 414.
Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
In the Bookings view, click Outlook to download the search results to your personal
Your EMS administrator must set a system parameter to enable this function. If
this function is not available, contact your EMS administrator for assistance.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
In the Service Orders view, to mark a service order as Reviewed, select the service
order, or CTRL-click to select multiple service orders, and then click Review >
Mark as Reviewed. Conversely, to mark a service order as Unreviewed, click
Review > Mark as Unreviewed.
In the Service Orders view, to change the state of a service order in a booking, select
the appropriate booking in the Results list, or CTRL-click to select multiple service
orders of the same category, and then click Change State. A Change State dialog box
opens. The dialog box lists all the available states for the service order. Select the
new state for the service order on the State dropdown list.
For more information about reviewing service orders and selecting states, see
“Searching with the Service Order Management Browser” on page 222.
In the Browse For field, select a different item to search for. The Results tab is
refreshed with the search results based on the item that you selected and the search
criteria on the Filter tab.
Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search
criteria, and then repeat the search.
Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.
6. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position, width, and so on)
remain in effect for any other searches that you carry out. To reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
To set up favorite fields for a Browser search
If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out a Browser
search, you do not have to filter the list of fields on the All Fields tab for every search.
Instead, you can set up each of these fields to be a favorite field with a specific value or limit
if needed.
1. Open the Browser, and make sure that the Advanced search features are displayed.
2. For each field that you are setting up as favorite field, select the field on the All Fields
tab, and then click Add to Favorites.
The field is added to the Favorite Fields tab.
3. Optionally, after you define a value or define the limits for a field, click Save Value on
the Filter dialog box.
The next time that you carry out a search, you can simply open the Favorite Fields tab or
the Saved Values tab to carry out a search based on your customized list of search fields.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
Searching with the Calendar
You use the Calendar to search for reservations, bookings, and service orders in your EMS
database. The results are displayed in a calendar view. When you carry out a search in the
Calendar, you can carry out a basic search or an advanced search. A basic search is based on
the basic information that you specify for a reservation when you first create it, such as the
starting time, the end time, the group for which the event was scheduled, the group contact
name, and so on. An advanced search is a field level search that is carried out at the
reservation level, the booking level, the booking detail level, the booking detail item level, or
any combination of these. For example, in an advanced search, you can specify criteria as
granular as who added a specific booking detail item.
To carry out a search in the Calendar
1. On the EMS toolbar, click the Calendar icon
The Calendar window opens. By default, the first time that the Calendar window opens,
the Results tab is the active tab and it is set to the current month and year. If you never
edit the Get Data when Calendar Opens option (under Options), then the Results tab is
always the active tab when the Calendar window opens; otherwise, the Filter tab is the
active tab.
Figure 4-6: Calendar window, Results tab
Chapter 4
Search Tools
2. If needed, click Filter to open the Filter tab.
The first time that the Filter tab opens, it is set by default to a Basic search;
otherwise, the Filter tab displays the search type (Basic or Advanced) that you last
carried out.
3. Click the Basic/Advanced toggle to select the type of search that you want to carry out
and then continue to one of the following:
“To carry out a basic search in the Calendar.”
“To carry out an advanced search in the Calendar” on page 211.
To carry out a basic search in the Calendar
Figure 4-7: Calendar window, Filter tab with Basic search options
1. On the Browse For dropdown list, select the item for which to search.
2. Enter the search criteria.
Include Cancelled
The default value is the current month and year, but you can change
one or both of these values if needed.
By default, search results are not set to show canceled bookings. Select
this option if you want to search for canceled bookings as well.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
If the pre-defined list of groups is too extensive to scroll, then click the
Search icon
to open the Groups window and search for a specific
group. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
• 1st Contact
• Reservation Event
Enter a search string by which to filter your search. The search is not
case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of
characters in the string and it must begin with the information for which
you are searching. For example, a search string of ed returns include
Ed, Edward, Eddie, and so on, but not Ted or Fred.
The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you
can select a specific building, area, or view.
• If you select a specific building, then (all) rooms in the building are
selected by default. You can select a specific room in the building.
• If you select an area, then you can select a specific building that is
contained in the area.
• If you select a view, then Room is left blank; however, you can select
a specific room to search.
The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you
can select a specific category (booking detail).
Available only if you select a category that is a resource or service order.
The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you
can select a specific resource item.
Booking Status
The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you
can select a specific booking status.
3. Optionally, click Options and edit the default values for one or more additional search
options—Date/Time Filter, Number of Records to Return, Get Data when Calendar
Opens, When Filtering By Specific Room, and Change Calendar Day Count Color.
4. Click Get Data or Refresh.
The search results are displayed on the Results tab in a calendar view. The number of
bookings that meet the search criteria is indicated on the dates on which the events occur.
The current day’s date is outlined in black. See Figure 4-8 on page 209.
By default, the number of bookings is indicated in red unless you selected a
different color for the Change Calendar Day Count Color. Any color that you pick
here is carried over to the same option for the Resource Calendar.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
Figure 4-8: Calendar window, Results tab
5. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
Click on a date in the upper pane of the Results tab to view a list of bookings for the
date in the lower pane of the tab.
Figure 4-9: Calendar window, Results tab with list of events for selected dates
Chapter 4
Search Tools
The lower pane on the Results tab is an EMS Browser window. See “An EMS
Browser Window” on page 35 for all the features that are available for this pane.
Double-click the event entry on the Results tab to open an event in the Navigator.
Click Print to print the search results.
In the Reservation view, select a search result entry, and then click Email to open a
pre-addressed SMTP email to the group that is associated with the selected
reservation. Complete and send the email as you would normally. See “Sending
Email from EMS” on page 414.
Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
In the Bookings view, click Outlook to download the search results to your personal
Your EMS administrator must set a system parameter to enable this function. If
this function is not available, contact your EMS administrator for assistance.
In the Service Orders view, to mark a service order as Reviewed, select the service
order, or CTRL-click to select multiple service orders, and then click Review >
Mark as Reviewed. Conversely, to mark a service order as Unreviewed, click
Review > Mark as Unreviewed.
In the Service Orders view, to change the state of a service order in a booking, select
the appropriate booking in the Results list, or CTRL-click to select multiple service
orders of the same category, and then click Change State. A Change State dialog box
opens. The dialog box lists all the available states for the service order. Select the
new state for the service order on the State dropdown list.
For more information about reviewing service orders and selecting states, see
“Searching with the Service Order Management Browser” on page 222.
In the Browse For field, select a different item to search for. The Results tab is
refreshed with the search results based on the item that you selected and the search
criteria on the Filter tab.
Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search
criteria, and then repeat the search.
Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.
6. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position and width) remain in
effect for any other searches that you carry out. If you want to reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
To carry out an advanced search in the Calendar
Figure 4-10: Calendar window, Advanced search options
1. On the Browse For dropdown list, select the item for which to search.
2. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
The default values for the month and year are the current month and year. You can
enter different values as needed.
Click Options and edit the default values for one or more additional search
options—Date/Time Filter, Number of Records to Return, Get Data when Calendar
Opens, When Filtering By Specific Room, and Change Calendar Day Count Color.
3. For each field level option by which to carry out the search:
Select the field level option, and then click the Move button (>).
To filter the list of available fields, in the Field Search field, enter a search string.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
search string is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search
results. For example, a search string of add returns Added by, Date Added, and
Group Address Line 1. The list of fields that meet your search criteria is
dynamically updated as you enter your search criteria.
When prompted, enter a value or define the limits for the option, and then click OK.
The option is moved to the Filter Summary list.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out a
search, then you can set up these fields to be your Favorite fields. See “To set up
favorite fields for a Calendar search” on page 214.
To view a selected field option in its entirety in the Filter Summary list, rest the
mouse pointer on the entry. A tooltip showing the complete field option
information opens.
Figure 4-11: Viewing a selected field option in the Filter Summary list
4. Click Get Data or Refresh.
The search results are displayed on the Results tab in a calendar view. The number of
bookings that meet the search criteria is indicated on the dates on which the events occur.
The current day’s date is outlined in black.
By default, the number of bookings is indicated in red unless you selected a
different color for the Change Calendar Day Count Color.
Figure 4-12: Calendar window, Results tab
Chapter 4
Search Tools
5. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
Click on a date in the upper pane of the Results tab to view a list of bookings for the
date in the lower pane of the tab.
Figure 4-13: Calendar window, Results tab with list of events for selected dates
The lower pane on the Results tab is an EMS Browser window. See “An EMS
Browser Window” on page 35 for all the features that are available for this pane.
To open an event in the Navigator, double-click the event entry on the Results tab.
Click Print to print the search results.
In the Reservation view, select a search result entry, and then click Email to open a
pre-addressed SMTP email to the group that is associated with the selected
reservation. Complete and send the email as you would normally. See “Sending
Email from EMS” on page 414.
Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
In the Bookings view, click Outlook to download the search results to your personal
Your EMS administrator must set a system parameter to enable this function. If
this function is not available, contact your EMS administrator for assistance.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
In the Service Orders view, to mark a service order as Reviewed, select the service
order, or CTRL-click to select multiple service orders, and then click Review >
Mark as Reviewed. Conversely, to mark a service order as Unreviewed, click
Review > Mark as Unreviewed.
In the Service Orders view, to change the state of a service order in a booking, select
the appropriate booking in the Results list, or CTRL-click to select multiple service
orders of the same category, and then click Change State. A Change State dialog box
opens. The dialog box lists all the available states for the service order. Select the
new state for the service order on the State dropdown list.
For more information about reviewing service orders and selecting states, see
“Searching with the Service Order Management Browser” on page 222.
In the Browse For field, select a different item to search for. The Results tab is
refreshed with the search results based on the item that you selected and the search
criteria on the Filter tab.
Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search
criteria, and then repeat the search.
Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.
6. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position and width) remain in
effect for any other searches that you carry out. If you want to reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
To set up favorite fields for a Calendar search
If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out a Calendar
search, you do not have to filter the list of fields on the All Fields tab for every search.
Instead, you can set up each of these fields to be a favorite field with a specific value or limit
if needed.
1. Open the Calendar, and make sure that the Advanced search features are displayed.
2. For each field that you are setting up as favorite field, select the field on the All Fields
tab, and then click Add to Favorites.
The field is added to the Favorite Fields tab.
3. Optionally, after you define a value or define the limits for a field, click Save Value on
the Filter dialog box.
The next time that you carry out a search, you can simply open the Favorite Fields tab or
the Saved Values tab to carry out a search based on your customized list of search fields.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
Searching with the Resource Calendar
You use the Resource Calendar to search for a particular resource and determine how much
of the resource (that is, how many individual items) is needed for a specific day or month in
a specific year. For example, how many slices of key lime pie are needed in November,
2012? You can use the results of the search to assist you in managing the counts of the
resources that your organization must ensure are available for scheduled events. When you
carry out a search in the Resource Calendar, you can carry out a basic search or an advanced
search. A basic search is based on the basic information that you specify for a resource item
when you first create it, such as its category and status. An advanced search is a field level
search that is carried out the booking level, the booking detail level, the booking detail item
level, the reservation level, the service order level, or any combination of these. For example,
in an advanced search, you can specify criteria as granular the date that the service order
reminder was added. You can open a resource item that has been returned in the search
results in the Navigator, and edit the item if needed.
To carry out a search in the Resource Calendar
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reservations > Reservations > Resource Calendar.
The first time that the Resource Calendar opens, the Filter tab is set by default to a Basic
search; otherwise, the Filter tab is set to the search type (Basic or Advanced) that you
last carried out.
Figure 4-14: Resource Calendar, Basic search
Chapter 4
Search Tools
2. Click the Basic/Advanced toggle to select the type of search that is to be carried out, and
then continue to one of the following:
“To carry out a basic search in the Resource Calendar.”
“To carry out an advanced search in the Resource Calendar” on page 218.
To carry out a basic search in the Resource Calendar
1. Leave the Month and Year set to the default values (current month and year), or
optionally, enter different values as needed.
2. Enter the search criteria.
Include Cancelled
By default, search results are not set to show resource items for
canceled reservations. Select this option to search for resource items in
canceled reservations as well.
Select a specific category (booking detail).
Available only if you select a category that is a resource or service order.
Select a specific resource item.
The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you
can select a specific booking status.
3. Optionally, click Options and edit the default values for one or more additional search
options—Date/Time Filter, Number of Records to Return, Specific Room Filters, and
Change Calendar Day Count Color.
4. Click Get Data or Refresh.
The search results are displayed on the Results tab in a calendar view. The total number
of resources in all bookings that meet the search criteria is indicated on the dates on
which the events occur. The current day’s date is outlined in black. See Figure 4-15 on
page 217.
By default, the number of resources is indicated in red unless you selected a
different color for the Change Calendar Day Count Color. Any color that you pick
here is carried over to the same option for the Calendar.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
Figure 4-15: Resource Calendar window, Results tab
5. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
Click on a date in the upper pane of the Results tab to view a list of bookings for the
date in the lower pane of the tab.
Figure 4-16: Resource Calendar window, Results tab with list of events for selected dates
Chapter 4
Search Tools
The lower pane on the Results tab is an EMS Browser window. See “An EMS
Browser Window” on page 35 for all the features that are available for this pane.
Double-click an event entry on the Results tab to open the event in the Navigator.
Click Print to print the search results.
Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search
criteria, and then repeat the search.
Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.
6. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position and width) remain in
effect for any other searches that you carry out. If you want to reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
To carry out an advanced search in the Resource Calendar
Figure 4-17: Resource Calendar, Advanced search
1. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
The default values for the month and year are the current month and year. You can
enter different values as needed.
Click Options and edit the default values for one or more additional search
options—Date/Time Filter, Number of Records to Return, Specific Room Filters,
and Change Calendar Day Count Color.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
2. For each field level option by which to carry out the search:
Select the field level option, and then click the Move button (>).
To filter the list of available fields, in the Field Search field, enter a search string.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
search string is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search
results. For example, a search string of add returns Added by, Date Added, and
Group Address Line 1. The list of fields that meet your search criteria is
dynamically updated as you enter your search criteria.
When prompted, enter a value or define the limits for the option, and then click OK.
The option is moved to the Filter Summary list.
If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out a
search, then you can set up these fields to be your Favorite fields. See “To set up
favorite fields for a Resource Calendar search” on page 221.
To view a selected field option in its entirety in the Filter Summary list, rest the
mouse pointer on the entry. A tooltip showing the complete field option
information opens.
Figure 4-18: Viewing a selected field option in the Filter Summary list
3. Click Get Data or Refresh.
The search results are displayed on the Results tab in a calendar view. The total number
of resources in all bookings that meet the search criteria is indicated on the dates on
which the events occur. The current day’s date is outlined in black. See Figure 4-19 on
page 220.
By default, the number of resources is indicated in red unless you selected a
different color for the Change Calendar Day Count Color.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
Figure 4-19: Resource Calendar, Results tab
4. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
Click on a date in the upper pane of the Results tab to view a list of bookings for the
date in the lower pane of the tab.
Figure 4-20: Resource Calendar window, Results tab with list of events for selected dates
Chapter 4
Search Tools
The lower pane on the Results tab is an EMS Browser window. See “An EMS
Browser Window” on page 35 for all the features that are available for this pane.
Double-click an event entry on the Results tab to open the event in the Navigator.
Click Print to print the search results.
Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search
criteria, and then repeat the search.
Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.
5. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position and width) remain in
effect for any other searches that you carry out. If you want to reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
To set up favorite fields for a Resource Calendar search
If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out a Resource
Calendar search, you do not have to filter the list of fields on the All Fields tab for every
search. Instead, you can set up each of these fields to be a favorite field with a specific value
or limit if needed.
1. Open the Resource Calendar, and make sure that the Advanced search features are
2. For each field that you are setting up as favorite field, select the field on the All Fields
tab, and then click Add to Favorites.
The field is added to the Favorite Fields tab.
3. Optionally, after you define a value or define the limits for a field, click Save Value on
the Filter dialog box.
The next time that you carry out a search, you can simply open the Favorite Fields tab or
the Saved Values tab to carry out a search based on your customized list of search fields.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
Searching with the Service Order Management
You use the Service Order Management browser to search for and view the resources with
and without service orders for all bookings on a particular day as well as the current state of
the resources and their Reviewed status. After viewing a resource, if applicable, you can
change the state for a resource. You can review a resource, or you can mark a resource as
unreviewed. You can also open a resource in the Navigator, and edit it if necessary.
A category state is a process phase, or state, that describes the movement of a
resource in the category through your organization’s processes, for example,
“Unassigned,” “Assigned,” “Out for Delivery,” “In Prep,” and so on. Your EMS
administrator configures the states that are specific to your organization. Contact
your EMS administrator for assistance with states.
To search with the Service Order Management browser
1. On the EMS toolbar, click the Manage Services icon.
The Service Order Management window opens. When this window first opens, the
display is static and you must manually refresh it. To set options for automatically
refreshing the window’s display, go to Step 2; otherwise, go to Step 4.
Figure 4-21: Service Order Management window
Chapter 4
Search Tools
2. Click Options.
The Options dialog box opens.
Figure 4-22: Options dialog box
3. Edit the display options as needed for the Manage Services window, and then click OK
to apply these changes.
4. To filter the search results, do one or more of the following:
Leave the Date set to the default value (the current day’s date), or select a different
On the Building dropdown list, leave the value set to the default value (all
buildings), or select a specific building, area, or view.
On the Category dropdown list, select the category by which to search.
In the Status pane, select one or more specific booking statuses, or select (all)
5. Click Refresh.
A list of all bookings that meet your search criteria is displayed in the upper pane of the
If states are assigned to any of the resources in a booking, then the name of the state
and if applicable, its color, is displayed in the State column for the booking. If a
resource for a booking is of the type to which states can be assigned, but none has
been assigned, then (none) is displayed in the State column for the booking.
If a resource has been reviewed for a booking, then “Yes” is displayed in the
Reviewed column for the booking.
If your Options are set to show deleted service orders/items, then an “x” appears
next to the booking for which the orders/items were deleted and a single line through
the booking is displayed.
See Figure 4-23 on page 224.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
Figure 4-23: Service Order Management window with results
6. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
The upper pane on the Service Order Management window is an EMS Browser
window. See “An EMS Browser Window” on page 35 for all the features that are
available for this pane.
To view the resources (individual items) for a booking, select the booking. The
resources are displayed on the Items tab in the lower pane of the window. See Figure
4-23 above.
To open an event in the Navigator and edit the resource item as needed, double-click
the event entry on the Results tab. See Chapter 3, “The Navigator,” on page 77.
If you edit any information for a resource (quantity, notes, and so on) or the
service order (service order time, estimated count, or so on) for a booking, then a
Changed icon is displayed next to the booking.
Figure 4-24: Booking with Changed icon
Changed icon
To mark a resource for a booking as reviewed, select the booking, or CTRL-click to
select multiple bookings, and then click Reviewed. A message opens asking you if
you are sure that you want to mark the resource as reviewed. Click Yes to close the
message. “Yes” is displayed in the Reviewed column for the booking.
Chapter 4
Search Tools
To reverse the Reviewed status for a resource in a booking, select the appropriate
booking, or CTRL-click to select multiple bookings, and then click Unreviewed. A
message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to mark the selected
resource as unreviewed. Click Yes to close the message. “Yes” is cleared from the
Reviewed column for the booking.
To change the state of the resources for a booking, select the booking, or
CTRL-click to select multiple service orders of the same category, and then click
Change State. A Change State dialog box opens. The dialog box lists all the
available states for the resource. Select the new state for the resource on the State
dropdown list.
To view the changes made to the resources for a booking, select the booking, and
then open the Changes tab in the lower pane of the window.
Figure 4-25: Viewing changes to a resource in the Service Order Management window
Chapter 4
Search Tools
To print the list of service orders that are displayed, click Print. An onscreen preview
of the Service Orders list opens. The preview window contains options for printing a
hard copy of the list, for emailing the list, and so on.
Figure 4-26: Onscreen preview for a printed reminder
The Items tab and the Changes tab in the lower pane of the Service Order
Management window have some of the same basic features as an EMS browser
window. You can rearrange the column order by dragging a column to a new
location using the column heading, you can change the width of the data columns,
and you can sort the data columns on a tab in either ascending or descending sort
order. See “An EMS Browser Window” on page 33.
Make any necessary changes to the search criteria, and then click Refresh to repeat
the search based on the new search criteria.
7. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position and width) remain in
effect for any other searches that you carry out. If you want to reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
The Dashboard is a window that centralizes critical information about reservations in a
single location. The information that is displayed on this window, including notifications,
reminders, web reservations, and so on, provides you with the necessary input to manage
your work in EMS.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Overview of the EMS Dashboard and Dashboard Options” on page 229.
“Notifications Tab” on page 232.
“Reminders Tab” on page 234.
“Web Reservations Tab” on page 240.
“Web Requests Tab” on page 241.
“Wait List Tab” on page 245.
“Reconfirm Dates Tab” on page 246.
“Building Hours Exceptions Tab” on page 247.
“Analytics Tab” on page 248.
“At A Glance Tab” on page 251.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Overview of the EMS Dashboard and
Dashboard Options
The Dashboard is a window that centralizes critical information about reservations in a
single location. The information that is displayed on this window provides you with the
necessary input to manage your work EMS. By default, when the window first opens, it has
nine tabs—Notifications, Reminders, Web Reservations, Web Requests, Wait List,
Reconfirm Dates, Building Hours Exceptions, Analytics, and At A Glance. If any tab on the
Dashboard window has at least one record displayed on it, then, by default, when you log
into EMS, the Dashboard window opens and the Dashboard icon on the main toolbar flashes
briefly. Also, an asterisk (*) is displayed to the right of the tab name. All the tabs in the upper
pane of the window have some of the basic features of an EMS browser window. You can
sort the data columns on a tab in either ascending or descending sort order, you can rearrange
the column order by dragging a column to a new location using the column heading, and you
can change the width of the data columns.
For information about working with data columns on a Dashboard tab, see “To
group data by columns in an EMS Browser window” on page 36 and “” on page
You can change the default behavior of the Dashboard in the Dashboard Options
dialog box. See “Dashboard options” on page 230. You can also click the
Dashboard icon at any time to open the Dashboard window.
Figure 5-1: Dashboard window
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Dashboard options
The appearance and functioning of your Dashboard window are determined by the values
that you set for the Dashboard options. To view, and if needed, edit these values, in the upper
right corner of the Dashboard window, click Options to open the Dashboard Options dialog
Figure 5-2: Dashboard options dialog box
Open Dashboard At Startup
If Items Exist
Selected by default. The Dashboard window opens automatically
after you log into EMS if any tab displays at least one item.
• Show Reminders
Selected by default. Indicates the tabs that are to be displayed on
the Dashboard window.
• Show Web Reservations
• Show Web Requests
• Show Analytics
• Show Wait List
• Show Reconfirm Dates
• Show Building Hours
• Show At A Glance
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
“Thru Today” includes xx
Days Prior to Today
Indicates how far into the past that reminders are to be displayed in
the “Thru Today” view. The default value is seven.
Activate Flashing Indicator
Set on a per tab basis. Indicates when the Dashboard icon on the
EMS toolbar is to flash if at least one item is displayed on any tab.
Values are:
• Notifications
• Reminders
• Web Reservations
• Web Requests
• Automatically—Immediately when there is at least one record
that is displayed on the indicated tab, even when you are
working in EMS.
• At Startup Only
• Never
Activate Flashing Indicator
• Wait List
• Reconfirm Date
Set on a per tab basis. Indicates when the Dashboard icon on the
EMS toolbar is to flash if tasks on the tab require your attention.
Values are:
• At Startup Only
• Never
• Building Hours
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Notifications Tab
Your EMS administrator can configure notification rules to alert you or groups of which you
are a member when additions or modifications have been carried out in the EMS database
such as the creation or modification of a booking, the creation or modification of a service
order, the creation of a new web account, and so on.
Figure 5-3: Dashboard window, Notifications tab
When the Notifications tab first opens, all the notification rules that include you are listed in
the Notification Rule pane (upper left pane) of the tab. Next to each rule, the number of new
notifications (notifications with the current day’s date) is displayed. The tab is interactive.
You can:
Select a rule to view all unreviewed notifications for future bookings.
Select a rule, and under Show, select Reviewed to view all reviewed notifications for
future bookings.
Select a rule, and under Show, select Old to view all notifications for past bookings.
Select a notification to view detailed information about the notification (such as new
bookings, the changes made to a booking, and the users who were notified of the changes)
in a pane at the bottom of the window.
Select Show New Only to show only new notifications (notifications with the current
day’s date) for the notification rules.
Select a notification, and then click Reviewed to mark a notification as “Reviewed.”
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Select a notification and then click Go To to open the item to which the notification refers.
If the notification is attached to a reservation, booking, or booking detail, then the
reservation opens in the Navigator, and the appropriate folder (Reservation, Booking,
or Booking Detail) is automatically selected.
If the notification is attached to a group, then the Group window opens with the group
information displayed in the window.
Click Refresh to check for notifications that have been issued since you opened the
Select a notification, or CTRL-click to select multiple notifications, and then click Delete
to delete the notifications from the Notifications tab.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Reminders Tab
A comment is a text entry that explains or clarifies a reservation, booking, group, or service
order. A reminder is a comment that has a due date associated with it. The Reminders tab
displays all the reminders for which you are the responsible user and that, by default, have a
due date through the current day’s date.
Figure 5-4: Dashboard window, Reminders tab
The tab is interactive. You can:
View a list of reminders for other responsible users and/or set the criteria for which
reminders that you want to view. See “To change the Reminders tab view” on page 235.
Create an unattached reminder. “To create an unattached reminder” on page 236.
Edit a reminder. “To edit a reminder” on page 237.
Delete a reminder. “To delete a reminder” on page 237.
Print a reminder. “To print a reminder” on page 238.
Go to the item to which a reminder is attached. See “To go to the item to which a reminder
is attached” on page 238.
Complete a reminder. See “To complete a reminder” on page 238.
Reassign multiple reminders from one EMS user to another. See “To reassign multiple
reminders between EMS users” on page 239.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
To change the Reminders tab view
By default, when the Dashboard window first opens, the Reminders tab displays all the
reminders for which you are the responsible user and that have a due date through the current
day’s date. You can do one or more of the following to change this view:
To view the reminders for which other users are responsible, simply select the user or
users in the Responsible User pane.
To view only a specific group of reminders for which you or others are the responsible
users, change the viewing criteria.
View reminders that have the indicated due date. The default value is
Thru Today. If a value from the pre-configured list does not meet your
needs, then select (user specified) and in the Date Due fields, enter at
least a Starting due date. The Ending due date is optional.
Reminder Type
The default value is (all).
Attached To
The default value is (all). To view reminders that are not attached to any
item (reservation, booking, group, or service order), select (none). See
“To create an unattached reminder” on page 236.
Search in Text
Enter the string by which to search for specific reminders. (The search is
carried out on the Notes field for the reminder.) Your search is limited to
the exact order of the characters in the string, but the search string is
not-case sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For
example, a search string of cat returns reminders that have “catering” or
“Mary’s catering” in the Notes field.
Date Completed
Available only if Exclude Complete is not checked.
Exclude Completed
Selected by default. Clear this option to display completed reminders in
the Reminders list. To display completed reminders that meet the other
viewing criteria, regardless of their completion dates, leave the Date
Completed fields blank; otherwise, to view completed reminders that
were completed by a specific date, you can enter a Starting date or a
date range in the Date Completed fields.
Hide Cancelled
Not selected by default. Select this option to display canceled reminders
in the Reminders list.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
To create an unattached reminder
When you create reminder on the Navigator, the reminder is attached to a specific
reservation, booking, or booking detail. Similarly, when you create a reminder on the Groups
window, the reminder is attached to a specific group. If needed, however, you can create a
reminder that addresses just your general business needs and is not attached to any specific
item. For example, you can create a reminder about “preparing for your organization’s yearly
safety inspection.” Any reminder that you create from the Reminders tab on the Dashboard
window is an unattached reminder.
1. Click New.
The Reminder dialog box opens.
Figure 5-5: Reminder dialog box
2. Do one of the following:
Select a Reminder Type.
If none of the pre-configured Reminder Types meets your working needs, then select
(user-specified), and in the Description field, enter a description for the reminder
The Responsible User field is populated with your User ID and the Date Due field is
populated with the current day’s date.
3. Optionally, change the value for the Responsible User, the Date Due, or both.
4. If you are completing the reminder today, select a Date Completed; otherwise, leave this
field blank. (This field is populated automatically when you or another user completes
the reminder. See “To complete a reminder” on page 238.)
5. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
In the Notes field, enter any further explanation or information about the reminder.
Click Spelling to spell check the reminder before you save it.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
6. Click OK.
The Reminder dialog box closes. The newly created reminder is not attached to an item.
It might or might not be displayed in the Reminders list depending on the values that you
have set for filtering the display.
To edit a reminder
1. On the Reminders list, select the reminder that you are editing, and then click Edit.
The Reminder dialog box opens. The dialog box is populated with the current
information for the reminder.
2. Edit the reminder as needed.
3. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the reminder before you save the edited
4. Click OK.
The Reminder dialog box closes. If the reminder is attached to an item such as a
reservation, then the reminder remains attached; otherwise, it is saved as an unattached
To delete a reminder
You can delete any reminder (attached or unattached) regardless of its due date and
regardless if it is completed.
1. On the Reminders list, select the reminder that you are deleting, and then click Delete.
A message opens asking you if it is OK to delete the reminder.
2. Click Yes.
The message closes and the reminder is deleted.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
To print a reminder
1. On the Reminders list, select the reminder that you are printing, and then click Print.
An onscreen preview of the reminder opens. The preview window contains options for
printing a hard copy of the reminder, for emailing the reminder, and so on.
Figure 5-6: Onscreen preview for a printed reminder
2. Select the option or options that best fit your working needs.
To go to the item to which a reminder is attached
On the Reminders list, select a reminder, and then click Go To.
The Attached To column for the reminder must state anything other than
If the reminder is attached to a reservation, booking, or booking detail, then the
reservation opens in the Navigator, and the appropriate folder (Reservation, Booking, or
Booking Detail) is automatically selected.
If the reminder is attached to a group, then the Group window opens, with the group
information displayed in the window.
To complete a reminder
1. On the Reminders list, select the reminder, or CTRL-click to select the multiple
reminders that you are completing.
2. Click Completed.
A message opens asking you if it is OK to set the selected reminders as completed.
3. Click Yes.
The message closes. The reminders are completed with a date equal to the current day’s
date. The reminders might or might not be displayed in the Reminders list depending on
the values that you have set for filtering the display.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
To reassign multiple reminders between EMS users
1. On the Reminders list, select the reminder, or CTRL-click to select the multiple
reminders that you are reassigning.
2. Click Reassign.
The Select User dialog box opens. This dialog box lists all the users for your EMS
Figure 5-7: Select User dialog box
3. Select the user to whom you are reassigning the reminder.
To search for a user, enter a search string in the Search field. The search string is
limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the search string is
not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For example,
a search string of Admin returns both Admin users and SysAdmin. The list of
users that meet your search string is dynamically updated as you enter the string.
4. Click OK.
A message opens, asking you if you are sure that you want to reassign the selected
reminders to the user.
5. Click Yes.
The Select User dialog box and message close and the reminder is reassigned.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Web Reservations Tab
The Web Reservation tab displays any reservation that was submitted through VEMS for
web process templates that are set to Self Serve mode.
Figure 5-8: Web Reservations tab
The tab is interactive. You can:
Select options to filter the reservations that are displayed on the tab. After you select or
edit the filtering options, click Refresh.
Status and Building/Area/View options are displayed on the left pane of the tab. You
can select one or more statuses, or you can select all statuses in a single step. You can
select a specific building, area, and/or view, or you can select all buildings, areas, and
views in a single step.
Date options are displayed on the View list at the top of the right pane of the tab. You
can view reservations for the indicated due date. The default value is Thru Today. If
a value from the pre-configured list does not meet your needs, then select (user
specified) and in the Date Due fields, enter at least a Starting due date. The Ending
due date is optional.
Select the reservation in the Reservations list, and then click Go To to open the
reservation in the Navigator.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Web Requests Tab
The Web Requests tab displays any reservation that was submitted through VEMS for web
process templates that are set to Request mode. A request that has not yet been processed has
a status of Pending.
Figure 5-9: Dashboard window, Web Requests tab
The tab is interactive. You can:
Select options to filter the reservations that are displayed on the tab. After you select or
edit the filtering options, click Refresh.
Status and Building/Area/View options are displayed on the left pane of the tab. You
can select one or more statuses, or you can select all statuses in a single step. You can
select a specific building, area, and/or view, or you can select all buildings, areas, and
views in a single step.
Room options are displayed on the Room list at the top of the right pane of the tab.
To enable the Room list, you must select a specific building.
Edit a web request, including processing it. See “To edit a web request” on page 242.
Delete a web request. See “To delete a web request” on page 244.
Print a web request. See “To print a web request” on page 244.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
To edit a web request
1. Select the web request that you are editing, and then click Edit.
The Web Request dialog box opens. All of the information that was submitted for the
request through VEMS is displayed in the dialog box. The dialog box always has a
Description tab, a Web Questions tab, and an Audit tab. If the request included resources
or setup notes, it also has a Services tab.
Figure 5-10: Web Request dialog box
2. Do one of the following:
Edit the request as necessary without processing it and then click OK. When editing
the request without processing it, optionally, you can do one or more of the
If you have questions about the request or want to confirm some information
(for example, “Will alcohol be served at the event?”) before you process the
request, you can enter these questions or comments in the Notes field on the
Description tab. A web user can see these notes when viewing the request in
VEMS and you can wait for a response before deciding whether to process the
In addition, to indicate that you are reviewing the request before you process it,
you can set the status of the request to In Progress on the Description tab. A web
user can see this status when viewing the request in VEMS.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
If the request required questions to be answered on the web, open the Web
Questions tab to see the questions and the user’s answers.
If the request includes resources, open the Services tab to see what the request
includes. To view the details for each category, double-click a category to
display its associated details in the right pane.
To process the request and create a true reservation for the request in your EMS
database, on the Description tab, click Process.
The reservation opens in the Reservation Wizard. Continue to “Making a
Reservation Using the Reservation Wizard” on page 45.
After you create a true reservation using the Wizard and the reservation includes a
request for services, the Process Web Request Details window opens. (See Figure
5-11 below.) You can process the services immediately using the options on this
window, or to process the services at a later date, click Cancel to close the
window. You can then open the reservation on the Web Requests tab, and on the
Services tab, click Process.
Figure 5-11: Process Web Request Details window
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
To delete a web request
1. Select the web request, or CTRL-click to select the multiple requests that you are
deleting, and then click Delete.
A message opens asking you if it is OK to delete the selected web requests.
2. Click Yes.
The message closes. The selected web requests are deleted.
To print a web request
1. Select the web request, or CTRL-click to select the multiple requests that you are
deleting, and then click Print.
An onscreen preview of the selected requests opens. A variety of options are available
from this preview, including the options to print a hard copy of the requests, to export the
requests to a .pdf, and to email the requests.
Figure 5-12: Print preview for a web request
2. Select the option or options that best fit your working needs.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Wait List Tab
The Wait List tab provides you a way of monitoring wait-listed reservations. It also provides
an indicator when the requested room becomes available.
Figure 5-13: Wait List tab
The tab is interactive. You can:
Select options to filter the reservations that are displayed on the tab. After you select or
edit the filtering options, click Refresh.
Status and Building/Area/View options are displayed on the left pane of the tab. You
can select one or more statuses, or you can select all statuses in a single step. You can
select a specific building, area, and/or view, or you can select all buildings, areas, and
views in a single step.
Date options are displayed on the View list at the top of the right pane of the tab. You
can view reservations for the indicated due date. The default value is Thru Today. If
a value from the pre-configured list does not meet your needs, then select (user
specified) and in the Date Due fields, enter at least a Starting due date. The Ending
due date is optional.
Select the reservation in the Reservations list, and then click Go To to open the
reservation in the Navigator.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Reconfirm Dates Tab
The Reconfirm Dates tab displays reservations that have been booked in a status that
requires the Reconfirm Date option (for example, a Tentative or Hold status). The list of
reservations is automatically sorted in ascending order by Reconfirm Date. You use this tab
as a reminder to reconfirm such reservations.
Figure 5-14: Reconfirm Dates tab
The tab is interactive. You can:
Select options to filter the reservations that are displayed on the tab. After you select or
edit the filtering options, click Refresh.
Status and Building/Area/View options are displayed on the left pane of the tab. You
can select one or more statuses, or you can select all statuses in a single step. You can
select a specific building, area, and/or view, or you can select all buildings, areas, and
views in a single step.
Date options are displayed on the View list at the top of the right pane of the tab. You
can view reservations for the indicated due date. The default value is Thru Today. If
a value from the pre-configured list does not meet your needs, then select (user
specified) and in the Date Due fields, enter at least a Starting due date. The Ending
due date is optional.
Select the reservation in the Reservations list, and then click Go To to open the
reservation in the Navigator.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Building Hours Exceptions Tab
The Building Hours Exceptions tab displays reservations that occur outside of configured
building hours.
Figure 5-15: Building Hours Exceptions tab
The tab is interactive. You can:
Select options to filter the reservations that are displayed on the tab. After you select or
edit the filtering options, click Refresh.
Status and Building/Area/View options are displayed on the left pane of the tab. You
can select one or more statuses, or you can select all statuses in a single step. You can
select a specific building, area, and/or view, or you can select all buildings, areas, and
views in a single step.
Date options are displayed on the View list at the top of the right pane of the tab. You
can view reservations for the indicated due date. The default value is Thru Today. If
a value from the pre-configured list does not meet your needs, then select (user
specified) and in the Date Due fields, enter at least a Starting due date. The Ending
due date is optional.
Select the reservation in the Reservations list, and then click Go To to open the
reservation in the Navigator.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Analytics Tab
The Analytics tab provides quick access for queries that have been defined using the Query
builder and to which you have access as a user. You can run these queries from the Analytics
Figure 5-16: Dashboard window, Analytics tab
To run a query from the Analytics tab, do the following:
1. In the upper left corner of the Analytics tab, click Select Queries.
The Queries dialog box opens. This dialog box lists the queries that have been defined
using the Query builder and to which you have access.
2. Select the queries that you want to run, and then click OK.
The Queries dialog box closes. The selected queries are displayed in the Queries pane
(upper left) on the Analytics tab.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
3. In the Queries pane, select the query that you want to run, and then select the date for
which the data in your EMS database is to be queried.
The starting date is set to the first day of the month and the ending date
is set to the last day of the month but you can edit one or both of these
Note: For some queries, if you select Custom, a Use Specific Times
option becomes available. If you enter the same date for the
starting date and ending date, you can select Use Specific
Times, and then enter a starting time and ending time to query
the data for in specific time range on the same day.
Last Month
The starting date is set to the first day of the previous month and the
ending date is set to the last day of the previous month.
Last Quarter
Quarters are based on a calendar year:
This Quarter
• First quarter is 1/1 through 3/31.
This Quarter To Date
• Second quarter is 4/1 through 6/30.
• Third quarter is 7/1 through 9/30.
• Fourth quarter is 10/1 through 12/31.
For example, if the current day’s date is 11/22/2010, and you select Last
Quarter, then the starting date is set to 7/1/2010 and the ending date is
set to 9/30/2010.
Last Year
The starting date is set to 1/1 of the previous year, and the ending date
is set to 12/31 of the previous year.
This month
The starting date is set to the first day of the current month and the
ending date is set to the last day of the current month.
This Year
The starting date is set to 1/1 of the current year, and the ending date is
set to 12/31 of the current year.
This Year to Date
The starting date is set to 1/1 of the current year, and the ending date is
set to the current day’s date.
4. Optionally, in the Report Comment field, enter a description or explanation of the query.
5. Click Get Data.
If the query returns data, then the results are displayed in the Results pane on the
Analytics tab.
6. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
To export the query results to an Excel spreadsheet or to an XML file, click Export,
and then select the appropriate file type. A dialog box opens in which you can
specify the file name (the default file name is the name of the query, but you can
always edit this), and the location to which to save the file.
The file type for an Excel spreadsheet is .xl or .xls and you cannot change this. The
file type for an XML file is .xml and you cannot change this.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
To generate an onscreen preview of the printed query results, click Print. The
preview window contains options for printing a hard copy of the query results, for
emailing the results, and so on. Select the option or options that best fit your working
Figure 5-17: Onscreen preview of a query results
If the query has been defined with a Chart, the Chart option is enabled. Click Chart
to generate an onscreen preview of the charted data. The preview window contains
options for printing a hard copy of the chart, for emailing the chart, and so on. Select
the option or options that best fit your working needs.
Figure 5-18: Onscreen preview of query results that are charted/graphed
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
At A Glance Tab
The At A Glance tab provides quick access to high-level booking statistics for events at your
organization or facility. You can select to show booking statistics by category, by event type,
by group type, by reservation source, by room type, or by status.
Figure 5-19: At A Glance tab
By default, when the tab first opens, the date is set to the current day’s date, and category is
the selected display type. To view booking statistics for your facility on a given date, do the
1. Select options (Status and Building) on the left pane of the tab to filter the results that are
displayed on the tab.
2. Change the date and/or the display type as needed to view the bookings statistics for a
selected date.
Chapter 5
EMS Dashboard
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
A group is an entity for which reservations are made at your facilities. A group is one of the
four core data items that your EMS administrator must configure so that you can make
reservations. A group can be an internal or external entity and it can be an organization or an
individual. A contact is a person who serves as the coordinator or focal point for a group.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Searching for and Configuring Groups” on page 255.
“Configuring Additional Information for a Group” on page 263.
“Configuring Contacts for a Group” on page 278.
“Editing Group Information” on page 286.
“Importing Groups” on page 294.
“Working with Reservations for a Group” on page 295.
“Emailing a Group” on page 300.
“Printing and Exporting Group Information” on page 301.
“Printing and Exporting Web User Information” on page 303.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Searching for and Configuring Groups
A group is an entity for which reservations are made at your facilities. A group can be an
internal or external entity and it can be an organization or an individual. A group must be
configured before you can make reservations for it in EMS. Optionally, if you want to first
confirm that a group has not already been configured, then you can search for the group.
Typically, your EMS administrator carries out basic configuration of the groups
for which you need to make reservations. You always have the option of modifying
any group that your EMS administrator has configured and you always have the
option of configuring new groups when needed.
Your organization might use a different term (such as client, customer, and so on)
to identify the entities for which reservations are made at your facilities. Contact
your EMS administrator if you need assistance in clarifying this term.
To search for a group and/or contact
1. On the toolbar, click the Groups icon
The Groups window opens. The Results tab is the active tab. By default, when the
Results tab first opens, it lists the first 1000 groups that are currently configured in your
EMS database and that have a status of Active.
Figure 6-1: Groups window, Results tab
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Optionally, to change the number of records that are displayed in the Groups
window, click Options, and then on the Group Options dialog box, select a
different number of records to return.
2. Open the Filter tab and set your search criteria.
• Groups—Display all groups that meet your search criteria on the Results tab.
• Contacts—Display all contacts that meet your search criteria on the Results
Note: When a list of contacts is displayed, the contact’s group is also displayed.
Search Fields
• Starts with—The string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the
exact order of the characters in the string, and the string must begin with the
information for which you are searching. For example, Assoc returns
Association of Broadcasters but not Biomedical Student Association.
• Contains—Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the
string, but the string is not case-sensitive, and the string can be found
anywhere in your search results. For example, Assoc returns both Association
of Broadcasters and Biomedical Student Association.
Fields are available if you select Groups for Display. Enter values as needed in
any or all fields.
Fields are available only if you select Contacts for Display. Leave all fields set to
their default search values to search for all active contacts that are currently
configured in your EMS database, or enter values as needed in any or all fields.
Note: If you select Contact, then both the Group fields and the Contact fields are
available for searching. If you enter data in both sets of fields when you are
searching for a contact, then your search criteria must be met for both the
contact and the contact’s group to be displayed on the Results tab.
Note: To reset the Filter at any time to its default settings, click Reset Filter.
3. Click Get Data.
The Results tab opens with a list of search results that meet all your search criteria.
4. To further filter the display on the Results tab, in the Search field, enter a search string.
The list of groups is dynamically updated as you enter your search string.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
search string is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search
results. For example, a search string of Assoc returns both Association of
Broadcasters and Biomedical Student Association.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
To configure groups
Typically, your EMS administrator carries out basic configuration of the groups for which
you need to make reservations. You always have the option of modifying any group that your
EMS administrator has configured and you always have the option of configuring new
groups when needed.
Remember that before you configure a group, you might want to search for the
group to verify that it has not already been configured. See “To search for a group
and/or contact” on page 255.
1. On the toolbar, click the Groups icon
The Groups window opens. The Results tab is the active tab. By default, when the
Results tab first opens, it lists up the first 1000 groups that are currently configured in
your EMS database and that have a status of Active.
Figure 6-2: Groups window, Results tab
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
2. Click New.
The Group dialog box opens. The Group tab is the active tab.
Figure 6-3: Group dialog box, Group tab
3. Enter the summary information for the new group.
The only required information is the group name. All other information on all tabs
is optional and can be added at a later date when needed.
Required field. The name of the group.
Note: The name can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.
The street or mailing address for the group.
Select this option to drop the State and Zip fields for an international group.
Group Type
Pick a group type.
Note: If calculations have been assigned to a group type, then these
calculations are applied only to new groups of this type.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
The phone number and fax number for the group.
Note: The Phone and Fax fields have a dropdown list available on which
you can select a different value (Fax, Mobile, Other, or Phone) for the
field label, or you can enter a user-defined value. To enter a
user-defined value, double-click the current field label to select it, and
then enter the user-defined value over the selected label.
