mm ic O 5 T H U R S D 0 ^ ^ ^ January 1 6 , 1 i n i o n sign s comproiviise COULD SOLVE THE PROBLEM /1 0 A N ^^o'^^s NOVI W. O V I L v i n SUPPORT GROUP g HELPS J A P A N E S E LIVING IN T H E U . S . / I B LIBRAf^Y TEN i •*XCR1(Z) i : : / 3 i / 9 2 PUBLIC 45245 V o l u m i p m ^ ^ ^ ^ ' MILE MI Novi S p o r t s A N I M P O R T A N T WIN N u m b e , F o u r 34 P a g e s plus T H E NOVI C A G E R S / 7 B FOR S e c t i o n s S u p p l e m e n t s C i t t y o o , s v e q r b u s u a r e s i g Several changes tn Lhe city's sign ordinance proposed by the Nov! Chamber of Commerce ill Novem­ ber were sent to the Planning Com­ m i s s i o n b y the City C o u n c i l Monday. state trooper H e a h e l p s a Novi v y motorist s n get out of a s n o w o w f a l bank Tuesday l p morning o u n d s a r e A Winter storm — said to be the Worst in ihis area since 1978 — hcgan early Tuesday mon1l11g a n d dumped an estimated eight to nine inches of snow o n the City o f NoVl. sometimes at a rate of two inclies per hour. i The result was closed schools and businesses and badly snarled traHlc. The state police have yet to tally the number ofaccldents Which occurred on the expressway Tues­ day morning. e w s s e k s w In an effort to resolve an ongoing dispute over the release o f public Irlformation through the Novl Ftolice Department, the Afoul Afetzis has filed a total of445 requests for police Incident reports under the Michigan Freedom o f Information Act (F01).Therequests were filed o n J a n . 3 , S a n d 13. CALENDAR 2A CLASSIFIEDS 3D DIVERSIONS 6B EDITORIAL lOA IN S H A P E 108 LETTERS 11A LIVING 18 NOVI B R I E F S 4A NOVI H I G H L I G H T S 28 POLICE NEWS 4A SPORTS 78 TRAVEL 58 NEWS/SPORTS 349-1700 ADVERTISING 349-1700 CLASSIFIEDS 348-3024 DELIVERY 349-3627 S 1991 HomeTown Newspapers/Ail RiOhg Reserved . M' i t h h e o n e In t h e T o w n l d p o l However, the FOI, which states that police re­ cords are public documents and ihu'st be made public except under certain exempLions, pro­ vides n o exemptions for most of the reports Mclnnis withheld. ..: Shaefler later o v e r r u l ^ H f e f i ^ ^ ^ n l a l s . .Al­ though the names o f . U J M B j y ^ M p deleted from some of the r e p o r t l H P ^ p S J P ^ s e d all of T h e department responded to all but 12 of the 232 requests filed o n J a n . 3. Novl Police Chief Doug Shaeffer said the department was unable to account for those incident numbers and that no police report was filed for them. Novi News managing editor Michael Malott said he Wants a letter of explanation for the 12 ID p l o w s , like t h i s missing reports, and that the department is in vi­ olation of the FOI by not issuing one. Police records departinent head E s t h e r M c l n nis denied 34 other FOI requests by Issuing a let­ ter of denial. Most of the Incidents involved ar­ rests for OUIL (Operating Under the Influence of Uquor). Mclnnis cited the FOI as her reason for denying the requests. By C R l S T l N A F E R R l E R Staff Writer BUSINESS m i o M n g E s t In today's Center, got stuck i c e r e p o r t s them within two days. Shaeffer said he has conducted numerous meetings With staff members to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Under the first FOI requests, the department released police reports that It had not released previously, bringing to light such incidents as: • A Christmas Eve gunman in the parking lot of the Villagewood apartment complex, who repor­ tedly pointed a silver snub-nose revolver at a re­ sident who was looking out the window — and remains at large. • A Dec. 28 assault incident at Uttle Valley Mo­ bile Home Sales In the Chateau Estates mobile Cootlnned on 11 Imrick said the district could in­ crease students' comprehension by using more textbooks i n lower grade levels to teach subjects like social studies. The M E A P reading test Included a section on the Roman Empire that was criticized by many educatoi-s as too diirlcult. That selection will not be used In future years. Many edu­ cators predicted scores would be lower than average. Overall, scores were lower. But fourth grade students in Novi scored better, on average, than any other fourth graders in the tricounty area o n the reading test with 56.8 percent passing both the stoly and information section of the test, Imrick said. f s f l a w "Look at signage i n terms of helping the find s people the busi­ businesses themselves." Connie Mallett Executive Director, Novi Chamber • For buildings o n (he freeway, a sign could be placed along the expI-essway, In addition to the one sign already permitted at the front of the building. Continued oo U A "We seem to be doing q u lie a good job when it comes to teaching our cloildren," Imrick told the school hioard at a J a n . 9 meeting. E v e n the snow e a v Overall reading scores were good in Novi o n the Michigan Education Assessment Program test, but they could be improved i n some areas, said Parkview Principal J o s e p h Imrick. Bruce Jerome, Director of Novi's Department of Public Works, pre­ dicted late T u e s d a y that all Novi N o By S U Z A N N E H O L L Y E R Staff Writer But other effects Were pretty mlnl1na1. Only a lew accidents Were reported oir Novl suifact streets. The Novl Fire Department reported there were few other problems — Just one downed electrical itvlre. The heart attacks usually exper­ ienced b y residents while they are shoVeling snow after a blg storm were nonexistent Ttiesday. Novl Fire Chief Art l,enaghan s a i d last Tuesday his department h a d not made a single medical emergency r u n since the snow started. Continued on 8 N s ness as well as helping The proposals offered to the council Monday night include: ft An Increase in the maximum al­ lowable size ofa sign on a freestand­ ing building from 30 square feel to 40 square feet. a e o trying to The commission Will then hold a public hearing and make its recom­ mendation to the council. Local re­ staurateurs, hoteliers, merchants and professionals have banded together to seek liberalization of the ordinance, which Lhey see as a seri­ ous obstacle to doing business in Novl. Photos ly BRYAN MITCHELL n n By J A N J E F F R E S Stall writer A i P a s t e ' s c o r b e e s s Imrick said the biggest problem encountered by all three ^ d e s of Novi students Who took tlie M E A P reading test Was their knoWeldge about reading. The story selection of the test is considered more diffi­ cult. O n that part o f the test, 61.7 percent of fourth graders who passed the actual test, 78 percent of seventh graders and 52.6 percent of 10th graders felt they demon­ strated a knowledge about reading. T h a t is the area that all grade levels need to look at veiy carefully," Imrick said. Board President Stephen Hitch­ cock questioned the meaning of M E A P reading scores. "Does it tell you they are not reading, or they are not reading the right thing," Hitchcock said. Imrick said the school district does not have total control over what students leam and how much they read. .After school activities, television and the amount of read­ ing parents do plays Into how m u c h a student will read in h i s or her spare time. Parent Terry Galido told the school board scores for all grades might be lower than they should be because many students did not like the test. In the seventh grade, 36.8 per­ cent of students passed both sec­ tions. A n d 56.3 percent of 10th graders passed both sections. "Even kids who did well thought It was meaningless," GUado said, "A lot of people didn't try." Students complete a section on the MEAP reading test to provide in­ formation about their knowledge, preferences, a n d how they viewed the test. Novi's scores on the M E A P math and science tests W i l l be analyzed at a J a n . 23 meeting. The meeting Will be held at 7:30 p.m. at Novi Middle School, 25299 Taft Road. Party puts Hall in high gear issue By RlCK B Y R N E Copy Ediior Motorsports moved a step closer toward having its own national shrine i n Nov! last weekend as the Motorsports H a l l of F a m e o f America hosted its P r e - G r a n d Opening Celebration at Lhe Novl Expo Center. L o o k C o u p f o r o n y o u r B o t o k Photo by mCK BYRNE P l a q u e s h o n o r i n g m e m b e r s o f the M o t o r s p o r t s Hall of F a m e g r a c e d S a t u r d a y ' s c e l e b r a t i o n Over 40O people came from as far away as Arizona to attend the event which Included a dance, an auction of motorsports memorabilia, and a show of 50 championship caliber cars, boats and motorcycles dating from 1903 to 1992. Centerpiece of the car show was the 1964 Nov! Special, the only surviving example of one of the most famous cars ever to race al Indianapolis, which was built just down the road i n Novi. Continned on 3 2A-THE NOV) NEWS—ThofSday, Januaiy 16. 1992 C o m m u n i t y C Today, a l January e n d a will be hosting Its svnnual C h % Willy FesUval at the Novl Civic Center and In Power Park b e h i n d the civic center. The event wUl include a snoball Softball tournament. Teams must register for the event at least four days ahead of the tournament. Contact the parks a n d recreation d e p a i l mcnt for more information at 347-0400. 16 D e m o c r a t i c C l u b : The Southwest Oakland Democratic C l b u Will hold l i s monthly meeUng at 7:30 p . m . In the Novl Civic Center. The guest speaker w l l l be M a r v i n Meltzer. vice Chair of the 18th Congressional Distrlct for the DemocraUc party, w h o Will speak on the selection process for delegates to the Democratic National Convention. The meeting is open to the public. Monday, B a n d B o o s t e r s : Tlie room 511 Maftln P a n e l d i s c u s s i o n : Representative WlUls Bullard. R-Hlghland, w i l l be the guest expert o n the Michigan single business tax at a NoW C h a m ­ ber of Commerce panel d i s c u s s i o n on proposed refonns Of that tax The discussion wlll be held i n the chamber offices In the Novl Expo Center a n d Will begin at 5:30 p . m . 20 NovI n i g h school B a n d Boosters will meet in Thursday, Luther K i n g o J S c h o o l b o a r d : The now Middle SchoOI at 7:30 p . m . J January 21 Board of EducaUon will meet at Novl Monday, January Tuesday, W e d n e s d a y , January 27 C i t y C o u n c i l : The Now c i t y council will meet at 8 p . m . i n the c o u n ­ cil chambers of Lhe Now CiWc Center. G a r d e n c l u b : The NoVl Garden C l u b meets at 1 p.m. In the NoVl Civic Center. 22 January 28 Y o u t h A s s i s t a n c e : The now Youth Assistance meets a l 7 p.m. in the Now CiWc Center. 18 P r a y e r B r e a k f a s t : The Novl Ministers Association will host a Piayer Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. In the NoVl Ch^lc Center. The Reverend M a n y T. Cook, E p i s c o p a l Priest and columnist for the Detroit Free Press Will speak on the topic of "POsslblllUes for Effective Unity In a C o m m u n ­ ity under Selge." The cost Is $10. For more InfonnaUon, call 349-5666. C h i l l y W i l l y F e s t i v a l : The N o v l P a r k s a R d R e c r e a U o n Department 23 D a y : c i i y offices win be closed. 17 W i n t e r D a n c e : now nigh s c h o o l wlU host its w m t e r Dance in the high school C o m m o n s from 8-11 p . m . January H i s t o r i c d i s t r i c t : The Historic District S t u d y committee meets at 7:30 p.m. In the NoW Civic Center. C h a m b e r l u n c h : The general membership meeting of the Novl C h a m b e r will be held at noon at the Red Timbers. 40380 G r a n d River. A d a y o f f : NoVl H i g h school students get the day offas teachers will be taking In-service training. Toget yourevent listed in the Community Ccdendar. send information re­ garding the event, activities to be induded, who is sponsoring it, location, time and date, ticket information and tlw purpose to which any proceeds will be put to t/ie NoW News at 104 Main Street, Northville, 48167. Ptiolo by RICK BYRNE T h e N o v i S p e c i a l w a s t h e c e n t e r p i e c e f o r t h e p a r t y at t h e M o t o r s p o r t s H a l l o f F a m e o n Saturday J a n u a r y For Quick , Results K A S H E E T (313) A O K bill. E v e n w h e n maintenance, — fest. C a r e it's just fit I ^^^^^^^ That's why we're r O I L & F mount L F O R maintenance items. Quality C a r e technicians are I L f 1 You 8 Includes Ford- servicing your Ford, M e r c u r y and Motorcraft ~ M a y ' B • J u m b o • Wait u p to 5 q u a r t s o f o i l and b e C o l d or d s p e c i f i c a l l y f o r y o u r car. maintenance o n a l d f 550 W . Seven never better. Join the 9 million felt T e x a s O u t s i d e found out about R i b n' Fish • o r today a n d b r i n g the c o u p o n It's like m o n e y i n the 1 4 4 1 a t H o t I K e y L a r g o H o t i R i b n ' D i n o s a u r B a r b e q u e B o n e s S T A R T I N G R i b n' A T C h i c k e n R i b Ticklin' B O Y S with M E R C U R Y N A T I O N A L L I N C O L N H O T L I N I Q U A L I T Y It m a y b u t b e C y o u r it's stiil o r s p o u r Q u a l i t y C a r e t s H a l l n a m e s i n The eveill w as a fiilld -raiser for the Hall oi'Faine a.nd inuseum. and net­ ted $15,000 for the organlzaUon. The bulk of that was garnered i n the auc­ tion of over 75 items. The single hilghest price of S4,2E.O was bid on a firesuit, used by Halt of Fame stock car driver iiichard Petty. Addllional support for the event came from E.xhibit Works, the Novl Sheraton and Too Chez restaurant. Too Chez ExecuUve chef Bill Collins designed and presented a gourmet buffet for the celebi-ation. The celebration marked the announcement of the 1992 Induc­ F a m o u s S l o b Sports car racer Carroll Shelby earned a place as well. Shelby raced and won on an international level throughout the 1950s before deve­ loping the famed Shelby Cobra i n 1962. Indy 500 winner PamelllJones was named in the A t - I ^ g e category for his successes in stock car, sports car, open wheel and olf-road racing. Amelia Earhart was elected l n the k e s u r e y o u r m o n e y N O R T H V I L L E H i g h Ribs o u r A R , a cose (jj'.^i •• • c t e e w e l l R S I T Y J A C K E T S 2 mnm Coll the Boys Town Notional Hotline to talk to coring people Who will listen to your problems and find you help quicldy and close l o home. B . iiomsTown Newspapers A Subsidiary ct Subuitjan (kKnminlcadons tiirp. Pcslmasler. »«n<l aMress changes to The Novl Nsws,»l4e844.P(XICYSrATEMENT.AIIs(^»rthlnaputll9h«Ilni*moTownNowspap<»^ •ubjact 10 Ihe condmons staled In Iha appiiciWe rale can), ccplee ot which are availahia Iromlhe advonlsinj de­ partment. ThsNoviNews. 104 W. Main. Noithvllle,Mlchlpan48i67. (3)3-349-1700). Homo TownNewspapers reserves liio right nc( lo accept an adverliscir's order. HomeTown N^wspape-s ad.taKers have no airthorKy io B bind ihi? nmnpaps) and only publicalion of aii ndvsillsernsnt shat ccnsllluls final aoapiancs ot the aJvertaer's erdw. Postmasler. send addrses changes to The Novl News Post Ofllce Boi 470. Howell. Ul 40844. Publicaiicvi NutTtw USPS 396290 Are your kids out of control? Do you ever feel like hitting your child? Do you need advice on parenting? • tjere y o f S a n U N d s t o n e Y P Now E L Y S N 0 1,000 SPECIAL! % O F l q u e T Y ' S T H A I R 9 Hair • 2 Nail Technicians O L I N A Sq. IS L E A R A IN N THE C D a y ^ u % O F S T O R E mtH A N A D D I T I O N A L 1 0 % W h e r e c a n d e s i g n e d T s p e n t . COUPOU EXPIRES THURSDAy, JAN. id, 19*2 AT 8 m HOURS: MON, THURS. F R 1 1 0 - « • TLBS & WED 10-e • SAT tO-7 • SUN 12-5 and y o u T e n n e s s e e f i n d 8 7 due C . % rf^* Y C C t u b for o m e J o i n ' N O C A V I T Y free • C a l l protection through o W . Cavity Docember N o C a v i t y C l u b l\/lembers for K » v i n Thomas Jossica C a s h Nolan Santos Margo Macdonald Dusfin Veitch Christian Santos Alan Aldem C a l l or s t o p b y Tony Wannpler Brandon T h o m a s Eric Sahiberg Wes M o f e l a n d Ryan Sahiberg Rose MerilheW Cindy W a m p l e r AND CHILDREN _ •I 1 1 1 , III M A I N N O R T H V I L L E 3 4 9 - 1 2 5 2 ^GcirdonLyon K E Y C-1 N O V F A M D E N C E N Dr. A . A l l e n T u c h k l a p e r Eaton Center 4 3 4 1 0 W . T e n IVIile N o v i I I L Y T A L T E R o today. o o Todd D. L A R G O m R E D E E M D I N N E R 3 4 8 - 3 1 0 0 T H I S A I R L I N E E N T R E E G R E A T E R V A L U E . W I T H T I C K E T A N D P U R C H A S E B E A R E R O F T H I S R E S T A U R A Representative 555 S e v e n M i l e o Rd. NorthVille R E C E I V E O F 5 0 % S E C O N D T I C K E T O F F E N T R E E A L S O IS A N Y O F L U N C H O R E Q U A L O R M E M B E R S H I P T O V A T I O N S P L A N A N D "AIR L A R G O " Y O U R F R E Q U E N T F L Y E R E N T I T L E D T R O P I C A L C L U B . C A L L G E T A W A Y . o •liate fipreswxi ns yield-to-maturity, ttrt-ctivc U14«2. MarketrinJci« a ooniridcroaon on mvt.lmenta nold prior lo matiiritj. CORNER OF WAYHES WARREN ROADS T O F O R o 6 6 9 - 1 4 4 1 o Thursday-Saturday J a n u a i y 16-19. T m - I N T R O D U C E S - 348-9815 D . N F R E E Knickerbocker Investment skoplsaC Ham: MMdar.Salurda; 10 t.m. Is B p.ia. Susdar Kou m e p.m. • m 1/15/95. % E d w a r d D e c e m b e r Eric Carlson S u z a n n « Cadson Shannon A n d f « w s H » a f h « f Cutright Jesse G r e e n J e s s i c a Dooley Sean Lapointe • DENTISTRY FOR ADULTS o • G o v e r n m e n t agency ^ ^ ^ C E CNE N T TEE RR C L U B ! * & A A A b y S t a n d a r d & Poor's ^ O u r Kevin Thomas, Jessica C a s h H A R O L D • A a a rated by Moody's At Westland Center find eveiytlilnc you've always wanted., great value* for you. your family and your home... at tlie Westland Center "Sidewalk Sale." Business Suil I 01/15/02 • State a n d local tax 0 7 0 / WANT o.fiw{?,i^fl''"E""='ency HijmtWtciincr! t Winners of the N o y o u ? I N S U R A N C E B o n d s 5 a n d J A u t h o r i t y Major Crodit Cards f y o u r Just ask your "no problem" Auto-Owners agent about Condominium Unit-Owners Insui^nce for you. Richard Lyon . f o r p r o b l e m . 1 0 8 6 u n i t 3 2 0 i n s u r a n c e B L O O M V a l l e y P o w e r 3 4 8 - 1 e s p e c i a l l y N o offer 3 4 9 - 3 6 7 7 All ChlWren 14 years of age a n d under who come In for a dental check-up and hove no cavities are entered in our drawing. At the end of the month one boy and one girl are chosen as winners of a gift certificate toTOYSRUSI Images" Aulo-Owners provides you with quality protection that's both econom­ ical and flexible. Economical because it complements insurance pro­ vided by your condominium association. Flexible because it completes the additional protection you need. IN S O U T H F I E L D I n F A M P l a z a * Southfield R d . at 12 Mile R d . ' l i n l l d r t O i l h o f 1-696 • 557-3344 M,T,W,S9-6;-ni&Fri9-9 F 2 4 1 5 0 Novi R d . - S u i t e 1 0 3 E 120 E. Main, NorthviUe S p e c i a l W a t x ; h F o r U s O n C a b l e C h a n n e l 1 2 "Career C from your wardrobe? L.apham's prolessional tailoring service can the ...'cr .i,..gaps, , ,vtal.h, ?n, i[|)p^ca^lp[(it^.^i?onal fiUif^gs for ho!|h iipe^^gt yvoijien regardleK vwiereJptli-cliiied. M y ^ \ O S \ 0 S O M E T H I N G ' Since 1910 f i r e p l a c e ^ 2 d M I S S I N G KIM MAIZE Please call for more details (313) 4 4 2 - P E T S G V a l e n t i n e ' s e Ft.-*300 H O M E A L d N f i P E T AND H O M E S I T T E R S Professional pel and home care when you can'l he there R Y o u r f o r n Attic Designers N I o Fiberglass C O L O R • i Special Why use a kennel when your pet can stay in tlic comfort of its own lionic? We're bonded and rclinblc willi rcasonablc rales. H M a i c e o v e r / F e d e r a l Y t "concerned" that the project Would be bonded too far ahead of construction and advised the city to hold olT any decision for 30 days. City city engi­ neers say the Improvements won't be ready to bid out until J u l y or August. Permits will be needed from the state department of natural resour­ ces. "What happens if Mr. Sandstone goes broke?," C o u n c i l Member Robert Schmld Wondered. Fried said the city could exercise the lein it will hold on the develop­ ment's 300 acres north of TWelve Oaks Mall. "I don't want to leave you With the Idea this Is not a risk proposal. There's as much protection In this as We could possiblly put In." he added. "There Is no question this a n ad­ vantage to the developer, but It also is an advantage to die community. You're building public roads, public drains, and public Water mains." Pope said during a break i n the meeting that he was unaware In 1991 of the provision in the city charter, but came across It recently while re­ searching another Issue. 3 4 8 - 9 8 8 0 E s J O N E S F At N C a l l ^ 4 4 8 - 3 0 0 0 N T V A Americans Want More Efficient Cars a insulation Make-Over Artist M 1 ( 8 0 0 ) b a b y " 5 v P E R M A N E N T S • 153 E. M o i n N o r t h v i l l e 348-8260 car, 6 o 6" R - 1 4 344.9944 J A N U A R Y P E R R I N S I We oivn 8 % IlMllUin s • S p e c i a l s i s u CedarRldge A • Ai NonhyiUs, Mtehlgsn . C a l l toll-free, a n y t i m e . E r B l o w n In S c h o o l available LABOR AND PRIOR SAt.ES EXCLUDED - IN STOCK ONLY So.'ce :''v::c'-'"S'': OD'-ri;jr $:s3\' inc ?o!' conDuaefl oy Ma'ie: S:'a:f;'es aPcfitae-CK'Scnneioers inc c Safe Enefgy Cofnmunicaiion Council t Novi's city attorriey Is researching If the original 1991 vote on the $122 million Sandstone planned unit de­ velopment (PUD) contract Is Valid, afterquestlons raised by Council M e m ­ ber T i m Pope. Based on advice from the city's b o n d attorneys a n d f i n a n c i a l counselor, the councU also lield off action Monday on the $3.83 ntillion sale ofbonds to finance a road, water mains and sewers for the project. The Decker J?oad extension would be paid for by $2.45 mUUon of the bonds. The money Would be reim­ bursed via a special assessment dis­ trict (SAD). The council first tabled the S A D Dec. 9. asking for Input from the city's bond attorneys. Novl Would issue bonds to get the money upfront for the improvements, then the deve­ loper, Hughes rVopcrtles. and future Sandstone residents Would pay back the SAD. The Sandstone PUD contract Was agreed to by the council In a four-tothree vote InJanauiy 199l.The con­ tract Includes a phased plan for the 1.993 housing unit development and shopping center, a recreation plan, and Wcxxilands and Wetlands maps. But Pope says that While reading the city charter recently he noticed that a flve-to-two vote Is required to Impose a tax or assessment, or to pledge city funds. City Attorney David Fried declined to Issue a legal opinion on the ques­ tion ofT-the-cuif, saying he Would prefer to come back With a Written opinion. "The city has entered Into the con­ tract already. The city normally lives up to lis contracts," Fried said. City Manager Edward Kriewa11 ex­ plained that the kiond attorneys who handle the sales of the kionds were 4 2 2 6 0 G r a n d River • Novi V THE NOVI NEWS i'iublished Each Ibiondsy and Thuisday By Tha Novl News i04 W. Kisln Shesi NerthvlOe. Michigan 48187 IN NOVI In Pine Riidge Center • Novi R<i, at 10 Mile R d . ' 1 % miles south of 12 Oaks Mail» 348-9300 In a -May 1991 national p o l l , 65'« of A m e r i c a n s favored increasing auto fuel economy standards ( C A F E ) from 28 to 33 m p g by'1996. O n l y 27r, believe the current 28 m p g average is adequate. p i insuiation c o n d o m i n i u m a p d I N S U L A T I O N of & * S A V E m d U-ell, two-Ume National High Point Champion in the Powerboats categ­ oiy: Ralph DePahlla, 1915 Indy 500 winner In the Historic categoly: J . C . Agajanian, llamboyant Indy car owner and promoter of the '50s and •60s In the Al-Urge (Non-Driver) category: and Collra(l "Conille" Kalitta. In the Drag Racing category. air racing catogoiy. She also set numerous speecl and distance re­ cords from 1922 until her disappear­ ance In 1937. Others named lo the 1992 class of inductees are Bill Vukovlcli Si-., a two-time Indy 5O0 winner in tile Open Wheel categoiy; Joe f^trali, na­ tional dirt track a n d hill climb champion throughout the 1930s In the Motoirycles category: Bill Can- tees into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America. .Among those In­ ducted Into the Hall this year Include stock car driver Bobby Allison, win­ ner of 84 NASCAR Winston C u p (for­ merly Grand National) races, placing him third on the all-time NASCAR win list. Continued bvm Page 1 EVERYTHING O r S p e c i a l s Mile in • t A Nofthville bank. o M TOWN you. M Sii)«>lplioo Ralet: • (:te*!^.lfio''|^.^M;S?2'.|llr^,^i^^I)lKll,.l:lil,^|.lu;l.1ll,;i;llll,:•.;..•-|•.l.l:-..''•.;p':ii"r. '.-ri iri:ihim:,: Outfkie CconilM (In Ivllchlaan) a/«i » 7 pet y»ef. propaW, OiX of slaie. 130 per year. many benefits of Quality Care. Stop - d customers the H o t I b u t S h r i m p 3 4 9 - 1 4 0 0 who've 9 N o w through F e b . 28th order i of r i b i o r o n e o f o u r s u m r r l e r f<u.. k»w.^v.y Michloan, something new 6nd excWngi to b e l i e v e ' e m i Ford c e W o r t h A v e n u e . J M u I n c l u d i n g o u r with coupon • offer expires 1-31-92 engineered a filter. Diesels not included. for Rib n' l • & six other Quality-parts— the parts that were Routine R • O u r o n t h e latest t e c h n i q u e s L i n c o l n . . A n d we use o n i y E While Motorcraft trained 6 D your routine C A U : m 6 8 5 - 8 7 4 5 9 5 offering y o u great deals o n m a n y o f Dr. the routine those bills c a n L a k e F O R RESERVATIONS Sat.) 6 3 4 8 - 3 0 2 2 Quality W a l l e d W d l l e d L c i k e it's Still m a d e & E It We've 142 •'.•.-at C L A S S I F I E D M NTMNfl R rt>Qrith(Tues. thru C a l l G R E E N i By J A N J E F F R E S S e n i o r C i t i z e n s : T h e now Semor c i t i z e n s C l u b w i n hoW their monthly business meeting at 1 p.m. In the Novl C i v i c Center. of tlie high school at 7 p.m. Tuesday, A d a y o f f : now High school students get the day offas teachers will be taldng In-service t i a l n l n g January l Staff writer D e b a t e B a n a u e t : The NovI debate team win host a banquet dinner In the Novl H l ^ S c h o o l Commons at 6:30 p.m. w o u i o n m o r e - -rt, m k, • o. u . on N e w c o m e r s . The NovI N e w c o m e r s C l u b meets at 7:30 p . m . Saturday, January P l a n n i n g c o m m i s s i o n : i h e Novi city planning c o m m i s s i o n will meet at 7:30 p . m . i n the council chambers of the Novl C M c Center. t i e g i n s : The second semester begins in N()v1 schools. Semester H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y : Tile Novi HlstOrlcal society wlll meet at 7:30 p . r a l n the old town hall building next to the NcjVl l a b i l e Library. January a r W o o d c a r v i n g : Ron Morln Will present the show "Woodcarving — Folk A r t t o F l n e A r f a t 7:30 p.m. i n the T o w n Hall M u s e u m . Tile old town haJl Is located to the West of the Novl Public Llbraly orl Ten Mile Road. Friday, V J o n e s & C o . Member Ne» Y0.k Slock,nge. Inc .-.nd S«U-.M--, Inve.lo, Pro,K,.on Co-po,«,o-. o NOT VALID TICKET EXPIRES MARCH DISCOUNTS—VALW WFTH OTHER 30, 1992 SUNDAY THRU THURSDAY R E S E R ­ .Thursday, January 16, 1992—THE NOVI NEWS-5A M a s k e d s t r a n g e r f l e e s l i v i n P o l i c e N e w s DiT. ;ii Police said someone apparently reached ihroii/jh an openinj^ ln the filass panels al the front of Ihe store and pulled a tablecloth Ihroiigli the opening, causing several items on display to fall over. The i.ahleclolh was lying on the llo<;rof the mall, still parti;illy caught tx'twcen the panels, ixiiire said. Police said the locks on several other mailboxes apix'ared to have .also Ix-en lampercd with. STRANGE CUSTOMER: A female employee at I.ltlle Valley Mobile Moines in the Chateau Estates mo­ bile home park reported Dec. 28 that iwo men entered the olfice and told herhe was interested In purchasing a ttiobllc home. The woman rejwrted that, while showing the men a model home, one of them said "My heart is raclllg for you" and "1 want to make love to you." then fp-abbed her by the shoulders. She said the men then simply left, waxing to her as they left the area. POSSESSION O F MARIJUANA: A 30-year-old Northvllle man was ar­ rested Dec. 28 for operating under the Influence of narcotics, driving with a suspended license, and pos­ session of marijuana. MAIL TAMPERING; A resident on Portage in the Wver Oaks Apartment Complex re[xirted Dec. 24 lhat some­ one pried o[X'n his lnailbo.x. and may have stolen inall. Our CiOMNCSsCfTS W I E N A T R E Police checked the area for a sus­ pect, but were unable to locate anyone. M a i n A Tlie woman said she bought her food and sat down In a booth, placing her wallet in a shopping bag at her feel. She said that when she finished eating and got u p to leave, the wallet was gone. The woman told police the restaur­ ant was "extremely busy" at the time. BREAKING AND ENTERING: LOUD PARTY COMPLAINTtNovl Po­ lice responded to a loud party com­ plaint Dec. 28 in the 22000 block of Cufllberland. Police said the resident broke up the party, which Included minors, when police arrived. Although tliere Novl police re­ were beer cal1s reportedly thrown on sponded to a complaint Dec. 28 o f a the lawn, ollicers said they saw no woman roller blading with two poo­ minors drinking. r i e f s N C ties to the north, the road was re-opened. T h e two councils will discuss regional trafflc concerns focusing o n E a s t Lake. CorrSCtiOn: a NovI youngster, pictured on the front page of the Noxi News J a n . 9, was mlsldenUHed. T h e y o u t h pictured, ready to take a swing at a pilch i n the A m e r i c a n Baseball Hitting C a m p sponsored re­ cently b y C o m m u n i t y E d u c a t i o n , a n d Identilled a s J u s t i n G u f l e y was S t u d e n t c o d e : A n updated student code of conduct was approved by the school board last T h u r s d a y . T h e school district has b e e n working with attorneys for nearly a year to revise the code. T h e final code Is not carved i n stone. It c a n be updated a s new Issues arise, t)oard Trustee J o h n Strelt said. Staffers give to charity: Novi c o m m u n i t y s c h o o l O l s i n c t em­ ployees participate In the United F o u n d a t i o n T b r c h Drive each year. !ln the 1991 -92 school year, 82 district hourly employees gave $ 1,723.25 to the drive a n d 237 salaried employees gave $ 11,640.65 to tile drive. 1^ tal contrlbuUons from Nov! schools totaled $13,363.90. S u p e r B o w l r a f f l e : The N o v l O p U m l s t C l u b is holding a special meet­ ing, 12:30 p.m, on J a n . 16 at the Novl Civic Center to send a lucky couple to the 1992 Super Bowl in Minneapolis. Tliat couple wlU be the wl1ine:r o f a "Super Bowl Fantasy Raffle" conducted by the Novl Optimists for their many charities. The fantasy winners will receive two tickets to the game and roiind trip airfare courtesy of Northwest Airlines, first class accommodations Iri a Min­ neapolis hotel, U^nsportalion to the MetroDome, two Super Bowl parties and $300 spending cash. The winners Will leave Saturday, J a n . 25, and ar­ rive home Monday. J a n . 27. p o s e d e a t e r y d i e s i n r e By S U Z A N N E H O L L Y E R Staff Writer "I l i k e y o u r p l a n . 1 l i k e y o u r i d e a . I l i k e A representative for a proposed Haggerty Road re­ staurant told the Novl Planning Commission he felt like a bull on the losing end of a fight with a matador, "1 feel like I'm a bull Lhat has tieen stabbed a lol ofllmes and is now ready to die," said J o h n CarliIi J r . ofPlunkett & Cooney, a DeU^lt law nrm. Carlln spoke to the commission Jan. 8 o n behalfof Ro­ mano's Macarorli Grill, a restaurant Brirlker Interna­ tional Inc, hoped to build on Haggerty Road in Novi. The planning commission voted lo deny Carlin's plan for developing a parcel of land south of the Novl Hlllon on Haggerty Road In Novl. At issue was a n addiUonal curb cul on Haggerty Road north of Eight Mile Road. Carlln hoped to convince the Novl planrling commis­ sion to approve his plan for developing the property and recommend lhat ihe City Council approve a c u r b cut pro­ viding direct access to the site off Haggerty Road, Commission Vice Chairperson Kathleen McLallen told Caj-lin he did nol meet the criteria for the ofTlce project ex­ pected lo be built someday on the Haggerty Road site. The property was zoned for ollice space to provide a high profile lo businesses without adding too much trairic to Haggerty Road, M c U U e n said, "It is perceived in this communiiy lhat (Haggerty and Eight Mile roads) is a very dilTicull Intersection." M c U l l e n said. your restaurant. you're putting I d o n ' t like w h e r e it," Edward Kramer Commission Chairperson e w p @D[L B E A T S OIL N A T U R A L E R W e f i a v e a If you're o subscriber, you Hiflh quality Sunllex and Celab- * FuD IKaiime warranty lily™ Horiioofal Blinds ready juti a Now availabia in a wide tn lima lor ihe holidjiys. If your vaiisiy ol lashionabie ordst itn^ shipped wiihjn S days colors and slal finishes, its FREE. • Special sale piicssl News is. W e know that you as what's going and on The H E A T ! M a i n St, Formerly The Little P e o p l e S h o p p e LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR P S T H E A t m O O f c I d e a s Marv G . A s h (313)454-7552 Andrea Niehaus (313) 347-5814 l y o u . everything never your figured out how many thousands of dollars y o u c a n save a is year by taking advantage retail and of our coupons, classified the best newspapers in the state b y advertising. But you c a n bet that you the M i c h i g a n Press Association. But can save the ' 2 2 annual subscription price to The N e w s hundreds of times of the story is all the information over. The N o v i N e w s — It's the best you from local we merchants h deal g o i n g . e E N C W M S ^ A J m Nome Address City/Siat?/Zip F U R N A C E S A L E S & SERVICE F U E L I N C Phone ^ P/oase enc/ost check for '22. L . 3 4 9 - 3 3 5 0 " iVOiajl WHESTIINC nDERATIOD* 349-0613 T i m e T o S e r T v H i B E S T K E i > E.stablished in 1910. Norihrop's tradition of serving is well known and recognized in our community. Our reputation is based on experienced, professional, caring people, available any time, day or night, every day of Ihe year. Because we are sensitive to your needs, someone is always here to listen. 1 9 3 7 t S N f e I Since r M a i l to: T h e N o v i N e w s , C i r c u l a t i o n , P . O . Box 4 7 0 , H o w e l l , M l 4 8 8 4 4 PrcljiWlonal Custom Decoratincr Residential and Commordal 316 N. C E N T E R • N O R T H V I L L E A Community Business o carpeting to clothing. Frankly, we've Subscribe N o w For O n l y Caskrline ^neral mome,Dnc. A f honored y e a r after year as one of ^-;.;ei«».T»,^«w«r.**e.w^ In(:, s from automobiles to groceries . . . a News a about the best deals on up t • BUFINER UAHTENANCE I n H v i p T e Novi in r more OIL HEAT IS THE UOST • BUDGET PIjW EFFICIENT FUEL FOR •AUTOMATIC DELIVERY YOUR HOME ona apply. s news is only half the story. The rest E F R C I E N T s ^ l V I @ b i l e Carlln said he used other Macaroni Grill sites around the county to predict the expected trafflc flow around the Haggerty Road site, The majority of commissioners rejected the Macaroni Grill plan with Johnson and Aruflb casting the only votes in favor of the proposal. already great d e a l The Get all the benefits of a brand new high efficiency ^ ^ ^ furnace at m u c h less c o s t ! So Why go throtigh all the hassle and expense of tearing out a perfectly good ofl system in pipe in gas, \«hen simply replacing the burner unit with an up-to-date one will give you a better furnace than you'll aver have with aaal Call ga" E c Were conect, and lhat the estimates ofclty LraHlc consul­ tant I?odney Arroyo were Incorrect. Arroyo questioned the statistics used by Macaroni Grill developers. Arroyo said the trafilc flow around casual restaurants lilce the Macaroni G r i l l , Bennlgan's and Chill's Grill & Bar does not lit Into any calegoiy used lo predict tralTlc. d know what a community, G A S ! t h e y ' r e E o Commissioners Ernest .ArulTo and Judith J o h n s o n is m o r e C O M F O R T A B L E r Commission Chairperson Edward Kramer agreed. "1 like your plan. 1 like your idea. I like your restauranl." Kramer said. "1 don't like where you're pulUng it." Commissioner J o h n Balagna said the conunisslon was nol denying the Macai-oitl Grill developer access to the Haggerty Road property. Balagna said the developers could construct an access road from Orchard Hill Place Drive. B u i Carlln called that an "economic impossibility." He added thai teaching customers how lo reach the restaur­ ant would be dilllcult. Carlln attempted to gain access to the property through the Novl Hilton's southern entrance, but Hlllon ofllcials rejected the proposal. Carlln told the Planning Commission allowing the Hilton to have two privatelyowned curb cuts was "not good planning." on Hunter D o u g l a s Horizontal Blinds o r i argued on the side of the Macaroni Grill. Aruffo said he hesitated to restrict development on the Novl side of Haggerty Road because Farmington Hills, on the other side of the road, has allowed numerous restaur­ ants a n d curb cuts. "We're the bad guys. They're the good guys," .ArulTo said. J o h n s o n said she has never been asked to reject a plan where the main issue is access to a road. "We have never said: 'No, y o u just can't go there.' and I'm having a dlflicult time doing that." Johnson said. Carlln also argued that his estimates of trafHc In­ creases insulting from the Macaroni Grill development bring fast v concerned citizen want to keep H O T T E R , C H old location Northvllle, o with Off CO c r NovI Traffic s t u d y : c i t y C o u R c l l agreed M o n d a y to meet with members of the Walled I.,ake City C o u n c i l o n Feb. 3 at the Novi Civic C e n t e r a t 8 p.m. T h e meeting was requested b y Walled Lake after Novl closed East Lake Drive as a n experiment last year. After a p u b l i c outcry, from both Novl residents w h o do not itve o n E a s t Lake a n d residents o f c o m m u n i ­ ANIMAL COMPLAINT: F 1 /4»._^%w* Centre, B N for U 105 MISSING W A L L E T : A Tonawanda, New York woman reported Dec. 27 lhat someone stole her wallet While she was eating in the Burger King re­ staurant in Twelve Oaks Mall. HunterDouglas New Location i R 307o-407o-507o , . v oil systefns are, on awerMe, 16% mora afflclant than Gaa, aaxrtling to the U.S. Department of Enofgy. Reductions 2 Girls sbespreomlotlAov Boys sizes proemle-? O p e n Mon.-Saf. 10-5:30 o Annual Further "Your c h i l d r e n s t o t a l s p e c i a l t y store' Clothing - Donceweor Gifts - T o y s N actually Michael Reynolds. Novl ixilice arc Invesligating a breaking and enlei-lng on Mealherbrae Dec, .31, during which soilleone forced open a garage door and broke in while the owner was on vacation. Police discovered a briefcase, jewelry box and cash box lhat were left lying oi>en in the house. Police said the man was stopped for speeding on Beck Road ilear Ele­ ven Mile, and that his vehicle had a L m SUSPICIOUS C I R C U M S T A N C E S : A Novl woman reported Dec. 28 that a man in a red Oldsmoblle Cutlass fol­ lowed her home. She said the driver was a white male with long hair. strong odor of marijuana. In addi­ tion, they reported his eyes were glassy and his pupils were dilated. Police directed the man through a series of physical sobriety tests. They reported that ai one poiIll he was told to tilt his head back and touch his nose. When he did, he fell backward. The man reportedly told police he was on his way lo woi-k nl the time of the incident. S h i p p e d C o STOLEN HUBCAPS: A Plymouth re­ sident reported Dec. 27 that someone stole her hubcaps while she Was shopping at Twelve Oalts Mall. The woman said she parked at the mall shortly before noon a11d re­ turned shortly before 1 p.m. to dis­ cover the wire wheelcovers stolen. MDOP TO VEHICLE: Nfivl [xilk e ;ire investl^.itm^ a breaking ;.ind enteniii^ .nllenipl that CRrurred at Vie De (••raiue in'IVelve Oaks Mall o dles that were not on a leash. The oHlcer responding to the call reported that the woman stated she would never again roller blade with­ out her poodles on a leash. REPORT WATCH: O f the 232 police Incident reports for which the NouiNeuis filed Freedom of InTormation Af;t requests on J a n . 3. 186 reporls were re­ leased last week. Release of 34 reports was denied. In whole or part, on first review by the jxillce dcfxirtnlent. All denied reports were later released on re((iiisideratlon by the dcfiartment. IVelve re;xirts remain unaccounted for. The deadline for a response lo the ret]uests for documents expired Friday. J a n . 10. No letter of rejection received Ijylhc newspaper, explaining what Irlfonnatlon was being with­ held or why it was Ix-ing withheld, as required under the FOI. Noextenslonof I he deadline was iequcsted by the police departmenl. Tile NoiiNews will rere(]uesled these re[X)rts on Thursday. J a n . 16. Of ihe 165 police Incident reports for which FOI requests were submitted Wednesday. J a n . 8, eight reports were released Friday, J a n , 10. The rest were due lo be released Wednesday, J a n . 15 utider the FOI. T"he ^ot'f NiiDS filed requests Monday. J a n . 13 to receive 48 additional missing report.s.bringliig the numtierofreports currently under FOI request to 217. A total of 445 FOI requests have so far been filed by The Novi News to the Nf)vi Police Departmenl. When llicy i;«t out of the vchidc to ();c k It up. U\r ollirt-r rrportcd thai h<' tiolucd the end of !hf vvc.ij.on stick inj^ out from iindt-r the Imnt scat. I'oJKi- (onhsralcd Ihr '.'.iMp-oti. which ii-i-ri said he (.i.-ned U' (.uisc he was r)ii( c h.irass<-(! by a tul of niales. ,ind ili.ii hie leels he inij^lll need i! 'loi' show ' Me issui'd ,1 (it.itioii lor pos­ session ol ,1 d,in|.;erons wc.ipon. BREAKING AND ENTERING: r P c .Nov; [>-j1h (. rinl')S( ,lli-(i ,i ritil hiiloti fioili a N'o'.'i lccii.'i^''r-J,in -1, v/ho said he kt-pt !h(.' (iati^t-rdiis wcipoii in lus vchlc'lf 'lor show," Folkc .s.iid ihrcc tcfn,if;t.-rs, in cludirift the one with the not tKilon. wrrc bUtiiiH lii i'owcrs I'.i.f^k citing food Ircim T.K o Ik-Il and throv.-in^ Ihr v.Ta|)i.«-rs out i1k- v.-in(l(w of ihr vchi tic. All ollict-r ,i[)[)r(),i( hcd them and tokl thrrn !o pick up their Intsh, which lh(.-y did. A resident on CViroi/sel in Ihe C'ti/ile.iii l-;sl,iles mt> hjlie home |),irk re[xir1e(l ,J,in. ;) lhat someone shiitleri'd ihe re:ir window of her vehicle. .She t(jl(l |K)lice slie jiarked in her dnveiv.iv ,il .ippro.xiHi.ilely 10 p.m. 2 .ind ihe vehu le was lf)l.-u:t. A nei(;hborre|)ortedly noticed the dam­ age the ne.xl day .irriiind 2 p in. g J MaNUFaCtvrimq A O N N P i H W ^ A Y 1 - P E M a n R O W N l 9 - V i E W S H t W m s e / f / D I S N e i C O g h V b E R T h e r s H a v o Q u a l i t y e F o u n d Y o u r ^ o r Y e a r s . including Forethought* funeral planning 1 2 2 W . Dunlap Ray Northville 3 4 9 - 0 6 1 1 J. Casterline N O (24 t^ours, Y O U R • PRE NEED PLANNiriG • DEATH BENEFITS COUNSELLING • SHIPPING WOrjLDWIDE a CREMATIONS 1893-1959 Fred A. Casterline O N E T H E C A R ROSS B E H E R T H A N P R O F E S S I O N A L S D A V I S R a y J . C a s t e r l i n e II K N O W S A U T O A T C A R E . B 8c S O N FUNERAL DIRECTORS N O R T H V I L L E C I S I O N C L I M C J D r . D - J . M a t i n o w s i d 8c D r . M . J . L e v i n Optometrists - I $ L 5 9 5 I I i \ I I I A n y & Q E T F r a m e " ! 2 n d F R E E 'Zrid Pair Rom Saiaciad Framaa Metal Framaa Addl 'i 5.00 Each ueuirfamaawoTis.ogeaen WiJiTWa Coupon P a i r I I I I I i | i i j T R Y U S No obligation Um one of our normal low prica cotipona or any olhar comparabia offar from another company, ff you are not aaliafladviftthourprlca, aarvloa o r iyour gloaaaa, 100% of your purchaaa prica wlli t>a ,-—..r..-w.-............. ratimdad. About Our $ 9 9 0 0 AOJVUE Disposable Lens Special H O M E H O I N S U R E S C A N A L S O Y O U R Y O U R P R O T E C T F A M I L Y ' S . | i | i • I . I \ For life insurance that can provide I security for those you love, call: 01.ASSES-W« can examine yoiir eyes to deiennlne the moiit accurate prtec^lion arxl:ehack-ytwr:ayft health or. read the pfescflptlomiaht off ywJrjJresant gteees. Offer tndudee ptastlc, «{iigl«:\risk» lanm:;.lfi ttartctaitl r«ri(^ HJsh praecrfctions. tints mi l)(foca)t avaltable at slighl charge, CONTACTS-OTfaf valid wllh compiateeontaet lena exam only. Exam fee and earaldtara not Included. Daily lerwaa are QiuIarSdenoe and Extended tensas are Softfnate 4SK H>0. AddkionaI 'ZO* chaf^a may upply with certain durance plans. S A M E D A Y S B R V K B OR N O C T c < » < i r A c i 5 ae o L A S s e s 43341 Grand River O f f e r B x p i r e s 2« 1 3 - 9 2 . C o n p o o m u s t p r e s e n t e d a t t i m e of service,. Ask A N D W G l a s s e s T " I P A I R C A R 'Chooa* From S»i»ct»d Ftsnwe Utitl P4»«i Frwrai FrwraiMdl Mdl•iS.OO 'i5.00 Each Eacii With TH» 0>upon I L e n s e s C o n t a c ts"! A G E N T a n d 1 a u t o m o t i v e F O R D U S I N E S S U ) A N S , N O W F U T U R E . 'ChooM From S*l*c<*d Fiurm II M«lai Frami Addl'15.00 '15.00 Each M«lal Hunt w\ fcseh , 1 WKhTWsCwipon J F B u y L 9 r r p a k i t h e e q u i p m e n t o f T H E ^ l i a v e latest for all in o f n e e d s y o u r a n d o r e p r o u d _ i^Copyngtil 1989 John B. Sassaman 3 3 5 N. C e n t e r * N o r t h v U i e • 3 4 8 . 1 3 3 0 Contacts-Contacts QIasses-Qlasses 3 pair of G L A S S E S or 2pairofCOrrrACTS W e REDFORD 22401 Grand Rcver 531-0537 NORTHVILLE 19091 Northville Ro. 348-1233 V ' SINCE ieio be D O R R O N f / I N G M A K I N G M O N E Y IS A S N I C E S t o p W Ifyou need m o n e y to make y o u r b u s i n e s s grow, we want to help. N o w Security B a n k and Trust offers c u s t o m b u s i n e s s loans that are tailored to y o u r unique financial n e e d s . These s p e c i a l loans a r e made p o s s i b l e b e c a u s e of o u r a s s o c i a t i o n with the M i c h i g a n Strategic F u n d a n d the S m a l l B u s i n e s s Administration. Both of these government s u p p o r t e d p r o g r a m s are d e s i g n e d to give you the extra financial help y o u n e e d . We'll m a k e y o u f e e l like o u r m o s t i m p o r t a n t c u s t o m e r . T e r r l Andeirson-Berger BRING HOME THE ACTION! CALL YOUR CABLE COMPANY NOW! F a r m S e l k L i f e I n s u r a n c e . E a n d r e a d y i n v e n t H S e r v i c e E x t r a c o u r t e o u s t o s e r v e s e r v i c e . y o u . A V E c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e P E R F E C T E D E x t r a s ... ~ A t C o s t : . SHUTTLE S E R V I C E • PAGERS • 24 . COMPUTERIZED "Jit AVAILABLE H O U R D R O P B O X M A I N T E N A N C E T R A C K I N G To o r d e r live c o l l 1 To o r d e r r e p l a y : -800-379-WWFL 1 -800-379-WWFR C h a n n e l 20 in Livonia a n d O a l d a n d , C h a n n e l 37 in R e d f o r d BANK slate FariTi Life Insurance Connpany Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois quality W e ' r e d i d n ' t N o M AND TRUST S t a t e e C u s t o m e r S f C t R I T Y 348-1150 in t o d a y . . . W N o V l , MI 4 8 3 7 5 (313) c o n s i s t e n t A S ITa Our C o m m e r c i a l S e r v i c e s Department also Offers y o u a wide variety of p r o d u c t s i n c l u d i n g fixed rate equipment loans, lines of c r e d i t to meet daily b u s i n e s s e x p e n s e s o r a loan for construction of c o m m e r c i a l property. To find out more, stop in any One of our b r a n c h e s or call the number listed below. At S e c u r i t y B a n k a n d Trust, we're working h a r d to help y o u s u c c e e d . financial o u r e t r o V i s i o n . M O R E T H A N JUST T E L E V I S I O N A Security Bancorp Bank'" ( ni)2H1-'iS>') MomboiFDtC • Q U A L I T Y C O N T R O L TEST . C A L L W H E N W O R K DRIVE COMPLETED DAVIS AUTO CARE TIRECEHTER Y O U R C O M P L E T E A U T O SERVICE CENTER 807 D E H E N Y D R . • N O R T H V I L L E • Import & D o m e s t i c C a r & Light T r u c k R e p a i r s 3 4 9 - 5 1 1 5 -.»-,9.iie-w l-JO-'^ift 3- ,,\r,':'j":53c.-s *' "/-^'f^e'-fg < ^ B-fl'.lrK Sr..ct W-i> a'Njt y.,'CiP'.o-'-'^g'-'.!-'.'f -^c Jiffl-i-c^-'-'.u.D" u:'..:.'f: 6A—THE NOVI NEWS--Trrursday. January 15. 1992 .nlursday, Janijary 16, 1992-THE NOVI NEWS~7A D n a y a t s i o c n h a o o l l e h o n a o r n s r By S U Z A N N E H O L L Y E R Staff Writer ult's a l o t o f w o r k . Y o u WJien the budget Was cut for the Mlclilgan Department of Social SerVices last year, many feared daycare centers around the state Would go uflllcensed and unregulated. But one local center already Was Working o n a solution. N O V I C A G E R S W I T T H E B U Z Z E R N m a t e s l i s t e n i n g t o a p e p talk f r o m t h e c o a c h b e f o r e t h e v i c t o r i o u s g a m e with Howell Friday this." Andrea Lenzl Director B u t the Little Hornbook D a y School has more tllanjust the neces­ sary state licensing. The school re­ cently Was among the first centers to receive national accreditation from the National Academy ofEarly Child­ hood lYograms. J a s o n W a l k e r , left c e n t e r , a n d M i k e K r a m e r , r i g h t c e n t e r , s i t w i t h t h e i r t e a m ­ A kind ofbare y o u r soul for rents and staff members were asked to clitlque the program. A n d program directors completed a self study. "Ifs a lot of Work. Y o u kind of bare your soul for this," L,enzl said. Michigan licenses ahiout 3.000 daycare centers, according to the De­ partment of Social Services. Abiout 4 5 of those centers are accredited. UttJc Hombrook is the only accredited center i n Novl. T h e program requires daycare centers to exceed state licensing requirements. night For example, the state requires daycare centers to have one teacher for every ten children. Little Horn­ book has one teacher for every seven children and one teacher for every four babies, The national accreditation academy h a s been licensing since 1985. It has llceilsed 1.824 centers. Daycare centers and preschools are required to renew their accreditation after three years. T h e national accreditation stan­ dards also require lhat centers have exemplary h e a l t h a n d safety programs. Daycare centers do not need to have preschool programs to become accredited. "But We do. a n d it's very gocxi," said director Karen Dron. Little Hornbook administrators decided to seek accreditation be­ cause many ofthe requirements Were met by their existing program. Pholo by BRYAN MITCHELL H e l e n T e w k e s b u r y , t e a c h e r at the n a t i o n a l l y h o n o r e d Little H o r n b o o k s c h o o l , r e a d s t o 1- a n d 2 - y e a r - o l d s OVER Some proposals to c u t the state budget In 1991 would have affected licensing, said Department of Social Services Director of C h i l d Welfare Robert Bee. The state Is 11o longer considering cuts i n licensing. Bee said. B u t l f licensing services fall victim to 1992 budget cutting. Little Hornbook staf­ fers are prepared. "NoW parents don't have to W o n y about us." Lenzl said. For more information about Little Hornbook, call Lenzl or D r o n at 348-2780. "It Was Just the paperwork," said director Andrea I^nzl. But the accreditation process still took atiout a year to complete. F a ­ 150 STYLES AND STAINS t o CHOOSE FROM H A G G E R T Y Ministers Novi Association A L U M B E K I T C H E N F O R R ON S A L E T H R U P r a y e r B r e a k f a s t E A S K W e d n e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 2 n d , 1992 E R Y B U P 6 E T 19th U S ! Miekifitfi U r g t H 7:30 a.jR. at t h e N o V l C i v i c C e n t e r V JAN Uffkt of QaalHif Umber and B B l W b j J a ^ ^ Special Guest Speaker: vvs ton*™ yoire 0 e«pefienco with an ongorg Wann i g (xogram lo oiler you a lop qu««y sales SUI. ready lo answe. arv anr] al quesBons on (»0)ects Iwgc Of smal Ask UsI The Reverend Harry T. Cook "Possibilities Mike Kramer is m o b b e d by teammates i n t h e l o c k e r r o o m after h e hit t h e g a m e - w i n n i n g , b u z z e r - b e a t e r basket to m a k e the s c o r e 67-66 Unity for in a Communily '^^^^ComparTand tecognlze qualily when you're buying lumb«r and INSIST on II IS wfi do. Our lumber is selected to exacting standards to give you QUALITY at value prices, Effective under Seige" Bring your itilchen dimenjions wall to wall, floor to coiling Including window openings lo our expert and we'll create a plan lhat (its your lifostylo . . . FREEI C o s t $10.00 For m o r e L t i f o m l a H o n c a l l 349-5666 Kn» PSMUEerS J Bf^r)g in your bkmpnnts and wei'll gladly supply you with an estimate for your pfo)«l, whether it's big or smajl Y O U R E A L L Y HOW SO C A R E Y O U LOOK. D OW E . It's important to loot< your best at all limes. We've dedicatet) over 50 years lo fielping folios do just ifiat. We provide fasi, dependable full service cleaning & pressing, and weare sure you m\\ agree—our fine quality workmanship proves tfiat experience counts. U « your Erb Ciedil Card. MaslofCard. VISA, Discover Card, or Select Card (or pufchtses. Home lif«tKing lor new homes and Home Improvement Loans available for major remodeling Ws have it all. All the materials. All Itie financing. All In one store. - .ASK US ' i S r e y O l ' K I T C H E N C A B I N E T S % ^ 0 % O F F ™ / YOUII lit «rii ' CMDITCAUD PUNCHASC 0'<«.l..M..,.IKI3.,..cK.).0'l»t.-. S..I.o..r..D...-, mtnWnl. thiely delvery b •vtithla to your job s«e or dome projeci ASK US lor d«l«h. f A/lid C o n t i n e n t "CANTERBURY" O F F MFG. LIST PRICE • Prices Shown Reflecl Discounl ALL PRICES SHOWN ARE BASED ON OUR 9 PIECE PULLMAN 8' KITCHEN LAYOUT "CANTERBURY" OVER "HANOVER" "HAMPTON COURT" "SEVILLE" CABINETS "TUDOR" CABINETS 9 8 1 0 5 MIr's List Price >2803 • Classical style • Oak doors & frames • Washable finished inieriors 1 4 6 5 2 0 MIr's List Price '3663 • white • One piece door • Concealed hinges 9 0 4 8 0 Ulr's List Price '2262 • European design • Solid oak finger pulls Mir s Lrsi Price*2078 • Beveled edges • Oal( doors i, drawers > Available in four slains 8 3 1 s DRY CLEANING SPECIALISTS 112 E. Main . V Mike Kramer defender drives toward the basket around • a Howell F o r m o r e details o n the ganne, s e e the story o n p a g e 7 B . P h o t o g r a p h y b y NORTHVILLE 349-0777 Pre-Arranging a Funeral? F o r y o u r f a m i l y ' s sake, m a k e c e r t a i n to u s e a p r o f e s s i o n a l f u n e r a l director a n d a licensed funeral home. O u r p r e - n e e d p r o g r a m s include no--cost pre-arrangement, f u n e r a l i n s u r a n c e ancJ several pre-payment plans. B r y a n MWche I O ' B R I E R C h a p e l Ted C. Sullivan Funeral Homes 41555 Grand River Avenue. Hovi (formcrlx on W. McNichnis Kd.l Novi 348-1800 W E W A N T T O GIVE Y O U CREDIT W A L L E D L A K E 6 2 4 - 4 S 5 1 , .X. me • TC'ja xiKC ft»i J a s o n W a l k e r w e a r s t h e l o o k of d e t e r m i n e d N o v i ' s B r i a n C s o r d a s , l e f t , a n d J a s o n W a l k e r , right, h a d t o b a t t l e H o w e l l o n t h e b o a r d s a l l n i g h t long m victory on his face a s h ewalks from t h e court G e t at g a m e ' s e n d S a f e D e t a i l s o n P r e ^ W e e d O i i r S i m p l e ^ P r o g r a m s {'Bra S T O R E H O U R S 2055 Haggerty R d . (North of 15 Mile Rd.) FAX: (313) 624-6819 PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU J A N . 19. 1992. ALL RETAIL PRICES ARE CASH. CHECK OH CREDIT CARD ONLV DELIVERY AVAILABLE! Some of our advertised items may be in limited supply Illustrations may not show exact produci MONDAY - WEDNESDAY: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p m THURSDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 a m - 8:00 p m SATURDAY: 7:00 a m - 5 00 p m SUNDAY: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p m. 2 0 , Thursday, January 16, 1992--THE NOVI NEWS--9A 8A--THE NOVI NEWS-Thureda/, January 16. 1092 W S n o w s t o r m h i t i o v i r e s i d e n t e s moval agencies in the area had agreed to nol plow the expres.?ways, roads, incluciini; sulxllvisionsirfcls. John Jofy of the Oakland County would h.ive at Icist iv.0 lanes cleared Road Commission said that was not by the end ofthe t-venmfi. As of 5 p.m. true. Occasionally, the stale police Tuesday, Nfivl DlAVcrew.s had hit all uill ask the roatl commission not to l i x a l priIii.ii^' at le.'ist once and plow, based on the idea that some had worked their way lllroiij;!) three- snow on the roads will provide more ()i.iartersofthe city'ssulxlivlslons. He traction for drivers than the glare ice predicted all sutxlivlsioii streets on the r a i d surface !)clow, would 1>- cleared lo the m r b by the Uut Joy said that if stale police end of Wednesday, wanted tliat procedure used. Word The .N'orthvllle p<ist ofthe .Mlrhl);an did nol get to the ro;id commission State I'ollce had nol tounlerl the and the standaid practice of plowing number of accidents that rnxruned and salting was used on expressways on Irlterslales 9G, 27.') and 69G by from the teginning of the storm ab­ Tucsd.iy evening, but Sfjt, M,invl',itout midniglit. lon said th.ii niunlxT would Ix- hifjh. The stornl also affected local schools. All Novl Community School "We've /jol a ton of atcldenis and District buildings were closed Tues­ fender Ix-nders," I'allon s.ikl. day. Comniunity educaUon and exA spokeijian for Ihe Oakland Cou.nly Road Coinnussion said there inicurricular actlvltes scheduled lo Ix- held in ,sch(K)l buildings were w,1s at le.isl one l.iri.;*' ftiiiltipU- car cancelled. and truck accidei.I wliich closed the mrnp l.-om 1 275 to 196. Several Novi police reported two propelly trucks uere also stuck in the snow on damage and one minor personal in- T r u c k s s t u c k i n t h e s n o w t i e d u p e x p r e s s w a y r a m p s a r o u n d other ramps, ohstriictlnj^ traffic Jury accident in connection with the there. stonn, but few details alxiut the inci­ A minor personal injury accident bad as it coilld have been, No fatalities or .senotis Injuries dents were a v a i l a b l e T u e s d a y occurred shortly before 2 p.m, on "Speeds are greatly redui^ed. so Twelve Mile near Haggerty Road, he were reported, bul slate troopers evening. the risk of Injury is reduced—but It's Lt. Al Jiiismussen said the first of said. were all day Tuesd.iy arran^ilnft still treacherous," Shaeffer said. accidents There were also a couple ofnonlo have abandoned vehicles towed o i l the property damage "We've been fortunate hwcause so occurred shortly before I a.m. on trafflc accidents In parking lots, Ihc e.icpressways, Pat ton said. many people stayed at home. The Twelve M i l e near the r a i l r o a d though that's not unusual even on Anyone who lefl a car or truck in a Iraillc Isn't very heavy," Rasmussen crossing. normal d.ays," Rasmussen added. traffic lane on the expressw.ay should said. The second occurred along Ten "And we had about 23 incidents ofascontact the slate police at 380-1020 Shaeffer added that even Novl po­ Mile at 1:03 a.m. Lenaghan said tl'ie slsting disabled motorists." to (Ind ou! where to pick up their veh­ lice found the roads dllllcult to navi­ accident had been called in as an InNovl Police Chief Doug ShaelTer icles. Any vehicles left by their own­ gate Tuesday morning. ers in a ditch on the expressway were Jury accident, but by the time pollce described some Novi roadways as "li^rly this momlngwe had several and rlre personnel arrived, the driver "exceptionally clogged." left there, at least throuflh Tuesday patrol cars getting stuck l n the was gone. The car was found upside niftht. I'atton said. "I went out and Inspected those snow." down in a swamp near the Higliland areas myself," he said. T h e access A n e.xpected additional snow Novl DPW put Workers on the road Hills subdivision. The car had appa- ramps at Novi Road and 1-96 are all stornl, predicted as likely to brlnft to clear the snow beginning with the rendy gone througil a guardrail be­ clogged. Tllafs been inoslly caused another Iwo inches, had not fnalerstart of the storm Tuesday momirlg. fore rolllllg over into the swamp. by heavy tmcks getting stuck and lahzcd as of Wednesday, llut if cars By mid-day, the department had 15 left on the expressway get coverccl by workers clearing roads, Jerome sald. Although the driver was not With Jack-knillrig," additional snow, they might be In the Shaeffer and I ^ s m u s s e n both the car, lenaghan said the swamp Is Joy said the coianty road commis­ ditch for a few days. J'atton said. too shallow for the driver to have said the severe conditions have actu­ sion put 350 men and Women on the Although Pattonsald that snow re­ drowned. ally kept the situation from being as road Tuesday and tl1reW "ai1ytJ1lng O F "Kids have to know there is a stllT sentence for using dmgs. We need to teach our kids that crimes are pun­ ished. Ifkids can learn anything from this, they need to know that they can'l lake it upon themselves lo drink, smoke and drive." she said. Hanania and her neighbor Tricia Sorensen both appealed lo school board members to write letters lo Judge Francis .X. O'Brien asking hlln to consider Ihe maximum sentence — which is two years for the misde­ meanor — for both vicUms. "1 want to be able to look my kids in Iheeye and say thatjustlce was done. 1 wasn't happy with the justice and the way the system was working." said Sorensen. "Whal's left is to ap­ peal toyou tohelpus get a sliffersen­ tence and show soiilething to our kids and prove something to our kids," she said. Empathy was the only thing the board could offer as a governing en­ tity according to Its attomey. School Board President J e a n Hailsen said after consultingwlth tlie district's attomey. the board could not collectively author a letter on be­ half ofHananla, bul could Write indi­ vidual letters as conce1-ned citizens. "It's beyond our Jurisdiction as a board to try to sway another branch of government to change a ruling. Our hearts go out toyou. It's a difilcull tl11ng to understand and a lenrlble tragedy." Hansen said. w q u e s t s s Continued from Pa^c i CITY o s r N d NOVI CITY N O T I C E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tlie Planning Commmission lor the City ol Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, Januafy 22,1992 at 7:30 P.M. in the Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Rd,, Novi, Ml to consider RED ROBIN RESTAUR­ ANT, Lot 3 ol Town Center Subdivision, part of southwest'/. of section 14, fof possi­ ble Pfoliminary Site Plan Approval. All interested persons are invited to attend. Verbal comments will be heard at the hearing and any written comments may bo sent to the Department ol Community De­ velopment, 45175 W. Ten Mile Rd., Novi, Ml 48375until500 P.M. Wednesday, Janu­ ary 22, 1992. NOVI PLANNING COMMISSION TIM GILBERG, SECRETARY (i-16-92 NR, NN) STACIA DeNOYER, PLANNING CLERK O F u p o r t By S H A R O N O O N D R O N Staff Writef The Widow of a Novl man killed June 5 With his brother-in-law WhiJe jogging along E i g h t Mile Road pleaded for support from the North­ vllle School Board Monday night in obtaining the maximum sentence permitted for the convicted driver. Sentencing for Kenneth Loveday. 20, the driver of the Jeep Wrangler that struck and killed YusufHanania and Albert Abdelnour. Is scheduled for J a n . 22. Between now and then Angela Ha­ nania Intends to build a case for the maximum sentence to 111 the negli­ gent homicide verdict that an Oak­ land County Circuit Court Jury re­ ndered J a n . 9. T m trying to change the message that Was sent out. What the verdict says is that kids can drink alid get high and they won't get a stUT sen­ tence." she told a sympathetic school board. Photo by BRYAN MITCHELL the 1-96/275 i n t e r c h a n g e T u e s d a y m o r n i n g that Would cany a plow, from graders lo pick up trucks." Into the battle. Road commission employees Were worlthTg l6-hour shlAs, With fivehour breaks. He projected all county roads and road shoulders Wou1d be cleared liack by the end of the day Thursday. (Novl News staff writers Suzanne Hollyer, Cristina Ferrier and Michael Mabtt contributed to this report) B e n e f i t t o v i c t i m CITY N O T I C E O F NOVI O F O R D I N A N C E 92-1.09 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Novi City Council has adopted Ofcjinanc» 92-1.09, An Ordinance to amend Subsection 30-17(b) of the Novi Code of Ordinances to modify the regulations fof the aeation of Spedal Assessment Districts. