Chapter-Six GROUNDWATER GEOPHYSICS 6.1. INTRODUCTION Water is most important for any type of land development and conservation of groundwater is economically important. Geophysical methods has been used for a number of applications particularly groundwater potential zone identification. Accurate and reliable results has been obtained when these methods are proposed with thoroughly understanding of geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological environments, water table conditions and topography in a specific location. There are four important techniques like gravity, magnetic, seismic, and geoelectrical prospecting methods are available. Out of this electrical resistivity method plays solving groundwater problems through its highest resolving power and economical viability. Electrical resistivity methods are used to investigate the different lithological formations, bed rock dispositions, the depth to water table or zone of saturated formations, thickness of weathered zones, detection of fissures, fractures, fault zones, establishment of their depths, thickness and lateral extent of aquifers, groundwater flow directions, valley fills, depth to basement in hard rocks, fresh and salt water intrusions, groundwater prospective zones, for locating ore deposits and archaeological studies. In this study area electrical resistivity method has been worked to analyse geoelectrical parameter identification. 6.2. PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY SURVEY Electrical Resistivity Survey is performed by passing a known electric current into ground by means of two current electrodes and the potential differences between the other two potential electrodes is measured. The potential variations may be 126 changes due to size, shape and conducting capacity of the material in the subsurface and from the quantities of potential differences and the current applied the resistance is calculated. 6.2.1 Electrical Resistivity Survey (ERS) Generally the prospecting of geophysical methods is fundamental to illustrate the physical character of the chosen sites. In the prospecting developments in geophysics, physical characteristics like density, magnetic susceptibility, elasticity, radioactivity and electrical resistivity (or electrical conductivity) are considered. Any geological formation is characterized by an electrical resistivity whose main factor is the ease with which the electrical current passes through it. Electrical resistivity can be termed in ohm- meter of ohm-feet of ohm-centimeter and in electrical exploration ohm-meter is recorded as a standard unit. Electrical Resistivity Surveys could find out a good electrical resistivity difference between the water bearing formations and the surrounding rocks (Zohdy et. al., (1974).Figure 6.1 Shows that the Schematic diagram of basic of electrical resistivity configuration method. In this process a known value of electric current (I) is passed into the ground by two outer metal stakes (C1 and C2) that are buried in the ground. The potential variation (∆V) is measured between two inner electrodes termed potential electrodes (ρ1and ρ2). The ratio of ∆V/I provides the resistance (R) and by multiplying R with the geoelectrical factor (K) of the electrode separation, the resistivity ‘ρ’, and it is inverse of conductivity of the ground may be described. The potential variation passes because of the externally pressing current between various electrodes, the apparent resistivity of the elements established in the given geologic formation which does not match the average resistivity and it may be lower than the lowest and higher than the highest resistivity within the subsurface to which it pertains. The apparent potential value of ‘ρ’ 127 corresponds to the true resistivity, if the ground is homogeneous and isotropic when it is obtained from the measurements over a layered or heterogeneous ground, then it is only an apparent resistivity and is signed by ‘ρa’, the quality being used in the interpretation of electrical methods. 