Virginia Tech ECE 2008 Annual Report

ECE 2008
This report was produced with funds
from the Harry Lynde Bradley Foundation.
BEHIND THE COVER: The MANIAC Challenge, organized by an ECE team, generated the first large multi-hop mobile ad hoc network in November 2007 (p. 9). This was one
of many activities in the department related to networks —
from cognitive radio to power distribution to gene networks.
The underlying graphic is based on a work by abstract artist
Ja’ Ski, called “Futuristic Network.”
Cover illustration by Christina O’Connor.
Blackout Busters
Securing the Airwaves
Hunting in the Wild MANET
Shrinking Lab Equipment Onto a Chip
31 Research
32 VLSI & Design
32 Computer
33 Software &
Signals, Systems
& Controls
25 Undergraduate Reaching for the Edge of Space
35 Networks for the GPS-Challenged
41 Jumping Head First Into the Unknown
From the Department Head
From the Advisory Board Chair
Bradley Fellows
Bradley Scholars
Ph.D. Degrees Awarded
Honors & Achievements
Donors to ECE
ECE Faculty
ECE Industrial Advisory Board
Photography by Virginia Tech Visual Communications
unless noted otherwise.
Jim Stroup: pp. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 38, 39
John McCormick: pp. 21, 41, 43
Kim Peterson: p. 38
Produced by The Right Word Communications
from the
s the world knows, 2007 was a tumultuous time at Virginia Tech. Like the
rest of the university community, we
in ECE were affected by the horrible
events of last April. All of us in the department mourn the senseless deaths of
and injuries to our students, faculty, friends, and
neighbors. But it hasn’t changed who we are: a department passionate about knowledge and education in electrical and computer engineering.
This year, many of our ECE alumni have reconnected with us, reminding us of our strengths
and successes. Our alumni are a strong link to both
the technology community and to communities
around the world. Please keep in touch!
From our alumni, we have heard that the National Science Foundation (NSF) has honored
three of our alumni with CAREER awards — its
highest award for young faculty leaders. In 2007,
Neil Patwari (BSEE ’97, MSEE ’99) earned an
award for his work at the University of Utah. The
prior year, two Ph.D. graduates, Robert Adams
(’98) at the University of Kentucky and Greg Durgin (’00) at Georgia Tech both received CAREER
awards. This past year, Durgin was also honored
with Georgia Tech’s highest teaching award.
We have a strong group of alumni who live
and work in Virginia. As the state’s largest and
highest ranked ECE department, we take pride in
the latest news that Virginia has the highest technology worker density in the country and is the
fifth largest high-tech state. Most of these jobs relate directly to our field, involving computer systems design and service and engineering services.
We continue to adapt to serve the needs of the region and the field. We added three new faculty
members this year, but will be constrained with
the institution of budget cuts that will limit our
future hiring.
In the fall, Tamal Bose joined ECE as the associate director of Wireless@VT, coming from
James S. Thorp
Department Head
Department Head
Utah State, where he had served as department
head and held an endowed chair. Majid Manteghi,
an assistant professor in antennas and RF joined
the faculty from UCLA. This spring, Marius Orlowski accepted a position here as the VMEC
Chair in microelectronics. He came from Freescale
Semiconducteur in France.
The new Center for Space Science and Engineering Research Center just completed building
our new HokieDARN radar station, that for the
first time enables continual mapping of the space
weather plasma motions over the northern United
States. This and our other space science activities
are described beginning on page 16.
Our opening stories describe work being
done in cognitive radio networks. This technology draws researchers from many areas and has become a significant activity in our department. Two
of our student teams took top honors at the Software Defined Radio Forum’s 2007 Smart Radio
Design Challenge.
Notable faculty awards include Masoud Agah
(see p.13) and Jung-Min Park (see p.6) receiving
NSF CAREER awards. G.Q. Lu’s development of
nanoTach was listed one of the 100 most technologically significant products of 2007 by R&D
My many thanks to Dan Sable who has continued for a second term as the chair of the advisory board. Dan and the board have been
extremely helpful in supporting the initiative in
space sciences.
Last year I asked for help in identifying photos of W. A. Murray (1935-56) and B. M. Widener
(1956-58) to complete our wall of department
heads. I am happy to report we received the photos and the artist is painting both portraits.
from the
Advisory Board Chair
t is an honor and a privilege to have been reelected as chair of ECE’s Industrial Advisory
Board (IAB) for a second year. The events of
last April are still fresh in our memory. The
resulting challenges that they have brought
to the ECE department and the entire university appeared at first to be insurmountable. We
mourn the loss of ECE student Henry Lee, and
our other friends and students who were killed.
We are encouraged by the determination and healing of those who were injured. Our entire community still is dealing with the emotional fallout.
However, in the face of this adversity and the continuing emotional and financial burden that is
being placed on Virginia Tech and the ECE department, in fact, we have become stronger.
The Virginia Tech ECE department has truly
outstanding undergraduate and graduate programs
with excellent faculty world-renowned for teaching and research. I can still remember 25 years ago
when Dusan Boroyevich and I were graduate students together taking the first course in Power
Electronics offered by Fred Lee. “Dr. B.,” as the
students call him, is now one of the most well respected lecturers in the ECE department. Boroyevich and Lee are now completing their 10th and
final year as a National Science Foundation (NSF)
Engineering Research Center (ERC). This puts
them into an extremely elite group of only six
other universities in the country with graduating
NSF ERCs in the electronics area.
The list of ECE accomplishments in the past
year continues. The recent Franklin Institute
Award to ECE Department Head Jim Thorp, and
ECE University Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Arun Phadke puts Virginia Tech ECE in a league
with Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Orville
Wright, and Marie and Pierre Curie. ECE graduate students took top honors in the Inaugural
Smart Radio Challenge at the 2007 Software Defined Radio Forum conference in November.
Tech was the only school with two teams among
the final 10 competitors.
ECE assistant professors Jung-Min Park and
Masoud Agah were awarded NSF CAREER
Awards for their work on improving the security
of cognitive radio networks and development of
a credit-card sized gas chromatography platform.
CAREER awards are NSF’s most prestigious
award for creative junior faculty members considered to be future leaders in their academic fields.
ECE assistant professor Scott Bailey was the
co-principal investigator of the NASA AIM Satellite, which was launched April 25, 2007. He was
able to convince NASA at the last minute to place
a logo on the rocket in memory of the Virginia
Tech victims.
As alumni and members of the Industrial Advisory Board, it is in our own interest to see the
ECE department prosper and gain greater reputation. My vision for the IAB is to encourage an active role for the members in several ways:
1. Alumni and IAB member companies can
encourage practical experience by sponsoring undergraduate and graduate student interns.
2. Alumni and IAB member companies can
participate directly in the classroom through guest
lectures. Relating practical problems encountered
in industry to the classroom theory goes a long
way with student understanding of course material.
3. Alumni and IAB member companies can
sponsor research in areas of most concern to them.
4. Alumni and IAB member companies can
take an active role in being an advocate for the
ECE department at the college and university
level. The ECE department has been a traditional
strength of the university. It is critical that it continues to receive appropriate priority.
5. Finally, alumni and IAB member companies can support the ECE department through
generous financial donations.
The ECE department head, Jim Thorp, has
demonstrated remarkable leadership in focusing
the Department and the IAB fully supports his efforts. The university is fortunate to have person of
his stature, integrity, caliber, and vision as the ECE
Department Head.
Great teaching, great research, great students,
great alumni, great leadership – what more can
one ask for?
Dan Sable
Chair, ECE Advisory Board
Arun Phadke (left) and Jim Thorp (right).
Franklin Medal Winners, Arun Phadke & Jim Thorp
Today, their
technology and
algorithms are
used to keep
lights on around
the world, and
they have been
honored with
the prestigious
2008 Benjamin
Franklin Medal
in Electrical
ore than 30 years ago, Jim Thorp, ECE department head, and Arun Phadke, a university distinguished professor emeritus,
first teamed up to fight power grid blackouts.
Today, their technology and algorithms are used
to keep lights on around the world, and they have
been honored with the prestigious 2008 Benjamin
Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering.
For 184 years, the Franklin Institute has
identified men and women from around the
world whose contributions have benefited society, advanced science, launched new fields of inquiry, and deepened the understanding of the
universe. Previous recipients include Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Max Planck, Enrico Fermi,
Thomas Edison, Orville Wright, Marie and Pierre
Curie, Guglielmo Marconi, and Jane Goodall.
Phadke and Thorp received the award for
“pioneering contribution to the development and
application of microprocessor controllers in electric power systems.” Their work has made blackouts less frequent, less intense, and easier to
recover from.
Their partnership began in 1976 when Thorp
was a professor at Cornell and took a sabbatical
to study power systems at American Electric
Power (AEP) in New York. There he met Phadke.
“We were working on introducing computer applications into the power system,” Phadke recalls.
“Jim had a background in controlling systems and
we gave him an assignment in computer applications. He was the perfect fit.”
The Ultimate Team
ow does a team like this
As a team and individually,
survive 30 years? They say
Phadke and Thorp have been
the strength of their collabvery productive. Phadke holds
oration relies on their differfive patents, has authored more
ences. They describe Phadke as
than 150 papers and has written
an intuitive problem solver and
or contributed to 22 books.
Thorp as the theoretician with a
Thorp holds two patents has
background in control theory,
authored more than 200 papers.
probability and mathematics.
They are both members of the
“Arun knows everything
National Academy of Engineerabout the power system,” Thorp
ing and Fellows of the IEEE and
says. “He always has an elegant,
have been honored with many
direct answer, and I tend to make
honors and awards.
As a team and individually, Thorp (left) and
them more complicated. He has
Thorp retired from Cornell
a Richard Feynman-like intuand came to Virginia Tech in
ition about things. He’s able to
2004, and the two continue their
bring groups together and makes things happen,” he adds.
association in closer contact. They have projects and contracts that
Phadke says, “Jim is very competent in finding out the math extend several years into the future.
that underlies the issue at hand. Not only does he recognize it, but
“There are many more problems to solve,” Thorp says, noting
he solves it. It’s remarkable to watch him doing things and realize that much of the equipment is more than 40 years old. “As a society,
that, before my eyes, he’s doing something that has probably never we’ve got to modernize the power system and these measurements
been done before.”
are part of the story.”
Protection Technology
or eight years, Thorp commuted one day a week from
Ithaca to New York, working on different projects. At that
time, power relays — that shut
down local power systems to
protect the equipment — were
made of electromechanical and
solid state components. Thorp
and Phadke developed the algorithms needed to replace the
bulky machines with microprocessors.
“Many people in the industry said that computers couldn’t
do such a heavy, dangerous job
— that it couldn’t happen,” says
Thorp. “But, of course it has.
Today you can’t buy anything
but computer relays.” All of
today’s power protection systems use Phadke and Thorp’s algorithms in some way.
One of the biggest prob-
lems in protecting the power
flow along the grid has been getting information from each of
the 3,000 power companies involved. “The power companies
could tell the voltage and the location of a disturbance, but there
was no commonality when we
tried to study large blackouts,
like along the East Coast in 1965
and 2003, and 1996 on the West
Coast,” Phadke explains.
The common measure was
time. When the GPS system was
being established, Phadke realized it could be used to time
stamp all the data in different
power systems. “This was a huge
idea,” says Thorp. They worked
on the concept along with Stan
Horowitz of AEP. “We developed the algorithms and proved
it could be done theoretically,
but AEP did not want to pursue
it. ‘Who would want it?’ we
were asked?”
Soon after, Phadke came to
Virginia Tech and with his students — including Virgilio Centeno, who is now on the ECE
faculty — built the first device,
which they called a synchronized phasor measurement unit
(PMU). “Our goal was to make
very accurate measurements on
the power system, no matter
how big the network,” Phadke
says. The device measures voltages and currents and identifies
a precise time and location based
on GPS signals.
The first units were installed at several power companies around the country and by
1993, about two dozen firms
manufactured the instruments.
“The next step was computerizing them in a large network.
Hundreds have been installed in
this country and maybe a thousand in China, Mexico, Brazil,
and Europe.”
Once a critical mass was installed, they started observing
new phenomena along the power grid, Thorp says. “We learned
that disturbances spread through
the system like waves. Here we
had a man-made system behaving like earthquakes and tidal
The big disturbances can
have an early warning system
along the grid. “They come at
hundreds of miles a second.
That’s fast, but it’s not the speed
of light. Computerized equipment can react quickly enough.
This makes it possible to protect
the system differently,” Thorp
Seeking a Secure
Cognitive Network
he looming spectrum shortage created by
the boom in wireless applications is gaining attention nationwide.
General news media covered the recent
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
auction. Google has submitted a proposal to
allow wireless broadband in the TV white
spaces — those unused areas in the spectrum.
Meanwhile, engineers are racing to perfect cognitive radio technology that is expected to play
a large role in more efficient spectrum sharing.
ECE’s Jung-Min Park supports efforts to
deal with the overcrowded unlicensed bands,
but he wants to avoid security problems that
plague other networks, such as the Internet.
The best way to ensure security, he says, is to
design for it from the very beginning.
Park has received a $430,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award to
head the first major effort to explore non-conventional security issues in cognitive, spectrumsharing networks. The five-year CAREER
Jung-Min Park
has an NSF
CAREER award
for cognitive
network security
grants are NSF’s most prestigious awards for junior faculty.
“The spectrum shortage is hampering the development and deployment of new wireless applications and technologies,” Park explains. “But,
most of the spectrum has been already allocated
for licensed use, and the FCC cannot allocate more
bands for these emerging applications using the
current regulatory paradigms.
So, the FCC is considering opening up licensed bands — such as
the TV bands — to unlicensed,
secondary operations on a noninterference basis with the licensed users, who are typically
called incumbents.
In such a scenario, the secondary operators would carry
the burden of using the bands
when available and ensuring they do not interfere
with the licensed incumbents. The incumbents
would not have to alter their operation or technology. “This is a hard problem,” Park says. “It’s like
living in somebody’s house at the same time as the
owner – without ever providing any clue that you
are there.”
One of the more promising technologies for
these secondary operators is cognitive radios,
which can sense and understand their environment
and actively change their mode of operation, including frequency, modulation, and transmission
power. Researchers — including teams at Virginia
Tech — have developed working prototypes of
cognitive radios and now are working on high performance networks
“We expect that cognitive radio technology
will be used for two-way communications in a
wide range of applications, such as communication
systems for tactical military forces and emergency
The other major arena for the technology is
the development of wireless access networks that
can provide Internet services to rural areas, he
“It’s like living in somebody’s
house at the same time as the
owner — without ever providing
any clue that you are there.”
notes. The world’s first standard (IEEE 802.22) for
wireless access networks based on cognitive radio
technology is currently being developed for rural
wireless access.
The advantages of this technology, however
can be offset by new security threats that have not
been considered previously. “In a civilian cognitive radio network, the motive of a malicious user
might be to simply cause mayhem to other users
to receive notoriety. This would be the equivalent
of computer hackers,” he adds.
Malicious users also could try to extort
money from providers who operate cognitive
radio networks and services. In a military setting,
an adversary could try to bring down a network
or interfere with its communications to gain a tac-
The third major problem involves overlapping cognitive radio
tical advantage.
“If you think of security after everything is finished, it’s too networks trying to operate in the same spectrum. He explains that
late,” Park says. “First developing a functioning network, then guar- this problem can only happen with multiple secondary user netanteeing security doesn’t work. The Internet is the perfect example, works. Because cognitive radios are flexible and can easily switch
with its problems of spam, denial-of-service attacks, viruses, and bands – or even support each other’s traffic in a friendly manner —
Trojan horses. Let’s break that paradigm. This time, let’s think about there will be interference issues. “How will the radios change their
modulation, power, and frequency in those situations?” The probsecurity at the design stage.”
Security is possible to implement from the beginning, accord- lem is called network self-coexistence. “It turns out that there are
ing to Park. “These are policy-based radios. They all follow human inherent weaknesses in the current 802.22 protocols for self coexistence. This is something that must be addressed before networks can
rules written in software. They are not self intelligent.”
Park and his students are foJung-Min Park (right), Shucai Xiao (left), and Kaigui Bian want to secure cognitive
cusing on non-conventional
networks at the design stage.
threats. He defines conventional
security threats as those elements
that threaten the confidentiality,
authentication, or integrity of
the data within the network.
“Conventional security threats
can be countered using off-theshelf cryptographic solutions,
such as encryption and authentication schemes,” he explains.
“We use the term ‘non-conventional security threats’ to denote
threats that cannot be thwarted
with cryptosystems alone.”
The team has identified
three different security problems
“If you think
of security
after everything
is finished,
it's too late.”
to explore and develop countermeasures against: incumbent emulation; Byzantine failures in cooperative spectrum sensing; and vulnerabilities in cognitive radio network self-coexistence.
Incumbent emulation would involve modifying the radio’s software to change its emission characteristics to appear to other users as
an incumbent. This possibility stems from the inherent programmability of cognitive radios and would undermine the spectrum utilization rules, ultimately reducing a network’s throughput.
Byzantine failures would appear when incorrect sensing data is
sent to the network from rogue terminals run by adversaries or
faulty radios with malfunctioning software or hardware. “This problem involves determining how a network can make accurate estimations or predictions in spite of bad information. Can you come up
with a scheme that maximizes the network’s ability to make accurate
predictions, even in a hostile environment where some of the nodes
have turned bad?” Park queries.
safely operate in this mode,” he says.
Probing a network before it exists introduces unique hurdles.
Park foresees a big challenge in quantifying the security threats.
“Finding and discussing these threats qualitatively is easier,” he says,
“but we need to define exactly how severe each threat is. We want
to identify those issues that have the most practical significance so
that we can prioritize them. For that, we need to be able to quantify
the threats. We will also want to quantify the effectiveness of our
He anticipates that the most exciting aspect of the project will
be evaluating the countermeasures and solutions. “We would like to
do some partial implementation of our solutions. This is a novel
problem that nobody has looked into yet.” Finding the solutions
now, he says, will make cognitive radio networks more robust and
more reliable from the start.
For more information, visit
—with Liz Crumbley
rmed only with laptops, intrepid student explorers hunted this
past November in what was possibly the world’s most uncooperative ad hoc network — and still managed to bag an elusive,
quarry: a six-hop route.
