5 refer the e-book

1. What is electric current? What is an electric circuit? What are the
different types of circuit elements?
2. What are dependent and independent sources?
3. What is (i) Electric Potential; (ii) Potential Difference; (iii) EMF of a
4. What is Resistance? Derive the expression for (i) a number of
resistors connected in series; (ii) a number of resistors connected in
parallel; (iii) The current in a branch when a number of resistors are
connected in parallel;
5 (a) What is self inductance? Derive the expression for energy stored
in an inductor?
5 (b) What is capacitance? Derive the expression for energy stored in
a capacitance?
6. With appropriate illustrations define Kirchhoff’s (i) Current Law; (ii)
Voltage Law;
7. Explain the procedure used to solve electrical circuits using
Kirchhoff’s laws.
8. What are linear networks?
9. Differentiate between (i) Ideal and Practical Voltage sources; (ii)
Ideal and Practical Current sources; (iii) Independent and Dependent
10. Explain source transformation and how can it be used to convert
(i) a practical voltage source into a practical current source; (ii) a
practical current source into a practical voltage source;
11. Explain how the network elements are connected in (i) Delta form;
(ii) Star form;
12. Derive the equations to convert (i) Delta network to Star network;
(ii) Star network to a Delta network;
13. Define the terms (i) Electric Network; (ii) Passive Network; (iii)
Active Network; (iv) Planar and Non-Planar network; (v) Circuit; (vi)
Node; (vii) Branch; (viii) Loop; (ix) Mesh;
14. With an example for a general electric circuit explain the procedure
for solving it using mesh analysis.
15. With an example explain the procedure to solve a electric circuit
using super mesh analysis.
16. With an example explain the procedure for solving an electric
circuit using nodal analysis.
17. With an example explain the procedure to solve a electric circuit
using super nodal analysis.
18. Give the changes to be incorporated for solving the ac networks
using (i) mesh analysis; (ii) super mesh analysis; (iii) nodal analysis;
(iv) super nodal analysis;
NOTE: For Numerical Problems refer the e-book as specified:
a) For problems on fundamental concepts of charge, current, voltage
refer page nos. 53 – 58.
b) For problems on KCL, KVL refer page nos. 87 – 101.
c) For problems on DC analysis using Mesh, Node, Super Mesh, Super
Node refer page nos. 132 – 142.
d) For problems on AC Power Analysis refer page nos. 470 – 477.
1. What is network topology?
2. Define the terms (i) Path; (ii) Graph of a network; (iii) Oriented or
Directed graph; (iv) Degree of a node; (v) Connected graph; (vi) Sub
graph; (vii) Proper Sub graph; (viii) Spanning Sub graph; (ix) Tree
and Co-Tree; (x) Twig; (xi) Link or Chord;
3. What are the network variables to be solved for a given electric
circuit or a network?
4. What is an All Incidence matrix and Reduced Incidence matrix What
are their usual notations?
5. For a given oriented network graph, what is the expression for the
total number of possible trees?
6. What is Branch Admittance Matrix and Node Admittance Matrix and
what are their usual notations?
7. What is Cut Set and Fundamental Cut Set? Explain what is cut-set
schedule or the cut-set matrix. Explain the procedure to solve a circuit
by using KCL and cut-set matrix. Hence derive the equilibrium
equations with tree branch voltages as variables.
8. What is Tie Set? Explain what is Tie-Set schedule or the tie-set
matrix. Explain the procedure to solve a circuit by using KCL and tieset matrix. Hence derive the equilibrium equations with loop currents
as variables.
9. What is Branch Impedance Matrix and what is its usual notation?
What is Loop Impedance Matrix, what its usual notation is and what is
the expression for loop impedance matrix in terms of branch
impedance matrix.
10. For the oriented graph shown select a tree and write a cut-set
schedule. Obtain there from the equations giving the branch voltages
in terms of tree branch voltages.
11. For the network shown, draw the graph, give the incidence matrix,
fundamental loop matrix, tie-set matrix.
1. What is the necessity of using network theorems when Ohm’s Law
and Kirchhoff’s Laws can be used to solve any given electric network?
2. State and explain the Superposition theorem for DC (or AC) circuits
with independent (and / or dependent sources) sources.
3. State and explain with proof Millman’s theorem.
4. State and explain Reciprocity Theorem.
5. State and explain the procedure for solving network using
Thevinin’s Theorem.
6. State and explain the procedure for solving network using Norton’s
7. State and prove the Maximum Power Transfer Theorem for the
following cases: (a) The load resistance is equal to the source
resistance; (b) The load resistance is equal to the magnitude of source
impedance; (c) The load impedance is the complex conjugate of the
source impedance;
NOTE: For Numerical Problems refer the e-book as specified:
a) For problems on Network Theorems (DC Analysis) refer page nos.
179 – 194.
b) For problems on AC analysis using Mesh, Node, Super Mesh, Super
Node, source transformations, star – delta conversion, Practical
Sources, Network Theorems, refer page nos. 431 – 441.
1. Explain the phenomenon of resonance. In general what are the
electric components present in a resonant circuit? Which are the two
types of resonant circuits?
2. Explain the series resonant circuit. Derive the expression for the
Quality Factor of a series resonant circuit.
3. Give the frequency response curve of a series resonant circuit. What
is the power delivered at resonance and at half-power frequencies?
4. With a neat figure, explain the variation of resistances with
5. With neat figures, explain (i) the effect of variation of ‘R’ on
frequency response curve; (ii) the effect of variation in the ratio of
(L/C) on frequency response curve;
6. For a series resonant circuit, derive the expressions for the halfpower frequencies (f1 and f2).
7. Explain how to achieve series resonance with appropriate figures (i)
by varying inductance; (ii) by varying capacitance;
8. With neat figure, explain the variation of voltage across resistance,
inductance, and capacitance w.r.t. frequency.
