Jung-Hun Seo Ph.D., Research Scientist Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison 1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI 53706 Phone: +1-608-772-7124; Email: seo8@wisc.edu EDUCATION University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, (Nov. 2014) Thesis: Transfer Printed Crystalline Nanomembrane for Versatile Electronic Applications Advisor: Prof. Zhenqiang (Jack) Ma M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, (Spring 2011) Advisor: Prof. Zhenqiang (Jack) Ma Korea University, Seoul, Korea M.S., Electrical Engineering, (Feb. 2008) Thesis: Improvement of electrical properties of organic thin-film transistors using interlayer for flexible electronics applications Advisor: Byeong-Kwon Ju B.S., Electrical Engineering, (Feb. 2006) EMPLOYMENT University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI (2014-Current) Assistant Scientist, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Novel heterojunction power electronic/optoelectronic devices using semiconductor nanomembranes. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI (2009-2014) Research Assistant, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Radio-frequency (RF) flexible electronics and optoelectronic devices using semiconductor nanomembranes. Samsung Electronics, Gyeong-Ki Do, South Korea (2007-2008) Researcher, Semiconductor R&D center, Future memory device team - Development of resistivity random-access memory devices. Korea University, Seoul, Korea (2005- 2007) Research Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering - Interface engineering of organic devices to improve their electrical performance. RESEARCH INTERESTS (1) To develop next generation flexible electronics and photonics: (i) Semiconductor nanomembrane based flexible & stretchable RF devices. (ii) Semiconductor nanomembrane based flexible & stretchable photodetectors, lighting-emitting diodes. (iii) Flexible organic thin-film transistors, organic photodetectors, and organic light-emitting diodes. (2) To develop next generation power electronics: (i) Wide-bandgap materials (ZnO, GaN, AlN, Diamond) based power devices (IGBT, HEMT, Switch). (3) To explore heterogeneous integration of single crystalline semiconductors: (i) Heterojunctions between semiconductor nanomembranes and their electronics/optoelectronics applications. (4) To explore novel nano/micro fabrication processes for the future flexible & stretchable electronics. 1/10 ACADEMIC HONORS, AWARDS AND SERVICES Brain-Korea 21 Scholarship (Mar/2006) Samsung electronics academic-industry Scholarship (Mar/2007) Outstanding Poster Paper Award - 2011 11th International Meeting on Information Display (Oct/2011) Nominees to Bright Mind to KAUST-NSF Research Conference on Electronic Materials, Devices and Systems for A Sustainable Future 2015. (Feb/2015) User committee member of Wisconsin Center for Applied Microelectronics (2011-Current) Lab Manager, Wisconsin Nano Engineering Device Laboratory (2014-Current) Journal Reviewer for Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Materials, Applied Physics Letters, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, IEEE Photonics Journal, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Journal of Applied Physics, ECS Journal of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Microelectronics Engineering, Microelectronics Journal, Microelectronics Reliability, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Optical Material Express, Optics Letters, Scientific Reports (served for >60 papers in total) Academic Membership - American Chemical Society (ACS), IEEE Electron Device Society, IEEE Photonics Society, Optical Society (OSA) BOOK CHAPTERS 1. R. Sabo, J.-H. Seo and Z. Ma, "Cellulose Nanofibril Composite Substrates for Flexible Electronics" in PRODUCTION AND APPLICATIONS OF CELLULOSE NANOMATERIALS, TAPPI PRESS (2015), Ed. Michael T. Postek, Robert J. Moon, Alan W. Rudie, and Michael A. Bilodeau 2. Y. H. Jung, J.-H. Seo, W. Zhou and Z. Ma, “High Speed, Flexible Electronics by Use of Si Nanomembranes” in SILICON NANOMEMBRANES: FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS Wiley-VCH (2015), Ed. J. A. Rogers and J.