WEDNESDAY. JIXY 16. 1»52 mitllAlMls People Make This Era Significant \l)\OC\TI MCE <WVEN Hungary And Canada Win <>ames ZOO CH'MPS BUY ICES TO TRY TO KEEP C( AM HISTORIAN takes a leap ahead of his time and today assesses what noes to make this era significant. He HELSINKI. July 14 Hungary and Canada aSM " ' i iiympic games advancing t.i the second round of basketball eliminations AlUiough the games do not officially-open not. Saturday the qualifying rounds In basketball, football and soccer are scheduled before the oflfc in| owtng to Hsa tanaa number of chooses not wars, not dates, not treaties—but the impact of PEOPLE on (fail age of ours. American historical writer Donald Robinson, chief army historian to Eisenhower chooses 100 living people who, in ha Miu haw. hv force of deeds or oersonalitv. moit influenced "our civilisation in the last 15 years." What Is th* passport to the ■ Not rood work.—although Kiloftophcr Albert Schweitze*-, pc Plus XII. and thoolofiical R..nh...U Niebuhr arc : -al hou 1 c J** ! ?traitor ,v list of,*?«i 100 .?T!f include* atom Klaus Fuchs "bfcaM<c of tho done *Te*l.J1*rm ' Hoblnson s.iys he was advised in tils final choice "by obtaining the opinions of as many experts BB passible." Flr*t man in the book M Joseph Stalin; "the mosi merciless bran of the age . . It It possible thai 00b death can halt him." Molotov i- MUM.' with Stalin hut Cm. ,>; not. Robinson says hut £IT IT lhiVn ■cfsra of ihings they office boys. expert' ,he VftSPg H hat LotliPS »»« «°°oi**». '«"■' »i °°' differently—it ing whwl comes .truces -t the imajnnalioi.. u M exciting and provoking. Isn't It exactly what we expect from a holiday, from the long lovely days of lummer. something different? A holiday seems to have "11 the possibilities -nd impossibilities of life gathered together JnW two precious weeks, like .. wonderful mystery box. wailing opened. And so it can be. lf >»u approach it constructively, Summer always seems to hold the peak of our hopes. We put SoVk 1 ' were just °« a" ">e big decisions, moves changes until the and Th^ sun gives us energy ;(Il(i ,„_ rruman is "tne moat impoiUnt person in the free world': Church IK "the most heroic ilgurc of the century': and Tito 'the mildest man who ever slit i Digest, are Robinson's choice for the most important men in Press and Communications. H " . ''"".' V." •» ineontrovert!hie that L»rd Bmvrebrooh more succc.v a. •> new , Inner in thw last two aeneraUons than any other man uliv.'.' Rut. "Lord Boa vr-r brook . . . . • has 'onslstently backed th wrong men an.) wrong ideas." Sample) according t.. Robin- deaeour, but it cannot make us into new beings without a little* help. A holiday is for health—body and spirit. So turn around and have I look at yourself, see whafc kmd OI Per-on >ou are tak-ng on holiday. It is the same you that nas . weaihered the other tiny I if the year, but . . _ feel different, look different and live differently without for a moment losing your real Identity or being artificial. You cm I »• yourself a summer look quickly enough with A tan. a short li,.n'a crisp smart beach suit—and ,„,. to „>), you how B , h ™ »I!LS? mld:.20> "ne 'ou«.nl the League o.' Nations the 30*« he .... approved UM appeasment pSUdaa of Chamberlain." "Recently he hns been suiting th-«t Marshall plan old L<s bad for Britain.*' So, in Robinson's view, it i- not necessity for R great man to bo always right. •***« yur «deas, your habit, .lions —perhaps they need a change too? Whan vou go away, are you bH inclined to look around quickly for the sort of people vou feel you are used to? It is just possible you know, that you would get more fun out of getting to know some different kinds of people. This is just, becauso it appear; that even an historian can nuke mistakes. For instance, Robinson describes Lord Beaver brook's LONDON London home as Stornoway BOUM In the House of Commons on —although Slornoway House was July, Mr. Ronald Russell badly bombed 11 years ago and 8th (Conservative, Wembley a>ked the has not been lived in since. Minister of Labour what facilities ex,hl ,or AMONG leaders in the world colonial students to obof fine arts Arluro Toscanini, "the M1" employment In this country foremost orchestral conductor of during their vacation. Slr our