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become effectivefifteen(15) days after adoption. The Ordinance was adopted on Januafy 13,1992, and ihe effective date is January 28,1992. A connplete copy of the Ordinance is available fof public use and in­ spection at the office of the C i ^ Clefk. GERALDINE STIPP, (1-16-92 NR, NN) CITY CLERK N O T I C E O F O F o f l o c a l c e r e b r a l p a l s y al the benefit. Including Jimmle James. "Cold Hands. Cold Heart;" Sue Couch arid Dana Whitehead Stardom & Assoc,; and finalists from a talent search in Flint. The beneflt Is open to the public. For more InformaUon contact John H a n s e n or C u r l D o m b e y at 349-2479. c h o o l s By SUZANNE HOLLYER Staff Writer Novi Community Schools Will spend over $4,000 on an accounting manual arid a computer security study. The school board approved the ex­ penditure at its Jan. 9 meeting. Board 'Vice President Robert Schram said the study and manual are long overdue, "We've been looking at this for two maybe three years, and I'm glad It fi­ nally came about," Schram said. T e e n p a r b u y s e The Plymouth-based firm will charge the school dislrict $50 arl hour for an estimated 36 hours to s t u d y the d i s t r i c t ' s cornputer security. Their flrst step will be lo Install in the computers a tool used lo print a report listing computer users and their authority levels, Novi schools will receive a report describing the n By TIM RICHARD Stall Writer Michigan's S l , 2 million investment in educat­ ing pregnant teens and teen piarents has a poor payoff, according lo a new state study. The 104 stale-funded programs have higher dropout rates than the state average. "Overone-haffof former students were reported to be on public assistance. Ofthe rest, one-third work orlly part time." said the Department ofEducalion report. The report got no coverage because the State Board of Education approved it the same day II hired Robert SchillerofDelaware as slate superin­ tendent of public Instnlctlon. "When Teens Become Parents and Providers" is on Its way lo stale legislators and local school districts. Among the programs surveyed by the state staff were; • Oakland County ~ H u r o n Valley (Milford area) AJlernalive High School. Walled U k e Teen Mothers Program. • Livingston County — Hartland Community t p r o g u r i t y s condition of its computer securily. Comirionwcalth also will make rccominendations on how to Improve the system wllhotil "making it burdensoine lo maintain and adinlllisler," according lo the proilosal. District accountaiUs will receive an estimated S2,800 lo prepare an accounting procedures manual for district employees. The accouilting linn of Doeren Mayhew & Co. will interview each member of the district's accoutlling depailnieilt oilhisorherjobi-esponsibilties. The list of resixinsibilties Commonwealth Data Communi­ cations Inc. Will audit the securily systems used by the school (district on its computers and software. e c r a m s c Educalioil, Howell Communily Education. • Washtenaw County — Whibnore Lake Public Schools. one stunning conclusion was thai 81 percent of local stafi's said they coiild recognize "at risk" girls long before they Ijecaine pregnant. How? Half cited "provocative behaviors and dress" such as 'seeldllg allcntlon fi'om illale teachers through touching, hugging and keeping close physical proximity, . , excessive attention to appearance," Haff also cited "dysfunctional family backgi'ounds" — the girls came from single-parent fam­ ilies wilh unstable adult male relationships and abuse. The situation is worsening, it said, because the second generation of teen parents has even worse prospects than their single mothers of the 1960s. The study asked local districts to "give high priority to pregnancy prevention as a part of local dropout prevention programs." They were asked lo require annual reports on these programs, the same as for other academic programs under Public Act 25. "Local school districts should assure that the o r t u d y will be reviewed with dislrict depart­ ment heads. Finally, an accounting procedures mallual will be provided to tlle distiict using the lisl of responslbilUes gathered from district staffers. Doeren Mayhew bid o n the com­ puter security study, but the ac(^ountiilg Ann's bid was for $8,800, well over the accepted bid of$1.800. The manual should be available In lour to s U weeks, depending on the avallablillty of school district staff, according lo Doeren Mayhew's proposal. e s l o w academic program for pregnant and parei1tlng teens is coillparable lo that provided for other sludeills," the slate recommended. Lawmakers were asked lo pro\1de funds for the two-thirds of pregnant teens and teen parents not enrolled In programs, along with funds for better evaltialioils of the programs. fhe study was conducted by the Department of E(lucaUon's office for sex equity staff. Wl11ch re­ ceived a 98 percent return rate on a lengthy survey and visited several sites. Some 4,000 teens attend the alternative programs, w i l l l "Utile Interaction" With other high school students. The pregnant teens and teen parents — the lat­ ter Includes some boys — lake academic courses, a few unspecified vocational courses a n d lots of "life skills" — parenting, declsion-making. Inter­ personal skills, nutrition, self-esteem, budgeting, job hunting, sex education and household management. Sla te observers saw few science labs, computer labs, eleclives or accelerated classes i n the programs. J a n u a r y M CITY s u p p o r t The Northvllle Eagles plan a fund­ raiser tomorrow night to benefit a 6-year-old victim of cerebral palsy. Eagles Aerie 2504 hopes lo raise money to help buy lifts and tie downs for transporting a wheelchafr for Dana Noonan. who has suffered from cerebral palsy since age 3, Several entertainers are expected A D O P T I O N NOVI N O T I C E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commmission for the City of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, Januaiy 22,1992 at 7:30 P.M. in the Novl Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Rd., Novi, Ml to consider LONE TREE SUBDIVISION, north of Ten Mile Road between Meadowbrook and Haggerty Roads for possible REVISED TENTATIVE PREUMINARY P U T APPROVAL All interested persons are invited to attend. Verbal comments will be heard at the hearing and any written comments may be sent to the Department ol Community De­ velopment, 45175 W, Ten Mile Rd,, Novi, Ml 48375until5:00 P,M, Wednesday, Janu­ ary 22, 1992. NOVI PLANNING COMMISSION TIM GILBERG, SECRETARY (1-16-92 NR, NN) STACIA DeNOYER, PLANNING CLERK p S r . T Michlsan's NOVI Selection • A D O P T I O N i l e K Larsest A R month A O K E (Tues. thru Sat.) Do-lt-Yourself Headquarters O R D I N A N C E N O . 92-37.12 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Novi City Council has adopted Ordinance No. 92-37.12, an Ofdinance to add subdivision Vil to Division 4 of Afti<;le II of Chapter 34 of the Novi Code of Ofdinances, to provkJe a Debt Service Chafgo for Users of the Novi Road Water Main Afm. The pfoviskins of this Ordinance shall become effective fifteen (15) days after Its adoption. The Ofdinance was adopted on January 13,1992, and the effective date is Januafy 28,1992. A copy of the Ofdinance is available for public use and inspection at the offica of the City Clerk. GERALDINE STIPP, (1-16-92 NR. NN) CITY CLERK M 'A O F t l o L A N R E D S 6 8 5 - 8 7 4 5 N O R T H V I L L E H i g h V CITY I A School R S I T Y E T S NOVI NOTICE^ O F Glazed A D O P T I O N O R D I N A N C E 92-125.06 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Novi Oily Council has adopted Ofdinance 92-125.06, an Ofdinance to amend subparts 12-173(e) (1) and 37-30(e) (1) of the Novi Code of Ofdinances, andtoaddsubpart3.01-A4 (h) TOOrdinance No. 77-45, as amended, the City ol Novi Subdivision Ordinance, to require the establishment of Wetland Easements and Woodland Easements as conditions to granting ol Wetiand Permits and Woodland Permits. The provisions of this Ofdinance shall become elfective fifteen (15) days after adoption. The Ofdinance was adopted on January 13,1992, and the effective date is January 28,1992. A complete copy of the Ordinance is available for public use and in­ spection at the office of the City Clerk. GERALDINE STIPP, (1-16-92 NR, NN) CITY CLERK 8"x8" Q u a r r y from 4 J T i l e 7 j r n s t K here P E R R I N S ^ r C availdble each ^ A o n 153 E. M a i n NorthviUe 348-8260 g 2 c o l o r s , Ve" c o m m e r c i a l Vinyl " 7 Q 0 Tile / ^ Hartco or each Bruce Tongue & groove, wax & urethane finish M CITY N O T I C E O F O F NOVI E N A C T M E N T O R D I N A N C E 91-18.105 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Novi City Council has adopted Ofdinance No. 92-18.105, An Ordinance to amend Section 2907 of Ordinance No. 84-18, as amended, tiie City of Novi Zoning Ordinance, to revise the regulations pertaining to porches and decks. A public Hearing having been held hereon pursuant to the provisions of Section 4 of Act 207, of ttie Public Acts of 1921, as amended, ttie provisions oftillsOfdinance become effective fifteen (15) days after adoption. The Ordinance was adopted on Ja­ nuafy 13,1992, andttieeffective date is Januafy 28,1992. A complete copy of the Or­ dinance is available for public purchase, usb and inspection at ttie office of ttie City Clerk during ttie hours of 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Local Time. GERALDINE STIPP, (1-16-92 NR, NN) CITY CLERK P a r q u e t '"""$1491 BL62 lag.II. I C e r a m i c W a l l H O I U T S C C H Y ' S T i l e O p e n 11 A . M . 4 colors, 4 W Businessmen's Lunches ^ ^ 0 each DINNERS/rom^7®^ For Kitchen/Bath 1/2", M a d e in U . S . A . Q u a r r y i | Q 0 6"x6" C a m e l Color A r m s t r o n g , Tarkett, Congoleum, Mannington CITY O F NOVI NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENttiatthe Planning Commmission forttieCity of Novi will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, Januafy 22,1992 at 7:30 P.M. in ttie Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. Ten Mile Rd., Novi, Ml to consider COUNTRY VIEW SUBDIVISION. Grand River between Haggerty and Meadowbrook Roads, for possible PREUMINARY P U T APPROVAL All interested persons are invited to attend. Verbal comments will be heard at ttie hearing and any written comments may be sent tottieDepartment of Community De­ velopment, 45175 W. Ten Mile Rd„ Novi, Ml 48375 until 5.00 P.M. Wednesday, Janu­ afy 22, 1992. NOVI PUNNING COMMISSION TIM GILBERG. SECRETARY (1-16-92 NR. NN) STACIA DeNOYER, PUNNING CLERK COCKT.AIL L i n o l e u m from $ 3 9 9 price... T l l e N o v ! C o * H M O i s t o o M g t o l i s t e n t o o n e p e r s o n . I s n ' t CITY I t ? O F NOW APPEARING... 3 4 8 - 8 8 5 0 B e h i n d D e n n y ' s at 1 2 M o n - F r i 9-9 Sat Oaks 9-5 255-0075 n ^-^O- THE S H O W C A S E M E N NOW B O O i a N G B A N Q U E T S (Small or Largtl RESERVE NOW I^R BOWUNO BANQUETS Redford 9300 Telesraph A H O U R P.M. DaUy Cocktail H o u r 4 P.M.-Closing ^: Getyour best then call: M r * 4-7 285PQ Schbolcraft (Opposite.Ladi^roke, DRC); LIVONIA • 425-5520 .AMPLE LIGHTED PARKING: DAILY Vi :00a;m. NOVI N O T I C E A t M - C A R E , w h e n our m e m b e r s talk o f f e r i n g a n M - C A R E wellness c l u b the tors i n y o u r n e i g h b o r h o o d . O u r list o f w e n o t o n l y listen. W e act. B e c a u s e whole f a n l i l y can enjoy. p r i m a r y c a r e p h y s i c i a n s is larger than n o b o d y takes care o f y o u l i k e M - C A R E . W e ' r e a d d i n g m a n y m o r e d o c t o r s to S o c h o o s e the H M O that listens. M - C A R E . T h e only H M O sponsored by ever. A n d still g r o w i n g . M - C A R E . T h e H M O that's d e d i c a t e d o u r provider network. B e c a u s e y o u the U n i v e r s i t y o f M i c h i g a n M e d i c a l to t r e a t i n g y o u w e l l w h i l e k e e p i n g a s k e d us to. C e n t e r . A n d a c c e p t e d at leading h o s p i ­ you well. tals t h r o u g h o u t W e s t e m A n d we're sending M e m b e r A d v o c a t e s o u t i n t o the c o m m u n i t y to p r o v i d e the s p e c i a l services y o u s o m e ­ t i m e s need. M o r e o v e r , b e c a u s e y o u a s k e d us for s a f e , a t - h o m e diet a n d e x e r c i s e p r o ­ g r a m s , d u r i n g the c o m i n g y e a r w e ' l l be Wayne, O a k l a n d , M a c o m b , Livingston and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ttiat ttie Novi City Council at a regular Council meeting held Januafy 13,1992, detsnninedttiatttieCity of Novi could make available certain city properties to bo consWered as alternate sitetorttiepurposes of constructIng ttie proposed 52nd Dislrict Court. Any Contractor, builder or devek>per presentty on ttie Oakland County Court House bid list is invited to explore ttiese alternative sites for potential location of ttie subject project. Please contact Mf. James Wahl, Community Development Director, or Mike Csapo, Staff Planner, if you are interested in discussing city property ttiat might be available fof locatingttieproposed 52nd District Court. The Community Development Department can be reached at (313) 347-0475. GERALDINE STIPP, (1-16 & 1-20-92 NR, NN) CITY CLERK H o w c a n a m u l t i p l e car m i n i m i z e insurance N o p r o b l e m . family costs? Auto-Owners gives families with two or more cars a reduced insurance rate. That makes their exceptional auto coverage and claims service even more attractive. So if you're a multiple car family trying to minimize insurance c o s t s - c a l l your "no problem" Auto-OWners agent and find out how this discount can be "no problem" for you. e ^ 1^ W a s h t e n a w counties. m If y o u h a v e any q u e s t i o n s o r c o n ­ For Quick c e r n s , w e ' d l i k e to h e a r f r o m y o u . P l e a s e c a l l us today at 747-8700. Results C a l l Frank Hand A n d c a l l f o r the n a m e s o f new d o c ­ G R E E N S H E E T t3i3J C L A S S I F I E D 3 4 8 - 3 0 2 2 Insurance Agency FRANK HAND PACKAGE SHIPPING and S.V)3() i:ij;hl .Mile Rcl. Farmingion • f""H-l I"' 5e»!^^386^io FAX services available! The quality you'd expect,* at at Iclower prices than you'd expect. **pck-ijpp • price/delivefy additional Sale ends January 29,1992. Thursday, Januaiy 16, 1992—THE NOVI NEWS—11A the N E NOVI W i n i o n s S 104 W. Mam Slreol Northville, Michigan 48167 (313) 349 1700 A s W e S e e I P u r l s L s rriifttll a r g u e that No\i'.s s i g n sign.s i n sliop{)ing c e n t e r s a n d i n d u s t r i a l o r d i n a n c e i.s u n c o n s t J l u t i o n a l — a v i o l a - (()i;){)lc.\es. a n d Ihe a d d i t i o n o f s i g n a g e tioll o f t h e First A l l l c n d n l c n t . Thle C i t y o f lor iN'fA'i ha.s a legal i-ij^ht to rcgl11atc u l i c n tile i l a m e o f t h e b u s i n e s s Is diffe- the ".sirlicturcs" put u p w i t h i n the d t y , b u t ilol n e c e s s a r i l y the s y i n b o i s p l a c e d What's 1iew alx)ut rVesldenl Bush's trip to J a p a n Is thai he was accompanied b y the lead­ ership ofthe U . S . a u l o Indus­ tiy. As Chrysler's Lec lacocca said last p'rlday, '"llie C o l d W a r Is over. ITie .Soviet threat is gone. Now we c a n start taking care of business, like J a p a n has tieen doing for the last 4 5 years." major rcni tenants Irom the i n office What a m a z e s me Is how a series o f presidents tolerated the progix'ssive, wholesale liq­ uidation of o u r nation's lf1d u s l r i a l base. Steel. Electronics. Now autos. buildings building n a m e . on Nov,', [lie b a s i s of t h e s e r e q u e s t s i s those .struclure.s. We In Michigan k n o w the n u m b e r s all too well. Since 1981 Ihe Japanese have opened seven new transplant auto plants, the Big T h r e e have closed nine plants, a n d the auto trade dellclt has gone from $14 blUlon to $ 3 0 billion. Every new Job created by Japanese auto lnveslnlent i n •America has cost two old ones. Tlie cumulative $ 3 0 0 bllllon-plus auto trade deficit has cost our natloiI soine se­ ven nallllon Jobs. lhat c u s t o m e r s are h a v i n g a h a r d t i m e S o a p u r i s t m i g h t s a y that w l i i l e t h e .Novl City Council size can and determine the constmction flriding the bu.slncsscs they want to patronize. of It is s o i n e l i l n e s f l e e s l a n d i n g s i g n s , b e c a u s e they w o u l d d l f l i c u l t to get a count as separate structures, they can't r e a d i n g on h o w the c o u n c i l i s l i k e l y to d e ­ r e g u l a t e , say, a sign p l a c e d o n the s i d e o f cide o n s u c h p r o p o s a l s , b u t s o m e m e m - b u i l d i n g . W o u l d not the I'ules c u r t a i l i n g bcr,s were c l e a r l y positive a b o u t the r e ­ u p al t h e Novi C i l y C o u n c i l m e e t i n g M o n ­ f i n d i n g the b u s i n e s s they a r e g o i n g to. d a y , a s l d n g for q u i c k a c t i o n o n a set o f T h e y d r i v e right b y it, m i s s i n g the s i g n A s I u n d e r s t a n d It. there are two possible ideological o r political Justifications. First argument; A m e r i c a n consumers are better off w i l h unrestricted International trade because overall they c a n b u y better products at lower prices. T r u e enough. But is m y personal short-term g a i n in be­ i n g able to b u y a slightly IJetter car at a little lower price worth Jeopardizing the long-term health of our nation's econojny? I don't t h i n k It Is. A n d that's why 1 get cross when some politicians teU me that the entire point o f p u b l l c jxilicy is to m a k e A m e r i c a n consumers better off. amendments to erected u n d e r the c u r r e n t rules. T h e y That's not public policy. Tliat's p a n d e r i n g to avarice, nanee. expressed s u c h s i g n s , since the b u i l d i n g i t s e l f is a l ­ quest ready a p p i o v e d by t h e city, be a v i o l a t i o n [•esclTations. of pi'otcclions of fl-ee while al least one expressed exjjresslon? W c haj)pen to t h l i l k t h e r e Is s o m e But the Novi C h a m b e r of Corn- nieree is c e r t a i n l y n o t g o i n g that far. A b ­ real Icgilliilacy to the r e q u e s t f r o m b u ­ sinesses. We've h e a r d t h e complaint, alld n u m e r o u s l i m e s , f r o m n e w c o m e r s to t h e representatives o f t h e C h a m b e r s h o w e d c o m l n u r l i i y that they have a h a r d time out 20 b u s i n e s s m e n a n d w o m e n Tlley the city's sign some ordi- Impati­ end up having ence, s i n c e they h a v e b e e n w o r k i n g w i t h search. c i l y officials for s o m e t i m e to draft, a s e l of directions. lo Sometimes turn around resent a compromise beiween the city they need to O Novi DARE offers its appreciation A THURSDAY January 16, T o the editor: 1992 O n behalf of over 4 0 0 young­ sters Who will be instructed in D r u g A b u s e Resistance E d u c a t i o n (DARE) classes in Novl this year, I w o u l d like to extend my sincere ap­ preciation to M r . T o m M a r c u s and the entire H a r m o n - M a r c u s Glass oiTganizaUon for hosting a VIN etch ing p r o g i a m at their facility on Dec. 20. A l t h o u g h the service was free, donations were accepted for D A R E , a n d over $100 was raised for the program. H a r m o n - M a r c u s glass donated the materials a n d time, not to m e n U o n the facilities neces­ s a i y for tlie etching program to succeed. from the c o m m u n i i y all t h a t m u c h . W e c a n ' t I m a ­ gine that Chamber the requests would really made iliaking tlie satislactloll of personal grt^ed our nation's priniaiy objeclivc. Secoild argument: If we restrict international trade, we'll be protectionists, a n d It was protectionism that setoff the Great Depression. "lYotectionist" has l>ecoine a favorite epithet of the '90s, replacing "liljeral," " c o m i n u n i s f a n d "isolationist." Already A m e r i c a n is protectionist. .As T o m B r a y pointed out in l a s t S u n d a / s DetroitNews. we "absolutelyprevent" the export of r a w tifnber a n d petroleum to J a p a n —• two goods which b y themselves c o u l d wipe out nearly the en­ tire trade deficit. D A R E teaches sixth grade stu­ dents how to say "no" to peer pres­ s u r e a n d to resist the temptations to use drugs. Including alcohol. T h e program is enhanced by the usage of shirts a n d hats with the D A R E logo, to remind students of t h e i r c o m m i t m e n t . A l l monies raised for the program are used for these enhanced items. But lacocca was right: "We trade with .nbout 200 c o u n ­ tries all over the world, b u t two-lliirds of ou r dellcil is wilh one single nation — J a p a n , " l^drcsslng the imbalance is not "protectionist." Ifs c o m m o n sense. Although B u s h didn't intend it. Michigan has become the logical and inevitable stage for the issue lo be played out in the sweep of A i n c i l c a n politics. Michigan's presidential p r i m a r y is March 17. There's plenty of time to see what P a l B u c h a n a n says about "Arrierica First" in Flint. A n d I'd like to see what T o m H a r k i n or Bill C l i n t o n propose lo a b u n c h of Jobless U A W members. Oflicer B o b G a l l Novi Police D A R E G u i l t y B u s h m a y o r m a y not have moved fast enough to rectify two decades of governmental neglect of o u r national eco­ nomic Interests. B u t I wonder whether the M i c h i g a n p r i m a t y won't see a n g i y auto executives sitting o n their checktxxiks while a lot of worried white- a n d blue-collar workers vote their hearts. by the diminish the j u s t s o m e l o o s e n i n g of the r u l e s . T h e y q u a l i t y of life h e r e , o r the a e s t h e t i c s of are a s k i n g for a n I n c r e a s e In the size of the c o m m u n i t y . y B r y a n M i t c h e i n n o c e n t T o the editor G u i l t y until proven innocent. . . a new interpretation of the Bill of Rights by the NoVl Arts Council. S o m e members ofthe arts coun­ cil have unllateralfy advised Mr. C r a i g S t r a i n that his m u s i c a l g r o u p , "Encore," was welcome to perform at the council's "Ciystal G a l a * dance scheduled for J a n . 18. onfy if he would not appear with them. Especially when the Boston Globe reported last Satur­ day that about two-thirds ofthe cars a n d t r u c k s parked at the White House are foreign - - mostly Japanese. Phil Power is chairman o f the company lhat owns this newspaper. His award-winning column appears periodically. What's next, book b u r n i n g ? Moments B u n t i l p r o v e n Ray M u r p h y Editor's note: T h e Ctystal Gala event has since been cancelled by the Novl .Arts Council. l l C r a i g S t r a i n f r e e s t a n d i n g signs, t h e a d d i t i o n o f a s e c ­ o n d pole s i g n for b u s i n e s s e s a l o n g Ihe expressway, the a d d i t i o n o f d i r e c t i o n a l T h e y n l l g h t h e l p save s o m e w a s t e d g a i n e d gas a n d f r u s t r a t J o n . T o the e d i t o r I'm a j u n i o r at Novl H i g h School a n d a m e m b e r of theNovlittalrchlng b a n d / s y m p h o n y bamd. I'ni Writing c o n c e r n i n g the retlre1nent o f our band director, M r . (Craig) S t r a i n . I, along with the rest o f the b a n d , felt a d e e p loss u p o n hearing that he Crews worked hard Y o u might hear s o m e g r o u s i n g ab­ to p u b l i c i n f o r m a t i o n officer J o h n J o y , o u t h o w b a d the r o a d s w e r e T u e s d a y a n d the r o a d c o m m i s s i o n u s e d e v e r y piece o f Wednesday e q u i p m e n t it h a d t h a t w o u l d c a r r y a after t h e b i g s n o w s t o r m . " W h y c a n ' t t h e y get t h o s e t h i n g s p l o w e d plow. A l l told, t h e c o u n t y h a s s o m e faster?" s o m e p e o p l e w i l l s u r e l y m i l e s o f r o a d s to c l e a r . ask. W e l l , the fact o f t h e m a t t e r is, b o t h the S t i l l . It w a s n ' t always J e r o m e a n d J o y s a i d t h e a m o u n t of s n o w c o m i n g d o w n m a d e it d l f l i c u l t to k e e p u p s i o n p u t a lot o f effort i n t o the with w o r k . A n e s t i m a t e d 8 - 9 i n c h e s fell B r u c e J e r o m e , D i r e c t o r o f the N o v l D P W , here i n N o v i , s o m e t i m e s at a r a t e of 2 i n ­ s a i d he h a d all 17 o f h i s s n o w p l o w s o n c h e s p e r h o u r . S o , t h e r e a r e l i m i t s a s to the road T u e s d a y , At o n e time m i d - d a y how g o o d even t h e m o s t v a l i a n t effort i s Tuesday. g o i n g to b e i n k e e p i n g the r o a d s c l e a r . 15 D P W w o r k e r s were out (^ntinaed torn Page 1 • For a n office building In a n office district, the town center, or the reg­ ional shopping center fl^velve Oaks and West Oaks malls) a second wall or pole sign could be used to identify a major tenant, ifthe tenant leases 50 percent or more of the building and the building name Is different from the tenant's name, t h e r e t i y l n g to r n o p u p t h e m e s s . L o c a l roads, subdivisions S o m e o n e o u g h t to s a y It to t h e e m ­ streets, w e r e at least p a s s a b l e w i t h t w o including most ployees o f t h e r o a d c o m m i s s i o n a n d t h e l a n e s c l e a r e d b y the e n d o f the D P W , s o here It Is: day. The r o a d c o m m i s s i o n threw a b o u t 3 5 0 p e o p l e Into the fight. . A n d a c c o r d i n g • The new rules would allowgroundpole directional signs within a n in­ dustrial park or within a shopping center. In a regional shopping center or the town center, a s l ^ may be lo­ cated at an IntereslecUon within that development. A permit would be needed. It w a s a g o o d j o b d o n e . W e a p p r e c i ­ ate t h e s p e c i a l efforts y o u made. 'Mr. Clutch' OAKLAND COUNTY COMMISSION Kay Sctmkl (R) STATE SENATE Jack Faxon (D) 2844-4 Oanvers (X FarfTiington Hills, Ml48018 398-7888 28105 Summit Novi, Ml 48377 349-0099 State Capitol Unsing, Ml 48909 (517)373-7888 U.S. HOUSE William Bfoofnfield (R) 371 N. Main 230$Rayburn Milford, Ml 48042 HouseOlfioe BIdg. 685-2640 Washington, D.C. 20515 {2K) 225-6135 U.S. Cari U v i n (D) 1860MeNamafaBldg. 4S9 Russell Senate Office BWg. 477 MteHoan Kw. Washlnston. D.C. 20510 Detroit. MI48226 (202)224-4822 226-6020 STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Willie Bullard, Jr. (R) 1181 N. Milford Rd. State Capitol Milford, Ml 48381 Unsing, Ml 48909 887-8045 (517)373-1827 SENATE Donaki Rkigia (0) 1850 McNamara BIdg. Dliksen Senate Office Bldg. 477 Michigan Ave. Wastiington, D.C. 20510 Detroit. Ml 48226 (2(6)224-4822 226-3188 This nempaper weltxjmes letters to the editor. We ask. however, that they be issue-ofiented, contified to 460 words afid that they contain the signatufe. address, and telephone number of the wfiier. The Writer's name may be withheld front publication if the wfiter fears bodly hami, severe perseoution. or thetossot his or her job. The wfiter requestina anonymity must explain his or her Srcufnstancos. Submit letters for consideration by 4 pm Monday for that Thursday's paper. We reserve (he right to edit letters for brevity, dahty. libel, and taste. The v»ek prior to an election. Ihls nevirspaper win not accept letters to the edi?w that open up Issties. Only responses to a^eady published issues will be accepted, with this newspaper being the final arbiter. This policy is an attempt to be fair to al) oonf»med. Submft M t a r t to: Editor, The Novl News, 104 W. Main. Northvllle. U l 48167. t t e r s would no longer bie with us. We are going to mLss htm a n d the excel­ lence he brought to o u r school. M r . Strain was one of the few people who ever gained my c o m ­ plete respect, a s a musician a n d as a person. He Is a Very talenled m a n . who, through his o w n love o f m u s i c , showed every member o f the band how to love a n d appreci­ ate 11. just as m u c h as he did h i m ­ self. H e combined o u r talent a n d emotions and t u r n e d it into beauti­ ful music that left o u r b a n d aston­ ished and p r o u d at w h a t we h a d accomplished. Mr. Strain is a truly special per­ s o n who won the love a n d respect of every band member. I t h i n k I s p e a k for u s all when I s a y that n o one c a n ever compare to M r . S t r a i n . We will truly miss h i m . but we know that he will not want u s to give u p a n d l o s e e v e r y l h i n g he s t r l v e d to achieve for the b a n d . He's taught u s excellence a n d dedication, a n d we Intend to use that to m a k e o u r b a n d the best It c a n be — for M r . Kristyn Martin U r g i n g o f N o v i s u p p o r t D A R E T o the editor How many parents o f elemen­ tary school age c h i l d r e n have heard of the D . A R . E . p r o g r a m ? S u r e l y those of us who have already h a d a sixth-grade s t u d e n t complete the program know a b o u t It. I w o u l d hope that we p a r e n t s of D A R E , graduates are familiar enough w i t h the program c u i r i c u l u m to k n o w that Olficer B o b G a t t teaches o u r children about peer pressure, selfesteem and the eight ways to s a y "no" to drugs, i n c l u d i n g alcohol. T h e NoVl C o m m u n i t y School D i s ­ trict ttllnks t h a t the progranl'lsseo important that every sixth grader participates u n l e s s a parent raises objection. In these times of r a m ­ p a n t use and e a s y accessibility o f chemicals, o u r children need a l l the support they c a n get to help them get and stay d r u g &ee. TTie Novi -School District s u p ­ ports D . A R . E . (Drug Awareness Resitance Education) as well as the City ofNovi, the Police Department, the b u s i n e s s c o m m u n i t y a n d counUess civic groups a n d organi­ zations. How? T h e y all show s u p ­ p o r t b y c o n t r i b u t i n g to t h e D A R E , program f u n d a n d / o r by having persona] representation at the a n n u a l " D A R E , to C A P ^ " fundraislng dinner co-sponsored by the Novl OpUmist C l u b a n d the Novl C o u n c i l on S u b s t a n c e .Abuse. The proceeds from this fundraiser go dlrectfy into the operating f u n d needed to erlhance the p r o g r a m of­ fered b y Ofllcer G a t t The thl1xl annual D A R E . D i n ­ ner will be Sunday, F e b . 9 at the Novl Clvlc Center fixim 6 p . m . to 9 p.m. There will be socializing, d i n ­ ner a n d entertainment consisting of skits performed b y the D A R E , students a n d a performance by the Novl Choralalrs. D o o r prizes will also be given. Tickets are $25 per person a n d may be obtained at the Novl P a r k s and Recreation oflice, the Nov! Police Department or by calling J u d y Maxwell at 348-8585 or Pat Gilberg at 3 4 9 - 7 0 5 3 . M y d a u g h t e r w a s l n the very first group of students to benefit from D A R E , in the fall of 1989. In m y view as a parent, the education she received from OfUce G a t t Was inva­ luable, a n d she continues to use her skills to this day. I a p p l a u d the police department a n d the Novi School District for c o m i n g together for the good of our children. Do a n y other parents ofD A R E . students, past o r present, feel as strongly ab­ out this as I do? Now is y o u r chance to show y o u r support a n d appreci­ ation. F*urchase tickets a n d attend the (iinner. Let's have some rep­ resentation from the families ofthe D A R E students, a n d some show ofsupport from the private sector. I guarantee a good time. I'll see y o u there. Patricia Gilbert President, Novl C o u n c i l on S u b s t a n c e A b u s e b a c k t o t h e U . S . T o the E d i t o r The media has, of late, fed u s J a m e s Novi's Mke Kramer hit a buzzer beater in basketball to beat Howell Why insurance goes up People Wonder why their auto Insurance rates a n d taxes keep going u p . careless discharge of a firearm.) Marzonie sued his insurer u n d e r no-fault a n d gol a $43,000 j u r y award. T h e i n s u r e r appealed a n d lost. A M i c h l g a n C o u r t of A p p e a l s panel last week Issued three 2-1 decisions. J u d g e s R o m a n S. Gribbs o f Detroit a n d M a r i ­ l y n J . Kelly o f Bloomfield H i l l s were the i11aJority. D i s s e n t i n g was J u d g e B a r b a r a MacKerizJe o f Petoskey. G r i b b s a n d Kelly said. "Here Ihe j u r y expressly found M o n a r c h v. Battle C r e e k — Ixiren M o n a r c h , d r u n k a n d w i t h a s u s p e n d e d driver's license, climbed o n a motorcycle a n d led a clty police officer o n a chase at 8 0 m p h i n a 3 5 m p h zone, the wrongway on a one-way street a n d t h r o u g h a stop sign. M o n a r c h stopped ln the middle o f the r o a d w i t h n o lights. T h e cop cracked into h i m . (Later. M o n a r c h p l e a d e d guilty to fleeing a n d evading police.) M o n a r c h s u e d the clty a n d the cop. T h e J u r y found the c o p negligent a n d 10 percent to blame. M o n a r c h appealed. s a y i n g the trial judge s h o u H have granted his m o U o n for s u m m a r y J u d g m e n t under the no-fault principle. In a complicated ruling. G r i b b s a n d Kelly agreed, affln11lng the d a m a g e awa1d. Marzonle v. A u t o C l u b — I n Flint. M i c h a e l Marzonie got into a dispute with V e r n o n O a k s a11d c h a s e d O a k s h o m e . Marzo111e's passenger thtiew beer bottles at O a k s ' c a r . O a k s emerged from his h o u s e with a shotgun, aimed at the radiator a n d hit Marzonie. {Oaks later pleaded guilty to that Oaks',assault was directed at plaintllTs automobile rather t h a n at plaintiff. . . A c c o r d i n g l y plaintiff is enUUed to no-fault City c o u n c i l member R o b e r t Schmid defended the original ordi­ nance, saying he was on the council when it was first adopted. "This community has done a pretty goodjob of developing with the ordinance," he said. "It has served its purpose well." In particular, Schmid objected lo the change which Would allow for ad ditional signs along the expressway. saying such signs take away from the quality of the commu111ty, "The city Is Just too fine a city to start advertising apples and oranges along the freeway. Drive along the Brighton area a n d you'll see those signs along the back of buildings. It detracts from the qualllty ofthe city," he said. B u t oU1er members of the council suggested there Were some valid rea­ sons for change. "What we are seeing is that these buildings tend to be set back from the road," Mayor Matt Q u i r m said of the proposal to allow larger signs. "And, with the speed of vehicles, this extra square footage is needed." City Manager E d Kriewall said Novi's sign mles h a d actually cost one building owner a tenant. T h e Ctystal Glens office building lost out In a bid to get a major new tenant because the tenant couldn't put a sign o n the building," he said. Members of the Novl business community were also outspoken. Rod Taylor, general manager ofthe Bob Evans Restaurant at 1-96 and Novl Road said. T h e biggest com­ plaint We have Is we are really hard to find. They (drivers) are unaware of how lo get into our parking lot." Bob Evans has an 80-foot wide sign on the building, but no pole sign. Kevin Grain, serving as the chair of the legislative liaison comniittee for the Nov! Chamberof Commerce, said they have been working on these changes for two years and this is a push to get it tiirough. "While It is not everything the b u ­ sinesses would like, we hope you would suppport this change." he said. Novl attorney Michael Leavltt, working on behalf of tills own prac­ tice and Shfrley Cash, president of Realty Worid. Cash & Associates, said he feels the ordinance may vio­ late the 14tii .Amendment to ti1e U.S. Constitution. Thai amendment pro­ hibits the government from depriving citizens of property without due process. The ordinance interferes with someone's right to conduct business, he explained saying it violates liberty Finally, with our efforts free to b u Ud a better car at a tower cost, we m u s t l a u n c h a campaign of "Buy A m e r i c a n " to w h i back those J a ­ panese c a r owners. Remember, buyers bought Japanese cars be­ c a u s e t h e y were b e t t e r a n d cheaper. N o w we have to convince those foreign car b u y e r s that •Aineilc^n cars are better a n d that b u y i n g A i n e r i c a n is the most effec­ tive w a y to bring Jobs b a c k to America. S c h l l d v. A e t n a — I n O s c o d a . J a c k S c h i l d was s u e d by a passenger in a M a y 18. 1986. accident. S c h i l d s a i d A e t n a s h o u l d defend or indemnify h i m . T h e j u r y agreed. A e t n a appealed, saying S c h i l d ' s policy expired M a r c h 26 a n d that Schild h a d Ignored eight documents saying it expired M a r c h 26. Somehow S c h i l d was issued a certifi­ cate of Insurance saying the expiration date was Sept. 26 1986. "An i n s u r e d has a n obligation to read the Insurance pol­ icy a n d raise questions c o n c e r n i n g coverage." said KellV a n d G r i b b s . but then comes the "However . . . " T h e y found a "special relaUonship'" between S c h i l d a n d his local agent in w h i c h the agent w o u l d call S c h i l d when p r e m i u m s Were d u e , Schild Would p a y in person, a n d the agent even helped S c h i l d pay p r e m i u m s . Gribbs a n d Kelly u p h e l d the J u i y a w a r d . MacKenzie dissented: "An Insurer s h o u l d not bie estopped irom denying coverage s i m p l y hiecause a n i n ­ sured decides to ignore the terms of coverage. Vet that is precisefy the result of the majority's opinion." home park tiiat Involved a sti^riger entering tiie office, grabbing a female employee and making sexual remarks. I Burglaries at homes In the 24000 block o f Na­ ples; 43000 block of CotUsford; 22000 block of Heatherbrae; and a n apartment on Fountain Park, Where the suspects entered by shattering the front door. • Shoplifters In The Disney Slore at TVelve O a k s Mall, Who escaped Dec. 24 with a sack of stolen merchandise and remain at large. • OVer$1001ndamagetoavehicleparkedonRenford Dec. 24. Someone reportedfy tiirew a large c h u n k of concrete tiirough the back windshield. • A 1 9 8 4 Pontiac reportedly stolen from tiie park­ ing lot oflXvehre Oaks Mall the night of Dec. 24. Malott said tiiere were two reasons for filing tiie FOI requests to gain access to s u c h reports. "First, the public needs lo know what crimes are occurring in town so tiiat they can protect themselves," he said. "Ifyou know, for instance, that rapes are occurring, you c a n take steps to protect yourselfwhen you're out a n d about. Ifyou know burglaries are occurring, y o u can make sure y o u r home Is secure and watch the neighborhood for prowlers. "And the police department's own statistics 1 OAK Entei-tahimiitCciitcis for Your Aiidio-Visml Needs!! $209.88 REG.$M9 • Built-in swivel TV iilalfofm • Pull out VCR shdf •28xl8x.')l"H • Ahoavaaablelnchcny REG.SS24 • M-out TV swivel • Storage sreT • Adjustable shelves • S2xl7ic45'H • Also available in dieny LAY-AWAY AVAllMU F U R N I T U R E J N C . 5 H 4 \ V , A i i n A r b o r t r a i l • I ' l y i R o u t h , M i c h i | ; a i l 48170 (313) 455-47()() O p e n Daily 9:30 • 6, T h u r s . & F r i l i ! 9, Sat. lill 5:30 R a w i l n s o n P h O t o g r a p h y a n d S u n n y J's L i n g e r i e Presents: Bridal Affair Wednesday, J a n u a r y 2 2 , 1 9 9 2 Doors Open 6:00 p.m. At T h e M a y f l O w e r M e e t i n g House • 455 South Main Street • Plymouth, MI 48170 Ticltcts are $3.00 h i advance $4.00 at tlie d o o r (Bring Ad Form Discount F a s h i o n S h o w E x h i b i t s • P r i z e s Fret Engjgcmcni Ponraii of all wedding Couples in Aiicndancc Call for Ticket l n f o r m a t i o n : 453-8872 • 453-8584 • 453-I620 C O I N , S T A M P B O O K a n d S P O R T S C A R D S H O W Fri 1/17 • Sat. 1/18 • S u n . M A C M O A M L 1/19 B L Gratiot at 13 Va Mile, R o s e v i l l e SPORTS STARS APPEARING Sat. Jan. 18, 1-9 p . m . Detroit Tiger Star D a n Petry Sun. I9, I-3 p . m . Major l e a g u e Star Ernie Wliltt F R E E Jan 24-25-26, Uvonia Mall Jan. 31, Feb. i-2, Westwood Mall Jackson Feb. 7-8-9, Wonderland Mall 1955-S1( Brilliant Unc. at participating coin tables WITH THIS AD F R E E A D M I S S I O N F R E E A U T O G R A P H S A n estimated 20 business people turned out for tiie discussion of the sign ordinance at the meeting. About a dozen addressed Uie council. show there were three rapes, five robberies and ond editorial, and It was being printed as we 141 burglaries i n Novl In the first 10 montiis of spoke." 1991 that the public was not Informed about. Malott said he felt positive about the meeting. "Secondly, one ofthe most fundamental princi­ T m pleased wltil the cooperative spirit wlUi ples that we live by In this country is that tiie gov­ which Shaeffer and Fried have launched into the ernment Is r u n 'by the people.' Well, that includes discussions ofthe police department's policy," he said, adding d i a l he Intends to give tiie city further the police departments. Ifyou are going to tie a n feedback o n thefr proposed new media policy. informed voter o n city Issues, you need to know about the activities ofthe police department. Ifyou Shaeffer hashed tiie city's fonner media policy are a taxpayer, I tiiink you have a right to expect when he arrived in August, but it still has not been the police department to account for itself." replaced with a new policy. Malott said he l)elleVes the department Is sttll operating under tiie old pol­ Shaeffer said he is working toward a policy that icy, which he said violated tiie FOI. complies with die FOI and does n o l violate citi­ Malott expressed concern that, altiiough a new zens' right to privacy. policy will be Implemented, practice witiiln the de­ "Certainly, It is our responsibility lo comply partmenl may be harder to change. with the law," he said. "We want to comply with tiial while still respecting tiie rights of citizens to "When we went to pick u p new reports last Fri­ day, die pattern of wltiiholding substantial n u m ­ privacy. Several questions remain unanswered, bers of reports from the stack for release con­ and we are working to get those answers. tinued. We can continue our effort indefmltefy, T m sure that we will resolve this to evetyone's kicking the unaccounted-for reports into the for­ satisfaction." mal FOI document request procedure. And we will Shaeffer held a meeting with Malott and Novi continue it as long as necessaiy. City Attorney David Fried Wednesday, J a n . 8 to discuss the department's media relations policy, "But it all seems ratiier silly. The formal proce­ dure is much more time-consuming for the police during which interpretations ofthe FOI were dis­ department. And we only want lo read those docu cussed. menls In the police department which any mem­ "A day and a halfafier (receiving the first FOI re­ ber of die public is enliUed to see as a matter of quests) we were i n a meeting," he said. "Unfortu­ state law." nately, The Novi News had already written a sec­ !i X (V. lilliie) 40550 < > N o w Novi police respond to requests Contintied from Page 1 * SMlIc Affoniabk Jeffeiy West, owner of Salon Head West, said his business fronts on Ten Mile. To comply wlUi tiie ordinance, his sign faces the parking lot where the entrance is located, but does not face road. He has gone to the Z B A and dial was best he could get. "To allow a small business to be profitable, y o u must have vlGlbillty. Now I have to rely on word of mouth," he said. PARKING 1 420-0076 Donald C . Young Jr. and property rights by "taking of property without due process." Connie Mallett, Executive Director of Uie Novl Chamber of Commerce, w e n t to bat for the m e m b e r businesses, "The ordinance lhat exists is a lltUe old a n d antiquated. Signage not only helps y o u to find out where you are going, It helps in terms of safety. Look at signage In terms of helping people trying to find the business, as well as helping tiie businesses theymselves." she said. C h u r c h 6 Mile 4 0 8 0 0 FlVe MUe R o a d V* MUe West of Hajferty Road T h e present annual purchase o f 3.7 million Japanese autotnobiles did not come out by chance. There Was a time When cars produced i n J a p a n Were better a n d cheaper, a n d A m e r i c a n s bought the super­ ior products b y the millions. W i t h the recession o f the earfy 1980s, lndust1y and labor leaders went to J a p a n to see how the J a ­ panese d i d It. They found that cooperation a n d Joint Involvement by l a b o r a n d management were necessary to produce a better car at a lower c o s t It was this joint effort that w a s necessaiy to build a stable i n d u s t r y a n d as a result give work­ ers j o b security. T h e effort paid off a n d we have Improved o u r competitive ability, but we have forgotten some of the lessons ofthe early 1980s. We have to continue to improve o u r ways of doing business. This means joint cooperative efforts by industiy, la­ bor a n d government. Management m u s t become more aware of what the A m e r i c a n buying public wants. Marlagement a n d labor m u s t work harder a n d smarter to build that product better and at reasonable cost. G o v e r n m e n t must eliminate the 1990 clean air act amendments that a d d great cost to the automo­ bile w i t h litUe incremental benefit to Uie public. T h e n the industiy can concentrate on improving the au tomobile for the buyer Instead of constantfy wasting Its effort work­ i n g to meet unreasonable a n d u n ­ realistic, but e:Kpenslve govern­ ment m a n d a t e s . Industiy could also t h r o w in a few A m e r i c a n "Kelretsu" arrangements to let the J a p a n e s e know that sauce for the goose ls a l s o sauce for U1e gander. C a t h o H c Masses at 4 P.M. Saturday and IO A . M . Sunday m u c h coverage of the pilgrimage to J a p a n by President B u s h a n d the A m e r i c a n lndust1y leaders. Gov­ ernment a n d industiy leaders as well as the members o f the tnedia have all given us their opinions of the causes of our trade problem a n d the causes of our present busi­ ness s l u m p . Few seem to hit the target as to the real problem and the best course of action to bring Jobs t>ack to America. P I benefits." C o m m o n sense w o u l d teU one to s u e the guy who did the shooting, b u t lawyers look for the deep pockets. Score a loss of A u t o C l u b members. A m e r i c a n General absolution at the beginning of every MaiM. C o m m l u i l o n (or all B a p t i z e d ChrlstUuu. Including divorced. Compromise offered on sign law easy. B o t h Novl Department of Public W o r k s e S t . C O M I C 1,400 a n d the O a k l a n d C o u n t y R o a d C o m m i s ­ battle. r e s p e c t L More importanUy he taught u s how to strive for excellence. H e taught us that with h a r d work a n d discipline we c o u l d achieve a n y goal we put o u r m i n d down to. H e proved that to u s with the excel­ lence a n d respject that our s y m ­ p h o n y gained, a n d 1 k n o w that I will b e able to use what he taught m e throughout the rest of my life. S o again, thank you T o m Mar­ c u s a n d t h a n k you H a r m o n M a r c u s Glass. I hope lo be able to d o it again soon. ask W e can't i m a g i n e that a l o o s e n i n g o f the r u l e s w o u l d r e a l l y d e t r a c t W l i a l the C h a m b e r Is l o o k i n g for is l and n e w sign r u l e s for the c i l y . T h e r u l e s r e p ­ a n d the b u s i n e s s c o m m u n i t y . CRiSTiNA FERRIER Slafi Rspoiter SCOTT DANia Slall Reporter BRYAN MfTCHELL Salt PhoieBmpher CHRIS BOYD (Viiphkx Editor ANGELA PREDHOMME Graphics Artist RICK BYRNE Copy Edtor MCHAa PREViLLE Sales Director MCKAa JETCHiCK Sales Manaeer (1ARY KELBER Associela Salee Manaeor SANOY MnCHELL Sates Raprssenlallve Auto policy to affect primary t Sign rule change is needed in Novi city placernenl, RICHARD PERLBERG CencreJ Mansgor PHLIP JEROME Enecuilve Edlor DflKE IMLOTT Manming Ecilfor BOB NEEDHAlb* Editor NEiL GEOQHEGAN Slefl Repcrlar JAN JEFFRES Slalf Reporter STEPHEN KELLMAN Slall Reporter WKE TYREE Stair Ropodor SUZANNE HOLLYER Slafi Repoflar c e S J 5 a g r e a t n l y p u m e a o c r u t t y h a c u l a r 1 5 - 2 0 r e a s o n s t o a t t e n d . . . " L I G H T S H O W " 6 P M t o 9 P M e a c h night O T A N T A S Y L A N D " FIRSr°F A M R I C A , B a n k • A p r e h i s t o r i c f o r e s t filled w i t h dinosaurs •Make a free 3-minute p h o n e call a n y w h e r e M c r C o n t i n e n t a l • 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 S P E C T A C U L A R In the world •Win a trip lo Orlando, Florida, I Including round trip airfare and 4-day s l a y at Orlando Howard Johnsons l b s I C E o f C A R V I N G S i 12A-THE NOVI NEWS--Thursday. January 16. lVlaples timeline ciiange approved 1992 b> ^ U Z A N N E Staff Writer HOLLYER T h e Novi W a n n i n g C o m m i s s i o n voted J a n . 8 to r e c o m m e n d t h a t Ihe City Council allow Novi's first p l a n n e d unit d e v e l o p m e n t to c h a n g e its Uincline for d c v e l o p n i e n t . T h e M a p l e s o f N o v i is a 2 2 8 - a c r e , m i x e d - u s e d e v e l o p m e n t u n d e r deve­ l o p m e n t at the c o r n e r of F o u r t e e n Mile and Decker roads b y C l a s s i c Construction. T h e development i n ­ c l u d e s single family h o i n e s , c o n d o m ­ i n i u m s , s e n i o r citizen h o u s i n g a n d a s h o p p i n g center. V i c e p r e s i d e n t of C l a s s i c C o n s t a i c U o n L a n y D e P i i e s t told l h e c o m m i s s i o n the r e c e s s i o n h a s i n ­ c r e a s e d the l i n m e d l a l e d e m a n d for the m o r e affordable, a t t a c h e d h o u s ­ ing u n i t s In the development. H e a s k e d the c o f n m l s s i o n to approve a p l a n to b u i l d more of Lhe a t t a c h e d i l n i ts i n u p c o m l n g p h a s e s of develop inent to s a t i s f y c u r r e n t market demand. The u n i t s are i n the s a m e l o c a t i o n as originally a p p r o v e d b y the c o u n c i l . O n l y the t i m e o f c o n s t r u c t i o n i s changed, D e l M e s t s a i d . The d e v e l o p m e n t w i l l take four to sity would still require council' approval. five years to c o m p l e t e . D e P r l e s t s a i d . He a s k e d the c o m m i s s i o n to a l l o w fu ture c h a n g e s In c o n s t r u c t i o n p h a s e s to be h a n d l e d U i r o u g h c i t y a d m i ­ nistration r a t h e r t h a n the c o m m i s ­ sion and c o u n c i l . A c h a n g e i n h o u s i n g type o r d e n ­ The commission unanimously agreed to recommend that the coun­ cil approve changes In the Maples de­ velopment's timeline. SAY GOOD BUY TO WINTER! STARTS WEDNESDAy WEDDiriGS Your HonneTown N e w s p a p e r s cordially Invite y o u t o p a r t i c i p a t e In o u r a n n u a l " W e d d i n g s " s p e c i a l s e c t i o n . D e s i g n e d to i n c o r p o r a t e all a s p e c t s of w e d d i n g p l a n n i n g , ttie w e d d i n g t a b l o i d Is a c o m p l e t e g u i d e for those getting married. You c a n extend your advertising m e s s a g e to t h e h a p p y c o u p l e b y c a l l i n g y o u r advertising representative t o d a y . LONG SLEEVE TOPS 6? MORE! Save even more today t l i r o u g h M o n d a y , J a n u a r y 2 0 t h , on t h e items Call y o u need now. Choose from a great selection of p r e v i o u s l y r e d u c e d WEST ' P r i c e s ac^usted at register. Styles a n d si^es m a y v a r y b y store. merchandise for boys 5? g i r l s from some of y o u r favorite b r a n d s . •Brighton Argus (313) 227-0171 • Livingston Co. Press (517) 548-2000 N O W EAST Proof •Milford Times (313) 685-1507 •Nortt)vllle Record (313) 349-1700 •Novl News (313) 349-1700 •South Lyon Herald (313) 437-2011 Final Ad Deadline: Ad Deadline: Publication Date: Tues., Feb. 4 Fri,, Feb. 7 Wed. Thurs., & Feb A T S A V I N G S O F S 0 % - 8 0 % O F F O U H O R I G I N A L P R I C E S ! KIDS M A R T 19&20 DEIHOrr, Bel Air Center, 8800 E. Ei^t Miles R(L • WJSIlAJni, Westland Crossing Center • SOtlTHOAtE, Southtowne Croesing Center • HBDrOEB, Bedford Plaza • S i m i H O KlSWHTS, Sterling Place • HOSBVILLB, Gratiot Center • SAOIHAW, Mllon Corners • DBAHBORH HEIGHTS, 86434 Ibrd Bd. • HOVJ, Nov! Town Center • AfiH ABBOH, West^te Shopping Center • FAHMlHOIOH HlUS, Orchard Place Sliopping Center, 30936 Orchard lAto Rd. • m n o i I;AXE, Colnmeroe tarn Center • maSlL Uvoliia Plaza, 30961S Milfe Rd • TAlFLOB, Southland Center, 2300 Eureka Rd. • 80tnEnBU), Northland IM, 21SO0 Northwestern Hwy HARBORSIDE SPORTS BANKRUPTCY LIQUIDATION SALE (Petoskey, Alpine Valley, Charlevoix, B i r m i n g h a m , Boyne City a n d West B l o o m f l e l d ^ . ... U.S. Bankruptcy Court Bankruptcy Trustee Authorized to case No 91-09232 s Prices!II Reduce Prices Are Unbellevablell! PRICES G O O D T H R U Skis A c c e s s o r i e s • B o o t s & Plus, • B i n d i n g s C r o s s C o u n t r y T r a v e r s e City • S k i w e a r F o r M e n , "Sweet • O u t e r w e a r W o m e n Deal" 1-19-92 S k i & C h i l d r e n T r i p s $700,000 Inventory Sale 50% to 80% Off SKIS. BOOTS. POLES. BINDINGS from:Rossignol, Elan, Blizzard, Knelsel, RD, Nordlca. Dolomite, Dachstein CLOTHES from: Northface, Fera. (Mils. Skea. Gotcha. O.P., Big Dog, Mistral LOOK A T THE Y o u a r e i n v i t e d t o . . . Test New Skis For Free At the SH DEMO DAY Ipine alley S u n d a y , f r o m bns E. Highland R d . ' Wttite Lake, Ml 48383 (313) 8 8 7 - 4 1 8 3 J a n u a r y 9 1 9 , a . m . - 5 : 3 0 R o s s l g n o l Skis: S325 to S475 Retail S125 Bankruptcy Sale NOW S75 Cross C o u n t r y B o o t s 7 5 m m & SNS Systems S6O to S80 Retail S30 Bankruptcy Sale Cross C o u n t r y Skis: S129 to S195 Retail S50 Bankruptcy Sale 1 9 9 2 p . m . this event are available TICKET No fitting rooms Come SOLD " A S $ 3 5 Prepared! IS" "as i s " "as i s " Houfs: R e n t a l Skis w i t h o u t b i n d i n g s $5 "as is" COUPONS exclusively C A S H ONLY Downhill Rental $75 P a c k a g e s wittl B o o t s it for cards ice G r e a t s n o w a n d lOts Of f u n f o r e v e r y o n e . or Packages with Boots HALSTEAD H P T checks credit Cross C o u n t r y Rentals OHAHE DISCOUNT No RENTALS T h e tOp ski c o m p a n y r e p s w i l l be t h e r e w i t h t h e i r t e c h n i c i a n s a n d d e m O V a n s tO assist y o u . SPECIAL SORRY SAVINGS! SpvcJer P a n t s : S 2 6 5 Retail NOW S60 Thurs., Ffi., Sat. 11:00 at a.m.-8 p . m . Sunday 11.00 C A S H & C A R R Y O N L Y - A L L S A L E S F I N A L a.m.-4:00 p . m . • SOLD "AS IS, WHERE IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED 3 5 5 2 0 F U L L U N E - F U L L S E R V I C E S K I G r a n d River, (In t h e S H t F a r m i n g t o n Muirwood Center) Hills, M l the NOVI NOVI NEWS CREATION HIGHLIGHTS Church group claims return from scientific metfiods prove it true/4B Taiwan/2B IB THEORY: Local exchange studems THURSDAY J a n u a r y 16, 1992 DIVERSIONS: REUNIONS: Novi High Class of 82 announces 10-year reunion/3B Borders offers series of children's activities/SB Piioios by BHYAN MPTCHELL Above, Yukiko Osaki (left) shows a Japanese map of N o v i to K e i k o H a g i o ( c e n t e r and photo Chieko at right) and Myzuno apanese wom f en adu j st to Novi By CRISTINA FERRIER Staff Writef Atsuko A t a g i t e l l s o f h e r first e x p e r i e n c e s i n Imagine yourself a newcomer l n a strange land -— a place where y o u don't speak tJ1e language veiy well and day-to-day life ls full of mannerisms and customs that are alien to you. That Is what happens to hundreds of Japanese wo­ men Who come to America With their husbands, who are employed b y Japanese firms w i t h branch faculties lo­ cated here. To make things a little easier for these women, there is a club called the Sakurakal ("Cheny Blossom") Wives. NoVl residents Kelko Haglo, A t s u k o Atagl and Y u k i k o OsaW are part of the 70-meniber club. Most of the women's husbands work for Nlppondenso in Southfield. AfeWSakurakalWlVes Were friends back In Japan, but most met alter moVlng to the area. According to Yukiko Osakl, one ofthe group's found­ ing members who also acted as a n Interpreter for the America Volunteer Novl women, Sakurakal Wives biegan as a loose-knit group of about 20 Japanese women tlirown together In the 1970s by their relocaUon here for the then-tlny Nlppondenso Corporation. As the company grew, so did its employees and so "We decided it was best to formally organize and glVe It a name," she said. Among their activltles are annual handicraft sales, garage sales and a can recycling project. To date, they have raised over S11.000 for such organizations as the IJghthouse in Pontiac, the Salvation Army In Pontlac and the Sarah Fisher Home in Farmlngton Hills, Evely six months, a committee of 12 to 15 memhiers set the agenda for fundraisers and direct the events, "We decided to start doing fundralsing because most ofus have children," Osaki said, "We wanted to hie i n ­ volved with the children in school, but opportunities at the schools were limited because of Ule language barriers." Contkaed os S Pet of the Week Homebound seniors appreciate visitors By D O R O T H Y N A S H Special Writer Friendly Visiting Is a team acUVlty for George a n d Caroline Glese. They do It o n a regular basis and make spe­ cial visits as needed. They Visit senior citizens who are shut-ins, who are hospitalized, a n d Who live i n retirement residences. They also visit younger people Who are temporarily Indisposed. "But it's mostly senior citizens We Visit," said Caroline, because, as George added. They're sick more." One regular actlVity they liave ls conducting a sing-along at a retire­ ment residence. CAROLINE AND GEORGE GIESE George plays the organ ln the lounge for the 30 people Who come out to sing. "He plays the organ a n d directs at our church," Caroline said, adding, too. "He's been choir director for 3 l years. He loVes to play. And I love to sing." The senior citizens at the resi­ dence are 'mainly over 75." Caroline It takes an hour and a half to go through all of the 150 songs the Gleses haVe on sheets they pass out to the people. A n d after theyVe gone t h r o u ^ them, somebody Will ask. "Can't We sing j u s t one more?" Then there are shul-Ins from their church whom they Visit. "Every S u n ­ day the names of the people are announced In the church bulletin." Caroline said, "and If the secretary knows ofsomehiody who needs some­ body, she tells us," The manager of the senior citizen center ln Novl also calls them, George said, "Ifshe has somebody Who'd like to be Visited because she knows we do that." "We like doing lt so much," Caro­ line said, "that we keep doing it, I can't see sitting home When you c a n help somebwdy. Some people here are so lonely, a n d When We come, they're apt to say, *l'm so glad you're here!'" Ifyou'd like to get into Visiting, for a starter, call J a n McAlpIn at the Novi Senior Center. 347-0419. Kitten 6 mos. old, black, male To a d o p t this pet, c o n t a c t : Salem Veterinary 348-5078 or The Animal Welfare neutered 751-2570 .v..;*l,.sl!:n£ .V .•..tis.'^v:.....' . Clinic Society , Thursday, January 16, 1992-THE NOVI NEWS-3B 2B-THE NOVI NEV/S—Thursdiy. January 16, 1992 S t u d e n t s return f r o m T a i w a n By J E A N N E C L A R K E Special Wnlcr ' Kr(uml!lg(iiiJ,njl. 5 irom a lour of Talw.m were S.illdra and Terry Thornton, Mary arld 1^ck Knauer, Bridget l > a n and Rlta T r a p o r , The six were a part ofa cultiiral exchange proj;ram set up by the i;Ansc Creusc S<:hciol tJistrlcl in (;o:ijiincllon with a M a d o n n a University educational propram. Six Taiwanese schools played host lo the >iroup as they com • bmcd a [personal holiday wil their interests In intemallonal education andciillure, Anexritinji way to usher in the New 'rVar. J c n n a I.ynn Chnslensen is the ncwdauflhier at the home of Art and Chnlensen She was b o n l J a n . 3 at lkiisford Hospiial weighing six poiiilds, I 1 oiiiires. She Joins her brother, K n k . who is two years old, Crandfwrents arc J o h n and Arllne Achlflo of Lirlghton, Ulanche Pall.a/zolo of n n g h t o n a n d gratgrandinotheis Bernlce Jenkins of Brlglitoli alld Eimiia Achlno of Mclvindale. Mrs. Chrlstensen Is the branch manager of Michigan Na­ tional l i a n k Ifi Novi. Lieutenant Kolxrt Itimusscn of the Novl I'olice Department has re­ lumed from 11 weeks at the FBI Acadciny, located In Oliantico, Virgi­ nia. He was one of eight chosen from [xillcc department across the slate to go lo the aciadcmy, with a class total­ ing 249. The classes he took included program administration, coinmunlty policing Issues, and more. Mr. and .Mr.s. Mack Porter have re­ lumed from two weeks vacation a t Pt, LaCruse, Venezula. 'ITiey went sight­ seeing, visited plantations, and took boat rides i n the area. Tlley were ac­ companied by their son, Mark, who also enjoyed a trip lo Angel Falls. NOVI J A Y C E E S National Jaycees Week begins Sunday. J a n . 19. Novi Mayor Malt Q u l n n w l l l be sigilinga proclamatloin in honor of the Jaycees' work wllJiin the Cily of Novl. A special member­ ship night is planned for J a n . 22. A l l area residents t>etWcen the ages of21 and 29 are encouraged to attend and find out about the work that the Jay­ cees do. For more information, call 348-NOV1. The Jaycees are sponsoring a N o v i come in recent years who have made thler homes and will be raising thefr clilldren In the area and can pass In­ formation on lo them. H i g h l i g h t s snowball (Soflball) tournament Feb. 1 and 2 In conJucUon With M r . B's Fanll. A l this time, the Jaycees are In need of volunteers lo serve as um­ pires, donations from area merchantrs for ralTle prizes, and applica­ tions for teams. The money raised will be used to fund other projects, such as the Novl Jaycees Scholarship Fund, the summer reading program a I the Novl IhIblic Ubraiy a n d the Jaycees ongoing Needy FajT1ily Fiind, For more Information, call .348-NOVn, The annual Distinguished Se1vl(» Award Breakfast honoring Volun­ teers within the City of Novl has been scheduled for Satiirday, M a i r h 14 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel. T o nom­ inate a Volunteer call 348-3 121 f o r a nomination form or lo make break­ fast reservations. On May 2. the NoVl Jaycees will celebrate their 25lh Anniversary as a leadership training/service or^a111zatlon within the Cily of Novl. A spe­ cial "reunion" dinner Is planned at the Wyndham Garden Hotel. The Jaycees are currently looking for former Jaycees and Jaycee Wo­ men, Jaycelles. lo help with the search for former members. T o assist in the search or to volunteer to help with the planning, call 348-3121, Christmas projects Included a concert by the Novl Choralalrcs a l the Church of Holy Family, With more than 400 area residents in atten­ dance. Proceeds from the concert and additional donations from area merchants Were used to provide food, clotillng and toys for some 84 area families this Christmas season, NOVI PIN POINTERS High bowlers Were Ftosemaiy B a n ­ ish of the Never a Doubts With 2 11 In a 546 series. Dorothy Bosc of the Look-N-Goods With 205 in a 521 se­ ries. J a n Cole of the B y a Halxs With 199. Margie GreaVes of the Eager Beavers with l 9 8 In a 511 series. Lorl Seltzer of the Never a Doubts With 192 In a 535 series. Barb Pletron of the Cenluiy 21 Wests With 185 ln a 500 series, Dora Greaves of the Eager Beavers with 173, Shirley Struzlk of the HI I>os with 171, Barb Dcttore of the B and Ls With 171 and Debbie L u - Woodcan'er Roy Morln of LlVonla Will be the guest speaker at the meet­ ing. He 'tvlil bring samples ofhls work and well speak on the topic, "Wood Carving, Folk Art to Fine Art." A report will also be heard from Bill Conn of the Novl Fire Departmenl, Who Is reconstructing the original fire truck. He Would like anyone l n the area who may have pictures or any biformaUon about the truck to con­ tact him so the may continue to com­ plete tills project for the Historical Society. The society ls looking for dona­ tions of articles of historical Value from Novl residents. They are espe­ cially In need of Vintage Clothes, house hold Hems and farm tools. T h e society recently received several items from the family oflong-tlme re­ sident. Irene Staman. who died this past year. The society will beplanningawork day to start cataloging all the items that haVe been donated. Aiiyone In­ terested in working on this day should contact Mutch. She Is t1ylng to reach long-time residents who have something lo contribute from thefr memories of "old Novl" as well as reaching new residents who have Contlnned from I SPIRIT O F C H R I S T L U T H E R A N CHURCH The Spirit of Christ Lutheran Church hosted lis armual ecumeni­ cal community tradition, the B u r n ­ ing of the Greens, o n J a n . 6. Ifyou missed the occasion this year plan now to come next year and brlngyour tree, and later have refreshments at the church through the efforts ofthe E L C A women. Sunday. Jan. 19 another ecumenclal tradition, the F>ulplt Exchange. Is being held In Novl to celebrate the week of prayer for Christian Unity. The exchange Is pla11ned by the Novl Mi11isters Association. The Novl Mli1isters is planning the Novl Ministers Prayer Breakfast for tiic community Wednesday, J a n . 27 at 7:30 a.m. at the Q v l c Center. Reverand H a n y T. Cook will be speak­ ing on "PosslbUlUes for Effective U n ­ ity fri a Community Under Selge." C o l l e e n Call 349-5666 for more friformaUon. kasiak of the Never a Doubts With 170. Standings are as follows: Never a Doubt 73-46 Bowling Bag 66-53 Adventurers 62-57 Lookln Good 61-58 B and L 60-59 Centuiy 21 W 59% -59'/a Eager Beavers 59-60 HI Los 59-60 M and M 49-70 By a Hair 46'A -72% NOVI HISTORICAL SOCIETY Kathy Mutch, president of the Nov! Historical Society, is exten4lng a Warm welcome to ariyone In the com­ munity Who Would like to attend the meeting ofthe Novl Historical Society Ihls Thrusday evening at 7:30. The meeting will be held In the original Town Hall, n o w o n T c n Mile Itoad between the NoVl Clly Llbraiy and Taft Road. Enter the llbraiy driveway a n d continue to the left to reach the building. J a p a n e s e learn A m e r i c a n life W e d d i n g New Years activities started at 7:30 p.m. with an evcnfrlg of fellows h i p , games, m u s i c a n d h o r s d'oeurvcs. At mldnlght, they con­ cluded with a brief worship service. The men's group helped to prepare food last Tuesday at the church a n d then went to serve the food to the hungry at St. Andrew Redeemer Lutheran Church i n Detroit for the needy. They are also tiylng to assist the imemployed t h r o u ^ a networkIng of resumes receivwl by them. C h u r c h memtjer, Louise Bfrijhammer celebrating her 90th birthday this month, nltted, crocheted a n d quilted 49 beautiful quilts and lap robes for residents at the Luther H a ­ ven in Detroit. She spent 435 hours workfrig o n them. .Anyone wishing to donate y a m , fabric or old sheets can bring them to the c h u r c h office. The newest program. Mom's, Dads & Tots, will be meeting J a n . 