DP 33A* Envelope A (Mostly in Latin ) W i !l‘ Bramiey Grange & Grewelthorpe Kirkby Maizeard. City of York 11 11 • 3# 28th Elizabeth, 1585# Between Martin Man of Bramiey 'irp.nge, Yeomen, 1st John Kyrkchys of Ilkton, Husbandman, Other* tease, Allershaw (Bramiey Grange) 2i 1b. 4*1587 Thomas Walter of Grewelthorpe, Husbandman and William Walker, Property in Grewelthorpe* 3j 13*12* lUth Dames 1613* Sovereign Lord James, King etc* and Isabell Man of City of Yorke, widdowe, mother of the Wards* Value of estate left by late Wm* Mann listed* 4t 1* 6* 15th James, 1fa1b* Between Alice Mann, single woman, and Ralph F'eatherstonhalgh, Brientoft, Durham.*..•.£200*•••hair part Bramiey Grange® 5: 4. 5* 2nd Charles, 1b26* Re Bramiey Grange* fit 2U.10. 6th Charles, 163U. Between Thomas Walker of Grewelthorpe, Webster, 1st and ffrancis Walker, Grewelthorpe, Yeoman, Other. Croftegill — Assignment — "The Crosshill". 7 (No.2) 1* 3*1637 Jamss to Holdsworth. "’ "the Cleave Field, Grswelthorpe* Demise of certain Parcels of Land in b: 5* 4* 15th Charles (71639) Between ffrancis Walker tofGrewelthorpe, Yeoman, 1st John Hoidsworth of Bramiey Grange, Yeoman, Dorothie Holdsworth, daughter of William Holdsworth, and Ursula Duffield, daughter of Thomas Duffield, Spinster, Utner. M e s s u a g e , tenement or farmhouse in Grewelthorpe, etc* Foeffment. , „ / Bramiey Grange, Kirkby Maizeard Grswelthorpa* Five fines. 1586-1b53 & 2 indentures* Is 24* 1* 24th Elizabeth (1581) Between Thomas Walker and William Walker*.... and Richard Boodnck(?) Arm. and...•••• Final Concord. Large seal* ^ y 2: Westminster. Reign James. (Torn and fragile) 3t 11 April 7 Final concord, Westminster* William Goldsworth*,.,..William Leathly (?) and Ann his wife and John Layfield and Majjdallne his wife* Two messuages etc in Grewelthorpe* (broken seal) 4i First day 77 Final Concord, Westminster# Between John Holdsworth, Oarcfchy >/Holdsworth and William Duffield*•••••• • ffrancis Walker and •» his wtife deforos* Two messuages etc in Grswelthorpe* 5t Final Concord, Westminster* John Lodge.••••••and Joseph Suckfield(?)t ^Thomas ffowne* and Elizabeth his wife and John Wynn and Dorothy his wife, Reforest Two messuages etc* fit Time of Anne (7^ Final Concord, Westminster* Thomas W e t c a l f e * « ** Thomas Kykby and Jane his wife, Gilbert Smith and his wife, William Farcett & Thomason hi.^w lftT W.onS'rttSagsoV W e^ 6^ ' till.' irensusgss etc*..parish Ripon® 7* 27* 4*1653 Final Agreement maie in the Court of Common Bench at Westminster between William Holdsworth, pi* and William Ripley and Elizabeth his wife Defs* 1 Barn, 4 Acres landt 12 Acres meadow, 20 Acres of pasture^ with sppurta* Kirkby Maizeard. 0033, (contintfffa-')'—bt)33A Envelops C : Pago 03 t)I) RJipon, Grewelthorpe, Nidderdale, Kettlewell, Flasby, Coverdalo. / C 1: 11* 3.1649 Betweene Wm. Mann of Bramley Grainge, Co. Yorke, Yeo and Wm Holdsworth of the same Grainge, Yeoman, 1st. Richard Bayne of Allershawe, Yorks, Yeoman, Other* Lands, houses, closes, common of pasture etc, Allershawe in parish Kirkby Malzeard and Masham. Yearly to pay 2/7d tenths to such Receiver as from time to time shall have Power and authority to receive the same / C 2s 14. .5*1649 Betweene Dorothy Holdsworth, daughter of William Holdsworth of Bramley Grainge, spinster, and Ursula Duffield, daughter of Thomas Duffield of Galhay, spinster 1st and William Holdsworth and 3ohn Holdsworth, sonne and heire apparent of the said William of Bramley Grainge, Yeoman, Other. Consideration £165. Messuage, tenament or farmhold in Grewelthorpe (details given) C 3s 26. 4*1650 Betweene John Topham of Cracoe in Craven, Yeoman, 1st, William Holdsworth of Bramley Grainge, Kirkby Malzeard, Yeoman, 2nd, Simon Topham of Hetton, Richard Wilkinsonne of the Parkhouse Bordley, Oohn Holdsworth, sonrie to the said William Holdsworth of Bramley Grainge, and Gilbert Horsman of Rippon Yeoman, 3rd. 3ahn Topham in consideration of a marriage already had between John Topham and Katharine his wife, eldest daughter of the said William Holdsworth.*..Grannge, messuage and farms, Westholmehouse in Netherdale. And m e s s u a g e , .tenament or farmhold in Kettleswelldale. And other lands and houses etc. J C 4s 3.12.165© Deed of Foefment Between Chris'topher Wyvell of Burton, Bart, and Robert Qyvell of Slendingforde (brother of the said Christopher Sywell) Esq, both w ithin the county of York, 1st, and Oohn Holdsworth of Bramley, Yorks, Yeoman, Other. Consideration £15. Close of meadow or pasture* "Cleeves", 1 Acres, of the Ancient rent of eightpence, in Grewelthorpe (position given) < C*V v*\ ?« $ * y c 5: 8. 1*1656 Between 3ohn Batty of Gamer Hill, parish of Cov/erham, Yeoman, 1st and Anthony Geldart, Carlton, parish of Coverham, Yeoman, Other. Messuage, grounds, "Artwards", 3 Acres, another close "Hollingbancke” 2 Acres and other- land, and 6 cattle gates etc. etc* in Ellerthorpe etc. J Z 6s 14* 1*1657 Betweene William Holdsworth of Bramley Grainge, Yeoman and 3ohn Holdsworth sonn of William Holdsworth and Ann Horsman of Rippon, widdow, 1st. Thomas Hamond of Rippon, Yeoman, Other. Barn new buildod, and little close 8nd of strsete in Rippon, Blossomgate (position given) y C 7s 25. 