Programmes for youth - Hillary Outdoors Education Centres

Formerly OPC
Other programmes
Core programmes
Programmes for youth
Leading the way in Outdoor Education since 1972
“... Thank you all for the most amazing five days, myself and the twenty children from
Royal Road School have ever had. They just never stopped smiling…even when they
got back to school the next week...”
Joanne Summerville, Royal Road School
Hillary Outdoors centres
Tongariro Centre
Hillary Outdoors Tongariro is located in a
beautiful wilderness area of the Central North
Island adjacent to the Tongariro National
Park. Established in 1887, Tongariro was the
first National Park in New Zealand. It is also
a dual World Heritage area, recognising the
Park’s important Maori cultural and spiritual
associations, as well as its outstanding volcanic
features in an area surrounded by lakes, rivers,
mountains and native bush.
Snow sports packages can be booked during your
winter trip to Hillary Outdoors Tongariro, we
can offer competitive rates in partnership with
Ruapehu Alpine Lifts. If the Skifield is closed we
can provide up to Grade 3 white water rafting
on the Tongariro River in partnership with award
winning Rafting New Zealand.
Great Barrier Island Centre
“... Our staff loved watching the students challenge themselves and take on experiences
which initially made them fearful, and it was easy to see their leadership and
teamwork skills grow day by day...”
L.D. Elia, Principal, Glenbrae School
Hillary Outdoors Great Barrier Island is located
on the edge of Karaka Bay, Great Barrier Island,
in the Hauraki Gulf. As the ‘Guardian of the Gulf’
Great Barrier Island is exposed to rugged elements
but shields the inner islands, offering a variety of
environments which challenge and inspire. Also
called Aotea by Ngati Rehua, the island is culturally
significant to this iwi.
The island is just 35km long and 15km wide at
its widest point. The Orama Trust hosts Hillary
Outdoors on their 230 hectare property at Karaka
Bay 4km from Port Fitzroy. The Centre has its own
secluded bay and is surrounded by pastureland,
regenerating indigenous bush and mature trees.
Hillary Outdoors has been able to secure the best
possible prices from local operators for return group
travel to Great Barrier Island by ferry or plane.
over 40 years experience in outdoor ed
Dare them to dream in the spirit of Sir
Edmund Hillary
In 1972 Graeme Dingle, supported by Sir
Edmund Hillary, had a vision to create an
Outdoor Education Centre where young New
Zealanders would have the opportunity to learn
more about themselves while adventuring in
the outdoors.
If you want nothing but the best for your students’ outdoor education, then you’re in
great hands. Hillary Outdoors (formerly OPC) has been running school programmes
for more than 40 years and this experience has allowed us to fine-tune what we can
offer schools today. The benefits mentioned below place us well above your standard
“school camp”...
For more than 40 years Hillary Outdoors
(formerly OPC) has been fulfilling their vision
and enabling thousands of young people to
grow through outdoor education and embrace
adventure and challenge.
Hillary Outdoors is where people come for life-changing experiences
We are championing the resolute determination
and very special strength of character that Kiwis
love and that allowed Sir Ed to conquer the
summit of Mt Everest.
We all know that we need more of these qualities
in our children to live their lives to the full.
To have courage in their convictions and an
unshakable belief in their ability to achieve and
contribute to their community - these are great
qualities to draw out and encourage in young New
We are privileged that our inspirational adventure
programmes carry the Hillary name.
As a schoolboy the potential greatness in Sir Ed
Hillary was awakened on the slopes of Mount
Ruapehu where he discovered a lifetime passion
for the outdoors and adventure.
Our National Parks are places for young people to
make sense of their lives and to dream about the
possibilities that are before them.
This was the vision that Sir Edmund Hillary
had for young New Zealanders when he helped
mountaineer and adventurer Graeme Dingle
set up the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits
Centre over 40 years ago.
ONLY the best for your students
Hillary Outdoors delivers ‘best in class’
99 Centres located in two of New Zealand’s most
stunning and remote locations. Tongariro and Great
Barrier Island
99 Instructors are highly trained and skilled programme
facilitators. Our Tongariro Centre is a national training
base for tertiary outdoor education qualifications
99 Multi-talented Staff who are passionate,
compassionate and inspiring
99 In the footsteps of our name-sake Sir Edmund Hillary,
and our founder Graeme Dingle, we strive for the best
and offer top quality programmes
Hillary Outdoors Great Barrier Island
99 Over 6000 students attend our programmes every
year helping to build our experience and expertise,
including our excellent Safety Management System
99 From 2015 we are offering the option of Duke of
Edinburgh Award certification from participation
in our programmes. We are also aiming to offer the
facility to work towards Gold Awards on our holiday
programmes soon after
Flexible programmes
Hillary Outdoors Tongari
99 Caters for a range of different learning
outcomes. From our standard 5-day
programmes to our 5-week immersion programmes, and different levels of skill and challenge, the
possibilities are enormous
99 Supports the National Curriculum. Opportunity for students to undertake unit and achievement
This booklet aims to give you some background about Hillary Outdoors and guide you through the
choices that will inform you which programmes would be best suited to your students needs.