-H. Ahn. 3. W. Zhou, Z. Ma, H. Yang, D. Zhao, Y. Shuai, and J.-H. Seo, “Semiconductor Nanomembranes for Fano Resonance Photonic Crystal Devices” in SILICON NANOMEMBRANES: FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS Wiley-VCH (2015), Ed. J. A. Rogers and J.-H. Ahn. JOURNAL ARTICLES (1st authored: 21, co-authored: 40, h-index: 18, total citation: 940 times) 1. H. Mi, S. Mikael, J.-H. Seo, T. Allen, K. Sridharan, D. P. Butt, S. Gong, S. M McDeavitt, J. P Blanchard, & Z. Ma, “Detecting the Oxidation of Zircaloy Claddings by Infrared Interference”, Applied Surface Science, (2016) Submitted. 2. H. Mi, H.-C. Yuan, J.-H. Seo, A. V. Sumant, O. H. Auciello, D. C. Mancini, & Z. Ma, “Characterization of UNCD deposition on CMOS chip for the potential monolithic integration with MEMS an CMOS systems”, Applied Physics Letters, (2016) Submitted. 3. J.-H. Seo*, K. Zhang*, M. Kim, W. Zhou & Z. Ma, “Flexible Si BiCMOS electronics”, Scientific Reports, (2016) Submitted. *equal contribution 4. M. Kim, J.-H. Seo, Z. Yu, W. Zhou & Z. Ma, “Flexible Germanium Nanomembrane Metal-SemiconductorMetal (MSM) photodiodes, Applied Physics Letters, (2016) Under Review. 5. M. Kim, S.-C. Liu, T. J. Kim, J. Lee, J.-H. Seo, W. Zhou, & Z. Ma, “Engineering light absorption in Ge nanomembrane and its optoelectronic application”, Optics Express, (2016) Under Review. 6. M. Cho*, J.-H. Seo*, D.-W. Park, W. Zhou, & Z. Ma, “Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of Si and Ge nanomembrane based Flexible Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Devices under Bending Conditions”, Applied Physics Letters, (2016) In Press. *equal contribution 2/10 7. X. Huang, Y. Liu, G. W. Kong, J.-H. Seo, Y. Ma, Kyung-In Jang , X. Feng, J. Fan, S. Mao, Q. Chen, D. Li, H. Liu, C. Wang, D. Patnaik, L.Tian, G. A. Salvatore, Z. Ma, Y. Huang, & J. A. Rogers, "Epidermal Radio Frequency Electronics for Wireless Power Transfer", NPG Microsystems and Nanoengineering (2016), Under Review. 8. S. Mikael*, J.-H. Seo*, D.-W. Park*, M. Kim, H. Mi, S. Gong, Z. Ma, "Triaxial Strain in Bilayer Graphene Enabled by the Nitride Stressor Layer", Scientific Reports (2016), In Revision. *equal contribution 9. J.-H. Seo, H. Wu, S. Mikael, H. Mi, G. Venkataramanan, J. P. Blanchard, S. Gong, W. Zhou, D. Morgan and Z. Ma, “Thermal Diffusion Doping of Single Crystal Natural Diamond”, Journal of Applied Physics, 119, 205703 (2016). -This article has been featured in American Institute of Physics and highlighted in Phys.ORG, AAAS, etc. 10. S. Mikael*, J.-H. Seo*, A. Javadi, S. Gong, Z. Ma, “Wrinkled Bilayer Graphene with Wafer Scale Mechanical Strain”, Applied Physics Letters, 108 183101 (2016). *equal contribution 11. M. Cho, J.-H. Seo, M. Kim, J. Lee, W. Zhou, Z. Yu, Z. Ma, "Resonant cavity germanium photodetector via stacked single-crystalline nanomembranes", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 34, 040604 (2016). 12. M. Cho, J.-H. Seo, D. Zhao, J. Lee, K. Xiong, X. Yin, Y. Liu, S.-C. Liu, M. Kim, T. J. Kim, X. Wang, W. Zhou, Z. Ma, "Amorphous Si/SiO2 distributed Bragg reflectors with transfer printed single-crystalline Si nanomembranes", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 34, 040601 (2016). - This article has selected as an Editor’s pick article. 13. J.-H. Seo, T. Ling, W. Zhou, S. Gong, L. J. Guo, Z. Ma, “Fast Flexible Transistors with a Nanotrench Structure”, Scientific Reports, 6, 24771 (2016). - This article has been featured in American Institute of Physics and highlighted in Phys.ORG, AAAS, EETimes, Nanowerk, R&D Magazine, + more than 50 news worldwide. 14. H. Mi, C.-H. Liu, C. Yao, T.-H. Chang, J.-H. Seo, H. Zhang, S. J. Cho, S. Gong, N. Behdad, Z. Cai, Z. Ma, “Characterizations of biodegradable epoxy-coated cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) thin film for flexible microwave applications, Cellulose, 23 (3) 1989-1995 (2016). 15. K. Zhang, G. Gui, P. Pathak, J.-H. Seo, J. P. Blanchard, Z. Ma, “Quantitative modeling of betavoltaic microbattery performance”, Sensor and Actuator B, 240, 131 (2016). 16. F. Wang, J.-H. Seo, G. Luo, M. B. Starr, Z. Li, D. Geng, S. Wang, D. Morgan, Z. Ma, X. Wang, “Nanometre-Thick Single-Crystalline Nanosheets Grown at the Water-Air Interface”, Nature Communications, 7, 10444 (2016). 