3*1657 Bet«Teen Christopher Watson of WarlBby, Parish Enderby, Yeoman, 1st Anthony Geldart, Gamerskill, parish Coverham, Yeoman, Other* Whereas Christopher Watson hath.purchased of Thomas Foster of Middleham, messuage, farm or tenament etc. in the precincts of Gamerskill...... in consideration of £196 paid to Christopher Watson by Anthony Geldart he hath granted, sold etc* all that messuage, tenament etc* close Murtwhaite* 8 Acres, Scroggs 1 Rood, 5 cattle gates, in the several fields and pastures of Summerskill, Woods etc (other cattle gates and lands listed) Cfs.** -At-i-Vr' Envelope D y/ D 1s To all Christian People etc.....3ohn Robinson, Edward Danby and Thomas Wright of Waldon, Parish Aysgarth, Yeomen. Know ye that we...in consideration of 5/- paid by 3ohn Holdsworth of Bramley Grainge, Kirkby Malzeard Yeoman, quitclayme to 3ohn Holdsworth, messuage or tenament in Walden, the Garth, the Green, the Myers, Dales etc* 13th Charles 2nd, 1661 J D 2: 18*12. 21st Charles 2nd (1669). ^ Betweene Edward Ripley, Coverhead, Coverdale, Yeoman 1st and Lawrence Lodge of Starbotton, Yeoman, Other. Consideration £20* All that c I o s b or enclosure of land Hillfoote Close in Coverhead and all that Ealand of the South side of the River Cover (situation given) f v/ D 3* 26* 12* 17th Charles 2nd 1665.; Beiweene Dohn Gillott of Staynton In Cleveland Clerks, and 3ohn Dawson and Anthony Harrison* Caldbergh* parish Coverham, Yeoman, 1st a nd Edward Horne of Caldberg, Yeoman, Other* One messuage, house or tenamant with appurts and a little piece of one housestead, the high barne, with one little garden or garden plott etc* High Close 2 Acres, one house or holme for cart in the said close* together )f)4 with a house w»thVm tfte holly gapp (other houses and closes named) DD33(continued) DD33A Pa9® 24 ^-'33 Envelope D - continued j/D 4s 22. 2. 21st Charles 1668# Assignment of personal estate. To all Christian People e t c # ...Eduard Wise of Burton Leonard, Gen t . . ..reference to agreement between Edward Wise, 1st, Thomas Wise, eldest son, Gent, Other. Concerning his marriage "before date of these p r e s e nts"... .'Jhave granted to Thomas Wise all and singular my goods and chattels etc" ,D 5; 22. 2. 21st Charles 2nd (1668). Betweene Edward Wise of Burton Leonard, Gent, 1st and Robert Wright of Cayton, Yeoman and Dohn Holdsworth of ffoulgatehook, parish Kiekby Malzeard, Yeoman, Other. One Manor House or Capital Messuage in Burton etc. etc. Previous Deeds and bequests recited. \/0 6: - 5*12*1668 Betweene William Hoidsworth of Coverham, Yeoman 1st and Lawrence Lodge pf Starbottome, Yeoman and George ffawcett of Ballowfield, parish Aysgarth, Yeoman, other. Messuage or tenament with Appurts in Carleton in Coverdale plus several closes, lands etc (recited) / ^/D 7: 24. 3.1669* William Howldsworth of Bramley Grange, Yeoman 1st, Lawrence Lodge of Starbottome, Yeoman and George ffawcett of Ballonfeild, Yeoman, Other. Messuage or tenament with appurts in Carlton in Coverdale and several closes or parcels of land "Browne Bancke" and other lands (recited). Torn on Right Side. D 8; 23*11, 3rd Ann, 1704. Between John Wood of Bowes Dallagill, parish Kirkby Malzeard and Charles Lister of Ripon Gent, surviving .trustee for the three children of Isabel Dickson late of Netherclose, High Ganghwayals, Gallway, relict of Thomas Dickson, 1st and Burbury Holdsworth of ffowlegate Hook in Bramley Grange, widdow, Other. Reference to cottage or tenament with appurts in Bowes, Mannor of K# Malzeard, paying an antient yearly rent of seven shillings and sixpence. 4 Acres, 3 Roods (at 8 yards to the Rood or Pole). Damaged. (DJB is not listed on "Envelope D") Envelope E. Coverham, Grewelthorpe & Oallowqill E 1: Acquittance. ffrancis Lucas of Carleton, Co. Yorke, Yeoman and Alice / Lucas, now wife of ffrancis Lucas...release etc. William Howldsworth of Bramley Grange, Yeoman, from all manner of actions...from the beginning of the world to the date hereof. 25. 3* 22nd Charles 2nd 1670 E 2i 30 M a rch 1670. Betweene William Houldsworth of Bramley Grange Gent 1st i_ Timothy Horsman of K. Malzeard, Gent and Barbara his wife, Other. In consideration of a marriage heretofore had between Timothy Horsman and Barbara, his now wife, for marriage portion and also in performance of certaine agreementes made before the m a r r i a g e . ....full moiety of half part of one messuage or mansion house "Coverham Abbey" and full half part of one water corn milne and kilne etc. etc. in Lordship of Coverdale, and parcel of the late dissolved Monastery of Coverdale, etc* etc. , t 3s 6 Dan 24th Charles 2nd, 1672* Betweene Richard Bayne of Grewelthorpe, Yeoman, 1st* 3ohn Holdsworth of Bramley Grange, Yeoman, Other.,..In consideration of one close of meadow or pasture "Haycroft Close" conteyning 2 Acres (position given), hath granted etc. 2 closes of meadow or pasture ground in Grewelthorpe "Commerdayle Inge" als. "Litle Inge" contayning 2 acre* (position given) with etc. E 4: 6* 4. 28th Charles' 2nd 1676. Between Timothy Horseman of K* Malzeard, Gent, v 1st and William Mann of Bramley, Gent and 3ohn Holdsworth of ffoolegatenook, Gent, Other* All and every messuages, cottages, lands, closes, tenaments,,heriditaments, leasehold lands and ffarmes, with appurts,^whieh now or at any time were of Tim. Horseman in Reversion or,Remainder after the decease o f Isabell now wife of 3ohn Lister of Braithwaite, dent and mother of the said Tim. Horsemen...in Grewelthorpe. Kessmoora, Misses, Dallaghgill, and K. Malzeard etc. etc* 3 SEAL. % t 5* 4.12.1689. ^Obligacon from William Horner, ffafcher of William Horner ten * 1 of Earle of DerbytJ Lease for three lives. Between William Horner o f .Bowes in Dalleygill, Yeoman, 1st and William Horner, eonn and heire of the said William Horner, Other. Rt. Hon. William George Richards, Lord Earl of Derby, by hie indentures of lease, 20. 