[841] Ornao un; ta Li Lt of äulva Lia ajrllr. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. f Regislcred at the General Post Office, Melbourne, for transmission by post as a newspaper j No. 65.] SATURDAY, 21st NOVEMBER. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of External Affairs, Melbourne, 19th November, 1903. THE Governor- General directs it to be notified that the Exequatur empowering Sir MALCOLM MCEACHARN Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 14th November, 1903. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has approved of the following APPOINTMENTS. to act in the capacity of Honorary Consul for Japan in Mel- bourne has received His Majesty's signature. ALFRED DEAKIN, ROBERT NOBLE BLEAZBY, Letter Carrier, WILLIAM JAMES DAVIES, Fireman, and JOHN STANLEY WHITE, Junior Postal Assistants, Officers of the General Division in the Postmaster - General's Department, State of Victoria, to be Clerks, Department of Trade and Customs, State of Victoria, from the 31st August, 1903, vice M. McGillicuddy, T. J. Stackpole, and W. Hunkin respectively. Minister of State for External Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 14th November, 1903. THOMAS JOAN BEATTY and STEPHEN RICHARD HARBICKs ROBERTS, Officers of the Postmaster - General's Depart- ment, to be Acting Officers of Customs at Perth, in the State of Western Australia, without salary. W HEREAS Nucolard and Nucoline are permitted under certain conditions to be imported into the Commonwealth : And whereas I am of opinion that they can be used as WILLIAM JOHN LYNE, Minister for Trade and Customs. substitutes for Butter, which is dutiable goods, and for purposes for which Butter can be used : Now, therefore, I do hereby, in Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 14th November, 1903. pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by Section 139 of the Customs Act 1901, direct that such Nucolard and Nucoline shall be charged with the duty chargeable on Butter, WILLIAM JOHN LYNE, Minister for Trade and Customs. IT is notified that Mr. David Pringle, Landing Waiter at Sydney, having attained the age of sixty -eight (68) years, has retired trom the Public Service, from 9th June, 1903, inclusive. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 14th November, 1903. THE following transfer has been made in the State of New South Wales : JOHN SAMUEL BRAIN, Sub - Collector of Customs, Barham and Koondrook, to be Assistant Landing Waiter at Newcastle, at his present salary, to date from 26th October, 1903: WILLIAM JOHN LYNE, Minister for Trade and Customs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 14th November, 1903. CUSTOMS STATION CLOSED. is hereby notified that the Customs Station at Frances, IT in the State of South Australia, is closed. WILLIAM JOHN LYNE, Minister for Trade and Customs. C:10678. [1908. WILLIAM JOHN LYNE, Minister for Trade and Customs, 842 No. 65. --21st November, 1903. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 19th November, 1903. TARIFF DECISIONS. THE following Decisions relating to the Customs Tariff are published for general information and the guidance of officers. N. LOCKYER, For Comptroller-General. CUSTOMS TARIFF GUIDE. SUPPLEMENT No. 14. BELLOWS Jewellers' foot ... ... ... ... DIARY and ALMANAC Issued by a trading firm for advertising purposes Item. 20 per cent. 111 (A) 580 Wicker, Wood, &c., manufactures of 3d. per lb. or 122 (A) 402 Paper, advertising matter ... 123 504 Stationery, manufactured 78 (N) 344 Metals, manufactures of, n.e.i. 92 (A) 197 Glass, Polished Plate, n.e.i. sup. ft. Glass, Polished Plate, n.e.i. sup. ft. 92 (c) 196 198 ... 197 Glass, Polished Plate, each sup. ft. ¡ I 25 per cent., ' DRAWBENCH (Metal) ... ... whichever higher 20 per cent. ... Quantity. Classification. Duty. Goods. No. of Class. or lb. OORRIGENDA. Tarif Guide, page 131. GLASS Polished plate, n.e.i. (Tariff) ... ... Classification should read Polished Plate, each plate not exceeding 7 superficial feet Classification should read ... ... ' per 100 super. feet 10E. per 100 super. feet 5s. ... 1 Free as Colours, GOLD, ROMAN, for decorating China Artist GOLD, UNFLUXED, for decorating China f ... LAC -U -MEN (a face wash) ... LOOFAHS or VEGETABLE SPONGES MACHINES and MACHINERY (other than Agricultural and Machine Tools), viz.: Door and Blind Clamping ... ... CORRIGENDA.Tariff Guide, page 193. Eyeletting Machines, if similar to those for bookbinding ... ... ... ... Otherwise Classification should read Eyeletting Machines, if similar to those for bookbinding ... ... .. Otherwise ... ... ... MALT MARROW MALT NUTRINE ... ... ... 20 per cent. VII. (c) 107 (A) 400 416 Glass, Polished Plate, each sup. ft. plate not exceeding 7. superficial feet plate not exceeding 7 superficial feet ... ... Paints (free) Perfumery Articles, other Free ... 61 12 per cent. 78 (J) 312 Machinery, n.e.i. Free Div. VI. (t) 320 Machine Tools 12¡ per cent. ... Div. VI. (t) Div. VI. (h) 320 320 Machine Tools Machine Tools ... 78 (J) 312 8 Machinery, n.e.i. ... Ale, other ... Ale, other ls. per gallon Is. per gallon i (13) 1 (B) 8 cwt. ... ... gallon gallon ... ... gallon gallon ... ... ... ... gallon gallon ... ... doz.pks NOTE. This cancels decision on page 195, (guide. .. CORRIGENDA. Tariff Guijle, page 247. OILS Cod Oil, refined (iin bulk) Classification should read PAPER Blackboard, called Hyloplate OiLs, in bulk Fish Oils, in bulk, n.e.i. Div. VIL (a) ... ... 388 389 Oils (free) ... Oils (free) ... 15 per cent. 122 ( ri) 411 Paper, n.e.i. 122 (L 412 Paper (free) ... 106 Cards, playing 84 (M) ... ... ... Free ... ... ... ... ... CORRIGENDA. Tariff Guide, page 249. 1V1irbane (in vessels exceeding 1 gallon) Classification should read 372 388 6d. per gallon ... ... CORRIGENDA.Tariff Guide, page 260. Paper Cards, playing, in sheets or cut ... 3s. per dozen Classification should read SEEDS Beans, Mauritius SCRAPERS, Painters' ... ... ... VEHICLES- ... ... Side and end tipping ore cars or trucks ... Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 39th November, 1903. packs ... ... other Tools of Trade ... Free Free ... 462 558 Seeds, Div. VI. (Li) 20 per cent. 124 569 Vehicles (n.e.i. and Parts cental (n.e.i.) N. LOCKYER, For Comptroller - General. A. W. SMART, Chief Commonwealth Surveyor, ,No. ".60,-21st November, .1903, :84$ Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903 Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Herne Affairs, Mel bourre, 17th November, l!')3 STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. AP1'oIVAIENT OF ELECTORAL REGISTRAR AT LAKE ALBERT, IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF BLAND. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of JOHN W. ATTWOOD, Esquire, as Electoral Registrar at Lake Albert, in the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Bland, in the State of New South Wales, vice Mrs. M. A. Port, resigned. Such appointment to take effect on and from the 1st inst. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. STATE OF VICTORIA. SPECIAL COURT OF REVISION 70 REVISE THE LISTS OF ELPCTORS ENTITLED TO ENROLMENT IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF ECHUCA. HIS Excellency r he Governor- General, in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia., by and with the advice of the }Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of RoBERT GEORGE FOYSTER, Esquire, J.P., as a Member of the Special Court of Revision to be held at Echuca' to revise the Lists for the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Echuca, in the State of Victoria, vice Hugh McKenzie, Esquire, resigned. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 1 7th November, 1903. STATE OF VICTORIA. SPECIAL COURT OF REVISION TO REVISE THE LISTS OF ELECTORS ENTITLED TO ENROLMENT IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF FLINDERS. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Coin - monwealth of .Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of JOHN RODERICK MCLEOI), Esquire, as a Member of the Special Court cf Revision to be held at Warragul, on the 17th November, 1903, to revise the Lists for the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Flinders, in the State of Victoria,. vice Thomas Murn, Esquire, resigned. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home. Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF VICTORIA. APPOINTMENT OF A POLLING PLACE IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF CORINEm.I.A. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of a Polling Place at Drummond, in the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Corinella, in the .ti' ate of Victoria, in place of the Polling Place at Burke, which has been can- celled. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. JOHN FORREST, .Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF VICTORIA. SPECIAL COURT OF REVISION TO REVISE THE LISTS OF ELECTORS ENTITLED TO ENROLMENT IN THE COMMMONWEALTH ELEC- TORAL DIVISION OF CORIO. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Esquire, as a member of the Special Court of Revision to be held at Geelong, on the 18th November, .1903, to revise the Lists for the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Corio, in the State of Victoria, vice Peter Robert Challen, Esquire, resigned. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Hnrne Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. APPOINTMENT OF DIVISIONAL RETURNING OFFICER AND A MEMBER OF THE SPECIAL COURT OF Ii;EVISION FOR THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF LANG. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of JAMh:S CHARLES LEES, Esquire, as Divisional Returning Officer and Member of the Special Court of Revision, to be held at Newtown, to revise the Lists of Electors for the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Lang, ?Nee William Henry Day, Esquire, resigned. Such appointment to take effect on and from the 16th inst. JOHN FORREST, JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF VICTORIA. SPECIAL COURT OF REVISION TO REVISE THE LISTS OF ELECTORS ENTITLED TO ENROLMENT IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF MOIRA. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of JOHN NICHOLSON, Esquire, M.D., J.P., and CHARLES TURNBULL, Esquire, J.P., as members of the Special Court of Revision, to be held at Benalla, to revise the Lists of Electors entitled to enrolment in the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Moira, in the State of Victoria, vice Evan James, Esquire, J.P., and Willis Little, Esquire, J.P. resigned. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF VICTORIA. APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL POLLING PLACES. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof. has been pleased to approve of the appointment of additional Polling Places in the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Moira, as specified hereunder, in accordance with the provisions of the Commonwealth Elcctoral Act 1902. Division of Moira ... Ryan's Creek and Moorngag. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. APPOINTMENT OF A POLLING PLACE AT OWENS GAP WITHIN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF HUNTER. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of a Polling Place at Owen's Gap within the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Hunter, in the State of New South Wales, in accordance with the provisions of the Common- wealth Electoral Act 1902. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. SPECIAL COURT OF REVISION TO REVISE THE LISTS OF ELECTORS ENTITLED TO ENROLMENT IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF KALGOORLIE. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of JOHN MARSHALL, Esquire, J.P., as a Member of the Special Court of Revision to be held at Kalgoorlie, to revue the Lists for the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Kalgoorlie, in the State of Western Australia, rice Lawrence Reid, Esquire, J.P., resigned. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. If No. 65.--.218C-November, 1903. 844 Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. STATE OF VICTORIA. APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL POLLING PLACES IN THE COM- CANCELLATION OF THE POLLING PLACE AT WATERLOO, IN THE MONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISIONS OF PERTH, FREMANTLE, AND COOLGARDIE. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of the Polling Places specified hereunder, in accordance with the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1902 :Old Men's Depôt DIVISION OF PERTH No. 4 Mill, Waroona FREMANTLE n No. 6 Mill, Jarrandale Kurrawang and Tuckanarra COOLGARDIE tr COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF LAANECOORIE. HIS Excellency the Governor-General in and over the Qom - monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the cancellation of the Polling Place at Waterloo in the Common1111 wealth Electoral Division of Laanecoorie, in the State of Viotpria, in accordance with the provisions of the Commonwealth Rleotorai 4ct 1902. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. i JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL COURT OF REVISION TO REVISE THE LISTS OF ELECTORS ENTITLED TO ENROLMENT IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF COOLGARDIE. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Esquire, J.P., and ALLAN COUNSEL, Esquire, J.P., as Members of the Special Court of Revision to be held at ALONZO POLYBLANK WYMOND, Coolgardie on the 17th November, 1903, to revise the Lists of Electors entitled to enrolment in the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Coolgardie, vice John Michael Finnerty, Esquire, Resident Magistrate, resigned. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affaira, Melbourne, 11th November, 1903. APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL OFFICERS TO WITNESS POSTAL BALLOT- PAPERS. lIIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of the following classes of officers to witness any postal ballot -paper presented for witnessing under the Common wealth Electoral Act 1902, namely :(1)' Officers of the Department of Trade and Customs. (2) Officers of the Police Forces of the States. (3) Mining Wardens and Mining Wardens' Clerks in the States. (4) Officers in charge of Quarantine Stations in the States. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Horne Affairs, Melbourne, 20th November, 1903. STATE OF QUEENSLAND. APPOINTMENT OF COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL QFFICER. Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of IT'IS Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF POLLING PLACES IN THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the Polling Places specified below, being the Chief Dolling Places for thé Commonwealth Electoral Divisions of the State of Ne* South Wales. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. SCHEDULE. Commonwealth Electoral Division. 1. Barrier ... 2. Bland ... 3. Canobolas 4. Cowper ... 5. Dalley ... 6. Darling .. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 19Q3. STATE OF TASMANIA. APPOINTMENT OF' POLLING PLACE AT THE NEW TOWN HoM %, NEW TOWN, IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF DENISON. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of a Polling Place at the New Town Home, New Town, in the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Denison, in the State of Tasmania, in accordance with the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1902. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affaira. ... Newtown ... Bathurst ... Newcastle .. Tamworth .. Burwood ... North Sydney ... ... Parramatta ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Liamore Hay Mudgee Redfern Paddington Goulburn Phillip Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF POLLING PLACES IN THE STATE OF VICTORIA. HIS Excellency the Governor - General, in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the Polling Places specified below, being the Chief Polling Places for the Commonwealth Electoral Divisions of the State of Victoria. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Divisional Returning Officer for the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Brisbane, as Commonwealth Electoral Officer for the resigned. Such appointment to take effect on and from the 16th inst. ... Grafton ... Bourke ... King ... Cooma ... Narrabri ... Albury .. West Maitland ... Wollongong 15. Newcastle 16. New England 17. North Sydney 18. Parkes .. 19. Parramatta 20. Richmond 21. Riverina 22. Robertson 23. South Sydney 24. Wentworth 25. Werriwa 26. West Sydney ... Broken Hill ... Wagga Wagga ... Condobolin ... Roselle 7. East Sydney 8. Eden- Monaro 9. Gwydir ... 10. Hume ... 11. Hunter ... 12. Illawarra 13. Lang 14. Macquarie WALTER WOODTATT, Esquire, State of Queensland? vice Arthur Sidney Booker, Esquire, . Chief Polling Place. SCHEDULE. Commonwealth Electoral Division. 1. Balaclava 2. Ballaarat 3. Bendigo ... 4. Bourke .. 5. Corangamite 6. Corinella 7. Corio ... 8. Echuca ... 