17. H. Mi*, J.-H. Seo*, Y. Lu, and Z. Ma, “Microwave TFTs made of MOCVD ZnO with ALD Al2O3 Gate Dielectric”, IEEE Journal of Electronic Devices Society, 4, 55 (2016) *equal contribution 18. J.-H. Seo, K. Zhang, M. Kim, H. Yang, W. Zhou, Z. Ma, “Flexible Phototransistors Based on SingleCrystalline Silicon Nanomembranes”, Advanced Optical Materials, 4, 120-125 (2016). - This article has been featured as a front cover and highlighted in IEEE Spectrum, Phys.ORG, AAAS + more than 100 news worldwide. Also, selected as one of the top 10 downloaded paper in 2015 in AOM. 19. H. Yang, D. Zhao, S. Liu, Y. Liu, J.-H. Seo, Z. Ma and W. Zhou, "Transfer Printed Nanomembranes for Heterogeneously Integrated Membrane Photonics", Photonics, 2 1081-1100 (2015). [Invited review paper] 20. H. Mi, S. Mikael, C.-C. Liu, J.-H. Seo, G. Gui, A. L. Ma, P. F. Nealey, and Z. Ma, “Creating periodic local strain in monolayer graphene with nanopillars patterned by self-assembled block copolymer” Applied Physics Letters, 107, 143107 (2015). 21. J.-H. Seo, T.-H. Chang, J. Lee, R. Sabo, W. Zhou, Z. Cai, S. Gong, Z. Ma, “Microwave Flexible Transistors on Cellulose Nanofibrillated Fiber Substrates”, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 262101 (2015). - This article 3/10 has been featured in American Institute of Physics and highlighted in Phys.ORG, CNBC, EETimes, Nanowerk, R&D Magazine, Big10 News, and MIT Tech Review + more than 50 news worldwide. 22. M. Kim, H. Mi, M. Cho, J.-H. Seo, W. Zhou, S. Gong, Z. Ma, “Tunable biaxial in-plane compressive strain in a Si nanomembrane transferred on a polyimide film”, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 212107 (2015). 23. M. Kim, W. Fan, J.-H. Seo, N. Cho, S. Liu, D. Geng, S. Gong, X. D Wang, W. Zhou, Z. Ma, “Polycrystalline GeSn thin film on Si formed by alloy evaporation”, Applied Physics Express, 8 061301 (2015). 24. M. Cho*, J.-H. Seo*, J. Lee, D. Zhao, H. Mi, X. Yin, M. Kim, X. Wang, W. Zhou, Z. Ma, “Ultra-thin distributed Bragg reflectors via stacked single-crystal silicon nanomembranes”, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 181107 (2015). *equal contribution 25. S. Liu, D. Zhao, J.-H. Seo, Y. Liu, Z. Ma, and W. Zhou, “Athermal Photonic Crystal Membrane Reflectors on Diamond”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 27, (10) 1072-1075 (2015). 26. J.-H. Seo, J. Li, J. Lee, S. Gong, J. Lin, H. Jiang, Z. Ma, “A Simplified Method of Making Flexible Blue LEDs on a Plastic Substrate”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 7 (2), 8200207 (2015). 27. S.-K. Kang, S.-W. Hwang, S. Yu, J.-H. Seo, E. A. Corbin, J. Shin, D. S. Wie, R. Bashir, Z. Ma and J. A. Rogers, “Biodegradable thin metal foils and spin-on glass materials for transient electronics”, Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 1789-1797 (2015). - Featured as a back cover. 28. G. Qin, K. Zuo, J.-H. Seo, Y. Xu, H.-C. Yuan, H. Liu, Z. Huang, J. M., Z. Ma, “On the bending characterization of flexible radio-frequency single-crystalline germanium diodes on a plastic substrate”, Applied Physics Letters, 106 (4), 043504 (2015). 29. D. Zhao, H. Yang, J.-H. Seo, Z.Ma, W. Zhou, "Design and Characterization of Photonic Crystal Membrane Reflector Based Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers on Silicon", Reviews in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3 (2), 77-87 (2014). [Invited review paper] 30. F. Xu, M.-Y. Wu, N. S. Safron, S. S. Roy, R. M. Jacobberger, D. J. Bindl, J.-H. Seo, T.-H. Chang, Z. Ma, and M. S. Arnold, “Highly Stretchable Carbon Nanotube Transistors with Ion Gel Gate Dielectrics.” Nano letters, 14 (2), 682-686 (2014). - Highlighted in C&EN report (Feb 2014). 31. F. Wang, J.-H. Seo, A. V. Kvit, Z. Li, Z. Ma, X. Wang, "Substitutional Cl-Doped ZnO Nanowires with Metallic Conductivity and Their Application for High-Performance Photoelectrochemical Electrodes" ACS applied materials & interfaces, 6 (2), 1288–1293 (2014). 32. W. Zhou, D. Zhao, Y.-C. Shuai, H. Yang, S. Chuwongin, A. Chadha, J.-H. Seo, K. X. Wang, V. Liu, Z. Ma, S. Fan, “Progress in 2D photonic crystal Fano resonance photonics”, Progress in Quantum Electronics, 38 (1), 1-74 (2014). [Invited review paper] 33. G. Qin, T. Cai, H.