TERTIARY EDUCATION COMMISSION AND NEW ZEALAND SEARCH AND RESCUE TRAINING GOVERNANCE GROUP AND SEARCH AND RESCUE (SAR) ADULT AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION (ACE) APPROVED TERTIARY EDUCATION ORGANISATIONS (TEO): 1. TAI POUTINI POLYTECHNIC SAR (ACE) TRAINING JOINT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AND OPERATING AGREEMENT 1 1 Table of Contents Ser. Description……...………………………………………...………............page 1 Table of Contents..................................................................................... 2 2 Version Control ........................................................................................ 3 3 Parties...................................................................................................... 4 4 Purpose ................................................................................................... 5 5 Background.............................................................................................. 5 6 SAR (ACE) Criteria .................................................................................. 6 7 SAR (ACE) Funding Allocation Process .................................................. 6 8 SAR (ACE) Funding Arrangements ......................................................... 7 9 Core Responsibilities ............................................................................... 7 10 SAR Managers Course ............................................................................ 8 11 Qualifications ........................................................................................... 8 12 Monitoring and Recovery ......................................................................... 8 13 Publicity and Promotion ........................................................................... 9 14 Structure and Communication ................................................................. 9 15 Dispute Resolution ................................................................................... 9 16 Intellectual Property ............................................................................... 10 17 Term, Modification and Review .............................................................. 10 18 Emergency Management ....................................................................... 10 19 Signing Provisions ................................................................................. 11 Appendix 1 SAR (ACE) Training model ......................................................... 12 Appendix 2: EFTS Value................................................................................ 13 Appendix 3 TEO Reporting ............................................................................ 14 Appendix 4: SAR (ACE) Monitoring and Recovery ........................................ 16 Appendix 5: Principal Contacts ...................................................................... 17 Appendix 6: Training Delivery Mechanics and Responsibilities ..................... 18 Appendix 7: Prediction of SAR Training Need ............................................... 23 Appendix 8: Forums and Meetings ................................................................ 25 Appendix 9. Moderation of SAR (ACE) Training ............................................ 26 Appendix 10. SAR (ACE) Course Table and on Line Calendar ..................... 29 Appendix 11. SAR Managers Course ............................................................ 30 2 2 Version Control Version Date Approved 1.0 10/3/2015 2.0 30/5/15 Change Description Original Appendix 3. TEO Reporting. Fortnightly reporting requirement removed. Appendix 9. Moderation of SAR (ACE) Training. Process, further details included. 3 3 3.1 Parties The parties to this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) are: 3.1.1 Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) – A Crown Entity established in 2003 to give effect to the Government’s requirements for tertiary education as outlined in the Tertiary Education Strategy and act in accordance with roles and responsibilities as set out in the Education Act 1989. 3.1.2 New Zealand Search and Rescue (NZSAR) acting for the Search and Rescue Training Governance Group 1 – A sub-group appointed by the NZSAR Council2 to manage SAR training funded by the TEC, inter organisation training related relationships, and set overall SAR training goals and strategies. The Governance Group is comprised of the Chief Executives or delegated senior executives of the following agencies: NZSAR Secretariat (Chair and Point of Contact) Land Search and Rescue New Zealand (LandSAR) Coastguard New Zealand (Coastguard) Surf Life Saving New Zealand (SLSNZ) New Zealand Police (Police) Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ) SAR Industry Training Organisation Approved Training Provider(s). 3.1.3 SAR (ACE) approved Tertiary Education Organisations (TEO): Tai Poutini Polytechnic. (TPP) is a regional Polytechnic, with its main campus in Greymouth, and smaller campuses in Westport, Christchurch and South Auckland. Until otherwise advised, TPP is the sole approved TEO eligible to use SAR (ACE) funding to deliver SAR training. 