Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient Chapter 4 Second Order Circuit Transient • • • • Natural & Force Responses of Second Order Circuit RLC Circuit Transient Oscillatory, Underdamp, Critically Damped and Overdamped Second Order Circuit Transient Parameters 2.4 Natural response of series RLC Circuit Consider the series RLC circuit shown in Fig. 2.17. The circuit is being excited by the energy initially stored in the capacitor and inductor. The initial capacitor voltage v and inductor current i are given at t = 0 are i (0) = I 0 and v(0) = V0 (2.43) Applying KVL around the loop in Fig. 2.17, di 1 t 0 = Ri + L + ∫ i dt dt C − ∞ (2.44a) i d 2i R di ⇒ + + =0 dt 2 L dt LC (2.44b) This is a second-order differential equation. To solve such equation, we need to use the initial conditions of (2.43). At t = 0, the first derivative of i(0) can be obtained from (2.44a) by substituting (2.43) into (2.44a). Thus, di (0) 1 = − ( RI 0 + V0 ) dt L (2.45) With the two initial conditions in (2.43) and (2.45), we can now solve (2.44b). Our experience in the proceeding section on first-order circuits suggests that the solution is of exponential form. So we let i = Ae st -1- (2.46) Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient Fig. 2.17 Source-free series RLC circuit Substituting (2.46) into 2.44(b) yields R 1 s+ )=0 L LC Ae st ( s 2 + (2.47) The equation inside the parentheses is known as characteristic equation of the differential equation (2.44b). Since Aest cannot be zero, the roots of the characteristic equation are 2 R 1 R s1 = − + − = −α + α 2 − ω 0 2 LC 2L 2L (2.48a) 2 R 1 R s2 = − − − = −α − α 2 − ω 0 2 LC 2L 2L where α= (2.48b) 1 R and ω 0 = . LC 2L The roots s1 and s2 are called natural frequency and measured in neper per second (Np/s); ω0 is known as the undamped natural frequency which is expressed in radians per second (rad/s); and α is the damping factor, expressed in nepers per second. The two values in (2.48) indicate that there are two possible solutions for i, each of which of the form of the assumed solution in (2.46). Since (2.44b) is a linear equation, the complete solution requires a linear combination of two possible solutions. Thus, i = A1e s1t + A2e s 2 t (2.49) where A1 and A2 are determined from the initial values i(0) and di(0)/dt in (2.43). -2- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient From (2.48), there are three types of solutions: 1. If α > ω0, we have the overdamped case. 2. If α = ω0, we have the critically damped case. 3. If α < ω0, we have the underdamped case. Overdamped case (α > ω0) When C > 4L/R2, both s1 and s2 are negative and real. The solution is i (t ) = A1e s1t + A2e s 2 t (2.50) which decays and approaches zero as t increases. Fig. 2.18(a) illustrates a typical overdamped response. Critcally damped case (α = ω0) When α = ω0 , C = 4R/L2, (2.44b) becomes di d 2i d di di 2 + 2 α + α t = 0 or + α i + α +α i = 0 2 dt dt dt dt dt Let f = (2.51) di + α i , then (2.51) becomes dt df + αf = 0 dt which is a first-order O.D.E. with the solution f = A1e −α t , where A1 is a constant. So, (2.51) then becomes di + α i = A1e − αt or dt e αt di + e αtα i = A1 dt (2.52) This can be written as d αt (e i ) = A1 ⇒ i (t ) = ( A1t + A2 ) e − αt dt where A2 is another constant. Fig. 2.18(b) shows the result. Underdamped case (α < ω0) -3- (2.53) Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient For α < ω0, C < 4L/R2. The roots can be written as k1 = −α + − (ω 02 − α 2 ) = −α + jω d (2.54a) k 2 = −α − − (ω 02 − α 2 ) = −α − jω d (2.54b) where ω d = ω 02 − α 2 is called the damped natural frequency. The natural response is i (t ) = A1e − (α − jω d )t + A2 e −(α + jω d )t =e − αt ( A1e jω d t + A2e − jω d t ) (2.55) Using Euler’s identities, e jθ = cosθ + j sin θ , e − jθ = cos θ − j sin θ we get i (t ) = e − αt [ A1 (cos ω d t + j sin ω d t ) + A2 (cos ω d t − j sin ω d t )] ⇒ i (t ) = e − αt [( A1 + A2 ) cos ω d t + j ( A1 − A2 ) sin ω d t ] (2.56) With the presence of sine and cosine functions, it is clear that the natural response for this case is exponentially damped and oscillatory in nature. The response has a time constant of 1/α and a period of T = 2π/ωd. Fig. 2.18(c) depicts a typical underdamped response. -4- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient Fig. 2.18 Natural responses of a series RLC circuit Three peculiar properties of an RLC network can be concluded. 1. The damping effect is due to the presence of resistance R. The damping factor α determines the rate at which the response is damped. If R = 0, then α = 0, and we have an LC circuit with 1 LC as undamped natural frequency. Since α < ω0 in this case, the response is not only undamped but also oscillatory. 2. Oscillatory response is possible due to the presence of the two types of storage elements. Having both L and C allows the flow of energy back and forth between them. 3. It is difficult to tell the difference between the overdamped and critically damped responses. With the same initial conditions, the overdamped case has the longest settling time because it takes the longest time to dissipate the stored initial energy. If the fastest response without oscillation or ringing, the critically damped circuit is the right choice. Example 6 For the circuit in Fig. 2.19, find: (a) i (0 + ) and v(0 + ) , (b) di (0 + ) dt and dv(0 + ) dt , and (c) i (∞) and v(∞) . -5- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient i(t) t=0 v 0.4F 6Ω 12V 4Ω 2H Fig. 2.19 Example 6 Solution i(0-) = 12/6 = 2A, v(0-) = 12V At t = 0+, i(0+) = i(0-) = 2A, v(0+) = v(0-) = 12V (b) For t > 0, vL = Ldi/dt or di/dt = vL/L Applying KVL at t = 0+, we obtain, vL(0+) – v(0+) + 10i(0+) = 0 vL(0+) – 12 + 20 = 0, or vL(0+) = -8 Hence, di(0+)/dt = -8/2 = -4 A/s Similarly, iC = Cdv/dt, or dv/dt = iC/C iC(0+) = -i(0+) = -2 dv(0+)/dt = -2/0.4 = -5 V/s (c) As t approaches infinity, the circuit reaches steady state. i(∞) = 0 A, v(∞) = 0 V Example 7 Refer to the circuit shown in Fig. 2.20. Calculate (a) iL (0 + ) , vC (0 + ) and vR (0 + ) , (b) diL (0 + ) dt , dvC (0 + ) dt and dvR (0 + ) dt , and (c) iL (∞) , vC (∞) and vR (∞) . -6- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient i(t) t=0 0.25F vC 10Ω 2A 0.125H 10V Fig. 2.20 Example 7 Solution At t = 0-, switch is opened. Consider the circuit shown in Figure (a). iL(0-) = 0, and vR(0-) = 0. But, -vR(0-) + vC(0-) + 10 = 0, or vC(0-) = -10V. (a) At t = 0+, since the inductor current and capacitor voltage cannot change abruptly, the inductor current must still be equal to 0A, the capacitor has a voltage equal to –10V. Since it is in series with the +10V source, together they represent a direct short at t = 0+. This means that the entire 2A from the current source flows through the capacitor and not the resistor. Therefore, vR(0+) = 0 V. (b) At t = 0+, vL(0+) = 