3. 31st Charles 2nd (1679) did demise unto William Horner fchs? father cottage or tenament with appurts. in Bowes, K* Malzeard, being of-!the antient yearly rent of seaven ehillings end sixpence, containing fower acres three roods.*.frosn Page 2 jl DD33 (continued) DD33A Envelope E cont'd E 5 (cant'd), the making thereof for duringe the naturall and severall life or lives of William Horner, 3ohn Horner and Rebekah Horner, Sons and Daughter of the said William Horner and of the surviver and longest liver of t h e m , ,,,,This Indenture witnesseth that William Horner the father, for £10 etc. etc....hath granted unto William Horner the Sonn all that estate, right etc. etc. E 6: 28.10. 2nd William and Mary 1690. Betweene William Horner of Bowes in Dalleygill, Weaver and Elizabeth his wife and William Horner of Bowes, Yeoman, father of the said William Horner, 1st and 3ohn Wood of Misses. Co. Yorks, Husbandman, Other. Ref. to indenture of Earl,.of Derby. Cottage or tenament with appurts. in Bowes, at yearly rent of 7/6d - 4 ^cres, 3 roods etc. E 7: 2 3 011. 3rd Ann (1704). Between 3ohn Wood of Bowes in Dallagill, Yeoman and Charles Lister of Ripon, Gent, surviving trustee for the 3 children of Isabell Dickson late of Nether Close, nigh Gallway, relict of Thomas Dickson, 1st, and Burbery Holdsworth of ffowlegate Nook in Bramley Grange, widdow, other. Cottage or tenement with appurts in Bowes, yearly rent 7/6d, containing 4 acres 3 roods of the large measure after 8 yards to the rood or pole etc. Envelope F: J v Licence to Aqree (Latin) Alienation. William and Richard Boodrick.....Thoma"s and William Walker and another. Premises at Grewelthorpe. Premises at Bramley Grange in K. Malzeard, Masham, Wentbrig. etc. Westminster, vicesimo Dec trcesimo Eliz. Very large seal ^Envelope G ; Fine, 20 October 1612 (Latin) sf Ralph and John Featherstonehaugh to John Holdsworth. Bramley. alienation from Raphe ffetherstonhaugh Esq to 3ohn Holdsworth. A licence of Very Large 5eal. Envelope H s 1616. Fine. Licence to agree Alice Mann to Ralph Featherstonehaugh (mention of tenants in dispute), rents ^ 100 acres in Bramley...K. Malzeard, Plasham. Similar: Time of Chas 1st. Elizabeth Bell - 3ohn Pattyson H 1: Latin, time of J=Mizabeth. Wm. Holdsworth quer. John Wit ham-and his wife and Elizabeth Bell and John Pattyson & Joahan his wife Defs. Messuage in Fythnley(?) Westminster 23rd January. ^/H 2s Isabelle Manne* Premises in K. Malzeard, Mashmm and Wentbridge. William Manns, dec. Alice Nan. Note on outside "custodie grant to Isabell Manne, widdoe, 1614”. Large Seal. Envelope 3 : Wills, Letters, Miscellaneous Documents. J 1* 25 April 1646* Account in bovis William Holdsworth, son Richard Holdsworth nup* do Kethmore defunct. J 318: Whether leases for yeares can be settled upon a woman for a joynture and how or can an estate to certain uses be raised upon a lease for years. Leases for years may be^assigned over, or if they be for very long® termss, leases may be derived out of them for termes of fewer yeares (as if the originall lease be for 1,000 yeares, a lease may be derived but yt yat for 100 yeares yf ths w om a n shall so longs live} But no uses can be limitted upon a lease for yeares, but the lease in such ease**' r: must be a s s i g n e d over to some persons in trust & to such intents and purposes as you shall thinke fittf > but the interest & estate in that case rests ,in t h e assignees ® if they refuse to performe the trust, they may be compelled there unto by a suited in Chancry. . . i KH W H hath taken divereo bonds in, the name ofy his daughter. 3T ie to marry K H . J .i■. ,, W H payee all per porccm upon the marriag® ' $ How shall K H assigne.the bonds made in her name to WH ner fatherisoe that 1 W JT shall not after marriage trouble WH lh reeeeving and recovering;s the said bonds. Some euites being already comended end Judgements obteyned KH name upon the said,, bonds. A bond is not 4 s s i g n able in lewe but. the best course will be to lett DO 33 (continued) DD33A PaQa 26 31/35 Envelope J (con t i n u e d ) J J1A ( c o n t ’ d): those bonds be given up & new bonds be taken in the papera or whose names he shall thincke fitt. If a Jointure be made by JT to KH before marriage; whether may she after death of her husband, relinquish her Jointure @ take the 3rd parte. A Joynture made before the marriatjB cannot be waived, but 9hee must stand to it & cannot make choice of her thirds Otherwise of a Joynture made after mariage, Jo, Wasbell. 