Characterization of Graphene Field-Effect Transistors for High Performance Electronics Inanc Meric Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2011 c 2011 Inanc Meric All Rights Reserved Abstract Characterization of Graphene Field-Effect Transistors for High Performance Electronics Inanc Meric It is an ongoing effort to improve field-effect transistor (FET) performance. With silicon transistors approaching their physical limitations, alternative materials that can outperform silicon are required. Graphene, has been suggested as such an alternative mainly due to its two-dimensional (2D) structure and high carrier velocities. The band structure limits achievable bandgaps, preventing digital electronic applications. This, however, does not rule out analog electronic applications at high frequencies, where the full potential of improved carrier speeds in graphene can be exploited. In this thesis, the high-bias characteristics of graphene FETs are investigated. Current saturation as well as the effect of ambipolar conduction on the current-voltage characteristics are studied. A field-effect model is developed that can capture the effects of the unique band structure, such as a density-dependent saturation velocity. The effect of channel length scaling in these devices is studied down to 100-nm channel length with the aid of pulsed-measurement techniques. Transistors RF performance and bias dependence of high frequency behavior is explored. Novel fabrications methods are developed to improve FET performance. A technique is developed to grow metal-oxides on graphene surface for efficient gate coupling. An alternative approach to making high quality devices is realized by incorporating hexagonal-boron nitride as a gate dielectric. These transistors exhibit the potential of graphene electronics for high-performance analog electronic applications. Contents List of Figures iv Acknowledgments vi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 An overview of graphene research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Graphene properties significant for FET applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2.1 Crystal structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2.2 Band structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.2.3 Zero-bandgap in graphene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.2.4 Electrical transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.2.5 Other properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Thesis outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.3 Chapter 2 Current saturation in zero-bandgap, top-gated graphene fieldeffect transistors 13 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2 Device fabrication and experimental methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.2.1 Transistor fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.2.2 Device measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3 Small-signal characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.4 High-bias characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 i 2.5 Field-effect modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.6 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Chapter 3 Channel length scaling in GFETs studied with pulsed currentvoltage measurements 29 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.2 Device structure and fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.3 Measurement and results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.4 Modeling and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.5 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Chapter 4 Graphene field-effect transistors based on boron nitride gate dielectrics 39 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.2 Basic device structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.3 Low-field transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 4.4 I-V characteristics on h-BN supported devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.5 Device modeling and saturation velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 4.6 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Chapter 5 High-frequency characterization of GFETs 48 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 5.2 RF performance of top-gated GFETs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 5.2.1 Device structure and fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 5.2.2 DC characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 5.2.3 Device frequency response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 RF performance h-BN supported GFETs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 5.3.1 Device structure and fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 5.3.2 DC characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 5.3.3 Device frequency response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 5.3 ii 5.4 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 6 Conclusion 57 59 6.1 Summary of contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 iii List of Figures 1.1 The atomic structure of graphene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Band structure of graphene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3 Density-of-states in 2D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.4 Conceptual current-voltage characteristics of a FET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.1 Characterization of mechanically exfoliated graphene sheets. . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2 Atomic-force microscopy (AFM) image of graphene covered with HfO2 . . . 16 2.3 Basic top-gated graphene FET design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.4 The effect of HfO2 on conductance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.5 Room temperature low-field transport in top-gated GFET. . . . . . . . . . 19 2.6 Low-field transport in top-gated GFET at 1.7K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.7 Current-voltage characteristics of GFET device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.8 Current-voltage characteristics in contour plot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.9 Kink effect in GFET devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.10 I-V characteristics of back gated GFETs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.11 Field-effect modeling of GFET device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.12 Density dependence of vsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.1 Top-gated GFET device structure with PVA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.2 Effect of PVA growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.3 DC current-voltage characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.4 Pulsed measurement technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 iv 3.5 Pulsed I-V measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.6 Small-signal parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.7 Channel-length scaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4.1 h-BN structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.2 Mechanical transfer process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.3 Back-gated GFET with h-BN gate dielectric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.4 Low-field transport characteristics of GFET device with h-BN. . . . . . . . 43 4.5 Current-voltage characteristics of GFET devices with h-BN. . . . . . . . . . 44 4.6 Intrinsic device IV characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 4.7 Intrinsic small-signal transconductance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.8 Saturation velocity in GFETs with h-BN dielectric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.1 Graphene FET structure for RF measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 5.2 Current-voltage characteristics of top-gated GFET device for RF. . . . . . . 51 5.3 Frequency response of top-gated GFET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 5.4 GFET device with h-BN for RF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 5.5 High-frequency device characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 5.6 Bias-dependence of small-signal parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 5.7 Bias dependence of high-frequency figures-of-merit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 5.8 Small-signal and RF modeling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 5.9 Improvements possible with device optimization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 v Acknowledgments First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor, Kenneth L. Shepard, for all the extraordinary support over the course of my doctoral studies at Columbia. I’m grateful to him for the encouragement to join his research group, all the helpful advice, and the endless work he put into this project together with me. Ken is one of the brightest people I have ever met, with a vast knowledge in a wide range of topics. It’s truly been a joy and a privilege to work with him. His teachings were limitless, and I am particularly grateful to have learned from him an enthusiasm for doing research. I also would like to thank all my coworkers and group members, past and present, as without them this work wouldn’t have been possible. To mention a few Simeon Realov, Matt Johnston, Peter Levine, Omar Ahmad, Mike Lekas, Ryan Field, Jared Roseman, and Vincent Caruso; these guys helped, cheered, and distracted (when needed) me over the years. Special recognition goes of course to Sebastian Sorgenfrei, whose company (of course in German), both at and outside of work, I very much appreciated. I admire his detailoriented approach, and I’ve learned a lot (etiquette and good manners) from him. I owe a special thanks to Cory Dean, who has been a close co-worker, an excellent mentor, and a good friend (eh?!); and Andrea Young, whose passion for physics taught me more than I ever could have wanted to know about physics. I would like to extend particular gratitude to my dissertation defense committee members, Professors Tony Heinz, John Kymissis, James Hone, and Philip Kim. I also would like to thank them and many of their group members for all the help I got from vi throughout the years. During the course of my studies, I had the pleasure to work with some great people. I want to thank Sami Rosenblatt, Barbaros Ozyilmaz, Kirill Bolotin, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Kin Fai Mak, and Nick Petrone. I also want to thank all my co-authors, Melinda Han, Lei Wang, Noah Tremblay, Robert Caldwell, Shu-Jen Han, Keith Jenkins, and Zhang Jia for all the hard work they put in. In addition, Natalia Baklitskaya deserves a special thanks for her help with meticulous device fabrication. Luckily, I had the pleasure of having some great friends outside of work as well. I deeply appreciate their enthusiasm for keeping me away from work at times. Out of all of my friends in New York, Tufan has always been a true friend; his humor helped through every possible situation. And thanks to him, Deniz, and Sebastian; we’ve shared many memories over endless dinner parties. And last, but certainly not least, I’d like to thank my family, without whom this all wouldn’t have been possible. I’m deeply grateful to them for their love and encouragement throughout my life, and for their support in every possible way. I’m thankful to my mom, my brother Can, and Cemre for their daily phone calls; they kept me close to home when I couldn’t be. vii To my grandfather. viii 1 Chapter 1 Introduction Since the early days of the semiconductor technology, there has been an ongoing quest for faster, more energy efficient, and cheaper electronics. This enabled a multitude of novel applications, and possibly, the information era. Driven mainly by the growing electronics markets and backed by predictions such as the Moore’s Law, silicon semiconductor industry kept constant performance gains through shrinking the of field-effect transistors (FETs) size since the early 60s. The inherent physical limitations to smaller silicon transistors however are rapidly approaching, motivating the need for alternative semiconductor materials. While silicon technology is focusing on improved three-dimensional devices, high-κ gate dielectrics, and uniaxial strained silicon channels, alternative semiconducting materials that could outperform silicon, without the requirement of aggressive size shrinkage have been suggested. Focus has been on improving transistor speeds by engineering materials with higher carrier mobilities, increased saturation velocities, and lower effective carrier mass such as SiGe, and III-Vs such as InP, GaAs, InGaAs. After over 30 years of active research, these technologies remain complex and therefore costly, preventing a mainstream debut. Recently, there has been growing interest in carbon electronics. For example the outstanding properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), exhibiting mobility values close to 1, 000 times higher than bulk silicon, suggested the possibility of realizing ballistic FETs with extremely high unity-current-gain frequencies (fT ), up to the THz range [1]. Yet serious 2 challenges remain unsolved due to the inherent 1D structure of CNTs such as limited control over chirality and lack of large area samples with dense enough nanotubes. Graphene has emerged as another promising carbon-based electronic material showing ultrahigh mobility and, therefore, significant promise for high-frequency electronics. The two-dimensional nature of graphene makes it attractive over nanotubes from an architectural standpoint because it readily admits large area samples that can be patterned using standard lithography techniques. The ultrathin nature, high mechanical strength, flexibility, high thermal conductivity, optical transparency, and potential low cost, in conjunction with its high carrier velocities, make graphene a promising semiconductor. In pursuit of keeping the electronic age booming, the challenge remains to find a replacement to silicon. Graphene, a novel addition to the semiconductor world, remains a strong contender in theory. This work aims to investigate the potential of graphene for electronic applications with an experimental approach. 1.1 An overview of graphene research The first experimental realization of graphene in 2004 [2] sparked a whole new epoch in the research community world wide. This was the first experimental demonstration of a freestanding, strictly 2D crystal. Since then, numerous other 2D crystals have ben realized [3], but none have had the same impact. Neither was this the first example of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), since this has been widely explored in many semiconducting materials since the early days of condensed matter research [4]. It was due to the combination of many unique physical and electrical properties, with the added benefit of a rather straightforward method for realizing graphene samples. Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice (Figure 1.1), can be viewed as the building block of all other sp2 bonded carbon. Stacked layers that are weakly bound together form the most common 3D form, graphite; whereas nanotubes can be envisioned as graphene layers rolled up into a tube with a diameter of typically less than few nanometers [1] or fullerene when formed into a ball-shape [5]. 