-C. Yuan, J.-H. Seo, J. Ma, Z. Ma, "Flexible RF Single-Crystal Germanium Switch on Plastic Substrates", Applied Physics Letters, 104 (16), 163501 (2014). 34. J.-H. Seo, J. Park, S.I. Kim, B.J. Park, Z. Ma, J. Choi, B.K. Ju, "Nanopatterning by Laser Interference Lithography: Applications to Optical Devices", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14 (2), 1521-1532 (2013) [Invited review paper] 35. Y. Shuai, D. Zhao, AS Chadha, J.-H. Seo, H. Yang, S. Fan, Z. Ma, W. Zhou, "Coupled double-layer Fano resonance photonic crystal filters with lattice-displacement", Applied Physics Letters 103 (24), 241106 (2013). - Selected as an influential papers by Applied Physics Letters in 2015. 36. Y. Shuai, D. Zhao, Z. Tian, J.-H. Seo, D. V. Plant, Z. Ma, S. Fan, W. Zhou “Double-layer Fano resonance photonic crystal filters”, Optics Express, 21 (21), 24582-24589 (2013). 37. J.-H. Seo, T.-Y. Oh, J.-H. Park, W. Zhou, B.-K. Ju, Z. Ma, “A flexible multifunctional organic-inorganic heterojunction formed with pentacene and single-crystalline silicon nanomembrane”, Advanced Functional Materials, 23, (27) 3365-3365 (2013). 4/10 - Featured as a front cover picture, - This article has been highlighted in Hankok-News, YTN news. 38. J.-H. Seo, J.-H. Park, D. Zhou, H. Yang, W. Zhou, B.-K. Ju, Z. Ma, “Large-Size Printed Broadband Membrane Reflectors by Laser Interference Lithography” IEEE Photonics Journal 5, (1) 2200106 (2013). 39. S.-W. Hwang, X. Huang, J.-H. Seo, J.-K. Song, S. Kim, S. Hage-Ali, H.-J. Chung, H. Tao, F. G. Omenetto, Z. Ma, and J. A. Rogers, “Materials for bioresorbable radio frequency electronics”, Advanced Materials, 25 (26) 3526-3531 (2013). 40. J.-H. Seo, Y. Zhang, H.-C. Yuan, Y. Wang, W. Zhou, J. Ma, Z. Ma, and G. Qin, "Investigation of Various Mechanical Bending Strains on Characteristics of Flexible Monocrystalline Silicon Nanomembrane Diodes on a Plastic Substrate", Microelectronic Engineering, 110 40-43 (2013). 41. H. Zhou*, J.-H. Seo*, D. Paskiewicz* ,Y. Zhu , G. K. Celler , P. M. Voyles , W. Zhou , M. G. Lagally, Z. Ma, "Fast flexible Electronics with Strained Silicon Nanomembranes", Scientific reports, 3, 1291 (2013). -Also selected as "Most read Top 10"in Nature scientific reports *equal contribution 42. G. Qin, H.-C. Yuan, Y. Qin, J.-H. Seo, Y. Wang, J. Ma, and Z. Ma, "Fabrication and Characterization of Flexible Microwave Single-Crystal Germanium Nanomembrane Diodes on a Plastic Substrate", IEEE Electron Device Letters 34, (2), 160-162 (2013). 43. G. Qin*, J.-H. Seo*, Y. Zhang, H. Zhou, W. Zhou, Y. Wang, J. Ma, and Z. Ma, “Fabrication of Gigahertz Flexible Silicon Thin-Film Transistors on Plastic Substrate and High-Frequency Characterization under Bending Conditions”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 34, (2), 262-264 (2013).*equal contribution 44. K. Zhang, J.-H. Seo, W. Zhou, Z. Ma, "Fast flexible electronics using transferrable silicon nanomembranes", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45, 143001 (2012). [Invited review paper] 45. D. Zhao, H. Yang, S. Chuwongin, J.-H. Seo, Z. Ma, and W. Zhou, “Design of photonic crystal membrane reflector based VCSELs,” IEEE Photonics Journal , 4, 2169-2175 (2012). 46. H. Yang, D. Zhao, S. Chuwongin, J.-H. Seo, W. Yang, Y. Shuai, J. Berggren, M. Hammar, Z. Ma, and W. Zhou, "Transfer printed stacked nanomembrane lasers on silicon", Nature Photonics, 6, 617(2012). - This article has been highlighted in IEEE Spectrum, Laser Focus World, PhysOrg etc. - Also selected as "Most download Top 3"in Nature Photonics 47. W. Zhou, Z. Ma, S. Chuwongin, Y.-C. Shuai, J.-H. Seo, D. Zhao, H. Yang, and W. Yang, "Semiconductor nanomembranes for integrated silicon photonics and flexible Photonics", Optical and Quantum Electronics, 44, 12-13 (2012). [Invited review paper] 48. H. Yang, D. Zhao, J.-H. Seo, S. Chuwongin, S. Kim, J. A. Rogers, Z. Ma, and W. Zhou, "Broadband Membrane Reflectors on Glass", Photonics Technology Letters, 99 (2012). 49. F. Wang, J.-H. Seo, Z. Ma, X. Wang, "Substrate-Free Self-Assembly Approach Toward Large-Area Nanomembranes", ACS Nano, 6(3) 2602 (2012). - Highlighted in C&EN report (Feb 16 2012). 50. A. B. Yankovich, B. Puchala, F. Wang, J.