23 with the topic, "Children's Fteadlness for Religion." NOVI SENIOR CENTER J a n u a r y brings a n o t h e r full month of acUvlUes at the NoVl Civic Center under the direction of cenler manager J a n McAlpfr1e a n d site hos­ tess Sister Camllle Kelly, with senior Contiiloed oa S fractions, she said, w h i c h would come later i n Japan. The women agreed thatvolunteerism seemed to But she also goes to a Japanese weekend exist at a higher level in America than in J a p a n , school, where classes are conducted in Japanese and offered Interesting insights as to why that may and the same books are used that she would have be, at home. Chieko Myzuno said American holidays were "America was built because of the amount of work put into the country." Osakl said, "It's only In confusing to her. Traditionally American festive the U . S . where pioneers w o u l d create the occasions like Thanksgiving and Halloween, and the way they are celebrated, were foreign to her. community. And Kelko Hagio was surprised when she was "But Japan was once ruled by a feudal lord. It was an absolute mon;lrchy and you did only what invited to her husband's company Christmas yoii were told, in Japan, ifyou did anything 'pre­ party. "In Japan, the company doesn't have a party for sumptuous' you could be punished." Osakl said the Sakurakal Wives find volunteer- both." she said. "Just the hu.sbands attend. So 1 ism beneficial because "it gives (us) a chance to feel was worried about what to do with the children. "Bui then 1 found out about child care (prog­ like we aie a part of the community." Most of the wives come to America forabou t two rams), so I didn't have to wony. ".And I had fun at the party." years, then go back to Japan. A l s u k o Atagl has a Alld there are other unexpected problems, too. 9-year-old daughter who attends Village Oaks For example, inany Japanese find it vety dlflicult Elementary School. "When we came here she was i n the second to drive In .America, because we drive on the oppo­ grade and had many problems i n school," she site side of the road. Because o f a lack of public said, "And 1 would tfy to help with homework but 1 transportation, many newcomers find themselves couldn't because I didn't understand the English." stranded, M. B r a d y / S t e v e n Colleen Marie Brady of Northvllle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Terrence M . B r a ^ of Northvllle: a n d Steven J o h n Powers of Soutlifleld, son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Donald J . Powers of Southfield, celebrated their double ring wedding ceremoity J u l y 26at 5 p . m . The Weddlngat Our Lady ofVictoiy C h u r c h fri NorthVllle. oflldated by F r . Michael Molnar, Included the lighting of the unity candle. The bride carried a cascading bou­ quet of white roses, Japhet orchids, stephanotes and green Ivy. Her gown was a designer J i m HJelm with a n asymmetrical bodice In beaded alencon lace with a bow o n the side and a swealheart neckline. She had short puffed, off-the-shoulder sleeVes and a full silk taffeta skirt with a chapellenght trafri. Her veil Included a headband of alencon lace with silk buds, the chapel length veil Itself was beaded with alencon lace. Her maid of honor Was JuUe Brady of Northvllle, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Marcla Powers of Chicago, sister of the groom; Lynn Chrzanowskl of Chicago; Jennifer Hougan of Plymouth a n d Jill Price of Livonia. Flower gfrl was Laura Brady of Mt, Clemens, god-child of the bride. They wore dark peach, taffeta J . P o w e r s floor-length gowns With off-theshoulder sleeves. They carried cas­ cading bouquets of silk lltys, sonla roses. Ivory fresia and variegated Ivy. The best m a n was T o m Powers of Los Angeles, brother of the groom with ushers Michael Brady o f North­ vllle, brother of the bride; Mike Brown of Birmingham, Chris Curran of Bloomfield and Steve Fredericks of San Diego. The reception of 250 guests Was held at the Defrolt AthleUc C l u b . The couple honeymooned fr1 Northern Michigan. The couple met at Michigan State University where Colleen Is a 1990 Nursing School graduate a n d SteVen Is a 1990 graduate. Colleen graduated from Ladywood High School In 1986, and then moVed on to Michigan State University. She Is working as a registered nurse at Metropolitan Hospital In G r a n d Rapids. Steven is a 1986 graduate of Bfrmlngham Brother Rice and received Ills degree In buUdfrig construction management from MSU. He was also a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. He is working at Artec Construction Co. in Grand Rapids. The couple Rapids. resides in Grand Contrary to the general belief that Japanese schools are more difficult than merican schools, Atagl said her daughter studys m u c h harder here than she would in J a p a n . She is afready studying offer lists of u p c o m i n g aid Doris Schultz, They are working in cooperation w i l h special recrea­ tion coordinator Kathy Crawford. Days at the center begin at 9 a.m. with socialization. Transportation to the center is available to seniors i n the area. Call 347-0414 for more information. L u n c h is available for a $1.50 do­ The center meetfrig was last Tues­ day. Those whoattend the center reg­ ularly were sorry to hear lhat Elsie C U m e r passed a w a y over the holidays. Recently, the center had a xisil from the Bloomfield Fleischnian Se­ nior Center. Entertainment was pro­ vided by the Sixth Gate Cloggers. fol­ lowed by bingo in the afternoon. Novl Public Library will be there. Other programs Include oil paint­ ing, cars and crafts, pfriochle tourna­ ments eveiy Monday, geneology, bridge, garden club and many special programs. Income tax assistance will soon be available. The center will be closed J a n . 20 for Civil Rights Day. Tuesday thei-e will be the special treat of dancing with a live band followed hy l u n c h at Evelyone is encouraged to plan to come to the Book Discussion Club on J a n . 16 and to lunch before the dis­ cussion. Pauline Drueschell of the Novi HigMights is written by Jeanne Clarke. Should you wish to contact her with informaiion for this column, please caU 624-0173. C h u r c h ' s P r e s e n t s #8620 Chrome Single Handle 16"x18" L u m b e r NOV! HIGH S C H O O L 1982: T h e Novl H i g h School C l a s s of 1 982 will have a r e u n i o n Oct. 2 at L a u r e l M a n o r ln Livonia. F o r Infonnatlon call M a i y , 347-7744 or write P.O. B o x 621, Novl, MI 48376. NORTHVILLE HIGH S C H O O L 1942: Nortllvllle H i g h Eugene Cole, Frank D u n h a m , Ruth G a g n o n , J o h n Gcraghty, Ines Jordan, B l a n c e Miller. J l m e Ozlas, Madeline Perkins, A l V l n She­ pard, Margery IRounsvllle a n d I^chard W a r d . Please c a l l George White at 349-8959. S O U T H E A S T E R N 1932: W h y don't we "do l u n c h " and celebrate the 60 years? If Interested, call Evelyn, 477-4206. R O C H E S T E R A D A M S 1981: Graduates of Itochester A d a m s H i g h School, C l a s s of 1981 will be celebraUng their 10 p l u s one year class reunion o n A p r i l 11,1992 a t C l u b Monte C a r l o In U U c a , M I . T h e committee Is s e a r c h i n g for all graduates from this class. F o r Infor­ mation call or write Reunion Planners, B o x 291, M f C l e m e n s , MI 48046, (313)465-2277 or (313) Bath Faucet Vanity W A L L E D L A K E W E S T E R N 1982: A 10-year class r e u n i o n Is planned for A u g . 1, 1992. I f y o u know the whereabouts of former classnlates, c a l l Reunions Made E a s y at 380-6100, NORTH F A R M I N G T O N 1981: T h e North F a r m i n g t o n C l a s s of 1981 will hold a 10-plus-oneyear reunion. Ifyou know the whereab­ outs of former classmates, call Reunions M a d e E a s y at 380-6100. For Information regarding rates for chiurch listings call Ttie Northivllle Record or Novl News 349-1700 ST. KENNETH CATHOLIC CHURCH W O R S H I P SPIRIT OF CHRIST EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF NOVI (E.LC.AJ 4O7O0 W. 10 Mto (W. ot iVJogecty) SurxMyWonh^j 8:308; 10:45o.m. Sunday Churcti SclKjol 9:300. m. Of(t8.l77-42«> F^ojtor Ihonxn A. Sct>eiQer A T 15'OFF Prices Starting as low as Interior Hat C H O I C E HRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST $ 9 f l C e U liOOW.AnnArtxxTroll Plymouth. K4lchlgan Sunday WoohV3,10-.30 am Sundoy School, 10:30 cm W«dn«day MwHng, 7:30 p.m. All ln-Slocl< Gal. B O Off lintihg Our already ,competitively low prices -. ... Confident 6 Year Durability ,, r Bubble Tubs $ Interior Semi-Gloss ii^NfiDINis^ . ,.,.,:J6325|4old«dRoqdot 11 Mim FornhgtoQ Hb. t.«chlgan SefvioM every fluridcy at 10..'iO a.m. Alio, Htjt Old Third Sundoy at 7:00 p.m. ' Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Bibto Cbss - Tu«day - 7:30 p.m. Song Servlcos- Lost Sunday of rrioiith- 7£0p.m. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN MISSOURI SYNOD H^h ti Bm Straats. Northvllo OMMrKJ htirdeo't) T. Lubeck. Pastor L. Kinne. Assoc kjla Pastor Church 349-3140 School 349-3146 Sunday Worship: 8dO am. «> 11:00 o.m. Sunday School * Bfcte Cks»«s: 9:45 a.m. Saturday Vospers: 6:00 p j-n. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 12 Mile East of Haggerty f^armlngton Hills Sunday Worship 8:30 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Nursery Services Available Timothy McDermott, Pastor Phone: 553-7170 (As»ml3liesofGod) 41365SIxMlleRd..Northvllle 348-TO30 Sunday School 9:55-1055 Sunday Wonhip, 4:30 a.nn.. 1 i o.m. & 4:30 p.m. Res. FOstof Otis T. Buctian Fdilane West Christian School Preschool & K-6 Ma-903i Doors free FIRST APOSTOLIC LUTHERAN CHURCH FAIRLANE ASSEMBLY WEST Bath & Sfiowei> !. '10" 770 Thoyei, North vlte WKKS-IO iJWRGIES Saturday, 5:00 p.m. Sunday. 7 JO, 9,11 a.m. ft 12:30 p.m. Church 349-2M1. School 1494610 Renvoi» EducOtkJh 349-2559 O F WlioohAi Ev. Luihwan SyiioeT^ ^ Sunday Woohlp 8 an & iasoiani''-"' Gtm E. Jahnit*. Pcztor - 3490565 9: i 5am Sundoy School * Blbl» Clou T R A Y C O Confident 6 Year Durability OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC CHURCH THE GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURI^Kf; iaalti&iwer Siri-puiiils ^ 200E.f«tafnSt.,NorthvltB 349.0!H1 Wonhip » Church School 9:30 & 11«) am Chlldcor* Avdl3bla9:30& 11:00 am ex. lowTAnce Chamt>«*taln. Postor R«v. Jom« RuJssl. MNitor of Evang^nsm & Slnj(« Rev. Motti .Ankmm. Ivilnlstof of Youth & Church School JWMorketSi, la^Tiia W«d. ia00a.m.Wcnwi'iBlbl«Sludy Sunday School vviS a.m. ll:a)ojn.MomhgWo(«h*3 Nurwiy Avaloble. All Walcorne Y O U R , HRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OFNORTHVILU WALLED LAKE HRST BAPTIST CHURCH C H U R C H , —^ UITHERAN - MISSOURI SYNOD NOVI MEADOWS SCHOOL On Toft Rd. r^r 1 i Mite r?oad 349-7322 Sunday Wonhip* School loojn. ro 11 joo.m. Roy Kiorabain, f>astoi lnte(p(»t»d tor two/tig Impoiod 1495) iiogoMly: South of Five MK Rood WMtoMid Ului^ Satuday: 4:90 p.m. Sunday«<Bam.,9d0o.m.. iiiOOani. HoV Dav» or Otillaaikio: 10 am & 7 pm Church: 4aWEe4 Top included. Faucet Extra. •With Pop-up •TOTAL faucet & finish Warranty. 7 SHEPHERD KING CHAPEL 23226 SB ftood., 3 Bta. S. of Gjond WNa 3 BIki. W. of fonnlngfon Rood Wonhop S»(v)o. 8:30 M i om oiunwy piovic*»d) Sunday School v>JO am 474-0594 Pastor Charlas Fox Poitor oonM Cov* 195 THURS., FRI., SAT, JAN. 16TH, 17TH, 18TH TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 263-6803. ST. JOHN LUTHERAN FARMINGTON SomiOak RRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF NORTHVILLE NOVI UNITED METHODIST CHURCH .STERLING. '-— KINKEAD'—* As Low As Prices Starting as ol w as Reg '14'" 41671W. Ten Mlie - Meodovvbrook 349-2652 (24 his.) Sunday Wonhip of 10:30 a.m. Nuisaiy Care Avollatite Choiies .locotx. Posiot Church Sciyjol 9:15am 349-114^ .SMileiloft Poods D;. Dou^ Vernon. Poita Rtv. Thcma M. 8*0900 - MIrbtof of Chrtrtion Edirotton Suido/, Wonrtp ioNba. Sirtoy Sctojl 4 HM^ Ca* ST. JAMES AMERICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH NORTHVILLE MEADOWBROOK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ORCHARD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, NOVI 21356 Moodowbroolc f?. Novl of ^'h Mil© Momhg Worship 10 a.m. Chufch School 10 a.m. M8'7757 Minister, Rov. E. Nel Hunt MlnWof of Must, Roy Ferguion 40100 ftve Mile Rd. Modhvtto Township Saturday Mem 4 PM. Sunday Moss 10 AM. Assoclattt Poster: fi. i^ul Essw Rwne: 42>9076 8 S D U R 0 C K All Purpose- Quality ALL PREVIOUSLY MARKED DOWN IVlERCHANDISE Oak 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x6 1x8 Boards 4.Fodl •eFbot'4.29 •2.99 '6.99 •4.49 '8.79 »5.79 '13.99 '8.99 Ml .99 '16.99 Treated Professional Quality Interior Premium Wall CO P l y w o o d 3/'1--4'x8' Drywall 3/8"-4'x8' Tile B a c k e r B o a r d 3'x5' Insulation R-13 $tBi4B B U Per Roll $277 Windshield Washer Fluid Saturday M o r n i n g s 10:30 -11:00 a.m. . •Tramcd cxpdrts will clciiionsiolo Ih0 use S .-ipljlicnlipii ol m.iiy pcDUiicIs lo.h.clp you ; . . . . vvitli your fJo-ii youf.solliibniciinpravqmont projects;. ~ :. '•• • Spicci.-iiOtlprsnnd Discoiiiils Will l>o av.iil.ihlv to nro-rcriisicietiCliiiic/Vtldrldoss. : . •Intorm.-ition Packets will be given to: all Atlciidcos. ' ; Location LOOK FOR THE RED TAGS THROUGHOUT THE STORE! Rock Salt _ # MOBTOtr _ Red Tag does not apply 10 prior purchases. ^m^m^ 80# Bag January 18 Lincoln Park Ceiling Inslalalion Closet Livonia Organizers D ywal Sterling Hgts. Firrashi ng Ceiling Waterford Inslalalion Brighton Panen il g Drywal St. Clair Finishing C loset Lapeer Organzi ers January 25 Drywal Finishing Ktichen Planning Ceiling Instalation Closel Orgaanziers Drywal Finishing Ceiling Instalation Paneling February 1 Co l set Og i anzi ers Drywal Finishing C o l set Organziers Kilchen Pa l nnn ig Ceiling Instalation 1 SI Security Home Financing Diymll Finishing .... >--xl[r J C P E N N E Y , O F F I C I A L S P O N S O R A N D O U T F I T T E R O F T H E 1992 U . S . O L Y M P I C T E A M 36 use 380 ZWI«A,l»»'.-,^-".^t Northland Mill Greenfield Rd.&Hwy.102 557-6600 lakMlift Mill M-59&Schoenherr 247-1710 OiklMd MiH 14 Mils & 1-75 583-3400 IWahrt Oaks Mali Eastland Mall 12 Mile & Novi Rd. 18000E.EightMiIeRd. 521-4900 348-3190 Sommlt Piact Northwood Fairlans TinwD Canter Michigan Ave. & Hubbard Telegr&ph & BSzabettl Lake Rd. ISMile&Wbodward '288-6200 683-9000' 593-3300 Southland Mall Eurel(a& Pardee Rd. 287-2020 Il7.t» 8M....,.5..-^..3 i.rx:x s,. -ox.x tmtx mtm 1.7. i.rxty mn #805-65991 Gound Fault Interupter Receptacle • El D C • ° Febniary 8 LEVITOIM Ceiling installation Kilchen Planning Drywal Finishing 1st Security Home Financing Panen il g Ceiling Instalation EMM awn uoarM ta-tm tntm wvn i w Mt!0,».So.,-...!li7j X- 1* Wxw to.,] IU:,P- C.'iVmmtm -l ..a.l'.Xft *<ir.--.MS n,, s»g...-o!.U?il».go1075 So,.'-....'fc.o.,-- SMOvy....Gr.7x(« 5.. .QX.x V .oaiicc •am O -Per Sq. Fi. Sold in lull tolls only 88,12 Sq. Fl. F R E E " H O W T O " 0 0 - I T Y O U R S E L F CUIVIC S E R I E S Protects lo -20°F LimiM Per Customer 8" Attic Blanket Insulation R-ZS M mistl DMM PMK WW la«M :ilO..B^... -.j'«Vt*T..a u.. i..-X -x .... &.7,l .x .... ^ -X7a 5.^ .IXIT 5.. .0(C.« •ROM BMM wtim nt-ma ..ri.,..T7x ,*» •» "X S.. :x-[r i... .;Ti,x .CX.X interior Lauan Pre-hung Door V: 1-3/8-Thick 2'6'x6'8- $2g88 Casing nol included 21466 MosI Pd. (betwMn 9-10 MIo) Bbte Study fa AIAo»l 9:45a.m. Wont%iS«vlc«al II am.«6p.m. Wed..Mld.Wc»kPiayotSorv..7p.ra M9«45 Konnolh Slov&ra. Poslof Nine(YPro\««d Al leMcei hlwpreled tcx lt» Oaal. SAINT JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS EPISCOPAL 57a S.Shelclon Rood PfynxxAn - .iiyo 1 CO Th»ff^ noe>»rtS Shcr^k. Jf, Rsicfof S«<Mo«e Sat 5 00 p.m, htoV Ev.chonjt Slti ICCOom HoVEuclvinr Ouch School Nuf»7 Co-* Bonier Ffee Foclllty tor fhe HancHcopp&d 10 MM b«twMn Toft & Back. Movl Phon» 149-1175 7:45 am. Holy Euchaitst llKBHolyEuchaitt TheRev.LeOeF.Hatdtig 11:00 o.m. Sunday School WARD EVANGELICAL FAITH COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at 1700 Farmington Rood Uvonb.MI481S4 (313)422.1150 Sunday Wonh0 and Sundoy School 8.-C0.9:15.10i«5a.m.. 1205 8,7«l pm Sunday Wonh|) Bfoodoost 9:3oa.m.WMW-fM ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 44400 VA 10 M\\o. Novl, Novl 349-5666 1/2 mito wost or Novl Rd, Wofih^ & Church School 9:00 i 10:30 Rtchotd J. l-terKtorsori, Postof J. Cyruj Smim. Associate Postor HRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NORTHVILLE W»»k©fxd titUi-Qtoi^lSnParVMow Etemwitory school (I \ Ml« Rd. W«at of Toft Rd.) Scjtufdoy S:00p.m. Sundoy 900 cm. dt ] 1:00 a.m. Reverend Jome* F. Cronk, Posfof PtTlih office: 347-7778 Iuts. wto. THUR. fRt S«I. • •. 19 20 . 16 17 217N.Wlr>g 343-1020 Rev, Stephen Sparta Postor Sundoy Worship, 8:30 a.m.. 11 a.m. A 6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service 7:00 p.m. Boys Bflgodo 7 p.m., Ptonoer GUs 7 p.m Sunday School 9:45o.m. T O H A V E Y O U R C H U R C H 18 A P P E A R 21 Art lt»mf moy not t>9 In-StocK aA alt Locattor\» H E R E Westland Mail Warren & Wayne Rd. 425-4260 Uncoin Park Tach Plaza Briarwood Mall, Ann Arbor Fort & Emmons 12 Mile & Van Dyke 500 Brianwood Circle 382-3396 5)^-4370 769-7910 4&301 11 MleotToftRd. Homo of Novl Christian School 0<-12) Sun,School.C'JSa.m. Wofjhip. 11:00 a.m. A 6:00 p.m. Prayer MoeMrtg. Wed.. 7x0 p.m. Df. Gary Bfher. Poster 349-3477 349-3647 MiMcmwillicim,lii.l5ltriJaai SUN. C A L L 3 4 9 - 1 7 0 0 For Quick Results C a l l G R E E N V Y A R D s ^ Youi* l-umber & Hapdwai*e School Class of 1942 Is looking for the following members for class reunion: CHURCH DIRECTORY e v e n t s 1 p.m. nation if possible. Anyone wishing to give more to help the program may. Contlnned from 2 and grocery stores and Ups for living in Michigan, 'We're somethfrig like a Welcome Wagon," said 0.saki, "Usually a member who is geographically close lo the new person, or perhaps the Wife of one of the new person's colleagues at work, will greet the new person when she arrives," The Informational liandbook Includes things like an explanation of each American holiday and how they are celebrated; how to tip (not a custom in Japan): a n explanaUon of the medical system (In Japan y o u don't make an appointment to see a doctor, and the doctor sells you medicine fristead of giving you a prescription); driving and traffic safety; and American recipes, including stuffed turkey. Life in America is challenging for these women, but it is also a learning experience. .And others leam from It. too. Recently. Ole local women taught a Japanese language class at Village Oaks that Included c u l ­ tural lessons about life In J a p a n . 'For us to teach Japanese is very hard, because we have never taught Japanese," Atagl said. "But we really enjoyed it." Keiko Hagio's next-door neighbor has learned something, too, "1 used to drive in J a p a n , and 1 like to drive veiy " L i s t Cfiristmas he asked me how to make ori­ much, but it is loo hard for me here," Atagl said. gami (folded paper sculptures) for his Christmas One of the most valuable items the Sakurakal tree," she said. "He decorated the entire tree that Wives C l u b provides for newcomers is an friforma- way." lion handbook which Includes information on There are the things that we find we can l e a m schools, medical facilities a n d Immunization Infrom others." Osakl said, "And there are also the forma lion for children as well as local department ways we can share what we have," That was only one of many problems she had adjusting to life in a foreign country. She also had war stories about a gas leak i n her basement. O r g a n i z a t i o n s R e u n i o n s Headquarters S H E E T C L A S S I F I E D ( 3 1 3 , 3 4 8 - 3 0 2 2 /•/( ^JEVVS ~Thufsd<-iy January 16. 1992 .IB It- Can science prove Bible theory? By CRISTINA FERRIER At one previous meeting, Thome said, a speaker described the discovery of modern lnan's footprints along with dinosaur footprints. S:;ifl Wr:!(.-' C m f-clt-riUfic mcihodsbe used toshowlhalthe ir.f.-ory ol c.a-ntioiil.srn ls really a fact? Th.-ifs wh.i! 'nle Genesis Club, whifil mccis "•.fyriihly at Baptist Church of NorthviUe, fs .i:!i'r;ipli:i^ Ui do. l i i r y ir.'-"! U) dLscuss how science can use<l U:[,ii,vr ![,!• (TiMiioii tlieory Is more likely than ihe M'-;:;!/c; Oiri.i 'niome says she's convinced. 'T::'' c'.oaitloii theory is Just ludicrous," she .iiii 'V.V !:.(:(-[ nrid tallc alxiut the things cvolu-I'.i'.ls „iy :' .-iredlsprovcdby some of the other ; .' nil'.:!.!; ;';ii(iir!f^.s ou! thc-e." B u d d e s p e a k "And we talked about fossils, and carbon dat­ ing," .she said, "Did you know they've done carbon dating (to test the age ol) live animals and found them to \x millions of years old? theNCVI B i r t h s Travel their environmental needs, Thome said she truly believes that the earth was created as described in the Bible, Including that the earth was created in seven days. J e n n a Marie VIrant a half. Mark and Robin VIrant ofNovl an­ nounce the birth of their daughter Jenna Marie on December 7, 1991. At her birth at Huron Valley Hospital Jenna was seven pounds 12 ounces. SheJolns her brother, Keven. two and "Based on logic, it Just doesn't illake sense. How can you be accurate alxjut billions of years?" However, she said, there are "older" and "youn­ ger" theories of creatlonism. The younger theory contends that it actually took much longer to cre­ ate the earth, and that biblical "days" were actu­ ally many years, The crenllonist theory follows the biblical de­ scription ofthe origin of earth and man, outlined in ihe Ixiok of Genesis. "There's more proof (based on fossil records) of the younger theory In the creation model," she said. Aiexa The theory of evolution describes the develop­ ment of man over billions ofyears, developing from an apelike creature to modern man. It theorizes that all living creatures have evolved based on The group is meeting rlext Tuesday. J a n . 14 at 7:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Northvllle. 217 N. Wing St., to view a video on the origin of man that supports the creationist theory. Randy and Zora Canon are the new parents of Alexa Marie, Ixim Oct. 5, al Providence Hospital. Atherbirth she weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces. Marie She Joins her brothers Mike, 16, Danny, 12, a n d T l m m y , 10. Grand­ parents are Marie Nenadovlch and Carl and Ann Carron. to to LIVONIA OUTLET STORE By W l L U A M T . TOlWlCKI Travel Writer Q: Does Florida hold a Jazz and Water fesUVal? When is i t ? A: SunFest '92 is Florida's largest annual Jazz, art and water festival. Its lOlh an­ niversary will be celebrated April 30 to May 30 in West Palm l^each. Fla. This year's headllners In­ clude singer Kenny [oigglns. blues guitarist Fluddy Guy, flute player Nestor Tones a n d 14 other acts. Travel packages thai In­ clude hotel accommodations, shuttle service, golf, breakfasts and a SunFest pass to many of the events can be arranged through Prestige International al (800) 800-5931. For further information ab­ out the festival call SunFest •92 al (407) 659-5992. :i\<imn. 9: Is anyone leading ecologicaUy sensitive tol1rs of Ecuador? s i g n A : A five-day adventure In the pristine lake-and-Jungle region around the Aguarico * J^ver, a tributary In northeast Ecuador, Is being offered by the Metropolitan Touring group. The forest and dense Jun­ gles of this remote area are rich in wildlife: more than 500 species of exotic tropical birds. 12 species.of monkeys arlfl ffe3hWal6f doIphln';'"af^Tl^as • tapirs and anteaters. Participants take canoe trips and spend nights in thatched huts at lakeside camps using solar-pxiwered electricity. For further informaUon c(3ntact Metropolitan's U,S. agent, Adventure .Associates, at (800) 527-2500. B o r d e r s Feminist writer Gloria Stelnem will sign copies of her latest bx)ok. Re- whiiionjmm Wilhin, on Sunday. Jan. 2G, from 2-3 p.m. at Borders Book Shop in the Novl Town Center. Stelnem is co-founder and coilsulting editor of Als. magazine and the author of two previous bestselllng lx>okb. ' ' ' RcL'okkioi-i from Within: A Book of SelJ-EsU-em is Stelnem's exploration of the Inte.Tlal struggle — her own arid others' — to regain a sense of sell-worth and security lost during c:hildhood. She shares the Inspiring stories of men and Women Including MahaLma Ghandi, Margaret Mead arld Julie Andrews as well as less fetnous but accomplished people who all undenvenl spiritual revolu­ tions Ix'forc coming Into their own. The btvjk is published by Little. Brown. Q: We've h e a r d A s p e n has a special food a n d Wine event i n the summer. Is that true? Sieinem also Wrote Outrageous Acts cmd Eixryday Rebellions, a collectiorl of columns and essays, and Alariityn. a compassionate vitw of i.'-ouhlL-d actress Marilyn Monroe. A: Yes, the 10th annual Aspen Food and Wllie Classic is planned for June 12 to J u n e 21. Set amid the beauty of the Colorado Rockies, It Is one of the World's premier food and wine events. Julia Child, grand dame of American cooking, will be on hand this year among the ex­ perts for three days of wine tastings, seminars, cooking demonstrations and panel discussions. F o r further information call the Aspen Classic at (303) 925-9000, ext. 300. Displaced homemal<er program continues Schoolcraft College's Women's Iteso1irce Center is offering a Displaced Hoinernaker Program funded through grants from the depart­ ments of Education and Labior. FURNITURE Project HERS (Homemaker's E m ­ ployment Reentry System) offers ca­ reer interest assessment, assertlveness training, resume writing and Intelvlew techniques. Displaced homemakers are people who have worked In the home most of their lives and Who have lost their source of income due to death, disa­ bility, desertion, divorce or separa­ tion from the person on whom they have been dependent. Financial aid Is available to cover the cost of tuition for those who are on public assistance, displaced homemakers, homemakers or single parents who lack adequate Job skffls as Well as recent, skilled, full-time work experience. Project H E R S meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 3 p . m . For more information on registration and fmanciai assistance, call 462--4443 to arrange an appointment. Schoolcraft College Is located at 186O0 Haggerty R d . . ln Uvonla. a G a r a g e A P P L I A N C E OUTLET Seors. Roebuch OTKfC.o-1991 : Saiisraction ol/Qronieed or your money tio^ft SEARS W A R E H O U S E OUTLET 12001 S E A R S A V E . E X C E P T I O N A L L I V O N I A V A L U E S 1 MILE W E S T O F M I D D L E B E L T OFF PLYMOUTH ROAD O N M A T T R E S S E S A N D B O X S P R I N G S ASSORTED SIZES SOLD IN SETS AND SOm SEPAMTELY P H O N E 4 2 2 - 5 7 0 0 OeUVERY NOT INCLUDED IN SELLING PRICES OF ITEMS ON THIS PAGE IN STOCK CONDITION LIMITED S T Y L E S , QUANTITIES A N D M O D E L S MERCHANDISE SELECTION CONSISTS OF NEW, USED, RECONDITIONED A N D DAMAGED MERCHANDISE Sale! Call GREEN SHEET C U S S I R E D '^'^^ 9: Have y o u ever heard of Tangier Island i n the United States? & PREVIOUSLY SELECTED MERCHANDISE N O T INCLUDED • Don't Ju«t Sit Thor^ Whilo Your 'Vefuablaa- Multiptyl 348""3022 Photo by EVERETT POHER City slickers on a dude-ranch vacation can take horseback rides through the pine-covered mountains of Colorado S t e i n e m H a v e THURSDAY January 16, 1992 C a r r o n .'-•injilc ['l;i«' wil! present Father .Joiui liudde of Holy Fanlily Catholic (!r.:r( il on "The Annulment Process" ..t 7::;<) p.m. Wednesday, J a n , 22 at I'n-sbyterlan Church Boll Fel­ lowship li^ill, ivinny iM-ojilr have asked "how does ih(.- '.iruiiilinenl' process works in !hi- Roniari Catholic Church?" F.ilhcr lJuddc will explain the pro(cs.s .tnd iiriswcr Cjuestlons. F.uhcr Budde is Senior l^stor of rfoiy !-'aniily P>oman Catholic Church (A' .Vovl. lie was fonner pastor of Our Luly r)f Viciory Church in Northvllle. -Smj;le VIMX Is also plarmlng a ski t:ip to Ikiyrie Mountain and Nub's .\'ob Frh. 1-51(3. i-or if;4islralion infonnation on rither of ilicsi- events, call Northvllle First Presbyterian C h u r c h at at 5 B Grandparents are George and Rosemary Axe of Greensboro, NC and Carl and Minnie Virant of Sun luikes, AZ. s i n g l e s to N E W S O P E N 7 DAYS A W E E K M O N . - F R I . 1 0 : 0 0 A . M . T O 9:00 P . M . , S A T . 1 0 : 0 0 A . M . T O 7 : 0 0 P . M . , S U N D A Y 12:00 N O O N T O 5:00 P . M . A : Tangier Island Is located off the coast of southern 'Vir­ ginia, 12 miles out In Chesa­ peake Bay It Is four miles long and has a n airfield, an eight-room boarding house and excellent d u c k hunting. According to historical re­ cords, early English settlers purchased the island from the Infllans for two overcoats. In 1686 one J o h n Crockett moved to Tangier Island with eight children. They Were later Joined by a few other families. Now about 8O0 people po­ pulate the island, many of them descendants of these early settlers. Ufe there Is simple and calm With oystering, clamming and crab­ bing the chief pursuits. Readers are invited to sub­ mit questions to William Tomicki. P.O. Box 5148. Santa Barbara. Calif. 93150. Al­ though be cannot answer each query Individually, selected questions will be in­ cluded in bis column. Mr. Tomlcki, who logs over 150,000 miles each year, is the publisher of ENTREE, a noted travel newsletter. Copyright 1992 William T. Tomidd Distributwi by New Yori( Times Speaal Featljrcs^yrxJication Sales Try vacationing on a ranch, dude B e i n g a n e x p e r t rider isn't n e c e s s a r y By E V E R E T T P O T T E R Travel Writer Do horseback rides through the pine-covered mountains and soft green valleys of Colorado or Montana sound appealing? Then it may he time for a duderanch vacation. It's not a new trend. Westem ranchers have been catering to "dudes" for more than 100 years. But now hit movies s u c h as "City Slickers" — and ever more crowded urban landscapes — make a tempor­ ary home on the range an especially popular escape. The dude ranch has been around since 1879 When the Eaton brothers of Medora, N.D.. foumded a ranch Where friends from Eastern towms and cities could come to sample Westem life. In time guests began paying for the privilege of doing chores and helping With the herd. .Alas, an industiy Was Ixirn. The visitors Were called "dudes." a term applied to outsiders -— usually city people. Who are unfamiliar With cowboy ways. Other ranchers soon followed the E:atons' example, catering to dudes Who sought the simple pleasures of life In the saddle. Today there are dozens of dude ranches scattered across the states. , Some have an old-fashloncd, rusUc log-cabin appeal. Othiws Ixiast Ifxiges with stone fireplaces, antlers and enough plaid blankets to keep designer Ralph Lauren happy. O n these ranches it's not uncom­ mon to find svinmming pools, tennis courts, saunas, hot tubs and dining rooms with a type ofcuislne to make a distant memoiy out of pork and beans. There may be excellent fishing and hiking and, in the winter, cross­ country skiing and snowmobiling. A working ranch often offers vaca­ tioners a chance to actually help with the livestock. But the common denominator is still plenty of horseback riding on daylongor half-day rides orovemlglil pack trips. Being an expert rider isn't neces­ sarily a prerequfslte fora dude-ranch vacation. Often riders at all levels are welcome, Forchlldren It can be a me­ morable Way to leam lo ride. The cost of a dude-ranch vacation for a d u d e - r a n c h v a c a t i o n ranges from $650 to $1,300 per per­ 100 Visitors In separate cabins and In the hot tub and sauna. Telluride's son per Week. That's In high season cabin suites peacefully situated in shops, galleries and restaurants are between June and September When a the pines. Just 15 minutes away. one-Week stay Is usually requlird. • Mountain Sky Guest R a n c h , There's a heated outdoor swimLow-season prices are about 20 Box 1128K, Bozeman, Mont. 59715; ming pool, tennis courts a n d ample percent less, Children's rates arc telephone (800) 548-3392. - fishing " ^ d hiking. Also bficred 'are usually a bargain. At this true family ranch in Para­ nighttime square dancing and slngdise Valley up to 75 guests c a n be ac­ Guests can expect to pay an addi­ alongs — in the true spirit of the old commodated in 25 m o d e m a n d r u s ­ tional 1 5 percent In gratuities. Many West. tic cabins. ranches (io not accept credit cards, Children have extensive super­ After dally horseback riding i n Pa­ so traveler's checks are a gocd vised programs. radise Valley, dudes may enjoy the alternative. B Skyline Guest Ranch, Box 67, swimming pool or sauna, take a na­ "Ranch Vacations" by Eugene Kil Telluride, Colo. 81435; telephone ture hike or go fishing In nearby Yel­ gore (John Muir F^ibllcations, 1989; (303) 728-3757. lowstone River. There are eveidng $18.95) Is the single best guide to Dude-ranch aficionados say Sky­ sing-alongs a n d square dancing — more than 200 ranches throughout line is one of the finest dude ranches plus Imaginative children's the United States a n d Canada, The in the West. programs. book has detailed listings and de­ It's In the southeastern c o m e r of Yellowstone National Park is only scriptions of programs and activities. the state In a valley surrounded by :30 miles away. Here Is a s a m p l i n g of dude the snowcapped S a n J u a n Mountain For further information a b o u t ranches: peaks. Owners Dave and Sherry Fardude ranching contact the D u d e • Lost Valley Ranch, Route 2, Box ney can accommodate 35 guests in Ranchers Association, P.O. B o x K, .Sedalla. Colo. 80135; telephone the main lodge or In one of four 47 IK, LaPorte. Colo. 80535 or call (303) 647-2311. housekeeping cabins. (393) 493-7623. J u s t an hour and a half from Col There's riding instruction for all The American Wilderness Experiorado Springs, the Lost Valley Ranch levels. Children are welcome, al­ nce represents some 46 W e s t e m is at the edge of 40,000 acres of the though there are no special prog­ Jude ranches. For further informa­ Pike National Forest. It o-ffers a riding rams. Nearby fishing, hiking and tion write the agency at P.O. Box program for all levels. Guests are i n ­ backpacking are excellent. Pack trips 1486, Boulder, Colo. 8O306 or call vited to work with the 200 head of are available and photo workshops (800) 444-3833. cattle. are held twice a year. Copyright 1992 Everett Potter The ranch can accommodate up to Dudes can soak away riding pains New 'yorl< Times Special Features Some good advice on how to travel with kids PREP.ARATION By J O Y C E B A K E R Special Writer Write it downl Make a checklist and cross off each item when il is The poplilar movie, "Home Alone" packed (I live by this rule). Essential featured a young boy whose family items include the following: (I ex­ accidentally left him by himself al cluded clothing here as 1 assumed home when they went on vacation. you'll know best whal you need) • Items for infant: Baby food/ That may be a parent's rlightlnare and a child's fantasy (or is it vice Jiilce/formula, bottles, dry cereal, versa?), but It required a stretch of diapers, disposable travel pads (lo put baby on when changing its diap­ the Imagination to be believable. ers), handiwipes, It was, however, an amusing B Items for children: Snacks (not concept. all flights serve meals), gum a n d / o r You may never go that far, but candy (for ear problems), straws. there are some things many parents Consider games, cards, books or leave behind, things that coiild help maps. The list should Include such make the traveling part of your trip items as motion sickness pills (re­ easier for you and more fun for the commended by your physician) a n d / children. or any prescription medicines that a family member may need: aspirin, Whether you are visiting grandma antacid tablets, sunburn ointment, or Mickey Mouse, traveling with etc. children requires more than packing the bags and leaving. There are four stages to any trip: Planning, preparaUon. traveling and coming home. PLANNING What are the specifics oft.he trip? Weather, location (beach, moun­ tains, etc.), length ofstay and accom modation needs (hotel, cabin rental, time share apartment) are a few ex­ amples. Consider possible activities for the children. Are nearby restaurants "children friendly"?Will your family need pass­ ports? Will you be Uaveling wilh an infant? (If so. you should inform the airline reservation agent). After you assess your anticipated vacation needs, you are ready for stage Iwo. M a n y of these items may seem ob'/ious to you, but as a flight atten­ dant, I've not found that to always be the case. I've been asked—more than a few times—"Don't you have any­ thing for my child to eat, (play with,' elc.)?" All of this sounds like a lol to re­ member, but it will save a lol of un­ necessary expense and headaches if you take a few extra minules ahead of Ume lo prepare. Now you're ready lo go- TRAVELING Families with small children are offered the option of boarding ihe air­ craft prior to the other travelers. E n route lo your seals, you'll usually pass by the cockpit. If the children want to say "hi" to the pilois, by all means let them do so—Just ask per­ mission from the flight attendant. The lighls and gadgets can by InlimldaUng, so don'l encourage your children if they seem apprehensive. If the pflols have the lime, they are will­ ing lo share a couple of minutes an­ swering a child's (or your) questions . . .don'l forget, most ofthem are pa­ rents too. Flying is a wonderful, uninter­ rupted opportunity to leam. You can't go anywhere during the flight, so what better lime lo gel lo know more about your children? Read lo them, play queslion-and-answer games, review geography with them by looking at maps. Talk to your children: let the clouds stimulate their imaginations. You will be surprised al some of the creative thoughts they come up wilh. You might want lo do this exercise yourself Looking at the worid from a different perspective gives you in­ sight inlo a problem. You'll be looking down a l the earth instead ofup al the sky. 1 mentioned that you should bring along snacks for the flight. I can't stress this enough. Because of the unprediclable nature of air travel (weather or mechanical delays), food may not be available when your children are hungry. In fact, several flights serve no­ thing more than the tradilional pea­ nuts regardless of the lime of day ("We've been traveling since break­ fast and your airiille hasn't fed us yet . . . i f s 2 o'clock!'). S a w y travelers wilh o r without children know this and pack accordingly: fruit, peanut butter crackers, po[x:om, yogurt and granola bars ai'e just a small saiil- p l i n g of e a s i l y - p a c k e d food i t e l l l s y o u can bring along. •An a i r p l a n e h a s very c r a m p e d quarters, a n d y o u n g c h i l d r e n c a l l get cranky. They want and need l o move around. A n d because parents are also cramped, they usually are only loo h a p p y l o a l l o w t h e m t h e i r freedom. B u t if the seat belt sign is o n , i l i s o n for a i-eason (the c a p l a i n a n t i c i p a l e s or has r e p o r t s o f t u r b u l e n c e or u n s m o o l h a i r ) . C h i l d r e n s h o u l d be h e l d or seated w h e n the s e a l b e l l is o n . If the p l a n e e n c o u n t e r s a n y severe turbulence unexpectedly a n d y o u r c h f l d i s s t a n d i n g o n the s e a l o r p l a y i n g / s l e e p i n g o n the floor, they m a y w i n d u p o u l of y o u r pi-oieciive g r a s p before y o u c a l l do a n y t h i n g a b ­ out i l , I've s e e n i l h a p p e n . Have the children unpack bags and help wash vacation laundry. Ease the transition back into their everyday life by reviewing the vaca­ tion. Discuss highlights, laugh about the low points and start plarmlng your next trip. Joyce Baker of No\1 Is a (light at­ tendant for Northwest Airlines. She occasionally shares her travel exper­ tise with us on this page. then R E C Y C L E H o m e T o w n e n c o u r a g e s t o COMING H O M E We all suffer from a n occasional case ofposl-vacaUon blues. Children may nol recognize their symptoms as such. The "ho-humness" that c a n settle in as soon as you pull u p to your driveway c a n be alleviated by getting back onto a routine schedule quickly. r e c y c l e n e w s p a p e r s * N e w s p a p e r s r e a d e r s tfieir Diversions the NOVI the N E W S F e x p e r i e n c e t h e o f f - r o a d u l t i m a t e v e h i c l e % Leam To Fly Helicopters C A L L 3 1 3 - 6 6 9 - 3 0 8 0 AO, NOW THROUGH FEB. 29,1992, 6 GET By RICK B Y R N E Copy Editor A N Y CONCESSION PURCHASE OF $5.01 OR MORE! ( O n * C o u p o n Per D a y , Per P e r s o n • N o C a s h V a i u s ) Star Lincoln Park • Star W i n c h e s t e r I • S t a r Qrdtlot • Star R o c h e s t e r I h E g K • S t a r J o h n • Star :.t3t(Q!M;'1ud3 ln-kttelid£meei;»si«:..and •learned about the habits a n d habi­ tats of Michigan snakes. Upcoming 'Eleventy-F\1n" prog­ rams Include: • "Japanese Tea Par^." J a n . 18. L.earn Japanese words and customs. With Mifjdy DrongoWskl and Linda Cymerlnt. • "Sign i^nugage Saturday". J a n . ...Every M o n d a y t h e a c t u a l IVIusic STARTING G A T E : The StarUng Gate Saloon of­ fers live iTiuslc every Friday a n d Saturday nlglit from 9 p m . to 1:30 a.m. Appearing during J a n u a r y Is the variety duo Rick and Qeckl. Each Weekend in February Squander Will perform. The Starting Gate Is located at 135 N. Center in downtoWn Northville. , C A B A R E T : T h e Novl Players. Novl Concert B a n d and Novi Choralaires will present Cabaret as a flind-raiscr for the Novl A i t s Council on Saturday, Feb. 8. Ptzza or pasta, salad, bread sticks and bever­ ages Will be itvallable for purchase. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.. With Cabaret beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets arc $ 3 IndlVlduaJ or $10 family of five, plus $2 for each additional family memhicr. Etescrved table of eight Is S24. T h e Cabaret is at the Nov! CiVic Center, on Ten Mile cast of Taft. Tickets are aVallablc from the NoVl Parks a n d Itecreatlon ofBcc or mcmticrs of performing groups. Call 347-04OC. VICTOR'S; Where can y o u find an active Ham­ m o n d organ, great music and good food? Answer Victor's of NoVl. Call 349- 1438 ahead to find out if nostalgic Conj1ie Mallett Wlll he on keylsoard. A graduate of the mld-llfc crisis, master of the Hammond a n d the wnerable Novl Chamber ex­ ecutive director. Mallett c h a r m s her audiences at Victor's With s u c h favorites as -Misty." "NcW York, NcW York" and "Moonlight Serenade." Her playing 13 smooth a n d familiar without being too sweet: easy listening without the elevator. N o v i T e l e v i s i o n There Is no additional charge for the perfor­ mances. For more Information call the restaurant at 347-0095. C H U R C H C O N C E R T SERIES: The Fi.rst Pre­ sbyterian C h u r c h of Northville presents its l 99 J -92 concert series. Tiie schedule is as folloWs: 9 Chamber music by members of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra With TreVa Womble. oboe a n d Robert Williams, bassoon. Sunday, Feb. 2. at 4 p.m. O David Lee Helnzman. organist and composer, in a concert of original music for organ. Sunday, March 8, at 4 p.m. • Men and Boys Choir of Christ Church Grosse Polntc, D. Frederick DeHaven. conductor, i n a concert of English Cathedral Music. Sunday, May 17, at 4 p.m, Tickets to all concerts are $8 each. For more InfonmaUon call 349-0911. T h e a t e r DINNER T H E A T E R : The Northville Community Center, 303 W. Main, presents two family dinner . theater productions With The Actor's Company: "I^mplestlltskln," on Friday, J a n . 17, Is an en­ chanting fairy talc, about a magical little man Who spins straw into gold. Audience participation fi­ nishes the stoiy. Dinner at 6:15 p.m. with the show at 7 p.m. Tickets $9 per person. "Earthllngs." on Friday. April 3, is a musical de­ signed for education about ecology in an enter­ taining Way. Dinner at 6:15 p.m. and show at 7. Tickets S9 per person. For more information call the community cen­ ter at 349-0203. M U R D E R M Y S T E R I E S , O P E R A AT G E PIANO MAN: Pianist T o m Altenburg Is now performing nightly at the C o u n t i y Epicure NITTl'S: GenltU's Hole-in-the-Wall Restaurant continues to present Its Murder Mysteiy and Verdl Restaurant. Altenbtlrg. w h o has delighted audiences for Opera D111ner Theatre performances. Gcnitti's now has three dliferent production years i n metropolitan Detroit, performs new a n d classic sclectlor1s Tuesday through Saturday. companies performing three different Murder Crowds are welcome to slng along beglnj1Ing at 7 Mystery DinnerTheatres. Eveiy Friday evening at 7:30 p . m . separate performances are planned In p . m . each night. C o u n t i y Eplc11re Is located at 42050 Grand separate dining rooms. Reservations arc required RlVer between Meadowbrook and Novl roads. For for all shows. more InformaUon call. 349-7770. Special performances of the Murder Mystery D i n n e r Theatre are now available for large groups WEEKNIGHT J A Z Z : Home Sweet Home re­ o f people any day of the Week, day or eVcr11ng, staurant, on Nine Mile Just east of Novl Road, of­ l u i i c h o r dinner time. D i n n e r ls served. A s the crime unfolds d u r i n g fers llVeJazz cVciy T\1esday and Wednesday from 8 the perfonnance, the guests tiy to discover Who to 11 p.m. Performances are by the Buddy Budson B a n d "committed the m u r d e r ' t h r o u ^ d u e s g v e n out with featured Vocalist Eric Brandon. Often local d u r i n g heated exchanges between cast members. jazzstarsllke U r s u l a Walker a n d Marcus Belgravc Additkmal clues a n d motives are ^ v e n out a s l h e c a s t mingles with the guests. S m a l l gifts are slt l n a s Well. awarded to those Who correctly guess the IdenUty of the murderer. The standard seven-course dinner Is served family style, like an old Italian wedding: lots of food, served hot. homemade soup, antlpasto sa­ lad, vegetables. Italian sausage, baked chicken. Italian steak (pork), garlic toast, beverage and a lu­ scious dessert. The "Verdl Opei^ Dinner Theatre" Is now sche­ duled the third Thursday of eveiy month at 7:30 p.m. A l l arias are performed by the Verdl Opera Theatre of Michigan. Special performances are available for large groups. Reservations are re­ quired for all shoWs. GenltU's "Hole-ln-the-Wall" restaurant Is lo­ cated In downtown NorthVille at 108 East Main St. Just east of Center Street (Sheldon Road). The Murder Mystery DInnerTheatre and the Vcndl Opera Dinner Theatre Including U1c seven-course tllnner costs $25 per person (including tax and Up). Please phone 349-0522 or fax 349-4641 for re­ servations. Group rates are available. Large par­ ties c a n be accommodated for any performance. The GenltU's Gift Shop will be open for dinner guests. Valet parking is available during the evening. But Friday's vlctoiy left Novl all alone in first place In the K V C . and the preseason favorites were left to play catchup the rest ofthe season. The game was decided In the fi­ nal minute of play as the Wildcats overcame an eight-point deficit be­ hind the spectacular play of seniors Jason Walker and Mike Kramer. With 40 seconds remaining, Walkercanned a three-pointer. The Highlanders missed their attempt at a bucket, and Walker again drained one on the return trip. He Was fouled in the process, a n d hit the free throw to Ue the game. Matt Rolfes tossed the ball In for the Wildcats, hItUng Walker near midcourt. Walker passed It up to Kramer at a dead run. Kramer drove d p m the lane and layed the ball" time-'ft^n out. The (victoiy brought Wild cheers of "KVC! KVC!" from the Novl rooters. "It was unbelievable," said Wild­ cats' coach Bob Shoemaker. "They just had suoer execution. We called (that play). It usually doesn't work that Well, but this Ume It did." In fact, unul the fourth quarter. 25. Tales by Dr. Seuss, presentcdby- f o r t ^ | | p [ n d friends With lhe help'of cerUHed sign language lnterpreter vlsitiftif instructor J u d l Odmark. ' Kim WiUett and co-host Mary Wells. • "Sign Language Saturday." Feb. 22. Favorite faiiy tales for all to hear, • "Songs and Stories of.Afrlca," Feb. presented by Kim WlUett and MaIy 1. Muslclan-stoiyteller Nairn A b d u r WeUs. Rauf returns With traditional African .All events require preregistratlon instruments and gets the audience in person or by phone (347-0780). involved in an exciting program cele­ Borders Book shop is located In the brating Black Hlstoly Month. NovlTovm Center, olTNovl Road. Just • "Be Mine," Feb. 8. Make valentines south of 1-96. I n t o w n The Novl High basketball team showed Just how lltUe public opin­ ion is worth on the hardcourt with Us e:<plosive 67-66 victory over Howell Friday night. The visiting Highlanders Were, by all preseason prognosUcaUons, the odds-on favorites to win their seventh Kensington Valley Confer­ ence title. The knock on the Wild­ cats, as defending league champs, was that they had lost too many starters to graduation to be a for­ midable contender. As the Highlanders worked for the last shot, they Were fouled With five seconds remaining. The shoo­ ter missed his first free throw, but sank the second, giving Novl the ball out of bounds, Store offers p r o g r a m s for kids A fun sKttc oV^iog^&Soffou^ Ixiok kfttr.-s is ptenned'at Borders. Book Shop of Novl during the coming week.s. •Elcvcniy-Ful1" Is the mnemonic new naine for Saturday mon11ng children's programs. Eleveniy-Fun begins at 11 a.m. ev­ ery Saturday. L^ast week, naturalist Beth D u m a n of Howell presented "Snakes Alive!" to an enthusiastic R Taylor Piioio by HAL GOULD Naturalist Beth Duman tells kids about snakes. t h e VOLLEYBALL: IN-SHAPE: Wildcat spikers cap off busy weel< at Walled Lake tournamenl/8B Nordic Track-A-Thon coming to Twelve Oaks store/10B iri w i t h n u m b e r s M e t r o v i s i o n c a b l e "We're the defending champions, and We're nol going to give up easily. This is the smallest leam I thlilk IVe ever coached, and that has created lot of problems. They're good play­ ers, but In basketball height means so much, so We have play above that." Now has now won five of Its last six games against Howell, With no game being decided by more than four points. The last Uiree games have been decided by one. The Win was Novi's l 6 l h straight In conference play, a n d Shoe­ maker's 22nd In 27 league gamos. The Wildcats are 5-3 on the season, and 3-0 in the KVC.K WALLED LAKE CENTRAL 75, Novl 55: While Ule Wildcats are again ignlUng the K V C . non-league play hasn't been so kind to them. Photos tiy BRYAN MfrCHELL Contlnlied oa 9 Jason Walker (left) and Mike Kramer keyed Novi's comeback victory over Howell, with Kramer hitting the winning shot Wildcat matmen 3rd in tourney t h e f o r s y s t e m . The Novl High WresUers got a taste of some serious compeUUon as the Wildcats hosted a six leam round-robin tournament on Saturday. After defeaUng Walled Lake Cen­ tral in the opening round, Novl look hard losses at the hanils of Far­ mington and Walled Lake Western, who eventually Ued for the tourna­ ment championship. Farmington won the Ue-breaker for the UUe. Novl flnished third. The Wildcats defeated the Vik­ ings 47-17 to start the day. The team came off Uie win With high hopes. "In our fu-st inatch, I Uioughl We were going to set Worid on fire," said Novl coach Tom FHt2. "We beat Walled U k e Central 47-17. Earlier in the year, we had beaten Uiem 35-32. II was quite close the first Ulne, so I'm looking for a big day. But Farmington had a bunch of winners, a n d my b u b b l e was broken. SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 1 P.M.-2:30 P . M . L i u r e i Parle Place's monthiv Jazz In The Park concert series will present tlie best in area jazz entenainmeni. G A T E VI G A L L E R Y : T h e Gate VI Gallciy is lo­ cated In the atrium ofthe Novi Civic Center, 45175 W. T e n Mile. Showing in February wlll be the annual Photo Show, featuring the Winners of the 1991 Novl Photo Contest a n d other selected contest entries. •Then against WaUed Lake Westem. we lost to them too. That Was a real close match. The last Ume we wresUed them, Uiey beat us 27-22. This Ume they beat us a litUe bit harder (33-18)." This Sunday, enjoy the cooi jazz sounds of the Ron Engiish Quartet. Y o u i l also view the hottest fashions from .-\hiih...Cashmcre. Cantos and Joseph A. Bank Clothiers. L i t e r a t u r e The Wildcats scored victories over North Farmington (34-2 1) and Northville (50-10) to finish the day with a 3-2 record. Fritz cited the efibrts of Josh Rlggs as one ofthe keys to Uie wadcats" success. Rlggs was 3-1 on Uie afternoon. splitUng his Ume in Uie 140 and 145 pound divisions. Tickets to see the Royal Lipizzaner Stallions. February 15th at the Palace of Auburn Hills will be given away during the concert. B O R D E R S : T h e foUoWing events are scheduled at Borders Book Shop in the Novi Town Ccnten • Gloria Steinem: The author, publisher and fe­ minist Will sign her newest book. RevolutionFrom "Josh Riggs did a real nice job for us," said Fritz. "His only loss was to Marcus Brown of North Farmington, who'd beaten hlm Uvlce before in Oakland County meet: once In the elimination round and affain In WresUe-backs. Those matches Were nol even close. This one Saturday Was real close. Brown Won4-2. But I was real proud of Riggs. It's a real good sign When he can close Ulal gap a n d start lo Uilnk he can beat WUhirv A Book of Self-Esteem at 2 p.m. Sunday. J a n . 26. T h e book profiles individual Women's sto­ ries of restored self-esteem, including Margaret Mead, J u l i e Andrews a n d herself. • Monte Naglen The well-known photographer Wlll dlsctiss how asplrlilg artists can succeed in the business of fine art photography from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 9. Sign u p at the information desk. • Valentine's poctiy: A reading of seasonal verse is slated for 7 p . m . Wedn«isday, Feb. 12. ^V^UXAJ^ [•.. EXPERIENCE THE ART OF SHOPPING | U a v w £ j ^ n p g ^ ^ l-2~5 E.\pressway at \X'. .Six .Mile & .Vewburgh Rds Uvonia. .Michigan • -f62-l i(l(1 'SCHDSTA|( THURSDAY January 16, 1992 "They're two serllors Who are o u r top ofifenslve players, and they Just got hot," said Shoemaker. "They re­ fused to lose. They never quit. The whole group played With a lot of conlldence, and I guess that comes froin being champion ofa year ago." In Ule rebounding department. Walker had 15 to lead Ule team. Tony Wise dished olT a team-high three assists. "Everyone contributed at some point In the game," said Shoe­ maker. "They worked veiy hard. Howell Is so m u c h more physical than us and they came In vrtth more experience. Every year they're the favorite to win the league. By RICK B Y R N E Copy Editor A r t 7 B not much was Working Well for Novi. The Wildcats kept lip Wllh Howell In Uie early going, but Were Utilllng by as much as 10 early In the fourth quarter. At that point Walker and Kramer shUled Into lilgh gear, scoring all 27 of the team's fourth quarter points between them. The pair Ued for a team-high 29 apiece in the game. N e w s . listings c h a n n e l BASEBALL: Novi Youff) Baseball carries on despite an uncertain future/SB Novi cage squad shocks Howell BRING IN THIS • PERISCOPE: Find out how ex-Novi stars are doing in college/8B Spprts Preseason pick NEWS Page 6B THURSDAY January 16, 1992 NOVI Pholo by HAL GOULD The 'Cats finished third in wrestling action last week. > Ulal kid." OUiers with Winning records for the Wildcats were Steve Tapley who Was 4-0-1 al 171 a n d 189; Bryan Wohlfell was 4-1 al 275 pounds; Shane Joyce wresUed lo a 2-0 re­ cord WiUi one bout each al 140 and 145; Tony ScappaUcci was 2-0 al 152, and balUed lo a draw at 160; Tim O'Sullivan was 3- 1 al 1 1 2: and Mike Borashko was 2-1-1 at 145 and 152. "We got to wresUe a lot of younger kids," said Fritz in explaining his mixture of lineups. "We wresUed 22 kids altogether. It Was a long day for some ofUlem, but at least they got a taste of varsity compeUUon. "(Switching lineups) may have hurl us in dual meet compeUUon. I was really pleased to have the op­ portunity lo wresUe a lot of dUferenl people. That might have hurt us against Walled Lake Western, but Farmington Is for real, and lhey beat us handily." Novi is now 7-5 thus far in dual meet compeUUon. BRIGHTON 41, NOVI 15: In a Wangular meet at U k e l a n d . the Wildcats were upended by the Bull­ dogs, who are ranked among the state's 10 besl Class A squads. Winning for Novl Were Alex Lee. who defeated Brighton's 125 pounder Chris Robertson, 13-6. ScappaUcci took a decision at 152, and Wohlfell pinned Wes Browile at heavyweight. The 'vViidcals also managed IWo ties as Rlggs Ued T o m Williams at 140 pounds, and Bor­ ashko Ued Craig L i r s e n at 145. "Brighton is real lough." said Fritz. "As far as I'm concenled, Brighton's for real. We could make 11 closer. .And We will make il closer If we do wrestle them again. We were without services this whole Week of Joe Young, and Ulal make's some big dents on us." Young, a 189-pounder, Is prob­ ably lost for the season With rib separaUons. Costinaed oo 9 Thursday, January 16, 1992--THE NOVI NEWS----9B Novi drops Lakeland with defense C o l l e g e was thi- kc7 to the Novl llii;h S<-hool tiiri's volicyixill team vieUiry over {..-ikflnild 'nmrsday. J a n . 9. .K lotdmj; to (fiiich AIny Wagner. "Ill I, lhe (CKich of the I^ikeland !c.i!u I .iiiR- over after (he ^ame and •>,!:(! he had never .seen a team play (l'-i(-ri:,e like we did," Wagner said. •\\'<-'ve iH-eis working on defense, esj>-(:i,-il'y hctve and receive. 'Ihni's your llrst chance lo play your de­ fense, off the serM". And if you can't r e i e i v ,ui<! they n i n six or seven [xu.'ils uponyciu with their serve. It's h.iid IfMoine bark. But we were geitiiij; every ball to our .setter and that re.illy .illowed us lo n i n oiIr ofleflse. Our nllense has Ix-cn our asset." P e r i s c o p e R e c LISA MCCARTHY, a Novl resident, was one of tfiree Alma College sollb.all players to be recognized as Division 111A11-America Scholar Athletes by the National Softball Coaches Association. E^ach maintained a 3.5 grade point average. McCarthy made the All-Michigan Intercollegiate AtJ11eUc AssoclaUon first team last season batting .312. She played shortstop. The Novl resident is majoring in business administration and health science, STEVE COHEN, a 1990graduate ofNovl High, qualifled for the N C A A Divi­ sion 111 swlnlmlngchamplo!1ship for the second straight year In the freestyle event. The University of Mlchlganwomen's soccer team, led by fourNorthvUle re­ sidents, recently completed its fall season. The team, which finished second In the national collegiate club soccer championship held in Austin, Texas, closed the campaign with a 28-3-4 re­ cord. A total of 12 teams, Iflcludlng UCLA, Baylor and several Big Ten schools, competed. Northvllle residents on the squad Included NEYSA COLIZZl, SHANNON L O P E R . M I C H E L L E M C Q U A l D a n d M A U R E E N S C U L L E N . Besides helplilgMlchigan in its successful season, the four also helped the Wolverines compile a team grade point average of 3.4. Novi dowrled L i k e l a n d In that lioin'- contest In two of three games. 'Hie score for game one was 12-15. ^anic two was 15 2, and gninc three 15 0. Waf^iier said Ihe Novl girls deleiisive play W'TsgfKid, dcsplie the lose in the fust g.ime, and that alkiwed the ii'.uii lo wilt i l l the next two. "In the, we h.ive not Ix-en a c-oiiie Ixick t'-,i:n." she sriki 'lhe sl.'ir of ihe g.une was Kllsa •Munro. who .served lor 16 [Kimts. "The l-akeland coach was calling lime outs and doing ever>'ihiIlg he (duk! to bienk her concentration. Hut he couldn't atid she kept hereonceiitralion." Wagner said. •MuiHo.also Ilacl Gaces and a kill in contest. ICite MacKenzie tallied 16 points .IS well, racked up 5 aces and a kill. L i u r a Jones score 5 and tallied an ace. Dlanne Basscti scored 4 points and had 8 kills. Mary Yankowskl scored one [xiint and had 3 kills. Michigan Slate Unlversltyjunior soccer player JENNIFER SCHUERMAN, a graduate of Northvllle High, recentfy helped her squad close out the fall cam palgn, Schuerman played in 1 5 of the team's 20games and scored a goa1 and •in assist. ROBERT DUDLEY, a NorthviUe High graduate, will be o n the gridiron for Bowling Green Slate University when it plays Dec. 14 in the California Rasin Bowl. Dudley, a sophomore, is a defensive lineman for the Ohio college. Northvllle High graduate KRISTI TURNER, a sophomore goalkeeper for Michigan State University, stopped nearly 85 percent of the shots that came her way this season as she posted a 10-3 record for the Spartans. MIKE H A L E , a 1988 Northviile High graduate, recently completed his sec­ ond year as a starting defensive lineman for Saginaw Valley State University. Hale led the team with seven-and-a-half sacks and also colltrlbuted 64 tackles. Phoio by HAL G(3ULD WALLED L A K E CENTRAL INVITATIONAL. 'i"he team also performed well In the Walled I>akc Central Invliatiorial. at Walled Lake Saturday. J a n . 11. (X'crall, the Novl teairi placed seventh. Wagner said. In the poo! with Clarkslon, NorthNlile and Rochester, Novl fell to Clarkslon 12-15 and 5-15, beat North Villa's Stacey Nyland (No. 11) attempts a block at Saturday's Walled Lake tournament Northviile 15-4 and 15-4, and lost to Rochester 9-15 and 14-16 In the playoffs, Novi drew a match wilh Milford and lost 7-15. But Wagner said she was pleased with the way the team played. She said she felt It was more Important in Ihe invitational to play all team memIx-rs to give them experience. Novi's Tuesday, J a n . 7 game with Garden City was cancelled when that team did not show. Wagner said she Is unsure how it will be counted, but af SAVINGS: In order to .manufaGture ,v and install thousands of Windows every year WO' purchase large quantities- of • : materials at volume discounts and pass these savings on to you enabling .us to sell windows for les^;. ^ D E L I ^^mt. Steve Tapley has filled In ably, though he trimmed his football play­ ing Weight from 205 to a wresUingready l 7 l only to have to WrestJe the bulk of his bouts at 189. T r a v e l C o a c h e s N e e d e d : Northvllle Junior Baseball is looking for travel coaches for lhe 1992 season. Interested parlies should contact Bob Willerer a l 348-0975, R e l u m i n g teams will receive first preference and games are played on Sundays. Team fee is S275 plus referee fees and non-resident fees. For more informalion. call 349-0203. L A K E L A N D 31, NOVI 27: T h e "I'd say the pivotal match was a WUdcats were VlcUms of a comereal close bout at 171." said Fritz. froin-behind decision at the hands of -Stu Myers lost to Gary Ladd 8-7. the Eagles. With a 27-25 lead going Ladd needed a three-point near fall al Into the final bout. NoVl gave u p a pin the end of the third period lo win it, thai produced the final outcome. and he got it." Things opened Well as M u n l s h B a The losses at the Lakeland trian­ zaz scored a pin at 103 over J a s o n Wayne in 1:45. O'Sulllvan followed gular meet put the Wildcats at 0-2 in with a 7-6 decision over Brian Boiling the Kensington Valley Confel-ence. • P I C K L E HALF BREWSTER : F U L L O F E D E L at 112. But No\1 was shut oul lintll Joyce scored a win at 140 over Jamie Rakesllraw, 7-2. A pin by Borashko at 152, and decisions by Scappatlccl at 160 and Tapley at 189 didn't give the team enough of a cushiion. L A C E M U S I C ! J f l ^ I LB. L O A F . . . L B «2 * Nostalgia, Electronic And Contennporary C o m p a c t Discs And Cassettes!! Harmony House Now Through January 28th At Ail 34 Locations! J A N U A R Y Our way ol thanking you for being a very special customer. Come in today and save on America's best furniture. Store Hours: M-S 10-9 * SUN 12-5 Classic Interiors Phone 474-6900 • 20292 Mlddlebelt Road • Livonia. Michigan 12 Blocks South of Eight Mild " W h a t S p a r e T i m e ? All discounts are off manuiaciurer's suggested reiaii pilccs. (•All P r e v i o u s S a l e s E x c l u d e d ! WJL. VANIUA That's asked ppifiitiH iCEMHK with what I said to s p e n d when some spare Girl S c o u t s . SAIMDRIDGE GOURMET wasn't P O T A T O S A L A D JUICE about as a much young until I joined Girl I really myself. was time Then I remem­ b e r e d . . . ! didn't have confidence I began to self- girl. It Scouts feel good T h e s u p p o r t of m y Girl Scout important. support, too. leader Girls was really today need T h e y need the Mid-Winter Sale.. Girl ' Reii|>liol3lnring Scouts and they need you! Call your local Girl Scout council and ' D r a p e r y niid Window Art-a Interiors Designers know that chair has Ru{;s help HALF GALLON ^ ^ I 15830 Schaefer Detroit. Ml 48227 ' actory TOLL FREE its you assets. LB. problems your in y o u r own problems. BcfJ.sprcads 1 9 SWDRIIXS gounrwishS "^^^ every every window Decor volunteer. Ray assets...and They now Eliminate and these the save money. TRADCO WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID us reupholster V80O-521-78O0 underscore FILL N ' T O S S .^'I^^.Sg'^ design off G O O D a r e a s o f ship, life WiMTER S P O R T S A R E a sale S P O S m SPORTS the Spootenihr Sup|K)i1 G o o d Sp()rtsnianisW 5* Sports favorite, %?m% Michigan's SPORTS sFOiiTs first Drexel HerUage for style your your foyer bedroom with fine quality fabrics, are storv but to home, or a finish custom craftsman­ plus rluded prices. prompt in these ntrriof s cr c o & c E S'ociim Or LL Nint- Mil(> Rd 4 7 6 - 7 2 7 2 • .'J.'J.'JOO S l O c n n l D H v r • l - a r n i i t i - n t o i i GIRL SCOUTS of Uncompromising Ray Interiors SPORTS %?OKn i?om% the rug installation * W I N N E R S ! your w o r n furniture, d r e s s y o u r w i n d o w s 2 spread. all can accentuate Let Factory & Showroom. FRBE No Otlllgotiori ln*Honw Estlmafes In and home F R E S H 1 MILK ^1?? LET US PROVE IT... 1 8 T H • Purchase a living room group consisting of 5 seats and receive 2 Stitfel lamps (from limited selection) FRITO LAY RUFFLES SANDRIDGE GOURMET POTATO CHIPS..6.5 0Z..S1-49 CHICKEN SALAD..LB $4.59 F A R M 1 7 T H • Purchase a complete dining room group and re­ ceive one FREE MATCHING ARM CHAIR to the group you purchase. G e t 20% OFF All Regularly Priced Jazz, New A g e , Big Band, For A Free No Obligation In-Home Estimate WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! 272-4400 M A R T 1 6 T H • Purchase a complete bedroom group and receive a . FREE lWATTRESS.and BOX SPRING for th^,be,a.^ you purchase - any size. $ 2 . 