Email Address
The email address for the group.
Note: If your computer is connected to a network, click the Search icon
to open a Global Address Lookup dialog box and search for the email
The URL for the group’s website.
Note: Web users can link to this group's web site on VEMS.
Default Contact
Populated with the name of the default contact for the group after you have
defined default contacts for the group.
Require Contacts
Select this option if the group is to always require a contact when a
reservation is being made for the group.
Select this option if the group is to be designated as a VIP group.
Available to Web
Select this option if users are to be able to select the group on the Group
Lookup page in VEMS.
Leave this option blank to add the group as an active group. Select this
option to inactivate the group.
4. Optionally, do one or both of the following; otherwise, go to Step 5.
Open the Billing Information tab and add the default billing information for the
Figure 6-4: Group dialog box, Billing Information tab
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
The values that you specify here are the default values that are applied when a
new reservation is made for the group. Any EMS user can change these values if
Pricing Plan
Pick a pricing plan.
Payment Type
Pick a payment type.
Pick a salesperson.
Event Coordinator
Pick an event coordinator.
Sales Category
Pick a sales category.
The status is a way to indicate the standing or ranking of the group. The
default values are the following:
• OK—A reservation can be made for the group. (In your organization,
this status could indicate that the group is current in payments due.)
• Warning—If a group status is set to Warning, then a Warning
message opens when you make a reservation for the group. It does
not, however, prevent a reservation from being made for the group.
• Bad—If a group status is set to Bad, then reservations cannot be
made for the group.
Billing Reference
You can manually enter data into the field, or you can click the Search
to open a master list of billing reference numbers and select a
Note: To define a list of eligible billing references that are specific to the
group, see “Configuring Additional Information for a Group” on
page 263.
PO Number
You can manually enter data into the field, or you can click the Search
to open a master list of PO Numbers and select a PO number.
Note: To define a list of eligible PO numbers that are specific to the
group, see “Configuring Additional Information for a Group” on
page 263.
External Reference
Links the group to a web user record and/or HR Toolkit.
Pick an account.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Open the Other tab and add any other identifying information for the group as
Figure 6-5: Group dialog box, Other tab
Network ID
The Windows login for the group.
Personnel Number
Organization number for the group.
Badge Number
Badge number for the group.
Other ID
Any secondary ID for the group.
5. Click OK.
The Group dialog box closes and a group-specific window opens with the newly
configured group automatically selected. (See Figure 6-6 on page 262.) You can use the
options on this window to carry out additional configuration for the group. See
“Configuring Additional Information for a Group” on page 263.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Figure 6-6: Example of a group-specific window
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Configuring Additional Information for a Group
After you have configured a new group in your EMS database with the basic group
information (group identifying information, billing information and/or other information),
you have the option of configuring additional information for the group. You can:
Create a web user from the group. See “To create a web user from a group” on page 263.
Assign the group to a web user. See “To assign the group to a web user” on page 266.
Add reminders to the group. See “To add a reminder to a group” on page 268.
Add comments to the group. See “To add a comment to a group” on page 269.
Add attachments to the group. See “To add attachments to a group” on page 271.
Add user defined fields to the group. See “To add user defined fields to a group” on page
Assign calculations to the group. See “To assign calculations to a group” on page 273.
Configure a master list of group-specific billing reference numbers. See “To configure a
list of billing reference numbers” on page 275.
Configure a master list of group-specific PO numbers. See “To configure a list of PO
numbers” on page 276.
When you select a configuration item (contacts, reminders, and so on) in the left
pane in the group-specific window, the right pane for the window is an EMS
browser window. See “An EMS Browser Window” on page 35
For information about adding a contact to a group, including creating a web user
for a contact, see “Configuring Contacts for a Group” on page 278. For
information about editing a contact for a group, see “Editing Group Information”
on page 286.
To create a web user from a group
A web user is a registered user who can submit requests for reservations or schedule
reservations in VEMS. When you add a new group in your EMS database, you decide the
“level” of the group that you are adding. For a group that is added at the individual
(personnel/employee) level, you might also need to create a web user from the group. This
user can then create and view reservations on behalf of a group or groups in VEMS. You can
create only one web user from a group. When you create a web user, you can also specify one
or more delegates for the web user. A delegate is a web user who can create and view
reservations on behalf of another web user.
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group for which you are creating the web
user. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Tools > Create Web User.
A group-specific dialog box opens. The Web User tab is the active tab.
The User Defined Fields tab displays the questions that a web user was required
to answer when the user requested to create an account through VEMS and it is
not relevant to the procedure that is described below.
Figure 6-7: Group-specific dialog box, Web User tab
3. Enter the information for the web user.
Ideally, you should enter all the necessary information for your web user before
you save the web user; however, at any time if you need to access your web user,
on the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Web > Web Users.
Automatically populated after you select the group from the Groups
The password that a web user must enter to log in to VEMS.
Email address
If this information has been entered in the Groups window for the group,
then this field is automatically populated after you select the group from
the Groups window. If the field is blank, you must enter the full email
address for the user. (The user must enter this address to log in to
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Optional fields. If this information has been entered for the group, then
these fields are automatically populated after you select the group from
the Groups window. If the fields are blank, you can enter values if
Optional field.
External Reference
Optional field. Links the web user to a group and/or HR Toolkit.
Network ID
Optional field. The web user’s network ID.
Email Opt Out
Select this option if the web user is not to receive automatic emails
(such as reservation summary emails) from VEMS. The user will still
receive manually sent emails.
Required field. Select the status for the web user:
• Active—The web user can log in to VEMS.
• Inactive—The user cannot log in to VEMS and is instructed to contact
the EMS administrator.
• Pending—The web user cannot log in to VEMS and is informed that
he/she must check back at a later time.
Security Template
Required field. This determines the web user's access to the system—
the menu items that the user can see and the information that the user
can view in a tooltip when 'rolling-over' an event in VEMS.
Time Zone
Required field. Select the time zone for the user.
4. Open the Process Templates tab and on the Available list, select the web process
template, or CTRL-click to select the multiple templates to which you are assigning the
user, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected templates to the Selected
A web process template defines the functions that are available to each type of web
user in VEMS when the user is submitting a request for a reservation.
5. Open the Groups tab and do one of the following to specify the groups on whose behalf
the web user can view and make reservations in VEMS.
The group (web user) is selected by default. You can leave this group in the Selected
list, or you can select the group and click the Remove button (<).
Specify any combination of search criteria for the Find field and Group Type, and
then click Display to produce a list of all groups that meet the criteria. In the
Available list, select a group, or CTRL-click to select multiple groups, and then click
the Move button (>) to move the selected groups to the Selected list.
If you leave the Find field blank, then a list of all currently active groups for the
selected group type is displayed. If you enter a search string in the Find field, the
string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of the
characters in the string and it must begin with the information for which you are
searching. For example, And returns Anderson, Scott, but not Cooper, Anderson.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
6. Open the Delegates tab, and on the Search by dropdown list, do one of the following to
specify the delegates for the web user:
Leave the Find field blank, and then click Display to open a list of all currently
available web users. Select a user, or CTRL-click to select multiple web users, and
then click the Move button (>) to move the selected web users to the Selected list.
On the Search By dropdown list, select the option by which to search (Email
Address or User Name), and in the Find field, enter the string by which to filter your
search, and then click Display. Select a web user, or CTRL-click to select web
multiple users, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected users to the
Selected list.
The string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of the
characters in the string and it must begin with the information for which you are
searching. For example, if searching by Email Address, a search string of bob
returns bob.worth@dea.com but not dbobbett@dea.com.
7. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check any information that you manually entered for
the web user.
8. Click OK.
The dialog box for creating a web user closes and a message opens indicating that the
web user was created successfully.
9. Click OK to close the message and return to the Groups window.
To assign the group to a web user
When you add a new group in your EMS database, you should also assign the group to a web
user. This web user can then create and view reservations on behalf of the group in VEMS.
You can assign a group to one or more web users.
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group to which you are assigning the web
user. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Tools > Assign to Web Users.
The Assign Group dialog box opens. See Figure 6-8 on page 267.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Figure 6-8: Assign Group dialog box
3. Do one of the following to select the web users that are being assigned to the group:
Leave the Find field blank, and then click Display to open a list of all currently
active web users. Select the web user, or CTRL-click to select multiple web users,
and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected web users to the Selected
In the Search By dropdown list, select the option by which to search (Email Address
or User Name) and then in the Find field, enter the string by which to filter your
search, and then click Display. Select the web user, or CTRL-click to select multiple
web users, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected users to the
Selected list.
The string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of the
characters in the string and it must begin with the information for which you are
searching. For example, if searching by Email Address, a search string of bob
returns bob.worth@dea.com but not dbobbett@dea.com.
4. Click Finish.
A message opens indicating that the group was assigned successfully.
5. Click OK to close the message and return to the Groups window.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
To add a reminder to a group
A comment is a text entry that explains or clarifies a reservation, a booking, a group, or a
booking detail that is a service order. A reminder is a comment that has a due date associated
with it.
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group to which you are adding the reminder.
See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.
A group-specific window opens. The group is automatically selected in the window.
For an example of a group-specific window, see Figure 6-6 on page 262.
3. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Reminders.
A list of all reminders that are currently configured for the group is displayed in the right
pane of the window.
4. Click New.
The Reminder dialog box opens. The Responsible User field is populated with the your
User ID.
Figure 6-9: Reminder dialog box
5. On the Reminder Type dropdown list, select the type of reminder that you are adding;
otherwise, if none of the pre-configured reminder types meets your working needs,
select (user specified comment), and then in the Description field, enter a description for
the reminder type.
The Date Due field is populated with the current day’s date.
The description can be a maximum of 30 characters, including spaces.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
6. Optionally, change the value for the Responsible User, the Date Due, or both.
7. If you are completing the reminder today, select a Date Completed; otherwise, leave this
field blank.
If you leave this field blank, then it is automatically populated when you or
another user completes the reminder on the Reminders tab of the Dashboard
window. See “To complete a reminder” on page 238.
8. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
In the Notes field, enter any further explanation or information about the reminder.
Click Spelling to spell check the reminder before you save it.
9. Click OK.
The Reminder dialog box closes. The newly added reminder is automatically selected in
the group-specific window.
To add a comment to a group
A comment is a text entry that explains or clarifies a reservation, a booking, a group, or a
booking detail that is a service order.
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group to which you are adding the
comment. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.
A group-specific window opens. The group is automatically selected in the window.
For an example of a group-specific window, see Figure 6-6 on page 262.
3. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Comments.
A list of all comments that are currently configured for the group is displayed in the right
pane of the window.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
4. Click New.
The Comment dialog box opens.
Figure 6-10: Comment dialog box
5. On the Comment Type dropdown list, select the type of comment that you are adding;
otherwise, if none of the pre-configured comment types meets your working needs,
select (user specified comment), and then in the Description field, enter a description for
the comment type.
The description can be a maximum of 30 characters, including spaces.
6. In the Notes field, enter the comment.
7. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
To alert any EMS user who opens this group or a reservation that is assigned to this
group that this comment has been added to the group, select Alert Users.
Click Spelling to spell check the comment before you add it to the group.
8. Click OK.
The Comment dialog box closes. The newly added comment is automatically selected in
the group-specific window.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
To add attachments to a group
An attachment is used to describe any file that you can add to or store on a reservation, a
booking, or a group.
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group to which you are adding the
attachment. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.
A group-specific window opens. The group is automatically selected in the window.
For an example of a group-specific window, see Figure 6-6 on page 262.
3. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Attachments.
A list of all attachments that have already been added to the group is displayed in the
right pane of the window.
To view any attachment in this list, select it, and then click View.
4. Click New.
The Attachment dialog box opens.
Figure 6-11: Attachment dialog box
5. In the Description field, enter a name or description for the attachment.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces. If you
leave this field blank, then the Description field is populated with the name of the
file after you attach it to a group.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
6. On the Type dropdown list, select the attachment type.
7. Click the Search icon
to open the Find Attachment dialog box, and then browse to
and select the attachment.
The Find Attachment dialog box closes. The file name for the attachment is displayed in
the Attachment field.
8. Optionally, do one or both of the following as needed:
If you left the Description field blank, then the name of the attached file is used by
default for the file description, and you can edit this if needed.
Click Spelling to spell check the description before you attach the drawing to the
9. Click OK.
The Attachment dialog box closes. The newly added attachment is automatically
selected in the group-specific window.
To add user defined fields to a group
A user defined field (UDF) is a custom field that stores additional data for a group. Typically,
your EMS administrator configures the types of fields that are available as well as the
allowed values (text, numeric, and so on) for the fields. When you add a user defined field to
a group, you must specify a value for the field.
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group to which you are adding the UDF. See
“To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.
A group-specific window opens. The group is automatically selected in the window.
For an example of a group-specific window, see Figure 6-6 on page 262.
3. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select User Defined Fields.
A list of all UDFs that have already been added to the group is displayed in the right
pane of the window.
4. Click New.
The User Defined Field dialog box opens. See Figure 6-12 on page 273.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Figure 6-12: User Defined Field dialog box
5. On the Field dropdown list, select the UDF that you are adding to the group.
6. In the Value field, enter a value for the UDF.
7. Click OK.
The User Defined Field dialog box closes. The newly added UDF is automatically
selected in the group-specific window.
To assign calculations to a group
Calculations are additional charges that can be applied to billable items (a category, a group,
a group type, a resource, or a room) such as gratuity or sales tax. When you configure a
group, you can assign the calculations that are to always apply to the group.
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group to which you are assigning the
calculations. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.
A group-specific window opens. The group is automatically selected in the window.
For an example of a group-specific window, see Figure 6-6 on page 262.
3. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Calculations.
The right pane of the group-specific window displays any calculations that have already
been assigned to the group.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
4. Click Edit.
The Calculations dialog box opens. The group name is displayed at the top of the dialog
Figure 6-13: Calculations dialog box
5. On the Available list, select the calculation, or CTRL-click to select the multiple
calculations that are to always apply to this group, and then click the Move button (>) to
move the selected calculations to the Selected list.
Your EMS administrator can also assign calculations to a group type. If your EMS
administrator has already assigned calculations for this group’s type, then these
calculations are automatically applied to the group. The calculations are
displayed in the Selected list after you click OK and save the group; however, you
can always edit these calculations.
6. Continue with any other optional configuration for the group as needed; otherwise, click
OK to close the Calculations dialog box and return to the group-specific window.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
To configure a list of billing reference numbers
You can configure a list of billing reference numbers that are specific to the group.
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group for which you are configuring the
master billing reference numbers list. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page
2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.
A group-specific window open. The group is automatically selected in the window.
For an example of a group-specific window, see Figure 6-6 on page 262.
3. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Billing Reference.
A list of all currently active billing reference numbers for the group is displayed in the
right pane of the group-specific window.
4. Optionally, to display all billing reference numbers regardless of status, click Show
Any inactive billing reference numbers are displayed in red italics in the right pane.
5. Click New.
The Billing Reference dialog box opens.
Figure 6-14: Billing Reference dialog box
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
6. Enter the information for the new billing reference number.
Billing Reference
The billing reference number that is associated with the group.
A description of the billing reference number.
Any other comments or statements that are applicable for the billing
reference number.
Leave this option blank to add the reference as an active reference (the
billing reference number is to be available when a reservation is made
for the group). Select this option to inactivate the billing reference
Note: The reference can be alphanumeric and it has a maximum of
100 characters, including spaces.
7. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the information for the billing reference number
before you save it.
8. Continue with any other optional configuration for the group as needed; otherwise, click
OK to close the Billing Reference Number dialog box and return to the group-specific
To configure a list of PO numbers
You can configure a list of PO numbers that are specific to the group.
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group for which you are configuring the
master PO numbers list. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.
A group-specific window open. The group is automatically selected in the window.
For an example of a group-specific window, see Figure 6-6 on page 262.
3. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select PO Numbers.
A list of all currently active PO numbers for the group is displayed in the right pane of
the group-specific window.
4. Optionally, to display all PO numbers regardless of status, click Show Inactive.
Any inactive PO numbers are displayed in red italics in the right pane.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
5. Click New.
The PO Number dialog box opens.
Figure 6-15: PO Number dialog box
6. Enter the information for the new PO number.
PO Number
The PO number that is associated with the group.
Note: The reference can be alphanumeric and it has a maximum of
100 characters, including spaces.
A description of the PO number.
Any other comments or statements that are applicable for the PO
Leave this option blank to add the PO number as an active number (the
PO number is to be available when a reservation is made for the group).
Select this option to inactivate the PO number.
7. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the information for the PO number before you
save it.
8. Continue with any other optional configuration for the group as needed; otherwise, click
OK to close the PO Number dialog box and return to the group-specific window.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Configuring Contacts for a Group
A contact is a person who serves as the coordinator or focal point for a group. You have two
options for configuring a contact for a group. You can configure a” free form” contact, which
requires you to manually enter the contact information, or you can configure a contact from
another group, which means that you do not have to manually enter the contact information.
Instead, the group information is automatically used for the contact.
You can also configure and edit a contact “on the fly” during the reservation
process. See “Making a Reservation Using the Reservation Wizard” on page 45
for details.
To configure contacts
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group for which you are configuring the
contact. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. Select the group, and then click Open.
A group-specific window opens. The group is automatically selected in the window.
Figure 6-16: Group-specific window
3. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Contacts.
A list of all currently active contacts for the group is displayed in the right pane of the
group-specific window.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Optionally, to display all group contacts regardless of status, click Show Inactive.
Any inactive contacts are displayed in red italics in the right pane.
4. Continue to one of the following:
“To configure a contact manually” below.
“To configure a contact from a group” on page 281.
To configure a contact manually
1. Click New.
The Contact dialog box opens.
Figure 6-17: Contact dialog box
2. Enter the information for the new contact.
The name of the contact.
Note: The name can be a maximum of 50 characters, including
The title (Mr., Ms., Dr., and so on) of the contact.
Populated with the name of the group that you selected. You cannot
change this value.
Populated with the address of the group that you selected. If the contact
address is not the same as the group address, then clear Use Group
Address and enter the appropriate values in the Address fields.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Select this option to drop the State and Zip fields for an international
The phone number and fax number for the contact. By default, they are
set to the phone number and fax number for the group, but you can
always edit these values.
Note: The Phone and Fax fields have a dropdown list available on
which you can select a different value (Fax, Mobile, Other, or
Phone) for the field label, or you can enter a user-defined value.
To enter a user-defined value, double-click the current field label
to select it, and then enter the user-defined value over the
selected label.
Email Address
The email address for the contact.
Note: If your computer is connected to a network, click the Search icon
to open a Global Address Lookup dialog box and search for
the email address.
External Reference
Links the contact to an outside program, for example, HR Toolkit, if
Any other information that is pertinent for the contact.
Set as Default
Select this option if the contact is to be the default contact for the
selected group.
Note: If a default contact has been defined for a group, then when you
specify the group information for a reservation, the Contact field
is automatically populated with the name of the default contact.
Note: You can always specify a contact as the default contact for a
selected group at a later date. To do so, select the contact in the
right pane of the group-specific window, click Set Default, and
then click Yes at the prompt to set the selected user as the
default contact.
Leave this option blank to add the contact as an active contact. Select
this option to inactivate the contact.
3. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
Click Spelling to spell check the information for the contact before you save it.
Make sure that the newly created contact is selected so that you can create a web
user from the contact. See “To create a web user from a contact” on page 283.
4. Click OK.
The Contact dialog box closes. The contact is added to the group. The group-specific
window remains open.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
To configure a contact from a group
1. Click Tools > Click Create Contact from Another Group.
A second Groups window opens.
2. Search for the group that is to be the source of the contact, and then click Select.
See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
The Contact dialog box opens. The name of the group (contact source) is displayed in
the Group field and you cannot edit this value. The remainder of the fields (Contact
Name, Address, Phone, and so on) display the information for the group that you
selected in Step 2 of “To configure contacts” on page 278.
Figure 6-18: Contact dialog box
3. If needed, edit the information for the contact.
The name of the contact.
Note: The name can be a maximum of 50 characters, including
The title (Mr., Ms., Dr., and so on) of the contact.
Populated with the name of the group that you selected first (the group
for which you are configuring the contact). You cannot change this
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Populated with the address of the contact. If the contact address is the
same as the group address, then select Use Group Address to
populated the address fields with the group address; otherwise, you can
edit these values.
Not applicable if Use Group Address is selected. Select this option to
drop the State and Zip fields from the address for an international
The phone number and fax number for the group.
Note: The Phone and Fax fields have a dropdown list available on
which you can select a different value (Fax, Mobile, Other, or
Phone) for the field label, or you can enter a user-defined value.
To enter a user-defined value, double-click the current field label
to select it, and then enter the user-defined value over the
selected label.
Email Address
The email address for the contact.
Note: If your computer is connected to a network, click the Search icon
to open a Global Address Lookup dialog box and search
for the email address.
External Reference
Links the contact to an outside program, for example, HR Toolkit, if
Any other information that is pertinent for the contact.
Set as Default
Select this option if the contact is to be the default contact for the
selected group.
Note: If a default contact has been defined for a group, then when you
specify the group information for a reservation, the Contact field
is automatically populated with the name of the default contact.
Note: You can always specify a contact as the default contact for a
selected group at a later date. See “To edit the contacts for a
group” on page 287.
Leave this option blank to add the contact as an active contact. Select
this option to inactivate the contact.
4. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
Click Spelling to spell check the information for the contact before you save it.
Make sure that the newly created contact is selected so that you can create a web
user from the contact. See “To create a web user from a contact” on page 283.
5. Click OK.
The Contact dialog box closes. The contact is added to the group. The group-specific
window remains open.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
To create a web user from a contact
A web user is a registered user who can submit requests for reservations or schedule
reservations in VEMS. When you add a contact to a group in your EMS database, you might
also need to create a web user from the contact. This web user can then create and view
reservations on behalf of the contact’s group in VEMS. You can create only one web user
from a contact. When you create a web user, you can also specify one or more delegates for
the web user. A delegate is a web user who can create and view reservations on behalf of
another web user.
1. If needed, open the group that contains the contact from which you are creating the web
user in the group-specific window. See “To configure contacts” on page 278.
2. In the left pane of the group-specific window, make sure that Contacts is selected.
3. In the right pane of the window, select the contact from which you are creating the web
4. Click Tools > Create Web User from Contact.
A contact-specific dialog box opens. The Web User tab is the active tab.
The User Defined Fields tab displays the questions that a web user was required
to answer when the user requested to create an account through VEMS and it is
not relevant to the procedure that is described below.
Figure 6-19: Contact-specific dialog box, Web User tab
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
5. Enter the information for the web user.
Automatically populated after you select the contact. You can edit this
The password that a web user must enter to log in to VEMS.
Email address
If this information has been entered for the contact, then this field is
automatically populated after you select the contact. If the field is blank,
you must enter the full email address for the user. (The user must enter
this address to log in to VEMS.)
Optional fields. If this information has been entered for the contact, then
these fields are automatically populated after you select the contact. If
the fields are blank, you can enter values if needed.
Optional field.
External Reference
Optional field. Links the web user to an outside program if needed.
Network ID
Optional field. The web user’s network ID.
Email Opt Out
Select this option if the web user is not to receive automatic emails
(such as reservation summary emails) from VEMS. The user will still
receive manually sent emails.
Required field. Select the status for the web user:
• Active—The web user can log in to VEMS.
• Inactive—The user cannot log in to VEMS and is instructed to contact
the EMS administrator.
• Pending—The web user cannot log in to VEMS and is informed that
he/she must check back at a later time.
Security Template
Required field. This determines the web user's access to the system—
the menu items that the user can see and the information that the user
can view in a tooltip when 'rolling-over' an event in VEMS.
Time Zone
Required field. Select the time zone for the user.
6. Open the Process Templates tab and on the Available list, select the web process
template or CTRL-click to select the multiple templates to which this user is to be
assigned, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected templates to the
Selected list.
A web process template defines the functions that are available to each type of web
user in VEMS when the user is submitting a request for a reservation.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
7. Open the Groups tab and do one of the following to specify the groups on whose behalf
the web user can view and make reservations in VEMS.
The contact’s group is selected by default. You can leave this group in the Selected
list, or you can select the group and click the Remove button (<).
Specify any combination of search criteria for the Find field and Group Type, and
then click Display to produce a list of all groups that meets the criteria. In the
Available list, select a group, or CTRL-click to select multiple groups, and then click
the Move button (>) to move the selected groups to the Selected list.
If you leave the Find field blank, then a list of all currently active groups for the
selected group type is displayed. If you enter a search string in the Find field, the
string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of the
characters in the string and the string must begin with the information for which
you are searching. For example, AAA returns AAA Colorado, but not Colorado
8. Open the Delegates tab, and on the Search by dropdown list, do one of the following to
specify the delegates for the web user:
Leave the Find field blank, and then click Display to open a list of all currently
available web users. Select a web user, or CTRL-click to select multiple web users,
and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected web users to the Selected
On the Search By dropdown list, select the option by which to search (Email
Address or User Name), and in the Find field, enter the string by which to filter your
search, and then click Display. Select a web user, or CTRL-click to select multiple
web users, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected web users to the
Selected list.
The string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of the
characters in the string and the string must begin with the information for which
you are searching. For example, if searching by Email Address, a search string of
bob returns bob.worth@dea.com but not dbobbett@dea.com.
9. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check any information that you manually entered for
the user.
10. Click OK.
The dialog box for creating a web user closes and a message opens indicating that the
web user was created successfully.
11. Click OK to close the message and return to the group-specific window.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Editing Group Information
You can edit any and all information for a group. The way that you edit the information
depends on the information itself. You can edit the Summary information, the Billing
information, and the Other information through the Edit function on the group-specific
dialog box. You must edit the group’s contacts, reminders, comments, attachments, UDFs,
calculations, billing reference numbers, PO numbers, and web users on the group-specific
To edit group information
1. Open the Groups window and search for the group for which you are editing the
information. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. Select the group, and then click Open to open the group in the group-specific window.
The group is selected by default. The Summary tab is the active tab.
Figure 6-20: Group-specific window
3. Continue to one of the following:
“To edit summary, billing, and/or other group information” on page 287.
“To edit the contacts for a group” on page 287.
“To edit the reminders for a group” on page 288.
“To edit the comments for a group” on page 288.
“To edit the attachments for a group” on page 289.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
“To the edit user defined fields (UDFs) for a group” on page 290.
“To edit the calculations for a group” on page 290.
“To edit the billing reference numbers for a group” on page 291.
“To edit the PO numbers for a group” on page 291.
“To edit the web users for a group” on page 292.
To edit summary, billing, and/or other group information
1. To edit the summary information, billing information, and/or other information for the
group, click Edit.
The group-specific dialog box opens.
2. Open the appropriate tab, and then edit the information as needed.
See Step 3 and Step 4 of “To configure groups” on page 257.
3. After you edit the information, click OK.
The group-specific dialog box closes. You return to the group-specific window with the
group still selected.
To edit the contacts for a group
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Contacts.
A list of all contacts that are currently configured for the group is displayed in the right
pane of the window.
2. In the right pane of the window, select the contact that you are editing, and then do one
of the following:
To set the selected contact as the default contact for the group, click Set Default, and
then click Yes at the prompt.
To edit the information for the contact, click Edit.
The Contact dialog box opens. The dialog box displays the information for the
selected contact.
3. Edit the information for the contact as needed. See “To configure a contact manually” on
page 279.
4. Click OK.
The Contact dialog box closes. You return to the group-specific window with Contacts
still selected.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
To edit the reminders for a group
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Reminders.
A list of all reminders that are currently configured for the group is displayed in the right
pane of the window.
2. In the right pane of the groups-specific window, select the reminder that you are editing,
and then click Edit.
The Reminder dialog box opens. The Reminder tab is the active tab.
3. Do any or all of the following to edit the reminder as needed:
On the Reminder Type dropdown list, select a different reminder type.
Optionally, change the value for the Responsible User, the Date Due, or both.
If you are completing the reminder today, select a Date Completed; otherwise, leave
this field blank.
If you leave this field blank, then it is automatically populated when you or
another user completes the reminder on the Reminders tab of the Dashboard
window. See “To complete a reminder” on page 238.
In the Notes field, enter any further explanation or information about the reminder.
4. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the edited reminder before you save it.
5. Click OK.
The Reminder dialog box closes. The newly edited reminder is automatically selected in
the group-specific window.
To edit the comments for a group
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Comments.
A list of all comments that are currently configured for the group is displayed in the right
pane of the window.
2. In the right pane of the group-specific window, select the comment that you are editing,
and then click Edit.
The Comment dialog box opens. The Comment tab is the active tab.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
3. Do any or all of the following to edit the comment as needed:
On the Comment Type dropdown list, select a different comment type.
If none of the pre-configured comment types meets your working needs, select
(user specified comment), and then in the Description field, enter a description for
the comment type.The description can be a maximum of 30 characters, including
In the Notes field, enter or modify the comment.
To alert any EMS user that opens this group that this comment has been added to the
group, select Alert Users.
4. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the edited comment before you save it.
5. Click OK.
The Comment dialog box closes. The newly edited comment is automatically selected in
the group-specific window.
To edit the attachments for a group
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Attachments.
A list of all attachments that have been added for the group is displayed in the right pane
of the window.
2. In the right pane of the group-specific window, select the attachment that you are editing,
and then click Edit.
The Attachment dialog box opens.
3. Do any or all of the following to edit the attachment as needed:
Edit the description for the attachment.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces. If you
leave this field blank, then the Description field is populated with the name of the
file after you attach it to a group.
On the Type dropdown list, select a different attachment type.
Click the Search icon
to open the Find Attachment dialog box, and then browse
to and select a different attachment.
If you left the Description field blank, then the name of the attached file is used by
default for the file description, and you can edit this if needed.
4. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the edited attachment before you save it.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
5. Click OK.
The Attachment dialog box closes. The newly edited attachment is automatically
selected in the group-specific window.
To the edit user defined fields (UDFs) for a group
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select User Defined Fields.
All user defined fields that are currently configured for the group are displayed in the
right pane of the group-specific window.
2. In the right pane of the group-specific window, select the UDF that you are editing, and
then click Edit.
The User Defined Field dialog box opens. The User Defined Field tab is the active tab.
3. Do one or both of the following to edit the UDF:
On the Field dropdown list, select a different UDF.
In the value field, edit the value for the UDF.
4. Click OK.
The User Defined Field dialog box closes. The newly edited UDF is automatically
selected in the group-specific window.
To edit the calculations for a group
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Calculations, and then click Edit.
The Calculations dialog box opens.
2. Do one or both of the following:
On the Available list, select the calculation, or CTRL-click to select the multiple
calculations that are to always apply to this group, and then click the Move button
(>) to move the selected calculations to the Selected list.
On the Selected list, select the calculation, or CTRL-click to select the multiple
calculations that are not to apply to this group, and then click the Remove button (<)
to move the selected calculations to the Available list.
3. Click OK.
The Calculations dialog box closes. You return to the group-specific window with
Calculations still selected.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
To edit the billing reference numbers for a group
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Billing References.
2. In the right pane of the window, select the billing reference number that you are editing,
and then click Edit.
The Billing Reference dialog box opens. The dialog box displays the information for the
selected billing reference number.
3. Edit the information for the billing reference number as needed.
Billing Reference
The billing reference number that is associated with the group.
Note: The reference can be alphanumeric and it has a maximum of
100 characters, including spaces.
A description of the billing reference number.
Any other comments or statements that are applicable for the billing
reference number.
Leave this option blank to add the reference as an active reference (the
billing reference number is to be available when a reservation is made
for the group). Select this option to inactivate the billing reference
4. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the information for the billing reference number
before you save it.
5. Click OK.
The Billing Reference dialog box closes. You return to the group-specific window with
Billing References still selected.
To edit the PO numbers for a group
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select PO Numbers.
2. In the right pane of the window, select the PO number that you are editing, and then click
The PO Number dialog box opens. The dialog box displays the information for the
selected PO number.
3. Edit the information for the PO number as needed.
PO Number
The PO number that is associated with the group.
Note: The reference can be alphanumeric and it has a maximum of
100 characters, including spaces.
A description of the PO number.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Any other comments or statements that are applicable for the PO
Leave this option blank to add the PO number as an active number (the
PO number is to be available when a reservation is made for the group).
Select this option to inactivate the PO number.
4. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the information for the billing reference number
before you save it.
5. Click OK.
The PO Number dialog box closes. You return to the group-specific window with PO
Numbers still selected.
To edit the web users for a group
When you edit the web users for a group, you can select additional web users for the group,
or you can remove web users for the group. You cannot edit the web user itself, nor can you
edit the delegates for a web user.
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Web Users.
2. In the right pane of the group-specific window, select the web user whom you are
editing, and then click Edit.
The Web Users dialog box opens.
3. Do one or both of the following:
To add a new web user for the group:
Leave the Find field blank, and then click Display to open a list of all currently
active web users. Select the web user, or CTRL-click to select multiple web
users, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected web users to the
Selected list.
In the Search By dropdown list, select the option by which to search (Email
Address or User Name) and then in the Find field, enter the string by which to
filter your search, and then click Display. Select the web user, or CTRL-click to
select multiple web users, and then click the Move button (>) to move the
selected users to the Selected list.
The string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of the
characters in the string and the string must begin with the information for which
you are searching. For example, if searching by Email Address, a search string of
bob returns bob.worth@dea.com but not dbobbett@dea.com.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
To remove a web user from a group, in the Selected field, select the user, or
CTRL-click to select the multiple web users that you are removing from the group,
and then click the Remove button (<) to move the selected web users to the
Available list.
4. After you edit the information, click OK.
The Web User dialog box closes. You return to the group-specific window with Web
Users still selected.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Importing Groups
You can import groups into your EMS database from a tab-delimited text file. (See Import
File Specification in the EMS Setup Guide for the file specifications.)
To import groups
1. On the EMS toolbar, click the Groups icon
The Groups window opens.
Figure 6-21: Groups window
2. Click Import.
The Open File dialog box opens.
3. Browse to and select the text file that lists the groups that you are importing.
A dialog box opens, indicating the number of groups that you are about to import, and
asking you if you want to continue.
4. Click Yes.
A message opens indicating that the import was successful.
5. Click OK to close the message and return to the Groups window.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Working with Reservations for a Group
You have a variety of options for working with the reservations for a group. You can:
Search for and make a reservation for a group from the Groups window.
Search for and make a reservation for a group from the group-specific window.
Search for reservations by group, and then open and view any existing reservations in the
Navigator for a group from the group-specific window.
Reassign the reservations for a group or contact from the group-specific window.
In EMS Workplace, you can also make a group reservation from the Group Reservation
To work with reservations for a group
1. Open the Groups window and search for the appropriate group. See “To search for a
group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then do one of the following:
Click New Reservation at the top of the window to open the Reservation Wizard,
and then continue to “Making a Reservation Using the Reservation Wizard” on page
Click Open to open the group-specific window (the group is automatically selected
in the window), and then continue to one of the following:
“To search for and view reservations by group from the group-specific window”
“To search for and make a reservation for a group from the group-specific
window” on page 296.
“To reassign a reservation for a group from the group-specific window” on page
To search for and view reservations by group from the
group-specific window
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Reservations.
All reservations that have been made for the group in your EMS database and that have a
date greater than or equal to the current day’s date are displayed in the right pane of the
group-specific window.
Optionally, to show all reservations that have been made for the group, click Show
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
2. In the right pane of the group-specific window, select the appropriate reservation, and
then click Open.
The reservation opens in the Navigator.
3. Continue to Chapter 3, “The Navigator,” on page 77.
To search for and make a reservation for a group from the
group-specific window
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Reservations.
All reservations that have been made for the group in your EMS database and that have a
date greater than or equal to the current day’s date are displayed in the right pane of the
group-specific window.
Optionally, to show all reservations that have been made for the group, click Show
2. Click New.
The Reservation Wizard opens.
3. Continue to “Making a Reservation Using the Reservation Wizard” on page 45.
To reassign a reservation for a group from the group-specific
1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Reservations.
All reservations that have been made for the group in your EMS database and that have a
date greater than or equal to the current day’s date are displayed in the right pane of the
group-specific window.
Optionally, to show all reservations that have been made for the group, click Show
2. In the right-pane of the group-specific window, select the appropriate reservation, or
CTRL-click to select multiple reservations, and then click Reassign.
The Reassign Group/Contact on Reservations dialog box opens. See Figure 6-22 on page
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Figure 6-22: Reassign Group/Contact on Reservations dialog box
3. On the Group dropdown list, select the group to which you are reassigning the
reservation, or click the Search icon
to open the Groups window and search for the
group. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
4. Optionally, edit any and/or all of the group information as needed.
1st Contact
The contact for the group to which you are reassigning the reservation.
2nd Contact
Note: If none of the pre-configured contacts is appropriate, then select
(temporary contact) and in the Temp Contact field, enter the name of the
temporary contact.
The phone, fax, and email address for the contacts for the group to which the
reservation is being reassigned. If you selected from the list of the pre-configured
contacts, then some or all of this information might be automatically populated,
but you can still edit the values. If you selected a (temporary contact), then you
must enter this information for the contact.
Email Address
Web User
The web user for the group. Initially, this field is set to (no change) which means
that the web user for the group to which you are reassigning the reservation is to
remain as is; however, if needed, you can click the Search icon
Web Users dialog box and select a different web user.
to open the
• You can search by User Name or Email Address.
• To search a list of all available web users, leave the Search field in the Web
Users dialog box blank, and then click Display.
• To search for a specific web user, enter a search string in the Search field, and
then click Display.
Note: The string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact
order of characters in the string and the string must begin with the
information for which you are searching. For example, if searching by
Email Address, a search string of bob returns bobworth@dea.com but not
Note: To return this field to the (no change) value at any time, click Reset.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
5. Click OK.
A Reassign Reservations message opens, asking you if it is OK to reassign the selected
reservations to the group.
6. Click Yes.
The Reassign Reservations message closes and a second Reassign Reservations message
opens, indicating the reservations were successfully reassigned.
7. Click OK.
The message closes, and the reassigned reservations are no longer displayed in the
group-specific window.
You might have to click Reservations in the left-pane of the group-specific window
to refresh the display.
To make a group reservation from the Group Reservation window
(EMS Workplace only)
1. On the EMS Workplace toolbar, click the Group Reservation icon
The Group Reservation window opens. The Results tab is the active tab.
Figure 6-23: Group Reservation window
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
2. Open the Filter tab, and search for the group for which you are making a reservation. See
“To search for a group and/or contact” on page 255.
3. Select the group for which you are making the reservation, and then click Reservation.
A dropdown list of the available Reservation Wizard templates opens.
4. Select the appropriate template.
The Reservation Wizard opens. The name of the group for which you are making the
reservation is displayed in the title bar of the Reservation Wizard. The Reservation
Wizard template that you selected is displayed on the Wizard Template dropdown list at
the top of the Reservation Wizard. (You can always select a different template if needed.)
Depending on how your EMS administrator has configured the template that you
selected, you might be prompted to select a reservation start date before the
Reservation Wizard opens.
Figure 6-24: Reservation Wizard with Wizard Template option
5. Continue making the reservation as you normally would. See “Making a Reservation
Using the Reservation Wizard” on page 45.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Emailing a Group
Whether your organization uses Microsoft Outlook or SMTP, you can always email an EMS
If your organization uses Microsoft Outlook, you can continue to use this email
system to send emails to EMS groups; otherwise, to email an EMS group using the
SMTP option, your user account must have an email address
To email a group
1. Search for the group that you are emailing. See “To search for a group and/or contact” on
page 255.
2. Do one of the following:
On the Groups window, select the group and then click Email.
Depending on how your system is configured, either a pre-addressed Outlook email
form or a pre-addressed SMTP email form opens. The To field is populated with the
email address that is defined for the group, but you can edit this value if needed. Go
to Step 4.
On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.
The group-specific window opens. Go to Step 3.
3. On the group-specific window, make sure that the group is selected in the left pane, and
then click Email.
Depending on how your system is configured, either a pre-addressed Outlook email form
or a pre-addressed SMTP email form opens. The To field is populated with the email
address that is defined for the group, but you can edit this value if needed.
4. Complete and send the email as you normally would.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Printing and Exporting Group Information
You can print a variety of information for selected groups such as contact summary
information, status exceptions, group import format information, and billing information,
and you can also export a list of selected groups and the summary information for each group
(type, name, address, and so on) to an Excel spreadsheet.
To print group information
1. Search for the groups for which you are printing the information. See “To search for a
group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. On the Groups window, click Print.
A list with a variety of options for printing information for the groups that are currently
displayed in the Groups window opens.
Figure 6-25: Group print options
3. Select the information that you want to print for the displayed groups.
Opens an onscreen preview of all groups (group name, address, phone
number, email address, pricing plan, and status) that are currently
displayed in the Groups window. The groups are sorted by group type.
Contact Summary
Opens an onscreen preview of all the contacts (group name, group
phone number, contact name, and contact phone number) that have
been configured for all the groups that are currently displayed in the
Groups window.
Status Exceptions
Opens an onscreen preview of a list of groups that is derived from all the
groups that are currently displayed in the Groups window that have any
status other than OK. The groups are sorted by group type.
Import Format
Opens an onscreen preview of the required format for the tab-delimited
file that is to be used when importing groups.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Note: A variety of options are available from an onscreen preview, including the options to print a
hard copy of the information, to export the information to a .pdf, and to email the printed
information. See Figure 6-26 below.
Transaction Report
See “Generating an EMS Billing Report” on page 394.
See “Generating an EMS Billing Report” on page 394.
Voided Transaction
See “Generating an EMS Billing Report” on page 394.
Ageing Report
See “Generating an EMS Billing Report” on page 394.
General Ledger
See “Generating an EMS Billing Report” on page 394.
Figure 6-26: Example of an onscreen preview of printed group information
To export a list of groups to an Excel spreadsheet
1. Search for the groups that are you exporting to an Excel spreadsheet. See “To search for
a group and/or contact” on page 255.
2. On the Groups window, click Export.
A Save As dialog box opens for naming the file and selecting the location in which to
save the file. (The file details the summary information—type, name, address, and so
on—for each group.) By default, the file is named Groups.xls, and the file location is
your Document Library, but you can change the name if needed, and you can also select
a different location in which to save the file. After you name and save the file, you have
the option of previewing the exported file.
To preview the file, Microsoft Excel must be installed on your EMS client.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Printing and Exporting Web User Information
You can print a variety of information for selected web users and you can also export a list of
selected web users (name and email address) to an Excel spreadsheet.
To print or export web user information
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Web > Web Users.
The Web Users window opens. In the upper left hand corner, the number of web users
currently in use for VEMS is displayed.
Figure 6-27: Web Users window
2. Enter any combination of the following search criteria:
On the Group Type dropdown list, leave the group type set to the default value of
(all), or select a specific group type.
On the Search by dropdown list, select User Name or Email Address.
On the Status dropdown list, select the user status by which to search.
On the Process Template dropdown list, leave the default value of (all), or select a
specific web process template.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
3. To further filter the displayed search results do one or both of the following:
To filter the search results based on either the User Name or Email Address, in the
Filter field, enter a search string.
To filter the search results based on city, in the City field, enter a search string.
For either field, the string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the
exact order of the characters in the string and it must begin with the information
for which you are searching. For example, if searching by Email Address, a search
string of bob returns bobworth@dea.com but not dbobbett@dea.com.
4. Click Display.
The web users who meet your search criteria are displayed in the lower pane of the Web
Users window.
5. Continue to one of the following:
“To print web user information” below.
“To export a list of web users to an Excel spreadsheet” on page 305.
To print web user information
1. On the Web Users window, click Print.
A list with a variety of options for printing information for the web users that are
currently displayed in the Web Users window opens.
Figure 6-28: Web User print options
2. Select the information that you want to print for the displayed web users.
Opens an onscreen preview of a list of all the web users (web user
name, email address, status, security template, process template, and
last login) who are currently displayed in the Web Users window. The list
is sorted alphabetically by web user name.
Web Delegates
Opens an onscreen preview of a list of all the web delegates (delegate
name, delegate email address, delegate status, web user, web user
email address, and web user status) for all the active web users who are
currently configured in your EMS database. The list is sorted
alphabetically by web delegate name and then by web user name for
web users that have multiple delegates.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Web Delegates by Web
Opens an onscreen preview of a list of all the web delegates (web user
name, web user email address, web user status, delegate name,
delegate email address, and delegate status) for all the active web
users who are currently configured in your EMS database. The list is
sorted alphabetically by web user name and if a web user has multiple
delegates, the delegate is then sorted alphabetically by delegate name.
Note: A variety of options is available from an onscreen preview, including the options to print a
hard copy of the information, to export the information to a .pdf, and to email the printed
information. See Figure 6-29 below.
Figure 6-29: Example of an onscreen preview of the Web Delegates by Web User report
To export a list of web users to an Excel spreadsheet
On the Web Users window, click Export.
A Save As dialog box opens for naming the file and selecting the location in which to
save the file. (The file contains the name and address for each web user that is currently
displayed in the Web Users window.) By default, the file is named Web User List.xls,
and the file location is your Document Library, but you can change the name if needed,
and you can also select a different location in which to save the file. After you name and
save the file, you have the option of previewing the exported file.
To preview the file, Microsoft Excel must be installed on your EMS client.
Chapter 6
Groups and Contacts
Chapter 7
In EMS, a confirmation is a document that details the critical information for a reservation—
the date, the time, the location, the scheduled resources, and so on. You send a confirmation
to the group who is sponsoring or hosting the event as verification that the reservation has
been correctly set up—the time and location are correct, all the necessary resources have
been scheduled, and so on. You can also use the confirmation to inform the group of any
outstanding issues related to the reservation (such as a balance due) and to provide other
information that is not necessarily reservation-specific such as your organization’s
cancellation policies, your organization’s alcohol policies, and so on. You can generate a
confirmation for all the bookings in a reservation, or just for a selected booking in a
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Specifying your Confirmation Settings” on page 308.