3 Figure 1.1 The atomic structure of graphene. Carbon atoms are arranged in a 2D Figure 1.1:lattice The atomic structure of graphene. Carbon atoms are arranged in a 2D honeyhoneycomb comb lattice. The exceptionality of graphene can be attributed to numerous features. In conventional 2DEGs carrier confinement is due to electrostatics. In graphene, the confinement of electrons (holes) is ensured by the physical 2D structure, enabling an exposed 2DEG on both sides. Furthermore, graphene is a zero-bandgap semiconductor with linear energy dispersion around a neutrality point (Dirac point) and symmetric valence and conductance bands. Undoubtedly, these characteristics backed by the experimental observation of massless Dirac fermions [6, 7] had a major impact on the prospects of graphene research. The discovery of graphene lead to breakthrough research across several different disciplines both in sciences and engineering. Condensed matter physics, leading the field with probably the most significant results such as the observation of room-temperature quantum Hall effect [8], the first observation of Klein tunneling [9, 10] and, with improved sample quality over time, the fractional quantum Hall effect [11–13]. While electrical transport led the way at the beginning, other spectroscopy methods soon caught up. Scanning-tunneling microscope images of graphene made the honeycomb lattice visible [14–16], and optical spectroscopy studies [17–19] revealed important characteristics such as optical absorption, transparency, and the number of layers and stacking 4 configuration in multi-layer samples. Probably the most common optical tool remains Raman spectroscopy [20, 21], which is used to identify the number of layers and doping in samples. Although graphene refers to a single atomic layer thick sheet, it is widely used to refer to multi-layer stacks (anywhere from 2-5 layers) as these cannot be considered as fully graphitic carbon. Among them, bilayer graphene [22] has been the most intensely studied, owing mostly to the unique property that a tunable bandgap that can be induced through the application of an electric field [23–26]. Some novel applications that benefit from the novel physical structure of graphene have been impermeable membranes [27, 28] and the oscillating component of electromechanical resonators [29, 30]. The chemical stability and exposed nature of the 2DEG make excellent gas sensors [31, 32] and liquid pH sensor [33]. Among all the possible graphene applications, field-effect transistors for analog/RF retain the highest profile area. The first demonstration of a saturating graphene FET (GFET) was in 2008 [34], quickly followed by high-frequency measurements [35, 36] and numerous theoretical studies [37–39]. GFET performance continues to improve. Recent results have demonstrated cut-off frequencies of 100 GHz [40], and even more recently of 300 GHz [41]. Countless other research directions, both exploring the intrinsic properties of graphene and the application of graphene to novel technologies, can be found in the literature, and are too numerous and varied to be included here. A broad overview of the current status of graphene research can be obtained through several comprehensive review articles [42–45]. 1.2 1.2.1 Graphene properties significant for FET applications Crystal structure The most notable feature of graphene is probably its 2D structure. Compared to its 1D counterpart, carbon nanotubes, this enables some key advantages for device application. 5 While field-effect transistors based on carbon nanotubes have been the subject of intensive research for the last decade [46–48], a major limitation remains to be the requirement for tightly packed arrays of nanotubes to achieve device performance comparable to silicon FETs [49]. Graphene does not require such an assembly of large parallel arrays and it can readily be realized on a full wafer scale. The 2D shape also improves the electrostatics for FET applications. The basic structure of most FETs mimics the standard metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure, where an electrostatic field applied through a metal gate is used to modulate the carrier density, and hence the current in the semiconductor [50]. As this standard principal operation relies on electrostatics between two parallel plates, it is straightforward to conceptualize the advantage of graphene over nanotubes in terms of electrostatics. Though there have been carbon nanotube FETs made with all-around gates [51], they remain extremely challenging to fabricate. The limited control over the chirality and diameter of nanotubes (and the associated electronic bandgap) remains a major problem as well. The advantage of 2D over 3D is that there is no body or bulk charge in a purely 2D system. This is mainly advantageous compared to silicon-on-insulator (SOI) or deeply scaled transistors, where bulk charge can degrade device performance [50]. In silicon-MOS technology, these adverse effects are addressed by complicated device structures such as Tri-Gate FETs [52], while graphene inherently circumvents these. A significant advantage of graphene is the possibility for large area fabrication. For device research, the most widely used method for realizing graphene in the laboratory setting remains the exfoliation technique, where single layers of graphene are peeled off of naturally occurring bulk graphite [2]. However, synthetic growth of large area graphene films has been first rendered possible through conversion of SiC [53, 54] and more recently through direct CVD growth on metal films like nickel [55] and copper [56]. The uniformity and size of the CVD films have improved very quickly [57, 58], a crucial step in commercializing graphene applications. 6 1.2.2 Band structure The electrical band structure of graphene is most certainly another very unique characteristic that was discovered long before the first experimental realization [59]. The lattice structure of graphene is made up of carbon atoms in a hexagonal structure that repeat to form the honeycomb-patterned sheet. In sp2 carbon the 2pz orbital forms π bonds in plane within the structure. The basic structure of the unit cell contains two atoms bond together with a carbon bond with a separation of a ' 1.42Å. The lattice vectors are: ! ! √ √ 3 a 3 a a1 = , a2 = a, a, 2 2 2 2 (1.1) and the unit vectors for the reciprocal-lattice are given by: b1 = 2π 2π √ , 3a a , b2 = 2π 2π √ , 3a a (1.2) The band structure can be calculated with the above vectors using the tight binding model considering only the nearest-neighbor interactions [60]. Figure 1.2 depicts the energy dispersion that can be calculated from E(k) = ±tw(k), (1.3) where both the atomic energy of the 2pz orbital and the overlap integral between nearest two atoms is set to zero, t is the tight binding parameter equal to 3.0 eV, and w(k) is given by: √ ky a ky a 3kx a 1 + 4cos cos + 4cos2 2 2 2 s w(k) = (1.4) At the corners of the Brillouin zone, called the K points (or Dirac points), the valence and conductions bands touch each other, making graphene a zero-bandgap semiconductor. At low energies, limited to approximately 0.35 eV mainly due to the lack of dielectrics with breakdown fields to exceed this, the energy dispersion around the K points can be approximated by E ≈ ~vF |k0 |, (1.5) giving a linear relation between energy and wavevector (Figure 1.2). Here, vf = 1 × 108 7 !" #" %# !$# !"# Figure 1.2 Band structure of graphene. (a) Dispersion relation of graphene Figure 1.2: Band structure of graphene schematically schematically depictedofingraphene. the k-space.(a) (b)Dispersion The linear relation energy dispersion around the depictedK-point. in the k-space. (b) The linear energy dispersion around the K-point. cm/sec is the Fermi velocity at which electrons (holes) move. The linear dispersion, in contrast to the conventional parabolic dispersion characteristic with effective mass, means that the carriers move with a velocity that is independent of the energy. Hence, carriers behave like massless Dirac fermions, making graphene an unparalleled system with carriers acting like relativistic particles moving at the Fermi velocity. √ The electronic density n can be related to the momentum k by k = πn, from which √ we can rewrite the energy relation from Eqn. 1.5 as E = ~vf πn. As a consequence, the Fermi energy in a graphene FETs can be modulated by applying an external electric field (usually done with the FET gate) that can continuously change the carrier density from holes to electrons passing through a minimum, known as the neutrality or Dirac point [6]. Another outcome of the linear dispersion is the unique density-of-states (DOS). One can easily calculate the DOS in graphene from the dispersion Eqn. 1.5 including the four-fold degeneracy as DOS = 2E ~2 vf2 π (1.6) whereas the DOS in parabolic systems can be calculated as: DOS = m∗ ~2 π (1.7) 8 !" #$%&'()"*+"&(,($&" #" #$%&'()"*+"&(,($&" !" !" Figure 1.3 Density-of-states in 2D. (a) A cartoon of the DOS in graphene with Figure 1.3: Density-of-states in 2D. A the cartoon DOS in graphene energy linear energy dependence and(a)(b) DOSof inthe a conventional 2DEGwith withlinear parabolic dependence and (b) the DOS in a conventional 2DEG with parabolic bands. bands. Figure 1.3 shows the DOS for the two cases given above. The striking difference is that the DOS in conventional 2DEGs is constant over energy, whereas in graphene, there is a linear dependence that goes all the way to zero. This fact has two major implications on FET operation. First, a small DOS means that changing the electronic density requires a larger change of the Fermi energy. This is usually modeled by a quantum capacitance in series with the electrostatic one [61]. The quantum capacitance in graphene can be calculated as [62]: Cq = e2 DOS = e2 2E ~2 vf2 π (1.8) In the density range of 1012 to 1013 cm−2 , where most graphene FETs operate, the quantum capacitance can be calculated to average 2 µF/cm2 . As a comparison, the electrostatic capacitance in state-of-the-art MOS transistors with an effective oxide thickness (EOT) of 2 nm can be as high as 1.6 µF/cm2 . This poses a significant limitation to the achievable gate efficiency in graphene; a major drawback for deeply scaled transistor applications. Second, the linear DOS means that the carrier velocity at high lateral electric fields becomes carrier density dependent [34, 38], as described in Chapter 2. This density dependence makes biasing of the FETs to attain maximum possible performance more complicated and together with the quantum capacitance, adds additional nonlinearity to these devices. 9 1.2.3 Zero-bandgap in graphene A major implication of the band structure for FET applications is the zero-bandgap. Broadly speaking, transistors are used in two separate circuit applications; digital and analog. In digital electronics, transistor are used as switches to create the 0 and 1 states required for Boolean logic. Ideally, the transistor should turned fully off, meaning no current should flow through the device in the 0 state. Typically in a semiconducting device this off current (Iof f ) is limited by thermionic emission over the source−drain barrier modulated by the gate bias as determined by a subthreshold slope of 60 mV/decade at room temperature. For a narrow bandgap (< 200 meV), direct source-drain tunneling currents can become significant at short channel lengths limiting Iof f . Although, it is possible to open a bandgap in graphene electrostatically in bilayers as described before, these methods are limited in the achievable gap sizes. An alternative approach to open up a bandgap in graphene involves patterning single layer graphene into nano-ribbons [63–66]. This physical constriction in the range of tens of nanometers, however, severely limits carrier mobility due to disorder introduced at the edges. Recent reports achieved higher mobility numbers close to 20, 000 cm2 /V sec [67] and room temp ION /IOF F ratio as high as 106 for 10-nm wide ribbons [68, 69]. Nevertheless, inducing sufficiently large bandgaps reliably for electronic applications remains a daunting task even with state-of-the-art fabrications techniques and, thus, prevents digital applications in near future. Analog circuits on the other hand are typically biased “ON” and the ION /IOF F ratio is a less important metric. As shown in Figure 1.4, the device transconductance (∂Id /∂Vgs ), which ultimately determines the intrinsic device gain, at a given drain-to-source voltage (Vds ) is more important. Here, Vgs is the gate-to-source voltage and Id is the drain current. 10 !" #" %&$$ %&$$ !"#$$ !"#$$ Figure 1.4 Conceptual current-voltage characteristics of a FET. (a) A small-signal Figuregate 1.4:voltage Conceptual current-voltage of a FET. (a) A small-signal gate is applied to a transistor characteristics with a bandgap causing a modulation in the The same conditions are applied to aazero-gap transistor showing voltagedrain is applied a transistor with a bandgap causing modulation in the drain current. that a higher current are gainapplied is possible. (b) The same conditions to a zero-gap transistor showing that a higher current gain is possible. 1.2.4 Electrical transport Certainly, the one feature that has created the highest excitement in graphene electronics is the high carrier velocity. Low-field carrier mobilities in graphene are limited to 20, 000 cm2 /V sec in silicon−dioxide−supported devices [70,71]. Sample mobility, doping, and minimum conductivity have been studied thoroughly [72–75]. Charged impurities surrounding the 2DEG are seen as the main source of mobility degradation. In an attempt to reduce such external dopants, suspended graphene samples have been measured [76–78] that successfully improve sample characteristics with carrier mobility in excess of 200, 000 cm2 / V sec at cryogenic temperatures. At room temperature, suspended samples have mobility values that can exceed 100, 000 cm2 /V sec [76], making graphene the fastest semiconductor at room temperature. Although high mobility is a desirable feature, in short channel FETs the carrier speeds are mainly dictated by the saturation velocity or source injection velocity [79, 80]. Here, the advantage of graphene over traditional semiconductors is less obvious and requires further investigation [34]. Another advantage of graphene is the Ohmic contact resistance with metals [81]. 11 In carbon nanotubes, contact resistance is quantized and limited by the number of modes available within the Fermi energy and generally limited to ∼ 6 kΩ. The continuous band structure in graphene does not pose such restrictions and contact resistance can be as small as 50 Ωµm [81]. Maximum attainable current densities are also remarkable, higher than 1 mA/µm, almost six orders of magnitude higher than copper [43]. 1.2.5 Other properties Several additional properties such as large mechanical strength, flexibility, optical transparency, and thermal conductivity can make graphene ideal for novel FET applications. Graphene is shown to be the strongest material ever measured [82]. Graphene’s pliability can be used in flexible electronic applications, whereas the 98% transparency is ideal for transparent electronics. The thermal conductivity is even higher than graphite [83] and can be in the range of 3, 000 to 5, 000 W/mK, making graphene FETs promising for high-power circuit applications. Graphene is chemically stable even in oxygen environment up to few hundred degrees Celsius [84]. This is mainly due to the strong sp2 carbon lattice that lacks dangling bonds on the surface of the crystal. While this is an advantage in terms of chemical stability, it can turn into a disadvantage in situations that require joining graphene with other materials. For example, combining graphene with oxides in MOS structures is an inherent challenge. In conclusion, there are many properties of graphene that could make it an ideal FET channel material. Conversely, there are still many unique qualities of graphene that have an undetermined effect on its potential for use, and require further study. 