0, therefore LdiL(0+)/dt = vL(0+) = 0, Thus, diL/dt = 0A/s, iC(0+) = 2A. This means that dvC(0+)/dt = 2/C = 8 V/s. Now for the value of dvR(0+)/dt. Since vR = vC + 10, then dvR(0+)/dt = dvC(0+)/dt + 0 = 8 V/s. (c) As t approaches infinity, we end up with the equivalent circuit shown in Figure (b). iL(∞) = 10(2)/(40 + 10) = 400 mA vC(∞) = 2[10||40] –10 = 16 – 10 = 6V vR(∞) = 2[10||40] = 16 V -7- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient 40 Ω 40 Ω + + vR + + vC 10 Ω 2A iL vC vR + 10 Ω 10V (a) + 10V (b) Example 8 The voltage in an series RLC network is described by the differential equation d 2v dv + 4 +4=0 dt dt 2 subject to the initial condition v(0) = 1 and dv(0)/dt = -1. Determine the characteristic equation. Find v(t) for t > 0. 2 Solution s + 4s + 4 − 4 ± 42 − 4 × 4 = -2, repeated roots. = 0, thus s1,2 = 2 v(t) = [(A + Bt) e-2t] ⇒ v(0) = 1 = A dv/dt = [Be-2t] + [-2(A + Bt) e-2t] dv(0)/dt = -1 = B – 2A = B – 2 or B = 1. Therefore, v(t) = [(1 + t) e-2t] V -8- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient Example 9 Find i(t) for t > 0 in the circuit of Fig. 2.21. 60Ω t =0 10Ω i(t) 30V 1mF 40Ω 2.5H Fig. 2.21 Solution At t = 0, i(0) = 0, vC(0) = 40x30/50 = 24V For t > 0, we have a source-free RLC circuit. α = R/(2L) = (40 + 60)/5 = 20 and ωo = 1 = LC 1 10 −3 x 2.5 = 20 ωo = α leads to critical damping i(t) = [(A + Bt) e-20t], i(0) = 0 = A di/dt = {[Be-20t] + [-20(Bt) e-20t]}, but di(0)/dt = -(1/L)[Ri(0) + vC(0)] = -(1/2.5)[0 + 24] Hence, B = -9.6 or i(t) = [-9.6t e-20t] A 2.5 Natural response of parallel RLC circuit Consider the parallel RLC network shown in Fig. 2.22. Assuming that the initial values of inductor current i and capacitor voltage v are i (0) = I 0 and v(0) = V0 -9- (2.57) Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient Fig. 2.22 Source-free parallel RLC circuit According to passive sign convention, the current is entering each element: the current through each element is leaving from the top node. Applying KCL at the top node gives v 1 t dv + ∫ vdt + C = 0 (2.58a) ⇒ R L −∞ dt d 2v 1 dv 1 + + v=0 2 RC dt LC dt (2.58b) Similar to the (2.47), the characteristic equation is obtained as s2 + 1 1 s+ = 0 (2.59) RC LC The roots of (2.59) are 2 s1, 2 where 1 1 1 =− ± = −α ± α 2 − ω 02 (2.60) − 2 RC LC 2 RC α= 1 and ω 0 = 2 RC 1 LC (2.61) Overdamped case (α > ω0) When L > 4R2C, the roots of the characteristic equation are real and negative. Thus, the response is v(t ) = A1e s1t + A2e s 2 t (2.62) Critcally damped case (α = ω0) For α = ω0 , L = 4RC2, the roots are real and equal so that the response is v(t ) = ( A1t + A2 ) e − αt -10- (2.63) Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient Underdamped case (α < ω0) For α < ω0, L < 4RC2. The roots are complex and can be expressed as s1, 2 = −α ± jω d (2.64) where ω d = ω 02 − α 2 . The response is ⇒ v(t ) = e − αt [( A1 + A2 ) cos ω d t + j ( A1 − A2 ) sin ω d t ] (2.65) The constants A1 and A2 can be determined from the initial conditions. v(0) and dv(0)/dt are needed. The first term can be directly obtained from (2.57). The second term can be founded by combining (2.57) and (2.58a), as V + RI 0 v ( 0) dv(0) dv(0) + i ( 0) + C =0 ⇒ =− 0 R dt dt RC (2.66) Example 10 For the network in Fig. 2.23, what value of C is needed to make the response underdamped with unity damping factor (α = 1)? 