30 Oct 1639 y/ 3 2 s 4, 5.1652, Acquittance* John Holdsworth of Ketlemore, Batchelor. At hands of William Holdsworth of Bramley, Yeoman, exec, of Will of John Holdsuorth £60 legacy. /J 3s 23 Play 1657, Willof William Holdsworth, Bramley, Yeoman, Bramley, Grewelthorpe, Carleton / j 3A: . ? Draft of J3. Mill of William Holdsworth of Coverham, Yeoman, Grainge, Grewelthorpe, K, Malzeard. Gramley J J 4s Last day of November 1657. Received by Lawrence Lodge of Starbottom, Yeoman, at the hands of William Holdsworth of Bramley Esq. £150 in satisfaction of "Doorie or porcon" f,due in right of my wife" etc, yj 5s 24, 3,1668, Note of ye lands etc# Thornes Wise of Burton Leonard, Gent, acknowledges receipt from Wm, Heuldsworth my father in law of Coverham, Gent, £110, also 8 bonds with conditions therein for payment of £640 . . . .sufficient payment to make up the settlements (Further details given re marriage settlement of Elizabeth Holdsujorth) v/J 5A: Will of William Holdsworth of Bramley, K. Malzeard, Yeoman. Grewelthorpe, K. Malzeard. Bramley Grainge, ,,/J 5B: Yeoman. 26, 3,1670, Will of William Holdsworth, Bramley, parish W, Malzeard Bramley Grainge, Gewelthorpe, K, Malzeard. (Note on outside "Mrs. Batley”) TORN J J 6s 1,10,1670, Bee it known etc, that I Thomas Ackman of Weston, Co. York, Yeoman, and Isabell my wife have received of John Holdsworth of Bramley, Yeoman, late exec, of last will of William Holdsworth of Bramley, all thaSrllgacy/of £3 J 4, 4,1671, A^, above ffrancis Lucas of Carleton, Co, Yorke, Gent and Alice his wife. Received etc, from John Holdsworth of Bramley, Yeoman, brother and exec, of the last will of William Holdsworth of Bramley Grainge, legacy of £5 and share of the rest of the goods and personal effects, J J 7s 15, 5,1671, Timothiw Horsman & Barbara, acquittance. Legacy £5, and share o f rest of goods and personal estate. J 6A; As above. v/J 8s May 12th ,,72# ffor Mr. John Houldsworth at Kits Wood, Mr, Houldsworth, my respects to you and yours. Sr. I have occasion to bee at Kippax upon Thursday being ya tenth of May @ likewise Holy Thursday, wheare I shall meets you, God willing, in ye meantime I shall pat in. of ye gates @ if wee can not agree or yf you bee any way alterd I shall'pay you for the grass; you shall have nothing but fayre @ HonestyDealing as jKsh a l l have with you © rest till our meeting at Kippax @ thvcn - yoursjifmy power whilst — Peter Atkinson* Middleham, v J 9At Sum of about £30 being still due for the building of the school*at Grewelthorpe* it is necessary to solicit some additional subscriptions, ‘ '-J LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS GIVEN.* Notes Matt Ascough objects paying his promised subscription because The School is not made over to the Township. George Horner objects because there*is not a Master qualified to teach his boys* ' Mr. OuKo Tomlinson says scholars will do him in jury," *his land lying so near he also objects. UNDATED, / 3 9A (2) Two H a s t wills of Mrs. Bartoary Hbldsworth, widow of Bramley Grainge. one dated 2 2 November 1716, the ether 14 February 11th Anne (1712) w . .. *:* ■J 310i Another last will @f Mrs* Barbery Holdsworthf as a b o v e , dated 28 Sept 1727 311 i Bill filed 10® 5*168** fleesue*je# tenement end closee, lands, n a t u r e s #tc 4:. in Coverhe^d, parish CovArhem (position given), — 4 M 2 . ^ .... ..................... 1 • DP 33 (continued) DD33A Page 27 Envelope 3 c o n t i n u e d . v/ 311 (cont'd); Note on outside: "Referant Sir, 1 am surprised you never arcered my letter, i fl expected you would have paid me my mones long er this i find i must give you troble i am in formed you will not pay w i t h o u t ....... / 3 12: 8 March 12th Anne, 1713. Walter Downs, list for lead mindes.Walter Downes of Coverhead have sold unto 3ohn Lodge of ffoulgatenook half my part of V e i n s , .pipes, floats of Strings at Coverhead of Lead and Mineralls fcr the summe of £8....for the term of 21 years. (Conditions given) Envelope K Bonds */K 1: 16. 1.1628. £180 3no Mytham and nary his wife and Elizabeth Bell. William Holdsworth - Foulgate. K2 ) 4(2a) ^K3 ) May 1636. 1636 1638 Wm. Leathley, Grewelthorpe, Yeoman £40 Wm. Holdsworth, Yeoman £40 (?) Francis Walker Grewelthorpe) For performance Bramley ) of covenants in Grewelthorpe) certain indents yBonds 1628-1653. Grewelthorpe, Bramley, K. Malzeard Etc. ''Containing names: Wytham - Bell - William Holdsworth - William Leathley - Francis Walker - 3no Holdsworth - Dorothy Holdsworth - Ursula Duffield - Thomas Duffield — William Ripley - Abraham Ripley - Gilbert Horsman - 3ohn Buckles — Thomas Brignall Mary Flint - Richard Solithorne - Arthur Topham, tanfter" (list on outside of envelope) D P 33B Envelope L : Deed (Arthington) and two probates, Richard Hodgson & Christopher Barugh A. 1: (Latin) Richard Arthington of Arthington to Richard Walker of Overwike. Wike Milne and appurts. in Wike, Quinto 3unii Eliz. Decimo (1568) ^ 2: 7 April 1741 Christopher Barugh. Will and Probate Christopher Barugh of Exelby Co. York, Yeoman. Wife Ann L 3: 25.11.1697. Will of Richard Hodgson of Bowling Co. Yorke, Clothier. TORN On envelope "Grant by Richard Arthington of Arthington Esq to Richard Walker of Overwike of the moiety of-'a watercorn mill called Wike Milne, in Wyke, in tenure of William Bowinfurther (?). Messuage and lands etc. Paying 10/~ yearly for the-moiety of the mill and 25/- yearly for the messuage etc. 5 June 10 Eliz (1568) Enclosed letter from Mr. Crossley (Late of Y*A,S.) Envelope M : The Leazes Farm, Nesterfield, near Tanfield, Yorks N.R. Numbered as f o l l o w s : - ’ j 15 Old documents. M 1: 20 Nov 1578. Marye Lamberte, widows, late wife of George Lambert of Nesterfield, Co. York, Gent, Dec. Custodie, Wardshippe and marriage of Christopher Lambert his son*, custody of all such lands which descend to the said Christopher his son and heire of the paid George Lambert to have and to hold said wardship and marriage etc. W M2: „ In Latin. Jv\% (12) similar document" in Latin ^ M 4:(10) 1 May 10 Eli* (1568), Be it known to all Men etc...re Neaterfield. 