times," Is placed next to lrWalter Mocklon, Minister ving Berlin- "he has been su- of I<abour replied:— Tne preme since Alexander's Ragtime service provided by the Band." employments exchanges and apPicasso "is still the biggest nam» P«»ntmenn offices is available to in palatial"; rtllplln the last colonial students who wish to man in the book—is -J-the only out«ui employment in the vaca,ions genius In motion pictures. . ' understand that certain Among the arts Europeans, fixate organisations such as the lead the way. ("As a group the National Union of Students aro als writers of the United States are " "c'lve '" lh'« »cld. Mr not on a par with their Continen; Russcl: Can my right hon. tal confreeres." addmils Robin- ,""1 2 ">"' Friend .*> whethei any facilsQes exUt in Industry 80(1 , Colonial Student* Sir Alexander Fleming, the Scot who diwovor<Kl penicillin headi the list of men whose work has meant most to the health of the world. • • • ONLY iwo women ore I5ted. No one. laments Robinson, "could recommend to me any besides Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Stnora Per on." He includes these two, and adds that one disgruntled diplomat said sourly: "The only thing Senora Peron is distinguished for is her lowcut neckline." Who of them all, is the ftrcat, est? According to Robinson: Albert lEInsteln. _ The Hungary defeated Greece 7.1 to "H in UM in M Miin' .... n >n«| i .in iii.i beat Italy fW to 57 Canada will meet Romania in ail&l Hungai> will clash with the winner ,.f tha l"hihppines-lsrael game to b» played later to-day. / i.' ff.,,.,,.. i /.*"/<#" »*«*«X Pgsmanla dram .i tsrat round byo In the basketIMIII qu lUf) ing rounds lefeat dnaa not aUn te.un Hut should It be d< second time the team is climm ttad Ten nations were seedtM in the basketball draw including U.S. tlafanding Otyanple cnanj The I'll st t'.S. Olymin. 'ii win be Una aquad which will paaat [tarj on Wednesday, about 100 mlV Haartnhl. Italy, wtuen t'.S 1 goal to nil in the Ukst ravtkfl of the 1MH Ol i London Ii Cavourad. Field Urn-key eliminations ge: ' under my to-morrow wiUi Swit- I zerland meeting Au-tna and Finl-tnd clashing with Belgium in tha first games. Field Hockey i- UM agmn ohtalnshle in the original quality, rr..i 1< anl] ivi'tit on Olympic schedule in which the Until to tho famous and secret formula itnca 1792. entered. Bocoar eUnilnatSoni also I •tart to-moiinw «iih Yugonlavia' 1. KLIM a por.. I of* milt meeting India. Romania clashim.'' with Hungary and Denma:'i 2. KLIM t.opi without r*lrl«*r«tlM aganm am ■ The Ideal Refresher A tew drops of the Genuine '47U fcau dc Cologne, dabbed on forehead and temples or inhaled from your handkerchief, will stimulate and revivify immediately. rtta Qanntna "t7ll" K»« d> Colome comas from Cologne nn Ithlnet' >rl*l—Sally left, and So So -brllt-ir thai ralHi* m-nr.m - Ihr tw»l ".. to keep cool. They The t*>» oldest and -i Ititrlllsriil MBlllll ol l^mitun Zoo • eblnipauiee " ItM-parly " Chines*" RVds Said (,itr'fi<finit Lawn Howling Ivam Win Two Games ToBitve Rocogniaed Two Coim-ntioiivs "X>NDON, July 15. NOTTINGHAM. England, July IS, Canada's touring bowlari baadbroudcost said on •d Into the centre Of England night that the Chineso Monday after recording two vic•Communist government has re- tories against seven defeats In an t tgnized two international conven- 11-day swing through Siothimi tions of Geneva on war prisoners The 30-incmber lawn bowling and germ warfareteam now about halfway through a three-month programme of The broadcast quoted two mnlchnt, sight-seeing and civic statements by Chou En Lai on entertainment completed il^> ScotJuly 13th: "The Central People's tish tour lasl week and then h< gdGovernment of the People's ed across the border to Carlisle Republic of China has examined tile protocol for the prohibition The tWO Caii.nli..n vnlntie, u. of the use of asphyxiating jxiison Scotland were at Brought Parry or other gases, and of bacterip- near Ihindee where the tOUXtltl logleal warfare concluded on won 118 84 and al June 17th, 1925 and acceded to the score was 102—78. Losing in the name of China on August matches were played at Porto 7th. 1921. The Central People's liellu. Stirling, Edinburgh, AberGovernment considers that the deen. rJumbarton, Motherweii and said protocol is conducive to tho Ayr.