If you have any further questions, please get in touch via the contact details on the back cover.
what are your needs?
Hillary Outdoors three core programmes provide
choices for schools and students from a range of
different learning outcomes. Hillary Outdoors
also offers the chance for teachers and group
leaders to tailor-make their week to meet the
individual needs of their students from a mastery
week to a wilderness experience.
Our holiday programmes are for individuals and
offer different levels of challenge. Whether the
student comes once or returns to us every year,
their experience will always be different.
Hillary Outdoors instructors are highly trained
and skilled in facilitating our courses to reach your
desired outcomes – whether students are hoping
to achieve National Curriculum requirements,
gain NCEA credits or simply aspire to have the
experience of a lifetime!
Our standard Hillary 5-day programme has
students arrive Sunday evening and depart after
lunch on the Friday. However, we can also cater
for seven-day, ten-day, or up to five-week
education philosophy
Contributing positively to the life journey of young people, in the spirit of
Sir Edmund Hillary.through adventure and rich outdoor learning
experiences that develop care and respect for self, others and place.
Learning at Hillary Outdoors is underpinned by:
The New Zealand curriculum framework key competencies
High expectations
Relevant and authentic opportunities for learning and leadership
The Treaty of Waitangi
Sustainable relationships with people, communities and the Earth
Safe and supportive learning environments
Inspirational educators
The outdoors allows powerful opportunities to develop:
Want to visit a Hillary Outdoors centre?
Do you want mainly marine or land based activities?
Visit Tongariro
How long can you spend at our centre?
One week or less
No specific
Consider our core
• Hillary Discover
• Hillary Adventure
• Hillary Leadership
Unit Standards:
Talk to our Programme
Managers about including
unit standards in the core
PLACE - Ecological literacy and care (Participating and Contributing)
OTHERS - Skills in leadership and working with others (Relating to Others)
Visit GBI Centre
SELF - Resilience, self-management and values (Managing Self)
More than one
We offer immersion programmes of
up to 5 weeks at both our centres or
discuss a duration that suits your school
Talk to our Programme Managers
about tailoring your programme
(e.g. sports leader groups/sports
codes/school leaders/event training
or similar)
THINKING - Problem solving and reflective practice (Thinking)
SKILLS - Outdoor recreation skills (Using Language, Symbols and Text)
The Hillary Outdoors SPOTS learning model has been developed by registered
teachers and outdoor educators, using latest educational research, to ensure our
courses exemplify and fit the New Zealand Curriculum. Our instructors are trained
to select learning outcomes from our SPOTS learning model to facilitate authentic,
adventurous learning experiences and ensure students meet those outcomes.
Unit and achievement standards
As a registered educational establishment, Hillary
Outdoors can offer to support you in delivering
unit and achievement standards during your week
at either Centre.
Hillary Outdoors is an accredited provider of
unit standards and our instructors are trained to
deliver and assess the offered unit standards. We
offer teacher and student resources to support
you in delivering the necessary pre-visit learning.
See page 15 for unit standard option table
If your school wishes to offer any unit standards
not within our standard options, this may be
possible provided you have discussed your
expectations and an agreement is made between
both parties relating to all necessary assessment
and reporting.
We presently cannot assess Achievement
Standards, however Hillary Outdoors instructors
are able to modify a programme to enable
students to do activities and record their
experiences to complete Achievement Standard
tasks supplied and assessed by your school.
This programme is designed for younger students
to develop skills in co-operation, communal
living, self management and environmental care.
Students learn and connect through exploration,
adventure and environmental initiatives. The week
offers a variety of different activities, including an
overnight camp experience.
Below is an example of what a 5-day
programme might include. There
are many factors that determine the
final programme and activities, including
weather, instructor availability, group
capability and dynamics etc.
Activity Days: (autumn, winter and spring)
Offsite activities could include a mountain or
climbing day, caving and abseiling or even going to
the lake canoe or kayaking if the weather
is suitable.
Core programmes
award winning hillary programmes
Hillary Adventure
Our award winning personal development
programme focuses on improving personal, social
and environmental skills which can be transferred
back to students’ lives and their community.
Students build resilience, develop responsibility
and increase self-esteem and confidence. The
week offers a variety of different team building
activities, including authentic adventures, a chance
to give back to the environment and an overnight
wilderness experience. When arranged in advance,
you may be able to focus more in-depth on specific
activities areas such as rock, mountain or water.