-H. Seo, D. Morgan, X. Wang, Z. Ma, A. Kvit, and P.M. Voyles, "Stable p-type conduction from Sb-decorated head-to-head basal plane inversion domain boundaries in ZnO nanowires", Nano Letters, 12, 3, 1311 (2012). 51. J. Shi , M. B Starr , X. Hua , Y. Hara , M. A. Anderson , J.-H. Seo , Z. Ma , and X. Wang, "Interface Engineering by Piezoelectric Potential in ZnO-based Photoelectrochemical Anode", Nano Letters, 11, 5587(2011). 52. F. Wang, J.-H. Seo, D. Bayerl, J. Shi, H.Mi, Z. Ma, D. Zhao, Y. Shuai, W. Zhou and X.Wang, "An aqueous solution-based doping strategy for large-scale synthesis of Sb-doped ZnO nanowires," Nanotechnology, 22, 225602 (2011). 5/10 53. G. Qin, L. Yang, J.-H. Seo, H.-C. Yuan, G. K. Celle, J. Ma, and Z. Ma, "Experimental characterization and modeling of the bending strain effect on flexible microwave diodes and switches on plastic substrate ", Applied Physics Letters, 99, 243104 (2011). 54. Z. Ma, K. Zhang, J.-H. Seo, H. Zhou, L. Sun, H.-C. Yuan, G. Qin, H. Pang, and W. Zhou, "Fast Flexible Electronics Based on Printable Thin Mono-Crystalline Silicon", ECS Transactions, 34, 137 (2011). 55. J.-H. Seo, H.-C. Yuan, L. Sun, and Z. Ma, “Single-Crystal Silicon Nanomembrane Transfer Techniques and Their Application toward Flexible Microwave Systems”, Journal of information display, 12, 2 (2011). 56. L. Sun, G. Qin, J.-H. Seo, G. K. Celler, W. Zhou, Z. Ma, "Flexible electronics: 12-GHz Thin-Film Transistors on Transferrable Silicon Nanomembranes for High-Performance Flexible Electronics", Small, 6, 22, 2473 (2010). - Featured as a front cover picture. 57. G. Qin*, N. Jiang*, J.-H. Seo *, N. Cho*, G. E Ponchak, D. Weide, P. Ma, S. Stetson, M. Racanelli and Z. Ma, "Cryogenic operation of a 24 GHz MMIC SiGe HBT medium power amplifier”, Semiconductor Science Technology, 25 125002 (2010). -Also, selected as editor’s choice top 20 paper of 2010. *equal contribution 58. J.-H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, S.-I. Shin, K.-H. Kim, D.H. Choi, I.B. Kang, H. Kang, and B.-K. Ju, " A Zinc-oxide Thin-film Transistor using a Spun-on Dielectric and Gate Electrode ", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42 065105 (2009). 59. J.-H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, S.-I. Shin, K. –H. Kim, D.-H. Choi, I.-B. Kang, H. Kang, and B.-K Ju "A 6,13-bis Pentacene Thin- Film Transistor Using a Spun-On Inorganic Gate-Dielectric", IEEE, Transactions on Electron Devices, 55, 2 (2008). 60. S.-I. Shin, J.-H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, and B.-K. Ju, “Effect of modifying methyl siloxane-based dielectric by polymer thin film for pentacene thin-film transistors ", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 254, Iss. 21, p. 6987 (2008). 61. J.-H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, H. Kang, D. H. Choi, and B.-K. Ju, "p-type semiconducting a,wdihexylsexithiophene for an organic thin film transistor", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.101, Iss.6, p.064502, (2007). -Also, selected for the April 2, 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 15, Iss. 13. 62. J.-H. Seo, J.-H. Kwon, S.-I. Shin, K.-S. Suh and B.-K. Ju, "Organic thin film transistors with polyvinyl alcohol treated dielectric surface", Semiconductor Science Technology, Vol.22, No.9, pp.1039-1043, (2007). 63. S.-I. Shin, J.-H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, and B.-K. Ju, "Study on Characteristics of Solution-processible inorganic dielectrics for pentacene thin film transistors", IEICE technical report. Electron devices 107(110), 331 (2007). INVITED TALKS 1. J.-H. Seo, “Transfer Printed Crystalline Nanomembrane for Versatile Electronic Applications”, Bright Mind to KAUST-NSF Research Conference on Electronic Materials, Devices and Systems for A Sustainable Future 2015, February 14 - 16 2015, KAUST, Saudi Arabia. 2. J.-H. Seo, W. Zhou, Z. Ma, "Radio-Frequency Flexible Electronics: Transistors Passives", IEEE Bipolar / BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting 2014, September 28 - October 1, 2014, Coronado, CA, USA, 3. J.-H. Seo, W.D. Zhou, and Z. Ma, “Strained Si Nanomembrane Thin-Film Transistors on the Flexible Substrate (Invited)”, Device Research Conference, June 23-26, 2013, Notre Dame, IN. 4. J.