Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching EE Modul 3: RLC Circuits Switching Source-Free RC Circuit / Quellenfreier RC-Kreis Source-Free RL Circuit / Quellenfreier RL-Kreis Singularity Functions / Sprungfunktionen Step-Response RC Circuit / Sprungantwort RC-Kreis Step-Response RL Circuit / Sprungantwort RL-Kreis Applications / Anwendungen Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Chapter Content Source-Free RC Circuit / Quellenfreier RC-Kreis Source-Free RL Circuit / Quellenfreier RL-Kreis Singularity Functions / Sprungfunktionen Step-Response RC Circuit / Sprungantwort RC-Kreis Step-Response RL Circuit / Sprungantwort RL-Kreis Applications / Anwendungen Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Source-Free RC Circuit (1) A first-order circuit is characterized by a first-order differential equation. By KCL iR iC 0 Ohms law v dv C 0 R dt Capacitor law Apply Kirchhoff’s laws to purely resistive circuit results in algebraic equations. Apply the laws to RC and RL circuits produces differential equations. Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Source-Free RC Circuit (2) The natural response of a circuit refers to the behavior (in terms of voltages and currents) of the circuit itself, with no external sources of excitation. Time constant RC Decays more slowly Decays faster • • The time constant of a circuit is the time required for the response to decay by a factor of 1/e or 36.8% of its initial value. v decays faster for small and slower for large . Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Source-Free RC Circuit (3) The key to working with a source-free RC circuit is finding: v(t ) V0 e t / where RC 1. The initial voltage v(0) = V0 across the capacitor. 2. The time constant = R·C. Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Source-Free RC Circuit (4) Refer to the circuit below, determine vC, vx, and io for t ≥ 0. Assume that vC(0) = 30 V. Answer: vC = 30e–0.25t V vx = 10e–0.25t io = –2.5e–0.25t A Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Source-Free RC Circuit (5) The switch in circuit below is opened at t = 0, find v(t) for t ≥ 0. Answer: V(t) = 8e–2t V Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Chapter Content Source-Free RC Circuit / Quellenfreier RC-Kreis Source-Free RL Circuit / Quellenfreier RL-Kreis Singularity Functions / Sprungfunktionen Step-Response RC Circuit / Sprungantwort RC-Kreis Step-Response RL Circuit / Sprungantwort RL-Kreis Applications / Anwendungen Summary / Zusammenfassung Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Source-Free RL Circuit (1) A first-order RL circuit consists of a inductor L (or its equivalent) and a resistor (or its equivalent) By KVL vL vR 0 di L iR 0 dt Inductors law Ohms law di R dt i L Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 i (t ) I 0 e Rt / L EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Source-Free RL Circuit (2) i (t ) I 0 e where t / L R 1. The initial voltage i(0) = I0 through the inductor. 2. The time constant = L/R. • The general form is very similar to a RC source-free circuit. Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Source-Free RL Circuit (3) Comparison between a RL and RC circuit A RL source-free circuit i (t ) I 0 e Michael E.Auer t / A RC source-free circuit L where R 24.10.2012 v(t ) V0 e t / where RC EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Source-Free RL Circuit (4) For the circuit, find i(t) for t > 0. Answer: i(t) = 2e–2t A Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Chapter Content Source-Free RC Circuit / Quellenfreier RC-Kreis Source-Free RL Circuit / Quellenfreier RL-Kreis Singularity Functions / Sprungfunktionen Step-Response RC Circuit / Sprungantwort RC-Kreis Step-Response RL Circuit / Sprungantwort RL-Kreis Applications / Anwendungen Summary / Zusammenfassung Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Unit-Step Function (1) Michael E.Auer The unit step function u(t) is 0 for negative values of t and 1 for positive values of t. 0, u(t ) 1, t0 t0 0, u (t to ) 1, t to t to 0, u (t to ) 1, t to t to 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Unit-Step Function (2) Represent an abrupt change for: 1. voltage source. 2. current source: Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Chapter Content Source-Free RC Circuit / Quellenfreier RC-Kreis Source-Free RL Circuit / Quellenfreier RL-Kreis Singularity Functions / Sprungfunktionen Step-Response RC Circuit / Sprungantwort RC-Kreis Step-Response RL Circuit / Sprungantwort RL-Kreis Applications / Anwendungen Summary / Zusammenfassung Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching The Step-Response of a RC Circuit (1) The step response of a circuit is its behavior when the excitation is the step function, which may be a voltage or a current source. • Initial condition: v(-0) = v(+0) = V0 • Applying KCL, C or dv v Vs u (t ) 0 dt R v Vs dv u (t ) dt RC • Where u(t) is the unit-step function Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching The Step-Response of a RC Circuit (2) Integrating both sides and considering the initial conditions, the solution of the equation is: V0 v(t ) t / V ( V V ) e 0 s s Final value at t -> ∞ Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 Initial value at t=0 t0 t 0 Source-free Response EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching The Step-Response of a RC Circuit (3) 1. The initial capacitor voltage v(0). 