1 SAR Training Governance Group Terms of Reference available at www.nzsar.org.nz 2 The NZSAR Council was established by Cabinet in February 2003 to provide high level strategic governance and leadership to all SAR agencies in New Zealand. 4 4 Purpose 4.1 The purpose of this MoU is to establish a framework between the TEC, NZSAR and the TEO to support the allocation of the SAR ACE Fund, and outline processes for the delivery, reporting and monitoring of SAR (ACE) training. 4.2 The objectives are to: 4.2.1 outline the funding allocation process; 4.2.2 specify what each party is responsible for; 4.2.3 identify monitoring accountabilities, requirements and processes; 4.2.4 describe procedures, accountabilities and expectations; and, 4.2.5 agree a dispute resolution process. 4.3 This MoU describes the parties’ overall relationship for the Purpose set out above. It is not intended to: 4.3.1 be a legally binding contract; 4.3.2 impose specific legal obligations on either party; 4.3.3 limit collaboration between the parties; or 4.3.4 impose obligations on other organisations that are not party to this Memorandum. 5 Background 5.1 Search and rescue is a not-for-profit public good activity. 5.2 Following a 2011 review of funding, the TEC created in 2013 a ringfenced fund for SAR training within the ACE funding pool. The intent of the SAR (ACE) Fund is to create a sustainable funding arrangement that represents value for money, and put the SAR sector in the driving seat in terms of determining how best to meet its training needs. The funding is available only for SAR training and enables nominated SAR learners 3 to receive fees free SAR training. 5.3 The SAR (ACE) model is designed to be sustainable, future-proofed and flexible to accommodate changes in the SAR sector’s needs over time. Under this model, the TEC works closely with the NZSAR Secretariat 4, (acting for and on behalf of the SAR Training Governance Group), to ensure training purchased by the TEC meets the sector’s needs. 5.4 A diagram of the SAR (ACE) model is at Appendix 1. 3 Eligible learners nominated to undertake the SAR training by NZSAR, or by a SAR organisation approved by NZSAR. 4 The NZSAR Secretariat provides the NZSAR Council with support services, policy advice and the implementation of agreed measures in order to give effective leadership and strategic coordination to the New Zealand search and rescue sector. 5 6 SAR (ACE) Criteria 6.1 The SAR Training Governance Group, advised by the SAR Programme Advisory Committee(s) (PAC), decides the content and allocation of SAR (ACE) Training. SAR organisations decide who may attend SAR (ACE) training. 6.2 SAR (ACE) training arrangements will: 6.2.1 Allow eligible SAR learners to train at no cost to themselves, in recognition that they are already donating their time and effort to a public good. 6.2.2 Allow the SAR Training Governance Group to assert an appropriate level of control over the amount, nature, and location of training the SAR sector receives. 6.2.3 Be based upon SAR operational needs. 6.2.4 Provide value for money. 6.2.5 Be transparent, with clear accountabilities. 6.2.6 Support SAR learners to get the training and accreditation that they need 5 (and no more than they need), whether this be qualification based or not. 6.2.7 Allow SAR learners and emergency management learners to train sideby-side where feasible. 7 SAR (ACE) Funding Allocation Process 7.1 The TEC allocates SAR (ACE) funding through the Investment Plan6 process. Advice from NZSAR contributes to the TEC funding allocation process 7 . To determine how to allocate the SAR (ACE) funding, TEC will work with NZSAR to get its advice on how best to meet the sector’s training needs. NZSAR will collect this information from its SAR operational partners. 7.2 Proposed Investment Plans from TEOs are considered against the TEC’s gazetted decision-making criteria. The TEC Board of Commissioners makes final funding decisions - typically in October/November of each year8 7.3 Specific eligibility criteria that define which TEO may apply for funding are specified in a funding determination by the Minister of Education Skills and Employment under section 159L of the Education Act 1989 9. The Ministerial determination for ACE 10, including the SAR (ACE) Fund, 5 SAR training need is determined by SAR organisations and approved by the SAR Training Governance Group. 6 http://www.tec.govt.nz/Resource-Centre/Frequent-questions/Providers/What-is-an-Investment-Plan/ 7 The TEC is required to exercise its independent discretion in the allocation of funding, with advice provided to the TEC being one of many factors that are considered in the decision-making process. 8 The timeline for the Plan process is available on pages 35-36 of the Plan guidance for 2015 and 2016. 9 http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1989/0080/latest/DLM183614.html?search=ts_act_education_resel 10 http://www.tec.govt.nz/Resource-Centre/Ministerial-determinations/ 6 is available on the TEC website. 