5 9 G A LI L O N GA O R A N G E J A N U A R Y J A N U A R Y S A T U R D A Y , euuos-miiiii UMM P R E M I U M $149 D A I R Y Novl took its third straight pre­ season loss at Walled Lake Cen­ tral 75-55. "They outscored us, they outcoached u s and they outplayed us," said Shoemaker. "1 felt like Davy Crockett at the Alamo be­ cause they ckept coming and coming, liiey're a good b S l c l u b and they were relentless. They are a fine club a n d we didn't play them well — Which is not a good ingre­ dient When you're playing a good tealn. Through (he first quarter of play, the V i k i i l g s took a 24- 1 1 ad­ vantage, l l i e Wildcats never inade a dent i n the lead after that. KrameI- led Novi's .scorers wilfi 17 points, while Dave York and Rolfes tossed i n 10 each. Some deadeye shooting by the Vikings limited the Wildcat reboundei-, Rolfes grabbing a leain-high five. Sophomore F?ocky Dunlop made an impressive showing ofi; the bench, nettingsLx poinls and four rebounds. 1-800-ACS-2345 STORES PRODUCT^HB TROPICANA PURE C H E E S E Coiltinned from 7 AMERICAN VCANCER T SOCIETY* T H U R S D A Y , that SWISS About 450 youngsters pl.\y orf^aiiiy.ed baseball in Novi, but because lhey have iiowhei'e lo play next year. 1992 may be the last ye.ii' for No\t Youth Baseball. The board of directors is doing all 11 can lo keep the progranl In Novl. It Invites ;ind encour­ ages all interested citizens to Join or al least ex­ press support for Ihe Coinniitlee to S.ivc Ba.seball in Novl. For more inl'onnation (..all ;il8-^9196 or 349-2543. 3 DAYS ONLY! $^19 ilCHT ICl MILK^^ $i99 HOFFMAN HOT PEPPER CHEESE...LB S3.89 Martin Blonck, President H a n d b a l l , R a c q u e t b a l l : Ifyou enjoy handball, racquetball o r p a d dleball open court litne is being oITercd by Schoolcraft College. Courts can be scheduled for doubles play. Gloves, paddles, racquets, balls and lockers are furnished. For more information, call 462-4413. PREMIUM -Walls s^'-Vinyl:. replaceiTient; :wirid6ws:' glass. : insulate like W()o(1,:,-retaih like -coated aluminufn -and peffbrm . smoothly in, any Weathet:. Y^tV wont scratch, pit, rot, corrode or mildew. WALLSIDE FACTORY Contljiued from 7 N o v ! T r a c k e r s : Membership in the Novi Trackers Running Club is open to all interested Individuals regardless of age. sex or skill level. Prospective members are invited lojoln the Trackers for either or both of their twice-weekly runs. The group meets Wednesdays at NoVl High School at 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays al O'Sheehan's on Seven Mde in North­ viile at 8 a.m. Severalothcrs have oflei-cd lo dcinatc tllno lo the league and sen'e as dirt'clors-at-largc with voting privileges. T h i ^ are Sue S m i t h . Boh i l a r l , Deb Goodman. DaveFritz,gf.s. G l e i i i l Kunni-ranct Keith Smith. Wildcats celebrate upset of Highlanders S t a t e P e r m i t s : state Park permits for 1992 .-1re now on sale .The prices are the same as last year, an permit Is S15 and a senior annuual is $3,75. This year pemllls also have gift certincates In denominations of $25 — good toward camping or purchases made wlthln stale parks. DAIRY MART VFLftVOR OF .THE MONTH ;;y^:;QUALltY:' -M; SERVIGE: For; over 47 years, we have manufactured and installed : bur. quality .replacement windows and: backedthem /With M^-,.Strongest.guarantee in the industry. 1,1992 A T PARTICIPATING J^f^^A l l/ I N S T A U E D '^flr:. FEBRUARY GLAZED (5 Window Minimufn Order) Brighton, Lakeland dump Novi wrestlers Gcnsco and Gary Shi-ador, pl;iyt'r a^cilts. Furniture Deals are Sizzling at Classic Interiors! Save 30% to 40% Off CONTINENTAL DELI A S a Bronze plaques and otherdlsplays honorillg the 27 HaliofFanle induc­ tees are also on display. The charter class 'ncludes Cannon Ball Baker, Jimmy Doolillle. A.J. Foyt. Don Garllts, Phil Hill, Bill Munccy, Barney Oldfield and Richard Polly, For more informalion, call 349-RACE. JANUARY SPECIALS! C G N T l l M E I M T A L • ^ The board of directors is the driving force be­ hind Novi Youth Baseball and is made up of resixinsible, caring and dedicated membiers of the coinmunily. Together they constllule the be111ndIhe-scenes group of volunteers that donate time M o t o r c a r s o n d i s p l a y : Historic i^acing vehicles and exhibits honor­ ing the Motorsports Hall ofFame influclees are on display dally at thie Novi Civic Center A l l i u m . Admission is free. and energy lo Work year-round ninolng and improvelng the baseball program for Novl youngsters ages 8-16. The group meets on the second Wed­ nesday of the month (10 months per year) at the Novl Civic Cenler a l 7:30 p.m. The 1992 Board of Directors consists of J o h n Goodman, president; Scott Pacltard, vice presi­ dent; Alice Polumlx), secretaiy; Dolores Vedro. treasurer: Jim Harris, equipment manager; A l Blashfleld. field maintenance; Bill Barrett, spon­ sors: Slen Sahltierg, communlcaUons; U n StachoWski, and T o m SLfno. umpires; Sue Anglln, concessions; Mike Stachowski, tournaments; Angelo Carcone, senior division; Diane Sta­ chowski, major division; Paul Sabol. pony divi­ sion; Mike Miller, minor division; and Rutli F R I D A Y , ENERGY EFHCIENT VINYL REPUGEMENT WINDOWS ^ In addiUon to plai1l11ng. scheduling and equip­ ping, they haVe been Working on those muchineeded physical improvements — the most impor­ tant ofwhlch is to fijid a place to play in 1993. (Novi •youth aiseball Will be losing its home at Bo.sco Field al the conclusion of tl1e 1992 season). B a l l r o o m D a n c e : A heglilner's course IB dancing will be held al the Civic Cenler starting J a n , 10 and running through Feb. 2 1. Tlie cost Is $60 per couple. H O U S E PRICES EFFECTIVE T H R U L O W S n O - B a l l s o f t b a l l : The 1992 ChUly WUly m e n s Winter toufnamenl will be held J a n . IS.Thedouble-elmlinaUonlournamerilWillbeheld duilnfi IheNovlParks & RecreaUon'sannualChiUyWUlyFeslival.Illterestedlearns should call 347-0400 for further information. dciini mcif I Don't let our low prices fool you! A S Even though it is winter, and the off-season for baseball, Ihe Board of Directors of Novl ou th Base ball has teen Working to make the 1992 season a successful one. More InfonnaUon about membership in the Trackers is available by calling the Novi Parks and Recreation al 347-0400 or new President Jeanne Wlllford a l 227-3127. it has not yet been rescheduled. The Week's performance places Novi 1-1 in the KVC and 2-2 for the season overall. "I'm real pleased with that so far. especially since their play has prog­ ressively gotten better," she said. \!l^dlsi(le ^^^ndow Mactory Youth baseball facing bleak future B r i e f s \ O p e n I n e s . , W e d . , S a l . <>:;U»-.Ti:;lO; M o n . . T i i i i r s . . K r i . <)::i(» lo <):(>(>; S i m . I2:<)i) i . . I-.ill) **.S'(-n-i,i^ tlir Mrtrti Arm Shirf t*>:iH" tt SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS t h e NOVI SUPER BOWL SPECIAL! NEWS 10B THURSDAY J a n u a r y 16, 1992 J N o P a y m e n t O R Interest f o r 9 0 D a y s Financing Avail. $3Q/monlh r* Q n i i n H I n r (sooi 347-6460• saies •O . O U U I I U , (313) 243-6460-service MICHIOAN'SLAFaEST-.3.B00 GET RIO H T S OF CABLE! RCEtlENCE OV DESIUNr INSTALLED SINCE 1980 W e Store presents fitness expert Sokol's enthuslasUc approach has led him io accomplish major feats: He has set such world records as 52,002 sit-ups and 30.000 Jumping Jacks, and he bicycled 500.2 mUesfromS a n Francsico to Los Angeles without sit­ ting down on the seat. He i s the a u thorotTheFXtnessFbrrmla, has com­ peted as a triathlete. and conducts numerous health and flUiess semi­ nars around the counUy. O n Saturday. J a n . 18. Sokol wUl give free personal fitness consultaUons and body fet tesUng from 10 to 1 l a.m. at Nordic Advantage's TWelve Oaks store. He wlU provide iilformaUon o n fitness programs, losing weight Uirough exercise, setUng up a personalized at-home exercise prog­ ram, a n d avoiding back pain U i r o u ^ exercise. u u n n g Ule evenl. from J 1 a.m. io3 p.m., people are encouraged tojolnin the T r a c k - A - T h o n . " The event W111 be held In the store, which Is located on the second level near SeaI3. The goal Is for participants to get their hearts pumping by exercising on a NordicTrack cross-countjy ski exerciser, a Nordic Fitness Chair or a Nordic Row TBX total body exerciser. In addlUon. as a part oflts naUonal "Educate America to Fitness" tour, and in conjunction With T h e NaUonal Exercise for Life JnsUtute, NordlcAd- BUY n o wfor best d e a l s o n me most p o p u l a r style thermal vinyl windows Call For Free In-Home Estimate 24 Hr. Message Center Factory 1-800-327-3159 437-5870 S U N A I R E W I N D O W M A N U F A C T U R I N O C O . 12624 10 Mile R o a d • South Lyon, M l 4 8 1 7 8 NordlcAdvantagc's 'Educate America to Fitness" program is de­ signed to inform the pubUc of the benefits a n d necessity o f exercise. "Educate America" aUows fitness ex­ perts to tour the countiy and speak about numerous health-related top­ ics. By spreading the word abou t how Americans are IntegraUng fiUiess Into U1elr lives in the '908. NordicAdvantage hopes to encourage everyone to make exercise a lifestyle priority. When lOO minutes of exercise time is accumulated, the store will donate a NordicTrack cross-countty ski exerciser to the A H A of Michigan. When 200 minutes of exercise time is accumulated, the store will add a NordicRowTBX to the donation. An •exercise meter" board will chart the progress of accumulated exercise thl-oughout the day. Any participant who exercises for five minutes will receive a free T-sJiirt With the slogan, "I got 'on track' for better health." For more InformaUon on participating, please call Pam McCarthy at (612) 368-2559. W i n d o w s All Winter Long talk about the newest Urend In the field. To call attention to the important connection betWeen physical fitness and heart health, the new NordicTtack -Fitness At Home" store at Twelve O a k s in NoW, wlll sponsor a "NordicTrack-A-Thon." The event Will benefit the Ameri­ can Heart Association (AHA) ofMlchi gan and will be held Saturday, J a n . ISfrom l l a . m . t o 3 p . m . T h e e v e n t l s being held to educate the public ab­ out the connection between exercise and a healthy heart and Will b>enellt the A l l A through a donaUon o f NordicTrack equipment. Install S t e v e S o k o l c o m e s to the area this vantage, the at-home fitness retailer. Will bring fitness expert Steve Sokol to Novl. J a n . 17 and 18. Sokol, a nationally-known fiuless and nutri- weekend. Uon expert who also holds 25 official World fitness records, Will be In the city to conduct Interviews on the b e n ­ efits of fitness and nuUltion, a n d to The NaUonal Exercise for Ufe InsUtute's purpose is to inform a n d educate the pubUc, the medical pro­ fession and the media concerning the value a n d benefits of exercise. Through its assoclaUon With Uie insUtute. NordlcAdvantage's 'Educate America" brings the public the most c u n e n t InformaUon available in the field. Beginning an exercise program For nlaay, exercise bilngs to mind bore­ dom, work, sweat and miseiy. If you're one of these people, read on. This column will help you realize that exercise can be the time of day you look forward to the most. When you finish with a good woiicout, you feel great That's Instant gratlilcatlon. Good health, fitness and a great body are some of the added benefits you receive irom exercise. Getting motivated to l)egin an exercise prog­ ram is tough; staying with the pIngram is the challange. For some people a medical crisis in their life will get them started. For others, it will lie too late. Here's some reasons to start exercising today. Aerobic conditioning can be a major deter­ rent to heart disease, the major cause of death tn this country. Exptrta suggest that pet^le ex­ ercise a minimum of 20 nllnutes a day, three days a week for a maximum return on their inyou can't talk, you're probably working too hard. P R O F E S S I O N A L iNSTAttAII0NFO.RAU P R O D U C T S mm Helps you do things right. SiAYSAfE! STAY DRY' STAY WARM! ENTRY DOORS GARAGE DOORS • «1CAB •:' «7 iron. ^189 JCAB FROM Pfom *223-»325 U 2 5 - « 5 4 2 C O M E STflNlEY G A R A G E D O O R OPENER L i f t - M a s t e r T h e P r o f e s s i o n a l Line VISIT O U R S H O W R O O M A T . 11 MILE AT COOLIDGE •BERKLEY • 399-9900 Many people who reach this goal continue Vestment. Take the "talk test" to deteimine if you are exercising at the appropriate rate. If you can't talk, you're probably working too hard. Many people who reach this goal continue building their time Just because It feels good and they realize the positive benefits they are receiving. Of course, people 35 and older should check with their physician before begin­ ning an exercise program. Ifyou think you don't have time for exercise, think again. A half-hour of aerobic activity can add an hour to your day. Fit people think more clearly, move more quickly and sleep better than their non-exercising counterparts. Knowing you can be more productive should be reason enough to set time aside for exercise. It's not selfish time; it's an investment in your future. YouH be a better worker and family member not to mention haVing higher selfesteem and a more positive outlook. Choose an activity you enjoy and one that fits with your lifestyle. It couU be walking, run­ ning, biking, cross-countly skiing, skating or a combinaUon of two or three. Just go and do it. I've competed in triathlons (swim, bike and run events) for years and enjoy the convenience of running You can do It anywhere and don't need any special equipment. Fitness walking has gained much popularity as a sport in the last two years. It has the same health benefits as running, is Just as conve­ nient and has fewer sport tnJuIy problems. Also, many local maDs open their doors to walkers before the stores open. You always have a dty, safe place to walk. An organized plan will help ensure your suc­ cess. Make that resolution to exercise 20 mi­ nutes, three times a week. Log your time and distance for each workout on a weekly calen­ dar. .Also log your weight and morning resting heart rate. ML Clemens Berkley 465-2110 399-9900 Roseville W. Bloomfleld 776-2210 855-6970 Detroit 843-8601 Trenton 671-3003 Waterford EVERy 674-4915 STANLEY Livonia DOOR 523-0007 WITH THIS COUPON! J^Q^ ' . J Inslallalion^Available I 528-3497 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMA TE m During the first two weeks, do not exercise more than three Umes a week. Continue to keep weekly totals of your Ume, miles, weight and heart rate. Then, start a list of personal records. For ex­ ample, a personal record would be your longest workout, fastest two miles or the most time you spent exercising during a one week period. Keep up the log and sUck with your program unUl my next article, when we'll discuss your progress. Good luck! Rcmdy Step is the Presidmt oJ the Running Fit store in NovL Ttiis series is coordinated by Peg Cmpbdl of the University of Michigan Heaith Centers Ifomerly M-Care Health Centers.) H a n d b a g s & Winter Boots Fitness Notes We're price-adjusting hundrecis o f current styles of W o m e n ' s AEROBICS REGISTRA­ T I O N : Registrations are now being accepted for NorthviUe Community RccreaUon's fitness program. New AtUtude Aerobics. A wide Variety of classes arc aVall­ ablc, ranging from beginners high- or low-impact aerobics to fipee Weight clrcult training. M e n and Women of all ages and all fitness levels c a n ben­ efit fiTom the pitjgrams cunrently of­ fered. Unique features include morn­ ing a n d afternoon child care, flexible scheduling, casy-to-folloWWorkcuts, and lndlvldually certified Instructors. ously year-round. For more Informa­ tion call 348-1280. OPEN SWIMMING O P F E R E D : NorthviUe RecreaUon De­ partment offers open sWlmmlng at the Northville High School pool on M o n d a y s a n d Wednesdays from 7:15-8:15 p.m., a n d on Saturdays from 2:45-3:45 p.m, A lap sWlm WlU also be offered on Mondays and Wed­ nesday from 8:15-9:15 p.m. Jix:ker rooms a n d showers are available. The fee ls $1 per person. For more InformaUon, call 349-0203. T h e one-hour classes are held six JOAN AKET'S FITNESS days a Weekycar-round at the North­ C L A S S : JoanAkey's Fitness a a s s is ville Commu11lty Center, 303 W . nopw being offered on Mondays (9-10 M a i n . For class descripUons, schea.m.) a n d T h u r s d a y s (8:45-9:45 diiles a n d more l11formaUon, call a.m.) at the NorthviUe Community 349-0203 or 348-3120. Center. T h i s loW-lmpact flUiess session A E R O B I C F I T N E S S : Aerobic Fit­ uses all new tech111ques With lively ness C o . offers exercise classes With upbeat exercises choreographed to up-to-date techniques. popular music. T h i s class Is designed Morning a n d evening aerobic clas­ to work eveiy i n c h of your body, as ses are (jffercd at four locaUons. Well a s promote y o u r Well-being. C h i l d care ls available. All classes are For reglstraUon information, call designed to b u m fat. Improve cardio­ Joan Akey at 981-6605. v a s c u l a r s y s t e m a n d Increase inuscle tone a n d strength. T h e company now offers circuit/ W E I G H T L O S S : Elllc's Weigh Interval trai11ing classes. The staff in­ Weight loss classes are Iwlng held cludes a n exercise physiologist and each Satutxiay morning at 10 a.m. Instructors certllled by the American C o u n c i l on Exercise. AD instructors and again at 12:30 p.m. at Grand Slam U S A In Novi o n Ten Mile Road. are CPR-certlfied and trained i n safe. For more information, call effecUve exercise techniques. 682-1717. Six-Week sesslo11s r u n conUnu- courts, gyms and saunas. C a l l 4 6 2 - 4 4 1 3 for i11formaUon. Y O G A C L A S S E S : Seven-week yoga classes are being offered l n Northville. Diane Siegel-DlVlta, past president of the Yoga Association of Greater DeUDit, is the Instructor. fee of $25 per indiVidual or $65 per family Wlll cover the cnUre fall ses­ sion. T h e club meets o n Sundays from 1-5 p.m. for 26 Sundays. T h e G y m and SWlm program Is of­ fered o n Thursdays a n d o n Satur­ days from 8 a.m.-noon. T h i s program costs $3 per visit o n Thursday and $2 o n Saturday, and uses facUUes In­ cluding: the pool. Weight training equipment, handball/paddleball Shoes & H a n d b a g s and t h e Entire S t o c k o f W o m e n W i n t e r Boots. T h e s e items The classes will b e offered o n Thursdays (7-8:30 p.m.) and now Mondays (7-8:30 p.m.) at the North­ viUe American Legion HaU. Yoga effecUVely Ualns the body to develop strength, flexlblUty a n d balance. Cost Is $28. For more InformaUon, call Slegel-DiVlta at 344-0928. SCHOOLCRAFT HEALTH C L U B : Ifyou're thinking ofjolnlng a health club. Schoolcraft College has something for you. The LlVonla Junior college is offer­ ing a Health C l u b a n d a Gym a n d Swim program. The health club Is de­ signed for famUies to enjoy unstruc­ tured acUvlty i n a m o d e m , fully equipped physical educaUon facUlty. A nominal fee of 63 Is charged per Visit a n d - y o u will have the use of gyms, racquetbaU courts. Weight ma­ chines a n d saunas. A membership more F I T N E S S A F T E R 5 0 : School­ craft College's ConUnuIng EklucaUon Services ls offering a serious physical health course especially recom­ mended for persons over 50. InsUncUon Includes the latest health con­ cepts and confiiUoning exercises. The 12-Week class costs $59 a n d Is offered In two separate sessions. Call 462-4400 for more InformaUon. W E I G H T W A T C H E R S : Weight Watchers, the IntemaUonaUy recog­ nized Weight loss program, meets ev­ eiy Wednesday at the Northville Community Center at 9:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. ReglsUaUon fee is S l 7 plus a weekfy fee of S9. F o r more Informa­ Uon, caU Diana KuUike at 287-2900. o r e the the latest styles t h a t y o u w o u l d f i n d in any leading department store. A t D e s i g n e r Shoe W a r e h o u s e you'll save 3 0 % to 5 0 % everyday/ E a r l y rise t o o s i l v e r star, a n d n o w s a v e 5 0 % to 6 5 % . D S W : W h e r e the O n l y Thing B i g g e r t h a n the S a v i n g s is t h e S e l e c t i o n . M,TH,F, SAT 10-9 SUN 12-5 CLOSED TUES A N D WED FOR RESTOCKING JAZZERCISE CLASSES O F ­ F E R E D : J u l ! Huddleston has started Jazzercise classes In Novl. A unique combinaUon of effective exer­ cise. Jazz-movements and popular music, Jazzercise is the numbier-one fitness program In the World. T h e 60-65 minute class Includes Warm-up, a dance-aerobic segment foUoWed by a cool-down, muscletoning and flexibility exercises and a final cool-doWn. Huddleston offers classes o n M o n ­ day. Wednesday and Friday morn­ ings at 9:30 a.m. SNOWNOBILING! SNOWNOBIUNG! W l P U B L I C LIBRARY REAL ESTATE REATIVE LIVING THURSDAY January 16, 1992 REAL ESTATE Realtors optimistic about upcoming year By James M. Woodard Copiey News Service A s we l a u n c h Into a new year. niaIly consumers are Wondering If 1992 wlll be the y e a r when they can purchase a new home. They like today's low mortgage interest rates and (hi some reduced home prices. But the con­ tinuing recession gives them the Jitters—tliat "maybe we s h o u l d wait ajid see" feeling. R e a l e s t a t e p r o f e s s i o n a l s are generally optimistic about p r o s p e c t s for the 1992 m a r k e t . Here's a s a m p l i n g of c o m m e n t s expres.sed by real estate Industiy leaders l n response to o u r Inquiries. J o n D o u g l a s , o w n e r of a 30offlce real estate brokerage organi­ zation: "We WlU see a dramatic upturn h s a l e s by the s e c o n d q u a r t e r of 1992 If t h e g o v e r n m e n t i m p l e ­ ments c u r r e n t l y proposed incen­ tive programs for real estate buycrs-lnVestors. Without these pro­ D r e a m a little grams, a significant recoVefy will probably take 12 Inonths." Haven Burke, regional president of First National Realty, Inc.: "During almost every pn^sidential election year, programs have been enacted that effectively stim­ ulates real estate activity. N i n e teen-ninety-^two Will be no excep­ tion. We c.xpect a very good year." J o h n Dennis, owner of a region­ al Centuiy 2 l real estate office: "1992 wlll be a robust year for real estate sales. We Will continue to see more first-time home buyers a n d first-time move-up b u y e r s (families moving to a laI^cr. more expensive home). HoWever. there Will probabfy be minimal apprecia­ tion In property values. Jn some areas, there might be some contin­ uing depreciation." J o e Young, brolcer-oWner of a firm s p e c i a l i z l i i g in high p r i c e d homes: "Wilh the economy slowly t u r n - f home ers w o u l d just ask me, you may i a v e thought, I c o u l d tell t h e m what people rea y w a n t in a nome. Continued on 3 HOME DESIGNS Well, here's your chance. I^andnlark Designs, in partnership with (this newspaper) is asklilg you to tell us exactly which features aild amenities y o u would Include in your Dream Home. Now in our lStll year of design­ ing homes and writing a home desigil column, we've learned that o u r read­ ers call always teach us a thing or two. Or more. Wliether y o u plan to build a home or not. filling out the form can help cla.rify yoiir preferences. A n d it's an opportunity to let your imagination soar, for a change. To make it easy a n d fuil. we've provided a survey form that includes the same questions architects, designers and real estate agents ask to determine clients' wants a n d needs. We also encourage readers to attach letters, sketches or any comments that come to mind. We love reading what y o u send in —the more detailed, the better. Once the nationwide results of this survey are tallied, L-andmark will design a natlonai Dream Home. In addition, since area preferences vaiy widely, we promise to custom design a home to meet the exact specifications preferred by readers of each newspa­ per we serve. F o r newspapers with high response, we will come up with small, medliam aild large designs. Floorplans a n d artist's renderings of the Dream Homes wiUJl appear on these pages in the spring. T h e home builders' trade pays close attention to s u c h surveys, so this is a rare c h a n c e to let them know what you think. Following publication of these plans, L/andmark will provide free set of working drawings lo the first individu­ al who is willlIig to build one of the Dream Homes and open it to public display for a limited time. Mail forms lo Landmark Designs, Inc.. Dept. 92. P.O. B O X 2307. Eugene. OR 97402. To receive a personal copy of the National Dream Home Survey results, include $4 lo cover the cost of postage and printing. Be sure to include your name and mailing address, aiid What­ ever you do, don't give up on y o u r dreams Victorian tlieme enhances Waternbacii By James McAlexander Copley Nev« Service design­ three additional areas. HaVing a trash recycling center right l n the middle of everything makes recy­ cling tasks easy to c a n y through. E v e r y V i c t o r i a n embellishment the m i n d c a n imagine ls put Into Fire loVers c a n Indulge their pas­ p l a y l n the exterior of the t h o r ­ sion in three separate locations —oughly contemporaiy Waternbach. fireplaces in the llVlng room a n d Richly embellished coVered porch­ master suite a n d the w o o d - b u r n es sweep across most of the front \ng stove in the family room. C o r ­ of the h o u s e . While t u r r e t s a n d n e r W i n d o w s e a t s i n the l i v i n g gables are a treat for the eyes at room a n d master suite invite y o u eveiy t u r n . to curl up With a good book. Inside, o n l y the w i c k e r room A n o t h e r unique area is located reflects the V i c t o r i a n theme, but in the master suite—a circular sit­ tills room, too. has a m o d e r n twist. ting room. pEirtlally encircled by a E v e n the grandest of V i c t o r i a n mansions didn't Isoast a spa. not to captain's Walk balcony. Stairs from m e n t i o n a n a d j o i n i n g e x e r c i s e here lead up to yet another level to an observatoiy. room. SimuJating the moist climate T h e m a s t e r s u i t e also h a s a of the t r o p i c s , t h e wiclcer r o o m provides a nati1ra1 environment for Walk-ln closet a n d two lavatories, heat-1oVlng plants and parrots, as one inside the water closet a n d the other outside. Well. TWO of the u p s t a i r s b e d r o o m s U n i q u e to t h i s h o u s e , the f e a t u r e Wide b a l c o n i e s a n d the k i t c h e n a n d t h e e n t r y w a y have other has a step-in closet. Vaulted ceilings. Over the octagonWhile tlie home is designed with­ shape eating nook, the celling is out a n a t t a c h e d garage, it d o e s even have a Workshop area that c o u l d higher, s t r e t c h i n g u p into the be converted to a garage. A large WlndoW-lined turret overhead. attlc space is accessed through . a With w i n d o w s at g r o u n d level stalrWay nest to the utility room. a n d another row above, the light in For a study plan of the Watern­ this room proVides s u c h a n instant bach (209-39). send $750 to Land­ pick-me-up that its owners m a y be mark Designs, c/o HomeTown able to giVe up coffee. 323 E. Grand River Food preparation space ls ample Newspapers, for multiple coolcs. with range a n d Ave., Howetl, MI 48843. (Be sure to specify plan name and number oVen located l n the w o r k Island when ordering.) a n d a d d i t i o n a l c o u n t e r s p a c e in 1992 Dream home survey G E N E R A L INFORMATION Type ot home • One Story • Two SI017 Ll Split Level Size of home • 1000 & less • 2001 lo 2500 • 1001 to 1500 • 2501 to 3500 1.1 1501 to 2000 n 3500 8 up • Basemenl Budget for home (land excluded) $_ Lot location • Standard Lo! • Acreage Exterior style D Contemporary • English Tudor D Country • Colonial Exterior material • Brlcl« • Stone Garage Number ol cars. FIRST FLOOR PLAN OVEBAtt DIMENSIONS: iOr-0" i S6'-0" tlVINQ: am tquut Ktf (lARAGE: 514 squirt (HI C0VERAQE:S12ltquin(Ki • Shop • Wood • Other. • Spanisli • Victorian • Stucco • Slorage Ll Ranch • Other n Other U RV Parking LIVING AREAS in addiiion to kilchen and living area I would like thefollowingrooms in my home: n Family Room • Formal Entry • Formal Dining • Recreation • Den • Media Room • Exercise • Ollice Ll Nursery • Guest Suite • Library • Utility Number of Bedrooms. Number ol Baths. Olher rooms Mail completed survey to: KITCHEN FEATURES Style and Shape • Counlry • U-shaped Li WalkThru Amenities (in addition lo slandard appliances) IJ Bteaklasi nook • Pantry IJ Ealing Bar • Appliance Center 11 Island 11 Double Oven r.l Garden Window I ] Freezer (1 Grill Ll Olhor 11 Recycling Cenler I ! Trash Compactor II Olhor mSJBR SUITE FEATURES n Isolaled Irom OR • Adjacent lo other bedrms • Palio • Private balh wilh Ihe lollov/ing lealures: G Tub/Shower comb 1.1 Bathtub Ll Shower Ll Two wash basins Ll Skylight Ll Bidet Ll Spa Ll Oversized Tub I 1 Other „ MAIN BATH FEATURES Ll Tub/Shower comb • Bathtub Ll Two wash basins • Skylight Ll Shower 1.1 Bidel 11 Oversized Tub Ll Other SPECIAL REQUESTS • Fireplace • Woodslove • Computer Cenler • Deck/Palio • Vaulted Ceilings • Skylights Ll Spa • Atrium • Olher Ll Indoor Swim Pool Ll Security System Ll Silling Room I would conserve energy by taking advantage ol: • Minimized Windows • Passive solar DEMOGRAPHICS Number in Household Age Do you own a home? • Yes O No LANDMARK DESIGNS, INC. Department 92 R 0. Box 2307 Eugene, OR 97402 Ll Active solar Ll Extra insulation Marital Status Are you going lo build a home? • Yes • No 20-J,.inii.iry tO CREATIVE LIVING CREATIVE LIVING-January 16, 1992-3C Your figurine isn't a real Hummel James. G. McCollam ANTIQUES Coploy Nfjwr, Gorvico g . Please e v a l u a t e m y I l u m m e l f i g u r i n e . It liae t h e CroWn Marls over the " W . G . " mono­ gram. A . I h i s i.s not .1 l i i i i n n i c l fig­ urine; It w;is'- by i l i f suiiie (•(iiii[),iiiy (\V. (;<)(-l)c|) l)\it w;is Iiot lia.sf<l on .lit liy Sister Mai-ia Iiiiioceiitl.-i H i i i n r i i f l . It was iiiatie ifl tile mid 20th l e n t i u v and wolild 9. I haVe a s m a l l p o r c e l a i n t>oWl. It is 5 inches i n diameter a n d h a s a I - i n c h h o l e i n the i r o n , ilot conKs were put l i i the covered hole, the so-called spout Wiis n smoke slack or vent. These weie comiilon arouiid tile turn of the century :uid might sell now for iibout .$100. cover The 9- Please e v a l u a t e m y 54piece serVlce for eiglit-set c h i n a m a r l i e d " H . & C o . " oVer "L.*" l t h i n k it is more t l i a n IOO years old. A . Your set of porcelain c h i n a was made by Haviland and Co. In L i m o g e s , F r a n c e , d u r l i l g the 1800s. It would probably sell for about $500 lo .'S600. .sel! li)r;>3'') t.. .S-15. 9 . Wliat ( :iii vou tell tne about an old (ashioned l.mndty iron? !t is hollow inside ,aii<l one o[>eIiin>^ with ;i lid .mil .i spout. A. Yoii li.ive an ,intl()ue charcoiil m a r k i n g on the hot- torn i s " M . Z . A u s t r i a . " . What i s . l t s use? W h e n was i t made? What i s its Value? A. T h i s Is a htiir receiver, ladles would deposit h.ilr iil it frofn their combs and brushes. It was made In A l t r o h l a u . A u s t r i a , b e t w e e n 1900 and 1901. It would probably sell for $40 to-$50. It was Inade by the Morilz ZdekauerCo. B O O K REVIEW " P r i c e G u i d e to F l e a M a r k e t Treasures" by Harry L. Rinker Jr. (Wa11,ice-Homestead imprint of the Realtors optimistic about home sales during the new year Chilton Book Co.), a iiew entry In the field of guide books of popular collectibles, is highly co.mmendable. It covers the area of popular p r i c e d i t e m s In a c o n c i s e a n d articulate fashion. C o n t i n u e d from I i n g a r o u n d a n d the v e r y good chance that politicl;m,-s .ire going to correct some of the mistakes of tJie 1986 tax laws. 1 feel w e r e In for a very strong real estate Inarket Send your questions about antiques with picture(s). a detailed description, a stamped, selfaddressed envelope and $1 per item (limit one item per request) to James 0. McCollam. P.O. Bo.x 1087. Notre Dame. IN 46556. All questions will be answered but published pictures cannot he returned McCollam is a member of the Antique Appraisers Association of America. in 1992," Thad SellgmaIl, seilior vice pres­ ident of a firm specializing in conl­ mercial properties: "I'm very optimistic about the coming year. We ;ire at the bottom of the recession and we call expect to bounce .-ilong here for the ile.\i few months. Then we'll see steady recovery to a healthy economy and balance of growth by the end of This mfd-1900's figurine Is wcrtti atiout $40. Dyeing to fix bleaclied wall-to-wall carpet B y Gene Gary Your besl bet is to call i n a pro­ fessional who can a n a l y z e y o u r particular situation and make rec- HOW T O Coploy Nowr, Sorvico 9 Is there anyway to dye car­ pet spots that have been b l e a c h e d ? O u r e n t i r e h o u s e is wall-to-wall gray carpet. IIowever, some b l e a c h has b e e n dribb l e d along c e r t a i n areas leaving eight ugly white bleached spots. The spots are s m a l l , probably less than half an i n c h , but very noticeable. Do they make carpet dye? Wllere would I purchase it? A.There arc sevenil f;ictors determine whether or Iiot carpet dyeing will be successful. Carpet dyes lake well on nylon or wool, but r;irely ;ire they successful on aciyllcs. onlmendatloIis. A professional Is The amount of damage to the e q u i p p e d to m i x exact d y e s to carpet fibers Is another factor. If match your exlstlilg carpet. Usual­ you can tug at the carpet tuffs In ly the matching dyes are mixed at the bleached areas and the fibers the site. are still Intact—not brittle ajld A professional carpet dyer will no signs of disintegration—It Is also be able to apply chemicals to likely that they are s t i l l In good your carpet lhat will neutralize the bleach In the carpet (the blejiching condition. Bleach takes out color In stages, a c t i o n s c a n be r e a c t i v a t e d b y removing reds and blues first and m o i s t u r e a n d w i l l c o n t i n u e to eventually t u r n i n g to white. If cause dam.-ige If not neutralized). there Is still a yellow tinge to the Carpet dyeing is an art a n d to spotting, your carpel Is In better a s s u r e you the best s u c c e s s c o n d i t i o n t h a n If the spots are choose a firm that-specializes In white, which indicates a burIiIng dyeing r ; i t h e r than J u s t c a r p e t of the flbej^s. cleajllng. One of the best wavs to MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Commorcial - Residential lndustfi,-il - Vacant OLING b y 201 L i v i n g ! exclusive but this like 5 ACRES, Area of new one homes still country, feels horses Get Real Results by in Creofive Living ok, snowmobiling, b a r n {30x45)/for 2,000-f- workshop. 2-story large use home has 3 2 full bedrooms, baths, a room (23x23) s.f. large family with Great etc. ranch barn and lot land money! of house for the 700-f room baths. and 2 rooms X 40 in pole accommodates and/or s.f. cars. decking o v e r l o o k s P O S S I B L E TERMS. M39,900 Open full finished horses A 2 walkout. 3 0 l a r g e floor. pond. floor plan, Family finished overlooking stocked formal 1st W X O N - T e t e v i s l o n / C h a i i n e l 20 p o n d . F H A L y o n great for starter retirement 5 this or home a c r e s , on s o m e woods. Unfinished walkout basement,., 2 bedroom Barn is this at price O 37 home.' x an 26. affordable a n d N T E R M S ! T All • Central A i r • 2 Bedrooms • A p p l i a n c e s Included • 2 liaths • S w i m m i n g Pool • Lal-ge Walk-in Closet • Carefree I^iving 1 V 'n ONLY HERE'S YOUR have it all at a price you can afford! Three bedrooms, VA bath, 2-car garage, large yard w. natural landscaping and inground pool. Custom bath and kitchen, Village of Milford. Low maintenance - Motivated. $83,900. $67,900 MODEL < bOUTH ^ LYOfi 7^ $200,000 HOME...WRONG! Cathedral ceiling in Great Rm w/FP, vaulted ceiling in Merrilat kitchen w/breakfast nook, special millworks thruout, Jacuzzi tub, brick & wood exterior, energy pkg, including wood windows, 3 bdr., 2 full BA, attached garage, only minutes off x-way...under construction and could be yours for only $124,900. 1' Mil f SALES OFFICE 1-6 p.lli. daily ^ Mil F (closed T h u r s d a y s ) R MU i- R ' ^ ' • .' ^COMMERCIAL***RESIDENTIAL***HORSE FARMS*** A C T ERA RYMAL SYMES *97,500 C i l l fUal I'statc One to put Michigali's most successful selJer of homes to Work for y o u * Plymouth/Canton Brighton 348-6430 455-7000 227-5005 - OnCc 63?. WALLED LAKE — Engaging Ranch Condo w/energy elficiency. C/A, garage, 2 bedrin., decorator upgrades, (inbhed basemenl. rec. room w/wei bar, master suite. Great Price $64,900. Call 478-9130 NOVI — Distinguished brick 4 bedrin72.5 bath Colonial, gourmet kilchen, master suite, lorm. din. rm., lireplace warmth, Isl lloor laund., family rm., wood windows. $305,000. Call 478-9130 GREAT STARTER HOME in nice lamily neighborhood. Three bedrooms, freshly painted and new carpeting in most rooms. $84,900 (VIO) 348-6430 NORTHVILLE — Attfactive 2 story Cotonial in secluded serenity. Cheery hearth, C/A, master suite, family rm., 3 bedrm., 2 lull & 2 half baths, 1 stfloorlaundry. Must Seel $129,900. Call 478-9130 NORTHVILLE — Bright cedar 2 story on quiel street. 2-car garage, lormal din. rm., foyer, large closets, eat-in idichen, 2 bedrm/2.5 baths, cheefy lireplace, $111,900. Call 349-4550 12316 HIGHLAND RD. (M-59) CIdi 632-7627 OR 887-S;g6 Q: Which Light Bulb GivesMpre Light? or 474-4530 MEmER OF UVINGSm Fim S WESTERN WAYNE • QAKlAm COUNTY mTILISTS VERY SPECIAL HOUSEl You'll love entertaining lamily & friends in this 3 'bedroom home. Open floor plan, beautiful lireplace in great risonri, easy-living tamily room w/woodburner for ixizy evenings. Private back yarcl & privileges on gorgeous Dunham Lake. $143,500. \ Incandescent? PUT THIS ON YOUR LISTI Immaculate 3 bedroom Colonial in great neighborhood. Beautiful fireplace in lamily room, full bsmt.. 2 car garage, 100x200 lot, privileged beach on Duck Lake w/room lor your boat and dock. A pleasure for $125,900. 75 W a l l s DREAM COME TRUE! Sharp newer contemporary 2 story home on all sports Lobdell Lake. 3 bedrooms, 3V, baths, 2 beautiful fireplaces, finished walk-out lower level, large deck, 2 car garage, Andersen windows & doorwalls, whirlpool tub, oak stairs & railings, ceramic tiled baths, loads of beautilul extras! $228,000. Linden Schools. l> Botiigivcequaiamountsofiiglit — but tJic one on ilie riglit uses onc-fourtii of tiic energy, and over its iifetime can cut $30 SOLID 3 BEDROOM RANCH In quiet MOTIVATED SELLER leaving ihis well cared (or neighborhood. Caihedral celling In living room. Lexington condo and moving to Florida. Many Hardwood fk)ors. Family room, finished basement Improvements will be yours - newer dishwasher, w/kits of storage. Built-in bar & workshop. Central disposal, water heater, air conditioning, air. Newer roof. $83,900 (GAR) 34B-6430 compressor & furnace. $103,900 (WAS) 348-3430 NOVI — Attractive coachhouse w/comly charm. Formal din. rm., walk-In closets, modern kilchen, 2bedrm/1 balh. Kitchen appliances included, elec. door opener. $64,900 Call 349-4550. r U ^ f f i ^ ^ ^ GREEN OAK—Cathedral ceilings enhances this knock­ out BncK 3 bedmi. Ranch, 2.5 baihs, cheery lireplace, skylights, lorm. din. rm.. European kitchen. Must See! $169,900. Cail 478-9130 ' ^ ^ ^ ^ NORTHVILLE—2-story Townhouse oflering hardwood floors, lam ily room, kitchen appl. included,finishedbase­ ment, 3 bedrm/1.5 baths, new windows, C/A & furnace $86,900. Call 349-4550. SPECTACUWR COMTEMPORARYl 3 l>edrooms, CHARMIN(3 HISTORICAL HOME with mahire trees STOP YOUR SEAflCHI The most picluresque 2'.4 baths, large country kitchen w/c«ntef island & on a splittabie acre with 4 bedrooms, family room, views in Northviile sunround this vintage 1920's oak cabinets. Cathedral ceilings, recessed parlor, den. basement and attached garage. treasure. Unique 4 lot package iwlth this site. Ughtjng, lots of storage and much much more. Memories of yesteryeaer in this 1883 beauty now $399,900 (NOR) 348-6430 $249,900 (PIN) 348-6430 offered at $215,000. (SLE) 348-6430 N o v i Office 4 7 8 - 9 1 3 0 from W e s t 9 a.m.-9:30 a.m. W X O N - T e l e v l s l o n / C h a n n e l B l o o m f i e l d 8 5 1 - 9 7 7 0 Office Northville 20 Office 3 4 9 - 4 5 5 0 Y w a i f ! ^ O 1991 American Cancer Society l-800-.\CS-2345 J o i n a n u s a t O a k e x c l u s i v e f e a t u r i n g Real^»3te P o i n t e o p e n f o r h o u s e c o n d o m i n i u m s & h o m e s Four miles west of Brighton off of Brighton Road • • • • GardeUng Remodeling Decftr^tfing Over Ihcir lifcliilics, one out of every nine woiilcn will be faced willl breast cancer. That's one out of nine fiicilds. One out of ilinc sisters, mothers, daughters. It's a .statistic you can't afford to i«ilore. Ana inaillinography is a weapoil vou can't afford lo be without. A iliamnlogranl can (lelect breast cancer in its earliest stages, w len it's iilosl curable. It's not enough to simply know ihe statistics. You have to fight back. Get a nlanlmogranl. THERE'S NOTHING MIGHTIEii THAN THE SWORD A M E R I C A N A L L BRICK R A N C H FOR ONLY '99,900! Lovely 3 bdrm. home. In country sub. on large lot. Hardwood floors. Extra large garage plus shed for more storage. Above ground pool. Please ask for Skip or Jean. DeCor^ng is it's o n e i n n i n e . off your eicctririty and last nine to 13 times longer, than the one on the left. R^ll^eling chance Mammography. Yollr most powerful weapoil. Every Saturday Walls Decorating Real Esiate H o m e Safety Building Antiques Gardening Real Hom« HOMEARAMA MODEL. Buy now at pre-consiruction prices. Isi floof master suite overiooks ravine setting. Adjacent to proposed nature park. Asking $225,000. (ASH) 346-3430 RE/MAX COUNTRYSIDE Welcomes our newest Realtor Norm Sieb. Norm brings to our office 10 years In the Real Estate business. He and his family are members of the South Lyon community. W E L C O M E , W E WISH YOU L U C K IN YOUR NEW V E N T U R E . NEW LISTING! Sharp 3 bedrm., Vyi bath ranch in family sub., with city conveniences. Family rm. w/brick fireplace. Door wall opens to a large deck built in 85. Full bsmt with work rm. and cedar closet for extra storage. Fenced backyard w/above ground pool. '114,500. Please ask for Jean or Skip. one m a m i l l i o n , the fact is, NORTHVILLE—Lovely 4 bedrm. Cape Cod In great tocation. Huge family fm. w/natural fireplace. C/A, formal dining fm., family rm.. oversized2-caf garage w/aliic sloraae. $162,000. Call 478-9130 Compact Fluorescent 18 P E A C E & QUIETI W/ith this brand new ranch on 2 plus acres. 3 bdrms, 3 full baths, spacious living room w/fireplace, Isl floor laundry, walk-out lower level w/28x21 family room, 2 car garage and in good location w/Hartland Schools. $139,900. of getting breast cancer SUPER SUPER SHARPI 3 bedrooms, finished CONTEMPORARY COUNTRY CAPE COD, offers 3 basement. Impressive kitchen/family room. You bedrooms, 2 full baths, large living room, dining must see (he inside of this beauty. Largest condo room & kitchen, skylights, loft, ivalkout, attached in complex. $34,900 (OLD) a48*»30 garage, central air and park view. Asking $124,900. (PET) 343-6430 LOVELY C O U N T R Y R A N C H 1300 sq. ft. on 1st floor, not including finished walkout, w/4 bdrm,, and 3 baths. Extra large family room w/hot tub. Super kitchen w/sky light: Central Air and newer carpet. Brighton Schools. '169,900. Ask fdf Notm for more details. YOU'LL LOVE ITI Kick back & enjoy the pool, hot tub, qym or clubhouse which you'll be a part of by owning this condo. Decorated with a designers touch yet extremely homeyl Move in & enjoyi Walking distance to downtown Howell, schools & hospital. $64,500. If y o u t h i n k y o u r AFFORDABLE NEW HOME. This 2 bedroom home features iOOOp square feet, cathedral ceilings, insulated wood windows, sicylight, brick & vinyl exterior, stained trim, vertical blinds and attached 2 car garage. C2884 $69,900 684-1065 TIRED OF T H E CITY LIFE? 2600 sq. ft. of contemporary, 4-5 bdrms., w/4 full baths, springfed pond, gunite swim, pool w/waterfall & diving board. 80x40 pole barn, 14x20 2-stofy barn & 24x40 barn w/4 horse stalls. Located on 10,06 acres, '205,000. Call Jan Gurski at 486-5009 for more details. 1 Yr. Home Warranty. HARTLAND ENJOY PEACE & QUIET! Beautiful Dunham Lakelront setting! Spotless quality built 1900 sq. fi. all brick ranch. Lovely kitchen, formal dining, 2 fireplaces, 3 lull baths, large family room in linished walk-out lower level. A rare find! Call today! $284,500. MHHmnjyiHgi OPEN H O U S E " S U N D A Y " J A N U A R Y 19 F R O M 2 to 5. Lovely 3 br. tri-level situated on approx. 2.5 acres on private road. 2'/.> car att. gar., above ground pool, 24x24 pole bam. '139,900 East of Milford Road, North of 10 Mile. Cal! lister Randy Clark for more details. 56801 Appaloosa 211 E. Commerce Rd., MILFORD PRICE REDUCED! Charming home in the City of Brighlon on over'/? acre lot w/park-like setting. Large living room w/natural fireplace & french doors to enclosed porch, kitchen w/breakfast windowed nook, 3 bdms., 1st fir. laundry, partial bsmt., 1 or 2 car gar. -t carport. $89,900. r A TEMPTING BUY; Take advantage of this lovely CONTEf^PORARY LAKEFRONT on all-sports suburban ranch on Vi acre with flowering shmbs Walled Lal<B. Over 1950 sq. ft. of living space. & fruit frees. 3 bedrooms, i balhs, central air, Magnificent pine cathedral ceilings andfloorsin lai(e privileges & assume mortgage. $75,000. upper level. This is truly a musi seel $163,500 M327i 634-1065 (ELA) 348-6430 PRICED TO BELLI Estate Home - 3 b.r. ranch w/2 car att. gar. on approx. 1 acre, private road to house. Newer roof shingles. South Lyon Schools. •109,900 Ask for Tony. baths, 2 fireplaces. Between Brendel and Neva Lakes w. privileges on both. Seller will pay up to $2600 toward closing costs or will accept Land Contract terms. COUNTRY APPEALI Super clean 3 bedroom ranch loaded wilh extras! Ceramic kitchen and bath, doonivall to patio, fenced yard and 2 car garage. Hartland Schools. $89,500. Michigan's largest Real Estate Company Northville/Novi INVESTMENT P R O P E R T Y - Built in 1990 has annual income of approx, '15,000, Separate entrance, central air, full basement newer stove & refrig. in each unit '129,900 Tony will assist w/personal showing. THE ULTIIVIATE ESTATE in this one of a kind 5000 sq. ft. custom brick ranch on 10 private ac. featuring 5 bdr., 3.5 B A , library, formal dining, gourmet kitchen, tiered decking, 3-car garage. Come see the long list of amenities - $454,000. number, 437-6020 A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY! Buy all or part of this counlry estate. Large lamily room sits on 3.64 acres plus 3 additional parcels all perked & surveyed! Total of 12.9-1-- acres. Very beautiful property. $237,900. Hartland Schoos. p Real Select Properties /mmA iMilforcl C0NTEI\i1P0RARY R A N C H w/approx. 1880 sq. ft. ranch w/3 b.r., 2 oar att, gar., full unfinished bsmt., floor covering allow. '2,500, velux skylights, with hot tub in master b.r. Newly constructed. '154,900 Ask for Tony for the many extras, Model phone OREEN OAK TOWNSHIP Spectacular workmanship in this 4 bedroom, 2/2 bath C o l o n i a l . 3 c a r attached garage. Fieldstone columns & Oak flooring in foyer. Central air, central vacuum system. Extensive decking, view of Pond. Large master bedroom suite with Jacuzzi. »249,900,00 (T-128) L A N D '99,900 681-1065 L A K E F R O N T P R O P E R T Y on all sports Silveflake. Tastefully decorated bungalow remodeled in 1979. Family room, field stone f.p. In liv. rm., enclosed florida room w/'GREAT" view of lake. A Must Seel Call Tony for personal showing. » 1 8 9 , 5 0 0 . THINK YOU CAN ONLY FIND THESE FEATURES lN A V..'\. Approved Lyon PRIVATE & S E C L U D E D C O U N T R Y LIVING - 3 bdrm, ranch w/walk out on approx. VA acres. Large entertainment rm. w/kitchen, bar and hot tub "Great for Parties". 2'.^ baths, 3 car att. gar. '164,900 Ask for Tony for more details. private sandy beach, underground sprinklers, patio, deck, all appliances and the best price to sell quickly. $148,400. • Spacifjus Open F l o o r Plan r There Really Is A Difference In Real Estate Companies -Hoal Esato Ono. Inc. 1991 JUST LISTED - LAKEFRONTl 164' frontage on .8 acre lot w. of 11 Mile Rd. in South Lvon OPTIONS T O C H O O S E T R O M . ( A - 2 6 ) Lafayette serving Oakland, Livingston, Washtenai* & Wayne Counties Each office Is Iniiependently owned & operated SO AFFORDABLE - WHY PAY RENP L; BUILDER'S 8 P E C i | l Starting at «104,900.00. Country Sub..-3"r^lf6is!3fbiWiFreG«^W-'VI>i;Ny' S. 'INVEST IN AMERICA" 0 C O U N T R Y SUB. CAPE COD with 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths. 2x6 Construction Energy Efficient Home. Backs up to A p p l e Orchard with beautiful view. Hilltop setting. 5 min. from 1-96 Kent Lake R o a d Exit and Kensington fVletro Parks. Close to golf courses & shopping malls. '131,900.00(T-616) 486-5000 1.800-242-LAND M i c h . , 48178 SPACIOUS RANCH IN LAKEWOOD VILLAGE, 4 bedrs., 2.5 - S o u t h C 417 South ERA y\YSON REAIJORSf IN^^^ T H I S IS IT!!! I FANTASTIC!! describes this jnewly constructed all brick I ranch located in Greenock i H i l l s , just m i n u t e s from downtown South Lyon & Ischools. 2,100 s q . ft. of I excellence. Natural fireplace. I central air, large rooms & much more. •2,000 carpet a l l o w a n c e . »179,900.00 (W-100) S e n t i fnrjuiries to James M. Woodard, Copley News Service, P.O. Box 190, San Diego. CA 92112-0190 COUNTRYSIDE For Prof«$ionali««" Spear Mich Grp ERA REG • ERA • ERA • ERA • REG • ERA • Preview • Preview • Lyons • ERA • Preview • ERA Britton Fleck Wanzagol Wischer 4214 4436 4443 4250 4862 f/anzagol 4850 Manzagol 4867 Manzagol Wischer 4775 Dewling 4578 Oak Pte Grp 4868 Oak Pte Grp 4505 4611 Lyons 4548 Snyder Bohlen 4536 Hunter 4516 Pinehurst Drive Muirfield Oak Pointe St Andrews Fairways Fairways Fairways Pine Eagles Golf View Drive Pine Eagles Golf View Drive Golf View Drive Golf View Drive Golf View Drive Golf View Drive en 249,000.00 259,900.00 294,900.00 338,900.00 • • • • ERA C21 Bri Preview REG t o n d o r i m i u m • Preview 159,900.00 • Preview 159,900.00 • Preview 164,900.00 175,900.00 • ERA 176,000.00 • Preview 183,900.00 • Preview 189,900.00 • ERA 189,900.00 • ERA 190,000.00 • ERA 194,900.00 • Preview 197,500.00 T h e Prudential ( Preview Properties"" Dewling 4489 IVIackie 4939 Oak Pte Grp 4333 Wischer 4405 Oak Pointe Oak Tree Ot Muirfield Muirfield 354,9O0.O( 369,900.00 375,000.00 499,000.00 Oak Pte Grp 31C Oak Pte Grp 4450 Conklin 4684 Pendleton 4556 Oak Pte Grp 4527 Oak Pte Grp 31D Dewling 4490 Hunter 4518 Snyder 4522 Oak Pte Grp 4435 Golf View Drive Golf View Drive Pine Eagles Golf View Drive Golf View Drive Golf View Drive Golf View Drive Golf View Drive Oak Pointe Drive Golf View Drive 210,900.00 214,900.00 219,900.00 223,900,00 224,900.00 225,900.00 236,000.00 258,500.00 335,000.00 Models s . GRIFFITH ' - ' ^ R E A L T Y , INC, 313-227-1016 313-229-1777 , SPEAl^i ASS0CI.'\TE:5< BRIGHTON TOWNE CO. 313-229-2913 ng R^^eVig De^^H^g Real Estate H o m e Safety Building Antiques Gloss National Product. 313-994-0012 Brighton 313-878-2822 313-227-5005 This year Americans will produce more litter and pollution than ever befoi-e. for A. It's a n increasingly p o p u l a r p r a c t i c e . O n e Inajor v a c a t i o n exchailge network — Mi.-uni-based lnterv.ll ItlternatioIlal — reports an i n c r e a s e of 2 5 perceilt i n t h e i r e.xch.niige confinnatlon rate during 1991, coInpared with the previous year Tlte Standaidi E v e f y S a t u r d a y f r o m S a m - 9:30am 3 4 6 N. L a f a y e t t e - S o u t h L y o n , M l 4 8 1 7 8 u n i t s to e x c h a n g e their t m i t another? (313) Enjoy ail of these features: ON 5 BARN s c h o o l s Howell, with d i n i n g , on area, walkout more Send inquiries to Here's How. Copley News Service. P.O. Box 190. San Diego. CA 92112-0190. Only questions of general interest can be answered in the column. most ;ucas of the countiy. home b.-uls can be obtaiiied at interest rates from 8 to 8.5 per­ cent (30 year fLxed-rate loaIis). A n d the pilme rate is down to 6.5 per­ cent —the lowest since 1960. 9. Is i t a c o m m o n p r a c t i c e for owners o f Vacation t i m e s l i a r e coInIiieilts expressed b y many real estate leaders. "Durlilg my 21 years as a bro­ ker, 1 have eiljoyed a l l d coped with a myriad of changes," s a i d Re.iltor Victor Seibert. " A l l changes have beeil logical results of prior action by the Industiy and general public and they have all been driven by a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Today is no different." 9 . W i l l the i n t e r e s t r a t e s o n mortgage loans c o n t i n u e to decline? A. No one knows the answer to th:it q u e s t i o I l . B u t n i a n y r e a l estate i n d u s t r y l e a d e r s a n d e c o n o m i s t s feel t h o s e i n t e r e s t rates have leached, or are close to, the bottom. At this w r i t i n g , the m.'LXiiiiiim interest rate for a Inortg.'ige loan guaranteed by the "Veter­ ans Adnilnistration is 8 perceI1t. In again, "In the future, the f l u c t i i a l i n g cycles beiween a tenant's market and a landloid's market will be far less than we have experienced in the past. Developers will respolld to the real lieeds of the business community. "And cities w i l l recognizee the importance of being respoilsive to the healthy growth of b u s i l i e s s . and rents will increase slightly and then stabilize. Overseeing it a l l as a check and balance will be very conseiVatlvc lending institutions and capital .sources. "These are tough times for peo­ ple in commercial real estate. But then change is often difficult. We will emerge in great shape with a bahince of growth, prosperity and quality of life." "A time of chaIlge" surfaced in WeSflt On Pontiac Trail, just South RANCH ACRES, to from this 3 b e d r o o m •fireplace, utility/laundry access Lansing T h e r e c e s s i o n has s t r o n g l y impacted the commercial real estate inarket. "It has spaiked slgnificailt chiiIiges in this segment of the m a r k e t , " s a i d R e a l t o r T h a d Seligman. "In fact, it is safe to say it w i l l n e v e r be quite t h e same SERVICE F O W L E R V I L L E R A N C H ON 3+ ACRES, POND, BARN - election year." The lack of consumer conlideIlce was d r a m a t i c a l l y pointed out by Realtor Haven Burke. "Since our company. First N.itional Realty, Is n a t i o n w i d e in scope we u s u a l l y assume there will always be some local inarkets that are strong and some weak. But during the past few weeks, it's like someone shut off the faucet nationwide. People are hesitant to act when the econ­ omy is so uncertain. .And they're w a i t i n g to see what p o l i t i c a l a c t i o n s w i l l take place i n early 1992." _ S. L a f a y e t t e , S o u t h L y o n , M l 4 8 1 7 8 FIRST IN H O M E ON BARN - apart, above and below the point w h e r e t h e o l d i l a i l u s e d to be. Drive the new nails into the Wall so they create a shallow dinlple 111 the wall. T h e n fill the dimples with Joint c o m p o u n d or spackle feather­ ing out to a smooth surface. Use a quality primer prior to application of the final coats of paint. R e a l Estate, i n c R e a d i n g C r e a t i v e g . The walls of our c o n d o m i n i ­ u m have s m a l l bubbles a l o n g w h a t l o o k s l i k e t h e area w h e r e 437-2056 522-5150 Office MEMBERSHIP IN TWO MULTILISTS W « t ( « m W » y n . 0 « H * n d B o r d ot R»«llor» Lfvingnlon County 8o*fd sf RwHofi F i n d A n s w e r s locate such a firm Is to call oiie or two carpet cleaiiers In y o u r area a n d see who they would recom­ m e n d . Carpet dyeliig Is good for spot probleins as well .as rejuvena­ tion of a fading carpet that is i n otherwise good condition. the w a l l p a n e l i n g was j o i n e d dur­ ing c o t i s t r u c t i o n . l s there any­ t h i n g I c a n do t o c o r r e c t t h i s p r o b l e m p r i o r to repainting? A . It sounds like your problem is that n a i l s are poppiIlg out along the s e a m s of poorly Installed dry wall. T h i s Is sometlIncs the result of tlie Installer hafnmerlng them too l i a r d . T o r e p a i r , y o u w i l l have to remove the p o p p e d n a i l s . After r e m o v a l of the p o p p e d nail, use two nails to refasten the diy wall. Position the new nails two Inches 1992." Cliff Norton, owner of a mort­ gage brokerage finn: "The really hard times for real estate professionals are behiiid us. In 1 9 9 2 , we w i l l see i n c r e a s i n g sales .activity and a Wider range of inortgage loan offerings. New loans w i l l be s t r u c t u r e d for s p e c i a l g r o u p s such as elderly persons. Knd the expandlIig use of comput­ ers will make qualilylng for a loan faster and easier" Key problems d u r i n g the past year w a s the l a c k of c o n s u m e r confidence in our general economy and l a c k of inceIItives to b u y or develop real estate, several indus­ try leaders emphasized. "We desperately need incentive progr.inis to encoiarage real estate investment." said Realtor Jon Dou­ glas. "This should be a high priori­ ty for political leaders on a blpartisail level. If Congress aIid admin­ istration take action soon it could s u b s t a n t i a l l y s t i m u l a t e the r e a l estate market d u r i n g the coming If you don't do something about it, who will? CREATIVE LIVING-Januaiy 16, 1992~5C CREATIVE LIVING 4 C Newspapers T H U R S D A Y E A S T • January To B£A1.£3.IAIE FOR 9Ai.£ place y o u r A c t i o n A d in Creative Living, the Monday Sheet j u s t c a l l o n e o f o u rl o c a l 313 offices 227-4436 517 548-2570 313 348-3022 313 437-4133 313 685-8705 24 Hour F a x (313) 4 3 7 - 9 4 6 0 Hour.siTuesday - Friday 8:30 040 - Ann A/bor 041 - Bnghton 042 - Byron 044 - Cohodah 045 - Da>lar.Chala*a 046 - Fanton 048 - Fowlar/.l • 040 . Hamburg 050 - Hartland 052 - HigNaryi 053 -Ho,*all 054 • Undan 056 - WJIord 057 . Naw Hudaon 058 • Nonhvilla 060 - Novi a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Deadlines For Creative Living plus Fowlerville, Pinckney and Hartland shopping 3:30 guides p.m. 3:30 Living p.m. Monday Rate3 lines 7 . 4 9 Display ads. your loca Dexter's Cottonwood Condominiums By APPOINTMENT Delighllul Village setting close lo Ann'Afbor From'112.90O. Brenda Tims at 663-3900 Edward Surovell Co./Realtors Ann Arbor 081 - Homaa 082 - Lakalromt Noma* 083 - Apartmant 084 - O u p l * « 085 - Room 086 - Foalar Cara 087 - Condominium. Townhouaa 088 - t^obila Honiaa 089 - Moblla Honnaa Sita 090 - Uving Quartart B Shara 091 - Indualrial, Commarcial 092 - Buildinaa 1 Halla 093 - Offic* Sp 004 - Vscabon R « n t « l i 005 • Ltnd 006 • Storag* Space 007 • W i n t » d lo R « n i 008 • Tim* S h * f « Contract rates available for Classified - Pfyn-toulh - Soulh lyon - .SlocVbridga/Un«dllaGfaoo7 - Union LakaWhita Laka - WabbarviHa - Whitmora Laka . W i « o n > W a l i a d Laka - Qanaaaaa County - Inghan-i County - Livingaton County - Shiawaaaa* County - Waehtanaw County - Wayna County B£A1,E9TATE FOR RENT Each additional line ' 1 . 6 3 non-commercial rate Contact (313)382-86e>5 WHITMORE l^KE Now 2 br condo, walkout kjwer level, 2 car garage, $99,900 Possible option (313)620-2266 (313)4498131 061 - Oak Orova 062 - Pir>ckj-i./ 064 065 066 068 069 070 072 073 074 076 078 079 060 Friday Creative 025 020 . Outatata (Momaa lot Salaj 022 • LaAatronI Mo'Tiaa 023 - Dupl«< 024 . Condominium 025 • Moblla Ho-n** 026 - Horaa Farm* 027 . Fa/.-n Acfaa(]a 028 . Homaa Und*r Conatrjction 029 - lali* Prop*rfy 030 - Northarn Proparfy 031 - Vacant Proparty 032 - OulolSata Ptoparly 033 - induatrial. Commarcial 034 - Incnma Proparty 035 - Raal* Wanlad 036 - Cfrr.aiary Lola 037 - Tin-.- Shara 038 - Monflaoaa/loana 039 - Opan Houaa Green Sheet orthe Wednesday Green HOWELL Go con T-aig;e HIGHU\ND a'ea 1972 14x70 3 HOWELL Chateau, 1986 14x70. Cor-do A.'isoc 2 Docoo.n - i s ir Mobile Homes br., new vinyl exterior. $7,200 3 or. 2 bath, new carpet throughout, d^wall, 10x16 deck, qjiOi a:.'^05p'-e'e v. th Cub^ouso (313)632-5780 ovemngs many updates. $19,500-'b0st. and poo^ P'cis ('om $51,900 !o HIGHLAND Groons SolieTmoir (517)548-1872. $62,900 Frsl Realy B'Okcs valod. MUST SEE Wnl pay l,i^t (5'7;5-;6 9aO0 1985 SCHULTZ. 14x70, 2 br. 2 months rent 1983 14x70 Palnot fj. Sails, exc cord, must see 2 br., 2 baths wuh 201l exMnoo KENSINGTON PLACE AosC'uiv nust sei' Best oHer $13,000 ( 313)887-0640 MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY JUST L I S T E D takes ' (3 1 3)43 7-4447 or WEL(X)MES YOU HIGHLAND Greoos, mce doubie' Ono br. remodeled (3'3,6294426 wioe, 24x56, 2 br ipossWe 3. to Slop in and see our affordable unit in C i t y of BRIGHTONNOVI Fantastic now roof/deck, $22,000, orocw.ned homes, stanmg at Bnghlon. Central air. $7,500 Singles and double savings on bank owned and(313)867-0557 widos Low Down payment and Appliances. Walk to P'cownod homos, low flow;-. shopping Minutes payrori Fnancmg arranged l-iOWELL 1969 trailer, 12x6a 'OW closing costs Enjoy a i~T0da;e occjpa"cv Oi-a'ry Mjst be moved, (517)545-1450 bca-tlul soring overlooking Kent from downtown Uke Ho-as 1313:4 3 7 2039' HOWELL Champion 12x50,"vo7 Brigriton S sK; sicoes. clean, ia'-ge deck, low lot rent, 34,500. BRIGHTON l?74 14x70 2 br, s e e . $7 200 • Spacious clubhouse ccner k3! $12,500 or best offer must • Heated pool Call IVIARY WOLFE (517)546-1082 i313,2292397 • Uundry lacilily Century 2 1 • RV storage BRIGHTON 12x45, 2 br., 6x10 Brighton ToWne Co, • Adjacent to Kensington Metro ac-:von. r.c-w ca'pot, aooiiances (3)3)229-2913 say, pQiv CI rent wiin 6x10 fleck • 8 rinutes Irom 12 Oaks Mail S50CO. (31 3)229-2739 or Sales Representative Classified a d s m a yb e placed a c c o r d i n g to t h e a b o v e d e a d l i n e s . r e a d i n g t h e i r a d s t h e f i r s t t i m e it Equal Houaing Opportunity •Ultmant: Wa wa pladnad to t/ia latin and apirit of U.S. poTcv (of t h « achiavamant of aqual nouting opportunity throughout tha nation. immediately. H o m e T o w n Wa ancoufaga and <upporl an • fflrmativa idvarliaing and N e w s p a p e r s will not i s s u e credit for maiitating program in when thara A/a no ban'lart to obtain houiirtg e r r o r s in a d s a f t e r first i n c o r r e c t bacauaa of r a c » . color, faligion Of natJonaJ oriqin. insertion. Equal Houaing Opportunity aJogan: 'Equal Houting Opportunity^ labia II! - IHuatfalJon of Publiihaf'a P O U C Y STATEMENT: AJI adv^njiing p u b l l « h > d in HomsTown Notica Ntwi^tptr* il •ubi*cl 10 thft conditJoni ilalad in th* «pplic«bl« rat* Publiahar'a Nottca: All raal m a t * card, copivt of i r * aviilablt from a^/triiaing daparlmant ac^i/aftlaad ln Ihia nawapapar ia HomaTown Nawaoapar., 323 E. Grand Rivar. Howall. MchiBan 488*3 •ubjact to tha Fadara.' Fair Houair^ (517) 543.2000. Homaloam Nawapapara rtaarvaa tha riohl nol to Act 0* 1066 which makaa il tliagal to accapt an acNaftiaar'a HomaTown N a w a p « p « r i adlwara hava advartiaa "any p r a f a r a n c a , no authority lo bind Ihti nawapapar and only publication of an limitation, or dltcnmnation baaad arttfartiaamant aha)! conatituta fnal accsptanca of tia ad^artiiar'a on raca, color, raliglon or national ordar. Whan m o r a tlian o n * ineartion of tha a s m * ad/artiaamanl is Oflflfln. or « n y ' I n t » n t t o n to maka any ordarad. no « * d i l wHi ba givan uniaa* notice of typoflraphicai or olhaf « u c h prafaranca. limitation, or arrora ia givan in liat.tM corriKlion bafora tha tacsnd inaartion. Mot diacflmination.* Thta rtawapapar wiif raaponaibTa for orriiaaion*. Publiahar'a Nolica: AH raaJ aitat* ad'artiaing not knowingly a c c a p t any in Inia nawapapar ia aubjac! lo tha Fadaral Fair Act oi 1968 advarttaing for raaJ aatata which ia which maliaa it ilagal to advartiaa 'any prafaranca. Kmilation. or in violation of tha law. Our raadara dilcriminalion.* Thia nawapapar will r>ot kmwingly accapt any ara haraby intormad lhat all adKarfaino for r a » l aalala which ia In violation ol tha law. Or raadar* ar* dwallinga a d v a r l i i a d in Ihia harabv inTorni*d thai all dwaninga adviniaed in N a nawapapar ut nawapapar v availabla on an avaijabia on an aqual houwng opportunity baai*. (FR Doc, 724083 aqual opportuniW. ( F P Doc. F i l » d 3 - 3 1 - 7 2 . 8:45 a-m.) 724083 R a d 3-31-72 8;4S a.m.} a p p e a r s a n d reporting a n y errors *W<h ord*r. BRIGHTON. For Sale by Ovner. Lake Chemung. Beautiful lake view watorlroni ranch, kilchen • Ux17, lamilyroom • 12x16, 2 br. down, 2 small br. upstairs, i'/i Ctt' garage, large deck, boat dock, approx. down. BRIGHTON. Brigas Lake. Unique $137,900. 1850 S. Hughes Rd. modorn rancn 1850 sq.ii. (517)546-3665. Compleielyramodoled,doorwalls across iaitosido w/skyiighis. HARTUND. All sports Handy Walk-oul onto SOOsqIt deck. ijko. Charming seciudod 3 br., 2 Fireplace, 3 br.. 1 baih. bath dollhouse w/lieldslone $150,000. No agenls. fireplace & new rool. $99,500. Ten Kniss, MAGIC REALTY, (313)229-5833 (517)548-5150. m WATERFRONT ON COON LAKE - Newly reiTiodel&d brick ranch, wooded parcel, professionally landscaped, move-In condition, maintenance free, finished waik-out lower level has its own kilchen, bath & bedroom. '184,900 (A171) WATERFRONT O N PRIVATE SPRING FED L A K E - located on 1.84 a c r e s , hiardwood floors, needs updating, listed below recent appraisal, lovely setting '99,900 (P85) ThePriLlderitial(|P» I ThoPfudential (^v Preview Properties B 517/546-7550 313/476-3320 Indopendanly Ownad and Cparslad PreVlew Properties ]L 517/546-7550 31^476-8320 Indepsnd Willy Owiad and Opentad FOV'/LERVILLE. Cedar Ri-ver EslaiiS, 14x60 Commodore 2x6 corslr.>clon, caihco-al cciiing i lans (517)223-8500 8am 10 5p.~i HAMBURG HILLS New manulacturod homes lor sa;e m Harbura Hills. (Ctose to M.35 and US 23). Available for immediate occupancy. Large tcraco lots (6000sqtt.|, lamilos welcome, Hamburg/f^inckney Schools Homos .ndudo; 3 br., 2 baths and mjch much more INFINITY HOMES (313)231-3500 Come see our now coodominium community nest!oc in the trees next 10 Burwick Farms Apart­ ments Enjoy mai.