Undergraduate and graduate student teams gathered from seven
universities to generate a first-of-its-kind mobile ad hoc network
(MANET) and to compete for glory in its uncharted territory. The
Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Interoperability And Cooperation
(MANIAC) Challenge was organized by ECE’s Luiz DaSilva and
Allen MacKenzie and held in conjunction with the IEEE Globecom
2007 in Washington, D.C. It was the first of at least two such competitions, funded with a three-year grant from the National Science
Foundation (NSF).
Teams competed from Auburn University, Bucknell University, The George Washington University (GW), the Technical University of Kosice in the Slovak Republic, the University of North
Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), the University of Puerto Rico at
Mayaguez, and Virginia Tech.
Seeking a natural habitat
Photos by Christina O’Connor
The goal of the competition was to generate interest in the field
among students, while also providing one-of-a-kind opportunities
to study actual, uncontrolled, ad hoc networks where users make
their own decisions regarding tradeoffs between self-interest and
common network goals.
Although the technology is imminent, MANETs do not cur-
A key goal of the MANIAC Challenge is to spur interest in the field among graduate and undergraduate students.
rently exist outside of tightly controlled laboratory environment
and military deployments, according to MacKenzie. “Questions
linger about how well MANETs will work in the wild. Are simulation results reported in the literature too optimistic about performance that can be achieved in these networks?” he said.
The MANIAC Challenge was the first large, multi-hop
MANET that was spontaneously formed in a natural habitat, according to DaSilva. “We have a need in this field for data from an ad
hoc network that is not controlled by any single research group. We
want to see what happens when we don’t control every node, and
the different nodes may have different, and probably conflicting, interests,” he said.
Strategic selfishness
The November competition focused on cooperation in routing
and packet forwarding.Cooperation is one of the biggest issues surrounding MANETs, DaSilva said. For a stable MANET to exist, all
nodes must cooperate, but still retain some selfish behavior in order
to achieve their own goals. “Will users of wireless ad hoc networks
trade off bandwidth, signal strength, or speed to ensure system effectiveness? If so, how? What incentives will get users to provide
services — such as forwarding and routing — to other nodes?”
Each team controlled two laptop nodes on the network.
MANETs are based on the premise of users sporting different hardware and software, so the only requirements were that the laptops
have 802.11 capabilities and run the MANIAC API and OLSR as
the routing protocol.
Strategy played a large role in the competition and teams were
evaluated on the creativity of the strategy employed. As a group,
the participants wanted to create a robust MANET and hoped to
spot elaborate, multi-hop routes. However, each individual team
wanted to acquire the highest number of intended packets.
To encourage both cooperative and selfish behavior, MANIAC
teams were awarded 10 points for every packet they received that
was intended for them, but every packet they forwarded for another
team cost them a point. Source nodes for each team were not part of
the cooperative network, but issued packets and sniffed the network
to capture its topology.
The strategies were predominantly selfish and ranged from extremely simple to very sophisticated. Most teams tried to drop packets that would give other teams points, but maintain their reputation
so that other nodes would still send them packets.
Other strategies included physically positioning their nodes
close to sources, limiting the proportion of packets sent to any sin-
“We were evil.
We dropped every
packet with a final
destination for the
next node.”
gle node, and being unfriendly to nodes not in their direct path from
the sources. “This was probably the unfriendliest ad hoc network in
the world,” commented DaSilva at the conclusion of the contest.
“We were evil,” admitted a member of the Auburn team. “We
dropped every packet with a final destination for the next node.
Dropping next-node packets was a popular strategy with the other
teams as well.
“Live and let live” wins for creativity
The team from Kosice won first place in creativity for their
“live and let live” strategy. “Their strategy was ingenious,” commented MacKenzie. The Kosice strategy included manipulating the
routing protocol itself to prevent traffic for other teams from being
directed towards the Kosice devices at all.
“We were hoping to see the teams come up with fairly simple
strategies that when you put it all together would lead to reasonably
efficient outcomes for the whole,” MacKenzie said. “They didn’t do
the things we expected, but that is part of the fun of it.”
“Everybody decided to be a bad guy,” DaSilva said. “This confirms the prisoner’s dilemma.” The prisoner’s dilemma is a classical
game theory situation in which two players who may cooperate for
gain or betray the other to go free typically choose to betray each
other, even though this result is inefficient for both parties.
But did it work?
During the competition runs, teams roamed throughout the
lower two floors of the Washington Hilton, while the non-network
source nodes remained stationary. Many teams roamed, attempting
to be near certain sources or just for better network placement.
The network had the common stresses of any wireless network,
with interference and non-users trying to gain access. In spite of the
hostility of the nodes, a complex topology appeared, with the greatest hops measured at 6 — extremely rare.
“I’m surprised it worked,” DaSilva said. “So many things can go
wrong — these networks are pretty fragile. This was less fragile than
Allen MacKenzie (left) and the MANIAC Challenge organizing team were looking to encourage student interest
while creating and studying a live MANET testbed.
I expected. This doesn’t mean they are robust networks, however.”
The UNCC team was almost always the multipoint routing
node and took first place in the performance runs. The Bucknell
team — the only team of undergraduates — came in second.
“The most fun was to see people actually enjoying participating
in an experiment of this type,” said DaSilva. “Getting students and
faculty excited about something like this is an intangible, but it’s very
important in moving the research forward.”
He cited evidence of growing enthusiasm among the participants. “We had undergraduates here, and their advisor reports there
is now a higher probability they will continue in the field and perhaps get a higher degree.” Also, the Kosice team has written a conference paper on their strategy and participation.
DaSilva and MacKenzie are preparing for MANIAC Challenge
II, which will focus on power control and spectrum usage.
Data from both events will be available to researchers at
GC Matrix System
tackles faster
analysis and lower
cost with micro
asoud Agah has developed a microchip etching process and a multi-column architecture
that he hopes to use to push gas chromatography (GC) out of its traditional laboratory setting
and into the field. He wants to shrink GC units
from their present table-top size to a credit-card
size so they can be carried easily for instant
analysis of hundreds of elements.
Gas chromatography is the primary technique used in scientific, medical and industrial
laboratories for separating and analyzing volatile
compounds. Portable microGC units would have
many uses, ranging from doctors using breath
analysis for diagnosing disease, to environmental
monitoring of air and water contaminants to testing
for chemical warfare agents.
Gas chromatography separates chemicals from a
compound sample that has been gasified. Using an inert
carrier gas, the sample is propelled through a column that
has coated interior walls. Molecules from the sample can be
absorbed by the coating, which affects the rate at which different chemicals exit the column. Since different types of molecules
exit the column at different times, thermal conductivity detectors at
Masoud Agah has received an
NSF CAREER Award to develop
micro gas chromatographs
The single-pass,
multi-depth etching
process developed
by Masoud Agah’s
research team may
change how
university students
in many fields
study MEMS.
the end of the column can identify the chemicals in the sample. In practice,
several runs are used to confirm results and the time spent in the column can
sometimes run more than an hour.
“It can often take four days to send a sample to the lab and get firm results using gas chromatography or mass spectrometry,” Agah says. “There
are many applications that can’t wait that long. So the separation and detection times become critical.”
A number of research teams worldwide are working to develop fast, accurate microGC units, but Agah’s concept focuses on low-cost production
methods and a novel, multi-column architecture. His etching process may
also help change how students in many fields study microsystems.
His team’s preliminary results are encouraging and the National Science
Foundation (NSF) has awarded him a $400,000 CAREER Award to support
the effort. CAREER grants are NSF’s most prestigious awards for junior faculty members who are considered likely to become academic leaders.
Agah’s plan involves at least two critical advances — employing an array
of microtubes instead of the single tube that is conventionally used in gas
chromatography and developing a single-pass etching process for multiple
channel depths.
Matrix approach
Most microGC systems use a similar structure to the large, table-top
systems, employing a single, long column. While tabletop systems use
columns about 10 meters long, Agah describes the current trend in microGC
systems is to use 3-meter-long columns. “These systems cannot separate more
than 20-30 compounds and have separation times measured in several min-
utes,” he explains. Faster analysis has been
achieved by reducing the column length to less
than 50cm and using rapid temperature programming. “These systems have separated multi-component mixtures in a few seconds. But there is a
tradeoff between speed and resolution. They can
only separate fewer than 10 compounds. They can
go fast and few, but not complex,” he adds.
Agah’s goal is to separate complex mixtures –
more than 100 compounds — in a few seconds. He
Agah’s goal is
is tackling the speed/resolution tradeoff by using
to separate
a novel architecture he calls GC Matrix. The GC
more than 100
Matrix will consist of short microGC columns less
compounds —
than 30 centimeters long, with on-chip heaters,
in seconds. He
temperature sensors, micro flow meters, and theris tackling the
mal conductivity detectors. The columns will be
speed/resolution integrated into a matrix configuration, with each
row responsible for certain boiling points. Within
tradeoff by
each row, different columns will have different pousing a novel
larities and even different coatings.
architecture he
“At the end of each row, we’ll be spitting out
calls GC Matrix.
results,” he describes. “That’s how we can get
speed. We have independent rows, but also get the
needed complexity because we’ll have different
polarities in each row.” The performance of each
mGC column will still depend on a tradeoff between speed and resolution, he says, “but the GC
Matrix will enable us to
Conventional gas chromatography
tune these attributes inSample Injector
dependently on a sysFlow Controller
tem level.” Agah
already has developed
columns that can sepaColumn
rate a limited number of
volatile compounds in
less than 10 seconds.
Carrier Gas
Column Oven
Gas chromatographyOn-Chip
GC Matrix
First-ever integration
A GC Matrix system would integrate all the
sensors on a column for the first time. “We’re talking about a very compact microchip with integrated pressure, flow, thermal conductivity, and
temperature sensors, with columns and heaters.”
“For easy commercialization, we want to develop technology that is simple, reliable, low-cost
and robust,” he explains. “With this kind of compactness, it’s important to minimize the fabrication
complexity. As you increase production steps,
your yield goes down, because every additional
step introduces more opportunity for problems,
such as contamination.”
Instead of the typical silicon glass, Agah’s
team is using a silicon base employing a new fabrication technology they call the CMOS-Compatible Predictable 3D Buried-Channel Process. “For
our integrated columns to work, we will need to
etch to four or five different depths from 10 to 120
microns.” He explains that the team wants to fabricate the system using a single pass for etching and
a single pass for deposition with no bonding.
The team has eliminated a bonding process
for both power consumption and production reasons. “If we use bonding, we will increase the total
mass of the chip,” Agah says. “When we increase
the mass of a chip, it needs more power to heat it
up. By getting rid of bonding and its thick pyrex
substrate, we reduce mass. Then our columns can
be floating structures connected with thin dielectric layers. We can heat it up rapidly, because it is
isolated and the power consumption goes down.
We cannot do this with silicon glass. We’ll be able
to keep the processing temperature during fabrication less than 300°C, which makes it compatible with conventional IC manufacturing.”
Temperature Sensor
Separation Column
Window 2 (TCD)
Column Heater
Fluidic Port
Sample Injection
Downstream Sensor
Carrier Gas
MEMS Columns
Upstream Sensor
Heated Window 1 (Flow Meter)
“The beauty of research is
we don’t know
what will happen
until we do it.”
Single-pass etching process
ent polymers that separate different components.
Since all of these sensors are integrated, will the
coating affect the performance? Will there be any
deficiency in sensitivity and detectability?” he
“The beauty of research,” he says, “is that we
don’t know what will happen until we do it. What
makes it fun is that we see so many challenges in
front of us, and we know there will be more as we
move forward.”
For more information:
The team has recently tested a new method
of etching silicon to different depths in one pass
by maximizing a reactive ion etching (RIE) lag.
“We have concluded that with a structure that has
wider openings, the etch is deeper. Based on the
holes in the array and the dimensions of the holes
and spacing between them, we can control the
depth and width of these channels.”
Since the technology allows different depths
and widths, even a single channel can have varying dimensions, according to Agah. “We can even
make nozzles with this,” he says.
“This is just not achievable in
The single-pass etching technique is not only useful for Agah’s
microGC system, but holds promise
he single-pass, multi-depth etching process developed by Masoud Agah’s research team
for other microfluidic uses in life
may change how students in many fields study microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).
sciences and chemical analysis and in
As microsystems become more common, students in many disciplines, including ECE,
engineering education (see sidebar).
mechanical engineering, engineering science and mechanics, chemical engineering, and bioAlthough he has demonstrated
sciences are being introduced to the technology. As part of Agah’s CAREER project, he will
the new, single-pass, multi-depth
be incorporating the process in a laboratory course for students from these disciplines.
etching process and modeled the
The new etching process is expected to make fabrication inexpensive and speedy enough
GC Matrix, there are many chalfor classroom use in real applications. “We’ll be able to give students a deep, hands-on educalenges facing Agah’s team. Several
tion in microsystems from design to fabrication to applications. Equally important, we’ll be
hurdles include tuning Virginia
able to have them work in truly interdisciplinary teams while in school,” he says.
Tech’s existing equipment to ac“With this etching technology, we can make many different systems, such as pressure sencommodate the required sensitivity
sors, micro mixers, particle (cell) separators, gas analyzers and more,” he adds. In the course,
or even acquiring new deposition
each multidisciplinary team will design a device based on the technology. “They can design
whatever they are interested in. It can be a sensor. It can be a microfluidic device.”
Other hurdles are technical.
Once they determine the overall design and the depth and width of their channels, they
Once the etching technology is perwill have access to the software Agah’s team is developing for the gas chromatography project
fected, the team will develop the
to determine the layout. “We’ll be able to put all the designs onto one photo mask and have
microcolumn with all the microsenthem all fabricated simultaneously using the single-pass process. Everybody will get trained on
sors on it. “To do that,” Agah says,
the different tools and fabrication processes and will contribute to the fabrication of class mi“we first must fabricate the individcrochips.”
ual components to make sure we can
With the chips fabricated, the teams will be able to analyze and test their systems, and deget the sensitivity we need for each
termine what design changes would be needed.
component, then integrate it on a
Teams of up to three students will work together for the design, with each student takchip. That seems routine, but a least
ing the responsibility of his or her own discipline. The students will learn to communicate
one part might become troublesome
about their discipline at the level of students from other fields. “MEMS is by nature interdis— coating the columns. We can use
ciplinary,” he says. “Learning to communicate to professionals outside their field and learning
typical coating techniques or use
to work on a multidisciplinary team will make our students more valuable to employnanotechnology.
ers.”Micron Technology is helping develop the course. “Getting the perspective from an IC
“Then, we’ll need to make the
company is very valuable,” Agah says. “Micron will help ensure that our students learn skills
30 cm columns coated with differthat are state-of-the-art.”
Etching process may impact
engineering education
The interaction between the solar wind and Earth’s magnetic field and upper atmosphere can negatively impact the technology we rely on today — and engineers and
scientists at Virginia Tech want to do something about it.
pace weather creates the beautiful auroras and striking nightshining clouds, but it can also interfere with communications
and GPS systems or generate electromagnetic impulses that disrupt the power grid. It is possible that space weather may also contribute to the destruction of the earth’s protective ozone layer and
have a relationship to global climate change.
Last year, Virginia Tech formed the Center for Space Science
and Engineering Research, directed by ECE Professor Wayne Scales,
for further understanding of fundamental space science, to help develop technologies to mitigate the impact of space weather, and to
educate and train students in the field.
The group, referred to as Space@VT, is studying the upper atmosphere and beyond with ground-based and space-based equipment as well as with computer simulations using advanced
computational physics methods. This past year alone, graduate student Lyndell Hockersmith traveled to Antarctica for the installation
of a magnetometer near the South Pole; the HokieDARN radar
array joined an international system observing the ionospheric electric field; an ECE professor served as deputy principal investigator for NASA’s AIM mission; and Virginia Tech
students became the first U.S. university students
to study Global Navigation Satellite Systems
(GNSS) with the first in-house Galileo
(European GPS) simulator at a U.S.
In two years, the center grew from a proposal by Scales
and Joseph J.
Wang, an
professor of aerospace and ocean engineering (AOE), to an active
group of eight faculty members with international reputations and
two dozen graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The center
has more than $5 million in funding from the National Science
Foundation (NSF), NASA, and various Department of Defense
(DoD) agencies. Space@VT has an enthusiastic Industrial Advisory
Board chaired by Dan Sable (’85, Ph.D. ’91) that has greatly contributed to its rapid growth.
Three tenure-track and two research faculty members have
joined ECE since 2006. That year, Robert Clauer came from the
University of Michigan and is stationed at the National Institute of
Aerospace (NIA) at Hampton, Va.; Scott Bailey came from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks; and Brent Ledvina came from a postdoctoral position at the University of Texas at Austin.
The new research professors include Daniel Weimer, from
Solana Scientific, Inc., and Ray Greenwald, who is retired from
JHU/APL. Weimer, stationed at NIA at Hampton, is the developer
of the model that has become the international standard of global
electric fields and potentials. Greenwald is the chief architect of the
international SuperDARN radar concept.
A major focus of the space science team is educating and training undergraduate and graduate students in the field, according to
Scales. “We are pursuing a holistic approach to space research and
space mission development by combining theory, modeling, observation, data analysis, and education,” he says. “Our goal is to prepare students to become leaders in the field and to make important
contributions to society as a whole.”
The center encourages undergraduate students to get involved
in its projects. Undergraduates can make a serious contribution
through both building and analysis activities, according to Bailey.
“The educational benefits are great,” he says, “but the truth is, it’s
just plain fun.”
The team has also been developing courses in space and atmospheric science to introduce students to the field. “One of the beautiful things about this field is you have to be just as competent at
science as engineering,” says Scales. “We want to understand
the physical processes of the interactions, but we’re an engineering department; we want to know how it affects
technology. We don’t want to be doing science for
science’s sake. It’s a means to an end to understand
how it affects our technology.”
For more information, visit:
want to
the physical
processes of the
interactions, but
we’re an engineering department;
we want to know
how it affects
cott Bailey is interested in the interactions of
space weather with the Earth’s atmosphere.
Why did noctilucent (night shining) clouds
appear at about the same time as industrialization?
Do the auroras play a part in ozone destruction?
To get the data to study such questions, he has
been active in building satellites, spacecraft, and
Why do noctilucent clouds form?
Bailey currently serves as deputy principal investigator of NASA’s Aeronomy of Ice in the
Mesosphere (AIM) mission, working with James
Russell (BSEE ’62), a professor at Hampton
University. The AIM satellite is the first mission ever to study noctilucent clouds, which
are called Polar Mesospheric Clouds
(PMCs) when viewed from space. The
clouds, when viewed from the ground,
are seen as very bright clouds reflecting
the sun at twilight.
