Plan It 2016 Plan It 2016 INTRODUCTORY NOTES Kia ora koutou katoa This booklet is arranged in Faculties to assist you in locating information about the subjects offered at Fairfield College. It is designed to help you by giving a description of the subjects offered and the key information you need. 1. All courses have information about any pre-requisite(s) required for entry. Read these prerequisites carefully. Decisions as to the course to be undertaken should consider: Demonstrated competence by a student to study at a particular level in a subject. Determination by the student to fulfil course requirements. Future training or job aspirations of the student. The best interest of the student, bearing in mind the overall programme of study proposed. If a student feels that she/he has been unfairly denied entry to a course they should contact the Dean. 2. The courses listed will be offered where there are sufficient numbers to justify running a class and the school has staffing available to provide tuition. Where a subject is not offered, the school will endeavour to organise appropriate study through measures such as distance learning, to cater for the individuals’ needs. 3. For NZQA qualifications entry fees, see the Student Support Centre Manager, Mrs Tarrant, during Term 3 of the school year. Subject Choice Evening is being held on Wednesday 2 September in the School Library, from 7.00pm – 8.30pm. This is an opportunity to meet with subject specialists, Careers Advisors and Deans to help you make an informed decision about your choice of subjects. Thursday 3 September we will be holding a Subject Choice Day for students from Years 10 – 12. This is where you will have the opportunity to discuss your subject choices. Remember to make the most of this opportunity as the subjects you choose will be crucial to gaining your qualifications, and will inform your career pathway. You should be aiming to be the best you can be to achieve your goals and aspirations during your time at Fairfield College. Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 1 Plan It 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Qualifications ..................................................... 3 University Entrance ........................................... 4 Vocational Pathways ......................................... 5 Information for Specific Year Levels ................ 6 Course Selection Guide .................................... 7 ARTS Head Of Faculty – Mr Perrott Visual Art......................................................... 8 Drama ............................................................. 10 Music .............................................................. 11 Māori Performing Arts ..................................... 13 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION Head of Faculty – Mr Shannon Advanced Physical Education ......................... 14 Outdoor Education .......................................... 16 Recreational Studies ....................................... 17 Health Studies ................................................. 18 Sport and Leisure Leadership ......................... 19 LANGUAGES Head of Faculty – Ms Brussen English ............................................................ 21 Chinese Mandarin ........................................... 25 Te Reo Māori .................................................. 26 MATHEMATICS Head of Faculty – Mrs Dawson Mathematics .................................................... 28 Mathematics Calculus ..................................... 31 Statistics and Modelling ................................... 32 PATHWAYS Pathways Director – Mrs Rae-Middleton Gateway .......................................................... 33 Trades Academy ............................................ 34 SCIENCE Head of Faculty – Mr Cox Science ........................................................... 37 Chemistry ........................................................ 39 Horticulture/Growing Plants ............................. 39 Science In Action ............................................ 40 Land Based Skills ........................................... 41 Physics ........................................................... 41 Biology ............................................................ 42 SOCIAL SCIENCES Head of Faculty – Mr Langley Accounting & financial Literacy ...................... 44 Social and Modern History............................. 46 Classical Studies ........................................... 75 Global Studies ............................................... 47 Geography .................................................... 48 Information Technology ................................. 50 Tourism ......................................................... 52 TECHNOLOGY (HARD) Head of Faculty – Mr Teao Design & Visual Communication ...................53 Fabric Technology ........................................54 Electro Technology .......................................56 Mechanical Engineering ...............................57 Technology and Building ..............................58 TECHNOLOGY (SOFT) Head of Faculty – Ms Findon Early Child Care ............................................ 60 Food & Nutrition ............................................ 61 Food & Beverage Service .............................. 61 Hospitality...................................................... 63 Subject Codes .................................................. 65 SERVICES ACADEMY Services Academy Director – Hire Wire Trust Services Academy .......................................... 35 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 2 Plan It 2016 QUALIFICATIONS National Certificate of Educational Achievement NCEA is the qualification available to students in the senior school. Subjects in the senior school offer a number of Achievement Standards and/or Unit Standards. Each of these standards has a specified number of credits attached to it. All the credits from both Unit and Achievement Standards across all a student’s subjects are added together to make up the NCEA qualification. Achievement Standards may be internally assessed in class during the year, or externally assessed, consisting of an examination at the end of the year or a portfolio being sent away to be assessed. These are gained with an achieved, merit or excellence grade. Students are able to gain a (subject) course endorsement with Merit or Excellence To gain a Merit endorsement 14 credits are required with either Merit or Excellence including a minimum of 3 internal and 3 external credits for each course except for Physical Education. To gain an Excellence endorsement all 14 credits must be Excellence, including a minimum of 3 internal and 3 external credits. This endorsement must be achieved in the current year for each level. NCEA Certificate Endorsements NCEA can be awarded with a Merit or Excellence endorsement at each of the three levels. 50 (or more) Merit credits or a combination of 50 Merit and Excellence credits for a Merit Endorsement 50 (or more) Excellence credits for an Excellence Endorsement Unit Standards are all internally assessed in class during the year on an achieved or not achieved basis. Level 1 This is normally undertaken in Year 11. To gain Level 1 NCEA, a student must gain 80 credits at Level 1 or above. Included in these 80 credits must be at least 10 credits in Literacy and 10 credits in numeracy from approved unit or achievement standards. Level 2 This is normally undertaken in Year 12. To gain Level 2 NCEA, a student must gain 80 credits of which 60 need to be at level 2 or above and have achieved Literacy and Numeracy. The other 20 credits can be at any level including those gained for the level 1 NCEA. Level 3 This is normally undertaken in Year 13. To gain Level 3 NCEA, a student must gain 80 credits of which 60 need to be at Level 3. The other 20 need to be at Level 2 or above including those gained for the Level 2 NCEA. NZQA Scholarship Award Scholarship opportunities are provided for students who have the ability to demonstrate higher order thinking skills and independent learning. A proven record of excellence particularly in externally assessed credits is an advantage. Scholarship is an award, not a qualification and is aimed at the top five percent of students throughout New Zealand. All scholarship subjects are externally assessed with a written examination or through a portfolio at the end of the year. This is in addition to the examination required for Level 3 NCEA. Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 3 Plan It 2016 UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE University Entrance (UE) is the minimum requirement to go to a New Zealand university. To qualify you will need: NCEA Level 3 Three subjects - at Level 3, made up of: o 14 credits each, in three approved subjects Literacy - 10 credits at Level 2 or above, made up of: o 5 credits in reading o 5 credits in writing Numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 or above, made up of: o achievement standards - specified achievement standards available through a range of subjects, or o unit standards - package of three numeracy unit standards (26623, 26626, 26627 all three required). The list of specified Reading and Writing standards can be accessed from: http://www.nzqa.govt.nzu /ncea/ue/index.html The requirements for University Entrance may not be sufficient for acceptance into any particular course. Check out the requirements online, talk to the university liaison staff or the school careers advisors to make sure that you know what is required for your course. Many courses do not have open entry and to ensure your best chance of being accepted you need as many Excellence and Merit grades as possible in your best 80 credits. Once you have met the requirements for University Entrance it will appear on your Record of Achievement. The following are the approved Level 3 subjects for University Entrance which are currently offered at Fairfield College: University Approved Subjects: Accounting Drama Photography (Visual Art) Biology English Physics Calculus Food and Nutrition Physical Education Chemistry Geography Printmaking (Visual Art) Classical Studies Mathematics Statistics Computing Music Te Reo Māori Design (Visual Art) Painting (Visual Art) Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 4 Plan It 2016 VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS What are Vocational Pathways? These are the Ministry of Education’s new initiative to achieve Level 2 NCEA, linked to an industry sector. The sectors are: Manufacturing and Technology Construction and Infrastructure Primary Industries Social and Community Services Services Industries Creative Industries What does this mean for me? You can work towards a Vocational Pathway by gaining credits from the standards recommended by a sector and taught and assessed both here at school and out of school programmes, e.g. Gateway work Placements and Trades Academies. What do I need to do to achieve Level 2 NCEA in a Vocational Pathway? Achieve Level 2 NCEA (you must also achieve Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements) Achieve 60 Level 2 credits from the recommended standards Achieve at least 20 Level 2 credits from sector-related standards How will this benefit me? You will have a graduate vocational sector profile show on your Level 2 NZQA record of achievement You will be acknowledged as an achiever by the industry sector and will be able to progress to higher learning industry programmes and employment How will I know if the standards that I am studying are linked to a Vocational Pathway? This information is in this booklet and will be in your course handouts this year. If you are not clear, ask your teacher(s) Use the online tool, Profile Builder, on the website This tool will enable you to enter the standards that you will be studying in order for you to build your sector related profile What’s still very important to know? For the majority of study and employment options in any career, Level 2 NCEA is the minimum qualification required and valued by New Zealand employers. Still not clear? Make an appointment to talk with Mrs Rae-Middleton phone 853 5660 ext 806. Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 5 Plan It 2016 INFORMATION FOR ALL YEAR LEVELS Start your course planning by looking ahead to Year 13 and deciding which subjects are likely to be necessary for you. You then need to work backwards, ensuring your choices in Years 11 and 12 allow you to take your preferred course of study in Year 13. Use the Course Selection Guide in this book to help you. If you are unable to pursue a particular subject due to clashes, lack of entry requirements or any other reason it is important to realise that there are alternate pathways available to you, both in school and at tertiary level. Students can discuss their option choices with: Careers Assistant, Mrs Cosgrove Your Whānau teacher Your Dean Teachers of the options they are interested in Academic Dean, Mr Collette Assistant Principal, Mrs Jenny Rae-Middleton There will be a Subject Choice Day on Thursday 3rd September for you to complete your subject choices for 2016. If you do not return your option sheets by the due date you may not be able to take your preferred course of study. GUIDELINES FOR YEAR 11 All Year 11 students must select six subjects. Every student will have English and Mathematics. Students are strongly recommended to do a Science course to enhance career opportunities. Only three Physical Education courses can be taken, with the approval of the Head of the Health and Physical Education Faculty. GUIDELINES FOR YEAR 12 All year 12 students must select six subjects, usually chosen from Level 1 or Level 2 courses. It is highly recommended that you choose a course in English or Te Reo Māori. You may study both. It is recommended that a Mathematics course is also included. Students may choose a multi-level course by including subjects from Year 11 or Year 12 in their choice of six subjects. NB: Those students considering attending Auckland University will be required to have achieved 17 credits in English at Level 2. This is a requirement for unconditional entry into a course. GUIDELINES FOR YEAR 13 Year 13 students must select at least five Level 3 subjects, to be permitted a Study line. As Recreation and Health is not a significant credit bearing subject, if it is selected, it replaces the Study line. Students may take a multilevel course – which includes subjects from any level. This MUST be fully discussed with your Dean. Students doing less than three Level 3 courses will study six subjects and will not qualify for a study period. Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 6 Plan It 2016 COURSE SELECTION GUIDE Please note this chart is only a guide to subject linkage. Please check entry requirements for each subject you are interested in. The subject development guide below is designed to help students choose a course of study to suit their needs while ensuring that future course requirements are met. Year 10 Visual Arts Business Studies Chinese Mandarin Digital Technology Drama English Fabric Technology Food and Technology Graphics Mathematics Music Pathways STAR Short Courses Year 11 NCEA Level 1 Visual Arts Accounting & Financial Literacy Chinese Mandarin Digital Technology Information Management Drama English 101 English 102 English 103 Social Studies 103 Fabric Technology Food and Nutrition Hospitality Graphics Mathematics – Academic Mathematics – Standard Mathematics – Foundation Music Pathways STAR Short Courses Waikato Trades Academy (WINTEC) Physical Education Health Advanced Physical Education Health Studies Outdoor Education Recreation Studies Science Science 101 Applied Science 102 Engineering Science Growing Plants(Horticulture) Service Academy Social Sciences Service Academy Global Studies Social & Cultural History Te Reo Māori Māori Performing Arts Technology Te Reo Māori Māori Performing Arts Electro-Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology and Building Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Year 12 NCEA Level 2 Year 13 NCEA Level 3 (unless otherwise stated) (Unless otherwise stated) Visual Arts Accounting Visual Arts Accounting Chinese Mandarin Digital Technology Information Management Drama Early Child Care English 201 English 202 English 203 Chinese Mandarin (2017) Digital Technology Information Management Drama Early Child Care English 301 English 302 Fabric Technology Food and Nutrition Food and Beverage Service Hospitality Graphics Mathematics – Academic Mathematics – Standard Mathematics – Preparation Music Pathways STAR Short Courses Gateway Gateway Work Placements Waikato Trades Academy (WINTEC) Advanced Physical Education Health Studies Outdoor Education Recreation Studies Sport and Leisure Leadership Biology Chemistry Land Based Skills Physics Science in Action Service Academy Global Studies Social & Cultural History Tourism Te Reo Māori Māori Performing Arts Electro-Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology and Building Fabric Technology Food and Nutrition Hospitality Mathematics & Statistics Calculus Statistics Music Pathways STAR Short Courses Gateway Work Placements Waikato Trades Academy (WINTEC) Advanced Physical Education Recreation Studies Sport and Leisure Leadership Biology Chemistry Physics Geography Classical Studies Tourism Te Reo Māori Māori Performing Arts Electro-Technology Technology and Building Page 7 Plan It 2016 PERFORMING ARTS HOF Mr R Perrott VISUAL ART PRACTICAL ART DRAMA MUSIC MĀORI PERFORMING ARTS Links to Other subjects Visual Arts link to: Graphics, Photography, Classical Studies, History, Science, English Music links to: Drama, Dance Drama links to: Dance, Music, Teaching Māori Performing Arts link to: Dance, Music, English, Te Reo Māori, History Main Career Areas Teaching, Architecture, Advertising, Sound Production, Radio, English Literature, Set Design, Lighting, Sound Production, Law, Costume Design, Radio, Anthropology, Theatre and Performing Arts, Product Design, Fashion Design, Transport Design, Interior Design, Spatial Design, IT and Media Careers Subject: VISUAL ARTS Entry Requirement: Year 10 Option Art or at the discretion of the Teacher in Charge of Art Code: ARC100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: Students will use their skills in drawing, painting, printmaking and mixed media to create original and effective expressions of their interpretation of aspects of our environment. Assessment: AS 90914 Use drawing methods and skills for recording information using wet and dry media AS 90915 Use drawing conventions to develop work in more than one field of practice AS 90916 Produce a body of work informed by established practice, which develops ideas, using a range of media Total Credits: Credits 4 6 12 22 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 8 Plan It 2016 Subject: VISUAL ARTS Code: ARC200 Entry Requirement: Level 1 Visual Art or at the discretion of the Teacher in Charge of Visual Art Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: Assessment: PAINTING Students move primarily from Level 1 Visual Art into the Level 2 Painting course, where their creative skills in drawing and painting will be extended. However, a student may wish to explore a different discipline and produce a folio in either design, photography or printmaking should a student select two disciplines a second block of four hours is required on their timetable. It is recommended if a student elects to follow the photography course, they own a DSLR camera. AS 91311 AS 91316 AS 91321 DESIGN AS 91320 PHOTOGRAPHY AS 91322 Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to painting Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established painting practice Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within painting Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within Design Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within photography Total Credits: Painting 20; Design 12; Photography 12 Subject: VISUAL ARTS Entry Requirement: Level 2 Visual Art in the selected discipline Credits 4 4 12 12 12 Code: ARC300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: Students continue to study the discipline taken at Level 2 and select one folio for the year/s course. Should they wish to study two disciplines a second block of four hours is required on their timetable. Art is the exception at Level 3, where these external standards qualify for endorsement without internal standards. The subjects painting, design, photography and printmaking are all University Approved. Assessment: PAINTING AS 91345 DESIGN AS 91455 PHOTOGRAPHY AS 91457 PRINTMAKING Total Credits: AS 91458 Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and regenerates ideas within painting practice Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and regenerates ideas within design practice Produce a systematic body of work that integrates and regenerates ideas within photography practice Produce a systematic body of work that integrates and regenerates ideas within printmaking practice Credits 14 14 14 14 Painting14 credits; Design 14 credits; Photography 14 credits; Printmaking 14 credits Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 9 Plan It 2016 Subject: DRAMA Entry Requirement: A pass in Year 10 Drama Code: DRA100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: Students will study drama techniques, devising, melodrama, drama performance and perform a longer scripted drama Assessment: AS 90006 Apply drama techniques in a scripted drama AS 90009 Perform an acting role in a scripted performance AS 90011 Demonstrate understanding of the use of drama aspects within live performance AS 90997 Devise and perform a drama AS 90999 Select and use features of a drama/theatre form in performance Total Credits: 26 Subject: DRAMA Entry Requirement: Approval by the teacher in charge of Drama Credits 4 5 4 5 4 Code: DRA200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: Students will study drama techniques, devising, a drama/theatre form, live drama performance and perform a longer scripted drama. Assessment: AS 91213 Apply drama techniques in a scripted context AS 91214 Devise and perform a drama to realise an intention AS 21216 Perform features of a complex drama or theatre form or period AS 91218 Perform a substantial acting role in a scripted production AS 91219 Discuss drama elements, techniques, conventions and technologies within live performance Total Credits: Credits 4 5 4 4 22 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 10 Plan It 2016 Subject: DRAMA Entry Requirement: 12 credits or more in Level 2 Drama Code: DRA300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: Students will study drama techniques, devising, a drama/theatre form, live drama performance and perform a longer, scripted drama. Assessment: AS 91512 Interpret scripted text to integrate drama techniques in performance AS 91513 Devise and perform a drama to realise a concept AS 91515 Select and use complex performance skills associated with a drama form or period AS 91517 Perform a substantial acting role in a significant production AS 91518 Demonstrate understanding of live drama performance Total Credits: 22 Subject: MUSIC Entry Requirement: A pass in Year 10 Music Credits 4 5 4 5 4 Code: MUS100 Qualifications: Level 1 NCEA Contents: Students will work on solo performance skills, group performance skills, composition/song writing skills. Assessment: AS 91090 Perform two pieces of music as a featured soloist AS 91091 Demonstrate ensemble skills through performing a piece of music as a member of a group AS 91092 Compose two original pieces of music Total Credits: Credits 6 4 6 16 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 11 Plan It 2016 Subject: MUSIC Entry Requirement: A pass in Year 11 Music Code: MUS200 Qualifications: Level 2 NCEA Contents: Students will work on solo performance skills, group performance skills, composition/song writing skills. Assessment: AS 91270 Perform two substantial pieces of music as a featured soloist AS 91271 Compose two substantial pieces of music AS 91272 Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing a substantial pieces of music as a member of a group Total Credits: 16 Subject: MUSIC Entry Requirement: A pass in Year 12 Music Credits 6 6 4 Code: MUS300 Qualifications: Level 3 NCEA Contents: Students will work on solo performance skills, group performance skills, composition/song writing skills, research skills. Assessment: AS 91416 Perform two programmes of music as a featured soloist AS 91418 Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group AS 91419 Communicate musical intention by composing three original pieces of music AS 91425 Research a music topic Total Credits: Credits 8 4 8 6 26 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 12 Plan It 2016 Subject: MᾹORI PERFORMING ARTS Entry Requirement: Approval from Teacher in Charge and Head of Faculty Code: MPA100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Māori Performing Arts focuses on two key learning components. The first is performance based where students engage with and practise the art form. The second component is research based. Assessment: Credits US 22752 Demonstrate knowledge and skills of performance components 3 US 22753 Demonstrate knowledge of people associated with MPA 3 US 22754 Demonstrate knowledge of origins of MPA disciplines and events 4 US 22755 Demonstrate knowledge of a MPA costume ensemble 3 Contents: Total Credits: 13 Subject: MᾹORI PERFORMING ARTS Entry Requirement: Successfully completed MPA level 1, or approval from Teacher in Charge and Head of Faculty. Code: MPA200/300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 and 3 This is a practical and lively course that focuses on a specific art form, Te Mau Rākau. Attention is given to the performing component and students who are accepted into this course must demonstrate commitment and dedication. Assessment: Credits Level 2 US 27698 Demonstrated knowledge and skills of haka wahine 6 Level 3 US 22753 Perform Whakaraka 6 US 22756 Perform a Māori Performing Arts bracket 10 US 27548 Perform tetahi momo rakau whawhai 9 Content: Total Credits: Level 2 - 6 credits; Level 3 - 25 credits Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 13 Plan It 2016 PHYSICAL EDUCATION HOF Mr M Shannon ADVANCED PHYSICAL EDUCATION OUTDOOR EDUCATION RECREATION AND HEALTH STUDIES RECREATIONAL STUDIES SPORT AND LEISURE LEADERSHIP Links to Other subjects English, Health, Science, Outdoor Education, Recreational Studies, Sport and Leisure Main Career Areas Teaching, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Nursing, Personal Trainer, Gym Instructors, Armed Forces, Police Officer, Coaching, Outdoor Educators Costs Several of these courses will have camps or field trips attached. This will incur some minor costs for transport and food. These costs will be made clear to parents and caregivers well in advance of payment dates. Subject: ADVANCED PHYSICAL EDUCATION Code: APE100 Entry Requirement: A keen interest in all forms of physical activity is a must. A reasonable standard of reading and writing is required in this course. You will need to have gained a level of 5B or higher in Year 10 AsTTle. Discretion of the TIC or HOF will apply if you do not meet this minimum requirement. Qualifications: NCEA Level One Content: This is a theoretical and practical course covering units of work centred on the body as it relates to the performance of physical activity and how this influences your participation. This course provides an academic background for advanced study in physical education through theory based lessons and participation in a range of physical activities Assessment: Credits AS 90962 Participate actively in a variety of physical activities and explain factors that 5 influence own participation AS 90963 Demonstrate understanding of the function of the body as it relates to the 5 performance of physical activity AS 90964 Demonstrate quality movement in the performance of a physical activity 3 AS 90965 Demonstrate understanding of societal influences on physical activity and the 4 implications for self and others AS 90966 Demonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact 4 on others AS 90967 Demonstrate strategies to improve the performance of a physical activity and 3 describe the outcomes Total Credits: 24 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 14 Plan It 2016 Subject: ADVANCED PHYSICAL EDUCATION Code: APE200 Entry Requirement: At least 13 credits in Level 1 Advanced Physical Education or NCEA Level 1 literacy requirements. Discretion of HOF and TIC may apply. Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 In this course students analyse sport and the body’s response to physical activity, sports sociology and managing risk in the outdoors. This is a theory based course with practical sessions. This course is for students who have a keen interest in the science of movement and how we learn and develop new skills, which links to improving personal performance and Health. Assessment: Credits AS 91328 Demonstrate understanding of how and why biophysical principles relate to 5 learning of physical skills (kayaking) AS 91329 Demonstrate understanding of the application of biophysical principles to training 4 for activity AS 91330 Perform a physical activity in an applied setting 4 AS 91331 Examine the significance for self, others and society of the Rugby World Cup 4 AS 91333 Analyse the application of risk management strategies to a challenging outdoor 3 activity Content: Total Credits: 20 Subject: ADVANCED PHYSICAL EDUCATION Entry Requirement: Completion of Level 2, Advanced Physical Education or a Level 2 Science and Literacy, or discretion of HOF. Code: APE300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This course has both theoretical and practical aspects, and will require a reasonably high level of academic ability. Students will gain skills in analysing and evaluating to improve their physical skills (in the context of swimming). Students will be given the opportunity to challenge themselves physically in order to improve physical skills Assessment: Credits AS 91499 Analyse a physical skill performed by self or others 3 AS 91500 Evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme 4 AS 91501 Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting 4 AS 91502 Examine a current physical activity event, trend, or issue and its impact on NZ 4 society AS 91504 Analyse issues in safety management for outdoor activity to devise safety 3 management strategies Total Credits: 18 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 15 Plan It 2016 Subject: OUTDOOR EDUCATION Code: OED100 Entry Requirement: Discretion of HOF, with an interest in outdoor pursuit activities. Course fees must be paid at the start of the year or arrangements made with the SSC Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: This course gives students the opportunity to participate in a variety of outdoor pursuit activities and to develop their leadership through this involvement. Students will be challenged in outdoor activities and develop a range of life and social skills Assessment: Credits US 425 Experience camping 3 US 426 Experience tramping 3 US 467 Adventure based learning 3 US 470 Adventure based learning through a low ropes course 3 US 473 Adventure based learning through a high ropes course 3 US 20137 Mountain biking 1 US 20152 Abseiling 1 US 20210 Rock-climbing 1 AS 90968 Demonstrate and show understanding of responsible behaviour for safety in 3 outdoors activities Total Credits: 21 Subject: OUTDOOR EDUCATION Entry Requirement: Discretion of HOF and Outdoor Education teacher with an interest in outdoor pursuit activities. Course fees must be paid at the start of the year or arrangements made with the SSC. Priority will be given to students who completed Level 1 Outdoor Education. Code: OED200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: Outdoor Education at Fairfield College offers a unique opportunity for students to extend and take control of their own learning and development. The acquisition of physical outdoor skills and exposure to risk management is important because many New Zealand students and their families challenge themselves in the outdoor adventure environment at some time in their lives. The course is also an important introductory training ground for many students who have an interest in the growing adventure tourism industry in New Zealand and overseas. Assessment: Credits US 431 Navigate in good visibility on land 2 US 457 Mountain bike on intermediate terrain 2 US 476 Roll a Kayak 2 US 485 Demonstrate rafting skills on slow sheltered water 3 st US 6401 1 Aid 2 US 6402 US 20138 Select and set up a mountain/touring bike 3 US 20159 Weather interpretation 2 US 26542 Coastguard/FFC 6 Day skippers Total Credits: 22 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 16 Plan It 2016 Subject: RECREATION STUDIES Entry Requirement: A willingness to be involved in practical activities is required Code: REC100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: This course will cover a range of sport and recreational activities. We are aiming to encourage regular physical activity and promote fitness and health. This course provides recreational opportunities to promote wellbeing and to develop health enhancing life skills, such as goal setting. Assessment: Credits US 505 Manage personal physical fitness 3 AS 90962 Participate actively in a variety of physical activities and explain factors that 5 influence own participation AS 90964 Demonstrate quality movement in the performance of a physical activity 3 AS 90969 Take purposeful action to assist others to participate in physical activity 2 Total Credits: 13 Subject: RECREATION STUDIES Entry Requirement: A willingness to be involved in practical activities is required. Code: REC200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This course incorporates a range of recreational activities, including team and individual experiences. Students will have the opportunity to enhance health and well-being by being involved in regular physical activity and to provide balance to a students’ academic programme. Students will be encouraged to be involved in sport and leisure activities outside of the school setting for future health and wellbeing. Assessment: Credits US 6400 Manage First aid in emergency situations (optional two day workshop at end of 2 the year) US 6401 Provide First Aid (optional two day workshop at end of the year) 1 US 6402 Provide Resuscitation (optional two day workshop at end of the year) 1 US12355 Describe stress and ways of dealing with it 2 AS 91330 Perform a physical activity in an applied setting 4 Total Credits: 10 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 17 Plan It 2016 Subject: RECREATIONAL STUDIES Entry Requirement: A willingness to be involved in practical activities is required. Code: REC300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This course will cover a range of sports and recreational activities to promote a healthy lifestyle. This course will give students the opportunity to enhance their health and wellbeing by being involved in regular physical activity and to provide balance to a students’ academic programme. Students will be encouraged to be involved in sport and leisure activities outside of the school setting for future health and wellbeing. Assessment: Credits AS91501 Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting 4 Total Credits: 4 Subject: HEALTH STUDIES Entry Requirement: Open Code: HEA100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: This course is designed to give students the skills to take responsibility for their well-being. Students will learn to develop communication skills, cope with change and promote positive sexuality. Students will gain the skills to be resilient and confident people. This gives them a great platform if they are looking at careers where they are working with people and in the health sector. This course is also designed to give students interpersonal skills to enhance relationships, goal-setting, understanding issues related to drug related situations and make health enhancing skills. Assessment: Credits ŪS 14235 Explain hauora and influences on hauora, and examine ways to improve hauora 3 AS 90971 Take action to enhance an aspect of personal wellbeing 3 AS 90972 Demonstrate understanding of influences on adolescent eating patterns to make 4 health enhancing recommendations AS 90974 Demonstrate understanding of strategies for promoting positive sexuality 4 AS 91097 Demonstrate understanding of ways in which well-being can change and 4 strategies to support wellbeing Total Credits: 18 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 18 Plan It 2016 Subject: HEALTH STUDIES Entry Requirement: Open Code: HEA200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This academic course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to take responsibility for their own wellbeing and work to improve wellbeing within our school and wider community. Students will learn to develop communication skills, strengthen relationships with others, set goals, become resilient and promote positive sexuality. there is also the opportunity to sit an external exam which focuses on current adolescent health issues in New Zealand society. This course is a great for those students who would like to move into the health sector. Assessment: Credits AS 91235 Analyse an adolescent health issue 5 AS 91236 Evaluate factors that influence people’s ability to manage change 5 AS 91237 Take action to enhance an aspect of people’s wellbeing within the school or wider 5 community AS 91239 Analyse issues relating to sexuality and gender to develop strategies for 5 addressing the issues Total Credits: 20 Subject: SPORT & LEISURE LEADERSHIP Entry Requirement: HOF and/or TIC approval Code: SPL200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This course comprises both practical and theory components. There is a focus on Leadership. The standards will cover Coaching/Teaching, Bush Craft and Event Planning. Excellent attendance is essential for this course due to the nature of the assessment tasks. This course provides an opportunity to gain leadership strategies in a variety of contexts to develop valuable skills to enter the work force and team environments. Assessment: Credits US 4596 Snowboard on beginner terrain. 4 US 17468 Alpine ski downhill on beginner terrain. 4 US 21793 Demonstrate correct technique when using basic gym equipment 2 US 22769 Demonstrate knowledge of basic skills and rules at a beginner level sport 2 AS 91332 Evaluate leadership strategies that contribute to the effective functioning of a 4 group AS 91334 Consistently demonstrate social responsibility through applying a social 2 responsibility model in physical activity AS 91335 Examine the implementation and outcomes of a physical activity event or 3 opportunity AS 91336 Analyse group process in physical activity 3 Total Credits: 20 (Students can only complete US 4596 or US 17468, not both) Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 19 Plan It 2016 Subject: SPORTS & LEISURE LEADERSHIP Code: SPL300 Entry Requirement: HOF approval. Excellent attendance is also essential for this course due to the nature of assessments. Level 2 Literacy preferred. Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This course has a focus on leadership, in particular the practical application of leadership in ‘real’ settings. Examples of this include coaching junior students in our community and running tabloid events for students at Fairfield College. This course is a combination of practical and theory. Enter the workforce with valuable leadership skills such as communication, teamwork and problem-solving. This course can offer you the opportunity to follow these pathways: Level 1 and 2 coaching certificates Leadership and coaching careers Careers within the Health and Recreation Industry Sport and Leisure Studies course at Tertiary level Assessment: Credits US 4864 Demonstrate knowledge of recreation needs of target groups 4 US 20673 Demonstrate knowledge of injury prevention and management in sport or 4 recreation US 21414 Plan and run a recreation activity 4 US 22768 Conduct and review a beginner level coaching session 6 US 22771 Plan a beginner level coaching session for sports participants 4 Total Credits: 22 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 20 Plan It 2016 LANGUAGES HOF Mrs J Brussen ENGLISH CHINESE MANDARIN TE REO MĀORI Links to Other Subjects History, Geography, Social Studies, Science, Maths, Technology, Drama, Media Main Career Areas Social Services, Education, Public Relations, Trades, Media, Management, Film, Radio, Print, Teaching. Subject: ENGLISH Code: ENG101 Entry Requirement: To enter this course students need to be working at Level 5 or above of the English Curriculum. The Y10 English teacher, in consultation with HOF may recommend an alternative English programme if a student’s skills level is not suited to this course. Qualifications: NCEA Level One – Pathway A Content: This course continues the wide experience of language which has constituted the junior school curriculum. There is emphasis on being able to read and write competently for a variety of purposes and to develop effective oral communication skills. Assessment: Credits AS 90850(1.2) Show understanding of studied visual text 4 OR OR AS 90849(1.1) Show understanding of studied written text(s) AS 90851(1.3) Show understanding of unfamiliar texts 4 AS 90052(1.4) Produce Creative Writing 3 AS 90053(1.5) Produce Formal Writing 3 AS 90854(1.10) Form personal responses 4 AS 90855(1.7) Create a visual text - OPTIONAL 3 AS 90857(1.6) Construct and deliver an oral text 3 AS 90990(Media) Demonstrate understanding of selected elements of media 3 Total Credits: 27 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 21 Plan It 2016 Subject: ENGLISH Code: ENG102 Entry Requirement: Students need to be working to at least Level 5 of the English Curriculum. Discretion of HOF in consultation with Year 10 English teacher may apply. Qualifications: NCEA Level One – Pathway B Content: This course continues the wide experience of language which has constituted the junior school curriculum. There is emphasis on being able to read and write competently for a variety of purposes and to develop effective oral communication skills. There are no externals in this course Assessment: Credits AS 90052(1.4) Produce Creative Writing 3 AS 90053(1.5) Produce Formal Writing 3 AS 90854(1.10) Form personal responses 4 AS 90855(1.7) Create a visual text 3 AS 90856(1.11) Show understanding of visual or oral text 3 AS 90857(1.6) Construct and deliver an oral text 3 Unit Standard Literacy optional standards available if Achievement Standard Literacy is not gained - (10 credits) US 26622 Write to communicate ideas (Core Generic - Literacy) 4 US 26624 Read texts with understanding (Core Generic - Literacy) 3 US 26625 Actively participate in spoken interactions (Core Generic - Literacy) 3 Total Credits: 29 Subject: ENGLISH Entry Requirement: Discretion for this course will be made by the English Faculty Teachers. Code: ENG103 Qualifications: NCEA Level One – Pathway C Content: Students entering this course will follow a programme which integrates both English and Social Studies. Students will be working to achieve Unit Standard Literacy, and will use work from both English and Social Studies to provide evidence for these standards. There will also be opportunity to achieve Social Studies credits. Assessment: Credits US 1273 Express ideas in writing 4 US 3490 Complete and incident report 2 US 10792 Write personal correspondence 3 US 26622 Write to communicate ideas (Core Generic - Literacy) 4 US 26624 Read texts with understanding (Core Generic - Literacy) 3 US 26625 Actively participate in spoken interactions (Core Generic - Literacy) 3 Total Credits: 19 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 22 Plan It 2016 Subject: ENGLISH Code: ENG201 Entry Requirement: 10 Credits from Level 1 English Achievement Standards. Individual circumstances will be considered in consultation between student and Languages Head of Faculty. Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 – Pathway A Content: Assessment: AS 91098(2.1) OR AS 91099(2.2) AS 91100(2.3) AS 91101(2.4) AS 91102(2.5) AS 91106(2.9) AS 91249(2.2 Media) There is a strong literature content to this course, in prose, drama and poetry. Writing, formal and creative, also forms a significant component of the course. There is some requirement for independent study. This course will enable students to gain University Entrance Literacy. Credits Analyse studied written text 4 OR Analyse studied visual text Analyse unfamiliar written texts 4 Produce a selection of writing 6 Construct and deliver an oral text 3 Form personal responses to independently read texts 4 Demonstrate understanding of narrative in media texts 4 Total Credits: 25 Subject: ENGLISH Entry Requirement: 8 Credits from Level 1 English Achievement Standards. Discretion of the HOF applies. Code: ENG202 Qualifications: NCEA Level Two – Pathway B Content: Writing, both formal and creative, is a significant component of the course. There is some requirement for independent study. Students will have the opportunity to gain University Entrance Literacy. Assessment: Credits US 24073 Read texts to recognise points of view (Communication Skills) 3 AS 91101(2.4) Produce a selection of writing 6 AS 91102(2.5) Construct and deliver an oral text 3 AS 91106(2.9) Form developed personal responses to read texts 4 Optional Standards available if UE reading literacy is needed: AS 91100 Analyse significant aspects of unfamiliar written texts through close reading 4 supported by evidence AS 91105 Use information literacy skills to form developed conclusions 3 Total Credits: 23 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 23 Plan It 2016 Subject: ENGLISH Entry Requirement: Students who have completed Y11 Integrated Code: ENG203 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 – Pathway C Content: This programme focuses on the development of reading and writing skills in a crosscurricular programme. This course will enable students to develop functional literacy required for the workplace. . Assessment: Credits US 3488 Write business correspondence (Communication Skills) 3 US 3492 Write a short report (Communication Skills) 3 US 25073 Read texts to recognise points of view (Communication skills) 3 AS 90053(1.5) Produce Formal Writing 3 AS 90856(1.11) Show understanding of visual or oral text 3 AS 90857(1.6) Construct and deliver an oral text 3 Total Credits: 18 Subject: ENGLISH Entry Requirement: Level 2 Literacy, or consultation with Languages Head of Faculty. Code: ENG301 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 – Pathway A Content: Assessment: AS 91472(3.1) AS 91474(3.3) AS 91475(3.4) AS 91476(3.5) AS 91479(3.8) This Level 3 course offers students the opportunity to develop their skills of literary analysis and also those of writing and speaking. This programme requires independent study. This course prepares students for University study. Credits Respond critically to written texts 4 Respond critically to unfamiliar texts 4 Produce a selection of writing 6 Create and deliver a fluent and coherent oral text 3 Developed an informed understanding of literature 4 Total Credits: 21 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 24 Plan It 2016 Subject: ENGLISH Code: ENG302 Entry Requirement: Some Level 2 English Achievement Standards, or consultation with Languages Head of Faculty. Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 – Pathway B Content: Assessment: AS 91109(2.4) AS 91102(2.5) AS91106(2.9) AS 91473(3.2) AS 91474(3.3) AS 91476(3.5) AS 91477(3.6) AS 91478(3.7) AS 91480(3.9) This Level 2/3 course offers students the opportunity to complete the achievement of Level 2 University Entrance Literacy and participate in a Level 3 English course. There will be an opportunity to follow individual programmes. This course prepares students for University study. Credits Produce a selection of writing 6 Construct and deliver an oral text 3 Form personal responses to independently read texts 4 Respond critically to studied visual text 4 Respond critically to unfamiliar texts 4 Create and deliver a fluent and coherent oral text 3 Create a visual text 3 Respond critically to significant connections 4 Respond critically to significant aspects of visual text 3 Total Credits: 34 Subject: CHINESE MANDARIN Entry Requirement: Open Code: MAN100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: Students in this course will learn to communicate with other Chinese speakers in everyday situations. They will also learn to read and write, using some of the most important and useful characters in the Chinese language. Assessment: AS 90868 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on areas of most immediate relevance AS 90869 Give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates a personal response AS 90870 Interact using spoken Chinese to communicate personal information, ideas and opinions in different situations AS 90871 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written/visual Chinese texts relating to areas of most immediate relevance AS 90872 Write a variety of text types in Chinese on areas of most immediate relevance Total Credits: Credits 5 4 5 5 5 24 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 25 Plan It 2016 Subject: CHINESE MANDARIN Code: MAN200 Entry Requirement: Credits gained in Level One Chinese Mandarin and at the teacher’s discretion Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: Students in this course will learn to speak confidently and with some fluency. By the end of the course they will be able to talk and write about several related topics and make comparisons with how these differ from China. Assessment: AS 91108 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese on familiar matters AS 91109 Interact using spoken Chinese to share information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations AS 91110 Give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates information, ideas and opinions AS 91111 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and/or visual Chinese text(s) on familiar matters AS 91112 Write a variety of text types in Chinese to convey information, ideas, and opinions in genuine contexts Total Credits: 24 Subject: TE REO MᾹORI Entry Requirement: Open Entry Credits 5 5 4 5 5 Code: MAO100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 This Te Reo Māori NCEA level 1 course is designed to develop students understanding of Te Reo Māori. Students in this class would have already been exposed to the language in some depth. Assessment: Credits AS 91085 Whakarongo kia mohio kit e reo o tona ao 6 AS 91086 Korero kia whakamahi I te reo o tona ao 6 AS 91087 Panui kia mohio ki to reo o tona ao 6 Content: Total Credits: 18 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 26 Plan It 2016 Subject: TE REO MᾹORI Code: MAO200 Entry Requirement: Student must have Te Reo Māori NCEA level 1, or approval by Teacher in Charge and Head of Faculty.. Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Māori level 2 is a course that aims to develop key skills learnt in Level 1 Te Reo Māori classes. Level 2 Te Reo Māori has a strong focus on self-directed research and all standards are literacy based. Students will be exposed to the four main elements of Te Reo Māori which are reading, writing, listening and oral presentation. Current and historical topics will be covered through these elements such as Māori land wars, the Kīngitanga and nga Manu Kōrero. Assessment: Credits AS 91284 Whakarongo kia mohio kit e reo o tea o torotoro 4 AS 91285 Korero kia whakamahi I ti reo o tea o torotoro 6 AS 91286 Panui kia mohio kit e reo o tea o torotoro 6 Content: Total Credits: 16 Subject: TE REO MᾹORI Entry Requirement: Students must have Te Reo Māori NCEA level 2, or approval from Teacher in Charge and Head of Faculty Code: MAO300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Te Reo Māori level 3 is a course that aims to develop key skills learnt from both the Level 1 and Level 2 Te Reo Māori courses. Level 3 Te Reo Māori has a strong focus on selfdirected research and all standards are literacy based. Students will be exposed to the four main elements of Te Reo Māori which are reading, writing, listening and oral presentation. By level 3 students should have attained a great depth of understanding of Te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga. Current and historical topics will be covered through these elements such as Māori land wars, the Kīngitanga, Manu Kōrero. Assessment: Credits AS 91650 Te Reo Māori 3.1 - Whakarongo kia mohio ki te reo o te ao whanui 4 AS 91651 Te Reo Māori 3.2 - Korero kia whakamahi I te reo o tea o whanui 6 AS 91652 Te Reo Māori 3.3 - Panui kia mohio kit e reo Māori o tea o whanui 6 Content: Total Credits: 16 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 27 Plan It 2016 MATHEMATICS HOF Mrs S Dawson CALCULUS STATISTICS MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS ACADEMIC MATHEMATICS STANDARD MATHEMATICS PREPARATION MATHEMATICS FOUNDATION MATHEMATICS Links to Other subjects General Science, Physics, Biology, Physical Education, Social Studies, English, Accounting, Digital Technology and Economics Main Career Areas Mathematician, Statistician, Medicine, Engineering, Agriculture, Computer Science, Business Management, Scientist, Teaching and Building Subject: MATHEMATICS - ACADEMIC Code: MAT101 Entry Requirement: Students will be invited to do this course dependent upon their Year 10 results and teacher recommendations. Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Endorsement: Yes, provided the student meets NZQA requirements Content: This course covers Algebra, Graphs, Geometry, Trigonometry, Measurement and Statistics. Assessment: AS 91027 apply algebraic procedures in solving problems (1.2) AS 91028 Investigate relationships between tables, equations or graphs (1.3) AS 91030 Apply measurement in solving problems (1.5) AS 91031 Apply geometric reasoning in solving problems (1.6) AS 91032 Apply right angled triangles in solving measurement problems (1.7) AS 91035 Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle (1.10) Total Credits: Credits 4 4 3 4 3 4 22 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 28 Plan It 2016 Subject: MATHEMATICS - STANDARD Code: MAT102 Entry Requirement: Students will be placed in this course based on their Year 10 results and teacher recommendations Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Endorsement: No: A course endorsement is not possible with this course as there are no External assessments Content: This course covers Number, Algebra, Graphs, Measurement, Trigonometry, Geometry, Statistics and Probability. Assessment: AS 91026 Apply numeric reasoning in solving problems (1.1) AS 91029 Apply linear algebra in solving problems (1.4) AS 91032 Apply right angled triangles in solving measurement problems (1.7) AS 91033 Apply knowledge of geometric representations in solving problems (1.8) AS 91035 Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle (1.10) AS 91038 Investigate a situation involving elements of chance (1.3) Total Credits: 20 Subject: MATHEMATICS - FOUNDATION Entry Requirement: Students will be placed in this course based on their Year 10 results and teacher recommendations. Credits 4 3 3 3 4 3 Code: MAT103 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Endorsement: No: Not possible with this course as there are no External assessments, and 14 credits are not available Content: This course covers Number, Statistics and Measurement. These are the three Numeracy Unit Standards. This course has been designed for students who have struggled with Mathematics in Year 9 and Year 10. This course does not lead to Level 2 Mathematics but students may choose to enrol in Standard Mathematics (MAT 102) the following year. Assessment: US 26623 Use number to solve problems US 26626 Interpret statistical information for a purpose US 26627 Use measurement to solve problems Total Credits: Credits 4 3 3 10 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 29 Plan It 2016 Subject: MATHEMATICS - ACADEMIC Code: MAT201 Entry Requirement: A minimum of 16 credits in Level 1 Mathematics, including Achievement Standards 91026 (Number) and 91027 (Algebra) but not including U.S. 26623, U.S. 26626 and U.S. 26627. Teacher discretion will also be taken into consideration. Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Endorsement: Yes, provided the student meets NZQA requirements Content: This course covers Graphs, Trigonometry, Algebra, Calculus and Statistics. Assessment: AS 91257 Apply graphical models in solving problems (2.2) AS 91259 Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems (2.4) AS 91261 Apply algebraic methods in solving problems (2.6) AS 91262 Apply calculus methods in solving problems (2.7) AS91264 Use statistical methods to make an inference (2.9) AS 91269 Apply systems of equations in solving problems (2.14) Credits 4 3 4 5 4 2 Total Credits: 22 Subject: MATHEMATICS - STANDARD Entry Requirement: A minimum of 14 credits in Level 1 Mathematics, including Achievement Standard 91026 (Number) but not including U.S. 26623, U.S. 26626 and U.S. 26627. Teacher recommendations will also be taken into consideration. Code: MAT202 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Endorsement: Yes, provided the student meets NZQA requirements Content: This course covers Co-ordinate Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability. Assessment: AS 91256 Apply co-ordinate geometry methods in solving problems (2.1) AS 91259 Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems (2.4) AS 91264 Use statistical methods to make an inference (2.9) AS 91265 Conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical methods (2.10) AS 91267 Apply probability methods in solving problems (2.12) AS 91268 Investigate a situation using a simulation (2.13) Total Credits: Credits 2 3 4 3 4 2 18 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 30 Plan It 2016 Subject: MATHEMATICS - PREPARATION Code: MAT203 Entry Requirement: A minimum of 10 credits in Level 1 Mathematics not including U.S. 26623, U.S. 26626 and U.S. 26627. Teacher recommendations will also be taken into consideration. Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Endorsement: A course endorsement is not possible with this course as there are no External assessments Content: This course covers Co-ordinate Geometry, Sequences, Trigonometry, Networks, Statistics and Probability. Assessment: AS 91256 Apply co-ordinate geometry methods in solving problems (2.1) AS 912 58 Apply sequences and series in solving problems (2.3) AS 91259 Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems (2.4) AS 91260 Use networks in solving problems (2.5) AS 91264 Use statistical methods to make an inference (2.9) AS 91268 Investigate a situation using a simulation (2.13) Credits 2 2 3 2 4 2 Total Credits: 15 Subject: MATHEMATICS – CALCULUS Entry Requirement: A minimum of 14 credits from Level 2 Mathematics, including Achievement Standards 91259 (Trigonometry), 91261 (Algebra) and 91262 (Calculus). Code: MAC300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Endorsement: Yes, provided the student meets NZQA requirements Content: This course covers: Solving problems and equations involving trigonometric functions; Using differentiation and integration in calculus to solve problems; Manipulating real and complex numbers and solving algebraic equations. Assessment: AS 91575 Apply trigonometric methods in solving problems AS 91577 Apply the algebra of complex numbers in solving problems AS 91578 Apply differentiation methods in solving problems AS 91579 Apply integration methods in solving problems Total Credits: Credits 4 5 6 6 21 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 31 Plan It 2016 Subject: MATHEMATICS – STATISTICS Entry Requirement: Code: MAS300 A minimum of 14 credits from Level 2 Mathematics and teacher discretion. Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Endorsement: Yes, providing the student meets NZQA requirements. Content: This course covers Time Series, Bivariate Data, Probability, Probability Distributions, Linear Programming and Solving Equations. Assessment: AS 91574 Apply linear programming methods in solving problems AS 91580 Investigate times series data AS 91581 Investigate bivariate measurement data AS 91585 Apply probability concepts in solving problems AS 91586 Apply probability distributions in solving problems AS 91587 Apply systems of simultaneous equations in solving problems 3 Total Credits: 22 Subject: MATHEMATICS and STATISTICS Entry Requirement: Credits 3 4 4 4 4 3 Code: MAT300 A minimum of 10 credits from Level 2 Mathematics, including AS 91264. Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 and University Entrance. This is a University Approved subject. Endorsement: No, not possible as there are no External assessments in this course. Content: This course covers Time Series, Linear Programming, Bivariate Data, Inference, Simultaneous equations and Critical Path Analysis. Assessment: AS 91574 Apply linear programming methods in solving problems AS 91576 Use critical path analysis in solving problems AS 91580 Investigate times series data AS 91581 Investigate bivariate measurement data AS 91582 Use statistical methods to make a formal inference AS 91587 Apply systems of simultaneous equations in solving problems Total Credits: Credits 3 2 4 4 4 3 20 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 32 Plan It 2016 PATHWAYS HOF Mrs J Rae-Middleton GATEWAY STAR SHORT INTRODUCTORY TASTER COURSE WINTEC TRADES ACADEMY LINKS TO TERTIARY PROVIDERS CAREER INFORMATION SOURCES Links to Other subjects: Through Gateway and STAR, linked to all subjects: English, Mathematics, Sciences, Languages, Commerce, Art, Music, Social Sciences, Information Technology/Digital, Physical Education, Graphics, Design & Technology, Food & Nutrition, Clothing & Textiles, Early Childcare Main Career Areas: Links to a wide range of careers Subject: Entry Requirement: GATEWAY Code: GAT200 Open entry for Years 12, 13 and 14 students. Work Placements will require excellent attendance in all subjects and meetings between Pathways staff and the student and later their caregiver(s). Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This Unit Standard course aims to provide a pathway for students to experience a career and to be prepared for the world of work. When students are ready, a Gateway Work Placement will be arranged and students will be provided with Unit Standards that are directly related to that work. This course is not suitable for Year 13 students wanting Level 3 credits as the Level 3 credits are offered as part of a Work Placement. Assessment: Unit Standards will be selected from the following: US 497(L1) Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements US 1294(L2) Be interviewed in a formal situation US 4251(L2) Plan a career pathway US 4253(L2) Demonstrate knowledge of job search skills US 4261(L2) Identify legal rights and obligations in relation to owning and operating a private motor vehicle US 7117(L2) Produce a plan to enhance learning US 7121(L2) Demonstrate information search, access and selection skills US 10781(L2) Produce a plan for own future directions US 12349(L2) Demonstrate knowledge of time management US 12354(L2) Describe implications of independent living, including rental and flatting US 12383(L2) Explore career options relevant to an area of learning and explore their implications for oneself US 17592(L3) Identify the causes of back injury and methods to prevent injuries in the workplace US 17593(L2) Apply safe work practices in the workplace US 17602(3) Apply hazard identification and risk assessment procedures in the workplace US 24871(L2) Complete workplace forms Additional Unit Standards may be offered Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Credits 3 4 4 4 4 2 Page 33 Plan It 2016 N.B. Gateway Work Placements are available for senior students who are not in a Gateway class. These Placements are advertised in the News and Notices. STAR Short Introductory (Taster) Courses Taster courses give students the opportunity to attend Wintec or another provider for one or two days to find out what would be involved in full time training in a particular career, e.g. hairdressing, hospitality, nursing, tourism, electrical, panel beating, etc. Courses are available for students from Years 10 to Year 13 and information about these is published in the daily News and Notices from the start of Term One each year and on the Pathways Facebook page: WINTEC TRADES ACADEMY Fairfield College continues to be a partner school in Wintec’s Trades Academy, a partnership between Waikato Secondary Schools and Wintec. Students involved in this programme complete both their NCEA to at least Level Two and a National Trade Certificate over a one to two year period. Training combines studying at Wintec during the school year while also studying at school. Students will need to be committed to catching up on school work missed when they are at Wintec. Certificates will lead to apprenticeships or further study at Wintec or at another Technical Institute. They are not pathways to University study. The Trades Academy is in addition to the students’ selection of school subjects. Unit Standards will be completed through Wintec and supervised study will be offered here at school, as needed. Please see Mr Mike Smith (Deputy Principal) for information about the courses that are available or phone 853 5660 ext 805. Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 34 Plan It 2016 SERVICE ACADEMY Hire Wire Trust SERVICE ACADEMY The School Service Academy (SSA) programmes are military focussed, delivered separately to Years 10 to 12 students. Links to Other subjects: Provides students continued learning support, guidance and assistance, enabling a greater chance of success in school and adult life. Main Career Areas: Equips students for not just a career in the Services (Army, Navy, Airforce) but for skills and attributes needed in a wide range of careers. Subject: SERVICE ACADEMY Code: SSA100 Entry Requirement: Students must apply to join this course, either to the Service Academy director or to the Year 11 Dean Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 and 2 Content: This is a military designed programme for Year 11 students, which provides valuable life skills, great experiences and academic study, delivered by an ex-service person. The programme builds on Cadet Year 10 and includes practical and theory lessons, such as: Military studies Outdoor education Physical training Military drill, attitude and discipline Assessment: US 431 Navigation US 444 Demonstrate Rock Movement US 467 Demonstrate personal and social development through adventure based learning US 496 Manage personal wellness US 3483 Fill in a form AS 01252 Experience Abseiling AS 20210 Experience Rock Climbing AS 24096 Demonstrate knowledge of the New Zealand Defence Force AS 24098 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of basic foot drill in the New Zealand Cadet Forces Cost: Credits 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 4 2 For information about the 5 day camp and the stationery and equipment required, contact the Year 11 Dean. There is no cost. However, recovery of expenses may be incurred. Please see your Dean for further information. Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 35 Plan It 2016 Subject: SERVICE ACADEMY Code: SSA200 Entry Requirement: Students must apply to join this course, either to the Service Academy director or to the Year 12 Dean Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This is a military designed programme for Years 12 to 13 students, which provides valuable life skills, great experiences and academic study, delivered by an ex-service person. Students must apply to join this course, either to the Service Academy Director or to the Year 11 Dean. The programme builds on Cadet Year 11 and includes practical and theory lessons, which include: Military studies Outdoor education Physical training Military drill, attitude and discipline Assessment: US 425 Tramping US 426 Camping US 470 Demonstrate personal and social development through low wires US 473 Demonstrate personal and social development through high wires US 6400 Manage first aid in emergency situation US 6401 Provide first aid US 6402 Provide resuscitation Level 2 US 7121 Demonstrate information search, access and selection skills AS 12349 Demonstrate knowledge of time management AS 24097 Demonstrate knowledge of the New Zealand Cadet Forces AS 24100 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the basic principles of leadership AS 24101 Demonstrate basic knowledge of risk management AS 24103 Demonstrate and apply basic knowledge of the Radio Net AS 24110 Describe selected Corps in the New Zealand Army AS 91330 Perform a physical activity in an applied setting AS 91501 Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting Cost: Credits 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 For information about the 5 day camp and the stationery and equipment required, contact the Year 12 Dean. There is no cost. However, recovery of expenses may be incurred. Please see your Dean for further information. Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 36 Plan It 2016 SCIENCE HOF Mr R Cox SCIENCE CHEMISTRY ENGINEERING SCIENCE SCIENCE IN ACTION HORTICULTURE PHYSICS BIOLOGY Links to Other subjects: Science has links to Mathematics, Geography, Food Sciences, Physical Education, Electronics Main Career Areas Agriculture, Animal Care, Aviation, Sports, Health Sciences; Trades: Beauty, Mechanics, Electronics, Pharmacy, Radiology, Sports; Armed Forces; Scientist and Technician; Engineering, Food Science, Technology, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Human Biology, Veterinary Services, Microbiology Subject: SCIENCE Code: SCI101 Entry Requirement: Recommendation from Year 10 Science teacher. Students must demonstrate that they can achieve in Year 10 Science topics at curriculum Level 5. Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Endorsement: This course offers subject endorsement Content: Aspects of Chemistry, Biology and Physics will be covered over the year. Science is a fundamental area of study for most career pathways beyond secondary school. Students leaving school should have L1 Science credits in their NCEA qualification. Success in this course is important for students who intend to continue with L2 Chemistry, Physics or Biology. Assessment: AS 90944 Describe aspects of acids and bases AS 90930 Carry out a practical chemistry investigation AS 90940 Demonstrate understanding of mechanics AS 90948 Demonstrate understanding of genetics AS 90935 Carry out a practical physics investigation Total Credits: Credits 4 4 4 4 4 20 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 37 Plan It 2016 Subject: APPLIED SCIENCE Entry Requirement: Recommendation from Year 10 Science teacher Code: SCI102 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Endorsement: This course does not offer subject endorsement Content: This course explores aspects of the world around us without the pressures of external examinations at the end of the year. The activities are designed to help us understand how things that we experience or see actually happen. This course does not lead to L2 Chemistry or Physics. Assessment: US 21611 Investigations US 18969 Body maintenance US 18969 Earth and space AS 90952 Earth’s surface features AS 90930 Practical chemistry investigation AS 90943 Implications of heat transfer AS 90954 Astronomical cycles Total Credits: 22 Subject: ENGINEERING SCIENCE Entry Requirement: Recommendation from Year 10 Science teacher Credits 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 Code: ESC100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Endorsement: Course endorsement Content: This course provides the foundation for a career pathway specific to engineering and trades as it focuses on physical science and numeracy. Students can progress into L2 physics from this course. Assessment: AS 90943 Investigate the implications of heat for everyday life AS 90935 Carry out a practical physics investigation AS 90941 Investigate electricity and magnetism AS 90945 Investigate implications of the use of carbon compounds as fuels AS 90940 Demonstrate understanding of mechanics Total Credits: Credits 4 4 4 4 4 20 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 38 Plan It 2016 Subject: HORTICULTURE/GROWING PLANTS Entry Requirement: Open Code: HOR100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Endorsement: This does not offer subject endorsement Content: The course has as its theme ‘the successful growing of plants and management of the environment to achieve that goal’. Practical skills are emphasised, e.g. seed sowing, garden maintenance and understanding plant biology. This course begins the pathway to Level 2 Horticulture, Land Based Skills and Sustainability courses. Credits will also count towards NCEA and the National Certificate in Horticulture. National Certificate – Land Based Skills, Sustainability, Planet Earth Studies, Assessment: US 1 Prepare and sow outdoor seeds manually US 23782 Identify containers, materials, plants, tools US 23783 Grow and maintain plants in containers from seeds AS 90949 Investigate life processes and environmental factors that affect them US 2803 Maintain a document work record of Horticulture activities Total Credits: 21 Subject: CHEMISTRY Entry Requirement: Achievement in Level 1 Chemistry (90944 Acids & Bases) Achievement in Level 1 Mathematics Credits 5 2 5 4 5 Code: CHE200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Endorsement: This course offers subject endorsement Endorsement: Yes Content: This course builds on Chemistry from L1 and introduces new concepts. Studying Chemistry leads to career pathways that include health sciences (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, veterinary), engineering, agriculture, health and beauty and many other primary industries (paint industries, wine making, food technology, packaging). Assessment: AS 91161 Quantitative Chemistry AS 91162 Ions in solution AS 91164 Atoms, bonding and energy AS 91165* Organic chemistry AS 91166 Chemical reactivity AS 91167 Redox reactions *An optional external Total Credits: Credits 4 3 5 4 4 3 23 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 39 Plan It 2016 Subject: CHEMISTRY Entry Requirement: 14 credits from Level 2 Chemistry. Success in Level 2 Mathematics Achievement Standards. Code: CHE300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3; UE approved subject Endorsement: This course offers subject endorsement Content: L3 Chemistry extends the ideas covered in a full L2 programme and develops applications in analytical chemistry, technology and environmental science. L3 Chemistry has stronger emphasis on applying mathematics to solving chemical problems. Assessment: AS 91388 Spectroscopy AS 91389 chemical processes report AS 91390 Atoms, bonding and energy AS 91391* Organic chemistry AS 913192 Aqueous equilibria AS 91393 Oxidation-reduction processes *Optional but required for students intending on entering the NZQA scholarship examination Total Credits: 24 Subject: SCIENCE IN ACTION Entry Requirement: Passed at least 12 Science credits at Level 1 Credits 3 3 5 5 5 3 Code: SIA200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: Students involve themselves in expanding their appreciation of sustainability in a biological context. Assessment: AS 90810 Undertake a personal action, with reflection, that contributes to a sustainable future AS 90811 Explain how human activity in a biophysical environment has consequences for a sustainable future AS 91153 Carry out a practical investigation in a biology context with supervision AS 91158 Investigate a pattern in an ecological community with supervision AS 91734 Develop a collaborative response that promotes a sustainable future in relation to a current issue *An optional external Total Credits: Credits 6 4 4 4 4 22 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 40 Plan It 2016 Subject: LAND BASED SKILLS Entry Requirement: Open to Year 12 and Year 13 students. Students are interviewed by the Head of Faculty Science Code:LBS200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 & 3 Endorsement: This course does not offer subject endorsement Content: The course has strong emphasis on developing practical skills linked to the rural experience. Students learn to safely operate farm machinery with an emphasis on health and safety. Some plant care units may also form part of this course. Students can gain a large number of Level 2 and Level 3 Unit Standards in the primary industry sector. They can achieve a certificate in Land Based Skills which is a valuable addition to a Curriculum Vitae. This starts a career pathway in the Primary Industry Sector