9. Define Frequency Deviation (δ) of a series R-L-C circuit. Derive the
expression for the impedance of a series R-L-C circuit in terms of
frequency deviation.
10. Derive the expressions for the frequency at which (i) maximum
voltage occurs across the capacitor; (ii) maximum voltage occurs
across the inductance;
11. Explain the construction of a practical parallel resonant circuit.
Derive the expression for the resonant frequency of a parallel resonant
12. Explain a parallel resonant circuit considering inductance and
capacitance to have some resistance. Show that, at resonance the
admittance is purely conductive. What is the expression for the current
at parallel resonance? Give the frequency response curve for a parallel
resonant circuit.
13. Derive the expression for a general parallel resonant circuit (R in
parallel with L in parallel with C).
14. Explain with figure, the variation of susceptances with frequency.
15. Define and hence, give the expression for the Q-factor of a
practical parallel resonant circuit. Give the expression for the
bandwidth of the parallel resonant circuit.
NOTE: For Numerical Problems refer the e-book as specified:
a) For problems on parallel and series resonance refer page nos. 702 –
1. What kind of equations are to be written and solved for any
electrical network consisting of voltage sources, current sources,
resistances, inductances, and capacitances?
2. What are initial conditions and final conditions of an electric
network? How will be the knowledge of initial conditions useful?
3. Explain the condition or initial conditions (values of currents and
voltages) of the circuit elements at t = 0 – (before switching), and
finding these values at t = 0 + (after switching).
4. Explain the general procedure for finding the initial conditions of the
electric network.
5. What are final conditions for the elements in an electric network.
6. What are first order circuits?
7. What is the expression for voltage v(t) for a source free RC circuit?
8. What is the expression for voltage v(t) for a source free RL circuit?
9. What are singularity functions? Give examples.
10. What are transient and steady state responses?
11. Find the step response of (a) RC circuit; (b) RL circuit;
12. What are second order circuits?
13. Find the response of source free series RLC circuit for the following
cases (i) overdamped; (ii) critically damped; (iii) under damped;
14. Find the response of source free parallel RLC circuit for the
following cases (i) overdamped; (ii) critically damped; (iii) under
15. Find the step response (by applying of a constant voltage source at
the close of a switch) of a series RLC circuit.
16. Find the step response (by applying of a constant current source at
the close of a switch) of a parallel RLC circuit.
NOTE: For Numerical Problems refer the e-book as specified:
a) For problems on basic RL and RC circuits refer page nos. 325 – 339.
b) For problems on basic RLC circuits refer page nos. 383 – 390.
1. What is Laplace Transform? Give the equation for finding the
Laplace Transform of function of time f(t). What is one-sided Laplace
Transform? Give the complex inversion integral to find the inverse
Laplace Transform.
2. What is the major application of Laplace Transform in network
3. How is the Laplace Transform method of solving differential
equations is more advantageous w.r.t. other classical methods?
4. Find the Laplace Transforms of the following standard functions (i)
f(t) = u(t); (ii) f(t) = e − at and e at ; (iii) f(t) = sinωt and cosωt; (iv) f(t) =
t n ; (v) f(t) = sinhωt and coshωt; (vi) Derivative of f(t); (vii) Integral of
f(t); (viii) f(t) = δ(t) and δ(t-a) ; (ix) f(t) a periodic function;
5. What is the procedure to use Laplace Transform for solving the
given electric network incorporating the initial conditions?
6. Explain and prove the convolution theorem for two functions of time
f1 (t) and f 2 (t) .
7. State and prove initial value theorem and final value theorem for a
time function f(t).
8. Give the Laplace transformed networks incorporating initial
conditions for simple electric network containing (i) ac source and a
resistor; (ii) ac source and an inductor; (iii) ac source and a
NOTE: For Numerical Problems refer the e-book as specified:
a) For problems on LT of time functions, solution of networks,
convolution refer page nos. 638 – 644.
1. What is a 2-port network? Give examples.
2. What are 2-port parameters? How are these parameters helpful in
describing a 2-port network?
3. Name the 6 different two-port parameters for a given two-port
4. Give the defining equations for (i) y-parameters; (ii) z-parameters;
(iii) T-parameters; (iv) T’-parameters; (v) h-parameters; (vi) gparameters;
5. Give the relation between (a) y parameters and other types of
parameters; (b) z parameters and other types of parameters; (c) T
parameters and other types of parameters; (d) h parameters and
other types of parameters; (e) T’ parameters and other types of
parameters; (f) g parameters and other types of parameters;
6. Explain the cascade connection of two port networks. Which type of
2-port parameters is ideal for such a cascade connection?
7. Explain the series connection of two port networks. Which type of
2-port parameters is ideal for such a series connection?
8. Explain the parallel connection of two port networks. Which type of
2-port parameters is ideal for such a parallel connection?
9. Find the z-parameters for the T representation of a 2-port network.
10. Find the y-parameters for the ∏ representation of a 2-port
11. When do we say that, an electric network is reciprocal? What are
the conditions for an electric network to be reciprocal in terms of (i) yparameters; (ii) z-parameters; (iii) T-parameters; (iv) T’-parameters;
(v) h-parameters; (vi) g-parameters;
12. When do we say that, an electric network is symmetrical? What
are the conditions for an electrical network to be symmetrical in terms
of (i) y-parameters; (ii) z-parameters; (iii) T-parameters; (iv) T’parameters; (v) h-parameters; (vi) g-parameters;
NOTE: For Numerical Problems refer the e-book as specified:
a) For problems on two port parameters refer page nos. 748 – 755.
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