“These clouds form about 50 miles
high – at the edge of space,” Bailey explains. “The density of water molecules is
one in a million. This is less than the Sahara desert, yet the clouds form – always in
summer and always in the polar region.
What makes these clouds interesting is not
just their striking beauty, but they did not
appear until about 120 years ago. “Because
their rise coincides with industrialization,
there is a suggestion of a link.”
Over time, the clouds have become brighter,
have been seen more often, and appear to be occurring at lower latitudes. “We’ve never studied
these clouds except as serendipitous satellite and
ground observation. How do they form with so
little water vapor? How does this work? We have
a lot of theories. Once we understand how they
form, we will be able to go back and determine if
they have anything to do with global warming or
human activity.
Do auroras take part
in destroying the ozone layer?
Bailey is also involved with studying if and
how the auroras impact Earth’s protective ozone
layer. “There is a large and growing body of evidence showing that solar energetic particles from
the aurora lead to production of nitric oxide
(NO),” he describes. “We know that there is an
abundance of nitric oxide in the thermosphere (in
the region of the auroras). When we get to polar
winter, the night is so long, the nitric oxide may
flow downwards. Then, when it comes down, it’s
a catalytic destroyer of ozone. It’s not responsible
for the ozone hole, but may have a part in the destruction of ozone.
These particles may form a coupling between
the highest and lowest part of the atmosphere, according to Bailey. “The problem is, we can’t measure nitric oxide at night. It’s never been done.”
Bailey and Chris Hall, an aerospace professor, are
working with researchers at the University of Colorado. The team has developed a method to look
at how the atmosphere attenuates at night, and
using that to calculate NO levels.
They are preparing a 5-minute sounding
rocket flight in January 2010 from Poker Flat,
Alaska. A large telescope payload (being built by
Virginia Tech faculty and students) bolted to the
rocket will focus on a bright UV star in occultation – as it is being covered by Earth’s atmosphere.
After the sounding rocket, the team hopes to
expand the effort to include measurements on the
same star, but from a satellite.
ob Clauer wants to understand how Earth’s
electromagnetic fields respond to solar activity. He explores the solar wind/magnetosphere interaction from the ground.
He describes the space environment as an
electrodynamic system that involves plasma
physics. “The solar wind interacts with Earth’s
magnetic field in a manner similar to a fluid, but an
electrically conducting fluid.”
A consequence of this interaction is that electric currents are generated and flow to the ionosphere. “It’s a large, coupled system.” Variations in
the magnetic field and the energization of electrically charged particles are the items that comprise
space weather.
The energy that is coupled to the magnetosphere from the solar wind and dissipated through
electric currents in the upper atmosphere and the
precipitation of energetic particles into the upper
atmosphere (producing the aurora) — adds up to
about 1012 W. “That’s the same energy as a typi-
Bob Clauer’s data analysis
work has taken his team to
the very edges of the planet.
helped to establish an ionospheric HF radar at Virginia Tech, and also is principal investigator on a
project to develop an array of magnetometer platforms in the southern hemisphere. The first platform was installed in Antarctica in January. The
goal is to install a chain of seven to eight stations
over the next three to four years
The chain is being installed along the 40°
magnetic meridian — magnetically conjugate (reciprocal) to a chain of magnetometers on the west
coast of Greenland. The chain reacts rapidly to
changes in the solar wind. With the Greenland
chain, researchers have been able to identify differences in the electrical coupling between the
solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere during
the summer and winter.
“We don’t believe that it’s changing due to
time of year,” Clauer says. “We think it’s probably
the difference in conductivity in the hemisphere.”
The research has been hampered by only having
data from one pole. With the Antarctic chain, they
will be able to study polar winter
and polar summer simultaneously.
The array will also be used to help
understand a phenomenon first observed during magnetic storms only
about 10 years ago. “It seems that if
you drive the magnetosphere
strongly, it goes into a periodic oscillation. Why does it do that?”
Even with a single station at the South Pole,
the team is getting data that helps the investigations, Clauer says. “I’m a data analyst. The art is in
assembling data in ways that allow you to see
things. I manipulate data to reveal different kinds
of behaviors. We can’t control things in this lab, so
we do it by trying to control the various variables
through a statistical analysis.”
“It seems that if you drive
the magnetosphere strongly,
it goes into a periodic oscillation. Why does it do that?”
cal hurricane, but spread over a much larger area.”
Scientists and engineers study the space environment using magnetometers to look at electric
currents, radar to measure the drift of plasma and
infer the electric fields. Particle detectors, various
radio remote sensing instruments and optical instruments are also used.
Clauer investigates the global type phenomena using global arrays of instruments. He has
Graduate student
Lyndell Hockersmith
near McMurdo, Antarctica
The effects of space weather on
rent Ledvina studies the effect of space
weather phenomena on satellite navigation
systems. “The primary science,” he says, “is
looking at radio wave propagation issues and how
the chaotic ionosphere (the ionized part of the
Earth’s upper atmosphere) can disturb radio waves
via refraction, reflection, diffraction, and absorption.”
His work recently focused on the mid-latitudes between 22° and 60° latitude. “Previously,
that part of the ionosphere was considered absolutely boring. Nothing was happening there. Or
so we thought,” he says. Historically, the interesting
phenomena occurred at the equator and near the
poles, he explained. Then, public data from surveyed GPS receivers started to reveal some eccentricities of the ionosphere in the mid-latitudes.
“We didn’t see it until we had the GPS data
from all over the U.S. It is not only interesting scientifically, but potentially has an impact on society
and the technologies we rely on,” he says.
One of the main eccentricities is the occurrence and dynamics of large plasma densities in the
ionosphere, he explained. Plasma is the fourth state
of matter – an ionized gas where the electrons in an
atom or molecule separate from the nucleus. On a
grand scale this leaves a soup of positively charged
ions and negatively charge electrons in the
upper atmosphere. The large plasma densities
generate instabilities, which in turn can cause
errors in the received signals from the GPS.
“Above the Midwest, for example, there is
essentially a very benign low-density ionosphere,
then during a space weather event, a wall of density can form and flow through Canada towards
the North Pole. We do not understand these
plasma flow dynamics. They cause perturbations
to the position solution output by our GPS receivers. The real problem is, the GPS receivers
weren’t designed to deal with such a large gradient
in electron density,” Ledvina says.
Why does position matter? The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a mandate to allow
commercial planes to land using GPS. “Getting an
incorrect position could be devastating.”
Another interesting phenomenon being stud-
The solar wind interacting with Earth’s
magentic field and
upper atmosphere
can disrupt satellite
navigation systems.
Brent Ledvina studies
these effects to
develop the technology to predict
and avoid these
ied is solar radio bursts. “These can cause noise in
the GPS transmission band, making the signal-tonoise ratio go down, thus making a GPS signal difficult to track. It’s like the noise on your TV set
when your cable is out and somebody turns on the
microwave or blender,” Ledvina explains.
A solar radio burst in the fall of 2006 was an
order of magnitude larger in strength than ever predicted. “It knocked out a large percentage of the
science-grade GPS receivers on the daylight side of
the U.S. for several minutes. We assumed we understood the worst case and it turned out we had no
clue,” he says.
To study these effects, Ledvina builds instrumentation to collect and analyze the data. GPS is
used to measure the line-of-sight integrated plasma
density from a receiver on the ground to a GPS
satellite. Using arrays of receivers, he is involved in
mapping the ionospheric content.
One project involves putting GPS receivers in
Chile and Colombia to understand the conjugate
effects of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability on the
plasma densities of the equatorial ionosphere. A
simple explanation of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability is the situation in which a heavier fluid is on top
of a lighter fluid, an obviously unstable situation,
which typically results in chaotic mixing of the two
fluids. By observing from two locations on opposite
sides of the Earth’s magnetic equator, the team will
be able to study the instability’s effects as they propagate down the geomagnetic field lines.
Another project involves building a commercial-grade GPS receiver based on software-radio
technology. “The GPS receivers we build will be
able to work easily with the European, Russian,
Chinese and other satellite navigation systems. The
commercial market doesn’t produce receivers that
operate well during challenging space weather
events,” he says. With more robust receivers, the
team will be better able to measure the extremes of
space weather.
Ledvina is also upgrading and developing
ECE’s GPS course and laboratory. Virginia Tech is
the first U.S. university to have a simulator for
Galileo — the European GPS system that will go
online in the next 4-7 years.
eing an expert in computational space plasma physics has involved Wayne Scales in projects from analyzing the effects of
high-altitude nuclear detonations to creating and perturbing
charged dust clouds in space.
In a multi-university effort funded by the Department of Defense, Scales and Joseph Wang, an aerospace professor, are developing a model to mitigate the impact of the earth’s radiation belts on
space assets. “This is part of a multi-university effort to counteract
a high-altitude nuclear detonation (HAND). Such a detonation
won’t affect the people on earth, but the radioactive particles are predicted to destroy the electronics on spacecraft and basically wipe out
most of the low-earth orbiting satellites in about a week,” he says.
The project’s goal is to develop novel techniques of generating
electromagnetic waves that interact with the radioactive particles and
scatters them out of the radiation belt, he says. “One way to do that
is to use a big, high-power transmitter on the ground that sends a
high power radio wave. Another option would be to use a satellite
that has a high-power transmitter, he says”
The Virginia Tech team is involved in a third option: using a
spacecraft that ejects chemicals that photo-ionize and create electromagnetic waves which then interact with the radioactive particles to
scatter them out of the radiation belts. Scales’ and Wang’s model addresses the effects within seven days of a high altitude detonation.
“We’re trying to determine what is the most efficient and quickest
way to counteract this threat. How much chemical do we dump?
How much wave energy do we need to create for the scattering to
Wayne Scales, director of the
new Center for Space Science
and Engineering Research
be effective? If we dump a certain amount of chemicals, how much
wave energy will be involved?”
Another project in space computation involves noctilucent
clouds that form at the edge of space, shine at dusk, and are believed
to be related to global climate change. Over the past several years, the
team has developed a comprehensive computation model for investigating the interaction of high power radio waves on these charged
clouds for diagnostic purposes.
“We’ve gone as far as we can with the theory; now we want to
do experiments to validate our theory;” Scales says. The team is
building a radar receiver to use in Alaska at the high frequency active auroral research program (HAARP) facilities
The team not only studies natural clouds, but is involved in a
Naval Research Laboratory project to create an artificial noctilucent
cloud. Called the charged aerosol release experiment (CARE), the
project entails sending a sounding rocket from Wallops Island, Va.,
to create a large dust cloud over the East Coast.
The Virginia Tech team will be involved in developing a theoretical and computational model to study the turbulence generated
in the charged dust cloud. “Radars will be used to bounce signals off
the dust cloud to see if the turbulence, which is linked to global
change, is the same as a natural noctilucent cloud,” Scales says. The
sounding rocket project principal investigator is Paul Bernhardt of
the Naval Research Laboratory. “We’re working to see if the new
Blackstone SuperDARN radar will be able to contribute to the project as well.”
Those ionospheric plasma winds
are blowing up a storm
CE’s newest laboratory stretches thousands
of kilometers into the ionosphere from a
field near Blackstone, Va.. The HokieDARN
radar enables first-time-ever, continual mapping
of space weather plasma motions over the northern United States and southern Canada.
HokieDARN is the newest part of the Super
Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN)
which is an international collaboration involving
a dozen countries. High frequency radars are positioned around the world and operated continuously to provide the only method of obtaining
global, instantaneous maps of plasma convection.
“The ionosphere is like a CRT; it projects a
picture of what is happening in Earth’s near-space
environment,” explains Michael Ruohoniemi,
who is on the SuperDARN project. “We can see
motions in the plasma in the ionosphere that re-
The Blackstone SuperDARN
field-of-view plot.
semble winds. When we combine the measurements from
all the radars, we generate
something that looks like a familiar weather map, only the
speeds reach thousands of miles
per hour and change in a few seconds.
Scientists around the world use SuperDARN data to help understand the many
effects of space weather, according to Joseph Baker,
who is also a SuperDARN team member. “The Earth’s magnetic field is like wires that transfer the energy from the solar wind
into the upper atmosphere,” he explains. “When the near-Earth
space environment (or magnetosphere) gets stressed, it corrects by
dumping energy into the atmosphere via the auroras and heating
from powerful electric currents.”
SuperDARN was first built in the 1990s as a chain of radars
ringing the auroral latitudes and pointing towards the poles. “We
wanted to study the auroral processes that occur daily and their connection to the solar wind,” Ruohoniemi says. The SuperDARN efforts succeeded in producing the first-ever direct two-dimensional
images of convection on global spatial scales. The resulting discoveries touched on the complementary nature of convection in the
northern and southern hemispheres, the occurrence of hurricanelike vortices in the plasma flow, and the rapid response of convection
to change in the solar wind
Until recently the mapping was available only for the far northern and southern latitudes. This is sufficient for studying such phenomena as the magnetospheric substorm, which occurs frequently
and is mostly confined to auroral latitudes. Powerful magnetic
storms, however, which occur much less often but have more serious effects, trigger very large disturbances in the space environment
and can even cause auroras to be seen as far south as Texas.
“These events are big and dramatic — and can be dangerous for
people flying over the poles in aircraft, for astronauts, for GPS and
other communication and radar systems,” Ruohoniemi says. “The
impacts get even more significant at the mid-latitudes since more
people live there and the density of vulnerable technology is greater.
The original SuperDARN radars were pointed towards the
poles and were missing the expansion of such large events. The SuperDARN collaborators decided to begin installation of a chain of
mid-latitude radars, which is sometimes referred to as StormDARN,
to study the magnetic storm
electric fields. The first mid-latitude system was built in 2005 at
Wallops Island, Va., by the Johns
Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory ( JHU/APL) and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA/
The targets for the radar system are
plasma irregularities in the ionosphere that often
cause problems with other systems, such as GPS, surveillance radars, and HF communications. “It is a case of one
guy’s noise becoming another guy’s signal,” describes Baker. With
the mid-latitude data, scientists were able to continuously monitor
both storm and quiet time activity over a larger area. “We quickly
mapped the expansion of storm-time electric fields from the auroral zone to mid-latitudes with the Wallops radar and discovered a
new type of irregularity that populates the ionosphere just equatorward of the auroral zone every night.”
The HokieDARN radar is the second mid-latitude system built
in the United States and the third in the world, after the Wallops
radar and a Japanese radar operated on the island of Hokkaido. It
was turned on in February of this year, just in time to contribute
‘ground-truth’ to a major NASA satellite mission (THEMIS) that is
studying the causes of the auroral substorm. The radar was built with
funding from the National
Science Foundation (NSF) as
The HokieDARN radar array
a collaboration between Virginia Tech, JHU/APL and
Leicester University in the
United Kingdom.
HokieDARN was raised
by a team of scientists and
engineers from the collaborating institutions lead by the
new arrivals to ECE, i.e.,
Ruohoniemi, Baker, and Ray
Greenwald, who has joined as
a research professor. Greenwald pioneered the use of HF
radar for ionospheric studies
and is the primary founder of
The HokieSat is
one of three in
NASA’s Ionospheric Observation
Formation mission. Above right:
A sounding rocket
was collected after
flight for its payload of particles
from the
hris Hall, a professor of aerospace and ocean
engineering, is an expert in spacecraft dynamics and control. He is involved in modeling and simulation of complex spacecraft systems
and hands-on student projects.
A couple of recent projects started as student
design projects, including HokieSat, one of three
satellites that comprised the Ionospheric Observation Nanosatellite Formation mission, funded by
the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
and NASA.
A sounding rocket mission, which launched
from Wallops Island in 2005, carried a Naval Research Laboratory payload to collect mesospheric
oseph Wang, an associate professor of aerospace
and ocean engineering, is an expert in advanced
plasma propulsion systems, spacecraft-environmental interactions, and computational physics.
He describes his work as interdisciplinary,
concerning both spacecraft engineering and space
science and combining theoretical studies, experimental studies, large-scale simulations, and modeling. Ongoing work in his group ranges from ion
thruster plume interactions with spacecraft and
spacecraft charging on lunar surface, to plasma
micro-instabilities relevant to radiation belt remediation experiments.
One ongoing study in Wang’s lab concerns
charged dust interactions on lunar surface. Dust
clouds suspended above the lunar surface were first
particles. His students are currently building a
scramjet payload for a two-stage sounding rocket,
which will launch in 2010.
His modeling and simulation of complex
spacecraft systems ranges from high-altitude balloon payloads to small satellites. In a recent study
for NASA Goddard, his team completed a control
system analysis for a tethered satellite system. They
are currently modeling electrodynamic tether systems with rigid end bodies that use internal and
external torques for attitude control. The current
study is aimed at understanding the interactions of
the tether’s motions with the motions of the end
observed by the Surveyor spacecraft and later by
Apollo astronauts.
It is well documented that lunar dusts can
cause a wide range of significant problems for both
spacecraft and astronauts on extra-vehicular activities. Currently no technology exists that can effectively mitigate the effects of lunar dusts.
Utilizing computer particle simulations and vacuum chamber experiments, Wang and his students
are trying to understand the dynamic processes
that levitate and transport lunar dust grains and develop a technology to actively control and mitigate the dust environment surrounding lunar
New space science courses cover planetary
physics and the perils of space weather
gen. “My goal in the class, was to show students that with the mathematics and engineering and physics courses they had already taken,
they could reason out these differences.”
The course covers ion and neutral chemistry, ionization by solar
Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) photons and charged particle radiation,
heating and cooling processes, diffusion, neutral upper atmospheres,
exospheres and ionospheres, and solar wind/ionosphere interactions.
“We are trying to teach the students problem-solving and at the same
time get them fired up about space science and engineering,” Bailey
says. Although it’s a graduate-level course, it is open to the best undergraduates. “We are trying to get undergraduates more confident
about their own ability and be able to jump in and try their hand in
this field,” he said.
Two other new courses in the series, “Introduction to Space
Science I” and ‘The Perils of Space: An Introduction to Space
Weather’, were developed by Bob Clauer. The introduction course
covers the electrodynamics, plasma physics, and chemistry of the
near-earth space environment from the sun to the earth’s upper atmosphere. The space weather course is a 4000-level course emphasizing the practical consequences of space weather on modern
electrical technologies, such as solid state devices, satellite technology, communication, and global navigation systems.