—«P> strengthening of International Peace and Security and Is In conformity with humanitarian punciples. and therefore has decided 'to recognize the accession of trie protocol. The Central People's Government ahull undertake to BELGRADE. Yugoslavia. implement strictly the provurton» Jub H of tho proclocol provided nil I'! ■• A- ■ other contracting and acceded Britain and UM Unlt< 'i-erve them reciprocally. ii.mded .i long delayed throci'eipii.g ■ndn eaal a tym. now houses 2.000 Olympic athletes and officials with anothot 4.000 expected by next Thursday according to the OrganlriiiR Committee. North Amerv^ans with | 333 strong contingent tops the list followed by the Argentine with ?00. Canada 17fl. Italy 15*1. South Africa 119 and Venezuela 74 Foreign visitors are liegltining to utream intti the Olymnk eaptaL Over 700 arrived yesterday and the inLONDON. July 15 flux Is expected to reach 900 par ■dofl and Ministers of day next Monday. many countries plan to honour retiring Brazilian Ambassador Senoi J.^lunll !>.• Arigao. Doyen of the diplomatie corps at n farewell dinner Unnghl. De Aragao is retiring ufter 12 vears" atrvtco riere. Aniong tonik'ht lueatl will be his nuccesKaT Doyan, IggnuOl Blanehi. Chile..ii Ambasaador who gag TOKYO, July IS. Kngflaad atona 1941. The Japanese Fortign Office has During his aUy in England. forbidden vulley ball teams to acBianclu marrtad Una widow of a cept the Itussian invitation to ater a naturalized Briton tend "world volley ball championkillwl m the airborne Invasion of ships". Germany At 33. Senora Bianchl Announcing th> today a Foreign will I-- the youngest ever "first Office spokesman said: "Governlady" r.f the I/Hidon diplomatic ment can give no guarantee of corps. tafaty in Huaala" The invitation received by the —U.P. lapanese Vollev Hall Association included free travel and expenses I >"n- M.I i' In Honour (►f Hi*a/ilian AniJNi.ssaffor Russian ln\ iliilion I minis ConHiuVr ^uggoHtions" Foreign Aid Note Brltls EfiSSfft., *>. replace " worker *hile they are on hollday Sir Walter Mock ton: I have In mind the agriculture Industrial and the efforts which are made by the National Union of Students pnwii .iic Mowing "'I foralgn ,„ ,hot „.la Sctivtary of State Dean Ache- aid to Yugoslavia to Foreign Minhere we help l,> ibling them to travel to and son pointed out the American ister Leo Males. The ud 0*0from the work. If there is any poMiion on germ warfare at a grammc • i press conference on June ihly reduc) ther matter perhaps my hon. 13. when a Communist reporter II|I.II-1MIII with that of last friend will let me know. The Frenrh ;mrt Itritish proMr A. F. Brookway, (Labour. asked why the United Slates had yen grammc Eton and Slough): Will the right not signed the Gwwva Convenand a*il« tha hon. and learned Gentleman tion mi germ warfare. Acheaun ■bout ooe-thlrd replied thut the United SLites ntaci amount i consult with the Colonial Office lor M.o>lial Tito's i: upon this matter with n view to wanted all weapons of destruction banned by trie International Dis- from the United States was not making the fullest provision >r armament Commission with ade- yet known tt was expected to be employment for these- colonial quate powers of enforcement. bntwoon saS.otw.nou ami » 000. Last year'* figure was $1H vfaRw Mockton I am Sir —L'-P. 000 0(H).—I'.P. anxious to do what I can and wiH consult with them B I M' ANOTHCH SHINING IXAMPlt MeKanley Wu> Try At 10C) Metrei •'.'' ' are still under rotiMdein- i' 1 i i" the union." l 0 Pn Ufa ttt Philip Murray i in sd ol tha BtaaJworkara. was expeatad to b ua a call to his 170i W,.gc action on Policy Committee fur the companies offer whu h was reported to he close to ' ' i.menHations of tho Wage I -ttion Board. Murray may ion of the Committee Ut 'lie ■ d ly hf tiimks ha ean ain i' Herb, who is now 3d. .oid n.. lonajac tha pant runnar a/ho lat the world Quartei mllatt raeord •■' 4(l acondi Hal In i'-»' . i''"1 :" labad aatlni at Otympta vtuaga , ■ ,11 DO* JIII the linrx. purrM anil molt ..uiis i, , raui bsaw, Kl IM «»«.. I KJ IM aoali .- W* n-» m'i*. '«.lly nuMtishinti *n.l «»>i" i" iliR(*i llm » «ln ii .- it. . prrfcrcfl I'v nimhrrt. 