“Generating a Single Confirmation at a Time” on page 311.
“Generating Word Merge Documents for Custom Documentation” on page 316.
Remember, a fast way to view reservations is through the Reservation Book. See
“Viewing and Editing Reservations in the Reservation Book” on page 62.
This chapter details the generation of a single confirmation at a time. To generate
confirmations for multiple reservations in a single step, see “Generating Multiple
Confirmations” on page 420.
Chapter 7
Specifying your Confirmation Settings
The Confirmation Settings dialog box provides a variety of options that you can specify for
manual and automatic generation of a confirmation for a reservation or a booking. You can
specify your confirmation settings one time and use these settings for all confirmations that
you generate, or you can change the settings on as-needed basis and tailor them for each
confirmation that you generate.
To specify your confirmation settings
1. Open a reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the upper right hand corner of the Navigator, click Settings > Confirmation Settings.
The Confirmation Settings dialog box opens.
Figure 7-1: Confirmation Settings dialog box
3. Specify the settings for your system’s confirmations.
Date Range tab—The department name that appears at the top of a printed confirmation.
Buildings tab—Select the specific buildings that are to be included in the confirmation.
Categories tab—Select the specific booking details that are to be included in the confirmation.
Chapter 7
Statuses tab—Select the specific statuses that are to be included in the confirmation.
Options tab—Format settings for a printed confirmation.
Confirmation Title
Appears bold and centered at the top of the printed confirmation.
Header Message
Pre-configured blocks of text that appear in the header and footer of the
printed confirmation.
Footer Message
Paper Size
The size of the paper on which the confirmation is printed. Values are
Letter, Legal, and A4.
Print Comments
Include the comments for the reservation in the printed confirmation.
Print Reminders
Include the reminders for the reservation in the printed confirmation.
Print Cancel Reasons
Include the reasons for cancellation in the printed confirmation.
Print User Defined
Include user-defined fields and their values in the printed confirmation.
Print Room Phone
Include the phone number for the room in which the event is being held
in the printed confirmation.
Print Room Notes
Include any notes for the room in which the event is being held in the
printed confirmation.
Print Building Notes
Include any notes about the building in the printed confirmation.
Print Billing Reference
Include the billing reference numbers for the event as well as the
percentage of charges that is allocated to each number in the printed
Print PO Allocation
Include the PO numbers for the event as well as the percentage of
charges that is allocated to each number in the printed confirmation.
Print Category
Include the subtotal charges by category in the printed confirmation.
Print Room Type
Include the room type for the event in the printed confirmation.
Print Item Selection
Include the notes for each resource selection item for the event in the
printed confirmation.
Suppress Reserved
Do not show the reserved time for the event in the printed confirmation.
Suppress Location
Do not show the location for the reservation in the printed confirmation.
Suppress Pricing
Do not show the reservation’s room charges or resource charges in the
printed confirmation.
Suppress Logo
Do no show your organization’s logo in the printed confirmation.
Suppress Item Notes
Do not show notes for any booking items in the printed confirmation.
Suppress Item Special
Do not show special instructions for any booking items in the printed
Suppress Item
Do not show any resource item selections in the printed confirmation.
Always Display Time
Always show the time zone for the event in the printed confirmation.
Chapter 7
Display Messages as
If you have defined any HTML messages, then select this option to
display the HTML version of these messages in the printed
confirmation; otherwise, the message is displayed in plain text.
Limit Bookings to Those
With Details in Selected
Show only those bookings in the printed confirmation that contain details
for the categories that are selected on the Categories tab.
Email Options tab—Format settings for the body of an emailed confirmation.
Header Message
Footer Message
Pre-configured blocks of text that appear in the body of the emailed
Note: Your EMS administrator configures these values. Contact your
administrator if you need assistance with adding or editing a
Email Format
• None—Opens a blank email form.
• Detail—The confirmation appears in its entirety in the email body.
• Mobile Friendly—The confirmation appears in a condensed version
that is viewable on a mobile device.
• Summary—Only the booking information appears in the email body.
Attached Detailed
The entire confirmation is provided as an attachment to the email.
Attach .ics file
An .ics file is a file that a recipient can save to create an entry in his/her
personal calendar. Select this option to attach an .ics file to the email.
Prompt for Res.
Select from a list of reservation-level attachments that you are including
in the email.
Email To
Select the users associated with the reservation who should receive the
email confirmation.
Email CC
Copies to Print
The number of copies of the confirmation that are automatically printed
if you print the confirmation. (Not applicable if you email a confirmation.)
4. You can now generate a confirmation (manually or automatically) based on the settings
that you have specified. See “Generating a Single Confirmation at a Time” on page 311.
Chapter 7
Generating a Single Confirmation at a Time
You can generate a confirmation for all the bookings in a reservation, or just for a selected
booking in a reservation. In the default implementation of EMS, when you request to
generate a confirmation for a reservation or a booking, the Confirmation dialog box opens.
The Confirmation dialog box has the same tabs as the Confirmation Settings dialog box.
(Remember, the values that you specified on the Confirmation Settings dialog box determine
the information that is included in a confirmation. See “Specifying your Confirmation
Settings” on page 308.) It also contains options for generating a print preview of the
confirmation and for manually printing or emailing an EMS-generated confirmation. If you
want to automatically generate a printed or emailed confirmation according to your
confirmation settings, then you must edit the Confirmation setting on the General tab of the
Navigator Options dialog box.
To manually generate a single confirmation at a time
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, do one of the following:
Select the reservation for which you are generating the confirmation.
Select the reservation for which you are generating the confirmation, and then in the
Bookings (lower right) pane, select the booking for which you are generating the
3. Do one of the following:
If you are generating a confirmation for a reservation, then open the Reservation
Summary tab or Properties tab in the upper right pane of the Navigator, and then
click Confirmation.
If you are generating a confirmation for a selected booking, then open the Booking
Summary tab in the upper right pane of the Navigator, and then click Confirmation.
The Confirmation dialog box opens. The dialog box has the same tabs as the
Confirmation Settings dialog box with one exception, the Date Range tab. (Additional
options are available on the Date Range tab that you can use to limit the confirmation to
specific bookings and/or specific booking times.) It also has options for saving, or
memorizing, the displayed confirmation settings so that you do not have to adjust the
settings every time you generate the confirmation. When the dialog box first opens, the
Setup is set to (user-specified). See Figure 7-2 on page 312.
Chapter 7
Figure 7-2: Confirmation dialog box, Date Range tab
4. Do one of the following:
Review the selections on this dialog box, and optionally, make any needed
If you use specific times, then you must also click Options and indicate how the
confirmation is to be limited—to bookings that start within the range or to
bookings that occur within the time range.
If needed, you can always save, or memorize, these settings. See “Working with
Memorized Reports” on page 323.
On the Setup dropdown list, select a saved, or memorized, confirmation.
If you select a memorized confirmation, then the only changes that you can make
are to the dates and/or times on the Date Range tab.
Chapter 7
5. Do one of the following:
To manually generate a printed confirmation, edit the number of copies to print as
needed in the Copies to Print field (the default value is 1), and then click Print.
A Print dialog box opens in which you can specify information such as the printer to
use, the page range, and so on. Click Print in this dialog box to manually generate
the printed confirmation.
Before you print the confirmation, you can click Print Preview to open an
onscreen preview of the printed confirmation. A variety of options are available
from this preview, including the options to email the confirmation, to export the
confirmation to a .pdf, and to print the confirmation.
To manually generate an emailed confirmation, click Email.
See “Sending Email from EMS” on page 414.
If you are using SMTP email, then Figure 7-3 below is an example of the SMTP
email window that opens.
Figure 7-3: SMTP email window for a confirmation
Chapter 7
To automatically generate a confirmation
If you want to always automatically generate a printed or emailed confirmation based on
your confirmation settings, then you must edit the Confirmation setting on the General tab of
the Navigator Options dialog box.
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the upper corner of the Navigator window, click Settings > Options.
The Navigator Options dialog box opens. The General tab is the active tab.
Figure 7-4: Navigator Options dialog box, General tab
Chapter 7
3. Under Confirmation, select one of the following:
Email—To always automatically generate an emailed confirmation based on your
confirmation settings.
Print—To always automatically generate a printed confirmation based on your
confirmation settings.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the Navigator.
The next time you select any reservation or booking in the Navigator and click
Confirmation, the following happens:
If your Navigator Options are set to Print, then a Print dialog box opens in which you
can specify information such as the printer to use, the page range, and so on. Click
Print in this dialog box to generate a printed confirmation that is based on your
confirmation settings.
If your Navigator Options are set to Email, then see “Sending Email from EMS” on
page 414.
If you are using SMTP email, then Figure 7-5 below is an example of the SMTP
email window that opens.
Figure 7-5: SMTP email window for a confirmation
Chapter 7
Generating Word Merge Documents for Custom
EMS provides options for producing pre-formatted documents that contain reservation
information such as confirmations. Your organization, however, might have
organization-specific information that must be included in these documents. If your
organization has purchased and implemented the optional Word Merge module, you can
generate Word Merge documents to produce custom confirmations, contracts, and so on that
contain not only selected reservation information from EMS, but also, any information that
is required by your organization. Because these documents are generated in a Word format
(.docx), you cannot print them or email them from EMS; however, you can manually print
them and send them as an attachment in a email just as you would any other Word document.
To generate Word Merge Documents
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
2. In the left pane of the Navigator, do one of the following:
Select the reservation for which you are generating the confirmation.
Select the reservation for which you are generating the confirmation, and then in the
Bookings (lower right) pane, select the booking for which you are generating the
3. Do one of the following:
If you are generating a confirmation for a reservation, then open the Reservation
Summary tab or Properties tab in the upper right pane of the Navigator, and then
click Confirmation.
If you are generating a confirmation for a selected booking, then open the Booking
Summary tab in the upper right pane of the Navigator, and then click Confirmation.
The Confirmation dialog box opens. The Date Range tab is the active tab. See Figure 7-6
on page 317.
Chapter 7
Figure 7-6: Confirmation dialog box, Date Range tab
4. At the top of the Confirmation dialog box, click Word Merge.
The Word Merge Documents dialog box opens. This dialog box displays all the Word
Merge documents that your EMS administrator has configured for your
organization-specific documents such as confirmations, contracts, and so on.
Figure 7-7: Word Merge Documents window
Chapter 7
5. Select the appropriate Word Merge document, and then optionally, do one or both of the
To attach the document at the reservation-level for the selected reservation, click
Attach to Reservation.
Select the attachment type.
6. Click Generate.
A message opens, indicating that the Word Merge was successful, and asking you if you
want to view the document.
7. Optionally, click Yes.
The document opens in Microsoft Word. You can now use any of the standard Word
functions to save the document, to print the document, attach the document to email, and
so on.
To save a copy of the document in your EMS database, you must either attach the
document to the reservation, or you must open and view the document and save it
as a Word document.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
EMS contains six different categories of general reports to assist you in monitoring and
maintaining your organization’s reservation records and associated transactions. The
application also contains a Query Builder function which you can use to define custom
criteria for searching for information in your organization’s EMS database.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Generating an EMS Report” on page 321.
“Working with Memorized Reports” on page 323.
“Report Descriptions and Options” on page 328.
“Working with a Query” on page 348.
Reports that are specific for the Billing function in EMS are detailed in Chapter 9,
“Billing,” on page 361.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Generating an EMS Report
All EMS reports are available under the Reports option on the menu bar. For any EMS
report, you can specify the parameters, options, and format for the report, or you can
generate the report according to memorized settings. Not all reports require the same
parameters, nor do they all have the same options available. In addition, you can generate
different reports in different formats.
To generate a report
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reports to open the Reports menu, and then click the option
for the report that you are generating. For example, to generate the Event Schedule
report, click Reports > Daily > Event Schedule.
2. On the Setup dropdown list, do one of the following:
To generate the report according to the filter settings that you specify (parameters,
options, and so on), leave (user specified) selected on the Setup list, and then go to
Step 3.
To run the report with filter settings that have been saved, or memorized, select the
memorized report on the Setup list, and then go to Step 5.
For detailed information about memorized reports, see “Working with Memorized
Reports” on page 323.
3. On the Options list, select the Date/Time filter by which to generate the report.
4. Specify the report parameters, options, and format. See:
“Daily reports” on page 329.
“Sales reports” on page 334.
“Statistics reports” on page 337.
“Other reports” on page 340.
“Exceptions reports” on page 342.
“Hoteling reports (EMS Workplace only)” on page 345.
For brevity and ease, the parameters and options that are available for each
report are not discussed here. Instead, the options are discussed in “Report
Descriptions and Options” on page 328. Billing reports are discussed in Chapter
9, “Billing,” on page 361. Academic reports are discussed in Chapter 13,
“Academic Planning (EMS Campus),” on page 443. Contact your EMS
administrator if you need assistance in generating any of these reports.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
5. Optionally, do one or more or all of the following:
In the Report Comment field, enter a comment that is to be printed on the report.
The comment can be a maximum of 255 characters, including spaces.
Click Print Preview.
A preview of the report opens onscreen.
To print a hard copy of the report, specify the number of copies that you are printing,
and then click Print.
6. Click Close.
Unless you change the filter settings, all subsequent reports are generated and printed
according to the parameters and options that you have specified and in the format that
you specified. If you want to save certain settings so that you do not have to adjust the
filter settings every time you run the report, you can memorize the report. See “Working
with Memorized Reports” on page 323.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Working with Memorized Reports
A memorized report is a report for which the filter settings have been saved, or memorized,
so that you do not have to adjust the filter settings every time you run the report. You can
create a memorized report “from scratch,” or you can copy an existing memorized report,
and edit the filter settings as needed to create a new memorized report. If you are the owner
of a memorized report, you can also edit the name of an existing memorized report and you
can delete a memorized report.
Although this topic is written from the perspective of reports, it is also applicable
for working with memorized confirmations and invoices.
To create a memorized report “from scratch”
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reports to open the Reports menu, and then click the option
for the report that you are memorizing. For example, to memorize the Event Schedule
report, click Reports > Daily > Event Schedule to open the Event Schedule dialog box.
Figure 8-1: Event Schedule report dialog box
2. On the <Report> dialog box, click Options, and then select the Date/Time filter by which
to generate the report.
3. Specify the report parameters, options, and format.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
4. On the <Report> dialog box, click Memorize.
The Memorize Report Setup dialog box opens.
Figure 8-2: Memorize Report Setup dialog box
5. In the Description field, enter a name or description for the report.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.
6. If you are an administrative user, and the report is to be available to all users, then select
Public (Available to All Users); otherwise, if the report is to be available only to you (the
owner), then leave this option blank.
If you are not an administrative user, then only your EMS administrator can make
your memorized reports available to all users. Contact your EMS administrator
for assistance.
7. Click OK.
The Memorize Report Setup dialog box closes. You return to the <Report> dialog box.
The memorized report is now an option on the Setup dropdown list.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
To create a memorized report by copying
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reports to open the Reports menu, and then click the option
for the report that you are memorizing. For example, to memorize the Event Schedule
report, click Reports > Daily > Event Schedule to open the Event Schedule dialog box.
Figure 8-3: Event Schedule report dialog box
2. On the Setup dropdown list, select the memorized report from which you are copying the
filter settings, and then click Copy.
The Memorize Report Setup dialog box opens. By default, the Description field
indicates that you are naming a copy of a memorized report.
Figure 8-4: Memorize Report Setup dialog box
3. In the Description field, enter a name or description for the new memorized report.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
4. If you are an administrative user, and the report is to be available to all users, then select
Public (Available to All Users); otherwise, if the report is to be available only to you (the
owner), then leave this option blank.
If you are not an administrative user, then only your EMS administrator can make
your memorized reports available to all users. Contact your EMS administrator
for assistance.
5. Click OK.
The Memorize Report Setup dialog box closes. You return to the <Report> dialog box.
The filter settings are populated with the settings for the memorized report.
6. Click Edit, and then edit the filter settings for the report as needed.
7. Click Memorize.
The memorized report is now an option on the Setup dropdown list.
To edit or delete a memorized report
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reports to open the Reports menu, and then click the option
for the memorized report that you are editing. For example, to edit a memorized Event
Schedule report, click Reports > Daily > Event Schedule to open the Event Schedule
dialog box.
Figure 8-5: Event Schedule report dialog box
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
2. On the <Report> Setup dialog box, click Setups.
The Memorized Report Setups dialog box opens. This dialog box lists all the memorized
report setups for which you are the owner, and therefore can edit the name and/or delete
the report.
Administrative users can edit and delete all memorized reports in the system. See
Managing Memorized Reports in the EMS Setup Guide.
Figure 8-6: Memorized Report Setups dialog box
3. Select a memorized report setup, and then do one of the following:
To edit the name of the report, click Edit to open the Memorize Report Name dialog
box, and edit the name of the report in the Description field.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.
To delete the report, click Delete, and then click Yes in the message that asks you if
you are sure that you want to delete the selected report.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Report Descriptions and Options
This section provides a description of every EMS report in the categories listed below and it
also defines the options that are available for each report.
“Daily reports” on page 329.
“Sales reports” on page 334.
“Statistics reports” on page 337.
“Other reports” on page 340.
“Exceptions reports” on page 342.
“Hoteling reports (EMS Workplace only)” on page 345.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Daily reports
Event Schedule
A summary of the events that are scheduled at
your facility, sorted by date and event start time.
The report shows event start and end time, group
name, event name, and location. You typically
print and post the Event Schedule in a lobby or
entry way to help visitors find their events.
• Use Page Breaks - If the report is run across multiple days, then
each day starts on a new page.
• Show Bookings on Start Date Only—If a booking is scheduled
overnight, then only the start date of the booking is displayed in the
report. For example, a booking exists for 3P Thursday through 10A
Friday. If this option is selected, then the booking is displayed only for
Thursday in the report.
• Show Holidays—Displays any holidays that are configured in the
EMS database on the report.
• Show Building Hours—Displays building hours on the report.
• VIP Events Only—Only the events that are marked as a “VIP” are
displayed in the report.
• Use Calendar Styles: Events are displayed in the font/color of the
Calendar Style that is associated with each event.
Event Calendar
A chronological list of scheduled events in a wall
calendar format.
• Use Calendar Styles—Events are displayed in the font/color of the
Calendar Style that is associated with each event.
• Weekly Calendar—One week per page is displayed in the report.
• Show Adjacent Calendar Days—Works in conjunction with the
Weekly Calendar option to display events that occur on Saturday and
Sunday in the report.
• Grey Out Adjacent Calendar Days—Works in conjunction with The
“Show Adjacent Calendar Days” option to display events that occur
on adjacent days in gray instead of in black.
• Hide Holidays—By default, holidays are displayed on the Daily
Calendar Report. Select this option to hide holidays in the report.
• By Room—Displays events one room at a time in a calendar view.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Room Cards
A list of events that is designed to be posted
outside a room or event space. The report notes
the date, event time, and location for events, as
well as the group sponsoring each event. The
report can be a single list of all events that are
scheduled for the room on a particular date, or it
can be a single page per event.
• Show Bookings on Start Date Only—If a booking is scheduled
overnight, then only the start date of the booking is displayed in the
report. For example, a booking exists for 3P Thursday through 10A
Friday. If this option is selected, then the booking is displayed only for
Thursday in the report.
• Print Blank Room Cards—Prints a room card for a space that does
not have any events scheduled.
• Print Logo—Prints the facility logo on each room card. You can
specify the logo location on the right or left side of the room card.
• Sort Room Cards By Book Sequence—If Book Sequencing is being
used on Room Configuration, then a facility can print room cards in
the Book Sequence order.
• Print Combo Room Components—Prints an individual room card for
each component of a combo room.
• Suppress End Time—Do not show the end times for bookings in the
Activity Schedule
A list of bookings in all rooms in a building, or just
in a specific room in the building. The report,
which shows event start and end times, event
name, group name and room, can be generated
for a range of dates. The report can generated in
one of two formats—by Date or by Building.
• Use Page Breaks—A new page is generated for each date or for
each building.
• Show Bookings on Start Date Only—If a booking is scheduled
overnight, then only the start date of the booking is displayed in the
report. For example, a booking exists for 3P Thursday through 10A
Friday. If this option is selected, then the booking is displayed only for
Thursday in the report.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Setup Worksheet
An internal report that sets up crews, custodial, or
operations personnel use to ensure that each
room is arranged properly for each event. The
report displays detailed information about each
booking, including setup type, setup notes,
required resources, user defined fields, special
instructions and resource item notes.
• Use Page Breaks—If this report is run across multiple days, then
each day starts on a new page.
• Highlight Changes Made Within:(days)—Changes that have been
made within the specified number of days are highlighted in the
• Limit Bookings To Those With Details In Selected Categories—Only
bookings with a booking detail from the specified categories are
displayed in the report.
• Show Bookings on Start Date Only—If a booking is scheduled
overnight, then only the start date of the booking is displayed in the
report. For example, a booking exists for 3P Thursday through 10A
Friday. If this option is selected, then the booking is displayed only for
Thursday in the report.
• Keep Detail Together—If an event has booking details, then the
details are kept together on one page instead of being split across
two pages.
• Show Holidays—Holidays are displayed in the report.
• Show Building Hours—Building hours that are associated with each
building are displayed in the report.
• Show Item Notes—Any notes that have been entered for a booking
detail item are displayed in the report.
• Show Item Special Instructions—Any special instructions that have
been entered in VEMS for a booking detail item are displayed in the
• Show User Defined Fields—Any user defined fields and their
answers for a reservation are displayed in the report.
• Show Booking Changes Only—Bookings that have been edited
within the specified number of days are displayed in the report.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Service Order Schedule
Lists the service orders that are scheduled for a
date or date range. Produced by category.
• Use Page Breaks—If this report is run across multiple days, then
each day starts on a new page.
• Show Details—Booking item details that associated with each event
are displayed in the report.
• Highlight Changes Made Within:(days)—Changes that have been
made within the specified number of days are highlighted in the
• Show Pricing—Any pricing that is associated with an item is
displayed in the report.
• Show Item Notes—Any notes that have been entered for a booking
detail item are displayed in the report.
• Show Item Special Instructions—Any special instructions that have
been entered in VEMS for a booking detail item are displayed in the
Service Orders
Separate pages for each service order in a date
range. The report provides information on the
event and the items or services needed.
Produced by category.
• Highlight Changes Made Within:(days)—Changes that have been
made within the specified number of days are highlighted in the
• Footer Message—Used to specify the Footer message that is
displayed on each page of the report.
• Show Item Notes—Any notes that have been entered for a booking
detail item are displayed in the report.
• Show Item Special Instructions—Any special instructions that have
been entered in VEMS for a booking detail item are displayed in the
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Banquet Event Order
Separate pages for each booking that occurs on
a date or within a date range that has the
“Primary Category” specified. Service orders,
resource information, notes, and information for
resource with order type categories are included
in the report.
• Highlight Changes Made Within:(days)—Changes that have been
made within the specified number of days are highlighted in the
• Show Pricing—Any pricing that is associated with an item is
displayed in the report.
• Limit Bookings To Those With Details In Selected Categories—Only
bookings with a booking detail from the specified categories are
displayed in the report.
• Show Item Notes—Any notes that have been entered for a booking
detail item are displayed in the report.
• Show Item Special Instructions—Any special instructions that have
been entered in VEMS for a booking detail item are displayed in the
• Show Item Selection Notes—Any notes that have been entered for a
booking detail item selection are displayed in the report.
• Show Service User Defined Fields—Any user defined questions and
their answers for any listed category are displayed in the report.
• Set Page Numbers By Booking—Resets page number for every
unique booking.
• Use Page Breaks—If this report is run across multiple days, then
each day starts on a new page.
Resource Schedule
Lists by category and date, how many of each
resource item is needed, as well as the event
time, event name, location, and group.
• Use Page Breaks—If this report is run across multiple days, then
each day starts on a new page.
• Highlight Changes Made Within:(days)—Changes that have been
made within the specified number of days are highlighted in the
• Show Overbooked Resources Only—Only those bookings where the
selected resource exceeds the number available in inventory at that
time are displayed in the report.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Service Order Change
List the service orders to which a change has
been made by Booking/Service Order ID.
Includes the service order category, a description
of the change, the old value for the service order,
the new value for the service order, the date of
the change, and the ID for the user who made the
Attendee Visitor Report
Lists the attendees for an event by date or date
range, and indicates whether they are visitors
and shows their group name, phone number,
event name, the room they will be in, and the
start and end times for their event.
• Use Page Breaks—If this report is run across multiple days, then
each day starts on a new page.
Production Report
Lists production items and their quantities
grouped by production area.
• Show Item Notes—Any notes that have been entered for a booking
detail item are displayed in the report.
• Show Item Special Instructions—Any special instructions that have
been entered in VEMS for a booking detail item are displayed in the
• Show Item Selections—Any selections that have been entered for a
booking detail item are displayed in the report.
Sales reports
Sales by Group Type
Lists the sales for each group type for a date or
date range.
• Display Amount—Select from Net Sales, Gross Sales, or Discounts.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
• Show Zero Amounts—Group Types with zero sales/discounts are
displayed in the report.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Sales by Group
Lists the sales for each group, divided by group
type, for a date or date range.
• Display Amount—Select from Net Sales, Gross Sales, or Discounts.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
• Show Zero Amounts—Group Types with zero sales/discounts are
displayed in the report.
Sales by Category
Lists the revenue generated by each resource
category for a date or date range.
• Display Amount—Select from Net Sales, Gross Sales, or Discounts.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
• Show Zero Amounts—Group Types with zero sales/discounts are
displayed in the report.
Sales by Resources
Lists the sales for each resource item for a date
or date range.
• Display Amount—Select from Net Sales, Gross Sales, or Discounts.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
• Show Zero Amounts—Group Types with zero sales/discounts are
displayed in the report.
Sales by Reservation
Sales by Billing
Lists the reservations that have bookings for a
specified date or date range and shows the
charges, by category, for the reservation. Also
gives a grand total for all reservations. If a
reservation also has bookings that fall outside the
specified date or date range, these figures are
not included in the report.
• Display Amount—Select from Net Sales, Gross Sales, or Discounts.
Lists the total sales for a date or date range,
based on the billing reference number on the
reservations that have bookings in the specified
range. Sales that are associated with
reservations that have no billing reference
number are not included in the report.
• Display Amount—Select from Net Sales, Gross Sales, or Discounts.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
• Show Zero Amounts—Group Types with zero sales/discounts are
displayed in the report.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
• Show Zero Amounts—Group Types with zero sales/discounts are
displayed in the report.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Sales by Booking
Status Changes by
Lists the sales for a particular date or for each
date in a date range, broken down by booking.
This report displays the following information—
Start/End Times, Group, Event Name, Location,
Billing Reference#, PO Number, Payment Type,
Status, Reservation ID, Booking ID, and Sales
• Display Amount—Select from Net Sales, Gross Sales, or Discounts.
Lists the sales that are associated with a
reservation where the reservation or booking
status was changed.
• Display Amount—Select from Net Sales, Gross Sales, or Discounts.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
• Show Zero Amounts—Group Types with zero sales/discounts are
displayed in the report.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
• Show Zero Amounts—Group Types with zero sales/discounts are
displayed in the report.
Status Changes by
Lists the sales that are associated with bookings
where the bookings status was changed.
• Display Amount—Select from Net Sales, Gross Sales, or Discounts.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
• Show Zero Amounts—Group Types with zero sales/discounts are
displayed in the report.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Statistics reports
All Statistics reports, except Hourly Room Utilization and Hourly Resource Inventory Utilization, provide an “Analyze”
feature to view data. Click Analyze to open a Browser window that displays the queried data. You can group the information
by column, you can export the raw data to an Excel file, and you can click Details to provide more detailed information about
the queried data.
The Room Utilization report, the Hourly Room Utilization report, and the Hourly Room Utilization report are
available only in EMS Enterprise. They are not available in EMS Professional.
Room Statistics
Lists all rooms by building and for each room,
indicates the following information—the number
of bookings for the date range selected, the
reserved hours, the event hours, the estimated
attendance (i.e., setup count), and the actual
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
Room Utilization
Lists the number of bookings, hours used, hours
available, percent utilization, and hours vacant
for rooms, by building, for the date range
• Day Selection—Specify which day(s) of the week to include in the
• Group By Utilization Category—Groups rooms by utilization (low,
high, unused).
• Include Cost—The cost for vacancies is displayed in the report.
• Include Unused—Include rooms that contain no bookings in the
• Cap Utilization at 100%?—Percent utilization cannot exceed 100%.
• Low Utilization—Specify what percentage equals “Low” utilization.
• High Utilization—Specify what percentage equals “High” utilization.
• Availability Based On—Select to base availability on one of the
following - Building Hours, Hours per Day, or Specific Hours.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Hourly Room Utilization
Displays room utilization broken down by hours in
the day, by percentage utilized.
• Day Selection—Specify which day(s) of the week to include in the
• Display Chart—Includes a chart on the final page of the report that
summarizes the reported data.
Hourly Resource
Inventory Utilization
Displays resources, and the number of items
used on an hourly basis for a specified date
• Day Selection—Specify which day(s) of the week to include in the
Group Statistics
Displays Number of Bookings, Reserved Hours,
Event Hours, Estimated Attendance, and Actual
Attendance by Group Type for a given date or
date range. The format can be set to “Detail” to
provide statistics for each specific group.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
Event Type Analysis
Provides information by event type on the
following—the number of reservations, the
number of bookings, the percentage of total
reserved hours, the percentage of total event
hours, the percentage of total estimated
attendance, the percentage of total attendance,
the actual attendance, and the percentage of
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
Displays the number of reservations, the number
of bookings with percentage, reserved hours with
percentage, event hours with percentage,
estimated attendance with percentage, and
actual attendance with percentage by reservation
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
Lists the quantity and the hours used by category
and by resource item.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
Reservation Source
Resource Statistics
• Display Chart—Includes a chart on the final page of the report that
summarizes the reported data.
• Display Chart—Includes a chart on the final page of the report that
summarizes the reported data.
• Display Chart—Includes a chart on the final page of the report that
summarizes the reported data.
• Show Zero Quantities—Includes all resources even if the resource is
not used during the date range specified.
• Show Inactive Resources—Includes all inactive resources used
during the date range specified.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Room Availability
Provides a count of room availability by room
type for a given date range.
Setup Count Analysis
Lists the total number of bookings by setup count.
Seat Occupancy
Displays the capacity for each room, the number
of bookings for the date range, the seats
available for the bookings, the total estimated
attendance based on setup count on each
booking, the average estimated attendance, and
the estimated percentage of seats filled for the
specified date range.Figures are also provided
for total actual attendance, average actual
attendance, and actual percentage of seats filled.
• Include Report Criteria—The filter settings for the report are
displayed in the report.
Benchmark Metrics
Compiles metrics for a number of different areas
within EMS, for example, Rooms By Number of
Bookings, Reservations By Source, and so on.
• Days Open Per Week—Indicates the number of days per week your
facility is open per week. The default value is 7.
• Hours Open Per Day—Indicates the number of hours per day that
your facility is open. The default value is 10.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Other reports
Cancellation Report
Lists the bookings that have a status that was
changed to “Cancelled” on the date or dates
specified, or lists the bookings on the date or
dates specified that have a status type of
“Cancelled.” The report also lists the date that the
booking status was changed, the date the
bookings were to have taken place, and the
location of the event, the name of the person who
canceled the booking, the reason for the
cancellation, and the booking ID. You can run the
report in one of two formats—by Booking Date
(the date that the bookings were to occur) or by
Cancel Date (the date that the bookings were
Cancellation Summary
Summarizes, by reservation, all charges for
bookings on a date or in a date range. The report
shows the first and last bookings canceled within
the reservation, the Group, the reservation
number, the group contact, the event name, the
event type, the total charges, and the reason for
cancellation of the most recently canceled
booking. Reservations that do not have charges
associated with the bookings are not displayed
on this report. You can select Use Specific times
and then enter a range of times to limit the report
to bookings that occurred within this specified
time range.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Reservation Summary
A summary of reservations that occurred within a
specific date range. The report also lists
complete reservation information (reservation
number, event name, group, contact person, and
so on) and booking dates. User defined fields can
also be printed in this report. You can select Use
Specific times and then enter a range of times to
limit the report to reservations that occurred
within this specified time range.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Exceptions reports
Undefined Setups
Lists the bookings on the selected date or date
range for which no setup count has been
entered. The report lists the following information
for the bookings—the event name, time and
location, contact name and phone number,
booking status, and ID number. You can select
Use Specific times and then enter a range of
times to limit the report to bookings that occurred
within this specified time range. You can enter
information about the report, or a name or
description for the report in the Report Comment
• Show Bookings on Start Date Only—If a booking is scheduled
overnight, then only the start date of the booking is displayed in the
report. For example, a booking exists for 3P Thursday through 10A
Friday. If this option is selected, then the booking is displayed only for
Thursday in the report.
Status Reminder Report
Lists the bookings that have a status with a
reconfirm date that falls within the selected date
range. You typically use the information in this
report to review tentative bookings. The report
can be run in one of two formats—by Status Date
(the date that the event was put in a “Tentative”
status) or by Booking Date (the actual date of the
event). You can select Use Specific times and
then enter a range of times to limit the report to
bookings that occurred within this specified time
range. You can enter a report name or
description or any pertinent information about the
report in the Comment field.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Wait List Report
Lists all the bookings with a Wait status for the
time period that you have requested. Detects
situations where a booking has been canceled
and there are one or more bookings with a Wait
status that can now be changed to Confirmed,
and indicates if the room is available. You can
select Use Specific times and then enter a range
of times to limit the report to bookings that
occurred within this specified time range.
Booking Conflict
Reviews information on all bookings for a date or
date range and lists any conflicts
Note: EMS does not allow double-bookings, but
they might exist because conversion of
data from systems that do allow them, or
the result of users failing to restart EMS
after encountering error messages.
Building Hours
Lists events for a date or date range that fall
outside of the configured building hours. Either
event time or reserved time is checked based on
the “Validate Building Hours on Event Time”
parameter. The report also shows the start and
end times, group, event name, location,
reservation number, and booking number. You
can select Use Specific times and then enter a
range of times to limit the report to bookings that
occurred within this specified time range. You can
enter information about the report, or a name or
description for the report in the Report Comment
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Inactive Room With
Lists the bookings for a specified date or date
range that are scheduled in inactive rooms. You
can select Use Specific times and then enter a
range of times to limit the report to bookings that
occurred within this specified time range. You can
enter information about the report, or a name or
description for the report in the Report Comment
field. You can click View to open the booking for
viewing and editing, changing the status of the
booking and/or emailing the group.
Inactive Groups With
Lists the reservations for a specified date or date
range that are scheduled for inactive groups. You
can click View to go to the reservation for viewing
and editing, including changing the status of the
reservation and/or its bookings.
Invalid Service Orders
Lists the service orders that have a start time
and/or end time that fall outside the reserved time
for the room. Lists the category, date, reserved
and event start and end times, location, group,
reservation number, booking number, service
order number and a description of the invalid
order. You can select Use Specific times and then
enter a range of times to limit the report to
bookings that occurred within this specified time
range. You can enter information about the
report, or a name or description for the report in
the Report Comment field.
Note: Service orders that fall outside the
reserved time are considered invalid even
if the Validate Service Order Times
Against Booking parameter is set to “No.”)
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Invalid Billing
Lists the bookings for a particular date or date
range that are in reservations that have invalid
billing reference numbers. You can select Use
Specific times and then enter a range of times to
limit the report to bookings that occurred within
this specified time range. You can enter
information about the report, or a name or
description for the report in the Report Comment
Note: A billing reference number is considered
invalid if it has not been defined in the
Billing Reference Configuration area but
the Validate Billing Reference parameter
is set to “Valid Only.”
Inactive Web Process
Displays the inactive web process templates that
are attached to reservations.
Hoteling reports (EMS Workplace only)
Room Occupancy
Displays, by building and room type, the number
and percentage of rooms occupied.
No Show
Lists the bookings for which the reservation
holder did not check in.
Note: A customer can be checked in via the
EMS Kiosk, the EMS desktop client, or
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Early Checkout
Lists the bookings for which the reservation
holder checked out before the end of the
reserved time.
Note: A customer can be checked out via the
EMS Kiosk, the EMS desktop client, or
Lists events for groups that have cities on their
group record, other than what is specified in the
Exclude Locations field. If multiple locations are
to be listed, they should be entered with a comma
between them (for example, Denver, Houston,
Tampa, and so on).
Booking Notice
Lists the total bookings for a date or date range,
divided into three “Amount of Notice” categories,
where the Amount of Notice is the time between
when the booking was scheduled and the date/
time for which it was scheduled. The report can
be generated in one of two formats— “standard”
or by room type.
Tracks the occupants of hoteling spaces during a
specified date range. Lists by floor and room
where the occupant was last, what room the
occupant is moving to, and who was in the space
the previous day. Typically this report is run for a
two day range and the days of the week must be
checked. This report can be used by personnel
who are responsible for preparing hoteling
spaces for each occupant.
• Show Details—Prints the categories that are associated with the
Lists the departures and arrivals for a particular
room by building and floor. The report shows the
time of the departure if the customer is a
departure and the time of the arrival if the
customer is an arrival. Typically, this report is run
for a two day timespan listing the departure date
first and the arrival date second.
Arrivals and Departures
• Highlight Changes Made Within:(days)—Changes that have been
made within the specified number of days are highlighted in the
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Groups With Multiple
Lists groups that have multiple bookings for the
date or date range specified. The information is
organized by date, and lists the start and end
times, the room, the room type, and the booking
status for each booking.
Check In Statistics
Lists the percentage of customers who have
checked in by building, building-room type, or
room type.
Note: A customer can be checked in via the
EMS Kiosk, the EMS desktop client, or
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Working with a Query
A query is the primary mechanism for retrieving information from a database. A query
consists of questions that are presented to the database in a predefined format. A Query
Builder function is available from the Reports menu. You can use this function to create
queries for retrieving information from your EMS database. When you create a query, you
can name and save the query so that you can run the query at any time that you choose. You
can create a query from “scratch,” or you can create a query by copying an existing query
and editing the copied query as needed. You can also edit a query, delete a query, and view
and print a query.
To create a query
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reports.
The Reports menu opens.
2. On the Reports menu, click Queries.
The Queries menu opens. This menu always contains the Query Builder option. It also
contains options for any queries that have been previously defined in your EMS
3. Click Query Builder.
The Query Definitions dialog box opens. The dialog box displays all the queries that
have been previously defined in your EMS database and that have a status of Active.
Figure 8-7: Query Definitions dialog box
Optionally, to view all queries in your EMS database, regardless of status, under
Show, click Inactive.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
4. Do one of the following:
To create a query from scratch, click New.
To create a query by editing an existing query, select the query that is to be edited,
and then click Copy.
The Query Builder Filter dialog box opens. The Query Builder Filter tab is the active tab.
You use the options on this dialog box to name and define the query.
Figure 8-8: Query Builder Filter dialog box, Query Builder Filter tab
5. Enter or edit the needed information for the query. See:
“Query Builder Filter tab” on page 350.
“Display Fields tab” on page 351.
“Filter tab” on page 353.
“Sort tab” on page 354.
“Chart tab” on page 355.
“Users tab” on page 356.
6. Do one of the following:
Click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog box and save the named query.
The named query is displayed on the Reports menu under the Queries option. You
can run this query at any later date when needed.
Open the Results tab, and then click Preview to run the query immediately and view
the results on the tab. You can then click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog
box and save the named query. The named query is displayed on the Reports menu
under the Queries option. You can run this query at any later date when needed.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Query Builder Filter tab
Figure 8-9: Query Builder Filter dialog box, Query Builder Filter tab
1. On the Query Builder Filter tab, name and define the query.
Filter Name
Name of the query filter.
Note: The name can be a maximum of 50 characters, including
Filter Type
The type of information that the filter is to capture. The Filter Type
affects the items that are available on the Display Fields tab and the
Filter tab. A Filter Type of Group allows you to capture address
information that can be exported and subsequently used by other
programs to create mailing labels.
Note: Only a single Filter Type, Reservation, is available in EMS
Display in Browser
Available only for a Filter Type of Billing or Reservations. Select this
option if the query that you are creating is to be available in the Browser.
Open in Navigator
Available only if the Filter Type is Reservations and Display in Browser
is selected. Indicate what the system should open in the Navigator when
a user double-clicks on an item that is retrieved by the query.
Available only to administrative users.
Return First “xx”
Number of Records
To limit the number of records that the query returns, select this option,
and then enter the number of records in the field.
By default, a query is added as an active query. Select this option to
inactivate the query.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
2. Continue with any other configuration for the query as needed, or do one of the
Click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog box and save the named query.
The named query is displayed on the Reports menu under the Queries option. You
can run this query at any later date when needed.
Open the Results tab, and then click Preview to run the query immediately and view
the results on the tab. You can then click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog
box and save the named query. The named query is displayed on the Reports menu
under the Queries option. You can run this query at any later date when needed.
Display Fields tab
Figure 8-10: Query Builder Filter dialog box, Display Fields tab
1. Open the Display Fields tab, and then do one of the following:
Select the field, or CTRL-click to select the multiple fields that are to be displayed in
the query results, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected fields to
the Selected list.
In the Field Search field, enter the string by which to filter your search for available
fields. Select the field, or CTRL-click to select multiple fields, and then click the
Move button (>) to move the selected fields to the Selected list.
The search is limited to the exact order of characters in the string, but the string is
not case-sensitive and it can be found anywhere in the search results. For
example, a search string of Add returns both Added By and Date Added. As you
enter the search string, the Available Fields list is dynamically updated with a list
of fields that meet the search criteria.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
If you are copying an existing query, then when the Display Fields tab opens, the
Selected list is already populated with a list of fields. You can select one or more of
these fields, and then click the Remove button (<) to move these fields back to the
Available list.
2. The fields are displayed in the query results in the order in which they are listed in the
Selected list. Optionally, to change the order of the fields, select a field and then click
Move Up/Move Down as needed.
3. Continue with any other configuration for the query as needed, or do one of the
Click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog box and save the named query.
The named query is displayed on the Reports menu under the Queries option. You
can run this query at any later date when needed.
Open the Results tab, and then click Preview to run the query immediately and view
the results on the tab. You can then click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog
box and save the named query. The named query is displayed on the Reports menu
under the Queries option. You can run this query at any later date when needed.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Filter tab
Figure 8-11: Query Builder Filter dialog box, Filter tab
1. Open the Filter Fields tab, and then do one of the following:
For each field that is to define the query, select the field, and then click the Move
button (>) to move the fields to the Filter Summary list.
In the Field Search field, enter the string by which to filter your search for available
fields. For each field that is to define the query, select the field, and then click the
Move button (>) to move the fields to the Filter Summary list.
The search is limited to the exact order of characters in the strings but the string is
not case-sensitive and it can be found anywhere in the search results. For
example, a search string of Contact returns both Contact Name and 1st Contact.
As you enter the search string, the Available Fields list is dynamically updated
with a list of fields that meet the search criteria.
For each field that you select, a dialog box opens in which you must specify the allowed
values for the field. After you specify the values and click OK, the dialog box closes, and
the selected field is moved to the Filter Summary list.
If you are copying an existing query, then when the Filter Summary tab opens, the
Filter Summary list is already populated. You can select one or more of these
fields and then click the Remove button (<) to move these fields back to the
Available list. If you want to use the same Filter Summary fields in the “new”
query, but with different values, you cannot change the values directly. You must
move the appropriate fields back to the Available list, then select the fields again
to change their values.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
2. Continue with any other configuration for the query as needed, or do one of the
Click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog box and save the named query.
The named query is displayed on the Reports menu under the Queries option. You
can run this query at any later date when needed.
Open the Results tab, and then click Preview to run the query immediately and view
the results on the tab. You can then click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog
box and save the named query. The named query is displayed on the Reports menu
under the Queries option. You can run this query at any later date when needed.
Sort tab
Figure 8-12: Query Builder Filter dialog box, Sort tab
1. Open the Sort tab, select the field or CTRL-click to select the multiple fields by which
the query results are to be sorted, and then click the Move button (>) to move the fields
to the Selected list.
2. Continue with any other configuration for the query as needed, or do one of the
Click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog box and save the named query.
The named query is displayed on the Reports menu under the Queries option. You
can run this query at any later date when needed.
Open the Results tab, and then click Preview to run the query immediately and view
the results on the tab. You can then click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog
box and save the named query. The named query is displayed on the Reports menu
under the Queries option. You can run this query at any later date when needed.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Chart tab
Figure 8-13: Query Builder Filter dialog box, Chart tab
1. Open the Chart tab, and specify the type of chart that is to be used to graph the query
2. Manually enter any information for the chart (for example, Chart Title) as needed.
3. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
To show a legend with the chart, select Show Legend, and then specify the legend
information (alignment, header, footer, and marker style and size).
To spell check any charting information that you manually entered, click Spelling.
4. Continue with any other configuration for the query as needed, or do one of the
Click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog box and save the named query.
The named query is displayed on the Reports menu under the Queries option. You
can run this query at any later date when needed.
Open the Results tab, and then click Preview to run the query immediately and view
the results on the tab. You can then click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog
box and save the named query. The named query is displayed on the Reports menu
under the Queries option. You can run this query at any later date when needed.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Users tab
The ability to assign specific queries to specific users is available only in EMS
Enterprise. It is not available in EMS Professional.
Figure 8-14: Query Builder Filter dialog box, Users tab
1. Open the Users tab, and in the Available list, select the user, or CTRL-click to select the
multiple users who can run this query, and then click the Move (>) button to move the
selected users to the Selected list.