9. Flinders 10. Gippsland 11. Grampians 12. Indi 13. Hooyong 14. Laanecoorie 15. Melbourne 16. Melbourne Ports ... 17. Mernda ... 18. Moira .. 19. Northern Melbourne 20. Southern Melbourne 21., Wannon 22. Wimmera 23. Yarra ... Chief Polling race.. ... Prahran ... Ballaarat ... Bendigo ... Brunswick ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Colac Castlemaine Geelong ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ma borough Echuca Warragul Sale Ararat Beechworth ... Hawthorn Melbourne Port Melbourne Seymour Benalla Fitzroy South Melbourne Portland Donald Richmond Ns;. 65.-21st November, 190g. $45 Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF POLLING PLACES IN THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the Polling Places specified below, being the Chief Polling Places for the Commonwealth Electoral Divisions of the State of Queensland. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. STATE OF TASMANIA. APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT RETURNING OFFICERS IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISIONS OF THE STATE OF TASMANIA. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Assistant Returning Officers in the Commonwealth Electoral Divisions in the State of Tasmania, as specified hereunder, in accordance with the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1902. SCHEDULE. Commonwealth Electoral Division. 1. Brisbane 2. Capricornia 3. Darling Downs Minister of State for Home Affairs. Brisbane North Rockhampton ... ... ... ... ... 4. Herbert ... 5. Kennedy 6. Maranoa 7. Moreton 8. Oxley ... 9. Wide Bay JOHN FORREST, Chief Polling Place. Toowoomba Townsville STATE OF TASMANIA. Charters Towers .., Charleville Ipswich ... South Brisbane ... Maryborough ... ASSISTANT RETURNING OFFICERS. Names of Polling Places Division. grouped under Assistant Returning Officer. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF POLLING PLACES IN THE STATE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the Polling Places specified below, being the Chief Polling Places for the Commonwealth Electoral Divisions of the State of South Australia. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. SCHEDULE. Commonwealth Electoral Division. 1. Adelaide 2. Angas ... 3. Barker ... 4. Boothby... 5. Grey .. 6. Hindmarsh 7. Wakefield . ... ... Adelaide Miley Petersburg Port Adelaide Bass HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the Polling Places specified below, being the Chief Polling Places SCHEDULE. Coolgardie Fremantle Kalgoorlie (Inveresk) Patersonia St. Leonards Newnham Perth Northam APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF POLLING PLACES IN THE STATE OF TASMANIA. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the Polling Places specified below, being the Chief Polling Places for the Commonwealth Electoral Divisions of the State of SCHEDULE. 1. Bass ... 2. Darwin ... 3. Denison ... 4. Franklin 5. Wilmot ... Chief Polling Place. ... ... ... ... ... Launceston Zeehan Hobart New Norfolk Deloraine I Herbert Charles Spotswood, Esquire Jaynes Esquire Stewart, Darwin Ernest Whitfield, Esquire -... East (Albert Hall) Launceston North Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. Commonwealth Electoral Division. } Alberton ... Lisle Lisle Road Ringarooma Scottsdale Dilston Launceston Chief Polling Place. JOHN FORREST, Allan Duff Soutar, Esquire (Town Hall) Launceston East (Hampden) Launceston West (State School) JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Lyne, (St. John's School) Minister of State for Home Affairs. Tasmania. Henry Esquire Launceston North Western Australia. ... ... ... ... ... Fingal ... Mangana ... Mathinna St. Marys Launceston Central for the Commonwealth Electoral Divisions of the State of 2. Fremantle 3. Kalgoorlie 4. Perth ... 5. Swan ... James John Doolan, Esquire George Town . Lefroy i APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF POLLING PLACES IN THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. 1. Coolgardie Karoola ... Lebrina ... Lilydale ... Piper's River Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. Commonwealth Electoral Division. James Purcell Clark, Esquire Falmouth Gould's Country Lettah ... Pyengana St. Helens Gawler ... Strathalbyn ... Kooringa Branxholm Derby ... Gladstone Moorina ... Pioneer ... Weldbarough Tullochgorum Woodlawn Chief Polling Places. Naine of Assistant Returning Officer. William John Bain, Esquire (Divi- sional Returning Officer) Lynchford Queenstown William Andrew Bayley Birchall, Esquire Crotty ... Darwin ... Germanston Linda North Lyell Charles Forth ... Kindred North Motion Preston ... Sprent ... Ulverstone Upper Castra Charles Joseph Hall, Esquire Penguin ... Pine Road Pine Road West Riana Sulphur Creek Gustave Hardy, Esquire Percival Emmett, Esquire '846 No. 65.---21st November, 1903. STATE OF TASMANIA continued. STATE OF TASMANIA continued. ASSISANT RETURNING OFFICERS. ASSISTANT RETURNING OFFICERS. Division. Names of Polling Places grouped under Assis tant Returning Officer. Name of Assistant Returning Officer. f Burnie ... Blythe Cam Road Somerset ... Stirling ... Stowport .. Names of Polling Places tant Returning Officer. Coppington Dunnally Forcett Richmond ... Sorell Thomas Lee Mace, Esquire William George Lindley, Esquire Bismarck l,readmarsh Campania Claremont Glenorchy West Thomas Edwin Rule, Esquire Pillinger ... Strahan ... of Assistant Returning Officer. grouped under Assis- Division. ... ... .. Fielder William Mitchell, Esquire ... ... North Bridgewater Detention Forest ... Montigu ... Smithton .. Stanley ... } Magnet ... Waratah Thomas Dundas ..l Patterson, Esquire Old Beach Pontville Henry Griffen Spicer, Esquire .. Apsley .. ... Bothwell... ... ... Bagdad ... Kempton... ... j Melton Mowbray .. J John Walter Pal- I Darwin 1 George Edward Robinson, Esquire Currie Flowerdale Wynyard l Comstock ... Dundas ... Denison Edward Stitterd, Esquire Returning Officer) Robert Henry, Esquire Hobart Central Hobart West Arthur Johnston, Esquire Cascades Road Ferntree ... Hobart East i } { Francis Pitt, Esquire Charles Bicheno .. Cranbrook Lisdiilon ... Swansea ... ( Divisional Glenorchy East Hobart North Mount Stewart New Town New Town Home Hobart South Sandy Bay Taroona ... .. Avoca Campbell Town ... ... Isis ... Ross ... .. Lloyd Eld Chambers. Esquire Mount Road . Tullan Williamsford Zeehan .. Zeehan Fast mer, Esquire Franklin Henry Joshua Wise, Esquire Walter John George Rust, Esquire Dover ... Hastings ... Raminea ... Recherche Southport James Esquire Buckland Nugent ... Tribunna ... Bernard Godfrey White, Esquire Bellerive ... Cambridge Lindisfarne Rokeby .. South Arm William Esquire Kingston ... Leslie ... North West Bay ... Sandfly ... .. ) Snug Newall, Henry Esquire . Frank Prosser Bowden, Esquire (Divisional Esquire William George Brown, Esquire Colebrook Eastwood Franklin Burbury, Gerald Esquire Edwin George Clarke, Esquire Cree'; Woodbridge Graeme Esquire } Fulton, ... Wesley Vale West Devonport .. Wilmot Henry Lucas Crowther, Esquire Upper 1-1 u'.n Kettering Long Bay .. Sassafras ... Carnarvon Koonya ... Nubeena Adventure Bay Barnes Bay Daniels Bay Garden ... East Devonport .. Latrobe New Ground .lohn Burke, Esq. Huonville Lovett ... Surges Bay Don Henry Wedge Calder, Esquire Hamilton -on -Forth ... Heidelberg Ellendale 1 .. Glenora Macquarie Plains ... 'l'yenna U abridge ) Franklin ... G eeveston Officer) ( Barrington Beulah ... ... Nook Railton ... Sheffield ... Steedley ... Wilmot ... Blue Hills (Divi- sional Returning l Jericho Outlands Parattah Tunbridge Tunnack Rhyndaston Woodsdale Young, Cyril Gracie Rex, Returning Officer) New Norfolk Hamilton Hollow Tree Osterley Sawers, Beaconsfield Frankford Glengarry John Michael Hayes, Esquire Rosevears Sidmouth Winkleigh Bracknell Breadalbane Bishopsbourne Carrick ... Cressy ... Evandale :. Franklin Village ... Vernon Hai dinge, Esquire Herbert B adspeii ... lveridge ... Launceston Longford... Perth White Bills l Whitemore... South } Vernon Mayson Esquire 847 No. 65. STATE OF TASMANIA continued. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 12th November, 1903. ASSISTANT RETURNING OFFICERS. Names of Polling Places grouped under Assistant Returning Officer. Division. r Blessington Cleveland Deddington Name of Assistant Returning Officer. Edwin Arthur Perkins, Esquire :::1 Epping Forest Lymington Black Sugar Loaf Brookhead Caveside Chudleigh Deloraine Elizabeth Town Fernbank Kimberley Meander ... Mole Creek Rosevale ... Westbury Wilmot 21st November, 1903. APPOINTMENT OF POLLING PLACES AT ASYLUMS IN THE STATE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the establishment of the following Polling Places in accordance with the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1902: Commonwealth Electoral Division of Adelaide Destitute Asylum, North Terrace. Arthur Reynolds Cooke, Esquire (Divisional Returning Officer) Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL POLLING PLACES. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of the Polling Places specified below, in accordance with the provisions of the Conznzonzccalth Electoral Act 1902. Division of Parkes. Newington Benevolent Asylum. Commonwealth Electoral Division of Boothby Home for Incurables, Fullarton. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 4th November, 1903. STATE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. CANCELLATION OF THE POLLING PLACES OF CHARLOTTE WATERS AND HORSESHOE BEND, IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELhCTORAL DIVISION OF GREY. HIS Excellency the Governor- General, in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to cancel the appointment of the Polling Places at Charlotte Waters and Horseshoe Bend, within the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Grey, in the State of South Australia, in accordance with the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1902. JOHN FORREST, Division of Parramatta. Liverpool Benevolent Asylum. George- street Asylum, Parramatta. Macquarie- street Asylum, Parramatta. Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 6th November, 1903. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF VICTORIA. APPOINTMENT OF A POLLING PLACE IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF GIPPSLAND. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to aPprove of the appointment of a Polling Place at Lindenow, in the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Gippsland, in lieu of the Polling STATE OF VICTORIA. APPOINTMENT OF A POLLING PLACE AT DROUIN IN LIEU OF THE POLLING PLACES AT DROUIN NORTH AND D1tOuIN SOUTH. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of a Polling Place at Drouin, in the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Flinders, in the State of Victoria, in lieu of the Polling Places at Drouin North and Drouin South. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Place at Fernbank, which has been cancelled. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 6th November, 1903. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. STATE OF VICTORIA. APPOINTMENT OF AN ADDITIONAL POLLING PLACE IN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF INDI. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- STATE OF VICTORIA. APPOINTMENT OF A POLLING PLACE AT EURACK, WITHIN THE COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION' OF CORANGAMITE, IN THE STATE OF VICTORIA. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia. by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of a Polling Place at Eurack, within the Common- wealth Electoral Division of Indi. in the State of Victoria, in accordance with the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Victoria. appointment of a Polling Place at Cornishtown, in the CommonAct 1902. JOHN FORREST, wealth Electoral Division of Corangamite, in the State of JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1903. Cornmonwcalth of Australia. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, (it h November, 1903. STATE OF VICTORIA. STATE OF VICTORIA. APPOINTMENT OF AN ADDITIONAT, POLLING PLACE IN THE CANCELLATION OF POLLING TT, ACE AT ROTHSAY, COMMON WEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF MOIRA. COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL DIVISION OF MERNDA. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of a Polling Place at Haze glen, in the Common - wealth Electoral Division of Mernda, in the State of Victoria, in accordance with the provisions of the Conzmonzaalth Electoral Act 1902. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and wiih the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the cancellation of the appointment oî the Polling Place at Rothsay, within the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Moira. JOHN FORREST, Minister of State for Home Affairs. No. 65. -21st November, 1903: 848 AMENDMENT OE PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATIONS, NUMBERS 227 AND 228. Excellency the Governor - General in and over the II'SCommonwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the amendment of Public; Service Regulations, Numbers 227 and 223, to make them read as follows : Itegistration and Appointment. 227. The Commissioner will cause the names of all candidates up to twice the estimated 'number of new appointments, Who have qualified for appointment by passing the required standard of examination for the advertised positions, to be entered in their order of merit in a book, to be called the " Register of Persons Qualified for Appointment." The date of the efianiiiíation, the number of marks obtained .thereat, and the state in which each candidate will be available for appointment shall also be entered. l f two or more candidates obtain the same number of marks, the order of their merit shall be determinedin the Professional Division by the number of marks severally obtained for (1) Arithmetic, (2) Algebra, and (3) Geometry ; in the Clerical Division by the number of marks obtained for (I ) Handwriting, (2) Dictation, and (3) Arithmetic ; and in the General Division by the number of marks obtained for (1) Arithmetic, and (2) H andwriting ; and, if these numbers be also the same, then by ballot. In the event of the number of vacancies estimated by the Commissioner being less than the number occurring during the eighteen months succeeding the examina- tion, he may recommend for appointment, in their order of merit, such other qualified candidates as may be required. 228. The names of all candidates from outside the service not recommended by the Commissioner for appointment within eighteen months of the date of registration shall be 'tiled out of the Register, and names shall be likewise ruled out upon candidates in the Professional Division attaining the age of 36 years, in the Clerical Division 22 years, and in. the General Division 51 years, or in special cases 56 years. JOHN FORREST. NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES. VACANCIES having occurred in the Commonwealth Public Service in the respective positions specified hereunder, applications will be received by the Public Service Commissioner from qualified officers desirous of being appointed thereto. The attention of applicants is directed to Regulation No. 38. Locality. Applications Returnable. Division and Salary. words from a passage of simple English: (b) Spelling To be tested by writing from Dictation not less than 100 words. (c) Arithmetic First four rtilés, simple and money. If candidates be not informed to the contrary, the examination will take place at the Post Office at each of the places above mentioned under the supervision of the local Postmaster, but candidates desiring appointment at Sydney or suburbs will be examined at the Superior Public School, Blackfriars, Sydney. The Time Table of the Examination is : Handwriting-2 p.m. to 2.30 p.m.; Spelling -2.30 p.m. to 3 p.in.; Arithmetic -3 pan. to 5 p.m. D. C. MOL A.CHLAN', Commissioner. FRANCIS REDDIN, Secretary. Office of the Commonwealth Public Service Commissioner, Melbourne, 19th November, 1903. Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster - General's Department, 18th November, 1903. THE following transfers, appointments, cancellation of probationary appointment, and retirements have been ap- proved and resignations accepted, in accordance with the pro- visions of the (,'oattad zlegitth lUúbtic Service At 1902 and Regu- lations thereunder, namely : NEW sount WALES. W. S. KIRKPATRICK, Letter Carrier, Bathurst, to be Letter Cartier, Sydney ; C. T. GREENWELL, Letter Carrier, Sunny Corner, to be Letter Carrier, Bathurst ; EDWARD GEORGE ELLENDEN, appointed Telephone Attend- ant Hamilton, ou probation for six months ; PRANK WILLIAM BONI/FIELD, appointed Telephone Attend- Commonwealth Public Service Act 1902. Position. Subjects of examination will be: (a) Handwriting To be tested by copying out at least 200 ant, Inverell, on probation for six months ; JOHN VINCENT, appointed Telephone Attendant, Newcastle, on probation for six months ; HAMILTON JOHN r'EI GL'SON, appointed Telephone Attend- ant, William-street, Sydney, on probation for six months, vice Cook ; WILLIAM BOYNE PYNOR, appointed Telephone Attendant, Hamilton, ou probation for six months ; HAROLD E. SMITH, 'telegraph Messenger, General Post Office, Sydney, probationary appointment cancelled; HARRY RICLIAttl) VAIUGHAN _FITZSIMMONS, Telegraph Mes- senger, Sydney, retired ; ARTHUR LEOvis 1)1 \7E11-TUCK, Telegraph Messenger, Sydney, POSTMASTER- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Postmaster ... State of Victoria. St. Arnaud ... Clerical, £310 5th December per annum, less £31, VICTORIA. HERBERT WILLIAM MISSEN, appointed Telegraph Messenge`a Warragul, on probation for six months, vice Rice ; HENRY J AMES CHRISTIAN, appointed Telegraph Messenger, rent of quarters Central Telegraph Office, Melbourne, on probation for six months, vice David ; D. C. McLACHLAN, Commissioner. FRANCIS REDDIN, retired ; GEORGE FREDERICK EVE, Telegraph Messenger, Sydney, retired. Secretary. Office of the Commonwealth Public Service Commissioner, Melbourne, 19th November, 1903. Commonwealth of Australia. NORMAN VERNER JEFFREYS, appointed Telegraph senger Casterton, on probation for six months ; JAMES JHENRY GRAY; appointed Telegraph Messenger, Central Telegraph Office, Melbourne, on probation for six months, vice Stephens WILLIAM BARRETT O'KEEFE, appointed Telegraph Messenger, Nhill, on probation for six months ; vice O'Doherty ; KATIE ROBERTS, Switch Operator, Hawthorn, resignation accepted as from 21st November, 1903. PUBLIC SERVICE EXAMINATION No. 8 GENERAL DIVISION. FOR APPOINTMENT AS TELEGRAPH MESSENGER. IT is hereby notified that a Special Competitive Examination for boys between the ages of 13 and 15 years at the date of examination will be held on Saturday, the 12th December, 1903, for appointment to the position of Telegraph Messenger at the following places ; New South Wales. Alstonville, Arncliffe, Bingara, Bourke, Brighton le Sands, Carcoar, Cooranbong, Edgecliffe, Glen Innes, Gunnedah, Howlong, Moree, Narrabri West, Oxford street (Sydney), Perth, Portland, Raymond Terrace, Robertson, Rozelle, Sydr ty (head office), Summer Hill, Tingha, Tumut, Tweed Heads, Warialda, Wilcannia, Woollahra, and Young. Application vo attend the examination must he lodged with the local Post') aster at the place at which the candidate wishes to be appoint d, not later than Saturday, the 5th December, 1903. together with a Postal Note for 5s., crossed, and made payable to ".T Secretary to the Commonwealth Public Service Commissit tier, Melbourne." Printed forms, upon which all applications mist be written, may be obtained at the Post Office at each of the places above -named ; but the application of candidates desiring appointment at Sydney (head office) must be obtained from and lodged at the office of the Commonwealth QUEENSLAND. JAMES BURCHILL, appointed Telephone Attendant, Towns ville, on probation for six months, vice Monteith; RICHARD SOBEY DAWE, appointed Telegraph Messenger, Normanton, on probation for six months, vice Long ; JOHN LONG, Assistant, Townsville, resignation accepted as from 10th November, 1903. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ROBIN HENRY HILLIARD, appointed Telegraph Messenger, Broome ou probation for six months ; WALTER EDWARD PARRY, appointed Telegraph Messenger, Yalgoo, on probation for six months, vice Dewar ; FRANK HAROLD MARK, appointed Telegraph Messenger, Greenough, on probation for six months, vice Bone ; WILLIAM JAMES CURRAN, appointed Telegraph Messenger, Lennonville, on probation for six months, vice Knight ; MABEL ACKLAND HILL, Telephone Attendant, Boulder, resignation accepted as from 25th October, 1903 ; EUGENA ANN SMITH, Post and Telegraph Cadet, Perth, resignation accepted as from 17th September, 1903 ; FLORENCE LILLY, annum ; maximum, £52 per annum. Attention is directed to Section 10 of the Post and Telegraph, Act 1901, which provides that candidates appointed to the position of Telegraph Messenger must retire from the Service immediately on attaining the age of 18 years, unless previously appointed to some other position in the Service. Postmistress, Wandering, resignation accepted as from 31st October; 1903 ; GEORGE SAMUEL HoItsl'ALL, Packer, Perth, resignation accepted as from 30th September, 1903. Public Service Inspector, Macquarie- street, Sydney. The salary attached to the position is Minimum, £26 per Mes- TASMANIA. WILFRED T. BING HAM, Telegraph Messenger, Ulvérstone, resignation accepted as from ist November, 1903; M. CRASE, Postmistress, Mathinna, resignation accepted as from 16th J une, . P. O. FYSH, Postmaster- General. Nth 6 849 CoiYíiribnWeälth 21st 1k;r0q6iiiber; 1903, Mstralia: Postz:iastor-tlena"rsI'd Dópartmtlt, 16th -Ntif6tnber, 1008. QUEENSLAND. THE following List of Accepted Tenders for the Conveyanpe of Mails (including Partiels) in the State of Queensland during the years 1904, J.905, and 1906 is published for general information. Other tëiitlerers f of the Same Mimi will please Steept this a iïotifipatibtl that their ténde1 are declined; , P. O. FYSH, Postmaster - Gental. Rate Name and Address of Cóhitrá,ctor. Service From and tb, and tb and from. per Atitium for Mails, including Term óf Years. Mode of Còiiveyance. li'rëquehb3-. Pü,t'çe1s, £ s. d. 4 Gottfried Springer, Indooroopilly and Brookfield, via Witton, Figtree Pocket, Figtree Pocket, and Kenmore ; also, Indooroopilly Brookfield and Moggill, via Pullen Vale, 75 0 0 Two Horse .. times a week to returning from Moggill by main road to Moggill Kenmore, omitting Pullen Vale and BrookCalo - Landsborough and Caloundra, via Meridan 40 0 0 Two Waggonette Twice a, week Mary Ann Black, Geham Railway Siding and Geham Post 30 0 Two Horse Allan King, undra 8 9 field Geham Arthur William Blackman, Cardwell 11. 12 Sik tittles a *reek, Ketithbre ; three John Charles Cook, South Isis, Childers Thomas Francis Lutterai, Degilbo Office, and to keep Post Office at Geham Cardwell and Cashmere, via Ellerslie, Malle stang, Ardross, Fernleigh, Bellenden Plains, Wingfield, Curtis', Fitzsimmons',Fringford, and Kirraina Station, serving all affected en route. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Childers and North Isis (Central Mill), via Appletree Creek ; also Childers and The Culvert (Isis Scrub), via King's, Epps', Rankin's, &c. Biggenden Railway Station and Biggenden Railway Station, via The Mines School, 0 75 0 0 Three Hbrse Seven fifties week Once a Week 40 0 0 Three Horse Three a times a week 20 0 0 Three Hbrse .. Three D}ay .. I Once a week Mount Biggenden, Todd's, Sylvester's, and Hablutzel's. Subject to one month's notice of distontinuance by the Post- master- General 13 14 Henry Gliddon, Port Port Douglas Post Office and Wharf, and Douglas Post Office and Tram Terminus Charles Hoelscher, jun., Aramac 16 City and Suburban Parcel Delivery Bryce Limited, Brisbane Ilfracombe and Rodney Downs, via Beaconsfield, Marchmont, and Summer Hill Brisbane. To clear newspapers and packet pillar - receivers at the following places, 48 0 0 100 0 0 Three Vehicle 50 0 0 Three Van 90 0 0 Two .. .. To and from all steamers and trams Twice a week Twice a day namely : Corner of Queen and George streets ; Roma - street, Wickham - terrace, near Markets ; near Edward - street, corner Wharf and Ann streets ; corner Ann and Wickham streets, North Brisbane ; and corner Stanley and Ernest streets, South Brisbane ; and to deliver contents at 18 Patrick Byrne, Ipswich General Post Office, Brisbane Ipswich Post Office and the Railway Station ; also to transfer mails from one train Springcart to another, and carry loose letters, if required 21 William Horton, Mull- billa 24 27 28 30 Receiving Office, via Engelsburg. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by Morrow, William Mutdapilly, Harris ville Mary Angela McConville, Middle Ridge Friedrich Brauer, Gramzow, Beenleigh Thomas P. Lough - jan, Punch's Creek, Milmerrán 22 James Summerville, Kholo, Ipswich 34 Lewis McPherson, Dalby 35 Munbilla Railway Station and Fassifern John Walpole, Milmerran the Postmaster General Harrisville and Coleyville, via Mutdapilly To and from all present and future trains 40 0 0 Two Hbrse .. Six times a week to Ertgeisburg, 36 0 0 Three Horse .. thence three times a week Three times week Toowoomba and Drayton, via Hospital and Cemetery, returning direct via Hospital Beenleigh and Gratnzow, via Loganholme 35 0 0 46 0 0 Three Hbrse .. Six times a week Three Horse :. Six tittles a week Milmerran and Listohan, ria Punch's Creek, Stongehenge, Kooroongärra, South Kooroongarra, and Bringaliily. Cheese Fáetory, Bringalilly. Subject to one month's notice 27 10 0 Otie Horse .. Once a week 12 0 0 25 0 0 Three Horse .. Once -a week of discontinuance by the PostmasterGeneral. Ipswich and Shelley, via Kholo (Bell's), and to keep Receiving Office at Shelley Dalby Post Office and Railway Station and to convey loose letters as required Dalby and Goondiwindi, via Coonieah, St. Ruth's, Tipton, Cecil Plains Head Station, turrawah, Condamine Plains, Turallih, Western Creek, Woondool, Coondara, Wyaga, Yagaburn, Moogoon, Nei man's, Gib son's, Saitbush Park, and Yambercollie Ohe Waggonette To and from all 130 0 0 Airee Horse .. présent and future trains Once a week No. 65.--21st November, 1903. 850 LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF MAILS IN THE STATE OF QUEENSLANDcontinued. "Rate .,. o0 Name and Address of Contractor. . per Annum Service From and to and to and from. for Mails including Parcels. Zr Mode of Term of Years. Conveyance. Frequency. E s. d. 40 42 45 George Isles, George St. George and Mungindi (N.S.W.), via Mini- St. mi, Nindigully, Bullamon, Dareel, Dareel Town, and Mungindi (Queensland) ; to be run in one day each way Henry Clanchy, Augathella and Tambo, via Biddenham, Byzantium, Mitchell Oakwood, Mentmore, Bayrick, Toliness, Highfieids, and Landsdowne Cunnamulla and Thargorindah, via MoonCobb and Co. Ltd., jarrie, Eulo, Bingara, and Dynevor Downs Brisbane George William Fry, Gingin and Molangool via Gossner's, Monduran, Tararan, Takilberan, Kolonga, WalMount Perry lila, Lund's, Gaeta, Springfield, and Mount Wallaby George Gulley, Con - Miles and Surat, via Tieryboo, Condamine, Lilydale, Myall Grove, Blythland (outward damine, Miles 48 Three Coach .. Twice a week 96 0 0 Three Coach .. Once a week 650 0 0 Three Coach .. Twice a week 50 0 0 . 47 190 0 0 145 0 0 trip only), Undulla, Yulabilla, Coalbar (Haas), Ladas Downs, Murilla, Warkon, Retreat, Combarngo, Noorindoo, and Dr. Fitzgerald's Letter -box Stanthorpe and Nundubbermere, and to keep 50 JohnMaggs, NundubReceiving Office at Nundubbermere bermere, Stanthorpe .. 54 Cobb and Co. Ltd:, Jericho and Blackall, via Yalleroi .. Brisbane Roma and Taroom, via Euthella, Gubbera55 Florence O'Sullivan, Taroom 58 59 Henry Wockner, Maryborough William Parnham, Maryborough I Two Horse .. Twice a week Three Buggy to Twice a week, Condamine, Condamine, thence once a thence horse week . 10 0 munda, Myall Downs, Mount Hutton, Springwater Station, Pony Hills, Baroondah, Hornet Bank (Goongarry), Euroombah, Llandillo, and Bauhinia Vale Nanango and Wondai (Mondure Road Railway Station), via Booie, West Booie, and Hessville, returning via Hessville and Booie. Subject to re- arrangement at mileage rate Horse .. Once a week 260 0 0 Three Coach .. Twice a week 80 0 0 Three Horse .. Once a week 55 0 0 Three Coach .. Three times a 0 130 0 0 Maryborough Post Office and Wharf, and Post Office and Railway Station ; to transfer mails from one train to another and carry loose letters, if required One week Two Van .. To and from al] vessels carrying mails, and al . present and future trains 950 0 0 Three Coach .. Twice a week Cobb and Co. Ltd., Alpha and Tambo, via Sedgeford, Alpha Station, Cheshire, and Birkhead Brisbane St. Lawrence and Clermont, via Waverley, John Henry Barron, 66 Lotus Creek, Croydon Station, Lake StaSt. Laurence 369 0 0 135 0 0 Three Coach .. Twice a week Three Buggy .. Once a week St. Lawrence and Eton, via Waverley, 116 0 0 Three Horse .. Once a week 118 0 0 Once a week Three Coach ; Horse, Cracow to Walloon 62 Cobb and Co. Ltd., Brisbane Charleville and Blackall, via Gowrie, Nive Junction Letter -box, Augathella, Nive Downs (Royal Hotel), Tambo, Greendale, Enniskillen, and Northampton. (In time of flood, deviation, to be made. in route via Nive Downs and Biddenham f.,.. .,,,, along Telegraph line) 65 tion, Connor's Gap, Rookwood, Bombandy, Leichhardt Downs, Cotherstone, and Huntley Downs 67 George Fred. Daveson, Eton Glenlee, Collaroy, Cardowan, Saitbush, Tierawoomba, Wandoo, Bolingbroke, Coniston Park, Blue Mountain, Hazelwood, and Hazeldean. (Deviation to be made in food .,ime to serve Cardowan 68 Arthur Robert Fox, Banana and Saltbush. ) Westwood and Taroom, via Calliungal, Dundee, Ramies, Greycliffe, Banana, Kyanga, Walloon, Camboon, Cracow, and Cockatoo, to be run in one day each way between 70 71 Francis Boyle, Nebo William Shean, Gingin . Westwood and Banana ; also Cracow and Walloon, via Gyranda, Neuestella, Mostowie, Hutchinson's,. Beaume Creek, and Bauhinia Plains Eton and Nebo, via Mount Spencer.. .. Gingin and St. Agnes, via Olympus, Green Swamp (Central Mill), and all farms, selections, and letter -boxes en route to Walla, thence to St. Agnes ; returning via Walla, 36 0 0 55 0 0 78 Bulgroo Receiving Office and Kyabra, via Newcastle, Ray, and Thylungra (subject to re- arrangement, and to start from Bulgroo Station if required), and to keep Receiving Office at Bulgroo Turallin and Junction Station, via Western Edward William Thomas and Arthur Creek and Dunmore Patrick Joseph Skeahan, Adavale Thomas, Milmerran .. Twice a week .. Three times week, Walla, and twice a c week, St. Agnes Green Swamp (Central Mill), Howard's, Crampton's, and others to Comonju and Olympus. Subject to extension and rearrangement at mileage rates, and to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General 77 Three Coach Two Horse 110 0 0 One Buggy . . 39 0 0 One Horse Once a week 1 l .. Once a week J No. 65. -21st November, 1903. 851 LIST OF' ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF MAILS IN THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND d Z1" 79 Name and Address of Contractor. Henry Malone, Mitchell Service From and to, and to and from. Mitchell and Glen Tulloch, via Waroonga, Rate per Annum for Mails, including Parcels. Term of Years. continued. Mode of Conveyance. Frequency. £ s. d. 79 0 0 Three Coach .. Once a week Three times week Three times Kilmorey, Toolumbilla, Womblebank, Meri- vale, Westgrove, Rockvale, and Hatton 82 83 88 David Muir, Moombra, Ipswich Thomas Moloney, Bromelton, Beau desert Myles J. McCorley, Taroom 92 J Henry John Swann, Ayr Vale Bellevue Railway Station and Moombra (Five 38 .0 0 Three Horse mile Water), via Bellevue Station Beaudesert and Ladybrook, via Bruff Hill, .. 50 0 Three Horse .. Kerry, and Darlington, to be run to and fro in one day Taroom and Coorada, via Bottle -tree View, Hickey's, Palm -tree Creek, and Gwambegwyne (a) Bowen and Ayr, via Melinda, Salisbury Plains, Wangaratta, Inkerman, and Soper's Crossing ; Brookfield. 0 week 32 0 0 200 0 0 Three Horse One (b) also Ayr, and Clare via Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster -Gene- 100 Edward Arthur Reilly, Normanton 103 Arthur Robert Fox, Banana 106 107 Cobb and Co. Ltd., Eric Sutherland Ross, Croydon 110 Florence O'Sullivan, Taroom 111 Thomas 113 118 Williams, Ivory's Creek, Cress - brook Horatio Blackall Sutton, Three Buggy 84 10 0 Three Coach ; field ; horse to Bend of Once a week Once a week River, &c., Selections 140 0 0 Three Buggy Once a week Three Coach . . Twice a week to be run in three days each way and to keep Receiving Office at Ivory's .. 0 Three Coach .. Once a week 52 0 0 Three Horse .. Once a week 110 16 0 0 0 Creek Tambo and Lorne, via Minnie Downs, Banks, 144 0 0 and Giles' Selection, and Shirburn (Ravensbourne) ; also Blackall and Listowel Downs, Two Horse Twice a; week 0 0 Three Horse, Tambo, Lorne ; Buggy, Blackall, Listowel Three Horse .. 12 10 0 Three Horse .. Once a week Nanango and Goomeri, via Mulcahay's, Sexton's, McCleymont's, and Barambah Head Station. Subject to re- arrangement at 60 0 0 Two Horse .. Twice a week Mary Jane Farrell, North Pine and Mount Pleasant (Story's) 75 0 0 Two Coach Robert Stokes, Elston, Southport Andrew Joseph McFarline, Mackay 122 0 main road to Catfish Hotel, Calliope Station, Hazeldean, Mount Alma, Dumgree, Kilburnie, Prairie, Torsdale, Kooingal, Drumburle Letter -box, and Barfield, once a week Croydon and Rockyvale, via Cuddungelah, Homeward Bound, Goldstone, Tabletop, Golden Valley, and Gilded Rose. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General Taroom and Banana, via Bottle -tree View, Hickey's, Palm -tree Creek, Waterton, Ghinghinda, Glenmoral, Thornby, Brack lin, Roundstone, and Moura Cressbrook and Ivory's Creek, via Arnold's, Once a week Coach (a) Once a week, (horse in and once a week flood time) extra Inkerman to Ayr; (b) twice 0 450 and Selections, Clyde Creek, Calliope, Stowe, Bierbank and Eulo, via Bechal, Mount Patrick McCallum, Nanango via Glencoe, Malvern Hills, Terrick Ter rick, Lome, and Bonnie Doon. Subject to re- arrangement of route Southport and Ashmore, via Bundall, Benowa, and Elston Mackay and Eimeo, via Mount Pleasant, Beaconsfield (Gallanty's), Armitage, and Gladstone (Woodlands) a a week Brisbane Alfred, Humeburn, and Tilbooroo Michael John Winton and Cloncurry, via Ayrshire Downs, 1236 0 0 O'Loughlan, Winton Dagworth, Kynuna, Mackinlay, and Strath- 108 112 rai Cloncurry and Normanton, via Quamby, Granada, Donaldson, Boomarra, Donor's Hill, Paddy's Lagoon, and Walker's Bend (subject to amendment of route on opening of new road by Divisional Board to avoid flooded country) Gladstone and Banana, via Bend of River .. a 29 Once a week Once a day mileage rate 124 128 132 133 Terror's Creek, North Pine via Whiteside (Adsett's), Terror's Creek (Hamilton), and Lacey's Creek James Drummond (a) Brisbane General Post Office and Fortiand William Strath, tude Valley Post Office, six times a day ; East Brisbane also (b) Fortitude Valley and Bulimba Post Office. (All mails to be taken from Henry Brierty, Edward street, Brisbane . Charles Cobb and Co. Ltd., Brisbane to Terror's Creek ; 33 18 0 One thence horse Omnibus Tobermerry, Mount Margaret, Eromanga, and Eroonghoola Township Adavale and Thargomindah, via Gunadorah, North Comongin, Comongin South, Toompine, Ardoch, and Norley. (In flood time (a) Six times a day ; (b) twice only Y and delivered at the o ffices as required.) Thargomindah and Kyabra, via Norley, Three times a week one way 165 0 0 Three Coach .. Once a_week 0 0 Three Buggy .. Once a week 40 0 0 Three Sulky .. Twice a week 195 or wet season the east side of the Bullo 135 River from Ardoch to Thargomindah may be followed if so instructed by the Department.) Gerald Michael Har- Stanthorpe and Wilson's Downfall (N.S.W.), tigan, Stanthorpe via Kyoomba and Sugar Loaf 85g Itti: 65.La-2ìeb isÌOirtiirnber, 1903 LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF MAILS it THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND continued. Name and Address of Contractor. Service Prom and to, and to and from. Rate per Annum for Mails, Term of rears. including Parcels. Mode of Conveyance. Pt'ëcltiency. 1 Once a weék I s. d. 138 139 Donald Eyrie, Rockhampton George Isles, George St. Rockhampton and Stanage, via Yaamba, Tiïpal, 46 10 0 Three Coach .. 0 0 Three Buggy .. Once a week .. Twice a week .. Once a week anksit, P nine; Fernleigh, Wan - dorah, Coonyan Creek, Waratah, Cóoti Uti, añd Booroobirri St. George and Bollon, via 20 and 40 Mile Tanks and 85 Mile Bote 80 John Speedy, Thar gomindah Alexander John Cowan, Yeppoon fihargonhindah and Hungerford, vi Urimbin, 295 0 0 Three Buggy Carratunya, Boorara, and Cartawinya Yeppooii and Coonyan (Flower's), via Ramo - 69 0 0 Three Horse yea, Adelaide Park, Croft's, Norton's, 144 John Win. Doran, Raspberry Creek Barcaldine and Aramac 140 Johti Thomas Cor- Fairview and Maytown, via Fairview Cattle 1.47 John James Gilbert, 140 . 142 Aramsc bett, Cooktown Boulin 148 Henry Lewis Jeremy, 149 Ryan, Lawrence Viewland, Gatton 151 152 153 154 163 Ilkley, Eudlo _ Maryvale, Byfleld, The Peninsular, and 100 0 0 Three Coach .. I Twice a week 130 0 0 Three Horse .. I Once a week Mackinlay and Boulin, via Beaudesert, Too - 280 0 0 leybuck, Mount Merlin, Chatsworth, Noranside, Buckingham Downs, and Polite Cainp. Three Horse .. I Once a week .. .. Station, Shepherd's Creek, and Hoidens. Subject to starting from Latin, if so instructed by the Postmaster - General Subject to one month's notice of discontinuante by the Póstninaster- General Eudlo and Ilkley, via Pearse's. Subject tó one month's notice of discontinuance by 0 0 Two .. Three times week a 70 0 0 Three Coach to Three times a week a Three times week a the Postmaster - General Gatton and East Haldon, via Tent Hill, Cannon, Grandchester and Gough Vale, via Franklin Vale Grandchester James Lindsay Craw- Thargomindah and Nocundra, via Nocatunga, to be rúìò iii two days each way if ford; Kihee Station, required Thargomihdah Alexander McCallum, Esk and Glenmaurie via Marra, Eskdale, Nukinenda, and Milford Rooks Esk John Suminerhayes, Cooktown and Butcher's mill, via Selectioné, Deep Creek, King's Plants, Norinaii Vale, Cooktown and Springs Clermont and Bulli Creek, via Bathampton School; Venus Store, Moìht Eagle; Beresford, Mendip, Frank1eld, Lanark Eowiis, Horse View- Upper Tent Hill, Mount Sylvia, and VieWland Michael Murphy, Thomas ClerMonteagle, mont 15 25 0 0 land ; thence horse Three Horse 100 0 0 Three Buggy .. .. 70 0 0 Three Horse .. I Twice a week 75 0 0 Three Horse .. Once a week 190 0 0 Three Coach .. Once a week 149 0 0 Three Coach Twice a week Three Horse .. .. . Sit times a week Elgin Downs, Tween Hulls, Mount Dotiglas Police Camp, and Mount Douglas 11:0. 164 Ellis Sutton, Isisford Ilfracombe and Isisford, via Portland Rün and Wellshot Station 16G John Charles Cook, South Isis, Childers Childers and Childers, via Selections of Ridg- 40 0 route, and picking up all inward mail mate ter, &c. Siibjeet td one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General Pialba and Tútgriày, via Poison R.O. and 40 0 0 One 130 0 0 Three Horse .. 30 0 0 Three Horse .. 600 0 0 Three Coach 171 174 Henry James Brown] 0 way, Lucas, Frederickson, Young Bros. Estate to Appletree Road_; thence Vitt Hapsburg, Knockroé (Isis Mill), Eariies School, Maslin's, Koll :' Camp, Rotten ; thence to Childers, st Fving Selections tit to deliver all mail matter eft rbuté aà Torquay, Pialba directed Thomas Reedy, Char- Hillgrove and Greenvale, via Stockyard Creek Copper Mines, Clarke Rivet Tole, ters Towers graph Station, and Christmas Creek. (To Horse Once a week Three times week I a Onice a week run from Hillgrove to Fletcher Vale to meet 175 servïce No. 99,retitrting tb Hillgrove via Eumarra Spring the same day.) To be run in two days each way Jane S tewart Walker, Gowrie Junction and Gowrie Little Plain, via Glencoe Cawdor, a and W. Railïvay 177 Cobb: and Co. Ltd., Brisbane 179 Thomas Quin, Burke to wn 181 182 Yuleba and St. Georp, viri Beranga, Surat, and Bindle Creek .(Wakroo) John Doolan, Logan road, Woolloongabba Cannon, Baidley. and Townson, via Laidley Creek Michael West, McGrath's Crossing (Rossniore), and Grandchester 50 0 0 80 0 0 One bmniliiis Three Sulky Henry Clanchy, Byzantium, Mitchell Mitchell and Wooleriiia, tira Woinalilla, Sala- mis (Copley's), Cithetëa (Holland's), By, zantium, Lusvale, Hoihubuih (Abotglààsie), Tongy, Grassmere, Bindebango, Bollon, Tilqúín, and Mona. Route may be varied .by the,Xostmaster- General .: Once a fortnight Once a day Three times week Thornton 186 I Twice a week Burketdwn and Wdllogotang, via Eàchtt 105 0 0 Thrée Horse .. and Westmoreland, and to keep Receiving Of led at Wollogorang Woolloongabba and Mount Gravatt .. I Three times a week 139 0 0 Three Coach .. Once a week a 853 No. 65. 21st November, 1903. LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF MAILS IN Tun STATE OF QUEENSLAND conAnIóed. o' er. Ú te Name and Address of Contractor. 187 Mary Callaghan, Gympie 188 Richard Lance Chap- man, Kilkivan Rate per Annum ServiceFrom and to, and to and from. for Mails, including Parcels. Gympie and Imbil, via Lagoon Pocket, Bun ya Creek, Yabba Vale, Bollya Plains, Bollier School, Hordern's and Rodwell's ; returning via Kandanga (Sprowle's), Bunya Creek and Lagoon Pocket Kilkivan and Marshlands, via Loe's, Hewson's, Weiland's, via Boonara, Lakeview, Ettrickdale, Boubyjan, Cloyne, Neavie, Boonimba, Windera, and Mondure, once a week ; also Kilkivan and Wigton, via Rosehill, Coongan Letter -box, Boonara, Lakeview, Ettrickdale, Boubyjan, Cloyne, Windera, Mondure, Marshlands, and Smithers', once a week ; also Kilkivan and Boonara, via Hewson's, Hawkes', &c., and Term of Years. Mode of Conveyance. £ 39 s. d. 00 Three Horse 150 00 Two Frequency. .. J Twice a week .. Horse As specified returning via Lakeview, once a week (Wednesday). Subject to one month's notice of 190 192 William Cuff, Sand hills, Rockhampton Thomas Leo, Hopetown 194 Thomas O'Brien, Joseph Upper Tent Hill, Gatton 195 197 198 199 Francis Houston, Pittsworth Georgina Gaylard, Forresville, Nam - bour John Gaven, Logan Reserve William Wallace Ed- wards, St. George discontinuance by the Postmaster- General Tungamul and Fishergate (Chaston's), via Hitchcocks, Elgalla, Fern Hill, Mount Barlow School, and Homers Dalby and Jumma, via Jubilee Sanatorium, Wentworth, Cahill's, Cassidy's, Bell Post Office, Bell Telephone Office and Schoolhouse, Maida Hill School, Saunder's, Ensor's, Spring Flat (Campbell's), Sharow, Rosevale, Bilboa, Selections, Webster's, Wylarah, Porter's, Mathieson's, Jules', and Ju,t's, returning via Greystanlea, Ross', McLaughlin's, &c., to Webster's Gatton and Hasa nburg, via Woodlands, Ropely, and Rocks :de Pittsworth and Cambooya, via Spring Valley School, Kincora, North Branc.1, Gentleman's Seat, Balgownie, Felton, Wynn's, Handy's, Hanlon's, &c. Nambour and Image Flat, and to keep Receiving Office at Image Flat Waterford and Logan Reserve .. .. St. George and Goodooga (N.S.W.), via Wyhenbah, Martin's and Richard's Selec i na, Dirranbandi, Cubbie, Old Woolerina, Brenda Custom- house, and Brenda Station, 25 0 0 Three Buggy or coach Twice a week .. Twice a week 145 00 Three Vehicle 40 00 Three Horse .. Three times week a 80 00 Two Horse .. Three times week a 18 00 Two Horse .. Twice a week 14 10 0 Two Dogcart Three times a week Once a week 100 00 Three Horse , 64 00 Three Coach .. N.S.W., serving all places en route. (In flood time Dirranbandi to be omitted, and be- tween Whyenbah and Brenda deviation in 201 203 Harry Chatfield, Herber ton William Doherty, Isisford 210 I Cobb and Co. Ltd., Brisbane route to be made to get outside flood waters) Atherton and Herberton, via Carrington (Scrubby Creek) Isisford and Jundah, via Ruthven, Albilbah, Mount Marlow, and Welford Downs (a) Almaden (74- mile), and Georgetown, via Fossllbrook, and Quartz Hill ; (b) George. 140 0 0 2420 0 0 Three Buggy .. Three times week Once a week a Three Coac'i . (a) Twice a week (b) Twice a week Three Vehicle .. Three times week Three Buggy .. Once a week Three Coach .. Once a week Horse .. Once a week town and Croydon via Durham, Cumberland, Forest House, Lower Gilbert, The Springs, Belmore (Cork Tree), King of Croy- 212 Martin J. Flynn, Aubigny, Oakey 215 John McMillan, Boulia 216 Cobb and Co. Ltd., Brisbane 217 220 223 Frederick McNamee, Geraldto i George Woodhouse Mallett, Upper Caboolture Heinrich Mengel, Nobby don, and Gorge Creek Oakey and Biddeston, via Crosshill, Happy Valley, Aubigny, Plainview School, and the Springs ; returning via Crosshill only Boulia and Urandangie, via Herbert Downs, Glenoriniston, Roaborough Downs, and Carandotta Winton and Boulia, via Blderslie, Llanrheidol, Middleton, Luókuow, and $auilton Hotel ; to be run in four days eaoli wa Geraldton and Wenginanie, via Jordan Creek and Dolgo. Subject to one mouth's notice General Caboolture and Upper Caboolture. woomba 75 00 Two Three Horse .,. Three times week Nobby and Mount Kent (Back Plains), via Coleman's Box and Morau'a Well Helidon and Helidon, via Postman's Ridge R.O., Witheott, Derrymore, and Iredale 20 0 0 Three Horse 30 10 0 Three, Horse Three times a week Twice a week Three Buggy I, Onoe a week One Twice a Week 225 goraindah 1386 0 0 36 0 0 don James Lindsay Craw- Nocundra and Mount Howitt, via Noca- Ernest Geitz, Edwardston, Too - 3500 0 a (And to act as Postmaster at Upper Caboolture) James Tysoe, Heu- 226 00 of discontinuance by the Postmaster- 224 ford, Kihee, Thar- 52 tunga, Kihee, Wodmanoka, and Durham Downs Middle Ridge and lCclwardston ... ... 100 00 10 0 0 Horse .:. a I£ No. 65.-21st híovenober, 1903. 854 LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CON v El ANC:: OF MAILS IN THE STATE OF QUEEN SLAM a continued. Name and Address of 227 Thomas Hill, The Leap Rate per Annum ServiceFrom and to, and to and from. for Mails, including. Parcels. The Leap and St. Helen's, via Hampden, Jolimount, Royston, and St. Helen's Sta- Term of Mode of Conveyance. fears. ucr.c3: s. d. 0 Three Horse .. Once a week 119 19 0 Three Horse .. Once a week 28 0 tion 230 John Stuart, Hughenden Lyndhurst and Ortona, via Oak Park, Christmas Hill, Percy River, Mount Hogan, and Gilberton. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster General 231 Christian Ferdinand Friederich Schloss, Hatton Vale, Laid ley Laidley and Summer Hill, via Plainland and 29 10 0 Hatton Vale 00 237 Gustav George Kann, Ayr and Seaforth, via Airdmillan . . Ayr .. 30 238 James English, Rose- Rosevale and Moorang vale, Rosewood .. .. 20 0 .. 0 Three Horse and sulky when necessary times Three a week Three Buggy .. Twice ; week Horse .. Three times .. (a) Fiv e times a Two a week , 241 Elizabeth Kingsford, Dalveen (a) Dalveen and Mountside, via North Maryland -road Schoolhouse, Geaney's, Patter- 100 0 0 T1 ree Horse week son's, and Braeside ; (b) Dalveen and Mulgowan, via Turnbull's, Clune's and (b) Tw ce a week McDonald's 242 Frederica Giltrow, Wyndham Arms, Goondiwindi 243 Wyndham Arms and Norville (Killen's), via Selections of Deighton, Burke, Teys, Mitchell, Carter, Lucas, Bailey, Glasson, and 40 0 0 Horse One .. Once a week . Gillespie. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster General Cobb and Co. Ltd., Adavale and Windorah, via Bulgroo R.O., Bulgroo Station, The Cliffs, Munro, and Brisbane 0 Three Coach .. Once a week 0 Three Horse .. Once a week Three Van .. Once a day Three Coach .. 395 0 0 Three Coach . . Twice a week, Giliia t Cross ing ; once a week, Cloncurry Twice a week 695 0 0 Three Coach . . Twice a week Once 2 week 22 0 0 Three Buckboard One Horse . . 180 0 0 Three Buggy . . 644 0 12 0 Hammond Downs e 245 Hodgson and Dargal. Subject to one mouth's notice of discontinuance by the Arthur Brumpton, Hodgson, Roma . Postmaster - General 247 .. * City and Suburban (a) Parcel Post Office, Brisbane, and parcel post offices and all addresses within (1) Parcel Delivery Bryce Ltd., Bris- North Brisbane, Booroodabin, and parts of Ithaca and Toowong ; (2) South Brisbane bane and Kangaroo Point ; (3) Windsor and part of Hamilton ; (b) also, for the conveyance to the Parcel Post Office, Brisbane, 248 James Vernon Sutor, Hughenden of parcels collected at parcel post offices within those limits Hughenden and Cloncurry, via Telemon, 1510 0 0 Marathon, Richmond, Twenty -mile, Junetion Hotel, Hulbert's Camp, Coobiaby, Eddington, Gilliatt Crossing, and Leilaville 250 John Wm. Lanca- Longreach and Winton, via Dinnoowah, Eu- shire, Winton . 252 Cobb and Co. Ltd., 253 Margaret Eliza Tarner, Stonehenge 254 Brisbane roburrie, Evesham, Evesham Hotel, and Vindex Charleville and Adavale, via Glengarry, Burrandilla, and Langlo Crossing. (In flood times deviation to be made in route to get outside flood waters) Stonehenge and Connemara, via Evengy, Warbreccan, and Boolooroo Minnie Nye Cochrane, One -mile and Cochrane Creek, via Cedar Gympie Pocket -road, Woondum Provisional School, 90 0 0 and Saxelby's ; returning by Randwickroad, via Clark's and Wright's. Three times a week Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by 255 the Postmaster - General Edward Murray, Ero- The Cliffs b,nd Eromanga, via Thewin, Springfield, Tenham, Keeroongooloo, Frimanga, Charleville day Mine, Fishponds, Stoney Creek, Mas cotte Flat, and Monkey Coola William Parker, Croy - Croydon and Esmeralda, via Croydon King, Moonstone, Stanhills (Goat Hill Tin Mines), don and Nundah Creek Station. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the the Postmaster - General . Mary Angela McCon- Toowoomba Post Office and Middle Ridge, via Earisdon ville, Middle Ridge, Toowoomba .. .. Morten Jensen, Ko- Birthamba and Kolan South Once 2 week . 257 258 261 lan South, Bunda- 90 0 0 Horse One .. Once a fortnight . . Six tir. es a week . 00 Three Horse 25 0 0 Three Buggy 21 berg , * (a) 1/d. per parcel ; (b) ld. per parcel. ... Twice a day j 855 No. 65.--21st .November, -1908i LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CON VEYANC:: OF MAILS IN THE STATE OF QUEEN BLAND ... Name and Address of o0 Service From and to, and to and from. !Contractor. Z 41) Rate per Annum for Mails, including Parcels. ... 264 Term of Years. Mode of Conveyance. continued. Frequency. £ s. d. Charles Edward CamBundaberg Bundaberg and Duingal (Maynard's), along Branyan -road, via Millbank, Avoca, Ken dall's, McShea's, Rosecliffe, Branyan, Bonna, J. and B. St. Ledger's, The Grange, Bingera Station, Ferriby, Rockybank, Staneig's, Hill's, Baldwin's, Phillips', W. Newitt's, Haylock's, Kernel!, W.Woodward's, Budgen's, McGeary's, E. Newitt's, Clough's, 85 0 0 Three Horse 90 0 0 Three Cart .. Twice a week A. Johnson's, Givelda School, Henrickson's, Hort's, Thomas', Electra (Drinan), W. Johnston's, Hayhoes' letter -box, Leigh (Sugden), Lymer's, Waddon's, Duncan's, Bates', Bailey's, Oakes', M. Drinan's ; returning via McKenzie's, Christensen's, Adams', Norval's, Phillips', Black's, Newitt's, Electra School, 14 -mile box, Fer- riby, Bingera Station, and Branyan -road (subject to re- arrangement) 266 William George Eme- rick, Bundaberg Bundaberg Post Office and Railway Station, and Post Office and Wharfs ; to transfer To and from all present and future trains and mails from one train to another, carry loose letters, and clear the letter -box at the railway station as required ; also, to convey Post and Telegraph Office stores, furniture, &c., as required all vessels carrying mails 267 Francis Boyle, Nebo Nebo and Mount Britten (Gold - field), via Nebo Station, Burrenbring, Tongwarry, Woodstock, and Homevale. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General 39 10 0 Three Buggy, or coach if required 269 Soren Hansen, Ni- Nikenbah and Urangan, via Chapel -road, Madsen's, Chapel -road as far as Herren berg, thence by the main Urangan -road ; 12 0 0 Three Horse .. Three times a week 44 0 0* Three Coach .. Once a week 20 0 0 . . Three times kenbah, borough Mary - Once a week returning via Urangan -road and Gataker'sroad 271 Henry Clanchy, Byzantium, Mitchell Morven and Augathella, via Victoria Downs, Bellrose, Gundare letter -box, Erinvale, Iva Downs letter -box, Wilkinson's, Maylands, and Rockvale. (In flood time, inails for Tambo and Blackall to be conveyed from Morven by this service) Eva Louisa Thomas, Diddillibah, Woombye Woombye and Diddillibah. 275 Henry James Waller, South Pine Strathpine and Fishery Pocket (Mackenzie's, portion 150), via Harrison's Pocket, Samson Creek and Samson Vale 276 Edward Lennon, Boulia and Birdsville, via Marion Downs, 274 Boulia Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Three Horse week Postmaster- General 32 0 0 Two Horse I Twice a_week 350 0 0 Three Horse .. Once a week 40 0 0 Three Horse .. Once a week Coorabulka (except in flood time), Breadal- a bane, Bidouri, Cluny, Glengyle, Carcory, Roseheath, and Salmonville 277 Florence O'Sullivan, Taroom Taroom and Mirriourie, via Bottle -tree View (return trip only), Kinnoul, Broadmere, Glenhaughton,' Reedy Creek, and Ruined Castle Creek 26 0 0 Two Horse .. Three times week 279 Richard Park, Bar - Barcaldine Post Office and Railway Station ; 48 0 0 Three Dray .. To and from all present and future trains Stephenson Collin- son, Bli Bli, Namhour caldine 1\ Eli. month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General also to convey loose letters as required Cobb and Co. Ltd., Muttaburra and Hughenden, via Culloden, Rockwood, Tangorin, Borenya, and Came- 283 Bridget Clemments, Mackay 284 Mary Callaghan, Gympie Mackay and Grass -tree, via Sandy Creek, Cliilona, Sandringham, Campbell's, Willis ford, Alligator Diggings, Acacia Vale, Pratuliano, Alligator Creek, and Cliftonville, twice a week, and extra trip from Chilona to Homebush on Thursdays Gympie Post Office and Railway Station ; also, to clear pillar -boxes on the route and the letter -box at the Railway Station, transfer mails from one train to another, and carry loose letters as required 281 Brisbane 41106 boar and Bli Subject to one 278 450 0 0 Three Coach .. Once a week 47 10 0 Three Horse .. a ron Downs ; to be run in two days each way 85 0 0 Three Cab * Conditional on Time Table ; £64 for unconditional Time Table. Twice a week To and from all present and future trains 65.--215t November, 1903. 856 LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF MAILS l:N THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND continued. Name and Address of Contractor. Service- --From and to, and to and from. Rate per Annum for Mails, including Parcels. Term of Mode of Years. Conveyance. Frequency, £ s. d. 285 j Samuel John Gordon, Tiaro and Neardie, via Beaumont, Baupal, Poulsen's, Smith's, and other selections, to Tiaro Sheehan's, Missing's, Kelliher's, Deacon's Allen's, Patterson's, Deveron, Neardie Station, and Neardie Antimony Mines, returning via Neardie Antimony Mines, Neardie Station, Deveron, Baupal, and Beaumont, 85 0 0 Three Horse As specified once a week ; also Tiaro and Tiara, via places named above as far as Paterson's, thence to Tiaro direct, via Baupal and Beau., mont, twice a week ; also, Tiare and Tiaro 287 Frank 288 Jacob 289 The larney Charles Wallace, Cook Melvor, tówn Osberne, Daintree, Port Douglas 292 Hoffmann, Head, Kil- 0 One Sailing 14 0 0 Two Horse .. Once a week Two Horse .. Once a week 97 0 0 60 0 Beaudesert and Wyaralong, via Bromelton Station, Bromelton Receiving Office, Jenyn's letter -box, Allandale (Binstead's), and Overflow Macalister and Jimbour .. ., 50 Moloney, Thomas Bromelton, Beau desert 295 Thomas Mcliwraith Taylor, Jimbour James Henry Fox, Koolburra, town Cook - Once a week 0 66 Cooktown and Starckie Diggings, via Marton Selections on Cameron's Creek as far as Barrett's ; thence via Jansen's, Rosebank, Bustard Park, Carral's Creek, Mclvor, and Sonata. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General Alexander McCallum, Walloon and Smith's Mills, via Kircbeiin and Marburg, also Marburg and Glamorgan Vale Esk 293 296 via Baupal Post Office and Baupal Mill, once a week Daintree River and Port Douglas, serving Bailey's Creek and Cooper's Creek, and to keep receiving office at Bailey's Creek North Killarney and The Head .. 0 0 0 76 0 0 Fairview and Coen, via Fairview Cattle Sta- 250 0 0 tion, Pplice Camp, O'Beirne's Station, Lake field, Breeza Plains, Musgrave Telegraph boat Three Waggonette Six times a week to Mar- burg, thence horse Three Horse .. Three times week Six times a week Three Horse .. .. .. Once a week One Buggy Once a week Station, Yarraden, Vioietville, and Ebagoolah ; returning from Musgrave Telegraph Station to Laura, via Koolburra. (During wet season mailman to travel along telegraph line and omit Police Camp, O'Beirne's Station, Lakefield, and Breeza Plains.) Laura to be starting and terminal point on re- opening of railway if instructed by the Postmaster - General Hambledon Junction and Saw -mill Pocket, 300 I John Dorsetto, Hamvia Hambledon, and serving Selections en bledon, Cairns route. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Beaudesert Tram Station and Inns Plain, Shire Beaudesert 302 also Tabooba Junction and Lilybank Council Thargomindah and Yalpunga, via Thurin304 George Smith, Yalgowa, Bulloo Downs, Tickaiara, and Woodpunga, Thargominburn dali Beaudesert and Nindooinbah, via TabraJames Feeney, Beau 305 galba, returning direct to Beaudesert desert Gladstone Post Office and the Railway Sta308 William Hunter Patertion, via South Gladstone R.O. ; also, Gladson, Gladstone stone Post Office and Wharfs, and to carry 20 0 0 Two Horse 75 0 0 One Train 156 0 0 Six times a week Three Buggy .. Once a week .. Six times a -week 26 0 0 One 30 0 0 Three Spring Van To and from all Horse present and future trains and vessels carrying mails Post and Telegraph Office stores, furniture, &c., as required. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Arthur Brumpton, Hodgson, Roma Hodgson Railway Station and Hodgson Receiving Office. Subject to one month's 312 ] John Ryan, Texas, . Stanthor e and Texas, via Pikedale, Pike's 309 30 0 0 Three Horse 285 0 0 Two 279 0 0 Three Waggonette Twice a week 85 0 4 Three . Twice a day notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General Creek, Glenlyon (7- mile), Silverspur, Gun - Coach and Sulky Twice a "week Fan Corner (Queensland side), and Texas lat ; (Alfred Rees Lloyd, 313 C innamulla also Pikedale and Inglewood, via Terrica, Warroo, and Coolmunds Cunnamulla and Camden. New Homestead, via Widgee Hotel, Charlotte Plains, Weela' murra, Avondale, Widgeegoara, Bundaleer, and Noorama, returning direct to Wid- 315 Edward Woodhatch, Adavaie geegoara Adavale and Listowel Downs, via Boondoon, Cannon's Boundary Gate, Kenny's, and Caranna. Boondoon to be card at one 'way only should Blackwater River not be erossable Buggy .. Once a week - -, 21st November, 1903. No. 65. 857 t. LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CONVEYANCE' OF MAILS IN THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND continUCd. Name and Address of Contractor. Service From and to, and to and from. Rate per Annum £ 317 MeLaggan Daniel FarnAnderson, borough, Yeppoon Rockhampton Bondoola, via Mount Hedlow Receiving Office (Wyatt's Hotel), to proceed to Yeppoon if necessary 319 James Grant, Rosedale, Bundaberg Bundaberg and Woongarra Scrub, deliver- ing all mail matter within the following boundaries, and clearing letter -boxes as required : Commencing on the right bank Mode of Term of Years. Conveyance. for Mails, including Parcels. 21 Frequency. s. d. 00 Three Vehicle 173 0 0 Horse One .. Once a week .. Six times a weck of the Burnett River at the north - western corner of portion 3A, parish of Kalkie, thence by the northern and eastern boun- daries of that portion easterly and southerly to its south - eastern corner ; thence by a line southerly to the eastern corner of portion 30; thence by the road forming the south - eastern boundary of that portion south - westerly to the Barolin -road, by that road south - easterly to portion 112, -by the road forming the north - western boundary of that portion south - westerly to a small reserve, by the north - western and south- western boundaries of that reserve, and part of the south - western boundary of portion 112 south - westerly and south - easterly to the western corner of portion 46, by the road forming the south - western and south- eastern boundaries of that portion and the south- eastern boundaries of portions 27 and 21 south - easterly and north - easterly to the northern corner of portion 10, by the road forming the north- eastern boundary of that portion south - easterly to the western corner of portion 1, by the road form- ing the north- western boundary of that portion and portion 12 north - easterly to the the northern corner of the last -named portion, by the road forming the north - eastern boundary of portion 12 south - easterly to southern corner of portion 50, parish of Barolin, by the road forming the southeastern boundaries of portions 50, 42, and 43, same parish, north - easterly to the eastern corner of the last -named portion ; thence by a line north - easterly to the seacoast at the eastern corner of portion 10, and by the sea -coast north - westerly to the Burnett River, and by the right bank of that river upwards to the point of com- mencement. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster -General Alice Lipscombe, De- Narangba and Deception Bay 0 Three Horse rangba Cobb and Co. Ltd., Brisbane Cunnamulla and Barringun (N.S.W.), via 300 0 0 Burnabilla, Trunkey, Tuen Hotel, Thurul- Three Buggy .. Twice a week 12 0 Twice a week ception Bay, Na- goona, and Wooroorooka ; to be run in one day each way The The Leap and Finlayson's, (Cape Hills- 35 0 0 Three Coach .. Once a week Graham, Robert Clermont Clermont and Hobartville, via Red Rock, Banchory, Craven, Islay Plains, and Sur - 75 0 0 Threel Horse .. Once a week Thomas Leap Hill, borough), via Coffee Estates -road boxes, returning via Bosses -road box biton, returning via Surbiton and Banchory. Subject to re- arrangement or extension at mileage rates 50 0 0 Three Dogcart .. Woolloongabba and Belmont, via Coorparoo 327* John O'Hagen, Beland Carina mont, Woolloongabba 17 0 0 Three; Horse 330 Patrick H. Cash, Delaney's Creek (Caboolture - Baramba -road) and Mount Mee, via McDonald's Selection Delaney's Creek, Caboolture 37 0 0 Tluee, Horse 333 Thomas Hugh Hoey, Allora and Goomburra, via Forest Plain and Upper Forest Spring, Upper Forest Spring Allora Rowland Simpson Al- Townsville and Ingham, via Armidale, 011era, 110 0 0 Two I Horse. .. 335 (Bell's), Mount Ruth,Waterview, and Franston, Ingham cis Crcek 25 0 0 Three Horse .. Daniel Bethania Railway Station and Waterford 336 Theodor Post Office Schneider, Waterford Henry Cloncurry and Canobie, via Fort Constantine, 140. 0 0 i Three Home .. 338 William Clonagh, Yadtlior, Byromine, Carr's Camp, Smith, Burketown Twice a day, Coorparoo ; once a day, Belmont Twice a week Twice a week Once a week i . and Fort Bowen C.10678. Twice a day Once a week No. .65.--21st November, 1903. . 858 LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF MAILS IN THE STATE OF QUEEN SIAN vcontirttied. Rate Krum and Acldress of per Annnnn Service From rnd to, and to and frone. Contractor. for Mail^, ineludin7 Term of Years. Mode of Conveyance. FrC'uL`!7 ^,.,'. Parcels. £ s. d. 270 0 0 Jericho aid Pentland, via Desmond's, Garfield (G anbars), Texas, Boongoondoo, Clare, W dgemen, Lake Dunn, Westmere, Thomas Gleeson, Irvingdale, Bowen- Three¡ Buggy to ; Once a week Annie Vale, thence horse Mount Surprise, Annie Vale, Bowie Letter- box, Yarrowmere, Blair Athol, Longton, Neveu, Milray Station, and Boundary Station ; returning via Boundary Station, Milray Station, Nevena, Longton, Blair Athol, Yarrowmere, Bowie, Annie Vale, Fleetwood, Eastmere, Dunrobin, Wee Dun robin, Springer's, Strasburg, Garfield (Gran bars), and Desmond's Elgin Downs and Byerwin, via Tween Hills, 78 0 0 Three Horse .. Once a week Avon Downs, Glenavon, Gleneva, Eagle field, Mount Lookout, and Cerito. Sub ject to rearrangement Surat and Russell Park, via Dr. Fitzgerald's 40 0 0 Three Horse .. Once a week 45 0 0 .. Denis O'Hara Burke, Cleveland and Mount Cotton Mount Cotton, Cleveland James Mitchell, Win- Winton and Boulia, via Whitewood, Cork, 270 0 0 Brighton Downs, Mayne Hotel, Diamantina ton Lakes (Springvale and Coorabulka), return- Three Horse . . Six times a ltreek James Carroll, Byer win, Clermont 342 James Alexander Stewart Surat Letter -box, Cambridge Downs, Noorindoo, Wehl's, Dehnertvale, Sydenham, and Oak - Simpson, lands, to be run to and fro in one day Three Buckboard Once a week : ing via Diamantina Lakes, Mayne Hotel, Brighton Downs, Cork, and Elderslie Longreach and Muttaburra, via Bimbah, John Win. Doran, 350 Arainac James Cooktown Post Office and Wharfs, and Railway Station ; and to convey loose Iiigleby, Cooktown ante, Upper Coo mera William Storey, Logan Village 367* Thomas 0 Three Coach 49 18 0 Three Van .. Twice a week To and from all present and future trains and letters as required John Stewart., Annerley, Woolloongabba Murphy, Thomas Monteagle, Clermont John Nicholas Sig - 366 0 130 Goodberry Hills, Camoola, and Ambo ; to run on western side of river if required, as follows, via Cramsie, Bexley, Dalmore, Yanburra, Camoola, and Ambo Ramsay, Horse or bicycle Woolloongabba and Annerley 2G 0 0 One Elgin Downs and Doongmabulla, via Moray Downs, and Labona.. The Department reserves the right to start from Tween Hills Coomera Upper and Tambourine Mountain, including delivery to Cameron's, &c. (And to keep Receiving Office at Tambourine Mountain.) Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Potsmaster- 52 0 0 Three Horse . . Once a week 35 0 0 Three Horse .. Twice a week General Logan Village and Logan Village, via Thompson's, South Maclean, North Maclean, 52 0 0 Three Horse .. Three 95 0 Three Horse .. Once a week 45 0 0 Two Horse .. Once a day 85 0 0 One Horse .. Once a. week discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Bollon and Cunnamulla, via Pernlee, Murra 134 0 0 Three Coach .. Shamrock Wells Hotel, - Lander's Letterbox, and Widgeegoara Hotel Bogantungan and Echo Hills, via Medway 40 0 Three Buggy .. Ratha (Scott's), Nash's, Greenbank, Park Ridge, Chamber's Flat, and the Bridge. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Argentine and Kangaroo Hills Station, via Argentine Extended, McAuley's Creek, Argentine all vessels carrying Mails 0 : Twice a day times Ewan, and Kallandra. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Redcliffe (a) Delivery of all letters, newspapers, packets, and telegrams along the Fredk. Chas. Cutts, Redcliffe Main Coast road from Klanger (Mrs. Bell's) to Reef Point, Scarborough, and to all houses between the Main Coast -road and the beach ; (b) the clearing of the letter -box at Grant's Store, and the conveyance of its t contents to the Redcliffe Post and Telegraph Office daily, at such hours as the Postmaster - General may direct Herberton and Wooroora, via Nigger Creek School, Police Camp, Selections of Nash, Bimrose, Byers, Gilbey, Daniels, Keogh, Newell, Paul, Hull, and Glen Alice, Evelyn Scrub School, Evelyn Station, and Ravens - Dempsey, James Herberton hoe. 376 Henry Clanchy, Byzantium, Mitchell 381 ' Robert Smith, Bo: Subject to one month's notice of Murra, Bendee Downs, Bonn.a Vonna, Park, Rosedale, Bianchi's Selection, J. gantu.ngan j Bianchis' Selection, Medway Station, and Duckabrook 0 ¡ Once a week ' Once a week a No 65.- 21st November, 1963. 859 __. Name and Address of Con tractor. o -r .; LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CON v EVA NCH OF MAII.S IN THT. STATE OF QL'EF.rsLAtiDconLi3tua. Service From and to, and to and from. Rate per Annum Term of Years. for Mails, including. Parcels. j Mode of Conveyance. Frequency. E s. d. 384 ' Alexander Secombe, Ingham and Mount Benham, via Stoneleigh, Kallanda, Old Kangaroo Hills Tin Mines, Ingham Í 120 0 0! Three Horse .. Once a week and Hidden Valley Station. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the 385 387 William Huey, Kynuna James Eardley Postmaster- General Kynuna and New Quambetook, via Waniola, .78 0 0 Glenbervie, and Rosevale Cloncurry and Friezland, via Roxmere, Flo- 104 0 0 1 rence Vale, and Top Camp. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by O'Toole, Cloncurry the Postmaster- General Edward Arthur Reilly, Donor's Hill and Wombool, via Old Tala Normanton wanta and Neumeyer Valley 390 Henry McDonald, Chatfield Creek and Mackinlay, via MaxwelQuambetook, Kyton, Tarbrax, Toorak, and Euìolo nuna Andrew Drynan, Te- Telemon Crossing and Tylerville, via Rath lemon Crossing, downey, Flanagan's, Bigriggan, Barney Beaudesert View, Lower Palen Saw - mills, and Palen Creek. Subject to re- arrangement if mails 388 carried by train line at mileage rate Birdsville and Dubbo Downs, via Adria John Patrick Gaffney, Annand ale, Birdsville Timothy Scanlon, Winton Downs, Annandale, and Kalliduwary Evesham R.O. and Rosebrook, via Corona Silsoe, Vergemont, Lismore, Opalton, and Horse .. Once a week Three Horse . Once a week One 70 0 0 Three Horse . Once a week 150 0 0 Three; Buggy .. Once a week (il 0 0 Three Horse .. Twice a week 70 0 0 Three Horse .. Once a fortnight 197 0 0 Three Buggy .. ! Once a week 30 0 0 1 Three Cart Mayneside John Geary, sen., Miles Post Office and Railway Station. Thomas Joseph Subject to one month's notice of disconGeary, John Geary, tinuance by the Postmaster - General jun. (Geary and Sons), Miles Edward Angell, Chil- Chillagoe Post Office and Railway Station. lagoe Subject to one month's notice of discon- Miriam Vale and Toweran, via Bloomfield's, Hoffman's, Jenkinson's, Dingle's, Oreti, Moralgaran, Thornhill, Warro, Charuwood, and Borelia Yuleba and Moraby, via Moongool, Marra Marra, Scotland, Wellsbourne Grove, and Callitris ; returning via Rabbit Fence, Barossa, Rockdale, Rostock, Millers, and Denis Ryan, Yuleba To and from all present and futurc trains To and from all present and fu- ' 40 0 0 One Cart .. 64 10 0 Two Horse .. 40 0 0 Three' Horse .. 12() 0 0 ' Two 27 0 0 Three: Horse .. Once a. week 99 0 0 Three Coach . Once a week 90 0 0 Three Horse .. Twice a «'eel. Two . . Three tinuance by the Postmaster - General Ludwig Neilson Dahl, Miriam Vale .. , ture trains Twice a week Once a week Moongool Cecil Stewart Del - Jimboomba Railway Station and Canungra, 409 pratt, Mundoolun via Mundoolun Station, Tambourine Station, Fenwyke, O'Mahoney's, and Irvings- Edward Brougham, jun., Childers Childers and Booyai, via Eureka, returning via Selections of Mollen, Turner, Sims, 8.c. Horatio Sutton, Blackall and Isisford, via Borce. Malvern, Moorlands, Thornleigh, Springfield, and Isis Downs, to be run in one day each way Capella and Capella, via Gordon Downs, ford Huinberstone, Malvern, Peak Downs, Low - stoff, Calvert's Peak, Bellvue, Glen Fern, Huntley, Retro, and Prairie Nambour and Obi Obi, via Dulong R.O., Selections of Phillips, Pope, Whitecross, and Voetha, Mapleton R.O., Selections of Biggs, Doggerals, and Smith. (And to keep Receiving Office at Obi Obi) Herman Albert Goeths, Obi Obi, Nambour George Smith, Yal- Nocundra and Yalpunga, via Bransby, Huddersfield, Yanko, Naryilco, and Wompah (subject to re- arrangement of route), to be Thargo- run in two days each way if required Herberton and Newelton .. McDonald and Co., Herberton Robert Henry Rolfe, Cler- mon t 420 Six times a week master-General Sidney George Kettle, Capella Mounteagle, : and Eureka. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Post- Blackall punga, mindali Coach and horse William Henry Lane, Springsure 64 10 0 1.14 10 24 0 Mounteagle and Albro, via The Cell, Epping Forest, Laglan, and Epping Vale returning via Springvale and Pioneer. lie Department reserves the right to start service from Mendip on service 163 80 0 Springsure and Carwell, 80 via. Rainworth, Glenlee (Telemon), Mantaun Downs, Good - times 0 Three+ Buggy .. Once a week 0 Three' Horse .. Once a week 0 i Two 00' liffe's, and Mount Playfair Coach : Horse .. ! Once a week Three' Vehicle to 1 Once a week Mantaun Downs, thence Alfred Heath, Granville, Maryborough 1 Maryborough and Bidwell (horse .18 0 0 t Three'':: Horse .. I Once a week a 860 No. 65.-21st November, 1903. LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF 11'IAILS IN Tll:l: STAT:. O. QL]:TNS].A:;Jron`in2Z^Cl. Rate per Annum w Name and Address of Contractor. o.Q Service From and to, and to and from. for Malin, including Parcels. Term of Years. Mode of Conveyance. Frequency. £ s. d. 422 52 0 0 Three Horse Tanby Railway Station and Yeppoon 40 0 0 Three! Coach 50 0 0 Two Grantham Jas. Cusack Hassall, Mount Ubi, Eumundi Grantham and Fordsdale, via Ma Ma Creek and Mount Whitestone Eumundi and Kenilworth, via Mount Eerwah, Murray's, Belli Park (Bonney's), and Yahoo Creek. Subject to one month's Eyre, Longreach and Windorah, via Arrilalah, William Clifton Cridland, Clifton and Talgai Station, via Woody Camp, .. Twice a week I (Elphinstone School), Sandy Camp, and Selections en route. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General John Henry Riemann, Yeppoon 426 Charles J. 428 430 Currie, 443 ¡ { week 65 0 Coach 0 One 0 Three.; Coach Three .. times a times a week 250 0 Once a week Westland, Tocal, Bimerah, Stonehenge, Ca- Peter Bannah, Eids vold Alfred Henry Hope, Tiaro I 445 Three ralla, Jundah P.O., Galway Downs, and 440 i James McCaw, Urandangie 441 .. notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General Benjamin Longreach 439 Horse Six times a week O'Brien, Michael Longreach McPhellamy's Crossing Urandangie and Camooweal, via Headingly, Lake Nash, and Austral Downs. Subject to three months' notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General Eidsvold and Cania Station, via Trelinga, Dalgangal, and Mulgeldi Tiaro and Tiaro, via Glengarloom, Byrenne, Goora, Greenwood (Knust's), Munna, (Orphant's), Deborah, and Farms and Selecon east bank of Mary River Longreach Post Office and Railway Station ; 100 0 0 I Three. Horse . . 50 0 0 Three Vehicle 45 0 Three Horse .. 0 . Once a fortnight Once a week . . Three i . times a week 40 0 0 Three Lorry 39 0 0 One Horse 47 0 0 Threes Spring dray To all presentand 25 0 0 Three, Buggy . . future trains Once a week 45 0 0 Three' Horse . . Three To and from all present and future trains .. also to transfer mails from one train to another, and carry loose letters if required. Subject to one month's notice of discon447* Franz 418 450 452 Wilhelm Drewes, August Bunker's Hill, Too woomba J ames Henry Forbes, Croydon Bridget Clemments, Mackay Reynolds, George Woombye tinuance by the Postmaster - General Westbrook Crossing and Athol, via Bunker's Hill ; returning via State Farm if required Croydon Post Office and Railway Station, and to convey loose letters as required Mackay and Homebush, via Rosella and Palm -tree Woombye and Buderim Mountain. (Mails to be conveyed Iron Budlo, via Ilkley, in flood time.) Subject to one month's notice Martha Perrett, Bun damba Bundamba delivery within a radius of 1 times a a week of dicontinuance by the Postmaster -Generai 453 Three times week Horse 25 0 0 Two 30 0 0 Three; Horse 45 0 0 Three! Horse or bicycle Six times a week . miles of Bundamba Post Office. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General 454 John Joseph Gor- Goondoon and Goondoon, along the Burnett Goondoon, Bundaberg lick, .. I Twice a week River -road, via Aibionville School, Albion ville, and Melville's, delivering and collect- ing correspòndence along the route as re- quired. (The Nobby Hill -road, via Wynter's, to be used when the river road is impracticable in, Mood time.) Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster General 456 Christie, Robert Bundaberg Bundaberg and Gooburrum, via Waterview Plantation, Flynn's, Dittmann's, Herwigg's, Neilson's, Tantitha, Fairymead, McKenzie's, T. Chase's, senior, G. Chase's, Wegert's, Waimea, Palmer's, Vane's, Oberon ; returning along the Gooburrum -road, via Maultby's Letter -box, Flint's, Jurgensen's, The Oaks, Ruberry, Read's, Stories', Three times a week Zahn's, Rutherglen, White Gooburrum School, O'Connell's, Brennan's, Blaney Farm, Carlton, and Mahoney's, three times a week. Subject to alteration or discontinuance by the Postmaster - General upon Simpkin 457 Thomas 458 Ann Pickard, Beer - White, Daisy Hill, Loganlea 461 465 giving one month's notice Loganlea and Daisy Hill. (And to keep Receiving Office at Daisy Hill) 20 0 Beerwah and Crohamhurst, via Coochin 30 0 0 Creek and Peachester wah Edward Kehoe, Mun- Engelsburg and Clumber, via Charlwood and Kilroy's (Moogerah) billa Martha Perrett, Bun - Dinmore delivery within a radius of 11 miles damba of Dinmore Post Office. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General 0 Three Spring cart Twice a week Three Horse Three times a week 20 0 0 25 0 0 Three Horse Two Horse Once a week Six times a. week No. 65. -21st November, 1903. 861 LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF MAILS IN THE STATE OF QUEENSLAN D continued. o, .,.. a; Name and Address of Contractor. 6 Rate per Annum Service From and to, and bo and from. Term of Years. for Mails, including Parcels. Mode of Conveyance. Frequency. £ s. d. Frederick McNamee, Geraldton and Geraldton, via Mundoo (one Gerald ton way only), Stockton, Mourilyan, and Queensland Plantation 471 1 John Oliver Frith, Hughenden and Mount Pollux. (And to Mount Pollux, keep Receiving Office at Mount Pollux) Hughenden 469 28 0 0 Two Horse Twice a week 2a Two Horse Once a week City and Suburban Rockhampton Parcels Delivery between 474 Parcels Delivery Co., Rockhampton Thomas O'Doherty, Southport 478 0 0 .. * Post Office and addresses within a radius of 3 miles, under special conditions Labrador and Currigee, returning via Pine Ridge to Labrador. Subject to one month's 39 0 0 Three Van Once a day Three Boat and Twice a week foot notice of discontinuance by the Post- 481 488 master- General Walter Russell Poole, Longreach and Muttaburra, via Strathdarr Cramsie, Longreach Woolshed, Darr River Downs, Green Hills, 92 Charles Murphy, Mount Alford, Boo - 90 nah man, Allora Cobb and Co. Ltd., 494 Brisbane 497 Stannary Hills Mines and Tram Coy. Ltd., and Kensington Boonah and Cossart's Mill, via Dugandan, Mount French, Mount Alford, Cochin 0 0 Horse One Three times Norali Nolan, Big genden a week Cochin, Croftby, and Carney's. Creek 26 surveyed road Charleville and Eromanga, via Yarronvale, Bierbank, Cowley, One Hundred and Thirteen -mile, Teevan, and Pinkilla Boonmoo and Rocky Bluffs, via Stannary 0 0 420 0 100 Hills 0 0 0 Three Buggy .. Twice a week Three Coach .. Once a week Tram .. Three One ti mes a week Boonnaoo 499 Office a week buggy Frank Boaz Whit- Allora and Wonga, via Government new 490 Three Coach or 0 0 Biggenden and Biggenden, via Selections of Nichol, Page, Fanning, McGaritz, McVicker, Robson, Stevensen, Cichowski, Mitchell, Brown, Stark, Kummerfeld, McMurrin, Laurie ; returning via Selections of O'Doherty, Gilmour, Jones, Matheson, Griffiths, Duncan, Prince, Vance, S.Thorne, 20 0 0 Three Horse . Once a week .. Once a week Hards, Hyde, Bradley, Vance, McDade, Chambers, Murray, Sharpe, H. Thorne, and C. Hall, once a week. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance on either side i William Henry Lane, Springsure and Castlevale, via Cardbeign Springsure School, Cardbeign, Nalcombie Letter -box, Wealwandangie Selections, Nardoo, Wari- 502 80 00 Three É Horse 115 00 Two Vehicle .. Once a week 26 00 One Coach .. To and from all present and fu- ena, Yandaburra, Wharton Creek, and William Busicko, Boatman Springs, Charleville 503 Cungelella Charleville and Coongoola Receiving Office, via Acker's Selection, No. 1. Bore (Rivers - leigh), Authoringa, Riversleigh, Boatman Springs, Elverston, Elmina, through Cob brum Blocks, Yarronville, and Charlotte- vale Ayr Post and Telegraph Office and Ayr Tram -' way Office Í Henry John Swann, Ayr 508 ture trans and Peter. Bannah, Eids- 513 vold Mary Preston, Glengarry, Charleville 515 Eidsvold and St. John's Creek (Mooroongi), via Eidsvold Station, Craventown, St. John's Gold- field, and Johnston's. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Glengarry (Charleville - Adavale -road) and Oakwood (Augathella -Tambo road), via 22 0 0 73 00 ; trains Once a week Three Horse Two Buggy .. Once a week .. Six times a week selections of W. C. Yeates, A. Yeates, and Millie Station, Quarrel's, Peytona, Lewis', and Ware and Lewis ; and to keep Receiving Office at Glengarry. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General 518 '. William Alexander Reaney, North Rockhampton 522 !David S. Carter and Hugli O'Loan, Brisbane Michael Long, Bony Mountain, WarAlfred 523 wick North Rockhampton, delivery within the following boundaries, viz.: By Moore's Creek, the Fitzroy River, Limestone (or 40 0 0 Three Horse North Pine and Woody Point, via Red eliffe. Subject to one month's notice of 85 00 Three Coach 4 -Mile) Creek (including Blanchard's), to Olive's, a direct line from the latter to the 2 -Mile Peg on Yaamba -road ; thence by that road to Moore's Creek ; also, to clear letter - receivers, if required discontinuance by the Postmaster- General Bony Mountain and Hendon -road, twice a week ; also, Bony Mountain and Pratten, once a week. (In flood times mails to be conveyed to and from Pratten,.) Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General * 14-d. per parcel. l5 0 0 ' Three Horse Six times a week Three times week a 862 No. 65. --21st November, 1903. -LIST OF ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF MAILS IN THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND GOftinuedd. Name and Address of Contractor. Ç °J Rate per Annum Service From and to, and to and from. Mode of Conveyance. Frequency. Parcels. £ s. d. 24 0 0 Nikenbah and-Nikenbah, via Upper Mountain -road, calling at Selections of Hansen, Carlsen, Petersen, Yates, Sorensen, Curtis, Bagnell, William Dundowran, Mary borough 524 Term of 'Years. for Mails, including. Three Three] Horse times a times a week and Dundowran School ; Selections of Munroe, Smids, Overlack, Nielsen, Bag nell, Bellevue (Bromiley's), McLiver, F. Smith, J. Gallagher, W. Gallagher, and Barnett's Selection No. 1496 ; returning along Lower Mountain -road, via Selections of Tooth Bros., Stephensen, Christensen, Emil Jensen, Mrs. [larders, G. Andersen, M. Petersen, and Linholdt. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by 529 the Postmaster - General Goombungee and Douglas Molony, William Goombungee ! 534 541 24 Three Coach Once a week 14 0 0 One Horse Once a week Tewantin and Noosa Heads, calling at Letter-boxes on the south side of Noosa River. (And to keep the Receiving Office at Noosa Heads.) Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General . . Esk Post Office and Railway Station 26 0 0 Two Boat 25 0 0 Three Hand -cart j To and from all present and future trains Cunnamulla and Cocklerina, via Selections of 57 4 0 Three' ;Morse . Once .7 week 50 0 0 One Horse . Once a week 25 0 0 Broxburn and Linthorpe .. 551 George Eric Mackenzie Cox, Cunnamulla Three 0 Brisbane McEwan William Hunter, Kincora, Aquila Thomas Peters, Esk . 0 .. 548 Three! Horse ¡ 00 Barcaldine and Blackall Pittsworth Bainbridge, John Noosa Village, Tewantin 0 week Cobb and Co. Ltd., 545 0 .. .. Three times a week Rawle, Stacey, and Beardmore ; thence along western side of Warrego River, via Selections of Springgrove, Fraser, and Davis to rabbit -proof fence ; thence to Glendilla and Nelly Vale. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the .556 Postmaster- General Dundee and 14 fount Morgan, via Fraser's, Peacock's, Hayes', Maílin's, Rothery's, Nettley's, Beak's, Moller's, Radcliffe's, McEvoy's, Halberstater's, Dickson's, and Larman's ; returning via Larman's, Dick son's, and old Calliungal. Subject to one ' Sydney Albert Harper, Dundee, West- wood month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General 558 { John William ! 561 563 1 Tirroan and Limpus, via Watawa Plantation and New Laidley, along Currajong Kit - Tirroan, dring, Bundaberg Charles times a week Creek -road. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Anakie and Anakie, via Newsomes, Hunts, Myles Once a week 35 0 0 ' One 1$ 0 0 Three! Horse .. Once a week 100 0 0 ¡ Three; Buggy .. Once a week 52 0 0 ; One Vehicle Lidstones, Iguana Flat, Stewart's Free- McInnes, Anakie Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by, the hold, and Mount Clifford. Postmaster- General Bell and Yimboon, via Bell Telephone Office, Selections of Syines, Sanders, Ensor, sen., Samuel Bradley, Bell ' Three Three. Horse i Angus McPhie, Jacobsen's, Crawford's, 564 ! ! 567 568 O'Brien's, G. Ensor's, S. Bradley, McPhie ; returning via Selections of Curnow, Whitley, Square Top, McDonald, Alex. McPhie, Hill, S. Bradley, and Bell Telephone Office Eulo and Hungerford (N.S.W.), via Killaloe, Aylnayd's, Caiwarro, and Curawinya Euroburrie and Upshot, via Alroy. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General. The Department reserves the right to increase frequency to Horace Laslett Barber, Eulo Daniel Quinn, Euroburrie, Longreach once a week at £70 per annum Arrilaiali and Matiamo, via Darr River James Lynch, Arri- Crossing, Woodlands, Lovatt Park, and Culparoo Park. Subject to one month's lalah ! 20 0 notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster General 569 570 573 574 Richard Thompson, Ballandean Ward, Frederick Bundaberg Ferguson, Adam Sherwood Jeremiah Kennedy, Hopetoun .. .. One ! 