Undergraduate reaches
for the edge of space
n instrument designed and built to observe polar mesospheric
clouds (night shining clouds) from space can also measure
ozone, according to results verified by the research of undergraduate Heather Hunter (ECE ’08). Hunter is working in the
Aeronomy and Remote Sensing Laboratory, analyzing data from the
NASA AIM satellite that launched last April.
She presented her results in a poster session at the American
Geophysical Union conference in San Francisco, Calif., in December
The cloud imaging and particle size (CIPS) instrument is observing the clouds and determining particle sizes and the proportion
of the incident light that is reflected. “When the clouds are not present,” she explains, “CIPS observes only the sunlit Rayleigh-scattered background brightness, which is controlled by ozone present
above 40 km from the earth’s surface.”
She created a model of the atmosphere from existing data and
compared it to the satellite data, following a technique developed
for solar backscattered ultraviolet instruments. “Our results show
that CIPS can reasonably measure ozone column density and the
Christina O’Connor
ow does the sun’s atmosphere and magnetic field interact with
the earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field? How does this interaction impact modern electrical technologies?
Why does Jupiter look so different from Earth? Why is Earth’s
atmosphere different from that of Mars and Venus? What electrical
engineering principles are used to observe such differences?
With the knowledge students have from sophomore and junior
engineering and physics classes, they can work through and calculate
the answers to these questions, according to ECE’s Scott Bailey and
Bob Clauer. Bailey and Clauer used these questions and solutions as
the framework for new courses taught last academic year.
Bailey’s course, “Introduction to Space Science II,” concentrates
on the upper atmosphere and gives a quantitative treatment of ionospheric physics and aeronomy (the science of the upper atmosphere),
based on our solar system. “If you think about the physics and work
through the questions, you can get a long way towards understanding why the planets have their characteristics. We all started the same,
but have different locations relative to the sun,” he says.
Location from the sun determines a planet’s temperature, which
leads to different evolutions, he explains. The planets then develop
different atmospheres; Mars developed a thin atmosphere, Venus developed a thick one, and Earth developed an atmosphere with oxy-
ratio of the ozone and neutral
air scale heights.”
Hunter, who started
working in the laboratory last
May, says she was initially
surprised by the amount of
space science research and the
complexity of the projects. “I was also very surprised that there were
so many opportunities emerging in space science research for students. I’m glad to see the department encouraging students in this
Before joining the laboratory, she had decided she most enjoyed
the area of electromagnetics. She had a strong interest, but no previous course work in space or atmospheric science and had much to
learn. Her experience has convinced her to follow a career in the
field. She wants to work in RF propagation engineering, then return to school for more education in atmospheric science. “This is an
exciting area of study with a very promising future. This isn’t ‘mainstream EE’, but I’m eager to see more students get involved.”
11 alumni Bradley Fellows
serve as facultymembers
at universities
across the country
Robert M. Gardner
BSEE ’03, MSEE ’05, Ph.D. ’08, Virginia Tech
Advisor: Yilu Liu
Research: Wide area monitoring and control of
large-scale, complex networks, such as power
systems. He is working on frequency data
analysis and conditioning, power system event
detection, and power system event location
using the FNET wide area frequency monitoring
network developed at Tech.
Mark W. Baldwin
William C. Headley
BSEE ’93, MSEE ’05, Ph.D. ’08, Virginia Tech
Advisor: Yilu Liu
Research: Power system dynamic response to
line and generator outages. Focus on the use
of bulk power system eigenproperties to determine event type; location and assess overall
power system condition. Also studying generator rotor train torsional response to pulsating
loads, transformer condition assessment,
FACTS/ESSS applications in power system oscillation damping.
BSEE ’06, Virginia Tech
Advisor: Claudio R.C.M. da Silva
Research: Signal detection and modulation
classification and its applications to cognitive
radio systems. He developed a distributed feature-based modulation classifier that showed
how distributed system can out-perform nondistributed classifiers. He is now developing a
likelihood-based modulation classifier in multipath fading channels.
Daniel Friend
Ryan Irwin
BSEE, MSEE ’98, Brigham Young University
Advisor: Allen MacKenzie
Research: Cognitive networks, which are the
combining of intelligence with highly reconfigurable communication networks. Specifically an
application for dynamic spectrum access and
another for routing in mobile wireless networks.
Career plans: Joining Northrop Grumman TASC
this fall as a communications systems engineer.
BSCPE ’07, Mississippi State
Advisor: Luiz DaSilva
Research: Development of a MAC protocol for
a dynamic spectrum access (DSA) environment, related to the Wireless Network after
Next (WNaN) project. He is building on preliminary work on multi-channel MACs, while incorporating the new DSA design challenges.
J. Shawn Addington (BSEE ’90.
MSEE ’92, Ph.D. ’96)
Department Head, ECE
Virginia Military Institute
Lexington, Va.
Addington has been awarded the
Jamison-Payne Institute Professorship in Electrical Engineering
Sarah S. Airey (BSCPE ’01)
JoAnn M. Adams (BSEE ’94)
Co-owner, Big Fish Design
Centerville, Va.
Christopher R. Anderson (BSEE
’99, MSEE ’02, Ph.D ’06)
Assistant Professor, ECE
United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, Md.
Robert J. Adams (MS’95,Ph.D.’98)
Assistant Professor, ECE
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Ky.
Won 2006 NSF CAREER Award
Matthew Anderson (BSCPE ’04)
Nathaniel August (BSCPE ’98.
MSEE ’01, Ph.D. ’05)
Design Engineer
Advanced Design Group, Intel
Portland, Ore.
August is working on process sensitive mixed-signal circuits.
Carrie Ellen Aust (BSCPE ’98)
William Barnhart
(BSEE ’00, MSEE ’02)
Raytheon; Denver, Colo.
Recently graduated from Raytheon’s
Engineering Leadership Development Program and was awarded
Technical Honors by his peers.
Brian L. Berg (Ph.D. ’01)
Director of Engineering and Product
DTS; Agoura Hills, Calif.
DTS is known for its audio codec
that is now mandatory in next-gen
home theater systems.
Ray A. Bittner, Jr (Ph.D. ’97)
Microsoft Research
Sammamish, Wash.
Bittner has projects in computer architecture, run-time reconfigurations and portable devices.
Kirsten Brown (BSEE ’94)
Chief of Staff to the CEO
MicroStrategy Inc.,
Alexandria, Va.
Steve Bucca (BSEE ’87, MSEE ’90)
Mark Bucciero
(BSCPE ’01, MSCPE ’04)
Argon ST, Inc.; Fairfax, Va.
R. Michael Buehrer (Ph.D. ’96)
Associate Professor
Virginia Tech
Evan M. Lally
David Reusch
BSEE ’03, MSEE ’06, Virginia Tech
Advisor: Anbo Wang
Research: Development of a high-resolution
particle imaging system. Also developing a
sapphire pressure sensor for ultra high-temperature harsh environments – operating up to
1500°C. Investigating a new method of sensor
construction through a novel combination of
etching and bonding techniques applied to
single-crystal sapphire components.
BSEE ’04, MSEE ’06, Virginia Tech
Advisor: Fred C. Lee
Research: High frequency DC-DC conversion to
miniaturize power supplies in such applications
as telecom, automotive electronics, laptops,
servers, and wireless communications. Developing a three-level buck converter for low current point of load applications. He is working
on a fully integrated product based of this
Mark A. Lehne
Rebecca Shelton
BSEE ’94, Seattle Pacific University; MSME
’98, MSEE ’00, Oregon State University.
Advisor: Sanjay Raman
Research: Analog and mixed signal IC design,
specifically new discrete-time signal processing
circuits that will enable more power efficient,
interference immune UWB wireless transceivers. His discrete-time FFT processor is
being used in wireless digital handheld devices
for higher data rates.
BSE EE/BA English ’06, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Advisor: William Baumann
Research: Modeling and parameter estimation
of small gene networks, especially networks
created by synthetic biology. She is currently investigating how much data is needed to ensure
that the parameters identified are biologically
Andrew Love
Ethan B. Swint
BSCPE ’05, University of Virginia
Advisor: Thomas Martin
Research: Modeling and pattern recognition
with e-textile sensor systems. Accelerometer
and gyroscopic sensors are deployed on e-textile pants to determine the activity of the user
and location of sensors. High accuracy realtime realization of this can allow for accurate
tracking of users.
BSECE ’02, Baylor; MSME ’05, University of
Texas, Austin
Advisor: Krishnan Ramu
Research: Circuit topologies and control systems for switched reluctance machines, which
are limiting factors in the technology’s adoption. He is working on novel circuit topologies
to reduce the number and cost of electrical
components, which, in turn, requires the development of new control strategies.
Parrish Ralston
Phillip A. Zellner
BSEE ’06, Virginia Tech
Advisor: Kathleen Meehan
Research: The physical phenomena that characterize isolated gate bipolar transistors
(IGBT). She is characterizing 5th generation low
punch-through carrier-store trench-bipolar-transistors for the Freedom Car project and will
work at NIST this summer in parameter extraction of Si IGBTs and other high-power SiC devices.
BSEE ’07, Virginia Tech
Advisor: Masoud Agah
Research: Development of a MEMs device targeted at the separation of cancer cells from
blood. He is using micromachining techniques
to develop a low power, high yield separation
device based on demonstrated mechanical and
electrical property differences between cancer
cells and healthy cells.
Charles F. Bunting (Ph.D. ’94)
Associate Professor
Oklahoma State University
Carson is also serving as a judge
at the Formula SAE competition in
Danville, Va., in late April.
Daniel Davis (BSEE ’03)
Carey Buxton (Ph.D. ’02)
Electronics Engineer, FBI
Buxton has been named a Director of National Intelligence Fellow.
Ricky T. Castles (BSCPE ’03)
Ph.D. Student; Virginia Tech
Brian M. Donlan (MSEE ’05)
Scott C. Cappiello (BSCPE ’94)
Senior Director
of Program Management;
MicroStrategy, Inc.,
Carlsbad, Calif.
He is responsible for product planning for some business intelligence products.
Kevin Cooley (BSEE ’02)
Industrial Automation Specialists
(IAS) Corp., Hampton, Va.
Cooley enjoys opportunities in
embedded systems and design
and testing electrical circuits.
J. Matthew Carson (BSEE ’98)
Engineer, Engine Dept.
Joe Gibbs Racing
Huntersville, N.C.
Phillip Danner (BSCPE ’91)
W. Ashley Eanes (BSEE ’95)
Duke Energy, Burlington, N.C.
Scott Davis (BSCPE ’00)
Richard B. Ertel (Ph.D. ’00)
Joel A. Donohue (MSEE ’94)
Brian F. Flanagan
(BSEE ’97, MSEE ’98)
Eric Caswell (Ph.D. ’02)
Thomas Drayer (Ph.D. ’97)
Cas Dalton (BSCPE ’03)
Bradley A. Davis (Ph.D. ’01)
Bradley D. Duncan (Ph.D. ’91)
Professor, ECE
University of Dayton, Ohio
Gregory D. Durgin (Ph.D. ’00)
Assistant Professor,
Georgia Tech;
Won 2006 NSF CAREER award
Won the Class of 1940 Howard
Ector Classroom Teacher Award –
the highest teaching honor at
Georgia Tech.
Kevin P. Flanagan
(BSCPE ’00, MSCPE ’01)
Rancho Cordova, Calif.
Todd Fleming (BSEE ’94, MSEE ’96)
Ryan J. Fong (BSCPE ’01,MSCPE ’04)
Jayda B. Freibert (BSEE ’98)
Bradley H. Gale (BSEE ’97)
Daniel J. Gillespie (BSCPE ’95)
“I can confidently say this is where I was
meant to be, and immersion in a culture of
students with diverse mindsets, professors
with thorough knowledge, and an environment of passion and compassion for others
has changed me for the better.”
Daniel Michael Hager
Benjamin A. Beasley
EE/Music ’09
Kernersville, N.C.
J.B. West Scholarship; National Merit Scholar;
Robert C. Byrd Scholar; Sam Walton Community
Scholar; BPO Elks Walter “Buddy” Green
Scholar; Guilford County Schools/Harris Teeter
Scholar; New River Valley Symphony; Horn Ensemble.
Experience: 3 co-op rotations with Analog Devices, working with a high-speed converters
group, learning much about ADCs, RF design,
lab skills, board-level design, hardware description languages, lab and testing automation and more.
Brittany Clore
CPE ’10
Fairfax, Va.
Gamma Beta Phi; Hypatia Engineering Community.
Career aspirations: working with robotics and
encouraging women to get into engineering.
Why ECE: “My idea of fun as a child was to
take apart the VCR.”
Fun experience: Making pancakes while
watching a salsa practice before starting work
on a big project for class. “People here know
how to have fun, but still realize when it’s
time to work. They were really good pancakes.”
Ross Benjamin Clay
CPE ’09, Minor in Economics
Raleigh, N.C.
Career aspirations: consultant or communications/systems product architect
Research: Spring 2008, pervasive computing.
Summer 2007, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
“I developed a proof-of-concept program applying probabilistic buffer control to streaming
video…working with researchers at LANL and
VLC’s developers…Through this project I developed my programming skills and learned quite a
bit about the research and open-source
Experience: IBM’s WebSphere Application Server System Verification
Team; IT Consultant.
Thomas Alan Cooper
EE ’10
Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Galileo Engineering Community; Student Engineers’ Council Publicity Committee; Intramural soccer; IEEE; WUVT Radio Corps.
Memorable design projects: Sustainable Energy Design Project “helped me to better understand the current search for alternative
sources of energy.” Contemporary Issue Research Project exploring the possibility of
using Helium-3 in fusion reactors as a source
of energy.
Brian Gold (BSEE ’01, MSCPE ’03)
Ph.D. Student; Carnegie Mellon
Gold’s thesis work is on reliable,
scalable multiprocessor computer
Jonathan Graf
(BSCPE ’02, MSCPE ’04)
Senior Research Engineer
Luna Innovations, Blacksburg, Va.
Graf is developing anti-tamper security solutions for military soft-
ware and electronics. He is also
pursuing a Ph.D. at Virginia Tech.
Dwayne A. Hawbaker(MSEE’91)
Senior Staff Engineer; Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
James Hicks (Ph.D. ’03)
Matt C. Helton (BSEE ’01)
Resident EE
Coal Gasification Plant
Eastman Chemical Co.
Kingsport, Tenn.
Janie Hodges (BSCPE ’01)
Hugh E. Hockett (BSCPE ’03)
Timothy Gredler (BSCPE ’03)
Christopher R. Griger (BSCPE ’02)
Senior Digital Hardware Engineer
National Instruments
Austin, Texas
Projects have included frame grabbers, high speed digital I/O
boards, SMUs, and DMMs. He has
a strong interest in renewable energy and sustainable lifestyles.
Alex Hanisch (BSCPE/Math ’03)
Simulation and Modeling Group
Joint Warfare Analysis Center
King George, Va.
Abigail Harrison (BSCPE ’04)
Jennifer J. Hastings (BSEE ’96)
Benjamin E. Henty (MSEE ’01)
Jason Hess (MSEE ’99)
H. Erik Hia (BSCPE ’99, MSCPE ’01)
Software Engineer
Hatteras Networks
Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Delivering broadband Ethernet solutions over existing copper facilities to enable service providers to
deliver transparent Metro Ethernet
Spencer Hoke (BSCPE ’03)
Software Engineer
Garmin International
Kansas City, Kan.
Hoke earned his MS in
2005 from Illinois with a thesis on
wireless network protocol.
Russell T. Holbrook (BSCPE ’03)
Andrew Hollingsworth BSCPE ’02
Ryan Hurrell (BSEE ’03)
Electrical Engineer; Remotec, a
subsidiary of Northrop Grumman
Mission Systems Division
Knoxille, Tenn.
David C. Craven
CPE ’08
Winston-Salem, N.C.
Hillcrest Honors Community; Corresponding
Secretary, HKN; Pratt Engineering Scholar.
Career aspirations: To design and create software for embedded systems
Memorable design project: a Microprocessor
System Design project that required using a
VGA controller on a small development board
to make an animated screensaver. “It was the
first major project to include a hard real-time
requirement. I probably learned more about
developing for embedded systems in that project than any other.”
David C. Mazur
EE ’11
Pittsburgh, Pa.
IEEE Robotics Team, U.S. Soccer Refereee.
Career aspirations: To own my own engineering
Design project: IEEE Robotics has allowed me
to experience real world engineering techniques
as well as information taught in advanced level
electronics labs.
Why Tech: “The engineering program is very
strong and competes with the best in the nation. Plus, the brotherhood of the Virginia Tech
student body convinced me to attend Virginia Tech.”
Daniel Michael Hager
CPE ’08; Minors in Math and Psychology
High Point, N.C.
Hillcrest Honors Community; National Merit
Scholar; Robert Byrd Scholar; captain, intramural softball.
Career aspirations: NASA Mission Specialist;
applying embedded software design to fighter
jets and defense
Research: Spring 2008, dynamic FPGA programming.
Experience: Lockheed Martin Information
Technology Division developing software used
to install and maintain hardware at the Pentagon; Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Marietta, Ga., involved with software for production and enhancement of F-22s and C-130s.
Jacob Simmons
CPE ’08
Smithfield, Va.
Hillcrest Honors Community; dorm softball
Career aspirations: Robotics and embedded
systems and/or digital control
Most rewarding design project: Designing the
sound system for a table-mounted train in Embedded Systems. “I enjoyed experiencing the
entire embedded systems design process from
start to finish.”
Experience: Database technician, Northrop
Grumman Newport News, Summer 2007. Maintained existing record
systems and designed new program for quick, reliable printing of mailing
labels for drawing updates.
Zachary La Celle
CPE ’09
Lansing, N.Y.
IEEE; National Society of Collegiate Scholars.
Study abroad: Spring 2008, Georgia Tech Lorraine in France.
Career aspirations: Researcher in robotics.
Experience: Build engineer, Autodesk, Inc.,
Summer 2007. Used scripts and IBM Rational
Build Forge to control product builds; made
code submissions.
Most fun: “I really love my hardware classes
on a daily basis, but most exciting so far was
my first home football game. Coming from New York, I’d never experienced anything like it.”
Chelsy Wynn Smidler
EE ’11
Lafayette, Ind.
Career aspirations: Work in a company like
Rockwell Automation and be able to travel
around the world
Why ECE: “I have always enjoyed learning about
everyday electronic devices.”
Recent projects relate to participation in a new robot platform for
the British Ministry of Defense
and a specialized platform for
Yuma Proving Ground.
