Course information

o u t l i n e
Managing change in project environments
3 full days
recognition and
PMSA recognition (21 contact hours for continuous professional development as
recognised by the PMI)
This course is pitched at NQF Level 5 (SAQA US ID 115407; UNIT STANDARD TITLE
“Apply the principles of change management in the workplace”) but has not yet been
This course is also aligned with the Association of Change Management Professionals
(ACMP) Standard for Change Management. ACMP’s Standard provides a foundation
for advancing the discipline of change management, by establishing a common
understanding and generally accepted practices that help leaders and practitioners
achieve and sustain change objectives, and was developed through a global,
voluntary consensus standards development process, consistent with ISO
(International Organization for Standardization) practices. Over the course of two
years, ACMP’s Standards Working Group engaged over 1,100 change management
thought leaders and volunteers from 57 countries, each averaging more than 10 years’
experience, to capture, review, adjudicate and respond to more than 3,500 unique
The Change Leadership Roadmap presented in this course is a simplified adaptation
from The Change Leader's Roadmap (Anderson and Anderson; 2010) – this
internationally acclaimed book is based on thirty years of action research with
Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, the military, and large non-profit
global organizations.
Who should attend
Individuals who wish to develop their competencies as Change Managers
The course is pitched at novice change managers, but individuals with some basic
exposure to Change Management will also benefit from the course
directors i overton & m mahlasela • changewright advantage (pty) ltd
reg no. 2006/024272/07 • vat no. 4890235478 •
tel +27 11 486 0382 • fax +27 86 670 8937 • 2 wychwood road | forest town | 2193
o u t l i n e
Course purpose
To enable Change Managers to manage change more effectively by
o establishing a clear understanding of the importance of effective change
leadership and change management for sustainable organisational success
o laying a solid theoretical (but practically applicable) foundation of core change
management fundamentals
o outlining the differences between planned and emergent change, and the role of
Change Managers and other key role players in both forms of change
o presenting a high-level integrative model that combines aspects of both
emergent and planned change and providing an overview of a change leadership
o presenting a detailed change management methodology and toolset – aligned
with the ACMP Change Management Standard
o Understand and support the concept of change portfolio management – the
importance of managing and leading change within initiatives, but also of
managing and leading change over different initiatives at an organisational level
o reviewing the impact of the Change Manager’s individual attributes on
effectiveness and role sustainability
Course Structure
Module 1: Change management fundamentals
Module 2: Overview of a change leadership roadmap
Setting up the platform for change
Developing a strategy and capability for change
Designing and planning the change implementation and developing an
urgency for change
Implementing, mastering and sustaining the change, and enabling
continuous improvement
Module 3: A change management methodology and toolset
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The Learning Dip
The Commitment Curve
The Change Cycle
“Hard-wired” reactions to change - Rock’s SCARF Model
The DVFS Formula
Simplicity versus Complexity
Stacey’s Certainty / Agreement Matrix
Emergent versus Planned Change
Evaluating Change Impact and Organizational Readiness
Formulating Change Management Strategy
Developing Change Management Plans
Executing Change Management Plans
Closing the Change Management Effort
o u t l i n e
Module 4: Whole system collaborative techniques
Module 5: Putting it all together in practice
Learning outcomes
The “I” in change – how to manage change in your own life
Your personal attributes as a Change Manager
Case studies
The Change GameTM – teams play against each other, reviewing and
integrating the course content in a challenging but fun way
“Checking Out” and Course Evaluation
Explain why change management is an important process for organisations to
achieve sustainable success
Demonstrate a solid grasp of fundamental theoretical concepts and principles
underlying change leadership and change management
Identify examples of planned change and emergent change in an organisation
Describe (at an overview level) a best-practice roadmap for effective change
Describe (at a detailed level) a change management methodology for change
implementation and how this relates to the change leadership roadmap
Describe the application of at least 10 key tools and templates (two per phase) to be
used in the execution of the change management methodology for change
Explain the value of collaborative whole system methods and when these are
Describe and apply (at introductory level) three leading whole system collaborative
change methods
Note the purpose of each of the following as key aspects of any approach to change
implementation, and provide at least 3 critical success factors for each:
Communication, stakeholder engagement, change readiness assessment, change
impact assessment, change enablement (including learning and development),
embedding change for sustainability, ongoing outcome assessment throughout the
process, and benefit realisation.
Identify reasons for resistance to change and indicate ways to overcome them
Identify the risks inherent in any change management programme and indicate ways
to manage them
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When to use whole system collaborative techniques
World Café
Appreciative Inquiry
Open Space
o u t l i n e
Format of delivery
and duration
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Explain the concept of change portfolio management – the importance of managing
and leading change within initiatives, but also of managing and leading change over
different initiatives at an organisational level
List the implications of the Change Manager’s personal attributes for effectiveness
and role sustainability
Describe – at a basic level but with examples - the complexity associated with change
Identify and apply the competencies of an effective Change Manager and understand
the integration points and dependencies relative to other change management roles
within the organisation
Describe key aspects of support that the Change Manager should provide to other
change management roles
The course consists of five modules, and should be presented over three successive
The course should be presented in a classroom setting with no more than 15
delegates per class, with 12 delegates being the optimal number. Training delivery
follows a blended method, involving:
o Structured material presented and discussed by the training facilitator
o Individual contributions and questions to enrich the standard material
o Team exercises
o Individual exercises
o Case studies
o Experiential learning
o The Change GameTM - an interactive quiz-based review of course material
and real-life scenarios by smaller teams who compete with each other and
also adjudicate other teams’ responses
Associated course material:
o Full course content in PowerPoint format
o Tools and templates (which compare very favourably to similar products
available only at significant extra cost from other vendors)
o A royalty-free, perpetual non-transferable licence to use the methodology
and tools
o Printed manual plus CD-ROM with all content for delegates
o The Change GameTM - only for use during the training
o u t l i n e
Ivan Overton
BA (Wits); BA Hons (Applied Psychology) (RAU); MA (Psych) (Cum Laude) (RAU)
Ivan is an internationally accredited change management trainer (APMG) and has worked as
a change facilitator for the past 20 years, both in internal consulting and independent
consulting roles. He is the founder of ChangeWright, a highly-regarded specialist change
management consulting and training firm, and has expert knowledge of change
management and different change methodologies. He has been personally engaged in
many large-scale change initiatives during the course of his career, and is passionate about
making change management as simple, accessible and effective as possible.
Facilitator Contact
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Phone: Ivan Overton – za 082 771-6131 int +27 82 771-6131
+27 (0) 86 670 8937