7.4 SAR (ACE)-funded TEOs must meet the funding conditions published on the TEC’s website (see: SAR funding conditions SAR001 - SAR015). 7.5 If more than one TEO is approved to deliver SAR (ACE) training, the TEO’s involved will be expected and required to act and operate cooperatively and collaboratively. The interests of SAR people receiving high quality fees free SAR training as determined by the SAR sector will remain paramount through all deliberations. 8 SAR (ACE) Funding Arrangements 8.1 The funding rate for an equivalent full-time student (EFTS) place for SAR training through the ACE fund recognises the higher costs involved in delivering high-quality SAR training throughout New Zealand. The current dollar figure per EFTS is at Appendix 2. Student Achievement Component (SAC) funding arrangements for those seeking full qualifications at higher levels remains unchanged. 8.2 SAR agencies may incur some cost facilitating their people to attend SAR (ACE) training. 8.3 TEOs will provide a clear and detailed annual account of SAR (ACE) expenditure, see Appendix 3 for details. The TEC expects TEOs to make a modest surplus on the delivery of SAR (ACE) consistent with the not-for-profit public good nature of SAR training and Tribal Benchmarking. 8.4 The TEO is accountable for SAR (ACE) funding. SAR (ACE) funding may not be used for purposes that do not directly contribute to the delivery of quality SAR training. It may not be reprioritised or reallocated within the existing year, or carried forward to the next year. 8.5 Funding from Vote Tertiary Education will be used to fund new learning only, not refresher or continuation training. SAR organisations are responsible for funding and managing refresher and continuation training. 8.6 TEC will monitor delivery (using special quarterly reporting templates see Appendix 4) to ensure that the funding is appropriately applied by the SAR Sector. 9 Core Responsibilities 9.1 The principle contacts for this MOU are at Appendix 5. The core responsibilities of the agencies involved with SAR (ACE) are detailed below. 9.1.1 NZSAR Prepare and update the annual prediction of SAR training need, see Appendices 6 and 7. Advise the TEC on current and future training needs of the sector (i.e. 7 volumes, types, locations etc.) to inform TECs Investment Plan funding process. Provide advice to the TEC in early August annually regarding the preferred amount of SAR (ACE) funding required for the following calendar year. Advise the TEC on the suitability of current SAR training provision to enable allocation of funding per the Investment plan timeline. If the SAR sector’s training needs are unable to be met by the existing funding arrangement, NZSAR should advise the TEC and identify other TEOs with potential to deliver SAR training. Allocate and arrange SAR students for SAR (ACE) training. Arranging meetings as required, see Appendix 8. Participate in the moderation of SAR (ACE) training as outlined in Appendix 9. 9.1.2 TEC Allocate SAR (ACE) funding through the Investment Plan process. 9.1.3 TEO Arrange and deliver SAR (ACE) training in accordance with Appendix 6. Coordinate and develop a pool of tutors for the delivery of SAR (ACE) training (See Appendix 6). Participate in the moderation of SAR (ACE) training as outlined in Appendix 9. Maintain a SAR (ACE) Course table and on-Line calendar as outlines in Appendix 10. 10 SAR Managers Course 10.1 The SAR Managers Course is the peak training for SAR (ACE arrangements. Due to the high credit allocation per student and the significant in-kind support normally provided by the sector, the special arrangements for the SAR Managers Course are explained in Appendix 11. 11 Qualifications 11.1 SAR (ACE) training approved by the SAR Training Governance Group may be either certificates registered on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, or training that is agreed as fit-for-purpose by the SAR Training Governance Group or a mix of both. 12 Monitoring and Recovery 12.1 Monitoring and recovery will occur in accordance with the current SAR 8 (ACE) Determination. Appendix 4 contains further detail on process and responsibilities. 13 Publicity and Promotion 13.1 NZSAR will include a SAR (ACE) supplement in two LINK newsletters per year to raise the profile of the training available and promote attendance at the available opportunities. TEOs will actively work with NZSAR to prepare material for inclusion in each LINK newsletter. 14 Structure and Communication 14.1 The parties agree to maintain a New Zealand Search and Rescue Training Governance Group; a sub-group appointed by the NZSAR Council to manage Search and Rescue (SAR) training funded by the TEC, inter organisation training related relationships, and set overall SAR training goals and strategies 11. 14.2 Each TEO agrees to maintain a SAR ‘Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) to manage the consultative process of training programme development and delivery on behalf of the Parties. The PACs will be coordinated by the TEO(s) and will operate under TEO(s) generic PAC Terms of Reference. 