1.3 Thesis outline This dissertation investigates the application of graphene field-effect transistors for analog electronics with an experimental approach involving different fabrication and measurement techniques. Chapter 2 describes the fabrication of top-gated GFETs and characterizes the low- 12 and high-bias transport characteristics. High-bias measurements show current saturation in these devices that is influenced both by the ambipolar nature of the material and the density−dependent saturation velocity. The results are modeled with a standard FET model modified to take into account the unique properties of graphene. Chapter 3 investigates channel length scaling in GFETs. Devices are fabricated with a more reliable gate oxide but the trapped charge effects remain, limiting short channel performance. A pulsed measurement technique is employed to probe the intrinsic graphene FET properties at high-bias. Chapter 4 examines an improved GFET structure where hexagonal-boron nitride is used as the dielectric material. Devices fabricated in this manner have improved transport characteristics and do not suffer from the trapped-charge-related performance degradation apparent in SiO2 -supported devices. Chapter 5 investigates the high-frequency characteristics of GFETs. Both types of device structures, from Chapter 2 and 4 are analyzed at RF frequencies. The bias dependence of high frequency performance as well as a simple high-frequency model is presented. Chapter 6 summarizes the work and comments on future graphene research and the prospects for graphene FETs. 13 Chapter 2 Current saturation in zero-bandgap, top-gated graphene field-effect transistors In this Chapter, we report the observation of saturating transistor characteristics in a graphene field-effect transistor first published in Ref. [34]. Unusual features in the currentvoltage characteristic are explained by a field-effect model with diffusive carrier transport in the presence of a singular point in the density-of-states. These results demonstrate the feasibility of two-dimensional graphene devices for analog and radio-frequency circuit applications without the need for bandgap engineering. 2.1 Introduction In graphene, the charge carriers in the two-dimensional channel can change from electrons to holes with the application of an electrostatic gate, with a minimum density (or Dirac) point characterizing the transition. The zero-bandgap of graphene limits achievable on-off current ratios (Ion /Iof f ). Bandgaps can be achieved through various methods in single- and bilayer-graphene, but these either result in significant mobility degradation and fabrication 14 challenges or are far less than 200 meV and would lead to significant band-to-band tunneling. Here, we describe the design of a top-gated GFET based on a high-κ gate dielectric without bandgap engineering. Despite Ion /Iof f ∼ 7, high transconductances and current saturation are achieved, making this device well-suited for analog applications. 2.2 2.2.1 Device fabrication and experimental methods Transistor fabrication The fabrication of the GFETs starts with mechanically-exfoliated graphene from Kish graphite (as in Ref. [2]) on a degenerately-doped Si substrate (ρ = 0.01Ω-cm) with a 285-nm thermally grown SiO2 layer (SiTech). The Si wafer is diced into 1 cm × 1 cm pieces and treated with standard piranha cleaning prior to the mechanical exfoliation step. Single-layer graphene pieces are then identified optically. The optical visibility of graphene samples are higher in reflection compared to transmission if the substrate is tuned to the optimum resonance condition [85]. The choice of the SiO2 layer thickness is therefore to ease visual identification. Fig. 2.1(a) shows the optical image of single-layer graphene with 100× magnification. Raman spectroscopy can be used to verify that these are single-layer graphene sheets. Fig. 2.1(b) shows the Raman spectroscopy results, where a weak D band peak at 1340 cm−1 , a G band peak at 1583 cm−1 , and a sharp 2D band peak at 2682 cm−1 with a FWHM of 26 cm−1 indicates that the sample is single layer with few defects. Strips of graphene with widths between 1-5 µm are selected for the device fabrication. Cr/Au (5nm/90nm) electrodes are patterned 3 µm apart by standard electron beam lithography with a single layer of PMMA 950K A6 e-beam resist (MicroChem), followed by metal deposition and lift-off processes in acetone to define the source and drain contacts. A low-temperature atomic-layer-deposition(ALD) process is used the directly grow 15-nm HfO2 onto the graphene sheet as a high-κ gate dielectric for the local top gate and the fabrication is finished with top gate electrodes using the same process above. The HfO2 gate dielectrics are deposited with (ALD) in a Cambridge Nanotech ALD 15 !" #" Figure Characterizationofofmechanically mechanicallyexfoliated exfoliatedgraphene graphene sheets. sheets. (a) Figure 2.1:2.1Characterization (a) Graphene Graphene sheets can be optically discriminated on 300 nm SiO oxides on Si sheets can be optically discriminated on 300 nm SiO2 oxides on2Si wafers. (b)wafers. Raman spec(b) Raman spectroscopy is single-layer used to verifycharacteristics the single-layerofcharacteristics the graphene troscopy is used to verify the the graphene of sheets after device -1 shows clearly the single −1 sheets after device fabrication. The sharp 2D peak at 2682 cm fabrication. The sharp 2D peak at 2682 cm shows clearly the single layer characteristics -1 indicates that layer characteristics theweak graphene piece. weak D band at 1340 cmthe of the graphene piece. of The D band atThe 1340 cm−1 indicates that sample has few the sample has view defects. defects. system with a tetrakis(dimethylamido)hafnium(IV) (Sigma Aldrich) precursor. The growth was carried out at 90 ◦ C with a 0.3 sec pulse time for the hafnium precursor, followed by a 50 sec purge time, 0.03 sec H2 O pulse, and 150 sec purge time. The resulting growth rate is approximately 1 Å/cycle. The film thickness varies less than 2% across a 4” wafer and the dielectric constant is approximately 13 as determined by capacitance versus voltage (CV) measurements. The leakage current through the oxide is recorded throughout all device measurements and is below the detection limit of our measurement setup (< 1pA). Figure 2.2 shows an atomic-force microscope (AFM) image of single layer graphene on SiO2 with 5 nm of HfO2 grown directly after mechanical exfoliation. We can still measure the height of the graphene sheet (∼ 9 Å) and find it to be consistent with the previous measurements [2, 7], suggesting that the growth is taking place at the same rate both on the SiO2 surface and on the graphene. As the graphene lattice does not have any dangling bonds on the surface, the growth is most likely due to physiosorption, which is enhanced by the low-temperature growth procedure. Alternatively, growth may also nucleate from ambient residues (e.g. water molecules or contaminants) adhering to the graphene surface. The roughness of the oxide on top of the graphene is observed to be ∼ 30% higher than on 16 Figure Atomic-force microscopy (AFM) image of of graphene covered withwith HfOHfO 2 . 2. Figure2.2: 2.2. Atomic-force microscopy (AFM) image graphene covered Graphene sheet covered with 5 nm HfO prior to fabrication of any contacts. The thickness 2 Graphene sheet covered with 5 nm HfO 2 prior to fabrication of any contacts. The thickness of ofthe thepiece pieceisis99A° Å suggesting that the growth suggesting that the growthtakes takesplace placeatatthe thesame samerate rateon onboth bothSiO SiO2 2 and and graphene. graphene. the SiO2 , supporting the postulated growth mechanisms. The final GFETs (Figure 2.3(a)) have source and drain regions that are electrostatically doped by the back gate, which enables control over the contact resistance and threshold voltage of the top-gated channel. Figure 2.3(b) shows a GFET structure with 3-µm source-drain separation, a 1-µm top gate length, and a device width of 5 µm. In the following section, we present representative measurement results for a similar device with a width of 2.1 µm. 2.2.2 Device measurement The low-temperature measurements are carried out at 1.7K (in a pumped helium cryostat) with standard lock-in techniques. All room-temperature measurements are measured with an Agilent 4155C Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer in a two-probe configuration at room temperature using Cascade DCP-150 probes in a Cascade Summit 9000 probe station. The degenerately doped Si substrate is used as the back gate. Throughout the entire 17 6RXUFH'UDLQHOHFWURGHV a !" *UDSKHQH #" b 7RS*DWH 6L2Հ 2 +m 6LVXEVWUDWH +I2Հ c ï [ d VJVïEDFN = 40V g ds (mS) VJVïEDFN (V) 60 9 0.4 Figure 2.3:Figure Basic graphene FET design. Schematic depiction 2.3top-gated Basic top-gated graphene FET design. (a) (a) Schematic depiction of an of an graphene 40 FET on a graphene Si/SiO substrate with a heavily doped Si wafer acting as a back-gate 2FET on a Si/SiO2 substrate with a heavily doped Si wafer acting as a back-gate and a gold 7 and a gold top-gate. (b) SEM showing micrographashowing a representative graphenetop-gated top-gated FET. The top-gate. (b) SEM micrograph representative graphene FET. The Cr/Au top-gate of this device is 1 um long, with 3 um spacing between the source-drain Cr/Au top-gate of this device is 1 µm long, with 3 µm spacing between the 0 source-drain contacts. All electrodes are Cr/Au. contacts. All electrodes are Cr/Au. ï ï measurements leakage currents from the back and top gates are recorded. Leakage currents ï 2 over the full bias range. through the HfO2 top gate are always less than 0.5 pA/µm ï ï ï 0 ï f 2.3 ï ï 0 VJVïWRS (V) VJVïWRS (V) e 0.8 VJVïWRS 9 Small-signal characterization 0.8 VJVïEDFN = ï9 0.6 g ds (mS) g ds (mS) In order to determine the effect of the HfO2 growth on the electronic properties of the 0.6 0.4 graphene sheet, we measure drain current (Id ) at source-drain voltage Vsd = 10mV as a 0.4 function ofback-gate voltage (Vgs−back ) before and after the HfO2 growth. Representative curves for one sample with width of 1.5 µm and length of 3 µm are shown in Figure 2.4. 0 ï ï ï 0 ï ï 0 40 60 While there is aïsmall shift in the Dirac point, the mobility of the graphene sheet is largely VJVïEDFN = 40V VJVïWRS(V) the same before and after HfO2 growth. Figure 2.5 shows source-drain small-signal conductance gds = (∂Id /∂Vsd )|Vgs−back ,Vgs−top , where Id is the current into the drain near Vsd ≈ 0V for varying top-gate (Vgs−top ) and constant back-gate (Vgs−back = 0V ) bias. The hysteresis hinders the extraction of the location of the Dirac point. We attribute the hysteresis to trapped charges between graphene and the HfO2 and inside the dielectric. We perform the room-temperature I-V measurements of Figure 2.7 with consistent Vgs−top sweep directions, allowing reproducibility of these measurements despite the effects of trapped charge. 18 of Vgs-back. TheThe mobility before and after HfO is d as a2function Figure 2.4: The Figure effect2.4 of IHfO on conductance. mobility before and2 growth after HfO 2 growth largely unchanged measured at Vsd = 10 mV for a GFET device with width of 1.5 um is largely unchanged measured and length of 3 um. at Vsd = 10 mV for a GFET device with width of 1.5 µm and length of 3 µm. Figure 2.6 shows similar low-field transport characterization to Figure 2.5 at low temperature. These data are taken at 1.7K in order to suppress gate hysteresis by freezing out trapped charge, allowing a more accurate estimate of the Dirac point and therefore top-gate capacitance. The back-gate capacitance (Cback ) is approximately 12 nF/cm2 (thickness of 285 nm, κ ∼ 3.9). Sheet carrier concentrations (electrons or holes) in the source and drain regions can be approximated by n∼ = q 0 )/e)2 n20 + (Cback (Vgs−back − Vgs−back (2.1) 0 is the back-gate-to-source voltage at the Dirac point in these regions and where Vgs−back n0 is the minimum sheet carrier concentration as determined by disorders and thermal excitation [72, 73]. The addition of the two quantities in the square root ensures a smooth transition from minimum concentration limited regime to capacitively dominated one. From 0 the constant top-gate voltage slice of Figure 2.6(c), Vgs−back = 2.7V , indicating slight p-type doping, most likely due to impurities adsorbed to the graphene. Under the top gate, carrier concentrations are determined by both the front and back gates, n∼ = q 0 0 n20 + [(Cback (Vgs−back − Vgs−back ) + (Ctop (Vgs−top − Vgs−top )]/e)2 (2.2) 19 Figure 2.5 Room temperature low-field transport in top-gated GFET. g as Figure 2.5: Room temperature low-field transport in top-gated GFET. gds asds a function of a function of Vgs-top at Vgs-back = -40 V for both sweep directions. A hysteresis of Vgs−top at Vgs−back Vbe forobserved both sweep directions. 1.26=V 0can due to trapped charges.A hysteresis of 1.26 V can be observed due to trapped charges. 0 = 1.45V , where Ctop is the effective top-gate capacitance per unit area. The with Vgs−top slope of the dashed line shown in Fig. 2.6(a), which tracks the location of the Dirac point, has the slope Ctop /Cback = 46, giving Ctop = 552 nF/cm2 , more than twice that of previously demonstrated devices [86–89]. If one takes the top-gate capacitance as being the series combination of the electrostatic capacitance (Ce ) of the gate dielectric and the quantum capacitance (Cq ) [Eqn. 1.8], then Ctop = Cq Ce Cq + Ce (2.3) We can approximate Cq = 2 µ F/cm2 for the relevant range of n (0.5 − 10 × 1012 cm−2 ), then Ce = 762 nF/cm2 , which is in perfect agreement with the 760 nF/cm2 predicted for the HfO2 gate insulator (thickness of 15 nm, κ ∼ 13). Even at this relatively large insulator thickness compared to state-of-the-art silicon technology, quantum capacitance has a significant effect on the total capacitance. Two representative constant back-gate voltage slices at Vgs−back = 40 V and −40 V are shown in Fig. 2.6b and Fig. 2.6d, respectively. The low-field field-effect mobility, µF E = 1 L ∂gds Ctop W ∂Vgs−top (2.4) 7RS*DWH 6L2Հ c !" 20 2 +m 6LVXEVWUDWH ï [ d#" 9 0.4 +I2Հ 60 VJVïEDFN = 40V 40 7 0 g ds (mS) VJVïEDFN (V) ï ï ï ï ï ï f $"0.8 0 VJVïWRS (V) ï ï ï 0 VJVïWRS (V) e%" VJVïEDFN = ï9 VJVïWRS 9 0.8 g ds (mS) g ds (mS) 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0 ï ï ï 0 VJVïEDFN = 40V 40 60 ï ï ï 0 VJVïWRS(V) Figure 2.6 Low-field transport in top-gated GFET at 1.7K. (a) Small-signal source-drain conductance = 0 V asat a function Vgs-top and Vgs-back at source-drain Figure 2.6: Low-field transport in(gtop-gated 1.7 K.of(a) Small-signal ds) around VsdGFET 1.7K. The dashed line tracks the location of the Dirac point for the top-gate with aat 1.7 K. The conductance (gds ) around Vsd = 0 V as a function of Vgs−top and Vgs−back slope Ctop/Cback = 46. (b) gds as a function of Vgs-to pat Vgs-back = 40 V. (c) gds as a dashed line tracks the location of the Dirac point for the top-gate with a slope Ctop /Cback = function of Vgs-top at Vgs-back = -40 V. (d) gds as a function of Vgs-back at Vgs-top = -3 V. 46. (b) gds as a function of Vgs−top at Vgs−back = 40 V. (c) gds as a function of Vgs−back at Vgs−top = 1.45 V. (d) gds as a function of Vgs−top at Vgs−back = −40 V. of the device is approximately 1, 200 cm2 /V-sec; the conductance minimum is approximately 78.3µS = 2e2 /h. The conductance shown in Figs. 2.6b and 2.6d saturates for large top-gate voltages due to the series resistance of the source-drain regions. For Vgs−back = 40 V, the source and drain regions are n-type with a series resistances of approximately ∼ 1.2 kΩ each; for Vgs−back = −40 V, the source and drain regions are p-type with series resistances of approximately ∼ 700 Ω each. 21 a b 1 1.2 VJVïEDFN = 40V VJVïEDFN ï9 1 0.8 Id (mA) Id (mA) 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 Vsd (V) 2 2.5 0 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Vsd (V) 2.4 All 0.5 .LQN High-bias characterization 3 0 ï 2 ï measurements 1 in this section areVsdshown for (V) ï V JVïWRS (V) 0 0 Id (mA) Id (mA) Figure 2.7 Current-voltage characteristics of GFET device. (a) Drain current (Id) as a Figurefunction 2.7: Current-voltage characteristics of GFET (a) V,Drain as a V,funcof source-to-drain voltage (Vsd) for Vgs-top =device. -0.3 V, -0.8 -1.3 V,current -1.8 V, -2.3 c ofand d V = 40V tion source-to-drain voltage = −0.3V, −0.8V, −1.3V, −1.8V, −2.3 V, and −2.8 -2.8 V(from bottom to for top)Vfor V = 40 V. (b) I as a function of V for V == ï 40V gs−top VJVïEDFN gs-back d sdJVïEDFN gs-top = 40V V JVïEDFN V(from-0.3 bottom top)V,for V.V(b) Id bottom as a function ofVVgs-back Vgs−top V, -0.8 to V, -1.3 -1.8VV, -2.3 V,= and40-2.8 (from to top) for = -40 V. = s d for gs−back 1 −0.3V,1−0.8V, −1.3V, −1.8V, −2.3 V, and −2.8 V (from bottom to top) for Vgs−back = −40 V. 0.5 .LQN 3 0 ï ï ambient conditions. ï V JVïWRS (V) 2 1 Figure 2.7(a) and Vsd (V) 0 0 (b) show the measured Id as a function of Vsd (for different Vgs−top voltages) at Vgs−back of 40 V and −40 V. Measurements are reproducible although we attribute the slightly negative gds observed in saturation in, for example, Fig. 2.7b to residual trapped charge in the ALD oxide. Figure 2.8(a) and (b) show the complete Id characteristics as a contour plot in the Vgs−top Vsd plane. To understand these curves, we focus first on the Id curve from Fig. 2.7(a) for Vgs−top = −0.3 V, which shows a pronounced kink in the characteristic, shown in more detail in Figure 2.9(a). Similar to the features observed in ambipolar semiconducting nanotube FETs [90], these kinks in the Id characteristics signify the presence of an ambipolar channel. The carrier concentration in the channel, shown schematically in Figure 2.9(b) for different points in the I-V trace, is calculated using a field-effect model: q n(x) = n20 + (Ctop (Vgs−top − V (x) − V0 )/e)2 (2.5) 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 Vsd (V) 2 2.5 0 3 0 0.5 1 d #" 2.5 3 22 V = 40V VJVïEDFN = ï40V JVïEDFN VJVïEDFN = 40V 1 0.5 .LQN 3 2 1 ï ï V JVïWRS (V) 0 0 Vsd (V) Id (mA) 1 Id (mA) 2 Vsd (V) c !" 