6.3. LITHOLOGICAL FORMATIONS AND THEIR RESISTIVITY VALUE RANGES The resistivity of geological subsurface formations differs very broadly not only from formation to formation but also within one lithological unit and is related to (i) Size and shape of the aquifer materials, density, porosity, pore size of the material (ii) Quality of water, size, shape, pore space and density of the aquifer horizons (iii) Distribution of water in the rocks due to the structural and textural characterstics and (iv) The temperature of the subsurface of the water environment Kollert (1969); Vingoe (1972); Sharma (1976); Telford et. al., (1976); Bhimashankaram and Gaur (1977), Patangay and Murali (1984), Ramachandran (2000) and Venkateswara Rao et. al., (2004) has given comprehensive list of resistivity values of various rock types, minerals and soils. Mooney (1980) has also given representative resistivity values for different kinds of earth materials (Table 6.1). Sakthimurugan and Balasubramanian (1991) tabulated the range of resistivity values of common hard rocks and their water bearing decomposed products of the Indian Peninsula (Table 6.2). The resistivity of highly weathered saturated gneiss of Archaean age group rock formation ranges from 27 to 120 ohm-m. 128 Dry rocks whether Non-porous or Porous are almost non-conductors otherwise the resistivity and saturated clayey sediments have low resistivity clay, sand and gravel deposits that are saturated with groundwater of low ionic strength have high resistivity. Porous geological formations, which are saturated with groundwater of high ionic strength, have very less resistivity (Gilkeson and Cartwright, 1983). Table 6.1 Representative Resistivity values of Regional Soil Resistivities (After Mooney, 1980) Soil Wet areas 500-200 ohm-meters Dry areas 100-500 ohm-meters Arid regions 200-1000 ohm-meters (sometimes as low as it the soil is saline) Waters Soil water 1 to 100 ohm-meters Rain water 30 to 1000 ohm-meters Sea water Order of 0.2 ohm-meters Ice 10 5 to 108 Ohm-meters Representative Resistivity values for Earth materials Low resistivity material Medium resistivity material High resistivity material Less than 100 ohm-meters 100 to1000 ohm-meters Greater than 1000 ohm-meters Rock types below the water table Igneous and Metamorphic 100 to 10,000 ohm-meters Consolidated sediments 10 to 1000 ohm-meters Unconsolidated sediments 1 to 100 ohm-meters Ores 10-4 to 1 ohm-meters Massive sulphides Non-metallics Order of 1010 ohm-meters (Gypsum, Quartz, dry rock salt) 129 Table 6.2 Hydrogeological Characteristics of Bulk Resistivity (After Sakthimurugan and Balasubramanian, 1991) Bulk Resistivity (ohm.m) <20 50-70 20-30 Aquifer characteristics Authors Indicates a chloride ion concentration of Stewart, 250 ppm (aquifer fine sand and limestone) (1983) Porosity is the principal determinant of Stewart, resistivity (1983) Pore fluid conductivity dominates Stewart, (1983) 30-70 Affected by both water quality and lithology Stewart, (1983) <10 <1 Delineates sediments enriched with salt Stewart, water (1983) Clay/sand saturated with salt water sand Zohdy, (1974) 15-600 gravel saturated with fresh water <5 Salt water or clay with salt water Arora and Bose (1981) < 19 Clay/ clay mixed with kankar weathered 64-81 sandstone weathered granite <10 Singhal (1984) Saline coastal zone sand (sedimentary) Balasubramanian 10-20 Clay with or without diffused water, (1985) 20-60 Fresh water zones (EP-Electrical Profiling; DES-Dipole Electrical Sounding; FEMS – Frequency Electro Magnetic Sounding; Polarization; IP – Induced Polarization; RVES – Radial Vertical Electrical Sounding; SP – Spontaneous IPVES –Induced Polarization Vertical Electrical Sounding; RIS – Radio Interference Sounding; RP – Radio wave Profiling; VES – Vertical Electrical Sounding) 130 6.4 MATERIALS AND METHOD Different types of electrical methods are commonly employed to deal with various geological problems (Bhimashankaram and Gaur (Op. cit), Patangay and Murali (1984) have catalog listed in Table 6.3 which shows that majority of the groundwater problems to be solved using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) that has been conducted in Nanjangud taluk in order to satisfy the following reasons such as to investigate the nature and extent of the potential aquifers of groundwater and to carry out the thickness of saturated zones and depth to basement rock formations. 