3ames Lambert, Gent, William Byerley Yeo,"3ohn 6ryme(?) and Richard Ermye(?). / M 5 (3): 12, 5*1636 Florence Lambert* Bemlse of moyety of Nostery unto George lumb. * ^ 1 2 Maye 14 Eliz ( 1 5 7 2 ) # Between Florance Lambert of Westerfield, Co# York Widow 1st and George Lambert aonne of the aaid Florence Lambert Gant Other# The said Florence Lambert haa,, in the nama of a fyne for demise e t c # ...half the mansion house of Nasterfield Writhe (?), half of the Baons, one house, stable etc* etc. arable land, meadows etc* j ~ ■ '. x / M 6 1572 Latin* Between 3amas Lambert of Well in the Co. of York Gent J e t » and * Florence Lambert of Westerfield and George Lamb Esq*..•.Capital messuage etc. •* ■ ■Jn 1 (2) Latin. p ^.‘ M 8: 27 ttug 43 Fiix, 1 598„ , tease for 13 years. • 'V ■' Chris. Lambert of Ne^torr i p.Id Gent, DD33 (continued) DQ33BP PaQS 23 Envelope n (cont'd) y?\ 8 (cont'd) 1st to Chris# Byerley of Pickall, Gent, Other* Capital messuage or tenament with all houses, edifices, buildings etc, in Nesterfield, now. in tenure Thomas Lumley, ,M 8 a : 27. 4» 43rd Eliz. 1598, Chris. Lambert of pickall, Gent, Lease to Chris, Byerley, House, lands at Nesterfield for 13 years, (Query - 43 Eliz = 1601) TORN, M 9: 23 Nov 24th? Eliz (1581) Betweene Chris Lambert of Nesterfield, Gent 1st anr} ^/Anthonye Byerley of Pickall, Co, Yorks Gent and Thomas Talbotte of Attrington, Gent, Other, Capital messuage etc* (Note on outside ”1598") ^yMIO (2) 1* 9,1612 Chris, Marwood de Wintown, Yorks Yeo and Elizabeth his wife to Michael Metcalfe de North A # •,,.rington, als Ottrington. Capital Messuage etc, PlUs (14) ? Draft, Be it known to all men etc* Christopher Lambert, lata of .Nesterfield, Gent, by his deed of ffoeffment 23 Nov 44 Eliz (1601) granted etc. Onto ^ A n t h o i n e Byerley late of Pickhall, Gent Dec, and Others, Capital messuage or. ten3ment with etc, in Nesterfield, then in occupation of Thomas Lumley. Dated James (no year or other information) y M 1 2 : (17) 29,10 22 James (1624) scribblefi sheets# Thomas Byerley, y 1*113: (16 ) 19 April 19th(?) Jac (71621) and wife to Thomas Byerley. Fine, Copy inquisition# Land in Nesterfield. Three roughly Michael Metcalfe M14: (11) 16 Nov. 1st Charles (1625)# Chris Byerley of Mydridge Grange, Co. Durham, •Gent to Thomas Byerley of N e s t e r f i e l d . . t h i r d part of a tenament in Nesterfield. ^ Reference to Charles Lambert, deed of ffoefment 23# Nov 43rd Eliz (1601), naming Anthony Byerley - Thomas Talbot - a capital messuage in Nesterfieid etc* M15: (12) 7 Dan 13th Chas, (1637) Bond. Thomas Marwood. Ref# to indenture 7 Dan 6th Chas (1630) between Thomas Byerley of Nesterfield, Gent and Baine his wife 1st, Thomas Marwood of Yarme, Taylor, Other (Thomas Marwood theii s i s t e r ^ son). Let one third part of Netherfield# Conditions given (writing vsry faint) M16: (4) 3 May \Jof Nesterfield, Ellerton Abbey, Brew House, one 1649# Thomas Byerley0 Deed of Settlement, Between Thomas Byerley Gent, 1st afid Maior Norton of Richmond, Esq and Anthony Norton of Co, York, Gent Other# Capital messuage builded, one Stable, one , hay house and one Barns etc. in Nesterfisld, together with etc. M17: (6) 22 Oct 1652. Christopher Byerley - about Nesterfield. J Thomas Byerley, brother of Christopher Byerley; Gentlemen, in observance of your Order dated 6 Oct Instant on the behalfe of Mr. Christe Byerley of Midridge Grange in County of Durham Wee have examined such Witnesses as hee pro d u c ft Coppies of whose depositions wee send you heere Inclosed# And Wee do finde yt the said estate at Nesterfield (§Ellerton Abb8y hath bin both by the late Comissor3 for the North Rideing and ourselves ssqd# for the recusancy of Mr# Thomas Byerley ever since 1645# And the p arte of the said several estates from time to time allowed him And we doe believe that Mr# Christopher Byerley is his eldest Brother Gjj next heire though now ye sequestration bee now of hi.nKyet wee believe you*l finde in ye bookes that the said Mr# Chris. Byerley did compound for his estate in ye County of Durham and not for the Reversion or expectancy of t his his Brother Mr. Thomas Byerley*s estate at Nesterfield and Ellerton Abbey, wch wee leave to yr consideration and remaine your most humble * servants, John Geldart, fys. Rymers. Yorke 23 Oct. 1652. A true copy. 36. Leach* On next pSget The deposition of James Trotter of Midderidge Graunge in the Co. of Durham, aged about 22 yeares,.Yeoman, taken upon oath the 22nd day of Oct ,165? before ye Commissioners for Sequestration, for ye county of Yorke st. fly virtue of a ,f ■ ' particular Order from the Compounders dated ye 6 Oct Instant on ye behalf,of Chris. „ Syerley of Midridgegrange in ye Co. of Durham, Esq. Whoe upon his oath saith that he did know Mr# The Byerley late of , fiesterf ield in the Co, of Yorke, deceased and hee r knowss that hee i s now dead @ dyed about seaven or Eight weeks ago and h© furtherjlaaith that the eaid Thomas Byerley about .ye yeare before his death (wch was duringe time this deponant knew tjim) was reputed owner of certaine Lands ?3nd Tennants In fjssterfield 3 a lsoe of a rent charge of f<?rti« tight pound a years out; of tJLlerton..