By default, all administrative users can run any query that any user creates. These
users are listed in the Administrative list. You cannot remove any administrative
users from this list.
2. Continue with any other configuration for the query as needed, or do one of the
Click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog box and save the named query.
The named query is displayed on the Reports menu under the Queries option. You
can run this query at any later date when needed.
Open the Results tab, and then click Preview to run the query immediately and view
the results on the tab. You can then click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog
box and save the named query. The named query is displayed on the Reports menu
under the Queries option. You can run this query at any later date when needed.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
To edit a query
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reports.
The Reports menu opens.
2. On the Reports menu, click Queries > Query Builder.
The Query Definitions dialog box opens. The dialog box displays, by name, any queries
that have been previously defined in your EMS application. See Figure 8-7 on page 348.
3. Select the query that you are editing, and then click Edit.
The Query Definitions dialog box opens. All of the tabs are populated with the
information for the selected query.
4. Edit the query as necessary including one or more of the following:
Renaming the query.
Changing the fields that are to be displayed in the query results.
Changing the fields that define the query.
Changing the order of the fields by which the query results are to be sorted.
Changing the charting options for the query results.
Changing the users who can run the query.
5. Do one of the following:
Click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog box and save the edited query. The
edited query is displayed on the Reports menu under the Queries option. You can run
this query at any later date when needed.
Open the Results tab, and then click Preview to run the query immediately and view
the results on the tab. You can then click OK to close the Query Builder Filter dialog
box and save the edited query. The edited query is displayed on the Reports menu
under the Queries option. You can run this query at any later date when needed.
To delete a query
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reports.
The Reports menu opens.
2. On the Reports menu, click Queries > Query Builder.
The Query Definitions dialog box opens. The dialog box displays any queries that have
been previously defined in your EMS application. See Figure 8-7 on page 348.
3. Select the query that is to be deleted, and then click Delete.
A message opens, asking you if it is OK to delete the selected query.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
4. Click Yes.
The message closes. The query is deleted.
To view and print a query
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reports.
The Reports menu opens.
2. On the Reports menu, click Queries > Query Builder.
The Query Definitions dialog box opens. The dialog box displays any queries that have
been previously defined in your EMS application. See Figure 8-7 on page 348.
3. Select the query that is to be printed, and then click Print.
An onscreen preview of the selected query opens. A variety of options are available from
this preview, including the options to print a hard copy of the query, to email the query,
and so on.
Figure 8-15: Print preview for a query
4. Select the option or options that best fit your working needs.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
To run a query
When you run a saved query, you can run the query from the Reports menu, or you can run
the query from the Query Definitions dialog box.
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reports and on the Reports menu, click Queries, and then
do one of the following:
Click the name of the query that you are running.
Click Queries > Query Builder and on the Query Definitions dialog box, select the
query that you are running, and then click Run.
The query is run and the results are displayed onscreen in the Query Results dialog box.
The Results (lower) pane on the Query Results dialog box is an EMS browser
window. See “An EMS Browser Window” on page 35 for all the features that are
available for this pane.
Figure 8-16: Query Results dialog box example
2. Optionally, on the Query Results dialog box, do one or more of the following, and then
click Get Data to rerun the query according to the edited definition.
Select the date for which the data in your EMS database is to be queried.
The starting date is set to the first day of the month and the ending date
is set to the last day of the month but you can edit one or both of these
Note: For some queries, if you select Custom, a Use Specific Times
option becomes available. If you enter the same date for the
starting date and ending date, you can select Use Specific
Times, and then enter a starting time and ending time to query
the data in specific time range on the same day.
Chapter 8
Reports and Queries
Last Month
The starting date is set to the first day of the previous month and the
ending date is set to the last day of the previous month.
Last Quarter
Quarters are based on a calendar year:
This Quarter
• First quarter is 1/1 through 3/31.
This Quarter To Date
• Second quarter is 4/1 through 6/30.
• Third quarter is 7/1 through 9/30.
• Fourth quarter is 10/1 through 12/31.
For example, if the current day’s date is 5/22/2012, and you select Last
Quarter, then the starting date is set to 1/1/2012 and the ending date is
set to 3/31/2012.
Last Year
The starting date is set to 1/1 of the previous year, and the ending date
is set to 12/31 of the previous year.
This month
The starting date is set to the first day of the current month and the
ending date is set to the last day of the current month.
This Year
The starting date is set to 1/1 of the current year, and the ending date is
set to 12/31 of the current year.
This Year to Date
The starting date is set to 1/1 of the current year, and the ending date is
set to the current day’s date.
Change the Starting Date, Ending Date, or both.
In the Report Comment field, enter a comment that is to be printed on the query.
The comment can be a maximum of 255 characters, including spaces.
Click Options and change the settings for specific room filter and/or the number of
records to return.
3. After you have run the query to your satisfaction, you can then do one or both of the
To print the query results, click Print. An onscreen preview of the query results
opens. A variety of options are available from this preview, including the options to
print a hard copy of the query results, to export the query results to a .pdf, and to
email the query results. Select the option or options that best fit your working needs.
To export the query results to an Excel spreadsheet, or to an XML file, click Export,
and then click Excel or XML as appropriate.
Chapter 9
Accurate and timely billing is critical to ensuring a successful experience for organizations
that schedule events at your facilities. EMS provides a variety of functions for working with
invoices and transactions for reservations and bookings as well as reporting on this
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Overview of Billing in EMS” on page 363.
“Working with Invoices” on page 364.
“Searching for Transactions” on page 378.
“Working with Transactions” on page 385.
“Generating an EMS Billing Report” on page 394.
“Report Descriptions and Options” on page 396.
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Overview of Billing in EMS
In EMS, at a high-level, billing is a two-step process:
The first step is to generate invoices. (See “Working with Invoices” on page 364.) You
can generate invoices based on reservation number, date range, or both. For example, you
could generate invoices for all bookings in Reservation 1829 that occurred last month.
After you have generated the invoices, EMS tracks the amount due and the age of the
As part of this process, you can generate the Billing Worksheet report. (See
“Generating an EMS Billing Report” on page 394.) You use this report to review
the dollar amounts for the bookings for which you intend to create invoices. You
can correct any discrepancies that you note in the report by editing the bookings
or booking items in question.
The second step to is process received payments using the Payment Entry function. (See
“Searching for Transactions” on page 378.) You can also use this function to enter
deposits made against a reservation before invoicing or booking and to enter adjustments.
Financial transactions in EMS are batched by department. For example, if a user who is a
member of the Scheduling department applies a deposit to a reservation, then the deposit is
shown on a confirmation only if the user who applied the deposit or other users in the
Scheduling department print the confirmation. If a user in another department, for example,
the Catering department, prints the confirmation, then the deposit is not shown on the
confirmation. Similarly, invoices that are generated by a department are printed on the
Ageing report only if the report is generated for the same department. If you invoice a
reservation or one of its bookings, any deposit that was previously made on the reservation is
then applied and is no longer shown on the confirmation. If you invoice an event, the event is
locked and cannot be edited. You can edit the event only after you void the invoice. You
cannot void an invoice if payments have been made against it. You must first void the
payments. You can use an adjustment with a negative dollar amount to clean up your
financial records. For example, you generate an invoice for $102 for a group and the group
returns a check for $100. If you do not want to ask the group for a $2.00 check, an
adjustment of “$2.00-” balances your books.
Chapter 9
Working with Invoices
You can generate an invoice in EMS based on a specific booking date or date range, a
reservation number, or both. For example, you can generate invoices for all bookings from
May 1 through May 14, for all bookings in reservation number 22, or for all bookings in
reservation number 22 that occurred between May 1 and May 14. You can generate multiple
invoices for the same booking, with each invoice showing the charges for a different
category (such as room charges on one invoice, catering charges on another invoice, and so
on). This might be necessary in situations in which you must produce multiple invoices for
the same booking if the departments within your organization bill separately for the services
they provide. You can also reprint an invoice and void an invoice.
You can work with invoices for a single reservation, or you can batch process multiple
invoices. If you want to work with invoices for a single reservation, you do so through the
Transactions tab in the Navigator. If you want to work with a batch of invoices, you do so
through the EMS Billing menu: Billing > Invoices > Invoicing.
To generate an invoice
Before you generate an invoice, you should generate the Billing Worksheet report.
See “Generating an EMS Billing Report” on page 394.
1. Do one of the following:
Open the reservation in the Navigator (see “Opening a reservation in the Navigator”
on page 79), and on the Transactions tab, click New > Invoice.
On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Invoices > Invoicing.
The Invoicing window opens.
Figure 9-1: Invoicing window
Chapter 9
2. Do one of the following:
Review the selections on this dialog box, and optionally, make any needed
Date Range tab
Select the department that is creating the invoices. The department
name and address is printed at the top of the invoice.
Note: This field is automatically populated if you have a default
department assigned to your user account but you can select a
different value if needed.
Reservation Number
Automatically populated if you are generating an invoice from the
Transaction tab; otherwise, enter a reservation number.
Starting Date
Automatically populated with the first (starting) booking date and the
last (ending) booking date for the selected reservation when you are
generating an invoice from the Transaction tab; otherwise, enter the
date range of the bookings for which you are generating the invoice.
Ending Date
Use Specific Times
If only a specific time for the bookings is to be invoiced (for example,
the bookings are from 8 am to 5 pm and you want to invoice the
booking from only 8 am to noon), then click Use Specific Times, and
then enter a specific time period.
Invoice Date
The default value is the current day’s date. You can leave this value as
is, or enter a different date.
Due Date
The system default value is 30 days from the current day’s date. (Your
EMS administrator might have configured a different default value for
this field.) You can leave in the field as is, or you can enter a different
Buildings tab/Categories tab/Statuses tab/Group Types tab
Open the appropriate tab on the window and select the buildings, resource categories, booking
statuses, and group types that are to be invoiced. This information is displayed on the invoice.
Note: A Show Inactive option is available for both categories and statuses. Select this option to
show inactive categories and statuses. You can select these inactive items as part of your
filtering criteria.
Note: To select a building, category, and so on, select the item in the Available list (CTRL-click to
select multiple items), and then click the Move button (>) to move the items to the Selected
Options tab—Format settings for a printed confirmation
Header Message
Footer Message
Select the header message and footer message that is to be printed
on the invoice. By default, the header and footer messages are
printed on every page of the invoice. To print the header only on the
first page of the invoice, clear the Print Header on Each Page option.
Select the currency that indicates how a room or resources in a
category should be charged.
Print Comments
Include the comments for the reservation in the printed invoice.
Print Reminders
Include the reminders for the reservation in the printed invoice.
Print User Defined Fields
Include user-defined fields and their values in the printed invoice.
Chapter 9
Suppress Reserved Time
Do not show the reserved time on the printed invoice. (Instead, only
the event time is included on the printed invoice.)
Print Item Notes
Include the notes for any booking items in the printed invoice.
Print Zero Priced Items
Include resources for which there was no charge in the printed
Print Item Selections
Include any resource item selections in the printed invoice.
Print Header On Each
Include the selected Header message on each page of the printed
Suppress Logo
Do not show your department’s/organization’s logo on the printed
Print Billing Reference
Include the billing reference numbers for the event as well as the
percentage of charges that is allocated to each number in the printed
Print Category Subtotals
Include the subtotal charges by category in the printed invoice.
Display Messages as
If you have defined any HTML messages, then select this option to
display the HTML version of these messages in the printed invoice;
otherwise, the message is displayed in plain text.
If needed, you can always save, or memorize, these settings. See “Working with
Memorized Reports” on page 323.
On the Setup dropdown list, select a saved, or memorized, invoice.
If you select a memorized confirmation, then the only changes that you can make
are to the dates and/or times on the Date Range tab.
3. Click Generate.
The generated invoices are displayed in the Invoicing dialog box. By default, invoices
with a zero balance are not shown.
Figure 9-2: Invoicing dialog box with generated invoices
Chapter 9
4. Optionally, you can do one or more of the following to work with the invoices that are
displayed; otherwise, if you are satisfied with the invoices, you can go to Step 5 to post
the invoice.
To show zero balance invoices in the window, clear the Hide Zero Balances option.
To preview an invoice, select the invoice, or CTRL-click to select multiple invoices,
and then click Preview.
An onscreen preview of the selected invoices opens. The preview is titled “Invoice
Preview” to distinguish the invoices from invoices that have been posted. The
invoices also do not have invoice numbers, which are not issued until you post the
invoices. The preview window contains options for printing a hard copy of the
invoices, for emailing the invoices (see “Sending Email from EMS” on page 414),
and so on. Select the option or options that best fit your working needs.
To change the criteria for the invoices, click Filter to return to the Invoicing window
After changing the criteria, you can generate the invoices again.
Figure 9-3: Onscreen preview of an in-progress invoice
5. To post an invoice, select the invoice (CTRL-click to select multiple invoices), and then
click Final.
A message opens warning you that you are about to post and print (#) invoices, and
asking you if want to continue.
6. Click Yes.
The message closes and an onscreen preview of the final invoices opens. The preview is
titled “Invoices” and each invoice has been issued an invoice number. The preview
window contains options for printing a hard copy of the invoices, for emailing the
invoices (see “Sending Email from EMS” on page 414), and so on. Select the option or
options that best fit your working needs. See Figure 9-4 on page 368.
Chapter 9
Figure 9-4: Onscreen preview of a posted invoice
After you generate and post an invoice, the message “Items have been invoiced” is displayed
in red text on the Reservation Summary tab, the Booking Summary tab, and the <Booking
Detail> Summary tab in the Navigator. The booking detail folder in which the invoiced items
reside now has a green background in the Booking Details pane and the icon for each
invoiced item also has a green background in the Items pane. Also, the invoice is
permanently saved, and you cannot edit it. You can make changes to the balance due for a
reservation only by creating an adjustment or by voiding the invoice and regenerating it after
you edit the booking information. (Because invoiced bookings are locked and cannot be
edited, you must void the invoice before you can edit the bookings.)
To reprint an invoice
You can reprint both non-voided and voided invoices. You can reprint invoices for only one
department at a time from the Billing area of EMS. Reprinting an invoice does not
recalculate the invoice. The invoice is simply printed as it appeared when it was first
generated. You can specify the invoices that you are reprinting, or you can search for
invoices that meet specific criteria, and then select specific invoices to reprint from the list of
search results.
To reprint invoices for one or more departments, you must select the reservation in
the Navigator, open the Transactions tab and CTRL-click to select the multiple
invoices that you are reprinting, and then use the Reprint option on the
Transactions tab.
To specify invoices for reprinting
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Other > Reprint Invoices.
The Reprint Invoices dialog box opens. See Figure 9-5 on page 369.
Chapter 9
Figure 9-5: Reprint Invoices dialog box
2. In the Department field, select the department that generated the invoices.
This field is automatically populated if you have a default department assigned to
your user account but you can select a different value if needed.
3. In the Invoice No. field, enter the number of the invoice that you are reprinting, and then
click Add.
The invoice is displayed (by number) in the lower right Invoice pane.
4. Repeat Step 3 until you have added all the invoices that you are reprinting.
5. Leave the reprinting criteria set to their default values, or optionally, edit them as needed.
The invoice type that you are reprinting—Non Voided (the default value)
or Voided.
Select the sort order for the reprinted invoices. The default value is By
First Transaction Date
Last Transaction Date
Leave these values blank to reprint the invoice for all bookings;
otherwise, enter the date range of the bookings for which you are
reprinting the invoice.
Print Header on Each
Leave this option selected to print the invoice header on every page of
the invoice.
Print Transactions
Select this option to include any associated transactions (deposits,
payments, and so on) in the reprinted invoice.
Chapter 9
6. Click OK.
An onscreen preview of the invoices opens. The preview is titled “Invoices.” The
preview window contains options for printing a hard copy of the invoices, for exporting
the invoices to a .pdf, emailing the invoice (see “Sending Email from EMS” on page
414) and so on. Select the option or options that best fits your working needs.
Figure 9-6: Onscreen preview of an invoice selected for reprinting
To search for invoices to reprint
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Other > Reprint Invoices.
The Reprint Invoices dialog box opens.
Figure 9-7: Reprint Invoices dialog box
Chapter 9
2. Enter the criteria to search for the invoices that you are reprinting.
As you enter the search criteria, the lower left Invoice pane is dynamically updated with
the invoices that meet the criteria. The Note column in this pane indicates if payments
have been made against the invoice.
The department that generated the invoice. You can search for invoices
for reprinting as long as the invoices were generated by the same
Note: This field is automatically populated if you have a default
department assigned to your user account but you can select a
different value if needed.
Select the type of invoice for which to search—Non Voided or Voided.
First Transaction Date
Last Transaction Date
You must enter at least a First Transaction date. By default, the Last
Transaction date is set to the same date. You can change the Last
Transaction date if needed.
Show Paid Invoices
Leave this option selected to include paid invoices in the search.
3. Leave the reprinting criteria set to their default values, or optionally, edit them as needed.
Select the sort order for the reprinted invoices. The default value is By
Print Header on Each
Select this option to print the invoice header on every page of the
reprinted invoice.
Print Transactions
Select this option to include any associated transactions (deposits,
payments, and so on) in the reprinted invoice.
4. In the lower left Invoice pane, select the invoice, or CTRL-click to select the multiple
invoices that you are reprinting, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected
invoices to the lower right Invoice pane.
5. Click OK.
An onscreen preview of the invoices opens. The preview is titled “Invoices.” The
preview window contains options for printing a hard copy of the invoices, for exporting
the invoices to a .pdf, emailing the invoice (see “Sending Email from EMS” on page
414), and so on. Select the option or options that best fits your working needs. See
Figure 9-8 on page 372.
Chapter 9
Figure 9-8: Onscreen preview of an invoice selected for reprinting
To void an invoice
You can void an invoice only if the invoice has not been paid. If payments have been made
against an invoice, you must first void the payments.You can void invoices for only one
department at a time. When you void an invoice, the invoice is removed from the Ageing
report and its associated bookings are unlocked. You can specify the invoices that you are
voiding, or you can search for invoices that meet specific criteria, and then select specific
invoices to void from the list of search results.
You can also void an invoice from the Transactions tab when a reservation is
selected in the Navigator.
To specify invoices to void
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Other > Void Invoices.
The Void Invoices dialog box opens. See Figure 9-9 on page 373.
Chapter 9
Figure 9-9: Void Invoices dialog box
2. In the Department field, select the department that generated the invoices.
3. In the Invoice No. field, enter the number of the invoice that you are voiding, and then
click Add.
Two results are possible:
If payments have not been applied to the invoice, then a Void Reason dialog box
opens. Continue to Step 4.
Figure 9-10: Void Reason
If payments have been applied to the invoice, then an error message opens indicating
that payments have been applied to the invoice and it cannot be voided. You must
void the payments first before you can continue with voiding the invoice. See “To
void a transaction” on page 391.
4. Enter a reason for voiding the invoice, and then click OK.
The invoice is displayed (by number) in the lower right Invoice pane.
5. Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 until you have selected all the invoices from the same
department that you are voiding.
Chapter 9
6. Do one of the following:
To review an invoice before you void it, go Step 7.
To void an invoice without reviewing it, go to Step 8.
7. Optionally, before you void a selected invoice, you can review it to ensure that it is
indeed an invoice that you want to void. In the lower right Invoice pane, select the
invoice, or CTRL-click to select multiple invoices, and then click Preview.
An onscreen preview of the selected invoices opens. The preview is titled “Invoices.”
The preview window contains options for printing a hard copy of the invoices, for
exporting the invoices to a .pdf, and so on. (See Figure 9-11 on page 374.) Select the
option or options that best fit your working needs. For example, before you void an
invoice, you might want to email a copy of the invoice to a colleague to confirm that the
invoice should be voided.
Figure 9-11: Onscreen preview of an invoice selected for voiding
8. In the lower right Invoice pane, select the invoice, or CTRL-click to select the multiple
invoices that you are voiding, and then click OK.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to void the selected invoices.
9. Click Yes.
A message opens indicating that the invoices have been voided.
10. Click OK.
The message and the Void Invoices dialog box close. The Void column is set to Yes on
the Transactions tab for each of the voided invoices in the Navigator.
Chapter 9
To search for invoices to void
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Other > Void Invoices.
The Void Invoices dialog box opens.
Figure 9-12: Void Invoices dialog box
2. Enter the criteria to search for the invoices that you are voiding.
As you enter the search criteria, the lower left Invoice pane is dynamically updated with
the invoices that meet the criteria. The Note column in this pane indicates if payments
have been made against the invoice.
The department that generated the invoice. You can search for invoices
for voiding as long as the invoices were generated for the same
department. You cannot void invoices from different departments.
First Transaction Date
You must enter at least a First transaction date. The Last transaction
date is optional.
Last Transaction Date
Show Paid Invoices
Leave this option selected to include paid invoices in the search. If you
want to void an invoice against which payments have been made, then
this reminder serves to prompt to you to first void the payments before
you void the invoice. See “To void a transaction” on page 391.
3. Select the invoice, or CTRL-click to select the multiple invoices that you are voiding,
and then click the Move button (>).
Remember, you can select an invoice for voiding only if payments have not been
applied to the invoice.
A Void Reason dialog box opens. See Figure 9-13 on page 376.
Chapter 9
Figure 9-13: Void Reason
4. Enter a reason for voiding the invoice, and then click OK.
The Void Reason dialog box closes. The invoices are displayed (by number) in the lower
right Invoice pane.
5. Do one of the following:
To review an invoice before you void it, go Step 6.
To void an invoice without reviewing it, go to Step 7.
6. Optionally, before you void a selected invoice, you can review it to ensure that it is
indeed an invoice that you want to void. In the lower right Invoice pane, select the
invoice, or CTRL-click to select multiple invoices, and then click Preview.
An onscreen preview of the selected invoices opens. The preview is titled “Invoices.”
The preview window contains options for printing a hard copy of the invoices, for
exporting the invoices to a .pdf, and so on. Select the option or options that best fit your
working needs. For example, before you void an invoice, you might want to email a
copy of the invoice to a colleague to confirm that the invoice should be voided.
Figure 9-14: Onscreen preview of an invoice selected for voiding
Chapter 9
7. In the lower right Invoice pane, select the invoice, or CTRL-click to select the multiple
invoices that you are voiding, and then click OK.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to void the selected invoices.
8. Click Yes.
A message opens indicating that the invoices have been voided.
9. Click OK
The message and the Void Invoices dialog box close. The Void column is set to Yes on
the Transactions tab for each of the voided invoices in the Navigator.
Chapter 9
Searching for Transactions
A transaction in EMS can be one of four types—a deposit (deposit and damage deposit), a
payment, an adjustment, or a refund.
A deposit is the dollar amount paid in advance of a meeting or event before
invoicing occurs.
• A deposit is added to a reservation. After you invoice the reservation, all
outstanding deposits are applied to the invoice to reduce the balance due.
• A damage deposit is used to a collect a deposit that is not applied to an
invoice and therefore, does not reduce the balance due. Instead, if the
customer does not damage the room, any reserved equipment, and so on,
then you must return the damage deposit to the customer by voiding the
damage deposit transaction.
A payment is the dollar amount that is applied to an invoice to reduce the
balance due. A pre-payment is similar to a deposit and is applied to a
An adjustment is a modification that is made to the amount due on an existing
invoice. For example, if you send out an invoice to a group for $202.00 and the
group sends you a check for $200.00, you can make an adjustment of “$2.00-”
to close out the invoice.
A refund is the return of funds that have been applied to an invoiced
You can use the Browse Transaction function to search for any of these transaction types.
The results are displayed in a list view. When you carry out a search in the for a transaction,
you can carry out a basic search or an advanced search. A basic search is based on the basic
information that you specify for a transaction when you first create it, such as the group to
which the transaction applies, the department that generated the transaction, and so on. An
advanced search is a field level search that is carried out the reservation level, the transaction
level, or a combination of these. For example, in an advanced search, you can specify criteria
as granular as the Bill To Contact at the reservation level.
You can find all transactions for a reservation on the Transactions tab in the
Navigator. See “Layout and folder structure” in Chapter 3, “The Navigator,” on
page 77.
Chapter 9
To search for a transaction
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Other > Browse Transactions.
The Browse Transactions window opens. The first time that the Browse Transaction
window opens, the Filter tab is set by default to a basic search; otherwise, the Filter tab is
set to the search type (Basic or Advanced) that you last carried out.
Figure 9-15: Browse Transactions window, Basic search options
2. Click the Basic/Advanced toggle to select the type of search that is to be carried out, and
then continue to one of the following:
“To carry out a basic transaction search.”
“To carry out an advanced transaction search” on page 381.
To carry out a basic transaction search
1. Enter the search criteria.
• Starting Time
• Ending Time
The date range during which the transactions were carried out. Both are
Click the Search icon
to open the Groups window and search for a
for the group for which the transactions apply. See “To search for a
group and/or contact” on page 255.
Leave the default value set to (all) or select a specific department that
generated/issued the transaction.
Chapter 9
Transaction Type
Leave the default value set to (all), or select a specific transaction type
for which to search.
Invoice Number
If you are searching for a specific invoice or invoices, enter a search
Note: The search is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the
exact order of characters in the string and it must begin with the
information for which you are searching. For example, a search
string of 10 returns 1000, 1017, but not 910.
Reservation ID
Leave the default value set to 0 to search for a transaction regardless of
reservation ID; otherwise, enter the exact value of the reservation ID.
Leave the default value set to 0.00 to search for transactions regardless
of the transaction amount; otherwise, enter the exact amount of the
2. Optionally, click Options and edit the default value the Number of Records to Return
search option.
3. Click Get Data or Refresh.
The search results are displayed on the Results tab.
Figure 9-16: Browse Transactions window, Results tab
Chapter 9
4. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
The lower pane on the Results tab is an EMS Browser window. See “An EMS
Browser Window” on page 35 for all the features that are available for this pane.
Click Print to print the search results.
Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Select a search result entry for an invoice, and then click Email to open a
pre-addressed SMTP email to the group that is associated with the invoiced
reservation. Complete and send the email as you would normally. (The invoice is
sent as an attachment.) See “Sending Email from EMS” on page 414.
Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search
criteria, and then repeat the search.
Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.
5. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position and width) remain in
effect for any other searches that you carry out. If you want to reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
To carry out an advanced transaction search
Figure 9-17: Browse Transaction window, Advanced search options
1. Optionally, enter a Starting Date, an Ending Date, or both.
Chapter 9
2. Optionally, if the Starting Date and the Ending Date are the same, select Use Specific
Times and enter specific time periods to search.
Use Specific Times is available only if the Starting Date is the same as the Ending
3. For each field level option by which to carry out the search:
Select the field level option, and then click the Move button (>).
To filter the list of available fields, in the Field Search field, enter a search string.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
string is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For
example, a search string of type returns Type, Payment Type, and so on.
When prompted, enter a value or define the limits for the option, and then click OK.
The option is moved to the Filter Summary list.
If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out a
search, then you can set up these fields to be your Favorite fields. See
To view a selected field option in its entirety in the Filter Summary list, rest the
mouse pointer on the entry. A tooltip showing the complete field option
information opens.
Figure 9-18: Viewing a selected field option in the Filter Summary list
4. Optionally, click Options and edit the default values for one or more additional search
options—Date/Time Filter, Number of Records to Return, and Specific Room Filters.
5. Optionally, click Options and edit the default value the Number of Records to Return
search option.
Chapter 9
6. Click Get Data or Refresh.
The search results are displayed on the Results tab.
Figure 9-19: Browse Transactions window, Results tab
7. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
The lower pane on the Results tab is an EMS browser window. See “An EMS
Browser Window” on page 35 for all the features that are available for this pane.
Click Print to print the search results.
Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Select a search result entry for an invoice, and then click Email to open a
pre-addressed SMTP email to the group that is associated with the invoiced
reservation. Complete and send the email as you would normally. (The invoice is
sent as an attachment.) See “Sending Email from EMS” on page 414.
Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search
criteria, and then repeat the search.
Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.
8. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position and width) remain in
effect for any other searches that you carry out. If you want to reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
Chapter 9
To set up favorite fields for a Transaction search
If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out a Transaction
search, you do not have to filter the list of fields on the All Fields tab for every search.
Instead, you can set up each of these fields to be a favorite field with a specific value or limit
if needed.
1. Open the Browse Transactions window, and make sure that the Advanced search
features are displayed.
2. For each field that you are setting up as favorite field, select the field on the All Fields
tab, and then click Add to Favorites.
The field is added to the Favorite Fields tab.
3. Optionally, after you define a value or define the limits for a field, click Save Value on
the Filter dialog box.
The next time that you carry out a search, you can simply open the Favorite Fields tab or
the Saved Values tab to carry out a search based on your customized list of search fields.
Chapter 9
Working with Transactions
Working with transactions in EMS consists of entering the transaction correctly, and if
needed voiding a transaction. You can:
Enter a deposit and void a deposit.
Enter a payment and void a payment.
Enter an adjustment and void an adjustment.
Enter a refund and void a refund.
The steps for entering the different types of transactions are specific to the transaction. The
steps for voiding a transaction are identical, regardless of the transaction type.
If needed, you can first search for a transaction to ensure that it has not already
entered or voided. See “To search for a transaction” on page 379.
To enter a deposit or damage deposit for a reservation
1. Do one of the following:
Open the reservation in the Navigator (see “Opening a reservation in the Navigator”
on page 79), and on the Transactions tab, click New > Payment.
On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Payments > Payment Entry, and then on the
Payment Entries window, click New.
The Payment Entry dialog box opens.
Figure 9-20: Payment Entry dialog box
Chapter 9
2. Enter the deposit information.
Transaction Date
The default value is the current day’s date. You can edit this value if
Select the department.
Transaction Type
Select the transaction type—Damage Deposit, Deposit (Reservation), or
Deposit (Bookings).
• A Deposit (Reservation) is best suited for reservations with one or
more bookings that are to be invoiced in their entirety upon
completion of the event.
• A Deposit (Bookings) is best suited for reservations with multiple
bookings, for example, an event with multiple occurrences spanning
several months, that is to be billed monthly. A Deposit (Bookings)
allows you to spread the deposit across multiple months so that only
a portion of the deposit is consumed and applied to the invoice that is
generated monthly. In this scenario, a large deposit that is entered as
Deposit (Reservation) would be consumed in its entirety by the first
invoice that is generated.
Payment Type
Select the payment type.
Check No.
Enter a check number if you selected “Check” as the payment Type.
Enter the amount of the deposit.
Select the currency for the deposit.
Reservation No.
Automatically populated if you opened the Payment Entry dialog box
from the Transaction tab in the Navigator; otherwise, enter a reservation
number or click the Search icon
and search for a reservation.
to open the Reservations window
Invoice No.
N/A as deposits are applied before an invoice is generated. The
invoicing process totals the charges for the specified date range,
consumes any applied reservation deposits, and results in a net balance
due for the invoice. The invoicing process does not consume any
Damage deposits.
Optional. Enter any other comments or statements that explain or clarify
the deposit.
3. Click OK.
The Payment Entry dialog box closes. The transaction information is displayed on the
Transactions tab for the reservation.
Chapter 9
To enter a payment or pre-payment
1. Do one of the following:
Open the reservation in the Navigator (see “Opening a reservation in the Navigator”
on page 79), and on the Transactions tab, click New > Payment.
On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Payments > Payment Entry, and then on the
Payment Entries window, click New.
The Payment Entry dialog box opens.
Figure 9-21: Payment Entry dialog box
2. Enter the payment information.
Transaction Date
The default value is the current day’s date. You can edit this value if
Select the department.
Transaction Type
Select the transaction type—Payment or Pre-payment.
Note: Remember that pre-payments act just like deposits in that they
are applied to a reservation and are applied to an invoice
reducing the balance due. Payments are applied to an invoice.
Payment Type
Select the payment type.
Check No.
Enter a check number if you selected “Check” as the payment Type.
Enter the amount of the payment.
Select the currency for the payment.
Chapter 9
Reservation No.
• If you selected Payment as the Transaction Type, then this field is not
available as payments are applied against invoices, not reservations.
• If you selected Pre-payment as the transaction type, then the field is
automatically populated if you opened the Payment Entry dialog box
from the Transaction tab in the Navigator; otherwise, you must enter
a reservation number or click the Search icon
to open the
Reservations window and search for a reservation.
Invoice No.
• If you selected Pre-payment as the Transaction Type, then this field is
not available as pre-payments are applied before an invoice is
• If you selected Payment as the Transaction Type, then you must
enter an invoice number in this field, or click the Search icon
open the Invoices window and search for an invoice.
Optional. Enter any other comments or statements that explain or clarify
the payment.
3. Click OK.
The Payment Entry dialog box closes. The transaction information is displayed on the
Transactions tab for the reservation.
Chapter 9
To enter an adjustment for an invoice
1. Do one of the following:
Open the reservation in the Navigator (see “Opening a reservation in the Navigator”
on page 79), and on the Transactions tab, click New > Payment.
On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Payments > Payment Entry, and then on the
Payment Entries window, click New.
The Payment Entry dialog box opens.
Figure 9-22: Payment Entry dialog box
2. Enter the adjustment information.
Transaction Date
The default value is the current day’s date. You can edit this value if
Select the department.
Transaction Type
Select the transaction type—Adjustment.
Payment Type
Select the payment type.
Check No.
Enter a check number if you selected “Check” for the payment type.
Enter the amount of the adjustment. To decrease the invoice by the
indicated amount, enter a minus sign (-) before or after the amount.
Select the currency for the adjustment.
Reservation No.
N/A as adjustments are applied to invoices.
Chapter 9
Invoice No.
You must enter an invoice number or click the Search icon
to open
the Invoices window and search for an invoice
Optional. Enter any other comments or statements that explain or clarify
the adjustment.
3. Click OK.
The Payment Entry dialog box closes. The transaction information is displayed on the
Transactions tab for the reservation.
To enter a refund
1. Do one of the following:
Open the reservation in the Navigator (see “Opening a reservation in the Navigator”
on page 79), and on the Transactions tab, click New > Payment.
On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Payments > Payment Entry, and then on the
Payment Entries window, click New.
The Payment Entry dialog box opens.
Figure 9-23: Payment Entry dialog box
Chapter 9
2. Enter the refund information.
Transaction Date
The default value is the current day’s date. You can edit this value if
Select the department.
Transaction Type
Select the transaction type—Refund.
Payment Type
Select the payment type.
Check No.
Enter a check number if you selected “Check” as the payment type.
Enter the amount of the refund.
Select the currency for the refund.
Reservation No.
N/A as refunds are applied to invoices.
Invoice No.
You must enter an invoice number or click the Search icon
to open
the Invoices window and search for an invoice
Optional. Enter any other comments or statements that explain or clarify
the refund.
3. Click OK.
The Payment Entry dialog box closes. The transaction information is displayed on the
Transactions tab for the reservation.
To void a transaction
You can void a transaction for a reservation from the Transactions tab, or you can void a
transaction from the Payment Entries window.
To void a transaction from the Transactions tab
1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. (See “Opening a reservation in the Navigator” on
page 79.)
2. Open the Transactions tab, and on the Transactions tab, select the transaction that is to be
voided (CTRL-click to select multiple transactions), and then click Void.
A Void Reason dialog box opens.
Figure 9-24: Void Reason dialog box
Chapter 9
3. Enter the reason for voiding the transactions, and then click OK.
The Void Reason dialog box closes and a message opens indicating that the transaction
has been voided.
4. Click OK.
The Void Transaction message closes. The Void column is set to Yes for each of the
voided transactions in the Navigator.
To void a transaction from the Payment Entries window
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Billing > Payments > Payment Entry.
The Payment Entries window opens. This window lists all transactions (voided and
non-voided) that were ever made in your EMS system for a selected department on a
selected date.
Figure 9-25: Payment Entries window
2. Select the date (the default value is the current day’s date) and the department for which
you are voiding the transaction.
The Payment Entries window is updated with the list of payments that meet the date and
department criteria.
3. Select the transaction that is to be voided, and then click Edit.
The Payment Entry dialog box opens. This window details specific information for the
selected transaction. (See Figure 9-20 on page 385.)
4. Click Void, and, then in the Void Comment field, enter a reason for voiding the
Chapter 9
5. Click OK.
The Payment Entry dialog box closes. You return to the Payment Entries window. The
Void column is set to Yes for the voided transaction.
Chapter 9
Generating an EMS Billing Report
All EMS Billing reports are available under the Billing option on the menu bar. For any EMS
report, you can specify the parameters, options, and format for the report, or you can
generate the report according to memorized settings. (For detailed information about a
memorized report, see “Working with Memorized Reports” on page 323.) Not all reports
require the same parameters, nor do they all have the same options available. In addition, you
can generate different reports in different formats.
For brevity and ease, the parameters and options that are available for each
report are not discussed here. Instead, the options are discussed in “Report
Descriptions and Options” on page 396. Contact your EMS administrator if you
need assistance in generating any of these report.
To generate a report
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Billing to open the Billing menu, and then do one of the
To generate the Billing Worksheet report, click Billing > Invoices > Billing
To generate any other Billing report, click Billing > Reports, and then click the
option for the report that you are generating. For example, to generate the Ageing
report, click Billing > Reports > Ageing.
All Billing reports other than the Billing Worksheet report are also available from
Reports > Billing.
2. On the Setup dropdown list, do one of the following:
To generate the report according to the filter settings that you want (parameters,
options, and so on), leave user-specified selected, then go to Step 3.
To run the report with filter settings that have been saved, or memorized, select the
memorized report, and then go to Step 4.
For detailed information about memorized reports, see “Working with Memorized
Reports” on page 323.
3. Specify the report parameters, options, and format. See:
“Invoice reports” on page 397.
“Reports” on page 397.
Chapter 9
4. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
Click Print Preview.
A preview of the report opens onscreen.
To print a hard copy of the confirmation, specify the number of copies that you are
printing, and then click Print.
5. Click Close.
Unless you change the setup, all subsequent reports will be generated and printed
according to the parameters and options that you have specified and in the format that
you specified. If you want to save certain settings so that you do not have to adjust the
filter settings every time you run the report, you can memorize the report. See “Working
with Memorized Reports” on page 323.
Chapter 9
Report Descriptions and Options
This section provides a description of every EMS report in the categories listed below and it
also defines the options that are available for each report.
“Invoice reports” on page 397.
“Reports” on page 397.
Chapter 9
Invoice reports
Billing Worksheet
Provides information on how bookings are to be
invoiced. The report can include bookings within
a date range, bookings within a reservation, or
bookings within a date range inside a reservation.
The report breaks down the charges in the same
way as an invoice. The report also provides
options for printing heading/footer messages and
the detail for zero-dollar items.
See “Options tab—Format settings for a printed confirmation” in “To
generate an invoice” on page 364.
Ageing Report
A list of outstanding invoices. Current invoices
are listed first, followed by past due invoices
organized by age. Ageing Reports are based on
• Currency—Select the currency for the invoices.
• Show Unapplied Deposits—Deposits that are applied to reservations
that have not been invoiced are displayed on the report.
Chapter 9
A list of outstanding invoices for a selected group.
Current invoices are listed first, followed by past
due invoices organized by age.
• Currency—Select the currency for the invoices.
• Report Title—Can create a title that is displayed at the top of the
• Header Message—Select a message from the pre-configured
messages that is displayed at the top of every page of the statement.
• Include Transactions On Zero Balance Invoices Within [ ]days—
Statements that have a zero balance within the specified number of
days are displayed.
• Show Billing Reference Number—The billing reference number is
displayed under the invoice information.
• Show Purchase Order Number—The purchase order number is
displayed under the invoice information.
• Show Transaction Notes—Any notes entered for the transaction are
displayed under the invoice information.
• Use Current group Address - The current address of the group is
displayed on the statement. (This address might or might not be the
address for the group when the reservation was made.)
Chapter 9
Transaction Report
Shows all the billing transactions during a
specified period if you generate the report in the
By Transaction Type by Date format. Simply
enter the date or date range and click Print. The
report lists the group, event name, reservation ID,
transaction date, transaction type, invoice
number, check number, and amount.
Currency—Select the currency for the billing transactions.
Note: If the report is generated in Standard
format, deposits are not shown as
transactions if they have been absorbed
by the generation of an invoice.
Note: You can also generate the Transaction
Report from within a reservation to see
only transactions for the selected event
and you can generate the Transaction
Report from the Print option on the
Payment Entries window. Click Billing >
Payments > Payment Entry, and then on
the Payment Entries window, click Print.
Voided Transaction
Lists the payments, deposits, or adjustments that
were voided on a specific date or within a date
range. Lists the group, event name, reservation
ID, transaction date and type, invoice number (if
applicable), check number, and amount.
Currency—Select the currency for the voided transactions.
Invoice Detail Report
Provides detail for all invoices that were
generated within a given date range.
Note: See “To reprint an invoice” on page 368
for detailed instructions about the options
that are available for the Print Invoice
Detail dialog box.
Chapter 9
General Ledger
Shows the totals for invoices that were generated
within a given date range. Entries are broken
down by account, invoice, rate plan, or invoice.
You can also generate this report in a Summary
• Currency—Select the currency for the invoices.
• Invoices With Payments Only—Only invoices where payment has
been received are posted on the report.
• Show Applied Deposits/Prepayments—Applied deposits and
prepayments are posted on the report. (An applied deposit is a
deposit on a reservation that has been invoiced.)
Chapter 10
User Settings
As an EMS user, you can manage many aspects of your account to better suit your working
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Setting User Preferences and Default Values” on page 403.
“Changing your Password” on page 406.
“Resetting Window Coordinates” on page 407.
“Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
“Defining Your Views” on page 409.
Chapter 10
User Settings
Chapter 10
User Settings
Setting User Preferences and Default Values
Preferences, like system parameters, are settings that affect the basic functioning of your
EMS system. The difference is that system parameters are global settings that affect all users
on the system, whereas preferences are applicable only to your user account. You can set the
values for many preferences for your EMS instance to better suit your working needs. These
preferences include whether a report window stays opens or closes automatically after you
run a report, the time interval for Time dropdown fields, the format in which to send emails
from your computer, the default values for specific fields in the Reservation Wizard and
other EMS client windows, and the application that is to open all drawings (.png, .jpg, .gif,
and so on) that are attached to bookings in the Navigator.
To set user preferences and default values
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Settings > Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box opens. The Preferences tab is the active tab.
Figure 10-1: Preferences dialog box, Preferences tab
Chapter 10
User Settings
2. Edit your user preferences as needed.
Close Report Setup
Form After Running
Select this option if the window from which you generate a report is to
automatically close after you run the report. Do not select this option if
you want the window to remain open.
Time Drop Down
The time interval displayed on a Time dropdown list—i.e., if you select
30 minutes, then options on the dropdown list are displayed as 1:00
1:30, 2:00 and so on. All Time dropdown lists are 24 hour lists.
Paper Size
The size of the paper on which reports, confirmations, and invoices are
printed. Values are Letter, Legal, and A4.
Review Notifications
When Navigator Opens
If this option is selected, then a notification in the Dashboard is
automatically marked as “Reviewed” if you select the notification, and
then click Go To. If this option is not selected, then you must select a
notification, and then click Reviewed to manually mark the notification
as “Reviewed.”
Do Not Save Window
All windows in EMS have default coordinates (a position) in EMS. If you
move a window from its default position when working in EMS, but you
want the window to open in its default position the next time the window
opens, then select this option.
Email Format
The format in which your emails are sent—HTML or Plain Text.
Send Emails Using
Department Email
Select this option if you want the From email address for all the emails
that you send from EMS to be the email address of the department that
is associated with your user account.
Use Global Email
If you want to use the global email settings that your EMS administrator
has defined, then select this option.
Use Microsoft Outlook
If this option is selected, then EMS uses Microsoft Outlook for your
default email client. If this option and the Use Global Email Settings
option are not selected, then EMS uses the SMTP Email settings
specific to your account. (These settings are specified in the lower pane
of the Preferences dialog box.)
Use Microsoft Outlook
Email Signature (HTML)
If the Use Microsoft Outlook option is selected, and your Email Format
option is set to HTML, then you can select this option to include your
Microsoft Outlook signature when you send emails from EMS.
SMTP Email
Contact your EMS administrator with assistance in specifying these
Note: If you are using SMTP Email settings that are specific to your
account, then you also have the option of creating a signature
that is to be included in all the emails that you send from EMS.
Chapter 10
User Settings
3. Open the Defaults tab, and set the default values for the indicated items.
Figure 10-2: Preferences dialog box, Defaults tab
You can select all buildings, a specific building, or a specific view or
area. The value that you select here automatically populates the
Building dropdown list in the Reservation Wizard and other EMS client
windows, for example, the Visitors window.
The values that you select here automatically populate the appropriate
fields in the Reservation Wizard, and other EMS client windows.
Event Type
Event Name
Event Time
Note: The event name can be a maximum of 30 characters, including
Reservation Source
Time Zone/ Display
Audit Times in This
Time Zone
Payments Currency
Default Drawing
Click the Search icon
to open the Find Drawing Application dialog
box and select the program that is to open all drawings (.png, .jpg, .gif,
and so on) that are attached to bookings in the Navigator.
4. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box and apply your edited preferences and
default values.
Chapter 10
User Settings
Changing your Password
When your EMS administrator first sets up your user account, your password is predefined
for you. You can change this password if you want.
To change your password
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Settings > Change Password.
The Change Password dialog box opens.
Figure 10-3: Change Password dialog box
2. Do the following:
In the Old Password field, enter your current EMS password.
In the New Password field, enter the new password.
In the Re-enter New Password field, enter your new password again, exactly as you
entered it in the New Password field.
3. Click OK to close the Change Password dialog box.
The next time that you log in to EMS, you must use your new password.