ie Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry. Assessment: Credits Unit Standards will be advised Total Credits: 81 (approximately) Subject: PHYSICS Entry Requirement: Achievement in Physics L1 (Mechanics) Code: PHY200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Endorsement: This course offers subject endorsement Content: Physics is the study of natural phenomena and introduces the basic principles of physics through the study of Motion, forces, Energy, Light and Waves, Electricity, and Nuclear Physics. This course opens opportunities into Sports Science, Aviation, Health and Medical Science Assessment: AS 91168 Carry out a practical physics investigation AS 91170 Demonstrate understanding of waves AS 91171 Demonstrate understanding of mechanics AS 91172 Demonstrate understanding of atomic and nuclear physics AS 91173 Demonstrate understanding of electricity and electromagnetism Total Credits: Credits 4 4 6 3 6 23 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 41 Plan It 2016 Subject: PHYSICS Entry Requirement: Achievement in Physics L2 Achievement in Maths L2 Code: PHY300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3; UE Approved Subject Endorsement: This course offers subject endorsement Content: This course extends the ideas covered in L2 Physics though further study of Translational and Rotational Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion, Waves, AC and DC Electricity, and Nuclear Physics. This course allows students to study Physics at Tertiary level. It opens opportunities into Sports Science, Aviation, Army, Health and Medical Science, Engineering, Computer Science, Electronics, and Nuclear Technology. Assessment: AS 91521 Carry out a practical investigation AS 91523 Demonstrate understanding of wave systems AS 91524 Demonstrate understanding of mechanical systems AS 91525 Demonstrate understanding of Modern Physics AS 91526 Demonstrate understanding of electrical systems Credits 4 4 6 3 6 Total Credits: 23 Subject: BIOLOGY Entry Requirement: Passed at least 12 Science credits at Level 1 (including a pass in AS90948) Code: BIO200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Endorsement: This course offers subject endorsement Content: Students learn about life at the cellular level and see cells under the microscope; genetic variation and what causes change; research about ethical considerations when manipulating genes for a purpose. Assessment: AS 1153 Carry out a practical investigation in a biology context, with supervision AS 91156 Demonstrate understanding of life processes at the cellular level AS 91160 Investigate biology material at the cellular level Total Credits: Credits 4 4 3 15 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 42 Plan It 2016 Subject: BIOLOGY Code: BIO300 Entry Requirement: At least 14 credits in Level 2 Biology Achievement Standards or by Interview with the Head of Faculty. Qualifications: NCEA Level 3; UE Approved Subject Endorsement: This course offers subject endorsement Content: The Course investigates how animals and plants respond to their environments, and how homeostatic control systems keep the human body functioning. Evolutionary processes including the key trends in the Evolution of Humans are studied. A contemporary, controversial Biology topic is researched. This course leads to Tertiary studies in Biology and has direct application to Science based careers, including the Health Sciences (Medicine, Nursing, Vet, Physiotherapy), Agricultural and Rural studies, the Dairy Industry, Environmental Sciences and many other workplace opportunities. Assessment: AS 91602 Response to a socio-scientific issue AS 91603 Responses of plants and animal to their external environment AS 91604 How an animal maintains a stable internal environment AS 91605 Evolutionary processes and speciation AS 91606 Understanding of trends in Human Evolution Total Credits: Credits 3 5 3 4 4 19 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 43 Plan It 2016 SOCIAL SCIENCES HOF Mr C Langley ACCOUNTING SOCIAL AND MODERN HISTORY CLASSICAL STUDIES GEOGRAPHY/GLOBAL STUDIES DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL STUDIES TOURISM Links to Other subjects Geography, Accounting, Economics, Science, Maths, Digital Technology, Art, Art History, English, Media Studies, Social Studies, Drama Languages, Physical Education, Electronics Main Career Areas Accounting, Marketing, Business and Analysis, Research, Local and National Government, History, Education, Research (private and public), Law, Advertising, Architecture, Graphic Design, Marketing, Politics, Teaching, Urban and Regional Planning, Regional Planning, Resource Management, Environmental Monitoring, Software Development and Engineering, Hardware Installation, Sales and Marketing, Banking, Secretarial Work, Librarian/Archivist, Travel and tour Guide, Hostess, Customer Service, Production and Manufacturing, Social and Guidance Work, Education, Volunteer Work, Town Planning Subject: ACCOUNTING & FINANCIAL LITERACY Entry Requirement: Open Code: ACC100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: Assessment: AS 90977(1.2) AS 90978(1.3) AS 90979(1.7) This course is an introduction to the study of Accounting. Accounting enables student to develop the knowledge and skills to manage the financial affairs of individuals, communities and businesses. The topics covered are essential life skills as well as starting students on a career path in Accounting or Management studies. AS 90980(1.5) AS 90981(1.6) Process financial information for a small entity Prepare financial statements for a sole proprietors Prepare financial information for a community organisation’s annual general meeting Interpret accounting information for sole proprietors Make a financial decision for an individual or group Total Credits: 21 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Credits 5 5 4 4 3 Page 44 Plan It 2016 Subject: ACCOUNTING Code: ACC200 Entry Requirement: Achievement In Level 1 Accounting, or at the discretion of the Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge. Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: Assessment: AS 91175(2.2) AS 91176(2.3) AS 91177(2.4) Accounting enables students to develop the knowledge and skills to manage the financial affairs of individuals, communities and businesses. The level 2 course builds on, and extends the topics covered in Year 11 Accounting and introduces students to using MYOB – a computer accounting package. It provides a platform for study at Year 13. This course leads to a University Approved course in Year 13 AS 91179(2.6) AS 91386(2.&) Demonstrate understanding accounting process using accounting software Prepare financial information for an entity that operates accounting subsystems Interpret accounting information for entities that operate accounting subsystems (optional - discussion with teacher required) Demonstrate understanding of an accounts receivable subsystem for an entity Demonstrate understanding of an inventory subsystem for an entity Total Credits: 19 Subject: ACCOUNTING Entry Requirement: Level 2 Accounting Credits 4 5 4 3 3 Code: ACC300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This course will develop a student’s understanding of the concepts of Accounting and how they are applied to a range of situations related to Partnerships, Companies and Manufacturing businesses. It will include the recording and processing of financial transactions, including a job cost system and the reporting of financial information to interested parties. Year 13 Accounting provides a sound platform for Accounting or Business Management tertiary study. Assessment: AS 91405(3.2) AS 91406(3.3) AS 91408(3.5) AS 91409(3.6) Demonstrate understanding of accounting for partnerships Demonstrate understanding of company financial statement preparation Demonstrated understanding of management accounting to inform Demonstrate understanding of a job cost subsystem for an entity Total Credits: 17 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Credits 4 5 4 4 Page 45 Plan It 2016 Subject: SOCIAL & MODERN HISTORY Entry Requirement: Open Code: SMH100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: Assessment: AS 91002 This course is a combination of standards from the social sciences, offering students a dynamic approach to the study of history and how it has both contributed to and continued to and continues to be relevant to the modern world. New Zealand’s place in the past and present is examined in a global context. AS 91005 As 91006 AS 91040 AS 91043 Demonstrate understanding of an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders Demonstrate understanding of different perspectives of people in an historical event of significance to New Zealander Describe the causes and consequences of an historical event Describe how a significant historical event affected new Zealand society Describe the consequences of cultural change Describe a social justice and human rights action Total Credits: 24 Subject: SOCIAL & MODERN HISTORY Entry Requirement: Open AS 91004 Credits 4 4 4 4 4 4 Code: SMH200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: Assessment: AS 91230 AS 91232 AS91234 AS 91279 AS 91283 Total Credits: Building on the Level 1 Social and Modern History course, Level 2 standards require students to appreciate the fine balance between current events and some of their primary causes. Key historical ideas are developed along with an examination of local communities and large forces in modern contexts. Examine an historical event or place that is of significance to New Zealanders Interpret different perspectives of people in an historical event that is of significance to New Zealanders Examine how a significant historical event affected New Zealand society Demonstrate understanding of conflict(s) arising from different cultural beliefs and ideas Describe a social action that enables communities and/or nations to meet their responsibilities and exercise their rights Credits 5 5 5 4 4 23 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 46 Plan It 2016 Subject: CLASSICAL STUDIES Entry Requirement: At the discretion of the Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge Code: CLA300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: Assessment: AS 91394 AS 91396 AS 91397 AS 91398 A study of the classical world and the forces, places, personalities and events which typified this most interesting and intriguing period of the world’s history. Philosophy is introduced, as is the study of Roman architecture. Ideologies and individuals are examined through a challenging series of internal and external assessments. Analyse ideas and values of the classical world Analyse the impact of a significant historical figure on the classical world Demonstrate understanding of significant ideology(ies) in the classical world Demonstrate understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time Total Credits: 22 Subject: GLOBAL STUDIES Entry Requirement: Open Credits 4 6 6 6 Code: GLS100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: Assessment: AS 91007 This course is a combination of geography and Social Studies standards. It explores social and natural issues around the world and helps to explain why natural events occur (such as natural disasters) as well as why people do the things they do in society. This is an interesting course which challenges the way students think about issues both in New Zealand and globally. AS 91011 AS 91012 AS 91013 AS 91040 AS 91042 Demonstrate geographic understanding of environments that have been shaped by extreme natural event(s) Conduct geographic research, with direction Describe aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue Describe aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale Conduct a social inquiry Report on personal involvement in a social justice and human rights action Total Credits: 22 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Credits 4 4 3 3 4 4 Page 47 Plan It 2016 Subject: GLOBAL STUDIES Entry Requirement: Open Code: GLS200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: Assessment: AS 91240 AS 91243 This is a continuation from Level 1 Global Studies, however, you do not have to have taken Level 1 to take this subject. This subject further explores the understanding of the world, both natural occurring events and man-made issues. Topics in this course include human trafficking, volcanoes in New Zealand and many more. This is an academic course and a reasonably high level of literacy is necessary. This course leads to university entrance after Year 13 (in Geography). Credits 4 4 AS 91245 AS 91246 As 91280 Demonstrate geographic understanding of a large natural environment Apply geography concepts and skills to demonstrate understanding of a given environment Explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue Explain aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale Conduct a reflective social inquiry Total Credits: 19 Subject: GEOGRAPHY Entry Requirement: Achievement in Level 2 Geography, or at the discretion of the Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge. 3 3 5 Code: GEO300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: Assessment: AS 91426 This course is a continuation from Level 2 Geography. Students will further their Geographic understanding of Geographic concepts and skills through various contexts, both New Zealand focused and global. A field trip to the Waitomo Caves will aid understanding of the processes that form a Karst Landscape. Black Water Rafting is an optional extra during this unit (subject to numbers). AS 91430 AS 91431 AS 91432 Demonstrate understanding of how interacting natural processes shape a New Zealand geographic environment Demonstrate understanding of a given environment(s) through selection and application of geographic concepts and skills Conduct geographic research with consultation Analyse aspects of a contemporary geographic issue Analyse aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale Total Credits: 19 AS 91429 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Credits 4 4 5 3 3 Page 48 Plan It 2016 Subject: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Code: DGT100 Entry Requirement: Completion of 10 DIT, or at the discretion of the Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge. Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: Design, plan and create code for a basic computer game that solves an issue. Learn web design skills to create a website to promote your game. Manipulate images and design vector graphics to create game characters. May also include development of an information outcome using spread sheets and / or databases Assessment: AS 91044 Undertake brief development to address a need or opportunity AS 91070 Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts of information management AS 91370 Implement basic procedures to produce a specified digital media outcome AS 91075 Construct a plan for a basic computer program AS 91076 Construct a basic computer program Credits 4 3 4 3 3 Total Credits: 17 Subject: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Entry Requirement: Achievement in Level 1 Digital Technology, or at the discretion of the Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge. Code: DGT200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This course may include some, but not all of the following - design, plan and create code for a complex computer game / programme that solves an issue. Learn to use software to manipulate images and design vector graphics to create games, motion graphics and web pages. Develop information outcomes using spread sheets and / or databases. Assessment: AS 91354 Undertake brief development to address a need or opportunity AS 91367 Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts of information management AS 91370 Implement basic procedures to produce a specified digital media outcome AS 91372 Construct a plan for a basic computer program AS 91373 Construct a basic computer program Total Credits: Credits 4 3 4 3 3 17 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 49 Plan It 2016 Subject: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Code: DGT300 Entry Requirement: Achievement in Level 2 Digital Technology, or at the discretion of the Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge. Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: Design, plan and develop your own ideas to create a website, game, app, animation or publication through the technology process. Develop skills using industry standard software. Assessment: AS 91632 Demonstrate understanding of complex concepts of information systems in an organisation AS 91633 Implement complex procedures to develop a relational database embedded in a specified digital outcome AS 91637 Develop a complex computer program for a specified task Total Credits: 16 Subject: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Entry Requirement: Open Credits 4 6 6 Code: IMA100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: This course allows students to develop some basic skills and understanding of Microsoft Office products in a digital media environment. Students will use MS Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Excel, and the Internet. The course has a strong hands-on approach and aims to provide students with skills they can transfer to other subjects, the workplace or higher level computing classes. Assessment: US 102 Consolidate keyboarding skills and produce accurate text based documents US 2792 Produce simple desktop published documents using templates US 5946 Use computer technology to create and deliver a presentation from given content US 16677 Key in text at 15 wpm US 16678 Key in text at 25 wpm US 18734 Create a web page using a template US 18743 Produce a spreadsheet using supplied date US 26745 Produce still images for a range of digital media Total Credits: Credits 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 17 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 50 Plan It 2016 Subject: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Entry Requirement: Open Code: IMA200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This course is suitable for year 12 or 13 students wishing to gain entry level skills in computing or information management or to build on skills gained in Year 11 IMA. Students will, in consultation with the class teacher, develop an individual course that best suits their skill level, by selecting unit standards from those offered. The flexibility of the programme caters for students with varying levels of experience using a variety of computer programmes. The skills gained in this course are transferable to all other subjects and the workplace Assessment: US 107 Apply text processing skills to produce communications in a business or organisational context US 111 Use a word processor to produce documents US 2784 Create and use a spreadsheet to solve a problem US 2788 Produce desktop published documents to meet set brief US 5940 Produce a presentation using a desktop presentation computer application US 12884 Create electronic documents and manage a file for generic text and information management US 12885 Create and enhance documents combining text and images for generic text and information management US 16678 Key in text at 25 wpm Credits 5 5 3 5 3 3 4 1 Total Credits: 29 Subject: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Entry Requirement: Achievement in Level 2 Information Management, or at the discretion of the Head of Faculty/ Teacher in Charge. Code: IMA300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This course is suitable for Year 13 students wishing to build on skills gained in Level 2 Information Management. Students will, in consultation with the class teacher, develop an individual course that best suits their skill level, by selecting unit standards from those offered. The skills gained in this course are transferable to all other subjects and the workplace. Assessment: US 108 Apply text processing skills to produce business documents US 112 Produce business or organisational information using word processing functions US 2785 Create a computer spreadsheet to provide a solution for organisation use US 12886 Customise software features and create document templates for generic text and information management US 12887 Integrate text and images and manage multiple files for generic text and information management US 16679 Key in text at 35 wpm Credits 5 5 5 6 6 3 Total Credits: 30 NB: Students who have not yet completed NCEA Level 2, may choose Level 2 standards from the IMA200 course Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 51 Plan It 2016 Subject: TOURISM Entry Requirement: Open Code: TOR200 Qualifications: NCEA Level Two Content: This course covers compulsory requirements within the National Certificate of Tourism and an opportunity to learn a wide variety of skills and knowledge which are required for employment within the Aotearoa New Zealand tourism industry. Students wanting to achieve the National Certificate of Tourism (Introductory Skills) need to complete both TOR200 and TOR300. Assessment: Credits US 24724 Demonstrate knowledge of the history of tourism 4 US 24728 Demonstrate knowledge of work roles in tourism 3 US 24729 Demonstrate knowledge of world tourism destinations 4 US 24730 Demonstrate knowledge of the business of tourism 4 US 24731 Demonstrate knowledge of destination New Zealand 4 US 24732 Demonstrate knowledge of tourist characteristics and needs 3 Total Credits: 22 Subject: TOURISM Entry Requirement: At the discretion of Head of Faculty/Teacher in Charge Code: TOR300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: The course gives a further opportunity to learn a wide variety of skills and knowledge which are required for employment within the Aotearoa New Zealand tourism industry, allowing for full or partial completion of the National Certificate in Tourism (Introductory Skills). Assessment: Credits US 3727 Demonstrate knowledge of Pacific Island countries as destinations 5 US 18211 Demonstrate knowledge of Australia as a visitor destination 5 US 24725 Describe and analyse the economic significance of tourism 4 Total Credits: 14 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 52 Plan It 2016 TECHNOLOGY (HARD) HOF Mr R Teao Design and Visual Communication Fabric Technology Electro Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology and Building Main Career Areas Trade Industry – Building, Mechanic, Engineering, Electronics and Architecture This Faculty offers students a range of industry unit standards abut also university accredited achievement standards in the DVC courses. Subject: DESIGN & VISUAL COMMUNICATION Entry Requirement: Year 10 Graphics or interview with the HoF. Code: DVC100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: A course for students to learn and develop design and visual communication skills. To be competent at basic design and drawing is essential for a wide range of vocational areas. These skills also provide confidence to tackle simple DIY projects as part of life’s experience Assessment: AS 91063 Produce freehand sketches that communicate design ideas AS 91064 Produce instrumental, multi-view orthographic drawings that communicate technical features of design ideas AS 91065 Produce instrumental paraline drawings to communicate design ideas AS 91066 Use rendering techniques to communicate the form of design ideas AS 91067 Use the work of an influential designer to inform design ideas AS 91068 Undertake development of design ideas through graphics practice AS 91069 Promote an organised body of design work to an audience using visual communication techniques Total Credits: Credits 3 3 3 3 3 6 4 25 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 53 Plan It 2016 Subject: DESIGN & VISUAL COMMUNICATION Entry Requirement: Level 1: 12 credits minimum Code: DVC200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: An NCEA achievement standards course for students to further develop design and visual communication skills perhaps with view to career opportunities. Design and drawing skills are integral to a wide range of vocations in all kinds of commerce and industry. The competence gained also has a wide range of applications in many facets of everyday life. Assessment: AS 91337 use visual communication techniques to generate design ideas AS 91338 Produce working drawings to communicate technical details of a design AS 91339 Produce instrumental perspective projection drawings to communicate design ideas AS 91340 Use the characteristics of a design movement or era to inform own design AS 91341 Develop a spatial design through graphics practice AS 91342 Develop a product design through graphics practice AS 91343 Use visual communication techniques to compose a presentation of a design Total Credits: 38 Subject: FABRIC TECHNOLOGY Entry Requirement: Year 9 or 10 Textiles Technology Credits 3 4 2 3 6 6 4 Code: FTE100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: This course provides an opportunity for students to develop their practical skills in working with fabrics. Students will be encouraged to work independently and to develop time management skills. Both practical and written components form the course. Students will gain skills and knowledge about fabrics and garment construction that can lead to a wide range of vocational areas. Assessment: AS 91047 Undertake development to make a prototype to address a brief AS 91056 Implement a multi-unit manufacturing process AS 91058 Implement basic procedures using textile materials to make a specified product AS 91096 Make basic adaptations to a pattern to enable a design to fit a person or item Total Credits: Credits 6 4 6 4 20 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 54 Plan It 2016 Subject: FABRIC TECHNOLOGY Entry Requirement: 10 credits from Fabric Technology Level 1 Code: FTE200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: The focus of this course is on the further development of technological skills and ideas. You will also explore pattern and material selection along with the production of fashion drawings. The learning is inquiry based and provides strategies that will be useful as part of life’s experience. Assessment: US 6697 Prepare for and create wearable art AS 91345 Implement advanced procedures using textile materials to make a specified product with special features AS 91350 Make advanced adaptations to a pattern to change the structural and style features of a design AS 91357 Undertake effective development to make and trial a prototype Total Credits: 22 Subject: FABRIC TECHNOLOGY Entry Requirement: 16 Credits Level 2 Fabric Technology Credits 6 6 4 6 Code: FTE300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This is a course of study which requires students to develop advanced skills to produce a garment. Students will also undertake advanced study to produce patterns from a block. Assessment: US 6700 Prepare for and construct a textile item for specified purpose AS 91611 Develop a phototype considering fitness for purpose in the broadest sense AS 91621 Implement complex procedures using textile materials to make a specified product AS 91626 Draft a pattern to interpret a design for a garment Total Credits: Credits 6 6 6 6 24 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 55 Plan It 2016 Subject: ELECTRO-TECHNOLOGY INTRODUCTION Entry Requirement: Nil Code: ELE100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 and Level 2 Content: This course is an introduction into Electronics and Technology, balancing between theory and practical work. Students will develop practical skills, including those which relate to the recognition of components, the design and construction of circuits, measurement of electrical parameters, embedded programming and the construction of electronic systems. Students will gain basic skills that can be utilised directly in appropriate employment or become the foundation for further study of electronics in either a high school or tertiary environment. Assessment: US 5909 Explain basic atomic principles as applied to the electro technology industry US 15849* Perform manual soldering and desoldering procedures for electro technology work US 18242* Construct a simple printed circuit AS 91047 Undertake development to make a prototype to address a brief AS 91050 Demonstrate understanding of the role of subsystems in technological systems AS 91078 Implement basic interfacing procedures in a specified electronic environment AS 91079 Implement basic techniques in constructing a specified electronic and embedded system *These are Level Two Standards Credit 1 2 3 6 4 3 3 Total Credits: 22 Subject: ELECTRO- TECHNOLOGY Entry Requirement: Successfully completed Level 1 electro-technology course. (Specifically, achieved at least 50% of available credits.) Code: ELE200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: Advanced concepts of electronics and technology. The content is balanced between theory and practical work. Students will develop understanding of the function and use of electronic components and sub-systems. They will then utilise this understanding and develop their project skills as they address real problems with electro-technology solutions. Projects will involve a mixture of electronic and embedded microcontroller software. Students wishing to pursue a career in the design and implementation of electronic systems will find this course a useful preparation for tertiary study. Assessment: US 18239 Demonstrate introductory knowledge of circuit concepts and measurements for electronics US 18240 Demonstrate knowledge of basic electronics components US 18242 Construct a simple printed circuit US 18243 Construct simple electronic products from supplied circuit schematics Total Credits: Credits 5 5 3 6 19 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 56 Plan It 2016 Subject: ELECTRO-TECHNOLOGY Code: ELE300 Entry Requirement: Successfully completed Level 2 electro-technology course. (Specifically, achieved at least 50% of available credits in this course.) Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This course further develops student’s knowledge, understanding and skills in the use of electronics technology to address real issues. At this level students will be required to work with a client to address a brief agreed with the client. Skills learnt in electronic and embedded software systems will need to be demonstrated in this endeavour. Assessment: US 9221 Demonstrate knowledge of the development of an electronic product US 26119 Construct and report on the performance of a simple electronic programmable circuit US 26120 Describe and construct circuits to demonstrate the operation and properties of electronic devices US 26121 Plan, construct, modify and report on an electronic phototype US 26122 Demonstrate knowledge of and build circuits using digital electronic devices that interface with ADC and DAC functions US 26123 Demonstrate knowledge of the practical applications of logic circuits Credits 3 4 3 6 3 3 Total Credits: 22 Subject: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Entry Requirement: Students who apply for this course must have either completed a Year 10 Engineering course to a satisfactory standard or must have the approval of the teacher in charge/HoF of the course. Code: MET100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: This course has been designed for students interested in mechanical engineering, fabrication, machining and tool making. The course will mainly deal with Metals. The credits are largely awarded through project work and students will learn a wide range of practical engineering skills and techniques. Assessment: US 22923 Demonstrate basic engineering workshop skills under close supervision US 22924 Develop a simple product using engineering materials US 22926 Demonstrate knowledge of safety procedures in a specific engineering workshop Total Credits: Credits 12 10 2 24 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 57 Plan It 2016 Subject: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Code: MET200 Entry Requirement: Students who apply for this course must have at least 12 credits in a Level 1 Engineering course Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This course has been designed to lead on from the Level 1 MET course and further students’ skills in mechanical engineering, fabrication, machining and tool making. The course offers both practical and theoretical elements related to Trade Practice and Mechanical Engineering. The unit standards studied in the course are part of the Engineering Trades introductory course (Level 2) and lead into the Engineering industry. The course is an excellent “kick start” to students intending to go into any of the engineering trades. Assessment: US 231 Explain the operation of two and four stroke petrol and diesel engines, Lv. 2, Engines US 2387 Assemble mechanical components under supervision, Lv. 2, Mechanical Assembly US 2395 Select, use, and care for, engineering hand tools, Lv. 2, Engineering Core Skills US 2396 Select, use and maintain portable hand held engineering power tools, Lv. 2, Engineering core Skills US 2432 Manually construct plane geometric shapes for engineering, Lv. 2, Engineering Drawing and Design US 3856 Identify emergency procedures in the motor and related industries, Lv. 2, Motor Industry - Introductory Skills US 4436 Select, use and care for engineering marking out equipment US 16113 Demonstrate knowledge of safe working practices in an automotive workshop US 21688 Demonstrate knowledge of disassembling and reassembling a four stroke multicylinder engine Total Credits: 28 Subject: TECHNOLOGY & BUILDING Entry Requirement: Year 10 Materials Technology (Wood) or an interview with the Head of Faculty Credits 4 2 4 4 3 2 4 2 3 Code: TAB100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: Students will construct various projects and develop their skills and experience with workshop machinery, power-tools and hand-tools. The Unit Standards on offer are set by the Building & Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO). This course is designed for students interested in working in the construction industry Assessment: 24352 Demonstrate knowledge of and apply safe working practices in the construction of a BCA 24355 Demonstrate knowledge of construction and manufacturing materials used in BCATS projects 24356 Apply elementary workshop procedures and processes for BCATS projects 24920 Use joints for a BCATS project Total Credits: Credits 2 4 8 3 17 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 58 Plan It 2016 Subject: TECHNOLOGY & BUILDING Code: TAB200 Entry Requirement: Level One Technology and Building or an interview with the Head of Faculty Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: These courses enable students to further develop their skills, knowledge and working practices covered in the Level 1 course. The Unit Standards on offer are set by the Building & Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO). These courses are designed for students interested in working in the construction industry. Assessment: US 12927 Identify, select, maintain, and use hand tools for BCATS projects, Lv. 2, Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills US 12932 Construct timber garden furniture and items of basic construction equipment as a BCATS project, Lv. 2, Building, Construction, and allied Trades Skills US 24354 Demonstrate knowledge of and apply safe working practices in a BCATS workplace, Lv. 2, Building, Construction, and allied Trades Skills US 24357 Receive instructions and communicate information in relation to BCATS projects, Lv. 2, Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills Total Credits: 22 Subject: TECHNOLOGY & BUILDING Entry Requirement: Level two Technology and Building or an interview with the Head of Faculty Credits 6 8 4 4 Code: TAB300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This Level 3 course offers students further opportunities to develop their range of building and construction skills and knowledge. Workshop machinery and power-tools will be used extensively. The Unit Standards on offer are set by the Building & Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO). This course is designed for students interested in working in the construction industry. Assessment: US 12997 Demonstrate knowledge of safe working practices on construction sites US 12998 Demonstrate knowledge of carpentry hand tools US 13002 Demonstrate knowledge of timber used in construction US 24378 Perform building calculations Total Credits: Credits 3 4 2 4 13 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 59 Plan It 2016 TECHNOLOGY (SOFT) HOF Mrs A Findon EARLY CHILDCARE FOOD AND NUTRITION FOOD AND BEVERAGE HOSPITALITY Links to Other subjects Mathematics, Science, English, Technology, Health Education and Physical Education Main Career Areas Trade Industry – Hospitality, Catering, Fashion Design, Barista Service, Bartender, Waitress Education Industry – Early Childcare leads into gaining a Nannying certificate, Diploma in Early Childhood teaching, Degree into Primary School teaching or relevant qualifications for home based Childcare. Nutrition - Health Services, Dietician, Nutritionist, Personal Trainer Subject: EARLY CHILD CARE Entry Requirement: Nil Code: ECC200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This course will provide opportunities for students to gain knowledge and understanding of factors that affect and support the health and well-being of young children, and how to meet their basic needs, including child nutrition. Assessment: US 10020 Describe personal and environmental hygiene and safety practices in an ECE service US 10021 Describe the basic needs of children in an ECE service US 10022 Demonstrate knowledge of attachment patterns and short-term separation in an ECE service US 10024 Demonstrate knowledge of promoting the health and wellbeing of children in an ECE service US 26712 Demonstrate knowledge of, and apply, age-related nutrition needs in providing food for a child in an ECE service Total Credits: Credits 2 3 3 3 4 15 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 60 Plan It 2016 Subject: EARLY CHILD CARE Entry Requirement: Level 1 or 2 ECC an advantage Code: ECC300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This course provides an opportunity for students to be placed in an Early Childcare setting of their choice. Students will develop their knowledge of Te Whāriki Curriculum, child development and plan apporopriate play expriences of varying ages and abilities. This course consists of standards that contribute towards a Certificate in Early Childhood Education. Assessment: US 10019 Describe and contribute to safe practices and a safe environment for a child in an ECE service US 10026 Demonstrate knowledge of the development and learning of children and its relevance to an ECE service US 26707 Describe the value of play and create resources for children’s development and learning in an ECE service US 26708 Develop reciprocal and responsive relationships with a child in an ECE service Total Credits: 20 Subject: FOOD & NUTRITION Entry Requirement: Nil but Year 9 and 10 Food Technology is an advantage Credits 4 5 6 5 Code: FNU100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: This course focuses on developing skills and knowledge around food and the preparation of nutritious meals. The topics covered include food safety, teenage eating and food labelling. An opportunity to examine other cultures will also be offered. The course involves both written and practical work. Assessment: Credits AS 90956 Demonstrate knowledge of an individual’s nutritional needs’ 5 Demonstrate understanding of how cultural practices influence eating patterns in 5 AS 90958 New Zealand Demonstrate understanding of how packaging information influences at 4 AS 90961 individual’s food choices and well-being Demonstrate knowledge of practices and strategies to address food handling 5 AS 90959 issues Total Credits: 19 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 61 Plan It 2016 Subject: FOOD & NUTRITION Entry Requirement: NCEA Level 1 Code: FNU200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: Students will develop their skills and knowledge in working with food through theoretical and practical experiences. Assessment: Credits AS 91299 Analyse issues related to the provision of food for people with specific food needs 5 AS 91300 Analyse the relationship between well-being, food choices and determinants of 4 health AS 91301 Analyse beliefs, attitudes and practices related to a nutritional issue for families in 5 New Zealand AS 91302 Evaluate sustainable food related practices 5 Total Credits: 19 Subject: FOOD & NUTRITION Entry Requirement: Level 2 NCEA, with literacy an advantage Code: FNU300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This course focuses on evaluating current theories of nutrition and examines factors that influence people’s food choices and well-being. Students will also develop knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and understand how health-enhancing strategies can bring sustainable changes to people’s lives. Food preparation and presentation skills will be further enhanced. Assessment: Credits AS 91455 Investigate a nutritional issue affecting the well-being of New Zealand society 5 AS 91468 Analyse a food related ethical dilemma for New Zealand society 5 AS 91469 Investigate the influence of multinational food corporations on eating patterns in 5 New Zealand AS 91471 Analyse the effectiveness of food advertising on well-being 4 Total Credits: 19 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 62 Plan It 2016 Subject: FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE Entry Requirement: Nil Code: FBS200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This course will enable students to gain confidence and knowledge required to work in front of house situations in the hospitality industry. Assessment: Credits US 14425 Prepare and serve hot and cold non-alcoholic drinks in a commercial hospitality 2 environment US 14434 Prepare and clear areas for table service in a commercial hospitality environment 3 US 14436 Provide table service in a commercial hospitality environment 4 US 14462 Maintain personal presentation and greet customers in the hospitality industry, 2 Lv. 2, Hospitality - Generic US 17285 Demonstrate knowledge of commercial espresso coffee equipment and prepare 4 espresso beverages under supervision US 17286 Prepare and present pressed coffee for service 2 Total Credits: 17 Subject: HOSPITALITY Entry Requirement: Nil Code: HOS100 Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 Content: This course enables students to prepare and present a variety of different foods suitable to be served in a commercial environment. To develop basic cookery skills in order to gain confidence to prepare and serve foods to others in an industry focused setting. Each unit is a mix of theory and practical-based learning. Assessment: Credits US 15895 Demonstrate knowledge of boiling and baking in the commercial catering industry 2 US 15896 Demonstrate knowledge of frying and grilling as cookery methods in the 3 commercial catering industry US 15901 Prepare and present fruit and vegetables in the hospitality industry 3 US 15919 Prepare and present hot finger food in the hospitality industry 2 US 5921 Prepare and cook a cake, a sponge and a batch of scones in the hospitality 3 industry US 21057 Prepare, construct, and garnish mocktails for the hospitality industry 2 Total Credits: 15 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 63 Plan It 2016 Subject: HOSPITALITY Entry Requirement: Nil Code: HOS200 Qualifications: NCEA Level 2 Content: This course covers aspects of food preparation using a variety of cookery methods. The content includes Certificate of Achievement packages developed by the Hospitality industry. Knowledge will be applied and demonstrated in practical foods classes. The standards offered are industry-based Unit Standards. Assessment: Credits US 167 Practise food safety methods in a food business 4 US 13271 Cook food items by frying 2 US 13276 Cook food items by grilling 2 US 13278 Cook food items by roasting 2 US 13280 Prepare fruit and vegetable cuts 2 US 13281 Prepare and present basic sandwiches for services 2 US 13283 Prepare and present salads for service 2 US 13285 Handle and maintain knives in a commercial kitchen 2 Total Credits: 18 Subject: HOSPITALITY Entry Requirement: Nil, but HOS200 is an advantage Code: HOS300 Qualifications: NCEA Level 3 Content: This course offers a variety of Industry Based standards. Students will learn about basic nutrition and apply this knowledge to produce nutritious meals. They further their knowledge of food safety in a commercial kitchen. There is also an opportunity to investigate coffee origins. The content involves a mix of theory and practical. Assessment: Credits US 168 Demonstrate knowledge of food contamination hazards, and control methods 4 used in a food business US 13343 Demonstrate knowledge of basic nutrition in commercial catering 5 US 17284 Demonstrate knowledge of coffee origin and production 3 Total Credits: 12 Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 64 Plan It 2016 SUBJECT CODES CODE SUBJECT CODE SUBJECT ACC Accounting and Financial Literacy HOS Hospitality APE Advanced Physical Education IMA Information Management ARC Visual Art LBS Land Based Skills BIO Biology MAC Mathematics – Calculus CHE Chemistry MAN Chinese Mandarin CLA Classical Studies MAO Te Reo Māori DGT Digital Technology MAS Mathematics – Statistics DRA Drama MAT Mathematics DVC Design and Visual Communication MET Mechanical Engineering Technology ECC Early Childcare MPA Māori Performing Art ELE Electro – Technology MUS Music ENG English OED Outdoor Education ESC Engineering Science PHE Physical Education FBS Food and Beverage Service PHY Physics FNU Food and Nutrition REC Recreational Studies FOT Food Technology SCI Science FTE Fabric Technology SIA Science In Action GAT Gateway SMH Social and Modern History GEO Geography SPL Sports and Leisure Leadership GLS Global Studies SSA Service Academy HEA Health Studies TAB Technology and Building HOR Horticulture/Growing Plants TOR Tourism Subject Choices Booklet 2016 Page 65