%%> Abbey, and that the said Mr* Thomas.dypleyNjyetf without Children or ysue of his body -•* ■ :■ >'• i f 'M-' ^ ’ DD33 (continued) DD33B Page 2 [) <y.y-y-\ Envelope l7! ( c o n ^ d ) M17 (cont'd): And hee believBS yt the said Christopher Byerley of MiddridgB Graunge t/in ye Co. of Durham was ye eldest brother of full blood ft) next heire unto ye said Thomas Byerley ® yt ye saide Christopher Byerley is a protestant and his estate freed from sequestration* James Trotter* Verse. The depositions of Anthony Byerley of Midridge Graunge in the Co. of Durham, Gent, aged about 32 yeares, Sworne and examined....Whoe upon his oath saith that hrae did know Thomas Byerley late of Nesterfield, Gent* Dec. & is deponant's uncle @ did know him ever since he could remember and hee knoweth yt hee died about ye first or seconf of 7ber (?0ctober) last without Children or ysue of his body, nor ever had hee any Children that this Deponant heard of* And heB was seized and possessed of certaine land and Tennants, in Nesterfield @ also of a rent charge of 48 pound per Am/m out of Ellerton Abbey before and at ye time of his death and Chris Byerley of Madridge Grange was and is his eldest brother of full blood and next heire unto ye said Thomas By,erley Deed* and hee knows yt ye said Christopher Byerley is protestant and yt his estate is *•*..(?) from sequestration* Sworn before us John Geldart. Ra Rymer* Antho. Byerley. A truB copy. Jo Leach. ■ * / Package p ?rked "Old D eeds? 3 May 32 Henry 8th (1540)*' Between Sit# James Straingeways and Robert Lambert of Gilton, Gent. Capital Messuage* Nesterfields. Second deed in Latin* Envelope "Hrovedale Farm, Kirkby Mal^eard11 10 deeds 17 March 1615 to 2 June 1806 1: 14 March 13th James, 49th Scotland (1616) Between William Lya of Y e o m a n , 1st and Anthony Dawson of Grewelthorpe, Yeoman, Other* ’Half in Thornby Croft Ing, half rood of ground Sunnydowes, belonging to the and one watering place belonging to the same containing half part of a Grewelthorpe, acre of ground Long Acres, rood. With etc. 2. Writeinge confirming Lenoard Stell of Biggin, Know all Men etc*.*Isabell Fell of Groyedale Grange, parish K. Mal^eard, widdow and Lancelott Fell of Raynton, Yeoman and Leonard Fell of Ripon, Chapman, Dec* grant and acknowledge ourselves to be pledged and firmly bound unto Henry Barfcowe of Manchester, Lancs. Chapfoan and John Horner of Ripon, Grocer, in the swifi of £100. 3<> 7 Feb 1658* Isabell Fell of Gravedale Grange, K. Malzeard, widow. Lancelott Fell of Raynton, Yeoman, and Leonard Fell of Ripon Grocer. Close of meadow ground, 6 acres in Gravedale etc* To Barlow. y 4: 5. 5* 21st Charles 2nd (1670) Bet* Jane Atkinson of Gravedale, Grewelthorpe, widow and William Atkinson hir naturall son of Well, Tailor, 1st and Ann Atkinson, dau­ ghter of ye said Jane Atkinson of Gravedale, spinster, Other. Dwelling House called Gravedale and 4 acres, with all houses etc. etc* 5. 1st May 1669* Pair of indentures between Jane and William Atkinson and Ann A t k i n s o n 0 ' "The condition of this obligation is such etc....the within bound Jane and William Atkinson and....*' v' 8o Westminster 23 June (Wrtu 16th? date unclear). The original indenture of which this is a true coppy is in the custody of William Mann of...,, % f‘ Coppy of the fyne••*•<!■ time Mann of Grewelthorpe, Latin s' 6 i 2 March 2nd Wm* and Mary 1690* Between George Leathley of Stanford, Lines, Yeoman 1st, Roger Regnald of GrewelthorpB, husbandman, Other* Two cottages and frontsteads, the one fallen the other standing, together with one garden, in Gretflthorp© atc» • ,vJr ( ^ 9# 2 7 0 4 01762* A free Liberty from 7 Fountains* " s 1 % ■ Liberty of the old Dissolved Monastery of Fountains in Co© York*, To all whom these presents shall come* I, Timothy Mortimer, Gent* Steward of the Court of the said Liberty, send Greetings# Whereas the L a n d , ,Tenants and Inhabitants of and within the said Liberty are and ought to be free and exempt from payment of,Tolls, passage, poulage and all other Customs and Exactions wheresoever they shall come within the Kingdom and Dominions of £ n g l a n d , ;Ireland & Wales Which priviledges have been Dully granted, ratified and confirmed by our Lord King Henry the ffirst and sever*! Suce**<Ung Kings and Queens of England as by their Grants, Charters & Letters Patent may a p p e a r *> . , DD33 (continued) DP 33B pa98 JO PJlL l Grovecjale Farm, K, Malzeard, c o n t td J 9 cant’ d. NOW KNOW ye That I, the said Timothy Mortimer by the Authority incident to the said office of Steward Do hereby certify all whom it may concern That Martin Wood of Grewelthorpe in the Co. of York, Yeoman was Inhabitant of and within the same Liberty, and that his Land and Tenaments in Grewelthorpe, aforesaid, are also within the said Liberty and parcel of the Landes and Tenaments belonging to ths said late Dissolved Monastery, and that he, the said Martin Wood, by virtue of the Grants, Charters and Letters Patent aforesaid, and in respect of his said lands and tenements, in Grewelthorpe aforesaid is and ought to be exempted and discharged off and from