6.4.1 Depth Sounding Depth sounding was employed to determine the vertical variation in the Apparent Resistivity due to different geological units (Zohdy et. al., Op.cit). In Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) the central electrode was arranged at a fixed point and at the same time the electrode spacing was successively increased at logarithmic intervals. Increase in the electrode spacing gives near-surface variations in the resistivity whereas great electrode spacing of high sensitive sounding and expansion of electrode arrangement and depth of the penetration of electric current is increased and hence information on the vertical succession of different zones, their individual true resistivities conductive zones and thickness of the aquifer can be obtained. The main purpose of Vertical Electrical Sounding is to deduce the variation of electrical resistivity with depth below and to obtain geological knowledge in order to work out the substructure in addition detail. The basis of theory behind this procedure is that a fraction of electric current that passed into the ground penetrating below a given, which increases with current electrode separation. 131 6.5. ELECTRODE ARRANGEMENTS Many different electrode arrangements have been proposed and used for resistivity exploration. Whiteley (1973) presented a comprehensive review of 25 arrangements with comments on the advantages and disadvantages of each. Some of the less well known arrangements offer significant benefits for certain problems, Wenner, Lee modification of Wenner, Schlumberger and Axial Dipole-Dipole arrangements are widely used because the interpretation tools are well developed and they will be adequate for application to groundwater and shallow geologic problems. The Schlumberger arrangement is widely used for quantitative interpretation in Vertical Electrical Sounding compared with Wenner. It offers the important advantage of being less sensitive to unknown lateral homogeneities because the potential electrode (M & N) remains in fixed position during a large number of sensitive measurements. The Schlumberger arrangements have two disadvantages compared with Wenner. Certain adjustments must sometimes be made to the field data prior to interpretation, and more sensitive measuring equipment is required. In this work, Schlumberger arrangement has been used for resistivity sounding with a speed of current electrodes AB/2 upto 260m. Four electrodes are placed along a straight line on the earth’s surface (Fig. 6.1 a,b & c) in the same order, AMNB, as in the Wenner array, but with AB ≥ 5 MN. For any linear, symmetric array AMNB of electrodes, the equation in the form 132 (AB/2)2 – (MN/2)2 ∆V ρ = ………………….. (6.1) MN I But of MN → 0, then this equation can be written as E 2 ρs = (AB/2) …………………………………….. (6.2) I ∆V MN where E = lim, MN → 0 = electric field Where ρa apparent resistivity ∆V - Potential difference I - Current K - Geometric factor A - Space between two electrodes Conrad Schlumberger defined the resistivity in terms of the electric field E rather than the potential difference ∆V (as in the Wenner array). It can be seen from the equation 6.2 that the Schlumberger apparent resistivity “ρs” is a function of a single distance variable (AB/2). In practice it is possible to measure “ρs” according to the equation 6.2 but only in approximate manner. The apparent resistivity “ρs” usually is calculated by using equation 6.1 provided that AB 5 MN (Deppermann, 1954; Keller and Frischknech, 1966). 6.6. INSTRUMENTATION Aquameter CRM-20 (Computerized Resistivity Meter) has been used to conduct the geophysical survey in this study (Fig.6.2) Aquameter is a modern version of earth resistivity meters, which make use of advanced technology of microprocessor. The 133 generator circuit in Aquameter CRM-20 is so designed to maintain the current flowing through the ground at the present level, irrespective of variations in the soil and contact condition. The current passes through the C1C2 electrodes into the ground and the potential generated across V1V2 electrode is sensed by instrument. This instrument is capable of detecting even a very low signal riding on a noisy background. The noise elimination takes place at various stages of amplification and the filtered signal is the processed so as to derive the resistance information. For excessively noise condition the ‘averaging mode’ is provided externally in addition to the internal built-in averaging. This facilitates geophysical prospecting even in difficult terrain. Fig 6.2 .Instrument of CRM 20 Aquameter The microprocessor based circuit always ensures the proper functioning of the instrument. Any malfunction such as low battery voltage, a poor contact at the current electrodes or improper current setting etc, is immediately detected and conveyed to the operator through LCD display. This eliminates the possibility of any erroneous readings. 