14.3 The parties agree that all SAR training will draw from the relevant theoretical / documentary base as determined and approved by the SAR Training Governance Group. 15 Dispute Resolution 15.1 The parties acknowledge that, in the unlikely event of a dispute or difference in opinion between them in relation to this Memorandum: 15.2 in the first instance, the parties will resolve such dispute at the level and location at which it occurs; 15.3 if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute as outlined above within four weeks, they will forward the dispute to the relevant TEC Investment Manager, the TEO contact, and the Manager NZSAR Secretariat for resolution; 15.4 if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute as outlined above within four weeks, they will forward the dispute to the Chief Executive of the TEC, Chief Executive of the TEO and to the Manager NZSAR Secretariat for resolution; 15.5 if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute as outlined above within four weeks, they will forward the dispute to the Chairs of their respective Boards/Council; and 15.6 as a last resort (and meeting their own costs), the parties will refer the dispute to FairWay Resolution (or by mutual agreement, a similar 11 See www.nzsar.org.nz for the SAR Training Governance Group Terms of Reference 9 dispute resolution service). 16 Intellectual Property 16.1 All parties recognise that search and rescue activity is a public good and the knowledge base pertaining to search and rescue is shared freely subject to the following: 16.1.1 Parties accept that SAR knowledge and practice continues to grow and evolve which requires the free flow of ideas and information. 16.1.2 All parties recognise that identified SAR (ACE) material subject to copyright, bought to the relationship by a Party will remain vested in that Party. All such SAR (ACE) material will be made available and shared to the other parties under agreed Attribution-Non-commercialShare alike Creative Commons Licence. This means Parties (and others) may share and build upon each other’s work non-commercially, as long the originator is credited and the new creations are licenced under the identical terms. (For further detail see http://creativecommons.org.nz/ ). 16.1.3 From time to time NZSAR may request the TEO to provide non SAR courses to the SAR sector using SAR (ACE) funding (such as Adult Education). The TEO may or may not make these resources available under a Creative Commons Licence by mutual agreement between the TEO and NZSAR. 16.1.4 If a joint project or curriculum development exercise is undertaken, ownership and management of any material developed in relation to it will be dealt with in a specific management agreement or contract relating to that project or exercise. 17 Term, Modification and Review 17.1 This Memorandum will: 17.1.1 take effect on the date it is signed by the second signing party and will continue in force until terminated by the parties by written agreement; and 17.1.2 be reviewed at intervals agreed between the respective relationship managers to ensure currency and, if necessary, may be modified by written agreement. 17.1.3 By mutual written agreement, appendices may be updated, deleted and additional ones included at any time without affecting the main document. Appendences are to be date stamped. 17.1.4 Ensure that representatives of the TEC, the TEO and NZSAR meet to discuss how this agreement is working and any improvements that might be needed. 18 Emergency Management 10 18.1 Commencing in 2015 the wider Emergency Management sector will have a similar arrangement for training called EM (ACE). TEC expects close cooperation between the organisations involved with SAR (ACE) and EM (ACE). 19 Signing Provisions Signature………………………….. Signature……………………… Date……………………………….. Date…………………………… Gerard Gilmore Deputy Chief Executive - Operations Tertiary Education Commission Duncan Ferner Chair Search and Rescue Governance Group Training Signature………………………….. Date……………………………….. Allan Sargison Chief Executive Tai Poutini Polytechnic Appendices: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Title SAR (ACE) Training model EFTS Value TEO Reporting SAR (ACE) Monitoring and Recovery Principal Contacts Training delivery mechanics and responsibilities Prediction of SAR Training Need Forums and Meetings Moderation and Evaluation of SAR Training SAR (ACE) Course Table and on-line Calendar SAR Managers course As at 10/3/2015 10/3/2015 30/5/2015 10/3/2015 10/3/2015 10/3/2015 10/3/2015 10/3/2015 30/5/2015 10/3/2015 10/3/2015 Enclosure: Ministerial Determination for 2015 11 Appendix 1 SAR (ACE) Training model SAR (ACE) SKILL ACQUISITION TRAINING TRAINING MODEL SAR Agencies • • • • Identifies own training requirements Markets training Provides Trainees In-Kind support Technical Advisory Group (TAG) • • Existence, mandate, purpose and parameters set by the PAC Provide technical advise to PAC Reports on training quality Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) • • • Agreed