0 ï 1.5 0.5 .LQN 3 0 ï 2 ï V JVïWRS (V) 1 ï 0 0 Vsd (V) Figure2.8: 2.8 Current-voltage Full contour plotplot of Id of Id as Figure Current-voltage characteristics characteristics in in contour contourplot. plot.(a)(a) Full contour as a function of V and V at V = 40 V. The “kink” produced by the entry of the gs-topand Vsd sd at V gs-back a function of Vgs−top gs−back = 40 V. The kink produced by the entry of the minimal density point into the channel is noted by a red arrow. (b) Full contour plot Id of I minimal density point into the channel is noted by a red arrow. (b) Full contourofplot d function of of VVgs-top and V at Vgs-back = -40= V.−40 V. asasa afunction Vgs−back gs−top andsdVsd at 0 0 − Vgs−back ) functions as a device threshold + (Cback /Ctop )(Vgs−back where V0 ∼ = Vgs−top voltage, controlled by the back-gate; x is the distance along the graphene channel; and V (x) is the potential in the channel. For the device in Figure 2.9, with channel length L, V (L) = Vsd , so that for Vsd ≤ Vsd−kink = Vgs−top − V0 current is carried by holes throughout the length of the channel (Figure 2.9(b-I)). The linear relationship between Vgs−top and Vsd−kink is also evident in the contour plots of Figure 2.8. For Vsd = Vsd−kink , the vanishing carrier density produces a pinch-off region at the drain (Figure 2.9b-II) that renders the current in the channel relatively insensitive to Vsd and results in the pronounced kink seen in the I-V characteristic. For Vsd > Vsd−kink , the minimal density point resides in the channel, producing a pinch-off region that moves from source to drain with increasing drain bias magnitude (Figure 2.9b-III). In this bias range the carriers in the channel on the source side of the minimal density point are holes, while those on the drain side are electrons. The voltage drop across the hole portion of the channel remains fixed at Vsd−kink while the voltage drop across the electron portion increases as Vsd − Vsd−kink . In this ambipolar regime, the pinch-off point becomes a place of recombination for holes flowing from the source and electrons flowing from the drain. Because there is no bandgap, no energy is released in this recombination. 23 !" #" Figure Figure 2.9: Kink effecteffect in GFET devices. (a)(a) Measured Vgs−back 2.9 Kink in GFET devices. MeasuredI-V I-Vcharacteristic characteristic atatVgs-back = 40= 40 V and VVgs−top == −0.3 points(I,(I, are identified in the I-V(b)curve. (b) A and Vgs-top -0.3 V. V. Three Three points II, II, III) III) are identified in the I-V curve. A schematic demonstration of the carrier concentration underneath underneath the region. At At schematic demonstration of the carrier concentration thetop-gated top-gated region. (VsdV<V charge at theatdrain begins decrease the minimal point Ipoint (VsdI < ), the thechannel channel charge the end drain endtobegins toasdecrease as the sd-kink), sd−kink density point enters the channel. At point (Vsd =IIV(V ), the minimal density point minimal density point enters the channel. AtIIpoint = V ), the minimal density sd-kink sd sd−kink forms at at the VsdV >sdVsd-kink (point III), an electron channel forms at the drain. point forms thedrain. drain.ForFor > Vsd−kink (point III), an electron channel forms at the drain. We note that front-gated device structures are essential to provide the electrostatics required for exploring high-bias operation of graphene field-effect transistors. The geometry of back-gated GFET structures is constrained by the requirement that graphene be visible; as a result, most GFET devices are built with a thick (∼ 300 nm) silicon dioxide dielectric layer. Figure 2.10(a-b) show the I-V characteristics of two back-gated GFET structures of widths 5.5 µm and 300 nm and lengths 3 µm and 150 nm, respectively. The long channel device in Figure 2.10(a) shows a weak kink effect for Vds values around 1.5−2.0 V. The effect is much less pronounced than for the top-gated device structures (Figure 2.7) because of the inferior electrostatics coupling to the gate electrodes in the back-gated device; we believe that out-of-plane fringing fields from the drain have a significant gating influence on the graphene channel as electric field lines from the drain contact terminate in the graphene 24 !" #" Figure 2.10 I-V characteristics of back gated GFETs. I-V characteristics of back- Figure 2.10: I-V characteristics of back gated GFETs. I-V characteristics of back-gated gated GFET with a 300 nm-thick oxide. (a) Device width is 5.5 mm and length is 3 GFET with nm-thick oxide.= 9(a) width is 5.5 µm and length is 3 µm for mm a for300 Vgs-back = 1 V to V V inDevice 2 V steps. (b) Short-channel device with width gs-back Vgs−back = 1V Vgs−back = 9nm V showing in 2 V steps. (b) Short-channel device 300 nmtoand length 150 “punch-through” behavior for Vgs-backwith = 14 width V to 300 nm and length 150=nm punch-through behavior for Vgs−back = 14 V to Vgs−back = 17 Vgs-back 17 Vshowing in 1 V steps. V in 1 V steps. channel. This reaches an extreme for short-channel-length devices at high values of Vds . As shown in Figure 2.10(b), the drain current shows a sharp increase, very similar to punchthrough characteristics seen in short-channel-affected Si MOSFETs [91] as the gate loses all control of conduction in the channel. At sufficiently high Vds , this runaway drain current leads to irreversible thermal damage to graphene channels. For the I-V curves at Vgs−back = −40 V and Vgs−top < −0.8 V (Fig. 2.7b), the device shows flat saturating I-V characteristics (high-field regime for a unipolar channel). To accurately model these characteristics, the drift velocity must be assumed to saturate at some value vsat for electric fields beyond a critical electric field (Ecrit ). This is consistent with the carrier drift velocity eventually saturating due to optical-phonon scattering, as in the case of metallic nanotubes [92, 93]. For values of Vgs−top sufficiently negative, such that Vsd−kink > Ecrit L, the I-V characteristics show a strongly saturating behavior in the unipolar region with the kink indicating a transition to an ambipolar channel. Large enough electric fields are reached in the channel at the drain end for the holes to reach saturation velocity, resulting in an Id that becomes independent of Vsd . 25 2.5 Field-effect modeling With this consideration, the current in the channel is expressed by [94]: W Id = L Z L en(x)vdrif t (x)dx (2.6) 0 Where L is the channel length and W is the channel width. Current continuity forces a selfconsistent solution for the potential V (x) along the channel. We approximate the carrier drift velocity (vdrif t ) by a velocity saturation model [95]: vdrif t = µE 1+ µE vsat (2.7) where vsat is the saturation velocity of the carriers. For simplicity, we assume that both electrons and holes are characterized by the same µ and vsat values in our model. A closedform analytical expression for Id can be derived using the expressions for n(x) [Eqn. 2.5] and vdrif t [Eqn. 2.7] given above, we find: Id = R Vsd −Rs Id W L eµ Rs Id p n20 + (Ctop (Vgs−top − V − V0 )/e)2 dV 1+ µ(Vsd −2Rs Id ) Lvsat (2.8) where Rs is the source-drain series resistance. This can be integrated and the resulting transcendental equation solved numerically. Figure 2.11(a) shows a comparison of this model with the measured data at Vgs−back = −40 V. As input parameters, the fit uses a low-field mobility of 550 cm2 /V-sec, a minimum sheet carrier density of 0.5 × 1012 cm−2 , and source-drain series resistances of 700 Ω, comparable to those found from the analysis of Section 2.3. vsat for holes is found to vary between 6.3 × 106 cm/sec at high densities (at n = 10 × 1012 cm−2 ) and 5.5 × 107 cm/sec at low densities (near n = n0 ). This apparent dependence of vsat is clearly demonstrated in Figure 2.12, where we display the vsat obtained from the model fit as a function of EF modulated by Vgs−top . Remarkably, the observed vsat shows a linearly increasing trend with EF−1 . Within the relaxation time approximation to the Boltzmann transport equation, we explain that such a relation is indeed expected for hot carriers in graphene scattered by optical phonons. We assume a model in which the coupling to the phonon is strong enough that once the electron reaches I d (mA) g m (mS) 0.8 0.6 26 0 a!"0.4 d#" c 0.4 0.4 Vgs-top = ïV 1.2 0.2 1 g m (mS) g m (mS) + data ïPRGHO Vgs-top = ï2.9 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Vsd (V) 0.8 2 2.5 3 0.2 0.5 I d (mA) v sat / vf e 0.4 0 d 0.4 V 0.4 0.3 gs-top = OV Vgs-top = ïV 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 b 0 $" 0.6 0.4 00.5 2 g m (mS) g m (mS) b 0.2 0.2 0 0.5 4 1 1.5 Vsd (V) 2 2.5 6 8 1/EfH9 ï ) 10 3 0 12 0.4 0.2 e 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Vsd (V) 2 2.5 3 0.4 g m (mS) v sat / vf Field-effect modeling GFET device. device. (a) Model (solid) and measured FigureFigure 2.11:2.11 Field-effect modeling ofofGFET (a) Model (solid) and measured V gs-top = OV 0.3 (dashed) I -V curves are compared for V = 40 V at V = 0 V, -1.5V, (dashed) Id − V Vgs−back = −40Vgs-top at Vgs−top = 0-1.9V V, -1.5V, d sdsdcurves are compared for gs-back and -3 V. (from the bottom to the top) (b-c), Small-signal transconductance (gm) as a(gm ) as 1.9V and -3 V. (from the bottom to the top) (b-c), Small-signal transconductance 0.2 function of drain-to-source voltagefor (VV ) for V== -V1.5 V and 0.2 a function of drain-to-source voltage 1.5 and 0 V.0 V. sdgs−top gs-top 0.1 the energy threshold for phonon emission, it is immediately scattered. This means that the 0 0 2 0 current 0.5 1 1.5carried 2 by 2.5 6 8 10 12 Fermi sea will 4be shifted byïthe phonon energy ~Ω. The density such a3 1/EfH9 ) Vsd (V) shifted sea in the direction of the applied electric field is given by: Z dk vF cos2 θ~Ω π2 j=e ∂f − ∂E E=~vF k (2.9) where θ is the angle between dk and the electric field and f is the Fermi-Dirac distribution function. Writing the integral in polar coordinates, Z j=e 0 ∞ dk k π2 Z 2π dθvF cos2 θ~Ωδ(~vF k − EF ) = 0 e EF Ω π ~vF (2.10) √ Taking the current density to be j = nevsat , with EF = ~vF πn yields: vsat = vF ~Ω EF (2.11) This result implies that vsat is concentration-dependent for graphene; the higher the concentration, the lower the saturation velocity. While semiconductors have vsat values limited by 0 0 b 0.5 1 1.5 Vsd (V) 2 2.5 3 g m (mS) 0.2 0.2 27 0.5 0 e 0.4 Vgs-top = OV 0.3 g m (mS) v sat / vf 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 2 4 6 8 1/EfH9 ï ) 10 12 0.2 0 0 0.5 Figure 2.12 Density dependence of vsat. Measured density dependence of vsat (red Figure 2.12: Density dependence of vsat . Measured density dependence of vsat (red crosses crosses as extracted fromA the fit). A least-squares fitline) (solid blackEline) between E of as extracted from the fit). least-squares fit (solid black between F of 0.1 eV and F 0.1 0.37 eV determines a slope which phonon energy of 54 0.37 eV eV and determines a slope which corresponds to a corresponds phonon energytoofa 54 meV. A fit that passes through v = 0 and 1/E = 0 predicts a slightly lower phonon energy. F vsat = 0 and 1/EF = 0 predicts a slightly lower meV. A fit thatsatpasses through phonon energy. the thermal velocity [96], vsat values for graphene are instead limited by vF . It is important to note that this derivation assumes that this expression is not valid in the vicinity of the Dirac point. The solid line in Figure 2.12 represents the linear fit to this model from which we obtained an optical phonon energy of 54 meV. Note that this value is close to the 59 meV surface phonon energy of SiO2 [70, 97] and consistent with the observation of the effect of this phonon energy on temperature-dependent low-field mobility [71]. We also remark that this phonon energy is significantly below the 200 meV longitudinal zone boundary phonon of intrinsic graphene [20], suggesting that the saturation velocity in future generations of graphene transistors may be augmented by choosing different substrates with higher phonon energies. Figure 2.11(b-c) show the small-signal device transconductance (gm ) as a function of Vsd for two different values of Vgs−top . Model and measurement show good agreement. gm values exceed 320 µS/µm (∼ 150 µS/µm) for these 2.1-µm-channel-length devices 1 28 at Vgs−top = 0 V, Vgs−back = −40 V, Vsd = 1.6 V. Removing the effect of series resistance, the devices intrinsic transconductance is approximately 833 µS/µm at a vsat value of 5.5 × 107 cm/sec. In comparison, velocity-saturated n-channel 65-nm Si MOSFETs deliver transconductances of approximately 1.5 mS/µm with gate capacitances of approximately 1.77 µF/cm2 . At this gate capacitance, which is close to graphenes quantum capacitance, the graphene transistor would have a transconductance of more than 2.9 mS/µm. As expected, and as is evident in Figure 2.11(c), the transconductance goes to zero at Vsd = Vsd−kink . The highest transconductances are observed in the unipolar regime away from Vsd−kink , which can be achieved by proper choice of V0 . Therefore the device is most likely to be operated in the high-transconductance, velocity-saturated region with Vsd below Vsd−kink . 2.6 Chapter Summary In this Chapter, the fabrication of top-gated GFETs and both low- and high-bias measurements along with a FET model are presented. The current saturation observed at high bias is the first experimental observation in graphene and supports the idea of using GFETs for analog electronics. The importance of high gate efficiency in device structures is experimentally observed as back-gated devices suffer from short-channel like effects at high bias. The observed current-voltage characteristics can be related to the zero-bandgap and ambipolar nature of graphene and is modeled with a FET model. The saturation velocity is found to be density dependent, a unique feature of the linear energy dispersion. 29 Chapter 3 Channel length scaling in GFETs studied with pulsed current-voltage measurements In this Chapter, we investigate current saturation at short channel lengths in graphene field-effect transistors as adopted from Ref. [98]. Dual-channel pulsed current-voltage measurements are performed to eliminate the significant effects of trapped charge in the gate dielectric, a problem common to all oxide-based dielectric films on graphene. The transconductance of the devices is independent of channel length, consistent with a velocity saturation model of high-field transport. Saturation velocities have a density dependence consistent with diffusive transport limited by optical phonon emission. 