April 2014 Issue No. 2 Website : www.stjohns-hamilton.school.nz All Newsletters are available on the College website. Dear Parents, Caregivers, students, friends and supporters of the College Kia ora koutou , welcome to 2014 at St John’s College. Thank you to those parents who attended our parent teacher evenings over the past two weeks. These were well attended events and the feedback we have had to date has been very positive. I do encourage you to bring your son with you to these evenings as the three way conversations are very powerful: if the student, the teacher and the parents are all ‘on the same page’ positive progress is inevitable. In the last newsletter I touched on the schools 2013 NCEA results of Level one 87%, level two 92% and level three 80% which are the best ever NCEA results for Saint John’s. On the back of this positive news our scholarship results have recently been released by NZQA. At 11 scholarships this again reflects the best results for Saint John’s to date. Of note was the ‘top scholar’ award for Hamish Dick in economics, to get the best mark in the country is testament to Hamish’s drive, intelligence, and is a reflection on the fine teaching of the teacher in charge of Economics, Shaun Healy. It has been a great start to the year, the school environment at Saint John’s is a special one and we must remind ourselves that it is a privilege to be part of a fine school. It is a pleasure to share the journey of our boys as they grow into fine men who represent themselves, their families and Saint John’s with pride. In the spirit of Saint John Shane Tong PRINCIPAL Paid Union Meeting on Thursday, 10th April 2014 A Paid Union Meeting will be held for staff to discuss the Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement. This means the school will need to finish at 12.25. on 10th April. NB : Lessons 3 and 4 will be shortened. Some Staff will remain on site to provide supervision for students who cannot get home. BUSES : The buses which have altered timetables are: Ngaruawhaia, Huntly, Te Awamutu, Cambridge, Melville/Te Pahu/Pirongia, and Morrinsville/Te Aroha. They will be leaving SJC at 12.45. Raglan and Matangi buses will operate as per normal timetable. Should you wish to allow your son to leave early, alternative travel arrangements will need to be made. INFORMATION FOR ALL STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS, WHANAU OR CAREGIVERS FOR 2014 NZQA QUALIFICATIONS: Recently this circular was given to your son by his form teacher. The information sheet addresses the following questions for all potential candidates: How do I become a candidate for NCEA How much does it cost Can I get help to pay How do I get help to pay What if I need help to sit assessments Can I change where I will sit my examinations Gaining NCEA Level 1,2 or 3. How do I gain entrance to a New Zealand University How are my results recorded Results released to Universities and Polytechnics If you have not seen this circular it is also available on the following link: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/assets/qualifications-and-standards/qualifications/ncea/Entryinto-NCEA/March-Candidate-Information-Sheet-2014.pdf How NCEA works video There is a 5 minute video available from the NZQA website entitled ‘How NCEA works.’ The link to the NZQA website is: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications-standards/qualifications/ncea/understandingncea/how-ncea-works/how-ncea-works-2/ There is a brief written outline on ‘How NCEA Works’ also available on the NZQA website, by using the following link: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications-standards/qualifications/ncea/understandingncea/how-ncea-works/ 2 Lent is the period of preparation for Easter. It is a time of fasting, prayer and almsgiving to the poor. Our focus this Lent is our Caritas partnerships in Solomon Islands. We have embarked on a variety of projects to raise awareness and to raise funds for these people. Our students were able to raise over $1,600 during the Live It Challenge at the beginning of March. Students slept in cardboard boxes and fasted for 20 hours in solidarity with the poor and homeless. Sacred Heart and St John’s students were well cared for by Alex Bailey, Briege Koning and Miguel Raman and their team of helpers. The Leaders assisted at the Solidarity Day celebrations at Marian School last week. The students participated during the Mass, served rice and organised games for the hundreds of energetic primary students. A group of yr 13 students volunteered to partake in the Heart Foundation Collection last month. They did us proud by not only collecting in a huge amount of cash, but by pushing trolleys and assisting the public with their shopping outside New World! It is heart warming to see our Special Character in action, in our community. SHAVE FOR A CURE held on the 21 March was an enormous success. The capable team of hairdressers and Mrs Petrin skilfully did away with buckets of hair from students and staff alike. We were fortunate to have The Edge present to MC the event. Donations have reached over $4,000, with more money still to be counted. This is a huge effort for a very worthwhile cause. It is amazing and pleasing to belong to such a generous and giving