William B. Kuhn (Ph.D. ’95)
Professor, EECE
Kansas State University
Daniel A. Johnson (MSEE ’01)
Jeffery D. Laster (Ph.D. ’97)
Product Specialist, Analog, Mixed
Signal, and RF IC
MentorGraphics,Richardson, Texas
He recently became a member of
the Platinum Club at Mentor
Adam Kania (BSEE ’01)
Charles Lepple (BSEE ’99,MSEE ’04)
David A. Kapp (Ph.D. ’96)
Jason Lewis (BSEE ’99)
Dimosthenis C. Katsis (Ph.D.’03)
Joseph C. Liberti (Ph.D. ’95)
David Kleppinger (BSCPE ’04)
Zion Lo (BSEE ’94)
Sr. SoftwareEngineer/Architect
IQNavigator, Colorado
John Todd Hutson (BSEE ’93)
Madiha Jafri (BSCPE ’03)
Paul A. Kline (Ph.D. ’97)
Gregory Kozick (BSCPE ’03)
Daniel L. Lough
(BSCPE ’94, MSEE ’97, Ph.D. ’01)
Warrenton, Va.
Lough recently published a book
chapter on IEEE 802.11 Security
Stephanie Martin (BSEE ’04)
Columbia, Md.
Martin is working in electronic warfare and is taking night classes at
Johns Hopkins toward an MSEE.
Cheryl Duty Martin (BSEE ’95)
Head, Cyber Information Assurance and Decision Support
Applied Research Laboratories
University of Texas at Austin
After earning a Ph.D. in 2001,
Martin worked for NASA on software for crew working with advanced life support automation.
Since 2004, she has worked in information assurance and security
applications, including detecting
computer activity relevant to insider threat and automated security classification of text portions.
Michael Mattern (BSEE ’02)
Christopher A. Maxey (BSCPE ’02)
Eric J. Mayfield (BSEE ’97)
Patrick McDougle (BSEE ’03)
Brian J. McGiverin (BSCPE ’96)
John T. McHenry (BSEE ’98,
MSEE ’90, Ph.D. ’93)
Senior Electronic Engineer,
U.S. Department of Defense
McHenry’s interests are in highspeed network processing and
FPGA design.
Bradley Scholars continued
Matt Welch
EE ’09
Richmond, Ky.
IEEE; HKN Intramural Sports Chair, TBP, SEC,
National Society of Collegiate Scholars, RHF
West Eggleston Hall Vice President; Galileo
Learning Community.
Experience: Summer 2008 will work for gas
turbine division of GE Energy.
Why ECE: “Ever since I was little, I wanted to
learn the reason why I could plug a device into
a power outlet and expect it to work.”
Jerry Alwynne Towler
EE ’08
Greer, S.C.
Student Technology Council
Co-op; Digital Receiver Technologies, Inc., writing software to test radio equipment. “I learned
a great deal about radio communications …
This was the first time I saw the actual results
of various circuit configurations and transmission methods. As importantly, I learned what
mistakes can be made and how they affect integrity of signal reception.”
Why ECE: Originally interested in MEMS and
NEMS, now interests are shifting to controls, especially as related to robotics.
Paul Erik Nguyen
(BSCPE ’98, MSCPE ’99)
David C. Schroder (BSEE ’05)
J. Eric Nuckols (BSEE ’97,MSEE ’99)
Manager of Embedded Software
ITT Advanced Engineering & Sciences; Advanced Communications
System Develoment Group
Herndon, Va.
Neal Patwari (BSEE ’97, MSEE ’99)
University of Utah
Won 2007 NSF CAREER Award for
RF-Sensing Networks for Radio Tomographic Environmental Imaging.
David McKinstry (MSEE ’03)
Garrett Mears (BSCPE ’00)
Head of Development
Open Vantage Ltd., London
Steven Schulz (MSEE ’91)
Jeff Scruggs (MSEE ’99)
Kashan Shaikh (BSCPE ’02)
R&D Engineer
GE Global Research Center
Niskayuna, N.Y.
Shaikh earned his Ph.D. from Illinois in 2007. He focused on developing MEMS and microfluidic
systems for biotech applications.
East Tennessee State University
Tarnoff won the 2006-2007 ETSU
ACM Outstanding Teacher Award,
which follows numerous awards
over the years, including the TriCities “40 under 40 Award” in
2004. He recently published a
free downloadable textbook, Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals.
Daniel Tebben (Ph.D. ’06)
Rose Trepkowski (MSEE ’04)
Raymond A. Sharp (BSEE ’02)
Christian Twaddle (BSCPE ’01)
Matthew C. Valenti (Ph.D. ’99)
Associate Professor, CS & ECE
West Virginia University
Morgantown, W.V.
Carl Minton (MSCPE ’99)
Yaron Rachlin (BSEE/Math ’00)
Researcher; Accenture Technology
Labs, Chicago, Ill.
Rachlin earned his Ph.D. in 2007
from Carnegie Mellon.
Roger Skidmore (BSCPE ’94.
MSEE ’97, Ph.D. ’03)
Distinguished Innovator
Wireless Broadband Group
Motorola; Austin, Texas
Skidmore co-founded Wireless Valley Communications, which Motorola acquired the firm in 2005.
John Morton (MSEE ’98)
Christian J. Reiser (Ph.D. ’05)
Jeff Smidler (BSEE ’98)
Stephen Nash (BSCPE ’03)
Senior Software Engineer
Lockheed Martin, Sykesville, Md.
Steve Richmond (MSEE ’01)
Amanda (Martin) Staley
(BSEE ’99, MSEE ’01)
Joseph Allen Payne (BSEE ’00)
Vinodh Menon (BSCPE ’02)
W. Bruce Puckett (MSEE ’00)
Michael Mera (BSEE ’03)
U.S. Army, Bangor, Pa.
Mera earned an MSECE from Purdue and is doing R&D.
Wesley Wade (BSEE ’93)
Kristin Weary (BSEE ’03)
Lockheed Martin – Knolls Atomic
Power Lab.
Michael L. Webber (MSEE ’03)
Jason Wienke (BSEE ’02)
Jamie Riggins (BSEE/BSCPE ’04)
Graham Stead (BSCPE ’93)
Troy Nergaard (MSEE ’00)
Tesla Motors; San Carlos, CA
Thomas Williams (BSEE ’00)
Pablo Max Robert (Ph.D. ’03)
Michael H. Newkirk
(BSEE ’88, MSEE ’90, Ph.D. ’94)
Section Supervisor in the Air and
Missile Defense Dept.
Applied Physics Laboratory
Johns Hopkins University
Laurel, Md.
Newkirk is involved in analysis of
environmental effects on RF systems, particularly radar and communications systems, as well as
testing, upgrading radars, and RF
propagation modeling.
Thomas W. Rondeau (BSEE ’03)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Thomas M. Rose (MSEE ’96)
Radar Analyst
Electro-Optics and Physics Group
Boeing Company
University City, Mo.
Douglas R. Sterk (MSEE ’03)
Ph.D. s0tudent, Virginia Tech
Anne (Palmore) Stublen
(BSEE ’91) Newark, Del.
William J. Worek
(BSCPE ’99, MSCPE ’02)
SAIC, Washington, D.C.
Worek’s research is in biometric
analysis and evaluation, biometric
fusion techniques, and network
communication protocols for RF
Seema Sud (Ph.D. ’02)
Kai Xu (BSEE ’95)
David Tarnoff (MSEE ’91)
Assistant Professor
Computer & Information Science
Jason Jon Yoho (Ph.D. ’01)
Scott Stern (BSEE ’93)
Samuel S. Stone (BSCPE ’03)
Jon Scalera (MSCPE ’01)
Amy Schneider (BSCPE ’03)
Gregory A. Zvonar (MSEE ’91)
Silicon micro device may help
diagnose, treat cancer
Co-culture of two cell lines.
team from ECE’s Microelectromechanical
System (MEMS) Laboratory has developed a
3-D silicon microstructure that has potential
to detect breast cancer cells and to separate cancer
cells from other cell types.
The devices consist of arrays of microchambers connected with channels and were fabricated
using a single-mask one-pass etching process developed in the laboratory (see p. 12.). When cultured on the devices, breast cancer cells stuck to
the shallow curved walls, but the normal fibroblast cells stretched inside the channels, avoiding the
curved walls.
The fibroblast cells grew on both flat silicon
surfaces and inside the microchambers regardless
of microchamber depth, according to Masoud
Agah, director of the laboratory. The cancer cells,
however, typically did not grow on the flat surfaces when there were microchambers having
depths of 78 and 88 micrometers.
The microdevices have potential use in diagnosing cancer, determining prognosis, and in testing the reaction of an individual’s cancer cells to
different drug treatments. Agah is working with
Dr. Jeannine Strobl from the Virginia College of
Osteaopathic Medicine and Mehdi Nikkhah, an
graduate student in mechanical engineering. For
more information, visit
Safety-critical embedded software:
correct by construction?
hat do a Renault car and
an AirBus 380 have in
common? “Millions of
lines of embedded software running in networked communication” is the reply from Sandeep
Shukla, director of Virginia
Tech’s FERMAT lab. Safetycritical systems, such as those on
cars and jets, are increasingly
run by concurrent
software systems reacting to a myriad
sensor inputs.
The problem,
he says, is verifying
the correctness of an
entire system functioning together. He
is working with the
Air Force Research Lab to generate software that is correct by
construction for its specifications and can generate multiple
sequential software components
to work correctly across a network. They also may be multithreaded, he says.
Shukla has been working
with the French National Labo-
ratory Institut National de
Recherche en Informatique et
en Automatic (IRISA) on a specification methodology called
Polychrony, which allows one to
specify the concurrent computations.
Based on Polychrony, the
IRISA team and Shukla’s FERMAT lab have previously prop o s e d
methodologies for composing existing
components to
create new designs
of systems-on-a-chip.
For more information, visit
Fibroblast cell
attachment inside
etched features.
ECE does about
$25 million of
research yearly,
in applications
ranging from
cancer research
to wind power.
Research laboratory information
Peter Athanas
Dong Ha
Michael Hsiao
Chao Huang
Tom Martin
Patrick Schaumont
Sandeep Shukla
Joseph Tront
Center for Embedded Systems in Critical Applications
VT VLSI for Telecommunications (VTVT)
Secure Embedded Systems
ECEs spot FPGA security weakness;
Finding may lead to new chip ID
esearchers in Secure Embedded Systems have
demonstrated a previously
unremarked security hole in embedded systems — leaving proprietary data available to thieves
and hackers using side channel
Side channel attacks use
non-intrusive monitoring of secure hardware to unlock the secrets of an embedded system. By
measuring the power consumption for example, hackers are
able to infer the internal activities of the system including internally hidden security keys.
Conventional wisdom says
that a glitch-free masked circuit
is good protection against these
common power-based attacks,
Christina O’Connor
Using inexpensive, easily available
tools — an ocilloscope and MATLAB,
Zhimin Chen demonstrates how to
crack the security key on a Spartan
FPGA board that is used in Virginia
Tech computer engineering courses.
“This is cheap equipment,” says Assistant Professor Patrick Schaumont. “If
we can do this, anybody can.”
Lynn Abbott
Peter Athanas
Virgilio Centeno
Mohamed Eltoweissy
Michael Hsiao
Chao Huang
Mark Jones
Tom Martin
Leyla Nazhandali
Jung-Min Park
Cameron Patterson
JoAnn Paul
Paul Plassmann
Binoy Ravindran
Patrick Schaumont
Sandeep Shukla
Joseph Tront
Chris Wyatt
Yaling Yang
Laboratory and group information
e-Textile Laboratory
Configurable Computing Laboratory
Real Time Systems Laboratory
but Patrick Schaumont's group
has shown that state-dependent
circuit effects are also a source of
leakage. “Because of the difficulties of mass producing intricate microchips, every single
chip is a little bit different,”
Schaumont explains. “Each individual chip leaks differently.”
The good news is that the
same findings can be used to develop unique identifiers for individual chips.
“We want to quantify the
differences and see if this could
help with applications such as
automobile identification, or for
software firms to track their licenses,” he says.
For more information:
Saleh tests a
system that
measures the
texture of pavement. Below left:
Cracked pavement. Below:
computer representation of the
cracked texture.
Improving night vision
with new super-res processing
VT software technique speeds up
development of new analysis apps
he low-resolution images produced by infrared systems can
make it difficult for night-vision users to estimate distances or
identify far objects. “Resolution enhancement” attempts to address these problems by converting several low-quality images into
a single, higher-quality version. Unfortunately, conventional methods of reconstructing these low-quality images are computationally
intense, making them too expensive or too slow for real-time, affordable use.
Researchers in ECE’s Computer Vision Laboratory have developed a new resolution enhancement technique based on super-resolution reconstruction (SRR). The new method is fast and memory
efficient, providing performance comparable to previous techniques
but with dramatically reduced computation requirements, according to Ph.D. student Jae Cha and his advisor, Lynn Abbott.
Their closed-form, one-pass method is much faster than existing iterative approaches. In several experiments, they demonstrated
a 10-fold speed-up in computation time. The speed, combined with
low memory requirements, make this method suitable for use in a
low-cost distance-estimation system for infrared applications.
A GA-based integrated system model (ISM) of Staten
Island goes from the transmission level down to every
customer. The two types of
views, geographic and
schematic,are concurrently
driven by a GA analysis engine.
Lynn Abbott
Robert Broadwater
Mark Jones
Pushkin Kachroo
Cameron Patterson
Paul Plassmann
Binoy Ravindran
Sandeep Shukla
Yue Wang
Chris Wyatt
Jason Xuan
For more information:
Computer Vision Laboratory:
Using computer vision
for a smoother ride
he texture of the roads we drive is a factor in the noise, comfort,
and safety travelers experience. Measuring the pavement texture, however, entails interrupting traffic and the need for traffic control measures — while providing only a limited sample of the road.
Ph.D. student Mohamed Saleh is developing a stereo vision system that can provide continual road texture measurements at highway speeds over an entire area and will not interrupt traffic.
Saleh’s system uses two cameras placed side by side capturing
the same image, yielding a slightly different views of a 3-D scene.
The images are processed, aligning the epipolar lines and performing edge detection. A matching algorithm identifies the candidate
correspondence and produces a 3-D image, allowing depth measures
of the area to be examined.
“The benefit of an area measurement, instead of a thin longitudinal line, will give us better characterization of the road surface,”
says Saleh, who is working with advisor Lynn Abbott. “This is
needed to better determine most tire-pavement interactions, such as
friction, noise, splash and spray, rolling resistance, and tire wear.”
lectric utilities, national laboratories, universities, and the department of defense are using a Virginia Tech software technique to quickly develop new analysis applications at low cost.
The technique, called generic analysis (GA), was developed by
Robert Broadwater in the 1980s and is becoming more widely used
each year. GA can handle models involving millions of components
and has been successful analyzing complex systems, including downtown electric supply systems of St. Louis and New York City. Due
to the speed of the technique, the entire St. Louis downtown electric supply system solves in about one second.
GA is based on the generic programming paradigm, which
places data in containers. In GA, the container corresponds to the
system model. All algorithms access data in the container using iterators. In GA, the same algorithm can be used across different types
of models, or different algorithms can be applied to the same model.
New data and analysis can be attached to the model without affecting any existing functionality. Furthermore, a new analysis function can make use of any existing analysis functions attached to the
model. “With GA, algorithms written by different people can collaborate through the model, in the way teams of people collaborate,”
he explained.
With GA, he said, personnel throughout a large enterprise can
share a common system model across many functions — from planning and design to real-time operation and control. “With GA, the
vision is that the model becomes a
throughout the life of the plant.”
GA can analyze systems
where the system model changes,
such as occurs in cascading power failures. Four of the 10 largest
U.S. electric utilities are using GA. ECE Ph.D. students Kevin Russell, Lynn Feinauer, and David Kleppinger are solving reconfiguration for restoration problems for cooling water, fire main, and
electric power systems on naval ships. ECE’s Kwa-Sur Tam is using
GA for an economic analysis of the Detroit Edison electric system.
Researchers in civil and environmental engineering are modeling critical infrastructure systems for the U.S. Army, including sewage, gas,
and real-time potable water. Georgia Tech and the West Virginia
University are using GA modeling, as are several national laboratories and overseas power companies.
Tamal Bose
Charles Bostian
Michael Buehrer
Claudio da Silva
Allen MacKenzie
Tim Pratt
William Tranter
Amir Zaghloul
Luiz DaSilva
Thomas Hou
Scott Midkiff
Jung-Min Park
Yaling Yang
Fiber Comm
Ira Jacobs
Gary Brown
William Davis
Steven Ellingson
Majid Manteghi
Sanjay Raman
Sedki Riad
Ahmad Safaai-Jazi
T.-C. Poon
Louis Beex
Amy Bell
Lamine Mili
Jeffrey Reed
VLSI Circuits
Peter Athanas
Dong Ha
Michael Hsiao
Digital Signal Processing & Communications Lab:
Laboratory and group web sites:
Wireless@Virginia Tech:
Setting limits for
cognitive radio networks
any researchers expect that as cognitive
radio (CR) technology matures, it will
play a pivotal role in wireless mesh and ad
hoc networks, according to Tom Hou, an associate professor of ECE.
“Due to its unique characteristics in spectrum usage, a CR network differs significantly
from the existing multi-channel, multi-radio network,” he says. He was recently awarded a twoyear grant from the National Science Foundation
NeTS program to develop network theoretical
bounds and performance limits for future CR
networks. “Such efforts are not only of theoretical interest, but also offer fundamental understanding of the potential and limits of such
networks, as well as provide performance benchmarks for the design and evaluation of distributed algorithms and protocols.”
Networks for the GPS-challenged
single receiver in a dense forest does not get enough information to determine its location using the GPS system, which requires a lock on four different satellites. Obstructions in the
forest (trees to most people) typically prevent receivers from communicating with more than one or two satellites at any single time.
A Wireless@VT effort, headed by Michael Buehrer, an associate ECE professor, is developing outdoor sensor network technology that enables receivers to share GPS information and determine
their own location. Nodes will share their limited GPS information
to calculate a known coordinate for at least one node in the network.
A student team took more
than 1400 measurements
to help characterize the EM
propagation and GPS performance in forests.
By range-finding between themselves, the nodes will know each
other’s relative location and be able to precisely compute the latitude and longitude for each node.
