Questions, Answers, and Results Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center HIV/AIDS Course: HIV/AIDS - 4 hour CBL Create Date: 01/17/2012 Maximum Time: 120 minute(s) Average Time: 10 minute(s) Pretest Minimum: 0 Posttest Minimum: 80 Number of Exams: 2,497 Number of Questions: 50 Ques #: 0 - ID #: 6111 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:It is believed that AIDS was originally a disease among monkeys in Central Africa. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 1 - ID #: 6112 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:AIDS has been rampant in the U.S. for over 100 years. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 2 - ID #: 6113 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:AIDS was initially believed to be a disease that primarily affected homosexual men. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 3 - ID #: 6114 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 4 - ID #: 6115 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:The HIV virus attaches to red cells causing debilitating anemia. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 5 - ID #: 6116 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:HIV is the virus that attacks T-cells and causes the immune system to decline in function. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 6 - ID #: 6117 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:HIV is easily transmitted through casual contact. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 7 - ID #: 6118 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:The most common methods of transmission of HIV are: 1: Unprotected sex 2: Contact with HIV contaminated blood or blood products 3: Perinatal transmission from mother to infant 4: All of the above* Page 1 of 6 Copyright - 2008 NetLearning, a part of Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ques #: 8 - ID #: 6119 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:Perinatal transmission of HIV is also referred to as 1: Vaginal transmission 2: Inadvertent transmission 3: Vertical transmission 4: All of the above Ques #: 9 - ID #: 6120 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:The only absolute method of preventing sexual transmission of AIDS is 1: Latex condoms 2: Abstinence 3: Contraceptive foam 4: All of the above Ques #: 10 - ID #: 6121 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:Current screening tests for HIV in blood products are so sophisticated they can detect the presence of HIV antibodies in blood within hours of exposure. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 11 - ID #: 6122 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:Risk of transmission of HIV increases with 1: Deep injury contact with contaminated equipment 2: Visible blood on a device 3: A device in an artery/vein 4: All of the above Ques #: 12 - ID #: 6123 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:Florida ranks last in the nation in the number of adults and children with AIDS. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 13 - ID #: 6124 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:HIV/AIDS is a chronic illness. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 14 - ID #: 6125 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:The initial phase of HIV infection is characterized by extreme, debilitating nausea and vomiting. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 15 - ID #: 6126 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:The average length of the asymptomatic phase of HIV infection is 2-3 weeks. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 16 - ID #: 6127 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:Signs and symptoms of early HIV infection that may cause an individual to seek medical care include 1: Fatigue, weight loss, and diarrhea 2: Headache and arthralgia 3: Urinary retention 4: All of the above Page 2 of 6 Copyright - 2008 NetLearning, a part of Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ques #: 17 - ID #: 6128 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:An opportunistic infection found in nearly 80% of all AIDS patients at some time during the course of illness which is a major cause of death is 1: Salmonella 2: Herpes simplex 3: Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 4: Human papilloma virus (HPV) Ques #: 18 - ID #: 6129 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:A CD4 count of 200 or less is consistent with a diagnosis of AIDS. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 19 - ID #: 6130 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:It is best to give an AIDS patient only one retroviral medication at a time to prevent resistance. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 20 - ID #: 6131 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:Universal precautions include 1: Use of PPE 2: Hand hygiene 3: Proper disposal of contaminated waste 4: All of the above Ques #: 21 - ID #: 6132 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:The risk of acquiring HIV after an exposure is greater than the risk of acquiring Hepatitis B. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 22 - ID #: 6133 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:Florida law requires consent for HIV testing. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 23 - ID #: 6134 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:It is predicted that AIDS will become the number one cause of death in the United States for individuals between the ages of 25 and 44. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 24 - ID #: 6135 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:If exposed to HIV/AIDS through occupational exposure, the employee will definitely be infected with HIV/AIDS 1: True 2: False Ques #: 25 - ID #: 6136 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:Current preventive methods such as the use of condoms is causing the number of cases of HIV/AIDS among men having sex with men to decrease. 1: True 2: False Page 3 of 6 Copyright - 2008 NetLearning, a part of Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ques #: 26 - ID #: 6137 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:The mode of transmission that accounted for 80% of all AIDS cases in 2004 was 1: Vertical transmission 2: Occupational exposure 3: Blood transfusion 4: Unprotected sex Ques #: 27 - ID #: 6138 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:The number of people living with HIV/AIDS is increasing. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 28 - ID #: 6139 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:HIV/AIDS affects significantly more blacks than whites. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 29 - ID #: 8505 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:CMV retinitis can cause blindness. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 30 - ID #: 8506 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:Kaposi's Sarcoma can affect the GI tract, lower extremities, skin, lungs and lymph system. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 31 - ID #: 8507 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:ELISA and Western Blot are 2 lab tests used for diagnosis of HIV. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 32 - ID #: 8508 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:Western Blot is the first lab test to be done. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 33 - ID #: 8509 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:As the AIDS virus progresses, the CD4 count will rise indicating imminent immune system failure. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 34 - ID #: 8510 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:Viral load measures the amount of virus detected in the blood. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 35 - ID #: 8511 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:Treatment of HIV disease involves more than medication. It also involves physical care, emotional support and counseling. 1: True 2: False Page 4 of 6 Copyright - 2008 NetLearning, a part of Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ques #: 36 - ID #: 8512 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:Most drugs to treat HIV infections have side effects which include 1: GI complaints 2: Headache 3: Peripheral neuropathy 4: All of the above Ques #: 37 - ID #: 8513 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:The discovery of the vaccine to prevent the transmission of HIV is imminent. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 38 - ID #: 8514 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:After exposure, healthcare workers will be tested for HIV initially and then periodically throughout the next 6 months. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 39 - ID #: 10063 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:Shaking hands is considered "full contaact" and absolutely puts you at risk for contacting HIV. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 40 - ID #: 8515 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:If you receive exposure to blood/blood products through a cut, you should 1: Wash hands vigorously with soap and water 2: Report incident to immediate supervisor 3: Go to the ER 4: All of the above Ques #: 41 - ID #: 10037 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:Saliva is not one of the 4 bodily fluids that can transmit the HIV Virus. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 42 - ID #: 10036 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:Shaking hands is the most common way to transmit HIV? 1: True 2: False Ques #: 43 - ID #: 10038 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:HIV can be transmitted by mosquito bite. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 44 - ID #: 10040 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:Having HIV means you also have AIDS. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 45 - ID #: 10064 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:If you share chewing gum with someone who has HIV you can contract the disease. 1: True 2: False Page 5 of 6 Copyright - 2008 NetLearning, a part of Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ques #: 46 - ID #: 10041 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:You can have a baby if you are HIV positive. Your baby will not contract HIV. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 47 - ID #: 10042 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:There is no risk of transmitting HIV thru a human bite if the skin is not broken. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 48 - ID #: 10039 - Subject: AIDS 2006 Random Question:HIV is an airbourn disease and can be transmitted by coughing and sneezing. 1: True 2: False Ques #: 49 - ID #: 10035 - Subject: Aids 2006 Random Question:You should still use protection if both partners have HIV 1: True 2: False Filters: Exam Options: Post-Test using all results between 01/01/2012 and 12/31/2012 Question Type: Graded Only Page 6 of 6 Copyright - 2008 NetLearning, a part of Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.