-ilenanco tioo living whiio your equity gro'ivs'l Homes feature . • 2 br./2 baih • Detached Garage • All Appliances • Screened DeckPatio • Ceramic Tile Floors Conveniently located oft M-59 in Howell. HAMBURG Hi's 1990 28x60, 15CCsq ft, 3 br, 2 bath, app^ances. Ifopiacc. central air, 2 dec^5. large wooded lot. $44,000 ( 313)231.0932 sale in Northfield Es­ tates! (On 8 Mile Rd. west ol US-23). Drive through and look for our 'For Sale' signs or call. Come to Burwick Gtens Condom­ inium for the best home value in Livingston C.ounty! l i t t l e Valley In Park Sales Office 1 3 Mile E . of Nov! R d . (313) 624-2626 Open: Noon-7prn Mon .-Thurs. Noon-5pm Fri., Sat., S'jn. TRIANGLE MOBILE HOMES NEW AMERICAN L/FESTYLE 698-1147 SALES • 12 X 65 with 12 X 30 Tag, stove, re frigerator, wood shed, 3 bedroom, 1 bath. '10,000. R O B E R T W. PIANK, REALTOR Highland Greens Estates Res. (313) 349-1088 Bus. (313) 347-3050 B A N K e R D SCHWEITZER R E A L ESTATE nESIDENTlAL REAL ESTATE 2377 N. Millord Rd., Highlind (I mii» N. o( M.59) (313) 887-4164 4 1 8 6 0 Six MUe R o a d • Northviile SILVER Lake-South Lyon. Allspons lake. 2-3 br., walkoul, 24x26 garage, much more. $179,900. (313)437-9409. Rc"- South Lyon Off ,\()nhiillc( hirmiRX I'lJcr firmhouvc <ni ^ - irccd icns ftilh lif>:c 2 *t(in h.jni fcilurcs H hc<Jfi.im4. 2 h.(h^. tounln Vitihrn. dininil ft»inv biwmml » HIS 900 COLDWELL BANKER HARTLAND! Cook Rd., W. ol BY owner. Super clean 3 br. MILFORD Township area, 1 to 3 DUR AND. Jan 19th, 1 to Spm, Industrial, Hartland Rd. This nice 2 acre ranch on laige corner treed lot. acres needed lor fiomosiie. Call 508 Mercer St. Close lo city parf<, SUNDAY, Jan 19, l-4pffl Hartland building site won't last long! approx. l,800sq.ft., 4 br., 27,PEACEFUL & Perfect I "New-New carpeting throughout, builtalter Spm. (313)292-2547 Commercial Waik-out site possible, some roll st07, detached garage, privacy ranch on 5.85 acre selling in appliances, pnvate palo S & some small trees. Perked & fence, home in exc conci. excellent floor plan, eanhlone access to Beach Lake. Musi sool $64,900. For more info, McGuire colors, ISI lloor laundry, master $79900. 3135 Pleasant Valley FOWLERVILLE. acre hobby surveyed. Easy axess to US-23. Cemetery Lots 2000 SOFT. 5 br. raised ranch BRIGHTON downtown, Excellent Realty, (31 3)266-5530, suite, large groat room w/ Rd. (313)229-2053 aher Spm, lami. 2400sq.ft. lestored farmLand Contract Tenns. $32,500. Main St. location. Commerical on 12 acres, w/2 barns, 3 full (517)271-6426. fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 2'.'; baths, bouse, 5 b., 5 outbuildings. ' Estate, building with income from 2 retail DARLING ranch on V, acre lot, baths, plus 2500 sq.ft. lower (olo)632-7427. 264011 road ftonlase. $199,600. HARTLAND. OPEN SUNDAY lull basement & 2 car garage private back yard. 3 br, 1 balh, 2 wii^koul, used as machine shop, spaces, 1 apt. Asking pnce $159,900. Hartland. Take M-59, Fact sheo! available. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ HARTLANDI Brookside Dr., N. $250,000. Days (313)227-5177, NOV! Oakland Hills Memonal JANUARY 19, 2-4. ROLLING car garage, full basemenl. Great includes 400AMP elsctrical, (517)223-9394. 3 miles E. ol US-23, lollow sons Vacant Property off Towniey, w. of oid us-23. evas, (517)546-4548, Gardens, 2 k)ls, $1750 both. HILLS OF HARTLAND. 4 br., 2.5 N. to 2469 Tipsico Lake Rd. expressway access. Real Estate w/phase converter, 6" (»meni baths. Full unfinished walk-out ask for Brenda. floors, * 14ft. high ceilinos, LINDEN/FENTON -"NEW Private secluded 2.4 acre setting BUY your own business, training (313)623-6559, eves.\veekBnds. England Raal Estate One $179,900. Teri Kniss, MAGIC (313)227-5005, (517)546-3509. LISTING! Commercial horse w/large mature pine trees I and financing provided, manufac­ OAKLAND Hills Memorial lower level, 1st floor laundry, (313)632-7427 REALTY, (517)548-5150. operaton only minutes to US-23. creek. Already perked. $36,500. turing retail and soivico busines- Gardens. 5 ad|aconl grave sites, family room w/lull wall bnck tireplace 2.5 anached garage marketl England Real ses available, tailored lo your 554 acres 920 leet frontage on ACREAGE wanted ,n Livingston New on'^Z°\mlv\f,f 3 BR. ranch wilh cathedral well below martiet, $550 each. $169,801. 1359 Ravenswood IN Bnghton, brick ranch styk) ceilings, walk-out basemenl, 2 private lake, 114 stalls, mile co^n^ (313)2291790 Estate, (313)632-7427. background. Henry Johnson Real $2500 all 5, (3131287-6012. Brighton Way. M-59 W. 1 mile, W ol US 23 home, in beautiful, quiol, neigh­ plus car garage, decK lanced in track, indoor equine swimming — HARTLAND Schools! Ufolletie Estate and Leasing Co. to left on Harlland Woods, left on borhood within easy walking back yard, 2.5 acres, close to pool, kitchen, much more' Great ARGENTINE Twp. Murray Fid. g oj old US-23 Very (517)684-7050 Placid Way. R Rolling Hills Sub, distance ol downtown. 220O sqfl black top, immaculale, $88,500. Open House investment or development Beautilul acreage parcels now ijeautilul high walk-out lakelront R. on Blueberry, L Ravenswood, includes, 4 br., new kitchen with polenlial. Under appraised value avai^e P n c ^ range from ,0, Araa of quality homes. Many HOSTESS: JULIE SARTORI, 1420 SQ.FT. ranch, nice area, lots and tots ol storage space, Ask lor Ann. Century 21 Brighton close to expressway, 4 br., large $24,500 to $48,900. Paved rMds nice trees Super location HOWELL For sato or rent. 2 at $359.000a-632 Towne Co. (517)548-1700 COUNTRY HOMES, LTD, country kilchen, 2 lull baths, hardwood floors, first floor L Z T Z l ^51,900. England Real Estate, story building w/basement, (313)887-SELL HARTLAND - NEW LISTING 1 Contract Terms. Byron Schools. (313)632-7427 approx. 250Osq.fl. retail area on appliances included, unique lloor laundry room, large lull base­ Estate, Piolessional horse setup. 15 England Rea' Isl Itoor, vintage tin ceiling, 106 ATI'ORNEY will handle your real HIGHLAND, 24l"rEslalo Drive, plan MUST SEE. Asking, ment, newly limshed in light osiaio closing lor $200 Also HARTWNDI Clyde & Bullard (313)632-7427. Bvely rolling acres, nice ranch W. Grand River. (517)223-9900. W ol Millord Rd,, N ol Reid Rd, $1 07,500 (313)227.5759 neutral colors Asking $160,000. living trusts to avoid probate II you would like to see this home ONCE IN A LIFE TIMEI home and a barn any horseperOpen Sun,, 2-5pm, Immaculate evenings BRIGHTON. 10 acre lakelront, ^am fv-lf ^ 1 ^ ' Home appointments Thomas P. Will you find a charming call (313)229-6839. No realtors son will appreciate Indoo' and new home w.' o utstandmg view. Wo^Cfton (313)477-4776 lairn style home on over 2 3 Br. ranch, garage, central air, outdoor arenas. 70 X 200. 20 htf^^^°'''a'c^sstut23.'"$45S Priced to sell Prudential Income Property ncios. 4 car garage plus a $70.000 lifm. (3131229-1877. stalls, viewing loom and apanEngland Real Estate, Niobauor Realty Inc, Suzanne big red liam. Homeowners BYRON Jan 19ih, 1 to Spm at Shew, (313)624-3015, ment. Modestly oHored at BRIGHTON. 2 acre walk out lot, (313)632-7427 BRIGHTON area: Winans Lake, NEW, artistic styled timber frame ,nio niolivalod. Biing us an near Mt. Bnghton, $33,000 11012 Charles Dr., McKane $359,900. F-363 4 br. ranch, walk-out bsmt, home. Ideal for working couple. HARTLAND schools. Olf M-59 ollor! $145,000.00 Lake Remodeled, 3 br, 2 5107 MILFORD Village, Fn, & Sal, walking distance to Lakeland Golf $170,000. (313)229-9)17 (313)229-4090. and US-23. 4y< acres. $45,900. FOWLERVILLE area. Party store home pole barn garage. 2 k)ts, 12-6pm, 3 br, ranch, $95,900, & Country Club $110,000 PINCKNEY - Charming cape cod BRIGHTON Recreation area Land contract (313)360-0218. REDUCED 10 $129,900. Doni - business, building boer & wine on ail sports lake $81,900. For 177 Shelley, oil S Main, (313)231-3263 with walkout basement on 10 miss this 4 bf. 21CX)sq.lL home on nice acres with polubarn, 4 Scene 5 acres, hilltop setting. HARTLAND Twp. 2 acre parcel license, gas, & apt. $75,000 more inlo, McGuire Realty, (313)685-0025 or (313)674-1274 BRIGHTON/Howoll. Chemung 1 acre with Brighton Schools. owner.troker, (313)266-5530, (517)631-5259. boxstalls, ouldoor arena, round n ? l i l ^ l , J ' " ' ^ contract. ,„ clyde Rd.-Fenlon Rd. area. (313)231 9072. Lake or trade, $54,000, Call Karl now, (313)229-2469 pg,ce(j Hartland Schools. 3en, great trail nding next lo '•^^3)876-6149. The Michigan (3roup. (313)227 2016 ^inckney Recreation area BRIGHTON area building site $ 2 9 , 5 0 0 , by owner. NORTHVILLE SCHOOL (313)632-5050 , OPBN HOUSB, Perk tested. Lake (313)887-0493 alter 6pm & Ollered at only $158,0001 P-294 mv20\ Real Estate DISTRICT (313)887-4663 X SUNDAY access to both a no motors lake weekends. N0\1 ROYAL CROWN SUB J a n u a r y 18, 1092. JUST L I S T E D Fenton Wanted f.llLFORD • Classic quad-level on and all sports Long Lake. HOWELL. V/, acres, $19,000. 1 Pil,< t o 5 P « 4 One ol NOVI'S prcmiei subs, Newer custom brick 5* acres only minutos to freeway $21,900 possible terms Call 17 acres, $43,000. 9729 V a l e n c i a , Bnghlon located at 9 mile & Tall Rd, Will • • ranch. Exceptional or downtown Milford. House Sits Nelson & York, Inc (313)229-1790. NQ-.V construction, 3 B R , V/t build custom homes Irom 2400 A BEnER CASH OFFER Irom J U S T R E D U C E D Ddtli, Full Basomont, on hilltop, 4 stall wood barn, (313)449-4466. quality Ihroughout. 4 sq It, wooded kjt S walkout still P a v e d Drivo, '109,900 00 house lias many custom BYRON Schoolsi Aliordable HOWELL, 9 acres, rolling, Michigan's larcest buyer of Land $30,000 available. Model located on br., 2'4 bath on 4.46 wooded. creek, private. Contracts, Caill First Natonal at N of G r a n d River on O l d features. Only $177,0001 0-135. 22574 Bertram Di, Extfaordinary contemacres w/pond. S u n buildinn site with all the extras! reslnctions-for 3,0Cdsq.ft. home 1.800-879 2324 U S 2 3 to Larchmoro. Left lo FIRST time buyers dream. Cute 2 V a l e n c i a , P h o n o in H o u s e Paved roads, natural gas, $45000 (5171548-1699 porafy on gorgeous 4.6 room w/flot t u b . br. home on large city lot Nicely SOUTH LYON • BEST BUY IN underground utilities i beautilul $45,000, (517)548-1699. Open eveiy day Irom 12 to 5pm, Call for Directions BAR NEEDED lor out-ol-town remodeled and updated eledri­ acres of wooded Pleasant Valley Road TOWN! 264 acres, nice bnck and views, $13900. England Real HOWELL. Reduced. Seller buyer. Call Gary Lillie i 227-7465. cal. Call Marilyn at Sentry Realty area, $244,900, beauty. aluminum Iri-level, polebarn with Estate, (313)632-7427. desperally needs to sell. Leaving Associates, Realtors, and Inveslments, (313)629-1511 stalls. Nice location and Ihe land A, J. VANOYEN BUILDERS Call IVIARY W O L F E slate. Square 10 acres, rolling (313)663-6694, Ask lor Jack Cathedral ceilings, An­ The Prudential ^ or pager 1(800)312-2930, is stunning! Incredibly pnced at FOWLERVILLE. 2/, acres, and wooded, perked and LoSage, (313)349-6977 dersen windows, mas­ CentuiY 2 1 $20,000. 4 wooded acres, sun/eyed, $39,900. Ask lor Sally only $149,9001 F-360 ter suite with special $22,000. 10 acres, $30,000, or Ann, Centuiy 21 Brighton CASH lor your land contracts. Brighton Towne C o . 517/5-16-7550 313/.)76-8320 nook. If your looking for NOVI. Open Sunday, Januaiy 19, PINCKNEY • NEW LISTINGI 32 (313)229-1790. Towne Co (517)548-1700 or Check with us for your best deal. (313)229-2913 (517)548-1093 (313)522-6234, l-4pm. 42574 Pa/k Ridge. North Fowlervile resort lifestyle you of the prettiest acreage you have FOWLERVILLE EXCELLENT (517)546-5755 of 10 Mile. East ol Novi Road. ever seen! 51 stalls, track, LOCATION 1.3 acre pare! near HOWELL Reduced" Seller should treat yourself to One slop shopping, on this ne«is to lell L w l q N'iL'tif I iirii i)f I hi Unque custom 5 bedroonn home ^^m on blacktop rokd. Good CtHistiil srvlc (otttif-f seeing this home 3 br., contemporary beautiful in a secluded settino Includes 2 p^.^ ,n 1990. $13,500. Call stetf SquaTlO^^^^ $185,000. colonial. Vaulted ceilings, 1'/, ^ IF YOU ^ 2 BR„ goOsqft,, full basemenL rental properties. W n d o u s |^ARMON REAL ESTATE | n ^ wooded parked and baths, and fini';hnd basomont ARE LOOKING attached garage, fireplace, nicely investment. B-727. (517)223-9193 lor details. surveyed $39,900. Ask for Sally Enjoy Ihf newly remodeled for a lancli with an open decorated, clean, exc. location, or Ann^ Ann. (.enuiy Century 221 kitchen with Pola windows. All for flooi plan. Porloct for onHORSE FARMS are a speceliiy FOWLERVILLE. 10 acres north or B Brighton r close lo school, town, park. INCOol'OnAIEDl only $139,699. Call Jim Asbury area. Call the ERA Layson oi Fowlerville adioinino Maple Towne Co. (517)548-1700 $67,500. (517)223-7369. tnrlaining, dGCoratod oxbroker, (313)6496800. HORSE FARM DIVISION and Grove Airport. Al! clear land with LYON Township. Beautifully lioiiioly well wilh an ox. (313)632-5050 . talk with one dour exports today! "ice view. Recently perced. wooded 12,23 acre parcel, wilh a collenl coniniuto IOC.TX (313) 887-4663 X (313)486-4499. OPEN Sun. Jan 19, 1pm, to Spm. tion. Priced lo soil quick Hamburg ?."Sw^M^"'n?r''A,^"^T.^^' P0"<* Eteciric & well installed, 5916 Crandell Howell, NICE 3 " / • ^ " . ^ ^ .'^fi^'-, ^^^^^^ perced, splittable soon. Land nl $123,500, You ijotlor (51 7)223-9193 lor more Contract terms available. br., ranch, large wooded lots, 2520 sq 11 360 sq ll Bonus Loll Libr.iry Fofm.ii Living & Dining givo ur. n call. Brighton walk-out basement. Lake privHighland Farms, Acreage 1"'°^™'!°"$94,000. (313)437-0097. Bams Great Room wiih nooK & M.tiblo Fireplace schools ledges, $94,900. Help U-Soll ol fimsncd 2^ i car garage FOWLERVILLE. NICE RIVER- NORTHFIELD Township. Three 3Beclraon!s 2 Br., 2 bath, 1 acre, walk-out FRONT 10 acre parcel wilh io acre parcels. Perced, treed, Amenilies include MarOle oath t.le b,ith Jacuzit Kohler li»tu'es china, Livingston. (313)229-2191. basement, garage. $64,900. OPEN Sun. Jan 19. 1pm. to 5pm. casl Sinks shyiighl SOO sq II oak llooiing glass French doors wilh woods along slream. Just a short land contract. (313)437-1174. Rentage BHG. (313)229-7292 5916 Crandell Howell, NICE 3 Develed iighls uijit.m Ocoksiieil crown (Holdings ihru.oul wood columns, NICE almost completed r n i v i t r o v n i i c — i /.arc ^"31 ride upstream to mam ake. chair rail e • base molding S 6 panel doois, 62 recessed lights 2 lans br., ranch, large wooded lots, LOVELY Dulch Colonial in 1512sq.fl. bi-level, low down FOWLERVILLE^ LA^^ p^^^^,^ ^1^^^ ,^ NORTHFIELD Township 38 brass chandelier, garage door opener cable & plione & mlercom Ihru.oul, walk-oul basement, Lake priv"Arrowhead'. Over 1 wooded Land Contract terms, still tigie lo ?hfPpy h^ih^ i „ . ^ d P . t o expressway. Wildl/e abundant, acres, will divide 20 acres of built-in n-tcro osien O'Shwasher Jenn.Air'60 carpel central air, wood ledges, $94,900. Help U.Scll ol acre, beautiful seltinq, many pick your carpet cotors, 1 block ' . „ ^aoiis. ravine, stream. Land .vindows suddeo concrete on.e wooded lot Walled L,ihe schools S 4 br. & 2/, baths. Includes two ^ Livingston, (313)229-2191, stoiy barn plus 50x96 40x40, i fiARMONkAL ESTATE ct^lraC- (313)437-1174. more S256 SCO AoDOmiments available or open weekends , (313) 632-5050 custom features. Offered al Irom While Lake public access. OLIVER H O M E S cm Ooug 683-2073 24x65 oul buidings. Ottered with i A 11 ;—; $214,900. (S-566). Call ERA $83,500. No realtors. ir (313) 887-.d663 Layson Reallors, (313)437-3800, (313)887-8568. 55 acres lor fl92 500 with (517)223-9193 NORTHFIELD TWSP. 10 attitiona! 79 acres available. Call GENOA Twp. 1.8 acres, pnvate ^ORES WOODED. lo US 23, 15-min. from Close Ann Arbor. HARMON REAL ESTATE road, $21,500. (517)546-2405. Perced & surveyed. Several (517)223-9193. HARTLAND, 3 acre walk-oul with lakes in area w/publk; access, pond area, rolling on private $42,900. (J-VAC). Call ERA Area ol nice homes. Buikf i^yson Realtors, (313)437-3800. Homes Under drive. lo suit or sell outright. $30,000. NORTH Territorial and US 23 Construction (517)548-1516 area. Several wooded, rolling, perked parcels. Terms. (313)663-4886. RED CARPET BUILD your own home. No S c h w e i t z e r R e a l E s t a t e money down. Miles Homes, NOVI. 2 treedtots,Novi schools, KEIM paved streets. $45,000 and up. 1(800)228-8705. aCEN REALTORS (313)344-8058. BRIGHTON. 2 family home lor sale. Rental income is great for Isl lime buyers. (313)227-4969. S O M E R S CRS.GRI R E S I D E N C E Condomlnlunis 313-437-5401 048 fn** M 027 028 052 C a l l C o l d w e l l Banker Nortlierii''^';^ ? i | ^ O R D A B L E LOTS OSCEOLA Twp. Howell area 2 acres, great bulkling site. • % i. Build Sites available Property for only '15,900 each. mile from paved road. $39,000. (517)546-4958. ANTRIM County, 10 acres. Access to beautilul spring led lake, stale forest, couniy road, electiidty. $6,900. $200 down, $90 per month, 11% interest. Biehl Realty, Inc (616)587-9129; evenings (616)331-6766 Natural gas and sewers, Pinckney PINCKNEY. 7 plus aaes, 1 mile N. ol Pinckney in small sub., vSchools. Sandy, treed walk-out site, trees. $32,000. area. Just listed - Call After 6pm, (313)887-5707. today I #139. SOUTH LYON. 3 duplex lots lacing park, $39,500 each. Agent (313)557-7707 (313) 2 2 7 - 5 0 0 0 i.iV1: YOiJK 1)RI-A.M.S NORTHVILLE. I n i p r t - » i v i - Ciilluni.huili (|ijalily pili!it-tl, all briik nt-o-lR-iull nl.inM- uilh iwu lirt-|)!ait-N, tour bctlrtxims. 2' z baitis .mil larfiti.|H-ii baik yard. Jlfi.'IIIO (()l-:-N-20ANt)) .ii7.305O GKFATTRRM.S! iNOVi. lhis •Hrjttford iif .\o\i" MKKICI honir is rt-ady for your Liniily (Jiinliiy buill -i bc-iIrcMini, 21.- tiaihs. fnrnKil dining ,)tul IIMII^ HHHII $5.r.<IIIO (()i;.N.-(l'HI| . i 4 7 - . « ) 5 0 DOW'NTOWN .NORTIiVil.lE NORTllVILLi;. laniasiit ciimmcrcial. ri-lail. or li^lii iiutiisirial loiainni 2 unii.s wiih .SL-parauolfucs, woA art-a^ wilh VIS' o\rr!lcatl t!(Hlr^, Mori- area povsibkJ2HI.IIIIII ( O l : - N - y « . \ i A I ) .fl7-.i05O EXECUnVE PRIDE NOVi. Iinniaciilaii- -I bc-droom, V/t balh family home. Uicalcd in ihc bt-M arc-a of Novi - close to .M-h(K)l.s. shopping, and inin.sponaiion. Call now for a privali- .showing. J209.900 (Oi;-N-27U(l) 3-i7-3050 Lauitie S t o w e l l Northviile A H^py and IVosperous NeW Year to all my Wends and customers in the South [ ^o?i O R V I L L E 041 Sral Schweitzer Real Estate \3i F O R 036 034 Duplexes A S K 050 039 w 4 4 9 - 0 7 1 1 HELL, Ml. All sports Highland Lake chain, remodeled, dock S boal house. (313)684-5579. 024 NEW HUDSON. 1971 12x60WIXOM. Minutes Irom town. New Schuli. Kensington Place. 2 br, 1991 Schult Citation 2 br, 1'/, new appliances, very clean. bath, house typo siding and rool, $ 6500, C a l l collect, 2x6 walls. Very spacious. Clearance price at $24,990. $199 (616)7798049 a month first year base site NOW, 14x70 Fairmont. 2 br,. 1 rental. Little Valley Homes bath, 10x30 deck, dishwasher, (313)684 2131 washer, dryer. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCV, $14,900. Little WIXOM. REDUCED $5000 Valley Homes, (313)624-2626 Boautilul Holly Part* double wide. 3 br., 2 baths, vinyl siding, shingled rool, upgrade insulation, NOVI central air, thermo windows, loaded kitchen, more $39,900. MEADOWS Liille Valley Homes, MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY (313)684-2131. Refinance your Mobile Home Loan at 10 5%! Lower payments! LAURIE STOWELL As.sotiaic Broker 347-3050 437-6526 Ol Novi 1992 We have new and pre-owned homes lor sale. Home ownership lor less cost than most apartments PARK ASSOCIATES ' Country living. ' Bcauiilul clubhouse Ivlobile Home Sales • Play areas 9620 M-59 • Across from (313)437-1703 ' RV storage. McDonalds • Heated pool, new. White Lake Twp. For inlormsiion on homes and • Professional mangement. IMIIilACULATE AND BEAU­ linancmg call Shirley Byrd at • Homes pnced starting $14,000. TIFULLY DECORATED! Oualiiy Homes, (313)437-2039 1986 14x70 Springbrook, located in Community Clubfeatures 2 bedrooms, 2 full (313)349-6966 house (196 and Kent Lake Rd baths, appliances, perimeter on Grand River Ave) To inquire about new or lot Willi landscaping, shed, pre-cwned homos, call Marie Kirk just $16,900.00. Highland at Quality Homes, Greens. UVE cheapi 1987 Commodore, (313)344-1 988. Located in 14x70, 3 br„ 2 bath. Buy lor community clubtiouse, 1 mile We have a wide variety of txjlance of mortgage. You move south ol Grand River Ave. off homes available. Financing to your lot. For more mfo call Napier Rd, with 10% down, weekends & (313)665-6859 days Tues. thru evenings. Call: REFINANCE YOUR MOBILE Sat, Owner/Broker, HOME, Save thousands of dollars in interest. No outofMODEL SALE. Custom buill pockel cost lo you. For details •model reduced lor quick sale. call DARLING HOMES, uiiy ll. Sites available in Novi and (313)349-1047 SEI L IT Plymouth areas, 14x70 2 mnUQBi LAKE. Bayview, FiNi)ir. bedioom, 2 bath, seperate utility. 14x72, 2 yrs. old. 2 Br., 2 lull THADH IT. Includes centra! air. DARLING baths, ga;den tub, large corner HOMES, (313)349-1047 lot, $24,000. (313)231-3995, OLASaiFIED (313)449^398. HIGHLAND Greens. 1979, • It's here, n e w 14x72, 2 br, lealures 2 lull baths, 16'x70' 2 bedroom, 2 all appliances, shed. Immediate bath, utility room, o c c u p a n c y . $ 1 3,000. s h i n g l e d roof, (51 7:.546-0573 cathedral ceilings with S t u c c o , set-up i n Highland Greens tor *235 L o t R e n t only '23,500. 24 Mobile Homes for PRICED FROM ONLY $59,9991 Call today (517)546-3265 Office hours from 10 lo 5 Mon-Sun. of proudly announces (iiQxt to t)if) Clubhouso) YOU CAN OWN A HOME A d v e r t i s e r s a r e r e s p o n s i b l e for Lakelront Houses FOWLERVILLE Grandshiro Esialos, now, 1990 Carrolton 26x48. 3 br, 2 baths, central air, Cishwashor. Thornoguard $35,900 wincows. (517)2233663 16, 133 HIGGINS LAKE. 4 br chalet, beautiful 3 acre kjl, assume land contracL $10,000 down, $31,000 , c ? - l , ? ^ 2 / 9 2 . (517)548-1699. UPEER area. Small cozy 2 br starter home, lake pnvilegos $28,000,(313)887^027. "• •• Horse Farms Tointc) Lyon area! A reminder that I have joined the ColdWeil Banker Schweitzer office in Northviile, and Will continue to serve you ADCO HOMES is proud lo introduce a new home design in BRADFORD OF NOVI. It's called THE WYNDHAM and you can see il this Sal. and Sun. Irom 1-5 p.rn. This 3400 sq. ft. home features a spiral staircase, 2-slory open foyer, slep-up lo Master Suite and more. BRADFORD is located S. ol 9 Mile Road and N. ol Taft. Just lake Princeton Blvd., turn right on R()().\i FOR ilOR.SES MH.i'ORI). C.onit-niporar)' ranch on S inyc-ly atrrs, full bascnu-nl. aboyt ground [MIOI. 2 car t;ar,i)!i-. 5169.9110 lOli.N.illD.W) 347-.3050 lAKK.S 01- .NORril\'ii.I.r. K.iiKli - A bi-diiMiniN, 2 full icraniic balh-, Isl (lour laundn. full basL-rm-nl Ifnitsbt-dl family ronni. Iiri'plad-, ci-ntr.d air. naiirai di-cor f IM2.';illl (()I:..\.')2I'0,\) Vi7-3050 NOKTllVii.i.E . S C i i O o l S NOIITIIVII.l.F., Ci-nirr c-nlrann- lolonial on oyer an aire, four !H-dr(M>nis, 21.- balhs, family rof>m and ic-niral air. SI(.K.9IIII (OI--N-25.Sl;V| 317-3050 iiiSTORiC iiO.ME LOVERS DOWNTOWN .SOllTii LVCN. Ri-sion-d home buill 1889 3 bc-drooms. H i bath.s, parlor, formal dininj; room, hardwo(Kl floors, newer furnace, air tonditioning, w,iier healer. (:arnagc house and 2 ear 51.19,9011 (<)1:.N-I7MS) 347-3050 ^mf,c. in South Lyon Where I live. Please call me at 347-3050. Thank you, Laurie Stowell, Associate Broker. ir^mw K ILhlR^-lil.MI-M"'- .tin -»-iU.._ cdLouueu. BRIGHTON. Hidden Harbour, Isi. Ikjor, 2 br„ $39,500. Und contract possible. (313)231-3528. IM.MEUi-tTE o(:(:i;p.-tN(T .SOUTH i.YON. 3 bedrooms. P ; liaih lolonial yyiili side eniry t;.iraj;e, ivwi larRe deilcs and amply family room for under 5119,91111 l()i:..N'-"9IA\l| 3-17-3050 flESIDENTlALBEAl. ESTATE o...i...o..'.«..-*-..'»'t-i.."»*-»'** • •« 4 1 8 6 0 S i x M i l e R o a d • Noilfaville * HAI^ILTON Farm. End unit ranch, 2 br., 2 bath, central air with carport City of Brighton. Draslicfy reduced. By owner. (313)229-6348. Red Carpet Hot! GoLDWELL B a n k e r Schweitzer Real SCHWEITZER R E A L ESTATE RED C A R P E T KEIM Carol Mason, Inc. Real Estate Estate 347-3050 coLAuueu. BANI«eR • Creative (D Attracts The Best! i-AMil.Y iiO.ME SOUTH i.YO.N. Large Cape Cod fealunnfi I bedntonis, 2 balhs. family room w'yviKidbiirner. lull liasenieni, aiiached B-irane. (,reai family sub SIII.S,90ll l(li;-.S.8ll\n.N') 3-i7-.W50 Livio0 for uiprks you! MIV i i 41860 Six Mile RESD I ENTA I L REAL ESTATL 347-3050 Spectacular surroundings make Oxford Estates a unique .SdiiK' dl'ihc hii;i;csi ncus in the rc'cciu iiitrodiklion o l O x l o n i [-st.itcs. ,in c'\(.'liisi\c' lU'u 7>hiiiiic'coniiiuiiiih ik'slli'il .inuin;.: -Id \Miodi'il .art's m l-.iiiiiiiiylon Iliils. Oxtord I'.slak's IcMUllc's linol}. C0NTE,MP()R\RY C O N D O Pi.Y,M()l;Tii. Pr!\aie eiiirante, custom window treatments, fireplace, open kitchen, all appiiances, dining area, 2 bedriK)m.s. laundry riKim w.washer and drjer. 2 covered carport spaces 5"'".5(1(1 (Oi;-\'-IIU'IN| 347-3050 The utalber may be cold, but Ibe real estate market Is still plenty warm. So, if you're ready to sell your home, let Coldwell Banker Schweitzer Real Estate represent you! Northviile SCHWEITZER REAL ESTATE RelocatiRg? CaU our office nearest you o r (313) 268-1000 • (800) 486-Move siibiirh.iii clc'\c.'lo|iincnl SCX'IK' is the Ri \I)Y W E S l i A N i ) . .Move right m lo ihis greai family home \ liecInHinis. 2 balhs. full basemenl, siaiiima.sier larpeling and iio-yvax linoleum and Ml much more fur only S"8.9l)li (OK-N-HHAVO) 3i7-3()50 (El s=? Interested in selling real estate? Call C h u c k Fast - 347-3050 and luxury homes find in Farmington Hills OvIbrd F.stale.s 27()()() Drake Road (Just .South (if 12 .Vlilel Fariniiijjion Hills, M I Open Iluili i2-.> • Cliiscd Ihursdai (31.11477-2710 c'lMoiii-clc'shjiu'il home's 111 a v.met} ol Tony W. HaU Joailne Bryngelsoil Sandi Levi NorthviUe Plymouth Livonia lony. 3 Dak- Carnegie graduate, ha.s been in .sales for eight years and ha.s lived in the area for nine years. An active mcmh)cr of Ward Presbvierian Church, he is mar­ ried IO Jennifer, also a Rliu.TOR. If you are considering .selling a house or huying a home call Tony as .-t-i-.^O^O Joanne is an expert wiih many years of experience in real estate. She is a super agent, former manager of several ofTices and served as the first female presi­ dent of her Board of Realtors. Caii Joanne and put your real estate needs in her hands. Sandi is an enthusiastic real estate professional who joined our ieam in 199l. Her extensive Tinanciai services background combined with real estate experience enabies her to provide clients with cxpen aiisistance. Call Sandi at 462-1811. Northviile COLOUiCLL B A N K e f ? a 347-3050 S C H W E I T Z E R IREAL E S T A T E BESOCNTWtflMLESrtfE Plymouth 453-6800 Livonia 462-1811 19 officer Member ofEi^t Real Estate Boards in the Metro-Area. I IMMACULATE LARGE HOME wilh totally updated interior and one of the largest lots in the subdivision. New upgraded carpet­ ing, padding and flooring, updated bath­ rooms, sprinkler system, elec. air filter, porcelain handles on cabinetry ... Want to hear more? Call our office. Novi Schools. $189,900. lloor pl.iiis inelucliiii; Kiikiies. I l O s a i u l Irom olher c o m m m i i l K ' s is indeed the eoloiiKils Irom iliree ol Miehiiiuii's niost b e , i u l \ 0! Its p r o p e r ! ) . Its l u s h s M i o d e d |iioiiiiiieiii hiiiiilcrs: l-^ni'iire (.•usiiim . i r e a s . p o n d s , l u l l s . ,ind r a v i n e s are Hdiiit's. kiniron ( (iristructidn and Ihc ,11110111; liie List (i| lis kind and are .St'k'cliM'(iroup - .ill o l u l i o i i i ,ire well (iroteeled h_\ t l i e C i l ) of barinineion knou (Hirneiuhhors--m,in\ ol y^liom knou n lor iheir i)ii.ilil\ eunsiriietioii .iiiii Hills Woodlamis ('onitnittee. are tr.iiislcrecs like lis." added l o K l e d i , cleiiie.ilion to ilet.iil. Stop In For Your Nornrlan Rockwell Calendar. 3 4 4 - 1 8 0 0 43390 W . 10 Mile R d . , Novi, Ml 48050 Each Red Carpet Keim Office is Independently owned and operated While olleriML' a secluded leel. landse.i|ie at Oxlord Hsi.ik's." said Oxlord lisiales iscenirall} Incited near ,|(iiinni' Tiilstedl, ,1 l e s i d e i i i ot 0 \ t o r d i^st.ites \siiose hiish.ind is a Ford .'vlolor shopping centers, restaurants ,ind excellent I-aniiint;lon Mills schuols-. ph.irm.ieist .iiui dniLisiore inuier. ' The roilipan} C'xecutiM'. " \ V o \ c relocated meludint: new Hillside Hlenieiitary. lioiiK's here .ire e\iremel\ well built .iiul iii,!n> l i m e s ,iiid this is b\ l a r t i i e most There is also a variety 0! recreaiKinal (lur pr!iiuir_\ eoneern in buMiii: .1 ix-autiliil place u c \ e spots - I'rom clubs to the.ilies - located home. i;\er>iiiiiii; at O v l n i d h c i i i L i k e .1 \i.alk 111 llie w o o d s ritthl i n coinenienilv nearhv Inst.r.iie. .And. ol course, u e were \ci;s u u i r own backv.ird, \Ve a l s o like the tad " L i v i n g liete reallv is having ilie best ol mipiessed u i l h tlie natural heaiilx ol lhe Oviord l-!si,itcs isn't loo larsjcot a both worlds." saiti Wcniiy Hratl. sales propert;., c i H i i m u n i t ) : ihere s a s p e c i a l Icelinl; ot eoiirdlnalor of ()\tord l-siales. "You're i n i i n i a c ) here, \ \ e \ e enjoyed geiiins; to able 10 lake advaniaite ol livini: in a "When he;j,in lookiii!.; Inr.i home. y\e were iinmedi.iiels cli.iwn to ( ) \ l o n l BEGINNER HOME FOR YOU IN NOVI. Private cul de sac lot, three bedrooms, 1 Vi bath, fireplace, summer porch. Try F H A for your first home. Call for details. $88,900. re.ill) cauitlit o u r ese u a s the l-st.iies. s.iid .Sain I'iiikertdii .1 W li.ii helps sel Oxlord lislales .ip.iri l i \ e d . Here s o u l o \ e i \ . new home m an old, heav i l \ treed, pnvale selling. In t a d , manv ot our homes are built on cul-de-sac lois VI.Inch help iidd lo the teeling of privacv here.' Homes 111 ( A l o r d [{stales range in price from S.IIKI.OOO to iSOIUHIO^n an are.i of homes that are priced in excess of S 1.(1(1(1.00(1. T w o model homes tiave been decoraled hy Harriei Brandi ol Candle Lite II Interiors and are currenilv on display. 6C-v',uy 16. 1992 052 CREATIVE LIVING-January 16, 1992~7C C R E A T I V E LIVING BtAUTIFU., 2 Slory ho.T.e on I26ac.-(K, ie625<jh,3bf,3'j' ban, tof-iial swg and (Dcm tandy roc-^, icc'iva^ ;o l.'ep-aMi, 'oyyr w:n oci-," .M-ODULAR rorres Ca^lashan Ho~i)s iro^ 5-35,200 ra^'.cri, NorthviUe J-J6,9:0 CJ;O Cod Models a^,"; i^S / P*!"! !OL,'S 8-5, Sd'.'Co'/ !' ^x'^ Top 0' :"<j i.'o x'5".x;;x .V? S'.6 6?7.0 2 ER 1 ! 2 oa;t^, m'M oul, Ol'. ;'r ;'';o't>.,g"0(.,', Sa;" 'o:; '.I'lV ^o; C..:-" 3 2 Oi' g.-j'Sje nic« iol, '03': rv;a' ciS't'i'.As, a.a •. 2 I.:-'. 3 a i : * S'^J.^J Au " ri c.'Vircu 10 lOivn Q.i $!i3=KC A ' . '0' A " ' C<r'..7 2* &";-'c' rcA-t- G-) 2 EH .'.-c't ga'a.gc, rco lol, Highlan<) "BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY IN HIGHLAND' S().'ioioi.i'.> coi(.) BY c-w'i.K G'ui!l c>,.y ,i' SiiXj buiil ;i> \ O H / I', ifi p!C- P-j<, c « Mi.'e'/ 'Jl-j 3 0* 1. ' c '•or', L s.'«3 'j'<;-. <r ' . tufo poilijtl (.ondit'on, Cu'jloni fcviluff!''. 'OCT iS Ct * 'OpSCt* ' . ; t.a"' '.CO vfi.v 0..: I'O'! 0' 15 ac'-s af(.' !no rn.lfiy to li'.>! fl c' Plir, privilDgo'-, on All r-.'a: c c v c 2 ~ B':g-:;o' Ma- I 96 E- : C)'3,227«W ^ HOMi": ^ SV'/EET' HOME 'juijor 3 Iji-dN-^ofii, : b.'jt'i f.irich, !u;l l.,...i',i.'iiii'fil, gro.ji 1 acre- lot M r- n ,' T, t a 11> I 0 n d . l.'-i,9''j0 00 X 'oc' 7 X 2 ' 2; ai' y.'.x}:: 0- 3"; a. (JH) A5;-.'.A6.1 X 053 ' I 2 Dal'"i, "-a ()!.•>) A32-50'">n . (313) fla7-4463 X AUTO HOBBYIST! l«V,'ELL G'oa' ic.Kj or np,-ir.f" in a'jy, p.,'a„'',i :a-';.^:ap<><1 'o: Will 'r.n'D 'lii'i latrjp (.--.lif- b.ird 2 GH Toa.' '^a.pi'.a:. currt-' .oi, Fc'-^al V/."^ .'oc^ w": Irc-ciaa; p.'v ijjos, cm 'c v;il!) P^'O f-irtctncal. ar.'icr.'jo 2 ai' gafaju, FHA ««K. approved S6 8.900, '0,^.1, '.>ip'0'.s,vay. and mj-y 1 af;;9 oldor 4 hf l.jrtn. s'opc-y CTlo' S.B2,000 fak (5i7,M6 754l hoirM' al'-.r) on lliii Ic Ann 0;'-;..r> 21 B'tjMOn 2 .K.if lol llionii'iW^J^'T U »inr''7' f!j*T.oJ^ :5l/^16_lTOO tf,rx, 5.1i30 ga'agi- ^o' n". n<",'rl'"i ',vo:k I.".;! Iia"", 'GOiiSO W' Fo' -"O'l! i«WEa"Sc'roote'~Th'S 3 Pf ji ili.-i li li f.'o'rra'O'^ ca' :'517,W8«:M I'l (jvi.'i on i J ac^w 'ualurci an •5/0,900. ai'.'acivijV !(,<'.a'd aowi; g'Oi.r,d CoTsl'x'ci ij i'a'l soon aoc^ o-/Cf 6O0'l .T.'.d '^niagc i 3 BR ran'-,'-, ijii wa.'. Oi.l .s jsl o** b!ac«'C3 road J87,SOO tiaso."U'i, u'ic:osud FiofCia G-il HARMON REAL ESTATE .•oom, W.M 10 aiprtr.sways and (51 7)223 9193to'•r'Q-rr.hW. WW go-t coufsu on P-r.cunoy Rd A;oa o! ramn $106.0(X) ixCAlioiT~lOCAfioN- Boauli . (313) 6)J 5r)50 ASHto'S>l.y or An.n Cor.lufV 21 lui nowu', 3 b' rancp, anira! a r, X (31.1) mi-MM X B n g n i o n Towno Co 'irisr.ed bas'jn-fjni, S119.5CC (517;546 0359 |517jWfl 170O -A- -ADO YOU LIKE COVED CEILINGS • • DONT SETTLE FOR LESS Sp.'KJOU^. fooiir>, tu'ircl•/;o'Ki iloois'' Gouid you ij:,ft a lull dry b.T-.cimrifil'' Cafi you allofd '•M.Vi'j for ,1 'I iii'droom, 2 ii.Tlli homo'' II ',u, Cnll N,incy nl f.:)2')0;>n. • Got more; (,'vorydny living spacfi in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. • Walking dis­ tance lo dov/nlown • Central air • 2 car garage. $105,000.00 THE W O R D C H A R M Gor.t dor.cribor, lliir. iriimacul.Tto l-.vo story homo -3 Bf.'drooriir,, full bii.':r;ment, fofrnni dining plus finistied broGzeway/florida ffn. A m u s l G e e 3104,900. 4fcS2 I Sit" Coc'::a:, coso to c '.J >v 1'.; * r 0 0 C e d lol i-ii y.C fc-r S...-! Jan 19 I ••30- :3-3;3-ia-3229 South Lyon Country Lane Estates S.'/ECUllVE i;o^le"i;c'a7 .homo G- 3- a c ' « 2,50'AQI 4 a. ra-bio lyy: 5-1 al .•oc.'" ' -,;'sa:e B,-.'r- r-'iva'c dnve E-'iA'O-.T fJori-v' a and Am AT)0- k^3-!0-Xi. ;313)437-1S47. 18 0{J 1/2 to 1 acre rolling sites, p a v e d foad5,"cu(b& gutters, underground utilities, private pork, tennis & basketball court '34.900 & up-lefms REDUCED $10,000 Newer condo nea' all sports lake access 2 br with possible itiird, 2 1/2 batns. Open lloor plan, (ireplace, ail appliances, finished basernent, 2 car garage. Call Marge Everhart, Re.Wax Uvingsion GrouD. (313)229-8»0. Tlio Prudential Preview PfofWfty Pfesents A FIRST TIME BUYER Town Hall Meeting. Thursday, January 23 at 7:30 P.M. at Metropolitan Title, 622 E. Grand Rivor, Howoll. Professionals (fom REAL ESTATE and LENDING inslitiutions will answer all you quoslions Call Sally Conklin at 227-2200 for any lutlhcr iiilomialion. ThaRnidential l^MvleW PrapAities Ltvingslon County S P O R T S M E N ' S PARADISE - access to two lakes, (Island & Briggs), possible 3 bedrooms, attached workshop, roo.Ti to add on 40x100 lot, excellent investment property. (M615) Honies For Rent 081 FOWLERVILLE. Very neat, clean HOV/ELL, Genoa Twp. Secluded 2 br, home in town. $525 per country setting, 3 br lamily foom wittl lireplace, living room, dining month. (517)2236874. room, large country kitchen, HAMBURG area. 3 br. home with wall(-in pantry, large utility room, river prMleges, $600 a month. 2 car gafage, horse boarding (313)678-6759 available, $1100 a mo. HARIUNOI 3 br. 2 balh home, (517)546-8018. bsml,, garage & on acreage. No pels. $S76 per month, plus secunty, England Real Eslale, (313)632-74 2 7 HARTUVND 3 br, ranch with garage, lull basement, appliances, wmdow treatmenis inck'deo $750.'mo, plus secuniy. (3l3)632-6655 . X (3)3) 632-5050 . (313) 887-1663 X GENTRY REAL ESTATE Millord (313)684-6666 Highland (313) 887-7500 Hanland (313)632-6700 LOOKING FOR YOUR FIRST HOME? or iiow .-ibcul a rfluGniOTf homo'' Look no furlher! This homo cvcrylhinfl you rood. Fiinlaslic condilion. f'ricod lo soli. flH CO. $75,000. GREAT STARTER OR RETIREMEfO HOME, (ioccnily rorTiorle'od, h(>,-iuli(u!lyl,-indscnpo<dwjl)iprivilegnson Wliilc-( ako. Rll-ifi, i7'.).500 . X (313)632-5050 , (313) 887-.1663 X MILFORD. Clean 3 br., lull HOWELL 2 br, lake access, no basement, 2'/i car garage, all oes, $550 plus ulilites per month, appliances. No pels. $750 call (313)229-7204 belwecr, monthly. (313)887-9227. 4pm-8pm only. H i g h l a n d HOWELL 2 br., extra room can be used as olixe/bedroom, walking dislaxe to town/schools, largo deck, appliances, pets okay $875 mo (517)548-5042, Large 2 bedroc^in apis. Lake pfivilegtes, great schools, near M-59 & Duck Lk. Rds. Newly redecorated. Laundry room. BRIGHTON 2 br, 2V, carHOV/ELL 4 br home. Immacu­ garage, lenced yard, lireplace, late "okl style' larm home, Can H&M apolanccs ixluding dishwasher. be rented short or longterm, ijimshcd or unlurnshed. $850 $750 mo (313)229-5836. D e v c l o p i n c i l t Fnc. unlurnished. Call Bill Park BRIGHTON schools. Fainways Michigan Group Realtors, GOiHiC Vicior-an larmhojse i.n Free Brochure Trails Sub. 4 Br. cape cod, 2 (313)227-4600 EXT, 244 for f s'c c n.'ji'ici, rretxuiously baths, lull bsmt, 2 car garago, details, rrji'.lB'i.-? S..'''C';C< invowav C o l l (313) large wooded lot, $950 mo, The Prudential -.-•c •,'-a>.i. ir. Vclcai san b'ck HOWELL, 9 mi. no.lh, 3 br ( 3 1 3 ) 335-7368 (313)666-1384. (313)747-1512 !,a"o';' Oak, oncK i I'lo kiichen. Pr«vteitf Prpp«|rUes 4 3 7 - 5 3 4 0 bungalow, lull basement, 1 'A car O'^-ai'iiaded wricows La'50 2 BRIGHTON 3 br,, basement and garage. Very dean. Relenences 517/5-16-7550 313,'47(^8320 NEW HUDSON. Small 1 br, t' 1 b.a'-. •i^'ioo.'n lo oxparid on garage Im.mediaie occupancy. required, $650 monthly, l^depo^der-:-/ •O.vned a.-d Oporalod wood-paneled mtenor, ckssed-in CKV lo -a "13 n c lytolAskmg $600 a month. Call Karl. (517)546-.'.021 alter 6pm, glass/screen porch, driveway Union Lake' r C j , - : : ;3!3;34£S14(313;:29 2469 HOWELL ctean 2 br.. 2 1/2 plowed, $450 mo. plus utilities, Wliite Lake BRIGHTON 3 bedrooms, fully garage, all appliances. CounifY no pets, (313)437-6584. cfpeiod, garago. (517)548-4197 atmospliam, ijike access. Ideal NOVI. 2 br., with garaoe. Urge Novi DREAMS ARE MADE ahef 5 pm. lor couple or single $645 mo, lot Grand River and Novi Rd. 1 OF THIS area. $600 mo (313)632-5292. BRIGHTON'Howell, t bf, home, (517)548-3508. C u s l o n i rnnch on $485 a monlh (313)227-2016, HOWELL for rent, 6 mo„ 3 br, NOVi 3 bf., clean, appliances i ,76 acres of wooded NEWLY buill 2 slory conlomporOWNERS SAY BRIGHTON, 2 br duplex, 1 car city water S sower, $650 per mo, included. Walled Lake access, pond front beauty. ary, 2,150sq fl $' 95,500. $70Q a month, (313166»6420. garage, walkout, large yard, (517)546 4836 "BRING ME AN OFFER" (313)344-8058 You have to see it to Relerences, $600 per mo, HOWELL Horse Lovers 3 br PINCKNEY. Small 2 br. in town. This homo is v.'aiiing Farm house with barn and 4 Clean, slove/relrigeralor. (313)227-1668 boliGve it for only START Ihc New Year rghli New lor now owners - over­ -5159,900. AtJdilional BRIGHTON 2 br, house lor rent, stalls. New lenccs. paved road. $500/secunly. (313)348-3832. 2525sq ft, 4 br, 2 story cotonial sized iwo car garage, $850 mo. plus first S lasl. on la-go lot in Novi Pebbte Ridge parcels a l s o $575 a mo, (313)229-4998. liomo has hardwood Available in two months. Refer­ NOVI. 3 br Lease, security Oslales Novl Schools, Isl door available. deposit. (313)474-1200; even­ doors, nalural (ireCOMMERCE. Now 1,300sq.ll. ences. Write 151 Latson Road. laundry, large rrasier suiie ings (313)349-4326. lakefrom. 2 br. marble baths, 4 Howell Ml, 48843, including soakjng lub 11 is the placo wilh many ol the siereo systems and luxury besi deal m Novi $185,000. major mochanic.als security system, Jan., 1992 Ready lo riove in Call nowi A.J. updaled. $64,900.00 S A V E $$$ occupancy. Must see. Van Oyon Builders, (313)624-1019 (313l229-2'385 Builij y o u r o w n h o m e with n o d o w n (313) 632-5050 , p ayment o n Miles H o m e s quality X (313) B37-.1663 X EXCLUSIVE 92 SHOWING Pinckney precut m a t e r i a l s p a c k a g e . 7 5 floor 14 new models . (313) 632-5050 , plans. Work-equity c a n save Speaal designer homes X (3)3) 887-4663 X" All homes healed 1000s. Step-by-Step guidance & NEWLY ma'keied 2 yr old 1300 STUNNING ranch is nestled on 2 Waterfronts and boat docking sq tt 3 br, in-tevel wi2 lull balhs, Special financing complete construction financing. plus acred treed lol. volled Webbetvilie beauiilul la,'nily room, $97,500 Small down payment and ceilings, lots of oak, finished L a n d m a y n o t n e e d t c b e p a i d in f u l l . Ton Kniss, MAGIC REALTY. m ithly payment walk-out basemeni, firsl lloor (517)548-5150. less than most apl rents laundry and attached garage. Call for free consultations a n d All new Century Homes $144,900, NEW l.slng. 2 story coniompory seminars. 1-800-334-8820. ol Bennett Lake, Fenton on 2 acres 3 br,, 2'/i balhs, 2 BLOCKS oH main drve, 1 master ste, wilh caihberal family, 1 slory home, 2 earTempling broad front ranch on '/> (313)735-9458 ceilings Pinckney Schools, Ctose garafle, lot 245x165, 3 br., 1 1/2 ace tot sfioivs like a model, 10 US 23 S 1-96, Call Janet at balhs, dining room, fireplace, full garage and lake view a plus IFOWLERVILLE. 3 br., in town, Northvllle Acclaim Resideniai Marketing, basemeni 1,340sq.fl.. approx. $63,900. newly decorated. No pets. $650 43133 W. Seven Mile FIRST AMERICAN (313)677-2222 or 20yrs. old. $100,000. Call eves. (517)223-8995. Roy: (517)223-9382 or Pete: {313)887-€900 (313)475 0423 EOH, FOWLERVILLE, 3 br. fafmhouse, (313)694-4854. air, screened patio, large yard, SUPER in every way, raised $600 mo., $600 deposit, avail­ rarxih, ISOOsq iL, 2 frepiaces, able Feb, (517)223-9368. Wllitnlore Lake largo glass enclosed Flordia LETS GO DUTCH! roofh, formal (wing and dining 1925 Dutch bungalow near downtown Nortiiville. room, mamicnance free exterior, Two bedrooms, bath, lormal dining roofn. OMEGA HOMES gorgeous 2 aae landscaped lot, Newef fooling and vinyl siding/windows. Only DESIGNERS/BUILDER wiih sma'l fish pond, natural gas CLEAU and cozy 3 br. home on $93,455. baseboard heat. jusI off black large parcel. Natural gas forced 2,200 sq. It "Building Fine lop $139,900, Ask lor Ann, air, many upgrades., $69,900, Homes for from Ml8,000 SECLUDED NORTHVILLE HILLS RANCH Century 21 Bnghton Towne Co Call Nelson i York, Inc, Fine Families" on your lot Situated on 1.5 acres — finished walkout lower level (517)546-1700 (313)449-4466. leads to In-gfound pool. 4 bedfoofris, 3 baths. Updated'oak idtchen. Call lor complete details. A bargain at $245,000. 068 060 •k if Y%^i^, Millord 056 \JaWJ^f^ _r:r>2l 349-1212 SUBURBAN, Inc. 261-1823 2 BR updaiod starter m village w.lh garage, $59,000 #L729 Help-tj-Seli ol Livingston. (313)229-2191. 057 LAKESIDE FUN & SUN. lnviling.v/ocd-sidcd,ono-slory, fasti­ diously ldo;il slailer homol2air gar.a80,2bedrooms, 2 balh'j. RH-17. $115,000. 3 BR. ranch, 2 car ga,'age, basemen!, extratotS69,900, Jell (313)229-7292 AMERICAN NEAR MEADOWBROOK COUNTRY CLUB ^ PROPERTIES 5300 M-36 Approxlfnately 1500 ranch on landscaped acre. Large inground pool, palio. Custom Island kitchen. Luxury master suite. Two fireplaces. $184,875. • P i n c k n e y . MI 4 8 1 6 9 • L o c a t e d l n L a k e l a n d ^ OPEN 7 DAYS (313) 231-3999 > ( (313) 685-2020 ) WE NOW HAVE A 1-80O IMO-o402 NUMBER TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER MUST SEE TO BELIEVE HOV^ELL AREA Beautiful 2 story home on 1.6 acres includes: full porch w/railing, beveled glass entry door, oak entry hall w/'/ bath, great room w/oak flooring, carpet on staircase and upper level, crown moldings, panel (joors and large win­ dows throughout, large master bedroom w/ walk in closet, two large guest bedrooms, spacious kitchen includes oak cabinetry, dis­ hwasher, disposal, 24x24 garage includes opener and storage area, full basement family neighborhood close to shopping, schools & churches. $126,900 SEVERAL OTHER ACREAGE BUILDING SITES AVAILABLE. 1800 sq. ft. 4 bedroom home $144,900 and 1500 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home $112,900 .JUST R E D U C E D T O ' 1 4 0 . 5 0 0 M U S T SEEt 5,000 Acres of the Bi-i^iitoii T^ccrc.-iaon arc.i boi-dcr thia secluded 10 i i c , 000 ft. ciiivc thru lie.-ivy piiir.'j ami ii.-ird wood tiecs. Tiii.s is o uiiiquc setting, cxc-ciient for liunUng. ii.-iture arid liorse lovei-a. rriiies of natvire traiis iind biidal wltli state trails complete ni.aliitaliicd horseman caiiipgroiinda. Was 'lSO.OOO C A L L ANfErJICAN {'ROPE;FmE;s 23 l-3999 R-7l l PINCKNEY R E C R E A T I O N L O V E H S D R E A M 7 lake chiltn access Just 250ft from h o u s e . lOOyds to I>otowananil T r a i l and several tiioiisands acres of .st.-ite larid up-dates galore. Lola of cxtias. CALL FOR DETAILS AMERICAN P R O P E R T I E S 2 3 1 - 3 9 9 9 C-1 14 '74.500 ^hRED HERITAGEfiBetter^ REAL iiSTATE I I M Tl'dljM^JS 409 N. MAIN ST., MILFORD CARPET PROFESSIONALS, INC. U j REAL ESTATE MILFORD VILLAGE, MAIN ST. 684-5346 HERITAGE CREEK R I D C J K ; BRIGHTON. Newly decorated 2 br, apt. Carpeting, air, appliances, cable, space lor washer/dryer in apl Easy access to US 23 and 1-96. $500 a month, 1 year lease. No pets, (313)229-9021, NOVI. 3 br. fanch, 1:', balhs house on Walled tamilv room w/lireplace, 2 car Lake. Laundry attachod garage, no peis. $950 per mo. (313)624-5921, r o o m , newly BRIGHTON, Studio apart, totchenett, balh, utilities, private enlrarce, $450, (313)229 6636, d e c o r a t e d . SOUTH LYON, Short lemi lease, immodiate occupancy, Spxous 3 br. on 20.3 acres. Polo ba;n. For lurlher inlormalion, call 1313)261-7020. O N L Y ' 325. Call 6 2 4 - 7 4 2 3 or BRIGHTON, 2 br, good location, halt oil lirst months rent, (313)227-7746, 855-4076. SOUTH LYON. 3 'Br, cotonial w,'lull bsmt,, lamily v/.1iroplacc, deck S much more $1,050 mo Tim Adams (313)624.3015, Prudential Niebauer Realty, Inc. (each ollice independently owned S opcraied). HOWELLn'nangle Lake. 3 br,, 2 BRIGHTON, 2 br, apt, $495 a baih, large deck, 120tt Irontage month plus utilities, Secunty ail sports, $950. (313)665-2239 deoosit. References, No pets. Call Dave, (51 7)546-4591 or LAKELAND. 3 br home. (313)229-8900, Appliances. Quiet area on chain BRIGHTON, Fu'Tiished 6 room of lakes Lease $900 mo. WEBBER V U L I , Newly uiiiilies. Deposit (313)231 -9503 apartment, heal, utilities redecorated 3 br, home included, $798. Also 3 br, $698, $450/mo. First and last, plus MAIN Lako, Commerce Twp, No pets, (313)P:29^723. $200 security. Will show Sat Spectacular 4 br, 3/, balhs. 2 lireplaces, extensive decking LEXINGTON Jan, 18, (5i7)4£8-3857, i Adams wmany doorwalls. Tm MANOR WHITMORE UKE. Large house (313)624.3015. Prudential APARTMENTS or walerlroni duplex, $675$550 Nicbauer Realty, Inc, (each ollice (313)437-0332, (313)437 9014 independently owned J 1&2 bedroom apt. WHITMORE I.AKE 4 br homo, ooeraied) '399 moves you in mostly tumished, including king waterbed or unlurnished, 2 lui Apaninenis baths, largo deck, lake privileges, Features: non smokers, $690 per mo, For Rem Uiigo Bi's, lijIlw.nllcbsoK relerences required, B.-\lconius - Pool (313)626-8510 Vttriicio Ql.nds 083 N*oc'urn L,ll.ndrios Pl.iygfound .-ind much n-cfe ftO or over J'sk .-ihout our 5p^ci,il WHTMORE LAKE, 3 br, home lor BRIGHTON. 2 br,. $450 monthly rent. For moro ;n!orn,i!on includes haal and walor (919)996-7910 (313)227-2139 WIXOM area. 1 or 2 bf, 1/2 acm BRIGHTON In town, 2 br., lull (313)624-3088. basomom, stove, relrigerator, air and garago, $650 Lakefront (31 3)231-1236. CALL OR STOP BY TODAY M-F 9 10 5 898 E.JSI Grand Rivor Brighlon. (313)229-7881 Homes For Rent BRIGHTON. Woodland Uks 3-4 br., beautilully situated, $870 monthly, (313)761-1233. ORIHVILLE^JLS BRIGHTON. Brand new 1 bedroom, $450 plus security, sefiior discount. (313)229-8431, Experience the Premier Luxury Housing community of Northvllle BRIGHTON, Clark Lake. 2 br., fully carpeted, garage, basement, sunroom, dock & boats. Rent negotiable. No pels, nonsmokefs. (313)227-1228, 2 6 5 0 - 3 1 0 0 N O R T H V I L L E BRIGHTON, Easy US-23, 1-96 access. 3 br., 2 full bath, 2 (ireplace, 2 car garago, paved rd, Availabale Jan 4-1992, $1100 monthly plus security and relerences. No utilities. (313)227-6949. BRIGHTON 3 br., furnished, large deck, all appliances. Near US 23 & 1-96, now through May. $590 plus security. No pets, (313)437-8947. pm B u i l d I a You've \ ^ be • Learn how to be your own contractor and save thousands $$. HOME O F T H E WEEK SUPERIOR OUAUTY Thl« new conjlfuctlon In Hlghluwf H l g l i p o H » Ertitot h u 3 b « d r o < m t , (tmlly room Hith fil^pliu, 2.5 balfll, 2 car ganga, 1,(50 tq. fl., WMrgy afncitnl fvxr\flc* plui ajftrs insulation, natural wooo trim aixi mora. Naar Stata land and P.tlibona tjlca. Still tima to ailtct your cotoft. All (of only M 4 » , M 0 , Make HERITAGE REAL ESTATE/BETTER HOMES & GARDENS your 1992 Milford Connection lor all your Real Estate needsl We have: bulldinc sites, new home conslnfaion, buikjers, previously owned reskjentiar lakelronts, investment S incoina properties. WE'RE HERE TO SERVE YOUlii 502 GraIid River Brighton (313) 227-1016 M L S LARGE LOT - MAINTENANCE FREE EXTERIOR - full basement, 1st floor living, and much much morell Water privileges to all sports chain of lakes. '65,900. Evenings Curt 231-0126 2p. 437-33Q3 Ph _ 4 6 2 - 0 9 4 4 Central air Patlo or balcony Clubhouse Hot fub Appliances Cable Pool Exercise room NOVI. Sub-let, large 2br., 2 balh, private entry, full size washer and dryer, storage in the apartment, balcony, waJk-in ck5sets, $665, (313)730-0599. Georgeiovvn NOVI TWELVE OAKS TOWNHOUSES 2 S 3 br., basemeni, fully equipped kitchens, mini-blinds & carports. ,Cviiiidranj welcoma. Excellent scnoolsystem. Located on Haggerty f^d south of 10 Mile. Heat & water inclutjed (517)546-1804 US-23, E X I T 8 0 IN F E N T O N COMING SOONI GE0(5GETOWN PARK OFHAfiTlAND 349-6800 I^S. HEAT I ^ ^ ^ ^ • Large luxury living spaces • 24-Hour maintenance • Fully-«qulppad kitcliens • Dud master suites • Large walk-In closets • Designer window coverings • Walk-out potlo/dech • PRIVATE (ilUB WITH POOL JACUZZl TENNIS COUPrS AND PUniNG GREEN • PROFESSIONAL CARING MANAGEtvlENT CALL (313) 750-0SS5 (313)471-7470 CAUL ABOUT SPECIAL PINCKNEY apts. Newly refufbished, large 1 & 2 br. apts. Laundry Tacililies in building. Quiet area. Good schools. Driving distance lo Ann Arbor & Brighton. For mofe information call (313)878-0258. F R E E SEfMINAR By: t^u• To register 322 E. Grand please call: NOVI $118,900 Sharp brick ranch in Meadowbrook Glens. 3 bedrooms, VA baihs. No mainlenance axterJor, gas fireplace, doorwall leads to large deck & sloping bacl<yard, 2 car garage. Not a drive by, must be seen. C419 Loans For the "Do-lt-Youfself" H o m e Builder 3 1 3 - 6 7 7 - 3 0 0 0 G R A N D NOVI $99,500 2 homes for the price of one! Great investment opporiuniiy. New vinyl siding & shingles wiihin past 5 years. Walled Lake privileges. E220 P R O F E S S I O N A L 8 6 4 1 W e s t B r i g h t o n , WIXOM $43,900 Spacious, well maintained co-op in over 50 community. Partially finished basement, all appliances. Ctose to shopping & freeways. Granid M i c h i g a n C E N T E R River 4 8 1 1 6 A N OGTSTAISDING P R O F E S S I O N A L FACILITY SHORES OF COMMERCE CUSTOM River on Howell 2612 Square Feet available N o w Located across from Meijer's with excellent adjacent parking For Information Call (313) 227-6567 or (313) 434-2800 B U I L T lAlCE A C C E S S H O M E S Coinmerce Starting .From (517) 546-5681 iieittufe by t«0fldIen0wfied Qu fficy j0ltfison & Assoclales. Befta Raion. Flo'ridji Lake 149,900* ETACUEDCONDOUmmS With A European An Touch ^ F T / ^ Exceptioinal Lifestyle Awaits Y o u In L i v o n i a . PINE GREEK RIDGE r ' -'If YOU'LL JOIN A VERY SELECT GROUP WHEN YOU IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCYII This 3-bedroom, l.1/2 bath bricic and aluminum ranch has 2fireplaces,and COURSE raONTAGE. I?ancli-style wiih end location sets on 2 beautifully landscaped acres. Located in featuring afinisliedlower level... greatforentertairiing. award-winning Pinckney School District. Priced at Large bedrooms, 3 full baths, wet bar, formal dining '104,900. GRH-066 andfireplace,2 decks and much more. Extraordinary!! •258,500 GR-09l3 PURCHASE THIS CONDOMINIUM WrTH GOLF SAY "HELLO" TO A GOOD BUY! Lovely ranch in excellent condition with docking on Portage Lake, Central air, garage "91,500, Evenings Amy 878-5128 HARTLAND SCHOOLS • Professionally designed and decoratedl Minutes from I 96 and US 23 and still In the countfy. '179,900. Evenings Unda 878-5698 • • • • • • ' • 4 2 4 0 0 W . 12 M i l e • Everything you've wanted to know about building your own home but were afraid to ask. S U N D A Y , J A N U A R Y 19TH... T O U R O U R H O M E S A N D OPEN Sunday 1/19 from 1-4. Designed with distinction. Customized builders home with open floor plan on heavily wooded secluded acreage. •198,750. Evenings Nancy (517) 548-5641. fylcGregor Rd. to 2444 Shehan Rd. REDUCED TO AN UNBELIEVABLY LOW PRICE of '129,9001 Newer home w/quality thru-out - 10 acres and a huge bam. Evenings Linda 876-5698 2 bedroom/1 bathi from '560" W E S T . INC. Construction A TOUCii OF CLASSI This custom brick ranch is kicated in an executive area in Milford and features: 4 bednioms, 2'/> baths, large master suite and is situated on an mersized iol $22B,0OO. Ml 736 2 3 M 6 0 0 CHAIN OF ALL SPORTS LAKE FRONT 3 bdrm, ranch with open floor plan and room to expand, •164.000 Evenings Joan 878-6650 City P.O. Boi 2263 UTonia. Michigan 48151 S l _ FREE 1 Bedroom '390 2 Bedroom '465 Ail< about our Sefiior P i o ^ On Pontlac Trail In S. Lyon Between 10 & 11 Mile Rds. Addmi. Condominiums Lujoiry Apartments, fteteil Shops Professional Space ... tocatcd « t h e comer of Main J, Center Streets " in dcNvntCT.-vn hJorth-vllle ' A Singh Development F R E E Name . . . in Downtown Northvillc Enpoicnce MainCenK's unique cneit<vo bedrocm and Idt apartments (313) 347-6811 Open Mon.-SaL ?J.Sun. 11-5 . crazy! '100 MOVE-IN SPECIAL Design 1 M O N T H h o m e ? to Our G O L D E N V. got A p a r t m e n t s CONSTRUCTION LOANS AVAIUBLE Wl[ioll\/le? I Your Design T R I A M G I P BUILD YOUR OWN HOME P o n t r a i l B A S E M E N T &.WEATHER-TIGHT ROUGH-tN HOWELL, downtown, 1 br. apartment, $450 ( 517)546-6085 leave message. MAINONTO V/i Mile W. of Haggerty, Enter N. on 6 Mile B E Y O U R O W N BUILDEFT HOWELL 1 br., $400/mo. Last and security. (517)546-2735. National Mortgage 3 8 0 - 5 f 9 7 0 SHELLPACKAGES apl Ground lloor, wheel chair ramp. 1 br,, (313)887-1132 S u n b e l t o p e n Dally 1-6 p m C l o s e d T h u r s d a y — C a U our office for details — (313) 647-8600 ^209,900 R E A L T Y 4670 E. M-36 PINCKNEY, Ml 48169 Lowest Rates In Over 10 Years T O W N S H I P C O N D O M I N I U M S A T O A K F O I N T E . . . O p e n 1-4:00 P M L A K E S REFINANCE S C H O O L S ! N O R T H V I L L E STARTING AT f>q. f t . 313.229-8277 HOME BUILDERS FINANCE, INC. CX)KIH)1UTI()N X--- A R E A B e d r o o m Presented R E A L T O R . (313) 227-0610 L A K E HOWELL 2 br, modern apl, near HOWELL Downtown, Studio apt.. HOWELL. Modern small 1 br BRIGHTON. Immaculate 2 br., BFOGHTON. Downtown, FOWLERVILLE. New 1 br. in next to Kroger, air. Call Karl, 1400s().ft 2 br, deluxe apt., new, town. $365 mo. plus socurity. No downlown, in small apl complex. $350 mo. S 1 br„ $450 Includes apl. between Howell i Brighton. Very nice, new carpet, water, (517).546 0284 (313)229-2469, Utilities paid. $330 per mo., $200 Catheoral ceilings, doorwall to pets. (517)22^243. dishwasher, microwave, central socurity, (517)548-1821 or deck, central air, washer i dfyer, BRIGHTON. At Uke Chemung, FOWLERVILLE. 2 br. upper air, drapes included. First lloor (517)521-3214. $1000 per month. Evan,, 2 large br,, large living H i g h l a n d apartment, security deposit and next lo prMlo playground and (313)227-f328. room, 2:i ca' garage, laundry HOWELL. Multilamily and senior references required. Call picnic area. $550/mo, Tom: Large 2 bedroom citizen apartments starting al room, no kids, $700, BRIGHTON, Hidden Haibor. 1 S (517)546-2141 leave message. (313)2294241 (517)548-5063 alter 6pm, 2 br. condos, dose to shopping, apts. L a k o $325, Reduced movo-in cost for HOWELL, 2 br„ appliances, expressways, skiing. First month lied applicants. privileges, great quail troe. (313)227-4064. carport, air, washer/dryer, $575 (517)546-3396. FREE RENT BRIGHTON, 2 br,, carport, all monlhly, (3 1 3)229-8825, schools, near HOWELL, near library, 1 bf., appliances, carpeting, drapes. BRIGHTON, C-02y conage on (313)685-5862, days. TIL M A R C H Newly decorated. $525 monthly. Island Lake. Heat included, no M-59 & Duck Lk. range & fefrigeralor, non(313)229^374. HOWELLl~br on beauiilul lako. pets, $425 mo, w/1 yr. lease. Rds. N e w l y smoker sJ517)223^K87 (313)229-2933 days; FOWLERVILLE. Move in with us newly painted 8 carpeted Slove. n o w with security deposit and r e d e c o r a t e d . MILfORD Village, Nice 2 br, relngeraior, draperies. $!)50 mo. (313)229-26 1 3 eves: ask for one year lease and live rent Iree plus deposit. (517)546-1024 full basement, newly Cindy. Laundry room. townhouse, until March 1, 1992, Spacious, relinished. No pels, $550 plus Lcve BRIGHTON area. Furnished, 2 well equipped 2 br. apt.HOWELL 721 W,Washington. security and utilities. •395. br. apt. w/utHities. Reasonable. Metropolitan Management, LTD, upper, deluxe 1 br„ $495, /l_Br.ighlcn (31 3)684-2097, d a y s . : Call (313)422-5234. (51 7)546-5126 (313)685-0784, eves. APARTMENTS (313) 335-7368 HAVE IT ALL! BRIGHTON. 1 br., $75 weekly, (517 223-7445 MILFORD AREA socurity, no pets, (313)349-1853. ConvonionI cily location HOWELL. Fumishod short term in a relaxed country (313 454-3610 apts. including washer/dryer i $100 Moves You In BRIGHTON 1 br. upper flat, $450 Now Open atmosphoro. Fish or garage. 1 monlh or moro. a monlh includes all utilities on picnic at our private park • lorfio 1 & 2 Bodroom Buiwick Farms. (517)548-5755. Woodland Lake, (517)546-4800 FOWLERVILLE, 2 br,, country on Ore Creole. • WelK-in closets days, (517)546-8952 eves. senmg, $450 mo, plus secunty, • Fully corpotod ^'or/Q'fiire Play tennis, swim or just HOWELL, free hoal Iree elecinc, • Swimming p o o l , clubfiouso onjoy carolroo living in a FENTON - Highland - between. .no pels. (517)223-9248. Iree water, 2 br. with appliances, • Froo Hoet nowfy docoratcd one or Uke now, 2 br, 1 t/2 bath, basement, larqe back yard, $595 (Pface FOWLERVILLE. Charming, two bodrooiii apt. includes all, plus security deposit, appliances, laundry room Utili- spacious lower level 1 br (517)548-5369. RENT NOW! J4.partjnent-s lios included except electric. apartment, complete with kitch­ Get 2nd Month FREE $530. Also, 2 br, duplex in en, lireplaco, country selling, HOWELL, near par1(. Two 2 br. Fonton. No pets, (313)629-6095. $450 per month, utilities included, • Central Air apts., $450 monlhly, CaW lor • Affordable • Gas Hoat 1st months rent, plus secunty to inlormation and application, FOWLERVILLE. New Garden Luxury move in. Available Feb Isl il not Across from KensinjiixiMetol^ik I • Balconies & Cal)lo (313)363-8351, Ljne Apts, 2 br, each unit has sooner. Contact Sandy after Spm located at ^96 il^ntLsfce fid. I • Private Laundronnat • Custom lurnished washer/dryer, air, HOWELL in town, 1 br, apl (517)223-9939 • Intercoms stove, relngeraior, blinds and Interior Design Stove, relrigerator 8 utilities. 4 3 7 - 6 7 9 4 • Blinds thoir own pnvate entrance No FOWLERVILLE. Etficieny apl, Furnished. $335. (517)546-5995. • 24 hr. • Starting at '425 pets. Starting at $485/mo. furnished, utilities paid. $350 per Maintenance HOWELL. Large 2 br, hoat NORTHVILLE, 2 br. apl w/stove (313)685-0,587 month. (517)223-7482. OPEN included, walking distance to & refngeralor, luliy carpeted. Mon. thru f'li. 9 to 5 • Walkout FOWLERVILLE. Large 1 br., downtown, $550 (313)227-2934. $485 mo. (313)437-3331. AppolnhTionls atlor G FOWLERVILLE, $100 olf socurity Palio/Decks includes heal S olectnc. $465 deposit, clean 2 br, apartment, HOWELL Urge 1 br, walking NORTHVILLE Downtown. 1 br. mo. plus $300 deposit. • Conveniently close to 1-96, $435/mo. distance to downlown, b.-Jcony & All appliances, basement, (517)223-8040, (517)223-3946 located by (313)420-3311 hoat included, laundiy lacility, washer, dryer, no pets. $450 plus FOWLERVILLE, 2 br., $425 a 1-96 & M-59 security. (313)349-7482 $475, (313)227-2934, mo., immediate occupancy. HOWELL. Urge br., kitchen, all NORTHVILLE Downtown. 2 br.. Eves., (5171546-3692. utilities. Female, non-smoker, no All appliances, V/> garage, no O p e n Daily HARTLAND Manor Apartments. pets, freshly decorated. $660 pels, $525. (313)229-8016, Call 1 and 2 br. All appliances, palio, plus security, (313^49-7482. HOWELL Like pnvilego. 1 large air conditioning. $475 and $550. (517)546-5900 br duplex, $600 plus utilities. NORTHVILLE, 1 br., utilities Your Mortgage Now! (313)632-5931, (313)632-7409. included, ideal for prtifessional 1504 Yorkshire Dr. (517)546-6679, HARTLAND/Parshallville area 2 person, non-smoker preferred, HOWELL. Largo 2 br apartment, $445 a mo. plus secufily, br, $450 mo. First, last, and Loans $40,000 t o $1,500,000 Howell $600 monthly includes all utilities, (313)455-9398 after 4pm. secunty. Hall ulililies. No pels. lako acoss, (517)546-4800 days, (313)629-2764 (at Gr. River & Yo(kshito) (517)546-8952 evos. NORTHVILLE. 1 br. upper in HIGHLAND Special Handicap town. Stove, frig, carpeted, apl Ground lloor, wheel chair dispwal. No pots or waterbed. ramp. 1 br., (313)887-1132 $485 per month. Water and heat included. (313)349-5660 HIGHLAND Special Handicap IN LIVONIA JAN. 25 - IN ANN ARBOR FEB 1, 5317 Hidden Pines Drive, Brighton, Ml 4B1i6 Ml'- BRIGHTON. 1 apt. No pels. Securily plus Isl month. (313)229-4678, W A L L E D 1 GRIFFITH R E A L T Y PINE Homes For Rent 478-6810 1-80b-352-tS22 o r 685^1 $ 2 2 .JUST R E D U C E D "T.OOO. Owner is ready to move into retirement home .JUST L1STEDI " T H E K1ND OFup nortli. Will look at ali oiTersI Tbus HOIWIE Y O U S T E A L I D E A S 4 bedrooni home has large living FROIW..." Bring yoiir notetxjok. Thia room and Icitchen. Also Tamarack 3 bedroom. 2.5 baOi ranch home Lake Privileges. Don't wait. Call on will steal yoiir hcarti lCitchcn with all t h i a Todayl AMERICAN convciiicncea. faii-illy room, patlo PROPERTIES. 231-3999 C-113 deck & 2.5 car garage. CU»iLL FOR D E T A l l 5 AMEFUCAN PROPERTIES W I T H 2000 A C R E O F S T A T E 231-3999 M - J L HUNT1NQ LAND SURR01WD1NQ TF T O U N E E D T O L1VB N E A R T H E IT. TliiB home is for the oiitdoors IUIA1N8TREAM O F BUS1N1ESS AND person from hunting, to horse back WITH E A S T A C C E S S T O 1-Oe AND riding with the horae stables in Vour US-23. But you waiit and need to back yard. Country living at its best get away from lt all. \Vc have 2 lots 2 4 5 0 a.f. home with all tlie Uiat are 2.5 ac. with roUlrig lillls for aineniUes on acreage. Exclusive a walitout basemcrit. Towering master bedroom, formal dining, riiajestic pines arid hardwoods. great room %vlth natural fireplace, •74.900 CALL A M E R I C A N with much more. C / \ L L AMERICAN PROPERI'IES 231-3999 B-204 PROPERTIES 231-3999 G v A C D O M B R O W S K I , I N C . (313)478^912 m 070 New Hutison DEEP ALL SPORTS LAKE, i08 il. o( ffonlaflo on walof. Home 13 limnaculato .-ind movo-in condilion. Easy access lo US-?3, IOC and M 59. RilGB. $179.8.50. E.J. HOWELL. Near McPherson Hospital. 3 br., lull basement, newly decorated, new carpel and vinyl, felfigerator, new range, large lenced yard, V/i car Dur.ige. No pets or smokers. $700 per month. Deposit and relefences. (517)546-6298. Oi (313)632-5050 . (313)8a7-/l663 X iittstif IB NonnviHe HORSESHOE Lake access, tiigh quality homo on lafge pafcel. 2nd 5107 fK" finished. 2 far attaciied aarage. Beautilul view, $124,900. Call Nelson & York, Ine. (313)449-4466. 12 lU ....1. .DAIIO . X d;.v-;o«" .-•-.SClU^E p'va'.->' 4 C/r. 2 Dal.h G.-a; c-i S aces Allacric-d .]j'a-:t.' a"orcasie' Days 3 ' 3 :3-! 3-3568 i.'ve.nmgs j'3,3-t9 T/S ra!,,fo l'e-.-5 Fu'iaii •; 5!'8 90C; A.',. 'Of kr-- u Sa.'cv a - . - y 21 i>5-'3' '5'7,146 1700 Howell 14 ACRES, 3 br, 2 5 balhs, 2,iOOsafl. Iin.sned walkout DSTl $165,000 P9307 Hoip-USal' ol L i v i n g s t o n (3-3}229 2i9l NORTHFIELD Twp Sout.n LTon School's 2 Dr, walkout basemenl, ba/n, 5 aces $105,000 2 ER CasfCLx:, a'go ^01, larnily Oiler vacanl pa'cei.? avalable v:'i;:-a;i,-, 2 car garage (31,3,663-4886 V'}.y>. !J'2 3-^9 7238 i^.'j • HOME *a".;.".;y o"o'.'rT^ P-'Mjll.. y ?(,-<;';/-',<; 'nrr. .-.oi.n.' I T 0 d. a ! 0 0: c .J; a'.; y ifiGCsd't 'o'-T-a: '/.'5 ;,-d y is 01 Soolh Lyon T w o B e a u t i f u l Lakes. 15,000 F e e t o f Shoreline. 660 W o o d e d Acres. Imagine your new home nestled i n a pine forest, stirrounded b y t r a n q u i l l a k e s , n111ning streamB, p i c t u r e s q u e ravines and n a t u r a l trails. T h i s s p e c t a c u l a r setting p-; c a n be yo11rs a t P i n e C r e e k Bidge in nearby Brighton. 164,000 Pines. O n l y 18 fninutes from A n n A r l K i r and N o V i , a n d only 45 minutes from downtown Detroit. F o r information, ~ please contact: T h e P i n e Creek Ridge Corporation, Realtor, a t (313) 227-9610. A n o t h e r Q u a l i t y D e V e l o p m e n t b y MSey 7{omes f LOCATION ... LOCATION ... VILLAGE OF CnV OF HOWELL ... LAKE PRIVILEGES TO EARL WEBBERvILLE. A real bargainfofa starter-home or LAKE. This 3-bedrooni, l-l/2 bath homefeaturea an investorfora rental Ttiis is a 2-bedrQom home, near large kitchen with oak cabinets,finishedlower level, Webtserville Schools. Needs work, but the price is rightattached 2-car garage, andfencedrear yard. Seller will at only •38,000. GRH-06l provide an ERA Gokl Home Warranty. "97,500, C O N T E M P O R A R Y andTRADITIONAL STYLES 152' WATER • 3 Bedrooms • 2'/2 Bsi.ths • Full R.asement • Fully Carpeted • 2 car attached Oarage • Fami.'Jy Room with large firejilace ^f\/ I B (/ hrSfi f>mm "We Accompany A l l Showings of Our Listings" A Full Service Real Estate Company • Kitchen with built-Ins .and eating area • Energy Saving Furnace • Full-size driveway • Walled Lake Schools ' . ^ d much, much more Brokers Welcome OaSdcy Parli 4 Sieeth off Koid on Bcnstein Commerce LakeRoad SJL <^<' O /O^/L. 30y« poinij on model '149,000 model not sliown Watch Our Real Estate SllOwcase Saturday on Channel 20 Between 9am and 9:30am FRONTAGE Features include: BulLOi.a COMPANY iciwfnfutrn for mofe information caJI: e-ifrty 5 5 y - / : ? MODEL OPEN Mon.