Training Programme Devises the SAR programme Establishes TAGs as required Provides advice & reports to the GG Predicts Training Need Governance Group (GG) • • • • • Reports on training TEO (Accredited Training Provider) Develops, executes and reports on agreed training utilising agreed content • Standards • Moderation Provision of agreed and predicted training SAR people receive quality training Manages Relationships Predicts the collated training need Sets priorities Approves programme(s) Manages performance TEC • • • Funds Measures Reports SAR Trainees Pre course qualified Information Reporting Action As at 10 March 2015 Funding 12 Appendix 2: EFTS Value As at 10/3/2015 1. For 2015, the total amount allocated to SAR (ACE) is $1.30 million – permitting the purchase of 155 EFTS. 2. For 2015, the value of one SAR (ACE) EFT is set at $8,400 per EFTS 12. 3. One EFTS is equivalent to 120 credits. 12 This was the approximate average rate paid for SAR short-award delivery through Vote Tertiary Education from 2009 – 2012 and is substantially higher than the usual ACE funding rate of $4,444.44. 13 Appendix 3 TEO Reporting As at 30/4/2015 1. Monthly SAR (ACE) Training Delivery Report 1.1. Report monthly to NZSAR on SAR (ACE) training conducted in the past month and planned for the next three months including the information described in paragraph 2.2. 1.2. Summary table of SAR (ACE) Training 1.2.1. SAR (ACE) EFTS to date 1.2.2. Courses to date 1.2.3. Courses cancelled 1.2.4. Courses postponed 1.2.5. Numbers registered 1.2.6. Numbers attending 1.2.7. Average registered 1.2.8. Average attending 1.2.9. % non-attendance 1.2.10. % of predicted. 1.3. Graph of enrolments by SAR organisation 1.4. Graphs of students/EFTs by region 1.5. Table of EFTS delivered by Course Type 1.5.1. Current as at 1.5.2. Course 1.5.3. EFTS Utilised 1.5.4. EFTS Allocated 1.5.5. Students qualified/not qualified 1.5.6. Difference from allocation 14 2. Quarterly 2.1. Summary of monthly report(s) 2.2. Course satisfaction survey 2.3. Tutor satisfaction survey 2.4. Evaluation reports 3. Annually 3.1. Summary of quarterly reports to outline how SAR (ACE) funding was utilised during the year including direct delivery costs, training material maintenance and development and internal charges and overheads. 3.2. SAR (ACE) Financial report relating to SAR ACE provision as per the TEC funding letter. This is confidential to NZSAR and will containing the following information: 3.2.1. Income 3.2.2. Staffing Expenditure 3.2.3. Operational Expenditure 3.2.4. Overhead Expenditure 3.2.5. Comparison with Tribal Benchmark 4. As required 4.1. Report to NZSAR quarterly on training conducted, cancelled and postponed. Include EFTS consumption, student (by SAR agency) numbers and achievement (for previous quarter), student satisfaction, tutor satisfaction and the results of any course evaluations during the quarter. 15 Appendix 4: SAR (ACE) Monitoring and Recovery As at 10/3/2015 1. NZSAR 1.1. Escalate any performance issues identified with the SAR (ACE)-funded TEO to the TEC. 1.2. Maintain a table of all approved SAR (ACE) training material. 2. TEC 2.1. Report information about SAR (ACE) completion rates and enrolment volumes (by course) to NZSAR subsequent to each Single Data Return 13 (SDR) round. 2.2. Monitor SAR delivery to ensure the SAR (ACE) funded TEO/s is compliant with TEC’s funding conditions and manage performance issues. 2.3. Ensure that only eligible and nominated learners are accessing SAR (ACE) funding and that SAR (ACE)-funded TEO/s comply with TEC’s funding conditions. 2.4. Manage any training provider performance issues identified through its monitoring process through its Performance Consequences Framework. 2.5. If a TEO receives funding that is greater than it provides, the TEC will recover the difference between the actual delivery (at a course level) and 100% of the SAR (ACE) funding. 3. TEO 3.1. Report to TEC as required to support the TECs responsibilities. 13 The TEC monitors SAR (ACE) enrolment information submitted through the (SDR) in May, September and January each year. 16 Appendix 5: Principal Contacts As at 10/3/2015 The principal contacts for this instrument are: NZSAR Contact TEC Contact Duncan Ferner New Zealand Search and Rescue Council NZSAR Secretariat Level 6, SAS Tower 89 The Terrace Wellington Phone: 04 439 9045. Mobile: 021 249 0463 Email: d.ferner@transport.govt.nz Bruce Lynch Level 10, 44 The Terrace P O Box 27048 Wellington Phone: 04 462 5858 Fax: 04 462 5400 Mobile: 027 229 2380 Email: bruce.lynch@tec.govt.nz TEO Contact Samuel Blight Tai Poutini Polytechnic PO Box 607 Greymouth 7840 Phone: 03 769 9404 Email: samuelb@tpp.ac.nz 17 Appendix 6: Training Delivery Mechanics and Responsibilities As at 10/3/2014 1. SAR Sector Responsibilities: 1.1. Develop an annual prediction of TEC-funded SAR training needs for the TEC and TEOs. 1.2. Arrange and provide suitable students, at agreed minimum per course numbers, for training according to the agreed programme. 