community. Sonja Maree (DRS) 3 CAPS & HATS Now that we are seeing the seasons turn and some colder weather arrive, it is time for us to be mindful of our school uniform policy and expectations. The only hat that is acceptable in school is the St John’s College school cap. Students who wear beanies and any other type of hat will have them confiscated. WINTER UNIFORM Changeover date for full winter uniform will be the first day of Term 2, 5th May 2014. PARENT EVENINGS Thank you to all those parents who have supported our recent Parent/Teacher interview evenings, these are important events in the school calendar that we encourage all our parents to attend. This year we have made a few changes to improve the quality of these evenings. Please ensure that short term targets have been discussed with your child so that they are in a position to reach their potential during the course of the year. Thank you to all the parents that have taken the time to complete the exit survey online (more than 25% of parents responded). We really value the feedback that you have given and it will be used to help shape future events. DATA CHECKING SHEETS All parents should have received data checking sheets. These have been sent home for you to check and ensure that the school has all the correct contact details (including email addresses) and information relating to your children attending St John’s College. Any changes should be sent back to the main office as soon as possible so that our records can be updated. ATTENDANCE Current school attendance statistics: Year 9: 95.9% Year 10: 94% Year 11: 95% Year 12: 92.2% The Ministry of Education sets a 92% target for all schools. Year 13: 92.3% ALL students who are late to school must sign in at Student Services as soon as they arrive FROM THE COUNSELLORS Parenting is rewarding, yet forever challenging. This is particularly true for mums of teenage boys. It is part of a young man’s “job”, developmentally speaking, to push Mum away: her advice, her hugs, and her company. It’s part of how he matures and grows into manhood. However, it’s up to us brave women, to keep advising, keep hugging, and keep seeking our son’s company—quietly, firmly, and at the right moment. We must seek the balance between nurturing, and setting very firm boundaries. One parenting seminar I attended awhile back summed it up by saying, “Mum’s must be kind, calm, caring—and strict as hell!” How do we do this? Work to actively build the relationship with your son. When he actually feels like talking, listen. Actively. That means letting HIM talk, and resisting the urge to ask for more and more details. Is there something you two can still do together? My son and I play table tennis. He beats me now, but that good feel of challenge and time spent carries over into other areas of family life. Be calm. One of the things I often hear from boys is, “Why does Mum stress over the littlest things? She just starts screaming at me…..” Let the natural consequences fall squarely on HIS shoulders. Aim to do 90% coaching, and only 10% correcting. Positive coaching means catch him doing the right thing and praise him for it. Let a lot of the little things go. Learning at school is definitely related to feeling secure, and part of security is good relationships within the family. Persevere, and as Celia Lashlie reassures us, “He’ll be OK.” 4 Positive Behaviour For Learning (PB4L) We have an excellent record of behaviour and pastoral care at St John’s College, to further enhance and support our learners we are involved in a school-wide initiative which aims to promote appropriate behaviour in a positive manner that is non-threatening and supportive of all students and staff. It aims to minimise problematic behaviours and maximise and celebrate positive social and academic student behaviours. Positive Behaviour for Learning is based on more than twenty years research in creating positive school cultures, and is supported by research which describes the success of thousands of schools across Canada, Norway, Iceland, USA and Australia. Our school PB4L Team has worked with a cross section of the school community and we have devised four expectations: Motivated, Organised, Respect, Excellence. Students will be taught in very specific terms what behaviours are expected of them. There will be a consistent response to these behaviours across the school. The school has some work to do before PB4L is officially launched in 2015. Students can expect to be involved in quite a few activities in term 2 and 3 which will see them taking ownership of PB4L – watch this space! On a personal note, I would like to say a very big thank you to all the staff and students who have made my first term as Deputy Principal at St John’s College so enjoyable and rewarding. It has been a fantastic start to the year, students have demonstrated their potential and I look forward to working with them to secure success whilst here at St John’s College. In the Spirit of St John’s, Dominic Tester DEPUTY PRINCIPAL AUSTRALIAN SCIENCE QUIZ 2014 We are encouraging students to participate in the 2014 ICAS, which is Australasia’s largest Science Competition. In previous years students have found participation in this Science Competition stimulating and rewarding. The