0.5H 10Ω C 10mF Fig. 2.23 Solution Let Co = C + 0.01. For a parallel RLC circuit, α = 1/(2RCo), ωo = 1/ LCo α = 1 = 1/(2RCo), we then have Co = 1/(2R) = 1/20 = 50 mF ωo = 1/ 0.5 x0.5 = 6.32 > α (underdamped) ∴ Co = C + 10 mF = 50 mF C = 40 mF -11- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient Example 11 Find v(t) for t > 0 in the circuit in Fig. 2.24. 5Ω t =0 25V 0.1H i(t) 1mF Fig. 2.24 Solution For t < 0, the switch is on. v(0) = 0, i(0) = 25/5 = 5A For t > 0, the switch is open and we have a source-free parallel RLC circuit. α = 1/(2RC) = 1/(2x5x10-3) = 100 and ωo = 1/ LC = 1 / 0.1 × 10 − 3 = 100 Since ωo is equal to α, the circuit is critically damped. The response of v(t) can be written as v(t) = [(A1 + A2t) e-100t] Since v(0) = 0, substituting t = 0 into v(t) gives A1 = 0. By using (2.66), we have dv(0)/dt = -[v(0) + Ri(0)]/(RC) = -[0 + 5x5]/(5x10-3) = -5000 But, dv/dt = [(A2 + (-100)A2t)e-100t] Therefore, dv(0)/dt = -5000 = A2 – 0 ⇒ v(t) = -5000t e-100t V 2.6 Step response of a series RLC circuit The step response is obtained by the sudden application of a dc source. Consider the series RLC circuit shown in Fig. 2.25. Applying KVL around the loop for t > 0, Ri + L di + v = VS dt Since i = C dv/dt, (2.67) can be rearranged as -12- (2.67) Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient VS v d 2v R dv + + = dt 2 L dt LC LC (2.68) The solution to (2.68) has two components: steady-state (natural) response and transient (forced) response; that is v(t ) = vT (t ) + vSS (t ) (2.69) Fig. 2.25 Step response of series RLC circuit The transient response is the solution when we set VS = 0 in (2.68) and is the same as the one obtained in the last two sections. The transient response vT (t ) for the overdamped, underdamped, and critically damped cases are: v(t ) = A1e s1t + A2e s 2 t (Overdamped) v(t ) = ( A1t + A2 ) e − αt (Critically damped) v(t ) = e − αt [( A1 + A2 ) cos ω d t + j ( A1 − A2 ) sin ω d t ] (Underdamped) The steady-state response is the final value of v(t). In the circuit in Fig. 2.25, the final value of the capacitor voltage is the same as the source voltage VS. Hence, vSS (t ) = v(∞) = VS (2.70) Thus, the complete solution for the overdamped, underdamped, and critically damped cases are: -13- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient v(t ) = VS + A1e s1t + A2e s 2 t (Overdamped) v(t ) = VS + ( A1t + A2 ) e − αt (Critically damped) v(t ) = VS + e − αt [( A1 + A2 ) cos ω d t + j ( A1 − A2 ) sin ω d t ] (Underdamped) The values of the constants A1 and A2 are obtained from the initial conditions: v(0) and dv(0)/dt. Example 12 A branch voltage in a series RLC circuit is described by d 2v dv + 4 + 8v = 24 dt dt If the initial conditions are v(0) = dv(0)/dt = 0. Find v(t). Solution s2 + 4s + 8 = 0 leads to s = − 4 ± 16 − 32 = −2 ± j 2 2 ∴ v(t) = VS + (A1cos2t + A2sin2t)e-2t Since dv(0)/dt = 0, d2v(0)/dt2 also equals to 0. ∴ 8VS = 24 ⇒ VS = 3 v(0) = 0 = 3 + A1 ⇒ A1 = -3 dv/dt = -2(A1cos2t + A2sin2t)e-2t + (-2A1sin2t + 2A2cos2t)e-2t 0 = dv(0)/dt = -2A1 +2A2 or A2 = A1 = -3 ∴ v(t) = [3 – 3(cos2t + sin2t)e-2t] volts -14- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient Example 13 Consider the circuit in Fig. 2.26. Find vL(0) and vC(0). 