Chapter 10
User Settings
Resetting Window Coordinates
All windows in EMS have default coordinates (a size and position) in EMS. If you have
moved one or more windows or resized one or more windows during an EMS session, and
you want the windows to open in their default positions and sizes, you can reset the window
coordinates to their default values.
To reset window coordinates
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Settings > Reset Window Coordinates.
The Window Coordinates dialog box opens.
Figure 10-4: Window Coordinates dialog box
2. Click OK.
3. If necessary, restart your EMS application.
Chapter 10
User Settings
Resetting Column Settings
All columns in EMS have default values for their positions and widths in EMS. If you have
changed the position, width, or both of one more columns during an EMS session, and you
want the columns to open with their default values, you can reset the columns to their default
To reset column settings
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Settings > Reset Column Settings.
The Column Settings dialog box opens.
Figure 10-5: Column Settings dialog box
2. Click OK.
3. If necessary, restart your EMS application.
Chapter 10
User Settings
Defining Your Views
A view is simply a user-defined grouping of specific rooms. When searching for rooms in
which to schedule events, you can select (all) buildings to search, a specific building, an
area, or a view. If your job entails making multiple reservations for groups that always book
events in specific rooms or locations, then to make your room search easier and more
efficient, you can define the views that best meet your working needs. For example, if you
are making multiple reservations for your school district’s athletic teams, then you could
define a view called School District 1 - Athletic, and this view would contain the following
event locations—Baseball Field 1, Baseball Field 2, Gym 1, Gym 2, Pool, and so on.
To define your views
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Settings > My Views.
The My Views window opens. This window lists all the views that you have defined.
Figure 10-6: My Views window
2. Click New.
The View dialog box opens. The View tab is the active tab. See Figure 10-7 on page 410.
Chapter 10
User Settings
Figure 10-7: View dialog box, View tab
3. In the Description field, enter a name or description for the view.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.
4. Optionally, in the Notes field, enter any additional information that is pertinent for the
5. Open the Rooms tab, and do one or both of the following:
Select (all) buildings, a specific building, a view, or an area for which to search for
rooms to include in the view.
The views that are available are not only all the views that you have defined for
this EMS database, but also, all the views that other users have defined for this
EMS database.
Leave the Room Type set to the default value of (all), or select a specific room type.
As you select your search criteria, the list of rooms that meet the search criteria is
dynamically updated.
6. In the Available list, select the room, or CTRL-click to select multiples rooms that you
are including in the view, and then click the Move (>) button to move the available
rooms to the Selected list.
7. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the view before you save it.
8. Click OK.
The View dialog box closes. You return to the My Views window with the newly defined
view automatically selected.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
EMS contains several miscellaneous standalone functions to assist you in managing and
maintaining reservations and bookings in your system as well as managing your general
work requirements.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Recording Actual Attendance Numbers for Bookings” on page 413.
“Sending Email from EMS” on page 414.
“Viewing a History of Sent Emails” on page 418.
“Generating Multiple Confirmations” on page 420.
“Managing Attendees and Visitors” on page 424.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
Recording Actual Attendance Numbers for
You use the Attendance Entry tool to view and record the actual attendance for bookings.
(The tool does not address reservation-level attendance.) The actual attendance numbers that
you enter do not replace the setup count (i.e., the estimated attendance) that you entered prior
to an event. Reports that provide attendance information typically provide both the estimated
attendance and the actual attendance.
To record actual attendance numbers for bookings
1. On the EMS main menu, click Reservations > Other > Attendance Entry.
The Attendance Entry window opens.
Figure 11-1: Attendance Entry window
2. In the Date field, select a date for which you are recording the booking attendance.
The date must occur on or before the current day’s date.
3. Optionally, specify a building and/or a booking status to filter the list of booking results.
4. For each booking as needed, scroll to the Actual Attendance column, double-click in the
column to select the currently displayed value, and then enter the actual attendance
number in the column.
5. Click Close.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
Sending Email from EMS
Multiple email options exist within EMS to email confirmations or invoices to groups or
miscellaneous information to your EMS users or groups. If your organization uses Microsoft
Outlook, you can continue to use your respective email system within EMS to send
confirmations and invoices or any other individual emails to EMS users or groups. To send
bulk emails to groups within an EMS Browser window (basic/advanced, transactions,
calendar, and so on), however, you must use something called SMTP email. If your
organization does not use Microsoft Outlook, then SMTP email is used to send all email
from EMS, including emails to EMS users or groups and confirmations and invoices. EMS
also provides an emailing function that you can use to send generic emails, which are emails
that are not “tied” to a confirmation, invoice, reminder, and so on) to any recipient of your
To send any email, your user account must be configured with an email address.
To send generic emails, your user email preferences must also be configured.
Contact your EMS administrator if you need assistance with this. See your EMS
administrator or internal IT staff for information on how to enable SMTP email.
To send an email from within an EMS Browser window
1. Select a search result entry, and then click Email to open a pre-addressed SMTP email to
the group that is associated with the selected reservation.
Figure 11-2: SMTP email from an EMS Browser window
2. Enter the necessary information in the From, Subject, Message and other fields.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
3. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
To attach a file, click Attachments at the top of the window.
To format the body of the email message, use the options on the Formatting toolbar.
4. Click Send.
To send a confirmation or invoice
1. On the Confirmation dialog box or on the onscreen preview of a new or reprinted
invoice, click Email.
For a confirmation, an Email window that displays the confirmation in the body
opens. The From field is populated with the user address that is associated with your
user account or, based on your user preferences, the email address of the department
that is associated with your user account. You can select either address. (See “Setting
User Preferences and Default Values” on page 403.) The To field is blank.
For an invoice, an Email window that contains the invoice as an attachment opens.
The From field is populated with the user address that is associated with your user
account or, based on your user preferences, the email address of the department that
is associated with your user account, and you cannot change this value. (See “Setting
User Preferences and Default Values” on page 403.) The To is populated with the
email address for the associated group, but you change this value if needed.
Figure 11-3: SMTP email window for a confirmation
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
For an invoice, the SMTP email window also has Header Message and Footer
Message fields for including header and footer messages in the email body.
2. Select the recipients for the email.
3. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
To format the body of the email message, use the options on the Formatting toolbar.
To attach a file, click Attachments at the top of the window.
The default format for the attached invoice is PDF. You can select a different
format if needed. Other allowed formats are HTML, Microsoft Excel (.xls),
Microsoft Word (.rtf), Picture (.tiff), and Text File (.txt).
If the emailed confirmation is to include the entire confirmation as an
attachment, then you must also select a file format for the attached confirmation.
The default value is Adobe (.pdf). Other allowed formats are HTML, Microsoft
Excel (.xls), Microsoft Word (.rtf), Picture (.tiff), and Text File (.txt).
If the emailed confirmation includes one or more attachments, then the
Confirmation Title is also used for the name for all attachments other than an
.ics file. If the confirmation includes an .ics file, then the .ics file is always
named Confirmation.ics.
To include the entire confirmation as an attachment, or an .ics file in a
confirmation, see “Specifying your Confirmation Settings” on page 308.
4. Click Send.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
To send a generic email
1. On the EMS toolbar, click the Email icon
A generic email form opens. Depending on your preferences, the From field is
automatically populated either with the email address that is specified for your user
account, or the email address of the department that is associated with your user account.
(See “Setting User Preferences and Default Values” on page 403.)
Figure 11-4: Generic email form
2. Enter the necessary information in the To, Subject, Message, and other fields.
3. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
To attach a file, click Attachments at the top of the window.
To format the body of the email message, use the options on the Formatting toolbar.
4. Click Send.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
Viewing a History of Sent Emails
You can use the Email History function to review a list of all emails that have been sent from
within your organization’s EMS system via SMTP (not via Microsoft Outlook), including
confirmation emails, report emails (which includes invoices, reminders, queries, web
requests, and group and contact information), and generic emails. You can also view the
contents of sent emails and print sent emails
To view a history of sent emails
1. On the EMS main menu, click Reservations > Other > Email History.
The Emails window opens. Regardless of your preferences, the From field is
automatically populated with the email address for your user account, but you can
always change this value.
Figure 11-5: Emails window
2. Enter the search criteria for the emails, and then click Display.
Under Source, the Report option collectively refers to confirmations, invoices,
reminders, queries, web requests, and group and contact information.
All of the emails that meet the search criteria are displayed in the bottom pane of the
Emails window.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
3. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
To view an email, select the mail in the search results list, and then click View.
To print the complete results list, click Print > List.
To print the contents of one or more emails in the results list, select the mail, or
CTRL-click to select multiple emails, and then click Print > Emails.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
Generating Multiple Confirmations
A confirmation is a document that details the critical information for a reservation—the date,
the time, the location, the scheduled resources, and so on. Through the Navigator, you have
the option of generating a single confirmation, either manually or automatically. (See
Chapter 7, “Confirmations,” on page 307.) A miscellaneous reservation function is also
available for manually generating multiple confirmations at the same time. When you
generate multiple confirmations, all the confirmations are contained in a single file, but each
confirmation begins at the top of a new page. All the confirmations are “sent” by the same
office, all the confirmations use the same format (By Booking Date, By Date Added, or By
Date Changed) and all the confirmations use the same print options (Confirmation Title,
Header Message, and so on); however, each confirmation can contain unique information for
the buildings, statuses, and/or categories that are detailed in the confirmation. Because
multiple confirmations are for multiple recipients, you cannot mass email these
confirmations. Instead, you can only print them, and then manually mail them. You can
specify the settings for multiple confirmations “from scratch,” or you can copy an existing
confirmation format, and edit it as needed.
To generate multiple confirmations
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reservations > Other > Confirmations.
The Confirmation dialog box opens. The Date Range tab is the active tab.
Figure 11-6: Confirmation dialog box, Date Range tab
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
2. Do one of the following:
Review the selections on this dialog box, and optionally, make any needed
Date Range tab
The department name that appears at the top the printed confirmation.
Starting Date
The range of dates for which you are generating the confirmations.
Ending Date
Use Specific Times
Available only if the Starting Date is the same as the Ending Date. If this
option is selected, then two fields are displayed on the Date Range tab
in which you must specify the time range. After you specify the time
range, click Options > Date/Time Filter, and then indicate how the
confirmation is to be limited—by bookings that start within the time
range, or by bookings that occur within the time range.
The format/organization of the confirmation—By Booking Date, By Date
Added, or By Date Changed.
Buildings tab—Select the specific buildings that are to be included in the confirmation.
Categories tab—Select the specific booking details that are to be included in the confirmation.
Statuses tab—Select the specific statuses that are to be included in the confirmation.
Options tab—Format settings for a printed confirmation.
Confirmation Title
Appears bold and centered at the top of the confirmation.
Header Message
Pre-configured blocks of text that appear in the header and footer of the
printed confirmation.
Footer Message
Note: Your EMS administrator configures these values. Contact your
administrator if you need assistance with adding or editing a
Paper Size
The size of the paper on which the confirmation is printed. Values are
Letter, Legal, and A4.
Print Comments
Include the comments for the reservation in the printed confirmation.
Print Reminders
Include the reminders for the reservation in the printed confirmation.
Print Cancel Reasons
Include the reasons for cancellation in the printed confirmation.
Print User Defined
Include user-defined fields and their values in the printed confirmation.
Print Room Phone
Include the phone number for the room in which the event is being held
in the printed confirmation.
Print Room Notes
Include any notes for the room in which the event is being held in the
printed confirmation.
Print Building Notes
Include any notes about the building in the printed confirmation.
Print Billing Reference
Include the billing reference numbers for the event as well as the
percentage of charges that is allocated to each number in the printed
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
Print PO Number
Include the PO numbers for the event as well as the percentage of
charges that is allocated to each number in the printed confirmation.
Print Category
Include the subtotal charges by category in the printed confirmation.
Print Room Type
Include the room type for the event in the printed confirmation.
Print Item Selection
Include the notes for each resource selection item for the event in the
printed confirmation.
Suppress Reserved
Do not show the reserved time for the event in the printed confirmation.
Suppress Location
Do not show the location for the reservation in the printed confirmation.
Suppress Pricing
Do not show the reservation’s room charges or resource charges in the
printed confirmation.
Suppress Logo
Do no show your organization’s logo in the printed confirmation.
Suppress Item Notes
Do not show notes for any booking items in the printed confirmation.
Suppress Item Special
Do not show special instructions for any booking items in the printed
Suppress Item
Do not show any resource item selections in the printed confirmation.
Always Display Time
Always show the time zone for the event in the printed confirmation.
Display Messages as
If you have defined any HTML messages, then select this option to
display the HTML version of these messages in the printed
confirmation; otherwise, the message is displayed in plain text.
Limit Bookings to Those
With Details in Selected
Show only those bookings in the printed confirmation that contain details
for the categories that are selected on the Categories tab.
If needed, you can always save, or memorize, these settings. See “Working with
Memorized Reports” on page 323.
On the Setup dropdown list, select a saved, or memorized, confirmation.
If you select a memorized confirmation, then the only changes that you can make
are to the dates and/or times on the Date Range tab.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
3. Do one or both of the following:
Click Print Preview to open an onscreen preview of the printed confirmation. A
variety of options are available from this preview, including the options to export the
confirmation to a .pdf and to print the confirmation.
Figure 11-7: Print preview of multiple confirmations
To manually print the confirmations, edit the number of copies to print as needed in
the Copies to Print field (the default value is 1), and then click Print.
A Print dialog box opens in which you can specify information such as the printer to
use, the page range, and so on. Click Print in this dialog box to manually print the
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
Managing Attendees and Visitors
EMS provides standard functionality for managing registered attendees and visitors, which
are attendees and visitors who have been added as an attendee type category to a booking.
You can search for registered attendees and visitors, and you can check in and check out
registered attendees and visitors. The optional Visitor Management module provides
functionality for managing unregistered attendees and visitors. If your organization has
purchased and installed this module, you can also check in unregistered visitors to an event,
check out unregistered visitors from an event, print badges for all attendees and visitors
(registered and unregistered), and import a list of attendees using the Add Booking Details
Wizard in the Navigator.
To manage registered attendees and visitors
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reservations > Other > Visitors.
The Visitors window opens. By default, the Visitors tab is the active tab.
Figure 11-8: Visitors window, Visitors tab
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
2. Specify one or more of the following for your search criteria:
Start Date/End Date—The default value is the current day’s date.
Building—Select (all) buildings, a specific building, an area, or a view to search.
Show Cancelled—Select this option to search for registered attendees or visitors for
canceled events.
Group—To search for registered attendees or visitors regardless of group, leave this
field blank; otherwise, to search based on a specific group, enter a search string in
the field.
Visitor—To search for a specific attendee or visitor, enter a search string in the field.
For both search fields, your search is limited to the exact order of the characters
in the string, but the string is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the
search results. For example, a search string of aca returns Academic Affairs
Office, Department of Academic Affairs, and so on.
Include Checked In—Selected by default. Clear this option to search only for
registered attendees and/or visitors who have not yet been checked in to their events.
3. Click Display.
The list of registered attendees and/or visitors who meet the search criteria are displayed
in the bottom pane of the Visitors window.
4. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
Select an attendee or visitor from the search results, and then click open to open the
reservation in the Navigator that contains the booking that the attendee/visitor is
Select an attendee or visitor from the search results, or CTRL-click to select multiple
attendees/visitors, and then click Check In to “check in” the attendees/visitors to the
event. A date and timestamp is added to each attendee’s/visitor’s record.
Select an attendee or visitor from the search results, or CTRL-click to select multiple
attendees/visitors, and then click Check Out to “check out” the attendees/visitors
from the event. A date and timestamp is added to each attendee’s/visitor’s record.
Check Out is available only if the selected attendees/visitors have been checked
into the event.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
Select an attendee or visitor from the search results, or CTRL-click to select multiple
attendees/visitors, and then on the Tools menu, click Undo Check In to reverse the
Checked In status for the attendees/visitors. (The Check In date and timestamp is
removed from each attendee’s/visitor’s record and if needed, you can check in the
attendees/visitors again). Conversely, if an attendee or visitor has been checked out,
click Undo Check Out to reverse the Checked Out status for the attendee/visitor.
On the Tools menu, click Export to export the list of attendees/visitors to a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet.
On the Tools menu, or from the Visitors window, click Print to generate an onscreen
preview of the list of attendees/visitors. A variety of options are available from this
preview, including the options to email the list, to export the list to a .pdf, and so on.
Figure 11-9: Onscreen preview of a registered attendee/visitor list
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
To check in/check out unregistered visitors for an event
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reservations > Other > Visitors.
The Visitors window opens.
2. Open the Groups tab.
Figure 11-10: Visitors window, Groups tab
3. Specify one or more of the following for your search criteria:
Start Date/End Date—The default value is the current day’s date.
Building—Select (all) buildings, a specific building, an area, or a view to search.
Group—Enter some or all of the hosting group’s name.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
string is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For
example, a search string of aca returns Academic Affairs Office, Department of
Academic Affairs, and so on.
4. Click Display.
The groups that meet your search criteria are displayed in the middle pane of the Visitors
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
5. Select the hosting group from the search results, and then click New Visitor.
The New Visitor dialog box opens.
Figure 11-11: New Visitor dialog box
6. Enter the information for the unregistered visitor, and then click OK.
The Visitor dialog box closes. You return to the Visitors window with the group and
newly configured visitor automatically selected.
Building and Name are required fields. Depending on how your EMS
administrator configured your system, Company Name, Email Address and/or
Phone might be required. Notes are always optional. If you selected a specific
building in Step 3, then the Building field is automatically populated with the
name of the building in which the event is scheduled and you cannot edit this
value; however, if you have set your preferences for buildings such that this
building is not available to you, then the Building field cannot be populated with
the correct value, and you cannot add the new visitor. See “Setting User
Preferences and Default Values” on page 403.
7. Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 as needed to add all the unregistered visitors to the event.
The information that is displayed in the Event column for each unregistered visitor that
is added to an event is determined by the settings that your EMS administrator specified
when configuring the event building. For example, “Unregistered Visitor” might be
displayed. The date and time that you add an unregistered visitor to an event is used as
the Check In date and time for the visitor.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
8. Optionally, before you check out or check in an unregistered visitor, do one or more of
the following:
Select the unregistered visitor in the lower pane of the Visitors window, and then
click Open to open the reservation in the Navigator that contains the booking that the
unregistered visitor is attending.
On the Tools menu, click Export to export the list of registered attendees/visitors and
unregistered visitors to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
On the Tools menu, or from the Visitors window, click Print to generate an onscreen
preview of the list of registered attendees/visitors and unregistered visitors. A
variety of options are available from this preview, including the options to email the
list, to export the list to a .pdf, and to list the confirmation.
Figure 11-12: Onscreen preview of a registered and unregistered attendee/visitor list
9. To check out/check in an unregistered visitor, do one of the following:
Select the unregistered attendee/visitor, or CTRL-click to select multiple
unregistered attendees/visitors, and then click Check Out to “check out” the
attendees/visitors from the event. A date and timestamp is added to the unregistered
visitors’ records.
Select the unregistered attendee/visitor, or CTRL-click to select multiple
unregistered attendees/visitors, and then on the Tools menu, click Undo Check In to
reverse the Checked In status for the unregistered attendees/visitors. (The Check In
date and timestamp is removed from the unregistered visitors’ records and if needed,
you can check in the unregistered visitors again). Conversely, if an unregistered
visitor has been checked out, click Undo Check Out to reverse the Checked Out
status for the attendee/visitor.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
To print visitor badges
1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reservations > Other > Visitors.
The Visitors window opens.
2. Do one or both of the following:
Locate and select the attendee as described in “To manage registered attendees and
visitors” on page 424.
Create and select the attendee record as described in “To check in/check out
unregistered visitors for an event” on page 427.
3. Click Print Badge.
To import a list of attendees and visitors to an event
1. Create a tab-delimited file that contains the information (in the order listed) for the
attendees/visitors that are being imported.
Text. 50 characters maximum.
Company Name
Text. 50 characters maximum.
Email Address
Text. 255 characters maximum.
Text. 50 characters maximum.
Text. No maximum.
Each attendee/visitor must be a separate line entry. You use the Add Booking
Details Wizard to import this file. You can click Print Format on the second page
of the Add Booking Details Wizard to see the required format for the tab-delimited
2. Open the reservation for the event in the Navigator. See:
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through the Reservation Book” on page 80.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
3. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation for which you are importing the
list of attendees/visitors.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
4. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then Click Add Booking Details Wizard.
The Add Booking Details wizard opens.
Figure 11-13: Add Booking Details wizard
5. Select Visitors or Attendees, and then click Next.
The second page of the Add Booking Details Wizard opens with a blank row for adding
an attendee/visitor to the event.
Figure 11-14: Add Booking Details Wizard, Second page
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
Optionally, you can click Print Format to see the required format for the
tab-delimited file.
6. Click Import.
The Open File dialog box opens.
7. Browse to and select the attendee/visitor import file, and then click Open to import the
The Add Booking Details Wizard is updated with the imported attendee/visitor
information. Each imported attendee/visitor is a separate line entry in the Wizard.
Figure 11-15: Add Booking Details wizard, Attendees/Visitors imported
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
8. Click Next.
The Select Bookings window opens. This window displays all the bookings for the
selected reservation with a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date, and that
do not already have the selected booking detail added.
Figure 11-16: Add Booking Details wizard, Select Bookings window
To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Cancelled Bookings. Conversely, to hide
canceled bookings, select Hide Cancelled Bookings. To show all bookings
regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.
9. CTRL-click to select the bookings to which the details are being added, or click Select
All to select all the displayed bookings in a single step, and then click Finish.
A message opens asking you if you want to add more booking details.
10. Click No.
A message opens indicating that the changes were made successfully.
11. Click OK to close the message and return to the Navigator.
The booking detail (Attendees/Visitors) and its items (individual attendees/visitors) are
displayed as folders under the appropriate booking folders in the Navigator.
Chapter 11
Other Reservation Functions
Chapter 12
EMS Workplace
Organizations with a mobile workforce or flexible work arrangements often adopt a hoteling
or hot-desking strategy—allotting workspace on an as-needed basis to accommodate more
people in less space. EMS Workplace is a facility scheduling system for managing hoteling
requirements, as well as the booking of meeting/event space and resources.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Managing Groups’ Check In/Check Out Statuses” on page 437.
Chapter 12
EMS Workplace
Chapter 12
EMS Workplace
Managing Groups’ Check In/Check Out
Employees (referred to as “groups” in this section) can check in using a variety of active and
passive EMS Workplace methods including Virtual EMS (VEMS), the EMS Kiosk, and your
security badge system. You use the Group Check In Status tool to view the status of all
employees, with or without bookings, who have checked into your building. In addition,
options are available to check in/check out an individual and to manually “no show”
employees who either have not checked in or have checked into another building.
To manage groups’ check in/check out statuses
1. On the EMS Workplace menu bar, click Reservations > Hoteling > Check In Status.
The Group Check In Status window opens. If this is the first time that you have opened
this window, then go to Step 2 to set the default values for your building and home city;
otherwise, go to Step 3.
Figure 12-1: Group Check In Status window
Chapter 12
EMS Workplace
2. In the upper right hand corner of the window, click Options to open the Options dialog
box and specify the default values for your home building and home cities.
Figure 12-2: Options dialog box
The home building is the building that selected groups are checked in to. You must
separate multiple cities by commas, for example, Denver, Chicago, Atlanta. If
Visitors Only is checked as one of the search options, then when you search for
groups to verify their check in/check out status, the groups that have an address
using any of these home cities are not returned in the search results. Only groups
that do not have an address using any of these home cities and that meet all the
search criteria are returned in the search results.
3. Specify the search criteria to search for the groups that you are checking into or checking
out of a building.
The default value is (all), but you can select a specific building, an area,
or a view.
Group Type
The default value is (all), but you can select a specific group type.
Event Type
The default value is (all), but you can select a specific event type.
The default value is (all), but you can select a specific floor.
Room Type
The default value is (all), but you can select a specific room type.
Visitors Only
Select this option only if you are searching for groups that do not have
an address using any of the home cities that you have defined.
Not Checked In Only
Select this option to search only for groups that have not been checked
into the building.
Multiple Bookings Only
Select this option to search only for those groups that have multiple
bookings on the selected date.
Find Name
Optional field. Enter a search string by which to filter your search. The
search is not case-sensitive, but the search is limited to the exact order
of characters in the string and the string must begin with the information
for which you are searching. For example, a search string of ed returns
Ed, Edward, Eddie, and so on, but not Ted or Fred.
The default value is the current day’s date, but you can select a different
Chapter 12
EMS Workplace
4. Click Display.
All the groups that meet all the search criteria and that have a booking or bookings on the
selected date are displayed on the With Bookings tab.
All the groups that meet all the search criteria but that do not have a booking or
bookings on the selected date are displayed on the Without Bookings tab.
Figure 12-3: Group Check In Status window with results
5. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
To view all the bookings that a group has scheduled in the selected building, select
the group on the With Bookings tab. The bookings are displayed on the <Building>
Bookings tab in the bottom pane of the Group Check In Status window.
Figure 12-4: Viewing bookings for a selected group
Chapter 12
EMS Workplace
To check in a group, select the group, and then click Check In. “Checked In” is
displayed in the Status column for the group on the With Bookings tab, the Date/
Time column are updated with the date and time that you clicked Check In, and
“Client” is displayed in the Source column.
Remember, the group is checked in to the building that you set as your Home
building, and the name of this building is displayed in the Building column.
To check out a group, select the group, and then click Check Out. “Checked Out” is
displayed in the Status column for the group on the With Bookings tab, the Date/
Time column are updated with the date and time that you clicked Check Out, and
“Client” is displayed in the Source column.
If your EMS client is integrated with VEMS or EMS Kiosk, then employees can be
checked in/checked out through either of these applications as well, and the
Source column indicates this accordingly.
To end a booking for a group, select the group, and then select the booking on the on
the <Building> Bookings tab and click End Now. Answer “Yes” at the prompt about
ending the booking immediately.
To open an event in the Navigator, select the event entry on the <Building>
Bookings tab, and then click Go To.
To manually “no show” a group of employees, continue to “To run the No Show
Wizard” on page 441.
Chapter 12
EMS Workplace
To run the No Show Wizard
You use the No Show Wizard to email all groups that have not checked in to a specific
building. It also provides options for changing the status of a group’s bookings so that the
group’s workspace is released.
When you run the No Show Wizard from the Group Check In Status window, you
must manually create and send the email, and you must manually change the
status. Both of these processes can be automated by creating a No Show
Notification rule. Contact your EMS administrator for assistance.
1. Select the group on the With Bookings tab, and then click No Show.
The No Show Wizard opens.
Figure 12-5: No Show Wizard
2. Do one or both of the following:
To send an email to the group, select Send Email to open an email form. Complete
and send the email as normally would, and then click Finish.
You can include variables in the subject line as described in the Legend. For
example, %2% is the code for the group name, so “Notification for %2%” would
result in “Notification for Academic Affairs” being displayed in the subject line.
To change the status for the group’s booking, select Change Status, and then on the
Status dropdown list, select a new status, and then click Finish.
Chapter 12
EMS Workplace
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Academic Planning is an optional component of the EMS software that provides all the
functionality that is necessary for Domain Schedulers to ensure that every class meets in a
location and at a time that is acceptable to departments and instructors. The system provides
automatic room assignment within user-supplied parameters, integration with your SIS/ERP
software, and efficient online collaboration tools. It also simplifies final exam scheduling
and offers a selection of reports to streamline and analyze the room scheduling process.
When added to the functionality that meeting and event staff already have access to, it
provides a complete campus-wide space management package referred to as EMS Campus.
This chapter covers the following topics:
“Overview of the Academic Scheduling Process” on page 445.
“Importing an Academic Term” on page 449.
“Defining and Editing Courses” on page 455.
“Specifying Room Preferences” on page 485.
“Assigning Room Preferences and Optimizing” on page 503.
“Publishing a Term” on page 529.
“Post-Publishing Phase” on page 541.
“Using the Academic Tools” on page 577.
“Generating Academic Reports” on page 601.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Overview of the Academic Scheduling Process
The academic scheduling process is a multi-step process for enabling online communication
between the Domain Scheduler and academic units, optimizing academic space use, and
creating reservations in EMS Campus for academic courses. To use the full functionality of
EMS Campus, it is important that you understand the academic scheduling specific terms
that are used in EMS Campus and that you have a high-level understanding of the academic
scheduling configuration process.
Academic scheduling specific terms used in EMS Campus
While meeting/event scheduling and academic scheduling have many features in common,
EMS Campus uses terms that are specific to the academic scheduling configuration process.
Generic acronym that is used in EMS Campus to represent a Student
Information System. A system parameter controls the term “SIS,” and
typically, your EMS administrator changes it to the system-specific term
that your organization uses, for example, PeopleSoft, Banner,
Colleague, and so on.
Academic Term
Defines a set of courses that is taught for a specific time period and is
synchronized from the SIS.
Instructors are imported from your SIS. Instructors determine who is
teaching a course. They are also referred to as a “contact” after
Subjects are imported from your SIS. Subjects describe the topic of the
course offered, for example, Math or English. Subjects are assigned to
domains and academic units to designate who manages the courses
that are taught within a subject.
Course Type
A course type is imported from your SIS. Course types categorize
offerings, for example, a lecture or a lab. Course types are used for
limiting the types of rooms in which a course can be taught and for
A level of organization within the institution that defines scheduling
responsibility. The subjects defined within a domain determine the
courses that are listed for the domain. The rooms that are defined within
a domain determine all spaces that are potentially available for the
courses. Functions such as synchronizing, optimizing, and running
reports are carried out on a per domain basis. (A user who has this type
of access is referred to as a Domain Scheduler.) The term “domain” is
controlled by a parameter, and in many cases it is changed to “Campus”
or “School” to better describe how course scheduling is divided.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Academic Unit
A level of organization within the institution that defines responsibility for
making schedule requests for a portion of a domain. The rooms that are
defined within an academic unit give the unit the ability to require these
spaces during optimization. The subjects that are defined within an
academic unit determine the courses that are listed when filtering by the
unit. Academic units are used when assigning permissions to Academic
users and when filtering reports. The term “academic unit” is controlled
by a parameter, and in many cases it is changed to “Department” or
“Division” to better describe how course scheduling requests are
Campus Planning
The web-based interface that is typically used by academic units to
review course schedule data and communicate changes to the domain
scheduler. Any computer with a standard Internet browser can be used
to access the Campus Planning Interface.
Equivalent to a section in the SIS. The high level descriptor of a class,
such as “CHEM 101 - Introduction to Chemistry,” and other associated
information such as instructor and estimated enrollment. After a course
is published, it becomes the reservation-level information.
Course Date
A unique meeting pattern that is associated with a course, such as
Tuesday/Thursday, 8:00 am to 9:20 am. Courses can have multiple
course dates, such as when a class has both a lecture and a lab
component that meet on different days of the week and at different
times. After a course date is published, it becomes the booking-level
Cross-listed Courses
Courses are designated in the SIS as cross-listed for a variety of
reasons; however, after such a designation is made, there are
implications in how EMS handles the courses. If two or more courses
are cross-listed and have identical course date records (meeting
patterns), then these two courses are linked and they are assigned the
same room during optimization and final exam scheduling. They, in
essence, share space by default.
Shared Space
If two courses that have identical course date records are to be
scheduled in the same room at the same time, but they are not crosslisted in the SIS, then they can be designated as Shared Space in EMS.
This designation links the courses so that they are assigned to the same
room during optimization and final exam scheduling. This designation
does not affect the SIS.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Academic scheduling configuration process
Before academic scheduling can even be carried out, the following must be in place in your
EMS database:
Core data—building, rooms, instructors, course types, and subjects—must be
synchronized with the Student Information System (SIS).
Academic domains and academic units must be configured.
Academic users must be configured with the appropriate security settings.
Default values for academic parameters must be set.
See the EMS Setup Guide for detailed instructions about configuring and
synchronizing this needed academic data.
Although the academic scheduling configuration process varies from one academic site to
another, typically, the same two-phase process, the Academic Planning phase and the PostPublishing phase, is carried out, and each process typically has the same high-level steps.
Academic Planning phase
The Academic Planning Phase is the first phase carried out in the academic scheduling
process. This phase typically has the following high-level steps:
1. Importing an Academic Term. See “Importing an Academic Term” on page 449.
2. Defining and Editing Courses. See “Defining and Editing Courses” on page 455.
3. Settings Preferences. See “Specifying Room Preferences” on page 485.
You can carry out Step 2 and Step 3 individually, or you can carry them out
simultaneously using Dual Mode. Dual Mode is explained in detail later in this
4. Assigning rooms and optimizing. See “Assigning Room Preferences and Optimizing” on
page 503.
5. Publishing terms in EMS. See “Publishing a Term” on page 529.
Post-Publishing phase
The Post-Publishing Phase is the second phase carried out in the academic scheduling
process. This phase typically has the following high-level steps:
1. Reviewing reservations and resolving room assignments. See “Post-Publishing Phase”
on page 541.
2. Creating a synchronization schedule. See “Post-Publishing Phase” on page 541.
3. Creating and publishing a final exam session. See “Post-Publishing Phase” on page 541.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Importing an Academic Term
Section Contents
Overview of Importing an Academic Term on page 451
Synchronizing an Academic Term on page 452
Synchronizing Courses on page 453
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Overview of Importing an Academic Term
The first step in the academic planning phase is to import a term. Importing an academic
term consists of the following three steps:
1. A new term is created in the Student Information System (SIS), either by rolling forward
a previous term, or by creating it from scratch. The term is then synchronized into EMS.
See “Synchronizing an Academic Term” on page 452.
2. The Domain Scheduler synchronizes course data from the SIS into EMS Campus. See
“Synchronizing Courses” on page 453.
3. Synchronized courses are reviewed before the term is made available to academic units.
See “Using the Academic Tools” on page 577.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Synchronizing an Academic Term
When you synchronize your Student Information System (SIS) term data, all the SIS terms
are flagged with a status of New. To create these terms in your EMS database, you select
each term, click Create, and then Process.
To synchronize an academic term
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Configuration >
Synchronize Terms.
The EMS Campus Terms window opens.
Figure 13-1: EMS Campus Terms window
2. Select the SIS term, or CTRL-click to select the multiple SIS terms that you are creating
in your EMS database, click Create, and then click Process.
If you do not want to create an SIS term in your EMS database, select the term,
and then click Do Not Import.
A message opens indicating that the terms were successfully processed.
3. Click OK to close the message and return to the EMS Campus Terms window.
The status of the terms is set to Synchronized to indicate that the SIS data has been
4. Click Cancel or Close (x) to close the window.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Synchronizing Courses
After you synchronize terms, the term record that is created in EMS is initially empty. You
must then synchronize the courses.
To synchronize courses
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms.
The Terms window opens.
Figure 13-2: Terms window
2. On the Domain dropdown list, select the domain for which you are synchronizing the
3. Select the term for which you are synchronizing the courses, and then click Sync.
Two results are possible:
If the term contains edited courses, then a message that states the following opens:
WARNING: You have made changes to 'n' Course(s) in “Define & Edit Mode” that
will be overwritten. Is it OK to continue. You must click Yes to continue and then a
Synchronizing Courses dialog box opens that shows the progress of the course
synchronization. When the courses are synchronized, a dialog box opens with the
message that the courses were synchronized.
If the term does not contain edited courses, then a Synchronizing Courses dialog box
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
opens that shows the progress of the course synchronization. When the courses are
synchronized, a dialog box opens with the message that the courses were
4. Click OK to close the message and return to the Terms window.
After you synchronize the courses, you can review them in the Academic Browser.
See “Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
Defining and Editing Courses
Section Contents
Overview of Defining and Editing Courses on page 457
Enabling/Disabling a Term for Define & Edit Mode on page 458
Reviewing and Editing Courses on page 461
Working with Shared Space on page 475
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Overview of Defining and Editing Courses
After the Domain Scheduler has imported a term and synchronized the courses for the term,
he/she has the option of selecting the mode for the term. Each mode is optional, but each
mode provides mode-specific functionality so that the mode can be carried out.
Organizations use the Define & Edit mode to solicit information about new, changed, or
canceled courses, or course dates for a term. Additionally, courses that share space can be
indicated. After the academic units enter this information, the Domain Scheduler can run
reports and based on the information in the reports, make the selected modifications in the
1. The Domain Scheduler enables Define & Edit Mode. See “Enabling/Disabling a Term
for Define & Edit Mode” on page 458.
2. Academic units review the course schedule data, make change requests as appropriate
for new, edited, and/or canceled courses, and mark those courses that share space. See
“Reviewing and Editing Courses” on page 461 and “Working with Shared Space” on
page 475.
3. The Domain Scheduler generates and reviews the Course Change report, enters the
needed modifications into the SIS, and resynchronizes the courses. See “Synchronizing
Courses” on page 453.
4. The Domain Scheduler reviews and/or indicates the shared space settings. See “Working
with Shared Space” on page 475.
When you are defining and editing courses, you have the option of selecting
Define and Edit mode, or Dual mode. Dual mode enables a term for both Define
& Edit Mode and Set Preference mode at the same time. If you select Define and
Edit mode, then the steps that you carry out during this mode are distinct and
unique from the steps that you carry out in the next mode, which is the Set
Preferences mode. Although these two modes are presented as distinct modes and
discussed in two separate sections in this manual, if you select Dual mode, then
the steps listed in both these sections are applicable at the same time.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Enabling/Disabling a Term for Define & Edit
After you have imported a term and synchronized the courses for the term, you can set the
mode to Define & Edit and make the term available to the academic units.
To enable/disable a term for Define & Edit mode
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms.
The Terms window opens.
Figure 13-3: Terms window
2. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
3. Select the term for which you are setting Define & Edit mode, and then click Edit.
The Term dialog box opens. The Term tab is the active tab.
Figure 13-4: Term dialog box
4. Optionally, in the Phase and Notes fields, enter information that indicates to the
academic units what part of the academic scheduling process is currently taking place,
for example, “Course Review,” or “Planning” along with any supporting information or
If you are going to select Dual mode, then make sure to note that both course
review/planning and setting preferences are currently taking place. Academic
units can view this information in the Campus Planning Interface.
5. Do one of the following:
If academic unit-level users are to have access to the term, select Available to
Academic Units.
To remove the users’ access to the term, clear Available to Academic Units.
6. Optionally, if you have configured time block templates, select the appropriate template
for this term.
At this stage, the only active scenario that is available is SIS, and you cannot
change this value.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
7. Select the enrollment that is to be compared to room capacity throughout the academic
planning process.
8. In the Mode section, do one of the following:
To enable Define & Edit mode, select Define & Edit Courses.
To disable Define & Edit mode, select Read Only or Set Preferences.
To enable both Define & Edit mode and Set Preferences mode, select Dual.
9. Click OK to close the Term dialog box and return to the Terms window, with the term
still selected in the window.
10. On the Terms window, click Email to open an email that is pre-addressed to all academic
unit-level users that have been defined in your EMS database. Complete and send the
email as you normally would.
Figure 13-5: SMTP Email window
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Reviewing and Editing Courses
After a term has been made available to the academic units, the academic units can begin
reviewing their courses and requesting additions, deletions, and modifications as appropriate
using the Campus Planning Interface (typical) or the EMS Campus desktop client (if granted
To review and edit courses
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic
The Academic Browser opens.
2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
Figure 13-6: Academic Browser, Filter tab
3. Make sure that the Browse For option is set to Courses.
4. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and then on the Term
dropdown list, select the appropriate term.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
5. Continue to one of the following:
“To add a new course in EMS Campus” below.
“To add a new section for a course” on page 464.
“To add a course date in EMS Campus” on page 465.
“To edit a course in EMS Campus” on page 467.
“To edit a course date in EMS Campus” on page 469.
“To cancel a course date in EMS Campus” on page 471.
“To cancel a course in EMS Campus” on page 473.
To add a new course in EMS Campus
1. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating an existing course, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
2. Click New Course.
The New Course dialog box opens. The Course tab is the active tab.
Figure 13-7: New Course dialog box
3. Complete the required information—title, course number, section, subject, instructor,
estimated enrollment, credit hours, course type—on the Course tab.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
4. For each course meeting pattern (days and times) that you are adding to the new course,
do the following:
In the Course Dates section, click New to open the Course Dates dialog box and on
the Course Type dropdown list, select the course type.
Do one of the following:
Manually enter the meeting pattern information (start and end dates, start and
end times, and meeting days) for the course.
Click Time Blocks to open the Time Blocks dialog box, and then select a time
block from a list of time blocks that have been made available for the term.
Figure 13-8: Course Dates dialog box
Make sure to select Room Not Required if the course does not require a room, for
example, an independent study class, a research class, and so on.
Depending on how your EMS administrator has configured EMS Campus, only
the Time Blocks option might be available to you.
5. Optionally, in the Notes field, enter any information about the course that might be
relevant to the Domain Scheduler.
6. Open the User Defined Fields tab, and for any user-defined questions that are displayed
on the tab, do the following:
Select the question, and then click Set Value to open a dialog box in which you can
enter the answer to the question.
Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the User Defined Fields tab.
User-defined fields, or UDFs, are typically used by a Domain Scheduler to solicit
additional user-supplied information about a course.
7. Click OK to close the New Course dialog box and return to the Academic Browser.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
8. Click Refresh.
“New” is displayed for the course state.
If you have selected Dual mode for the term, then you can set preferences during
this step as well. See “To use the Course Navigator to set preferences and
requirements” on page 498.
To add a new section for a course
To add a new section of an existing course, you must copy an existing course, and then edit
the section number and any other pertinent information.
1. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating an existing course, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
2. Select the course that is to be copied, and then click New Section.
The New Section dialog box opens. The fields are automatically populated with the
information for the copied course.
Figure 13-9: New Section dialog box
3. Edit the section number and any other pertinent information as needed, and then click
Depending on how your EMS administrator has configured EMS Campus, only
the Time Blocks option might be available to you.
A message opens indicating that the course was created successfully.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
4. Click OK to close the message and return to the Academic Browser.
If you have selected Dual mode for the term, then you can set preferences during
this step as well. See “To use the Course Navigator to set preferences and
requirements” on page 498.
To add a course date in EMS Campus
To add a new date to a course in EMS Campus, you must find the course using the Academic
Browser, and then edit the course date and other pertinent information in the Course
1. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the course, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
2. In the search results, double-click the course to which you are adding a course date.
The course opens in the Course Navigator.
For detailed information about working with the Course Navigator, see “Using
the Course Navigator” on page 594.
Figure 13-10: Course opened in the Course Navigator
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
3. Click New.
The New Course Dates dialog box opens.
Figure 13-11: New Course Dates dialog box
4. For each new course meeting pattern (days and times) that you are adding to the course,
do the following:
On the New Course Dates dialog box, click New to open the Course Dates dialog
box and on the Course Type dropdown list, select the course type.
Do one of the following:
Manually enter the meeting pattern information (start and end dates, start and
end times, and meeting days) for the course.
Click Time Blocks to open the Time Blocks dialog box, and select a time block
from a list of time blocks that have been made available for the term.
Figure 13-12: Course Dates dialog box
Make sure to select Room Not Required if the course does not require a room, for
example, an independent study class, a research class, and so on.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Depending on how your EMS administrator has configured EMS Campus, only
the Time Blocks option might be available to you.
5. Click OK to close the Course Dates dialog box, and then click OK to close the New
Course Dates dialog box and return to the Course Navigator.
The state for each newly added course date is set to “New” in the middle pane of the
Course Navigator.
If you have selected Dual mode for the term, then you can set preferences during
this step as well. See “To use the Course Navigator to set preferences and
requirements” on page 498.
To edit a course in EMS Campus
To edit a course in EMS Campus, you must find the course using the Academic Browser, and
then edit the course information in the Course Navigator.
1. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the course, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
2. In the search results, double-click the course that you are editing.
The course opens in the Course Navigator. See Figure 13-13 on page 468.
For detailed information about working with the Course Navigator, see “Using
the Course Navigator” on page 594.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Figure 13-13: Course opened in the Course Navigator
3. Click edit in the top pane of the Navigator.
The Course dialog box opens.
Figure 13-14: Course dialog box
4. Edit the course information as needed, and then click OK to close the Course dialog box
and return to the Course Navigator.
The course state is set to “Edited” in the top pane of the Course Navigator.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To edit a course date in EMS Campus
To edit a course date in EMS Campus, you must find the course using the Academic
Browser, and then edit the course date in the Course Navigator.
1. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the course, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
2. In the search results, double-click the course for which you are editing the course date.
The course opens in the Course Navigator.
For detailed information about working with the Course Navigator, see “Using
the Course Navigator” on page 594.
Figure 13-15: Course opened in the Course Navigator
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
3. In the middle pane of the Course Navigator, select the course date record that you are
editing, and then click Edit.
The Course Dates - (SIS) dialog box opens.
Figure 13-16: Course Dates - (SIS) dialog box
4. Edit the course dates as needed.
To edit the course dates, do one of the following:
Manually edit the start/end dates, start/end times, course type, and/or the days
that the course meets.
Click Time Blocks to open the Time Blocks dialog box, and select a time block
from a list of time blocks that have been made available for the term.
Depending on how your EMS administrator has configured EMS Campus, only
the Time Blocks option might be available to you. (You cannot manually edit the
course days and times.)
The room assigned to this course in the SIS is listed in the SIS Room text box. You
cannot edit this value; however, make sure to select Room Not Required if this
course date does not require a room (for example, independent study, research, and
so on).
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
The Seat Fill Percentage, in conjunction with the estimated enrollment, is used to
determine the size of the room needed for the class. For example, a Seat Fill
Percentage of 50% and an estimated enrollment of 100 means that the course should
be held in a room that can accommodate 200 people.
The Seat Fill Percentage is initially set to the default value that is specified in
EMS (Campus) system parameters, but you can update the value on a per course
date basis. See System Parameters in the EMS Setup Guide.