-F-fi. 1-6 Sat.-Sun. 1-5 (Closed Thursday) Call 3(i3-4120 The simplicity and convenience ol detached condominium living witit the elegance and privacy of a single family home. Enjoy a distinctive, luxurious lifestyle liriM water-filled continental European : ; :^ ^^0, atmosphere at a place far from the d l r d m $199,500 ordinary\ 953-0080 K e e p y o u r c a r h a p p y this winter i n its o w n g a r a g e 8 MILE ROAD — • • • • Open Daily 12-6 7 MILE ROAD Setwcen e Vilas SiMlh Rd. Bo»<t? Ollikv Pirii Rd. A SPARE BEDROOM FOR YOUR CAR! it's i n c l u d e d , a s i s . . . Your own washer & dryer • Club w/pool & exercise equip. Microwave oven • Feature tor feature your best Custom mini blinds rental value L-arge room & closets • and great neighbors too! B u r w i d F a r m s . . . W h e r e L u x u r y is S t a n d a r d 525 W. Highland (M-59) Between Michigan A v e . & B y r o n R d . LUXURIOUS D E T A C H E D CoNmMiNiuMs - A Beck Development Community BROk.•ER^ WELCOME Equipment RURWICK • A FARMS P A R T M E (1 T S 517-548-5755 Mon.-Fri. &6, Sat. 104, Sun. 124 EouHHouririQ OpporUity 8C---vlanuafy 16, 1992-CREATIVE LIVING m Apartments For Rent WEBBERViLLE 2 bedfootn. Pil^CKNEY. 3 bf, 17. balh appliances, garage, no pets $485 county duplex. Slove, relngera(313)553-3471, (517)521 -3323. lor, air cond, palo dock. No pels SRIGHTON. Female to share HOWELL. For sale or rem. 2 BRIGHTON, downtown, $150 per ^^^^^^ po&nble. large yard, slory building w/basemeni, ftio. 144sq.leei. (313)227-2201. Vacation Reiitals garage, non-smoker. $325 plus approx. 2500sq.ll. retail area on RR|fiHTnf^J HJnw nffiai «iM«i for '4 unlites. (313)227-8341. Isl floor, vintage tin ceiling. 106 ^aw in Fond^a Pl^e K M BRIGHTON. Female ivanied lo W. Grand Rwr. (517)223-9900. ,o app,eciat6 Single offica {T^i^n., u,^.„- u,,>.^„, , siiare lake home wiili same. Non HOWELL Grand River retail w/sliared services up lo BARTON City Michigan. ? r ' *Wilh i ^ ^ °1^ /yr. , f ^ lease. / ^ ^ ^ ^$510 ^ smoker, references required, space from 2,000. to 3,50O«I.fl. 3,50Osq.f 5,272sq.fl. Call Mike at (Hubbard IX area) Bed and (fix br. $200 plus U2 utiliiies. $8 per 11. Firsl Really. (313)227-2146 your own) breaklast Fully equipl monlhly, (313)231-3528. (313)45 7-1965. (517)546-9400 BRIGHTON. Pnmo Gfand River cottage lor rent. Sleeps 8. Ice BRIGHTON condo. 1 bedroom, ODI^UTAH < . , . ..v, i. reason- fishing, snow mobiling, relaxing. air, dishwasher, $440 mo. P™^*^™'^ ^ °', ^ "»f^'^a'es HOWELL. Light induslrial, Mackin's Fins Feathers and Fur (313)335-2864, (313)227-6659. '"^. f .^ 9 ^ ' '°. '^^'^ same jSOOso h t^ka'^Cheniunn (313)227-3188. Laka Chemung area. • Resoa Daily and weekly rales. 1850 per monlh ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (517)546-1618 for resefvalions. 08^ f«nnrlnmlnlfjm« t/uiruymiiiiuiii!., Townhouses For Rent WHITMOflE Lake, 1 br. apl.T ™ '^^^'^^'^^^ $39a'mo, plus security deposit, PINCKNEY. Dexier-Pmckncy ulililies seperate, no pels. Rd 2 br applanoos, carport, (313)449-9274. ^deck $525 mo j^us uites, $525 security. (313)665-3070. PARK TERRACE WHITMORE LAKE, new 1 br. apl., close to freeway, no W0 are a farmers home COTmuni"^ bcat'ed'inwlllamston S|f°^'"9. "O pG'.s. (313)4494354 Roonis Michigan now accepting applica- ^ ™ ^^'^ For Rent ions tor 1,2 & 3 br. apahmonts. WI-IITMORE LAKE 1 bf, near Rent start at $306 mduding heat lake, includes slove and refngor These apartments are for veiy aior, hea; $375. (313)4551487. (31^48^:W35 eve ' ' DUCK Lake front malure, MILFORD. 6Q0sq.ft. prime bea- ^van Mayday, (313)227-1328. low, low and moderate household household ,. ...o-r^., f.. ^—7-,~r BRIGHTON lownship. Lcxirolor' '"'"'-""^"-^ rp™a<;ihlfi npr<ain fiJon tmnW ">f'=«<". — ,„g^ J500 po, BRIGHTON. 300 soli, on E. in«mes. B^n^ fr« uniK abo ^ ^ " s S 31 $ « b^'l Mo.el. co.r TV. a.'roingerL, NEW HUDSON 2 br, r i ; ; ^ s^'. available. If you need mors ! f " 9 ^ ' ^ i ~^ daiy arK) wooKiy ra!£s 1040 Od bascmoni. near expressway (313)887-6806 '"^^ '^'3)685-7295. Grand River immeoiaie occuexpressway No indudes utilities.. (313P7-6806. inlormaton on our apartments of O"' ,spe°als^ War 23. NORTHVILLE. 1500 sqtl.. Large Pany. (313)229-9400. DOS. (313)685-2189 HIGHU\ND. Needed: Posilive bay door, office. $500 mo. Jerry. BRIGHTON, prime Main St. an application call Gtenora al brook Api 1147 W. urand Rivor BRIGHTON, furn-shoo Dod'oom. person lo share house with groai 13'smg'og/i (517)655-1443 Days, Mon. (517)655-2642. location, excellent view of Ihe Mill hojso pr'vilogos, on lake. Ca!l NORTHVILLE Highland lakes roommate. House well furnished. '(313)349-9971. ' Ihrough Fn. (313)231-3765 S - L Y O i n o O s q f l commeraal, allT lulililies, l l ^ l ' ^$375 l ^ ^ 'a^ mo. Z ^ Condo Avalable Nov 18. 3 Br, Cheap rem. (313)887-9267. EQUAL HOUSING FOWLERVILLE N:ce r.n w,lh 1 •„ oalh, clubhouse, pool, lenms HOWELb'Bnghlon. Room with $450 per mo. (313)684-1228 OPPORTUNITY iVfaVH Duplexes (313)2294569. kilchon p n v l edges cojris, near exceilont schools, no house privileges, malure no For Rent HARTLAND, Executive office (517)546-3099 cail ahor 6prr pets $990 mo includes eveiy- parties, non smoking male PINCKNEY Area 1 br., wood Buildings suiies w/shared secretarial FOWLERVILLE. Furnished, thing, bul etecinc and phone preferred $58/weekly Eves stove, dishwasher, washer, dryer. services 4 olfice equipmenl. & Halls 1313)343-2944. (517)548-3863, (313)632-6734, carport. Ideal for working cot'pK) BRIGHTON. Luxuiy 2 br., 17, P™a'f <^-'?^P^ ^.If. For Rent Spaacxjs yard. Pe^.jmmo. baihs, 2 story townhouse wnh f " V 0; $255 ronih^^ DIUS $50 HOWELL. Roommale needed lo HIGHLAND, lake over lease; secuny, deposit. (313)439-6860 ^mM garage, bsmt., patio, " l^^^'^^''^' V.'HITMORE LAKE New 2 br share 4 br. home. Musl be I250sqtl; 3 privale otfces plus condo, waikou! lower level, 2 car working. No children. $250 per MILFORD hall lor rent Wodding receplion & storage, $575,00 PLYMOUTH-Livonia. Small 1 br., aii) a" appliances. Walking (517)2£180|^ garage, »350 per mo Possibto ,-,,0, plus unlilies. (517)546-5939. receptions, showers, pates 0lc baso 4 cosls. 9 Months heal S electrc indudod. $99 per distance to stores 4 reslauranls. HOWELL ciiy SlooDing room opiion. (313)620-2265, week plus s e c u r i t y . $795 per mo., maintenance $78wwk (517)546 6679. HOWELL. Single "mom seeks (3I3)685-900&'(313)685^1. remaining w/ 2 yr, opiijn. Please (313)449-8131. (313)591-2559, (313)420-2657 fnduded. (313)227-6808, HOWELL ov F.-n,s.eo female 10 share home. $300 mo, call: (31 3)887-1 099 or (313)887-8764. no kds, no pels. (517)546-8577. SOUTH LYON. Nc0 2 br, $435, BRIGHTON. 1 br., appliances, no wk, nxo (51 7)546 0479 by Office Space HEAT induded, mo./mo lease, peK. $285 a month. Ideal for appomimoni Mobile Homes S. LYON. Female, 30 plus, 10 HOWELL 750, office space. no pets. (313)486-5665. single. Call after 6pm, share home, indudes utilities 4 Call (517)546-2546 For Rent HOWELL Matie, resocnsiblo For Rent (313)347.0028 kilchon. $225 per mo. Call Karen SOUTH LYON. 1 br, Immediale female, 10 mur from i-lowoil HOWELL. Professional office or Jeff, (313)437-8012 occupancy. No pels, $425 mo BRIGHTON, 2 br,, air, (517)546-2864 space--800fl.* w/privale balh and (313)437-1131, evenings appliances, garage, $575 mo, HOWELL Mni'jre woman, FOWLERVILLE, Cedar River Sll^-r..''^M°/r?" hrndcraaosr Loc-lTed on BUSINESS IMAGE. Brghion- Q,^^^ R „ e , ^mple parking. SOUTH LYON, Small 4 cule 2 br (313)229 2392. reduced rem n eicriange for ligW Esiaies 14x63, 2 br,, seniors Industrial, Tijwer Office Comer, t^nvale $7oo/monlh, negotiable lease, downtown. $425 mo. plus COHOCTAH. 2 br., siove, housekeeping, (517)546 5390, welcome or couple or single. No Commercial offices, wilh complete business (5171546.3440 (517)546-1100 ulililies, (313)4378208, refrigeralor, country selling, pels, (517)223 8500 between services: recepiion-ielephone ^ — ——• — HOWELL room for rem, kiichen For Rent ranch style, laundry hook-ups. 8am-5pm answoring-pholo coping- HOWELL. Approx. 400 to priviiegos. resDonsibie adull SOUTH LYON 07 limils, 1 br. J435 ^ '^onth, (5l/)732 8857 • secrelarial-word .processing(517)548-1067 upper, non smoker preferred, no HOWELL 2 br, 14x70, expando, - 450sqfl. , ,,Great localiom, ample dogs, deposit required, $300 a GREGORY/Pmckney. 2 br,, j-nnn uu,,. 1.,largo Wing room, large kiichen, BRIGHTON Oownlown Main Si,, computer and graphics-mail parkina Must see $375 s month, ^ newly decorated, cafpeled MiLFORO-Whiia La« aioa monlh, available shod $500 mo (517)5464441 retail space, 1,6505q,ll,, handling-kitchen and conference Howell Chifopraciic Clinic, (313)4378045. H-OWELL small 1 br fum.^d. '3^3)227-9653, ^ms, (313,229-8238 (517)548-1337 refnoeraia/slove, laur^jfv area Q85 ll^S Z^l!!^ ToM^ZenAmi^^ 094 DISNEY/EPCOT---Universal studios, V/i miles away, luxury 2 & 3T br., S e 2r bath condos. Washer, dryer, microwave, pool, jacu:zi, tennis courts, from $525 weekly. 1-800-486-5150 days (313)478-9713 evenings. NAPLES, Rorida. Condo deluxe, 2 br., 2 balh, fulfy furnished, poolside facing 6 green. April thru Dec. 1992 space avaiiable. (517)546-5461. 096 Storage Space For Rent MILFORD. Large dry 2 car garage in villaaa. 'or monlh. (313)6^ NORTHVILLE. 2 slory healed building (garage), heal/eiectric, lease $2C>0. (313)349-7482. WiXOM, 1800 sq.ft. block building, $500 monthly, (313)624-6686. (313)347-2955. 084 12 093 088 m f^^'^' A Hand Up, Not a Handout Help the poor help themselves, socurity, ik.sto7o,"4 access, house or induslrial, iruck warewell, office space, single up to HOWELL 950sq,fl, (517)5462319, ilE)?u,inqniM V o. t ^ i relngeraior, indud'InV micrrwave', BRIGHTON. 4,000sqft. BRIGHTON. Prime office Grandor River area. Olfice space, monlhty Call (313)486-4365 lonnis (313)684-1228, 00 sqfl,cinnla available. " NfcW HUDbON A-i uMiliCS, $300 p o o l , „^.,„.„ c,Vo u„r l s' ,, office K„,,.„space, „, ,„,j,„,„.,i ,„„.i. „,„ii 21 nld m warn nHim w im in 950sa.ft, (517)545-2319 NORTHVILLE S65 per week. (517)548 4428 rocoider. '3 1 3)22 7-3 710 or HOWELL Grand River near B r o o k d a l e BRIGHTON. Commerdal build(313)349.5812 {3i3)3-;8 6052, (313)476-522 Wal-Mart, PINCKNEY, 14x70, 2 bf,, 1 1/2 mg, 1500sq,ft, w.'walkoul bsml, . Suites , , , ,Irom , , 540, to A p a r t m e n t s 113 W Main Street balh. expando, washer/dryer $300 per mo. (313)626-6700. BRIGHTON downlown. 1 to 6 W'lh plenty o paiking, FresflV (JocofHted 1 4 2 bodrocxna NORTHViaE, Pnvale entrance, hook-up, refngeralor and range, uMmiinr ~i^rvic. f. '° ISOOsq.ft. on Naiionai bl. up to Relngeraior, microwave, large garage. IncluJod 1 aero lot. „^i^!y"°; S „ o d ^^^nd River al Main St From bran r^w^ Rrst Really Brokers, F R O M M29 dosGls Relerences w/secur^y pets $500 plus securily. S v ^ a(313)231-2255, n S PPsT $200 per mixilh, irx:ludes utilities. (517)546-9400. • Spacious nooms • Oinlral Air monlhly. Very nice, (313)685-7005, deposil. Call 9am-7pm'. (313)878-3346, • Covoftid Parking • Beautiful Pool •Sundeck A Clubhouse HARTUNO, 19,000sq,ft, ware­ HOWELL offices. 700, 440 or (313)3484977 • Laundry Facitiiies housing. Firsl Realty., 260sq.fl. office suites. Exce.lenl SOUTH LYON, Room lor roni, lf yon are a group Mobile Home (517)5469400. location and parkir'g. 6 MONfTH L E A S E S A V A I L A B L E J75 a ^cek Must be reliable H O W E L L (517)546-0148 Sites wllose efforts benefiJ tlle poor, on Nine Mile just west HOWELL 10OO sq.ft. commerical (313)437.5053, aher 5:30pm. of Pontlac Trail R E A L T Y space in classic buying. Musi be For Rent MILFORD. 600sq.ti. prime \oaTSOUTH LYON Nice and ctean whoso hoard includes Open Mon-Sai seen. $600/mo. Dennis: lion, newer building, $500 p€ir downlown, $225 a mo, plus $100 FOR LEASE monlh triple net. (313)685-7295. (517)548-1240,w. (517)548-1914 those who are served, (313) 4 3 7 - 1 2 2 3 secuniy, (313)437-8208, OLD Duich Farms Manufactured h. 500 - 3000 sq. il MILFORD office suile. 575sq.ft.' whose work includes efforls on Housing Community. Soulh Lyon IjOWELbBrighlon, 2^br.^ $450 WALLED LAKE area. Clean, Heat, water, parking Commercial or SOUTH LYON, Oean 1 br. apl. monthly, no pels, (313)437-0495 furnished, kitchen, lake schools. Club house, off street helialf of social change and downlown with appliances, afier 5pm. (313)685-2203. pnvileges.' cable,' utilihes parking, RV storaoe, single wide HOWELI^. 2- 216sq. ft. office Office Use lermJ m yard. $380 a monlh induded $75'wk (313)360-9355 sues available. Rent specials, spaces lor rent. Access to fax social jilslice, at corner of NORTHViLLE-Novi. Full or _!—i : (313)349-3949 and copy machine, inler-otfce f J l ™ o ' 3 ' 3 ) « 7 - 5 6 1 3 , HOWELL downlown. Large 1 br. part-time offices. Secretarial Grand River & phone system. Howell Builders leave message. ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ refngeralor, service, answering service, fax, Give us a call or drop us a note at National Mall. $250/mo. Indudes ulililies. SOUTH LYON. Large 2 br. apl, basemeni storage. $450 monthly, 24-hr didation. Preferred Execu­ Foster Care carpeted, air, appliances. Heal plus secunty. (313)229-8210. tive Offices. (313)464-2771. The Canlpaign for LMng Quarters ( S i a i g ' M h . ' " ' ' " ' " ' " ' Phone f^iT'^^f HOWELL New carpet 2 br., 1 NORTHVlLiE. Suile of 3 offices To Share H u i l 1 a n Development 546-8030 (313)851-8219. ^^^^ , y^j^.^ expressway. with telephone answering m W. Ottawa HOWELL. 2352sq.fl. office and induded. Will also rent separateSOUTH LYON. 1 br. apt $200 Immediate occupany. Call Karl, ADULT Fosier care hcmn in warehouse. Overhead door. BRIGHTON. Office building for C^' ^'^^ (313)349-1122. secufiy. (313)486-9171. (3'3)229.2459 BRI^GHTON^ Spx«us & comfon- wareno^se^ Lansing, Ml 48933 SOUTH LYON. 3 br. upper, MILFORD. Large 1 br. $400/mo., color tv's and pnvale bathrooms able, (313)2274673. [oup',o-^J<^o. lease, 1500sq.fl. w/walkoul bsml. NOVL Mail receiving sen/ice wilh (517) 342-2470 downtown, slove, refrigerator, includes heal, water, laundry in every room. (313)735-7049 BRIGHTON Single person to HOWELL. 900sq.fl. shop w/small $300 per mo. (313)626-6700. street address, fax, copy and We 'have grants $400. (313)455-1487. ^° BEAUTIFUL licensed AFC fjpiily share lakelronl walk-out bas^ BRIGHTON/SOUTH Lyon. ^',^" ^ ^ 1 availahle; & WALLED LAKE area. 1 br. '313)887-7563. home, just minules from US-23 menl apartment kitchen S f r f g i j h ' SOOsq.ft., new premium finshed m^,^7oZ ^ ' May 15. deadline 2 closets 4 sunroom. Adull MILFORD. Clean 2 br. $525/mo., and 1-96 has private room P'wieges upslars, $75 weekly, it \^iipo-'^i'> ^^^^ Kensinolon Rd. al Silver '•^''^'^^^•'^°^"' building. Ouiel neighborhooci. No includes heal, water, laundry available. Nulrilious home guest slay over $5 per night, HOWELL downlown, approx. Lake Rd. $750 per monlh, NOVI. Near 12 Oaks., space to pels. $400 includes heat. faality. First 4 iasL No pets, cooked meals, excellent care, n o n - s m o k e r / d r i n k e r , 10OO sq.fL, retail or office, includes all ulililies. share, reasonable Joan (313)6244310 after 6 pm. (313)887-7583. many references. (313)227-5893. (313)227-3409. (517)54S3570, (517)546-6602. (313)4374163. (313)347-1555 S O U T H L Y O N m3)498-254°3'"No Mts' HAMBUR6-PINCKNEY area 2 lJM)«i«s<;D4.3. N I K) peis. bf. duplex. $480 per monlh, plus ulililies. No pels. (313)662-8669. HOWELL. 2 br,, immediate occupancy, extra clean an. appliances, laund^, nice a'^'ea, $575, (517)548-3057. _ HOWELL 2 bedroom, stove and refrigerator, washer 4 dryer hookup, $450 mo„(517)5484197 al'w 5 pm, HOWELL. 2 bedrooms, appliances, carpeted, $500 mo, plus secuniy, (517)546-3336. 090 ^lSJ"L^Z.m f^^J^^I" il^ZluiSl^ S E R I E S Ain't wMirt'i'f'*<t»w*(vt f 'r>r(>f.»y«r A, ift^^y / E C O O O O O O O O O O E E OOOOOOOOOOOfi' This IsANew House Or a college education. Or a comfortable retirement. It's the secure feeling you get knowing that you're providing for your family and your future. It's a U.S. Savings Bond, and it pays competitive interest rates with a guaranteed m i n i m u m rate of return w h e n held five years or more. For more information, pick up a free Buyer's Guide at.your local bank and ask about the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. US. Savings Bonds A , public service of this publirrai-on E CLASSIFIED M Newspope" : E A S T T H U R S D A Y J a n u a r y A t K i d s K i u b , t h e y take n a p t i m e 16, /; I992yv seriously For kids only Kids Klub revamps idea of traditional daycare six or seven days a week." says Jean. 'That helps them out." A l no additional charge. Kids Klub will give dropolf parents a beeper, to page theln in the event of an emergency. In general. Kids Klub's rates are colnparable or lower than most daycare centers a n d preschools. There's just one charge for tuition; no extra fees for registration and materials. By RICK B Y R N E Copy Editor Some call the Kids Klub Learning Center Novfs best-kept secret. See­ ing how J e a n and Jeff Sadler have re­ thought Ihe tradilional Idea ofa day­ care center and preschool, it's easy lo see how Ihey earn s u c h high praise. "It was really my husband's brainchild," says J e a n . "I'd always wanted my own preschool, bul he had the Idea about having the dropoff as well as the preschool." And since the place Is open until 10 p.m., there Is no penalty for kids who stay late. For the preschool, the hours are a bit more regimented. Cfiildren arrive at around 7 a.m. and spend a halfhour or so in a •^vake-up period." Af­ terwards they have free play lime before breaking for a mid-morning snack. A music period and an out­ door play session flits the lale moming. B u l the Sadler's spin on Ihe idea is plunkillg Kids Klub down in a mall, in this case the Novi Town Center, rather than in the traditional school bulldlflg. As a result, a numberofthe kids who come through Ihe doors for the dropolf service come front pa­ rents who are going shopping. There are other laenefits to the localion as well. "A lol of people don't realize We "Nol everyone has a 9-lo-5 job." hlave an outdoor play area," says says J e a n . "We have a lol more ile.xi • Jcan."It'soVerbehlndT.J.[Waxx. and bllity as far as our hours. Parents we Walk down there together, single who work in Ihe p.m. hours can drop file." their kids ofr here." Before l u n c h the kids arc broken Kids Klvib is open until lO p.m. on off into structured class sessions. weeloilghts, and 11:30 p.m. on Fri­ Here again is Where Kids W u b differs day and Saturday nighls. The center from most other preschools. Deve­ is closed on Sundays. lopmental groups here are separated "We have a lot of parents who Work by area of Interest and the child's In- PholDS by BRYAN MrrCHELL K r i s t i n D r z e w i c k i (right) k e e p s s o m e o f h e r y o u n g c o m p a n i o n s b u s y at K i d s K l u b dividual level of social, emotional and cognitive development. Lunch follows, and then a nap ses­ sion. Children who aren't nappers are allowed to engage in quiel play, reading or coloring. T h e afternoons offer more free time, as the dropolf kids come in to .nilngle with the preschoolers. IClds IQub atlcepts children from 2Va to l 2 years of age. No adults may mingle with the children. howeVer. T h e center has a security door se­ parating the class and play areas Contlflued on 2 500 T h i s O N C H E R A R L Y L F L O O R - O A o n l y F U R N I T U R R e d u c e d We A r e 1/2 P r i c e P r e s e n t i n g o r m o r e ! h a p p e n s a y e a r ! 5 0 0 I t e m s R e d u c e d 1 / 2 O r EVERYTHING MUST GO! R i g h t In! The is the BIG ONE. The sale that delivers what other sales only promise! E SAVE 30% to 7 0 % S t e p Don't go away for the week I Don't miss iti Walk, run, use a bicycle, truck or snowmobile this Thurs., Friday and Saturday We are going to have every piece of orand new furniture and carpetino throughout our store markea at "USED PRICES." S A l V I P L E S K G e n t l e m e n , I t e m s o n c e SUPER JANUARY CLEARANCE LIQUIDATING Center from the reception area. Itcanonlyb>e opened from the Inside biy teachers, "Parents like that feature," said Jean. There are features the kids can enJoy, too. There's a computer room for play or education. Another room has a wide-screen T V and a V C R for moVie Viewing or educational tapes. There are Nintendo entertainment, centers as Well. T h e creative play area is slocked L a d e e z a n d CHERRY AND OAK FURNITURE in the N o v i T o w n 3 3 6 P r i c e M o r e ! ! B I G D A Y S E X C I T I N G ' T R E I V I E N D O U S January 16th ' F A N T A S T I C January S U P E R H O U R S T H U R S D A Y 9 to 9 F R I D A Y 17th 9 to 9 18th 9 to 57 QUALITY S A T U R D A Y January Must Sacrifice 9 S O F A S COME EARLY AND "PICK THE PLUMS!" 90 days same as cash with approveij credit. Mastercard & Visa welcome. O f f e r In S t o c k S H O P G o o d D a y s f V l e r c h a n d i s e . E A R L Y rHPRRV A & C H E R R Y N o O n l y L a y - A ^ W a y s F O R B E S T S E L E C T I O N ! ^ N . L A F A Y E T T E 1 2 4 ^ / O f S a l e O A K F U R M I T U R E S O U T H L Y O N xami 4 3 7 - 1 5 9 0 H O U R S : D a i l y 1 0 - 9 ; S u n . 12 - 5 . * _ ' We specialize in solid oak! ' Quality furniture at affordable pricesi ' Free delivery and set-upl • Visa and Mastercharge welcome! ' 90 days same as cash option with approved aedit! 3 1 9 N . I^ain Wain St., Downtown Downtowt Milford 684-2265 2-D--CREEN SHEET EAST—Thursday, Januafy 16. 1992 B u s i n e s s Thursday, Janifary 16, i992-GREEN SHEET EAST--3-D B r i e f s M A R K D O U G L A S of Norlilvllle Was anlonfi three managers e q u i p m e n t InslaUaLlon (JKIslon. Douf^las was pronlotcd from senior to 18199 B l u e Heron Drive, Northville. F o r m e r l y located ln Walled Lake, Ellse H o s t e n - M c G o u g h & Asso­ project manager to regional sales manager; ciates is a n engineering firm specializing In p l a n n i n g / s c h e d u l i n g ; cost promoted by B r o a d . Vogl & C o n a n t Inc. in Its steel c o n s t n l c l i o n / control: Others promoted included: Bruce Dillon from esUrrcltor to senior construction dispute avoidance and resolution; and arbltratlOn/Utlgaton support. proposals manager; and David Keeler from project manager to na­ tional sales nulnager. 'file promotions were a n n o u n c e d by Broad, Vogt Recent projects include University Of M i c h i g a n Maternal & C o n n a n t President aild chief executive olftcer, J o h n W. Broacl. Child H e a l t h Center: B e a u m o n t Hospital P.eaovaUon Projects: Wayne and County Correctional Facility, H a m t i a m c k ; tOid M i c h i g a n Bell Nortll- Broad. Vogt & Conant Inc. Is the n a U o n s Dlird-largest speclalt)' west Ofllcenter uninterruptible power system installation. steel conductor, 'file company Is b.ised in RK-er Rouge, and has offices EUse H o s t e n - M c G o u g h , president, holds a degnje i n civil engi­ In Chicago, CleveL'ln(l. Orlando, Little F^ock a n d Quad Cities. neering f r o m the University of Detroit a n d Isa m e m b e r o f theAmerican Socle t y o f C l v l l Engineers, American Arbitration A s s o c i a t i o n and A s s o ­ M I C H A E L D . T A S C H N E R of Northville. (senior vice president. M a n u f a c t u r e s National Bank), has ciated G e n e r a l Contractors, DeUiolt Chapter, been nalned chairperson of the txxird of directors of the Metropolitan Detroit Convention & Visitors T R A C I B R E N I S E R H A W K I N S , a certified clinical psychologist, B u r e a u (.MDCVB). it was a n n o u n c e d Ijy president William F. McLaugh­ 13oard including: Robert B a n l e s . (president. C h e c k e r Cab Co.); Eugene H a w k i n s concentrates in the areas of child a n d adolescent psychotheigpy, stress management, eating disorders, a b u s e , parent of e c o n o m i c developnlenl, Wayne County); J a m e s Lites, (executive vice MICHAEL D. T A S C H N E R MARK DOUGLAS president. Olympia Arenas Inc.); WiUl.-un OTVeil, (director of public re­ training a n d family a n d lations, Cadillac Motor Co.); B r u c e Wagner, (executive vice president, W h e n a customer makes a purcha';e, they know they'll be passing Ross Roy Group) a n d William W i r n , (vice president of corporate rela­ along an heirloom. These b e d s are built to become antiques. Inc.) TTle unique interlocking cast Iron a n d steel frame system helps In addition to those listed above, the following 15 members ofthe the beds s t a n d u p to Its hvo generation promise. No screws, bolts or board were re-elected: J o h n A n h u t fflle Botsford Inn): Denlse A n t o n n u t s are used ln tills system, therefore eliminating the squeaks and n h e f a u b m a n Co.): Betty J e a n Awrey, (Awrey Bakeries Inc.); Donald rattles c o m m o n l y found In lesser quality beds. B a r d e n , (Harden Cablevlslon); KeltlJ C r a l n , (Grain Communications Inc.); Nell CurUs. (Delta Airlines Inc.); Wayne D o r a n , (Ford Motor Land from contemporary to tradlLlnal. A l l the beds are built to order by Brass B e d s of Virginia, located in Richmond, V a . A l l brass u s e d Is h a n d pol­ ployees, Local 24); Ted Gatzaros, (400 Monroe Associates); Raymond ished solki naval brass for superior durability a n d beauty. T h e Iron ls Glowskl, (Greater Detroit B u i l d i n g & C o n s t r u c U o n Trades Council): h a n d bent and protected by a n electrostatically applied powder paint Rol>ert Hurst, (Michigan BeU Telephone Co.); C h u c k Schmidt, (the De- w h i c h is then klln baked at 4 0 0 group sessions, as Well as (Blue C r o s s and Blue Shield of Michigan) a n d Ernest Wooden, (the nishes. C u r r e n t l y the marbllzed and the distressed finishes are very Omni popular. IntemaUonal Hotel). Rob and B R A S S & I R O N B E D S recently opened In Plymouth, bringing Cathie Kessel are owners of Brass & Iron Beds of Plymouth. durable B r a s s E k d s of VirginLi to customers In E L I S E H O S T E N - M C G O U G H & A S S O C I A T E S I N C . . consultant in construction a n d engineering management has relocated its olhces Michigan. E X C E L L E N C E MARRIED. FILlNG SEPARATELY Under certain circumstances, fil­ ing separately may result in higher deductions for one spouse, thereby reducing the total lax liability for the married couple. This Is especially true If both spouses earn similar sa­ laries, but ony one has significant tax-deductible expenses, such as unreimbursed medical bills or busi­ ness expenses. The rules maybe dif­ ferent for cdiiplcs Wh6 Ifvf: apart and have a dependent child, so check With your C P A . Remember. hoWcVer. that If Mary Itemizes deductions. J o h n must also Itemize,deductions on his return., RESPONSIBILITY FOI^ ,,. , TAX UABILITY Married, filing separately means each spouse Is responsible for his or Here's an example where filing se­ parately may make sense. Sam CHANGE O F FILING S T A T U S If you file a Joint return and then change your mind, you can file sepa­ rate returns for that year, as long as this is done by the due date of your •, tax iTltun. HoWever, ifyou fl|c-3epa' '^ratti rcttims, you may changekhosc 1returns«to a Joint return at any,time within three years from the due dale of those reluming, excluding any extensions. Classes 1 / 1 7 / 9 2 , R I D G E A L L 1 0 N O V I M I L E (M5 J A N U A R Y T O D A Y - V A L U E ) 3 4 7 - 1 5 5 5 ads) T o a m to 5 T u e s d a y - F r i d a y : p m 8:30 a m to 5 p m p l a c e y o u r circular o r delivery service, Brighton, Pinckney of Hartland Howoll'lH>wlenrille South Lyon area Milford afea NorthviIla'Novi area 227-4436 548-2570 437-4133 6e&8705 348-3022 d i s p l a y 5171 313 313 313 Livingston County . South Lyon area . . Milford area NorthviIis^ovi afea F o r Place classified ads: 8 a d : 313 517 313 313 313 a d 548-2000 437-2011 685-1507 349-1700 call: (3131 227-4442 (517' 546-4809 (313 349-3627 (313 685-7546 313 349-3627 us with a a d d r e s s fo: Green Sheet p h o n e 251 48178 the n a m e p r m t it in t)ISCO(JNT TIRE.COMPANY piSCOgNt TIRE COMPANY DiSCoUNT TIRE COMPANY January Price Freeze MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTANT s k i l l s to w o r k • I n s u r a n c e o f f i c e B i l l i n g E K G ' s • L a b ^ i n a m e d i c a l T h e b e s t v a l u e s of s e a s o n are here P r o c e d u r e s . «^ *r« ^T* «ju *js COMPUTER OPERATIONS L e a m the s k i l l s to o p e r a t e • W o r d • D a t a • S p r e a d * Just meet 1 of these Qualifications (T) ^ © ® S h e e t s • Job & M o r e P l a c e m e n t assistance u p o n 99 P175-80R13 P185-80R13 P195-75R14 P205-75R15 P215-75R15 P235-75R15 P15580R13 *28.99 '30.99 '34.99 '39.99 •41.99 '44.99 | Steel Radial H i g h w a y White Wall 15 99 P175-80R13 P185-80R13 P195-75R14 P205-75R15 P215-75R15 P235-75R15 P15580R13 '20.99 '22.99 '23.99 '27.99 '28.99 '31.99 I^ASr (TiEE MOUMTiNG> NOTRADE IN REOUIRED -NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY" • B o o k s m o s t • C h i l d care if & eligible supplies i n c l u d e d • C o u r s e s p r o v i d e d by C A L L in courses s c h o o l participating N O W E P U C A T I O i M A L H C 3 T U N E E X T . " ° '*t,HL';S?*inS!??.L'tfl'£".i94N. INDIANA. ARIZONA, COLORAOa NEVADA FLOfilDA, NEW MEXItX). TEXAS. CAUFOHNIA. UTAH « VWSHINGTON •FBEETIRE REPUCEHENT CEBTFICATES" 5 1 0 B u y e r ' s Directory Three Shopping Guides be o r d e r e d for t h e N o r t h v i l l e R e c o r d , N o v i N e w s , M i l f o r d Tlnnes, S o u t h L y o n H e r a l d , Fowlerville, Pincl<ney & H a r t l a n d S h o p p i n g B r i g h t o n A r g u s , L i v i n g s t o n C o u n t y Press, Guide. ESTATE Auction. SaL, Jan. 18th, BEAGLE, male, Rowe Lake area, NOW OPEN 7:00pm. 202 S. Michigan Ave., has collar and tags. $50 reward. LAKE CHEMUNG OLDIES Free Entertainment Howell, Ml. Fumlture, giasswars, (313)684-5066 or Lots of goodiestochoose from walnut chesty modem', dry sifik. (313).3e8:3999. Antiques 'Jewelry • Furniture • •ATTENTION BRIDES! 0 down <b'LFREE.;reirigaralor,. woiits great. piattoini scale, .oolledof plates. Glassware 4 More BLACK Lab puppie, 8 mo. old ^ You haul. 1313)878-6784. "•payhnent on your special order Hot Point' relriaeraiof and bis mab,. grey. mailings,. Aniclill. ald. 5255 E. Grand River, Howell bridal • Down, 0 payments & mcSre: AUfitlon^t: FWy Egnash, 2 MOTOfiCYCLES, 1972 « 74 IN need ol a home without dogs, ADD some Bavor to your tpedal interest forgo days, 5<j% oN your (517) 546-8875/546-7784 Gannon Rds, Dec. 23. (517)546-2005, (517)546-7496. Honda 350. Runs, needs worit. loving lemale black cat, occasion. Call Sugar & Spice D.J. headpiece wilh special order OpenWe().-Sall-5 (517)223-8936. declawed, n e u l e r e d . Team. (313)229-2459 (313)2294149 after 4. IRS Public Auction, Thirsday, WEDDING invitations, cotors or bridal gown. Iree shoes for BLONDE Siberian Husky, orange (313)878-0322. Building License Januaiy 16, 1992 at 10:00a.m. elegant while and ivory. Select bridesmaids, dye not included. All 80 GAL electric water healer, 3 collar, 2 yr. old lemale. Between Seminar by Predse Machine Products Inc, fnom a variety of quality papers to offers expir0 1-31-92. Elizabeth's yrs. old. (313)887-1275 KinENS, 2 temale, 8 wks., 1 Marr & Clyde, oil Fisher. Reward. 5951 Sterling, HowelL Equipment Jim Klausmoyor suit your personal taste and gray, 1 black\vhite boots. Utter D J KURT LEWIS Bridal Manor, 402 S. Main Street, aflemoons. 1-800-328-7551. ' Auctions ol machine shop to indixle: 2 (313) 887-3034 budget Traditional and contemtrained. (517)546-7253 MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS Northville, (313)348-6494. A large amouni of saap metal Bridgeport mills with table: Prnpnri) lor Iho Slola iorary designs. South Lyon CAT, blad( /while, med. long and cement b l o c k s . LEADER dog testing & into. Let us help you make your BEAUTIFUL weddings. Minster Examlnallon Sponsorod Cincinnati lathe: G and E mstal •ierald, 101 N. Lalayette, hair, lemale. Lake Moraine Sub. a II u u o Ii, c will marry you anywhere, at Humane Society of Uvingsion Dy Communll/ Education shapen Stantord surface grinder, (313)437-2011. (313)227-2233 occasion more memorable with (313)887-2147 Programs al home, yard or hail. Ordained and Counly. (313)229-7640, Chris. and other misc. machino items. music ol today & yeslerday. AM/FM radio vvith record changer licensed. (313)437-1690. WINTER dasses available at the GERMAN Shepherd, mixed, 21 Iiours of Instruction For lurttier intormalion call Sally in cabinet. You haul. PIANO, upright, you haul, Iree, (517)548-4354. Stitdieiy, 1129 E. Grand River, lemale, lost Jan. 1. Childs Lake, k. Gavin or Douglas Singer, BIG BRIDAL SALEII Ma^'s • W. Bloomfieid 851-7600 (313)685-2699. (313)231-2658. Howel!. Radiant Star Quilt on Maple Rd. area (313)684-2810. , DJ Music by Fandango. Besl Wedding Conection and Tailor Revenue Officers at • NOVI34S-1200 sewing machine. Starts Jan. AUSSIE mix, neutered male, 1 PREGNANCY Helpline, confi­ coltoction ol music available. All Shoppe, 58221 Travis Rd., New (313)668-2179. GRAY female cat, full grown, • Pinckney 878-3115 22nd. Irish Clhain quilt on sewing yr., housebroken. (517)546-9666. dential pregnancy tests, materni­ compact disc. (313)486-1245. vicinity of Goll Club S Eari Lake, Hudson. (313)437-2422 • HowelI (517) 548-6281 machine. Starts Jan 16th. (517)546-5886. BEAGLE lifix, small lemale, 9 ty clothes, baby needs. Empress handbag, starts Jan BODY? MIND? SPIRIT? Who are • Highland 684-fll4G Garage, Moving, mo., housebroken and loves (313)229-2100. 17th. Victorian fan picture (no GRAY/lan/white lemale cat. you? Call 1-eOO-For-Trulh. • Uvonia 473-8933 Sun,-Jan. 19-12 Noon M n G i C chiidren. (517)548-5888. sew), starts Jan. 25th. Beginning Seven Mile & Northville, lost Dec. RABBIT, checkered giant, Rummage Sales or call 1-800-666-3034 Over '10,000 of US gold BRIDAL GOWN SAMPLE hand quiltina, starts Feb. 1st. 10 Reward. (313)3ea8582. LriNC€ BEAGLE pup, house trained, neutered male and cage. Good ClfARENCEl Up lo 70% oH. & silver, key, scarce, Classes are lining last. Call today likes kids, cute, (313)624-9873. pel. (313)437-3055. PART Collie & part Shepherd, Select prom dresses, 40-60% off. Rallies Canadian & foreign. for details, (517)548-1731. AU. GARAGE, RUMMAGE & Elizabeth Bridal Manor, 402 S. ENJOY vacationing and travel? Large old dog. Gregoiy area, All guaranteed! BRICK. Used red face brick. You REFRIGERATOR, you pick up, • BIRTHDRVS MOVING SALES PLACED Main, Northville. Major hotel dub membership, Williamsville U. (313)498-2268. needs minor repair. Call haul. (313)227-1868. GRfiDUnnON indudes 7 nights free accomdal V I E L ' S A U C T I O N UNDER THIS COLUMN MUST (313)684-5460. • HRLLOLUeeN DEFAULT rental payment. Unit BROKEN up cement slab (or fill tions. Must sell. (313)449-0805. FOWtERVIliE MASONIC HAtl START WITH THE CITY Car Pool s #69 Michael Sweet #189 Jackie • flNNIVeRSI^I^V or whatever. U haul. RESPONSIBLE person to cut REWARD WHERE THE SALE IS TO BE 7150 E GRAND RIVER Smith. Sale ol household and FLEA martlet every SaL & Sun., • uJCDDINGS down tree lor firewood, 50ft. tall. (313)498-2643. HELD. personal items. Sale dale, Feb. 8, 10am to 5pm. 6080 Grand River (313)227-6612 alter 2pm. Alaskan Malamute lemale puppy, • SHOOICRS CLOTHING. Bnghlon Church ol 1992 1pm. U-Slore Mini Storage, (at Hughes Rd.), Brighton. 6 mo. Little girl wants her puppy CALL Between 6-8pm FREE Christ, 6026 Rickeil Rd, 5850 Whitmore Lake Rd. (517)546-8270. SEARS 19in. color TV w/remote. BRIGHTON area to sharerideto Mon. - Thurs. Tuesdays, 6-8pm Brighlon. For inlormalion, call Needs switch. (313)227-5145 GARAGE SALE Ren Cen, time llexible, Arrow Auction (313)437-1600. FOR bar owners or personal use; (313)231-2757. 3 4 9 - 4 6 2 6 CLOTHING. Howell Church ol alter 6pm. S e r v i c e POLICE YOURSELF! CommuKITS Thank you, Christ, 1385 V(/est Grand River, DOLL dasses-porcalain, starts Auction Is our nidynes hand held breath ASK ABOUT YOURS WHEN Monday, 7pm MAGIC LANCE Monday 7-9pm: Wednesday SINGLE bed. Mattress, box Found full time buslr-iess analyzer tells whether you are lit YOU PLACE YOUR GARAGE 10-12noon. Bunny B Rabbit one to drive after drinking. The $200 OLDER stove and relrigeralor, spring, Irame. (313)348-0387. Households Farm Estates Card Of Thanks SALE AD IN THE GREEN day seminar $75 on Feb. 22nd. device weights 8 oz. and fits in a Business • Liquidations both work, you haul, TERRIER, Poodle lemale pupply, SHEET THESE KITS CAN BE DJ. Muse fw all occasions, all Enroll now. Call (313)684-0022. glove compartment. For intormaSoger Andersen (517)546-5637. good w/kkis & animals, house- types available. Dorn J . , OBTAINED AT YOUR LOCAL ton call (313)227-5182 01?) 227-(^00 c h a i r . broken. (313)498-2068. NEWSPAPER OFICE. BLACK Lab mix, lemale, approx. COUCH and (517)223-8572 alter 6 p.m., 4 mos old. 1-10-92. D-19 and (313)685-9204 weekdays. FOREIGN exchange students NOVENA to SL Jude. May the Coon Lk Rd. (517)548-2009. CUTE puppies, approximately 9 Life's a breeze! are in need of homes tor 1992 - saaed hoan ol Jesus be adored, JAMS DJ SERVICE. "The lilo of wks., (313)685-8147. school year. Students are ages glorilied, loved, and preserved COLLib'ohellie? Brown, little your Party". (313)437-5068. O F F I C E F U R N I T U R E Happy Ads 15 to 18 from Euiope & Australia. throughout the wortd now and black & gold. Faussett/Argentine, C - S P O T S FARIVI DOG house, large size. MAGICIAN. 8 YEAR old Information, 1-800-522-HOST or lorever. Sacred Heart ol Jesus, Howell (517)548-1388. & E Q U I P M E N T A U C T I O N (313)229-6938. astounds other youngsters. pray tor us. St. Jude, woiker of (313)729-7945. LARGE young male cat blad( & Professional props. Available for CHAIRS • DESKS • TRUCK • mirades, pray lor us. Si Jude, ENGLISH albino Guinea Pig, FREE PERSONAUTY TEST! helper ol the hopetess, pray tor white, neutered & declawed. coal- is brown, aood w/kids. CONGRATULATIONS David 4-7 year old parties. $25. Horse Outdoor JEEP • TOOLS South lyon. (313)348-7130. Your Personality detennines your us. (313)348-6697. (517)5464657. Mitter of Brighlon, your postcard We wlll sell the following at public auction at happiness. Know why? Call Say this prayer 9 times a day; by YOUNG male cat, gray stripes, Recreational PARTY Time DJ. Allordable FEMALE kitten, 14 weeks, was drawn. You have won 2 1-800-367-8788. 3438 Ellsworth Road, Ann Arbor, Ml the 9th day, your prayer will be white markings. Travis Rd. area S p o r t s E n t e r p r i s e rates. (517)223-3527, ask tor Detroit Red Wing aggressive, playful, needs larni/ tickets to a (1-94 to US-23 North, Exit 37-A to Washte­ I CONVERT your precious home answered. Publication must bf (313)437-8517. Mike. Hockey game. rural setting. (313)476-9635. A multi use facility movies lo updated and conve­ promised. KK naw. South on Carpenter to Ellsworth, SOUNDMASTERS D.J.S. Even featuring horse nient video cassettes. 5 Yeans NOVENA to St. Judo. May the West between Piatt & Carpenter). ings. Ken (313)437-5211. Bill prolessional lull time experience. sacred heart ol Jesus be adored, Antiques SATURDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1992 AT 10:00 A.M, boarding and re­ Free (313)449-4049. pickup and delivery, Cal! glonlied, loved, and preserved 20 American seating work stations — loaded — 1 lated services. Dean, (313P1-S114 Pontiac throughout the world now and year old: 350 office chairs including executive, 350 acres of roll­ POOR Scotty's Resale Shop, forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, secreta7, swivels, waiting room —- new to used pray tor us. Si Jude. virorker of Special Notices ing hills and 8741 Main, Thomberry Plaza, mirades, pray for us. St Jude, ANTIQUE Mall, Whistle Stop condition — great colors & styles: 150 used metal Whitmore Lake. (313)449-8120, Plaza Lower level. Open daily, wooded trails. Lo­ Mon.-Thurs., noon-4pm., Fri. & helper ol the hopeless, pray for 12-6. 2321 E. Grand River, desks — brand names — excellent selection; 90 us. Howell. (517)546-8385. We're new & used file cabinets — all styles: 40 new & cated near Oak Sat., lOam-iSpm. Say this prayer 9 times a day; by hard lo lind but we're worth il used credenzas; 15 mobil rolling tables; New REWARD tor intomiation on the 2 VIC Tannv memberships, ViP, G r o v e S l a t e thelt ol jeweliy taken Irom the the 9lh day, your prayer will be Dealer space available. Computer work station; Office privacy partitions; liletime, ^1200 lor both. answered. Publication must be game area in rooms ol Novi Detnoit Travel promised. MRM Microfilm reader; Computer stands, book cases; (517)223-3552. ANTIQUE oak tumilure: dress­ Call C o l l e c t . Office supplies: Storage units: 16 cafeteria tables; northern Livings­ Lodge. ers, butfel, commode, hall tree, AFFORDABLE Excellence. THANKS, Si Jude, Joseph and (606)266-1503. large desk, library 1, parlor taWe. Quantity of drafting table mechanisms; Photo Wedding Photography/Videos. Anthony. ton County. Call Eves. & weekends timers; 10 rolls of carpet; Quantity of oak shelves; Call now lor 1992 availability. today for more in(313)437-5438. (313)229-4971. Chair parts; Bases for work tables; Large quantity forrrialion. A Howell minister will perform In Memoriam DINING Room table, larne, Curiy of used good plexiglass; 30 tables; 3 office your bvely wedding ceremony, maple & maple dnapleal gateleg couches; Coffee tables: 9 brass lamps; 15 large licensed, ordained. My home, silk office decorator plants; 2 — 18 foot silk trees; table, $1,000. (313)227-4090. yours, anywhere. (517)546-7371.' OLD Oriental rugs wanted, 40 wastebaskets. lf y o u ' r e r e n e w i n g a n ROBERT Morgan, 1 year ago highest prices paid. TOOLS — Portable power washer: Heavy duty Jan. 20. II hurts me so that we (313)887-3559. floor model drill press; 2 blowers; Storage caa d , m a l < e tlie call g o A n E M T I Q M - h O T I C E are apart, a Dad that was so dear binets; Floor polisher: 8 fluorescent light fixtures; 2 to my heart, although. You lelt SHERIDAN Community Center q u i c k e r b y letting tlie BUILDERS LICEMSETESTIMG just a year ago my tears have not antkiue showing sale. 12111 upright air compressors — 5 hp — 1 ph; 5 air drills; dried, I still miss You so. Your Pardee Rd. Taytor Ml. Jan 24, Rolling Carts; Carpet Cleaning Equipment; ApolC H A M G E S F O R MEW APPLICAMTS! thru Jan. 26. Fn 4pm. lo 10 pm. o p e r a t o r l< n o w Now you call send us a Itoving daughter Darlena Olrich. Sal 10 am. to 10 pm.. Sun. tow L.P.V. low pressure paint system: Binks spray D e a l with t h e professionals v / h o know. lOam, to 5pm., admission $100 guns. Classifie(lAdviaFAX I i m m e d i a t e l y . T h i s will BUILDER L I C E N S E W O R K S H O P S with this ad. Between 1-75 and 1986 Jeep Grand Wagoneer — Excellent Condition COrvlfvlUNITY E D L O C A T I O N S : I Telegraph, oft Eureka. e l i m i n a t e y o u h a v i n g to 1985 Ford Econoline Van — Runs Good Lost 1. Brighton - 2/4/92 4. Hartland -1 /29/92 FAX ij Quick, FAX is Accurate | OWNER - S.C.P. ENTERPRISES 2. Dexter -1 /20/92 5. Whitmore Lake - coll r e p e a t the a d or the Braun & Helmer Auction Service SeodbyFAXtoiGREENSHEET | 3. Saline - 1/29/92 W iiUY It Uoyd R. Bfaun, CAI Jerry L Helmer, CAI billing i n f o r m a t i o n . CJ iiCLL IT. CALL FOR FREE UPDATED INFO: Ann Afbor (313) 665-9646 Saline (313) 994-6309 2 FEMALES. Tn-color Beagle FIND if. F A X Number mix. Bull Cocker Spaniel. THAOi^ IT. Inspection Day of Sale. Terms: Cash or Check wilh 800-688-0922 800-333-3870 Reward. Deerlield Twsp. Proper I.D. Nothing Removed Until Settled For. 0LAB8IFIED [ J 3 1 ^ 5 H 3 7 - ? 4 6 0 j (313)7354017 VISA M A S T E R C A R D A C C E P T E D « 001 FREE (iouble bed, Irame S • headboarii, rocldng chair. (517)548-2393. 009 AIRLINE tickets (2) round-trip to Tampa, FL Jan. 26 thru Feb. 9. (313)229-1666, (313)227-0243 SINGLES DANCE, (adults). Sat., Feb. Isl, 7pm to 11pm. Dance lo the '50's • '90's. No cost Free lood & soil drinks. Sponsered by S.F.AB.S. First Presbyierian Church ol Brighton. 3C0 E. Grand River. (31 3)227-7411, .(517)548-6549, (313)227-4652. il 002 (517) 223-8707 16 H.O.R.S.E. m (517) 546-1631 \mm\mjx 24 Hour FAX I '"J 42990 Grand River, Nov! districts i - 8 0 0 - 8 2 2 - 3 4 4 6 M A R K E T W I S E 23 $ c o m p l e t i o n O E D Holder 18 or older OIIKT achool diitfiet mtrictioiM inayspply White Wall for M o n d a y G r e e n S h e e t It T o d a y ! All S e a s o n Radials c o m p u t e r M a n a g e m e n t High School Onid under 20 on 9-1-91 (In Limited Areas) High <cbooI noD-gnid over the age of 18 a P r o c e s s i n g B a s e the now. «^ Call 3:30 Il the Sheet W A T C H FOR YOUR N A M E ! the Friday COIN AUCTION d r a w Green for W e d n e s d a y G r e e n S h e e t G e n e r a l Motorcycle 201 Snowmobiles 205 Boats & Equipment 210 Campers, Trailers & Equipment . .215 Auto Parts & Sendees 220 Truck Parts & Services 221 Autos Wanted 225 A n i m a l s Construction, Heavy Equipment . .228 Household Pets 151 Trucks 230 Horses & Equipment 152 4 Wheel Drive 233 Farm Animals 153 Mini Vans 234 Pet Supplies 154 Vans 235 Animal Services 155 Recreational Vehicles 238 Classic Cars 239 Autos Over M ,000 240 R e c r u i t m e n t Autos Under'1,000 241 Day Care/Babysitting 161 Dental 165 Medical 166 Elderly Care & Assistance 162 Nursing Homes 163 Food/Beverage 164 0 2 0 tliru 0 9 8 Office/Clerical 168 are l i s t e d in Help Wanted Part-time 169 Help Wanted General 170 C r e a t i v e L i v i n g Help Wanted Sales 171 Education/Instruction 173 Situations Wanted 180 Business & Professional Sen/ices 185 Accepting Bids 186 Business Opportunities 187 Lawn, Garden, Snow Equipment .119 Lawn and Garden Material 120 Farm Equipment 121 Business/Office Equipment 122 Commercial/Industrial Equipment .123 102 M a i l W e l l 3:30 ...O01 O02 008 009 010 Oil 012 013 014 015 016 Antiques 101 Auctions 102 Garage, Moving, Rummage Sales 103 Household Goods 104 Clothing 105 Musical Instruments 106 Miscellaneous 107 Miscellaneous Wanted 108 Computers 109 Sporting Goods 110 Farm Products 111 U-Pick 112 Electronics 113 Trade or Sell 114 Christmas Trees 115 Wood Stoves 116 Rrewood 117 BuikJing Material 118 GET LEGAL" n a m e , & Monday G r e e n S h e e t C l a s s i f l e d s A p p e a r In: T h e p o s t c a h i y o u r D e a d l i n e s : Free Happy Ads Political Notices Entertainment Special Notices Bingo Car Pools Card of Thanks In Memoriam Lost Found A u t o m o t i v e POLICY STATEMENT: All advertising published in accept an advertiser's order. HomeTown or other errors is given in time for correction before accept any advertising for real estate which is in HomeTown Newspapers is subject to the Newspapers adtakers have no authority to bind this the second insertion. Not responsible for violation of the law. Our readers are hereby <»nditions stateti in tne applifable rate card, copiesnewspaper and only publication of an omissions. Publisher's Notice: All real estate informed that all dwellings aidvertised In this of which are available from advertising department, advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of advertising in this newspaper is subject to the HomeTown Newspapers, 323 E. Grarid River, the advertiser's order. When more than one Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it newspaper are available on an equal housing Howell, Michigan 48843 (517) 548-2000. insertion of the same advertisement is ordered, no illegal to advertise *any preference, limitation, or opportunity basis. (FR Doc, 724983 Filed 3-31-72, HomeTown Newspapers reserves the right not to credit will be given unless notice of typographical discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly 8:45 a.m.) and can Wing Tickets Send T w o 1992 FREE R e d w i n n i n g ContiaBed &tm> 1 BALCP A T f F r e e Ail iiems offered in (his "Absolutely Free" column must be exadly thai, free io those responding. This newspaper makes no charge for these listings, bui resiricis use io residenlial. HomeTown Newspapers accepis no rosponsibility lor actions between individuals regarding "Absolulely Free" ads. (Non-commercial Accounts only). Pleaise cooperate by placing your "Absolutely Free" ad not later than 330 p.m. Friday for next week puWicatron. p . m . C E N T E R R D . T H R U South Lyon, M l This Klub is for kids 517-546-1140 4-7 C O N S U L T A T I O N P.O. B o x L e a m • Detroit 1 A G E S Y o u M u s t Register N o w • BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS A L L 1 and BIG B R O T H E R S Malke A B i g Difference F O R n u m b e r for January Pontiac • L E A R N I N G OPEN HOUSE C A L L her return only. O n the other hand if both spouses sign a joint return, each of them Is liable for the taxes duc.Adlvorccd taxpayermaybeheld responsible for the tax. Interest and penalty due on the joint return filed prior to the divorce, in spite of a di­ vorce decree t h a t may state otherwise. IN A b s o l u t e l y Should you file jointly or separately'} Smith has an adjusted gross income of $39,000 and his Wife Susan has an adjusted gross Income of S10,000. As a result of a pregnancy and an uncxf>ectcd operation, S u s a n has urd-clmburscd medical expenses of $5,000. Her itemized deductions for those ex­ penses Would be S4.250 if she filed separately, but only $1,325 If she filed a Joint return. This is because the deduction Is the amount by Which her expenses exceed 7.5 per­ cent of her adjusted gross Income. • P R O F E S S I O N A L F R E E during the taxable year. If the couple has lived together and elects to file se­ parate returns, no deduction is allowed. week Area Covered Green Sheet East, Green Sheet West -3 Shoppers N O V I There arc some other benefits to filing Jointly. These married couples Will nol have lo pay taxes on their So­ cial Security benefits provided that their combined adjusted gross In­ come docs not exceed $32,000. How­ ever, Ifthey file separately, up to onehalf of these benefits could be taxable. Joint filers get another lax break from Uncle Sam: They c a n deduct up to $25,000 for from an active real estate activity. The maximum al­ lowable dcducUon on a separate re­ turn Is $12,500, provided that the married couple has nol lived together every Lansing P I N E Your filing status also determines hoW much you can contribute to an Individual ReUrcment Account (IRA). Generally, married taxpayers who file Jointly come out ahead. Addition­ ally, married couples filing jointly may also be eligible for some addi­ tional tax credits. Including the earned income credit a n d chlld-carc credit. circulation Psychotherapy a n d Counseling Services Is located at 670 G r i s ­ M a n a g e m e n t M A R R I E D , FILING J O I N T L Y Couples with one working spouse usually berieftt from fillng a Joint re­ turn. TO^klilrtif thtirtib klso applies when oriip WRrWoispons^ c a m s sub^ stantlally more than the other. Con­ sider this example. J o h n Jones has a taxable Income of $39,000 and Mary J o n e s has a taxable Income of SIO.OOO. If they choose lo file sepa­ rately, their tolal tax liability would be S10.22I. However, If they file a Joint return, their tax ilabillty would be $9,307. representing a tax saving of $914. and Flint • 7 5 , wold, Suite 4, Northville. Call 348-1100. Fri., The Michigan Association of Certi­ fied Public Accountants recom­ mends that before deciding Whether to file Jointly or .separately, you should consider your current year's Income and deductions and compare your tax liability under each filing methcxl. psychological tesUng evaluation. A S S I S T A N C E The iron beds are available In over 12 different h a n d applied fi­ s h o u l d you file joint or separate tax returns? Over relationship counseling. She will facilitate Individual, degrees F. troll Lions); Conrad Wangeman, (The Novl Hilton); Richard Whllmer, with toys from the Little Tikes line which J e a n calls "Indestructible.* Even after almost a year in business, everything looks brand new. 'The biggest compliment We get is lhat it's so neat and clean." said Jean. The compliment she'd most like to get, though. Is that Kids K l u b Is busy. Right now there arc 22 children In the preschool, but the school is licensed for 55. "Places like Kindercare have wait­ ing lists," says J e a n . T d like to tell them, 'Hey, we're herel'" '1.63 Charge It on VISA or MASTERCARD M o n d a y : classified ili B r a s s & Iron Beds o f P l y m o u t h offers more than 50 bed designs, Development Corp.); Florence F a r r , (Hotel, Motel a n d Restaurant E m ­ M o n e y (non-commercial p l a c e y o u r Brighton. Pindtney, of Haftand Howell/Fowtefville South Lyon area Milford area NorthvillaWovl afea P e r s o n a l Driker, {p;lrtner. Barrls, Scott. D c n n & Drlker); Dewitt Henry, (director u n i q u e and lines•7.49 E a c h additional line Northville. In addition, seven new m c n i l x r s have Ix-en named to Lhe M D C V B the SHEET CLflSSIFIEDS 3 has Joined the staff of Psychotherapy a n d C o u n s e l i n g Services in lin, fdso of Northville. tions. Northwest Airlines T o Pricing: 30720W.12Hilelld,Farm. Hills 347-1501 737-7810 1021EMcNgan,Ypsilanti 3345 Washtenaw, East to Arbof 482-6601 971-3400 4301 Highland Rd,(M59),Wa!erfoiti 2270 W.Stadiim, West Ann Art)or 681-2280 22048 Eueka 769-2158 3439 Rochester Rd., Troy Tayior 2060 Grand River, Okemos 689-8060 374^8 34^1818 Open Dally 8:00-6:00; Sat. 8:00-5:00 m m Ii 4-a-<3REEN SHEET EAST—Thursday. January 16. 1M2 S u p e r ACROSS i — moss 5 Word belofe ixiom or barner 10 CooktiooH auirior Jamos 15 Eiciiango 19 iiillude dugoui 20 Crab s claw 21 Boredom 22 Scarlons homo 23 London sirooicar 24 • — gitis lhan goki' (H BrrxAe) 25 Ooltisls 26 Anagram lor 107 Across 27 lis daall laco down 29Co(jnis Iho calorios 31 SlicK or power load In 33 flotJin Cooh noval 34 Sirokoin biiliarcis 35 Judges bonch 36 Chul and Cassar 39 Sand in paymem 40 Moiican slaiasman 44 iiatxluafe 45 Cfiotr plums 1 2 3 Thursday. Janiiary 16, 1992-GREag SHEET EAST—5-0 KITCHEN Cabinets. Darit $600. Dming table and 6 chairs. $250. (313)231-9479. K N A P P Shoe Disifibulor. Leona'd Esele. 2473 Walla:e Rd., Webberville. (517)521-3332 C r o s s w o r d 4« Lighiheaded bhnd paris 4 Emptoyeas 47 Swiss Bl Moves slowly work focord mouniain 82 Whai 5 Runs away i8 Orange peel Petruchio 6 Role lor 40 Biblical Clly does to Pal Morita Kaihanna 50 Abode of Ihe 7 Dweeb's pal dead 83 Business8 — de France 51 Napoleonic mans » Spice ol the viclory accessory ginger lamily 52 One — lime 85 Harass 10 Earnest 53 Ciry In Italy 86 Ouagmire request 54 Aicoti s 87 Polihcal 11 Growing out •LmiB — • coniesf 12 Picmc pesis 55 Heavenly 88 Baker's 13 One of body Ihe "Golden outpoi 56 Sweater 89 Panern Girls|.ackal 90 Vasi African 14 Abandons 58 Hoglil(8 desert 15 Standing animal 93 SilKen posture 59 Inmates 94 Bnghl-rod 16 Magician's eODesed bird rod garmenis 98 An astringent 17 Seed cover 61 Galhenng of 99 River in 18 Ashen wiichos France 28 Sel ot signals 62 Calcutta garb 101 Plowed land 30 English 63---of 103 Form lead-in name ol the ceremonies 104 Actress Thames 66 US penoloTurner 32 Gravelgist 105 The common voiced 67 King, queen people Oevlne of jacli 106 Royal 34 Gourd fruit 71 Change 107 Bhjsh or 35 German 72 Sodfary ona head lead-in heafth 73 Coaches resort 108 Hardy lor Nrs heroine 36 Point ol 74 Legal 109 Point olvlew glacier Ice prolesiion 110 Supposes 37 Loos or 75 Prod into 111 Breaidasl-inBaiter action bed need 38 Word wilh 76 Arno or Nero DOWN month of year 77 Potnled tools 1 Footway 78 Industnal luol 2 River in 39 French 79 Siiichttrd Spain sculptor 80 Venetian3 Sovioi sea 40 Thanlts- giving drink 41 Country singer Judd 42 Pnscllla's John 43 Pins lor roasting meal 45 Hail birds 46 Street urchin 49 fvIusical based on "Soma Lilte tt Hoi" 50 Expectant desires 51 Mr. Spooks lorle 53 Roftie's river 54 Vacillate 55 Goddess of agriculture 57 Mari(8d by time 58 Rise high 59 $t;ppons morally 61 Walklrig sticks 62 LoosB-flnlng jackets 63 Sorcery 64 Island greeting contract 73 Takes a walk 76 Posters 77 "Wish you wars here" missive 78 Hean stimulant 80 Battle memento 81 Prefix meaning "around" 82 Spilled ths boans 84 Theater ollerings 65 Merest 86 Eiriics 88 Companion of a mortise 89 Slari ol Adam's palindrome 90Rocipo Ingredient 91 Wings 92 Anila led ihom 93 Body of an animal or plant 94 Pet-shop enck)sure 95 Cbse al DRIED shelled cracked com. ALL seasoned split hardwood. $5.50 per bag, your bags. Rod Oak, ash and hickory. $45 Raether. (517)5464498. delivered per c o r d , EXCEUiMT alfalla hay dekv (517)546-3384, (517)288-6544. ered. Paul Gnll, (517)223-9240. GIEGLER Del^erv Hav and ARROW TREE EXPERTS NEW gas lurnace, never used, gr^n d i b e f y a S w e Juant?y' ° ' U ' i ^ r X ' S ^ 2 5 fsmL^% *!l!ill.*t?:..? J^.P.f iP*?.!" ^225. (517)546-6816. under warrenly. $465. dtscounl (313)629-3628. THESJER : — : — _ _ _ aromatic blend, perfect tor I h e YniiCui f i m wood S2S oeroick(517)548-5229. GRAIN fed beel, $0.75 cents a hohdays. $55. Call nowtortree up trud( load. S ^(313)663-4886. iliffisX Equipment Co. NEW large bird cage, ie"x36", pound live w e i g h t , delivery. 1/2 cord orders round w/2 Cockaiids, sacnlce (517)223-3425, (517)521-3S0. accepted. (313)437-4335. 28342 Pontiac Trail $125. Record album oolection n.v — Tii Z— c-AUDnnc . .. ., r South Lyon Building Irom '70's 4 '80's Rock & "^^ ^"a*- A" CAMPFIRE wood, kindling coal, (313) 437-2091 or 22W548 Counuv 59 loiai lor J100 While ^'~'"> available. Lee Maul- hardwood seasoned large and Materials Nnr i Uttd LBWH Equlpmtnl k S ^ X S c ^ ^ ^ ^ "^-sch Farms, (313)665-8160. sma. gu^,^^ "'f^ll-'' Ssrvlcs On Ail Brsnds sealed cte,^, $65. Lame ollce HAY, f « l and second cutting, tt!."^2^7°"J'^ ^f"^' desk, metal (313)344 4565. alfalfa and T i m 01 h y. ''^l^A ° J , P'"' BEST BUYS ON POLE BUILDKiTitucyiio tidreds Bushe S op. (313)229-6857 SNOWBLOWER .Its a « ? ^ PARROT cage and stand, $100. (517)546-2319 H i ^ ^ l e ^ L t ^ l W M Woodburner, $80. Electrc dryer, IDA Red and Empire apples, BUILDINGS for Iree, no^"S"$'^1.'$aue' WOOD $40 (517)5461446. special lor the week, $5.95/Iresh 1/2 Oualitv DRYER QUEEN 8170 hido-abfid ^P'**' Orchards, soasoned lirewood obligalion analysis of your i h j ! ^ ^ ^ bushel Spicer Orchards, Iresh c ^ ^ £ l ^ ' l ^ ' Z i ?x"8?lLx^^"h^tJ:^^"Ai1 build,r,^,need.^A^^^^^^^ 5,30. (313)632-7692. US oak. iSOtocecori 2 cord min ("(iustrial. Commercial and SNOW King snowthrower, 5HP nonh, (:;iyde Rd. exit. r!^ Mivaiv (5171221-3425' Specially buildings ol every size. 2(>n., sell-propelled, TDcumseii riw uBiiv«7. w D,ysJon ol Standard Lumber - 80 engine. $160. (313)349-1849. m years s^ongl 1^^444075. WANTED roiolilter ( o 7 o l d - ^ ROCKWELL 9in. table saw. FIREWOOD. Hartland area. BRICK, reclaimed. Excellent lor Deere 1 1 0 or 112. homes and fireplaces. $230 a (517)521-3517 $425. Moving, must sell Whitne); I ^ J " . t L * S ^ i i " L * ' i l = > (313)6327041. thousand. (313)3494706. uoriohi mann RP^I niinr wnihg Ailaila hay. Hartland area 1—i (517?S43l3a (313)S87-1644. SEASONED hardwood, 2'/i ' WARiMFR<! nrrh=rA anH lacocord, 4'x8'x16-. Delivered BUILDERS miscellaneous STEEL round and square tubing. 2 ^ 7 ^ " : ^ IXlo w f T c , , a J1'5 (517)524-8567 supples and hardware. InteriorLawn & Gafden J II- J exterior doors, ski-lites, balh angles, channels, beams, etc. .""'^ , T i i 5 - » ^ -. K *J Cail Regal's. (517)546-3820. , vaniiy lamp, gas furnaa, cabinet Material' f:aii Rmarc rsi7!'iifi.'w?n ^ ^ (313)229-6504 hardwood. $40.00 lace cord ofcs ^^/^ J^mdles, 3 bar slo<^s, UNUSED Viking Huskybck 340 Services serger. 2 pieco Otog Cassini cord mnimum. (517)628-3333. .j,^ |g ^arn supplies. Electronics luggage. (313)437-0447. MAflY Mafys seasoned lirewood. mxh more. (517)548-1516 FATHER i Son Lawn Mowing. WEDDING invitation albums Cul, spit & delivefed. $4750 per ci,,...^,. t trim w MO New equipmeni, commercial laceeord. 4x8x16. ^/^, #2 ^^5,^3,,^, leaturing beauiilul wedding stalionerv, ensembles and acces „.,.^ _ ^„.^„.^ „ „ (313)347-7717 *^-'?.P?.S r 4- ^ schedule our route. Chnslan 65 Well or case lead-In harKj 66 Soprano Lehmann 96 Opera highlight 67 Aspect 68 Crushing 97 Easier plant snake lOODatighterot Lokl 69 Roues l02 Her mate 70 Anira Is ruff 72 Legal Ma S±SS/St V r & . ' S s s f f s s t i s r w i S £ i , S & ' = " - Herald, 101 N. Lalayetle, (313)437-2011. nni^Ti,^:^,''^'*' ' ^upp^. Split 4 (313)878-2732. delivered, 1 faoecord, 4x8x16, VIDEO camera, Magnavox VHS $50. Call for delivery anytime Miscellaneous CHO. WL 2 Tibs. Many extras, (313)227-4160. $600^051, (313)878-1732. QUAUTY seasoned oak, split 4 Wai:;ed PANASONIC cellular/(lolivered, 4x8x16. transponabk) phone, like new/ (517)521-3046. ANTIQUES, estales; old toys, ""l^as. $275;besl (313)685-2718. SEASONED Oak firewood. Free jewels,, pottery, fishmg collect- TRACKER saielkie system, 12fi local deSve^-Dave Huff. $55 per u • ^^0-^^ dish, tracker lor rec6J0r,wimloss cord, 4«a«18, (313)889-2325. remote, on screen graphics, mint SEASONED hardwood pick up Ma/y, (313)22»4485. CUSHMAN motor bike, running cond $2250/l>esi (313)632-5681 or delivery available afier Spm. weekdays. or nol (517)548-3381. (313)632-7255. 4 19 119 108 27 36 37 SEASONED oak, $35 a laceeord, SNOWBLOWER-1990 Simplic 4x8x16, unsplil. iSO/splt. Free 870, 8hp, 27 in, self propelled deliveiy In 5 cord lots or more, stage. Sells'new for $1300, $69 Volume discount (517)634-5263. Ariens 524, 5hp electric staa ', SEASONED firewood. Split S ^ ' . ' ^ ' P ^ 2i.'?9e..*ain delvered, $50 face cord, 4x8x16. *'^'' (3'3)426-260 38 44 Lawn, Garden Snow Efjuipment 121 Farm Equipment 1939 FARMAL A Deli mower OTHER SERVICES AND snowbbde S pbw Runs great' PRODUCTS CAN BE FOUND IN $ 1 ,2 5 0. Alter epm! O^Lpii^S (^'^'^48-3783. CLASSIFICATIONS. 1981 4 WHEEL drive tractor ARIENS snowblower, 6 HP. sell 45hp. w/snowblade, $7500' propelled, electric start, chains, (5 1 7)223• 3504 or $275, after 6 pm. (313)684-2067 (517)223-3934. SEASONED mixedfirewood$55 ROLENS 8hp. riding tractor^ 9N tractor w/3 pt. hitch and 2 yr INSTANT cash paid. Buying gold, SiVer, diamonds, watches and 'per cord, free kical delhre7. " ' T ' » , S ? ^ , l . " 2 , r . . ? ? , ? ' , S ^'^^^ ^°9' $2000 or besl estaios. Your Jeweler's Bench, (517)546-7328, (517)546-5414. cond $375, (517)546-1213 oiler (517)223-3307. Rrewood 38479 Ten Mile, Farmington SEASONED oak. $45 laceeord, "^f^^ CHANGING limes changes many Hills, in Freeway Plaza beiween 4x8x16, Iree delivery 3 or more. YM220D, 275 hrs., 6tt. things, bul your besl deal lor Haisiead and Haggerty next to (517)223-8151. Challenger mower. $6,800. tractors, and equipment, sales, Secretary of S t a l e . (313)632-5634. service or parts is still Symons 1(800)322-0760. irviKiMTf H V a , - w i d s ' V t ^ i e S f x S $ ^ ' S ^ GILSON 52118 lawn tractor, new T^", in G.nes Schedule you? L^n t^urnTtull oT^'^out' '"^ ^'^^ L a r q^ntiKvl^abl^^^^^ 12Hp. enaine, 38in. miwer, needs eariy (517)271-8445. Tlasswa e lov rS sc (51^)521-3517 (3ll)2664407 bagger b&de, chain, weghls, CONCRETE silo to remove. 48 117 1 56 63 64 e W3)^7\U. 0 GAUGE ijond train or harts Call George s S o e r ^ t S 2 2 9 9337^ ^ R F r v r i F WITH RFf^Ai WanirKi ^yar^innflr hraw S m ntEel^de^' R ? s VLUC^^^ (517)546-3820. 7i 75" 75" 33" 90 9i A-1 seasoned hardwoods, mosdy Oak 4 Cherry, $45 per lae c(yc( ^pIMelivered, 4x8x16 $40 yoti P'd^-^P. (313)878-6327 AU Oak seasoned firewood, $50 (»'face cad. 4x8x16-. You pk* 11^ (5'7)546-1762 3121 Brewer '^^•"«^«"' SEASONED oak. $45 a cogi. 4x8x16, Iree cedkr kindtng witf; each order. Cedar kindling. $30/truckload. (313)449^68. SEASONED mixed hardwoods, $45 picked up, $50 deivered. anywhere anytime (3li)62M366. f ^ m a l ' S (~ e k^ P n ^ i ^ ^ l ll'stt^^ (313)489-8075. ?^p S S aZaTc 9N w/woods RM-59 I Z mm. l ^ m X <^°^''' SM. blade, $2000. nder, 8hp., 30in. rear discharge (517)5464696 ^wer, $5M. Tons 624 Power- WANTED 3. mower, abo tog snowblower, new, $695. spliner. Musi be reasinabte and (313)994^, before 6pm. gcxxj cond. (517)546-7347 nT&tJ^LTJci^m SCRAP wanted: Highest prices paid. Aiuminum, .20t lo .35c per pound. Brass, .30? to .60e per pound. Copper, .6S« lo .7Se per pound. Auto radiators, .40c per pound. Catalytic converters, $8.(X) and up. Batteries, $1.00 each. Mann Scrap Co, 1123 Decker Rd., Walled Lake. (313)960-1200. 92 98 104 (68 11 • s M M M o m BROYHILL conee table, square, SINGER DIAL-A-MATIC zig-zeg rarana iiAuim O'^^ss, brand new in aaie, sewing machine. Lata modal oarage. Moving, jjoo, (313)437-8918. school trade in. $59 cash or $6 a fm Rummage Sales bed set white, $125. s E w m T " ^ Lay-Z-Boy rediner w/oa)( arms, nftMHAju'Xi beige, $150, (313)486-1752. (3l3)674-0«9. HARTUND. Esteie sale lor the COMMERCIAL gas clothes 17 Scanlon Music • N o v ! CANOPY (next to Toys 'R Us) 347-7887 Pianos, Guilam, Amps, Keyboards s P^. Systems lomf'^m''^6^\^zl! "lor TV, oxc corid., $100. (517)546-8394. WASHER, dryer, air conditioner, Misceilaneous $150 each. (517)223-8506. TIR 7ir! cowinn marhinp in -binell^ke bra^ new 1200 ^f^lia-mjg 1965 CHEVY, 283, aulo., $500. loiriyw-w^. Space Fury arcade gafne, $150. 2in. Meyers deep well pump & lank, $150. 1975 Hariey Sport­ Qothlng ster, $2,300. (517)546-2870. "^n'"- u L l • LZ^'^^.r^^^^ D'NING room sel w/china Woodto by Drexel i, household items. Zenith «binel, c „ ' J /oiiM-iT'joo.i « TV, largo maple taWe S cond. (313)437-3994. /lereo chairs, waterbed, aquariums, DINING room sei, white. Buffet, many rods S reels, 12HP. riding cherrywood table lop, 4 padded mower, much more. chare, wetbaf. Good con(i $400. c ,, ;: (517)546-2862 alter 6pm. HOWELL Fumiluro, cols, pans, - — i — sewing material, thread, buttons, DOUBLE bed, chest, mattress yarn, loois, mason jars, jelly jars, and box spring, exc.cond. trunks and misc. items. Come Fri. ,(517)546-7794. afternoon and Sal, January 17 i F00SBA1± table, arcade lype, 18, 404 Maple. (517)5463467. $165''c^^'Trv'fif" ELECTRIC range, GE, Almond, wh7r' i'nn'nT ^H^^^H!^!!!!!!!!^!^!^!!!!!^ good ooni. $550. (517)548-5745 WILFORD. Moving, free standing Ainond $150 Washw BEAUTIFUL, beaded, caihedral after 6pm. 11 a.^rbiie'Tone,taf r^^/^^'^?pfrcf » v t r 's- ^ ;18. 