date of the Multichoice 1 Hour Exam this year is Wednesday 4th June. The entry fee of $8.00 per student is subsidised by the School and must be paid to the School office by Friday 11th April 2014 so that the papers can be ordered in good time. Every student who participates will receive a certificate and a detailed results letter. This certificate is a valuable addition to their curriculum vitae. It is felt that all should participate so that they can benchmark their learning. S Wood (HOF Science) 5 From the Design and Visual Communication Department: (Graphics) The following students are to be congratulated for gaining excellences in the following topics. These students have had little or no exposure to DVC and this effort is a real credit to them to be producing work at this level so soon in the year. Many other students are producing their work just below the excellence level. Option A: Line Work Nathan Barrs James Bow Ngahere Carrucan Lachie McWilliam Josef Rutz Martin Tamoaieta Kieran Tapper x2 x1 x2 x2 x1 x3 x1 Enlarging and Reducing Nathan Barrs x1 Caton Dooner x2 Daniel Fieldsend-Novoa x3 Jan Martinez x1 Kane Patterson x1 Josef Rutz x1 Martin Tamoaieta x3 Logos Nathan Barrs Ngahere Carrucan x3 x4 Caton Dooner Raoumel Felisarta Anthony Harris Taylor Husband Lachie McWilliam Felix Minhinnick Kane Patterson Mithran Simon Martin Tamoaieta Thomas Watene x4 x2 x1 x1 x5 x4 x2 x1 x4 x1 Rendering Caton Dooner x1 Daniel Fieldsend-Novoa x1 Anthony Harris x1 Lucus Jones x1 Viktor Kraakman x1 Lachie McWilliam x1 Felix Minhinnick x1 James Rutherford x1 Martin Tanoaieta x1 Kieran Tapper X1 Thomas Watene x1 Option B: Line work Troy Brown Corban Fray Llija Jankovic Nicholas Norris Hayden Smedts Jacob Syder Andrew Walker x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x2 Enlarging and Reducing Troy Brown x3 Matthew Kato x1 Anthony Lewis x1 Cayd Peterson x1 Oliver Rigg x2 Hayden Smedts x2 Jacob Syder x1 Andrew Walker x3 6 Logos Troy Brown Corban Fray Llija Jankovic Matthew Kato Nicholas Norris Oliver Rigg Hayden Smedts Blake van Straalen Andrew walker x3 x3 x1 x4 x2 x2 x3 x2 x2 Rendering Troy Brown Llija Jankovic Jack Lanting Nicholas Norris Thomas O’Connor Oliver Rigg Jordan sanders Hayden Smedts Jacob Syder Jacob Tanevesi Andrew Walker x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Peter Hutchinson HOF Technology 7 TECHNOLOGY UPDATE Students are reminded that they have access to some fantastic online services through Google Apps For Education. To access these services, students need to log onto their school GAFE (Google Apps for Education) account. The easiest way to do this is by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the school web page and signing in using your school email address <username>@student.stjohns-hamilton.school.nz and normal network password. This will then give you access to GoogleDocs, GoogleDrive (Cloud based file storage) and email. It has been encouraging to see so many young men bringing devices to school this term under the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) initiative to support their learning. A reminder that students need to look after their devices as the school cannot take responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property. Students must ensure that devices have passcodes and that they are clearly marked with their name. The school has purchased additional lockers so that students can keep high value items safe if they do not already have a locker. Students must remember to take devices with them at the end of lessons – a number of iPad’s have been left in classrooms! This term all students received an email that contained their username and password for the Kamar student portal. This is accessed via the web (http://portal.stjohns-hamilton.school.nz) or iOS/Android App. The portal allows students to gain access to the daily student notices, their own attendance record and NCEA results. We are hoping that students will regularly check this to inform their own progress and target setting. Parent Portal A key development for the school this year is enhancing the way we communicate with parents. Our aim is to become much more pro-active in getting quality information out to parents and carers in a timely fashion. To help achieve our goal we will be launching the St John’s College Parent Portal during Term 2/3. This will see every set of parents receiving a unique username and password to log in to our online portal so that you can access up to date information about your child’s progress and attendance. In order to take advantage of this service, please ensure that we have your email address. We are hoping that the recent issue of data checking sheets will ensure that we have all the necessary information to get your username and password send out to you next term! 8 YEAR 12 OUTDOOR EDUCATION - MT PIRONGIA TRAMP On Monday 24th March, Mr Asplin and I took students in both the Year 12 Outdoor Education classes up Mt Pirongia to complete a 3-day tramp. The excursion involved spending 3 days and 2 nights on the mountain performing a variety of outdoor skills for assessment purposes. The boys were well prepared for this tramp however no training or pre-tramp was to compare for what was in store. Starting from the Grey Road