134 A seven-position switch is provided to select the appropriate current. The current ranges are 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10, 20 mA. Accuracy of the result will be higher, the higher the value of current. The aquameter is provided by a rechargeable high power battery of 12 V. the generator circuit inside the aquameter converts the 12 V D.C into a high voltage supply of 150 V D.C, which is made to alternate at regular intervals giving 300 pp (peak to peak). This constant current generator circuit sends out the current through the C1-C2 electrodes and maintains it at the present value throughout the measurement. By selecting the number of cycles depending on the ground noise, one can get noise free readings (The available are 1, 4, 16 and 64). Using the range switch it is possible to select the resistance range 10 ohm, 1000-ohm, 10 K ohm or 1 M ohm depending on the soil resistivity. Normally the lowest range is very suitable for accurate readings. Self-potential cancellation is done automatically. 6.7. FIELD DATA For evaluating the groundwater potential zones in the investigated area, the vertical electrical sounding data of 55 locations (Map.6.1) conducted with the help of CRM-20 (Computerized Resistivity Meter) has been used. The maximum depth of investigation was 100 meter. The spread was commonly in steps of half meter interval up to 10 meter, 20 meter interval up to 30 metres, 5 metres interval up to 60 metres and 10 metres interval up to 100 metres. 6.8. ANALYSIS OF VES DATA The main objective of the Vertical Electrical Sounding is to transform the field data in terms of subsurface geology or hydrogeology, so that suitable maps can be drawn for various geophysical parameters of interests. To succeed on this main 135 objective, it is very basic to analyse the field data and interpret them suitably. The details required to relate the data can be represented by (1) Qualitative and (2) Quantitative methods. Zhody et. al., (Op.cit), Patagay et. al., (Op.cit) have explained the different methods of qualitative and quantitative interpretations and the sequence of interpretations. 6.8.1 Quantitative Interpretation Quantitative interpretation of Vertical Electrical Sounding data is detailed the thickness of the various geological formations having different resistivities and the interpretation may be analytical or empirical or semi empirical. 6.8.2 Analytical Method Analytical methods are fundamentally the calculation of theoretical sounding curves that match the field curves. The Apparent Resistivity Data of VES covering the entire basin has been plotted on log-log graph sheets and matching done with the master curves of Orellona and Mooney (1966), particularly prepared Wenner for configuration. The mathematical basis of their method could be found in Griffiths (1966). 6.8.3. Types of Curve The simplest sounding curves can be different types related to the geological and hydrogeological environments and the high electrodes spread. These curves are of two types like (1) Ascending type (2) Descending type. The ascending type of curves are established where the ground has a two-layer structure, the topsoil or weathered layer and hard compact basement (highly resistivity). The descending types 136 of curves are established where a top layer is overlying a thick clay or saline water aquifer. ‘A’-type curves are obtained in the hard rocks with conductive topsoils. In this case, the resistivity of the layers will be continuously increasing (ρ1<ρ2<ρ3). Sounding curves have maximum peak and occupied by low resistivity values (ρ1<ρ2>ρ3). are termed ‘K’ type curves and such curves result from different environment. In the category to three layered ground structure four types of sounding curves are possible. The listed ρ1,ρ2 and ρ3 are electric resistivities of the three following other layers, sounding curves with central minimum (ρ1>ρ2<ρ3) is called ‘H’ type curves. Type of sounding curves are not normally in hard rock formations and it consists of dry top soil of high resistivity as the first layer, water saturated weathered layer of minimum resistivity as second layer and compact hard with very high resistivity as the third layer. A sounding curve with continuously decreasing resistivity (ρ1>ρ2>ρ3) is said to be ‘Q’ type curve and this type of curves are commonly obtained in coastal region because of the saline water. (Map.6.2). Based on the above results interpretation of the Nanjangud taluk, the following types of curves are noticed. 