In an effort to characterize the EM propagation and GPS performance in forest environments, a team of graduate and undergraduate students measured 93 different locations in four different forest
environments. More than 1400 measurements were recorded in light
brush and light, medium, and dense forest situations.
The undergraduates were funded under the National Science
Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
program. Undergraduate students involved were Alyse Bowers, Kyle
Forrester, Chris Hutchens, Jason McKillican, and Brian Sarbin.
Their work was presented in a paper at the 2008 IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference.
The team was led by postdoctoral research faculty member
Chris Anderson and a graduate student team of Haris Volos, Bradley
Fellow Chris Headley, and Tao Jia. Anderson is now an assistant professor of ECE at the United States Naval Academy.
Wireless students take tops
in international competition
Reasoning and learning in
wireless networks
CE graduate students took
top honors during the 2007
Software Defined Radio
Forum conference in November.
Teams representing Wireless@Virginia Tech participated
in the international Smart Radio
Challenge. Tech was the only
school with two teams among
the finalists. Each group had to
design, develop, and test a software defined radio (SDR) in a
way that would solve a specific
A team of eight graduate
students, advised by professor
Charles Bostian, won the competition’s grand prize by developing a software defined radio
capable of finding available spectrum within a pre-defined band,
rendezvousing with an intended
CE communications and networking researchers are investigating reasoning and learning mechanisms in an adaptive wireless
Virginia Tech is part of a team led by BBN Technologies and
funded by DARPA’s Wireless Network after Next (WNaN) program
WNaN is developing technology to provide low-cost communications for the military to communicate with each soldier and device in a tactical situation. The program aims to develop handheld
wireless nodes that can be used to establish dense ad hoc networks
and links to the information grid. By working around the limitations of the low-cost nodes that form the network and by using the
rich interconnection fabric created by dense deployment, the WNaN
network should provide reliable battlefield communications at low
system cost.
ECE faculty members involved in the effort include Luiz
DaSilva, Allen MacKenzie, R. Michael Buehrer, Charles Bostian and
Jeffrey Reed.
receiver, and successfully transmitting data accordingly.
Tech’s other team of graduate students, advised by Carl
Dietrich, won the “Best Design”
in the Smart Radio Challenge
for its approach to the problem
of spectrum access for first responders.
Software defined radio devices use software rather than
traditional dedicated hardware
to define and modify the way
they perform signal processing
for transmission and reception.
This technology is used in twoway communications devices by
tactical military forces and
emergency responders, as well as
in the development of wireless
networks that provide Internet
services to rural areas.
Automated design for networks
etworks of the future will evolve instead of being designed by
engineers, according to Yaling Yang, an assistant professor of
ECE. She is leading a Virginia Tech effort to replace today’s ad
hoc, manual process of network design with automatic system design and adaptation.
“Traditionally, network engineers have designed network systems, based on complex collections of objectives, policies, principles, and past experiences, she says. “The design process is top-down
and based on a set of over-simplified assumptions about the operation environments and performance objectives.” Because of limited
human experience and capability, this manual design process makes
it impossible to exploit and evaluate the entire design space for network systems, resulting in extreme challenges for identifying the
best designs and promptly responding to network environment
changes, she explains.
Instead, she says, a network could be automatically assembled
from a set of reusable “genes” and tested in its actual environment.
In this scenario, a gene is a small piece of computer code that implements a particular design for a small part of a network component,
such as an intrusion detection system, a routing protocol, or a transmit power adaptation strategy. The selection of genes in the automatic process would be based on performance analysis and guided by
an evolution process based on interoperability and compatibility theory, optimization theory, and game theory.
Wireless@VT joins NSF’s WICAT
amal Bose was named Virginia Tech’s site director for the
multi-university Wireless Internet Center for Advanced Technology (WICAT) to collaborate with industry research partners to create flexible, efficient, and secure wireless networks.
WICAT, an NSF center, includes teams from Polytechnic University, the University of Virginia, Columbia, and Auburn University. WICAT’s mission is to create networks that satisfy the needs of
businesses and of consumers.
Virginia Tech’s research contributions to the center are focused
on cognitive radio-based wireless networks, with efforts in software
defined radios (SDR), cognitive radios, cognitive network testbed
implementation, theoretical foundations of wireless communications and wireless systems modeling and simulation. Virginia Tech’s
part of the award amounts to $350,000.
Laboratory and group websites:
Advanced Research in Information Assurance and Security:
Laboratory for Advanced Networking:
Luiz DaSilva
Mohamed Eltoweissy
Thomas Hou
Allen MacKenzie
Scott Midkiff
Leyla Nazhandali
Jung-Min Park
Binoy Ravindran
Yaling Yang
New sensor technique more than doubles temperature capabilities
esearchers in the Center for Photonics Technology are developing a new process to manufacture robust pressure sensors that
can operate in temperatures up to 1500°C and in extremely
harsh environments. Current pressure sensing technology is limited
to about 600°C.
“This technology could be used to monitor real-time pressure
fluctuations in high temperature furnaces, jet engines, combustion
engines, chemical reactions, or corrosive environments,” said
Bradley Fellow Evan Lally, who is on the development team.
The all-sapphire pressure sensor is constructed through a novel
Scott Bailey
Charles Bostian
Gary Brown
C. Robert Clauer
William Davis
Steven Ellingson
Louis Guido
Ira Jacobs
Brent Ledvina
Majid Manteghi
Kathleen Meehan
Hardus Odendaal
T.-C. Poon
Sanjay Raman
Sedki Riad
Ahmad Safaai-Jazi
Wayne Scales
Anbo Wang
Yong Xu
Amir Zaghloul
combination of etching and bonding techniques applied to singlecrystal sapphire components. The result is a Fabry-Perot cavity with
a thin diaphragm, which flexes in response to ambient pressure
changes. The sensor can be made smaller than 1 cm. wide.
Sapphire is an extremely hard, corrosion resistant crystal with
a melting point over 2000°C, which makes it an ideal material for
high-temperature, harsh environments, he explained. It is immune
to electromagnetic interference, and because sapphire is a good insulator, the sensor could be used in applications where electronic pressure sensors could cause an ignition hazard.
Buzz Be Gone
For more information:
Center for Photonics Technology
Center for Space Science and Engineering Research
Time Domain & RF Measurement Laboratory
Virginia Tech Antenna Group
UWB antenna reduces
cell interference with
hearing aids
he nation’s 5.6 million hearing aid users sometimes get too much buzz from interference by
nearby cellular phones. Some parts in the hearing aid act as unintended antennas and couple the energy from phones to the hearing devices. The
coupled energy is demodulated in the phone’s amplifier circuits, producing the irritating buzz hearing aid
wearers know so well.
ECE graduate student Taeyoung Yang says the
solution could be a new antenna. He proposes solving
this problem with a UWB antenna that minimizes
near-field radiation from the phone as well as interference to hearing aids, pacemakers, and other medical
devices. Yang, with advisors William Davis and Warren Stutzman, designed an antenna and installed it on
a cellular phone mockup. The low-Q (ratio of total
non-radiating energy to average radiated power per
radian) antenna has low non-radiating stored energy
in the near field, reducing interference with hearing
aids and potential power absorption by the human
head, while not reducing far field performance.
His project, entitled ‘Cellular Phone and Hearing
Aid Interaction: An Antenna Solution,’ won a national honorable mention in the 2007 FEKO student
competition for simulation techniques used to solve
electromagnetic problems. He also received Virginia
Tech’s Torgersen Graduate Student Research Excellence Award for scientific originality and contribution.
Left: Cell phone mockup with conventional
antenna and proposed UWB antenna (right).
DALI on the dark side
stronomers have long dreamed about putting telescopes on the
far side of the moon, away from Earth’s turbulent ionosphere
and torrent of radio signals. In the moon’s radio-free shadow,
radio telescopes might possibly pick up faint signals from the early
universe that could not be otherwise detected.
ECE’s Steve Ellingson is part of a Naval Research Laboratory
team fleshing out ideas for rolled-up radio antennas that would pop
open after being dropped on the lunar surface for transmitting data
and for taking advantage of the planned presence of astronauts on
the moon around 2019.
The team wants to build radio telescopes (antennas) that can
capture signals at the very long wavelengths generated by events that
occurred within hundreds of
thousands — as opposed to bilBlue sky is simulation
lions — of years after the big
of what telescope sees
at radio wavelengths.
bang. The universe consisted
then of still-dark matter, hydrogen and helium. Efforts to test
theories about the Universe’s origins would benefit from the kind
of data a moon-based radio telescope could provide.
The team, which includes
researchers from Berkeley, the
University of Colorado, Harvard, and Yale, is working under
a $500,000 NASA-funded planning grant as part of the Dark
Ages Lunar Interferometer An artist’s conception of one of the
(DALI) project. The team has re- antenna arrays comprising the
cently merged with a similar ef- radio telescope. The antennas are
fort led by MIT. The Dark Ages printed on a thin material which is
refers to the time after the initial rolled out from a central electronuniverse explosion and before ics hub that contains receivers and
stars and galaxies formed.
communication gear.
Phoebe’s Field project lets kids
handle scientific concepts
n international team of educators and professionals based at Virginia Tech is working on giving middle-schoolers innovative
ways to learn scientific concepts, such as electromagnetic and
acoustic fields. Their goal is to encourage interest in science among
children, especially girls. ECE faculty member Steve Ellingson is part
of the team, which is led by Mitzi Vernon of the School of Architecture and Design and includes eight other collaborators.
The effort, which includes a children’s book and a traveling exhibition, is called Phoebe’s Field and is targeted especially for girls,
who often lose interest in science at adolescence.
The exhibition will use metaphors in nature to explain complex concepts, such as electromagnetism. As they tour the exhibition, students see, hear, touch, and carry out physical activities in
fields usually beyond their perception. A quest storyline captures the
student’s attention and focuses their interest in concepts.
Ellingson is contributing to the development of the electromagnetic field exhibit, which deals with the concept of electromagnetic
signals such as those found in cell phones. He is also working on an
RFID-based system that will allow new forms of interaction between the exhibits and the visitors. Visit:
.1 micron precision
hen the measurable difference between two
equal fiber path lengths in a fiber coupler
could not exceed 5 micrometers, researchers in the Center for Photonics Technology
designed a new polishing technique.
Bradley Fellow Evan Lally and undergraduate Tyler Shillig have been working on a special
white-light interferometry technique to monitor
the exact optical path length difference between
two coupler arms. The two lengths of fiber are
placed in a precision adjustable polishing jig, and
their lengths are monitored as the fiber tips are
ground down.
The team reports they expect their polishing
system to achieve 0.1 micron path length equalization.
Having a fiber coupler with exactly equal
length output arms is critical to the operation of a
system they are developing to image small rock
and sand particles in asphalt. The project is sponsored by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program.
Sanjay Raman
Anbo Wang
Fred Wang
Ming Xu
Sedki Riad
Amir Zaghloul
Kwa-Sur Tam
Krishnan Ramu
Douglas Lindner
Joseph Tront
Yong Xu
For more information:
Center for Power Electronics
Future Energy Electronics Center:
Microelectronics, Optoelectronics
and Nanotechnology (MicrON):
ECE invention named
to R&D Top 100
G.Q. Lu’s invention of nanoTach
was named one of the 100 top inventions
of 2007 by R&D Magazine. NanoTach is
a nanoparticle paste made of silver for interconnecting high-power electronic devices. It turns silver when heated.
Solar photovoltaic
and data systems
Plug-in hybrid
Dave Franusich
Masoud Agah
Dushan Boroyevich
William Davis
Louis Guido
Robert Hendricks
Chao Huang
Jason Lai
Fred C. Lee
G.Q. Lu
Kathleen Meehan
Khai Ngo
Hardus Odendaal
Marius Orlowski
The growing national
interest in sustainable
homes and alternative
energy sources has
spurred several research
efforts tackling the technology problems from
different perspectives.
for sustainable building research
he Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES) is developing two testbed/laboratories for its research in
power electronics energy management of
sustainable buildings.
The center is developing a “living lab”
to provide a testbed for the energy systems
of a sustainable home of the future and a
DC-based electric power system.
Four rooms in the CPES laboratories
are being converted into a conference room,
library/lounge, kitchen, and utility room.
Students, faculty, and staff will use the
rooms for normal daily functions.
The experimental laboratory will be
powered by a power-system testbed supplied
by multiple renewable energy sources, including a 3.5 kW turbine generator, a 5kW
PV solar panel system, lithium-ion battery
bank for energy storage, and a plug-in hybrid car with bidirectional energy flow.
The electrical system has both a highvoltage DC bus for HVAC, simulated
kitchen loads and major appliances and a
low-voltage bus for telecommunications,
computers, and LED lighting.
FreedomCAR:Seeking 98.5% efficiency
Jason Lai, director of the Future Energy
Research Center, is heading a $2.7 million effort to develop a power electronics
inverter for the Department of Energy FreedomCAR project. The FreedomCar is a
multi-year effort to develop technologies
that enable the adoption of first gas/hybrid,
then fuel cell/hybrid vehicles.
Lai’s is the only university-based team
of the five involved in the drive train development. The target for the project is to be
able to run the entire drive train at 105°C at
the cost of $8.50 per kW.
“With today’s technology, it is practically impossible to run electronics at that
temperature with a reasonable cost,” he says.
His goal is to develop the system that can run
with consumer-grade silicon in order to keep
the cost down. The other teams are using silicon carbide (SiC), which can handle the
temperature, but is very expensive and has
Jason Lai (right) demonstrates previous milestone efficiencies to Bradley
Fellow Parrish Ralston, who is characterizing fifth generation transistors
for the FreedomCAR project.
reliability issues, according to Lai. “A fourinch silicon wafer is $25 and a two-inch SiC
wafer is $950. A three-inch SiC wafer is
$5000,” he says.
Lai’s team is pursuing two key issues:
soft switching technology and advanced
power module packaging, which he is partnering with Powerex to develop. The Virginia Tech team is developing the softswitching technology, trying to get the efficiency higher than 98.5 percent. “We can get
it to 99 percent with the use of more silicon,
which we don’t want to do obviously for the
economical reason.”
Lai’s team has previously achieved
record-breaking efficiency on other projects,
including a 97 percent efficient isolated DCto-DC converter for fuel cells, developed in
2005. “If we cannot achieve the 98.5 efficiency, nobody can,” he says. “That’s why
we won the project.”
Storing solar energy
for the swing shift
team of Virginia Tech researchers is developing the technology
to store solar energy in fuel cells for when the sun goes down.
“Electricity generated via solar energy peaks in mid-day, but
power consumption at home is typically concentrated from evening
to early morning,” says Kathleen Meehan, an assistant professor and
principal investigator on the project.
Solarized fuel cells would enable energy produced in daytime to
be stored for evening and cloudy-day use, while eliminating the need
for batteries, she explains. Energy would be stored as hydrogen and
oxygen through water electrolysis. When the solar system cannot
produce enough energy for the load, the fuel cell would be used.
Technology improvements are needed, however, before such
systems are affordable and reliable — and the expertise to develop
them is at Virginia Tech, she says. The team, which includes electrical, materials, chemical, and mechanical engineers is working on developing advanced solar cells with nanoscale conversion films; power
tracking systems to divide solar power generated between the load
and the electrolysis system, nanoscale catalysts to improve solar energy conversion to hydrogen optimized power conversion, and
power conditioning for household and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle loads.
In addition to Meehan, principal investigators on the project are
ECE’s Jason Lai, G.Q. Lu, and Lou Guido, along with Richey Davis
of chemical engineering and Douglas Nelson of mechanical engineering.
Christina O’Connor
A new wind turbine now sits
atop Whittemore Hall,
installed by the Center for
Power Electronics Systems
(CPES) to support research in
sustainable buildings.
The turbine is a vertical
axis turbine, which has advantages in small places.
The turbine is effective in
winds as low as five miles
per hour and can tolerate
winds exceeding 100 miles
per hour. The design is quiet
and friendly to birds, who
see it as a solid object and
avoid it when it is moving.
Robert Broadwater
Virgilio Centeno
For more information: Jaime de la Ree
Power IT Laboratory: Yilu Liu
Lamine Mili
Saifur Rahman
Kwa-Sur Tam
James Thorp
Researchers under the direction of Virgilio Centeno are
using the testbed in the Power Engineering Laboratory
to test the dynamic performance of Phasor Measurement Units (PMU).
ECE team joins China-sponsored
Energy Security Group
ational Academy of Engineering members Arun Phadke
and James Thorp are part of a Chinese funded research
team directed to improve the protection and security of
the worldwide, interconnected electric power grid. China’s
Ministry of Education and State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs is sponsoring the five-year, $1.2 million project,
called the “Expertise-Introduction Project for Disciplinary Innovation of Universities.”
Phadke and Thorp are both leading experts in power system digital protection. Traditionally electric power networks
have used the computer and communication networks in a variety of critical applications. However, researchers are looking
at new configurations of power, communication and computer
networks that could be more easily controlled and protected
for optimum security, economy, and performance.
Playing well with others
— autonomously
irginia Tech air, surface and ground autonomous vehicles showed their teamwork
ability in a reconnaissance demonstration at
the U.S. Navy’s 2007 AUVFest.
The autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) deployed first, and patrolled on a river through preprogrammed way-points. Because the AUV has
limited field-of-view, the “Rascal” unmanned air
vehicle (UAV) then flew over the operating area,
to look for potential objects of interest. It detected
the targeted object, localized it, and sent the coordinates to the ASV, which then changed its route
to pass around the object for close-up inspection.
At the same time, Tech’s unmanned ground vehicle, “Rocky,” patrolled the shore and maneuvered
to keep the object in its camera’s field of view.
The demonstration was a collaboration between Virginia Tech autonomous vehicle researchers and the U.S. Navy Postgraduate School
(NPS). “Despite this being our first opportunity
for Tech and NPS to operate all systems simultaneously, the demonstration worked perfectly on the
Reconnaissance demonstrations of the ASV, Rascal UAV, a
platoon of other AUVs, and the
unmanned “Rocky” by Virginia
Tech and the U.S. Navy Postgraduate School.
first attempt,” said ECE’s Dan Stillwell, whose
team developed the ASV and control algorithms.
ECE’s Chris Wyatt lead development of machine
vision algorithms for the ASV.
In another demonstration, Virginia Tech’s
high speed autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV)
demonstrated its high-speed capability. In just 40
seconds, it launched and covered more than 200
meters at about 10 knots.