1.3. Publicise and promote the agreed programme to SAR people via their internal communication networks using mutually agreed TEO supplied promotional materials. 1.4. Enrol learners into TEO supplied training courses. 1.5. Pay for student travel, accommodation, meals and where relevant, allowances. 2. TEO(s) Responsibilities: 2.1. Arrange the delivery and conduct of the training programme including: 2.1.1. Maintenance of an on-line calendar of SAR (ACE) training. 2.1.2. All course resources / teaching material. 2.1.3. Provision and funding of suitable tutors. 2.1.4. Tutor travel, accommodation, meals and allowances. 2.1.5. Learning venue(s). These should be arranged in consultation with the local sector point of contact. 2.2. Acknowledge learner enrolments, where relevant, manage the precourse acceptance process, according to agreed standards, accept or decline learners and issue accepted learners with the pre-course joining (administrative) instruction and any pre course (learning) material. 2.3. Report on the delivery of training to TEC and NZSAR. 2.4. Conduct all training safely in accordance with relevant Health and Safety legislation. 2.5. Maintain and update SAR training material that they deliver ensuring it is current and meets the sectors training needs. 2.6. Make their SAR training resources available for posting on the START SAR knowledge library 14. 2.7. Decide if students qualify or not qualify on training. 14 See http://nzsar.org.nz/Knowledge-Training/START 18 2.8. Prepare and issue course certificates within three weeks of course conclusion for qualified students. 2.9. Postpone or cancel SAR training – provided they have NZSAR’s agreement in advance if it is required. 2.10. Collect, maintain and report student and tutor satisfaction information. 2.11. Maintain a record of student learning and advise SAR agencies as appropriate. 2.12. Provide readily accessible programme management personnel and maintain sound and prompt administration of the programme. 2.13. The provision of capable SAR (ACE) Tutors: 2.13.1. TEO(s), in consultation with the SAR PAC(s) will maintain a pool of PAC approved tutors. 2.13.2. Tutors are expected to have sufficient industry knowledge, operational experience and currency in the range of topics they will be delivering. 2.13.3. The tutor pool will be developed and maintained in consultation with the SAR PAC(s) 2.13.4. Individual tutor development is according to pathways developed in consultation with the SAR PAC(s). 2.13.5. A current database (or table) of tutors and tutor capability is maintained by TEO(s) and shared with the SAR PAC(s) and SAR Training Governance Group at every meeting. 3. Mutual/Shared Responsibilities 3.1. Training promotional material will be collaboratively arranged and be acceptable to both the TEO and NZSAR. 3.2. Changes to scheduled training course dates and locations can only occur by mutual agreement between the TEO and NZSAR. 3.3. Development or alteration of SAR (ACE) training material /courses as per the attached flow diagrams. 4. Variances 4.1. The Royal New Zealand Police College bookings are arranged through the Police National SAR Coordinator. 4.2. Search in the Suburban Environment requires specialist sites/venues including industrial and residential locations. 4.3. In consultation with the TEO, these will be booked, arranged and cleared (via letter drop) by the local SAR Sector point of contact. 19 4.4. Where the venue and accommodation are a single location, the local SAR sector point of contact and TEO are expected to coordinate closely. It is expected that the venue/accommodation provider will provide separate invoices to the TEO and the SAR Sector organisations. 20 Development or alteration of SAR (ACE) training material / courses Sector SME identifie s concern Changes to Existing Course Material Minor changes would remain BAU and responsibility of the Training Provider. This would be medium to significant change to an existing course. Sectors Moderation Proces s identifies the need Identify the Need PAC for consideration & endorsement and GG for approval to investigate Individual Organ isation Ide ntifies N eed No Best Practice Nationally or Inte rnationally changes significantly No Further action Yes Sector SME’s form a TAG or Steering Group. TAG or Steering Group prepare recommendations To PAC PAC considers recommendations No No further action Agrees/Recommends Training Provider for Academic Process Course material rewritten/designed SME/Steering Gp guidelines New Course Material PAC review new content in context of course. Requires more work Endorsed by the PAC GG Approval No Requires more work Yes Course Delivered to the Sector 21 Changes to Existing Course Material Sector SME identifie s concern Sectors Moderation Proces s identifies the need Individual Organ isation Ide ntifies N eed Identify the Need Best Practice Nationally or Inte rnationally changes significantly PAC for consideration & endorsement and GG for approval Sector SME’s form a TAG or Steering Group TAG or Steering Group recommendations To PAC No Discarded Yes TPP Academic Process Course material rewritten/designed PAC to look at new content in context of course and endorsement GG Approval No Discarded Yes Course Delivered to the Sector 22 Appendix 7: Prediction of SAR Training Need As at 10/3/2015 1. The annual prediction of SAR training need for SAR (ACE) funded training is the responsibility of the SAR Training Governance Group. Development will be managed by the NZSAR Secretariat and be informed by the SAR Programme Advisory Committee. 