6.8.4. Qualitative interpretation A qualitatative method is useful to learning the common information about the geological structure and the changes in the geological section of the region. The technique of interpretation is very helpful after the quantitative interpretation of the same is undertaken. Interpretations are worked out by preparing iso-resistivity maps, thickness of different layers, longitudinal conductance maps, transverse resistance and aquifer anisotropy maps to demonstrate the subsurface information and their features. 137 6.9. COMPUTER INVERSION TECHNIQUES (CIT) As there is a chance of error in interpretation and judgments of manual curve matching procedures, several numerical computer programs for automated fit of resistivity data have been developed. The computer inversion program IPI2WIN has been used to compute the geoelectrical parameters of the study area. The input data given for execution include (i) The field measurement as spacings and apparent resistivities (ii) The type of electrode arrangement used (Wenner, Schlumberger or Dipole). (iii) The number of layers and (iv) Assumed layer of resistivities (ρ) and thickness (h). This is an iterative procedure of utilizing a set of guessed model parameters to compute a sequence of apparent resistivity values. The computed ‘ρa’ values are compared at each iteration with the observed field ‘ρa’ values and subsequent attempts are mode in refining the layer parameters. When the error between the observed and computed value is less, the resultant model is produced as an output. Instead of an arbitrary initial guess, the parameters derived through curve matching have been utilized for inversion and the best fit results were obtained. It has been found that this strategy produced a very good automated fit and reduced the number of iterations, and compute processing time. Fig. 6.3. Shows the automated fit of matched curves obtained through this computed inversion program for three locations. The resistivity and thickness of different layers obtained through manual curve matching and compute inversion have been compared for all the vertical electrical sounding stations 138 of the study area. The results of these two procedures are showing similar layer details and are tabulated (Table. 6.3) for further interpretation. 6.10. INTERPRETATION OF VES DATA The geophysical parameters of the aquifers of the Nanjangud taluk (curve type, resistivity of the layers and the thickness of the first two layers) has been tabulated for 55 villages (Table 6.4). From this data the following points are emerge. The four types of resistivity cures for the 3-layered geo-electrical sections (A,K,H and Q) do exist in this Nanjangud taluk. Curve types Number of Sites A 08 K 22 H 21 Q 04 Total 55 Locations with ‘K’ type curves predominate in the Nanjangud taluk followed by ‘H’, ‘A’ and ‘Q’type. Location with ‘A’ and ‘H’ curves are in general suitable for shallow wells, where as location K type could be exploited by deep bore wells or dug cum borewells. Fig 6.3 gives the observed field curves as well as computed field model curves using the IPI2WIN program along with the geoelectrical model. These diagrams show clearly that the IPI2WIN model exactly coincides with the field data and could clearly be used for the interpretation of resistivity data of hard rock areas. Water saturated horizons at AB/2 equal to 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 meters has been separately prepared and shown as five maps.