CONFIDENTIAL .. I",., tHj UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA F'INAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER I SESSION 201212013 COURSENAME ELECTRIC CIRCUITS / ELECTRIC CIRCUIT THEORY COURSE CODE BEL 10103/BEX 10103/BEE l1 13 PROGRAMME BED/ BEB/ BETV BEC/ BEU/ BEE EXAMINATION DATE JANUARY 20 13 DURATION 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION ANSWER FIVE (5) QUESTIONS ONLY THIS OUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF TEN (TO) PACES CONFIDENTIAL BEL IOIO3/BEX IOIO3/BEE I I I3 Q1 (a) Mention the difference between dependent and independent sources and give example for each ofthem. (3 marks) (b) The pin diagram of a resistance anay is shown in Figure Ql(b). Find the equivalent resistance between the following nodes; (i) (iD (iiD I and 2 (2 marks) I and 3 (2 marks) 2 and 4 (2 marks) Q2 (c) Two devices are rated as shown in Figure Ql(c). Find the value oithe resistors Rr and R2 needed to power the device using a 20 V battery. (7 marks) (d) Find the value ofR. ifthe current flow through the galvanometer, C in Figure Q1(d) is equal to zero. (4 marks) (a) Three devices with Pr Watts, P2 Wafts and Pl Watts, respectively, are connected in parallel to a common voltage source. Prove that the total Power is equal to Pr= Pr+P2+Pt. (5 (b) narks) Three identical light bulbs each rated as 240V AC,40W are connected in series to 240V AC supply. (i) What is the power consumed by each bulb? (4 marks) (iD Would the brightness ofthe bulb be the same ifthey are connected in parallel? Prove and explain. (2 marks) (iiD Will the light bulb's total power in series will equal to the total power when they are connected in parallel? Justify your answer. (2 marks) (c) Find L for the circuit shown in Figure Q2(c). (7 marks) BEL 10103/BEX 10103/BEE I I l3 Q3 (4, A typical transistor amplifier is shown in Figure Q3(a). Determine the amplifier gain, which is the ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage. ( l0 marks) (b) Use the mesh analysis to determine i!, ib and i" for the circuit in Figure Q3(b). (10 marks) Q4 Qs (a) Norton's theorcm can be used to simplify circuit analysis By using this theorem, prove that R1 = 50 O and lr'r = -0.1 A for the circuit in Figure Q4(a) at a - b terminals. (8 marks) (b) Find the Thevenin €quivalent resistance, Xrr and Thevenin voltage, trrr between terminal a and b in Figure Q4(b). (12 marks) (4, Determine the equivalent inductance tdq between terminals a and b in Figure Q5(5) (5 marks) (b) The cuffent flowing through a l0 FF capacitor having terminals labeled a and b A for t > 0. Civen that vdr(o) = 0, find an expression for is ;a = 6.3 "*0,-rOOO/) ,,b(r) for , > 0, Also determine the energy stored in the capacitor for I : co. (5 marks) (cl The inductor in Figure Qs(c) has been connected to the independent source for a long time. (i) Determine l(t) forr >0. (7 marks) (ii) Ifthe voltage source 6u(t) is tumed off, does the initial inductor current change? (iii) Cive ONE (l (l) reason for your answer in Q5(cxii) marks) (2 marks) BEL 10103/BEX l0l03,tsEE Q6 (a) II l3 Figure Q6(s) shows the RC circuit: (D lfthe switch has been open lor a long time and is closed and t(r). at F0, find t,(t) (7 marks) (ii) Ifthe switch has been closed for a long time and is opened v, (r) and r(/). at F0, find (6 marks) (b) Figure Q6(b) shows the spark coil ofan automobile ignition system, based on this circuit: (D Calculate the value ofresistor, R, ifthe time needed for the coil to fully charge is loms when ignition switch is closed. (2 marks) (ii) Evaluate the steady state current when ignition switch is closed and draw the cuftenl response. (2 marks) (iiD lfthe switch takes lps to open, calculate the voltage developed spark gap and the energy stored in the coil across the (3 marks) Q7 (a) Draw a source free series RLC circuit and derive the expression for damping factor,o and resonance frequency,oo . ( l3 marks) (b) With the help ofdiagram, distinguish the response characteristics ofoverdamped, critically damped and underdamped for the circuit drawn in part Q7(a). (3 marks) (c) For the circuit you have drawn in part Q7(a), given that -R=4O and C=0.IF. What is the required inductor value, L, so that the RLC circuit behave asl Overdampedresponse, Critically damped response, Underdamped (D (iD (iii) response. 14 .END OF QUESTION- marks; BEL 10103/BEX 10103/BEE l 3 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER./SESSION :SEMll20lz/2013 PROGRAMME: BEB/ BEIV BEU/ BED/ BEC/ BEE : ELECTRIC CIRCTJITS/ COURSE CODE : BEL t0t03/ BEX 10103/ BEE I I ELECTRIC CIRCUIT I}IEORY Il COURSE FIGURE O1(b) 100mA, 50 fuse 20v 500mW FIGURE Ol(c) BEL 10103/BEX 10103/BEE lll3 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION.SEM112012/2013 PROGRAMME: BEB/ BEIV BEU/ BED/ COURSE I ELECTRIC CIRCUITS/ BEC/ BEE COURSE CODE I BEL 10103/ BEX 10103/ BEE 1113 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT THEORY FIGURE OI(d) i" 12o FIGURE O2(c) BEL l0l03aEx l0to3,tsEE l 3 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION COURSE rSEMy20lZ20l3 i ELECTRIC CIRCUITS/ PROCRAMME: BEB/ BETY BEU/ BED/ BEC/ BEE COURSECODE : BEL 10t03/ BEX 10t03/ BEE I I t3 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT TTIEORY \ 3.5 x = 25om FIGURE O3(a) ,-;\ ,rr) FIGURE O3(b) l0'l BEL lolo3,tsEx 10t03/BEE I I t3 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION : SEM V2Ol2/2013 :ELECTRICCIRCUITS/ COURSE PROGRAMME : BEB/ BEFV BEU/ BED/ BEC/ BEE COURSE CODE : BEL t0103/ BEx t0103/ BEE I I l3 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT THEORY 500c) FIGURE O4(a) FIGURE O4(b) BEL t0103/BEX 10103/BEE 1ll3 FINAL EXAMINATION : V2012?013 PROORAMME: BEB/ BEw BEU/ BED/ BEc/ BEE ELECTRIC CIRCUITS/ COURSE CODE : BEL 10103/ BEX 10103/ BEE I I 13 ELECTzuC CIRCUIT THEORY SEMESTER/SESSION rSEM COURSE .",,s ra-..-..-..'--_, ,^$ FIGURE O5(a) 150O 6u(t)V *,I FIGURE Os(c) BEL 10103/BEX 10103/BEE l r t3 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION COURSE rSEMV20lZ20l3 PROCRAMME: BEB/ BE}V B8U/ BED/ BEC/ BEE CIRCUITS/ COURSE CODE : BEL 10103/ BEX 10103/ BEE I I l3 I ELECTRJC ELECTRIC CIRCUIT THEORY FIGURE O6(a) &gap FIGURE O6(b) l0