0; 0 0 í 20 0 0 ' Sherwood delivery, within a radius of 1 39 0 0 j One miles of Sherwood Post Office Esk and Hopetoun, via Coal Creek, Cross - 55 15 Once a. fortnight Buggy Once a. week Horse Three! Horse 18 Ballandean and Eukey ' .. Twice a week I Budaberg Parcels Delivery between Post Office and addresses within the boundary of letter - carriers' delivery in East, South, and West Bundaberg, under special conditions dale, Mount Brisbane, and Hazeldean ; also Mount Brisbane and Mount Byron 0 ' Three¡ Spring cart Once a day Horse .. Daily Three! Coach .. Three week times a 863 No. 65. 21st November, 1903. LIST Ol ACCEPTED TENDERS FOIL T13.E CONVEYANCE OF MALLS' IN THE STATE OF (10EENSt.AND--Co?7,tinucd. 11 o,v6 Name and Address of Contractor. 578 1 Cobb and Co. Ltd., 580 Rate per Annum Service From and to, and to and from. 104 Brisbane tion, via Tate Tin Mines Thomas Daly, Bowen Bowen and Linderman Island, via Molle, Chas. Bromfield, Gunnawarra, Garnet Mt. d. 0 0 Three! Buggy .. Once a week 0 One Cutter .. Once a month 0 0 One Horse Once a; week 40 0 ance by the Postmaster - General Mount Garnet and Springfield (J. Reid's), via Innot Hot Springs, Tirrabella, Gunnawarra, Mero, Selections of Rose, Crank, Harding, and Young's (Tirrabella to be omitted in flood time). Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the 130 Postmaster- General Ravenswood Post Office and Railway Station 586 Jane 588 Walter Lever, Albion Hillview and Pinelands Mill. (And to keep Receiving Office at Pinelands Mill.) Sub- Ebbage, Ravenswood Frequency. £ s. Almaden (74- Mile) and Tate Telegraph Sta- Whitsunday, Nanning, and Hamilton Islands, and Dent Island Light - house. Subject to one month's notice of discontinu- 584 Term of Mode of Years. Conveyance. for Mails, including Parcels. f ; 50 0 0 13 0 , 0 Three i Coach .. One .. Horse To-and from all present and future trains Three times a week ject to one month's notice of discontinu- 589 591 ance by the Postmaster - General Ludwig Nielson Dahl, Miriam Vale and Mount Jacob, via PolMiriam Vale maily. Subject to alteration or extension 20 10 Jane Ebbage, Ravenswood 593 Mary Maltman, Tivoli, Ipswich to Glassford Creek at mileage rate, and to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Ravenswood and Brookville. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Tivoli Delivery along Tivoli Hill, Tantivyroad, Waterworks -road to Simpson's Hill, Workshop Estate ; thence to Eastwood's 0 Two Horse 25 0 0 One Coach 35 0 0 Three Horse 24 0 0 Three Horse Once a week .. Once a week Once a day and Raymond Estate, delivering corre- 594* Patrick Wingfield, Northcote, Mareeba 598 Thomas Radcliffe, Dry Paddock, Pittsworth 602 607 608 spondence en route Mareeba and Northcote. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster - General Brook-stead and Pampas (Hegarty's) Frederick McNamee, Geraldton Geraldton and Garradunga, via Hart's, liaren, Mount Garnet Mount Garnet Post Office and Railway Sta- Terence Jodrell's, Goondi, and Darragee Central 9 10 0 ; .. Once a week Three Horse Once a week Twice a week 35 0 0 Two 14 0 One 20 0 0 I Horse Mill tion. Subject to one month's notice of discontinuance by the Postmaster- General James Bernard Ryan, Byrnestown and Byrnestown, via ByrnesByrnestown , Mary town School, Hickey's, Marshall's, Fred borough ricksen's, Yappa's, Jackson's, Harman's, Webster's, Cleary's, Ryan's, and Kirby's Couivaoliwealtli of Australia. Postmaster- General's Department, 18th November, 1903. PROPOSED REGULATIONS FOR PROTECTION OF LINES AND WORKS OF THE POSTMASTERGENERAL FROM INJURIOUS AFFECTION BY WORKS OF ELECTRIC AUTHORITIES. PROPOSED Regulations for the protection of the lines and works of the- Postmaster- General from injurious affection by the works of any electric authority having .been drafted by a Departmental Electrical Board, all electric, water, and gas authorities, municipal bodies, local authorities, companies, and others, whose interests within the Commonwealth are affected thereby, are invited to apply to the Secretary, Postmaster General's Department; 157 Spring- street, Melbourne, for copies of such regulations, and to submit to him, in writing, not later than two months from the date of this advertisement, any representations they may wish to make with regard to those regulations, which representations will be considered in joint conference at a date to be subsequently decided upon. P. O. FYSH, Postmaster - General. 0 Vehicle .. Three Horse .. To and from all present and future trains Twice a week Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster- General's Department, 18th November, 1903. NEW SOUTH WALES. Acceptance of Tender for ere, tion of Telegraph Line, dc., between Dubbo and Coonamble. T is hereby notified that the of Mr. Richard Biggs, of 1 North Hill, near Forbes, hastender been accepted for the perfor- : mance of the undermentioned work in connexion with the tion of a Telegraph line between Dubbo and Coonamble, erecat the prices mentioned Erect about 100 miles, 0 chains, new wooden pole line, at £10 12s. 6d. per mile. Erect about 99. miles of additional wire on existing poles, at £1 7s. per mile. Dismantle about 107 miles of old line, at Li 9s. per mile. Dig out and cart old poles to Railway, at 6s. each, as re- quired. P. O. FYSH, Postmaster- General. 864 No. 65.-21st November, 1903. Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster- General's Department, 18th November, 1903. is hereby notified for public information that the under JT mentioned rates will be charged for cablegrams from Australia to the places named, sent vid Pacific and San Francisco, namely : Per word. d. 3 9 Postmaster - General, Melbourne. They may be deposited in the Tender -box at the General Post Office, Melbourne, or, if sent by post, must be prepaid and registered. Tie deposit to be enclosed with the tender is 5 per cent. on the total amount. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. P. 0. FYSH, Postmaster - General. s. Honolulu Midway Guam ... ... ... 4'9 5 u 6 6 6 6 8 ... ... Philippines Luzon Other Islands ,+ Hong Kong ... ... China Macao ... ... Cores Chemulpo, Fusan, and Seoul Other places ... ... Formosa ....8 Nos. 1008 and 1009. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 21st November, 1903. 9 6 11 9 9 11 0 3 ... 7 2 P. 0. FYSH, Postmaster - General. COMMONWEALTH MILITARY FORCES. 1115 Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve of the following changes in connexion with the Commonwealth Military Forces, viz.: NEW SOUTH WALES. Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster - General's Department, 19th November, 1903. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. MAIL TENDERS. /'TENDERS, indorsed " Tender for Mails," will be received at the Office of the Deputy Postmaster - General, Perth, _1L until Noon on Saturday, the 19th December, 1903, for the con- veyance of the undermentioned mails for a term of one, two, or three years (at the option of the Postmaster -General) as herein- after specified : From the Post office, Davy hurst, to the Post - office, Goon garrie, and vice versd, twice a week, in a spring vehicle. CONDITIONS. Where mails are conveyed by spring vehicle, the contractor will be required to carry, without extra cost to the Department, parcels post parcels up to 11 lbs. each in weight. The arrival and departure of mails will be subject to instructions from the Deputy Postmaster - General, Perth, and liable to alteration at any time during the year. Every tender must bear the bond fide signatures, duly witnessed, of the tenderer and of two responsible persons willing to become bound for the due fulfilment of the contract in a sum not exceeding the gross amount of the contract, for the whole period over which it extends. Every tender must be accompanied by the written consent, duly witnessed, of persons proposed as bondsmen, as herein before provided, to execute the bonds as aforesaid for the due performance of the contract in the event of such tender being accepted. The Postmaster - General reserves the right of terminating the contract at any time by giving three months' notice to the contractor. Special forms of tender, with conditions attached, may be obtained gratuitously on application to the Deputy Postmaster General, Perth, or to any post- office in the State ; and no tender will be entertained unless rendered on the prescribed form. The Postmaster - General does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender. White labour only must be employed in the conveyance of mails. The rate of wages paid by the contractor and the working conditions shall be those recognised in the locality in which the work is performed. P. 0. FYSH, Postmaster - General. Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster - General's Department, 16th November, 1903. IT is hereby notified, for public information, that the tender of the Victorian Cricketing and Sports Company, 147 and 149 Elizabeth- street, Melbourne, has been accepted for the supply on hire for five years from the 9th May, 1902, of all such bicycles as may be required for use in the Postmaster - General's and for the Department throughout the Commonwealth, bicycles so supplied, at a yearly maintenance and repair of all shillings and eleven rental at the rate of Six pounds fourteen pence for each bicycle. P. 0. FYSH, Postmaster- General. Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster- General's Department, 12th November, 1933. VICTORIA. TENDER l'OR REPAIRS, TELEGRAPH LINE, GEELONG TO CoLAC TENDERS will be received at the Office of the Deputy Postmaster - General, Melbourne, until Twelve o'clock on Tuesday, 8th December, 1903, for repairs to the Telegraph Line between Geelong and Colac. Specifications may be seen at the General Post Office, Melbourne, and at the Post Offices at Geelong, Colac, Ballarat, Camperdown, and Wangaratta. Telegraph Tenders to be indorsed " Tender for Deputy the Rpairo ud addressed Line, Geelong to Colac, 1ST AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (NEW SOUTH WALES LANCERS). The Right Honorable Earl CARRINGTON, P.C., G.C.M.G., from Honorary Colonel New South Wales Lancers, to be Honorary Colonel. 2ND AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (NEW SOUTH WALES MOUNTED RIFLES). Major- General Sir EI)wARu T. H. HUTTON, K.C.M.G., C.B., from Honorary Colonel New South Wales Mounted Rifles, to be Honorary Colonel. 3RD AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (AUSTRALIAN HORSE). The Right Honorable Earl BEAUCHAMP, K.C.M.G.. from Honorary Colonel -in- Chief, Australian Horse, to be Honorary Colonel. 47'11 AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (NEW SOUTH WALES LANCERS). The Right Honorable Earl CARRINGTON, P.C., G.C.M.G., from Honorary Colonel New South Wales Lancers, to be Honorary Colonel. 5i1i AUST1tALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (NEW SOUTH WA LES MOUNTED RIFLES). Major- General Sir EDWARD T. H. HUTTON, K. C. M. G., U.B., from Honorary Colonel New South Wales Mounted Rifles, to be Honorary Colonel. 6TH AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (AUSTRALIAN HORSE). The Right Honorable Earl BEAUCHAUY, K.C.M.G., from Honorary Colonel -in- Chief, Australian Horse, to be Honorary Colonel. 1ST AND 2ND REGIMENTS AUSTRALIAN SCOTTISH RIFLES (NE1v SOUTH WALES INFANTRY, SCOTTISH. RIFLES). The Most Honorable the Marquess of Linlithgow, P.C., K.T. G.C.M.G. , G. C. V.O., from Honorary Colonel New South Wales Infantry, Scottish Rifles, to be Honorary Colonel. VICTORIA. 73`1i AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (VICTORIAN MOUNTED RI1'LES). The Right Honorable Hallaul, Baron TENNYSON, G.C. M.G., Governor- General and Commander -in -Chief Common- wealth of Australia, to be Honorary Colonel. QUEENSLAN D. 13'í'H AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (QUEENSLAND MOUNTED INFANTRY). The His ht Honorable C.W. A.N., Lord LAM I NG'l'ON, G. C. M.G., from Honorary Lieutenant- Colonel Queens land Mounted Infantry, to be Honorary Colonel. The Honorable WILLIAM ALLAN, from Honorary Lieutenant - Colonel Queensland Mounted Infantry, to be Honorary Colonel. 14TH AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (QUEENSLAND MOUNTED INFANTRY). The Right Honorable C. W. A. N., Lord LAM] NGT'oN, G.C.M.G., from Honorary Lieutenant - Colonel Queensland Mounted Infantry, to be Honorary Colonel. The Honorable WILLIAM A LLAN, from Honorary Lieutenant - U"lonel Queensland Mounted Infantry, to be honorary Colonel. 15TH AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (QUEENSLAND MOUNTED INFANTRY). The Right Honorable C. W. A. N., Lord LAMINCTON, G.C.M.G., from Honorary Lieutenant- Colonel Queensland Mounted Infantry, to be Honorary Colonel. The Honorable WII:LIAM ALLAN, from Honorary Lieutenaht- Colonel Queensland Mounted Infantry, to be Honorary Colonel. No. 65.-21st Novembér, 1903. 865 WESTERN AUSTRALIA. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 16TH AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MOUNTED RIFLES). No. 1. Bulong Rifle Club. 2. a,outherII Cross Rifle Club. 3. Newcastle Rifle Club. 4. Gwalia 1;ifle Club. 5. Burtville Rifle Club. 6. Leederville Rifle Club. 7. South Perth Rifle Club. 8. Abbotts Rifle Club. 9. Day Dawn Rifle Club. 10. Beverley Rifle Club. 11. Kalgoorlie Rifle Club. 12. Bunbury Rifle Club. 13. Kookynie Rifle t 14. Narrogin Rifle Club. 15. Coolgardie Rifle Club. 16. Perth Rifle Club. 18. Mornington Rifle Club. 19. Plantagenet Rifle Club. 20. Mt. Morgans Rifle Club. The Right Honorable A.H.T., Earl of Kintore, G.C.M.G., from Honorary Colonel South Australian Mounted Rifles, to be Honorary Colonel. 17TH AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MOUNTED RIFLES). The Right Honorable A.H.T., Earl of Kintore, G.C.M.G., from Honorary Colonel South Australian Mounted Rifles, to be Honorary Colonel. 10TH AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY REGIMENT (ADELAIDE RIFLES). Colonel F. MAKIN, from Honorary Colonel Adelaide Rifles, to be Honorary Colonel. AUSTIN CHAPMAN, Minister of State for Defence. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 21st November, 1903. No. 1004. COMMONWEALTH MILITARY FORCES. APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, RESIGNATIONS, ETC. AUSTIN CHAPMAN, Minister of State for Defence. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 21st November, 1903. No. 1010. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, bas been pleased to approve of the following changes in connexion with the Commonwealth Military Forces :- COMMONWEALTH MILITARY FORCES. AUSTRALIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. NEW SOUTH WALES. CORPS OF AUSTRALIAN ENGINEERS. Major CHARLES STUART CANSDELL, V.D., to the Retired List, with honorary rank of Lieutenant - Colonel, and with permission to retain such rank and to wear the prescribed uniform. Dated 10th October, 1903. VICTORIA. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, in exercise of the powers conferred by the undermentioned State Acts, namely :Act. State. New South Wales INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF. Captain WILLIAM ST. LEONAnDS ROBERTSON from the Aus- tralian Light Horse, to he Staff Officer (provisionally), in accord- ance with paragraph 2 of the Regulations for the Appointment of Officers to the General and Instructional Staff, published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, dated 3rd October, 1903. Victoria ... Queensland . South Australia Western Australia Tasmania ... QUEENSLAND. AUSTRALIAN GARRISON ARTILLERY. Lieutenant GEORGE SMITH, to be Captain. THE PORT CURTIS INFANTRY. Lieutenant WILLIAM JOHN KELLAWAY, to the Unattached List (Defence Force Division). SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 16TH AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (South Australian Mounted Rifles). Captain ALFRED EDWARD COOK, to be Militia Acting Adjutant, provisionally, subject to passing the required examination. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. 1STII AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (Western Australian Mounted Infantry). Composition Corps. of The Director - General is also responsible that the supply of Medical and Surgical Field Equipment, Ambulance, and Field Hospital Transport is adequate and in good order, as far as funds at his disposal will permit. He is further responsible for the prepara- tion of the yearly Estimates of his Department, taking into consideration the recom- THE TASMANIAN RANGERS. mendations of the State Commandants. Lieutenant THOMAS JOHN CLERKE to the Unattached List. (A) PERMANENT ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Permanent Army 4. The Permanent Army Medical Corps of Medical Corps. the Military Forces of the Commonwealth shall consist of small instructional cadres in each State as may be raised from time to time, together with such I nstructional Staff as may be necessary, and will be dealt with as one Corps. They will carry out the medical duties in connexion .with the Permanent Troops of the State, and they will further act as an instructional corps in COMMONWEALTH MILITARY FORCES. FORMATION OF RIFLE CLUBS. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, has been pleased to approve NEW SOUTH WALES. Parkes Rifle Club. Dubbo Rifle Club. Delegate Rifle Club. C.10h î8. (a) Permanent Army Medical Corps 3. The administration and command of the responsibilities Australian Army Medical Corps is vested in of. the Director - General, who will also be responsible to the General Officer Commanding for the drill, discipline, efficiency, and statistics of the Medical Services. TASM A NIA. of the formation of the following Rifle Clubs, namely :- 2. The Corps shall comprise= Director - General, Cancellation of appointment of Provisional 2nd Lieutenant No. 1017. The Defence Fore, s Art 1894 The Defence Act 1885 ; the Defence Act 1889 ; and the Defence Act (nucleus of) FREDERICK JAMES WEST. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 21st November, 1903. The /Defences Act 1895 (b) Militia Army Medical Corps. (e) Volunteer Army Medical Corps. (d) Reserve of Officers. (e) Army Nursing Service. THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY REGIMENT. AUSTIN CHAPMAN, The Defence Acts 1884 to 1900 1. The whole of the existing Army Medical existing Army Services of each State will he dealt with as Medical Ser- one Corps, and will be styled the " Australian vices. Army Medical Corps." Dated 6th October, 1903. Minister of State for Defence. Force Regulation Act of 1867 The Defences and Discipline Acts Amalgamation of Lieutenant HENRY WILBERFORCE CLARKSON resigns his Com- mission. gulation Act and the Volunteer and by the Constitution of the Commonwealth, has been pleased to make the following Regulations under the provisions of the said Acts, to take effect on and from the ist July, 1903. 17TH AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT (South Australian be Militia Acting Adjutant, provisionally, subject to passing the required examination. Dated 1st October, 1903. The Military and Naval Forces Re- 1893 ; Dated ist July, 1903. Mounted Rifles). Lieutenant and Honorary Captain FRANK MILTON ROWELL, to REGULATIONS. medical duties generally, for all arms. Pay of Warrant 5. The following shall be the rates of pay Officers, Non - for Warrant Officers, Non - commissioned Commissioned Officers, and Men from ist July, 1903, proOfficers, and vided that such rates shall not apply to any Men. Warrant Officer, Non -commb ioned Officer or Man serving upon the ist July, 1903, 866 Ì7o. - 65. =2lst November, 1903. unless and until he is promoted, re- engaged, or ;enlisted after that date :- Rate per diem.* Rank. Field Force. Mounted Bearer Company. New South Wales. do. Mounted Bearer Company. Mounted Bearer Company. Victoria. do. Mounted Bearer Company. Mounted Bearer Company. Queensland, Mounted Bearer Company. South Australia. Infantry Bearer Company. New South Wales. Infantry Bearer Company. Victoria. Half Queensland. Infantry Bearer Company. Half South Australia. Field Hospital. New South Wales. do. Field Hospital. Field Hospital. Victoria. do. Field Hospital. Field Hospital. Queensland. Field Hospital. South Australia. Garrison Troops. New South Wales Garrison Company. No. 1.. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Remarks. No. G. Warrant Officer Staff Sergeant Sergeants .. 1st Corporals 2nd Corporals Privates ... ... 1st Class 13s. 75. Gd. (is. Gd. 5s. Gd. 45. Od. 3s. 2nd Class 3rd Class 2s. Gd. ... Consolidated. 1 In addition to these rates of pay, quarters, rations. fuel, light, medical attendance, hospital, uniform, bedding, and cooking utensils will be provided by Govern- 2s. 0d. 1 ment free. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. G. * Daily rates include payment for Sundays (seven days a week). G. The rates of Good Conduct Pay and Special Rates. Victoria G arrison Company. Queensland Garrison Company. South Australia Garrison Company. Western Australia Company. Tasmania Garrison Company. Special Duty Pay shall be as follows :After two years' service with good conGood Conduct duct, 2d. per day. Pay (Lance After four years' service, and if in posCorporals and session of one good conduct badge for Privates only). one year, 4d. per day. (D) RESERVE OF OFFICERS. After six years' service, and if in pos- session of two good conduct badges for one year, Gd. per day. Pay Sergeant, Gd. per day. Orderly Room Clerk, Gd. per day. Storeman, Ambulance Depôt, 1s. per day. Cook (patients in hospitals and personnel) Gd. per day. 7. When public quarters are not available, Special Duty Pay. Lodging Allowance. lodging allowance, which includes fuel and light allowance, may he issued in cases where pay is not consolidated according to the fol- 15. A Reserve of Officers will be created from Medical Officers who have previously held commissions in the Army Medical Ser- vice of the various States, and from duly qualified and registered members of the medical profession who are willing to become additional i 1 edical Officers for service when required upon a national emergency. (E) AUSTRALIAN ARBir NURSING SERVICE. Constitution. for the purpose of supplying trained and efficient nurses under an organized system, which shall be available for duty at the liase Hospitals and Stationary Field Hospitals in lowing scale :Staff Sergeants, 2s. per day. Sergeants, 1s. 9d. per day. Rank and file, 1s. 3d. per day. Rental Value of Quarters. 8. When public quarters are allotted to Warrant Officers, Non commissioned Officers or Men in receipt of a consolidated rate of pay, the rental value of the quarters so occupied shall be deducted from the pay, but such deduction in the case of Warrant Officers shall not exceed 2s. per day ; and in the cases of Non - commissioned Officers and Men shall not exceed the lodging allowance rate f(r their respective ranks as prescribed in paragraph 7. 9. The following proportion of Non -com Married Establishment. missioned Officers and Men may be provided Classification. Establishment with married quarters, or an allowance in lieu thereof in cases where pay is not con- solidated, when such are not available :... 100 per cent. of Establishment. Staff Sergeants ... Sergeants ... Rank and file Extra Duty Pay. 50 State. ,l 10. When the Permanent Army Medical Corps is called upon to perform work for which it may be deemed expedient to grant extra duty pay, the following rates may be Hourly. Warrant Officers and Staff Sergeants ... 5d. Other Non- commissioned Officers ... Skilled labour Ordinary labour ... 4d. ... 4d. ... 3d. Daily. 2s. Gd. 2s. 2s. New South Wales Victoria ... ... Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania 11. A District Principal Medical Officer District Principal Medical from the Militia Army Medical Corps will be and appointed in each State. In certain States Officer Staff Officer this Officer will also perform the duties of Medical Ser- Staff Officer Medical Services in addition to his administrative duties. vices. 12. The Militia and Volunteer Army Organization. Medical Corps will be organized as lows :- fol- (1) Officers attached to Regiments and Corps. (2) Mounted Bearer Companies. (3) Infantry Bearer Companies. (4) Field Hospit As. 13. Certain Officers of the Australian Army Medical Corps, Militia and Volunteer, will be attached for duty with specified Regiments and Corp. These Officers, together with the Desi ;nat:on. Lady Superintendents. Mitrons. Nursing Sisters. 1 1 1 1 1 24 24 14 14 10 10 6 G 96 1 1 1 1 1 1 19. A candidate for the appointment Matron or Nursing Sister must not be under 21 years . nor over 40 years of age, and must have had Age. (C) VOLUNTEEB. ARMY MEi)ICAL CORPS. Allotment and is. The establishment of the Australian Army Nursing Service will be until further orders :- is. Gd. (B) MI1,1TIA ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Corps. times of national emergency. The Army Nursing Service will consist of nu rses hold ing qualification certificates, as hereafter specified, who niay desire to offer their services for enrolment as such. The members of the Nursing Service' after enrolment will be considered and dealt with as a volunteer portion of the Medical Services of the Commonwealth, under the Director General Army Medical Services. 17. The classification is as follows : Lady Superintendent of Nurses. Matron. Nursing Sisters. 10' allowed by special approval of the Minister :- Regiments and 1G. The Australian Army Nursing Service is a voluntary body, and is formed to provide Regimental Stretcher Bearers, &c.. constitute the Regimental Medical Service. 14. The allotment and designation of MountFcl Bearer Companies, Infantry Bearer Companies. and Field Hospitals for the Field Force and Garrison Troops respectively, will be as follows :- at least three years preliminary service and t(ainir4g combined in a duly recognised civil general hospital. Nursing Sisters on attain- ing the age of 50 will be retired from the Australian Army Nursing Service. 20. A candidate for the Australian Army Nursing Service will be required to produce the following documents :(a) An extract from the register of her birth, or, if this is not obtainable, a declaration made before a magistrate giving the date of her birth. (b) A statement signed by the candidate showing whether she is single, married, or a widow, whether a member of a sisterhood or society, and giving particulars of the place and duration of her hospital training, which must place included at least twelve months in a duly recognised civil general hospital, where adult male patients receive medical and surgical treatment, and in which a staff of nursing sisters under a matron is maintained. (c) Certificates of efficiency in medical and surgical nursing from the Medical Officer under whom she has Documents. . served. (d) A recommendation from the matron of the civil hospital at which she was trained. 867 (e) A certificate from a duly qualified medical practitioner registered as such in the several States of the Common- No. 65. --2lst November, 1903 No. 1015. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 21st November, 1903. wealth of Australia, that she is in good health and physically fit for duty in the Australian Army Nursing Service. Medical Experience. Certificates. COMMONWEALTH MILITARY FORCES. 21. A candidate must state in addition, her experience in (1) Hospital supervision. (2) Duties of a Superintendent. (3) Execution of medical orders. 22. The certificates of age, and qualifications in original, must accompany the de- claration form when signed and returned. NOTE. This declaration form will be supplied to candidates by the District Principal Medical Officer. Efficients and Non- efficients. 23. Members will be classified as " efficients " or " non- efficients," to be reckoned from the ist July each year until 30th June following. In order to be reckoned as " efficient " the conditions prescribed in these regulations must have been fulfilled. Discharge. 24. The Principal Medical Officers of States are required to bring forward from time to time for discharge such Nursing Sisters as they may consider to be medically or otherwise unfit for service in the Australian Army Nursing Service. Requirements for Efficiency. 25. No Nursing Sister under the Australian Army Nursing service shall classify as an " efficient " on the 1st July of each year, unless during the previous year she has ful- filled the regulations laid down from time to time for such "effi.ciency " in such places and under such circumstances as may be determined in the rules regulating this branch of the Service. A Nursing Sister of the Australian Army Nursing Service to AMENDMENT OF REGULATIONS RELATING TO ORGANIZATION AND PAY. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in and over the Com- monwealth of Australia, by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, in exercise of the powers conferred by the undermentioned State Acts, namely State. Act. New South Wales ... The Military and Naval Forces Re lalation Act, and the Volunteer Force Regulation Act of 1867 Victoria .. .. The Defences and Discipline Acts Queensland . 1889, and The Defence Act 1893 ; and, by the Constitution of the Commonwealth, has been pleased to make the following amendment in the Regulations relating to the organization and pay of the Royal Australian Artillery, published in Commonwealth of Australia Gazette of. the 9th January, 1903, to take effect on and from the 1st July, 1903, namely : : Paragraph 4 Pay of Officers. The words and figures in subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) of the paragraph named are cancelled, and the following are inserted in lieu (a) Probationary Lieutenants and Lieutenants£200 £300 per annum. Four biennial increments of £25 per annum. The i. After two years' service, and subject to passing Probationary Examination, Short Course of Gunnery, and qualifying as an Instructor in either a Special Infantry or Light Horse school, and favorable report. ii. After four years' service, and subject to passing (b) Attend annually three out of four lectures on Military Surgery. The certificates of efficiency will be issued annually by the Principal Medical Officer of each State, and countersigned by the Director- General Army Medical Services. 26. Pay will only be issued to the Australian Army Nursing Service when mem- Pay. following rates : bers are called out for duty, and will be at the (1) Lady Superintendent, £100 per annum. (2) Matron, £60 per annum. (3) Nursing Sisters, £40 per annum. Allowances. 27. The only allowance which may be granted to Lady Superintendents, Matrons, and Nursing Sisters of the Australian Army Nursing Service when called up for duty are (1) Public quarters or their equivalent, with fuel and light. (2) When rations are not supplied in kind, 3s. per diem ; but when such are supplied, ls. 6d. per diem only will be allowed for extra rations. (3) Clothing allowance at the rate of £1 for every three months of service or part thereof. 28. A regulation uniform, similar to that of the Army Nursing Service (Imperial Service) will be worn upon military duty, for which a capitation allowance of £1 per annum may be granted to each "efficient" when duly provided on the Militia Estimates. Uniform. A badge for the Australian Army Nursing Service will be adopted and worn at all times when in uniform. Liability for Service. 29. The Australian Army Nursing Service or any portion thereof, may be called up for duty in case of war or any national emergency, and shall thereupon become subject to the like conditions as those prescribed for the military forces of the Commonwealth, and remain subject to such conditions so long as they continue on actual military service. 30. Any regulations in force in any State under any of the State Acts hereinbefore mentioned, which are inconsistent with these regulations, are hereby revoked to the extent of such in- consistency. AUSTIN CHAPMAN, Minister of State for Defence. ta increments will be as follows : classify as an efficient will be required to (a) Qualify in First Aid. Organization of Military Hospitals, Hygiene, and The Defence Acts 1884 to 1900 South Australia The Defences Act 1895 Western Australia The Defence Forces Act 1894 Tasmania .. The Defence Act 1885, The Defence Act for Captain or Gunnery Staff Course, and qualifying as an Instructor in either a Special Infantry or Light Horse school, and favorable report. iii. After six years' service, and subject to passing for Captain or Gunnery Staff Course, and favorable report. iv. After eight years' service, and subject to highly favorable report. (b) Captain £325 to £400 per annum. Three annual increments of £25 per annum : provided, however, that the second increment shall not be admissible unless and until after having qualified for promotion for the next step of rank. (c) Major £425 to £500 per annum. Three annual increments of £25 per annum; provided, however, that the second increment shall not be admissible unless and until after having qualified for the next step of rank. NOTE.All increments are dependent on the recommendation of the General Officer Commanding Commonwealth Military Forces, the approval of the Minister, and provision being made by Parliament. AUSTIN CHAPMAN, Mirister of State for Defence. COMMONWEALTH MILITARY FORCES. VICTORIA. NOTICE OF TARGET PRACTICE. TARGET Practice will be carried on by the Royal Aus- : tralian Artillery, from the undermentioned Forts. from the 1st to the 30th of November, 1903, between the hours of Nine a.m. and Five p.m. Fort. Queenscliff ... ... ... Direction of Target. ... S. S. W. and S.E. by E. ... -S. by E. Crow's Nest Swan Island ... N.E. and S.W. Nepean ... N. and N.E. Eagle's Nest ... ... N.E. Franklin ... N, South Channel ... . W. All Forts from which practice is carried on will fly a red flag from the mast -head of flagstaff. All ships and boats should be kept at a distance of at least 800 yards to the left and 1 mile to the right of the line of fire from a distance of 6,000 yards from the Battery, in accordance with Orders in Council dated 10th March, 1887. R. WALL 4 C E, Lt. -Col., O.C., R.A.A., Victoria. Melbourne, 26th October, 1903. Printed and Published for the GOVERNMENT of the COMMONWEALTH of AUSTRALIA by ROBT. S. BRAtrr, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.