(Maps 139 6.3 and 6.7). It was very clearly shown that areas with 20-60 Ohm-meters resistivity is ideal for potable water well sites and areas with > 60 Ohm-meters resistivity are mostly dry in the hard rock areas and Karnataka (Sharma, 1982; Prasad, 1984; Balasubramanian, 1986; Venugopal, 1988; Chandrashekar, 1988; Indira, 1988; Siddaraju, 1996; Nagaraju, 1996; and Mastan Rao, 1998). Map AB/2 mts 6.3 20 6.4 40 6.5 60 6.6 80 6.7 100 From the maps as well as the table given above it could be observed that the area of water saturated horizon increases with depth upto 40 m AB/2 and then decreases slowly depth wise and drastically by the time AB/2 reaches 100 m indicating that dug, dug-cum bore and moderate depth bore wells will be more successful than shallow dug-wells or deep bore wells in this area (Table 6.4). Maps 6.8 and 6.11 give the iso-resistivity contours of 20 and 60-Ohm meters respectively for the first and second layers. This has been particularly chosen due to the fact that potable groundwater exists in the resistivity areas falling between 20-60 ohm meters, water quality deteriorates when resistivity is < 20 Ohm meters and the formations will be dry if resistivity escalates beyond 40 meters. Thus both these maps have shown three horizons namely non-potable groundwater (< 20 Ohm meters) potable groundwater (20-60 Ohm meters) and dry rocks (>60 Ohm meters). 140 The thickness of the first layer h1, h2 and h3 is given in Maps 6.9, 6.12 and 6.15. A large area of the Nanjangud taluk with less than 20 meters thickness and considerably small areas with thickness greater than 20 meters is shown by Map 6.9 thus, groundwater exploitation has to be done with shallow wells. In contrast to this Map 6.11 the area of the falling is less than 20 meters thickness is lowest, 20-60 meters is larger and greater than 60 meters is in between the first two. This clearly shows that the shallow wells are of no use when deeper aquifers are to be exploited. Super position of Map 6.8 and 6.9 results is Map 6.10, which gives the groundwater potential zones of the first layer. The entire area could be divided into six resistivity thickness horizons as follows. Thickness Resistivity Groundwater (M) (Ohm meters) Development by / Quality < 20 < 20 Dug wells, Non-potable water < 20 20-60 Dug wells, potable water < 20 > 60 Not feasible > 20 < 20 Shallow bore wells, Non-potable water > 20 20-60 Shallow bore wells, potable water >20 > 60 Not feasible The third column in the above table gives the type of wells for groundwater development and the quality of water, which will be encountered in the area. Larger areas of the Nanjangud Taluk could be served by dug wells development with potable water area. For deeper groundwater exploitation and identification of groundwater potential zones Maps 6.11 and 6.12 are superimposed over each other and Map 6.13 141 gives the groundwater potential zones. And the third layer groundwater potential zones maps are decipher on Maps 6.14, 6.15 and 6.16. Thickness Resistivity Groundwater (m) (Ohm meters) Development by / Quality < 20 < 20 Dug wells Non-potable water < 20 20-60 Dug wells potable water < 20 > 60 Not feasible 20-60 < 20 Shallow bore wells Non- potable water 20-60 20-60 Shallow bore wells potable water 20-60 > 60 Not feasible > 60 < 20 Deep bore wells, Non potable water > 60 20-60 Deep bore wells, potable water > 60 > 60 Not feasible The above table shows 9 horizons with the types of wells for development (dug, shallow borewells, deep borewells) quality of water (potable, non potable) and not feasible areas. It is interesting to note that a large area could be served by shallow bore wells followed by deep bore wells both yielding potable water. 6.10.1 Geoelectrical Parameters In general, geologic section varies from a Geoelectrical section when the boundaries of geologic layers are not similar with the boundaries between layers, properties of various resistivities causing electric boundaries of individual layers of various resistivities may or may not be similar with boundaries of individual layers of various geologic ages or various lithological characteristics. For example, the type of 142 salinity of groundwater in a given type of rock is different in depth and number of Geoelectrical layers that may be recognized within a lithological homogenous rock and also in the heterogeneous situation layers of various lithologies or ages or both may have the same resistivity and thus from a single Geoelectrical layer. A Geoelectrical layer is characterized by two essential parameters like resistivity ‘ρ’ and thickness ‘h’. The other geoelectrical parameters could be obtained from these variables: 1. Total longitudinal unit conductance (S) 2. Total transverse unit resistance (T) and 3. Aquifer anisotropy ( λ) 1. The total longitudinal unit conductance (S) is calculated by using the formula. For ‘n’ layers, the total longitudinal conductance is S= n hi Σ i=1 ρi h1 = h2 + ρ1 hn; +……… ρ2 ……….. (6.3) ρn Where h1and ρ1 are thickness (m) and Resistivities of the ith layer upto nth layer. Different is ‘S’ from one VES to other has been used in qualitative sense to show changes in the total thickness of low resistivity materials (Zohdy, 1969; Henriet, 1975; Worthington, 1977; Galin, 1979). High ‘S’ values are typical of low aquifer Resistivities. Empirical connection between longitudinal conductance of weathered layer and groundwater yields has been noticed especially for winter months during resistivity investigations for groundwater in metamorphic areas in the Dhanbad district in India (Verma et. al., 1980). 