3.1 Introduction Long-channel GFET operation has been thoroughly investigated in Chapter 2 and in other experimental [99–104], as well as theoretical work [37–39, 105]. Saturating current-voltage (I-V) characteristics have been observed down to channel lengths of 1 µm determined by the interplay of velocity saturation and density-of-states modulation in the channel. However, 30 it is uncertain whether saturating characteristics will continue to be observed with scaling channel length, given the absence of a band-gap and the dependence of this saturating characteristic on inelastic scattering in the channel. This uncertainty has been augmented by RF measurements of GFETs with channel lengths as short as 140 nm, which despite demonstrating impressive unity-current-gain cutoff frequencies (fT ) of more than 300 GHz, show non-saturating device characteristics [41]. Current saturation is necessary for both voltage and power gain in these devices [106]. Here, we explore GFET devices using pulsed current-voltage (I-V) measurements, which mitigate the effects of trapped charge in the gate oxide. When measured in this manner, we show strong saturating I-V characteristics in even the shortest channel lengths measured (130 nm), with output conductance in saturation of less than 0.3 mS/µm. The resulting I-V characteristics are well modeled by a density-dependent saturation velocity. Standard DC measurements of these same devices yield non-saturating characteristics and systematically degrading device characteristics with decreasing channel length, demonstrating the importance of trapped charges in these measurements. 3.2 Device structure and fabrication The GFET devices studied here consist of dual-gated structures (see Figure 3.1(a)), in which the top gate extends to the contacts, minimizing access resistance to the channel. The highly doped silicon substrate acts as a back gate. An important challenge to GFET device fabrication remains establishing a reliable gate dielectric for the top gate. Atomiclayer deposition (ALD) of high−κ dielectric gate oxides has been demonstrated, utilizing a seed layer [88,89,107,108] to facilitate ALD growth on the chemically inert graphene surface. Typically, however, these seed layers either have to be thick for a reliable gate dielectric or result in significant degradation of the mobility and substantial doping of the graphene channel. Our approach employs polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), which relies on adsorption of the PVA-carbon-chain to the graphene surface with the hydroxyl groups providing a surface to seed ALD growth (see Figure 3.1(b)). In addition, PVA has a relatively high dielectric 31 6) 7) ?56==+@)A+=945) <) *) '#)=>) +) (%& ) )*+,-.+)/01 )2345)/01 )*+,( )*+GFET ,( Figure 3.1: Top-gated device structure with PVA. (%# (a) Schematic of the devices with U:8: $%& functionalization layer used to the top gate spanning the entire channel length. (b) PVA !"#$%&'()*+,-!*)(./0(*1'230'32(*4/'5*6789!:&;!"#$%&'(#!)*! $%# nucleate the ALD growth of HfO2 films. '%& +$%!,%-.#%/!0.+$!+$%!+)1!2'+%!/1'33.32!+$%!%3(4%!#$'33%5! '%# 5%32+$6!:<;!789!*:3#()3'5.;'()3!5'<%4!:/%,!+)!3:#5%'+%!+$%!9=>! !"#$%&'&( constant (κ ∼ 6) [109], leading to minimal gate capacitance !"#$%&'&( #%& reduction when it is present as #)=>) 24)0+$!)*!?*@A!B5&/6!! !"# !$# # $# "# a component of the gate stack. In this work, single-layer graphene samples are prepared 0 ):0; *678!964+ by mechanical exfoliation on silicon wafers (ρ ∼ 0.002 Ω−cm) with a ∼300 nm SiO2 layer. 1 nm Cr/ 80 nm Au source and drain contacts are deposited using standard e-beam lithography techniques. After contact deposition, devices are annealed at 330 ◦ C for 3 hours in forming gas and subsequently dipped into a 1% aqueous solution of 85,000-125,000 molecular weight PVA (Sigma-Aldrich) for 12 hours. The samples are then rinsed with a second dip into deionized water and blown dry with nitrogen resulting in an approximately 2.5-nm thick layer of PVA on the graphene surface. Figure 3.2(c) shows resistivity measurements of a representative sample fabricated in this manner after the annealing step and then after the PVA coating. Samples after forming gas annealing are usually heavily p-doped in ambient, which remains unchanged with the addition of the PVA layer. A brief UV/Ozone treatment is employed to activate the OH groups before the ALD growth of hafnium oxide at 150 ◦ C with [(CH3 )2N]4Hf and H2 O for 50 cycles, yielding a 5-nm-thick film. Figure 3.2(a,b) shows atomic-force-microscopy (AFM) images of two samples so prepared, one with a PVA layer and one without. Without PVA, ALD growth proceeds only on the SiO2 area, leaving only patches of oxide at nucleation sites formed most likely by surface contamination. With PVA, films grow uniformly on both the SiO2 and graphene surfaces with a surface roughness of ±2.5 Å, compared to the film roughness of ±2.0 Å on SiO2 . The breakdown electric field for the PVA/HfO2 dielectric 7)7) <) #"<) <) (%& )*+,( )*+ )*+ ,(,( U:8: )*+,( )*+ )*+,(,( +) '#)=>) '#)=>) '#)=>) !"#$%&'&( !"#$%&'&( !"#$%&'&( !"#$%&'&( !"#$%&'&( !"#$%&'&( #)=>) +)+) $" )) (%& (%& )*+,-.+)/01 )*+,-.+)/01 )*+,-.+)/01 )2345)/01 (%# )2345)/01 )2345)/01 (%# (%# $%& $%& $%& $%# '%& $%# $%# '%& '%& '%# '%# '%# #%& #%& #%& #)=>) #)=>) 32 U:8: U:8: !"7) ) !"# !"# !$# !"##!$# !$#$## # "#$#$# "#"# ):0; 0*678!964+0 ):0; 0*678!964+ ):0; *678!964+ Figure 3.2: Effect of PVA growth. (a) AFM image of graphene on a SiO2 substrate after the deposition of 5 nm of HfO2 without PVA, showing only patchy growth. (b) AFM image of graphene on an SiO2 substrate after the deposition of 5 nm of HfO2 with a PVA %&'$(")*"+,-"./)0(12"3!4!"#$!%&'()!*+!(,'-.)/)!*/!'!0%12! functionalization layer, showing improved area coverage with a roughness of only 2.5Å. (c) 34536,'6)!'7),!6.)!8)-*3%9*/!*+!:!/&!*+!;+1 !<%6.*46!=>"?! 2 Resistivity of a device after annealing and then after the PVA deposition as a function of 3.*<%/(!*/@A!-'6B.A!(,*<6.C!3#4!"#$!%&'()!*+!(,'-.)/)!*/! back-gate bias. The doping and the mobility of the device stay relatively unchanged. '/!0%12!34536,'6)!'7),!6.)!8)-*3%9*/!*+!:!/&!*+!;+12!<%6.!'! stack is =>"!+4/B9*/'@%D'9*/!@'A),?!3.*<%/(!%&-,*E)8!',)'! approximately 0.7 V/nm. We employ a 12-nm-thick oxide in the GFETs measured B*E),'()!<%6.!'!,*4(./)33!*+!*/@A!2C:FC!3$4!G)3%39E%6A!*+!'! subsequently to achieve a breakdown voltage of approximately 10 V. This oxide thickness 8)E%B)!'7),!'//)'@%/(!'/8!6.)/!'7),!6.)!=>"!8)-*3%9*/!'3! yields a top-gate capacitance of Ctop−gate ≈ 600 nF/cm2 , as determined by the relative '!+4/B9*/!*+!5'BHI('6)!5%'3C!J.)!8*-%/(!'/8!6.)!&*5%@%6A!*+! coupling6.)!8)E%B)!36'A!,)@'9E)@A!4/B.'/()8C! of the top and back gates [87]. ! 3.3 Measurement and results Devices were fabricated on multiple graphene samples with channel lengths, L, varying from 2.5 µm down to 130 nm. Due to the work-function mismatch between the graphene and the metal contacts [110], the contacts are p-type. To avoid any additional resistance due to p-n junctions at the source/drain contacts, subsequent large-signal characterization uses these devices in the p-doped regime. Figure 3.3(a) shows high-bias measurements of a 2.5-µmchannel-length device, showing output characteristics similar to previous demonstrations at these channel lengths. However, for a device of 350-nm channel length (see Figure 3.3b), made from the same graphene sample, both the transconductance (gm = ∂Id /∂Vsg |Vsd ) and output conductance (g0 = ∂Id /∂Vsd |Vsg ), the product of which determines the intrinsic voltage gain of the device, are heavily degraded. This degradation is systematically observed with decreasing channel length. Here, Id is the drain current of the device, Vsg is the source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current-voltage characteristics. #%! Figure 3.3: (a) DC I-V measurements of a 2.5-µm!"#(&)#*'# !"#(&)#*'# !"#(&)#*'# !"#(&)#*'# #%& #%& !"#$%&&'()*+,-)./'#$0.&.$)'&123$24!5.6!"#!$%&!'()*+,('(-.*! channel-length device. Gate voltage varies from 1.5 V to −1.5 V on −0.5−V steps. (b) DC "%& #%!"%& #%! /0!)!123%4'%56)--(7%7(-8.6!9(:;5(2!<).(!:/7.)8(!:),;(*!0,/'! I-V measurements of a 350-nm-channel-length device fabricated"%& from the same graphene "%&"%! "%! sample. The strong degradation in device characteristics is clearly "%! "%! visible. (c) Maximum =23!&!./!%=23!&!/-!%>23%&!*.(?*2!!576#"#!$%&!'()*+,('(-.*!/0!)! !%& !%& transconductance as a function of channel length. Transconductance !%& !%& (black squares), after @3>%-'%56)--(7%7(-8.6!9(:;5(!0)A,;5).(9!0,/'!.6(!*)'(! removing!%! the effect of the contact resistance, is also shown. !%!!%! !%! 8,)?6(-(!*)'?7(2!B6(!*.,/-8!9(8,)9)C/-!;-!9(:;5(! ! " # ! ! " " # # ! " # 0 '+0/ 0 '+0/ 0 '+0/ 0 '+0/ )* )* )* )* 56),)5.(,;*C5*!;*!57(),7D!:;*;A7(2!5$6!E)F;'+'! gate voltage, and Vsd the source-drain voltage. The maximum transconductance drops by .,)-*5/-9+5.)-5(!)*!)!0+-5C/-!/0!56)--(7!7(-8.62!! more than a factor-of-two as the channel length is decreased from 900 nm to 150 nm as B,)-*5/-9+5.)-5(!GA7)5H!*I+),(*JK!)L(,!,('/:;-8!.6(!(M(5.!/0! .6(!5/-.)5.!,(*;*.)-5(K!;*!)7*/!*6/N-2! shown in Figure 3.3(c). Contact resistance, Rcontact , as extracted by fitting the channel resistance Rds at Vds = 10 mV to Rds = 2Rcontact + L p W µe n20 + n2 (3.1) where W is the width of the top-gated device, n is the carrier density modulated by the top gate, µ is the low-field field-effect mobility, and n0 is the carrier density at the neutrality point [108], varies between 190 Ωµm and 224 Ωµm for the devices studied here, scaling with width rather than contact area [111]. Rcontact is expected to be more important at short channel lengths as the relative contribution to the total device resistance becomes larger. To account for the adverse effect of contact resistance, we rescale the source-to-drain and 0 = V − 2I R 0 source-to-gate bias according to Vsd sd d contact and Vsg = Vsg − Id Rcontact . In Fig- ure 3.3(c), we plot the intrinsic transconductance after this contact resistance subtraction along with the measured one. Despite the increase in the gm values, the decreasing trend with channel length remains unchanged. It is well known that transport in graphene devices is heavily degraded by charge-traps in the oxide or graphene-oxide interface [112]. This charge trapping is made worse by high drain-to-source biasing which strongly affect transis- ! 2' Vg , Vd % ' $ "%& "%! !%& !%! ! !"#$ " 0)*'+0/ !%" !%! *' #" current #%! measurement !"#(&)#*'# ()*'+,-.P,/ !" " # 0)*'+0/ 7189, !%! % # time ()*'+,-.P,/ () !%& $%! #%& #%! "%& "%! !%& !%! ! $!! 4!! 5!! 34 =>1??@A'B@?;C>'+?,/ ' !"#(&)#*'# ! " 0)*'+0/ # Figure 3.4: Pulsed measurement technique. (a) Cartoon of how the pulsed measurement technique works in the time domain. The current is measured only in the orange-marked regions. (b) Pulsed I-V measurements of the same 350-nm device shown in Figure 3.3(b). $%&'()"*(!'%+(*(,-"-(./,01%(2"3!4"&'(!""#$")$*"+$!*,$ -./0,1$2,'0.(,2,#!$!,3*#45.,$+"(60$4#$!*,$72,$1"2'4#8$ tor characteristics and can be expected to have a stronger impact in short-channel devices 9*,$3.((,#!$40$2,'0.(,1$"#/:$4#$!*,$"('#;,<2'(6,1$(,;4"#08$$ because of hot carrier injection [113]. Pulsed I-V measurements are a standard technique to 3#4$$=./0,1$><?$2,'0.(,2,#!0$")$!*,$0'2,$@AB<#2$1,C43,$ avoid these adverse effects [114, 115]. Figure 3.4(b) shows pulsed I-V characteristics of the 0*"+#$4#$D4;.(,EEE8$$ same 350 nm-channel-length device as in Figure 3.3(b), showing significant improvement $ in both device transconductance and output conductance in saturation when employing the pulsed measurement method. In these measurements, performed with a Keithley 4200 parametric analyzer, both gate and drain biases are pulsed with a pulse width of 500 ns and period of 100 µsec. The back-gate is kept grounded throughout these measurements. Pulsed measurements have little effect on device characteristics for channel lengths longer than approximately 1 µm. Figures 3.5(a,c) show detailed pulsed I-V measurements at L of 500 nm and 130 nm. Strong saturating characteristics are consistently observed in the I-V characteristics. Figures 3.5(b,d) show the measured intrinsic device transconductance and the output con0 . The intrinsic transconductance (after contact resistance extraction) as function of Vsd ductance of the 130-nm device exceeds 0.45 mS/µm and the minimum output conductance is 0.3 mS/µm. Figure 3.6(a) shows the maximum transconductance and minimum output conductance as a function of channel length. Both values are relatively independent of chan- 35 & )& 3)45161&.1&0178P12 9%! !%= !%# !%< !"#$%0>2 9%= 9%! !%= '(%)**%+,% !%! !%! 9%" & F& !%$ "%! 9%= '(%-.*%+,% !%" !%# !%$ !"#$%0>2 !%" !%< & A& !%# ! " ! !%! !%# !%< " ! #$&0>2 9%" &09! &E18@+E2 & # !%" $ !%! C $ AI5D/ !%! $ : ! !%! & 9" !%# &H .;&0178 & P12 .1&0178 & P12 .;&0178P12 .1&0178P12 !%" "!! #!! $!! '()**+,&-+*./(&0*12 D& !%$ !%# & +& "%= ?@A&01B8P12 ?@A&01B8P12 "%! !%! !%! & E& !%" !%# !%$ !%< 9! < $ &!"#&G&9%=> # &!"#&G&9%!> " ! &!"#&G&!%=> ! 9! " ! #$&0>2 !"#$%&'()*'+%,$"-%+%./$0!1,2!"#$%&#'&(!")*!(+,%,($-%&'.('! Figure 3.5: Pulsed I-V measurements. (a) Intrinsic I-V characteristics after the extraction of the contact resistance for a 500-nm device. Model fits are shown as solid lines. The ,/-%!$+-!-0$%,(.1#!12!$+-!(1#$,($!%-'&'$,#(-!21%!,!344)#5! 0 from 1.5 V to −0.5 V in 0.5 V steps. The neutrality point (V ) for family of curves vary Vsg 0 6-7&(-8!!916-:!;$'!,%-!'+1<#!,'!'1:&6!:&#-'8!=+-!2,5&:>!12! this device is 1.67 V. (b) Intrinsic transconductance and output conductance for the same 0 . Model fits are shown as solid lines. (c) Intrinsic I-V 500-nm device as a function of Vsd (?%7-'!7,%>!!" #$!2%15!@83!*!$1!)483!*!&#!483!*!'$-A'8!=+-! characteristics for a 130-nm device for the same gate voltage values as in (a). V0 = 2.2 V. #-?$%,:&$>!A1&#$!B! %C!21%!$+&'!6-7&(-!&'!@8DE!*8!132!"#$%&#'&(! (d) Intrinsic transconductance and output conductance for the same 130-nm device. $%,#'(1#6?($,#(-!,#6!1?$A?$!(1#6?($,#(-!21%!$+-!',5-!344) nel length, indicating that velocity saturation is the dominant cause of current saturation. #5!6-7&(-!,'!,!2?#(.1#!12!! #&8!!916-:!;$'!,%-!'+1<#!,'!'1:&6! :&#-'8!142!"#$%&#'&(!")*!(+,%,($-%&'.('!21%!,!@F4)#5!6-7&(-!21%! $+-!',5-!G,$-!71:$,G-!7,:?-'!,'!&#!B,C8!!%HI8I!*8!!1&2!"#$%&#'&(! $%,#'(1#6?($,#(-!,#6!1?$A?$!(1#6?($,#(-!21%!$+-!',5-!@F4) 3.4 Modeling and discussion #5!6-7&(-8!! For sufficiently high vertical electric fields in the channel such that, Vsg + V0 Vsd , where V0 is Vgs (= −Vsg ) at the Dirac point, the density variation in the channel can be ignored. In this case, the drain current is given by Id = nevdrif t and the drift velocity (vdrif t ) can "! :! #! JK&0L>8E12 =! & !" +& !%" & A& !%# !%$ !"#$%0>2 " '(%-.*%+,% ! !%# !%# !%$ !%< !%< !"#$%0>2 " ! #$&0>2 & !%" 9%"! D& 9 C $ : ! ! !%! #!! !%" $!! !%# !%$ "!! '()**+,&-+*./(&0*12 " ! #$&0>2 $ !%! &09! &E18@+E2 & " AI5D/ # !%# !%" "!! #!! $!! '()**+,&-+*./(&0*12 36 & 9" &H !%! $ !%# ! D& #" 35*5161&.;&0178P12 !%" ! : .;&0178 & P12 .1&0178 & P12 !%# !%< & !%$ !%" 35*5 '(%-.*%+,% !%! !%! 9%" 3)45 ? !%$ !%# !%< !"#$%0>2 3)45161&.1&0178P12 ? %! & F& !%! !%" !%= '(%)**%+,% !%! !%! !%< 9! < $ &!"#&G&9%=> # &!"#&G&9%!> " ! &!"#&G&!%=> ! 9! "! :! #! =! JK&0L>8E12 & $ &09! &E18@+E2 & Figure 3.6: Small-signal parameters. (a) Maximum intrinsic transconductance and mini9" $%!&&'()*+!&",!-!%./.-(0"1!2!"#$%&'&!%()*%(+%,! mum output conductance as a function of channel length. (b) Drift velocity as a function 9! of transverse electric field in the channel for the 130-nm-channel-length device for three )*#(+,-(.',)#(,/!#(.!&%(%&'&!-')0')!,-(.',)#(,/!#+!#! different gate < voltages. The solid curves show fits calculated from the Thornbers equation 1'(,2-(!-1!,3#((/4!4/(5)36!!1#2!7*%8!9/4-,%):!#+!#!1'(,2-(!-1! for β = 2. β =$1 is shown in dashed for comparison. )*#(+9/*+/!/4/,)*%,!;/4.!%(!)3/!,3#((/4!1-*!)3/!<=>?(&? &!" G&9%=> # then be directly determined from drain current. As shown in Figure 3.6(b), we find &!" the G&9%!> " ,3#((/4?4/(5)3!./9%,/!1-*!)3*//!.%@/*/()!5#)/!9-4)#5/+6!A3/! &!" G&!%=> 0 /L, is accurately modeled by that vdrif t as a function of transverse electric field, Ey = Vsd ! +-4%.!,'*9/+!+3-B!;)+!,#4,'4#)/.!1*-&!)3/!A3-*(C/*D+! !%# !%$ !%< ! 9! "! :! #! =! Thornbers equation [116] /E'#2-(!1-*!FGH6!FG<!%+!+3-B(!%(!.#+3/.!1-*!,-&0#*%+-(6!! J &0L>8E12 ! &0>2 AI5D/ #& &H .;&0178P12 .1&0178P12 %! !%= #& #& !%" " K #$ vdrif t = 1 µEy β + 1 vsat β !