If you are editing a course date for a course that is cross-listed or sharing space with
another course, you are provided with an option in the bottom pane of the Course
Dates dialog box to apply your changes to the related course dates. To apply changes
to the cross-listed courses, check the appropriate course date listings.
Figure 13-17: Applying changes to related course dates
5. Click OK to close the Course dialog box and return to the Course Navigator.
The course date state is set to “Edited” in the middle pane of the Course Navigator.
If you have selected Dual mode for the term, then you can set preferences during
this step as well. See “To use the Course Navigator to set preferences and
requirements” on page 498.
To cancel a course date in EMS Campus
To cancel a course date in EMS Campus, you must find the course using the Academic
Browser, and then cancel the course date in the Course Navigator.
1. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the course, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
2. In the search results, double-click the course for which you are canceling a course date.
The course opens in the Course Navigator.
For detailed information about working with the Course Navigator, see “Using
the Course Navigator” on page 594.
Figure 13-18: Course opened in the Course Navigator
3. In the middle pane of the Course Navigator, select the course date record that you are
canceling, and then in the top pane of the Navigator, click Cancel.
A dialog box opens, asking you if it is OK to cancel the selected course.
4. Click Yes to close the dialog box and return to the Course Navigator.
The course date state is set to “Cancelled” in the middle pane of the Course Navigator.
To reverse a course date cancellation, select the canceled course date in the
Course Navigator, and then click Uncancel.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To cancel a course in EMS Campus
To cancel a course in EMS Campus, you must find the course using the Academic Browser,
and then cancel the course in the Course Navigator.
1. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the course, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
2. In the search results, double-click the course that you are canceling.
The course opens in the Course Navigator.
For detailed information about working with the Course Navigator, see “Using
the Course Navigator” on page 594.
Figure 13-19: Course opened in the Course Navigator
3. In the top pane of the Navigator, click Cancel.
A dialog box opens, asking you if it is OK to cancel the selected course.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
4. Click Yes to close the dialog box and return to the Course Navigator.
The course state is set to “Cancelled” in the top pane of the Course Navigator. The state
for every course date that is displayed in the middle pane of the Course Navigator is also
set to “Cancelled.”
To reverse a course cancellation, open the canceled course in the Course
Navigator, and then in the top pane of the Course Navigator, click Uncancel.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Working with Shared Space
The shared space designation is used for two or more courses that are not cross-listed in the
SIS, but that have matching patterns and are meant to be held in the same room. The shared
space designation links the courses together for the set preferences, optimization, publishing,
and final exam scheduling functions. Shared space is assigned in a parent-child relationship.
If needed, you can change the parent designation. In addition, if a course that is cross-listed
in the SIS is not meant to be held in the same room, or if courses that are marked as shared
space are no longer meant to share space, then you can reverse the shared space designation.
You can also review shared spaced designations.
Academic units that have the appropriate permissions can indicate shared space
using the Campus Planning Interface. You might want to review these shared
space settings before working with shared space.
To assign shared space to courses
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic
The Academic Browser opens.
2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
Figure 13-20: Academic Browser, Filter tab
3. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and on the Term dropdown
list, select the appropriate term.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
4. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the courses that are to share space, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
5. CTRL-click to select the courses that are to share space.
6. On the Tools menu, click Shares Space.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that the selected courses are to share space?
7. Click Yes.
The message closes and you return to the Academic Browser. The Shares Spaces
designation is indicated in the browser. The parent item is indicated with *Parent, and
the child item is indicated with the parent’s Course Number and Section Number.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To change the parent designation for shared space/cross-listed
When you set the shared space designation for courses, EMS Campus arbitrarily specifies
one of the courses as the parent course. The academic unit that controls the parent course is
the unit that sets the preferences for the shared courses in the Set Preferences mode. If the
academic unit that you want to set the preferences in the Set Preferences mode is not
currently the parent course, then you can change the parent designation for the courses. Also,
after you publish courses, you can change the room only for the parent course and the child
course “just follows along.” If the course on which you want to base the room change is not
currently the parent course, then you can change the parent designation for the courses.
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic
The Academic Browser opens.
2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
Figure 13-21: Academic Browser, Filter tab
3. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and on the Term dropdown
list, select the appropriate term.
4. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the shared spaces courses, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
5. CTRL-click to select the parent course and the child courses.
6. On the Tools menu, click Change Shared Space parent.
The Shares Space Change Parent dialog box opens. This dialog box lists the parent class
and all its child classes that share space.
Figure 13-22: Shares Space Change Parent dialog box
7. Select the course that is to be the new parent, and then click Set Parent.
A Set Parent dialog box opens, indicating that the selected course will be set as the
parent for all the listed courses, and asking you if it is OK to continue.
8. Click Yes.
The Set Parent dialog box closes. You return to the Academic Browser with the new
parent designation indicated in the browser.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To reverse the shared space designation
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic
The Academic Browser opens.
2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
Figure 13-23: Academic Browser, Filter tab
3. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and on the Term dropdown
list, select the appropriate term.
4. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the courses that are to no longer share space, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
5. CTRL-click to select the courses that are to no longer share space.
6. On the Tools menu, click Does Not Share Space.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that the selected courses are to no longer
share space.
7. Click Yes.
The message closes. You return to the Academic Browser, with the Shared Space
designation removed for the selected courses.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To review shared space designations
Academic units might designate shared space that they can review in the Campus
Planning Interface.
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic
The Academic Browser opens.
2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
Figure 13-24: Academic Browser, Filter tab
3. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and on the Term dropdown
list, select the appropriate term.
4. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the courses that you are reviewing, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab. Use the
information in the Shared Space column to identify and review the courses that share
space. You can also click the column heading to sort by shared space. See Figure 13-25
on page 481.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Figure 13-25: Academic Browser search results showing Shared Space designation
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Identifying New/Edited/Canceled Courses
After the academic units have made their modifications to the course schedule, you must
identify and compile a list of modifications and enter the approved changes in the Student
Information System (SIS). EMS Campus flags course changes using a field named Course
State. New, edited, and canceled courses are marked as “New,” “Edited,” and “Cancelled,”
respectively. Typically, you generate the Course Changes report to view and identify the
requested course changes; however, if further clarification is needed, then you can use the
Academic Browser and/or Course Navigator.
For detailed information about generating the Course Changes report, and the
information that is contained in the report, see “Generating Academic Reports”
on page 601.
Prior to reviewing the modifications, you can remove access to the term from your
academic units. See “Enabling/Disabling a Term for Define & Edit Mode” on
page 458.
To identify new/edited/canceled courses
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic
The Academic Browser opens.
2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
Figure 13-26: Academic Browser, Filter tab
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
3. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and on the Term dropdown
list, select the appropriate term.
4. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the courses that you are reviewing, and then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab. Use the
information in the State column to identify the change made to each course that is listed.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
Figure 13-27: Academic Browser search results with State column shown
5. Optionally, double-click a course to open the course in the Course Navigator and view
more detailed information about the course. See “Using the Course Navigator” on page
6. After generating the list of course modifications, you must manually enter the approved
course changes in the SIS. After data entry is complete, the scheduler must carry out the
Sync Courses process (see “Synchronizing Courses” on page 453) to ensure that EMS
Campus and the SIS are synchronized.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Specifying Room Preferences
Section Contents
Overview of Specifying Room Preferences on page 487
Enabling/Disabling a Term for Set Preferences Mode on page 488
Specifying Room Preferences/Requirements on page 491
Reviewing and Verifying Room Preferences on page 501
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Overview of Specifying Room Preferences
Set Preferences is an optional mode in which the Domain Scheduler can solicit preferences
from academic units about the type of rooms that would be suitable for each course that they
teach. These preferences can then be used to run an optimization, or to have EMS automate
room scheduling based on preferences and additional user-specified criteria. To enable and
use Set Preferences Mode, the following steps are carried out:
1. The Domain Scheduler enables Set Preferences mode. See “Enabling/Disabling a Term
for Set Preferences Mode” on page 488.
2. The academic units review courses and specify their room preferences and requirements
using the Campus Planning Interface (typical) or the EMS Campus desktop client (if
granted access). See “Specifying Room Preferences/Requirements” on page 491.
3. The Domain Scheduler verifies and reviews the room preferences and requirements that
the academic units have specified. See “Reviewing and Verifying Room Preferences” on
page 501.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Enabling/Disabling a Term for Set Preferences
To enter the academic units’ room preferences and requirements, you must enable Set
Preferences mode. Additionally, if you want to solicit these preferences and requirements
from the academic units, you must make the term available to the academic units. Likewise,
after the deadline has been reached for expressing room preferences and requirements, you
must make the term unavailable to the academic units.
To enable/disable a term for Set Preferences mode
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms.
The Terms window opens.
Figure 13-28: Terms window
2. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
3. Select the term for which you are setting the Set Preferences mode, and then click Edit.
The Term dialog box opens. The Term tab is the active tab.
Remember, if you selected Dual mode, (see “Specifying Room Preferences” on
page 485) then the Set Preferences mode has already been enabled for this term.
Figure 13-29: Term dialog box
4. Optionally, in the Phase and Notes fields, enter information that indicates to the Domain
Scheduler what part of the academic scheduling process is currently taking place, for
example, “Enter Preferences,” or “Room Information” along with any supporting
information or instructions.
The Phase field and the Notes field are displayed in the Campus Planning
5. Do one of the following:
To give academic unit-level users access to the term, select Available to Academic
To remove the users’ access to the term, clear Available to Academic Units
6. If you did not select Dual mode, then in the Mode section, select Set Preferences.
7. Click OK to close the Term dialog box and return to the Terms window, with the term
still selected in the window.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
8. On the Terms window, click Email to open an email that is pre-addressed to all academic
unit-level users that have been defined in your EMS database. Complete and send the
email as you normally would.
Figure 13-30: SMTP Email window
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Specifying Room Preferences/Requirements
After you place the term in Set Preferences mode, three options that can be used in
conjunction with each other are available for completing the preferences and requirements
phase. In addition, you can complete the phase independently, or you can solicit input from
the academic units.
You can use the Manage Terms Copy Preferences tool to copy the preferences and
requirements from a previous term. See “To use the Manage Terms Copy Preferences
tool” on page 493.
You can use the Academic Browser Set Course Preferences tool to set preferences and
requirements for multiple courses in a single step. See “To use the Academic Browser Set
Course Preferences tool” on page 495.
You can use the Course Navigator to set preferences and requirements on a course by
course basis. See “To use the Course Navigator to set preferences and requirements” on
page 498.
If a course must take place in a specific room that you plan to exclude from
optimization, you can pre-assign it to a specific room. This process is outlined
during the Scenario phase. See “To create a pre-assignment scenario” on page
For any of these methods, the following caveats apply:
An academic unit -level user can request any building, area, or view and up to three rooms
that have been defined for the domain with which it is associated.
If needed, you can set the Lock Academic Unit Room Access system parameter to
limit the users to their specific academic units. See System Parameters in the EMS
Setup Guide.
An academic unit can require only those buildings and rooms that have been assigned to
its unit within the Academic Planning > Configuration > Academic Units area of EMS
Campus. If the academic units specify requirements, then only a single room can be
Room types can be requested or required for all courses. By default the “limit by course
type” selection is designated, but you can change it to honor a specific room type.
Configuration of the Course Types/Room Types matches is carried out in the
Academic Planning > Configuration > Match Course Types/Room Types area of
EMS Campus. See the EMS Setup Guide for detailed information.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
You can set features to Preferred or Required. The # of Rooms Available label that is
displayed above the Features pane is dynamically updated based on the building, room
type, and features selected.
The Seat Fill Percentage, in conjunction with the estimated enrollment, is used to
determine the size of the room needed for the class. For example, a Seat Fill Percentage
of 50% and an estimated enrollment of 100 means that the course should be held in a room
that can accommodate 200 people.
The Seat Fill Percentage is initially set to the default value that is specified in
EMS (Campus) system parameters, but you can update the value on a per course
date basis. See System Parameters in the EMS Setup Guide.
Ignore Term Excluded Dates schedules bookings on all dates that adhere to the meeting
pattern, regardless of the Excluded Dates that are marked on the term when the course
dates are published.
Publish In SIS Room (No Optimization) allows the course dates to avoid the optimization
process. Bookings are published in the room that was carried over from the SIS.
Require SIS Room flags buildings/rooms that come across from the SIS as Required.
Courses with requirements still go through the optimization process.
Requires Different Room (For Courses That Share Space) identifies a meeting pattern that
should be in its own room despite the cross-listed or shared space status. You can set
preferences for this room.
Same Room (ALL Selected Course Dates are to be in the same Room) flags courses that
should be in the same room but at different times when optimized.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To use the Manage Terms Copy Preferences tool
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms.
The Terms window opens.
Figure 13-31: Terms window
2. Click Copy Prefs.
The Copy Preferences dialog box opens.
Figure 13-32: Copy Preferences dialog box
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
3. In the Copy Preferences From pane, select the domain and term from which you want to
copy room preferences and requirements.
4. In the Copy Preferences To pane, do the following:
Select the domain and term to which you want to copy your room preferences and
A term can be displayed in the To pane only if it is in Set Preferences mode.
Indicate if the preferences are to be copied only if the instructors match.
5. Click OK.
A message opens, informing you that copying preferences will overwrite any existing
preferences, and asking you if it is OK to continue.
6. Click Yes.
The message closes. After the preferences are copied, you return to the Terms window.
Preferences are copied based on the Course Section (Math 101 01) and Course
Type information (lecture or lab). If you have added new sections or changed
course type designations on course dates within a section, then even after you
complete this procedure, some courses still will not have preferences. Be sure to
review your list of courses and set preferences where applicable.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To use the Academic Browser Set Course Preferences tool
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic
The Academic Browser opens.
2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
Figure 13-33: Academic Browser, Filter tab
3. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and on the Term dropdown
list, select the appropriate term.
4. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the courses for which you want to set preferences and requirements, and then
click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
5. CTRL-click to select the courses for which you are setting the room preferences and
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
6. On the Tools menu, click Set Course Preferences.
The Set Course Preferences dialog box opens.
Figure 13-34: Set Course Preferences dialog box
7. Indicate whether the preferences that you set are to override any existing preferences, or
whether they are to be added to existing preferences.
8. Set your preferences for the selected courses. See “Specifying Room Preferences/
Requirements” on page 491.
9. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
In the Notes field, enter any pertinent or supporting information that substantiates or
explains your preferences.
By default, the preferences/requirements that you specify are applied to all course
dates for all selected courses. If the preferences/requirements are applicable for only
specific course dates, open the Selected Course Dates tab, select the course dates for
which these preferences/requirements are not applicable and then click Remove.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
10. Click OK.
Two results are possible:
If any of the selected courses are cross-listed and/or share space, and you did not
select the corresponding cross-listed/shared space courses, then a Related Course
Dates dialog box opens. This dialog box lists all the related courses that have not
been selected. Go to Step 11.
If none of the selected courses are cross-listed and/or share space, then a message
opens indicating whether the selected preferences will override any existing
preferences, or be added to existing preferences and asking you if it is OK to
continue. Go to Step 12.
Figure 13-35: Related Courses Dates
11. Optionally, select any or all of the related courses for which you want to set the same
preferences/requirements, or do not select any of these related courses, and then click
A message opens indicating whether the selected preferences will override any existing
preferences, or be added to existing preferences and asking you if it is OK to continue.
12. Click Yes.
The message closes and another message opens indicating that the preferences were set
13. Click OK to close the second message and return to the Academic Browser.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To use the Course Navigator to set preferences and requirements
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic
The Academic Browser opens.
2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
Figure 13-36: Academic Browser, Filter tab
3. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and on the Term dropdown
list, select the appropriate term.
4. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the courses for which you want to set preferences and requirements, and then
click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
5. In the search results, double-click the course for which you are setting the preferences/
The course opens in the Course Navigator. See Figure 13-3 on page 458.
For detailed information about working with the Course Navigator, see “Using
the Course Navigator” on page 594.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Figure 13-37: Course opened in the Course Navigator
6. In the middle pane of the Navigator, select the specific course date for which you are
setting preferences/requirements, and then click Edit.
The Course Dates dialog box opens.
Figure 13-38: Course Dates dialog box
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
7. Set the preferences/requirements for the course as needed, and then click OK. See
“Specifying Room Preferences/Requirements” on page 491.
The Course Dates dialog box closes and you return to the Course Navigator. The
preferences/requirements that you set for the course date are displayed on the
Preferences tab in the lower pane of the Navigator.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Reviewing and Verifying Room Preferences
After room preferences and requirements are set, you can review the individual course
preferences, verify that the preferences are complete, and quantify these preferences. You
can also run the Course Preferences report and the Course Preferences Summary report to
assist in this task.
For detailed information about generating the Course Preferences and Course
Preferences Summary reports and the information that is contained in each report,
see “Generating Academic Reports” on page 601.
Prior to reviewing or reporting on preferences, you can make the term unavailable
to the academic units. See “Enabling/Disabling a Term for Set Preferences Mode”
on page 488.
To review and verify room preferences
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic
The Academic Browser opens.
2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
Figure 13-39: Academic Browser, Filter tab
Chapter 13
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3. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and on the Term dropdown
list, select the appropriate term.
4. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the courses for which you want to review preferences and requirements, and
then click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
To identify preferences and requirements for a Basic search, you should set
Preferences Exist to Yes. For an Advanced search, you should select the
Preferences Exist field (a Course Dates level field), and set the Preferences Exist
filter to Yes. For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser,
see “Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
5. In the search results, double-click the course for which you are reviewing the
The course opens in the Course Navigator.
6. In the middle pane of the Course Navigator, select the course date for which you are
reviewing the preferences.
The preferences for the selected course date are displayed in the bottom pane of the
Course Navigator on the Preferences tab.
For detailed information about working with the Course Navigator, see “Using
the Course Navigator” on page 594.
Figure 13-40: Course opened in the Course Navigator showing preferences
Assigning Room Preferences and
Section Contents
Overview of Room Assignments and Optimization on page 505
About Creating Scenarios and Optimization on page 506
Creating Scenarios on page 513
Assigning Rooms on page 522
Evaluating Optimization Scenarios on page 527
Chapter 13
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Chapter 13
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Overview of Room Assignments and
After the Domain Scheduler reviews and verifies the room preferences and requirements,
room assignments must take place. If the room assignment process has already occurred
outside of EMS within the SIS, the Domain Scheduler could simply publish the course
schedule in EMS without any further effort. In most situations, however, courses will need to
be assigned a room through the optimization process before the term can be published. To
optimize the room assignments, and then assign rooms, the Domain Scheduler carries out the
following steps either separately or in any combination as necessary to best suit their
working needs:
1. Pre-assignment—The Domain Scheduler manually assigns a selection of courses to
rooms. Typically, the manual assignment takes place if these rooms are to be excluded in
an optimization scenario after pre-assignment. For instance, if only a swimming course
should be assigned to “Pool,” then the Domain Scheduler could manually pre-assign
Swimming and then exclude the pool in the optimization scenario. See “About Creating
Scenarios and Optimization” on page 506 and “Creating Scenarios” on page 513.
2. Optimization—The EMS system automatically assigns rooms to courses based on
course preferences, requirements, and weighted criteria. See “About Creating Scenarios
and Optimization” on page 506 and “Creating Scenarios” on page 513.
3. Locking In Assignments—After carrying out an optimization scenario, the Domain
Scheduler locks in desired room assignments, and then re-optimizes the remaining
portion of the optimization scenario. See “Assigning Rooms” on page 522.
4. Evaluating Optimization Scenarios—The Domain Scheduler can test an unlimited
number of potential scenarios and compare results using various tools before choosing
the final scenario for publishing. See “Evaluating Optimization Scenarios” on page 527.
The information in this section is presented as an ordered series of standalone
procedures; however, the Domain Scheduler can carry out any of the procedures
either separately or in any combination as necessary to best suit his/her working
needs. This allows the Domain Scheduler to test a number of potential scenarios
and compare placement results using various tools before choosing the final
scenario for publishing.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
About Creating Scenarios and Optimization
You create scenarios to test room assignments that have been given to courses for a term. In
EMS, you can create two types of scenarios—a pre-assignment scenario and an optimization
scenario. A pre-assignment scenario is a scenario in which a selection of courses are
manually assigned to rooms, typically because the assigned rooms are to be excluded in an
optimization scenario. In a pre-assignment scenario, the assignments are automatically
considered “locked in.” An optimization scenario is a scenario in which EMS automatically
assigns rooms to courses based on course preferences, requirements, and weighted criteria.
The optimization process can support simultaneous optimization of all academic units,
incremental optimization by academic unit, and/or a combination of pre-assignment and
automated optimization.
In the optimization process, a ranking is assigned to each course in a term. Rooms are
assigned one course at a time based on the order of these rankings (from the most important
ranking of one to the least important ranking of “n”). Throughout the optimization process,
the Optimizer considers room capacity (the course’s adjusted enrollment must fit within a
room’s capacity), looks for the best seat fill (a room with a capacity* that most closely
accommodates the estimated enrollment), and the best room utilization (completely filling
one room before moving on to another room with equal attributes) to achieve the best room
optimization possible. You use the options that are available on the Scenario dialog box to
create optimization scenarios.
*The room's capacity based on the setup type that has been defined for the Default
Setup Type parameter in the Campus area.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Scenario dialog box
The Scenario dialog box has three tabs—Scenario, Excluded Rooms, and Audit. You use the
options on the Scenario tab and Excluded Rooms tab when you are creating, evaluating, and
testing scenarios.
Figure 13-41: Scenario dialog box, Scenario tab
The following options are available on the Scenario tab of the Scenario dialog box for
creating a scale of weighed criteria for a scenario:
Locks the room assignments for the selected Optimization scenario.
You can clear this option to unlock the scenario and carry out
Back to Back Gap Minutes
Instructors are considered to be teaching Back to Back courses
when their consecutive teaching assignments fall within the
indicated time period. (The end time of one class and the start time
of the next class fall within the indicated time period.) The default
value is 15 minutes.
Boost Requirement Weights
Select this option to increase the weights of preferences that are
marked as requirements to 150% of their assigned weights.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Standard Weights
All courses are assigned points in an optimization scenario based
on factors and selected preferences. The sum total of these points
determines the ranking for a course. Factors are always included in
any optimization scenario; however, you can exclude the standard
weight of a factor, which means that the factor does not contribute
to the total number of points for a room assignment ranking for a
course but it is still considered when searching for a room.
• Instructor Importance—Instructor Importance is assigned in the
Academic Planning (Configuration > Instructors) area of EMS
Campus. The indicated weight is given to any course that is
taught by an instructor who is marked as “High Importance.”
• Enrollment—Enrollment uses a combination of the assigned
weight and the following EMS Campus system parameters to
determine the courses that are assigned rooms first.
• Small Class Size (if less than xx students) - Determines what
constitutes a “small” class.
• Small Class Size Weight Adjustment - Subtracts this number
from the Enrollment weighting that is set in the optimization
• Large Class Size (if more than xx students) - Determines what
constitutes a “large” class.
• Large Class Size Weight Adjustment - Adds this number to the
Enrollment weighting that is set in the optimization scenario.
• Time Block Conformance—Ranks those courses that conform to
the time block template for the term higher than those courses
that do not.
• Course Length—Course Length factors in the number of meeting
occurrences for a class. For example, a class that meets five
times per week might be given room assignment priority over a
class that only meets twice per week.
Preference Weights
Preferences vary according to configuration but they include such
things as building or room preferences, room type preferences, or
feature preferences.
• By default, all preferences are automatically included in an
optimization scenario. To exclude a preference completely from
an optimization scenario, clear the Include option for it.
• You can also simply exclude the weight of a preference, which
means that although the preference is not excluded from the
optimization logic, it does not contribute to the total number of
points for a room assignment ranking for a course.
• If a preference has been marked as a requirement during the Set
Preferences mode, you can select Ignore Requirements for it to
downgrade it to a preference only for the optimization scenario.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
When you are creating a scenario, all the rooms in your domain are eligible to hold a course.
If there are rooms offline for the term that you are scheduling, or there are rooms that should
not be considered for the scenario, you can exclude them from the scenario on the Excluded
Rooms tab of the Scenario dialog box.
Figure 13-42: Scenario dialog box, Excluded Rooms tab
Optimization logic
After you have set the weights for the Optimization scenario factors and preferences as well
as all other needed options, you can run the Optimizer. The Optimizer works as follows:
1. Courses are ranked.
If a course is identified as Publish in SIS Room (which means use the room to which
the course is already assigned in the SIS), then the course receives a “0” ranking.
If a course is identified as Locked In, either from being locked in in a previous
scenario or from being pre-assigned in the current scenario, then the course receives
a “0” ranking.
All other courses are ranked according to the sum of the weights that are assigned to
their factors and preferences on the Scenario tab. The larger the sum of the weights,
the higher the score that is assigned to a course and therefore, the more important the
room ranking, with the most important room ranking having a rank = 1.
If Boost Requirements Weight is selected for a course, then 100% of the
indicated weight is assigned to each preference and 150% of the indicated
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
weight is assigned to each preference that is marked as Required. If Boost
Requirements Weight is not selected for a course, then 100% of the indicated
weight is assigned to both the preferences and the preferences that are marked as
If a course is identified as “Same Room,” then the partners of the course are
elevated sequentially based on the ranking of the partner course with the most
important room assignment ranking. For example, with three total courses and
the most important course in this set having a rank = 3, then the other two
courses are set to rank = 4 and rank = 5.
If a course is cross-listed, then the parent course is the course to which the most
important (lowest) room rank is assigned and the children courses adopt the
ranking of the parent course.
Because the child course always follows the parent course, children course
preferences are not factored when rooms are being assigned to courses. Only the
parent course is relevant in assigning room rankings.
2. Rooms are assigned to courses one course at a time based on the order of the room
assignment rankings (from the most important ranking of rank = 1 to the least important
ranking of “n”).
If the course is a single room without an Instructor Back to Back or Same Room
designation, then:
The list of rooms that meet the course’s preferences and requirements criteria are
identified. Of the rooms that are identified, the subset of rooms that most closely
meet the course’s capacity are identified. The Optimizer then looks to maximize
seat fill. If multiple rooms all have the same capacity and all the rooms have the
same preferences and/or requirements, the Optimizer selects the room that has
already received course assignments, which increases the utilization of an
already-scheduled space before scheduling another.
If no room meets all the requirements for a course, and no requirement has been
marked as Ignore, then the course is left unassigned.
If no room meets all the preferences for a course, then the course preferences are
removed one at a time from least important to most important based on the
assigned weight until a room can be assigned to the course.
If all preferences are removed and no room can be assigned to the course, then
the course is left unassigned and it is displayed on the Exceptions list on the
Resolve Room Assignments window.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
If the course has a Same Room designation, then each course is reviewed first to
determine if it has any Same Room partners before any attempt is made to assign a
room to the course.
If all the courses in the set can be addressed with a single room that meets all the
preferences and requirements for the set, then the room is assigned to the courses
in the set.
If all the courses in the set cannot be addressed with a single room that meets all
the preferences and requirements for the set, then the all the courses are left
unassigned and they are displayed on the Exceptions list on the Resolve Room
Assignments window.
If the course has an Instructor Back to Back designation, then each course is
reviewed first to determine if it has any Back to Back partners before any attempt is
made to assign a room to the course. The partner courses are provisionally elevated
to the rank of the most importantly ranked course.
If all the courses in the set can be addressed with a single room that meets all the
preferences and requirements for the set, then the room is assigned to the courses
in the set.
If all the courses in the set cannot be addressed with a single room that meets all
the preferences and requirements for the set, then the course with the most
restrictive requirements is removed from the set and an attempt is made to assign
the same room to the remaining courses. (The course that is removed receives a
Back to Back exclusion note and its ranking is returned to its original ranking
and a room assignment is made based on this original ranking.) This process of
removing the course with the most restrictive requirements and then attempting
to assign the same room to the remaining courses is repeated until a single room
is found for the remaining courses or until the course that is being addressed is
alone. If the course that is being addressed becomes alone, then preferences are
removed one at a time, beginning with the least weighted preference, until a
room can be assigned to the course.
The following examples demonstrate how the Optimizer would ultimately assign rooms to
courses based on this logic.
Class Size and Instructor Importance Examples - With all other weightings set to zero,
consider the following configuration for these four settings:
Weight assigned to Enrollment in scenario = 500
Small Class Size (if less than xx students) = 10
Large Class Size (if more than xx students) = 750
Large Class Size Weight Adjustment = +100
Instructor Importance = 400
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
The figure below summarizes how these three courses would be scored and ranked for room
Back to Back Example - Four courses have been identified as Back to Back for a scenario
based on the Back to Back default value of 15 minutes.
The four courses receive an initial ranking of 2, 50, 75, and 100.
When it is time for the course with rank = 2 to have a room assigned, the other three
courses are elevated provisionally to the same rank and a room search is carried out for a
room that can be assigned to all four courses.
The courses with ranks of 2, 50, and 75 are re-validated as fitting the 15 minute Back to
Back criteria, and the room search is repeated for these courses.
No single room can be assigned to all three courses. The course with rank = 50 has
the most restrictive requirements. It is removed from the set, returned to its original
rank (rank = 50) and receives a Back to Back Exclusion note.
The courses with rank = 2 and rank = 75 are re-validated as fitting the 15 minute Back to
Back criteria, and the room search is repeated for these courses.
A single room can be assigned to both these courses. The room rankings are reset to
rank = 2 and rank = 3.
The assignment of rooms continues for courses with ranks 3 through 49.
When it is time to assign a room to the course with rank = 50, is it re-validated as fitting
the 15 minute Back to Back criteria with the course with rank = 100. The course with
rank = 100 is elevated provisionally to the same rank as the course with rank = 50. A room
search is carried out for a single room that can be assigned to both courses.
No single room can be assigned to all four courses. The course with rank = 100 has
the most restrictive requirements. It is removed from the set, returned to its original
rank (rank = 100) and receives a Back to Back Exclusion note.
A single room cannot be assigned to both courses. The course with rank = 100 is
removed from the set, returned to its original rank (rank = 100) and receives a Back
to Back Exclusion note.
If needed, preferences are removed one at a time, beginning with the least weighted
preference, until a room can be assigned to the course with rank = 50.
The assignment of rooms continues for courses, up and to including the course with rank
= 100.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Creating Scenarios
Although the process for your organization might vary, a typical approach for using
scenarios to optimize room assignments is to first create a pre-assignment scenario to
partially complete the assignment of rooms to courses for a term. You would then copy this
pre-assignment scenario and edit it as needed to make an optimization scenario, and then run
this optimization scenario to continue with the assignment of rooms to courses. You can
create as many optimization scenarios as needed, either by copying an existing scenario or
creating an entirely new scenario.
To create a pre-assignment scenario
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Optimization
The Scenarios window opens. This window lists all the scenarios (pre-assignment and
optimization) that are currently configured in your EMS database.
Figure 13-43: Scenarios window
2. On the Domain dropdown list, select the domain for which you are creating the scenario,
and on the Term dropdown list, select the term.
3. Click New.
The Scenario dialog box opens. The Scenario tab is the active tab.
To review the different features on the Scenario dialog box, see “Scenario dialog
box” on page 507.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
4. In the Description field, enter a name or description for the scenario, for example,
The description can be a maximum of 30 characters, including spaces.
Because all assignments in a pre-assignment scenario are manual, you do not
need to set any weighted criteria or exclude any rooms.
5. Click OK.
The Scenario dialog box closes. You return to the Scenarios window with the newly
created scenario automatically selected.
6. Click Preassign.
A message opens informing you that preassigning will set this term to Read Only and
asking you if it is OK to continue.
7. Click Yes.
The message closes and an Initializing Scenario progress dialog box opens. After the
scenario is initialized, the progress dialog box closes, and the Preassign Rooms window
opens. This window lists all the courses for the selected term and domain. Any courses
that were previously pre-assigned are listed as Locked In.
Figure 13-44: Preassign Rooms window
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
8. Optionally, do one or both of the following; otherwise, go to Step 9.
To view a course in the Course Navigator, double-click the course.
For detailed information about working with the Course Navigator, see “Using
the Course Navigator” on page 594.
To filter this list, do one or more of the following:
On the Academic Unit dropdown list, select an academic unit.
On the Subject Dropdown list, select a subject.
At the bottom of the window, select Unassigned Only.
Click on a column heading to sort by the heading.
9. If you do not want to copy pre-assignments that you have carried out in a previous
scenario, continue to “Assigning Rooms” on page 522; otherwise, do the following:
Click Copy Locations to open the Import Room Assignments dialog box.
Figure 13-45: Import Room Assignments dialog box
Select the appropriate Domain and Term from which you want to copy the preassignments.
Select the appropriate scenario to copy, and then click Select.
Where possible, the locations are copied for the courses that are displayed in the
Preassign Rooms window. If a location was successfully copied for a course, then
(unassigned) is no longer displayed in the Locations column. Instead, the copied room
assignment is displayed. If a location could not be copied for a course, then (unassigned)
is still displayed in the Locations column.
10. Continue to “Assigning Rooms” on page 522.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To create an optimization scenario
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Optimization
The Scenarios window opens. This window lists all the scenarios (pre-assignment and
optimization) that are currently configured in your EMS database.
Figure 13-46: Scenarios window
2. On the Domain dropdown list, select the domain for which you are creating the scenario,
and on the Term dropdown list, select the term.
3. Do one of the following:
To create a new optimization scenario, click New.
To create an optimization scenario by copying an existing scenario, select the
scenario that you want to copy, and then click Copy
The Scenario dialog box opens. The Scenario tab is the active tab.
To review the different features on the Scenario dialog box, see “Scenario dialog
box” on page 507.
4. In the Description field, enter a name or description for the scenario, for example,
Scenario A.
The description can be a maximum of 30 characters, including spaces.
Chapter 13
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5. Do one or more of the following to set the options and weighted criteria for the
optimization scenario:
Modify the Back to Back Gap Minutes value. (The allowed value is 0-60.)
Select the Boost Requirements Weight to increase the weights of preferences that are
marked as requirements to 150% of their assigned preference weights.
Use the Weight slider bar or enter a number in the Weight field to modify the weight
as needed for a factor. If you do not want the factor to contribute to room assignment
ranking for a course, then select Exclude Weight for the factor. (The factor is still
considered when searching for a room.)
Weights are arbitrary numbers that simply indicate the relative importance of one
criterion to another. The weights do not have to add up to a particular “whole,”
for example, 100.
By default, all preferences are included in an optimization scenario. For the
preferences that you are including, use the Weight slider bar to specify a weight for
each preference, or enter a number in the Weight field. If you do not want a
preference to contribute to room assignment ranking for a course, select Exclude
Weight for the preference. (The preference is still considered when searching for a
Only the features that were selected during Set Preferences mode are displayed—
this is not an exhaustive list of all your features.
Some preferences might have been marked as Required by some academic units
during the Set Preferences mode. Select Ignore Requirements to indicate that a
requirement should be ignored and treated only as a preference.
6. Open the Excluded Rooms tab, and do the following to specify the rooms that should not
be assigned to a course in this scenario (for example, rooms that have previously been
assigned using a pre-assignment scenario):
On the Building dropdown list, select (all) buildings, or select a specific building.
On the Room Type dropdown list, leave the default value of (all), or select a specific
room type.
In the Available list, select the room, or CTRL-click to select multiple rooms, and
then click the Move (>) button to move the rooms to the Selected list.
If a room assignment is already “locked in” for a course, then the room
assignment is maintained for the course, even if the room is excluded from the
7. Repeat Step 6 as needed until you have selected all the rooms in specific buildings that
should be excluded
Chapter 13
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8. Click OK.
The Scenario dialog box closes. You return to the Scenarios window with the newly
created scenario automatically selected.
9. Click Optimize.
The Run Scenario dialog box opens. This dialog box lists all the academic units that
have courses for the selected term and domain.
Figure 13-47: Run Scenario dialog box
10. In the Available list, select the academic unit that you want to run in the optimization
scenario, or CTRL-click to select multiple units, and then click the Move (>) button to
move the units to the Selected List.
11. Click Run.
Two results are possible:
If the term contains edited courses, then a message that states the following opens:
WARNING: You have made changes to 'n' Course(s) in “Define & Edit Mode'” that
will be overwritten. Is it OK to continue. You must click Yes to continue and then a
message opens informing you that optimizing will set this term to Read Only for the
selected academic units and asking you if it is OK to continue.
If the term does not contain edited courses, then a message opens informing you that
optimizing will set this term to Read Only for the selected academic units and asking
you if it is OK to continue.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
12. Click Yes.
The message closes and an Initializing Scenario progress dialog box opens. After the
scenario is initialized and the term is synchronized, the progress dialog box closes. An
Optimization Results dialog box opens on top of the Resolve Room Assignments
window. This dialog box indicates that the optimization was complete and it also
indicates the number of courses assigned, the percent of total courses assigned, and the
number of exceptions (the number of courses that could not be assigned).
At any time, if you need to review this information, click Print > Scenario Results.
13. Click OK.
The Optimization Results dialog box closes and the Resolve Room Assignments
window is now the active window. By default, this window lists only those courses for
which rooms could not be assigned.
Figure 13-48: Resolve Room Assignments window
14. If you are satisfied with the overall results of the Optimization scenario, then you can
continue to resolve any remaining room assignments. (See “To resolve room
assignments” on page 520.) Otherwise, you can test other potential scenarios and
compare results using various tools before you choose your final scenario for publishing.
See “Evaluating Optimization Scenarios” on page 527.
Chapter 13
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To resolve room assignments
After an Optimization scenario, courses can remain unassigned for the following reasons:
Conflicts with another course: A course or courses that were ranked higher in preference
criteria was assigned the room that this course required.
No space can hold course: The course had requirements that were so specific, no room
was available that met the criteria either because the room does not exist, or it was
excluded from the scenario.
1. Optionally, you can do one or more of the following:
To view all the courses that are in conflict with a course, select the course, and then
click Search to open the Search tool and carry out a filtered search of rooms that are
available for the course's meeting pattern. Rooms that meet all the search criteria and
that are available are displayed on an Available tab. The rooms that are already in
use during the selected course’s meeting time are displayed on a Conflicts tab.
To view a course in the Course Navigator, double-click the course.
For detailed information about working with the Course Navigator, see “Using
the Course Navigator” on page 594.
Clear Exceptions Only to view a list of all courses (assigned and unassigned) for the
selected term and domain.
To view the final room assignment ranking, scroll to the Ranking column.
Remember, any room that was pre-assigned or was Publish to SIS has rank = 0.
To filter the course list, do one or more of the following:
On the Academic Unit dropdown list, select an academic unit.
On the Subject Dropdown list, select a subject.
Click on a column heading to sort by the heading.
To view notes about the course, scroll to the Notes field. This field displays the
following information, if applicable, for a course:
Back to Back with Grouping ID, indicating how courses were paired as a set.
Back to Back Exclusion to indicate a course that was initially identified as Back
to Back, but returned to its original ranking because a single room could not be
assigned to the full set.
Same Room with Grouping ID, indicating how courses were paired as a set.
Publish in SIS Room.
Chapter 13
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Locked In status for the room.
2. Continue to “Assigning Rooms” on page 522.
If you are carrying out incremental optimization by academic unit, you must
repeat this procedure for every academic unit that is to be optimized.
Chapter 13
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Assigning Rooms
After you have completed pre-assignment of rooms and/or room optimization, four options
are available to resolve room assignments for rooms that are not flagged as Publish in SIS or
locked in to an assignment:
Assign. The Assign option lists all rooms regardless of availability or preferences. It is
intended to provide a means for you to quickly assign a room without going through the
search process.
Search. The Search option initially lists any preferences and requirements that were
specified during the Set Preferences mode. You can use these preferences as a basis for a
room search or you can specify and/or clear other criteria to complete the room search.
Unassign. The Unassign option removes the Assigned status for a course. You can then
use the Assign option or the Search option to assign a different room to the course. The
Unassign option is available after you assign a room to a course, or search for a room, and
then assign it to a course.
Swap. The Swap option allows you to swap the room assignments of two courses. The
swap option is only available after selecting two courses that have identical meeting
patterns and that have been assigned to rooms.
To assign rooms to courses
1. Select the course, or CTRL-click to select the multiple courses to which a room is to be
2. On the Preassign Rooms window, or the Resolve Room Assignments window, click
The Room Selector dialog box opens.
Figure 13-49: Room Selector dialog box
Chapter 13
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3. On the Building dropdown list, select (all) buildings or select a specific building that
contains the rooms that you are considering for assignment.
The rooms are displayed in the dialog box. By default, only those rooms that can meet
the enrollment expectations, regardless of availability are displayed. Rooms that are
excluded from the scenario are marked with an asterisk (*), but, if necessary, you can
select an excluded room.
4. Optionally, to display all rooms in the Room Selector dialog box, clear the Limit to Est.
Enrollment option.
5. Select a room, and then click OK.
If the room could not be assigned to one or more courses because of a conflict, then a
message opens indicating this. Click OK to close the message, and repeat this step until
you successfully assign a room to the courses.
6. Repeat Step 2 through Step 5 until you have successfully assigned rooms to all courses
for the term. After you have assigned a room to a course, at any time, you can do any of
the following:
To change a room assignment for a course, select a course for which a room has been
assigned, and then click Unassign. You can then repeat Step 2 through Step 5 to
assign a room to the course.
Courses that were pre-assigned are listed as Locked In. To re-optimize any portion
of the course assignments, select one or more assigned courses (CTRL-click to
select multiple courses), and then click Lock In to lock in these additional courses,
and then rerun your optimization scenario.
To swap the room assignments of two courses, CTRL-click to select two courses
with identical meeting patterns, and then click Swap.
You can open the Resolve Room Assignments window at any time by clicking
Resolve on the Scenarios window. The system does not require all courses to be
assigned to rooms. Those courses that are left unassigned are placed in a special
TBD room when publishing and can be assigned post-publish.
Chapter 13
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To search for rooms to assign to a course
1. Select the course to which a room is to be assigned.
2. On the Preassign Rooms window, or the Resolve Room Assignments window, click
The Room Search dialog box opens. The preferences or requirements that the academic
unit specified for the selected course during the Set Preferences mode are displayed at
the top of the dialog box. By default, these preferences are included in the search criteria.
Figure 13-50: Room Search dialog box
3. In the Search Preferences (lower) pane of the dialog box, edit the search criteria as
needed, and then click Next.
The Room Search dialog box is updated with a list of rooms that meet your search
criteria. Rooms that have been excluded from the scenario are marked with an asterisk
(*). See Figure 13-51 on page 525.
Chapter 13
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Figure 13-51: Room Search dialog box
4. Optionally, to view information about a room, select the room, and then click Room
Info; otherwise, go to Step 5.
The Room Info dialog box opens. The dialog box displays information about the room,
including the room’s properties, the setup type, the room’s features, and so on. After you
are done viewing the room’s information, click Close to close the Room Info dialog box.
5. On the Room Search dialog box, select the room that is to be assigned to the course, and
then click Select.
The room is assigned to the course. You remain on the Preassignment window or the
Resolve Assignments window. If the room is assigned from the Preassigned window,
then it is also marked as Locked In.
If there are rooms that meet your search criteria, but they have already been
scheduled by other courses, then a Conflicts tab opens. Open the tab to review a
list of these rooms.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
6. Repeat this procedure as needed to assign rooms to courses. After you have assigned a
room to a course, at any time, you can do one or both of the following:
If you want to change a room assignment for a course, select a course for which a
room has been assigned, and then click Unassign. You can then repeat Step 2
through Step 5 to assign a room to the course.
Courses that were pre-assigned are listed as Locked In. If you would like to reoptimize any portion of the course assignments, select one or more assigned courses
(CTRL-click to select multiple courses), and then click Lock In to lock in these
additional courses, and then rerun your optimization scenario.
To swap the room assignments of two courses, CTRL-click to select two courses
with identical meeting patterns, and then click Swap.
You can open the Resolve Room Assignments window at any time by clicking
Resolve on the Scenarios window. The system does not require all courses to be
assigned to rooms. Those courses that are left unassigned are placed in a special
TBD room when publishing and can be assigned post-publish.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Evaluating Optimization Scenarios
You can test an unlimited number of potential scenarios and compare results using various
tools before you choose your final scenario for publishing. Both the Academic Browser and
the Academic Book contain a Scenario dropdown list from which a specific scenario can be
selected for viewing and evaluation. (See “Searching with the Academic Browser” on page
579 and “Using the Academic Book” on page 586.) The Scenarios window contains a Print
option that provides access to the following reports that can be used to for evaluating
scenarios—Scenario Results, Scenario Exceptions, Unmet Preferences, and Preferences
Summary. Additional reports within the Academic Planning > Reports area are also
available, including Classroom Optimization, Hourly Classroom Utilization, and Course
Preferences. (See “Generating Academic Reports” on page 601.)
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Publishing a Term
Section Contents
Overview of Publishing an Academic Term on page 531
Publishing a Term on page 533
Manually Updating Course Locations in the SIS on page 537
Unpublishing a Previously Published Term on page 539
Chapter 13
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Chapter 13
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Overview of Publishing an Academic Term
After the Domain Scheduler has finalized the assignment of courses to rooms, either with the
help of the EMS room optimization process or by using the scenario that was pulled from the
SIS, the next step is to publish the course schedule for the term in EMS Campus. Publishing
the course schedule causes the system to book the space in EMS, creating reservations and
bookings. If the EMS Campus system parameter Manually update SIS is set to “No,” then
the publishing process also updates course location information directly in the SIS;
otherwise, the Domain Scheduler must manually update the SIS. Publishing an academic
term consists of the following steps:
1. The Domain Scheduler publishes the term, which includes specifying statuses for
courses in conflict and cross-listed courses. See “Publishing a Term” on page 533.