-H. Seo, W. D. Zhou, and Z. Ma, “High-Speed Microwave Thin-Film Transistors Based on Transferrable Semiconductor Nanomembranes (Invited)”, IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSSICT12), Oct. 29-Nov.1, 2012, Xi’an, China. 6/10 5. J.-H. Seo and Z. Ma, “Advanced Printed Electronics: Processing and Applications”, Korea University, Seoul, July 28, 2012. 6. J.-H. Seo, T.-Y. Oh, J. Park, W.D. Zhou, B.-K. Ju, and Z. Ma, “Highly sensitive organic-inorganic heterojunction flexible photodetectors (Invited)”, Nanotech Conference & Expo, 2012, June 18-21, 2012 Santa Clara, CA. 7. Z. Ma, K. Zhang, J.-H. Seo, H. Zhou, L. Sun, H.-C. Yuan, G. Qin, H. Pang and W. D. Zhou, “Fast Flexible Electronics Based on Printable Thin Mono-Crystalline Silicon (Invited)”, China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC) 2011, March 13-14 in Shanghai, China. 8. J.-H. Seo, H.-C. Yuan, L. Sun and Z. Ma, “Single-crystal silicon nanomembrane transfer techniques and their application toward flexible microwave systems,” (Invited), 10th International Meeting on Information Display/International Display Manufacturing Conference and Asia Display (IMID/IDMC/ASIA Display), Seoul, Korea, October 11-15, 2010. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 1. W. Zhou, Z. Ma, D. Zhao, H. Yang, J.-H. Seo, “Hybrid Photonic Crystal Membrane Photonics”, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2016, March 28- April 1, 2016, Phoenix, AZ, USA. 2. Z. Ma, Y. H. Jung, T.-H. Chang, J.-H. Seo, Z. Cai and S. Gong, "Green Microwave Electronics for the Coming Era of Flexible Electronics", IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS), May 22-27, 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA. 3. J.-H. Seo, T. Ling, L. J. Guo, Z. Ma, “Fast Flexible Thin-Film Transistors with Deep Submicron Channel Enabled by Nanoimprint Lithography” 16th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF’16), Austin, Texas, USA 24-27 January, 2016. 4. Z. Ma, Y. H. Jung, J.-H. Seo, T.-H. Chang, S. J. Cho and J. Lee, “Materials and Design Considerations for Fast Flexible and Stretchable Electronics,” 2015 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), Washington, DC, December, 2015. 5. J.-H. Seo, T. Ling, S. Gong, L. J. Guo, Z. Ma, “Fast Flexible Thin-Film Transistors with Deep Submicron Channel Enabled by Nanoimprint Lithography”, Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology 2015, Oct. 22-24 2015, Silverado Resort and Spa, Napa California USA. 6. Z. Ma, W. Zhou, J.-H. Seo, H. Yang, D. Zhao, S. Gong, “A Membrane Approach toward Electronics & Optoelectronic Devices”, IEEE 2015 Summer Topicals Meeting Series, Jul. 13-15, 2015, British Colonial Hilton, Nassau, Bahamas. 7. M. Cho, J.-H. Seo, J. Lee, D. Zhao, W. Zhou, and Z. Ma, "High-reflection Si/ SiO2 Bragg Reflector via Membrane Transfer Printing", IEEE 2015 Summer Topicals Meeting Series, Jul. 13-15, 2015, British Colonial Hilton, Nassau, Bahamas. 8. J.-H. Seo, T.-H. Chang, R. Sabo, Z. Cai, S. Gong, Z. Ma, "Radio-Frequency Flexible Transistors on Cellulose Nanofibrillated Fiber (CNF) Substrates, 15th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Jan. 26-28 2015, Omni San Diego Hotel, San Diego, California, USA. 9. S. Liu, D. Zhao, J.-H. Seo, Y. Liu, Z. Ma and W. Zhou, “Thermally Engineered Photonics Crystal Membrane Reflectors Based on Transferred Nanomembranes on Diamond”, IEEE Photonics Conference 2014, Oct. 12-16, 2014, Hyatt Regency La Jolla, San Diego, California, USA. 10. Z. Ma, J.-H. Seo, S.J. Cho, W. Zhou, “High-performance flexible microwave passives on plastic”, 2014 SPIE Defense+ Security, May 05, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 7/10 11. Z. Ma, W. D. Zhou, and J.-H. Seo, “High speed flexible electronics using transferrable single crystalline nanomembranes (Invited)”, Plastic Electronics Conference & Exhibition, October 8-10, 2013, Messe Dresden, Germany. 12. Y. Shuai, D. Zhao, J.-H. Seo, H. Yang, S. Fan, Z. Ma and W. Zhou, “Transfer Printed Nanomembrane High-Q Filters Based on Displaced Double-Layer Fano Resonance Photonic Crystal Slabs”, IEEE Photonics Conference 2013, Sept. 8-12, 2013, Hyatt Regency Bellevue, Bellevue, Washington, USA. 13. W. Fan, D. Zhao, S. Chuwongin, J.