NEWCASTLE CLINICAL TRIALS UNIT STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SOP details SOP title: SOP number: SOP category: Clinical Study Report TM-009 Trial Management SOP history Version number: Version date: Effective date: Revision by date: 02 14th January 2014 13th February 2014 19th January 2016 SOP author details Author name: Author position: Author signature: Jennie Parker Trial Manager This electronic version is uncontrolled. The signed controlled copy is held in the Newcastle Clinical Trials Unit Administration Office Date: SOP reviewer details Reviewer name: Reviewer position: Reviewer signature: Chris Speed Senior Trial Manager This electronic version is uncontrolled. The signed controlled copy is held in the Newcastle Clinical Trials Unit Administration Office Date: SOP approver details Approver name: Approver position: Approver signature: Dr Jennifer Wilkinson Senior Trial Manager, Newcastle Clinical Trials Unit This electronic version is uncontrolled. The signed controlled copy is held in the Newcastle Clinical Trials Unit Administration Office Date: STATEMENT This is a controlled document. The master document is posted on the NCTU website: Any print-off of this document will be classed as uncontrolled. Researchers and their teams may print off this document for training and reference purposes but are responsible for regularly checking the NCTU website for more recent versions. DOCUMENT UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED SOP NCTU: TM-009 Version: 02 Version date: 14th Jan 2014 Page 1 of 5 SOP revision record Version number 01 Date 1 March 2013 Reason for revision Document release 02 14 Jan 2014 Document Revision DOCUMENT UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED SOP NCTU: TM-009 Version: 02 Version date: 14th Jan 2014 Page 2 of 5 1. BACKGROUND Newcastle Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs 1) are designed to ensure that clinical research and its supporting activities are conducted to the principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP)2,3,4. GCP is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for the design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analyses and reporting of trials that involve the participation of human subjects. Compliance with GCP provides assurance that the data and reported results are credible and accurate and that the rights, wellbeing and safety of participants are protected. 2. PURPOSE To report the results from a clinical trial. The results from the clinical studies are reported using text and data with a level of detail ranging from informal to highly structured and comprehensive, depending upon the individual trial requirements and the intended audience(s) for the report. 3. SCOPE This SOP system applies to all personnel carrying out clinical research, or related activities within trials managed and/or monitored by the NCTU. 4. RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL The trial Sponsor or delegate shall provide a summary of the clinical trial report within one year of the end of the trial to the main Research Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority of the member State(s) concerned, in non-commercial research this is often delegated to the CI or member of research team. 5. DEFINITIONS CSR Clinical Study Report DMEC Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee GCP Good Clinical Practice ICH International Conference on Harmonisation NCTU Newcastle Clinical Trials Unit REC Research Ethics Committee SmPC Summary of product Characteristics TSC Trial Steering Committee 6. PROCEDURE 6.1 Preparation, review and quality control of the analysis output Data generated from the study are statistically analysed as detailed in the statistical analysis plan and then presented as tables, figures and listings. Once written, the analysis output is reviewed by the Clinical Study Report (CSR) author and other appropriate members of the research team for accuracy. Any suggested changes will be incorporated if deemed necessary. DOCUMENT UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED SOP NCTU: TM-009 Version: 02 Version date: 14th Jan 2014 Page 3 of 5 6.2 Format of the Clinical Study Report The format of the CSR will either be defined as part of the study publication policy in the Protocol or decided by the study team based on the type of study and the intended recipients of the report. For some smaller studies, a report of the study published in a peer reviewed journal may be sufficient while other studies may require a more formal document. 6.3 Writing sections of the clinical study report The author prepares sections of the CSR using the following inputs where appropriate: Proposal for funding Protocol and protocol amendments Statistical analysis plan Case Report Forms (CRF) Investigator brochure or Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) References (including but not limited to those cited in the Protocol) Tables, figures, listings and analysis output Appendix materials Safety database Interim analysis (if applicable) For efficiency, some sections of the CSR can be written before the final data analysis is completed, this is sometimes referred to as the shell report. Sections of the shell report usually include: Title Synopsis Table of Contents Abbreviations and definitions of terms Ethics Study Structure Introduction Study Objectives Investigational plan Guidance to desirable CSR content can be found in International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) Topic E3, Guideline for Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports5. Some funding bodies may specify a specific CSR template to be used. 6.4 Clinical study report approval The draft CSR must firstly be reviewed by the appropriate members of the study team (to include the Chief Investigator (CI), Trial Manager and Statistician) and then by other DOCUMENT UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED SOP NCTU: TM-009 Version: 02 Version date: 14th Jan 2014 Page 4 of 5 reviewers (to include, Co-applicants, funders (and peer reviewers allocated by the funders), Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee (DMEC) and Trial Steering Committee (TSC) members) which will be specified in the publication policy section of the Protocol. If a number of drafts are anticipated then these must be version controlled. Once all comments have either been resolved or incorporated, the report is finalised. 6.5 Reporting to the regulatory authorities The trial Sponsor or delegate shall provide a summary of the CSR within one year of the end of the trial to the main Research Ethics Committee (REC)6 and the Competent Authority of the member State(s) concerned. In non-commercial research this is often delegated to the CI or member of research team. As a minimum, the summary CSR should include whether the study achieved its objectives, the main findings and arrangements for publication or dissemination of the research. Guidance for minimum report contents will be followed5,6. 7. REVIEW AND MONITORING OF THIS DOCUMENT In accordance with NCTU policy NCTU: GE-001. 8. REFERENCES (hyperlinks verified on date published) 1. SOP NCTU:GE-001 – Standard Operating Procedure System 2. Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004, Schedule 1, Part 2 at: 3. The Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Amendment (No.1) Regulations SI (2006/1928) at: 4. The Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Amendment (No.2) Regulations SI (2006/2984) at: 5. ICH Topic E3. Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports at: 02832.pdf. 6. NRES information ‘Final report on the research’ at: DOCUMENT UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED SOP NCTU: TM-009 Version: 02 Version date: 14th Jan 2014 Page 5 of 5