7. ivf.if.l ii tafa in this tptelmWi-pmektd tla J. KLIM h prodtfCfdJ under ilrlctvit certrel LiLIM Z'. MILK FlBST IN PREFERENCE THE WORLD OVER REDIFFUSI0N Ollstn i CtMaaaWtfl of $1.51) hi CASH lor every New Subscriber brought lo and accepted by the Company. SBD1FFUSION will pay in .iddition a bonus of $25.00 U) any person who hnnj;s in twenty-five New Subscribers in one (alendnr month who are accepted by the Company. Have always .. supply of Recommendation Forms ready TIIKY CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE OFFICE Kl 1)11 I 1 SION Trafalgar Street MtMMMMIIMI MMMM » MIM r^- Of CHOC ICES There'', always a clean hygienic fragunce in every room where this S-M-OO-I-H r\me cleanser is used. Hots. Pans. andTilcs.Sinks.and Pamtvsotk respond quickly lo ill Ircatment - there's nol a scratch in a mountain of Chcmico. **f*49Wf*9W99* THE BARBADOS FOUNDRY LTD. NUTRICIOUS Firestone CHOC ICES DUPLICATING SERVICE White Park Rood. Bridgetown Phone 4528 Stores Dept: . tie began toying a lib ih. ■>■ "1 Dunk 1 will piiietise .lints and if i can v.<^ out ,if tha hola qulokb anougn, Hi run the inn 11 .... ii aj 400," said Horn "ll" U1 the 2im as well ¥5 60% MORE Have VOU tried this delightful and already famous Chocolate coated ICE CREAM BLOCK Manufactured in the most modern and hvifjenic manner bv THE BARBADOS FOUNDRY LTD. KLIM is recommended for infant feeding —I'.P. /eanfa/eJJi < Contact G. IC.IM odd* Hourl.hmvsl U ca«t«d 4Ufe«* .,.. a DELICIOUS PROPERT'S Phone : 4546, 4650 Workshop i in dispute", and that "those sug- wMmm KLIM I. •■c«ll««t for q.owt»« calltlraa CHOC ICES It cleans, preserves—and how it polishes! Ask your retailer for Propert's. Nothing else is quite the same. Watch the ditTerence it makes to your shoes! ENGINEERS. BRASS and IRON FOUNDERS Works contain modern appliances for the execution of tirst-ciass work of all'kinds, and especially to SUGAR MACHINERY and STEAMSHIPS Dealers in AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY and GENERAL ENGINE ROOM STORES of all Description IRRIGATION PROJECTS. PUMPING EQUIPMENT and ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS A SPECIALTY For Satisfaction. Quality and Service '". within, tha Soviet union I'lTTSMUHGH, July If, cnl of the longest and leal Btrifca in U.S. hlstorv hinged toilay on C.I.O. United Btaalworsa n faggillou to the in1IKUSINKI. July 14 dustry's latest "suggestion' f.»i The 1U<> inelic dash in the 1952 ending the crippling dispute. .Steelmakers announced Jointly Olympic track and Held game* had made "suggesUon.s is so wide open that Herb McJumaica, 4tH> metre (■■I -ettling Important issues still Kenley of For fpath ^r of erpry valour— SHOE 3. tTUMinan Jap Volley Ball 'Irani Bofecta Yugoslavia Giv6fl . h2£*tr mo"ntcbiank " •la's T.D. Lysenko. ('He a charlatan whose theories *n netics are. ridiculous.) The sinister, another Russian, • "The 100 Most Important ■urenti P Benn. had of the People in the World Todau"— vlet Secret Police. ("No man published in New York by Pocket alive has more blood on his Booki Inc. at 35 cents, hands") L.E.S. Th. oiyinpk rtUajn at Ranyla llil l'll> It lliini-i'l.. I.'V.T their k.-.-|-. r thrm -i.nir immn .lrcordinsj BICO We have ju»t in.i.illr.l the MOST MODERN KI.KITRIC IH l-l l( \ I i >l; and are now in a position to handle your Duplicating Work WHY WAIT ? TIME LOST IS MONEY LOST I We Guarantee Delivery of all Work Within Circulars. Forms. Price Lists, Notices, Work Sheets. Etc. can be duplicated. It Saves you wui Money and Urines Money ! (all HI OFFICE . IVtvl . EQUIPMENT COLSKIDGEHTKBR KNIGHTS LTD-Clty B C — OR CO.. FHONI LTD. DM a champion. New in material) - new in .i. MIMI new in performance. TMUd of miles of Mfvlot OW i all kinds of roatl Bt WOIIKMAN-Two Mile Hill WII.KIN—I'mr Road made that are SaKtv- Proved on wary for tion on the your the %jx*e*lprotec- high* MHS. ST CLAIR—St. Swphenn I'ARLOUR-Opp. llort> Cap. r. H. ORirFITH—Itockley ABLAMCA I' SERVICE Pharmacy lafla IIall I HASTINGS • / <>' lull inffirmuliim rraartlinit CuM of ><//,' Truly **fc—buy the only t;res A. A. BHOWNK • ¥5 32% LONGER MILEAGE an.l proved by millions RETAILED AT 12 CENTS EACH II. 24 HOURS NON-SKID ANGLES VS 55% STRONGER A C I.AI1KK Bt Ijwrcnce St John TIIK IIAHIIAIXyS AQUATIC CLUB And THE BICO DEPOTS al Oistin & Bo? Charles VlcEnearney & Co.. Lid.'