-H. Seo, H. Yang, J. Berggren, M. Hammar, Z. Ma, and W. Zhou, “Fabrication of Electrically-pumped Resonance-cavity Membrane-reflector Surfaceemitters on Silicon”, IEEE Photonics Conference 2013, Sept. 8-12, 2013, Hyatt Regency Bellevue, Bellevue, Washington, USA. 14. W. Fan, D. Zhao, S. Chuwongin, J.-H. Seo, H. Yang, J. Berggren, M. Hammar, Z. Ma, and W. Zhou, “Electrically-pumped membrane-reflector surface-emitters on silicon”, IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting on Micro- and Nano-cavity Integrated Photonics, July 8-10, 2013, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa Hawaii, USA. 15. J.-H. Seo, H. Zhou, D. M. Paskiewicz, M. G. Lagally, W. Zhou, Z. Ma, “15-GHz Flexible Microwave Thin-Film Transistors on Plastic (Tu2C1)”, IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS), June 2-7, 2013, Seattle, WA, USA. 16. D.-W. Park, T.-H. Chang, S. Mikael, J.-H. Seo, P. F. Nealey and Z. Ma, “Graphene RF transistors with buried bottom gate,” 13th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF’13), Austin, TX, January 21-23, 2013. 17. Y. Shuai, D. Zhao, W. Zhou, Z. Tian, D. V. Plant, J.-H. Seo, Z. Ma, R. B. Jacobson and M. G. Lagally, “Stacked Fano resonance photonic crystal nanomembrane high-Q filters,” IEEE Photonics Conference, Burlingame, CA, September 23-27, 2012. 18. Y. Shuai, D. Zhao, W. Zhou, Z. Tian, D. V. Plant, J.-H. Seo, Z. Ma, R. B. Jacobson and M. G. Lagally, “Stacked Fano resonance photonic crystal nanomembrane high-Q filters,” IEEE Photonics Conference, Burlingame, CA, September 23-27, 2012. 19. D. Zhao, S. Chuwongin, H. Yang, J.-H. Seo, J. Berggren, M. Hammar, Z. Ma and W. Zhou, “Transfer printed photonic crystal nanomembrane lasers on silicon with low optical pumping threshold,” Group IV Photonics, San Diego, CA, August 29-31, 2012. 20. J.-H. Seo, J. Park, D. Zhao, T.-Y. Oh, H. Yang, W. Zhou, B.-K. Ju and Z. Ma, “Large-size printed broadband membrane reflectors by laser interference lithography,” TechConnect World Nanotech Conference and Expo 2012, Santa Clara, CA, June 18-21, 2012. 21. T.-H. Chang, H. S. Suh, S. Mikael, J.-H. Seo, P. F. Nealey and Z. Ma, “Flexible graphene transistor via printing transfer,” TechConnect World Nanotech Conference and Expo 2012, Santa Clara, CA, June 1821, 2012. 22. R. Sabo, J.-H. Seo and Z. Ma, “Cellulose nanofiber composite substrates for flexible electronics,” 2012 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, Montreal, Canada, June 47, 2012. 23. M. Kim, J.-H. Seo, H. Yang, J. Shi, L. Mawst, W. Zhou, X. D. Wang, and Z. Ma, “Fabrication and characterization of Si/GaInP heterojunction photodetectors,” 2012 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2012), Shanghai, China, May 21-23, 2012. 24. J. H. Park, J.-H. Seo, T.-Y. Oh, S. Chang, Z. Ma and B.-K. Ju, “Fabrication of nano-scale and large-area single-crystal silicon structures by the printing method,” 11th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), Seoul, Korea, October 11-15, 2011. - Awarded as an outstanding Poster Paper Award. 8/10 25. Y. Shuai, D. Zhao, W. Zhou, J.-H. Seo and Z. Ma, “Fano resonance membrane reflectors from midinfrared to far-infrared,” IEEE Photonics 2011 Conference (IPC11), Arlington, VA, October 9-13, (2011). 26. W. D. Zhou, Z. Ma, W. Yang, S. Chuwongin, Y. Shuai, J.-H. Seo, D. Zhao, H. Yang, and R. Soref “Stacked crystalline semiconductor nanomembranes for 3D Si photonics (Invited)”, International Topical Meeting on Information Photonics, May 18-20, 2011, Ottawa, Canada. 27. W. Yang, H. Yang, S. Chuwongin, J.-H. Seo, Z. Ma, J. Berggren, M. Hammar and W. Zhou,“Frameassisted membrane transfer for large area optoelectronic devices on flexible substrates,” IEEE Photonics Society Winter Topicals 2011, Keystone, CO, January 10-12, (2011). 28. J.-H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, S.-I. Shin, and B.-K. Ju, "Transparent thin-film transistor using a spun-on dielectric and gate electrode", The 4th International Thin Film Transistors Conference (ITC'08) Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, pp.199-201 (2008). 29. S.-I. Shin, J.-H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, and B.