Local day: Activities could include ice breakers
and warm up exercises, activity based learning
(ABL) games including communication, trust,
initiative and problem solving exercises, basic
navigation training and practical bush tramping
skills, Flying Fox, low ropes and possibly
high ropes.
Hillary Leadership
This programme is geared towards senior pupils
who wish to gain more leadership skills and
experience. Students learn about different
leadership styles and the principles of good
leadership. Each student is given an opportunity
to develop their leadership skills, gaining
feedback from their peers, while being supported
and coached by their instructor. Activities will be
adventurous, challenging and include overnight
camp(s). Students are encouraged to set goals
and transfer their learning to their leadership
positions at school and everyday life.
Water day: (summer only) Activities could include
caving, single tube floating on a local stream,
kayaking/canoeing on the local lakes, sit-on-top
kayaks or tube rafting (senior groups only) on the
lower Tongariro river.
Mountain day: The object of the day is to summit
a peak within the Tongariro National Park or
a smaller peak in the local bush. A vehicle is
allocated to the group for the day.
Overnight expeditions: Are usually for two days
with a single night at camp and can be based in
the bush or the mountain or on a lake depending
on the weather and the ability of the group.
school holiday programmes
A healthy way for students to spend the
school holidays and beat boredom...
Great Barrier Holiday Action Challenge
(5 days) 14-18 years
Our holiday programmes are available for
developing young people. The 5-day or 7-day
programmes provide everything from excitement
and adventure to self confidence and challenge.
Five days of action packed fun and adventure
based at Hillary Outdoors Great Barrier. You’ll
have a great time going on exciting missions that
may involve sea-kayaking, high ropes course, rock
climbing, abseiling, sailing, surf kayaking, camping,
steep creeking and coasteering.
Tongariro Holiday Action Challenge
(5 days) 14-18 years
“... we were truly impressed by the visual and articulate manner in which they
communicated the experience and the impact on their lives.” (about the students’
presentation at conclusion of programme).
Hans Uivel, Teacher in Charge, Hillcrest High School
Immersion Programme (5 weeks)
Schools are increasingly competing against
progressive schools that have their own outdoor
education centres. It is possible to have a superior
outdoor education immersion programme even
without your own specialist centre.
By tapping into Hillary Outdoors’ fantastic
facilities, learning resources and experience
available at our two centres, now you can offer
your own long programme in outdoor education
by utilising either our Tongariro or Great Barrier
Island Centre.
A 5-week programme can enhance your
school’s positioning as an innovative educational
community that provides students with life
experiences that foster an understanding of self,
others and place, as well as develop some fantastic
practical outdoor recreation skills.
other needs?
Tailor made programme
We know that one size certainly does
not fit all, so we’d be delighted if you
talk to our Programme Managers, about
designing a programme of a week (or
longer) where specific learning outcomes,
activities and level of achievement
are involved.
This is a popular choice for sports leader
groups or sports codes, as well as any
group with a shared interest or talent.
Why not create a programme to help
your school prepare for one of our
outdoor adventure events like the
Hillary Challenge or Get2Go?
Five days of action packed fun and adventure
based at Hillary Outdoors Tongariro. You’ll have
a great time going on exciting missions that
may involve tramping, abseiling, high ropes,
mountaineering, camping, canoeing, caving
and rock climbing. In winter a ski-day may be
incorporated (weather dependent).
Tongariro Genesis Energy Summit
Leadership Challenge (7days) 16-19 years
Seven day leadership programme for students
wanting to learn new outdoor and leadership
skills. This is the ideal course for prefects, sports
captains, school council members and students
entering the workforce as the course uses the
outdoors as a medium for exploring leadership
theory, skills and related issues. The course
culminates with a three day expedition using the
bush, mountain, rivers and lakes at Tongariro.
Other programmes
special programmes, create special outcomes
nationwide outdoor adventure events
the finest in outdoor education
Scholarships are available
A chat at your school?
Every student programme at Hillary Outdoors
is already subsidised by the Sir Edmund Hillary
Outdoors Education Trust. However, we also
occasionally offer further scholarships for
students wanting to follow a school or holiday
programme. Maori scholarships are also available
for our Tertiary programmes.
We are always happy to discuss your choices and
options with you.
Please see our website for more information.
We can also arrange a school visit to support you
in making your decision, or in provide parent/
student invitation evenings, attending your
assemblies etc.
Please see contact details on the back of this
booklet to organise your visit.
tertiary programmes
Ideal for students that want a career
in the outdoors...
Hillary Outdoors runs some of the most successful
Outdoor Adventure Events specifically designed for
young people in New Zealand.
There are three different annual event series
organised by our dedicated Events Manager.