2. The prediction annual SAR training need will be provided to the TEO(s) in early November annually. 3. The prediction will be maintained and amended by the NZSAR Secretariat in response to changes notified by the SAR sector and/or the TEO(s). 4. The prediction will contain the information shown in the attached template: 23 Prediction of SAR Training Need Exemplar Summary Course name SAR Managers 1 Students Credit (1 student) Total Students Total EFTS LandSAR Coastguard SLSNZ Police RCCNZ 30 46 12 4 12 2 24 4 2 18 59 9 45 12 2 3 Other Total # Courses SAR Managers 2 Formal Search Planning Land 1 Formal Search Planning Land 2 Formal Search Planning Land 3 TOTALS Course dates Remarks 12 - 26 June 2015 Wellington 9 - 20 November 2015 Wellington 27 - 29 March 2015 Wellington 22 - 24 May 2015 Westport 3 - 5 October 2015 Wanaka 48 105 21 49 12 2 36 6 5 24 Appendix 8: Forums and Meetings As at 10/3/2015 1. In support of SAR (ACE) arrangements, the following forums and meetings will be held. Ad hoc forums and meetings may also be established from time to time for specific purposes. 1.1. SAR (ACE) MOU. 1.1.1. Aim: Reflect on the effectiveness of SAR (ACE) training and review and maintain the SAR (ACE) MOU 1.1.2. Attendees: TEC, NZSAR, TEO(s) 1.1.3. Frequency: At least twice per year (Possibly linked to a SAR Training Governance Group meeting). 1.1.4. Responsibility: NZSAR to organise. 1.2. SAR (ACE) Training Governance Group 15 1.2.1. Aim: To manage SAR training inter-organisation relationships and set overall SAR training goals and strategies. 1.2.2. Attendees: NZSAR Secretariat (Chair), Land Search and Rescue, Coastguard New Zealand, Surf Life Saving New Zealand, New Zealand Police, Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand, relevant ITO, TEO(s), TEC. 1.2.3. Frequency: 2 – 4 times per year. 1.2.4. Responsibility: NZSAR to organise, prepare agenda and complete minutes. 1.3. SAR Programme Advisory Committee 16 1.3.1. Aim: Guide and advise the SAR (ACE) programme and provide advice to the SAR (ACE) Training Governance Group. 1.3.2. Attendees: TEO(s), NZSAR Secretariat, Land Search and Rescue, Coastguard New Zealand, Surf Life Saving New Zealand, New Zealand Police, Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand , relevant ITO. 1.3.3. Frequency: 2 – 4 times per year. 1.3.4. Responsibility: TEO(s) to organise, prepare agenda and complete minutes. 15 16 The SAR (ACE) Training Governance Group Terms of Reference are at www.nzsar.org.nz TEOs maintain PAC Terms of Reference 25 Appendix 9. Moderation of SAR (ACE) Training As at 30/6/2015 1. A minimum of four SAR (ACE) training courses will be moderated each year (aiming for one per quarter). Selection will be recommended by the PAC and decided by the SAR Training Governance Group. For each moderation, the following process will be used: 1.1. The TEO(s) will arrange the educational and adherence moderation of agreed courses. 1.2. The development of the annual moderation timetable is the responsibility of the SAR Programme Advisory Committee and follows the process outlined below. 1.3. Moderation precedence will be given to those courses that have one or more of the following characteristics: 1.4. 1.3.1. Presents a higher than normal risk to participant’s health and safety. 1.3.2. Participants have give some form of negative feedback in the past. 1.3.3. Is a pilot or new course. 1.3.4. Is widely delivered - impacts on a larger number of people. 1.3.5. Is a keystone (significant) course in terms of being underpinning knowledge for other courses. 1.3.6. Is a keystone (significant) course in terms of importance to several sector agencies training pathways. 1.3.7. Has been a long time since any previous review was undertaken. 1.3.8. Utilises a specific delivery method e.g. classroom, exercise based, etc. 1.3.9. Longer courses requiring more participant engagement. The purpose of the moderation process is to establish that the course under review is: 1.4.1. Technically correct and up to date with sector best practice. Specifically the study resources being distributed plus topic information given by the tutor. For example legislation, equipment, processes, systems, technology, health and safety aspects, etc. 1.4.2. Aligned with the stated learning outcomes. Namely that all learning outcomes are taught accurately, delivery order and timing matches that planned, the emphasis / weighting is appropriate given the time allowed for each topic, the assessment content scope is covered overall. 