10-3pm. 440 Rowe Road. 104 Household 2 yr. warrenty, (313)227-3561. $225. S / * ' l i i ^ l ^ Computers APPLE II G.S 20 meo hard drive, SYi and 3/1 disk drive, image writer printer, soliware. CaJ Chris after 6pm, (313)344-2695. 43448 West Oaks Dr., Novl WEST OAKS II '''^'^J^1l^'JT\r^ refrigerators.jMandiip.9Way „,..., whiwoed^Bl sinkfloodcond r'^^.^fTk^^^ ^ $50. (313)347-0177. oAoocrr u^iM nific i v <rt ^ ^ « i « drU?!f « * u t ! * ' single, .^P'^ LEATHER coiich, bone cokx, PIANO console. Huntington. m227-S37S. , 5 7 5 $400. (313)349-6138. DOWN sizing store, Lozier )17)5«-1970. PIANO. Exceptional walnut falures lor sale, (313)229-6534. MIRCOWAVE oven (large) Farrand uprigfil. Restored, FULL sand or day, 10 yd. toads, Toshilia, like new, 650 watts, adjusted, tuned. See and p^ay to 555, kxal delivery; elsewhere $701(517)548-3452. appreciate. _Delivefy available, exifa (517)548-1017 $1,500. (517)548-3046. MOVIMG Sala Many fumishifKis, * ' ' ' GAS furnace, 100,000 BTU veiy ieasooaNy pfced. CoJS. PIANO tuning, repair, refiiishing. (aced ar. Good cxinditioo. $150. tables and more. (Novi). Used pianos restored. Jim (313)229-8048. .„ ., .HOT TUBS. Wholesalef ditBct kiicfien table, 72x40, 2 chaifs, OUEEM size mattBss and box MOUNS. Violas, Celtos, Basses, remaining 1991 portable stock. $75 (313)632-6194. spfinfl, deen. oood conditioa Neiif« iisod. 617 Ritler Violins. Were $3915, now $11051 ^AU^IFlT..^ cN^ry cabinet grilled' glass doors, liohled 'ined silvamrarB drawer, ^13)227-1484. >S:(517)54^9r (313)449-4021. QUEEN walsfbed frame, padded VKXJNAOOLA LESSONS. By U rails. $165. Must sell, of M grad. aU levels weteome. (517)548-5326. Kalliy. (313)42fr0076 Wayne Counly 348-3022 Washtenaw County 227-4436 hCW wwk or repair, any job "MY MAN TOM- Free estimates. AFFORDABl^ ELECTRIC AFFORDABLE barns for allAA Snow Pkjwing and saidng Work guaranteed. Complote conskJerad. Highest quality work Holiday Special. "Diseount to needs. 3 skied mn-ins for lioises. driveways in Bnghton area. seniors'. Painting and minor kjf towest possible pnoe. Free wiring, ceiling tans, recess & Satisfaction guaranteed, fully Residential and Commercial. security lights. Free estimate. estimates, reasonable. 15 yrs. repairs. Call Sam to 9am and insured, (517)546-2064. (313)227-7570. Aanuiilng 301 Intuiinc* Pholojriphy .444 8pm to 9pm, (517)548^5465. exporianoa. (517)548-1891. (313)960^75. Air Conditioning 302 Inlndoc ••cofallng . . . .445 Aluminum Siding & Ctonlng .305 Janitorial Salvlc* 448 PAINTING Unlimited is oflenng PIONEER Pole buildings: SMITH S Son Snowptowmg. ALL types ol electrical work. AnlsonaB 306 Landscapk^ 449 tremendous savings, on ail30x40x10, $5990 consinicted. Experienced. Rates bir season/ Aptilianw Ssn/KB 309 L a w n / Q a r d « n Miynlananct . .452 Service, new constructxjn, resi­ Hauling/ interior painling. Salistaction Free kxir sided overhang, 12 snowfall. Available 24 houns. Aquailum Malnl«» 310 Usmai Rupali 4S3 dential, commerciai. Lcensed. Arctlliaclufe 313 LImouUni. Sswlca 456 guaranteed. Fully insured. Free colors, rool insulation, 2x6 (313)231-2919. Greg Calme (313)887-5230 Clean trusses, seamless ridge light Ai^oK 3 U LockS«fvloi. 4S7 estimates. (517)548-1872 AaphatI Ssafcoatmg 317 l^laciilnyiy 4e0 Other sizes. Free quotes. SNOW plowing - commerdal S LICENSED electncal contractor. Attorney 316 Marlns SWVIM 461 residentiaL Insured, reasonable 1-800-292-0679. Residental, commercial and Aulo & Truck Ropak i MahMnafK* Scrvlcsi 462 rates. Call Harold, Create a new kitchen — add a S«iv1c« 321 Mltcoitanxut 463 industrial. Free estimates, CONSTRUCTiON or njsidensal POLE BUILDINGS BY POLE debris removal. No job too small. (517)223^269. new balhrooir, — or remodel VINYL tile, hardwood mstalier. 13 insured. (313)227-1550. Aumlngi 322 fvlL-rort 464 PETERSON PAINTING STRUCTURES OF ML, INC., ihe exisfing tines. We can do Iho years experience. Call Don Baagss, Signs. Ergrovlng . . .325 Mol)8» Home S « i v t M .465 (517)546<S27 oomplale job —- cabineis — ille ktethJs (517)548-5182. original pole buidefs, located in B a i » m a n t Waiorproolng 326 kiovlng/Slorage 468 work — plumbing, and BaMitub R^Jnlshlng 329 iviusic Inshlicllon 469 M0VING7 Need something interior, extena panting. Wall- Gladwin and Lewiston. CXistom carpeniry. Visil o u r modem Btcydai^alnlimancii 330 Musical Intvumani Rtp* .. .472 Tree SeMce Exwating moved? Reasonable rates. Free papering and wallpaper removal. built in your chokx of size showroom lor ideas lo craala Bilcii. Btoa t C<«n»nl 333 N w Horn* Swvtoei 473 Drywall repair and texturing. ranging from 18' to 80' wkie by Ceramic estimates. (517)223-9921. your new rooms. Buildinfl Inspection 334 O M c » £ » i u l p m » m 1 Sarvica . .476 Guaranteed satislaction and BuWIng/Hsmodatng 337 P a l n l l n g r t ) « c o f « l n g 300 i^rble/ RON'S clean-up, hauling, odd service. Totally insured. length you choose, using Erb BiiUojlTM 338 P » s l c a n l f o l .501 Lumbers quality material. Resi­ LONG PLUMBING jobs, and mowing, plus sand and (313)887-0622. Tile B u f a l a f / F V « Alarm 341 Ptiotoorapiry .504 dential, commerdal and agricul­ B u i J n « u lulachlns Rapair . . . .342 Piano Tuntnsmapaltr gravel delivety. (313)229-7176. AND QUALITY painting & repair. tural. SpedalizinQ in gambrab Cablnelry i Formica 345 RaflnlshlrB 505 AAA Excavating. WiS do base­ D.C Treescaping. Experianced Carpanlry 346 Piasmlng 506 Experienced in wall & painl and horse confinements. For ments, trenching, stumps, daaCERAMIC tie inslaller. New work F A N C Y B A T H tree and shnib timmina. Free Catpwt Cleaning » Dyoing . . .349 Plumbing .509 textures, licensed & insured.prompt personal senrice statew­ Of fepair. Reasonable pnces. No nups. Free estmates, reasonable Carpel Installalon i Hspalr . .350 Pola Buijlnga .512 estimates. Fully insured. Raasorv Heating/ BOUTIQUE Free estimates. (313)476-3767 ide, ca! 1(800)782-1179. Calating, Fjowws. Pool Walar Dallvfiry 513 pb too small. Free estimates. rates. Cal Miie, (313)878-3390. able ralffi. (517)2230241. P.itly Punning 353 Pools .5)6 190 E MAIN WHY wailtorsummer. Paint BACKHOE woik and buldoziig. CaulUng Inlarioi/E.lsiloi 35.1 RaaealJonal Vahlda Sarvtca .517 NorthviIle (313)685-9719. Hon. Fantastic prices. 60% oil. Celling Work 357 nehlgurallon 520 (517)548-1309. RoorIng/Slding (313) 349-0373 C^rainic/Marble /Tilo 358 Road Grading 521 15 years exp. Free estimates. Chi,nney Cluanlng. Bulldtng a Rooting/Siding 524 BULLDOZING, road grading, ALPINE Heating S Air Condition­ (313)685-7476. Tiucldng Ro|)uii 3G1 Rubhibh Removal NEW kitchens, remodeling CERAMIC tile, sales & installa- basements dug, trucking, and ing serving the ijv. Cty. needs tor Oock Rep.ilr 362 Sail Spi»adlr>g 528 speciaiist, 28 yrs experience, Don. Low pnces, quality work­ drain lelds. Young Buiding and 26 yrs. (313)229-4543. Oosal Syilems i Organizers .365 Sdssa, Saw S Knite licensed. (313)229-7463. manship. Free estimates. Excavating (313)878-6342. Cotnpuler Sales S SorvCB . . .366 Sharpening 529 Pest Control A l aluminum & vinyl skiing, trim, Conslrucllon Equipmeni 369 ScreenAWndow Rapair 632 NOVI builders. Building/ (313)449-2646. DOUG'S pond dredging, bulldozDeclis/Palloo 370 Seawall Conslruclton 533 seamless gutters, repairs, rxis. H E A T I N G / C O O L I N G / remodomizalion. Reasonable TOM Hart Ceramic Tile and ing, backhoe worlt. Call tor free Design Service 373 Septic Taniis 536 Licensed. Davidson's, BEWrS trucking. Sand, giavel, REFRIGERATION. rates, licensed/insured. Marble. Kitchen and Bath estimates. (313)747-9206. DesKtop Publishing 374 Sewing 537 (313)437-^90, call anytime. Doors t Servic* 377 Sewing Machine Repair 540 17 years experience. Free stone, saeened tepsoil, site (313)348-3729 remodeling. 33 years experience. OraparJes/SUpcavars S Shipping & Packaging .541 estimates. (313)4494711. ALL skiing and roofiira. Ucensed. cleanups, bobcat work. Behr's (313)363-3726. Cteanlng 378 Signs .544 G G E t E Service. Ptiotography Free estimates. Reasonable U n l i m i t e d Dressmaking i Tailoring . . . .381 Snow RamoK-al 545 SALES, senreo and installation. (313)227-9538. Orywafl 382 Solar Energy 548 prices. (517)545-0267 Free estimales. Licensed. f*ke. X BecMcal 400 Slomi Doofi/Wlndowj .549 Chininey I^aissance • Bulldozing(313)437-4737 DUWl Trucking, sand, giaval, Elaine Repair 40i Teiaphone Insl^atlon/Ssnrlca/ R O O F I N G Grading C Excavatng 404 Repairs .552 Cleaning, J^eaazBtioas. topsoil, stone, woodchips. SPACE MECHANICAL furnace S I D I N G 00 Exfatioj Cleaning 405 T a l e v l s l o n W C R « a d l o C B ...563 (313)687-3371. Buiklirtg & Rep. • Septic Systems A replacement and duct worit 20 Fences 408 Tenl Rental .56S \ A A I N D O W S Complete R£ modeling and Rnancial Planning 409 Tree Service .557 yrs. experience. Free estimates, WEDDINGS, portraiis, chiWren, • Backhoe Work V/IU. deivef beach sartd. fS Home Eiepuision Services Fireplace Endatuias 4i 2 Trenching .560 pets, etc In my studio or your free quality. (517)546^7. V sand, crushed stone and load • Drivevi/ays The (Juality of Our Work is a CHMNEYS, fireplaoss, repaired, Floor Senka 4)3 TrucWng .56i home. No minimum package gravel. Free estimates. Clink I3irect RcflecUon of the Image Furnacas Insiafled^epalred . .4i6 Typewrltar Repair J564 • Culverts required. Vefy resonable rates. telined or built new. Licensed and and Reputation ( R e n a i s s a n c e Furnhjie BUkis^, Finishing, Typing -565 Trucking & G r a d i n g . • Top Soil, Sand insured. Free estmates. Serving Rcnovaflons fromotes. Repair 417 Upholstery .568 (313)632-€583. Housecieaning Rock Solid Ptiotography. Oarage Door Repair 420 Vacuums .509 Owner 1>utidpaiioii Eocoa^ial ALL areas. Northville Constaic(313)624-9483. Gravel t « Also COVER «am»ito»Em»w Ganges 421 Video Taping Service .572 Fully lnsiiKil mmoow axxs, sus t CASHO ETC Seivlces tion. (313)878-6800. Glass Stalnadamaled 434 wallpapeiing .576 AiiHIorkFuIiirGaaianietd t EiESinOUSHS. coons-SDHQ •Since 1967t MSUsB)FOn«oURPnoiECTDN GtewhounM/Sunroomt 425 Wall Washing .573 Piano Tunii^ Upholstery •k F r e e JEstimates -k Gulten 428 Washw/Oryer Repair .577 Sxing Han<*yman M/F 429 water CondHonlng .580 Repair/ AFFORDABLE Quality Commer­ License ». 2101092735 Clock 1685-2101 HauOng/aoan Up 432 VKalif Weed Control .58i NORTHVIUE cial Ctean'mg. References. Free Heattna/Cootng 433 Weddng Sendee 384 Refinishing (313) 2 2 7 - 0 5 5 5 estmaies. (313)227-9391. Home Safely 436 Welding 385 M I L F O R D Housecieaning Sereice 437 VilenDrtoig 588 POND DREDGING Spedalisl CARED 4 Services, has opening Income Tax 440 Vl/inctows & Screens 389 SUPPL.Y.CO • QUAUTY woriunanship on addi­ Turn km a welland areas into lor residential, commeraal or 10% O F piano tuning & repair, . l.lODERr.liZATiqNS, insulallon 441 iWadiar S « v i c e 390 . ^. • : UILFORP •' CHOOSE with Confidencel tions, roofs, baths, kitchens, BOB Johns Watch 8 Clock decorativB swimming or fish Window iWasWr^ 391 new construction cleaning. senior disfxiunls. CaW Steve Smiths Upholsteiy seiyii^ Nixtiv repairs & remodeling. Licensed S (Bpar, 8020 W. Grand River at rearing ponds. Equipped for last, (313)437-4529. Bonded, reasonable rates, ville, Milford. Brighton & Anyone Providing •600.00 or rriore In inateiiai and/or labor insured. (313)476-3767 FALL rates. Alum.'Vmyl. Siding. efficient worit. Mark Sweet, Hacker Rd. (313)229-5505. (517)223-3309. for residential remodeling, construction orrapairis required sunounding areas. Outstanding Gutter. Trim, windows. Roofing. REPAIRS: Cafpentry, _Giandlalher Ckicks. wail Boor, Sweetoo, Inc. (313)437-1830. tiy state law to be iicans»l selectkjns & iwrkmanshipl Free MAID IN IMCHIGAN. Insured and / Decks.. Licallied/lnsmad; Sprayed Caffing Textuf«F#id»- table fSocks. Wind-up or quartz, ir-ffl, r-. •'eslimaiK.-ptak-up & ddivwy. bonded. Thorough, depondabio (313)685^)366. Basemenl'-Remodeling. we.sennoe Ihem aU in our shop. (517)634-9752, 1-80O-882-O498. POND DREDGING Antiques are our specialty. Our specialty. Wide track dozing. home cleaning. Equipment (517)223-7618, call after 6pm. John Mc^racAen JOHNSON Rooling & Constox;A M E S BROS. supplied. Relerences available. Watches, hands, battenes, sdd tion. Specializing in residential Accounting Wil assist in DNR permits. State adjusted while you wait. Full lk»nsed contrador, over 29 yrs. (313)227-1440. CEMENT COMPANY shingles & repair. Free estimales, Wallpapering senrice jewelry repair. reasonable rates. (517)521-3909. . experience. Joseph Buono. Basements Repair, Regulating, (313)229^25 Curbs and Gutters Ms(»llaneous Rebuilding, Refinishing ROOFING and siding. Family Driveways-Garages operated Licensed and insured. R-T Trucking & Excavation. Drywall Pole Barns - Patios J&J Business Services, (313)685-3986, (313)48&4526. Grading, hauling, perit test, Sidewalks pplessbnal accounting servces. basements, drain fiekis, drivePlastering Financial statements and compi­ Licensed Builder A 1 Walpapering, experienced, ways. (313)229-5600. 313/227-7301 lations, bookkeeping, accounts reasonable rates. Gail • Decks Fiee EstnulK - ljcanud and limial! SAND, gravel and till dirt HOUSEHOLD DILEMMAS.- Are receivable invoicng, tax prepara­ (313)348-7228. Nancy Bob Cat Light Grading • Adtfitkxls A-1 Quality drywall. Free esti­ delivered. Culver Constmction, you to busy? Call Carol the tion, and business start-ups. (313)344-9817. Since Service • Klt(*efls arid Baths mates, Icenseii, insured, reler- Ins. (517)546-8660. (313)229-2020. DILEMMA Solver (313)522-9900. 1950 • Basement Finishlr^ Vies Plastering. New and repair CUMB 'N The Walls with paper ences. John. (313)449-5284. FOUNDATIONS: Residential or Additons, texture and decorative and pa'ml 15 years experience. • New Home commercial. Concrete iwills and ABLE Drywall: new. moderniza­ work Call Vic lor estimate, Free estimaias. (517)548-1394. Constfuctton. Aluminum B A G G E F T R O O F I N G S E P T I C trenchins. We do top quality work tion and repairs. 25 years Musical (313)229-7206. Planning and Design EXPERIENCED paperiianger. Siding & at competitfve pnoes. For free experience, (seasonable rates. Servicsa A N D SIDING C O . SYSTEMS, WE'RE back. Cunningham Plas­ Reasonable rates. Call Kathi. Instiuctkin estimate cal Contractors TrerehAlso painting and insurance Cleaning Hot Asphalt Build-up tering. New, existing and repair. (517)546-1751. ir^ Sennce at (313)669^, worit. (313)229^. (313) 2 3 1 - 2 7 0 5 BASEMENT Roofs, Shingle Low ratestorquality crattsman9 a.m. 10 5 p.m. Monday PAPER Hanging by Lonaine. Roofs, Aluminum shiD. 30 yrs. experience. Free A-1 aluminum S vinyl skiing, trim, ttirough Friday or (313)227-1123 EXCAVATION Free estimates. .19 years experi­ Gutters anci Down estimates. (517)546-7S9. seamless gutters, repairs, roofs. 24 hours. Brighton ence. No Job too small. Bulldoang M U S I C LlESSONS Spouts. Aluminum AND TRUCKING Licensed. Davidson's, (517)548-3181. (517)548-2104. G.T.S. Concrete. We do custom Siding and Trim. P i a r l o O r g a n (313)437-8990, call anytime. Builders Supply work. Ail types ol flatworit, Licensed S Insured Best worit at the best pnce. WAUiJAPERlNG. in business 25 Plumbing Strings - Wind ALUMINUM Vinyl siding-Roofing. exposed agorMate. Lcensed 40 years experience. WILUCKER HOMES, INC., years. Reasonable rates. 7207 W.Grand River G.J. Kelly Construction. and insureo. Light grading/ (313)437-0097 (313)348-9700. 3 4 9 ^ 5 8 0 Brighton, Michigan 48116 Northville available. BLBiDOZING AND TRENCH­ L i c e n s e d / I n s u r e d . excavating Seteut* Music Stadto WAUPAPER hanoing, removal (517)546-1499. (313)685^. ING. Old driveways repaired. Noithvillo and painting. Guaranteed. ( 3 1 3 ) 3 4 9 3 1 1 0 New driveways pul In. Gmvel AFORDABLE plumbing repairs. Fences JOHN'S Aluminum. We do (313)878-9651, (313)878-6297. haukng. Free Estimates. VAIDIC IT C O S T S N O M O R E Water heaters, faucets & Ireezeakiminum and vinyl skiing trim. EXCAVATING. (313)685-7346. Fax:313'227'6858 ups, etc. Inter Flo Systems. R-T SicSng S Decks. Pkis roofing. Replacement windows, storm' Painting/ 1st c l » s woritmansh^ Drywall - Metal Traclt Ucensed. (313)229-6126. Licensed & insured. windows and doors, extosures BULLDOZING, land clearing, FIRST P i J V C E VVIfMER oi two and Stud • Tools Wetjding Decorating DIKBGANS Plumbing. New and (313)229-5600. and awnkigs, roofing, gutters and pnvate roads, backfjl, finished naiional awards, H A M I L T O N • Materials • Insulation downspouts. Repair and insur­ FENCES of all kinds. We do it all grading. Clink Trucking & Repair. Uscensed and insured. THE BARN DOCTOR. Reroofing Service has been satisfying oistomere • Acoustical Ceiling and Grid ance worK Insured state license induding repairs. Custom worii. Grading. (313)632-6583. (313)229-5258. and repairs with metal, asphalt, for over 3 5 y e a r s . number 067468. Free estimales. ABSOLUTE quality painting, WE DELIVER Satislaction guarantee. Fully - FREE E s l i m s l M - Dwigns or wood shakes. Custom residen­ Call (517)223-9336 or residence insured. Quality Home and inlerior/exterior, reasonable, reli­ • AddiSoni - DoiTTMn tial roofing. All root repairs FINEST quality wedding and P L U M B I N G [517)223-7168, 1134 Elliott able, references. Free estimates. Garden, (517)546-2084. -Kifchm-Bcta guaranteed. Houses, bams and anniversa^ invitatkin ensembles. ALL PHASES OF DRYWALL Caipentiy Road, FowlernSie. (517)548-5184. Repiair - Repbcennent • Poich E n d O M W . rti metal tools painted with airiess Also a setectkw of elegantyRemodeling, sprayed textured Modernization HAMILTON BUILXlERS spray. Staictural adjustments styled accessoriffi - napkins, A womans touch! LB. Painting. SIDING, trim, gutters, Reasonceilings, ceramic tile, bsmt. Floor Seivice Can55d-S50O...24hrB. Electric Sewrer Cleaning engineered. Insurance work. matches, coasters, bridal parly Spmce up for spring. Free able. Free estimates, Quality remodeling. Free estimales. Free estimates. (517)723-6277, gifts and other momento iiems. estimates. 22 years experience. wofk. (517)545-3785. L O N G (313)878^2. (517)288-3259. Insured. (517)546-7748. South Lyon Herald, 101 N. STONE Mason Unkjue, creative PLUMBING ALL Typos of Plasiering and Lafayette, Soulh Lyon, worit New and repairs. Free A-1 CARPENTER. Repairs, diywal repairs. Water damage. (313)437-2011. AND Architecture estimales. (313)437-3228. remodeSng: kitdiens, bathrooms, Licensed. No sanding. KELM'S Hardwood Poors Lav Sewing F A N C Y BATH TRENCH Foundations, residen­ basements. Jim, (313)348-g6^ (313)348-2951 (313)422-9384. ^ d ^ ^ t e w T E i p e r i T s S n : tiaL excellent worts. Call Tom BOUTIQUE Interior/Exterior CARPENTRY. Rough framing, C & J Diywall. Hanging and Insured. (313)535-7256. Welding (313)669-2127. trim carpenny, additions, decks, finishing new homes. Also. •i. Serving tlie area WAUPAPERINO moling. Dave. (313)380-1067. repair. (517)548-9295. C.A.E. DESIGN. Drafting ol since 1949 Reasonable Rates Garages Bui¥ing/ iBsidenti^ homes and additions. FAIR rales, 15yrs. expenence. COMPLETE Drywall Senrice. 190 £ Main Street CaD Loss or Brian CUSTOM curtains, valances, Decks, poie bams, remodeling & New & old. Repays, texturing & $a^.lt (313)878-0638, Brian. (313) 3 4 » 1 5 5 8 Norttiville - 349-0373 pillows, bed skirts, table dothes, Remodeling roofing. Jm, (517)548-1152. fight carpeniry. (313)887-4361. elc. (313)2270518. tew Vision Designs. Residentel S P A R K Y ' S Weldina & EDWARD'S Plumbing and I^ICHIGANS MoM-. The very Maintenance Service. Mobile desnning and additions, 40 cents DREWS painl & drywall. Resi­ BILL OLIVER'S Electrical. 1 1 yea.'s experience. per sq. ft (517)548-2247 A1 woritmanship on all new dential & commercial. dotti'mg alteratbns and new unit (313)229^71. DOOR SALE Painting & Wallpapering Reasonable rales. Guaranteed best R . B e r a r d C o . I n c . (517)521-3972 homes and all renovaiions. design. Sewingtorhome inter­ Garage doors & electric openers. lOICHENS/BATHS lowest pnces. (313)227-7466. Licensed. (313)632-6757. iors, 'I make slip covers', M.B. Drywall. Complete service. Sales, seivice, inst^lation. Allen Neatness and quali^ work. COUrmBTOPS/CASINElS Bsement ABANDON Your Search! AddiWINDOWS. DOOPS. ADDITIONS Located in Hartland. Free 0/erheari Door Co. Mich, license Interior, exterior Free estimales. FREE i SON PLUMBING & Ramona (313)449-4512. #068011. A n n Arbor WindOMfs & Waieiprooling tions, basemenl remodeling, GARAGES. SUNPOOMS a DECKS estimales. (313)750-9063. 20 years experience. HEATING. Proudly serving SEWING Room. Quality vroik. (31 3)747-8577, Livonia Lrvingslon and Oakland County Resonable pnce. Dressmaking/ n i E E ESnMATES roofing, repairs, all remodeling. (313)348-1935. Screens lor 25 years. For your best price l a i l o r i n g / a l i e r a i i o n s . Lic&nsed & Insured PLASTERING and repair, 25 yrs. (313)261-0546. Ucensed. (313)229-5610. experience. NO DUST. Don, ~ BRIAN'S Painting, intenor and and quality work call 349--05e4 (517)546-9120. BASEMENT WATERPROOF­ (3f3)6»O601. ^ ^ " " ^ " ^ exterior. 17 yeais expenence. (517)548-5310. Licensed and INGRAnA&SON ING. 30 years waterproofing Handyman M'F Misc. repairs. (313)4510987 insured. 24 hour senrice. expefienoe. Top qualiljf work­ CONSTRUCTION manship guaranteed. Reason­ FAST, reasonable, reliable, 15 Wrecker Service Snow Removal GALBRAITH Rumbing & HeatLICENSED BUILDER Electrical able fates. (313)449«07. yrs. experienced. Bent Nail ing. Only licensed plumbers. WE CAN DO P A I N T I N G Const RH*, (517)548-4845. EVERYTHINGI Check our rales. Full service (everything). (313)437-3975. RESIDENTIAL RMSH carpentry worie Howell, 1 ALL home maintenance Brick, BiKk, niEE eSTOIATES Pindiney, Brighton area. ExcelINTERIOR femodelng and repair. Custom UCENSED. 15 yrs. expenence. r.»H Rica (517) 546-5616 lenl worte (313)231-1883. decks and storage bams. Quality Cement WALLPAPERING New wort( & renovation. Seivice R O O T S work. (313)2274173. JOURNEYMAN Carpenter. ADDITIONS: decks, new homes. cals welcome. Free est ReasonMARTIN'S Window Washing Decks, additons, remodeling. BY 1 ALL jobs considered. Home Remodel, insurance work. able rates. (517)548-1891. E X C A V A T I N G S exper maintenance sped^ists. Refer­ Licensed builder. Free estimales. Ucensed builder. (313)229-8783 ELECTRIC PATRIOT Plumbing, Iree esti­ FRANK MURRAY stone. Cokl weather specialist Ucensed. (517)546^)267. SNOW ences. Dennis' Handyman K R a BuiHing Co. Inc Exper­ mates, commeraal, Residential. (313)229-9269, Roa l^aotnossfitQucilty Work Residential i commercial. Senrkie. (313)735-7027 PLOWING ienced rough carpeni^ crew. ADDITIONS. Remodeling, Urnrales.(313)437-8227. Guaranteed A-1 BRICK chimneys, porches, repairs Ucensed. W. Franklin Specializing in new home Ucensed. Insured. Free esti­ A through Z. Ucensed and Top Grade Pdni Appll&d & RICK Mayville Plumbing Co. conslniction. decks and pole mates. (313)486-4287. fireplaces, cement S repairs. Buikjing Co. (313)231-1219. 24 yn. experience Insured. Call: (313)684-1207 REMOVAL Master Plumber. Licensed and bams. (313)231-9605. FREE ESTlMATES VimVI NO Ucensed. Elmer. (313)437-501E (313)737-0267. BUY IT. KAI>fflYMAN«uilder. Fa, build, Contracts Available OBUGA110N Insured. (313)437-8581 NEED a licensed elecircian fa SELL i l . A-1 Brick Mason. Chimneys, CUSTOM Woritf. Custom remod­ OLD and new home restoration. remodel. Relerences. Senior 24 Hour Service that small job around the house? 3 1 3 ^ 7 - 5 2 8 8 porches, fireplaces. Repair eling and new consiruction. Repairs, small and large. CiBtom F R E E ESTIfVlATES discount Bill, (517)548-3647 II so cal (313)229-6044. specialis!. Licensed. C&G trsn worit, stair railings, cabineis. Howel. Pol e Buildings INTERIOR painting. Satisfied VWONJ. (313)437-1534. S S r ^ ^ a S l e ' ^ ^ e s ' Comptete'r«nodtf«g 10 years REPAIRS, Addiibns. Serv^. UGHT carpentry, drywall. paint­ refereneas. PossiWe same-day CEMENT, masivIry, quality wwk. CaEfic (313)^06424, leave experience. Relerences. Residential/Commercia ing, home repairs. Ucensed. Call servk». (313)227-9486. Licensed. Dave Burns. (313)349-0098. Reason^ prices. Free esti- message.* Dave, (313)68M 636. F I N D IT. 22 Years Experience (313)437-5370. JOHN Murphy's painting/ males. Ucensed. (517)5460267. RMSHED bKements. Balhroom QUAUTY carpeniry and remod­ T R A D E IT. MR. RX-IT. Complete home wallpapering, inlenor/extenor, WESTMORELAND Construction. eling. Ucensed. Free estimales. SPIRIT Electric Co. Commerical CEMENT wortt. Bar,ements. & kithen remodeling. Window misc. repairs, free estimates. Pole buildings, residential and MIKES snow ptowmg and dump Reasonable rates.'and residential, licensed and repair. Electrical, plumbing, CLASSIFIED commeraal (517)468-3685. gaiage fbors. driveways. Free replaament Ucensed bulkier. (313)522-1041 caT)enlry. Jeny, (517)548^^ tnx* sewioe, (517)223-8151. (517)5460267^ bonded. (313)887-5805. esfenates. (517)5468444. (313)227-7126. _ _ _ _ _ _ - I N D E X - m m 11 557 433 521 It m 349-0116 568 105 NOVI 349-5456 C&R KRAUSE 381 m 508 11 18 3i; BELGIUM browning 12 guage aulo, polly. $395. Wincheslers, pre 6)'s, 30x30, 32 $245 each. (517)546-7347 Hdppy V d l e n t i n e p a y l * ^ Send a personal Valer)tine's Day greeting to your one and only You can place a tiappy Valentine's Day ad In the February 12/13 edition of your HomeTown newspaper. $7.49 for three lines, S1.63 e a c h ^ ^„ Deadline: F e b , 7th a t 3:30 p m a d d i t i o n a l line O u r cicjssifled c o u n s e l o r s will be f l o p p y t o i l e l p y o u w o r d y o u r m e s s o o e H e r e " ore s o m e examples: MOM, you're the greatest, WO love you! Sam ana Joe SbuidlngItedweod Timber Big lieart only $1.25 extra HAPPY Valentine's Day to the world's greatest husband. Love, Robin A(>pnlui and ftxMliy xivb* Provld#<Jfrwby TiI-Counly lAgglng, Iric. P.O. Box 467 Oinion. Ut 4 « 2 3 6 «i7-4n-743i orai*.7u«i7a weinee (313)42^7227. HOT tub. portable, 6 sealer. 5ft CLEAN Straw and Hay, large fimi 7-by 7 ft. I T , w/ cover. bales. Rocky Ridge Farm. (517)5464265. (517)546-7794. CONTRACTOR specializing in Carpet additons, kitchens, bathrooms, Installation and basements. Exceptional quality control resulting in & Repair saiistied cuslamers. 35 years exponents. (517)548-5120 BYPASS the middleman. Buy your caipels, blinds, or kilchen KITCHEN lloors lactory direct. Call 1(eOO)332-()B57 AND BATHROOM CARPET, vnyl, resireiches and REMODELING repairs. (313)878-5802. IS F R I D A Y AT3:30P.WI. 346 Sporting Goods ALFALFA-Timolhy hay. lirst cutting, delivery available. (517)546-1631. iivlrlgston County Phone 227-4436 or 548-2570 Oakland Counly 437-4133,348-3022, « 8 5 - S 7 0 5 or 669-2121 DEADLiNE 584^ IBM COMPATIBLE 286 PC w/20Mb Hard Drive, 5.25- lloppy, VGA Mono Monitor, Manuals, software, 1 fylb RAM, 9624 FAX Modem. $595. (313)960-0113. WANTED: HOUSEHOLD SERVICE AND BUYERS DIRECTORY 313-227-8228 COMPUTER resale network, matching buyers and sellers ol used computer hanJware. Buyer protection plaa CaU Compucyde, (313)887-2600. m A T 3:30 P . M . ^38 CANON LBP-4 (IBM) Printer w/SC-1 Font Card, Epson emulation card, manuals, cables, $890. (313)624-3561. or 8FT. pool table w/accessories, FULL Size bed, mattress like (31 3)887-1 099 Goods $250; relrigerator, $50. new, dresser wilh hulch, mirror. (313)887-8764. Light pine. $400. (313)227-6090. WEDDING dress w^«l, satn, (517)54&8847 alter 6pai. FISHING tackle. 1950, lures and „,„ . ~,. high neck, long sleeves, size 5-6. ALUMINUM and steel on she reels, $100. (517)546-8725. ; i r RCA color Tv withrabbitear cook skjye, Colonc. 30 j250, was $500. (517)546-4542. welding. Certified welder. Weldrange wilh sell cleaning oven antenna. $50. (313)349-9362 ing To Go.- (313)231-1823, Rick GUNS FOR SALE! 10% over cost Hand gun permit requfed. good cond. $100. (313)669-4355. 21CU.FT. chest deep Ireeze, A sel ol 1 lo 12 inch Mikes. 1985 (313)878-3596 asktorMark. $250.'Uke new. (313)229-4149 GAS S\w Mustard yellow. Musical 22x60 heavy duly predskin lalfie, ,after 4. Woriis/looks f m $75ke&l Van also pbk-up full ol cut tags. ICE SKATES - New & used. Instiumeitts (313)632-7668. Large selection. Trade-ins bucket seats tan Good cond accepted. Wrights HWI Hard2 UGHTED curio cabir»ts, beige, $20 each. (313)349-2328 eves. 3 mo. old, never used. $1,195 BIKES, filing cabinet, fnaple dry ware. 29150 W. Five Mile, ^'^r? '""slard cotor, $100, 1990 RED peari export 5 piece sink, refrigerator, rototiller. mini Livonia 1 block E. ol Mkjdiebe,! l^.iiAVcio^"" °' (3'3)227-7452 drum sel, ^ cond7$450, vw8 bike, dog kennel, 16' boat Mon.-Fri., 8.00am-8pm, Sal, 4 'P13)347-4619. ..... ^ u. bafoain. (313)348-8463. ' ' place " ' — bike cairier. Sun., 9am-5pm, (313)422-2210. wMiolor, 4 ,_, ~ —77 KENMORE d(y», large capacity, . - • i-nwooj^a'ti -3\^ARoldco<jcJi4toveseali»/4 ^(,'ks good. $75 FENDER amp, 1969, 12" •{,fil™««i'nni^7t?'" (3^3)437-1351. speaker, like mi. $135. Etectric COMMERCIAL refr^eiation ur^L Farm Products bkie, $400. (313)486-4712. KINGSIZE waterbed with 12 S"''^'' Elecira w/ 30x811, walk-in, approximately APPLIANCE service call S ^ g ^ Z Z ^ T e h e ^ , \LT^725^'^^ ' ^ '^^"^^ <31^'^21^231 ll no answer leave messeage at; ^35 includes diagnostic, and new, best olfer. ("7)546-8725. .estimate. 15 years experience, (313)547.3493 GRAND pianos bought and sold, (313)938-4566. ALFALFA hay, exc. cond.. first best rales in area. Larry's ^ piano tuning, appraising, rebuild- DIAMOND engagement & •^Applance. (517)546-2629. KINQ mteA>wi. ikul selLing and relinishing. John. wedding rings, size 6, paid and s e c o n d c u t t i n g . (517)546-7794. McCracken. (313)349-5456. $1300, selling for $700. •A* reconditioned appliances: $125. (517)223-3543. fS F R I D A Y i s ? BRAND NEW Ultra 386SX 20MHz notebook-size laptop w/20 meg hard drive. VGA display, 3.5" (loppy drive, AC charger, Canying Case 4 1 yr. wananly. $1,495. (313)960-0113. It REACH OVEH 165,000 POTEhTTIAL CUSTOMERS EVERY WEDNESDAY AND 136,^^ DEADLINE 301 WANTED, standing timber, 5 acres or more. Whiilaker Timber Corp. (51 7)872-3065, (517)872-3405 evenings. SOLUTION 151 PiANO TUNING WANTED, stol cars 4 Irack, Aurora, AFX, Tyco 4 others. (313)227-9637 WEEK'S 122 KONICA 2203 ZMR copier. Extras. $1500. (313)347-2850. 362? TWO identical pedestal Victorian sinks and fixti/res. Willing to negotiate. (313)632-7538. LAST AKC Beagles, 10 months ohf in AKC Bnttany pups. Orange/ GOLUE pups AKC sable, shots, GOLDEN Relrievers puppies, LABS, black, AKC, shols, PUG, all while, 11 mos., paid SHIH TZU puppies, AKC. Gregory. (313)49^3271. l i n e s . $150, Will take best ofler. beautilul, exc temperament. AKC, 4 femalos, 3 males. Good c h a m p i o n s h i p white, liver/white, womied, shots. womied. (313)629-1530. Have both parents. (517)548-2874, (517)548-1548, (313)629-5480. $250. (51 7)548-91 1 0 . DARUNG female Shih Tzu, good lamily dogs. (313)887-6119 USED Copers. Toshiba 7812, 28 E(;uipment (313)437-7419. Bill: (313)759-5056. CPM., with sorter. Zoom lens, AKC Black Lab puppies. 10(517)546-3542, alter 6pm. naiured, loveable and housebroPUREBRED Sheepdog, noods GOLDEN Retnevor pups, AKC, multiple trays 4 stand. $200. weeks. Current medical. CHINESE Shar-Pei puppies, 10 ken, 5 yrs okj. (313)437-8503. MALTESE puppies, males 4 room, good w/children, $50. SHIH Tzu puppies, 3 males. pedigree, exc. confirmation, Sawn 7B0, 20 CPM. dual paper (313)498-3346. Black, vi*iie and bnjwn. AKC wks., housebroken For infoma- DOG RUNS. Enclosures, shots, both parents. $250. females, AK(i, shos, 6 wks. oW. (313)231-9875. dewormed, first shots, gieat with (313)887-6261. 1) oak iomiica credenza; (2) oak trays, $75. Conlact Andy Kotarba ton call: (313)684-2143. (517)546-8914. kennels. Persistently. ormica desks w/ secreianal or Ron Walter. 1313)4494401. children $375. (313)8786587 AKC German Shepherd, lemaie, (517)548-6549. MEDIUM sized plastic dog ROTTWEILER pups, AKC, excelreturn: (1) grey exec, chair: (2) 2 yrs., large bonedl SaWe, $225. CHOCOUTE Lab puppies, 5 HAND lamed gray Cockatiel, 2kennel, like new, $30. ktnt lemperameni large boned. males, 3 females. Wake otter. grey side chairs: {1)6'x18-iabie: (313)349-5982 (313)876-9113 ENGLISH Pointer neutered male, yrs. old, $20, no cage. (517)548^147 (313)437-0851. (1) 3>(1B- table; 1) video table, Household Pets very k)voable, 3 yrs., housebro- (517)5464657 misc. items. Fa further intormaAKITA puppies, AKC, OFA show COCKATIELS, white or gray, $30 ken, great with kids. Also 1 yr. HOUSETRAINED lap-size family MINIATURE Schnauzer puppies. SHH TZU pups, AKC 7 wks., lion call (313)887-1099 or '^fj BUYH. or pet, lots ol color, each. Cananes. (517)546-7141, lemaie, miniature Shepherd/ pup. AKC Ausualian Terriers, vet AKC, shots 4 womied. Must self guaranteed. (313)227-2356 alter (313)887-8764. Collie mix Both tree to good 5.-30pm. (517)543-3949. SELL IT. (517)546-5933. (313)887-2422. checked. (517)546-5933. home. (517)546-5985. FIND IT. ADOPTABLE pets available' A(jFA-Copal mini lab, 1 hr. TRADE rr. Animal Aid. Bnghtonls Big Acre. BLOODHOUND, spayed, lemaie, AKC CoPie pup. Eye check, GERMAN Short Hair Pointer IRISH Seller pups, 8 wks., PEACH taoe Love birds, hand SHH Tzu, AKC, gorgeous pups, pholo processing. Call \ot details' Saturdays, 10am to 2pm. 1W yr., needs more room to shots and wormed, pups. ExceSent hunting line. 9 champion sira, pet and show, fed, spoiled babytorsaki. 1(\vks. 7wks., shots, guaranteed. (313)437-0060. CLAaBlFiED Relundabie secunty deposit. (313)4864419. wks. oW. (313)227-5295. (313)887-1775. old. (313)685-3096. Reduced. (517)548-2476. rome. (313)851-8158. Business'Office Call to place your Norttlville 3 4 8 - 3 0 2 2 N o v i 348-3024 537 421: 17 326 Howell 548-2570 • Brigtlfon 2 2 7 - 4 4 3 6 585 589 400 m 541 590 333: 591 m ad: South Lyon 4 3 7 - 4 1 3 3 Milford 6 8 5 - 8 7 0 5 PAINTIN6 (313)684-2707 JIM ROOT ^:^ e-O-GREEN SHEET EAST—Thui^day. January 16, 1992 152 ABC (.tollers Apron Day Care 2-1 yrs mru 6 yrs Er.roil iodayi {313)227.5330 Horses And Equipment A ca'^na icensed day care home has luli lime (5:7)548 1 846 openings Thursday. January 16. 1992-OREEN SHEET EAST—7-D UCENSED home day care has opervngs la loddois lull tme. Meals, snacXs, country setting. LoB ol TLC, Hours: 6am • 6pm. South Lyon - Salem a-Tla, Ponti&c Trajl and 6 mJe. (313)437-9653 164 r „ YR AOHA Bjcxin/i maro. lSOO 2 taso '..'3..'or w'flfOisiog roo^ ar'.'a al J wio e'oc:rc S'a..« t?CiOO i3n,.!'864i&J (3-3/-l342-ja Food'Beverage PEDIATRIC RECEPTIONIST EXPERIENCED cake decorator. Apply in person: Maxxum Foods, 606 N. Lafayene St, South Lyon. Pan-time position, alternating Saturdays. Please send resumes FAST growing direct sales to E. Smith or complete companytookJnatorconsultants. Will train. Full or part-time. application at: FtoxiWe fiours, monthly bonus. Call Sue: Party Lite Gilts, DMC Health Care Centers (517)548-3543. Woodland 41935 W. 12 Mile Road LIGHTING Ehowroom seeking Novi, Ml 48377 part-time help tor receptionist, sales and slock posiitons. Apply AWiated with The Detroit Medical Fnday, January 17, between Center, an Equal Opporiunity 10am and 2pm al: Raid Ughting. 43443 Grand River, Novi, Employer ATTENION LAID O F WORKERS We can holpl Livingston County Job Training Services ollors Iree scholarships, retraining and job search assistance. Call Judy, (517 546-7450 to see i( you quality. EOE Employer/Trainer. Teachers and Teacher Aides needed for child care centers in Brighton and Highland. C a l l 3 1 3 - 8 8 7 - 3 0 1 3 or 313-227-3505 Customer-oriented Individual to provide clerical support to a progressive manufacturing company. Individual must have excellent phone skills, the ability to EXPANDING automotive special­ manage more than ty repair ladlity has opening tor one task at a time quail ied State licensed auto a n d a positive technidan. Must be perfonnance oriented, have own tools, provide cooperative attitude quality woriwianship and enjoy In order to be an the aulo repair and relurbishing effective meniber business. Salary commensurate ot the T e a m . with ability. Apply in person: W o r d Perfect MikkJS Pertonnanca Engineering, Knowledge helpful 4023 Ok) US-23, Brighton. but not necessary. A full-time position EXPERIENCED Journeyman with excellent benefits. Electrician & eleciridan helper All responses must be Leave message evenings only at received by 1/24/92 (517)546 8010. A ca'iig. mai'jfo woman needed UCENSED day care home in BRIGHTON BIG BOY 10 p'ovtfo arefiton and fun lor 2 Fowlorvilo has openings avail­ STaK'en m my South Lyon able lor children 12 months 10 4 Salad bar attondent, lull or hor-.e Four naif.days a week years old Fun and Inendly part-time, cashier/hostess lor ATTENTION factory workers. Non.5mo«er. $6 per hour aimosphore Cralts. flames, Positions opening now, songs and more. Meals piwided. days and alternoons. Wait stall •37! FHEr^H ^70 ro'^e •me'. (313)437-687! (517)546-0645, Great location in town. lor days. Apply in person. J ' 80 0 or bosl offer AFTERWOON mom 10 hoip with (517)223-3135 ATTENTION high school grads/ COOK aid snack counier, Iul house S 10 creaio a warm, tun S GED. Entry level positions 2 i^ o.d A 3 yr o<; M t Arao slruclured environment afler LICENSED Mother wishes to and part-time. Apply at Miltord avaiiabte. (517)546^5. ' ^ a ' « 5is;er5 Gooc .oosers scioo! ior rwo chldren Duties care lor your chlld-^ionhvllle Lanes NEEDED now mature insomniac AUTO body tecfiniaan. Hourly, area. (3t3)M7-tl53 $4M oa (3:3,878 9:13 ircfjdo si^per-vis-ng homework, EXPERIENCED pirza cook PSYCHOTHERAPISTS to get two sell-sulficient bo)^ oH no heavy frame work. Expenence to school - ages 9 and 11, lues, required. (313)437-4163 •1 ARA.aA.^i gcfdng, cr-os!.'-ul, 6 proparrg sracks i dmner tor LOVING mom has openings in wanted. Possible management position available. Apply in CSW's S LLP's w/speaalities in « Wed, from 6:45amto8:45am, yrs 0.0 Erg'j.l or W«!Ofn cridrtin, Crivmg to^lron activities licensed Portage Lake home. person: Pizza One. 1361 O W (m,sl have car) and general child Heidi (313)678-2248. marriage counseling or $5 per hr. Call Jean, AUTOMOTIVE technicians. U&23, Bnghton. ca-e In add.Iion, we woud like Immediate openings tor lull time substance abuse needed lor new (313)685-2647, 4H of hofsa ard por.cs he!p keeping house before LOVING odor woman wanted to NOW accepting applkations lor outpatient clinic. Immediate PART-TIME opening tor otlioe, technicians in South Lyon. Sala.7 «.T-'(,ifl Erg'sr or W(K:or,-. children get heme This is a tong be a nanny lor small child in my )lus commission medical beneloliowing positions: Day waitper- openings available m Bnghton ;3-3./6' 93-13 term position wiih iho possibility Howell home, non-smoker. sons, host position, bartender, otlce. Send resume Center lor must be atde to work eves, and its, paid vacations. Call Please wnte w/releronccs; Box weekends. For appointment caU: of dunng the summer (313)437-7011, ask tor Bob bull person. Apply in person, 2 to Behavior in Medicine, 2004 6 'i^ od hail A^ab 14 3 We oler an eicellent salary i 3569, c/o bvingston County 4pm, Tues. thru Fri. The Hogback Rd., Suite 16, Ann Mr. Corbett, Newton Furmturo- Miller. EXPERIENCED mill handtortool haids. 56 50 !3;3i685-92!0 Novi, (313)349-4600 P l e a s e s e n d resume to: nco environment near Nonhville Press, 323 E. Grand River, Roadhoose at Oalt Point, 5341 Arbor, Ml. 48105. shop in Howell. Must have tods. BALLET teacher, 1'/, hours per Steady woric (517)548-1064. tor the rcsponsitjio, hard working Howell, Ml 48843. PART-TIME delivery driver, week at a preschool. Call lor Bnghton Rd., Brighton. P.O. B o x 980 0' ho'sos a'ld ()on<« individual Some tietibility MATURE adull lor child care 5 RN lor Medicare vsits, expen­ weekends only, Sal/Sun. day w a n: 0 0 (3 1 3)4 3 7 265 7, rega' hours/days Please days a week and some late ence prelened, HoweltBrohton/ shihs. $5 per hr. Applicattons more inio, ask lor Karen, EXPERIENCED saamstross tor alterations on bridal Qovms and Fowlerville, Ml 48836 (313)348-2780. (313,437 337 send a ieiior ol interest nights Call alter 6pm, Hanland. Call 1(313)733-2883. accepted daily, 830am-430pm. ladiestemialwear Worit Irom Denial describing your background, (313)43 7-4222 BARBER wanted lor busy shop, your own sewing rtxjm. Send Attn: Personnel ALMOST r^njjij'o, 38* Black RN'S-LPN'S WE NEED YOUi No phone calls please. what you are looking lor in a pb lull or pan-time. Leave message. intomiation and 5 references to: QUALEX INC. We are an Slai'OP Cjle/ltinry $200 LPN's earn up to $17.0(yhour, MATURE non-smoker needed tor i why you (eel you could axcei m 43045 W. 9 MILE RD (517)625-4821. EquiJi Oppoftunily Emptoyer (313,f,,8'><'t)-i.O RN's earn up to $20.00/hour. P.O. Box 503, Pinckney, Ml., r.s posilion Respond lo South care of newborn in our Pmcliney NORTHVILLE BARTENDERS. Howell Eagles 48168. Lyon HerakJ, Box 3578, 101 N home. 3 days per week. 7.30 am DENTAL AssBtant wflront desk Home Care Stall Relief. FAMILY HOME CARE. (3131229-5683 or 3607, 380 S. National. AppfeaLafayene, Sooih Lyon, Ml 48178. lo 6 30 pm some Saturdays, expenence lor growing practice EXTRA MONEYI Part-time GRINDERS/TOOL MAKERS, (313)455-5683 must be ItexiNo. Expenenced. B u y i n g G o o d WEEKEND hostess4i05t needed tions accepted alter 4pm. in Millord, 4 day week. No appointment setters needed. minimum 4 yrs. experience, must A licensed day care homo in relerences. (313)878-9596. tor Novi condominium devetop- Tuos.-Fn, Saturdays. Full or part-time (313)346-1515. have own lods. Apply between R i d i n g H o r s e s Nonhville has opening for 1 child meni Neat appearance a must RN-SUPERVlSOfl MATURE woman needed to care Competitive wages plus benefits BRIGHTON basoo video produc8am. and 3.30pm. at BC.R. Tool.'s (3!3i3470!77 Call Mame, (313)669-1560, Mon. tor my children in my Novi Ridge Call lor appointmeni, Kiirx) A iLjnnie.- ndng ton CO. looking tor ambitious 5975 Ford Cl, Brighlon. FACTORY JOBS Expenenced tor Modcare home through Fn., 9am to 5(«i. PfoafCini Ic<j doHcr pad. BABY/child care given, kind home. Mon-Fri. 7am-4:45. (313)685-0941. male or lemale assoc.torlull time Cc* cara agency. Full tme. ExoeHent Christian woman, lull tim.e, (313)7765242 evenings career positon in video produc­ HAIRSTYUST Are you energetic DENTAL assistant wanted, pay 4 benelte. Family Nurse WSI's needed lor Novi Communn DAYS/AFTERNOONS River, $75 a wk. ty Education. Applications may tion. Expenence in video producf313) 750-9971 Chilson/Crand motivated, and want to be in MILFORD Mom will care tor your expenence prelened, 4 days/ Care (313)229-5683. (517)548-1595 ton dosiroable. $8.50*r based be pcked up at 25345 Tall Rd,, contnsl ol your pay? If so we are child or children. Near 1-96. week Downtown Millord. Martha Brighton Whitmore Lake on expenence Benelits. Reply: Novi between 8am-5pm. tookingtoryou. Grondin's Hair BABYSIUING m clean loving (313)685-7929. (313)685-2035. C/O Brnhton Argus, Box 3576, A new world ol loarnmg awaits home. Low rales, good meals, Center is now hiring at our new ADIA Office MOTHER ol 2 will babysit. DENTAL assistani lull time, 113 E, Grand River, Bnghton, Ml. in nding or driving torsos. TLC, Lon (517)546-6246 Howell location. We oHor hourly (313)227-1218 Howeii area. Ful! or pan-time, expenence necessary, exceltoni Help Wanied 48116 o«or a complete lesson compensation, commission Oerlcjil program tatorod for you From BABYSITTER, part-time morn­ reasonable rates, can stan Feb. salary S beneMs. Please ca8 bonuses, insurance program and BRiGHTON based corporatton General Mary at (313)687-5292 FULLtime,part-time help, days. paid vacation, lisenced cosmeto­ bog^nnof to advanced student ingstor3 yr. old and 16 mo. old in 2 Nonsmoker. (517)546-9748. looking lor 6 permanent lull time nding progfam dosignod to loach my home (517)546-2490. MOTHER ol 2 with BA in DENTAL hVS'Onisl lor growing CUSTOMER Senrice, computer posiitons in our customer service Apply in person, O'Connors Deli, logist cal (313)664-5903 ask tor you Ihe most. For more BRIGHTON Mom has day care Psychology has openings. Rclor- Millord practice. Expenence wil department. Sala^ starts at 8028 W. Grand River, Brighton. Marianne. and olfice skills. (517)5466571, inlormalion cal (313)437-0889 ACCOUNTING Supervisor openings lor chWren 1 yr and ences. Pinckney, (313)231-4314. sonic scaler a must. Part-time, $1,500 per month plus benefit BUSY construciKJO olfice in West seeking a highly qualified CPA package. Company irainini ARABIAN Horses. Moving, up. Pre-school activities, sale MY Mom lor rent Will give your flexible days, no Saturdays. Cal Bloomlield has an immediate with successlul experience play aroa, lots ol lun ndudod. lor appointment, (313)6a^0941, irovided. For interview, call ^,,tnJi.,,^ Must sef (517)546-6024 opening lor an expenenced directng an accounting depart­ $2,0(yhr. Sandy: (313)227-4547. 3-5 yr. old sale loving care in Bnghton area. Mon-Fn. Sings, DENTAL hyganiBl II you are secretary. Musi be ve7 know- ment Must be able to utilize ietweon 1pm and 4Dm Monday BUYING HORSES Were always thni Fnday. (313)227-6650. computers i computer systems. m the marKcl lor trail horses, lair CHILD Care Si Pafs mother lof plays, reads and likes KfcDo- inioresled m a lull or pan-time todgoabie in Microsoft and Lotus. lull time or iaichkoy ciiildren, 2'h nalds Experienced with reler­ posilon in a progressive, high Pemianeni lull lime position. Expenence in public school CARING person to wort< in adult martiol value (313)347-1068 ences. 2 blocks Irom Rotorama, quality, Inendly oHce, please ca8: Good beneMs. Must be able to budgeting & accounting losier care home, very responsi­ years or older. (313)229-7847 (313)229-4021. (517)546-167!). start now. (313)737-8800. prelerred. Apply to: Duke ble. (517)548-2698. CHILD cars needed lor a toddler EQUINE VETERINARY in my Grogory/Stockbhdge area NEED beloro school care lor EXPERIENCED denial assistant CLERICAL S telephone answer- Williams, 4740 Bauer Rd., CARRIER needed for porch SERVICE home. Own transportation. Send Hornung School sludenl, 3 wanied lor lull lime position, ing help needed lor office. Send Brighton, Mi. 48116. Equal delivery ol the NORTHVILLE Pursuant lo the terms of a grant between the U S Opportunity Employer. Deadline RECORD in the Wtowing areas: A new ciinic servicing Lwingston resume and relerences to: P.O. mornings per wk. (313)227-6032 Fowlerville, Iriendly relaxed resume: CPA, 22777 Rentord, Environmental Protection Agency and the National for applications, 1-20-92 Box 23, Gregory, Ml 48137 leave message. atmosphere. Call (517)223-3779, Novi. 48375. Yeri^es and Beat. (313)349-3627. Council ol Senior Citizens, tho EPA f^tor Vehicle Counr/ CHILD care. Fowlemlle area, NEEDED babysitter lor inlani in CARRIER needed lor porch Emissions Lab in Ann Arbor is seeking qualilied persons CLERICAL/SECRETARIAL. DR ONDI COX inlani & up, 4 openings, close to our Novi homo Part-tme days, delivery ol the Monday Green AGE 55 or OVER, to work under this program in the Small concrete and asphalt (313)227-0072 Me<j i c al school i park. Teacher's children non smoker, relerences, Sheet in the following Miltord loliowing capacities, on a full- or part-time basis: company. Computer expenence, PROGRAMMER/ANALYST welcome. Home atmosphere, (313)347-8637. ENGINEERS areas. Shirley, Delrose, Central, typing and phone Part-Ome to EXCELLENT care, horses exenenoed tor aii ages, Stan Iul time in spring, Cal Tammy at: Environment includes: IBM 9375, and East Streets. (313)685-7546. Several positions are available which involve assisting in boarded, indoor/butdoor arenas, Feb, 1. Please cal to set up NEEDED bebysiner to care tor (313)684-2500, box stalls Individual turnout : „ , ^ , ^ / i ; i 7 i - y « - w c o DOS/VSE, COBOL aCS, DL/1 CARRIER needed lor porch the technical and regulatory evaluation ol automotive infant boginring let of March in avalabJe Lessons^a^iing Since '"'ewew, (517)223-7369, your home, full time, non-smoker, HOME HEALTH AIDES Certfied CLERK/typist, full lime, lor and a Novell 386 LAN. B.S. delivery of the Monday Green and small engine emission control systems under 1975 $165 mo. (517)548-1473, CHILD care Hartland area, 9 yrs, relerences required. Preler or no expenence - Iree traning, medical clinic near 12 Oaks Mall degree or equrvalenl, a minimum Sheet in thetoltowingHowell Federal emission regulations and standards, performing excellent pay and benelits. in Novi. Miscellaneous record ol 2 years COBOL oxperience areas: Lake Si, Hggins. N. Court engineering analysis, processing and auditing of fuel GOING on vacation7 Got P ' P ^ T ' * ; reasonable rates. Wixom Miltord area. Please call FAMILY HOME C A R E , keeping, filing, phones, and and good interpersonal skills. and N. Barnard. (517)546-4809. economy activities. Mechanical or automotive engineer­ (313)684-0789 alter 5p.m. horses'' in leed ihem. Exper. tots o( TLC, (313)632-6124. (313)229-5683 or (313)455-5663 typing. Must be accurate and Expenence in retail applications ing degree, knowledge ol automotive engines, emission poncod, injstwonhy horsewoman. DEPENDABLE, licensed day NEEDED: oldaf persontot>abysit CARRIER needed tor the porch vwJ be a good plus. We offer a control systems and ADP applications preferred. Some Roforoncos. (313)437-2232. care in my home. Family 8 month old chiW in my Brighlon HOME HEALTH CARE RN'S, dependable. Benefits. Call office delivery of the Monday Greencompetilrve salary and excellent positions require knowledge of concepts and praciices GROOM waniod for small bam in alnwsphere, fun activities, food homo. CaJ (313)227-«»1 mom- LPN'S & AIDES. Work tor the manager, (313)349-7337, sheet In the tollowing, Ore Lake specific to smaller horsepower engines (50 HP and only U ol M alliiated home health FULL time olfice help, answenng benelits. Send conlidential and Hamburg areas. Winding exdiange lortessonsfx lease ol P'^^ „R,^«^ences available, ings before 2pin. below) and equipment. care agency • Visiting Care. phones, typing invoices, inputtino resume and salary histo^ to: Trail, Wide Valley, Rne VaBey horse (313)685-1133. (517)223-9726. 23333 Commerce Dr., FarmingPART-TIME babysiner needed in Relavent experience required. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYST Sub. (517)S46-48(». HORSE boarding, pnvate lacbty, DEPENDABLE child fare has our Novi home (10 mito S Talt) Premium lor high lech skills. on computer. Apply in person, A ton Hills. Ml 48335-2764. Performs economic and market analyses in support ol I F Wood Products, 7848 Anention: Human Resources. tor 5 mo. old boy. Mon-Fri Variety of assignments avajable da,^ Uirrtiuts, lots ol TLC, mil« f P * ! " ? , " " ' , " * ^ ^ * * Boardwalk. Brighton, CERTIFIED technidans, new regulatory development elforts. Professional knowledge ni iraik 13131684-5699 Located 3 miles S. ol Mason off mornings, (313)344-2966. throughout S E Mich. Call today 01 trails. (diJ)bB4 i>bMa. g^ii (517)23--0322 alter Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, GEO of economic and financial aspects of the non-road GENERAL office, work process­ Brighion:(313)229-0320, NonhPROFESSIONAL coupio seela expanding dealership needs engine Industry Is required, as well as knowledge of HORSE boarding, private bam 5pm pen-tims care tor IH yr old in vilte: (313)344-0234, Ann Artxir: ing, phones, and booUieeping. several technidans. All skill concepts and practices specllic to smaller horsopowor has 3 stalls now availabio. Daily ricDciunAPi c (517)5460545. (313)930-0050. ieveis, GM experience engines (50 HP and below) and equipment is necessary, turnout wz-arga shelter arxJ 5 iin hnhiii i„ S ouf home. {313)363-6032, (313)553-6300, ext 516. INSUFiANCE biller. Family prac­ HIGH volume public goll course prelerred, bui nol necessary. Pay TEST PROCESS DOCUMENTATION SPECIALIST' iKres ol pasture Located 5 miles ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 * 1 ' * ^ " L " . ' ^ and benelits to compensate wiln (Doorciinales the documenjation:;Ot existing or proposed i ; | J ^ ' ' s ^ » S . ^ SOUTH LYON .arm day cafe. tice alliliated wilh Lansing needs Inendly cifstomor sen«« so.h 01 Fenton. ( 3 1 3 ) g ^ General Hospital. Fullime- 3 yrs. oriented person w/secfstarlal proveo abilities. Call tof appoin- automotive efjilssion and/^r cheimicaHabofalory proces­ "•"'*'•' ol relerences. Ask tor Sharon, Nurturing environment tor child-, cutrcini „CPJ,, ICP-9, ,(??dipg,, skil^ and ^professional telephone Full time person rieede'ff to. ment (517)223-9142 askforferk ses. Prolessional levpl o^aniialional, planning, scien­ HORSES BOAPOED (617)546-5344. . . . . ren, full or pan-time. Fun manual billing and. posiing. manners.. Mon. ihnf Fri., occa­ mantain weekly contact with Vlfilde. aetivitisB, close-(o-'iohools. tific analysis, written commiinlcation, coaching and MEDIC Computer experience sional weekends, 40 hrs. per current advertseis and to make EXPERIENCED chiW care, N. (313)437-1901. training skills are required. Knowledge ol chemical, CNC Mill operator (Fadal). week. Stall 4/1^2. Send resume: helpful. Send resumo to: POB new calls on prospective custom­ 80 acres to graze, $75/mo. Territorlal/Pontiac Trail area. Mr. Jim Phelps, 8810 W. Sx Mie ers. Position win most likely be Familiar with seti^ & prooram- automotive or mechanical laboratory operations is 209, Webberville. Ml -18392 Hay and feed induded. (313)665-3368. Rd., Northvile, Mi., 48167. available late in Febnlaiy. Good ming, minimum experience 3 yrs. (517)548-4722. EXPERIENCED child care. N. Elderly Care MAiPN of X-ray tech with MA SECRETARY/ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS opportunity for the right w/toolmaker's background, own UVONIA base title co. tooking tor experience needed in busy famiy Territorial and US 23 area. Assists with administrative olfice duties, handles re­ marketing/advertising graduate. tools, overtime. (313)437-4171. experienced mortgage doser and praciice/indusirial medicine & Assistance IBHA registered GniHa Mly born (313)665-3368. Sales experience helpful. quests for information from the public and coordinates olfioo. Part-time. Experience m processor. Full time position. Dependable vehicle required. COORDINATOR tor sentor nutri7/89. Groat dun factors, (juiet EXPERIENCED mother ol 2 girls tton program. Pemianent part- communication issues among various offices, WordproECG, venipuncture, PFT and (313)464^171. Mikiage plus salary, and commis­ time, weekdays. Bookkeeping/ cessing and/or computer experience is required. patient histories necessary. sion. Benelil package at the end $600, (517)223-3307. cPR trained, oood home envron- COMPANION, female prelened MA,NUFACTliRERS REP computer experience a plus. Please indicate which position you are applying for and Please send resume to: 1036 t. tor 85 yr woman. Dunham Lake ol 520 hour probation period. UGHT barn chores, tor nding ment (313)349-1955. Respond to: P.O. Box 503, your date of birth. Send your resume to: area. Own transportation, 4-6 hrs Pi^er, Brighton, Ml 48116. Smoka-lree environment. No Seeking sales secretarial person Atiantic St, Milford, Mi., 48301. Jeanine Helnrlcli f,V,mp%'.; o ^ ^ L " ? ! ^ " " " ' FAMILY Day Care. Small group, daily. Salary based on experi- Attention: Diane. for oflice & sales support phone-calls, apply: U.S. Envlfonmental Pfoleclion Agency (313)8e7-l7rS alter 6pm. , opening. Experier«ed, Relor- ence and duties. Relerences COUNTER Sales help and/or functions, order pnjccssing & Human Resources Office butehers helper. Apply In peison: LARGE round tiale leeder tor enoes. Education background. required. Call (313)889-2974 MEDICAL ASSISTANT communications. Typing, compu­ HomeTown Newspapers 2565 Plymouth Road Manr's Meats, 1 0 ^ E. Grand horses, $210. Fowlerviile Co-Op Downtown Howell. Sue, after Spm. ter, &telephoneskiBs essential. Parsonnel Olfice (517)548-0117. Ann Arbor, U\ 48105 River, Brighton. (313)229-4510. (517)223-9115. Need excellent assistant lor Send resume to Ganetl Burgess 323 E. Grand River Avenue EXPERIENCED loliable mom will An Equal Opportunity Employer Howell, Michigan 48843 MORGAN mare, bay, 3 yrs. oW. FOWLERVILLE Mother ol 2 care lor your childr£n 18 mo. and active medical-podiatry practice. Inc., P 0. Box 966, Novi, Ml. CURRENTLY recniiting mllable $7.25 per hour Starting salary 48376. Super Western or Hunt Seal. would like to care tor 1 child or up in the Novi area. References people to do light industrial work and higher. Livona/Novi area lamily, smoke Iree, child sale avafable. (313)349-6047. We are an Equal Opportunity ,n Famiingiyon HiUs. $5.00/hf. (313)727-2563. Full or pari lima. Excellent PART-TIME, afternoons, plus 1 Emptoyer environment, infants welcome. e.-OOamto2:30pm. ETD TemporHOME care lor stroke patient. Iul day per week, phones, some benefits. (313)478-1166. (517)223-7402. ROSE.HILL ary Service. (313)464-7078 Available am. South Lyon area. computer worit, general office, AREA businesses are getting DRESSAGE FULL or part-time child care. (313)437-6750. apply in person, uassic Carpel bacl( in Ihe swing. We need CUSTOMER servtofl. Good math -• .Lessons, boarding, training, Whitmore Lake, west of US23 on West. 910 E. Grand River, dependable people to fill posi­ and spelGng, outgoing personali­ ••-Special program lor kids, 8 Mile. Lots ol TLC. References. UVE-IN care worker tor ALS. tions lor general labor in ty, lor interesting, cnailanging MEDICAL assislant. part-time, Howell. (313)437-3903. patient. Non-smoker, exper­ (313)449-4084. Mon. 9ani-6pm, Thurs. PINCKNEY Molded Plasiics, Livingston Cty., Fenton and work (*>n smoking. Will tiain. ienced and able to transler 135 ; STALL help wanied, weekdays or Millord areas. No experience Part-time considered. Haviland FULL time day care available, to. female with 60% paralysis. 7am-4pm, Sat. 9am-12. Howell, has an immediate weekends. Positions available. Printing & Graphics, Farmington/Novi area. Call opening lor a part-time reception­ necessary. Call Howell area, CPR certified, Cal (313)227-1565, alter 7pm. • Kelly, (313)685-2187 (517)546-7030, (313)229-8088. between lOam 1 2pm, Tues., ist who has good telephone meals and preschool activities (313)229-7450 ...SUPER sale up to 50% oil all provided, llexible hours, NURSES aide seeking full time Wed, or Fri. at (313)476-0502. communication S typing skills. DEUVERV help wanted. Needs employmenl Long term. Refer­ Hearthside Personnel, inc. new saddles, tyidles, chaps, eto.. (517)548-9407. Wori( scheduie averages 25 hrs. reliable transport. Experience ences. (313)348-4355. 510 W. Grand River Quality at cheap, dieap prices. per wk. Cal Wayne Humphrey at helplul. Apply in person: Pizza MEDICAL Brighton • (313)348-0089 (517)546-9900 to anange interOne, 1361 Old US-23, Brighton. HAMBURG area Christian Mom WOULD like to take elderiy OPPORTUNITIES view. E.O.E. with 10 years teacWng experi­ persontocare lor in my Pindiney TACK repair. (313)437-7207. DIRECT Care staff needed at ence woukl love to baby sit a home, sell pay. (313)498-2073. RETIRED lady with nee person­ home in Hovrall. Wil train, MEDICAL ASSISTANTS WANTED, nee place to board 3 playmate br 2 year oki son, day ASSEMBLERS ality must be average typist and le and part-time available. horses. Requires stalls, pasture, or alternoon shift, raferonces. Call (517)548-6670. Part-time position in our Soulh have some computer knowledge, S nding area. Leave message, (313)231-2990. Wire harness/electronic Lyon ladlity and contingent at approximately 20-30 hrs., per (313)437-1690. DIRECT care wortters PM shift Nursing Homes MStord. Schedule may consH of week so will not will inteifer with assembly. (or group home in Milford, MORC .WESTERN Arabian 15'/i in. show social security. $5 per hr. Lady ol weekdays. Sat & eves. Must have HIGHSCHOOL student needed training helplul of will train, isaddle w/sllver, headstall, breast- to care tor 1 yr. old. Tue-Wed, 1 yr. Medical Assislant experi­ The Lakes Real Estate, Full or Part-time. $5.25-$5.75 to start. CaU Duane collar, weighted romol reins, 3pm to 6pm in my South Ridge ence in otfice/dinical setting or (313)426^. or Joann, (313)684-2159. ;$1200. (313)229-5811. Expenence helplul. completion of an extemship at 1 Condo. Call Karen, SECRETARIAL Telephone Oper­ ol our sateOites as part id a EASY workI Excellent payl (313)437-7934. CERTIFIED NURSE AIDES ator Charter Twp ot Nonhville is Can 9am-1pm., Mr. Briggs fonnal M.A program. Certifica- seeking an individualtorlull time Assemble products at home. Call toll free 1(800)467-5566 exL 610 maiure, w lion preferrBd and 6 ma defical empbymeni with al least 2 years Farm Animate oermanpn work FvnninrK flfhvWe ^'8 are loowng looking tor ior maiure, o pisiem (313)380-^62. ol secretarial experience with 4''3oT a S m e wee^enlf dependable peopl who have a experience. ENTHUSIASTIC people to worii anytime tove and understanding ol the excellent typing skills and at gnxip home in Miltord area. (517)548-5194. ekfeily to work on our afternoon PATIENT REGISTRARS iteasant phone manners. Must Excellent worit experience lor shift Cal 313)349-2640 or come KUDDLE KORNER Child Care )e prolidenl wilh Word Peifacl anyone with a desire to worii 1.2 GEESE, $5eadi. Oder laying ATTENTION creatively with adults who have j- hens, $1 each. Good laying hens, Center, located ai Oeary College in and fil out an application. Contingent posiitons currently 5.1. Non-smoker prelerred. in Howel. Opening, Jan 6. Hours Whitehall - Novi • Convalescent available tor registiKs st our Competitive starting salary with LAID OFF WORKERS: developmental disabilities. High each. (313)449-5544. 6:30am-9:30pm, Mon.-Fri., Home, 43455 W. Ten Mte Rd. satellites in Soutti Lyon and full benelits. Send letter of You may quality lor Iree School diploma or GED and valid !fiREEOING pair ot Bron1e 730am-630pm, SaL Ful tima, Milford. Schedule may consist ol applicalton and resume to: RM. occupational training & job drivers license required. After­ • luriievs. Besl ollef or trade. part-time, preschool, drop in, LOOKING tor steady employ- weekdays, evenings, Sat \ Henningsen, 41600 Six Mile, search assistance available al noons, mtonights and weekend ment? Join our staH as a Certified (517)548-0169. holtoays. Must have 1 yr. related NorthviUe, Ml 48167-2397 by Washtenaw Community Colege shifts. (313)684-5009. openings lor ages 2 wks-12yrs. Fact is, more Americans C a l l Chris of G a r y : Nursing Assistant. State experience to include fnedtoai Jan. 18, 1992. An Equal Job Training School. Copier LLAMA, weanling male with nice approved training program beginmay die by the fork than by ( 3 1 3 ) 6 3 2 6 0 7 0 or terminology, 35wpm accurate OpjUinu' f tiy Emptoyer^ sen/ice (Orientation 121) & -iivool andtotsof spots. Wil maka ntig Jan. 20th. Apply bdofe . » n . any other weapon. That's optical assisting (Orientation 116 ^oreat pel Reasonably pricad (517)54fr3667. ISih at West HicAoiy Haven, llliY II. because so many of them S t e r V b o a r T S M S ^ O J ^ 1 ™ ^ ' ^ ^ " ..From reputable breeder, LARGE (risy rooni andtoisot fun 3310 W. Commerce Rd, Miltord SELL IT. high sMk skills on tbnal experience with ICD-g CM with v«th h«ih on computer. January. Xp^liancT Repair use it irresponsibly. Like - {313)8780200. I-IND IT. fof your lints one in my icensed between 9.'30am and 3:30pm. Coding and various health organization, telephone, good Ins in February. Call TRADE IT. lo fill up on high-(at, high(313)685-1400. Highland day care. Openings tof typist work wilh marketing, Insurance plans. • REGISTERED Polled Heretor*. (313)677-5006 for more into. cholesterol foods. Foods children birth to 4 yfs. Meals and accounting, and operations l O L A B B i F i e D 'Bred Heifers and Bull. E.O.EyTrainer. that can load the blood with snadts provided. Ask tor Jixfy: group, challenging full time .'(517)655-1083. MEDILODGE ol Howell, Inc. We are accepting applications at (313)889-2702. position with established service cholesterol, which can build our Novi location 12:30pm to Under new leadership, is in need . TWO Merino Rams. 4 yoafs oW. CO., benefits. EOE. Send resume up plaque in their arteries, LKENSED D » CaiB ol medication Nurses first shift, 4pm, Mon., Wed. & Fri. •{313)878-9404. to: POB 1056, Brighlon, Ml. 2 years anil up. ?CHJ|ISS ful time or part-time. RNs S increasing their risk of 48116 Elementafy. Close to eitpress- LPN's for 2nd shift, full and PROVIDENCE heart atUcks and threatenpart-time llexibJe hours. 2nd and Medical Center-Novi Animal Services (313)227^761. ing their lives. So next time 3fd shift RN Supervisors. S96O0 W. Ten Mile you pick up a fork, remem­ Help Wanted V C F is a c c e p t i n g applications Novi, Ml 48375 UCBlSEOianiily day (are home Mon.-Fri. and weekend positions, ber to handle it as you llexible hours. Certiliefi Nurses An Equal Opportunity Emptoyer In Howel arsa has immediate Part-Time for shift w o r k . After 60 days would aiiy other weapon. OMnings tor fuU or parl-lims aides al shifts, flexible houfs. For self-defense, not '"ALL breed boarding S grooming, cniidfon. Nutritious meiiii and Training provided lor ceftilication. * 1 0 . 2 1 p e r hr. Benefits include '.30 yrs. axpeffence, snacks, structured actwitias, Applicattons available, Sam » OPHTHALMIC TECHNaOGIST self-destruction. CLEANING position available, shift p r e m i u m , hospitalization, ''P13)2294339 tor appgntmeni preschool prDgrani and fnuch 8pm dai^. Apply at: 1333 W. days. Must be mature and Grand River, Howel. EOE. Approximately eight week reliable. Call homeworks, etc. Applications available ^VETERINARY sefvtoes, exdu- mora. Cal (5171546-7881 assignment beginning in Febfu- (313)229-5499. Iw^ (of eas. Kinens available. between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 -IJew dienls, 25% off spay or UCBISED Novl home. Iul ime PART-TIME Laundiy Aide. Apply ary. Must be C.O.T. with "'neuief. Kremer Cai Clinic. openinss. meals, experienced. at Martin Luther Memorial Home, feiractomalry and pressure CLERICAL/pafi-lime. p . m . a t . South Lyon Pofice Depl 214 ;'(313)476-9860. 305 Elm Place, S. Lyon. testing experience and wiling to Lake St. South Lyon, ML Mon-Fri. (313):>&3721 (313)3800961. travel to 2tocations.Please Call (313)437-2048. 