Lodge we started our accent a little after 9am. This tramp was certainly a challenge for all involved and a few struggled. If it wasn’t for the use of the new mountain radios, communicating with Mr Asplin leading the party and Mr Bai (who decided to come for a day tramp) I would have lost the plot. 6 hours I had to endure as ‘Tail-End Charlie’ before I reached the Summit meanwhile the rest had already progressed to the Pahautea Hut where we stayed the night. The students chose their campsites, set up their tents and started cooking to refuel themselves. Fortunately, fresh water was provided at the Hut. The boy’s spirits were high where both classes bonded well together. As night fell the temperature dropped very quickly up on Mt Pirongia and the boys all turned in for the night and went to sleep. Or so we thought. The following morning we packed up and cleaned the camp site and headed down the Tahaunui track to the Kaniwhaniwha Campsite. Along this journey the students were sent off in their groups to navigate their way and check off the various features on the trail. Everyone’s energy levels were low, leg muscles sore and we all just wanted to chill out and relax at the Kaniwhaniwha Campsite. This was a great opportunity for the boys to show their skills and to display leadership. Upon reaching Kaniwhaniwha many made the most of the time and started collecting resources to build their Bivouac (shelter made of dead forest). These were later tested when the rain fell. A random challenge was presented to the group to catch a turkey. 8 students decided to take up the challenge and surprisingly worked together to trap the turkey and catch it. Sanalio took the turkey, beheaded it, plucked its feathers, gutted it then rotisserie cooked it. The rest of the boys were stunned. An experience they will not forget. On the final day it was time to pack up our campsite and complete the final leg of the tramp. We took the group to the Kaniwhaniwha Cave. Over the 3 days the boys got to experience a variety of weather conditions and learn that the forecast at 1000m changes rapidly and is unpredictable. A thoroughly enjoyable tramp. Mr. H Miller 9 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION My name is Marcel Bormans and I teach Religious Education at St John’s. I have long envisaged establishing a Library of Christian Spirituality where people are able to find any number of books covering all topics of our Christian and Catholic faith. Included would be true life stories of people’s faith experiences and conversion. I have managed to put some of these books into my Religious Education Room (7 book cases) which students and teachers are more than welcome to borrow. Ultimately I would like to have a more permanent location for the library. Currently I have the remainder of the library in boxes in my garage. So often people have Christian books which they are unsure what to do with once they have read them. If this is a situation familiar to you (or to your family, friends and acquaintances) and you are prepared to donate them, then please know that I would love to take them off your hands. If you can gather up any books that you or others are finished with, I will collect them from you at a convenient time. To contact me on the following numbers: 021 1666-556 or (07) 974-1200. Thank you and God bless, Marcel Bormans. SPORTS NEWS BASKETBALL The Waikato Secondary Schools Competition will commence on May 13th. Junior teams will play on Tuesdays, Senior A grade teams on Thursdays and Senior Prem teams on Fridays. Teams are still being selected with Tuesday and Wednesday night games. The teams for the season should be settled by April 4th and practice times and days will be decided then. All registration forms will have to be returned prior to April 4th or the player won’t be selected. Any player who wants to play but hasn’t been selected into a team should see Mrs Bezzant as soon as possible as there are some teams which need more players. Managers are still required for most teams. Please contact Mrs Bezzant (mbezzant@stjohns-hamilton.school.nz) if you can help. A reminder that practice is not optional. Our coaches are volunteers and put themselves out for the players’ benefit. The least every player can do is turn up to practice. Fees are due prior to the start of the season (May 14th). Prem teams $290, Social grade teams $240. Instalment plans are available through the school office. Congratulations to Nikau McCullough on his selection to the New Zealand U18 team which will compete in Australia in April 2014. Uniforms: There are still a number of playing uniforms outstanding from last year. Please can you look through your son’s drawers and return any playing uniforms. I will be running a uniform amnesty for the rest of the term. Score bench and Refereeing: Every team has to supply score bench personnel for their game. I will be running a score bench clinic (theory and practical) on Saturday, April 5th at the Functions room and the Gym from 1pm to 3pm. We are still looking for referees for our games. All referees in Waikato are paid to referee. If anyone would like to volunteer, training and information will be assured. JUDO Congratulations to James Miles who on 22nd March competed at the East Coast Competitions