−1/β (3.2) with β ≈ 2, vsat is the saturation velocity, and µ the zero-field mobility, consistent with other studies for oxide dielectric interfaces [104]. Such phenomenological modeling is commonplace in semiconductor device compact modeling and complements microscopic calculations [103]. Figure 3.7(a) shows the field-effect mobility (µ) and minimum charge-density (n0 ) as a function of L, extracted from the low-field channel conductance of the pulsed measurements. The coefficient of variation of the root-mean-square error of these fits is better than 3.5% over the full gate bias range. The same results are achieved from dc measurements, indicating that the pulsed measurements have no effect on low-field transport. The field-effect mobility increases from 640 cm2 /V-sec at 130-nm channel length to ∼1500 cm2 /V-sec once a channel length of 500 nm is reached. n0 follows a similar trend, decreasing from 3.4 × 1012 -$ P" ($$ $ " !" #" #" ($$ ) %$$ &$$ '$$ +,!--./"0.-12,"3-45 " 37 ")%$"-4 "%=$"-4 "=$$"-4 "&$$"-4 )<= ? * >9!2"3)$ "6479.65 )* )*$$ ;* % * P"364 78"9.65 *<$ : )&$$ -$"3)$ "64 5 !" ) )<$ $ #" %$$ &$$ '$$ +,!--./"0.-12,"3-45 " *<: %<* )7* :<$ :<( ;? )7- "3)$ "645 ")%$"-4 >9!2"3)$ "6479.65 *<$ Channel-length scaling. (a) Field-effect mobility and impurity density versus Figure 3.7: $%!&&'()('&*+%",-!(.&*/!0!1!"#$%&'$($)*!+,-#%#*.!/0&! "%=$"-4 "=$$"-4 channel length. The dashed lines are guides to the eye. (b) Saturation velocity as a func√ #+123#*.!&$04#*.!5$3424!)6/00$%!%$07*68!96$!&/46$&!%#0$4! "&$$"-4 tion of 1/ n calculated at the source end for different channel lengths. The dashed line /3$!72#&$4!*,!*6$!$.$8!0#1!:/*23/;,0!5$%,)#*.!/4!/!<20);,0! corresponds to an optical phonon energy of 54 meV. )<= ? ,<!!=>?@4A3*B0C=!)/%)2%/*$&!/*!*6$!4,23)$!$0&!<,3!&#($3$0*! −2 at L = 130 nm to 0.92 × 1012 cm−2 once L = 500 nm is reached. We believe that this cm)6/00$%!%$07*648!!96$!&/46$&!%#0$!),33$41,0&4!*,!/0!,1;)/%! µ 16,0,0!$0$37.!,<!!"#$%&'!! degradation at short channel lengths is due to e-beam damage from the metal-contact )<$ fabrication in of the [117]. This degradation at short channel lengths *<: the vicinity %<* :<$ contact:<( )7* ;? )7- to "3)$ "645 has also been attributed a cross-over from diffusive to quasi-ballistic transport [118]. For the relatively short low-field mean free paths (28 nm at the highest carrier densities) in these devices, this mechanism is unlikely. We note that despite the degradation in low-field transport with decreasing channel length, high-field transport is unaffected, supporting a model for high-field diffusive transport that is independent of impurity scattering and determined by phonon emission. Further support for the phonon emission model comes from the density-dependence of the saturated velocity, vsat . Figure 3.5(a-d) shows a simple model fit (solid curves) along with the measured data for the I-V characteristics. In this case, vsat is treated as a fitting parameter and the extracted vsat values are shown in Figure 3.7(b) as a function of sheet density. The density dependence is consistent with a simple phonon emission model given in Chapter 2, Eqn. 2.11. The extracted phonon energy in this model (~Ω) is approximately 54 meV, close to the phonon energies previously reported for similar device sturucters [104,119]. 38 vsat is independent of channel length down to the shortest gate lengths measured, indicating that transport is diffusive in the high-bias regime. 3.5 Chapter Summary In summary, we have investigated channel length scaling in GFETs down to 130-nm channel lengths. When characterized with dc I-V measurements, we observe a systematic degradation of device performance with decreasing channel length and attribute this effect to trapped charges in the gate dielectric. High-bias measurements made with a dual-channel pulsed-measurement method show current saturation even at the shortest channel lengths. Measured transconductances and output conductance are significantly improved, demonstrating the importance of trapped charge on the device performance. A method to functionalize graphene with PVA is demonstrated that enables reliable high−κ ALD growth down to 5 nm thickness. 39 Chapter 4 Graphene field-effect transistors based on boron nitride gate dielectrics In this Chapter, we describe graphene field-effect transistors utilizing single-crystal hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) as the gate dielectric as published in Ref. [120] and [121]. The devices exhibit mobility values exceeding 10,000 cm2 /V-sec and current saturation down to 500 nm channel lengths with intrinsic transconductance values above 400 mS/mm. The work demonstrates the favorable properties of using h-BN as a gate dielectric for graphene FETs. 4.1 Introduction One of the major obstacles to the development of graphene field-effect transistors (GFETs) remains engineering the dielectric interfaces to the graphene. With the exception of suspended graphene samples [77, 78], which are not practical for devices due to limitations on device architecture and functionality, most GFETs are fabricated on silicon dioxide substrates and top-gated with high−κ gate dielectrics grown on the graphene. The deposition 40 !" #" $" &'(% &*'(% )'(% !"#$% Figure 4.1: h-BN structure. (a) Atomic structure of hexagonal boron nitride (b) optical h-BN structure. (a) Atomic structure of hexagonal boron nitride micrograph of exfoliated h-BN (c) AFM image of h-BN showing different layer thickness. (b) optical micrograph of exfoliated h-BN (c) AFM image of hthese top gate dielectrics often involves the initial deposition of a noncovalent functionBNofshowing different layer thickness % alization layer absorbed on the graphene surface such as in Chapter 3 and Ref. [107, 108]. Both the top-gate oxide and supporting oxide substrate significantly degrade the electronic properties of the graphene. Charged impurities trapped in the dielectrics or at the graphenedielectric interfaces dope the graphene, form inhomogeneous networks of electron hole puddles [73], may significantly degrade mobility, and can result in hysteretic current-voltage characteristics. Surface polar optical phonons from the substrate limit room temperature transport [71] and achievable saturation velocities [34]. In this paper, we present the first measurements of GFETs utilizing hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) as both a gate dielectric and supporting substrate, resulting in dramatically improved transistor current voltage characteristics. 4.2 Basic device structure h-BN is an insulating isomorph of graphite with only %1.7 lattice mismatch [122] (Figure 4.1(a)) with boron and nitrogen atoms occupying the equivalent A and B sublattices in the Bernal structure. The hexagonal structure with strong in-plane bonding makes the surface chemically inert and free of dangling bonds and surface charge traps. The surface is also atomically flat over large areas. The bandgap (5.97 eV) [123] and dielectric properties NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY b d Water-soluble PMMA Graphene layer DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2010.172 41 Glass slide Si/SiO2 DI water (i) Floating PMMA (iii) BN (ii) (iv) Graphene er process. a–c, Optical images ofMechanical graphene (a)transfer and h-BN (b) before and after (c) transfer. Scaleofbars, mm. Inset: electrical Figure 4.2: process. A schematic representation the 10 mechanical !"#$%&'#%()*+%&,-"+).+/#",,0)!"#$%&'()$" ation of the transfer process to fabricate graphene-on-BN devices text surface for details). transfer used process. (i) Mechanical exfoliation on (see PMMA that has a water-soluble *&+*&#&,-().,"./"-%&"'&$%(,0$(1"-*(,#/&*"+*.$&##2"304" layer underneath. (ii) Water-soluble layer is dissolved on top of a DI water bath, (iii) the floating film is transferred over to a glass slide with a whole in it. (iv) The exfoliated flake 5&$%(,0$(1"&6/.10().,".,"755!"#8*/($&"-%(-"%(#"(" on the PMMA membrane bis aligned under the microscope to the target and brought into Graphene BN Graphene 9(-&*:#.18;1&"1(<&*"8,=&*,&(-%2"!11"(*&".,"-.+"./"(" contact. BN #010$.,"$%0+"3004">(-&*:#.18;1&"1(<&*"0#"=0##.1?&=".,"-.+"./" SiO2 of h-BN ( ∼3-4 and VBreakdown ∼ 0.7 V/nm) compare favorably with SiO2 . The excellent ("@A"9(-&*";(-%B"30004"-%&"C.(),D"E1'"0#"-*(,#/&**&=".?&*" Frequency (a.u.) thermal conductivity of h-BN, 600 times higher then silicon dioxide, is also advantageous for -."("D1(##"#10=&"90-%"("9%.1&"0,"0-2"30?4"F%&"&6/.10(-&="C(G&" .,"-%&"755!"'&';*(,&"0#"(10D,&="8,=&*"-%&" FET applications to minimize device heating. To fabricate graphene-on-BN, we employ a '0$*.#$.+&"-."-%&"-(*D&-"(,=";*.8D%-"0,-."$.,-($-2"""" mechanical transfer process in which h-BN layers are exfoliated from ultra-pure h-BN single crystals that were grown by the method described in Ref. [124]. The optical contrast on the SiO2 /Si substrate is sufficient to identify h-BN flakes less than 1 nm thick as shown in Figure 4.1(b) [125]. The surface of every target h-BN flake is first characterized by atomic −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 force microscopy to ensure it is free of contaminants step edges, and also to measure Heightor (nm) its thickness. Figure 4.1(b-c) shows an example optical and AFM image of a clean h-BN oscopy. a, AFM image of monolayer graphene on BNWhile with electrical leads. dashed lines is indicate edge of the graphene surface on a SiO the texture ofWhite the SiO visiblythe apparent, 2 substrate. 2 surface ogram of the height distribution (surface roughness) measured by AFM for SiO2 (black triangles), h-BN (red circles) and the h-BN is approximately three times less rough. The transfer process is illustrated in es). Solid lines are Gaussian fits to the distribution. Inset: high-resolution AFM image showing a comparison of graphene and BN e dashed square in a.Fig. Scale 0.5 mam.metal gate (1nm Cr / 20 nm AuPd) electrode is patterned with e-beam, First, lithography on SiO2 substrates. Next, we mechanical exfoliate h-BN single crystals onto scattering rate due to charge impurities in the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of r(Vg) is !1 V, silicon wafers in coated onto a polymer stack consisting a water-soluble layer (PVA) degree of short-range scattering, comparigiving an upper boundoffor disorder-induced carrierand density fluctu10 22 ples. This suggests PMMA that the(Fig. sublinear shape d n , 7 × 10 cm , a factor of !3 improvement over ation of 4.2(i)) and the substrate was floated on the 12 surface of a deionized water bath. reased short-range scattering on BN sub- SiO2-supported samples . An alternative estimate of this inhomsubstantially reduced charge impurity con- ogeneity is obtained from the temperature dependence of the the effects of short-range scattering at minimum conductivity. In Fig. 3c, smin increases by a factor of sities. Similar behaviour was observed in two between 4 K and 200 K. Such a strong temperature dependence r graphene samples and, importantly, we has previously only been observed in suspended samples, with sub- 42 *% 3% !"#$% /012% &'% ()*+,-.-% Figure 4.3: Back-gated GFET with h-BN gate dielectric. (a) Schematic of the back-gated GFET with h-BNIngate dielectric. (a)channel lengths deviceBack-gated structure. (b) Optical image of GFETs. this case, three different are fabricated out of of thethe sameback-gated graphene/BN flakes. Schematic device structure. (b) Optical image of GFETs. In this case, three different channel lengths are fabricated out of the same graphene/BN flakes. bath (Fig. 4.2(ii)), leaving the extremely hydrophobic PMMA floating on top. The PMMA ! Once the water- soluble polymer had dissolved, the Si substrate sank to the bottom of the membrane was adhered to a glass transfer slide (Fig. 4.2(iii)), which was clamped onto the arm of a micromanipulator mounted on an optical microscope. Using the microscope to optically locate the position of the h-BN flake on the suspended polymer film, the flake was precisely aligned to the target metal gate and the two brought into contact. With this technique, the h-BN could be positioned to within a few micrometres of the target position. During transfer, the target substrate was heated to 130 ◦ C in an effort to drive off any water adsorbed on the surface of the h-BN flake, as well as to promote good adhesion of the PMMA to the target substrate. Once transferred, the PMMA was dissolved in acetone (Fig. 4.2(iv)) and the sample was annealed in flowing H2 /Ar gas at 340◦ C for 3.5 hours. An almost identical procedure is followed for graphene transfer that was exfoliated separately on a similar surface where the PMMA thickness was precisely tuned to allow identification of monolayer graphene by optical means. The devices shown in Figure 4.3 are measured to have a dielectric thickness of approximately 8.5 nm. Because the h-BN can be made arbitrarily thin (down to a single monolayer) our device geometry allows us to utilize the 43 Figure 4.4: Low-field transport characteristics of GFET device with h-BN. R = 1/gds at offield-effect GFETmobility can Vds = 10 mVLow-field as a function transport of Vgs for W/Lcharacteristics = 3.4 µm/2.8 µm. The be extracteddevice from the with slope ash-BN. µ ≈ 11, 000 cm2 /V sec. ds}$ at $V_{ds} = $R=1/g$_{ 10$ mV as a function of $V_{gs}$ for $W/ same h-BN dielectric layer as both a supporting substrate and local-gate dielectric. This, L=3.4~\mu \rm m/2.8~\mu $m. The field-effect therefore, allows us to fabricate theextracted required FETfrom structure mobility can be thewithout slopeanasadditional $\mu top gate. Cr/Pd/Au (1nm/20 nm/90 nm) electrodes are usedsec. as Ohmic contacts, producing p-type \approx 11,000 $ cm$^2$/V doping of the graphene under the contacts because of work-function differences. After transfer, the graphene on h-BN (as measured by atomic force microscopy) seems to conform to the atomically flat h-BN, consistent with previous reports on both rippled [15] and flat [126] surfaces. 4.3 Low-field transport Figure 4.4 shows the channel resistance (Rds ) at Vds = 10 mV as a function of Vgs for a W/L = 3.4 µm/2.8 µm device. Low-field mobility of these devices exceeds 10, 000 cm2 /V sec, as extracted from fits to the low-field transport measurements using Eqn. 3.1. The minimum sheet carrier concentration n0 as determined by disorder and thermal excitation is approximately 2.2 × 1011 cm−2 . The gate capacitance, Cg ≈ 363 nF/cm2 , is given by the parallel combination of the electrostatic capacitance of the gate and the quantum capacitance of graphene (which ultimately limits achievable gate capacitances). There is 44 !" #" !"#$" $" &'(("#$" %"#$" Figure 4.5: Current-voltage characteristics of GFET devices with h-BN. (a) 3 µm channel length, (b) 1 µm channel length, (c) 0.44 µm channel length for Vgs = −2V to 0V in 0.5V steps.Current-voltage characteristics of GFET devices with h-BN. (a) 3 $\mu$m channel length, (b) 1 $\mu$m channel length, (c) 0.44 $ !" \mu$m channel length for #" $V_{gs}= -2$V to 0V in $" 0.5V steps. !"#$%&!' !"#$%&!' !"#$%()*!' !"#$%(!' !"#$%+)*!' !"#$%()*!' !"#$%(!' !"#$%+)*!' !"#$%&!' !"#$%()*!' !"#$%(!' !"#$%+)*!' Figure 4.6: Intrinsic device IV characteristics. Intrinsic IV curves after the contact resischaracteristics. Intrinsic IV curves after the3 contact tance Intrinsic extraction device from theIV measured curves of Fig. 4.5. Channel length of (a) µm; (b) 1 resistance extraction from the lines) measured curves of Fig.~\ref{fig:bnIV}. µm; and (c) 0.44 µm. Model fits (solid are shown along with measured data. Channel length of (a) 3 $\mu$m; (b) 1 $\mu$m; and (c) 0.44 $\mu$m. fitsof(solid lines) are shown along with measured data. almostModel no doping the graphene channel with the location of the Dirac point given by V0 = −0.07 V and with a gate-voltage hysteresis of less then 10 mV at room temperature. BNsupported devices appear to be more stable compared to their SiO2 -supported counterparts, as heating and high-bias stress have virtually no effect on the transport characteristics. For a p-type channel (matching the doping of the source and drain contacts), the contact resistance is approximately 673 Ω/µm. n-type channels show a contact resistance that is approximately 31% higher for this device geometry because of the additional resistance of the p-n junction at the source/drain; therefore, subsequent large-signal characterization are performed with these devices as pFETs. 45 !" #" !"#$%()*!' !"#$%&!' !"#$%(!' !"#$%+)*!' !"