830am u 4pm. EOE. V C F F i l m s D. Cross at (313)532-3600. UCENSED andtovinflday a f e A m e r i c a n Heart home, nrltfi 5 years sxporiflnoe, RN Nursing Supervisa needed Day Care, DRIVER/Laborer wanted, 16 hrs. Association 1 1 0 0 S u t t o n has 1 Ml tnie optninQ avatable.part-time, 830amto43Qpm. 101 DMC Health Care Centers per week, minimum wage plus. WETJEFK^HlltMGFOf? Babysitting Infants am welcome. PtMchool bed nursing home. Apply at: Woodland H o w e l l , MI 4 8 8 4 3 Appltoant must possess valid VOJRLIFE pfogram, stfiicti;r9d actiifities, West Hickory Haven, 3310 West (tocated at 12 Mile near Novi Rd.) CtX. w^xceltont driving raoonl. N o P h o n e C a l l s iafge pisy yard. All meals and Commefce Rd.. Milford of Inquire at Recyde Uvingsion -:A-1 BABYSinEfl, Z5 yfs. snadis provided. Easy aooess contact Donna Bsebe Aflliated with The Detroit Medtoal Office, 170 Catrell Si, Howefl, E.O.E. •'ajperience, CPR, non-smoker. ffom U S 23 at M-36. pi 3)6^1400 between 930am Center, an Equal Opportiinity Saturdays, 830 b 1230 or cs^l and 330pm. (517)5484439. (31^44»O0ai Emptoyer. •1PI3)23M965. •165 168 m AGO INC. ADVERTISING SALESPERSON NEEDED 162 YDUHE LOOK ATA LEIIUL WEiUm a 163 153 L^^i^^^Lr,^^ ZT^T^l^^^ Starting ^9.46 155 pcrhr. 169 0 161 SERVICE Advisor needed. Expenence prelened. Apply in ? ^ ° " r ^.'i ^'^'^^ 295 E. M-36, Pindcney. Or call General Mike at (313)878-3154. SNOWPLOW drwers, work only HAIR Dresser. Experienced roller when It snows, good pay, must sel 1 day weekly. Novi area have transportation and be dependable, expenenced only, nursing home (313)681-7060. 1-800-328-7551 HAIR Stylist tor Novi salon, STALL help vranied, weekdays or guaranteed $6.00 or commission, advanced training, paid vaca- weekends. Positions available. tions. Part-time or lull time. Kelly, (313)685-2187 (313)458-6800. TAX Preparer needed tor CPA HOUSECLEANER needed. lirm, lull or part-time, experience Through and reliable. $6.00 per required. Box 3577, c/o Novi hour. Call alter 5:30pm. News, 104 W. Main St.. Nonhville, Ml. 48167 (517)548-5061. Help Wanted 170 AMBITIOUS sell motivated person wanted to sell new and prawned mobile homes in Novi communily. No experience required but a prolessional f ' ^ ' j i i s is We will train, 53p-0(»-WO,0(X) first yr. polen'al-'o .schedule an intennew call fl"<')' ",¥.sie jjitle Valley Homos. (313)624-2626. DO you love candles? Party Lito Gilts/Cotonial Candles needs consultants in your area. No investments. No deliveries. Call Jill, (517)423-9713 TELEMARKETER U worit 6-8 hrs. per wk, 1 day 4 1 evening, Brighton in town. Pay is houi^ rate plus commission. (313)227-1011, ask tor Micheie. WANTED mariteling pnolessionals and lull and part-time retailers, Excelleni opportunity witii last growing company. Call 1^673-7743 tor Iree 24 hour recorded message. DRIVER/SALES 6 people needed $60O-$900 per week UURA'S Craft * Bridal Supply MOBILE home lires, 4 700x14.5 Lf BRA front cover, (still in box) I WANT OLDSMOBILE 98'S OR Shop. Downtown Brighton, and 1 800x14.5, $18 each. fits most cars. $75. CADILLACS. 1977 lo 1984. (313)889-2960. Extensive diverBifiad inventory. (517)548-9259, alter Spm. Please call Daki, (517)342-6455. $200,000. Contad Attorney J. K. OLDS turbo 350 Irans, $75. UTILITY trailers, lactory diroct. Harris tof inlomation. 4x8. $425. 5x8, $475. 5x10, 1978-73-80 Cutlass front clips, (313)229-9340. Constfucllon, $550. 5x12 tandum, $825. $200 ea (517)546-2648. Landscape trailers, we custom [Heavy Equipment build. Nomanco dealer. HaulUNCLAIMED ENGINES, PARTS, Iriotorcycles mark. We aaopt MasteiCard ETC. and Visa. (313)«2-5612 Reground cranks $55 1965 CHEVY dump injck 5 reconditioned heads $150 a pair yards, $1,000. (313)229-5581. rebuilt 305 tong blodt $800 rebuill 305 short b l « k $650 1975 FORD w/60ft. Hi-Ranger. 1971 350 HONDA Needs work, Auto Patts $100. (517)548-1516 reM^'sMMs wriiptete $1000 ^ P'".™''* loader. 1560 Vermeer stump And Services rebuilt 305 Chevy complete 1972 HONDA CL70 tor grinder. All lor $25,000. $1500 $50.1982 Yamaha XS650. (313)629-6829. (517)546-3697, rebuilt 454 Chevy complete (517)223-3597. ' (517)546-1895. $1500 1982 KAWASAKI 440 2500 197S FORD van. 35,000 miles on mbuilt 350 Chevy short bk)ck 1977 FORD Five Yard Dump, $900 original miles, needs a wire ^^'x engine S rebuill runs good, $3500 or besl offer. harness. $900 or best, transmission 351 Windsor, C6 Many others, expert instdlatons (313)437-4494 transmission. $750, besl. available. Miklos Performance. (517)5462139. 2FT.X35I1. dirt conveyor, $500; (517)223-3597. 4023 Ok) Us 23. (313)227-1920. 671 in-line Doiroit Diesel, Ian to 1979 DODGE Diplomat tor parts lly wheel, $500: SOOgal. fuel tank, sr whole. 1965 Chrysler 383 $200. (517)548-1017. Snowiriolilcs Totor and trans. (313)486-1982. FORD 4500 loader/backhoe 1981 OLDS Omega. Engine Serial #0208185. Veiy good •uns,torpans. Whote car. $150. cond. Almost new nibbor, side 617)223-3221. shilt backhoe boom. $7,000. 1976 S 1977 ARCTIC CAT El (313)437-1767. Tigre 5000. Botti took and lun 19^ ^''d 19S5 FlERO Farts. oreal Many new and extia parts. 313)349-9971. 4 TRUCK tires 11 x Ts X 3l' GERARD tri-axle trailer, lull $1,000 lakes a l (517)548-1472. | TIRES; 33xt2,5xf5LT wilh $250. (313)227-2844. $650. boiler plate, (517)525-3951. 1977 MASSEY Ferguson 440 Ski «hite Waoon Wheels, $175. CHEVY 'h ton 4WD truck Whiz, wittl cover. Very good 313)227-7773. chassis, new spnngs, axles, drive INTERNATIONAL toader back­ condition $350. (313)2S-9{43. shafts, part-timo case w/lockouts, hoe. Good condition, $5,000. trans & fuel tanks, $600. Tilt steer Also several trailers. 1978 ARCTIC Cal Eftigre 5O00, column, $75. SWe rear window, (313)878-9113. nins greaL first $500 1987 $30. Chrome tear step bumper Yamaha V-Max, good cond., vew new, $75. (517)5484753 last lirst $1500. (313)486-0447. 228 201 No experience necessary. Willing to train. • Company vehide ' Medical insuianoe Education/ International service company ' Weekly bonus seeks a results orientated person Call after 10am. (313)471-5696 Instruction to manage its Pontiac. Flint & ask lor Mr. Robert. surrounding area otfices. You will be responsible tor increasing ... s, monitoring quality service ENTRY Level sales positions. LESSONS: tor ttie older begin­ IMMEDIATE openinos. Preppe^/ TEACHERS - part-time. Secon- procedures ^f^,r'r& " Ssupervising n 2 ; ^ l lstaff. S ? ' Full or part-time. Will train. ner, piano, guitar, keyboard. dryers. Apply at BrightoriMall da^V certilication, English lor °ro<»<i"'es x sunpn^.^mn stati (313)437-9775 (313)227-1588. Soft Qoth Car Wash. Next to senior atizen onenled dasses. PIANO lessons available lor w/weekend tnps. Stan Jan. SOlh. The ideal candidate will have K-Mart. children and adults, Graduato Call Soulh Lyon Community supervisory S sales expenence LABORER for building company. Educaton, (313)437-6105. from Royal Acadmey, bndon wiih a service organaaion or A NEW YEAR! Experienced prelerred. Novi TPArwPot; jt 51 iRQTiTi iTcc 'mancial institution. Elfective England. Certified music teacher area. (313)684-1228. Member APTG., M.MT.A and TEACHERS i SUBSTITUTES, interpersonal A NEW CAREERII N.G.P.T. lJ-,,«, -,,kUu,«« u.,. communication (-uiiiiiiuiiiv^ctiiuii in III iMiuiutJi&vridl Rogistralontorfall now. UBORERS needed tor Br«hton "a 1 * u7 i^.^''Jsit« ^'^'"^ Full time and part- (313)231-9433. manulacturenng companylpply open in Liv. Uv. Cty. Cty T i S ^"^^^ at: 80O Whitney, Brighlon. educatcnal matenals to families, tifTie Real Estate libraries, & schools. Call careers available. UGHT duty mechanic needed. (313)227-2437 to arrange lor Compensation includes: excelsituations (>irysler experience preferred, inten/iew. EOE lent base salary, benelil package Please call Cen­ Apply in person wilh Mike al: Wanted and an opporiunity to increase tury 21 West, John Colone CPD, 1295 E M-36, TRUCK Dnver that can obtain personal earning through growth CDL Lx»nse. Will deliver kitchen Pnckney. ol operating process. Send Inc. at 349-6800 cabinets in 26ft. siraighl truck into resume wilh salaiy history to: customers homes. for inten/iew. Ask BUSY Sdiedute? Donl spend LOWBOY Driver/Mechanic. Manager's, P.O. Box 1020, precious free time on Experience required, top wages Clarkston, Michigan 48347. for Sue or Keith. your housecleaning. (313)486-4625. and benelits. Contact Greg Warohouso Person lor unloading S loading ol trucks. Requires Reasonable rates. Brennan, Wolvenno Tractor and heavy lilting & neat, clean Equipment Co. (313)356-5200. CLEANING. Donl havetimeto Trucks appearance. ARE YOU READY TO STEP UP clean your house? Call us. 1978 ARTIC CAT Pantara, extta MACHINE mantenance, experien EARN outstanding income. Be Dependabte, honesL relerences. parts, $500, (313)449-2374. ce only. (517)546-6571. Apply at Warehouse Ollice, I approach my job as a your own boss. Full or part-time. (313)227-5008. Aulos Wanted 1978 POLARIS 340SS Coft. MACHINE SHOP - Must have 2 Kitchen Suppliers, 9325 Maltby professional and I'm good al (313)486-1043 24 hour message. Good cond. $500 or best ofler. Rd., Brighton. 1976 FORD F-150, custom, 360 years experience, be ambitious, meeting the challenge ol a high EXPERIENCED sales person tor EXPERIENCED Mother will (313)227-5759. balysiL in Northvillo-9 Mile Rd., V-8, auto trans., great condilion, able/^lvilling to learn, must have WORKING manager, Mochanical iraHic sates lloor. I worit harder new home sales. Must be r e l e r e n c e s available. 1979 ARTIC Cat-Trail Cat, 340 $595. (517)546-1038. basic loos and be familiar with skills required on iawn i garden then most and it pays me well. licensed. High volumn company. 1 SELL ME YOUR CAR, TRUCK cc's, exc cond., $895. Trailer 8lt Bridgeports, honzontal mills and & contractors equipment. My, company provides me witii a Call Maples ol Novi, (313)347-6075. , OR VAN, 1980 to 1987, low latiies. CNC experience a plus. Customer oriented. Full time well displayed showroom, great HOME aide/campanion tor non­ X 711 $285. (313)474-5954. (313)737-8800. mileage or high mileage, good Comprehensive benefit padage. )erTTianenl position with some inventory and pkinty ol opportuni smoking ambulatory elderly/ 1980 SKI-DOO Otation 45, (2), C A S H PAID BUY IT. PINO IT. condition or feir condition. Out Send resume to: U.S. Fabricat­ ienefits. Send resume to: Box ty, I like to worii here because I FAST-growing company tooking homebound person Experience exc. cond. witti 3 spot trailer, state buyers waiting. Instant SELL IT. TRADE IT. ing, 1947 Haggerty Rd., Walled 3574 in c/o Livinoslon Counly know my customers get their lor aggressive outside sales and references. (517)54M372 extras, $3800, (313)348-7353. cash. Please call Dale, Lake, Ml 48390 or phone: Press. 323 E. (irand River, moneys worth, I earn $2500 a people. 5 available openings in (313)887-1482 (517)342-6455, 8 am to 8 p.m. (313)624-2410. OLASBIFtED; and I'm not ttie highest southern Michigan area. Top HOUSECLEANING. Mature, 1982 YAMAHA SS 440, exc. Howell, Mi. 48843. seven days a week paid intiiecompany. I also nave commissions paid. Call for trustworthy, non-smoker. Novi, cond., low miles, $1495. , Northville, S. Lyon, Brighton. (313)227-4409. a suport) benelil package among appointment 1(800)332-0857. MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT (313)486-1247. 1963 YAMAHA V-Max, low Help Wanted the best in tiie industiy. FULLtimesalesperson earn up to 20% commission, bonuses, NEW Prolessinn.5is are backl mileage, runs greaL $1600. Electncal background prelened. II this sounds like you, we should paid vacation & benetits offered, House, condo, apl. cleanirig. (313)632-5232 Sal e s Musi have knowledge ol centri­ S N O W P L O W H E A D Q U A R T E R S talk. excellent advancement potential, Free estimates. Or special 1987 YAMAHA V-MAX. Must fugal pumps. Experience in no previous sales experience occasion. Days (313)227-7448: self $2500. (313)229-4100, plumbing and welding. Apply in Conipleie Lintnecessary, but preferred. Apply nights (313)878-9306. person 9AM. to 2P.M. Monday, 5 AVAILABLE openingstorftjilor „ '^"T VAN FURNITURE days, (313)887-6623 eves. Bill The " B i g R e d " by part-time sales. Sell venx^ai and ^ovi kxation. Call Mr. Shendan, at Home Designs Furniture, 3500 Wednesday or Thursday. l'nrls Si Si'rvicp OUAUFIED meticulous bookk­ E. Grand River, Howell honzontal window coverings. Call ^1 (313)348-8922. 1989 POLARIS Indy TraiL cklan, eeper seekino lull or part-time. lor appl. 1(800)332-0857 MARCH COATINGS, INC. Day time nours prelerred. good cond., $2500. Days (3 1 3)229-9430, Eves 160 SUMMIT ST (313)229-4392. I & C FIELD SALES ENGINEER (313)227-7448 ask tor Danny. 3 BRIGHTON, Ml 48116 ASSISTANT MANAGERS RESIDENTIAL and commerical Excellent opportunity tor aggres­ cleaning service. Call Maria 1990 ARCTIC Cat WiklcaL 350 miles, brand new condition, sive and enthusBsic peison witii (313)2a-7558, Thank You. MANAGER, must have excellent Your first year In real estate NEW YEAR $4300 lirm, exiras, Frank, established mig. rep. many customer service & training skills. sates. HtghlandMlford area benelils. Send conlidential RESPONSIBLE cleaninp lady (313)229-2710 Salaiy w/bonus. Apply in person: residents earn while you • ROttAChlMBUDE resume lo: G & D Assocs. LTD., w/reasonable rales looking for NEW CAREER Subway ol Howell, 2578 E. leam. Openings for lour new sales positions and t w o field new homes to dean in your area. SKIDOO: 1988 Stratos, $2300. POB 369, Milford Mi. 48381. Grand River (next to Big Wheel). trainers. Contact Jan at 1987 Escapade, $2200. Extras. Please call (313)344-9901. New wholesale designer Excellent (313)229-7684. IMMEDIATE opening tor exper­ MECHANIC full time available, (313)887-6900. company, kx)king lor 32 sharp, WOMAN will dean your apart­ ienced Sales Manager Send exc wages tor therightperson. young, hardworiting, and highly resume to: Nancy Fritch, menl Reasonable rates. ReterSee Joe al M-59 Sunoco, US 23 MOTIVATED individuals lor Please call Cokiwell Banker Brighton Town e n c e s . al M-59. (313)632-5504. management positions. Boats and and Countiy, 102 E. Grand River, (313)684-1529, Brighton. $300-$500 weekly. No experi­ MECHANIC tor long established Brighlon 1^1 48116 ence necessary. Start immediate­ Equipment landscape co. Must nave woridng ly, WILL TRAIN. Call Ctndy; UCENSED lile insuraxe agent knowledge and experience on Business And (313)442-8590. to senrice existing PC accounts. commercial lawn equipment, (313)478-3140. truck and ti^iler repair. Reler­ Professional 3 YR. old Gamefishemian boat ences necessary. Full time, 5 motor, 3 hp., exc. cond. $280. PART-TIME sales. Very high Services C3uf programs and support syslems BUILDER seeking a full time earnings. Also openings for days Benelits available. Clayton (313)227-0657. are so ellective we gucrantsa you a salesperson, experience Landscaping and Nursery, Mufti-Level Marketing Manageis. o & D T n u n c D c o,«;« ;„ m i n i m u m annual i n c o m e ol ' 2 5,000 BOAT buyers & selteis meet thru Wixom, Ml. (313)437-1286. wilh unlimilsd potenlial. DON'T prelerred in new home sales. Randy, (313)229-9897. ^ " i ^ DREAMBOAT DATABASE - See GAMBLE WITH YOUR FUTURE. From model home. Commission, area tor parties/receptons. To how • Calltollfree lor Iree into MIDNIGHT cashier help needed. CAU ME TOtMYIII Tricha Kiioidlir,g )lus benelits. Send resume to: PROFESSIONAL sales person hire call, (313)669-3226, Hours llexibte. Howell area,' anytime - 1-800-432-3282. Buikier, P.O. Box 676, Brigljtpn,. needed immediately to join team (313)695-4555. .. - Contad. M/ko,. |(517)546-5MS.;ri3 ; - : . ; ' : ' 3 4 8 I 4 3 0 ' " - : ' ol one ol America's lastest ' Mi.,'48116. • • • • GLASTRON GT150 wittl 80hp growing industries. Unlimited . MOLDING Foreman/TechnicBn"-' Meioiiy plus trailer S boat hosL REAL ESTATE ONE income. Benefits. Send resume Overall Molding Department $4,000/best. Ask for Dave, S E C R E T A R I A L DECORATOR Sales, part-time, to: P.O Box 290, Gregoiy, Ml NOVi+10fiWltl£ > Supervision, mold follow-up, (313)971-1900. (313)426-5258. flexible hours. Ann Arbor toca- 48137 SOLUTIONS minor mold repair, train operators tion. Fun job, assisting customers and other lead people, schedul­ 344-0098 fOBO wittl windowti'eatmentsand wall PROFESSIONAL sales position. ing, material control. Hands on ARE YOU Howell. Excellent Iringe benefiis BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES rjitncunv Campers, Trailers covering. Leam tiie decorating positton with excelleni opportuni­ THINKING A B O U T • VVofd Processing • Bui. S Pert. tINCOLN business and get paid for H. wittl a large mutual insurance ty. Apply al: Dunnage Engineer­ G E T T I N G INTO And Equipment Excellent eamings. (Houriy plus company. Contact Jack Eiwin or • Spiead»h«ets/invofdn9-Lotu« ing, 721 Advance, Brighton, Ml • Transaiplun REAL ESTATE? commission). Call personnel: Don Baggetl (517)782-6018, 48116 • Reports - Lettefs - Resumes F O R D , L I N C O L N & M E R C U R Y Top Training — National (313)583-2501, 10 to 4pm only. REAL Estate Sales person. • Text Merge - Fax • Copies 5x8 ENCLOSED traler. 3,50ab Company. Great Office. • PersonaBzed Telephone Experienced or will train. Team 2798 E. Grand River Howell, Michigan 546-2250 capadty. $400 or best oiler. MORTGAGE LOAN Experienced agents. Ask Answering up wittl America's ilfl real estate (517)546-2569 after 5pm. • Laser Printing ORIGINATOR about ouf 100% organization. Call Century 21 •Conlidsniial-AffwdBble NEEDED FOR program. In Northville/ Brighlon Towne C o . , • 22 Yean Enpensooe UVINGSTON COUNTY Novi, call Chuck Fast at: (313)229-2913. • Saturday Hours 42240 Grand River 347-3050 II you are experienced in FHA, CedarlUdgePUza 'Novi SPECIALTY SALES VA, and Conventional loan COLDWELLBANKER oiginations, 1 wouW like lo talk to Schweitzer Real Eslale • Paid Training you. We aie expanding our 19 Offices • Bonuses operation to Livingston County. Expect the best! ' Commissions Business Vife oiler an excellent • Insurance compensation program with Opportunities ' Leads Furnished benelits. Please call or send your resume lo: Vic Miller, John UUY IT. SELL IT 47 Year old company. We are Adams Mortage Co., 28124 2 6 M e t r o Offices FIND IT expanding our salestoicedue to ACTIVE vending routo. Great lor Orchard Lake Rd., Suite 101, TRADE IT homemaker. ftorthville area For ovenvelmmg piodud volume. Farmington Hills, Mi. 48334. to serve you into (313)348-2144 (313)855-8822 EOE. CLAaslFlEO c Real Estate One Ask tor Mr. Preston CHILDRENS consignment resale OPERATOR lor simple machin­ (313)227-4270 shop, Brighton. $12,000, negotiing, must be able lo read (313)862-3171 able. (313)227-3923. blueprints, Howell, $6.50 per hr. (517)546-9957. DO you have contacts in Hong A C A R E E R IN R E A L E S T A T E ? Kong, Taiwan, or Canada? II so OPTOMETRIC dispenser, imme­ call (313)227-6690. •FREE TRAINING diate opening. Pan-time. Must be ariiculate, responsible and •FLEXIBLE HOURS mature. Experience required. FURNITURE designar and Call (313)227-5640. manufacturer needs investor lor • FABULOUS COMMISSION unique new line ol furniture. NEW/USED PART-TIME department store 3RD ANNUAL INDOOR AUCTION •FANTASTIC SUPPORT STAFF Investment secured by real merchandizers needed. Must live M/F E.O,E, estate. Call (517)223-3704 (or SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1992 AT 10:00 AM witiiin 15 miles of South Lyon. NOW HIRING FOR A FULLparticulars. Wori( your own daytime hours. Tlti^ SALES POSmON. No weekends. Car needed. No experience necessary. Send HAIR salon opportunity, best • Excellent Commission oiler, name, address and phone no. to: Wixom, (313)347-2955. Plans ICC-636, POB 23, South HackHOftlE workers needed, sub ensack NJ, 076p6_ • Benefte contra:t, assemble produds in your own home lorttioseextra PERSON to sew sails, covers. Full lime employment, starting • Experience Preferred dollars. $300 to $400 per week. Call (313)498-3394 lor revealing pay at $5.50 per hr., paid SUBURBAN 24 hour recorded message vacation 4 some holkjays. Apply at Salw Dog Marine, 192 Summit, APPLY IN PERSON TO LAUNCH new European skin 3 4 9 - 1 2 1 2 Brighton, (313)229-5988. care & cosmetics in Michigan. AREASALE&SERVICE MANAGER 173 180 220 STEVENSON'S 230 WANTS WRECKED and J U N K CARS 171 Ml EARN *25,000-f f u l l P O W E f ? FEATURW C\ CAREERlilN REAL ESTATE WITH US rs ... AREAL JOB' 210 IBS Livingston County's Snow Plow King. . Bl m rCHANGE^ YOUR U F E ! Start a new career in Real Estate today. Call Grace at (313) 684-1065 AUCTION AUTO/TRUCK SALES PERSON MOORE'S R.V. MALL Call to see how you can become a part of our successful team! PRINTER A8. Dick experience. Pay plus. Quality. Non-smoking. Haviland Printing & Graphics, Brighton. (313)229-8088. PROTOTYPE Metal Fabricator Experience In welding, blue­ prints, machining, able to work with littie supewision, come up with your own ideas, full or part-time pemianent position. Fomi Die BuiUing or injection mold repair a plus. Apply al: Dunnage Engineering, 721 ' Advance, Brighton, Ml 48116. QUAURED oil & tire change \ person needed. Brighton. (313)227-3096. RESIDENTIAL TEACHING ASSISTANTS Needed to work with the tramati'cally brain injured in the Howell area. Responsibilities include: assisting & training reskients in daily livirig skills,, recreation & leisure activities, &i direct care. Afternoon & weekend, shilts available. Call! (313)632-6430 lof appointment SECRETARIES with Word Processing, Lotus needed to work long, short and Temp-perm assignments in Livonia, t^vi and Farmington Hills. Excellent pay. Call today to b^in an exciting assignment witti ETD Temporary Senrice. (313)464-7078. ask Sharon for Gutman CAREER SALES OPPORTUNITY F o r o v e r 41 R e a l Estate H a l l m a r k at: y e a r s a tradition o f quality Brokerage has been our WEIR, MANUEL, SNYDER & RANKE, INC. Work wittl some of Michigan's highest paid Real Estate Sales Associates. A limited number of sales positions are currently available. . FALL TRAINING CLASSES BEGINNING IN OCTOBER FOR PLYMOUTH/CANTON NORTHVILLE/NOVI AREAS . PERSONAL TRAINING PROVIDED AT NO CHARGE • HOMEQUITY RELOCATION CENTER For additional information re­ garding benefits, call for confi­ dential interview with Phyllis Goodrich, Director of Career Development 851-5500. m mam FRANK GflOHSCHEVROlEMldKANmUCK CENTER 7120D£)nERRD,DEXTEB 3134264677 Excellent training, Mercedes Benz car program, national/ international travel incentives, perlect timing-exceptional income potential. Call Jan Forster (313)349-3872. New M-5f SPOlHTS CENTER, I N C ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES -1992 M o d e l s in S t o c k - h « W & USED SNOWMOBILES - TRADE-IN WRCOMEI LARGEST PARTS tWENTORY IN THE AREA aOTHNG& ACCESSORIES HIGH PERFORMANCE SERVKI ON All MAKES 4 MODELS .3 CfUmR 1050 MOTORS 'PORTING 'PIPES 'CARB. OVERBORES 'STUDDING NOW 333 OPEN AT E. H i g h l a n d R d . in H o w e l l KITI iP is A tf ^ A A W E I R , M A N U E L , SNYDER & R A N K E , INC. REALTORS V i e w i n g S t a r t s A t 8:00 am A u c t i o n Starts A t 10:00 am & Used Units, Parts A n d Accessories Many Units With N o Reserve! |M59) (313) 662-4548 6684 Whitmore Lake Rd. Ann Arbor Exit 49 off US 23 e-D-GREEN SHEET EAST—Thufsday. Jani«»y 16. 1992 Thursday, January 16, 1992-CREEN SHEET EAST—fl-D 1978 CMC 15. funs good, reot'f- 198:2 a i E W Cusiom Deiuie IXK (XX)GE Siaiie Tricii i br. irans !974 C-20, good lor pafis, w/cap. 6 cylinder. 3 speed Runs, dual rear whoois. air. power Tiwaa drives S iootis groat $2400 sioonngfcrakBS. 46,300 fniles. iXa ig bolh. (313)437-7272 RJ3>a74269_ good cond $4200. 1979 CHEW Sicpside. engoo (517)521-3456 FOftO F-350. w.tfi 8ft rurii good. S*00 (313)449 73S3 mi wing txw Fletrig unr, needs 1986 RANGER 15" aluminufn 1978 CHEVY pckiip, t » 0 1979 1979 FOftO F-250. eiceSefi! repair $1 6 5 0 / b c s t rims Runs and toolts greati nodi ifucK iow mioage $1200 1 ion jiaKe Huck. S7()0 (517)548-9431 $3.300 (517)548-3266. pl3)4 78-0610 Fowlerville Co-Op 1385 FORO F-250, '/: ton. r9e7 IXiOGE D150. 6 cyiinder, .*(5l7)?23 9li5 1980 FORD F-150 hea^ duty camper p.s.;Vagc .t ipoed na-iual 3 speed ovenjnve. air, ' 1978 FORD F 2iO Superfab. 302 auio. las ot optons. good manual, 35; uiln c : cond. am/lm, 42.000 miles $5,400. $500 pt 3)449 2374 cxiod $1650. (5I7)54& 2634 $4900. (313)685-9403 (313)878-0218 1987 FORO F-150 pickup XJ 1988 DOOGE Daiioia, 21,000 Lariat. Vi tin, 8 cylinder, power miles. V-6, power sieenng/ steenrig/bf3i«es. am/tfn sterao, bfa)ies«ooriock\wnd!>ws. $7500 cap, bcdiinef. $8,800, best. or best olter. (313)437.4615. (517)546-5760 after 5.-30pfii. 1988 FORO F-1S0. XL 6 cviirider, 1988/. CHEVY ScottsdaJe tieavy overdrive, exc. cond. i$5500. '/. ton pd(:jp 77.000 miles. $6,200. (517)546-9747 1988 FORO F-250 XLT I.*iat, 73 I., diesel. exc. cond., 55.000 1988 CHEVY pick up, 1/2 ion' miles. $10900 (517)5484396. Siveraoo, loaded, cap. 30,000 1988 CMC SLE Sierra slapside. miios. $8900 (313)227-4397 black, loaded, alarm, auto, $880at>asl (313)348-4183 230 WALDECKER' H O W s WHAFS YOVR STORY? WALDECKER PONTIAC-BUICK 1 9 8 6 P O M T I A C S U N B I R O 2 DR. One owner. 4 sf:>oed 1 9 8 4 P O N T I A C G R A N D P R I X PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 DR. V-8. extra clean, non sfnoker 11985 B U I C K L e S A B R E 2 DR. B U I C K S K Y H A W K 1988 D O D G E A I R E S K C A R OU) CUTLASS C A U I S S 2 DR. I One owner-quati 4 1989 G E O S P E C T R U M G E O S T O R M C H E V Y iaBmamr S LUMINA E U R O C P E One owner, sharp '6995 O FOPD.. ME.RClJRY H O W E *0 L L 684-1025 L O T Hurry Sale 1989 CHVEROLET exiendcd cab shod box. tully baded. $10,000, (517)546-7800 or (517)546-1743 Y O U R C R E D I T G O O D 4 7 5 U N I T S Weil, yoo could p a y cosh but, fnost people would find It difficult to buy a g o o d car with the cosh they hove on hiand. The sJtuatloo seems to get e v e n more hopeless If you have little of no ccjsh d o w n payment right? Wfonglll Relax, taife a d e e p breath arxii know ttie worst Is behind you. After ail, things are different now. You've got a good Job making good money and best of all most of those old debts are paW off or gone. fit caiiw.potMrwIndoim. lockcA ineduowlbsiwcastl W i FORD-MERCURY DEALERSHIP IN SOUTHEASTERN MiGHIGANf GR 24 CONTINUOUS YEARS ^ SAVE $ $ $ NOW 991 ^^i^^B^k 9797 E. Grand River, Brighton D r i v e ,-...^1^™ nili'dSWkjn air. tltcnjiM. p n m < i « n d o w « i l locks. tS.OOOmtet. * 4 9 5 0 v 9 o O B«a « mouvo wf^ippani • 5 4 7 0 is8 PLYMOUlliCOLT . . ^ 2 9 9 0 89 GIUC S15 P/U R I T R A D E - I N S P E C I A L S FINE PREVIOUSLY OWNED VEHICLES MANY WITH AIR CONDITIONING I 91 QMC SONOMA PICKUP O n l y « » 0 i » X » *9999 I 91 UNCOLN CONT. 4D AH the to/s '20,999 90TEMPOOL4O '1 7 , 9 9 9 '74991 LoniHes-shaip 90 FORD F180 XLT 4X4 PICKUP *11,999 | Sharp 90 RANGER XLT SUPBICAB PICKUP V6, sharp »fcjdod.*99991 89 FORD Fl BO XLT PICKUP Loaded, all power... *7999 89COUOARLSCPE. Ukftnew.iomBee 88 TAURUS a s 40 very clean * 6 4 2 5 11989 PONTIAC GRAND A M LE 2 DOOR *.-..-a,.-^ 1 9 8 9 MUSTANG LX CONVERTIBLE D O W N (Loaded) 15 (peed, f l t g led. tit. cnjiaa, power ivlnaaiin & kxKt. Runt Cka a acaiosd dogi *9999| '49991 I Air. P.S., p.b.. poMT windows A locks, tiB. I tnsuianool 8B CADILLAC FLEETWOOD 40 Loaded. « « A e a t h e r . . . 8SBROHCO 11 XLTWAflON4X4 HEAi '34991 *1999\ . '3999 '4999 Graetlnemnv *400ReiMte 1st Time Buyer G o o d on gfts Qooti on $ 7 9 5 5 I AutD.dur.stsroo, roar dafrost 17X00 mUss. Sals prlcad I ^ 1 8 6 " ^ " / m o s . t o ^ 1 9 3 ° ^ ' V m o s . J & cruiM. digltai dash, iiayiBti entry & rnore. Ibeeutyl • 1 1 , 9 8 8 llaaiher. ( 3 s a m « l i i c e i u m w i i a e i s . d a i k radw^natching leather. 24.000 miles. Ipdoedbeiowoodi • 1 6 , 9 5 5 B R O W N OPEN SATURDAYS! •nL4 &9-9Weekil8ys 5 H i g U a n d R o a d fle D u c k m I f l g h l a n d , L k . 4 8 R d . 3 5 only WALDECKER WALDECKER WALDECKER 6 After Rebate New '92 C h e r o k e e s Ail with 190 HP 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, air conditioning, tilt and more. Stk. #6115. HIGHLAND DODGE 8 8 7 - 3 2 S 2 1 1 9 9 1 D o d g e C a r a v a n S E p g s s e n g e r • $13,995* I Euis^ipoita. ftm—gnat (hapal • 1 4 , 8 8 8 [ "SA Chrymlw LMer XE-Turto • 8 3 3 5 I'MFerdEwsert ISuparelicfc M S S S n^^aiadwfsiinreof t f f l S . ' t a • ^ Honda Accord LX r d s f n i a t 20,000 pampered mitoai . MUSTANG e r C e N V E R I I B t E ll/g.B,.a<..M,.r.l2fla09mg.,i.,Mnii..A,...b,t, 725 iV* k m O W 3 s CooMisUas as nukBS ft nodels ID MT iidew i l m m o n YARSITY lwi>idl><a«9yei IA iwiri4r s f i p c M a d 0ood saraa choica {•86FordMu«tangSVO I lifiM) L U e d p c A c e a a M u •9#pKi U i n 9 5 •^:•JEE^^EAGLE^:•^E a g l e i H O U R S ; M o h . & ThurS; 9 a r n . to 9 p m ; i T u e s . , W e d . & Fri. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 5 O P E N S A T U R D A Y 10 to 3 iia>i9aqivM Includes: V - 6 engine, tilt, cruise, air stereo, 8 passenger seating defroster and much more Automatic, V-8 engine, air and more! NO MILES! P l y m o u t h A c c l a i m 1 9 9 1 only L e B a r o n H C o u p e uaMoaaivM O iiaMaadivM I V $^0,995* uaMoaaw/w D A . Great Selection of 1992 OPEN MOM. &THUR. 9-9 oral SAT. 9-5 6 - 2 3 0 0 •IsHfaAtokaiiil * 1 8 9 5 ^ V%'ien « Psndec Orand Prix £.CO\J H O N D A A C C O R D S »3595 J»»»*cj*i««ii(fcii*T«inW*«rt» »3395 iHTtalMligaiMiMilml * 2 9 9 5 1SCtOTySHbirtM0umM-Sn«*nile- . - ^ - f . UV-mC S ^ « « n < t . a ' « e « « a s 0070 O r i f O '84 Caismac Eldorado a thort oif mint condMonI " B l e ^ '3650 '4495 » s r '88 PontIae Grand Am »4177 tm^O^-^l-i.n.l^aM^ *5488 "BB Marcu niry Topaz I.S Sedan ' 4 6 2 5 M d « c ) « i outiBriginradBwgHnl 4 door, automatic, air, tilt, cruise and *3495 cloth seats I I -85 Ford Cenvmion V m tM-vexe "Sr Spectrum Turbo »3750 I U n n w s y c u t t M . aanAly p r i c « ) M o vyrrC T»r Ford Eaeort GT '3775 I « Mereufy ToiMZ t S Sodan I-B Osdgt RM igO--Curitai nek-dp Iwia—*;ardlota^l)Hiii.ilf 9 2 Rebate |7885W;GrandRiver.Brig^lt6^ Ust Price: »18,995 y e h i t j l e , WALDECKER 1 9 9 1 Dodge B - 2 5 0 R a m Wagoin $13^495* 5 After • CHECK•85ITFordOUTII Crown Vtctoris Swlan |Ma*d>«yieiiit»i>liai>iMt>ala I Thunder blaeit wMeiher iniedor. O m o c n t a t t e . kayimt entry, low fnllaa. A> I puis as the driven snow) Arbor aa^ioaaivM I**) Olda C I M Brougham f 1 9 9 1 TAURUS SHO 3 4 8 0 Jaclcson R d . - A n n MJMoidivM WALDECKER *nm tax., tUle 8t plates, ^'pajwient* based cilt •1.000 dow» OR «qllal trade, 9% APR for 6 0 itwD*. to 45waJlfled boyem. 59,995* FREE;.' I-SS MMcurv Tepaz OS Sadm 9 MJMoaaivM •"fc"**-"- $9^495 .But here are some great deals!! ^ 0 , 9 5 5 iaathad Pnitiar Itian Priaclia (313) HllfiSII > River'8^911100227-1761 887-3222 1 9 9 1 NOTHMGIS ABSOLUT&V • 2 8 , 7 5 0 iiu« deshnation. Just add tax, title & plates B R I G H T O N mm • 9 4 7 5 •On: INCLUDE New '91 Eagle S u m m i t 4 door, air conditioning, 4 speed automatic transmission, power ^ steering & bral<es & much more. i C ^ BRIGHTON • 8 9 9 5 1990 UNCOLN CONTINENTAL SIGNATURE SERIES I Thunder btack wfgmf iMttwr. heyleu entry, atuminum whesii. low mDes. Pristino • 1 7 , 4 4 4 loorKfifion | l 9 9 0 TBIRD SUPER C P E ^ lAuto, k ] B d s d , l l < « t h a i ( i n g o f S > w g t i a o > i m a d n a r Thundarblackw/lanioathsr. # 1 2 , 6 5 0 IstunBlnsi a:l c prices Now Open Saturdays 10 am-3 pm 7" 1 9 9 0 COUGAR LS 3 *2,000m Ma^ioaaivM 4 2 3 5 5 G r a n d River • N o v i (Just East of Noui Rd.) 3 4 8 - 7 0 0 0 • 8 7 2 5 Inunywon^laittongal BETTER VE OVER Kgll^7885W.Grand uaMdaa-ivAii I Auto. ejr. p.1.. p . h , 17.000 pompeied rnJiat. A fino family car (or only BRING US YOUR BEST DEAL 5 r J ^ S = S S H O U R S ; M o n . & T h u r s . 9 a.m. to 9 p . m . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l S ( W j i T u e s . , Wed.?& r l l S S S S I I O P E N S A T U R D A Y 10 to 3 11991 ESCORT LX WAGON J1991 m 6 M - 5 9 Sam-6pm only *86GQ & Up Lu^tui^/Spoit & More iTIt. cniiaa. ssuminvn whMia. ciolh. I SA 9 All prices INCLUDE destination. Just add tax. title & plates • 6 9 9 5 LoadKi.9arKiba)gawihta>chiTisclG(h.Allihebe!liAwtiiMlM. f^ornpereal . |Pnsley«4iensi«inBiiedE>«i«l 1950 5 HIGHLAND DODGE 8 8 7 - 3 2 2 2 .-^5990 • 7 4 2 5 11990 PROBE GL 6 8 4 - 1 7 1 5 or 9 6 3 - 6 5 8 7 . YOU 5 t o {1.989 GRAND MARQUIS LS 4 DOOR I Auts. IOMM 9Xm mliaa. brba blin wftlack signtea Appraiser niavj S Thuriday 'tl ITION" • Tilt • Cruise • V-6 , • 7 9 9 5 1 9 9 1 CHEVROLET CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE Home of theNear MERCURY F A C T O R Y AIR COND • Automatic • Rear D e f t v s t • P o w e r W i n d o w s • CloOl I n t e r i o r • P o w e r l.ocks » AM/PM Stereo 4 Easy to find! 2 Sam - 9pm 11991 ESCORT 2 DOOR LX •dad. 19.000niilM.icabliiewMaii(biua doth, alun wheals SPIKER 189 T O Y O T A P A l 1 9 9 1 TBIRD LX FORD f r o m f r o m ^ 5 5 9 0 90 GEO TRACKER . . ^ 7 8 9 0 S T E V E I Auto, air i i « . c n s i a . p o w r windows & lodis. aunroer. 34.0IX>mllea. polar wliils li»/Bmyciot»i.l»lint J9pB«».leedad.»*ii»wilanidDei.iJ(onewl IT 1 ^9595* M '92 L e S a b r e s Rebates up to Monday & Thursday ^ 4 5 9 0 90 CHEV CAVAUER . . . ^ 6 9 9 0 90 PRIZM 11989 CROWN VIC LX SQUIRE WAGON A , B, X, & Z P L A N S W E L C O M E M A K E O Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday [ 1 9 9 1 UNCOLN TOWN CAR ^ORDER YOURS TODAY! . . WE'LL C h o o s e OPEN 89 OLDS CHERA . . ^ 6 7 9 0 11989 MUSTANG GT aeata. 0t WALDECKER O ifm^^a^mm 7 9 9 5 l5>peed.8lr.I9t.cnjlae.po«»rlcicl(>.sureoof.rsar(ietroitAIltlsonaawr«d33a^ I Auto. air. DL cndff. podMf windgin. b c K i & seat 25.C0O camd lor r r i i n . A *500 Rebate Coliege Grad Program SELLING F O R D S AND M E R C U R Y S SINCE (9 Dodge Truiks 186 AEROSTAR VAN . . . ^ 3 2 9 0 88 IHUSTANG GT . ^ 6 9 9 0 11991 SABLE GS WAGON UARTTERS ^3190 |89 CHEV BERETTA GT . ^ 5 9 9 0 90 LUMINA - EURO . ^ 9 3 9 0 I l 9 8 9 PROBE LX I Power wimiom A iocia A I 87 OLDS CUTLASS CIERA 4D Great driver 87 PLYMOUTH HORIZON 40 Rum groat Cfuisa. britB rod 89 M E T R O — 1 A i ^ air, 8 « . ouiae. poamr windoM & ieclc*. tlaieo c a n a a e . 44.000 miss. A c n w n ON N E W F O R D S M E R C U R Y ' S FORD T R U C K S I 91 MERCURY ORO. MARQ. LS 40 t o P a y m e n t s .^6590 89 CHEV SPECTRUM . . H 9 9 0 88 BUICK REGAL (LTD) . . . ^ 6 9 9 0 J1989 DODGE DAVTONA SHELBY CS M O N E Y T o d a y NO e\J\L DEALS 186 D E L T A 88 '6000 t o ' 7 9 9 5 FINANCING WALDECKER Buick Skylark S e d a n V-8 power, power windows & locl<s, cruise, air, automatic, anti-lock brakes, mucli more. MaxoaqiVM » 5 9 8 8 |i(»t)luaw/ciait<t>iuelatt>isf.laadadtot)i0maxa<idatsalnB«cm. Hurryprloedl^ NO o u t 3 1 3 - 2 2 7 - 7 2 5 3 1985 UNCOLN MARK VII or WALDECKER * 4 6 8 S I Air. til eaiiie. p o « « r Krtndows. loclti & w a u . S6.C03 pampemd miisi. A baaufy 2.9«/c IR with a p p r o v e d credltl F 11986 TBIRD TURBO C P E * 2 , 8 0 0 ' : S . T » | '^""^^^ Dynasty's WALDECKER 1990 FORD ESCORT 2 DOOR I .Auto. 9k. pt., p.b., doth, mmr ^Anekm defrost Stw mnt WALDECKER New * 4 8 5 5 I Auto, raardsfRift cloth hunt whsal drive. Gas nvar. Sale piicadl make our great daafs even twtter! WSSSHM 7^35 VI/. Grand River •Brighton227-1761 i ^ ^ i l l i ^ l = ! B i H O U R S ; M o n . & T h u r s . 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. S § U H T u e s . , W e d . & Fri. 9 a.m. to 6 p . m . O P E N S A T U R D A Y S 10 to 3 WALDECKER 11989 FORD ESCORT 2 DOOR • ^ : mBSSSkS « 4 9 9 5 I Aulo. air. p.... pi>.. d c o i iow mtfei. CIsan as a whlKMf 15 •paad. AS LOW AS J t 1989 LEMANS L E 4 DOOR | i 9 8 9 - M U S T A N 6 I X •• "-^ UP TO I HIGHLAhiP DOOGE 8 8 7 - 3 2 2 2 m Toms Auto Loan Advisory Manager — » S 9 8 8 « 9 long ol AFTER REBATE 1 WALDECKER Classic Cars T O D A Y ! \^ 1987 FORD TAURUS LX I Loaded, medlijn hiu* msialic. alum whselt. Vtont i u t 5 All prices Include ftestinatlon. Just add tax, title & plates '92 r5 «Hli. mer dsfiostconyertSie took lopi D o d g e H U R R Y A V A I L A B L E 1988 MERCURY COUGAR LS f Auto. sir. A Sincerely, tghtnlngi 9 WE FOUMD THE SOURCE! Sound familiar? Please then, gh/e us a chance to lielp you get a 'Fresh Start". We can make a big difference. 1987 MUSTANG GT WALDECKER'S 9 Bottom Une—you need a caf but. If your aedlt history isn't exactly the best . . . what do you d o fww? Soon I Auto. ^r. tit cruile. p O M r wtndowl A lockt. A j quidc u , C o u p e s New '92 Bonnevilles Ali with air, V-6, automatic, power windows & locl<s, tilt, cruise, air bag & much mucti more. Stk #6159 1959 EOSEL Station ii/agon. Good condilion. Best offer (313)878-3593. HIGHLAIMp D O D G E 887-31222 But. peffxjps the most Impcxtant tNng of all—you'll be treated With fhe care arid respect you deserve. This we GUARANTEE regardless of v/tKit vehk^e you buy a n d hiow much or little you spend. f 1989 DODGE COLT VISTA 4x4 WA60N IS I lorspsad. oily sr.riMo,ckjtn. n*r oefroe. A nice whicls B EUU a i your nasdt A d e s i n t 239 9 Vehh:les 1990 AEROSTAR, extended, 1986 GMC Cargo van. Automa- 1972 MONTE Cario. 350. auto, loaded, rear heat/air, $11,500. tc, air, am/lm, $2500 or besl power, air, new parts l-festor(313)486-3488. (313)437-4385. able. Evenings (313)449-01328. H E R E ! ' 4 0 0 0 to *5995 r"M L i I V "i—I II in I 60S w. Grand RIvar, Brighton I S « WALOECkER Recreational 238 1989 AEROSTAR. Power windows, kicks. Loaded. 33,000 mi $7,5O0*est (517)546-1817. Warranty Ends BRAUN wheel chair litl, semihydraulic, $1500 or best oiler. (313)486-1752. 1988 DODGE Grand Cafavan, all options, still under warranty, exc. cond., asking $9500, (517)546^19. Down * 1 2 m l 2 m PONIIAC • BIHClll* J B ^ V l e l m s • M A I 9 A K I x 2 2 9 - 8 8 0 0 N Can't see his shadow because we've got too many trade-ins... So he predicts a Clearance Sale! WALDECKER'S I I 1987 PLYMOUTH Colt Vista. 4x4 5 speed, aif, cruise, stereo. Seals 7. Econoftiical. $5,000. (313)229-4837 leave massage. W i s e m a n WALDECKER New *92 S u n b i r d L E Air conditioning, ANTl LOCK BRAKES. Stk. #6329 From AHer Rebate 1990 GMC Cargo van. Automa­ tic, air, am/lm casselie. lull flower, tow mileage $1-l,000 or best (313)437-4.^5. 1985 FORD van XLT club wagon, good cond., original owne,', 1972 WINEBAGO. ?.2 It. extras. $2500. (313)889-3711. Sleeps 8, rool air, generator, 1986 FORD E-150, Cargo Van, sel -contained. $2800. auto transmission, air, (517)223-9366. powerslearing/brakes, 57,000 1988 QUAD 500, exc"co<idr miles, $3000. (313)437-4485. $2400, (313)227-6151 l^tween 8am-5pm. 1985 DODGE Cafavan. ExcellenI condition. Must sell. $2750. (517)223-3543. WALDECK^r^^^^W 1989 DODGE cargo van. Automatie, good conditio'i. $5000 or best (313)437-4385. 1985 DODGE Ram Window Van. Air, rear healing. Exc. cond. $4,000. (517)546-5596 eves. Mini Vans 234 C a l l VARSITY'S USED CAR GROUND HOG '7995 m a z o a 1989 BRONCO II XL sport p«sh bufwi < dwe, 5 speed overdnve. am*n cassetle. tw padiage. 6 cylinder 40 0O0 nilei. mint. $9000. (313P7-W88. Dear Frterids: '6995 One owner, sfjorty 1990 W ^^J^^'Z'^^li^^l^y g ^ a ^ S ^ S i f ""^""^ 013)229-9415. WALDECKER 1989 CHEVY Astro canjo van. Air. 50,000 mi. ExcellenI coridilion. $7.500. (313)887-2d30. 235 '89 C1500 GMC Thousands of Satisfied C u s t o m e r s '4995 One ownor, auto and air 1990 A 233 Like new. auto.stereo '4995 129,0O0 Miles, like new 1989 L 1984 BRONCO H. good eond. but needs engffie, $1500, 1988 CHEVY Shortbed pck-up, {517)548-5745 aHer 6pm. 350 V-8, aulomatic overdfiife, 1990 TOYOTA 4x4 SR5. V-6, extra fab, power locksiWindows, 4 Wheel Drive sunrool, 5 speed, air, siereo Vans cassaile, indudes fnaiching cap Vehicles 1990 FORD )(LT Urial, blacK and bedlinef, 25,000 fniles. 34K exlended warranty to eOK $1 4,500 Of besl oiler. (313)227-1207. shell, $11,500. (313)486-4712. 1980 FORD Van, mns good, 1991 FORD Eddie Bauer $600. (517)546-2629. Explorer. Emerald green. 42,000 1983 FORD Conversion van. mies. Excellent condilion. Automatic, air, cmise control, $16,500. (313)6e4-2500. $2000 or besl. (313)227-4505, 1986 CHEVY S-10. 2.8L, mornings between 9ani and 1pm. auiomalic, sunrool, aluminum 1984 GMC conversion van, wheels, 79,000 miles. Priced 10 Vandura 2500. Auto., air, V-8. 27 Y E A R S I X l P I R I I N C B sell al $3,500. (517)546-9041. Good cond. $ 3 , 7 5 0 . (517)223-3597. 15 Years E x p e r i e n c e '4995 I Sporty, one owner C 1968 FORD F-600. 12 tt staife ^mp, very good cond. $3,000. 1990 FORD F-250 XLT Unat. 5,800 miles. Mafiy axiras, western sfiowplow, 111(0 naw $16,3()0/b05l. (517)S46-777Z M a r k $ L A R Y 1984 BRONCO IL Metajle Nue. 1987 TOYOTA 4 Runner SR5. Must selL $31300 or besl oftef. Loaded. $7,495. (517)548-2874, (313)28-2879 aHer 630pm. (517)546-1548, (313)759-5056. 1989 CFCVY S10. air, 5 speed over drve, iow .TiSes, exc. oond, $6500. (313)344-9595 days (313)349-8138 eves. A R R A N G E R USED CARS, TRUCKS & VANS - CALL 2995 1990 FORD pck up. supefcab, 3/4 lon, 4x4, auto, toadad, $12,900. (313)231-4800. 233 LOAN '2995 I One owner, V-S 1 9 8 8 ^2995 1380 SUBURBAN, 4x4, wl plow, 1987 BLAZER tu8 size-Siverado, ready to go. $2900. good c o n d . , l o a d e d , (313)227-6509 (313)68M7S0. 1386 ORONCO II E<Me Bau0r. V.6 auto ovefdr^ exc cond., 1988 TOYOTA p«;kup. auto., highway miia. Rfsi $4,200 power sieenng, power brakes, 4 Wheel Drive high tsSes. (313)878-9202. ar. doth inieflor, ( t o e r ^ cap. Vehicles 1986 CHEVORLET Suburban New eidiause. bri*es Exc. cond. $5200 (313)231-9512 Silvwado, 4x4, B2 diesel, auio 1989 CHEVY S-10. air, 5 speed ,., „ . - • • irans toaded dean 62 000 miies', $8695,' (313)366-0140 over dnve,towfnJes, exc. o^:. ] ^ ^^J^(31 3)437-6088. $6500, (313)344-9595 days, ! ™ « . .g<»? w ™ - . • ' • ' W ' * days best afief 5 pm. (313)669-4355. (313)437-8342 eves. (313)34M138 eves. THE '2995 One owner, sun roof 1984 come? I T 1975 CJ-5. 232 6 cylifidar. large 1986 FORD Explorer F-150. Hres. good (sond. $875. best Good condfiion. $4,600. (517)548^. P13)2293257. (517)521-3454. 1389 FORD pickup 1/2 Ion. *f4, auto, vefy gcxx) (and. $9500. {313)231-48(iO. ' ^ggo CHEVY UI size Siver^jo. eitsrided cab, baded. 20K, exc. $12,500. (313)229-5635. SOao-y 1)7 Ford FISOrsupor Cab" '5495 OaOf I V IXsoaK SanUrd Coenrerflbie Na«yblua.dwip.elaan«>p«ty) •4750 I MtjwdMkaAiaiiMMai^ M C A C "** llefw Yotter "88 Chiyalar Ford Aoroatar XLT Sedan n O s l o -VU^tb-.MceaadiihMfcriiV. I'SBukkSkylaricSe *2250 lnra,4irw«iDalagr*«li •WFoni * W 5 ? 5 E S S ? S 5 2 S : ; : 2 L » i i 9 5 ALSO...COMPLFTE CREDrr SERVICE INCLUDING P R O B L E M C R E D I T HELPII 1 9797 E . Gtendraver, Bii^itor i • V-6 engine, automatic, air, tilt, cruise and much more! *Taim. title find nifrenty tf "*^tf cxtfa A L S O : C R X BRIGHTON CHRYSLER P L Y M O U T H 9827 E • DODOB G r a n d River •Brighton B R I G H Service Ope1l Daily 7-9 Sat. lO-3 OniJiju * O P E N H O N D A • C I V I C • A C C O R D E V E R Y T O N B • B P R E L U D E E 3 Sales Service Parts 8704W.Gra1id R i v e r Brighton, M I (313) 127-SSSl N J G H T & B 5 Sales Open Daily 9-9 Sat 10-3 S A T I J R D A Y . S * V Thursday, Janua^ 18, 1992—GREEN SHEET EAST-11-D lO-O-GREEN SHEET EAST-Thursday. January 16. 1992 Get Your 239 at Ctmie C m OF THE 5iock # 4 3 5 0 3 H I , 9 9 5 * N O W C o n v e n i e n t l y l o c a t e d a t the c o r n e r o f Arbor Rd a n dM a i n 1—nil « K or IO/TA^V W ^ " ! St. in P l y m o u t h ! NO Reasonable ^ DiikSti A-'.on. i4 Ihuis, Sales Open Ti! 9 p (p Scivicc Open M 6 p rn Olio, •plus lox, lilb, license & desiinol'on froe lonk o' Goi with tvcry Niw CQ< Purchase 451-2110 GUI a 68-4 Ann Arbor Rd. 1 'A mites ofl i-275 PlyfTioulh 962-3322 tow^-l CAiis A C C L P I I D V-6, auto, a/c, stereo exc. cond., slored winlers, many 1985 CtUS 98, 4 door, kjw miles, options, (313)878-5582 mint condition. $5,000. 313)34 ?-4343. 1982 OLDSMOBILE Cullass supreme 2 dr., V-8, air, good 1985 TEMPO. Runs good, good cond. $1,296. (517)546-7347. body, -many new parts, etc. 1983 CELEBRITY. Exc cond. 4 $1,500 or best (313)437-8054. cylinder, amTtm stereo, sunroof. 1986 EimCK Park Avenue, fully $1700. (313)229-4625. baded, 78,000 miles, exc. cond., $4900 tir best (313)227-3784. 1983 FORO LTD, aulo, air, good cond. $1 800 or best. (313)878-9179. 1986 CHEVY Celobnv Eurosport 1983 UNCOLN Town Car. Brand slaiioii wagon. Exc. cond., new remanufaflurod motor, new 120,000 miles, $3,000. exhaust, new baliery, tires, (517)5)6-9747 oxcelleni body. $3500. (517)546-1961. 1986 DAYTONA 5 speed, air, 1 owner. $3500. 1983 MERCURY Marquis. clean 42,000 onginal miles, lully (517)548-9008 loaded. $2,000, or besl oiler. (517)546«)37 1986 ESCORT. Exc cond. New muffler system, brakes, tune up and tires. $2400. (313)887-3002. 1986 GRAND Am,. 4 door, badwl, Exc cond. $350(Vbesl. Southern Car. (313)449-8805 rBcord<i<^ 0*-^ 1 9 0 0 M U S T A N G / 2 D R . 4 cyl., clean *or2»75 2 00 per mo. 1985 TEMPO 4 D R . $ Auto 2300 cr roun p w c wwT c w v Y - o g o T 1 l l l i l f 1966 OLOS 98 $a2a' or best (313)6850670. STOWE / / •,i>ov.«»''*' U S E D C A 1987 CELEBRITY, air, am^m, new lires & brakes, cruise, 102,00w' mUes, has nin well & nol had iviainienance problems. $1200. (313)685-1405 eves. R M E A D Q U A R ^ ^ ^ ^ 1985 MERKUR XR4TI 1986 FORD F150 Woo 1tosl.hufry Auto. 351 VB. 31.0CX)mtle8. one own«f, \<ke new 1985 IVECO 14' 1988 PONTIAC CUBE DELIVERY BONNEVILLE 4 door, auto, air, p/w, p/\, plum TRUCK red in coloc only '3995 '5988 '1995 '5,988 1987 CHEVY NOVA 1989 CHEV S-10 1986 CHEV S-IO BUZER 4X4 1985 CHEV. S-10 P/U A Wle, 40K, U<s riew. 4 doo(. 40,000 miies, ona owner, pickup 49,0(X} miles, abK>lute)y Iks txand tiew, only Auto, eir, onty '3888 '4988 '5988 1991 CHEVY SILVERADO 1988 FORD FESTIVA 1988 CHEV BERETTA GT 5.ZX3K Front vttieel drive, beauty 1989 GMC FULL SIZE PICKUP SLE '1995 I40 dealers. 20 car* under '5988 '2,000 4 door, loaded, one owner, red iri color Auio, air, loaded •9488 '4288 684-1028 1987 CHRYSLER LeBafon. Excell'Emt condition. $3,900. (313)4;i7-9647 1987 FORO Mustang GT, exc. cond., $4900. Call d'ler 4:30pm (517)548-6556. V-8,fi«g*hipofQM. '4995 '3995 I if atlMOMMnMtf IfM « 2600 or »88 per mo. 1989 ESCORT, power steering/ bralies, auto trans, air, 56,000 miles. $4300. (313)741-6327 or (313)449-8436. 1989 MUSTANG Convertble GT. Low mileage. Call, (313)887-7352. 1989 T-BIRD. Good cond. Bnghl red. $7,200. Days (313)227-2516 eves. (313)349-2677. 1990 CHEVY Geo Prism. Automatic, air, am/lm, 31,700 miles, $6,400/besl oiler. (517)548-0086. 11987 ESCORT 2 DR. ^ Very clean ^2 TOO or»92permO. U S E D C A R S ' • " ^ ^ ° V * 3 or9»133per 0 mo.0 •91 GMC SONOMA A 3or »133 9 per0mO.0 VAN 1987 PLYMOUTH Sumtaiice, 1 ownef,-veiif^dflan, aif»'pow6f--., steering/brakes, ani/lm stereo, $2995. Sun Countiy Auto Center, 1 9 8 5 (313)2,'!7-2808. Full power M E R C M A R l Q ^ ^ 1985 1988 MERCURY Sable LS, 20,000 miles, kiaded, dean, $6900, (313)22M469. 1988 OLDSMOBILE Cullass Supreme SL Red. 2 door, cniise, kxided, 49,000 miles. $6,995. (313)229-4645, Mark. IIIMLllilJIi JIIIJIIIIMIIi i • III OPEN SATURDAYl 0ret«0Nlit«DBSi9W9 1l0,Wei},fRBW^:9TO( ^ -/ i A I^OQ(| 1989 P R O B E G L Auto, air, super buy &9fJ9^iW oijy CanCoont only $ | n fM|Q 1987 T - B I R D 4 7 , 0 0 0 m i . , one owner ^9995 1984 F O R D COIW. V A N only SU CABCO VAN 1990 FORD P250 F250 Sl iPPlEIER CARGO V-6 - auto - a/c - loaded - low miles. '13,995 LK>W 1989 BUICK PARK A V E . ULTR/i - 4 DR. '88 DODOIE CARAVAN S E V6 - auto - a/c - leather - every option.. 1989 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS CALAIS^- 4 DR. 2 door, aiito, air & more, metailio blue with :K),00O mllM m: 9 Llmitad. loadad with laattiar, vary Biedttsiim-itone, low milaal iUHvloadwtoniy as,000mliM 1985 DELTA 88 ROYALE BROUGHAM^-4 DR. V8 - auto - a/c 1985 OLDSMOBILE 98 REGENCY BROUGHAM • 4 DR. •89 GRAND CARAVAN 7 PASS. Blue, 2 door, Immeculaie condiicn HithkiwmllesI '5995 MOTOR SUPERIOR OlDS-CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS 8 2 8 2 W . G . RIVER BRIGHTON 227-1100 2«flwi((tin.6i(iNd, V-9,0(^ 22,000 n** B e t t e r l i u r r y o n tliia w only only 1990 T-BIRD SUPER C O U P E A real beauty InttjifOv $2^ A Q Q tPCFvtF 1989 BRONCO only W V C F O ' $1AA A A only L o w m i l e * , p r i c e d t o aell (313) 229-4100 A A Imi^VVU $in A A A JllW4|«FtF<7 55dW:SevenlVlile N o r t h v i l i e — ^ (313) 684-1414 A orM33 per mo. C O U G A R / » 4 4 0 0 I V-6, auto, air, coach roof or'153 per mo. 1989 C H E V . ^^^^^^^^ S-10 / H or9'1360per mo.0 PICK-UP 4 cyl., 5 spd. 1988 BUICK ELECTRA ^ $ ESTATE WGN. 5 700 /*5900 XR4Ti I Auto, air, moonroof AUTO ' 9 2 F o r d 1987 F O R D TAURUS ^ Chrysler * Plymottth • D o d s < 4.9LEFI/5 speed maniMlO/D, |te P215/7SRX15SLBSW ell-season ^ tires, argent painted front bumper, llnted glass, liflght minors. 6300 L X S T A - W G N A steal at At John Colone S u p e r D i s c o u n t s • f i O O O O n A l l N e w C a r s l B e B o w D « A l « B r & I n v o i c e * ^ 1988 4D R ^ ^0000 TO or '182 per mo. 1986 CADILLAC Main Lot 227-1171 Lois of Iruck lor loss'Only Or'304 per mo. 11988 s t e r e o cass., alum, r o a d w h e e l s LINCOLN Ford FISO'91 $i-I MOW ^17,710* Ford Ranger XLT'91 5.000 miles, only Nissan Picttup'90 18.000 miles, only Ford Probe '90 Leather, loaded or '260 per mo. tJySfSt^J 7qC l j » *5,995 '10,495 0 cylinder, automatic, loaded, only Ford Bronco 4x4 '89 • »8,795 Under ^^10,900 M A R K VII L S C ,*13,795 Bwouc (^version, (jcaulrful. 2 lo choose, only 91 C H R V S U R I M P E W A L . wi^ioKit4pt»*wc,*»)«in3,i*»y«««v, » « f A A O K .(todrt* bory oiV tVfVW^ 91 C H R y S U E R U B A R O N CONVERTIBLE V-6,<U»,ir,powwMew>,cruK,tit»4|Q O O l « tu»rncw«risM I mfWV^ 91 D O D G E S H A D O W COKVERTIBLE U S E D C A R 90 D O D G E R A M 5 0 OnVS,OOOml,7outlefScdt&tonn!aiccM:r,b^ S & T R U C K S * 7 9 9 5 Auto, lit, pcMw steerina beate, poM r aixi k x h vMoMt ^ • 9 9 9 5 S m a l l 1 3 ^ 9 5 Eddie Bauer, loaded •0 D O W N 91 P L Y M O U T H S U N D A N C E Sdtl11100MA«0,P.S.P.B.,ir,it«rdctater, .aiV • 7 7 9 5 Unto 8 9 D O D G E D-100 PICK-UP Oi</16j0O0iiii,V-8,cl««\a«new 8 9 D O D G E D A Y T O N A SHELBY 88VWFOXGL s<kiommiwrwi«wak«dc4.v>«r>«ia, t f t O O K HBHOI only 0 7 7 9 Air, taat.ldtJiotttr, low miles T o w n " W h e r e oily' CT Auton-,31ic. air. sunrool & Bra. |usl 18.900 Ford F150 "89 v-8. air. only ' ^ ^ f Mercury Grand Marquis '88 Full size luKury 2 to choose only 9995 91 D O D G E DyNASTY stk. n t m i Alia sir, lur dcf., pcM«r tods, 11991 EXPLORER 4 DR. 91 D O D G E C A R A V A » I S E Probe 89 C o u r t e s y , S e r v i c e B i gT o w n M a k e s !4 mile East of Downtown Pinckney on M-36 878-3154 Ford Ranger XLT'90 «4.only Ford T-Bifd Super Coupe'90 S - f O lx)?ded. 5 speed, only Low miles, good on gas. only Air. spony. 4x4. only '8,295 Ford Taurus'89 Low miles, loaded '8,694 Bulcl( Century '88 Scylinder. loaded, only '5,977 Toyota 4x4 Pickup '88 »9,995 Beautiful, loaded, only '9,795 '6,588 Dodge Raider'88 '6,795 Lincoln LSC Coupe '86 '8,995 '7,995 Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer'89 Ford Taurus Station Wagon'86 888 SC Q Q C (jjw miles, only • 7 9 9 5 ARfi lfc,*»»JIV Ford Escort '90 f^oll bars, lift kit. only '9,795 '14,995 'S5JecpCheroi(e«4i4 laimXj»loaOM '88 Dodge RAM 100 Pickup V.8 auioniaric and more lof only '87 Olds Cutlass Calais Supreme E«cc«cnl coooitiofl. ntcrty «quipp«). specaiiy pnoe<i it '88 Ford Ranger Pickup Clean 4 sriarp. only '85 Mercury Topaz OS Sedan Euro.sports (nm —greatshapo' '84 Chrysler Laser XE-Turbo With all Ihe loygi '89 Ford Escort Super siKM — Gnghl red w/sutitoo' '84 Mercury Grand Maiquis Colony Park Sta-Wgg Powertui & beautifuly mamtairied luxury liner' i '85 Honda Accord U A tavishty appotnled good sense cho.ce '86 Ford Mustang SVO Wowi UiTifted producAon Max equipped turtM '85 Ford Conversion Van LuKunously ouTfnted. sensibly priced '88 Mercury Topaz LS Sedan "A solid 10' conOil>on — Equipmeni -- Pnce '85 Dodge Ram 100—Custom Pick-Up v-8 automatic and lor a •Good Days World' '84 Pontiac Sunbird Convertibie Now s you' crianc* to cash mon mis olt.season soeoal' '82 Buick Skylark Sedan Runs, drwes & toohs great' «3,995 »3,995 «3,995 »3,795 *2,495 »2,995 »3,795 »3,795 »4,495 »4,843 »4,995 »3,875 »3,987 «3,477 ^1,595 Discount L o t227-7253 '68 Dodge 250 Power Ram 4x4 Comrtele wtn p(ow and salety ©quipmenl '85 Ford Crown Victoria Sedan style, elegance 4in wondeffui snape Atri>et>afgain' '84 Pontiac Grand Prix 2lonespon edition compieiewith T-fops buckei seal & consote opiion c3Si aluminum whee's A more' '39 GMC sierra PIck-Up Full Size utility ai a oown-sized pnce' '84 Cadillac Eldorado «7,725 '3,635 '3,495 '6,788 '4,177 Notiing shoi ol mmt cofid-Iion' "Black Beauty' '4995 '3787 "MnJ-night blue Meiaittc money saver' '3,995 '88 Mercury Topaz LS Sedan AiicJechedout'enghUed Bargain' '3,995 '87 Spectrum Turbo '4,675 A powfTrtu' wei' equipped euro-spoos sedan '67 Ford Escort GT Superskk'slaleWirt"mel 5«pdw;«irconcl '5,495 '87 Ford Ranger 4x4 Supercab XLT equipped v-6 w/air coodjrius s bunch o( i-iras '88 Ford Aerostar XLT 2 tone bJue. air cond . aulomaic. automaticaity '4,775 scores as a great buy* '1,195 '88 Ford Tempo Sedan WiIn Snow wtite *"tn all majo* comfort leatufBs & supe* lowmiles '83 Chev. Cavalier Sta-WagN l S W S T O R g H O U R S : Transportatton specai b spd w new front tifes s a l e s : M O i l . * F r l . , 8:30*9 Sat. % I , 9 9 « J F O R D cnV ' 4 4 9 5 s e r v i c e M o n . - T i i u r s . . 7 - 9 d>*4 F r i . 7 - 6 B a r g a i n s T h e D i f f e r e n c e " ( 3 1 3 ) WrrH A P P R O V E D CREOir, PA-fWENTS B A S E D O N 36-48-60 M O N T H FINANCING FULL-SERVICE AND BODY SHOP DIVISIONS f '7,495 $-4 A AQIZ Ford Aerostar '90 , , ter. loaded, only I Wj"^^*,* All wheel drive, sharp Ford F l 50 Super Cab PIcifup'87 $C Q Q C ; v-8. automate, ait, only 55 miles. 1*0 new lor |usl 1992 DODGE RAM CONVERSION Full Irame V-e.pertsct lamily vehicle, only Ford Tempo '90 Automatic, air. loaded, only le Caravan'88 8900 ISEVILLE Loaded, including moon roof. A must see car O U A L I T l f M 3,726 Li Pontiac Safari station Wagon'89 $ 7 Q Q C w..2s,s4s E x p l o r e r T r u c k s A Ufull R U S V-6, auto,Tair, power M a g n u m V - 8 , air, full p o w e r , ' 9 2 F o r d Sta(Kl8fd«|iilpni«it:4.0EFIV-60 eflglne,5tpeed manual Overfjfivt irafisfflission, power «te«ring,po«efl>(skeji»itl\re3f wheel anti-lock, Inienal wipers, llSht group, deluxe map light *6,927 8.566^ or'195 per mo. E s c o r t Major standard equlpinent: 1.9L SEF11.4 engine, 5 speed manual transaxle, 4 iwheel Independent suspension, automatic shoulder belt restraint system (front seats only), poiwer braltes, tinted glass, and more. '92 Ford F-150 P i c k u p $ t f a FORD, LINCOLN & M E R C U R Y 2798 E. Grand River, Howell, Ml 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 5 8 - 5 6 0 3 i Showrooin Hours 8-9 Mon. & Thur. 8-6 Tues., Wed., Fri. Sat 9-3 •msr 1 mm M E R C U R Y / L O r - 8 2 4 0 w . c r a n d R i v e r , Btn r OtKSanim-mt Aszpbnctilr e»M, in stodiof Older (313)227-11171 : iWltMOS trtnajir - I. onus Unr, SrigMon ••• : { S 1 S ) 2 2 ^ ^ ® i l i i I V $QQaQ 1989 E S C O R T GL P r i c e d t o aell D O D Q E V '3999 .only 1988 PONT. GRAND A M LS 4door, auto, sir snd 1 Auto, eir and morel lowmiieil Champeonel Buck vidalKw with t burgundy Inteiisr | reed wheels. OCr $| J A A A L o w mi., super b u y • .only 1991 M U S T A N G G T B r i f b t Mue, auiomalie, only 8000 milea 9827 E. Grand River • Brighton 7 5 0 G e n e r a l M o t o r s R d . , Mllford only Auto, aif arid mora. Auto, air, MtaulMtJ VvynkMcoidliion poinrlodi*,onlyS7,OOCJ ni«e),Mad(taiMr l 'WW\ 4#^F^F^ $liO<IQ 1 9 9 0 R A N G E R XI.T Fied&iliver.AjHykieded. niueiteel M d Q Q TUFJFJF $Q<|C|€| only 1986 A E R O S T A R X I . T L o a d e d with e i d r a a P L Y M O U T H S A L E S only 1985 D O D G E C A R A V A N BRIGHTON CHRYSLER FEIGLEY '10,900 1986 P L Y . V O Y A G E R L S E x t r a i h a r p , p r i c e d to s e l l L i k e n e w p r i c e d t o peU Fully loaded Mtth leslhsr enly 57,000 miles D R ^ - ^ ^ _ V6 - auto - a/c - low miles KvfVWW 1986 R A N G E R X L T '84 CAOiUAC ELDORADO v-6, • auto - a/c - only 36000 miles $| /| A A A only L i k e n e w 4 3 , 0 0 0 milea 'MDODOI ' M C H R Y S U R U B A R O N eOUlM CARAVAN U K Fully loadad. Including TurtM QTC rnoiM al whetMh Fudy kwiMd, V « , wMa « W l lMin«r, powwr moon roof, wood gram v*f « 7 , O o O nskM MIy onhy 3S,oaO mKM. V v v 9 1988 EAGLE PREMIER - 4 'eS FORD FIBO PICKUP Redftsilver 2 tone, only 32,000 msM 'MRAOLB niKMlBIR E S M, It, y4 (td mn BMI M h tMi V-«,Fi«yioMtiuaniyt 1987 FORD RANGER PICKUP XLT V6; no rust; excel, condition m i l e a , p r i c e d to t e l l $/l<|C|€l TI«P5FV 1986 X L T C L U B W A G O N . .. onl)r'S099 One owneri l o w m i l e s V-6, auto, a/c 6 cyl., auto, a/c only O n e owner, extra nice 1991 OLDSMOBILE 88 ROYAL BR0UGHAM-4DR. '89 C H E V . s-10 •84 CHEV. S-10 4x4 EXT. CAB $B[Q<|Q c9«7%rtr M9m I i l c e n e w , p r i c e d l o sell $ ^ Q Q C 4 cyl, - auto - a/c - only 3O0OO miles. '6995 fli onIy 1989 E S C O R T W G N . 1985 BUICK C E N T U R Y - 2 DR. 3.81. - v6 - auto - a/c - low miles; excellent condition starcralt. conversion. k>aded PICKUP only 1 9 8 7 M E R C . GRAIV M A R Q U I S •90 CHEV. LUMINA A.P.V, V-6,auto. aji:,ii'll4cnfisa '11,500 Se^QAQ 1989 T A U R U S G L 4 cyl. • aulo - a/c - only 16000 miles., » F « F t F $e^QQa t9«F«7«F 1991 BUICK S K Y L A R K - 2 DR. '14,900 '89 GMC SAFARI WAGON § only O n e owner, p r i c e d loaeIl Loaded, black '12,500 $'7aa<fe . , only 1986 A S T R O V A N C O I W . 4 cyl. - aulo - ale • only 31000 mites.. •91 SILHOUEnEA.P.V, '90 GMC 0-1500 4x4 Sierra dassk:, kiadod 2 tone * 7 9 » 9 1986 G M C J I M M Y 4 X 4 Super b u y , loaded '9495 '11,900 $ ' 7 Q A a f tPtVcF only O n e o w n e r , l o A ( l e f l « 3D,000 m i . . . . o n l y 1 9 9 0 OLDSMOBILE C A U ! S - - | DR. •91 C H E V . S - 1 0 4.3, v-6, aulo, a/c, slorno cassette<I^U*f 1991 T E M P O G L S 9000 m i , , l i k e n e w On I x ) « ^ ^ c ^ witii ertrat, only 33,000 mUei '6995 $1 A j l iF«!F«F 1987 MERKUR 0. { "The Nice P l a c e t o S l i d p " or'156 per mo. Gb3 W. GRAND RIVER BRIGHTON V, 229-8800 itaio,V-6,\oMmla MCDONALD^ ^3900 Full power A u t o , With or *133 per mO. G R A N D 4 T ) R r ^3495 Can't Iimiiisl n l i i i o a , i p M l t l , only 16,000 milei only 4 speed, 12,000 mlies '89 METRO LSI U V Go Wrong l i l c o new 100% lauariint^eci Red-kiaded Lowmiles, like new 1985 FORD E-150 You '5995 '4295 LX and trucks; Yoii 1981 P L Y . R1El.IA]NrT USEDCARS •85 GMC K5 JIMMY 4X4 Bkie & white, aulo, tilt & cruise, power windows 4 kicks, 'plow' 1991 BUICK Park Ave, midnight blue, blue leather interior, 18,000 miles. $17,900. (313)227-6186. 1991 CUTLASS. Stereo, air, cniise. 27,500 miles. $10,800. Call (517)223-3104 after 2pm. 1988 CHEVY Sprint, nins oood, 1984 FOflD EXP, runs New clutch i tires. $900. 50 miles per gallon. $950. (313)349-0231 days, (313)437-7133. (313)234-8883 nights. 1984 HONDA Civic. Engine needs work. $500 or besl offer. 1988 YUGO all possible options, runs great, $950 or best offer, (517)548-4546, evenings. (517)223-3835. 1984 RENAULT Alliance, good 302 ENGINE, 350 engine, 300 transportation. $300. Ford standard shift trans. (313)486^. 1957 Chevy fenders, 1965 1986 FORD Escort, mns exc, custom Chevy, show room cond. $1000. (313)632-7460 or pickup, 1957 Chevy station wagon. (313)684-6872. (313)632-7611. Oheck O u r Cars 1990 C H E V R O L E T 4 5 4 SS 1990 BUICK Regal LTD, 26,000 miles, loaded, exc. cond., $97D0/best (313)227-3593. 1990 PROBE GL, air, stereo, 5 speed. 21K miles, $7995. (313)227-4409. 1988 EfSCOfiT. AutomatK trans, ainyfm eassatle, 2 door, runs eood. taoOO. (313)7500144. Ii out or »85 per mo. IT R A C E R 4 D R . Auto, stereo Air, auto, captains seats 1988 BONNEVILLE. Loaded, fiighiiiray miles. $6200. (517)5'I8-Z)07 '14,995 •Prices must add tax, title, license, destination snd dock tee • i ' ^ ^ ^ ^ n r M E R C 1987 PLYMOUTH Horizon. $1500. Good condilion. (517)223-9447 (313)2;!9HJ216. Full new car wananty '8488 1988 1989 ESCORT U(, air, stereo, good tires, 90,000 miles, red. i^irst $2300 lakes. (517)548-3452. 1983 OLDS Delta 88. good body, 1987 PLYMOUTH Turismo. • wall equipped, $906, Good condition. $800 or best (313)685-9889. otfef. (313)227-3659. 1987 .«>HADOW ES Turbo, 5 speed, must sell. $2500. 1991 CHEV 1930 PLYMOUTH 1991 CHEV S-10 TAHOE ASTRO EXTENDED SUNDANCE 4.3lt,aJlcplic<it 4 door, auto, air PROGRAM VANS 1986 BUICK REGAL LTD ^ L*2495 1987 CHEV Z-24 WHOLESALE TO ;99QCHEV LUMINA EUROSPORT ^PUlLIC Low miles Auto, stereo '5995 •7995 44,0C»otigrial miles .87 HORIZON Aulo, air only ^9500 R e ^ 1989 DODGE Shadow. While, 5 door iitlbadi, 2.5 L engine, auto., power braiies, power steenng, am/lm cassette, cruise, till, air, low mileage. $6,796 (313)229-2563. Auto, air '2995 '12,995 2D E S C O R T loaded, lust sell. I 1986 PONTIAC Grand Am, air, automiUk:, stereo, good cond., $2250. (313)4860831. LIVINGSTON C O U N T Y ' S 1986 1989COUGAflLS, 32,000 miles, loaded, aluminum wheels, burgundy w^ed intenor, dean, $9800 or best oiler. (313)231-4764. 1989 MERCURY Sable LS, 43,000 miles, loaded, like new, $7100. (313)449-2804. or '79 per mo. igeTiSRAND AM LE. Loaded. 4 cykndfir, new tires. $2700 or best citler. (313)629-1743. 1986 'MERCURY Grand Marque. Fuly .oaded, 302, dean. $4,700. 1(313)629-8364, after 6pm. 1989 CHEVY Ceiebnty ourosporl wagon, exc. cond. loaded $8,600. (313)437-3279. or »65 per mo. 11986 240 1989 BEREm GT auto, air, new tiros, auise, $6500. DAytime (313)349-9396. ' orM45 per mo. 11986 L Y N X Good transportation 1991 FORD Escon GT 5 speed, 1976 LTD. 76K Ktud miles. Best 1979 OiUAS Supreme. 2nd 1981 MUSTANG. 92,000 miles, 6 premium sound system, air, rear ofler. Wil accept partial trade. owner, solid body, engine needs cylinder, 4 speed, sunroof. Runs defrost $10,000. (313)632-7979. Sow car. (313)632-7590. worit, many new pifts. Teen great. $900. (313)632-7605. 1991 MERCURY Capri convsrS- 1977 DODGE Aspen. Low agere dream. (313)227-1520. 1981 OLOS Custom Cruiser ble, 5 speed, air, power windows mileage, new tires. $275. 1980 CAOIliAC El Dorado. Bad station wagon, runs good. 4 kicks, $12,250. (313)632-7979. (517)521-3454. CV joint Runs great Body good $95(Vbest. (517)546-2593 Brian. condilion. Pans or complete. 1988 TOPAZ. Exc. cond., power 1978 OLOS Delta 88 Royale. $27Sitel. (313)867-1759 eves. 1982 BUICK Skylark Umiied, bral(es/si0ering/window5, 5 Rebuilt engine, transmission. excellent interior, loaded, auto, speed, 30 mpg, $3 800 $600 or best (517)223-3264. Airtoinoblles $750. (313)229-6501. (313)30-9190. ' 1980 CITATION, 4 door, auto, good oond. 1980 Citation for 1982 HONDA Civk;. 2 door Under $l,00O 1988 VW Fox GL, 4 speed, 4 parts. Both cars $575. coupe, am/fm stereo, rear liUYir. door, A/C, am/fm, rear dofog, defrost. Exc. economy. (517)548-2348. SELL IT. 45,000 miles, very dean, Ca $90(Vbest. (517)548-3744. FIND IT. 1976 CHEVETTE. Yellow, ear. $4300. (517)546-5264. TRADE nr. 1961 FORD Mustana, funs 1983 BUICK Century. 4 door, air. 104,000 miles, good condition. 1989 BERETTA 4 cylinder, air, $650. (313)227-0657 exc. cond. irisldeanooul' or $595 or b e s l ofler. CLASSIFIED ill, cruise, sunrool, slereo, new best (313)87^6798. (517)223-8525. tires. Ona oivner exc. cond. $5,900 or besl (517)548-0080 days. (313)486<S8ia after Spm. S U P E R S O R AutomoUles Over $1,000 241 A E R O S T A R X L 1985 MUSTANG GT. 54,000 miles. New transmisskin, dulh. 1978 OlDS Cullass, 4 door, V-8, $6,000 or best oiler. auto, Florida car. Very good (517)5-i8-9428, asktorJell. body. 45,000 miles. $1200. 1985 OLDS 98 Regency, 81,000 (313)363-1303, Union Lake. miles, average cond. $5500. 1979 924 (X)f1SCHE, $4900, (517)2;:3^ e^nings. WEEK 1991 D O D G E B 2 5 0 C O N V E R S I O N V A N W a s ^2 1,995 1987 1985 UNCOLN Continenlal. High mileage mns great. $2,500. (313)3-19-3656. O^er J1,000 SPECIAL Ann 1985 i::lMARRON. Fully toaded, sunrool, $1,300. (313)229-6938. Automobiles D€V)&C SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 19a5',4 FORO Escort. 60,000 miles, 4 speed, new dutch. $1,750. (313)887-2015 1967 MUSTANG, $2500, (313)227-2016. DichSwtl NEW I 1964 CHEVY Celebrity iirajon, exc cond., Ftonda car, new Ures, brake; i, shocks, asking $2,5C0 or best ciHer. (517)548-5593. c w IS] I NO DOWN PAYMENT DEUVERY • DESTINATION CHARGES ALWAYS INCLUDED • NO DOWN PAYMENT. DELIVERY Vw- /I I IHEVRD CARS na Heartbeat BtAmepica Is Wianing: TRUCKS Extended thru Jan. 19th, 1992, Marty Feidman Chevroiet/Geo inNovi a n d Jay Chevro(et/Geo inHighland will THE TRUCKS THAT LAST d i s c o u n t a n y N E W 1991 o r1 9 9 2 C H E V R O L E T C A R , C H E V R O L E T T R U C K o rG e oatthe equivalent of Option I Prices. That's RIGHT - A L L mm 1092 C A V A L I E R 2 M t stock No. X2062J Factbiy Price •9876 6M E n ^ e e or Femfly Member Owion 1 Discount' .. -960 (kxisuimr Caeh Back •500 1 « Time 8uy»»% DIseounr -400 YoufNeiTrwJefn or <^h Redijctlon' -1000 V E H I C L E S I N S T O C K Q U A L I F Y .B u t mm 1992 iSlO P I C K U P Stocl< N0.T259J Factoiy Price •8192 GM Employee or Family Member Option 1 Dlseouni* .. -750 Consumer Cash BacK -700 1st Time Buyer's Discounl" .400 Your Net Trade In orCash Reducllon* -1000 be sure t o c o m e early f o r best selection... I %996 GET TO KNOW or less of less Aut«.'alr, stflw Stock No. 210F ftetey Pitoe ...... . . , M T ^ * : ^ " " " j srCeshJ^edjcHo}* I mm *12.802 PICEVP | Factory Price ...,,.....>,.,> < <M £nfi!oyBo or Fonilty Meinbef Option 1 Clsoount* . . ,.t$42 ConBumer C«?h Bai* ..jJOO Your Net Trade tn br CoBh Beducttjn* ,,,,, 4000 ..^ouo > t'^t'^t"^' 1992 F U L L $!ookNo.r906$F ^ orfass mm High Top Extend Van 1992 C A P R I C K Stocl< No. 2002J 1991 A S T R O C O I W E B S I O I V stock No. TB68J Suggested Retail Price '23,824 Recreational Vehicle Incentive -1000 QM Employee or Family Memlier Option 1 Discount* .. -4829 Consumer Cash Back -750 Your Net Trade In or Cash Reduction' -1000 Suogested BetaiIPHce '19.185 Recreallonel Vehicle Incefitlvo .3353 QM Eniploy«« or FemilyMefnbar Option 1 Oisoounr . . . 1 2 5 0 Consufiier Cmeh Sacfc YourNMTnKtetn -Ann orCaehRedtiettart* I > 16^45 or less of less o 1 9 9 1 C 0 a i § » € A StookNo,BtT7lJ i$0i mmk wmmifmt •AfrfSwitfiaorilng •AiiipmntloTf«i1airtsfilwi • AND MUCH MfSRE 'AMFM€teroo Compare At toe 251!,:^'^.*^^ 2 »» " " ^ r i n c o n . i d « - i o n of Option 1 pricing. - R ™ , Tim. B e y . . . discoon. ( R L E ) applies ooV .0 G M A C fl% fina^,^ »xi . u b i « i .0 . h , ^ ap^ova. C a d i J m% S. MILFORD RD.. HIGHLANl^Ii JUST i MfLB SOUTH OFm^ N O D O W N P A Y M E N T D E L I V E R Y DESTINATION CHARGES ALWAYS INCLUDED .A.' NO DOWNPAYMENT DEUVERY : l 1