A platoon of other AUVs, including the VT
475 AUV, demonstrated coordinated motion control and adaptive environmental sampling capabilities. For environmental sampling, an AUV
detected and then mapped the outflow of a waste
water treatment plant that flows into St. Andrew
Bay near Panama City, Fla. The AUV detected and
ran through the plume. When the AUV recognized that it had returned to the ambient environment, it turned back on a different trajectory. The
AUV repeated the process many times and constructed a map of the plume and estimated center
of the plume. (
Unraveling the environmental and genetic factors of common diseases
ue ( Joseph) Wang and Jason Xuan are applying machine learning to understanding the complex interactions between environmental and genetic factors in common diseases.
Many diseases result from a complex interaction of multiple environmental and genetic factors and since the sequencing of the
human genome, researchers have been gathering genetic data associated with common diseases. However, it is largely unknown how
specific variations in a person’s genes interact with each other to increase the propensity for any given disease.
Researchers have started using genome-wide association studies (GWAS), — hailed by Science magazine as the breakthrough of
the year — to identify the risk associated with each factor. GWAS
studies involve using arrays that can compare 500,000 factors against
thousands of people.
“GWAS studies generate huge datasets on these genetic factors,”
said Wang, who directs ECE’s Computational Bioinformatics and
Bio-imaging Laboratory. “To understand what combination of factors triggers these diseases and how they each contribute is an enormous computational task.”
The diseases are caused by many small effects, which are hard to
see in the data, he explained. The effects are not just complex, but
also nonlinear. “Not everybody has all the effects. Taken together,
however, all the small effects can equal disease.”
The team plans to develop parallel and economics portfolio
computing techniques to meet the computational challenges of the
Wang and Xuan have received a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a part of the Gene and Environmental Initiatives (GEI) to pursue the effort, jointly with Wake Forest
University School of Medicine and Pennsylvania State University
College of Engineering
For more information, visit
In May 2007, ECE Professor
Krishnan Ramu sold his fiveyear-old Panaphase Technologies to Magnetic Torque
International of Reston, making a successful technology
transfer of intellectual property in the field of variable reluctance and permanent
magnet electric motors and
William Baumann
A.A. (Louis) Beex
Pushkin Kachroo
Douglas Lindner
Krishnan Ramu
Daniel Stilwell
Yue (Joseph) Wang
Chris Wyatt
Jason Xuan
For more information:
Autonomous Systems & Controls Laboratory:
Digital Signal Processing Research Laboratory:
Jumping head-first
into the unknown
hen working on a research project
in ECE’s Digital Signal Processing
Research Laboratory this spring,
Gary Wheelock (EE ’08) found that diving head-first into a project can get messy.
With funding from BAE Systems, Wheelock has been working with a DSP board
to develop a BPSK (binary phase-shift
keying) transmitter and receiver and
measure the bit-error-rate of the system.
Wheelock said his biggest challenge Christina O’Connor
was overcoming his lack of specific background. “I dove right in head-first with no good starting place,” he
said. “Things got messy, so I backed off and decided to implement
a simple design based on my experience, then build from that.”
Developing the transmitter required dealing with issues in sampling, carrier recovery, filtering, synchronization, and bit detection.
“There are multiple ways to implement a receiver — all ranging in
complexity.” Before completing the project, he hoped to develop a
synchronous receiver and possibly implement pulse shaping to help
limit bandwidth.
As a result of his experience, he feels more confident to tackle
an unknown project. But the most fun, he says, was finally understanding the details of the board and the system. “Once you understand it, it’s more fun. You can play around with the system, tweak
it, add parts: basically make it your own. This is almost mine.”
Getting comfortable with mutagens and E. coli
and isolated it,” she said. “We were hoping
to get data for a system model.”
She found some interesting differences between an EE laboratory and a biology wet laboratory. “In engineering,
we don’t set things up and wait
overnight to see if they grow. We just
turn equipment on.” She also gained an
appreciation for good laboratory technique. “Not only is it surprisingly hard,”
she said, “but I also had to get comfortable working around mutagens and what
you think of as potential disease-causing
organisms like E. coli.”
Her biggest lesson, however, was a
new appreciation for data. “I thought I
knew where data comes from and what
variables go into it. In the lab, however,
you see where the errors can come from.
You can see all the things that can hap-
pen between giving someone a design for an
experiment and the data that come out.”
Christina O’Connor
or her research in modeling and parameter estimation of small gene networks,
Bradley Fellow Rebecca Shelton needed
a firm understanding of the strengths and
weaknesses of the data involved. This led to
spending a couple months in Jean Pecoud’s
“wet” laboratory at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute (VBI).
Her task was to prepare DNA constructs for testing. Putting the constructs together involved using restriction enzymes to
digest, or cut, the pieces first, she explained.
The digestion was then inserted into a gel
made with agar, merged in a buffer, and
electrified — a process called electrophoresis. Different sized DNA fragments, which
are negatively charged, move at different
speeds toward the anode. “We then compared the fragments with a constant to select
the size we needed. We cut it from the gel
Akbar, Ihsan Ali
Collins, Gustina Bernette
Lee, Unghee
Neel, James O'Daniell
Statistical Analysis of Wireless Systems Using Markov Models
Committee Chair: Tranter, W. H.
Design, Fabrication and Testing of
Conformal, Localized Wafer-Level
Packaging for RF MEMS Devices
Committee Chair: Raman, S. &
Lu, G. Q.
A Proactive Routing Protocol for
Multi-Channel Wireless Ad-Hoc
Committee Chair: Midkiff, S. F.
Analysis and Design of Cognitive
Radio Networks and Distributed
Radio Resource Management
Committee Chair: Reed, J. H.
Al-Nasur, Sadeq Jawad
Lim, Hong Sun
New Models for Crowd Dynamics
and Control
Committee Chair: Kachroo, P.
Donolo, Marcos Angel
Anderson, Christopher Robert
A Software Defined Ultra Wideband
Transceiver Testbed for Communications, Ranging, or Imaging
Committee Chair: Reed, J. H.
Atcitty, Stanley
Electrochemical Capacitor Characterization for Electric Utility
Committee Chair: Liu, Y.
Bhaduri, Debayan
Design and Analysis of Defect- and
Fault-Tolerant Nano-Computing
Committee Chair: Shukla, S.K.
Chembil-Palat, Ramesh
Performance Analysis of Cooperative Communication for Wireless
Committee Chair: Reed, J. H.
Chen, Xiaoding
Exploring Temporal and Spatial
Correlations on Circuit Variables for
Enhancing Simulation-Based Test
Committee Chair: Hsiao, M. S.
Chen, Xiaopei
Ultra-Narrow Laser Linewidth
Committee Chair: Wang, A.
A Continuum Approach to Power
System Simulation
Committee Chair: Centeno, V.
Edmison, Joshua Nathaniel
Hardware Architectures for Software Security
Committee Chair: Jones, M. T.
Gadre, Aditya
Observability Analysis in Navigation
Systems with an Underwater
Vehicle Application
Committee Chair: Stilwell, D. J.
Ibrahim, Jihad El Sayeed
Algorithms and Architectures for
UWB Receiver Design
Committee Chair: Buehrer, R. M.
Ikuma, Takeshi
Non-Wiener Effects in Narrowband
Interference Mitigation Using
Adaptive Transversal Equalizers
Committee Chair: Beex, A. A.
Kim, Jong-Han
On the Impact of MIMO Implementations on Cellular Networks: An
Analytical Approach from a
Systems Perspective
Committee Chair: Reed, J. H.
Kompella, Sastry Venkata
Cho, Hyeonjoong
Utility Accrual Real-Time Scheduling and Synchronization on Single
and Multiprocessors: Models, Algorithms, and Tradeoffs
Committee Chair: Ravindran, B.
Clark, Jeffrey Robert
Double Negative Metamaterials
in Dielectric Waveguide Configurations
Committee Chair: Safaai-Jazi, A.
Design and Control of a Ropeless
Elevator with Linear Switched
Reluctance Motor Drive Actuation
Committee Chair: Ramu, K.
Video Communications over
Dynamic Ad Hoc Networks
Committee Chair: Hou, Y. T.
Kook, Kyung Soo
Simulation Studies on Novel Findings in Power Systems
Committee Chair: Liu, Y.
Koujah, Fahad
A Power-Aware Routing Scheme for
Ad Hoc Networks
Committee Chair: Midkiff, S. F.
Patcha, Animesh
Network Anomaly Detection with Incomplete Audit Data
Committee Chair: Park, J. M.
Patel, Hiren Dhanji
Louganski, Konstantin
Generalized Average-Current-Mode
Control of Single-Phase AC-DC
Boost Converters with Power Factor
Committee Chair: Lai, J.
Lu, Bing
Investigation of High-Density Integrated Solution for AC/DC Conversion of a Distributed Power System
Committee Chair: Lee, F. C.
Mellodge, Patricia Ann
Model Abstraction in Dynamical
Systems: Application to Mobile
Robot Control
Committee Chair: Kachroo, P.
Menon, Rekha
Interference Avoidance based
Underlay Techniques for Dynamic
Spectrum Sharing
Committee Chair: Buehrer, R. M. &
Reed, J. H.
Mo, Tianmin
Throughput Optimization and Transmitter Power Saving (TOTPS)
Algorithm and Extended TOTPS
(ETOTPS) Algorithm for IEEE
802.11 Links
Committee Chair: Bostian, C.W.
Mohammad, Maruf Hossain
Cellular Diagnostic Systems Using
Hidden Markov Models
Committee Chair: Tranter, W. H.
Nayfeh, Nader Ali
Local and Global Stability and
Dynamics of a Class of Nonlinear
Time-Delayed One-Degree-of-Freedom Systems
Committee Chair: Baumann, W. T.
Ingredients for Successful System
Level Automation & Design
Committee Chair: Shukla, S. K.
Refaei, Mohamed Tamer A.
Adaptation in Reputation Management Systems for Ad hoc Networks
Committee Chair: DaSilva, L. A.
Schoenig, Gregory Neumann
Contributions to Robust Adaptive
Signal Processing with Application
to Space-Time Adaptive Radar
Committee Chair: Mili, L. M.
Shen, Fabin
UV-Induced Intrinsic Fabry-Perot
Interferometric Fiber Sensors and
Their Multiplexing for Quasi-Distributed Temperature and Strain
Committee Chair: Wang, A.
Shen, Wei
Design of High-Density Transformers for High-Frequency High-Power
Committee Chair: Boroyevich, D. &
Wang, F.
Thompson, Michael Stewart
Service Discovery in Pervasive
Computing Environments
Committee Chair: Midkiff, S. F.
Venkatesh, Swaroop
The Design and Modeling of UltraWideband Position-Location Networks
Committee Chair: Buehrer, R. M.
Vimjam, Vishnu Chaithanya
Strategies for SAT-Based Formal
Committee Chair: Hsiao, M. S.
Wadoo, Sabiha Amin
Evacuation Distributed Feedback
Control and Abstraction
Committee Chair: Kachroo, P.
Wang, Hongfang
Investigation of Power Semiconductor Devices for High Frequency
High Density Power Converters
Committee Chair: Wang, F.
Wang, Xingwei
Label-free DNA Sequence Detection Using Oligonucleotide Functionalized Fiber Probe with a
Miniature Protrusion
Committee Chair: Wang, A.
Wang, Zhuang
Intrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometric Fiber Sensor Based on UltraShort Bragg Gratings for
Quasi-Distributed Strain and Temperature
Committee Chair: Wang, A.
Wood, Kerry Neil
Directional Communications to Improve Multicast Lifetime in Ad Hoc
Committee Chair: DaSilva, L. A.
Xiao, Chucheng
An Investigation of Fundamental
Frequency Limitations for HF/VHF
Power Conversion
Committee Chair: Odendaal, H.
Zhang, Li
Study of FACTS/ESS Applications in
Bulk Power System
Committee Chair: Liu, Y.
Zhao, Youping
Enabling Cognitive Radios through
Radio Environment Maps
Committee Chair: Reed, J. H.
Zhu, Dan
Electric Distribution Reliability
Analysis Considering Time-Varying
Load, Weather Conditions and
Reconfiguration with Distributed
Committee Chair: Broadwater, R. P.
In addition to his responsibility for system architecture, learning functions, and core AI abilities,
Rondeau was known as “The Philospher” on Charles Bostian’s cognitive radio team.
Rondeau wins best dissertation
for cognitive radio work
homas Rondeau (BSEE ’03, MSEE ’06, Ph.D. ’07) has been awarded the Virginia Tech 2007 Outstanding Dissertation Award for Sciences and Engineering for his dissertation, Application of Artificial Intelligence to Wireless Communications.
The Graduate School gives only two such awards each year; one in sciences and engineering, the
other in humanities and social sciences. The awards are based on originality of the idea, contributions
to the field, presentation of the ideas, and the quality of writing. Each department may nominate one
dissertation per year for the award.
Rondeau’s dissertation describes the theory, design, and implementation of a cognitive radio engine,
the enabling technology of cognitive radio. “A cognitive radio,” he writes, “is a wireless communications device capable of sensing the environment and making decisions on how to use the available radio
resources to enable communications with a certain quality of On a visit to
service. The cognitive engine,
the intelligent system behind the the U.S. in
cognitive radio, combines sens- November,
ing, learning, and optimization
algorithms to control and adapt Tom Rondeau
the radio system from the physi- stopped
cal layer and up the communicato capture
tion stack.”
His cognitive engine plat- network data
form should allow easy development of new components and outside the
algorithms for the application,
he says.
Rondeau became involved Challenge
in ECE’s wireless communicacompetition.
tions research while a sophomore
and has been involved in cogni- When comtive radio development almost
piled, the data
since its inception. His work has
led to several patents in the tech- will be availnology. He currently holds a
post-doctoral position with able on the
CTVR at Trinity College Dub- CTVR website.
lin, Ireland.
International &
National Service
Bob Clauer is member of the
Polar Research Board of the
National Academy of Sciences
and also in that capacity is a
member of the U.S. National
Committee for the International Polar Year, which is commemorating the 50th
anniversary of the International Geophysical Year.
Scott Midkiff is serving as
program director of the Electrical, Communications and
Cyber Systems (ECCS) program in the Directorate for Engineering of the National
Science Foundation. He is
also serving as a member of
the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Network Enterprise
Domain (NED) Defense Support Review team for the Director, Defense Research and
Engineering in the Office of
the Secretary of Defense.
Sanjay Raman is serving as
Program Manager, Defense Advanced Research Programs
Agency Microsystems Technology Office (DARPA/MTO).
T.-C. Poon has been appointed an adjunct professor
by the National Central University in Taiwan.
Saifur Rahman was elected
Vice President for New Initiatives of the IEEE Power and
Energy Society for 2008-2009.
Amir Zaghloul was elected to
the Board of the Applied Computational Electromagnetics
Society for a three-year term.
Amy Bell served as chair of
the IEEE Educational Activities
Board, Public Awareness Committee. She was also the
founder and director of the
Board’s Real World Engineering Projects Program, 2007.
Yue (Joseph) Wang is serving
as an external reviewer for the
Food and Drug Research Programs.
Books Published
T.-C. Poon published Optical
Scanning Holography with MATLAB,
Springer, 2007.
Joseph Tront published PSpice for
Basic Microelectronics, McGraw-Hill Higher Education,
2008, and PSpice for Basic
Circuit Analysis, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2007.
Honors & Awards
James Thorp and Arun
Phadke were honored with the
2008 Benjamin Franklin Medal
in Electrical Engineering for
their combined contributions
in strengthening the immunity
of the power grid to blackouts.
Phadke also was awarded the
HKN 2007 Vladimir Karapetoff
Award, along with Stanley
Horowitz, for their technical
contributions to the field of
power system protection and
G.Q. Lu’s development of nanoTach was listed one of the
100 most technologically significant products of 2007 by
R&D Magazine.
Masoud Agah received an
NSF CAREER award for “GC
Matrix, a Microsystem Approach for Complex Gas
Jung-Min Park received an
NSF CAREER award for “NonConventional Solutions for
Ensuring Security in Cognitive
Radio Networks.”
Michael Hsiao’s paper was
designated one of the most influential of 10 years (19982007) at the Design
Automation and Test in Europe
(DATE) Conference, 2008.
Krishnan Ramu was the
keynote speaker at the POWERENG 2007 conference and
spoke on “Switched reluctance motor drives: past, present, and future.” A paper he
co-authored received a first
prize award from the IEEE Industry Applications Society’s
Industrial Drives Committee.
Dong Ha was named a Fellow
of the IEEE for leadership in
VLSI design and test.
Amy Bell was named a University Scholar-in-Residence for
the American Association of
University Women Education
Joseph Tront was awarded an
2007 Laureate Award in the
Computerworld Honors Program for his work in tablet PCbased learning environments.
Sandeep Shukla was honored
by the State University of New
York with a Distinguished
Alumni Award in Science &
Student teams from Wireless@VT won top honors at
the Software Defined Radio
Forum’s 2007 Smart Radio
Design Challenge. The team
advised by Charles Bostian
won the overall grand prize
and the team advised by Carl
Dietrich and Jeff Reed won the
Best Design Award.
Charles Bostian was selected
as Virginia Tech’s 2008 Outstanding Dissertation Advisor
in the Engineering and Science category as the advisor
of Thomas Rondeau.
Thomas Rondeau received the
2008 Virginia Tech Outstanding Dissertation Award.
Patrick Schaumont won an
Outstanding new Assistant
Professor Award in the College
of Engineering.
Sanjay Raman was named a
College of Engineering Faculty
Conference Chairs
Mohamed Eltoweissy is
serving as co-chair for the
2nd IEEE Workshop on Mission Critical Networks, April
2008. His is also workshops
co-chair for INFOCOM 2008.
Sandeep Shukla was program
co-chair for the 7th International Conference on Applications of Concurrency for
System Design, June 2007.
Thomas Hou co-chaired the
NSF Workshop on Bridge the
Gap Between Wireless Networking Technologies and Advances at the Physical Layer,
August 2007. He also cochaired the Technical Program
Committee at the Second International Conference on
Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM), July,
T.-C. Poon served as founding
chair of the 2007 Optical Society of America (OSA) topical
meeting “Digital Holography
and 3-D Imaging,” June 2007.
He also served as chair of the
2008 meeting, March 2008.
Dong Ha served as sympsium
chair for the Communication
and Networking Technology
Symposium, August 2007.
Patents Awarded
“Adaptive Bus Voltage Positioning for Two-Stage Voltage Regulators,” J. Wei, M. Xu, F.C.