the payment of all and all manner of Tolls and other Exactions within the said Kingdoms and Dominions* IN TRUE TESTIMONY whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said Court, the 27th Day of April in the second year of the Reign of his present Majesty King GBorge the third over Gt, Britain and so forth and in the year of our Lord 1762, Tim Mortimer, Steward at the Court* NOTE: The name "Martin Wood" has, in each case, been written in a different hand, yf 9: 2# 6„18G6. Probate of the will of Mr. Thomas Wood, deceased. Thomas Wood, Gravedale, Grewelthorpe, '/ 10s Map* Around Grewelthorpe, 28 March 1782# Extract from 10th sheet re award to Edward Mann of 3 Acres 27 Perches in two plots (situation given) DD33 (continued) OLD DEFPSs DP 33B SIXTH BOX THWAITE HOUSE, NIDDERDALE 2 March 1592 Between Robart Servaunte of T..haithand, Parish Kirkbie Malside Yeoman, Frauncis Wynne, 3ohn Craven, Christopher Rayner, William Gill and George Horner of Kirkbie Malside, husbandmen, 1st and Ottiwell Ryther of floredell, parish Coverham, husbandman, other. Consideration 3 score and one pounds and ten Shillings, Close of meadow, Braycdin rigge 10 Acres and the west side of the close Newe Close, now separated and divided from the other side, 3 Acres. Other lands, . 2(5): 20,11,1607, Foefffffent, Between Robert Servant of the New House in Brothendalle Co, York Yeoman 1st and Dohn Bayne of the said New House, Yeoman, Other, 1 Messuage or tenament Lythe Wraye, with appurts, Calfe Close with appurts, Lithe Bank with appurts, West side of Gt, Thrayt Ing, Other lands and fyrehouse, /3s TORN 4 Dec 1618, Between Raiph Bayne of Sykes, Netherdale, Yeoman, 1st and / Peter Manley of Somerside, Parish Massam, Yeoman, Other, Consideration £108, 1 Firehouse or dwelling house, one garth, Calfe Close, Parrock, Brockan Close, Haven Close,,.,and other grounds, y A (15)20 Nov 1619, Draft???? T ® all men etc, Francis tovell of Thwaite House, Co, Yk assign-s to Edward Bovell, his right, interest etc. in one messuage or tenament, Twhyt House with etc* etc. Lands listed, ,5 (18) Assignment for the remainder of a term of 3,000 years, 17 Oct 1620, Between Edward Bovell of Thwaite House in Nytherdale,’Yeoman, 1st, , Henrie Baine of Lowe Loft House in Nytherdayle, Yeoman Other, ,1 messuage or tenement being accepted, used or reputed to be the one-third part of Th*»aits House Grange in Nytherdale as same in now divided, with houses, edifices, lands arable, tenamente, meadows etc. Many details of previous transactions recited, v'6* 9th Hay Robart Stonay Fira house or New Close and 1661* " Between Christopher Handley of Brockonrigg, Netherdale, 1st, and & Areta Stoney his wife and daughter of the said Chris® Handley, Other, dwelling house, 1 garth, Calf Close, Parrock, Brockon Close, Haver Close* half of intake lately taken in from the commons, with appurts etc* Jl % 12th November 1684 Will of,Robert Stoney of K, Malzeard, Yeoman,’ * Estate in Kettlewell and Kirkby* Probate 1 6 8 6 0 Seal \u ^ t/ fit 9 March 1703, Between Aratia Stonay of Srockenrigg in Nefcherdale, widdow relict of Robart Stoney,/lst and Thomas g&ftnay of Brockenrigg aforesaid? one of the ■ _^ 0 'i, ••r E)D33 (continued) DD33B Sixth Box Page }1 8 (cant'd) sons of Aretia Stoney Other* Consideration £200. Fire House, duelling house and messuage or burgage, and garth, Calt|' Close and other closes etc, / 9 (31) 16 Dan 1713 Release, succeeding lease for a year. Between William Bayne, Thwaite House, K, Malside, Yeoman, 1st and Dohn Geldard & Eadith his wife of Ramsgill in Neatherdale, Yeoman, Other, Consideration £100, Half part of messuage or duelling house of bim, Bayne, other close and house, \/l0 (37) 21 Duly 1766 Will of Thomas Baynes, and probate, of Twait House in IMeitherdale K. Malzeard, Yeoman, Seal 11s 13 Danuary 1787, Reconveyance of Mortgage in Fee, Between Rev* William Firth of Middlesmoor, Nethersdale. Clerk, 1st and William Bayne ^ / o f PateJey Bridge, InnkeBper, Other, Ref, to previous documents. Messuage, dwelling house in part of which William Bayne did inhabit and in the other part Elizabeth Bayne did inhabit. And several closes etc. Large document. Tucked i n s i d e : 12 Dan. 1787, Lease for a year Bet, Rev, Wm, Firth of Middlesmoor, Clerk, Ust and Wm, Bayne of Pateley Bridge, Innk^ier, Other, Messuage or D,H,.,as above. /12 s 16 Nov 1771 Between William Bayne of Thwaitehouse, Netherdale, Gent 1st, Rev. Wm, Firth of Middlesmoor, Clerk, Other. Consideration £800. Messuage or Dwelling House in part of which the said Wm. Bayne doth now inhabit and in the other part Elizabeth Bayne doth now inhabit. Several closes p.... lands listed. OLD DEEDS WAKEHILL, LBVERTON « / 1: 3rd May 1611. “The condicon of this obligation is such'* ...etc. Obligation ^on Leonard Horsman to perform indentures between himself and Wm. Braithwaite, p /2* 4 May 1611. Between Leonard Horseman of Dallaigh als Dallogill, Yeoman, 1st and Wm. Braithwaite of the same, Yeoman, Other. Previous deeds recited. Half close Wakeha.... ,,Fucheressen , Intacke, with all houses, buildings woods etc, etc* Many family relationships given, y 3: 13 Nov 1611. To all Christian People...etc* Wm Bratwhat of Dalhanghe, 'als Dallogill Yeoman* Consideration £34. Dohn Rippley, one of sons of Miles Rippley of RetmorB Co. Yorks, laborer* Half close Wakeall and intacke with one fire house thereupon builded, also half....in Southgill etc. etc. 4j 16 Nov* 1611. Obligation on Wm, Braithwhat ,,,as above...."did set over half close Weakall & Intacke & half wood etc and all mylnes, houses, edifices, buildings woods, underwoods, waters etc, etc, ?