#$'+!' Figure 4.7: Intrinsic small-signal transconductance. (a) gm as a function of drain-to-source voltage (Vsd ) for small-signal 0.44 µm channel transconductance. length. (b) Maximum intrinsic transconductance as a Intrinsic (a) $g_ m$ as function channel length. The dashed line shows the average value of 415 mS/mm. a function of drain-to-source voltage ($V_{sd}$) for 0.44 channel length.on (b)h-BN Maximum intrinsic 4.4$\mu$m I-V characteristics supported devices transconductance as a function channel length. The Figure 4.5 shows I-V characteristics measured from with channel lengths of 3 dashed linetheshows the average value ofdevices 415 mS/mm. µm, 1 µm, and 0.44 µm. In the unipolar regime, Vsd < Vsd−kink , the GFETs show satu- ' rating I-V characteristics, where Vsd−kink is the drain bias at which the Dirac point enters the channel as described in Chapter 2. Because these devices are still limited by contact resistance, intrinsic device I-V characteristics are shown in Figure 4.6 after the extraction of the measured contact resistance. The 0.44-µ-channel-length device shows an intrinsic Ion of more than 1 mA/µm. Figure 4.7(a) shows the associated intrinsic transconductance for this same 0.44-µm-channel-length device as a function of Vsd for different values of Vgs . The peak intrinsic transconductance, obtained after the extraction of the contact resistance exceeds 400 mS/mm and is independent of channel length as plotted in Figure 4.7(b), consistent with velocity-saturation-dominated transport. This value is approximately 2.6 times higher than the value on SiO2 -supported samples in Chapter 2, even though the effective gate capacitance is 30% lower. 46 !"#$%&'()& Figure 4.8: Saturation velocity in GFETs with h-BN dielectric. Saturation velocity plotted Saturation indensity GFETs h-BN dielectric. Saturation versus square rootvelocity of the drain for with different channel lengths as extracted from the model fits. The dashed line shows a slope corresponding to ~Ω = 40 meV. velocity plotted versus square root of the drain density for different channel lengths as extracted from the model fits. The dashed line shows 4.5 Device modelingtoand saturation velocity a slope corresponding $\hbar \Omega=40$ meV. The field-effect modeling of the devices is carriered out with a similar approach to Chapter 2 (these model fits are shown in Fig. 4.6). The carrier-dependent saturation velocity (vsat ), which assumes a simple nonequilibrium Fermi surface is given by the expression in Eqn. 2.11, and approaches vF for ~Ω EF . Furthermore, we explicitly include the density-dependence of vsat self-consistently in the current-voltage model, which was not √ done in previous analyses. Figure 4.8 shows vsat as a function of 1/ n (for an overdrive sufficiently large to ensure a unipolar channel) where n is taken at the drain of the channel for three different channel lengths. vsat exceeds 1.14 × 107 cm/sec at sheet densities of more than 4.5 × 1012 cm−2 , more than two times higher than results on SiO2 -supported devices with high−κ gate dielectrics. The slope of the curves indicates the optical phonon energy of approximately 40 meV, significantly less than the surface polar optical phonon energy (SPOPE) of 100 meV for h-BN. Such lower energies have been observed consistently for GFET devices at high densities as shown in the previous chapters. The discrepancy between the measured optical phonon energy and the SPOPE of BN remains the subject 47 of active investigation. 4.6 Chapter Summary In summary, the implementation of h-BN as both the gate dielectric and substrate in graphene FETs is presented. The excellent match of the graphene and h-BN crystal structures and the favorable properties of BN as a dielectric makes the presented devices an ideal approach for GFET fabrication. The low-field transport measurements are clear evidence to the improved dielectric/dielectric-graphene interface with improved mobility and reduced hysteresis. I-V measurements at high-bias support the improved device characteristics. GFETs show saturating output characteristics down to the shortest channel lengths measured, with no degradation in small-signal parameters such as transconductance. The enhanced transistor performance is also evident from the the fact that regular dc measurements are sufficient and pulsed measurements do not have any influence on the output characteristics. 48 Chapter 5 High-frequency characterization of GFETs In this Chapter, the high-frequency performance of two different type of graphene fieldeffect transistors is investigated. The first ones are top-gated devices similar to the ones in Chapter 2 and represent the first experimental high-frequency measurements of (GFETs) as published in Ref. [35] . These FETs exhibit a unity cut-off frequency, fT , of 14.7 GHz for a 500-nm-length device. The second type of GFETs, a heterostructures consisting of graphene devices fabricated on h-BN, demonstrate substantially improved dc and highfrequency performance. These devices show saturating IV characteristics and fmax values as high as 34 GHz at 600-nm-channel length. Bias dependence of fT and fmax and the effect of the ambipolar channel on transconductance and output resistance are also examined. A small-signal model is introduced to characterize the RF measurements. 5.1 Introduction The interest in graphene for electronics is primarily on analog and RF applications of graphene FETs (GFETs) because of the limited on-current-to-off-current ratios achievable with this zero-bandgap material [106]. For RF applications the most widely used figure-ofmerit to quantify transistor performance is the unity cut-off frequency (fT ), defined in the 49 simplified small signal model to be [50]: fT = gm 2πCg (5.1) where gm and Cg are the transconductance and gate capacitance, respectively. If a velocity saturation model is assumed–a realistic assumption for short channel devices–gm can be expressed as gm = Cg W vsat [127], when plugged into Eqn. 5.1 reduces fT to: fT = 1 vsat 2π L (5.2) From this simplified expression, it is straightforward to see that the high-frequency performance can be improved in two possible ways; the channel length L can be reduced, or vsat can be increased. In fact, minimizing L has been the driving force for silicon channel length scaling. However, the minimum possible channel lengths are rapidly approached in semiconductor technology, leaving vsat as the only possible alternative to improve RF performance. Graphene has emerged as a replacement material because of its potential for high saturation velocity. Within the last few years, the RF performance of GFETs, as determined by the device current-gain cut-off frequency, has gone from 15 GHz [35] for 500-nm-length devices in the first measurements to 155 GHz at 40-nm channel lengths in recent reports [128]. In the rest of this chapter high-frequency performance of GFETs will be demonstrated. 5.2 RF performance of top-gated GFETs In this section, we present the first RF measurements of graphene field-effect transistors, demonstrating fT = 14.7 GHz operation of 500-nm-length devices. The dual-gated devices are fabricated in a similar approach to Chapter 2, where the silicon wafer acts as the backgate and a high−κ dielectric separates the graphene channel from the metal top-gate. 5.2.1 Device structure and fabrication Figure 5.1 shows the basic structure of a graphene field-effect transistors used here. Devices have a ground-signal-ground (GSG) probe structure to support RF measurement. Fabri- 50 !" #" !" !" #" $" #" !" $" !" Figure 5.1: Graphene FET structure for RF measurements. (a) Optical microscope image of the entire probed RF device structure. (b) SEM micrograph of the graphene transistor with two gate fingers. %&"'()*+,-,"&./"01(2312(,4"5)6"7*83)9":;3(<03<*,";:)',"<=" 1+,",-8(,"*(<>,?"%&"?,@;3,"01(2312(,4"5>6"!.A":;3(<'()*+"<=" cation is similar to Chapter 2, where mechanically exfoliated graphene from Kish graphite 1+,"'()*+,-,"1()-0;01<("B;1+"1B<"')1,"C-?,(04""" on a high-resistivity Si substrate (ρ = 20, 000 Ω−cm) with a 285-nm thermally grown SiO2 layer is used. The substrate, though highly resistive, still functions as a back-gate. Single-layer graphene pieces are identified optically and confirmed with Raman spectroscopy. Source/drain electrodes are patterned onto the selected graphene pieces with electron-beam lithography followed by a Cr/Au (3 nm/80 nm) deposition. A 30-nm HfO2 film is directly grown with atomic layer deposition as the top-gate dielectric on the active device area, followed by the patterning of a Cr/Au gate. The fabricated device has two fingers of W/L = 2.5 µm/0.5 µm and the source/drain separation is 3 µm. The global back-gate is used to modulate the carrier density of the resulting spacer regions outside the active channel, while the top-gate defines the active device region. 5.2.2 DC characterization DC measurements are carried out in ambient conditions. Figure 5.2(a) shows the measured I-V characteristics along with field-effect model from Chapter 2. The contact resistance is approximately 100 Ω, the low-field mobility approximately 105 cm2 /V sec, and 51 !" #" -0.5 V -0.3 V -0.1 V Figure 5.2: Current-voltage characteristics of top-gated GFET device for RF. (a) Drain current (Id ) as a function of source-to-drain voltage (Vsd ) at Vgs−top = −0.1 V, −0.3 V, !"##$%&'()*&+,$-./+#+.&$#012.1-)3-4567-8$(0.$9"$!%":#+0%−0.5 V Both measured (solid curves) and simulated (dashed curves) results are shown. (b) ."##$%&-;<!" #$=-+1-+-3"%.2)%-)3-1)"#.$'&)'8#+0%-()*&+,$-;<%" Small-signal transconductance (|gm |) as a function of drain-to-source voltage at the same gate-to-source voltages. /.*012$.%3.$*014$.%3.$*015$.%.>)&/&'#($ =-+&-<%"& )'*+,-(. ?$+1"#$8-;1)*08-."#($1=-+%8-10?"*+&$8-;8+1/$8-."#($1=no = 5 × 1012 cm−2 . Because of this degraded mobility and trapped charge effects as demon#$1"*&1-+#$-1/)@%9-;A=-B?+**'10,%+*-&#+%1.)%8".&+%.$-;<)" strated in Chapter 3, the device does not show significant velocity saturation. Figure 5.2(b)6 $=-+1-+-3"%.2)%-)3-8#+0%'&)'1)"#.$-()*&+,$-+&-&/$-1+?$-,+&$' shows that the measured small-signal device transconductance. gm has a pronounced zero &)'1)"#.$-()*&+,$19-at V . The highest transconductances are observed in the unipolar regime away from sd−kink Vsd−kink , which can be achieved by proper choice of V0 and biasing. Therefore the device is most likely to be operated in the high-transconductance, velocity-saturated region with Vsd below Vsd−kink . 5.2.3 Device frequency response S-parameter characterization of the device in the 50 MHz to 20 GHz range is carried out with on-wafer probes and an Agilent N5230A PNA-L network analyzer. Bias-Ts are used to apply the dc and RF signals through the same GSG probes. An open de-embedding structure is measured and used to remove the effects of pad parasitic using a y-parameter de-embedding procedure. The S-parameters of the GFET are measured at Vgs−back = −15 V, Vgs−top = −0.25 V, and Vsd = 1.5 V. Figure 5.3 shows the frequency response of the 52 Figure 5.3: Frequency response of top-gated GFET. Measured forward current gain of the top-gated GFET before and after deembedding of pad parasitics. !"#$%#&'()"#*+,&*#),-).,+/01.#2)3!456))7#1*%"#2) -,"81"2)'%""#&.)019&),-).:#).,+/01.#2)3!45);#-,"#) small-signal current gain h21 , giving a unity-gain frequency of 14.7 GHz. The measured 1&2)1<#")2##=;#229&0),-)+12)+1"1*9>'*6) device fT is consistent with a measured gm of 550 µS and Cg of 5.95 fF. Because of the high gds and poor contact resistance at this bias point, the power gain fmax < 1 GHz. 5.3 RF performance h-BN supported GFETs RF measurements have generally been reported for top-gated device structures whose current-voltage characteristics do not show strong current saturation due to relatively poor gate-oxide interfaces or weak gate coupling [40, 100, 128]. As a result, device output conductance is high, power gain is limited, and the maximum oscillation frequency (fmax ) is typically only one-tenth of fT . It is noteworthy that fmax is the more significant figureof-merit for analog applications as power gain determines the ultimate applicability of the devices. Power gain has a slightly more complicated expression compared to fT : fT fmax = p 4Rg (1/ro + 2πgm ) (5.3) as it also depends on the gate resistance (Rg ) and small-signal output resistance (ro ). Contact resistance has a significant impact on fmax ; not included in the above equation for !"#$%&'()''*!+,'-&."/&'01%$/1$%&!""#$%"&'()*$+,'" ,--./+0$+,12"13"+()"4$'567$+)8"9:;<"8)=,')!"#4%"&;>" 53 *,'0170$?("13"$"'1*?-)+)8"/+0.'+.0)!" 8# 6 Res. (: 30 Id (mA) 25 100 75 5 50 -2 20 4 0 2 Vgs (V) Gain (dB) &# 15 10 3 2 1 5 0 0 1 Vsd (V) 2 !"#$%&'2)''34'/56%6/1&%"01"/0)''@A $/"$"3.2'+,12"13"B/8 Figure 5.4: GFET device with h-BN for RF. 310"B (a) Schematic illustration of the locally back/7 301*"CB"+1"6D!EB",2"C!EB"/+)?/!"@2/)+F" gated device. (b) IV characteristics of BN GFET for RF. Id as a function of Vsd for Vsg G)/,/+$2')",2"-,2)$0"+0$2/?10+"0)7,12"$/"$"3.2'+,12"13" B7/!" in linear transport region as a function from 0 V to −1.5 V in 0.5 V steps. Inset: Resistance of Vgs . GFET device with h-BN for RF. (a) Schematic illustration of the locally back-gated device. (b) !"#$%&'&$()'*+,$+#-.#/0# 1234#.-'#526#7!"#$%&'%&%()*+,-*%-(%$."/'#0$%(-1%$."/'20$% !"# simplicity. In this section, by exploiting high-quality boron-nitride dielectrics, we realize (1-3%4%.%5-%$6789$%.%:*%$489$%.%'5;<'8%!*';5=%>;':'5&*+;%:*% improved fmax /fT ratios as high as 0.86 and fmax values as high as 34 GHz for a 600-nm?:*;&1%51&*'<-15%1;2:-*%&'%&%()*+,-*%-(%$."/2'0$8% dependence of both fT and fmax and compare our results with small-signal models of our device structures. 5.3.1 !$# !" #"$% length device, the highest value reported so far for GFETs. We further investigate the bias !"#$% (HD $2 30)K. $28"!# Device structure and fabrication Hexagonal boron nitride has been previously demonsrated to be an outstanding gate dielectric for GFETs in Chapter 4, yielding interfaces nearly free of trapped charge and maintaining high mobility and carrier velocities in the graphene channel. The GFETs char!"#$%&'>)''?"609-&@&<-&</&'A:'0B6CC90"#<6C'@6%6B&1&%0)'D6E <0$2/'12 acterized here are fabricated with a back gate as shown in Figure 5.4(a). A split gate layout is employed, where tungsten metal gates are initially patterned into a 1-µm SiO2 layer using a Damascene-like process, followed by a chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) step to ensure a flat surface and expose the gate metal surface. h-BN (10 nm thick) is mechanically transferred to form the gate dielectric, followed by the mechanical transfer ,'-&."/&'01%$/1$%&!""#$%"&'()*$+,'" )"4$'567$+)8"9:;<"8)=,')!"#4%"&;>" '1*?-)+)8"/+0.'+.0)!" 54 60 50 40 0 2 Vgs (V) Gain (dB) -2 20 dB/dec 30 20 10 0 1 Vsd (V) U h21 0.1 1 10 Frequency (GHz) 2 !"#$%&'7)''8"#59:%&;$&</='-&."/&'/56%6/1&%"01"/0) 6%6/1&%"01"/0)''@A $/"$"3.2'+,12"13"B/8 (HD $28"".2,-$+)0$-"?1I)0"7$,2"#J%"$/"$"3.2'+,12"13" 1"6D!EB",2"C!EB"/+)?/!"@2/)+F" Figure 5.5: High-frequency device characteristics. h21 and unilateral power gain (U ) as a 30)K.)2'L"$3+)0"8))*4)88,27M"L,)-8,27"! $0"+0$2/?10+"0)7,12"$/"$"3.2'+,12"13" " N"OO"9PQ" function of frequency after deembedding, yielding fT = 44 GHz and fmax = 34 GHz. $28"!#$% N"RO"9PQ!"" !"#$%&'()*(+,-./(0",(.,$1'1,2('"34,35.!"#$%&'"()*+( ,*-.)/01).(23401(5)-*(678()9()(:,*;<3*(3:(:10=,0*;>( of the)?01(+00@A0++-*5B(>-0.+-*5("!"#$C(DD"(EFG()*+("!" graphene channel similar to the process in Chapter 4. GFET fabrication ends with %&'()$C(HD"(EFGI( e-beam patterning of !$# source and drain contacts with approximately 50-nm gate-to-source DC characterization &' #:% 5.3.2 !" #"$% and gate-to-drain spacings. Figure 5.4(b) shows the DC current-voltage (IV) characteristic of a representative GFET device with a effective width of approximately 38 µm and channel length of 0.6 µm. The inset of Fig. 5.4(b) shows the accompanying source-drain resistance in the triode region at Vsd = 10 mV, from which the contact resistance and low-field mobility can be extracted. The total contact resistance (including both source and drain) is approximately 25 Ω, or 950 Ω − µm when normalized to contact width. The low-field mobility is 3, 300 cm2 /V @&<-&</&'A:'0B6CC90"#<6C'@6%6B&1&%0)'D6E <0$2/'128.'+$2') $28"DFE 1.+?.