40Ω t=0 2A 0.5H 10Ω 1F vL vC 50V Fig. 2.26 Solution For t = 0-, we have the equivalent circuit in Figure (a). For t = 0+, the equivalent circuit is shown in Figure (b). By KVL, v(0+) = v(0-) = 40, i(0+) = i(0-) = 1 By KCL, 2 = i(0+) + i1 = 1 + i1 which leads to i1 = 1. By KVL, -vL + 40i1 + v(0+) = 0 which leads to vL(0+) = 40 x 1 + 40 = 80 vL(0+) = 80 V, 40 Ω vC(0+) = 40 V 10 Ω i1 40 Ω + i + + 50V v + vL − (a) 10 Ω v 0.5H 50V + − (b) Fig. 2.26 2.7 Step response of a parallel RLC circuit Consider the parallel RLC circuit shown in Fig. 2.27. Applying KCL at the top node for t > 0 v dv +i+C = IS R dt Since v = L di/dt, (2.71) can be rearranged as -15- (2.71) Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient IS i d 2i 1 di + + = dt 2 RC dt LC LC (2.72) Fig. 2.27 Parallel RLC circuit with an applied current The characteristic equation of (2.72) is the same as (2.44b). The complete solution consists of the steady-state response and transient response; that is i (t ) = iT (t ) + iSS (t ) (2.73) In Fig. 2.27, the final value of the current through the inductor is the same as the source current IS. Thus, the complete solution of i(t) can be obtained as i (t ) = I S + A1e s1t + A2e s 2 t (Overdamped) i (t ) = I S + ( A1t + A2 ) e − αt (Critically damped) i (t ) = I S + e − αt [( A1 + A2 ) cos ω d t + j ( A1 − A2 ) sin ω d t ] (Underdamped) Example 14 For the circuit in Fig. 2.28, find v(t) for t > 0. 2A 1H t =0 0.04F v 2Ω 4Ω 50u(t)V Fig. 2.28 Solution i(0-) = 0, v(0-) = -2 x 6 = -12V -16- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient For t > 0, we have a series RLC circuit with a step input. α = R/(2L) = 6/2 = 3, ωo = 1/ LC = 1 / 0.04 s = − 3 ± 9 − 25 = −3 ± j 4 Thus, v(t) = Vf + [(Acos4t + Bsin4t)e-3t] where Vf = final capacitor voltage = 50 V v(t) = 50 + [(Acos4t + Bsin4t)e-3t] v(0) = -12 = 50 + A which gives A = -62 i(0) = 0 = C dv(0)/dt dv/dt = [-3(Acos4t + Bsin4t)e-3t] + [4(-Asin4t + Bcos4t)e-3t] 0 = dv(0)/dt = -3A + 4B or B = (3/4)A = -46.5 ∴ v(t) = {50 + [(-62cos4t – 46.5sin4t)e-3t]} V Example 14 Find vo(t) in the circuit of Fig. 2.29 for t > 0. t=0 10Ω 3A 5Ω 1H 10mF vo Fig. 2.29 Solution At t = 0-, we obtain, iL(0) = 3x5/(10 + 5) = 1A and vo(0) = 0. For t > 0, the 10-ohm resistor is short-circuited and we have a parallel RLC circuit with a step input. α = 1/(2RC) = (1)/(2x5x0.01) = 10 ωo = 1/ LC = 1/ 1x0.01 = 10 Since α = ωo, we have a critically damped response. -17- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient s1,2 = -10 Thus, i(t) = Is + [(A + Bt)e-10t], Is = 3 i(0) = 1 = 3 + A or A = -2 vo = Ldi/dt = [Be-10t] + [-10(A + Bt)e-10t] vo(0) = 0 = B – 10A or Thus, B = -20 vo(t) = (200t e-10t) V 2.8 General Second-order Circuits After studying the series and parallel 2nd order circuit, we are prepared to apply the ideas to any 2nd order circuit. Given a 2nd order circuit, we determine its step response x(t) by taking the following 4 steps: (1) Determine the initial condition x(0) and dx(0)/dt and the final value x( ∞ ). (2) Find the natural response xn(t) (or transient response xT(t)) by turning off independent sources and applying KCL and KVL. Once a 2nd order differential equation is obtained, determine its characteristic roots. We obtain xn(t) (or xT(t)) with two unknown constants. (3) Obtain the forced response (or steady state response) as x f (t ) = x(∞) or xSS (t ) = x(∞) (2.74) (4) The total response is now found as the sum of natural and forced responses x(t ) = xn (t ) + x f (t ) or x(t ) = xT (t ) + xSS (t ) (2.75) Finally, we determine the constants associated with the natural response by imposing the initial conditions x(0) and dx(0)/dt determined in step (1). -18- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient Example 15 Obtain the differential equation for vo in the circuit of Fig. 2.30. i L R1 vs R2 vo C Fig. 2.30 Solution Let i be the inductor current, we obtain By applying KCL, vs = R1i + L di dt + vo (2.76) i = vo R2 + C dvo dt (2.77) Substituting (2.77) into (2.76) yields, dvo L dvo d 2vo R1 vs = vo + R1C + + LC 2 + vo R2 dt R2 dt dt ⇒ LC d 2vo L dvo R1 + ( R C + ) + ( 1 + )vo = vs 1 R2 dt R2 dt 2 (2.78) Example 16 Derive the 2nd differential equation for vo in the Fig. 2.31. C1 R2 vs R1 C2 vo Fig. 2.31 Solution Let i1 and i2 be the currents flowing through C1 and C2 respectively, and let v1 be the voltage across C1. i1 = C1 dv dv1 and i2 = C2 o dt dt -19- (2.79) Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient 0 = R2i2 + R1 (i2 − i1 ) + vo By KVL, (2.80) Substituting (2.80) into (2.79) obtains dvo dv dv + R1C2 o − R1C1 1 dt dt dt Applying KVL to the outer loop produces, dv vs = v1 + R2i2 + vo = v1 + R2C2 o + vo which leads to dt dv v1 = vs − vo − R2C2 o dt Substituting (2.82) into (2.81) leads to, 0 = R2C2 d 2vo dv dv R1R2C1C2 2 + ( R1C1 + R2C2 + R1C2 ) o = R1C1 s dt dt dt (2.81) (2.82) (2.83) Example 17 For the circuit in Fig. 2.32, find i and v for t > 0. i 4Ω 4u(t)A 1H v 6Ω 0.25F Fig. 2.32 Solution For t > 0, we obtain the natural response by considering the circuit below. iL a 1H 4Ω At node a, But, 0.25F vc 6Ω vc dv + 0.25 c + iL = 0 4 dt di vc = L + 6iL dt Combining (2.84) and (2.85), -20- v (2.84) (2.85) Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient diL d 2i L + 7 + 10iL = 0 dt dt 2 (2.86) s 2 + 7 s + 10 = 0 ⇒ s1, 2 = −2,−5 (2.87) iL (t ) = iL (∞) + [ Ae −2t + Be −5t ] (2.88) The characteristic equation is Thus, where i L (∞) represents the final inductor current = 4(4)/(4 + 6) = 1.6 iL (t ) = 1.6 + [ Ae −2t + Be −5t ] and iL(0) = 1.6 + [A+B] or -1.6 = A+B (2.89) diL = −2 Ae − 2t − 5 Be − 5t dt diL (0) = −2 A − 5 B = 0 ⇒ A = −2.5 B dt (2.90) Combining (2.89) and (2.90) obtains A = − 8 3 and B = 16 15 So, the inductor current is iL (t ) = 1.6 + [−(8 3)e −2t + (16 15) e −5t ] (2.91) The voltage across the 6-Ω resistor can be obtained as v(t ) = 6iL (t ) = 9.6 + [−16e −2t + 6.4e −5t ]V (2.92) The voltage across the 0.25F capacitor is vc = Thus, diL 16 16 + 6iL = e − 2t − e − 5t + 9.6 − 16e − 2t + 6.4e − 5t dt 3 3 32 vc = 9.6 − e − 2t + 1.0667e − 5t 3 { } i (t ) = vc 4 = 2.4 − 2.667e − 2t + 0.2667e − 5t A -21- (2.93) Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient Exercise 1. The step response of a series RLC circuit is given by di d 2i + 2 + 5 = 10 dt dt 2 Given i(0) = 2 and di(0)/dt = 4, solve for i(t). 2. In the following circuit, find v(t) and i(t) for t > 0. Assume v(0) = 0V and i(0) = 1A. t=0 i 2Ω 4A 1H 0.5F v Assignment 1. A branch voltage in a series RLC circuit is described by d 2v dv + 4 + 8v = 24 dt dt 2 If the initial conditions are v(0) = dv(0)/dt = 0, find v(t). 2. Find i(t) for t > 0 in the circuit in Fig. 2.33. i(t) 12u(t)V 8mH 5µF 2kΩ Fig. 2.33 3. No energy is stored in the 100mH inductor or the 0.4µF capacitor when the switch in the circuit shown in Fig. 2.34 is closed. Find vc(t) for t ≥ 0 . -22- Chapter 4 – Second Order Circuit Transient t=0 280Ω 0.1H 48V vc 0.4µF Fig. 2.34 4. If the switch in Fig. 2.35 has been closed for a long time before t = 0, determine: (a) the characteristic equation of the circuit, (b) ix and vR for t > 0. t=0 16V ix 12Ω 1/36 µF 8Ω vR 1H Fig. 2.35 -23-