1.4.3. Using appropriate delivery methods for the topic. Namely that the delivery methods are, in the moderator’s view, the best way to teach the topic skills and knowledge. For example classroom theory versus hands on time, participants are being given enough practice time, individual work versus collective / team work, the pacing of the tutor delivery, participants health and safety needs are being adequately looked after, there is enough time given to allow completion of the summative assessments. 26 1.5. Each course will be moderated by at least two people, one nominated by the SAR sector, the other by the TEO and/or the Industry Training Organisation (ITO). 1.6. SAR Sector (subject matter expert) moderators will moderate the relevant technical skills. The SAR Sector will pay travel, accommodation, and (if required) the daily wage of this moderator. 1.7. The TEO/ITO moderator will have appropriate skills as deemed relevant by the TEO/ITO. The TEO/ITO will fund daily wage, travel and accommodation costs of this moderator. 1.8. The moderators will work collaboratively and produce a joint report for each course examined. 1.9. The TEO and relevant agency produce a joint response to the report in writing. Where courses are multi agency and a joint report is not feasible, NZSAR may elect to contribute to the SAR sector response. 1.10. The joint report and the response will be considered by the SAR PAC, and together with any recommendations, those will be sent to the SAR Training Governance Group for noting / decision. NZSAR will publish the reports. 1.11. TEO(s) will conduct student satisfaction surveys. These and client satisfaction levels will be reviewed at SAR (ACE) PAC and SAR (ACE) Training Governance Group meetings at least twice a year. 27 Moderation Process 28 Appendix 10. SAR (ACE) Course Table and on Line Calendar As at 10/3/2015 1. Table. TEO(s) will maintain a table of all approved SAR (ACE) training courses which shows for each course: Title; Description; Code Level of course Length; Credit allocation; Date course last formally moderated; Date course material formally reviewed / updated; Pre course requirements; Minimum course numbers (May be by agreed segment); Relationship to other SAR training (Follows from / Pre requisite for); Public relations / advertising description of course; Links to the New Zealand Qualifications Framework; Residential or Non-residential; and, Other comment. 2. Internet. TEOs will maintain an up-to-date internet based calendar of available SAR (ACE) training, which provides summary information on the SAR training title, dates and location of each course. The intent is to support SAR organisations provision of students through an up-to-date illustration of what SAR training is available. 3. Both the table and the internet based calendar will be maintained accurately by TEO(s). 29 Appendix 11. SAR Managers Course As at 10/3/2015 1. The SAR sector provides the venue, normally the NZ Police College. The NZ Police College venue is provided free-of-charge for one course per year. This venue is booked by the Police National SAR Coordinator. 2. Course costs, accommodation, food for courses held at the NZ Police College are covered by the College for all participants. Travel costs to and from home locations are the responsibility of the individual’s parent organisation. 3. If additional course(s) are required in a given calendar year the venue costs will be funded by TPP out of SAR (ACE). NZSAR will assist in identifying suitable second course venues if required. 4. For additional courses, participants accommodation, food and transport to and from the course will be funded by their parent organisation 5. The SAR sector will provide agreed SAR sector tutors free of charge. (tutor costs, less wages are normally borne by the TEO). 6. The course requires at least one pre course and one post course meeting of all instructors and administrators at agreed times. 7. Due to the unique nature of this course the following specific responsibilities are agreed: 7.1. TEO 7.1.1. Course facilitator / Course resource manager – present throughout course. 7.1.2. All course material and resources. 7.1.3. Course Programme. 7.1.4. Course Assessment Material. 7.1.5. Certificates of Achievement. 7.1.6. All Tutors/Facilitators costs complete for all course venues less wages & allowances for Police and RCCNZ provided Tutors. 7.1.7. Pre course and post course meetings of all instructors and administrators. 7.1.8. Accommodation and meals for all students if the course is not held at the Police College. 7.1.9. Wages, accommodation and meals for TEO provided staff and tutors. 7.1.10. All administration costs (Certificates, course material and resources, assessment material, stationery, photocopying etc…). 30 7.1.11. 7.2. 7.3. Arranging and funding all aspects less salaries for the pre course and one post course meeting of all instructors and administrators. Police 7.2.1. Booking the NZ Police College. 7.2.2. Provision of Police learners. 7.2.3. Provision of agreed Police tutors. 7.2.4. Accommodation and meals for all students if course is held at the Police College. NZSAR 7.3.1. IT / Internet for the course if it is unable to be supplied by the course venue. 31