2. If needed, the Domain Scheduler manually updates the course locations in the SIS. See
“Manually Updating Course Locations in the SIS” on page 537.
3. If needed, the Domain Scheduler can unpublish a previously published term. See
“Unpublishing a Previously Published Term” on page 539.
Chapter 13
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Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Publishing a Term
After you have finalized the assignment of courses to rooms, either with the help of the EMS
room optimization process or by using the scenario that was pulled from the SIS, the next
step is to publish the course schedule for the term in EMS Campus. Publishing the course
schedule causes the system to book the space in EMS, creating reservations and bookings.
To publish a term
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms.
The Terms window opens.
Figure 13-52: Terms window
2. On the Domain dropdown list, select the domain for which the term is being published.
3. Select the term that is being published, and then click Edit.
The Term dialog box opens. The Term tab is the active tab. See Figure 13-53 on page
Chapter 13
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Figure 13-53: Term dialog box, Term tab
4. Do the following:
Make sure that the Mode is set to Read Only and if the academic unit-level users are
to have View access to the term, make sure that Available to Academic Units is
On the Active Scenarios dropdown list, select the scenario that is being published.
The SIS scenario publishes room assignments that were previously defined in the
5. Optionally, in the Phase field and the Notes field, enter any information that is pertinent
to the published schedules, for example, “Published” in the Phase field.
6. Open the Excluded Dates tab.
7. Select the dates that should be excluded during the publishing process.
This would include any dates where regularly scheduled classes do not take place,
for example, breaks, holidays, and if applicable, final exams week.
The Term dialog box closes. You return to the Terms window with the term that is to be
published automatically selected.
Bookings are not created for excluded dates, which means that rooms can be
scheduled for events and meetings, if needed.
Chapter 13
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8. Click Publish.
The Publish Term dialog box opens. The Domain field, the Term field, and the Scenario
field are automatically populated with the values that you previously selected and you
cannot edit them.
Figure 13-54: Publish Term dialog box
9. Select the statuses required for publishing the term.
The status that is used to book all rooms for course reservations and
bookings that are created during the publishing process.
Note: The status should be a Booked Space type.
Conflict Status
If you are publishing course room placements that were assigned in
your SIS (the SIS scenario), then potentially you could have room
booking conflicts created. If a double booking is encountered during the
publishing process, then the reservation and bookings for the conflicting
course are published in this conflict status.
Note: The status should be an Info Only type.
Cross List Status
The status that is used to book all cross-listed and shared space course
reservations and bookings that are created during the publishing
Note: The status should be an Info Only type.
Override Existing
Conflict Status
If another scheduling unit on campus, for example, the Student Union, is
allowed to book events in academic space before the publishing
process has taken place, then an event and course might be assigned
to the same space. If Override Existing Bookings is selected and this
situation is encountered during the publishing process, the event is
“bumped” and its reservation and bookings are booked into this status. If
Override Existing Bookings is not selected, then the conflicted bookings
for the course are placed into the Override Conflict Status.
Note: The Override Conflict Status should be an Info Only type.
Chapter 13
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10. Specify the Domain Settings for the term.
Reservation Source
Room for Unassigned
Select the reservation source that is used for the course reservations
and bookings that are created during the publishing process.
Click the Search icon
to open the Room Selector dialog box and
select the room in which to book the courses that have not been
assigned in the SIS or in an optimization scenario.
Note: Unassigned courses are typically booked in a special To Be
Determined (TBD) room. Some organizations create a specific
TBD building and/or room to accommodate this situation. The
room must be an override description room. See the EMS Setup
Guide for information about configuring a TBD building and/or
11. Click Publish.
A message opens stating that publishing the term will set the term to Read Only and
asking you if it is OK to continue.
12. Click Yes.
A Publishing progress dialog box opens. After the term is published, the progress dialog
box closes, and a message opens indicating that the term was published successfully.
13. Click OK to close the message and return to the Terms window.
If any errors are encountered during the publishing process, or if the EMS
Campus system parameter Manually Update SIS/ERP System After Publishing is
set to “Yes,” then you can access your course list and manually update the course
locations in your SIS. See Manually Updating Course Locations in the SIS on
page 537
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Manually Updating Course Locations in the SIS
If any errors are encountered during the publishing process, or if the EMS Campus system
parameter Manually Update SIS/ERP System After Publishing is set to “Yes,” then you can
access your course list and manually update the course locations in your SIS.
To manually update course locations in the SIS
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms.
The Terms window opens.
Figure 13-55: Terms window
2. On the Domain dropdown list, select the domain for which you are manually updating
the course locations.
3. Select the term for which you are manually updating the course locations, and then click
Update SIS.
The Courses Not Updated in SIS window opens. This window lists all the courses that
were not updated in the SIS along with an accompanying reason. If the reason is an error,
you must resolve the error before you can continue with the manual publishing. If
“Manual Publish” required is listed, then you can continue with this procedure. See
Figure 13-56 on page 538.
Chapter 13
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Figure 13-56: Courses Not Updated in the SIS window
4. Select the course record or CTRL-click to select multiple records that you are updating,
and then click Update, or click Update All to update all records in a single step.
A message opens indicating that the updates were successful.
5. Click OK to close the message and return to the Terms window.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Unpublishing a Previously Published Term
For a variety of reasons, you might need to unpublish a previously published term, for
example, you accidentally published the term using the wrong scenario, or you forgot to
mark excluded dates before you published the term.
Even though you might have a valid reason for unpublishing a term, do not do so
without great consideration. Unpublishing a term deletes all reservations and
bookings that are associated with the term.
To unpublish a term
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms.
The Terms window opens.
Figure 13-57: Terms window
2. On the Domain dropdown list, select the domain for which you are unpublishing the
3. Select the term that you are unpublishing, and then click Unpublish.
A message opens indicating that unpublishing will remove all reservations and bookings
for the selected term, and asking you if it is OK to continue.
Chapter 13
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4. Click Yes.
The message closes. After the term is unpublished, a second message opens indicating
that the term was successfully unpublished.
5. Click OK to close the second message and return to the Terms window.
Post-Publishing Phase
Section Contents
Reviewing Reservations and Resolving Room Assignments on page 543
Post-Publish Processing of Courses on page 546
Setting a Final Exam Schedule on page 562
Publishing a Final Exam Session on page 572
Chapter 13
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Chapter 13
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Reviewing Reservations and Resolving Room
After a course has been published, you can use the EMS Navigator (referred to simply as the
Navigator) or the Reservation Book (referred to simply as the Book) to manage it just like
any other EMS reservation and/or booking. The Course Info tab on the Navigator displays
the course and the course date records for the course as it exists in your SIS. If you open a
course in the Navigator that is cross-listed or shares space with another course, the Navigator
displays both sets of reservations and bookings. You can review the reservations that have
been made for a course and if needed, change the course room (location) for one or more of
its bookings. If courses have an identical meeting pattern, you can also swap rooms
(locations) between courses.
If you select a course date record, on the Course Info tab, and then click Course,
the course opens in the Course Navigator.
Figure 13-58: Navigator with reservation and bookings for a course
After a term has been published, you can continue using the Academic Browser,
the Academic Book and/or the Course Navigator to locate courses; however, for
automation reasons, after a term is published, you should make room changes in
EMS Campus and not in your SIS.
Chapter 13
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In a typical process, you would want to locate and review the following types of courses
immediately after publishing:
Courses in conflict—Use the Browser to search for bookings in the academic conflict
status that you designated, for example, Academic Conflict. (See “Searching with the
Browser or with the Web Reservation Tool” on page 197.) You can change the location
to resolve the conflict (see “To change the course rooms (locations) for one or more
bookings” below), or if the conflict was intentional, you can change the status to the
academic share status that you designated, for example, Academic Shared. (See “To edit
a booking in the Navigator” on page 110 or “To edit multiple bookings in the Navigator”
on page 112.)
When you manually update the status to Shared, the courses are not linked in the
same way as when marking them as Shared Space prior to publishing; however,
manually updating the status does not result in these course being “cleared” from
your Conflict list.
Courses or events that were overridden by publishing—Use the Browser to search for
bookings in the status that you designated for override bookings, for example, Academic
Bumped. (See “Searching with the Browser or with the Web Reservation Tool” on page
197.) You might want to move these bookings to another location. (See “To change the
course rooms (locations) for one or more bookings” below.)
Courses that were left unassigned—Use the Browser to search for bookings in the TBD
room (See “Searching with the Browser or with the Web Reservation Tool” on page 197.)
You might want to move these courses to an actual room. (See “To change the course
rooms (locations) for one or more bookings” below.)
You can also use the Advanced search features in the Academic Browser to locate
and review the three types of courses that are listed above after publishing. See
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
To change the course rooms (locations) for one or more bookings
1. Open the course reservation in the Navigator. See:
“Viewing and Editing Reservations in the Reservation Book” on page 62.
“Opening a reservation directly in the Navigator” on page 79.
“Opening a reservation through a group” on page 80.
Chapter 4, “Search Tools,” on page 195.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
2. Do one of the following:
To update a course location for a single booking, see “To edit a booking in the
Navigator” on page 110.
To update course locations for multiple bookings, see “Editing Multiple Bookings in
the Navigator” on page 112.
The course location in the SIS does not update automatically unless all bookings
that are specific to a meeting pattern within a reservation are changed to an
identical alternate location. If for some reason, you want to manually update the
SIS with a new location that was not assigned to all bookings, select the course
date record on the Navigator Course Info tab, and then click the Update button.
To swap rooms between courses
If courses have an identical meeting pattern, you can also swap rooms between courses.
1. Open the Reservation Book. See “Viewing and Editing Reservations in the Reservation
Book” on page 62.
2. In the Reservation Book, locate your course bookings.
3. Right-click one of the two bookings that you want to swap, and on the context menu that
opens, click Swap Rooms With Another Course.
4. Select the second of your two bookings.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to swap rooms for the two
5. Click Yes.
The message closes. After the locations are swapped, the Reservation Book is updated to
reflect the swap.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Post-Publish Processing of Courses
In most cases, courses are added, changed, or canceled in the SIS after the course schedule
has been published in EMS. You can manually resynchronize and process these courses, or
you can set options in EMS Campus to automatically resynchronize these courses. After
these course are automatically resynchronized, they can be automatically processed as well,
or you can manually process them. Also, at the point that actual enrollment should determine
room assignment (that is, can a room’s capacity handle the actual enrollment), you can
process courses post-publish so that the courses are updated with the actual enrollment.
For automatic synchronizing to occur, the EMS Campus Auto Sync Service must
be installed and configured. Refer to the EMS Installation manual for details.
To manually process courses post-publish
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms.
The Terms window opens.
Figure 13-59: Terms window
Chapter 13
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2. Select the term which requires post-publish processing, and then click Sync.
The Course Updates window opens. The Course tab is the active tab. This tab displays
all the new courses, new course dates, changed courses, or canceled courses from the
SIS. After processing, it also lists “Room Capacity Violations,” or courses in which the
designated enrollment (estimated or actual) has surpassed the capacity of the room. The
Course Updates window also has a Crosslist Validation tab. When EMS changes a
cross-list parent to accommodate a new course, course date, or change that is being
processed, the cross-listed courses are displayed on the Crosslist Validation tab. The
Crosslist Validation tab is for informational purposes only so that you are kept abreast of
parent changes. If you are satisfied with the parent assignments, you can simply click
Reviewed and the cross-listed courses are cleared from the tab; otherwise, a Set Parent
option is available.
Figure 13-60: Course Updates window, Courses tab
3. Continue to one of the following:
“To process a canceled course post-publish” on page 548.
“To process a changed course post-publish” on page 548.
“To process a new course date post-publish” on page 550.
“To process a new course post-publish” on page 553.
“To process a Room Capacity Violation post-publish” on page 555.
The following procedures are presented in the order in which the post-publish
processing should be carried out—cancellations, changes, new course dates, new
courses, and then Room Capacity Violations.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To process a canceled course post-publish
1. Select the canceled course, or CTRL-click to select multiple courses.
2. Click Process.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to process the selected course
3. Click Yes.
After processing is complete, the message closes and the canceled courses are removed
from the Course Updates window. The bookings are canceled in EMS.
To process a changed course post-publish
A course is listed as changed if there has been a change to the start or end date, a day of the
week, the start or end time, and/or the room in the SIS.
1. Select the changed course, or CTRL-click to select multiple courses.
The change history for the selected courses is displayed on the History tab in the lower
pane of the Course Updates window.
2. Click Process.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to process the selected course
3. Click Yes.
Two results are possible:
If the changes were successfully completed for the reservations and bookings, then
the courses are removed from the Course Updates window.
If the changes resulted in a room conflict, Room Not Available is displayed in the
Notes column. Go to Step 4.
4. Click Conflicts to view the conflicts for the course.
The View Conflicts dialog box opens. Each course and/or event that is causing the
conflict is displayed.
5. If the conflict was caused by the switching of the rooms in the SIS, select the two course
dates that are in conflict, and then click Swap to swap and process the rooms in the same
step; otherwise, go to Step 6.
Chapter 13
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6. Do one of the following:
Click Process again to process the course with conflicts. A Warning message op ens
asking you if you are sure that you want to process with conflicts. Click Yes to close
the message and complete the processing.
If needed, at a later date, you can use the Browser to manually search for these
conflicts and resolve them. See Courses in Conflict on page 544.
Click Assign to search for a new room. The Select a Room dialog box opens. Go to
Step 7.
Figure 13-61: Select A Room dialog box
7. Specify your search criteria, and then click Next.
A list of rooms that meets your search criteria is displayed.
8. Select the room that is to be assigned to the new courses, and then click Finish.
The Select a Room dialog box closes and you return to the Course Updates window with
the new courses still selected.
9. Click Process.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to process the selected course
Chapter 13
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10. Click Yes.
After processing is complete, the message closes and the changed courses are removed
from the Course Updates window. If a Day of the Week change has been made, then
processing course changes deletes and recreates the bookings that were previously made
in EMS.
If bookings are deleted and recreated, then any manual changes that have been
made to these bookings and/or any services that have been added to the booking
are lost.
To process a new course date post-publish
1. Select the new course dates, or CTRL-click to select multiple new course dates.
2. If rooms have already been assigned to the course dates in the SIS and you want to keep
these rooms, then go to Step 5; otherwise, click Assign to open the Select A Room dialog
box, and then go to Step 3.
Figure 13-62: Select A Room dialog box
3. Specify your search criteria, and then click Next.
A list of rooms that meets your search criteria is displayed.
4. Select the room that is to be assigned to the new courses, and then click Finish.
The Select a Room dialog box closes and you return to the Course Updates window with
the new courses still selected.
Rooms can be processed without a room assignment. In this case, the course date
is published in the TBD room that was specified when the term was published.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
5. Click Process.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to process the selected course
6. Click Yes.
Two results are possible:
If the changes were successfully completed for the reservations and bookings, then
the courses are removed from the Course Updates window.
If the changes resulted in a room conflict, Room Not Available is displayed in the
Notes column. Go to Step 7.
7. Click Conflicts to view the conflicts for the course.
The View Conflicts dialog box opens. Each course and/or event that is causing the
conflict is displayed.
8. If the conflict was caused by the switching of the rooms in the SIS, select the two course
dates that are in conflict, and then click Swap to swap and process the rooms in the same
step; otherwise, go to Step 9.
9. Do one of the following:
Click Process again to process the course with conflicts. A Warning message opens
asking you if you are sure that you want to process with conflicts. Click Yes to close
the message and complete the processing.
If needed, at a later date, you can use the Browser to manually search for these
conflicts and resolve them. See Courses in Conflict on page 544.
Click Assign to search for a new room. The Select a Room dialog box opens. Go to
Step 10.
Figure 13-63: Select A Room dialog box
Chapter 13
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10. Specify your search criteria, and then click Next.
A list of rooms that meets your search criteria is displayed.
11. Select the room that is to be assigned to the new courses, and then click Finish.
The Select a Room dialog box closes and you return to the Course Updates window with
the new courses still selected.
12. Click Process.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to process the selected course
13. Click Yes.
After processing is complete, the message closes and the changed courses are removed
from the Course Updates window. If a Day of the Week change has been made, then
processing course changes deletes and recreates the bookings that were previously made
in EMS.
If bookings are deleted and recreated, then any manual changes that have been
made to these bookings and/or any services that have been added to the booking
are lost.
Chapter 13
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To process a new course post-publish
1. Select the new course, or CTRL-click to select multiple new courses.
2. Do one of the following:
If rooms have already been assigned to the courses in the SIS and you want to keep
these rooms, then go to Step 6.
If a room has already been assigned to the course (the first course) in the SIS, but it
is meant to share a room with another course (the second course), then click Share to
open the Course Selector dialog box, and then go to Step 5.
Figure 13-64: Course Selector dialog box
If a room has not been assigned to the course in the SIS, and you want to search for a
room, then click Assign to open the Select A Room dialog box and then go to Step 3.
See Figure 13-65 on page 554.
Rooms can be processed without a room assignment. In this case, the course date
is published in the TBD room that was specified when the term was published.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Figure 13-65: Select A Room dialog box
3. Specify your search criteria, and then click Next.
A list of rooms that meets your search criteria is displayed.
4. Select the room that is to be assigned to the new course, and then click Finish.
The Select a Room dialog box closes and you return to the Course Updates window with
the new course still selected.
5. If the course is not meant to share a room with another course, go to Step 6; otherwise, if
the course is meant to share a room with another course, then do the following:
Click Share to open the Course Selector dialog box.
Figure 13-66: Course Selector dialog box
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Enter the appropriate search criteria (CRN, Course Title, Subject and/or Instructor)
to search for the second course.
Select the second course, and then click OK.
You are returned to the Course Updates window.
6. Click Process.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to process the selected course
7. Click Yes.
After processing is complete, the message closes and the new courses are removed from
the Course Updates window.
To process a Room Capacity Violation post-publish
If the enrollment for a class violates the minimum or maximum capacity for its assigned
room, then the course is displayed on the Course Updates window with a change status of
Room Capacity Violation.
1. Select the course, or CTRL-click to select multiple courses.
2. Do one of the following:
To assign the course to a new room, click Assign to open the Select a Room dialog
box, then go to Step 3; otherwise, to leave the course in the same room, go Step 5.
Figure 13-67: Select A Room dialog box
3. Specify your search criteria, and then click Next.
A list of rooms that meets your search criteria is displayed.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
4. Select the room that is to be assigned to the new course, and then click Finish.
The Select a Room dialog box closes and you return to the Course Updates window with
the new course still selected.
5. Click Process.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to process the selected course
6. Click Yes.
After processing is complete, the message closes and the new courses are removed from
the Course Updates window.
If you did not assign a new room to the course, then clicking Process merely
acknowledges the room violation. The course remains in its same room.
To automatically process courses post-publish
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms.
The Terms window opens.
Figure 13-68: Terms window
2. Select the term which requires post-publish processing, and then click Edit.
The Term dialog box opens. The Term tab is the active tab.
Chapter 13
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3. Open the Auto Sync Settings tab.
Figure 13-69: Auto Sync Settings tab
4. Specify your auto sync settings.
Automatically Sync
Select this option to automatically synchronize courses in your SIS.
Automatically Process
Course Updates
Select this option if EMS is to automatically process new courses,
changes, and cancellations if possible. Leave the option blank to
manually process new courses, changes and cancellations from the
EMS Dashboard. (See “To manually process courses post-publish” on
page 546.)
Note: To automatically synchronize courses, a user who can carry out
this function must be created, and this user must be specified for
the Auto Sync User EMS (Campus) system parameter. See EMS
system parameters (Campus) in the EMS Setup Guide.
Note: If this option is selected, and EMS cannot automatically process
new courses, course dates and/or changes because of a conflict
(for example, a room is not available), then you must manually
process these courses. You must open the Course Updates tab
on the EMS Dashboard, and then open the Courses sub-tab to
view the courses in conflict that you must manually process.
(See Figure 13-70 on page 558.) The Courses sub-tab is
identical to the Course Updates window. See Chapter 5, “EMS
Dashboard,” on page 227 for information about working with tabs
on the Dashboard window.
Note: In addition to this setting, three Campus system parameters
determine the specific types of updates that you are
auto-processing. See EMS system parameters (Campus) in the
EMS Setup Guide.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Auto Sync Only Once
Per Day
If you do not select this option, then EMS automatically synchronizes
the courses in your SIS according to the settings for the EMS Campus
Auto Sync service.
Last Date of Auto Sync
Required value. Enabled after Automatically Synch Courses is selected.
Select the last date on which synchronization is to be automatically
carried out by EMS for this term, which typically corresponds to the last
date of the term.
5. Click OK.
The Term dialog box closes. You return to the Terms window.
Figure 13-70: Dashboard window, Course Updates tab
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To process courses post-publish for enrollment
Typically, you publish your term in EMS prior to registration beginning. As a result,
estimated enrollment is the most relevant value for searching for rooms with appropriate
capacities. Closer to the start of the term, however, actual enrollment might become more
relevant and you might need to change the setting so that EMS uses this value when
searching for new rooms in the Navigator wizards and Course Updates window.
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms.
The Terms window opens.
Figure 13-71: Terms window
Chapter 13
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2. Select the term which requires post-publish processing, and then click Edit.
The Term dialog box opens. The Term tab is the active tab.
Figure 13-72: Term dialog box, Term tab
3. On the Post Publish Enrollment dropdown list, select Actual, and then click OK.
The Term dialog box closes. You return to the Terms window with the term still selected.
4. Click Sync.
A Synchronizing progress dialog box opens. After the synchronization is complete, the
Course Updates window opens. If the actual enrollment for a class violates the minimum
or maximum capacity for its assigned room, then the course is displayed on the window
with a Change Status of Room Capacity Violation. See Figure 13-73 on page 561.
Chapter 13
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Figure 13-73: Course Updates window showing rooms with capacity violations
5. To assign the course to a new room, click Assign; otherwise, go to Step 8.
The Select A Room dialog box opens.
6. Specify your search criteria, and then click Next.
A list of rooms that meets your search criteria is displayed. The list includes any TBD
rooms that have been configured.
7. Select the room that is to be assigned to the new courses, and then click Finish.
The Select a Room dialog box closes and you return to the Course Updates window with
the new courses still selected.
8. Click Process.
A message opens asking you if you are sure that you want to process the selected course
9. Click Yes.
After processing is complete, the message closes and the courses are removed from the
Course Updates window.
If you did not assign a new room to the course, then clicking Process merely
acknowledges the room violation. The course remains in its same room.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Setting a Final Exam Schedule
At some point after a term has been published in EMS Campus, you must schedule the final
exams for the term. EMS Campus provides the functionality to automate the final exam
scheduling process using templates. You create a final exam schedule template based on all
unique course schedule patterns (for example, MWF 9am-9:50am, TR 1pm-2:20pm, and so
on), and their corresponding final exam days and times. In addition to creating a template,
you have the flexibility to define common exams, specify the final exam schedules for
specific courses, specify the final exam for multiple courses, and/or exclude certain courses
from the final exam scheduling process.
Unless otherwise specified in Final Exam Settings, EMS Campus attempts to
schedule the final exam for a course in the same room that the course has been
using for the term. The final exam session publishing process adds the final exam
as a separate booking in the course's reservation.
To create a final exam schedule template
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Final Exam
Schedule Templates.
The Final Exam Schedule Templates window opens. This window lists all the final exam
schedule templates that are currently configured in your EMS database.
Figure 13-74: Final Exam Schedule Templates window
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
2. Click New.
The Final Exam Schedule Template dialog box opens. The Final Exam Schedule
Template tab is the active tab.
Figure 13-75: Final Exam Schedule Template dialog box, Final Exam Schedule Template tab
3. In the Description field, enter a name or description for the final exam schedule
template, for example, Fall Finals.
The description can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.
4. Open the Schedule tab.
Figure 13-76: Final Exam Schedule Template dialog box, Schedule tab
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
5. Continue to one of the following to create a list of unique course schedule patterns:
“To manually create a final exam schedule template” below.
“To import a term to create a final exam schedule template” on page 565.
“To import a file to create a final exam schedule template” on page 566.
To manually create a final exam schedule template
1. Click New.
The Final Exam Schedule Days dialog box opens.
2. Enter the information for a unique course schedule pattern and the corresponding final
exam day and time, and then click OK.
The Final Exam Schedule Days dialog box closes. You return to the Schedule tab with
the pattern displayed on the tab.
Figure 13-77: Final Exam Schedule Days dialog box (shown with information for a final exam
3. Repeat this procedure as many times as needed to create a final exam schedule template
for each unique course schedule pattern in the term.
4. Click OK on the Final Exam Schedule Template dialog box.
The dialog box closes. You return to the Final Exam Schedule Templates window with
the newly configured final exam schedule template automatically selected.
If any meeting patterns are left without a corresponding final exam time, then
courses that fit that meeting pattern in the term will not have a final exam
scheduled for them.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To import a term to create a final exam schedule template
1. Click Import, and on the dropdown list that opens, select Term.
The Term Picker dialog box opens. The dialog box lists all the terms that are currently
configured in your EMS database.
Figure 13-78: Term Picker dialog box
2. Select your Domain and Term for which you are creating the final exam schedule
template, and then click OK.
EMS scans the term and identifies unique meeting patterns to begin the template
building process. After the import is complete, a message opens indicating this.
3. Click OK to close the message and return to the Schedule tab.
The imported patterns are displayed on the Schedule tab.
4. Select an individual pattern, or CTRL-click to select multiple patterns, and then click
Edit to open the Final Exam Schedule Days dialog box and assign the final exam day of
the week and the final exam start and end times.
5. Click OK to close the Final Exam Schedule Days dialog box and return to the Schedule
6. Click OK on the Final Exam Schedule Template dialog box.
The dialog box closes. You return to the Final Exam Schedule Templates window with
the newly configured final exam schedule template automatically selected.
If any meeting patterns are left without a corresponding final exam time, then
courses that fit that meeting pattern in the term will not have a final exam
scheduled for them.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To import a file to create a final exam schedule template
You can import your course schedule patterns from a tab-delimited text file. To view the
import file specifications, on the Final Exam Schedule Templates window, click Print >
Import Format.
See Appendix E, Import File Specifications in the EMS Setup Guide for a table
that details the Course Schedule Patterns import file specifications.
Figure 13-79: Course Schedule Patterns import file format
1. Click Import, and then on the dropdown list that opens, click File.
The Open File dialog box opens.
2. Browse to and select the import file, and then click Open.
The Open dialog box closes and the course schedule patterns are imported. After the
import is complete, a message opens indicating this.
3. Click OK to close the message and return to the Schedule tab.
The imported patterns are displayed on the Schedule tab.
4. Select an individual pattern, or CTRL-click to select multiple patterns, and then click
Edit to open the Final Exam Schedule Days dialog box and assign the final exam day of
the week and the final exam start and end times.
5. Click OK to close the Final Exam Schedule Days dialog box and return to the Schedule
6. Click OK on the Final Exam Schedule Template dialog box.
The dialog box closes. You return to the Final Exam Schedule Templates window with
the newly configured final exam schedule template automatically selected.
If any meeting patterns are left without a corresponding final exam time, then
courses that fit that meeting pattern in the term will not have a final exam
scheduled for them.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To specify final exam settings for a specific course
1. Open the specific course in the Course Navigator through either the Academic Browser,
the Academic Book, or the Navigator.
Figure 13-80: Course opened in the Course Navigator
2. In the middle pane of the Navigator, select a course date record, and then click Edit.
The Course Dates dialog box opens. The Course Dates tab is the active tab.
3. Open the Final Exam Settings tab.
Figure 13-81: Course Dates dialog box, Final Exam Settings tab
Chapter 13
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4. Do any of the following:
If a final exam is not required for the course, then clear the Final Exam Required
option, and go to Step 5.
Typically, courses with multiple course dates, lab components, or short-term
courses are marked as “No Exam Required.”
If the course is having a final exam at a day/time other than what is specified by the
template (see “To create a final exam schedule template” on page 562), select
Special/Common Exam, and then enter the date, and start and end times for the
special/common exam.
Optionally, if you would like the seat fill percentage to be a different value than the
default value, update the seat fill percentage for the exam.
If the exam is to take place in a different room (not the same room that the course has
been using all semester), click the Search icon
next to Room Required to open
the Room Selector dialog box and select a different room for the exam.
If the exam is to take place in the same room that the course has been using all
semester, then select Require Current Room.
During publishing of the final exam session, if the same room is unavailable, EMS
leaves the course unassigned for a manual search.
5. Optionally, in the Notes field, enter any information that is pertinent to the course or
final exam.
6. Click OK.
The Course Dates dialog box closes. You return to the Course Navigator with the course
date still selected.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To specify final exam settings for multiple courses
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic
The Academic Browser opens.
2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
Figure 13-82: Academic Browser, Filter tab
3. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and on the Term dropdown
list, select the appropriate term.
4. Set any other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to provide assistance
in locating the courses for which you want to set preferences and requirements, and then
click Get Data.
The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.
For detailed information about searching with the Academic Browser, see
“Searching with the Academic Browser” on page 579.
5. In the search results, CTRL-click to select the multiple courses for which you are setting
the final exam schedule.
6. On the Tools menu, click Set Final Exam Settings.
The Set Course Final Exam Settings dialog opens. See Figure 13-83 on page 570.
Chapter 13
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Figure 13-83: Set Course Final Exam Settings dialog box
7. Do one of the following:
If a final exam is not required for the courses, then select Final Exam Not Required,
and then go to Step 8.
Typically, courses with multiple course dates, lab components, or short-term
courses are marked as “No Exam Required.”
If the courses are having their final exams at a day/time other than what is specified
by the template (see “To create a final exam schedule template” on page 562), select
Special/Common Exam, and then enter the date, and start and end times for the
special/common exam.
All the selected courses will meet at the date/time specified
If the final exams for all the selected courses are to be in the same room, then select
Common Exam Room.
If the exam/exams are to take place in a different room (not the same rooms that the
courses have been using all semester), click the Search icon
next to Room
Required to open the Room Selector dialog box and select a different room for the
All courses will meet in this room for the final exams.
Chapter 13
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If the exams are to take place in the same rooms that the courses have been using all
semester, then select Require Current Room.
If no room is requested, or Require Current Room is selected, then each course
will have the final exam in its own room. During publishing of the final exam
session, if the same room is unavailable, EMS leaves the course unassigned for a
manual search.
8. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
If you want the seat fill percentage to be a different value than the default value,
update the seat fill percentage for the exam.
In the Notes field, enter any information that is pertinent to the course or final exam.
9. Click OK.
The Related Courses Dates dialog box opens. This dialog box lists all the courses that
you selected on the Results tab of the Academic Browser.
Figure 13-84: Related Course Dates dialog box
10. Select the courses to which the final exam settings are to be applied, or click Select All
to select all the courses in a single step, and then click OK.
A message opens indicating that any final exam settings that exist for the selected
courses will be overwritten, and asking you if it is OK to continue.
11. Click Yes.
A second message opens indicating that the final exam settings were successfully set.
12. Click OK to close the second message and the Related Course Dates dialog box.
You return to the Results tab of the Academic Browser, with the courses still selected on
the tab.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Publishing a Final Exam Session
After you have created the final exam schedule template for the term, and updated any final
exam settings, you must publish the final exam session. Publishing a final exam session is a
two part process. First, you must create a final exam session and specify a start date for the
session. Second, you must then apply a final exam schedule template to the final exam
session and then you can publish the session.
To create a final exam session
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, select Academic Planning > Courses > Final Exam
The Final Exam Sessions window opens. The window lists all the final exam sessions
that have been published in your EMS database.
Figure 13-85: Final Exam Sessions window
2. On the Domain dropdown list, select the campus for which you are publishing the final
exam session, and on the Term dropdown list, select the term.
Chapter 13
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3. Click New.
The Final Exam Session dialog box opens. The Final Exam Session tab is the active tab.
Figure 13-86: Final Exam Session dialog box, Final Exam Session tab
4. In the Description field, enter a name or description for the session, for example, Fall
Finals 2011.
The description can be a maximum of 30 characters, including spaces.
5. Select a start date for the final exam session.
The final exam session will start on this date. Use the final exam template day of
the week to schedule specific final exam dates. EMS can accommodate up to a two
week final exam session.
6. Open the Rooms tab and select the rooms that are available to host final exams by doing
the following:
On the Building dropdown list, select (all) buildings, or select a specific building,
area, or view.
On the Room Type dropdown list, leave the default value of (all), or select a specific
room type.
In the Available list, select the room, or CTRL-click to select multiple rooms, and
then click the Move (>) button to move the rooms to the Selected list.
If needed, you can repeat these steps for specific buildings until you have selected
all the rooms in specific buildings that can host a final exam.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
7. Click OK.
The Final Exam Session dialog box closes. You return to the Final Exam Sessions
window with the newly configured session automatically selected.
8. Continue to “To publish the final exam session” below.
To publish the final exam session
1. If you have not already done so, open the Final Exam Session dialog box and select the
session that is to be published.
2. Click Publish.
The Final Exam Scheduling window opens. This window lists all the unique course
schedule patterns for the term for which you are publishing the final exam session.
Figure 13-87: Final Exam Scheduling window
3. On the Schedule Template dropdown list, select the final exam template that is to be used
for the term, and optionally select Ignore Room Capacity if you do not want EMS to
consider room capacity when assigning final exam sessions.
The Final Exam Date, Final Exam Start, and Final Exam End columns are automatically
populated based on the applied template.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
4. If necessary, do one or more of the following:
Select a unique course schedule pattern and click Set Date to open the Final Exam
Date dialog box and edit a pattern setting, or create a course schedule pattern that
was not in the selected template.
Select a unique course schedule pattern and click Clear to clear the pattern setting,
and then click Set Date to open the Final Exam Set dialog box and edit the pattern as
5. Click Next.
The Final Exam Scheduling window lists the summarizing information for any special/
common exams that have been set for specific courses.
6. Optionally, select a course, and then click Open to view the course in the Course
7. Click Finish.
A message opens, indicating that you are about to publish the final exam schedule, and
asking you if it is OK to continue.
8. Click Yes.
The message closes. After the final exam session is published, a second message opens
indicating this.
9. Click OK.
The second message closes and the View Bookings window opens. By default, the
window initially shows only those final exam bookings for which a room could not be
Figure 13-88: View Bookings window
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
10. Optionally, do one or more or all of the following:
To view all final exam bookings, clear the Show Unassigned Only option.
To view a course in the Navigator, select the course, and then click Open.
To export the course list to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click Export.
Unless the option to require the same room was selected for a course, course
preferences can be considered and the final exam for the course can be scheduled
in another room through optimization. Courses can be assigned to TBD if no
rooms were available. Those courses that are in a different room than they were
all semester have the NO flag in the same room column.
11. Click Close to close the View Bookings window and return to the Final Exam Sessions
The final exam session publishing process adds the final exam for each course as a separate
booking in the course's reservation. After you publish a final exam session, you can find the
final exam booking for a course by opening the course in the Navigator and expanding the
reservation and scrolling to the bottom of the Reservation (left) pane, or to the bottom of the
Bookings (lower right) pane. You can use the Final Exam Schedule report to review the final
exam schedule or the Final Exam Settings report to view optional settings. (See “Generating
Academic Reports” on page 601.) To open the View Bookings window again, click View on
the Final Exam Sessions window. If you delete a final exam session, then all final exam
bookings that are associated with the session are deleted.
Using the Academic Tools
Section Contents
Searching with the Academic Browser on page 579
Using the Academic Book on page 586
Using the Course Navigator on page 594
Using the Search for Rooms Tool on page 598
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Searching with the Academic Browser
You can use the Academic Browser to search for courses or course dates. The results are
displayed in a list view. When you carry out a search in the Academic Browser, you can
carry out a basic search or an advanced search. A basic search is based on the basic
information that you specify for a course when you first create it, such as the domain, the
term, the academic unit, the subject, and so on. An advanced search is a field level search
that is carried out at the course level, the course dates level, or the preference level or for
published terms, at the reservation, booking or booking detail levels. For example, in an
advanced search, you can specify criteria as granular as “courses with credit hours greater
than 3.0.” After the search results are returned, you have a variety of options for working
with the results, including sorting and grouping information or using the Tools menu to
perform functions. The actions that you can carry out in the Academic Browser depend upon
the mode (Read Only, Define and Edit Courses, or Set Preferences) that is enabled for the
academic term with which you are working in EMS Campus.
To carry out a search in the Academic Browser
1. Do one of the following to open the Academic Browser:
On the EMS Campus toolbar, click the Academic Browser icon.
On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Configuration >
Academic Browser.
The first time that the Academic Browser window opens, the Filter tab is set by default
to a basic search; otherwise, the Filter tab is set to the search type (Basic or Advanced)
that you last carried out.
Figure 13-89: Academic Browser, Basic Search options
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
2. Click the Basic/Advanced toggle to select the type of search that is to be carried out, and
then continue to one of the following:
“To carry out a basic search in the Academic Browser” below.
“To carry out an advanced search in the Academic Browser” on page 582.
To carry out a basic search in the Academic Browser
1. On the Browse For dropdown list, select the item for which to search.
2. Enter the search criteria.
The domain for the course or course date.
The term for the course or course date.
Displays results for the specific optimization scenario selected. The
“SIS” scenario displays room assignment information from your SIS.
Academic Unit
The academic unit for the course or course date.
The subject for the course or course date.
The instructor for the course or course date.
Preferences Exist
Used to identify the rooms for the courses/course dates that have/do not
have room preferences/requirements specified.
edited Courses Only
Used during the Define and Edit mode to identify courses or course
dates that have changed (new, canceled, and/or edited courses/course
3. Optionally, click Options and edit the default value for the additional search option
Number of Records to Return.
4. Click Get Data or Refresh.
The search results are displayed on the Results tab. If you have searched for courses,
then the results include courses without course dates (meeting patterns). “Multiple” is
displayed for those courses with more than one course date. If you have searched for
course dates, courses without course dates are suppressed while courses with multiple
meeting patterns are expanded. EMS schedules rooms only for courses with course
dates. See Figure 13-91 on page 582.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Figure 13-90: Academic Browser window, Results tab
5. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
The Results tab is an EMS browser window. See “An EMS Browser Window” on
page 35 for all the features that are available for this tab.
To open a course in the Course Navigator, double-click the course entry on the
Results tab.
Click Print to print the search results.
Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
In Define & Edit mode or Dual mode, use the New Course and New Section options
as needed.
Select a course, or CTRL-click to select multiple courses, and depending on the
mode, the following options are available on the Tools menu:
Set Preferences mode—Set Course Preferences (see “Specifying Room
Preferences/Requirements” on page 491) and Clear Course Preferences. Click
Clear Course Preferences to clear all the current preferences/requirements for
the selected courses in a single step.
All Modes (including Read Only)—Shares Space, Does Not Share Space,
Change Shares Space Parent (see “Working with Shared Space” on page 475)
and Set Final Exam Settings. (See “Setting a Final Exam Schedule” on page
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
All Modes (including Read Only)—Unsync Selected Courses, which deletes the
selected course records and the corresponding reservations and bookings from
You should use this option sparingly; however, it might be required post-publish if
an error occurred in your SIS or during publish.
In the Browse For field, select a different item for which to search. The Results tab is
refreshed with the search results based on the item that you selected and the search
criteria on the Filter tab.
Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search
criteria and repeat the search.
Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.
6. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position, width, and so on)
remain in effect for any other searches that you carry out. To reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
To carry out an advanced search in the Academic Browser
Figure 13-91: Browser window, Advanced search options
1. On the Browse For dropdown list, select the item for which to search.
2. Select a domain, term, and/or scenario to search.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
3. For each field level option by which to carry out the search:
Select the field level option, and then click the Move button (>).
To filter the list of available fields, in the Field Search field, enter a search string.
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
string is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For
example, a search string of add returns Added by, Date Added, and Group
Address Line 1. The list of fields that meets your search criteria is dynamically
updated as you enter your search criteria.
When prompted, enter a value or define the limits for the option, and then click OK.
The option is moved to the Filter Summary list.
If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out a
search, then you can set up these fields to be your Favorite fields. See “To set up
favorite fields for an Academic Browser search” on page 585.
To view a selected field option in its entirety in the Filter Summary list, rest the
mouse pointer on the entry. A tooltip showing the complete field option
information opens.
Figure 13-92: Viewing a selected field option in the Filter Summary list
4. Optionally, click Options and edit the default value for the additional search option
Number of Records to Return.
5. Click Get Data or Refresh.
The search results are displayed on the Results tab. If you have searched for courses,
then the results include courses without course dates (meeting patterns). “Multiple” is
displayed for those courses with more than one course date. If you have searched for
course dates, courses without course dates are suppressed while courses with multiple
meeting patterns are expanded. EMS schedules rooms only for courses with course
dates. See Figure 13-93 on page 584.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Figure 13-93: Academic Browser window, Results tab
6. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
The Results tab is an EMS browser window. See “An EMS Browser Window” on
page 35 for all the features that are available for this tab.
To open a course in the Course Navigator, double-click the course entry on the
Results tab.
Click Print to print the search results.
Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
In Define & Edit mode or Dual mode, use the New Course and New Section options
as needed.
Select a course, or CTRL-click to select multiple courses, and depending on the
mode, the following options are available on the Tools menu:
Set Preferences mode—Set Course Preferences (see “Specifying Room
Preferences/Requirements” on page 491) and Clear Course Preferences. Click
Clear Course Preferences to clear all the current preferences/requirements for
the selected courses in a single step.
All Modes (including Read Only)—Shares Space, Does Not Share Space,
Change Shares Space Parent (see “Working with Shared Space” on page 475)
and Set Final Exam Settings. (See “Setting a Final Exam Schedule” on page
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
All Modes (including Read Only)—Unsync Selected Courses, which deletes the
selected course records and the corresponding reservations and bookings from
You should use this option sparingly; however, it might be required post-publish if
an error occurred in your SIS or during publish.
In the Browse for field, select a different item for which to search. The Results
tab is refreshed with the search results based on the item that you selected and
the search criteria on the Filter tab.
Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search
criteria and repeat the search.
Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.
7. Click Close.
Any changes that you made to the search results columns (position, width, and so on)
remain in effect for any other searches that you carry out. To reset the columns to their
default values, see “Resetting Column Settings” on page 408.
To set up favorite fields for an Academic Browser search
If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out an Academic
Browser search, you do not have to filter the list of fields on the All Fields tab for every
search. Instead, you can set up each of these fields to be a favorite field with a specific value
or limit if needed.
1. Open the Academic Browser, and make sure that the Advanced search features are
2. For each field that you are setting up as favorite field, select the field on the All Fields
tab, and then click Add to Favorites.
The field is added to the Favorite Fields tab.
3. Optionally, after you define a value or define the limits for a field, click Save Value on
the Filter dialog box.
The next time that you carry out a search, you can simply open the Favorite Fields tab or
the Saved Values tab to carry out a search based on your customized list of search fields.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Using the Academic Book
The Academic Book provides a week-at-a glance graphical view of the courses that are
assigned to a specific room or instructor. The view is for one room at a time as opposed to the
Reservation Book, which shows all rooms one day at a time. The Academic Book shows
only classes during the Planning phase of academic scheduling, but it shows both classes and
events post-publish. To open the Academic Book, do one of the following:
On the EMS Campus toolbar, click the Academic Book icon
On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic Book.
Figure 13-94: Academic Book
When the Academic Book first opens, if you are working with a future term, then the date is
set to the first Sunday or Monday of a full week of the term; otherwise, if you are working
with a current term, then the date is set to the first Sunday or Monday of the current week.
Whether the date is set to Sunday or Monday is determined by the setting for the
Day Label - First Day of the Week EMS system parameter. See the EMS Setup
Chapter 13
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In both cases, the display is filtered by Room and Building. You have many options for
changing the view in the Academic Book to better meet your working needs, including:
Changing the display date. See “To change the date display” below.
Changing the view of courses by room. See “To change the view of courses by room” on
page 588.
Changing the view of courses by instructor. See “To change the view of courses by
instructor” on page 589.
Setting options that specify such things as what is displayed in the book when it first
opens, mouse actions in the book, what information is displayed in course tooltips, and so
on. See “To set options for the Academic Book” on page 590.
Opening a course in the Course Navigator. See “To open a course in the Course
Navigator” on page 592.
Displaying the details for a room. See To “To display the details for a room” on page 593.
To change the date display
On the Date field, click the dropdown arrow to open the Calendar. Use the scroll features
(< and >) at the top of the calendar to change the month or year. To select a different date
for a month, click the date.
Figure 13-95: Academic Book calendar
Use the scroll features at the top of the reservation book display to scroll to a different
day, week, month, year, or any different combination of these.
Figure 13-96: Academic Book calendar scroll features
You can also manually enter a new date into the field. In all cases, the date that
you choose specifies the start of the week that you are viewing. To view a full week,
always select a Sunday or a Monday.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To change the view of courses by room
If the Academic Book is in the Room view, then the default minimum and/or maximum
capacities that have been configured for a room are displayed next to the room. To change
the view of courses by room, change any and all of the available display options—Domain,
Term, Scenario (SIS by default or an Optimization scenario if optimization has taken place),
the Building/Domain/View, and/or the Time Zone.
Figure 13-97: Academic Book, courses grouped by room
Chapter 13
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To change the view of courses by instructor
To change the view of courses to that by Instructor, click Instructor, and then, change any and
all of the available display options—Domain, Term, Subject, and/or Time Zone. To filter the
list by a specific instructor, enter a search string in the Name field, and then click Go. Click
the name of an instructor in the left pane to see a list of courses that are scheduled for the
Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the
search is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For
example, a search string of and returns Anderson, Scott, Sanders, Barry, and so
Figure 13-98: Academic Book, courses grouped by instructor
Chapter 13
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To set options for the Academic Book
Click Options in the upper right hand corner of the Academic Book to open the Academic
Book options dialog box. You use the options on this dialog box to specify such things as
what is to be displayed in the book when it first opens, mouse actions in the book, and so on.