The two well-established flagship events (The
Genesis Energy Hillary Challenge and Get2Go
Challenge) involve around 3000 secondary school
students participating in heats and final events each
year around the country.
A third event that started in 2011 is Navquest,
which gives even more young people the chance
to participate in fun events at the same time as
involving their families.
The ideal preparation for a winning team could
be a week of event training at one of our centres.
Students will be tested in their team building skills,
lateral thinking challenges, rogaine skills etc.
Other programmes
Experience Hillary Outdoors beyond
our Centres
Hillary Outdoors is the only private New
Zealand training establishment for outdoor
education that is based at a fully operational
centre where you can learn from the best.
Our two full time courses offer an extremely
practical environment for comprehensive
learning that is in tune with current
industry needs.
Courses available (Feb–November):
Certificate in Outdoor Adventure Skills and
Leadership (Level 4)
A one year course that teaches how to explore
all outdoor environments – mountains, bush,
rivers, caves – whilst staying safe by assessing
and managing risk.
National Diploma in Outdoor Recreation
(Instruction) (Level 5)
A one year course building on skills from the
certificate course and preparation for a career
as an outdoor instructor.
For further details see: programmes
Managing self
Relating to others
Participating & contributing
Using language, symbols and text
This matrix indicates the level of emphasis
placed on the particular learning outcome
Core Programmes
Hillary Discover
Multi activity week for younger students with
focus on self management and environmental
care, teamwork, adventure and challenge
Hillary Adventure
Multi activity week with focus on developing
personal, environmental and social skills whilst
enjoying adventure and challenge
Hillary Leadership
Multi activity week where leadership skills are
the integral learning outcome of the week
Immersion Programmes
Hillary Outdoors Tongariro or
Great Barrier Island
Two to five week programmes based at either
one of our centres. Allows students to stretch
their leadership and teamwork skills even
further whilst developing confidence and
Tailor made Programmes
Outdoor adventure event preparation
Bring teams together and train for one of our
Outdoor Adventure Events such as The Hillary
Challenge or Get2Go
We tailor other programmes to meet your
needs. Ideal for prefects, art/drama/music
groups to international students
Experience a caving trip
Rock Climbing
Experience rock climbing
Demonstrate kayaking skills on sheltered
or slow moving water
Experience Tramping includes three
5-hour tramps
Experience Camping includes two
Adventure Based
Learning (ABL)
Demonstrate personal and social
development through participation in ABL
Low Ropes
Demonstrate personal and social
development through participation in a
low ropes course programme
High Ropes
Demonstrate personal and social
development through participation in a
high ropes course programme
Sea Kayaking
Demonstrate basic sea kayaking skills on
sheltered or slow-moving water
Demonstrate leadership while
participating in an adventure based
learning programme
You choose the emphasis based
on desired learning outcomes
Holiday Programmes
Holiday Action Challenge Tongariro
Great Barrier Island
Five days of action packed fun and adventure
based at either Hillary Outdoors Tongariro or
Great Barrier Island. For 14-18 year olds
Genesis Energy Summit Leadership
Challenge Tongariro
Seven day leadership programme for students
wanting to learn new outdoor skills. For 16-19
year olds
A one year course that teaches how to explore
all outdoor environments
A one year course that builds on skills from the
certificate course in preparation for a career as
an outdoor instructor
Available at
Both Centres
Great Barrier
Island Only
If your school wishes to offer any unit standards not within our standard options, this may be
possible provided you have discussed your expectations and an agreement is made between both
parties relating to all necessary assessment and reporting.
Certificate in Outdoor Adventure
Skills and Leadership (Level 4)
National Diploma in Outdoor
Recreation (Instruction) (Level 5)
All programmes are underpinned by the New Zealand Curriculum framework key competencies and
the Health and Physical Education Curriculum.
Tertiary Programmes
Have an enquiry or wish to book?
Sales Coordinator (Auckland Support Office)
If you would like some help on deciding what
programme is right for your school, get in touch
with our Sales Coordinator (they will be your main
point of contact up until you have made a booking).
Tony Sargisson
Phone: (09) 446 2052
If you would like discuss details of your
programme, such as tailor making your
programme or anything else about your booking,
please contact the Programme Manager for the
appropriate Centre.
All group bookings require a 20% deposit,
4 months in advance of commencement date
of programme.
All other general enquiries can be directed to our
Auckland Support Office (details below).
Programme Manager (Tongariro Centre)
Mike Brenton
Phone: (07) 386 5511
Programme Manager (GBI Centre)
Roger Miller
Phone: (09) 429 0762
All other contact details can be found on the
‘Contact’ page of our website.
HILLARY Outdoors &
0800 688 843 |
PO Box 32 482, Devonport 0744, Auckland