2. The final capacitor voltage v() — DC voltage across C. 3. The time constant . t / v (t) v () [v (0) v ()]e Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching The Step-Response of a RC Circuit (4) Find v(t) for t > 0 in the circuit in below. Assume the switch has been open for a long time and is closed at t = 0. Calculate v(t) at t = 0.5. Answer: v(t ) 15e 2t 5 and v(0.5) = 0.5182V Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Chapter Content Source-Free RC Circuit / Quellenfreier RC-Kreis Source-Free RL Circuit / Quellenfreier RL-Kreis Singularity Functions / Sprungfunktionen Step-Response RC Circuit / Sprungantwort RC-Kreis Step-Response RL Circuit / Sprungantwort RL-Kreis Applications / Anwendungen Summary / Zusammenfassung Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching The Step-response of a RL Circuit (1) The step response of a circuit is its behavior when the excitation is the step function, which may be a voltage or a current source. • Initial current i(-0) = i(+0) = Io • Final inductor current i(∞) = Vs/R • Time constant = L/R Vs t Vs i (t ) ( I o )e u (t ) R R Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching The Step-response of a RL Circuit (2) 1. The initial inductor current i(0) at t = +0. 2. The final inductor current i(). 3. The time constant . i (t ) i ( ) [i (0 ) i ( )] e Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 t / EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching The Step-response of a RL Circuit (3) The switch in the circuit shown below has been closed for a long time. It opens at t = 0. Find i(t) for t > 0. Answer: i (t ) 2 e 10t Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Chapter Content Source-Free RC Circuit / Quellenfreier RC-Kreis Source-Free RL Circuit / Quellenfreier RL-Kreis Singularity Functions / Sprungfunktionen Step-Response RC Circuit / Sprungantwort RC-Kreis Step-Response RL Circuit / Sprungantwort RL-Kreis Applications / Anwendungen Summary / Zusammenfassung Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Delay Circuit R1 R2 C Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Photo Flash R1 >> R2 τ1 >> τ 2 R2 = Flash lamp High current pulse Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Automobile Ignition Circuit Example: R = 4Ω; Vs = 12V; L = 6mH Cut-off time toff = 1µs V i s 3A R Michael E.Auer voff L i 3A 6mH 18kV t 1s 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Relay Circuit Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Chapter Content Source-Free RC Circuit / Quellenfreier RC-Kreis Source-Free RL Circuit / Quellenfreier RL-Kreis Singularity Functions / Sprungfunktionen Step-Response RC Circuit / Sprungantwort RC-Kreis Step-Response RL Circuit / Sprungantwort RL-Kreis Applications / Anwendungen Summary / Zusammenfassung Michael E.Auer 24.10.2012 EE03 Electrical Engineering – RLC Circuits Switching Summary • • • • • • • • Michael E.Auer When analyzing RC and RL circuits, one must always keep in mind that the capacitor is an open circuit to steady-state dc conditions while the inductor is a short circuit to steady-state dc conditions. Circuits comprising a resistor and a single energy-storage elemet (capacitor, inductor) are called first-order circuits, because its behavour is described by a first-order differential equation. The transition from one state to another follows an exp function. The time constant τ is the time required for a response to decay to 1/e of its initial value. For RC circuits, τ = R·C and for RL circuits, τ = R / L. The unit step function is one of the singularity functions. The steady-state response is the behavior of the circuit after an independent source has been applied for a long time.The transient response is the component of the complete response that dies out with time. The total or complete response of the circuit consists of the steady-state response and the transient response. The step response is the response of the circuit to a sudden application of a dc current or voltage . Finding the step response of a first-order circuit requires the initial value x(+0), the final value x(∞) and the time constant τ (x stands for i or v). With this three items, we obtain the step response as Instantaneous value = Final + [ Initial – Final ] · exp (-(t - t0) / τ ) 24.10.2012 EE03