-K. Ju, "Organic Thin Film Transistors with Soluble Processing Hybrid Dielectrics", The International Display Workshops (IDW'07), Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, Vol.3, pp.1809-1812 (2007). 30. J.-H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, S.-I. Shin, D. H. Choi, and B.-K. Ju, "6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) Pentacene Thin-film Transistors using Spun on Dielectric", The International Display Workshops (IDW'07), Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, Vol.3, pp.1805-1808 (2007). 31. J.-H. Seo, J.-H. Kwon, S.-I. Shin, and B.-K. Ju, "Silver Nanoparticles Based Organic Thin Film Transistors", ASID 2007, The 10th Asian Symposium on Information Display, Orchard Hotel, Singapore (2007). 32. J.-H. Seo, J.-H. Kwon, and B.-K. Ju, "Insulator passivation of organic thin-film transistor for improving device performance", 2007 International Thin Film Transistors Conference, ITC'07 in conjunction with SID-Mid Europe Chapter Spring Meeting CNR Headquarters, Rome, Italy, pp.228-231 (2007). 33. J.-H. Seo, J.-H. Kwon, N.-R. Kim, and B.-K. Ju, "Enhanced Organic Thin-Film Transistors with Polymer Gate and Double Polymer Dielectric Layer", IDW ’06, The 13th International Display Workshops, Otsu Prince Hotel, Otsu, Japan, pp.793-796 (2006). 34. J.-H. Choi, Y-M. Kim, Y-W. Park, J.-H. Seo, J. W. Lee, S. J. Bae, and B. K. Ju, "Gas Permeability Measurement Method by Electrical Analysis of Calcium Degradation for Organic Electronics", IDW ’06, The 13th International Display Workshops, Otsu Prince Hotel, Otsu, Japan, pp.1307-1310 (2006). 35. N.-R. Kim, J.-H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, J.-K. Kim, S.-W. Hwang, and B.-K. Ju, "Fully Patterned All-Organic Thin Film Transistors on Flexible Substrate", The 6th International Conference on Electroluminscence of Molecular Materials and Related Phenomena (ICEL-6), City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR, p.9.199 (2006). PATENTS (US patents: 9, Korea patent 5) 1. Z. Ma, and J.-H. Seo, “METAL-OXIDE-SEMICONDUCTOR FIELD-EFFECT PHOTO TRANSISTORS BASED ON SINGLE-CRYSTALLINE SEMICONDUCTOR THIN FILMS”, P160090US01, Filed on October 16, 2015. 2. Z. Ma, H. Mi, T.-H. Chang, S. Gong, K. Xiong and J.-H. Seo, “FABRICATION METHOD FOR III-V ON SI MULTI-JUNCTION SOLAR CELLS VIA EPITAXIAL LIFT-OFF AND PRINT TRANSFERASSISTED BONDING”, P160030US01, Filed on October 16, 2015. 9/10 3. Z. Ma, and J.-H. Seo, “THIN FILM TRANSISTORS WITH TRENCH-DEFINED NANOSCALE CHANNEL LENGTHS", P150093US01, Filed on March 20, 2015. 4. Z. Ma, and J.-H. Seo, "THERMAL DIFFUSION DOPING OF SINGLE-CRYSTALLINE DIAMOND", P140384US01, Filed on Oct 7, 2014. 5. Z. Ma, and J.-H. Seo, "HYBRID HETEROSTRUCTURE LIGHT-EMITTING DEVICES", P140343US01, Filed on Oct 9, 2014. 6. Z. Ma, and J.-H. Seo, "COMPACT DISTRIBUTED BRAGG REFLECTORS", US 14/334,770, US 9,337,622 B2, Issued on May 10, 2016. 7. Z. Ma, M. G. Lagally, and J.-H. Seo, "DOPED AND STRAINED FLEXIBILE THIN-FILM TRANSISTORS", US 13/751,477, US 20140209977 A1, Issued on May 17, 2013. 8. Z. Ma, and J.-H. Seo, "LATTICE MISMATCHED HETEROJUNCTION STRUCTURES AND DEVICES MADE THEREFROM", US 9,058,993, Issued on October 11 2014. 9. Z. Ma, X. Wang, F. Wang, and J.-H. Seo, "METHODS FOR MAKING LARGE-AREA, FREESTANDING METAL OXIDE FILMS." US 8,502,218 B2, Issued on June 16 2015. 10. B.K. Ju, J.H. Kwon, J. Jeong, K. Lee, J.-H. Seo, J. Choi, S.I. Shin, "METHOD FOR THE ORGANICINORGANIC PASSIVATION LAYER AND THEREFROM", KR10-2008-0000724, Issued on January 2 2008. 11. B.K. Ju, J.H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, S.I. Shin, "METHOD FOR NON-VOLATILE MEMORY DEVICES BY NANOIMPRINTING LITHOGRAPHY AND THEREFROM", KR10-2007-0104613 Issued on October 17 2007. 12. B.K. Ju, J.H. Kwon, J.-H. Seo, S.I. Shin, "METHOD FOR TRANSPARENT OXIDE THIN-FILM TRANSISTORS AND THEREFROM", KR10-2007-0106630, Issued on October 23 2007. 13. B.K. Ju, J.-H. Seo, J.H. Kwon, S.I. Shin, "BI-DIELECTRIC LAYERED FLEXIBLE ORGANIC THINFILM TRANSISTORS", KR10-2007-0117828, Issued on November 19 2007. 14. B.K. Ju, J.H. Kwon, J. Jeong, J.-H. Seo, S.I. Shin, "HIGH-EFFICIENCY ORGANIC LIGHTINGEMITTING DEVICE WITH THE NANOWIRE ELECTRON INJECTION LAYER", KR10-20070118242, Issued on November 20 2007. 10/10