143 2. The total transverse unit resistance (T) of a location can be observed by using the equation. The total transverse unit resistance is n T= Σ hi ρi = h1ρ1 + h2 ρ2 + ……………hnρn; i=1 …… (6.4) Where h1 and ρ1 are the thickness (m) and resistivity (ohm-meters) of the ith Layer up to nth layer. The total transverse resistance has normally been interpreted either by a qualitative or quantitative manner. The quantitative interpretation technique effort to develop a comparison between T and mean borehole test yield (Worthington Op. Cit) or between T and aquifer transmissivity values (Scarascia, 1976 and Kosinski, 1977). The characteristic has helped to point out the varying thickness of high resistivity materials and for variations in their transverse resistance (Zohdy et. al., Op. cit). Increasing T values are supported by an increase in the thickness of the high resistivity materials (Balasubramanian, 1986). It has been reported (Matzner, 1983) that increasing T and S are similar with high transmissivity of aquifers.(Map.6.18) 3. The coefficient of anisotropy (λ) of a formation could be observed by using the formation. The coefficient of anisotropy is √TS λ= ………………(6.5) H Where, T – Is the total transverse resistance (ohm-m2) S – Is the total longitudinal conductance (mhos) and H – Is the total thickness of the formation (m) 144 The result presented as coefficient is commonly higher than 1.00 but does not often exceed 2.00 (Zohdy et. al., Op. cit). It could be measure of carryout the extent of anisotropies in an area of interest. It accounts to 1.02-1.10 for alluvium, 1.05-1.15 for sandstones and shales 1.40-2.25 for slates and 2.0-0.8 for graphite schist (Balasubramanian, Op. cit). As the hardness and compaction of rocks increase, the coefficient of anisotropy also increases (Keller et. al., 1966). Those parameters have been described and shown in Table 6.4 6.11 SIGNIFICANCES Geophysical techniques have emerged as important tools in prospecting for groundwater. In spite of the manifestation of surficial features of any terrain. Actual potable groundwater in areas of hard rock has Resistivities ranges from 30 to 150 ohm-metres. Whereas in the sedimentary formations, resistivity values may reach as low as 1 –ohm-m. In general hard rocks groundwater could be tapped in the weathered, fissured and fractured zones are commonly found at comparatively very shallow depth, such zone and pockets have less resistivity values and were correlated to the high compact and fresh rocks and could be simply located by resistivity surveys. Water holds in joints and fissures of the under composed rocks may also be found may be depending on the low resistivity values. Balakrishna et. al., (Op. cit), Krishnaraju (1983), Prasad (1984) Sharma and Sastri (1986) have worked and published about related studies in hard rock terrains. Hydrogeological evaluation of the groundwater potential of the Akure metropolis, South Wastern Nigeria demarcated by Olorunfemi et al., (1999). Adedeji (2001) suggested the application of integrated geophysical methods in groundwater exploration and protection. Electrical resistivity surveys for groundwater in the upper Gunjanaru catchment, Cuddapah 145 district, Andhra Pradesh an integrated approach by Janardhana Raju,(1996). Vertical sounding curves in the Nanjangud taluk are shown in the Map 6.2 and the figure curve types are classified into four categories, out of this most of the curve fall under the ‘A’ type followed by ‘H’ type than ‘K’ type and ‘Q’ type. It could be seen from this figure that ‘A’ curve type indicates that most part of the study area falls under rock terrain and massive nature. Convenient occurring of the longitudinal conductance (Map. 6.17) and it can be represented that high longitudinal conductance values are characteristic of deeper basement topography very close to river basin. 146