Figure 13-99: Academic Book Options dialog box, General tab
General tab
Start Hour
The starting time for the Time grid that is displayed in the Academic
• Event Name/Course—Display the event name/course in the course
• Setup Type—Show the setup type and count in the course entry.
• Group/Instructor—Show the group name/instructor name in the
course entry.
Published Booking
Colors Based On
For published courses, whether the fill color for a course entry is to be
based on the Status color palette or on the Event Type color palette that
has been determined in Configuration.
Rooms Without
The color with which rooms without bookings are highlighted in the
Academic Book.
Chapter 13
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Room Display
• Room Code—Show the room code in the Room list when the courses
are grouped by room.
• Room Description—Show the room description in the Room list when
the course are grouped by room.
Building Display
• Building Code—Show the building code in the Rooms list when the
courses are grouped by room.
• Building Description—Show the building description in the Rooms list
when the coursed are grouped by room.
Go to Today on Startup
Not applicable.
Always Prompt for
Building on Startup
Opens the Building dropdown list when the Academic Book first opens,
which requires that you select a building, domain, or view before you
can continue, as opposed to simply opening the building that you last
viewed in the Academic Book.
Show (all) in Building list
Make (all) buildings an available option in the Building dropdown list, as
opposed to having to choose a single building.
Show Building in
Instructor Bookings
Show the Building Code in the course entry when courses are grouped
by instructor (space permitting).
Show Room in
Instructor Bookings
Show the Room Code in the course entry when courses are grouped by
instructor (space permitting).
Tooltip Display (Unpublished)—Select the information that is to be displayed when the mouse
pointer is placed on the entry for an unpublished course in the Academic Book.
Tooltip Display (Published)—Select the information that is to be displayed when the mouse
pointer is placed on the entry for a published course in the Academic Book.
Figure 13-100: Tooltip for a course entry in the Academic Book
Chapter 13
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To open a course in the Course Navigator
Double-click a course entry for a non-published course in the Academic Book to open the
course in the Course Navigator.
Double-click a course entry for a published course in the Academic Book to open the
course in the Navigator, select the course on the Course Info tab, and then click Course to
open the course in the Course Navigator.
For detailed information about working with the Course Navigator, see “Using
the Course Navigator” on page 594.
Figure 13-101: Course opened in the Course Navigator
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
To display the details for a room
To display details about a room, make sure that the Academic Book is in the Rooms view,
and then right-click on any room in the Rooms list to open a Room Info dialog box that
provides the following information on the appropriate tabs—the bookings for the room, the
properties for the room, the pricing for the room, any images of the room and any user
defined fields (UDFs) that are associated with the room.
Figure 13-102: Room Info dialog box
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Using the Course Navigator
The Course Navigator is a window in EMS Campus that you use to view and manage all
aspects of a course. You can access the Course Navigator from the Academic Browser, the
Academic Book, and the EMS Navigator. Different tabs and panes on the Course Navigator
provide different information about a course and course dates. The actions that you can carry
out in the Course Navigator depend upon the mode (Read Only, Define and Edit Courses, Set
Preferences, or Dual) that is enabled for the academic term with which you are working in
EMS Campus.
To access the Course Navigator
To access the Course Navigator from the Academic Browser, for an unpublished course,
double-click the course in the search results to open the course in the Course Navigator.
To access the Course Navigator from the Academic Book, for a published course, doubleclick the course entry in the Academic Book to open the course in the Navigator, and then
click Course on the Course Info tab to open the course in the Course Navigator.
To access the Course Navigator from the EMS Navigator, do the following in the order
On the toolbar, click the Navigator icon
to open the Open Navigator dialog
On the Open dropdown list, select Course to open a Domain dropdown list and a
Term dropdown list.
Figure 13-103: Open Navigator dialog box
Select a domain and a term.
In the CRN field, enter the CRN (course reference number) for the course.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Click OK.
If the course is a non-published course, then the course opens in the Course
If the course is a published course, then the course opens in the Navigator. Select
the course on the Course Info tab, and then click Course to open the Course in
the Course Navigator.
Course Navigator window layout
Figure 13-104: Course Navigator
Top pane with course
Middle pane with course
dates information and
tabs with course-level
Bottom pane with course
dates details and tabs
with course dates
The top pane of the Course Navigator displays information about a selected course—the
course title, the course term, the current course state (New, Edit, Unchanged, or Cancelled),
and so on. The middle pane of the Course Navigator displays information about each of the
course dates for the course. To view the indicated information for a course date, select a
course date in the middle pane of the Course Navigator, and then open the appropriate tab
(Dates, User Defined Fields, Shares Spaces, Preferences, or Final Exam Settings). The
History tabs in the middle and lower pane provide audit information for course records and
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
course date records. To view changes made to course-level information, open the History tab
in the middle pane of the Course Navigator. To view changes made to course date-level
information, select a course date in the middle pane, and then open the History tab in the
bottom pane of the Course Navigator.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Available Actions in the Course Navigator
The actions that you can carry out in the Course Navigator depend upon the mode (Read
Only, Define and Edit Courses, Set Preferences) that is enabled for the academic term with
which you are currently working with in EMS Campus.
Available Actions
Read Only
The default mode in which the Navigator is placed if you have not
selected any other mode. No actions are available.
Define and Edit
• Add course dates
• Edit a course
• Edit course dates
• Cancel course dates
• Cancel courses
Note: These changes require an update in the SIS. See “Enabling/
Disabling a Term for Define & Edit Mode” on page 458 for more
Set Preferences
Set preferences for a course on a course date by course date basis.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Using the Search for Rooms Tool
After you publish a term, there are times when you need to identify which rooms are
available for a particular meeting pattern and set of criteria. For example, an academic unit
might need to add a new section for a course or an instructor might be looking to change the
times for a course. The Search for Rooms tool significantly simplifies the process of
searching for classrooms in these situations.
To search for rooms using the Search for Rooms tool
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Search For
The Search For Rooms dialog box opens.
Figure 13-105: Search For Rooms dialog box
2. On the Domain dropdown list, select the appropriate domain and on the Term dropdown
list, select the appropriate term.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
3. Do one of the following:
Manually enter the meeting pattern information (start and end dates, start and end
times, and meeting days) for the course.
Click Time Blocks to open the Time Blocks dialog box, and then select a time block
from a list of time blocks that have been made available for the term.
4. Enter your search criteria.
The default value is (no preference). You can select a specific building,
area, or view.
Room Type
The default value is (no preference), but you can select from a list of
pre-configured types.
Available only if Ignore Room Capacity is not selected. You can enter a
specific room capacity by which to search.
Ignore Room Capacity
Ignore Term Excluded
Not selected by default. Select this option to search for rooms that are
available even on dates that have been marked as “Excluded” for the
5. In the Available list, select the feature, or CTRL-click to select the multiple features that
the rooms are to have, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected features
to the Selected list.
6. Click Next.
The Search for Rooms dialog box opens with up to three tabs displayed:
Available Rooms tab. By default, the Available tab is always displayed and it is
always the active tab.This tab displays all the rooms that meet all your search
Academic Conflicts tab. The Academic Conflicts tab is displayed only if there are
rooms that meet all your search criteria but they are in academic conflict (a course
has already been scheduled in a room for the selected day and time pattern).
Optionally, you can open the Academic Conflicts tab to view the list of rooms that
are in academic conflict.
Event Conflicts tab. The Event Conflicts tab is displayed only if there are rooms that
meet all your search criteria but they are in event conflict (a non-academic event has
already been scheduled in a room for the selected day and time pattern). Optionally,
you can open the Event Conflicts tab to view the list of rooms that are in event
See Figure 13-106 on page 600.
Chapter 13
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Figure 13-106: Search For Rooms dialog box, Available tab
7. Optionally, you can do one or more or all of the following on this tab:
Use the Scroll feature to scroll the list of available rooms, and then click Close to
close the dialog box.
Click Previous to return to the Search For Rooms dialog box, modify your search
criteria, and repeat the search.
Click Print to open an onscreen preview of the list of available rooms. The preview
window contains options for printing a hard copy of the room list, emailing the list,
and so on.
Figure 13-107: Onscreen preview of the Available Rooms list
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Generating Academic Reports
For any academic report, you can specify the parameters, options, and format for the report,
or you can generate the report according to memorized settings. (For detailed information
about a memorized report, see “Working with Memorized Reports” on page 323.) Not all
reports require the same parameters, nor do they all have the same options available. In
addition, you can generate different reports in different formats.
All subjects must belong to an academic unit to be displayed on an academic
report. Refer to the EMS Setup Guide for detailed information about configuring
academic units and synchronizing subjects.
To generate an academic report
1. On the EMS Campus menu bar, click Academic Planning > Reports to open the Reports
menu, and then click the option for the report that you are generating. For example, to
generate the Course List report, click Academic Planning > Reports > Course List.
All academic reports are also available under Reports >Academic Planning.
2. On the Setup dropdown list, do one of the following:
To generate the report according to the filter settings that you want (parameters,
options, and so on), leave user-specified selected, then go to Step 3.
For brevity and ease, the parameters that are available for each report are not
detailed in this section. If you need help with generating any of these reports,
contact your EMS administrator.
To run the report with filter settings that have been saved, or memorized, select the
memorized report, and then go to Step 4.
For detailed information about memorized reports, see “Working with Memorized
Reports” on page 323.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
3. Specify the report parameters, options, and format. See:
“Course List” on page 603.
“Time Block Violations” on
page 607.
“Academic Unit Statistics” on
page 610.
“Course Changes” on page
“Time Block Room Availability/
Usage” on page 607.
“Course Type Analysis” on
page 610.
“Course Preferences” on page
“Academic Class Meeting
Utilization” on page 608.
“Final Exam Settings” on page
“Preferences Summary” on
page 605.
“Classroom Utilization” on
page 608.
“Final Exam Schedule” on
page 611.
“Unmet Preferences” on page
“Hourly Classroom Utilization”
on page 608.
“Trend Report” on page 612.
“Instructor Back to Back” on
page 606.
“Over/Under Utilization” on
page 609.
“Instructor Summary” on page
“Prime Time Usage” on page
4. Optionally, do one or more or all of the following:
In the Report Comment field, enter a comment that is to be printed on the report.
The comment can be a maximum of 255 characters, including spaces.
Click Print Preview.
A preview of the report opens onscreen.
To print a hard copy of the report, specify the number of copies that you are printing,
and then click Print.
5. Click Close.
Unless you change the setup, all subsequent reports will be generated and printed
according to the parameters and options that you have specified and in the format that
you specified. If you want to save certain settings so that you do not have to adjust the
filter settings every time you run the report, you can memorize the report. (See “Working
with Memorized Reports” on page 323.)
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Course List
Provides a list of courses and course dates.
Note: This report is often sent out to academic units for
review when the Domain Scheduler is finished with
room assignments.
There are options to include courses without room assignments and to
print User Defined Fields that are associated with courses. Formats
• By Course
• By Instructor
• By Academic Department By Course
• By Academic Department By Instructor
• By Day of Week
• By Location
• By Estimated Enrollment
• By Start Time
• By Subject
• By Course Type
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Course Changes
Used during Define and Edit Mode to capture changes
made by the academic units to courses and course dates
so that the Domain Scheduler can data enter these
changes into the SIS.
• Show Changes
• All Changes For Term—If selected, all changes for the term (even
changes that have possibly already been data-entered into the SIS)
are included in the report.
• *Changes Since Last Synchronization—If selected, the report
includes only changes that have been made since the last time that
the term was synchronized.
• Show Room Changes—If selected, the report includes changes to
rooms (post-publish only).
• Show Cancelled Courses Only—If selected, the report includes only
• Show New Courses Only—If selected, the report includes only new
• Show Edited Courses Only—If selected, the report includes only
• Show Latest Changes Only—If this option is selected, and a single
value has been changed multiple times, the report includes only the
most recent change for the field.
• Hide Change Details—If selected, audit trail details are hidden on the
• Show All Courses—If selected, all courses, even those without changes,
are shown in the report.
• Show User Defined Fields—If selected, the report includes any user
defined fields that have been completed.
• *Show Notes—If selected, any user-supplied notes are shown in the
Note: The options that are marked with an asterisk (*) are the
recommended options for the most inclusive reports.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Course Preferences
Used after Set Preferences mode to provide a list of
courses and course dates with their preferences and
Format Choices:
• By Course
• By Academic Department By Course
• By Academic Department by Instructor
Preferences Summary
After running an optimization scenario, this report is used
to summarize the following information:
• The number of each type of preference or requirement.
• The number of the preferences that can be met from
the optimization process.
• The number of preferences that cannot be met from the
optimization process.
You can generate this report for each different scenario
that was optimized.
Unmet Preferences
After running an optimization scenario, this report is used
to list the courses that had preferences or requirements
that were not met during the optimization process. You
can generate this report for each different scenario that
was optimized.
Format Choices:
• By Course
• By Academic Department By Course
• By Academic Department by Instructor
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Instructor Back to Back
Lists the courses that have instructors who are scheduled
to teach two courses at the same time (Conflicts) and
instructors who are teaching back to back in different
locations within the time gap that is specified in Options.
• The days of the week that are to be included in the instructor’s schedule.
• The time gap (in minutes) between classes on the specified days that
determines “back to back.”
Instructor Summary
This report includes the following values per instructor:
• Number of sections.
• Number of teaching hours.
• Number of credit hours.
• Total estimated enrollment.
• Total actual enrollment.
• Number of sections in Prime Time.
• Number of Time Block violations,.
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Time Block Violations
Lists the courses that are in violation of the Time Block
template. In the Summary format, the following values are
• Total number of course dates
• Total in violation
• Percent in violation
• Total that meet the Time Block template
• Percent that meet the Time Block template
• Percent of total violations per academic unit
• Format options:
• By Course
• By Instructor
• By Academic Unit By Course
• By Academic Unit By Instructor
• Summary
• Chart - Violation Count
• Chart - Violation Totals
• Show All Courses
• Include Courses Not Assigned To Rooms
• Show User Defined Fields
Time Block Room Availability/Usage
Displays the number of rooms that are either available or
in use for each room size (Small, Medium, or Large) for
each time block.
Note: To generate this report, a Time Block template
must be indicated on the term.
• Format options:
• Availability
• Usage
• Indicate Low Availability and High Availability Thresholds
• Include All Active Scenarios in other Domains
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Academic Class Meeting Utilization
Used after publishing to view the percent utilization of
your rooms based on the number of class meetings that
you specify. For instance, if you hold 50 minute courses
from 8:00 - 5:00 (9 meetings) and have one evening
course from 6:00 - 9:00 (1 meeting) Monday through
Friday (x5), you would have 50 class meetings per week.
Classroom Utilization
Used to analyze the percent that your rooms are utilized
compared to a number of hours and the percentage of
seats full (selected enrollment compared to room
Note: In Manage Terms, you can specify either
estimated enrollment or actual enrollment. The
value that you selected is the value that is used to
calculate the values for this report.
• Format Options:
• Detail
• Chart - By Building
• Chart - By Room Type
• Chart - By Room Size
• The days of the week that are to be included in the report
• The Hours Per Day that are to be considered
• Include All Active Scenarios in other Domains
Hourly Classroom Utilization
Calculates the percent that a room is used during each
hour of the day. Formats include detailed (percent for
each hour of each room specified) and chart (a chart of
each hour for overall).
• Format Options:
• Detail
• Chart
• The days of week that are to be reviewed
• Include All Active Scenarios in other Domains
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Over/Under Utilization
Displays those courses that have an adjusted enrollment
that is either over the maximum capacity for the room or
under the minimum capacity for the room and seat fill.
To show or not to Show All Courses (regardless if they fall outside capacity
Note: In Manage Terms, you can specify either
estimated enrollment or actual enrollment. The
value that you selected is the value that is used to
calculate the values for this report.
Prime Time Usage
This report displays the number of sections (course dates)
with room assignments that fall within the specified time
range (Prime Time) or that have been indicated as Prime
Time on the Time Block template.
Note: In Manage Terms, you can specify either
estimated enrollment or actual enrollment. The
value that you selected is the value that is used to
calculate the values for this report.
• Format options:
• Detail
• Chart - Sections
• Chart - Class Meetings
• Chart - Class Hours
• The days of the week that are to be included in the report
• Include courses that have not been assigned into a room
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Academic Unit Statistics
Displays the following statistics for course dates that have
been scheduled into rooms:
• Format options:
• Percentage of the total sections
• By Academic Unit
• By Academic Time Block
• The days of the week that are to be included in the report
• Number of class meetings
• Include course dates that have not been assigned into a room
• Number of sections per unit
• Percentage of the total class meetings
• Number of class hours
• Percentage of class hours
• Average estimated enrollment
• Average actual enrollment
• Average seat fill
Note: In Manage Terms, you can specify either
estimated enrollment or actual enrollment. The
value that you selected is the value that is used to
calculate the values for this report.
Course Type Analysis
Displays the following statistics indicated by course type:
• Format options:
• Number of sections
• Detail
• Chart - Sections
• Chart - Class Meetings
• Chart - Class Hours
• Chart - Actual Enrollment
• The days of the week that are to be included in the report
• Percentage of the total sections
• Number of class meetings
• Percentage of the total class meetings
• Number of class hours
• Percentage of class hours
• Average estimated enrollment
• Average actual enrollment
• Include course dates that have not been assigned into a room
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Final Exam Settings
Outlines any final exam settings that are marked on
courses for preparation of publishing the final exam
• Show All Courses - Displays all courses and their corresponding
• Show Final Exam Not Required - Limits the report to those courses that
had “No Exam Required” specified
• Show Special/Common Exams - Limits the report to only those courses
with special/common exams settings
Final Exam Schedule
Displays a list of courses with the corresponding final
exam date, time, and room as assigned by the final exam
• All Assigned - All courses that have been assigned to a room by the final
exam session
• Different Rooms - All courses that have been scheduled in room that
was not the same that was used all semester for the course for the final
• Unassigned - All courses that have not been scheduled in a room for the
final exam
• Final Exam Not Scheduled - All courses for which no final exam was
Chapter 13
Academic Planning (EMS Campus)
Trend Report
Shows how the following statistics are trending term by
• Format options:
• Percent actual seat fill
• By Term
• By Term By Academic Unit
• Chart
• The days of the week that are to be included in the report
• Percent sections in Prime Time
• The number of hours per day that are to be used to calculate utilization
• Percent sections over maximum capacity
• Include course dates that have not been assigned into a room
• Percent utilization
• Percent estimated seat fill
• Percent sections under minimum capacity
• Percent Time Block violations
EMS User’s Manual
Course Type Analysis .............612
Final Exam Schedule ..............612
Final Exam Settings ................612
academic term
see term
Academic Book
accessing the Course Navigator
from......................................... 594
using to view courses by room or
instructor ................................. 586
Academic Browser
accessing the Course Navigator
from......................................... 594
searching with, overview of..... 579
setting up favorite fields for
searching ................................ 585
using to search for a course ... 579
using to search for a course
date......................................... 579
Academic Browser Set Course
Preferences tool
Hourly Classroom Utilization...610
Instructor Back To Back..........608
Instructor Summary.................608
Over/Under Utilization.............611
Preferences Summary ............607
Prime Time Usage ..................611
Time Block Room Availability/
Time Block Violations..............609
Unmet Preferences .................607
academic scheduling configuration
process ......................................445
academic planning phase .......447
overview of..............................447
post-publishing phase .............447
academic scheduling specific terms
academic unit..........................446
actions available in the Course
see booking details
Activity Schedule report .............330
defined ....................................378
entering for an invoice.............389
searching for ...........................379
Ageing report .............................397
Analytics tab on the Dashboard
window .......................................248
Arrivals and Departures report...346
Assumptions for the manual ........25
At A Glance tab on the Dashboard
window .......................................251
At A Glance tab on the Navigator
Options dialog box .......................92
adding to a group ....................271
Campus Planning Interface.....446
adding to a reservation or booking
in the Navigator .......................184
using to specify room
preferences............................. 495
course .....................................446
defined ........................... 184, 271
course date .............................446
Academic Class Meeting Utilization
report ......................................... 610
course type .............................445
deleting from a reservation or
booking in the Navigator .........184
academic planning phase, steps
in ................................................ 447
cross-listed course ..................446
Academic reports
instructor .................................445
domain ....................................445
generating............................... 601
shared space ..........................446
Academic Class Meeting
Utilization ................................ 610
SIS ..........................................445
Academic Unit Statistics ......... 611
Classroom Utilization .............. 610
Course Changes.............606, 607
Course List.............................. 605
academic unit
defined ....................................446
editing for a group ...................286
editing for a reservation or booking
in the Navigator .......................184
viewing for a reservation or
booking in the Navigator .........184
editing for multiple bookings in the
recording the actual value for a
Attendee Visitor report ...............334
Academic Unit Statistics report ..611
EMS User’s Manual
adding to an event - see booking
details and items, adding
checking in if registered ..........424
checking in when unregistered427
checking out if registered ........424
Statements ..............................398
Transaction report ...................399
Voided Transaction report.......399
Billing Worksheet report .............397
moving to a different reservation in
the Navigator .......................... 127
recording actual attendance
for ........................................... 413
searching for with the
Browser .................................. 197
adding an attachment to in the
searching for with the
Calendar................................. 206
adding to a reservation in the
searching for with the Web
Reservation Tool .................... 197
printing badges for ..................430
copying multiple bookings in the
working with comments for in the
Navigator ................................ 175
searching for if registered .......424
defined ......................................43
working with reminders for in the
Navigator ................................ 175
checking out when
unregistered ............................427
importing a list of for an
event .......................................430
printing for attendees/visitors ..430
Banquet Event Orders report .....333
deleting a drawing from in the
deleting an attachment from in the
editing an attachment for in the
Booking Conflict Analysis
report......................................... 343
booking detail folder
defined...................................... 81
structure ........................... 88, 133
Benchmark Metric report............339
editing count information for in the
billing in EMS
editing in the Navigator ...........110
adding to multiple bookings in the
Navigator ................................ 155
editing in the Navigator, overview
of .............................................109
defined.................................... 133
overview of..............................363
billing information
editing for a group ...................286
billing reference numbers
editing miscellaneous information
for multiple bookings in the
configuring a list of for a
editing multiple bookings in the
editing for a group ...................286
editing the date and/or time for
multiple bookings in the
setting up multiples for a
reservation, booking, and/or
booking detail............................83
Billing reports
generating ...............................394
Billing Worksheet ....................397
General Ledger Distribution
Invoice Detail report ................399
editing the room for multiple
bookings in the Navigator........112
editing the status for multiple
bookings in the Navigator102, 112
editing the status for multiple
bookings in the Navigator,
overview of ..............................102
locked, defined ........................109
booking detail items
deleting for multiple bookings in
the Navigator .......................... 170
editing charges for multiple items
in the Navigator ...................... 161
editing for individual bookings in
the Navigator .......................... 157
overview of ............................. 133
booking details
allocating the charge for across
multiple billing reference and/or
PO numbers ............................. 83
copying between bookings in the
Navigator ................................ 167
defined........................43, 88, 133
deleting for multiple bookings in
the Navigator .......................... 173
overview of ............................. 133
EMS User’s Manual
booking details and items
PO numbers ..............................83
adding to individual bookings in the
Navigator ................................ 138
setting the default value to use in
the Reservation Wizard...........403
editing for multiple booking detail
items in the Navigator .............161
adding to multiple bookings in the
Navigator ................................ 148
Building Hours Exceptions
report .........................................343
Check In Statistics report ...........347
overview of.............................. 133
Building Hours Exceptions tab on
the Dashboard window ..............247
booking folder
defined ...................................... 81
structure............................86, 133
Booking Notice Statistics
report ......................................... 346
allocating the charge for across
multiple billing reference and/or
PO numbers.............................. 83
copying details between ......... 167
setting up favorite fields for
searching ................................ 205
using to search for a booking.. 197
using to search for a query ..... 197
using to search for a
reservation .............................. 197
using to search for a
resource.................................. 197
using to search for a service
order ....................................... 197
using to search for a web
reservation .............................. 197
browser window
changing the sort order of data
in ............................................... 40
context menu for data columns
in ............................................... 37
defined ...................................... 35
filtering the data in .................... 38
grouping data by columns in..... 36
Classroom Utilization report.......610
column settings
defined ....................................408
resetting ..................................408
combination room
assigning to a group................273
defined ....................................273
editing for a group ...................286
setting up favorite fields for
searching ................................214
appearance of in the Reservation
Book ..........................................63
combination room components
appearance of in the Reservation
Book ..........................................63
commands in the Navigator .. 89, 94
using to search for a
booking ...................................206
adding multiple comments to a
reservation ..............................179
using to search for a
reservation ..............................206
adding to a group ....................269
using to search for a service
Campus Planning Interface
defined ....................................446
Cancellation report.....................340
Cancellation Summary report ....340
see also booking details
defined ............................. 88, 133
repricing for a reservation in the
catering services
see booking details
allocating for a reservation,
booking, or booking detail across
multiple billing reference and/or
adding to a reservation, booking,
or service order in the
defined ........................... 175, 269
deleting from a reservation,
booking, or service order in the
editing for a group ...................286
editing for a reservation, booking
or service order in the
viewing the history of for a
reservation, booking, or service
order in the Navigator..............175
defined ........................... 307, 420
generating a single confirmation at
a time automatically ................311
EMS User’s Manual
generating a single confirmation at
a time manually.......................311
generating multiple confirmations
at the same time .....................420
generating using a Word Merge
document ................................316
specifying the settings for .......308
configuring for a group, overview
of .............................................278
configuring from a group .........278
creating a web user from ........283
defined ....................................278
editing for a group ...................286
manually configuring for a
searching for ...........................255
context menu for data columns in a
browser window ...........................37
context menus in the Navigator ...95
Conventions used in the manual..23
Copyright .......................................3
count information
editing for a booking in the
clearing preferences for . 581, 584
canceling ................................ 461
defined ....................................446
defined.................................... 446
defining and editing, overview
of .............................................457
editing..................................... 461
searching for with the Academic
Browser .................................. 579
editing course dates for...........461
Course List report...................... 605
excluding from the final exam
Course Navigator
identifying new, modified, or
manual post-publish processing of
manually updating the location for
in the SIS.................................537
post-publishing, overview of....546
reviewing and verifying room
preferences for ........................501
searching for a room to assign
to .............................................524
searching for with the Academic
Browser ...................................579
specifying a final exam schedule
for (multiple courses)...............562
specifying final exam schedule
for ............................................562
accessing ............................... 594
available actions in ................. 597
overview of ............................. 594
using to specify room preferences
window layout......................... 595
course type
defined.................................... 445
Course Type Analysis report ..... 612
reviewing the shared space
designation for........................ 480
cross-listed courses
changing the parent for .......... 477
defined.................................... 446
specifying the room preferences
for, caveats..............................491
adding .....................................461
specifying the room preferences
for, overview of........................487
Daily reports
adding a new section to ..........461
swapping its room .......... 522, 545
adding course dates to............461
synchronizing ..........................453
adding sections to ...................461
unassigning the room for.........522
assigning a room to.................522
undoing the shared space for..479
assigning shared space to ......475
viewing in the Academic
Book ........................................586
automatic post-publish processing
of .............................................546
canceling a course date for .....461
changing the room (location) for
one or more of its bookings.....544
generating .............................. 321
Activity Schedule .................... 330
Attendee Visitor ...................... 334
Banquet Event Orders............ 333
Event Calendar....................... 329
Event Schedule ...................... 329
Course Changes report..... 606, 607
Production .............................. 334
course date
Resource Schedule ................ 333
adding to a course...................461
Room Cards ........................... 330
Service Order Change............ 334
EMS User’s Manual
Service Order Schedule.......... 332
Service Orders........................ 332
Dashboard window
Analytics tab ........................... 248
At A Glance tab....................... 251
Building Hours Exceptions
tab........................................... 247
Notifications tab ...................... 232
options for ............................... 230
overview of.............................. 229
Reconfirm Dates tab ............... 246
Reminders tab ........................ 234
Wait List tab ............................ 245
Web Requests tab .................. 241
Web Reservations tab ............ 240
changing the sort order of in a
browser window ........................ 40
context menu for in a browser
window...................................... 37
filtering in a browser window..... 38
grouping by columns in a browser
window...................................... 36
data column
changing the width for in a browser
window...................................... 37
data columns
rearranging in a browser
window...................................... 36
editing for multiple bookings in the
Navigator ................................ 112
defined ........................... 263, 283
sending from EMS...................414
specifying for a web user (for a
contact) ...................................283
sending to a group from within
EMS ........................................300
specifying for a web user (for a
viewing history of.....................418
defined ....................................378
entering for a reservation ........385
searching for ...........................379
applying to a reservation in the
changing for the Reservation
defined ....................................445
defined ....................................188
deleting from booking in the
detaching from a reservation in the
Navigator........................ 184, 188
editing the description for in the
Navigator........................ 184, 188
setting the default program for
opening one attached to a booking
in the Navigator.......................403
Dual mode
main menu ................................33
starting ......................................29
EMS main window
menu bar ...................................32
structure ....................................31
title bar ......................................31
toolbar .......................................32
Event Calendar report................329
event name
editing for multiple bookings in the
setting the default value to use in
the Reservation Wizard...........403
Event Schedule report ...............329
event status
setting the default value to use in
the Reservation Wizard...........403
event time
defined ......................................44
setting the default value to use in
the Reservation Wizard...........403
event type
setting the default value to use in
the Reservation Wizard...........403
defined ....................................457
Event Type Analysis report ........338
enabling for a term ..................458
Exceptions reports
Define & Edit mode
disabling for a term ................. 458
enabling for a term.................. 458
Early Checkout report ................346
generating ...............................321
Booking Conflict Analysis........343
Building Hours Exceptions ......343
EMS User’s Manual
Inactive Groups with
Reservations ...........................344
Inactive Room with Bookings..344
Inactive Web Process
Templates ...............................345
Invalid Billing References........345
Invalid Service Orders.............344
Status Reminder report...........342
Undefined Setup .....................342
Wait List ..................................343
Excluded Rooms tab on the
Scenario dialog box ...................509
folder structure
booking detail folder ......... 88, 133
editing the PO numbers for .... 286
booking folder................... 86, 133
editing the reminders for......... 286
editing the user defined fields for ..
reservation folder ......................81
editing the web users for ........ 286
General tab on the Navigator
Options dialog box .......................90
defined ....................................414
favorite fields
setting up for a Browser
search .....................................205
editing, overview of................. 286
emailing from EMS ................. 414
General Ledger Distribution
generic email
editing the contacts for ........... 286
adding a comment to...............269
adding a reminder to ...............268
emailing from within EMS....... 300
exporting a list of to an Excel
spreadsheet............................ 302
importing into your EMS
database................................. 294
making a reservation for using a
reservation wizard template ... 295
manually "no showing" for an
event....................................... 437
adding a user defined field to ..272
manually configuring a contact
for ........................................... 278
adding an attachment to..........271
printing information for............ 301
setting up for a Resource Calendar
search .....................................221
assigning calculations to .........273
reassigning the reservations
for ........................................... 295
setting up for a Transaction
search .....................................384
checking in to an event ...........437
setting up for a Calendar
search .....................................214
setting up for an Academic
Browser search .......................585
final exam schedule
creating a template for ............562
defining common exams for....562
excluding a course from..........562
assigning to a web user ..........266
checking out for an event ........437
configuring a contact for from
another group..........................278
configuring a list of billing
reference numbers for.............275
setting .....................................562
configuring a list of PO numbers
for ............................................276
setting for a specific course ....562
creating a web user from.........263
setting for multiple courses .....562
defined ....................................255
Final Exam Schedule report.......612
editing the attachments for......286
final exam session
editing the billing reference
numbers for .............................286
Final Exam Settings report.........612
editing the calculations for.......286
editing the comments for.........286
searching and making a
reservation for ........................ 295
searching for........................... 255
using to search for a
reservation.............................. 295
Group Statistics report .............. 338
Groups With Multiple Bookings
report......................................... 347
Highlight tab on the Navigator
Options dialog box ...................... 93
Hoteling reports
generating .............................. 321
Arrivals and Departures.......... 346
EMS User’s Manual
Check In Statistics .................. 347
adding booking details and items
to multiple bookings in.............148
Early Checkout ....................... 346
adding bookings to a reservation
in ...............................................97
Booking Notice Statistics ........ 346
Groups with Multiple Bookings 347
No Show ................................. 345
see room
locked booking
applying a discount to a
reservation in...........................165
Room Occupancy Summary... 345
defined ....................................109
commands.......................... 89, 94
Transition ................................ 346
insufficient security..................109
Visitor...................................... 346
invoiced booking .....................109
commands available on a context
menu .........................................95
Hourly Classroom Utilization
report ......................................... 610
old booking..............................109
copying a reservation in ..........106
copying multiple bookings in ...129
Hourly Resource Inventory
Utilization report......................... 338
deleting booking detail items for
multiple bookings in.................170
Hourly Room Utilization report... 338
main menu
deleting booking details for
multiple bookings in.................173
structure ....................................33
Manage Terms Copy Preferences
Inactive Groups With Reservations
report ......................................... 344
Inactive Room With Bookings
report ......................................... 344
Inactive Web Process Templates
report ......................................... 345
using to specify room preferences
memorized report
creating by copying .................323
creating from scratch ..............323
defined ....................................323
editing a booking in, overview
of .............................................109
editing a reservation in ..............98
editing a single booking in.......110
editing booking detail items for
individual bookings in ..............157
editing count information for a
booking in................................163
defined .................................... 445
deleting ...................................323
editing miscellaneous information
for multiple bookings in ...........112
Instructor Back to Back report ... 608
editing .....................................323
editing multiple bookings in .....112
Instructor Summary report ......... 608
menu bar for the EMS main
editing the charges for multiple
booking detail item in ..............161
Invalid Billing References report 345
Invalid Service Orders report ..... 344
emailing .................................. 414
entering an adjustment for ...... 389
generating............................... 364
generating, overview of........... 364
reprinting................................. 368
voiding .................................... 372
Invoice Detail report................... 399
editing the date and/or time for
multiple bookings in.................112
editing the room for multiple
bookings in ..............................112
accessing the Course Navigator
editing the status for multiple
bookings in ..................... 102, 112
adding a booking to a reservation
in ...............................................97
folder structure ..........................81
adding booking detail items to
multiple bookings in ................155
manually opening a reservation
in ...............................................79
adding booking details and items
to individual bookings in..........138
moving bookings to a different
reservation in...........................127
layout of.....................................81
EMS User’s Manual
overview of................................79
repricing categories and room
charges for a reservation in ....100
working with attachments in ....184
override room
defined ......................................55
working with comments in.......175
working with reminders in .......175
working with user defined fields
in .............................................181
Navigator Options dialog box.......90
At A Glance tab.........................92
General tab ...............................90
Highlight tab ..............................93
No Show report ..........................345
see booking details
Notifications tab on the Dashboard
window .......................................232
changing for shared space/crosslisted courses ..........................477
defined ....................................378
optimization process
stages of .................................506
optimization scenario
creating ...................................516
phases in the academic scheduling
configuring process ....................447
configuring a list of for a group276
setting up multiples for a
reservation, booking, and/or
booking detail ............................83
post-publish processing of courses
automatically ..............................546
post-publishing phase
editing for a group ...................286
Other reports
generating ...............................321
Cancellation ............................340
steps in....................................447
post-publishing phase, steps in..447
pre-assignment scenario
creating ...................................513
defined ....................................506
Cancellation report..................340
clearing for a course....... 581, 584
Reservation Summary ............341
Preferences Summary report .....607
Over/Under Utilization report .....611
Prime Time Usage report ...........611
deleting................................... 357
editing..................................... 357
printing.................................... 358
running ................................... 359
searching for with the Browser 197
viewing ................................... 358
defined ....................................506
other information
creating................................... 348
searching for ...........................379
post-publish processing of courses
Organization of the manual..........25
searching for with the Web
Reservation Tool .................... 197
editing for a group ...................286
optimization logic .......................509
entering ...................................387
PO numbers
Production report....................... 334
Reconfirm Dates tab on the
Dashboard window.................... 246
defined.................................... 378
entering .................................. 390
searching for........................... 379
voiding .................................... 391
adding multiple reminders to a
reservation.............................. 179
adding to a group ................... 268
adding to a reservation, booking,
or service order in the
Navigator ................................ 175
defined.................................... 268
deleting from a reservation,
booking, or service order in the
Navigator ................................ 175
editing for a group .................. 286
EMS User’s Manual
editing for a reservation, booking,
or service order in the
Navigator ................................ 175
viewing the history of for a
reservation, booking, or service
order in the Navigator ............. 175
working with on the Dashboard
window.................................... 234
reminder (attached)
defined ............................175, 236
reminder (unattached)
defined .................................... 236
Reminders tab on the Dashboard
window....................................... 234
generating............................... 321
adding a booking to in the
Navigator .................................. 97
adding an attachment to in the
Navigator ................................ 184
adding bookings to in the
Navigator .................................. 97
adding multiple comments to .. 179
adding multiple reminders to... 179
allocating the charge for across
multiple billing reference and/or
PO numbers.............................. 83
applying a discount to in the
Navigator ................................ 165
attaching a drawing to in the
Navigator ........................184, 188
detaching a drawing from in the
Navigator........................ 184, 188
determining if resources for are in
editing a drawing for in the
Navigator........................ 184, 188
editing an attachment for in the
making a reservation in .............74
structure ....................................62
viewing reservation information
in ...............................................70
reservation folder
defined ......................................81
editing in the Reservation Book 74
structure ....................................81
entering a deposit for ..............385
reservation source
making a for a group after
searching for the group ...........295
setting the default value to use in
the Reservation Wizard...........403
making for a group using a
reservation wizard template ....295
Reservation Source Analysis
making in the Reservation
Reservation Summary report .....341
making using the Reservation
opening manually in the
reassigning to a group ............295
repricing categories and room
charges for in the Navigator....100
searching for by group ............295
searching for with the
searching for with the
Calendar .................................206
searching for with the Web
Reservation Tool.....................197
structure ....................................43
viewing in the Reservation
changing the status for in the
Reservation book...................... 75
working with comments for in the
copying in the Navigator ......... 106
working with reminders for in the
deleting an attachment from in the
Navigator ................................ 184
editing a reservation in ..............74
editing in the Navigator .............98
changing the date for in the
Reservation Book ..................... 75
defined ...................................... 43
defined ......................................62
Reservation Wizard
appearance of a combination room
in ...............................................63
appearance of component rooms
in ...............................................63
using to make a reservation ......45
reservation wizard template
using to make a reservation for a
group .......................................295
reserved time
defined ......................................44
see also booking detail items
defined ....................................133
determining if in conflict for a
reservation ..............................192
searching for with the Browser 197
searching for with the Resource
searching for with the Service
Order Management browser ...222
Reservation Book
changing its display...................64
EMS User’s Manual
searching for with the Web
Reservation Tool.....................197
Resource Calendar
setting up favorite fields for
searching ................................221
Sales by Reservation ............. 335
Room Occupancy Summary
Sales by Resources ............... 335
room preferences
Status Changes by Reservation ...
using to search for a resource 215
caveats for specifying for a course
Resource Schedule report .........333
clearing all ...............................579
Resource Statistics report..........338
reviewing and verifying for a
course .....................................501
Resource Utility Conflicts tool
overview of..............................192
running to determine if resources
for a reservation are in
assigning to a course ..............522
changing for a course booking 544
editing for multiple bookings in the
options for resolving assignments,
overview of..............................522
specifying for a course, overview
of .............................................487
specifying using the Academic
Browser Set Course Preferences
tool ..........................................495
Room Statistics report................337
Room Utilization report ..............337
pre-assignment, defined......... 506
Scenario dialog box
Excluded Rooms tab .............. 509
Search for Rooms tool
using to search for rooms....... 598
seat fill percentage
swapping between courses....522,
Sales by Booking report .............336
room capacity violation
pre-assignment versus
optimization, overview of ........ 513
Scenario tab on the Scenario dialog
box ............................................ 507
Sales by Billing Reference
Room Availability report .............339
optimization, defined .............. 506
specifying using the Manage Copy
Preferences tool ......................493
searching for with the Search for
Rooms tool..............................598
room assignments and optimization,
overview of.................................505
defined.................................... 506
Scenario tab ........................... 507
unassigning for a course.........522
specifying using the Course
searching for to assign to a
course .....................................524
swapping with another booking in
the Reservation Book................75
Status Changes by Booking ... 336
defined............................ 471, 492
Seat Occupancy report ............. 339
Sales by Category report ...........335
adding to a course.................. 461
service order
Sales by Group report................335
defined.................................... 136
Sales by Group Type report.......334
searching for with the Browser 197
Sales by Reservation report.......335
searching for with the Calendar....
Sales by Resources report.........335
Sales reports
generating ...............................321
defined ....................................555
Sales by Billing Reference ......335
Room Cards report ....................330
Sales by Booking ....................336
room charges
Sales by Category...................335
searching for with the Web
Reservation Tool .................... 197
working with comments for in the
Navigator ................................ 175
working with reminders for in the
Navigator ................................ 175
see also booking details
Sales by Group .......................335
working with the user defined fields
for in the Navigator ................. 181
repricing for a reservation in the
Sales by Group Type ..............334
Service Order Change report .... 334
EMS User’s Manual
Service Order Management browser
Benchmark Metrics .................339
using to search for resources . 222
Event Type Analysis ...............338
Service Order Schedule report .. 332
Group Statistics.......................338
teardown hours
Service Orders report ................ 332
Hourly Resource Inventory
Utilization report ......................338
specifying for a confirmation ... 308
setup count
editing for multiple bookings in the
Navigator ................................ 112
Hourly Room Utilization ..........338
Reservation Source Analysis ..338
Resource Statistics .................338
Room Availability ....................339
Setup Count Analysis report ...... 339
Room Statistics .......................337
setup hours
Room Utilization......................337
defined ...................................... 44
setup type
editing for multiple bookings in the
Navigator ................................ 112
Setup Worksheet report
Daily reports
Setup Worksheet .................. 331
shared space
assigning to courses ............... 475
Seat Occupancy......................339
Setup Count Analysis..............339
changing for a reservation in the
Reservation Book......................75
editing for multiple bookings in the
Status Changes by Booking
report .........................................336
changing the parent for........... 477
Status Changes by Reservation
report .........................................336
defined ............................446, 475
Status Reminder report..............342
reviewing for courses.............. 480
undoing for courses ................ 479
defined .................................... 445
manually updating course
locations in.............................. 537
sort order
changing for data in a browser
window...................................... 40
Special information about the
manual ......................................... 23
Statements report ...................... 398
Statistics reports
generating............................... 321
EMS main menu .......................33
EMS main window ....................31
Student Information System
see SIS
defined ....................................445
summary information
editing for a group ...................286
defined ......................................44
defined ....................................445
disabling for Define & Edit
Mode .......................................458
disabling for Set Preferences
mode .......................................488
enabling for Define & Edit
Mode .......................................458
enabling for Dual mode ...........458
enabling for Set Preferences
mode .......................................488
importing, overview of .............451
publishing ................................533
publishing, overview of............531
scheduling final exams for.......562
synchronizing ..........................452
unpublishing ............................539
editing for multiple bookings in the
Time Block Room Availability/Usage
Time Block Violations report ......609
time designators used for an EMS
reserved time ............................44
setup hours ...............................44
teardown hours .........................44
time zone
setting the default value to use in
the Reservation Wizard...........403
title bar for the EMS main
window .........................................31
EMS User’s Manual
customizing ...............................32
for the EM main window............32
see deposit, payment, adjustment,
or refund
Transaction report......................399
transaction search
setting up favorite fields for
searching ................................384
Using the manual .........................23
defined ....................................409
see attendees/visitors
Transition report.........................346
Visitor report...............................346
Trend report ...............................613
Voided Transaction report..........399
Wait List report...........................343
see user defined fields
Undefined Setups report ............342
Unmet Preferences report..........607
Update Pricing Plan Wizard
using to reprice categories and
room charges for a reservation in
the Navigator...........................100
user defined field
adding to a group ....................272
adding to a reservation or service
order in the Navigator .............181
defined ........................... 181, 272
deleting for a reservation or
service order in the Navigator .181
editing for a group ...................286
editing for a reservation or service
order in the Navigator .............181
viewing the history of for a
reservation or service order in the
user preferences
defined ....................................403
Wait List tab on the Dashboard
window .......................................245
web delegate
printing a list of for web users .303
web requests
working with on the Dashboard
window ....................................241
Web Requests tab on the
Dashboard window ....................241
web reservation
searching for with the
Browser ...................................197
searching for with the Web
Reservation Tool .....................197
Web Reservation Tool
using to search for a booking ..197
using to search for a query......197
using to search for a
reservation ..............................197
using to search for a
resource ..................................197
using to search for a service
order ....................................... 197
using to search for a web
reservation.............................. 197
Web Reservations tab on the
Dashboard window.................... 240
web user
assigning a group to ............... 266
creating from a contact........... 283
creating from a group ............. 263
defined............................ 263, 283
editing for a group .................. 286
exporting a list of to an Excel
spreadsheet............................ 303
printing a list of delegates for . 303
specifying a delegate for (for a
contact)................................... 283
specifying a delegate for (for a
group) ..................................... 263
changing for a data column in a
browser window........................ 37
window layout
Course Navigator ................... 595
windows coordinates
defined.................................... 407
resetting.................................. 407
Word documents
integrating with EMS .............. 316
Word Merge document
defined.................................... 316
using to generate a
confirmation............................ 316