/ 5s 4 Dan 1630. Between Robert Horner of Wakell within Dailey Gill, Turner, 1st and Dohn Rippley of Wakall, Yeoman Other* Recital of previous transactions. Close of land, Wakall, with appurts in Dalleygill. 5s 1612 Braithwaite to Ripley. To All Christian People etc. . William Braithwaite of Dallogill, yeoman, in consideration of money paid by Dohn Ripley of Kesmore. Closes Wakeall and Intacke, with one fire house thereupon builded, and other houses, edifices etc. Ref. to deed 4. 5. 1611 and premises of the late Marmaduke Wyvell 6 (3)s 1616. Horner to Ripley* To all Christian People etc* Robert Horner of j Wakeall, Kirkby Malzeard, tanner. Robert Horner in. consideration of £20 paid by, Dohn Ripley of Ketmore, Yeoman. 1 Close, 5 acres, divided and inclosed (position given). (Ref to indenture of lease 25* 4.1581..Marmaduke Wywell of Constable Burton Kt. to Dohn Richmond of Grewelthorpa, close in Wakeall then in possession Dohn Richmond. Dohn Richmond to Dohn p/ate, late of Masham*' Dohn Prate to Robert Horner) » 7* 8s 28*12.1616. Bond, Robert Horner,to Dohn Ripley re Class of land* Wakaall, 4. 1.1629. Bond, Robert Horner to Dohn Ripley. 9$ 29* 4.1639. (19th April 1639 on inside of document) George Braithwaite, parish Kirkby Malzeard Yeoman, 1st, c... Briggs of Calffield House in Netherdale, Carpentpr * and Isabell his wife, one of the daughters of George Braithwaite, Other* (Dohn Inman of Caulfield House, .Yeoman, by indenture last of November 1618 assigned to George Braithwaite), one messuage or,tenament Far Slinterstone In Dallogill etc, stc. end closes and houses ateu , Page D D33 (continued) Did Deeds DD33B Sixth Box Wakehill, Laberton (cont’ d) 4 3 v 10: 29. 4,1639 Between George Braithwaite of Stutts Carr Kirkby Malzcard, Yeoman, 1st, Hyman (?) Briggs of Calfield House, Netherdale, Carpenter and Isabell his wife, one of the daughters of George Braithwaite, Other, As Above (A9) V/ 11; 4, 9,1641 Between Handall Water of Hartlington Co, Yorks, Husbandman and Elizabeth his wife 1st and William Horseman of Dalleycarr, Yeoman, Other, Dwelling house and moyety of close of meadow Dfltoe Close, 5 acres (position given) etc, */l2. 2, 2,1 649 (1654 written into text) Between William Horseman of Dalleycarr, Yeoman 1st and John Seward of Dalleycarr, Yeoman nther. Consideration £24, Dwelling House and half close, Cowclose, 5 acres (position given) etc, J 13 (8): 20, 5,1649 (M4 9 n written in different ink). Between Leonard Horseman of Rippon Gent, 1st and Richard Colthirst of Dalleygill, Yeoman, Other, Messuage Mantion House in Dalleygill wherein Richard Colthirst now dwelleth, 2 corns barns, Cow Close as it is now set in middow, pasture & tillage etc, 14s 18, 5,1650, Betweene Nynian (Hyman?) Briggs of .Grewelthorpe, carpenter, 1st V W i l l i a m Owthwaite of Kirkby Malzeard Yeoman and Jane his wife, Other. (Previous transactions recited), Messuage or tenament at Lunterstone in Dalleygill with all houses etc, and closes, Scutts Carr, the Inge Foote, the Calfe Hall, the Home Head, the Calfhall Bray and Whiteholme etc, etc, /15: 2, 4,1655, Know all Men etc, John Edwards of Dailey carr, als Dallygill, Yeoman grants to William Owthwaite of Dailey Carre, Yeoman, in the sum of £140 to be paid to him ^ 15: 2, 4,1655 (Outside reads "From Seward to Wm, Owthwaite") Betwene John Edwards of Dalleycarr als Dalleygill, Yeoman 1st, William Owthwaite of the same, yeoman and Jane his wife, Other, Consideration 3 score and fourteen poundis. Dwelling house or tenament with all buildings and appurts, and half one close, Cow Close, 5 Acres, and half another close on the west side of the East part of Cow Close etc, ' (Trees, woods and underwoods included) 16: 29, 7,1709, "These Deeds belong to Dallowgill", "Leasehold of Dallowgill" Between John Coulthurst of Dalleygill, Yeoman and John Coulthurst of the same place, son and heir apparent of'the said John, 1st and Samuell Wrother of Peggar Bush, Grewelthorpe, Yeoman and Mergarett Ripley of the same place, widdow, Other, Consideration £13,10, 0, Messuage or Mantion House in Dalleygill wherein John Coulthurst the father and John Coulthurst the son, or the one of them, now dwelleth, together with all houses etc, AND Cow Close, now divided into several Inclosures, called House Close, High Bent, Little Close, Lane Wood and Ragwith - 30 acres, and etc, 17: On outside:"Colthurst and Others to R, Baynes" 23, 2 o1709, Between Samwell Wrather of Beggar Bush, Grewelthorpe, Yeoman and Margaret Ripley of the same place, widdow, 1st, John Coilthurst og Dallagill, Yeoman, heir of John Coulthurst late of Dalleygill, Dec„ Yeoman, his late father, 2nd, Rogar Baynes of Ripon Gent, 3rd, Messuage or Mantion House in Dallagill, and etc. / 18: Westminster. Small strip in Latin, Note* The documents in this collection sometimes bear more than one number on the outaide, and sometimea one number may have been used for two documents, • , Occasionally the date written on the outaide of a document dot?a not correspond with ^ the datein the tent# - \ LR/Dec. 1981# ;i