and won 2 gold Medals. We wish him well in the NZSS Judo Champs in Tauranga on Sunday, July 6th. 10 BOWLS The SJC Bowls team competed in the Waikato Secondary Schools Bowls Champs on Wednesday, 26th March. These boys are new to the game and competed with distinction. CRICKET By the time this is completed the Term One Competition will be over. St John’s entered 6 teams into the Hamilton-Waikato Secondary Schools grades and were able to manage being in the semi- finals for Division One, Two, Colts and Year 10 Premier. Unfortunately all the semi- final games resulted in losses so the teams played for 3rd and 4th placings. For the 1st XI the batting has been largely carried by Matthew Cooper, Marcel Koning, Nick Farrell and Alex Clare, all of whom have scored individual half centuries, without going onto a century. The team also competed in the Gillette Cup national competition, going as far as the preliminary finals where they competed against schools from Northland, Counties and Bay of Plenty. The team did not manage to get into the top eight group from Northern Districts but for a team which is building for the future, they have performed with credit. Thanks to Sean O’Neill for coaching the team, Chris Farrell as Manager and parental support, which was always strong at the games. St John’s had two teams in Division 2A with the SJC 2 team making a semi-final. The team has been a tight unit and supported each other well. Bowling was a stronger part of the team’s ability rather than batting but Bradley Marama Te Ahuru has scored the most runs. Thanks to David Whyte for managing and coaching the team. SJC 3 team enjoyed their cricket and supported each other well in difficult circumstances with some very strong teams. They will have learned a lot from the experience. Thanks to Sandy Gordon and Shaun Hoskin for coaching and managing the team. The Colts team also made the semi finals after some close results. It was a good all round performance from every team member with the bowling being covered by Nick Fitzgerald, Connor Lally, Dylan Carter and Josh Stevens while the batting stand out was Cam Burgess who was one of two Year 9 players in the team. Thanks to Steve Carter and Steve Fitzgerald for coaching and managing the team. The Year 10 premier enjoyed a good season with the addition of five Year 9 players who added strength and commitment to the team. Bradley Richardson captained the team and scored runs consistently, while Scott Peden, Liam Jamieson, Corban Hall and Josh Sturgeon added strength in batting also. Thanks to Malcolm McLeod and Tony Hall for managing the team. The Year 9 Premier team showed plenty of enthusiasm and commitment in training and in the games, finding the opposition teams difficult to defeat. Ethan Dromgool scored useful runs and took wickets as did Lachlan Fleck and Shaun Johnsen. Thanks to Nigel McWilliam for managing the team and they have learned a lot over the term. The school has enjoyed the services of the Hamilton Cricket Association coaches and guest appearances from Clintin Price, Scott Kuggeleijn and other Hamilton players who have assisted at training. The future is promising for term 4 and beyond – best wishes in the off season and come prepared for the best to come. Norman Austin (TIC Cricket) WHANAU HUI Wednesday, 9th April – 6.00pm in M01 All parents of Māori students are invited to attend the Whanau Hui. Kai will be provided for the hui. Jacob Kelly 11 Newsletter – April 2014 Email: ptfa@stjohns-hamilton.school.nz Dear Parents and Caregivers, The PTFA at St John’s College is a vibrant group who meet on a monthly basis to discuss ways in which it can help the College by providing support to the teaching staff and the community. Fundraising is not the central focus of this PTFA as we feel it is more about being part of a community and lending a helping hand when and where it is needed. We meet on a monthly basis, usually on second Monday of the month, in the College Staffroom. The meetings start at 7 pm and will usually be finished by 8.30pm. All parents are welcome at any meeting, especially those who are new to the College. It is a great way to be introduced to other parents with an interest in the College and their son’s education. Any new parents to the College are warmly welcome to join us. Our next meeting will be held on Monday 14th April, 7 pm in the Staffroom. All parents most welcome. Come and join us. Cannot commit but would love to help out occasionally? We are aware that parents are busy people and may not be able to commit to meetings on a regular basis but would be willing to help out with baking. We would certainly appreciate your help. Either complete the form below and return to the school office even if you only wish to have the monthly minutes emailed to you. Or email us at ptfa@stjohns-hamilton.school.nz and tell us how you’d like to be involved, giving us the information as outlined in the Response Form. (Please do so again if you have responded in other years as we would like to update our help list.) If you have any questions about us as a group or about the College in general, please feel free to contact Donna Meehan Email: ptfa@stjohns-hamilton.school.nz Thanking you in advance for your support. Donna Meehan St John’s College PTFA 12