+"0)/,/+$2')! sec. The charge neutrality point (V0 ), the gate-to-source voltage at which the maximum low-field triode resistance is achieved, is at 0.6 V. IV characteristics are plotted for gate voltages (Vsg ) from 0 to -1.5V, demonstrating both saturating current characteristics for the unipolar hole channel and the kink associated with the transition to the ambipolar holeelectron channel. Figure 5.6 gives the transconductance (gm ) and output resistance (ro ) as Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Vsd (V) Vsd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igure 5.6: Bias-dependence of small-signal parameters. (a)$28"DFE Transconductance and (b) $%!&'()*)+()+,)"-."&/!00'&%1+!0"*!2!/)3)2&4"5!6" !"#$%&'$()&*#$&+,#$(,5#6"')*-)*,"+%.%*#$&+/, output resistance plotted versus Vsd and Vsg . a function of bias; both are strongly influenced by the kink behavior in the IV characteristic. The peak gm of 10.5 mS and peak ro of 460 Ω occur at different bias points. This limits transistor performance both in dc and high-frequency by limiting voltage gain (Av ≈ gm ro ) at dc and fT ,fmax at RF. The devices show no hysteresis and unchanged characteristics after repeated measurements. !()* #$%&' !()* #$%&' *,+*,+#" !" #$%&' !" #$%&' !" *#+*#+ !"#$%&'6)''7",/'2&8&02&04&'19':"#:.9%&;$&04<'9"#$%&/.19.+&%"=)''!"#$! !"#$%&'6)''7",/'2&8&02&04&'19':"#:.9%&;$&04<'9"#$%&/.19.+&%"=)''!"#$! " ",<$!;#$! #$%8#$%8 " ",<$!;#$! Cgs Cgs *,+*,+ gm gm gmgm SS 19 19 mSmS ro ro !#"!#" rs rs rs ,rrds ,rd 12.5 ȍ ȍ 12.5 60 50 40 30 20 10 UI (dB) I (dB) GG Figure 5.7: Bias dependence of high-frequency figures-of-merit. (a) fT and (b) fmax . *#+*#+ *-+*-+ rg rg Cgd rd rd Cgd $%!&"'()(*'(*+(",-".%/.0-1(23(*+4"5/31(&0,-06(1%78"!"#$%!"#$% DD !"#$%&"' !"#$%&"' "&'$!(#$%!"&'()*$)$ !('") !"#!"# !('") 60 50 40 30 20 10 measured measured model model !""!"" !##! !"#$%&'6)''7",/'2&8&02&04&'19':"#:.9%&;$&04<'9"#$%&/.19.+&%"=)''!"#$!" ",<$!;#$!#$%8 !"#$%&'6)''7",/'2&8&02&04&'19':"#:.9%&;$&04<'9"#$%&/.19.+&%"=)''!"#$! " ",<$!;#$!#$%8 !"#$%&'6)''7",/'2&8&02&04&'19':"#:.9%&;$&04<'9"#$%&/.19.+&%"=)''!"#$!" ",<$!;#$! #$%8 g Cgd Cgsg Cgs Cgs m #"*,+S*,+ *,+ rd gmgm rs S S ro rrdd D *-+$" *-+ *-+ D D roro !"# 60 50 "# 60 measured measured 5060 model 50 model 40 measured 3040 30model 20 20 10 10 0 0 -10-10 0.10.11 10 1 100 10 100 !"" ! "" !"" 12.5ȍȍ 40 gm rs ,rrds ,rd 12.5 !## ! 30 ## gm 19 mS ro rs98 ,rdȍ 12.5 ȍ 20 C 17 fF gd ro 98 ȍ Cgd 17 fF !## 10 0 ro 98r ȍ rg 19 C 17 fF 3434fFfF gd ȍ ȍ19 CgsCgs g -10 Frequency (GHz) 0.1 1Frequency 10 100 (GHz) rg 19 ȍ Cgs 34 fF Frequency (GHz) !"#$%&'()''*+,--./"#0,-'+12&-"0#)''!"#$%&"''()*+,"'$-./*0"'-,1$2*32/*1$453$"$3-63-)-,1"1*0-$789(P&$13",)*)153):$!;#$ !"#$%&'()''*+,--./"#0,-'+12&-"0#)''!"#$%&"''()*+,"'$-./*0"'-,1$2*32/*1$453$"$3-63-)-,1"1*0-$789(P&$13",)*)153):$!;#$ 6"3"&-1-3$0"'/-)$/)-<$*,$1=-$&5<-':$",<$345 &-")/3-<$%(6"3"&-1-3)$"'5,+$>*1=$1=-$3-)/'1)$54$1=-$&5<-'8$?,)-1@ A,*'"1-3"'$ 6"3"&-1-3$0"'/-)$/)-<$*,$1=-$&5<-':$",<$345 &-")/3-<$%(6"3"&-1-3)$"'5,+$>*1=$1=-$3-)/'1)$54$1=-$&5<-'8$?,)-1@ A,*'"1-3"'$ !"#$%&'()''*+,--./"#0,-'+12&-"0#)''!"#$%&"''()*+,"'$-./*0"'-,1$2*32/*1$453$"$3-63-)-,1"1*0-$789(P&$13",)*)153):$!;#$ +"*,$54$;51=$&-")/3-<$",<$&5<-'-<$<-0*2-8$ +"*,$54$;51=$&-")/3-<$",<$&5<-'-<$<-0*2-8$ 6"3"&-1-3$0"'/-)$/)-<$*,$1=-$&5<-':$",<$345 &-")/3-<$%(6"3"&-1-3)$"'5,+$>*1=$1=-$3-)/'1)$54$1=-$&5<-'8$?,)-1@ A,*'"1-3"'$ IUI (dB) gm 19 mS 19 mS !"#$%&"' !"#$%&"' !('") !"#$%&"' !('") !('") !"#! !#" ! #" !#" rs rs IUI (dB) G G rG g CgdCgd IUI (dB) *#+ *#+ !"*#+ r rg 56 Cut-Off Frequency (GHz) 20 Cut-Off Frequency (GHz) 30 IUI (dB) IUI (dB) 40 IUI (dB) 50 Cut-Off Frequency (GHz) Figure 5.8: Small-signal and RF modeling. (a) Small-signal equivalent circuit for a rep%&!''()*+,!'"!,-"./"&0-1'*,+2"!"#$%&"''()*+,"'$-./*0"'-,1$ 50 resentative 0.6-mm transistors; (b) parameter values250 used 250 in the model; and (c) measured fT f r = 98 : r = 98 : o S-parameters along with results of the model. Inset: Unilateral gain of both Tmeasured o the 2*32/*1$453$"$3-63-)-,1"70-$89:(&&$13",)*)153);$!<#$ 40 250 40 200 f 200 f r = 460 : and modeled device. ro= 98 : f ro=o460 : Tmax max 6"3"&-1-3$0"'/-)$/)-=$*,$1>-$&5=-';$",=$3$4"&-")/3-=$%( 30 30 200 r = 460 : ./0 f 150 +"*,$54$;51=$&-")/3-<$",<$&5<-'-<$<-0*2-8$ 50 o 6"3"&-1-3)$"'5,+$?*1>$1>-$3-)/'1)$54$1>-$&5=-'9$@,)-1A$ 5.3.3 Device frequency response 20 20 150 max ./0 ./0 150 100 100 B,*'"1-3"'$+"*,$54$<51>$&-")/3-=$",=$&5=-'-=$=-0*2-9$ 10 10 1 3456789 1!#23456789 Device S-parameters are measured to 40 GHz. Standard open-short de-embedding methods !#2 100 50 50 0 1 3:;6789 10 03456789 1are 1!#23:;6789 !#2employed !#2 [129]. In Figure 5.5, current-gain (h21 ) and unilateral power gain (U ) are plot50 -10 00 0 1 -10 3:;6789 !#2at ted the bias point of peak g , yielding f and fmax of 44 GHz and 34 1 10 100 100100 200200 300 300 400GHz, 500 respectively. 600 m T 1 10 100 400 500 600 -10 0 Frequency (GHz) Channel Length (nm) (nm) Frequency (GHz) Channel Length (Without de-embedding fT and f18="+"D,="10)'' GHz, Figure 5.7 max are 24 GHz and 1 10 100 10017200 300respectively.) 400 500 600 !"#$%&'>)''?+8%1@&+&0=/'81//"A-&'B"=:'C 18="+"D,="10)'' !"#$%&'>)''?+8%1@&+&0=/'81//"A-&'B"=:'C 1 1 !"#$%&'E)''F&@"4&'/4,-"0#)'C3-<*21-<$=*+=(43-./-,2D$ !"#$%&'E)''F&@"4&'/4,-"0#)'C3-<*21-<$=*+=(43-./-,2D$ A$2"'2/'"1-<$435&$1=-$&5<-'$>*1=$6"3"&-1-3$0"'/-)$54$B*+8$ A$2"'2/'"1-<$435&$1=-$&5<-'$>*1=$6"3"&-1-3$0"'/-)$54$B*+8$ Frequency (GHz) Channel Length (nm) 6-3453&",2-$"1$<*44-3-,1$2=",,-'$'-,+1=)8 6-3453&",2-$"1$<*44-3-,1$2=",,-'$'-,+1=)8 shows fT and fmax as a function of bias; the peak high-frequency response closely matches 9;$!<")=-<$;'/-#$",<$>*1=$5/16/1$3-)*)1",2-$)-1$15$=*+=-)1$ 9;$!<")=-<$;'/-#$",<$>*1=$5/16/1$3-)*)1",2-$)-1$15$=*+=-)1$ !"#$%&'>)''?+8%1@&+&0=/'81//"A-&'B"=:'C 18="+"D,="10)'' 1 &-")/3-<$0"'/-$!3-<#8$ &-")/3-<$0"'/-$!3-<#8$ A$2"'2/'"1-<$435&$1=-$&5<-'$>*1=$6"3"&-1-3$0"'/-)$54$B*+8$ the peak transconductance of the device. 9;$!<")=-<$;'/-#$",<$>*1=$5/16/1$3-)*)1",2-$)-1$15$=*+=-)1$ &-")/3-<$0"'/-$!3-<#8$ !"#$%&'E)''F&@"4&'/4,-"0#)'C3-<*21-<$=*+=(43-./-,2D$ 6-3453&",2-$"1$<*44-3-,1$2=",,-'$'-,+1=)8 The small-signal model of Figure 5.8(a) is used to model the high-frequency be- havior of the GFETs. The measured S-parameters are shown in Figure 5.8(c), showing good agreement with the results of the small signal model with the parameters given in Figure 5.8(b). These small-signal values are in good agreement with values derived from the IV characteristics. The gm here is the intrinsic value, exclusive of contact resistance, in good agreement with previous chapters results of approximately 0.5 mS/µm. The model derived from this representative 0.6-µm device can be used to further understand device optimization and scaling. Figure 5.9(a) shows how the fmax performance ro 98 rȍo Cgd 98 ȍ 17 fF Cgd 17 fF rg 19 rȍg Cgs 19 ȍ 34 fF Cgs 34 fF 0 -10 0.1 0 -10 1 10 0.1 100 1 10 100 Frequency Frequency (GHz) (GHz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ro= 98 : ro= 98 : ro= 460 :ro= 460 : 20 10 1!#210 3456789 1!#23456789 0 0 1 3:;6789 1!#23:;6789 !#2 -10 20 -10 1 10 100 1 10 100 FrequencyFrequency (GHz) (GHz) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Cut-Off Frequency (GHz) 40 #" IUI (dB) IUI (dB) 50 Cut-Off Frequency (GHz) !" 50 250 200 150 ./0 fT fT fmax fmax ./0 100 50 0 100 200 100 300 200 400 300 500 400 600 500 600 Channel Length (nm) Channel Length (nm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igure 5.9: Improvements possible with device optimization. (a) U calculated from the &-")/3-<$0"'/-$!3-<#8$ &-")/3-<$0"'/-$!3-<#8$ model with parameter values of Figure 5.8 (dashed blue) and with output resistance set $%&'()*%*+,-"&(--.#/*"0.,1"2*).3*"(&4%.5!4(+6"7!8"!"!# to highest measured value (red). (b) Predicted high-frequency performance at different $%&$'&%()*#+,-.#(/)#.-*)&#01(/#2%,%.)(),#3%&')4#-+#516',)7 channel lengths using the RF model. 8,)+9:6;<=>5?.-*)&@#A*%4/)*#B&')C#%D*#01(/#-'(2'(# could be improved to 58 GHz for this same channel length if the V0 of the device could be ,)414(%D$)#4)(#(-#/16/)4(#.)%4',)*#3%&')#A,)*CE#ABC#F,)*1$()*# adjusted (through a secondary gate or channel doping) to align peak gm and ro . The model is /16/G+,)H')D$I#2),+-,.%D$)#%(#*1J),)D(#$/%DD)&#&)D6(/4# also used to estimate the performance at shorter channel lengths by scaling gate capacitance '41D6#(/)#>5#.-*)&E# while keeping other small-signal parameters constant as shown in Figure 5.9(b). fmax values close to 250 GHz are possible at 100 nm channel length. Higher frequency performance will require significant improvements in device parasitics, most notably the contact resistance. 5.4 Chapter Summary In summary, we have fabricated and measured two types of GFETs at high frequencies. The first RF GFET device, yields fT performance exceeding 14 GHz for a 500-nm-length channel. The second type with h-BN dielectric has greatly improved performance and yields fmax of 34 GHz. We have elucidated unique features in the current-voltage characteristics of these devices and their effect on the RF performance. Especially, the ”kink” in the IV characteristics is crucial to align the maximum transconductance and output resistance. A small-signal model is developed that can closely match the measured RF data up to 40 58 GHz. Wider device structures and lower contact resistance will be necessary to utilize these devices in simple RF circuits, such as low-noise amplifiers (LNAs). 59 Chapter 6 Conclusion The recent discovery of graphene has created a large interest in using this material for electronic applications. Favorable properties of graphene such as its two-dimensional structure, large current carrying capability, and high carrier velocities support this interest. While the zero-bandgap of graphene restricts any digital electronic applications, analog applications that do not require low off currents show significant promise. In this thesis, the current-voltage characteristics of graphene FETs have been experimentally investigated at high-bias. The implications of the zero-bandgap on the IV characteristics are observed and modeled. Other FET characteristics such as the effect of channel length scaling as well as high-frequency performance are demonstrated. 6.1 Summary of contributions In summary, GFETs with highly efficient gates are fabricated. The importance of large gate coupling in the high-bias regime is demonstrated. The first high-bias IV-measurements of graphene reveal a “kink” that is attributed to the zero-bandgap ambipolar channel. For device applications, we find that the kink is undesirable as the transconductance becomes zero at this point. The saturation velocity is investigated and a unique density dependence is observed for the first time and interpreted with respect to the linear density-of-states in graphene. [34] 60 Channel length scaling in GFETs is studied systematically for the first time down to ∼100-nm channel length. We find that trapped charges surrounding the graphene channel become increasingly important with decreasing length and can mask the intrinsic graphene characteristics. A dual-channel pulsed measurement method is employed to mitigate the effects of such extrinsic factor, resulting in saturating current characteristics down to the shortest channel length devices measured. The small-signal parameters such as transconductance and output conductance remain constant with scaling; a favorable result for GFET applications. [98] Alternative approaches for device fabrication have also been investigated. Specifically, integrating graphene with a gate dielectric in an FET structure, a fundamental problem in graphene research, has been demonstrated in two possible ways. A polymer functionalization layer has been developed to assist high−κ ALD growth. While the process results in very high gate coupling, the trapped charges between the graphene/dielectric interface degrades device performance significantly. A superior method is developed, where hexagonal boron nitride was used as the dielectric. These devices exhibit improved low-field transport properties, such as high mobility and reduced hysteresis, and high-field transport with current saturation without the need for pulsed measurements. [120] The high-frequency performance of GFETs fabricated with the two different methods above is studied. The RF measurements on the top-gates devices are the first in the field and demonstrate the possibility of graphene FETs for analog/RF applications. While the initial measurements yield a fT ≈ 15 GHz [35], with improved devices with h-BN dielectric these increase to 44 GHz at 600-nm channel length. The bias dependence of the high-frequency characteristics and a RF model were also among the unique contributions of this work [130]. 6.2 Future work Significant progress has been made in both understanding GFET operation and increasing GFET performance. There are, however, numerous remaining questions that will determine whether graphene transistor will become a commercially viable technology. Certainly, tran- 61 sistor performance will be an impact factor. Equally important will be the development of techniques for efficient manufacturing. To make GFETs viable for RF applications, a number of problems that were pointed out throughout this work have to be resolved. Contact resistance in these devices remains high compared to the channel resistance and has a clear impact on transistor operation. The gate dielectric is another issue that requires intensive research. h-BN is a good candidate; however, a wafer scale process will be required to make it a potential solution. For deeplyscaled channel lengths, higher dielectric constant materials will be required to approach the gate efficiency of state-of-the-art silicon transistors. Controlling the channel doping will also be necessary to ensure unipolar device operation. In terms of GFET operation, many questions remain unanswered. It is unclear at this point what the limiting phonon energy is for velocity saturation. A better understanding of this quantity could enable enhances channel velocities. It remains unknown how the device will behave once channel lengths on the order of the mean-free-path are approached. Theoretical models predict that band-to-band tunneling could become significant at channel lengths less than 100 nm [131]. How this will effect device performance is yet to be determined. The small quantum capacitance will most certainly affect attainable effective gate capacitance. Especially in deeply scaled devices that require high gate coupling to minimize short channel effects, the small quantum capacitance might pose another limit on minimum channel length. Additionally, the density-dependent quantum capacitance is a source of nonlinearity, an undesirable feature for analog amplifier applications. The density dependence of the saturation velocity will also be an additional source of nonlinearity. Further evaluation of other transistor characteristics is necessary to determine the usefulness of GFETs for analog/RF applications. The noise performance remains unknown. A careful investigation of the noise figure, which might be related to the unique energy dispersion of graphene, needs to be performed. The transconductance per unit current will also require significant improvements for analog applications. 62 Finally, the true potential of graphene transistors could become possible in novel applications such as flexible electronics that would benefit from both the electrical and mechanical properties. An ideal GFET structure could be envisioned as a self-aligned device with deeply scaled h-BN dielectric on a wafer-scale flexible substrate. 63 Bibliography [1] P. Avouris, Z. Chen, and V. Perebeinos, “Carbon-based electronics,” Nature Nanotechnology, vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 605–615, Oct. 2007. [2] K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morozov, D. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S. V. Dubonos, I. V. Grigorieva, and A. A. Firsov, “Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films,” Science (New York, NY), vol. 306, no. 5696, pp. 666–669, Oct. 2004. [3] K. S. Novoselov, D. Jiang, F. Schedin, T. J. Booth, V. V. Khotkevich, S. V. Morozov, and A. K. 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