“Buck Converter with High Efficiency Gate Driver Providing
Extremely Short Dead Time,”
Y. Ren, F.C. Lee.
“Cognitive Radio Engine Based
on Genetic Algorithms in a
Network,” C.W. Bostian, W.R.
Cyre, T.M. Gallagher, C.J.
Rieser, T.W. Rondeau.
“Current Sensing in Multiple
Coupled Industors by Time
Constant Matching to Leakage
Inductance,” Y. Dong, M. Xu,
F.C. Lee.
“Decision Selection and Associated Learning for Computing
All Solutions in Automatic Test
Pattern Generation (ATPG) and
Satisfiability,” M.S. Hsiao, K.
“Device and Method for Tuning
an SPR Device,” K. Meehan,
“EMI Filter and Frequency Filters Having Capacitor with Inductance Cancellation Loop,”
S. Wang, F.C. Lee, W.G. Odendaal.
“Infinite Impulse Response
Multiplierless Digital Filter Architecture,” T. Bose.
“Intrinsic Fabry-Perot Optical
Fiber Sensors and Their Multipliexing,” A. Wang.
“LTCC-Based Modular MEMS
Phased Array,” A. Zaghloul.
“Method and Apparatus for a
Bandwidth Broker in a Packet
Network,” Z.-L. Zhang, Y.T.
Hou, Z. Duan.
“Method and Apparatus for
Control and Routing of Wireless Sensor Networks,” Y.T.
Hou, S. Mao.
“Method and Apparatus for
Packet Scheduling Using Virtual Time Stamp for High Capacity Combined Input and
Output Queued Switching System,” Z.-L. Zhang, Y.T. Hou.
“Method and System for Generating a Bitstream View of a
Design,” C.D. Patterson.
“Methods of Estimating Susceptibility to Single Event Upsets for a Design Implemented
in an FPGA,” C.D. Patterson.
“Multichannel Adaptive Filter
for Noise and/or Interference
Cancellation,” A.A. Beex, J.R.
“Multiphase Voltage Regulator
Having Coupled Inductors with
Reduced Winding Resistance,”
J. Zhou, F.C. Lee, M. Xu, Y.
“Optical Fiber Sensors for
Harsh Environments,”
A. Wang, J. Xu.
“Power Converters Having Capacitor Resonant with Transformer Leakage Inductance,”
Y. Ren, F.C. Lee, M. Xu.
“Power Converters Having Output Capacitor Resonant with
Autotransformer Leakage Inductance,” Y. Ren, J. Sun, M.
Xu, F.C. Lee.
“Real-Time Software Receiver,”
B. Ledvina.
“Self-Driven Scheme for Synchronous Rectifier having No
Body Diode,” M. Xu, J. Sun, J.
Zhou, F.C. Lee.
“Stub Loaded Helix Antenna,”
R.M. Barts, W.L. Stutzman.
“Topologies for Using Multiple
Energy Sources for Power Conversions,” J.S. Lai.
“Wideband Modular MEMS
Phased Array,” A. Zaghloul, O.
Amy Bell served as associate
editor of IEEE Signal Processing
Tamal Bose is associate editor
of Research Letters in Signal
Processing, and IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and
Computer Sciences.
Thomas Hou is editor of IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, ACM/Springer
Wireless Networks (WINET),
and Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks
Michael Hsiao is on the editorial board of IEEE Design & Test
of Computers, the Journal of
Electronic Testing: Theory and
Applications, and the Journal of
Embedded Computing. He was
guest editor of ACM Transactions on Design Automation of
Electronic Systems for the January 2008 issue.
T.-C. Poon is associate editor
of International Journal of Optomechatronics and of Applied
Optics. He is also feature editor of the Applied Optics issue
on Digital Holography and 3-D
Sanjay Raman is associate
editor of IEEE Transactions
of Microwave Theory and
Sandeep Shukla is associate
editor for IEEE Design & Test,
and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. He guest edited the Globally Asynchronous
and Locally Synchronous Design” special issue of IEEE
Design & Test and the special
issue on “Programming Models
and Architectures for Embedded Systems” of IEEE Transactions of Computers.
Daniel Stilwell is associate
editor IEEEJournal of Oceanic
During the Fiscal Year 2007
Alumni who contributed to ECE
Harold W., Jr., &. June P. Adams
Glenn M. Allen
Donald W. Armistead
Brian D. Bailey
William D. Barnhart
Andrew Beach
Thomas G. & Lisa S. Beazell
T. Wayne Belvin
Nancy B. & Leland S.
William J. Boyer
Robert F. Bruce
Charles M. Cacioppo
Kathleen M. & David L. Conway
Doyle C. Counts
William C. Decker, Jr.
Vincent R. & Rose M. DiLosa
Steve O. Dixon
Grant A. & Margaret B.Dove
Warren D. Drumheller
Kevin W. Filano
Robert W. Freund
Michael S. & Karen G. Fulk
Benjamin M. Grady
Michele U. & Mark J.
James T. Griffin
Jeffrey G. Hadley
Paul S. Hamer
James M. Hannett
Kenneth C. & Dorothy J. Harris
Michael G. Heavener
David E. Helinski
Kurt M. Hinds
Hsien L. &. Hui-Lein P. Huang
George E. Hudson
Daniel S. &. Renee R. Jarrett
Kenneth L. Johnson
Maryann W. & Joseph E.
William K. Lamp
Patricia & John W. Lane
Joseph C. Liberti, Jr.
James B. Loftin, III
John K. Loftis, Jr.
Samarina Lowrie
Yujie I. Lu & Xing Wu
Kevin S. & Leslie J. Mastropaolo
James C. Mills
Christopher & Michelle M. Munk
Carl G. & Christine M. Murphy
Stewart L. & Mary L. Ocheltree
Stewart L., Jr. & Sharon L.
Jeffrey T. Olson
Lowell T. Overby
Don M. & Dorla S. Powers
George S. Powley
Craig L. Purdy
Stafford M. Query, Jr.
Michael J. & Virginia K. Ratway
William G. & Jacqueline S.Roberts
Carlos V. & Linda Roberts
Daniel M. & Pamela Sable
Karl D. Salnoske
William C. Sanger
James F. Schooler
Hugh D. Scott
Stephen V. Smith
David W. & Dorothy Snodgrass
Gary L. & Julia G. Spadin
Bill L. Stackhouse
Charles W. Stewart, Jr.
Eric B. Stogoski
Douglas A. Teeter
Matthew K. & Jennifer S. Thomas
William L. & Elizabeth C.
C. Hyde & Gloria J. Tucker
Steven P. Turner
James A. & Carla V. Wilding
Chane R. Williamson
Richard A. & Amy E. Woynicz
Richard F. Wrenn
Theodore G. & Acquilla A.
David M. & Luwanna S. Lofe
Jeanne C. & James E. Melone, Sr.
Michael L. Miles
Julie Morgan
Mitchell Needham
David Nevius
Kenneth Peterson
Richard Schneider
John Seelke
Richard Sergel
David Taylor
Thomas Vandervort
David Whiteley
ECE Friends who contributed to ECE
Anne Barber
Frederick Barney
Donald Benjamin
Kenneth Berger
Richard Byrne
Joseph Conner
Robert Cummings
Richard Drouin
James A.& Kathleen M. Eder
James Goodrich
Frederick Gorbet
Debra Hilt
Stanley Honda
Joanne Joe
Stanley Johnson
Mark Laiby
Corporate Donors
ABB, Inc.
Accenture Foundation Inc.
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
AK Steel Foundation
American Electric Power Service Corp.
Appalachian Power Company
Boeing Matching Gift Company
ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program
Comcast Cable
Danaher Motion
Dominion Foundation
Electrical Distribution Design Inc.
GE Foundation
IBM International Foundation
Intel Corporation
Jarrett Electric Company Inc.
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Long Consulting
Manitoba Hydro
Micron Technology Inc.
Micron Technology Foundation, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
Midwest Reliability Organization
Network & Securities Technologies, Inc.
North American Electric
Northeast Utilities
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Radio Club of America, Inc.
Raytheon Company
Reed Engineering
RF Micro Devices Inc.
Samsung Electronics Company Ltd.
SANS Institute
Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc.
Science Applications International Corp.
Scholarship FoundationLockheed Martin Matching Gifts
Tektronix, Inc.
Tyco Electronics Corporation
Verizon Foundation
Wachovia Foundation, Inc.
Corporate and Industrial Affiliates
CPES Partners
Principal Members Plus
ABB, Inc. – Corporate Research
Analog Devices
The Boeing Company
Crane Aerospace
& Electronics
Delta Electronics
FSP Group, Inc.
GE Global Research
Hipro Electronics Co., Ltd.
Infineon Technologies
International Rectifier
Intersil Corporation
Linear Technology
Lite-On Technology Corporation
MKS Instruments, Inc.
Murata Power Solutions
National Semiconductor Corp.
NXP Semiconductors
Primarion Corpporation
Renesas Technology Corp.
Richtek Technology Corp.
Texas Instruments
Principal Members
DRS Power and Control
Technologies, Inc.
Eltek Valere
Emerson Network
Power Co., Ltd
HR Textron, Textron
Systems Corporation
Maxim Integrated Products
Rockwell Automation Allen-Bradley
GmbH & Co. KG
Vacon, Inc.
Associate Members
BAE Systems, Inc.
Crown International
Densei-Lambda KK
Hitachi Computer
Peripherals Co., Ltd.
Intel Corporation
Johnson Controls
KEMA, Inc.
L-3 Communications, Powe
Paragon Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
NetPower Technologies, Inc.
Nippon Chemi-Con Corp.
Northrop Grumman
Panasonic Electric Works Laboratory of America, Inc.
Schneider Toshiba
Inverter Europe
Semikron International GmbH
Shindengen Electric
Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Toyota Motor Corporation
Affiliate Members
ABB Inc., Drives & Power
Products Div.
Ansoft Corporation
AO Smith Corporation
(Rockwell Automation)
Caterpillar, Inc.
Continental Automotive
Cree, Inc.
Curtis Instruments
Danfoss Drives
Denver Thomas Garnder
Eaton Corporation –
Innovation Center
Electronic Concepts, Inc.
Emerson Electric Company
Ford Motor Company
Fuji Electric Advanced
Technology Co., Ltd.
GE Energy
GM Advanced Technology
Grundfos A/S
Hamilton Sundstrand
Hoganas AB
Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
Honeywell International Corp.
Ingersoll-Rand Company
JRI Solutions, Ltd.
KEMET Corporation
Kohler Company
Magnetek, Inc.
Miller Electric Mfg. Co.
Milwaukee Electric
Tool Company
MPC Products Corporation
MTS Systems Corporation
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oshkosh Truck Corporation
Otis Elevator Company
Pacific Scientific EKD
Phoenix International
Plexim GmbH
Regal Beloit
Remy, Inc.
Samsung Electric Co., Ltd.
Sauer Danfoss
S&C Electric Company
Schneider Electric - Square D
TECO Westinghouse
Toshiba International Corp.
Trane Company
Transim Technology
Unico, Inc.
United Technologies
Research Center
VPT, Inc.
Whirlpool Corporation
Yaskawa Electric America, Inc.
Wireless @VT
Analog Devices
Applied Signal Technology, Inc.
Army Research Office
Digital Receiver Technology Inc.
DRS Technologies
Qualcomm Inc.
Raytheon IIS
Rockwell Collins
Samsung Telecommunications
Sharp Labs of America
Syracuse Research Corp.
Texas Instruments
Thales Communications
Tyco Electronics
Orbital Sciences Corporation
Northrop Grumman Corp.
VPT Incorporated
Although every effort has been made to
ensure the accuracy of this report, we acknowledge that errors may have occurred. If
your name was omitted or listed incorrectly,
please accept our sincere apologies and
send corrections to the Office of University
Development at 540/231-2801.
Claudio da Silva
Assistant Professor
University of California
San Diego ’05
A. Lynn Abbott
Associate Professor
Illinois ’89
Masoud Agah
Assistant Professor
Michigan ’05
Luiz DaSilva
Associate Professor
Kansas ’98
Peter Athanas
Brown ’92
William A. Davis
Illinois ’74
Scott Bailey
Assistant Professor
Colorado ’95
Jaime de la Ree
Associate Professor & Assistant Department Head
Pittsburgh ’84
William T. Baumann
Associate Professor
Johns Hopkins ’85
Steven Ellingson
Assistant Professor
Ohio State ’00
A. A. (Louis) Beex
Colorado State ’79
Mohamed Eltoweissy
Associate Professor
Old Dominion ’93
Amy E. Bell
Associate Professor
Michigan ’97
Dushan Boroyevich
American Electric Power
Professor; Virginia Tech ’86
Tamal Bose
Southern Illinois ’88
Louis Guido
Associate Professor
Illinois ’89
Dong S. Ha
Iowa ’86
Robert Hendricks
Cornell ’64
Charles W. Bostian
Alumni Distinguished
Professor; NC State ’67
Thomas Hou
Associate Professor
Polytechnic Univ. ’98
Robert P. Broadwater
Virginia Tech ’77
Gary S. Brown
Bradley Distinguished
Professor of Electromagnetics,
Illinois ’67
Michael Buehrer
Associate Professor
Virginia Tech ’96
Michael Hsiao
Illinois ’97
Chao Huang
Assistant Professor
Princeton ’05
Ira Jacobs
Purdue ’55
Virgilio Centeno
Associate Professor
Virginia Tech ’95
Mark Jones
Associate Professor
Duke ’90
C. Robert Clauer
UCLA ’80
Pushkin Kachroo
Associate Professor
UC Berkeley ’93
Hardus Odendaal
Associate Professor
Rand Afrikaans ’97
Jason Lai
Tennessee ’89
Marius Orlowski
Professor, VMEC Chair
Tuebingen ’81
Brent Ledvina
Assistant Professor
Cornell ’03
Jung-Min Park
Assistant Professor
Purdue ’03
Fred C. Lee
University Distinguished
Professor; Duke ’74
Cameron Patterson
Associate Professor
Calgary ’92
Douglas Lindner
Associate Professor
Illinois ’82
JoAnn Paul
Associate Professor
Pittsburgh ’94
Yilu Liu
Ohio State ’89
Paul Plassmann
Cornell ’90
G. Q. Lu
Harvard ’90
T.C. Poon
Iowa ’82
Allen MacKenzie
Assistant Professor
Cornell ’03
Timothy Pratt
Birmingham ’68
Majid Manteghi
Assistant Professor
UCLA ’05
Saifur Rahman
Joseph Loring Professor
Virginia Tech ’78
Tom Martin
Associate Professor
Carnegie Mellon ’99
Sanjay Raman
Associate Professor
Michigan ’97
Kathleen Meehan
Assistant Professor
Illinois ’85
Krishnan Ramu
Concordia ’82
Scott F. Midkiff
Duke ’85
Binoy Ravindran
Associate Professor
UT Arlington ’98
Lamine Mili
Liege ’87
Jeffrey H. Reed
Willis G. Worcester Professor
UC Davis ’87
Leyla Nazhandali
Assistant Professor
Michigan ’06
Sedki Riad
Toledo ’76
Khai D.T. Ngo
Caltech ’84
Ahmad Safaai-Jazi
McGill ’78
Wayne Scales
Cornell ’88
Jason Xuan
Associate Professor
Maryland ’97
Patrick Schaumont
Assistant Professor
UCLA ’04
Yaling Yang
Assistant Professor
Illinois ’06
Sandeep Shukla
Associate Professor
SUNY Albany ’97
Amir Zaghloul
Waterloo ’73
Daniel Stilwell
Associate Professor
Johns Hopkins ’99
& Instructors
Kwa-Sur Tam
Associate Professor
Wisconsin ’85
James S. Thorp
Department Head
Hugh P. and Ethel C. Kelly
Professor; Cornell ’62
William H. Tranter
Bradley Professor of
Electrical Engineering &
Assistant Department Head
Alabama ’70
Carl B. Dietrich
Research Assistant
Leslie K. Pendleton
Arun G. Phadke
University Distinguished
Professor Emeritus
Gerald Reid
Joseph G. Tront
SUNY Buffalo ’78
Warren L. Stutzman
Thomas Phillips Professor
Anbo Wang
Clayton Ayre Professor
Dalian ’89
Jason Thweatt
Fred Wang
Associate Professor
USC ’90
Dan Weimer
Research Professor
Yue (Joseph) Wang
Maryland ’95
Rick Brisbin
Vice President
Southeast Region
L-3 Communications
Titan Group
Christopher DeMarco
Professor, Electrical and
Computer Engineering
University of WisconsinMadison
Robert Fulton ’82
Vice President
Business Development
Space Systems Group
Orbital Sciences Corp.
Truls Henriksen ’90
Consultant, Ecto, LLC
Mike Hurley
Program Manager
Satellite Programs
Naval Research Laboratory
Stephen Larson ’90
Manager, St. Louis Area
Schneider Electric
John Logrando
Director, Electrical Power
Systems Engineering
Lockheed Martin
Space Systems Company
Michael Keeton ’71
Senior Program Director
Orbital Science Corporation
Chris Wyatt
Assistant Professor
Wake Forest School of
Medicine ’02
Gino Manzo
Director, Microelectronics
Technology and Products
Manassas Site Executive
BAE Systems
Ming Xu
Associate Professor
Zhejiang; ’97
Yong Xu
Assistant Professor
Caltech ’01
Miroslav Begovic ’89
School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Virginia Tech is an equal
opportunity employer.
Dave Marsell ’88
Vice President of Engineering
Pressure Systems, Inc.
Jeannette Mills ’88
Senior Vice President
Gas Business Operations
& Planning
Baltimore Gas and Electric
Behnam Moradi
Senior Member
of the Technical Staff
Micron Technology
Michael Newkirk ’88, ’90, ’94
Principal Professional Staff
Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
Lew Roufberg ’87
Supervisor, Spacecraft Power
Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
Dan Sable ’85, ’91
Advisory Board Chair,
President and CEO
VPT, Inc.
Dennis Sweeney ’86, ’92
Engineering Specialist
Aerospace Corporation
C. Hyde Tucker ’56
Retired, President and CEO
Bell Atlantic International
Timothy Winter ’81
Director, Air and Missile
Defense Department
Systems Development &
Technology Division
Northrop Grumman
Systems Sector
Brandon Witcher ’01, ’03
Senior Member
of the Technical Staff
Sandia National Laboratory
The Bradley Department
of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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